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Fat CU Next Tuesday Edition

>Official WoW News

https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc [Embed] [Embed] [Open]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://youtu.be/brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed] [Embed] [Open]

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://youtu.be/MNeQdGV5_2U?si=GTerY-rZZSnTPzP2 [Embed] [Embed] [Open]

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

I want to see f1nn5ters butthole
patrolling Grim Batol makes you wish for a nuclear winter
(what a fucking awful OP image, kill yourself fatty)
undead niggers don't have rights
stormwind was barely starting to rebuild when lordaeron was dealing with the zombie outbreak
lordaeron's paladin order, and king, fucked up the response to the literal zombie outbreak Arthas WAS right until he got mindbroken by everyone fucking him over when he was the only one trying to deal with the actual problem
Stormwind today is mostly living Lordaeron refugees, and again, undead niggers don't have rights
>retard M+ tanks forget its fort week and still chain pulling 3 packs at a time
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>Hear the game is good again
>It's literally just the same maze+ and an uninspired raid

Jesus christ, you people still play this slop?
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Did this for you, /wowg/.

Thanks for always supporting me on my journey.
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I don't get it. If my enchanting level is 80 it produces bronze-quality shitty mats that don't sell, so I need to level this thing up by disenchanting stuff and obtaining enchanting knowledge items. Then the knowledge points go into these nodes so I can actually attain a level 100 enchanting level, which I then use to disenchant for gold-quality mats, which sell for a lot. I think I get that part.

But these skills both provide the same 1+ skill to enchanting per rank, right? What would be the point of leveling anything but the central node? Why put points into the other three, rather than just level the main one to 30?
If it wasnt for the next patch with HD Mogs, i'd have left by now.
i want to be f1nn5ter
>do lfr get no loot
>do normal get no loot
group loot kinda sucks
watching this is a fellow rdru is painful because you're so fucking bad
learn your class lilbro
wow pvp is still based thoughever
>level one skill
>get +5
>level second skill
>get another +5
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>if we cared we'd be one of 5,000 WORLDWIDE watching right now
please tell me there's an orc offscreen
based and truthpilled
>1 month (30 days) since expansion launch
>greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) viewers
we're so back
103k people what's kinda crazy is this wows most watched event?
most botted maybe
>echo pulls ahead slightly
>liquid players instantly tilt and start dying to every mechanic and then spend 30 minutes trying to change their strat instead of telling the dog shitter trials to stop dying to the easy mechanics
why are americans like this? Why are EU chads just so much better in every respect? They don't have melties like this.
The windrunners have radicalized me into hating the elf with a bow archetype. Survival hunters starting to look real good about now
all big events are viewbotted though.
Erm sorry chuddy Calia is with the forsaken now and they WILL ne paladins because ... They just will okay?!
i'm so happy piratesoftware nepobaby isn't there
xiv tranny....
no, just a common household dog
ok paid shill
Legolas and the RPers he inspired did that to me long ago
>human folly leads to human problems
Sounds typically human. Trying to act big after your failure isn't a good look
americhuds lose their minds and start acting irrationally at the mere thought of being second-best in anything
Why level any of the 3 other nodes rather than just dump every point into the central 1 node?
because the central node eventually maxes out, 30 points isn't even a lot.
i do it for free doomsis
>because they just will okay
Because the Light makes it so. It'll be hard to accept on all sides
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Whats the most fun tank? I only heal generally, but want a tank alt.
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why don't you like the windrunnners?
Undead die to Light
Not when the light wants to beat the void :^).
Anything that gives it an advantage is getting handwaved, Light has to win.
Oh I hate those too. Only hunters I respect are the larpers that don't come off as city dwellers
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chinese grindKINGS i fucking kneel
why are they like this
who much dps should i be doing at 605 ilv?
i'm unironically rooting for china
down with western bullshit
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This anon is definitely not on that sigma grindset
you should have healed the priest instead of focusing on the tank and yourself. sloppy play
idk whats ur spec
I tank because its easy and nobody else will.
They're also healed by the light
t. undead rogue with pocket pussy priest healer
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>>Stormwind today is mostly living Lordaeron refugees
>literal WE WUZ LORDAERON posting

Whenever you ask Alliance faction babby cheerleaders what justifies deploying the Scarlet Crusade, it's always boils down to retarded zigger-like grug-brained imperialism.

>Forsaken should be destroyed!
>Because they are undead monsters!
But they aren't monsters, they have independent thought and retain their memories pre-death.
>But they don't belong in Lordaeron! Humans do!
Why would currently-alive humans belong in Lordaeron?
>Because Lordaeron belongs to humans!
But Stormwind niggers and Gilneas niggers never lived in Lordaeron. The current undead do. They are the literal humans who lived there.
>Well undead are monsters! We should replace them with the tiny sub-1% group of humans who managed to flee the plague as refugees!
Why should we kill all of these undead just so a collection of less than 100 people can inherit everything?
>Because undead are monsters! Humans is best! Humans are the white people of WoW! Also the Alliance should take Silvermoon next!

It's always this hilarious shit. Nu-Alliance babs are so desperate to not come off as klansmen who are even less coherent than the Garithos character, yet they fail under basic scrutiny without fail. These are the same people who go "Daelin did nothing wrong" when that retard sailed after orcs exiled to a desert, got all of his men killed, and was then also killed for the retarded decision of following orcs who never wanted to meet another human again. And the best part? The Alliance use his death as a rallying cry to continue the faction war and try to take Durotar with various outposts.
>Sylvanas was character assasinated years ago and had a self-insert stapled onto her
>Alleria was fine but they are pushing her to be a void messiah middle aged elf woman in the current plot. Diet Sylvanas without the baggage because she is the morally ok one (ignore how she and her husband abandoned their son for a 1000 year war). Acting like a retard with a bow in the current plot and even Anduin fucking thought she was a dumbass
>Valeera is forgotten but she fell for a self-insert human mage with a yeeyee ass haircut and beard which was kinda cringe even if the book was fun
whats the most fun healer?
wow congrats
>undead aren't monsters
>has been doing blatantly evil shit to everyone including the horde since vanilla
shut up nigger
same, except i'd tank even harder if shamans could tank :p
>bait or mental retardation.jpg
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kael'thas is not a horde character btw, might want to use a different image for your bait post
>>Because undead are monsters! Humans is best! Humans are the white people of WoW! Also the Alliance should take Silvermoon next!
this but unironically
>has been doing blatantly evil shit to everyone including the horde since vanilla
How about you ignore them rather than sending the Scarlet Crusade to try and take land that never belonged to Stormwind?
>tank wants to solo a boss for 20 minutes
>gets pissed when everyone is afk afterwards and realizes nobody was watching
why are you browsing reddit anyways?
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>deploying the Scarlet Crusade
huh? nobody 'deployed' them, they are the remaining humans who decided to band together, retard
>n-n-n-no, they aren't monsters, they're just misunderstood!
shut the fuck up lmao
mistweaver monk
>if liquid wasn't in the race for echo to steal strats from, echo would probably still end up 2nd due to losing to method
strange timeline
based, Stormniggers are literal rapefugees who turned on their benefactors the second it was politically convenient
and Vereesa?
>stormwind sent the scarlet crusade
you are so stupid, you are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger in the thread
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>nobody 'deployed' them, they are the remaining humans who decided to band together
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>get paid 4k gold to practice a dungeon
Alliance has murdered a ton of innocent tauren and vulpera, get fucked you evil bastards.
Id drop my current class immediately if shaman could tank. Being able to flexibly play all roles? sign me the fuck up.
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The 200% exploration exp bonus Earthen get goes pretty hard.
probably a lot, windwalker is pretty good
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huge lightforged asses
i feel like if resets were global china would win.
>retard doesn't know what an emissary is
dumb nigger
I mixed her and Valeera up because of the similar names
>"G-give Lordaeron to the soulless ghouls who will eventually die off anyways unless they commit war crimes to raise new Forsaken"
Undeath in fantasy has been a teatditionally evil force for a reason. Any attempts to subvert it with the forsaken are not only stupid but fruitless. They have shown they could not be trusted
Why should we continue to let them live? Wouldn't it be a mercy anyways if we killed them?
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Daelin did nothing wrong, Jaina should have been executed for treason. Lordaeron belongs to the living. Execute all horde.
but how much in like a lot and how much is a little?
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slaughtering livestock isn't murder.
This faggot >>496112947 tells you that Stormwind was sending crusaders (that's what an emissary is) but they went nuts and now their attack dog has to be put down. Because Stormwind was empowering them to go fight the undead and take back Lordaeron. Additional NPCs who explain this whole thing:

How many human footmen have had sex with night elf archers in this thread? How many orcish grunts with night elf huntresses?
I don't know why I ask I just think about the silliness of it like human men are shorter than night elf women by a head and orcs are basically the ugly spawn of satan. Neither makes a lot of sense. Night elf women should have exclusive sex with night elf men.
and fat green cocks
how many hours of disadvantage China has? like even more than EU right?
Desu the forsaken did plead to be allowed into alliance before classic but that did not work out. I am not saying it would have turned out better but maybe it would have prevented Silvermoon from being forced into team red by thr zombies next door
48 hours, they reset on thursday.
>(ignore how she and her husband abandoned their son for a 1000 year war)
Sons don't need the love of their mothers and fathers, just look at Medivh, perfectly sane and healthy man.
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>Should we take the five seconds needed to realize these undead are not mindless and sign a treaty so humans and undead can live in peace in Lordaeron?
>No, let's deny them that request and instead kill them all in a crusade
>This won't backfire
NElf female on human or orc male is never consensual. For orcs the night elves don't consent, but for humans its the night elves raping their footmen
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>alliance this, horde that
just shut the fuck up
damn... So much for blizzard "bending the knee" for le hinese overlords.
Honestly it's kinda fucked how this is a "race" but one region has a whole day of advantage and TWO whole days of advantage over other regions.
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WoW is an ARPG now. You're playing Diablo Timed Rifts.
faction conflict is the SOUL of WARcraft
Sorry night elf men are too busy sucking off tauren and worgen futas. You know, to be with nature
yeah we should shitpost about muh mythic parsing crap nobody gives a fuck about
or avatarfagging the same screenshots of ugly cunts
I know right, i'd probably not play anything else except for maybe a single alt.
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>china would win
they have more pulls despite seeing the boss mostly solved by na/eu tho
yea it's pretty hilarious how unfair it is in general. but to be fair to blizzard the players organized the race not them and they. even if blizzard benefit geatly from it and rig it so it goes on longer. I'd think it'd really be funny if the chinese won but expect method to take it, they've won like 90% of all races.
They were making that plague since vanilla and we saw them doing objectively evil things like live experimentation and killing civilians. Those pumpkin farmers at Tirisfal aren't Scarlet crusaders they were CIVILIANS. AND THE FORSAKEN KILL THEM.
least disingenuous hordenigger
the kind of retard who eats the retcon slop blizzard shat out in vanilla and tbc to "justify" their lore rapes
Yeah, I remember last time i visited a farm. Me and a dairy cows had a heated argument about the nature of sentience.
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What even are these things?
Are you forgetting how the Alliance told Silvermoon to fuck off and die?
this never happened, no forsaken emissaries ever made it to stormwind, probably because "dude trust us" isn't a really good plan when you're a zombie and most people just watched zombies eat their neighbors/friends/family alive
Stormwind was not "sending" anyone and it wasn't "empowering" the Crusade, the Crusade also had emissaries with the Argent Crusade and would portray themselves as noble to recruit adventurers to their cause
Raleigh the Devout was such an adventurer, and then found out what the Crusade actually was
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Also the night elf and dwarf spies
>502 pulls to kill it
>they didn't even start pulling until after she was nerfed
holy hell
>sign a treaty so humans and undead can live in peace in Lordaeron
LMFAO. I always think it's funny ever since MoP and especially Legion forsakenfags try to gaslight us into thinking the Alliance was wrong for rejecting them even though they were drooling over their unrepentant edgy genocidal Forsaken death-to-the-living values for the entirety of Cata and were leaning in that direction since vanilla.
Sylvanas Windrunner isn't some abnormality of the Forsaken, she is exactly everything your fucking "race" was until the extremely recent retcons. You're not human and the only life you deserve is the afterlife.
>ever made it to Stormwind
Yeah cause stormwind doesn't know how to stop and think. It just kills and steals, it's pretty crazy people think humans are smart
lore blizzard invented for TBC to justify horde blood elves
When someone says I can tip whatever I want for an armor commission does that mean I'm getting scammed?
Saying this when the Alliance is the most retconned faction in existence. It got so bad that Danuser began retconning the literal concept of racism, which is like 90% of why the Alliance rejected the undead.
No see that doesn't count cause the Alliance can't be bad. It's horde fault ultimately
their "tip" is getting some of your materials back for free just for crafting it
only retards tip
i'm actually stalling because i'm trying to think of a good helpful answer, and i think i have one: i put my dev evoker into simcraft at very close to 605 ilvl, before i had tier bonuses, and it said i should be doing 900k dps

i mostly pvp and only realized after i replied to you that you were asking about pve
all lore was invented by blizzard
Tips is still a thing? I haven't seen him around since the whole clear comms thing.
>dude I know zombies just ate my kids, but I should really trust this next one
how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?
>leaves the Alliance and tells humans to fuck off and die during the second war with the Horde
>suddenly getting raped by undead that just wiped out Lordaeron
>uh oh, turns out there's no one left to help
just make the minimum quality 5 anon, they must be real fucked to deny the order once done. no sane person just denies it and tells you to tip more gold.
>Stormwind was not "sending" anyone and it wasn't "empowering" the Crusade
kek scarlet mobs are literally friendly to alliance players in half the forsaken starting zones
fuck off human nigger, you will never have lordaeron

>Sylvanas Windrunner isn't some abnormality of the Forsaken
she literally was
we had an entire narrative beat where she kills humans and forsaken because she noticed they were reconnecting, which would threaten her power over the forsaken
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>expecting a hordenigger to understand killing civilians is bad
>expecting a hordenigger to understand morality at all
shit im only doing 725k dps, I need to figure out how to get the remainder, thank you for your help anon.
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>5 +10 groups today
>not a single complete
post above this one stole my image btw
bro talks a little soi but his story is basically the same as mine
i hated that azerite shit and i hated that covenant shit
this expac doesn't chain you to content you don't want to do
>fucking not even the secondary but the tertiary races
sad, but I guess it makes sense since night elves do not have their own secondary race equivalent the way orcs have trolls and humans have elves.
my head squeezed between them
>Warcraft lore only matters when I say it does
>no I also don't pay attention to what else is established
There was a race in Cata where basically every top EU guild got banned a few NA guilds also got banned. Everyone thought it was gonna be free for China and they still couldn't win. Korea beat them.
China's version of the game is also slightly different - there are systems in place that let them gear up slightly faster with restrictions lifted, because chinese players love hardcore grinding. You'd need some really weird situation for the Chinese to win in an even race, particularly because they're notorious for poor innovation capabilities. This shows in other esports as well - chinese teams are infamous for ungabunga smash head against wall and hope they outmicro opponents.
>They were making that plague since vanilla
To fight the Scarlet Crusade sent by the Alliance. Do I even need to point out the dwarf mountaineer (Alliance affiliated) right next to the crusader you feed a blighted pumpkin to?
>open echo stream
>have to listen to preach
>get annoyed
>open liquid stream
>have to hear max
>get annoyed
I wish the chinese guilds streamed
not in league
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>Queue for any form of content
The more time passes
The more I realize that Kazzak Kebabs and Draenor arabs might be a blessing over Archimonde & Hyjal Frankoïds.
>no response to killing of civilians
that's not true, the scarlet mobs were hostile to everyone in vanilla
Holy paladin seems like cheeks compared to my resto shaman. It seems like my AOE healing is entirely tied to CDs and if those CDs are down I just go fuck myself and people die?
And builders healing for more than spenders? what the fuck mang.
and then being in melee range dealing with mechanics?
What the fuck is the upside of Hpal?
>schizo visits local dairy, converses with cows
literally how i feel every time i set foot in thunder bluff
>where she kills humans and forsaken because she noticed they were reconnecting, which would threaten her power over the forsaken
Literally BfA nulore written by Golden no less. A retarded ploy to offload the crimes of the entire species on their leader, then later give her a "redemption arc". Why? Because it would be too based to just KILL them all.
fucking kek
this post makes me feel smart
I find all of them fond except holy paladin
Resto shaman is probably the best beginner option, it's very fun, has tons of utlity, but is pretty straight forward and strong right now
Disc priest is really fun but quite hard in raid and weak right now
Evoker and druid are mobile and fun
I dont like the monk changes from DF but it's still fundementally very fun, fistweaving is enjoyable
so is ppal as bad as everyone says or what
im about to start bricking peoples keys
taking 30 minutes to get into groups on ret for it to fall apart in 10 minutes
its the same as kultiran mobs in durotar. you can heal these guys as an alliance member to grief
same was true of scarlets, hotfixed in current classic
I have one but I like having a shield for thematic purposes.
I mailed him 8k after placing a 5k tip because I don't like feeling like a cheapskate
Actually, that is precisely how they are in league. When they finally won worlds after getting dumpstered by Korea for years, the following conditions applied:
>riot did changed vision to nullify korea's strategic controlled style
>this lead to european teams eliminating the koreans with creative strats that the koreans didn't anticipate
>IG completely outmicro'd the european team in the final for an easy 3-0 win
not to mention that every tournament winning chinese team has had korean players on it. League in particular is where chinese teams are infamous for constant fighting even when the situation isn't a good one, and as a result they have fantastic mechanical execution but are prone to boneheaded mapwide decisions that gets exploited by the koreans
ive been using paypal for years without any issues
If the chinese are so retarded and unstrategic why do they do so well at Warcraft 3? Or is it just a case of being the only ones playing?
fuck why is it so hard to find a CE guild?

I would join your nerds but you guys are kinda trash.
I don't understand why some horde players do such mental gymnastics instead of just acknowledging some things that even the developers recognize
you're gonna need to provide some actual proof, because even on pservers the scarlet crusaders are hostile and the kul tiras guys are friendly
and that's exactly how I remember it when I played on release
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>>Those pumpkin farmers at Tirisfal aren't Scarlet crusaders they were CIVILIANS
>when there are scarlets guarding a tower directly next to them
You allybabs do this a lot. If we accept this idea that the farmers working around Scarlet Crusaders who are clearly protecting them, you retard, as the Scarlets were notorious for attacking humans under suspicion they might carry the plague; alive farmers implies they are in the Crusade, producing food then we also have to point out the infamous goblin azerite miners in Silithus, who are flagged as neutral but SI:7 tasks you with killing. Not only does the Alliance commit the same "crime" but does it worse, then cries. It's actually sad. You guys vote in real elections.
EU or NA though?
EU guild is kinda weird ngl i wanted to join but seems too tranny.
I don't understand why horde players try to annoy people with their dindu nuffin bullshit when it's been obvious for ten or more years they don't believe anything they say and just want to rape face.
wowhead has a decent guide on setting up simulationcraft, which will tell you exactly how much dps you "should" be doing with your exact gear and spec. i believe the part about the StatWeightScore addon is deprecated, you only need the Simulationcraft and Pawn addons and the standalone Simulationcraft app

spaming heroic dungeons is the best way to get mats as Tailor/enchanter?
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>the event has concluded
It's especially funny to watch players who support everything, and then when blizzard tells them, well, you actually committed atrocities and it's wrong, they're like, oh yeah, these are evil leaders, we're actually good
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Do classic players even care about this dude anymore?
literally this whole thread so far
horde niggers always fall back on the same shit
I don't understand why some alliance players do such mental gymnastics instead of just acknowledging some things that even the developers recognize
pretty much desu
Wait I dont get it last thread it was that blood elves were stolen from alliance this thread its that they are traitorous cunts since the second war
how did this guy fall off so hard?
Horde - Palestine
Alliance - Israel
Stormwind wants Silvermoon and is throwing everything at the wall until something sticks. Their insane screeching eventually becomes white noise
The devs are unironically too retarded to realize they wrote an unambigulously good vs evil conflict when they intended to write a morally grey one
>Resto shaman is probably the best beginner option
the problem is the poor noob has to play a shaman, which has the second-worst non-healer spec choices after priest
Forgot Andorhal, the druid school in the southern barrens, ashenvale, and probably a few other places that were wrecked to prove that the Horde was STRONG and "those Alliance faggots need to GTFO our game, for the Horde!"
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someone call ion NOW and get him to stop max
the high elves in the alliance of lordaeron army (think alleria's rangers, the priests and sorceresses) never abandoned the alliance like the blood elf niggers
pretty simple
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>yeah we never did anything wrong, this war is all horde aggression

Alliancefags a few attoseconds later

Shut up bitch
I think the horde-biased devs in cataclysm just weren't thinking long term, they just wanted to see some victories of their factions
Well, that's how it worked out in the end
Not but I am seriously confused I am new to the lore and I mainly play dwarves. Whats the lore?
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why is it always a seething blood elf nigger fucking kek
I really don't understand if this blood elf is playing the role of a schizo from the official forum or just an idiot.
Literally an archetype
>stop max
he's not even playing, i mean the actual players could do it without him i'm sure
There is no contradiction. In a similar vein I want there to be high elves on the Alliance, because they're pretty blonde elves that I would train out of my barracks or arcane sanctums and attack enemy orcs, but don't want any of the high elf players who became belffags, because they're untrustworthy selfish sociopaths that lie and talk shit about how much better they are than humans instead of sucking my cock like decent elves.
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agreed, this is why i just pug H and help the /wowg/ guilds if they need a fill
fucking feral druids

boutta spec into sleep walk because of these furniggers
every fucking time
always a fucking belf screaming loktar ogar
the priest and sorceress were my favourite units, so I always went archmage first to support them
fuck blizzard for denying me them in wow
victory or death, fellow savages
Hmm It's delve bonus event next week..

Should I save some coffer keys for it?
You'd have to have visited the battle.net forums to understand little bro.
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>someone put down a transmogging circle
>get to be NB druid
I fucking WISH.
The funny thing is that despite the developers' horde-bias and because of their stupidity the Alliance ended up being a faction without the problems that the current Horde has now because of that same horde-bias.
Oh it's Silvermoom got fucked wholesale by Arthas, was turned away by Stormwind when they called for aid, and went to the other faction that was willing to help them. Blizzard scrambled to explain why less than 10 elf npcs stayed with the alliance when every highelf was having magic withdrawals leading to 'uh they just got through it' while continuing to snort magic in the alliance magic capital. Helffags don't like being reminded that non-night elves aren't with the alliance and usually either show the visceral hatred in this thread or some schizo gymnastics about how they're totally joining the alliance this time. Trust us.
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Alliance did not respond to blood elves' (at the time high elves) asking for help when Arthas was creating the Dead Scar, which killed like 90% of all living high elves and destroyed the Sunwell. The Alliance instead sent Garithos who told all the surviving blood elves that their dead people didn't matter and they are second-class citizens now and forever, which was obviously retarded, so the blood elves instead went with Illidan to try and find a way to replace the Sunwell. This didn't pan out very well and the blood elves were being attacked by Amani and remnant Scourge in the area. This would have rendered them extinct. The Alliance responded this time by sending spies and night elf assassination squads to go fuck up the blood elves and basically kill them off, leaving a big empty city and cool elven ruins to salvage. The Forsaken went "that's fucked up" and arrived to help under the instructions of Sylvanas Windrunner, who originally tried to stop Arthas, and through her the blood elves were saved and joined her (and the Horde) as thanks.

Alliancefags in the meantime are self-contradictory and believe the blood elves should join up with the faction who not only didn't help them (twice) but tried to sabotage them and cause total elf extinction. Then when called out on this the mask flies off and they go "lol based kill every elf and orc and non-human" because they are insane.

Also as an added bonus: the high elves (a very small number) who lived in Stormwind and Dalaran endorsed this genocide of the blood elves. So the le based Alliance nazis believe the best elf is a race-traitor retard as well. Human players are actually insane.
this is more interesting than the RWF
>archmage first
ew, and you were so close to being based
yes it's a good strategy, but fucking ick... Paladin first 4 ever!
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Noticing an increase of people (balding 30 yo fat men) having meltdowns in keys that range from 3 to 7 and leaving mid run
What is causing this? It wasn't as bad in df from what i remember
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>2 whole pulls more
>not even ahead on hp%
liquit in shambles
>200 pulls on p1
>have only got to p3 a couple times
Is this going to be a 400 pull boss?
depends, what's the rate of return on radiant echos? i only ran one and i was undergeared, are you meant to get more than a full coffer key from each completed bountiful delve?
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> the high elves (a very small number) who lived in Stormwind and Dalaran endorsed this genocide of the blood elves.
holy kino, post one from the front
>"lol based kill every elf and orc and non-human
this but unironicely
you won't learn any lore here because most posters only use lore as proxy for their irl political arguments, and the rest want to use a highly manipulated view of the story as a shoddy justification for getting ingame stuff
>What is causing this?
People have to actually interrupt and avoid mechanics now and are being exposed for the shitters they are.
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>lso as an added bonus: the high elves (a very small number) who lived in Stormwind and Dalaran endorsed this genocide of the blood elves.
... and that's a good thing!
Total bl*od elf death
Why have an argument about a race that was added to the horde just because chinks wanted to play as beautiful characters and so rewrote their lore?
everyone knows that, so why all the arguments?
I mean the key is used to open the chest at the end of bountiful delve, you get the keys from world events or reputation rewards
Do you think this'll change into something worthwhile? Also a matter of; does your main need the gear this week or next week?
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He's going to choke again.
Also, LOL at method losing to chinks.
>everyone knows that, so why all the arguments?
the real kicker is that they cite the retconned lore as some kind of argument when like you said it was rewritten to justify the lorerape for the sake of the chinks
it's simply people doing something that they hate
being carrot on a stick leashed by rewards and playing something unfun that you do not want to do just for rewards all inevitably crashes and burns
>when called out on this the mask flies off and they go "lol based kill every elf and orc and non-human" because they are insane

because someone who follows the story called you out and you want to quit now
gay little allynigger lmfao go enjoy your fat humans and diaper gnomes
blood elves on alliance never ever
is there any hpal hopium to be had or should I abandon the notion?
Chinks are going to pull off the upset and win it.
That's true, but at the same time it was pivoting into making Garrosh an enemy of the Horde that led to their current situation. They could've stayed Warcraft 2-tier indefinitely and just embraced rape and pillage, then every Horde leader besides Cairne would still be alive.
>followed the story
>gets basic lore shit wrong
going to enjoy seeing this blood elf faggot's meltdown in Midnight when the alliance gets high elves lol
nah you know its all right. point out whats wrong
You're confusing me with someone else. I wasn't arguing with you at all. But I'm literally telling the truth without any factional affiliation.
the radiant echo that drops from each bountiful delve chest is used to trigger an event that gives you more coffer key shards, isn't it?
if chinks win the RWF woulld be interesting.
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>when the alliance gets high elves
It's a belffag being an attention whore shadowboxxing against the human white male oppressor, mostly because we all got our velf waifus in the end. He's scared we'll take Silvermoon next and believe me, we will. It's a nice place to take our void elf girlfriends on vacation so it should be liberated of the Hordish occupation.
I didn't know Chang fucked your wife. Who's getting added to the story next time you tell it?
Pls no. Void elves are bad enough. Alliance doesn't need any more faggot elves.
>people hate M+
>the only way to gear outside of raid after u reach 604+ ilvl
>many classes terrible at it
>the +15 sec on timer on death absolutely bricks keys
>at the end of the run u get no loot anyway
>people get tilted and leave

I wonder why people hate M+ kek
It's an interesting situation with Garrosh in general, it's still unclear from the interview with Afrasiabi how it came to be that some developers knew Garrosh was originally going to be a villain and some didn't.
Tinderboxes are mooning out of nowhere.
How do you even get them?
>has an image like this saved
oh yeah big meltie inc
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>blood elves on alliance never ever
Ofc. We never wanted the traitor tainted freaks. It was always about High Elves (we got them lmao).
Glad to see the belf seethe is still alive to this day!
m+ is better than raiding i just did 2 weeks of raids getting no loot in LFR or Normal, atleast m+ still uses personal loot.
Oh ok. Thank you anon!
>every rdruid crying about how bad/weak it is atm
>i'm having a blast healing 5+ and feel barely any difference between s4 df and now
uhhh... what's going on sisters
Yeah but it's about 25 per 100 score. So maybe one extra key a week through echos
chinks need the strat from echo/max first then another +100/200 pulls to kill it
If the alliance had wiped the orcs out a long time ago we'd be better off today
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There is a recurring thread on the official forums that goes for thousands of replies, for years and years, where Alliance helf whiners insist void elves aren't good enough. Even after the customization they want "the real high elves."

It's not going to happen. Blood elves went Horde and it has bootyblasted team blue for nearly 20 years.
Yeah I guess it doesn't matter then, I'll be using my keys :>
Thank you.
just started df story
why does everyone sound gay
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you do dig those, right anon?
Xal'atath is so rapeable for correction...
I want a high elf mommy (void) to turn me into a sheep then ride me through the streets of silvermoon all the way up the isle of quel'danas and dive us both right into the sunwell
Silvermoon will become a neutral Sanctuary in Midnight anyway, as will all the new cities
oh yikes
so back to the original question then, yeah, hoard keys
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this was the best part about mop
doing it again on remix as a velf was fucking kino
>we got them
And then combat starts
Yeah. I've gotten a bunch of tinder boxes from them and sold them on the ah.
if you join a heroic guild raiding is way more fun and chill to gear with oh and you actually get to experience the mmo part of this game
thanks doc
>>alliance helf whiners
Aka Blood Elf traitors from the Horde playerbase, cut from the same cloth as you retard.
now I feel bad for missing out
>the alliance didn't send anyone to help the high elves
it wasn't done maliciously, the high elves had ignored every human plight leading up to this
the equivalent would be watching your heavily armed neighbor get robbed and killed and then being upset they didn't come help you when the robbers then started on your house next
>the alliance sent garithos
stormwind was taking in refugees by the buttload during the scourging of lordaeron when they themselves were barely building back, kul tiras was still fighting wars with the orcs, gilneans built a wall, dalaran was destroyed, and so was alterac
the alliance from WC2 was essentially dusted, and a random Lordaeron minor noble starts telling the Lordaeronians what to do and they listen, because their entire government was just brain eaten by zombies
Damn Anduin gets that in his future? Lucky
Method winning would be pretty funny too. I think echo would take it pretty badly if they lost to them.
Yeh, doing MoP as a Velf is both thematic and cinematic. I even leveled my Velf through all of MoP when I made her back at the end of Legion.
waxy box of rocks has a decent chance to contain a null stone
>it wasn't done maliciously, the high elves had ignored every human plight leading up to this
"dude our treaty is with the arathi people only, so we don't have to help with your little orc or zombie thing, soooooorry"
but how do I find a guild anon?
What's the cope excuse for night elves in the blood elf starting zone trying to kill them off?
they did though, it was fucking ALLERIA who was the only one who realised how fucking retarded they were being in letting the Eastern Kingdoms get raped do death by the Orcs and assuming they wouldn't come for them next
It's really not so much that there are blood elves on the Horde, although that's definitely stupid. It's who the blood elf players are as a people that I want to exterminate. The men and especially the whores behind the video game avatars. I want to kill them. It's an RP server thing, you wouldn't get it.
they have the strat now they just need the pulls.
>culling your enemies early is LEBAD
Arthas fucked up Lordaeron way worse. He just needed the sunwell and left silvermoon, he actively occupied Lordaeron and the alliance was the only thing keeping them in check. Kael got butthurt that Garithos didnt suck his dick so he went crawling to illidan becausehis retarded people were addicted to magic.they rebuilt Silvermoon, Lordaeron is still a wasteland.
>It's who the blood elf players are as a people that I want to exterminate. The men and especially the whores behind the video game avatars. I want to kill them
just look at the retard shitting up this thread
somehow i dont believe epic wall man was going to ever help the elves, sorry
I've been in the warcraft community for a very long time, and it's true. Blood Elves players are the most insufferable faggots.
Of course there are some good people among them, but mostly they are just impossible to deal with.
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it seems that my superiority has led to some controversy.
that's a rather generous depiction of all the beastialityniggers here
Umm just post a link to your logs going back 10 years, your work schedule, your marital status, and if you’re going to claim any dependents on your taxes.

Then you can do tryouts for a few weeks to see if you got what it takes to play a video game.
>what's the excuse for the thing that was written specifically for TBC
idk, there were a lot of retcons in TBC, in case you failed to notice, before in WC3 the night elves didn't give a fuck, and they didn't in vanilla, either with the whole remaining high elves defacto joining the alliance
it's only the blood elves who joined the horde and in TBC they made the blood elves, who were an extreme minority akin to void elves currently and followed kael'thas only, the majority of elves for some reason
>pots calling the kettle black
Why not go back to sucking nelf dick, human. It's clear you'll continue to scramble around in the dirt until your betters help you. Like always
Would you like to hear something?
Blood Elf shitposter is a Russian.
Blood elves attract a specific type of player and that faggot type ruined the horde.
Lmao what I've been complaining about night elves being on the cover of the vanilla WoW box set since before Draenei were Eredar.
da tovarish
>, before in WC3 the night elves didn't give a fuck, and they didn't in vanilla
it was actually even worse than that
Tyrande LITERALLY SAVED KAEL'THAS' LIFE, along with all his blood elf followers in WC3.
She was even willing to give her life to save and defend them from the scourge as she the blood elves as her fucking kin.
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>20 crafts
>24% multicraft %
>0 (zero) multicraft procs

Doesn't surprise me. As one of the alliance shitposters I'm also Russian.
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>one exact repost timer apart
It would seem discussion of game lore has upset the maze-addicted trannymog spammers.

Okay, but we do know. There's a little dwarf asshole discovered to be a spy merely pretending to offer the blood elves membership into the Alliance. We kill that guy. Then later on (canonically we enter the Ghostlands after this quest) suddenly night elf shocktroopers are around the Ghostlands and very edge of Eversong, either as spies or trying to kill you.

I know it's tempting to fall back to
>Blizzard writing is dumb and inconsistent
but in this case it's pretty consistent. Alliance always do retarded racist shit dating all the way back to Warcraft 3. They started viewing blood elves the way they treat orcs and undead, before the blood elves were even in the fucking Horde. It's comical and allybabs truly believe they dindu nuffin.
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whatever bros, post elf feets to piss off the belffag
why is damage literally showing HALF of the amount of dps/heals for me? if i compare to anyone else in my party, mine is completely halved.
>he trusted a percentage modifier in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game
>be blood elf
>cause an enormous amount of seethe just by existing
best race confirmed
>post timer is 56 seconds
are you ok dude?
>why am i doing half as much damage as my party members?
well sis... are you sitting down?... it's because you're a shitter.
>Tyrande LITERALLY SAVED KAEL'THAS' LIFE, along with all his blood elf followers in WC3.
Hordekeks will always pretend this never happened and continue to cite TBC lorerape instead
Almost as if the blood elves were allied with the night elves enemies and if their prince ran off with Night elf bin laden
I like that the fem BE's jokes and flirts haven't been neutered. Incredible Stacy energy.
anon, you're being retarded
blood elves being on the horde was as an egregious a retcon for MANY reasons as draenei and eredar being the same thing
TBC has some of the biggest retcons in the history of the game, and was ONLY recently dethroned because they let a retard write an expansion and we get 'le keikaku man' as the main villain
trying to use shit blizzard wrote to justify their stupid shit j=doesn't suddenly make it not stupid when it comes out of left field
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What will be the latest cope when Liquid loses again?
who cares
loses what
what are you even watching
>>one exact repost timer apart
actual braindead retard

>brings up "night elf shocktroppers" while ignoring Tyrande and Kael'thas interaction in WC3

every fucking time
kill yourself ASAP retarded lorelet
>stop using blizzard writing in your argument about blizzard writing
Are elf feet paler and more delicate than human female feet or was turalyon just that much of a virgin?
Not that there's anything wrong with that, sacred vow of paladin chastity, for the Light.
are you retarded? i'm asking why on their screen it shows ANYONE in my party is doing, for example, 1 billion, but on my addon, it says 500 million (for everyone). the addon is bugged or some setting is turned on but i don't know what.
Professional shit-sockers are shit-socking the mythic raid. Shit-sock enjoyers are watching it on youtube.
Not even a virgin thing. He's just blind and oblivious
Justify the night elves being in the blood elf starting zone as spies and shocktroopers.
Where's the dissatisfaction from people from TBC anyway? There were huge retcons, killed many important characters just to do raids. And still people love and remember it with warmth.
There was a lot of dissatisfaction with Shadowlands, people even left for other games. What about this one?
There's nothing to justify. It's TBC.
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tbc was based
shadowlands was cringe
simple as
The only thing Arthas did wrong is not exterminating all of the elves.
Wow was still new, it had only been like 4 years since TBC. There was also a lot of faith still in blizzard. Some people were upset at the eredar retcon and hitting kael with the villain bat but there was still a lot of other stuff in the game to enjoy.
anon, please
the writing before TBC doesn't match the sudden about-face of the writing post TBC
I know it's hard for you to understand, but that's how it is
before TBC blood elves were an extreme minority of high elves who followed Kael and were taught by Illidan to eat demon semen, and the night elves were totes cool with the high elves in WC3 and in vanilla WoW (because high elves were and still are part of the alliance)
and then that all changed instantly
there is no justification, it was added to shit on the good relations Kael'thas had with Tyrande and Malfurion in WC3
all because we needed horde belfs for chinks
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Butcher all faggots and troons
>Banned for abusive chat
Massacre the trannies
I mean falling to the voices in your head shows how much of a pussy he was
is there ANY good reason to go wildstalker? i actually really want to play it, i like the idea of the symbiotic blooms/bloodseeker vines, but is the healing output not way lower compared to kotg?
Unironically the droves of people that joined in WoW vanilla and left around late Wrath/Cataclysm were the kind of people who had no knowledge of Warcraft prior to WoW. This biases in favour of the perception that TBC was a beloved expansion.
Outland was cool
gotta be smart with your trolling now
the days of being blunt are gone, trust me I miss just dropping a retard on all the retards but you get banned quick

have to drop snide 41% metaphors and shit
>elf this elf that
I am going to fucking delete any elf character I have made and reroll them as pandaren and mechagnomes jesus fuck I hate this
No not really
you shouldn't have been saying nigger and faggot in chat you stupid cunt
Don't do that! Don't let your elf waifus die just because of a seething belffag! They're yours, they love you, they've done nothing wrong! Don't hurt them please!
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We love elves on /wowg/
lol get fucked faggot
no not really, there's no good reason to play it? or no not really, the healing output is not lower compared to kotg?
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can you retards seriously not control yourselves?

>underage b&
>absolute fucking manchild
>diagnosed mental disorderoid
which one is it
make them all vupera
Former. If you just wanna rock it in open world or for fun go ahead
>shatter 2000 shards with 15% resourcefulness
>save like 30 shards
Gigantic sweaty orcs and busty elf sluts are the yin and yang of worlo.
If they didn't want to be called trannies why did they transition then
>playing as a female character
lmao get gone idiot, go jerk one out to some tranny porn
because they're mentally ill and still act aggressive like biological males
Reminder that the Alliance endlaved pandaren villagers to build an air base in Jade Forest
>i deleted my level 1s and made different level 1s because of posts on worlo gaga
why is this item so SHIT

it looks fucking awesome and then i realized it's literally 0.2% of my overall damage
yes, and?
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Why can't orcs just fuck troll women? Talanji is kind of ok if I pretend I'm an orc and into the tusks. Why can you only get horny for what a human would find sexy and never actually immerse yourself in the world of warcraft?
is it really that bad in m+? i know there's no good reason to take it in raid, but i was under the impression it could be just as effective in m+ if played correctly?
cant tell if it's 'absolute fucking manchild' or 'diagnosed mental disorderoid'
so we'll say both and call it a day
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>just gear up, bro
The Pandaren were better off. We brought them civilization, gave them jobs.
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how do you "fail" a m0? there's no timer
please don't remind me of a time when Warcraft was pure C&C kino
long walls of text like that are usually shit
go for the +100 dick size unga bunga enchant instead
literally just ask around it's not as hard as you think
Can WoW beat Diablo IV or PoE2?
>Kill wave 1
>alt tab for 30 seconds
>kill wave 2
>alt tab again
im tired bros
That was actually Sha corruption and what the Horde did was still far worse, at least the actions of the Alliance commander were of noble intent since he believed he was doing it for the Pandarens' own good.
Azzínóth - Ragnaros, the VDH tank, quits the run
Real life pandas do nothing but piss and shit so it checks out.
"we" failed trash mobs with the first group multiple times, tank and healer failed, group fell apart.
once we reached the first boss with the second group and wiped, everybody just left and our DPS said in German "M0 ain't no pony farm"
kek what did you say Jamal?
First time ordering commissioned WoW fetish stuff. Small preview.
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>try to do zekvir on ?? mode solo, 614 ilvl
>blasts me for up to 3.1 mil per melee attack, but manageable with plate armor and smart brann pot usage
>have to save offensive cooldowns for every cocoon spawn and even then barely make it before it hatches if not interrupted by zekvir doing a frontal/fear straight on me
>if you interrupt his dot cast you cant interrupt his next heal cast (around 12 seconds between casts but kick is 15 sec cd)
>he will heal, fear and large frontal while you're trying to burst the egg
>egg spawns more than 20+ yards away from him, sometimes out of the doorway you enter from
>if you do let the add hatch it doesn't inherit the cocoon health %, and its cast does over 2 million damage (pretty much a wipe)
>195 mil hp and one heal going off is 25 mil healing
>dot ticks for 1.1 mil
>brann is unreliable to cleanse/kick
these overlaps are so fucking bullshit
who the fuck thought this was winable
shit happens? get a new group together and go again
my first return to kharazan mythic +2 took like 3 hours, but we stuck through it to the end
Zamn THIS was responsible for the purge of Dalaran?
i almost fell for it thinking it was like the acidic threads from DF. I miss them.
is it just me or are there not many people running m+? based off group listing
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>He ran his mouth and has to deal with the consequences
Screen Captured, apparently.
that's a manly looking Jaina
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Really nice.
people pay for AI instead of doing it themselves for free? are you retarded
>DPSlet can't take accountability and somehow can't even do m0 with multiple groups
wild how retards constantly have absolutely zero introspection
you're the only person having a problem with it
In quality? 100%.
In revenue? Not a fucking chance.

ARPGs are the ultimate maze.
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>make rep account wide
>make it even more tedious than before
Feels bad
AI can't do fetish stuff.
>iconic weapons and trinkets dropped
>raids carried over in relevance
>awesome tier sets
>immensely fun
>pvp relevant
>war happening everywhere and no soi shit
>paying for aislop you can get for free in this thread
how much did you pay for that off model garbage that is very clearly traced off ai
>those hands
Be honest. How much are you paying for this slightly edited ai shit?
it literally can, and I've done it for months. just name your fetish that you think it can't do
>>war happening everywhere and no soi shit
wait what? what war?
farming kael's underlings in terrokar forest and netherstorm doesn't count as war.
All I like about TBC is Naaru because it's literally the Angels of Light added and the Draenei, who are literally space humans with the same religion but also with their own peculiarities.
show her feet
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ok guyx what the fuck am I the quest where e need to kiull the double boss in stonevault for the mountquestline and that fufkcing shit doesnt drop is that normal fhgoly sufkcing shit it's been like 25 kils or so I did it with randoms in normal, with followers, in m+ in heroic
yo what the ruck give me the fucking trinket wath teu fuckkk
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I just finished +12 mythic key and I don't even know what my hero talents are called or what they do as a brewmaster. That's how bad they fucked up
think long and hard about how you got to TBC in the first place retardfren
Adult goblin female X human /ss/
Odd take. I fucking hate the naaru. I miss when the angels of light were represented by the Guardian of Kings things that also show up as part of the resurrection spell in WC3.
god tier:
>male human
>male dwarf (all 3 types)
>male orc
>male troll
>male night elf
You will never, ever be a woman tier:
>all other races/body types
>that room in the stonevault with the double elementals + shamans spamming knockback totems
why are 20,000 people watching echo rebroadcast
whilst chat is dead
no way are these organic viewers, right?
can your class even drop the trinket? might wanna check before you queue up again because priests literally can't even do the quest kek
Yeah it can. Slightly advanced to do duo scenes properly, but people were doing that a year ago. Go check /trash/ if you need proof, mainly furry generals know the tech
why do people call it m0 if it's really m1?
I dont believe you. Make some as proof
I think I went to the blasted lands when I was under level 60 and went through the portal without talking to Khadgar and Thrall.
fuck off
the DoT he casts is a slow, if you have anything that removes those use it
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I literally cannot play a female kultiran because it drives my penis to insanity and I end up masterbating in the middle of the game.
because the m1 was a limited run and bmw dunks every usage of it worldwide to preserve the value of those dilapidated piles of MR garbage
There are no organics left. We replaced the fleshies.
Soon, you too will be replaced.
>tfw refusing to play wow till they buff arms for mini game
yikes blizzard
It isn't m1, the keys start at 1, m0 is with no key at all.
>main male troll shaman in all 3 versions of the game
>the retail version was a male dwarf before faction changing in MoP
how am I doin
There's no +1 though, keys start at +2
It was a good time, when the Naaru were actually respected and could gather entire races under their command and people were following them despite their differences. That's the thing I miss right now.
what's wrong with arms in pvp?
you're a catababby, is that it?
>when the Naaru were actually respected and could gather entire races under their command and people were following them despite their differences.
never? The Army of the Light was a literal meme
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Where is our Anime Collab? I want WoW Anime
You fight Illidan's forces. You fight Ogre forces. You fight Naga forces. You fight the overarching theme of the Burning Legion for the entire expansion. You fight the opposite faction in an ongoing war.
Every single zone is a war torn ravaged wasteland. Contrast that with DF. Bring war back to Warcraft kthx.
I can, Im a dh, but do I need to compelte the dungeon or just farm the double boss, quit and repeat?
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Nope. As a human paladin of the Light I have no interest in worshipping the windchime gods of a bunch of space alien goats. The only unity I need with other races is the pursuit of killing other races united with their races. World of Warcraft.
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In TBC, of course. I like Army of the Light btw, but that's a different story.
colossus is shit
and you still need a pocket
we need a Rance colab
>want to play dps
>declined for 8 hours
>want to play healer
>everyone is using all their mobility cooldowns to kill themselves as fast as possible then blame you
>dont want to play tank
is it time to unsub
Commissioned 10k worth of Dragonflight drums just to get rugpulled by Blizz
>you fight (fan favorites) for ass pulled reasons
>this is a good thing actually!
>You fight the opposite faction in an ongoing war
never happened outside of the imagination of koolaid drinking pvptards
you're the reason cataclysm happened and why the Horde had to be castrated, reap what you sow
>copy top M+ spec from murlok.io
>install heiki
>press buttons that hekili says to use
>top dps
this game is too easy
We are different humans paladins then.
Mmarl Niffen are driven solely via Nerubian pheromones
You know who should come back?
Teron Gorefiend.
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man i wish slopanon was here...
That'd involve time/dimensional travelshite though
>you're the reason cataclysm happened and why the Horde had to be castrated
it so fucked they can steal money from you like this?
all part of the butterfly effect starting in vanilla wow "faction divide" nonsense brought about by wow secondaries
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Is there a way to save a jigsaw full picture once it's completed?
nah i also had a male dwarf paladin in TBC
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Why would I spend 100 more acuity to get the same amount of knowledge points?
can a void elf be a devout light worshipper?
id fill her with light IYKWIM
No, they burst into flames and go insane from whispers
yes, same shit as undead holy priests
Unironic skill issue. Healing is super cozy.
>you're the reason cataclysm happened and why the Horde had to be castrated, reap what you sow
lol what are you being schizophrenic over now?
I don't get what actually happened though
cause when you buy the cheap one you'll want more and you'll buy the expensive one.
>faction bias autism
no one will ever take you seriously LOL
because you can only buy one of each
oh it's a one time buy kinda deal got ya
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PvE is way too sweaty, and there is 0 reason to play WoW casually in '24.
there was no faction war in vanilla or tbc, but enough pvp tards thought their little shitfests in stranglethorn and zangarmarsh were canon that the general attitude - including those of many newly minted Blizzard devs in Wrath - was that the Horde and the Alliance were actually at war, so then Cataclysm happened and the Horde started mass pillaging all of Azeroth because War in Warcraft.
What's the max ilvl weapon you can craft right now?
Reminder that the Alliance drove the Nightborn to the Horde because of Tyrande's racism towarfs them
The amount of night elf tears over "losing" Suramar was only ever eclipsed by Teldrassil
They brought it on themselves
>life grip mage out of the OHKO on ground
>he blinks back into it
>life grip him again with 6 second cooldown talent
>he alters time into it to kill himself

What does this mean?
>night elves alliance
Try using a playerbase that belong in the Alliance for your arguments next time lmao.
go back to mmochampion or whatever other shithole you crawled out of thanks
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what are the chances we get another freebie from papa blizzard?
>Spam M+ for wrists
>Craft wrist
>mage wants to die but healer won't let him
Terrible to see
get your reps to 24
They are in the Alliance unlike the Nightborn KEK
Go back to Teldrassil. Oh wait...
KEK neither of them should be in the alliance, enjoy raping their assholes open my gf is a void elf
I am so confused. I hit max level and I feel like they threw about 10 different currencies at me and random upgrade paths and now I have no idea what to focus on
>my gf is a void elf
Do you need a Spark of Omen to recraft your gear?
It feels good to not play this week. Stockpiling coffer keys for the delve event.
Shi getting boring ahh anyway
Well even despite the assholes playing as Blood Elves it's worth admitting that FInal Fantasy XIV would never have spawned such a discussion. There just wouldn't be anything to discuss.
No just the base mats for quality iirc
How do you use this to get a set item?
Retail wow lore is too complicated to adapt into a show. They'd have to do classic and that isn't really worth advertising right now.
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does this mean it will be a guaranteed R5? I don't want to look foolish...
What delve event?
if you pop your conc then yes
There was a theory for awhile that he was going to possess Garrosh's body.
4 currencies to care about upgrading gear
4 tracks to care about ([explorer, adventurer are poopie] veteran, champion, hero, myth)
you get the gear based on difficulty of things completed (delves, dungeons, raids, pvp(?))
depending on what you want to DO u can tackle this different ways
next week delves give bonus rewards so you want to save your keys so you can do as many bountiful delves as possible. Check the calendar.
Anybody have any lore on the AshleyB schizo arc that's been going on for at least a month?
They should do the Second War and time it with a Warcraft 2 remaster
Classic is the retirement home of video games
so as long as the reciple difficulty and skill match then it's guarnateed? thats what im getting here
are there addons that allows your minimap to be bigger?
I'm gatherermaxxing
any addons you guys recommend for max jewing with gatherers?
Please stop deadnaming Sorrowdark.
if only
Make 610 item, then use catalyst to convert it into a tier piece when you have a charge
yea press M
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Typical blizzard trying to erase Horde achievements in the narrative, just so Alliance can feel cool.
So I bricked myself by doing my delves already, great...
I don't remember who canonically killed Nefarian according to the Chronicles, but that's just a commercial poster, Onyxia was also killed by Varian, but in the classics artwork there it's either Horde or Alliance.
>pressing m allows you to see the nearby nodes and herbs
the horde is non-canon
Desu I rolled blood elf dude because I prefer horde women
cool thanks bro
>99 key fragments
Can i fucking PLEASE get one daily quest holy fuck theyre so stingy with this shit bro
>Not shown: the Alliance raid wiping soon after and Nefarian claiming the gnome girl as an onahole
can start it up in bit, playing the game for once
this, but without a shred of irony
justice for vanilla darkshore
Run LBRS, the Horde is literally supporting Nefarion.
quit having loretism attacks for 3 seconds please
What does it cost to craft 610 gear? Why not just take a random 610 drop and use the catalyst on it?
I also thought the same thing before, but I think the Horde has suffered enough. Now Blizzard should pay attention to both factions and everything will be fine.
>hordefags immediately start fantasizing about ntr and pedophilia
this party wiped bwo
you dumb fuck
dumb bitch
>rwf seething to this day
no rush, just wondered if u could do one like that picture, just a red hair-bunned bikini paladin taking off her helmet
the arathi mommy character keeps putting in work orders for the lightforged draenei illusion item like bros i want to fuck her holy pussy while she breaks my spine unfamiliar with the strength of her spacegoat body
She looks like she enjoys sucking futa balls
What are you making because some wrists are literally downgrades
>finish GB run
>look at meter
>over 1,18 million average dps
>look closely
>the red drakes's abilitiees are also factored in
well at least it's still over 1 mil
it's an illusion
what are you hiding
i didnt really look i just know my wrists are my last REAL ilvl upgrade before min/maxxing
>t. 611
of which race?
>wasting a spark for wrists
>Blizzard still retconning chronicles.
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am i behind :(
i love germans
any germans in chat?
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I made my own +0 Mythic group. 600+ ilvl only.
We wiped 5 times before we even got to the 2nd boss, and then it bugged, and we couldn't continue.
I've had enough
Every time I'm close to thinking Hordefags have a point they do shit like post a picture of the sky and go "OF COURSE IT'S BLUE FUCKING ALLIANCE BIAS THIS IS HORDE GENOCIDE"
white human woman with freckles
until i racechange to qt draenei in a week
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>A mage with two maces
>That warriors pants is leather and his chestpiece doesn't match the T2 set, the shoulders are tiny
>His sword doesnt have any runes
>The weapons on the wall are different sizes
>The dwarf priest shoulders don't have the tassel things.
Yup. It's AI.
Yup. It's AI.
>vanilla darkshore
Kino zone. I always finish every quest there when I play through it. The atmosphere is amazing still to this day. >>496126867
>Finally get one expansion focused on the alliance with the sons of lothar getting screen time (should have happened in Outland but got pushed back for more horde dicksucking)
shut the fuck up
just shut the fuck up
ja bruddah
thye are literally wiping
Darkshore fucking SUCKS i hope you get aids, that was AWFUL during classic/SoD
sincerely jump
Bro, I'm for the Alliance myself. I like the current expansion.
I'm just saying that the Horde has already suffered enough.
what do you even need renown for?
You sound like the type of guy who insists Legion was a neutral story.
>>Finally get one expansion focused on the alliance with the sons of lothar getting screen time (should have happened in Outland but got pushed back for more horde dicksucking)
That fact that it took untill the last patch of FUCKING LEGION for Turalyon and Alleria to return to WoW is fucking astounding.
Just further proof that the originasl devs did not give a single fuck about the Alliance at all.
>he didn't play dual wield arcane mage in vanilla
Why the fuck do people care about rep? I still have single digit rep.
Loktar ogar for doomhammer i am the warchief logrigal no gal let's get on with it yes n'dabu the spirits are restless hmm your time has come for honor loknarosh none will survive
craft patterns
bro I think you should become the new warchief of the horde
People can’t even do a +4 without dying multiple times. They’re going to nerf some more. Delves have killed doing keys.
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Please bro...
Can you dump the picture into a catbox or something.....
I beg of you...
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And that's a good thing!
>do heroic priory twice
>zero cloth with 25% higher drop rates
>zero dawnweave
>zero duskweave
this game fucking sucks
>forgets that wow can't help dick sucking the alliance
Babby. Fucking Legionbaby
this game is fucking dead
most lore-savvy alliance player
yeah, it was great
easily my favourite zone
>Alliance heros cleaning up horde messes(nightmare, guldan, broken shore)
Sounds pretty evenly split to me.
sorry taking off the helm is a no-go
the model can't conceptualize it
You should always be trying to maximize your gear anyway.. is it worth a spark or doing the same mythic possibly up to 200 times is the real question
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Debate me on this pvp tier list, you will lose
best way to single-handedly support or contribute to a small casual guild?
crafting? tanking? farming gold and filling the bank with consumables?
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>Make a post insinuating Alliance bias
>Alliance fans crawl out the woodworks screeching in the thread.
Remember shitposters, it's that easy.
Is there a reason some specs are missing?
People don't tolerate lies
>xhe forgot southshore vs. tarren mill
>xhe forgot the barrens
>xhe forgot alterac valley
next you'll tell me you've forgotten 9/11
the terrorists truly have won
idk what else to use my spark on, already have weapon and 4pc
I dont speak orconomics can anyone translate this? All I can make out is something about fried chicken and bombing druid schools.
when will harronir be playable?
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I did it boys one of my goals of crafting my Weapon/Braclet done. Thanks for the help and being patient with my dumb self but I think I got this crafting thing down pat now.

Time to farm for the Gilded Crest and recraft these :)
I don't factor in tank specs they're all fine
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>there was no faction war in vanilla or tbc
Never hopefully, we don't need any more expansions on Night Elf lore.
grats bud
>crafting a BiS item is literally -1 WoW token
*adds $15 to his Blizzard balance instead*
>muh world pvp in my mindbrain headcanon was... le canon!
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Male Draenei (red)
fuck you im awesome.
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I thought Max had a 16 hour head start above every other team.
>xhe forgot southshore vs. tarren mill
>xhe forgot the barrens
player events?..
>xhe forgot alterac valley
game mechanical battleground that isn't on the map?..
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>jokes on you I was just pretending to be retarded
>It wasn't us dat was rend!
>It wasn't us dat was garrosh!
>It wasn't us dat was sylvanas!
What is with the horde mindset and avoiding responsibility?
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Tired of this game.
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There is gay rp events in stormwind about this guy buying pets for his husband.
If we're doing that then Azshara and Arthas are also Alliance and singlehandedly caused every major problem in the setting.
literally made to be bred my be thanks big dog
Come home, white man.

you got btfo retard lmao
>Alliance spymaster canonically gets dicked by a gay hobo pirate, instead of doing his job
What did team blue mean by this?
why did they have a 16 hour head start?
have you seen the one in org with aethas looking for a gift to give to jaina as a way of saying sorry to her?
pretty funny lol
remember when danuser wanted to do greymane and shaw vs turalyon
god I'm so glad that he is fired
They aren't married yet. But it is very ridiculously gay and I wish they would fucking stop, both characters have gotten catastrophically worse since they became butt pirates.
nigger faction
I just remember a lot of stuff about sylvanas loyalists being rounded up that aged very poorly.
Which is the horde server
grats thats nice :)
you can craft a third item this week :)
he really wanted to rape alleria and turalyon to death after he had finished destroying sylvanas
why can I smell shampoo from my neighbours bathroom...
Should've let him do it desu.
NuTuralyon's hardly a character and is probably the biggest asspull from Legion
>Alliance players are pretending to be horde players to shit on horde players but in fact are actually horde players that were pretending to be alliance players to falseflag but they are actually falseflagging about falseflagging because they are a lvl 70 neutral pandaren in the starting area
garrosh wuz a good boy
he wuz gun go to college
Turalyon is my favorite character
Twilight Hammer needs to be held accountable for their crimes.
Modern faction conflict is just a very thin proxy for real world politics anyway.
It's not hard to fluster such people.
I can't I'm only specialized in those two things for now. Going to branch into new territory but for now I'm happy with this.
I travel in zones your mind cannot even imagine, I'm so far above you I'm like a titan in human clothing, holy bolts shoot from my finger tips!
which faction is trumptards
The Silver Hand and the Ebon Blade aka the based and redpilled plate wearer power gang.
No see that doesn't fly because that makes me, an alliance player, the bad guy. I can't be the bad guy. Blizzard said so horde scum
Night elves caused all the mistakes anyways
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At the end of the day, Orcs are demon-blooded alien invaders. This makes them, and anyone who would willingly associate with them, bad.
Simple as. Enough said.
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this, but unironically
Hey now, that's not fair. There's also the Black Dragons who prominently hid within Alliance society and had positions of power
>Scarlet Brotherhood was gonna be wow's equivalent to the maga movement
We were so close to cringekino
Titan interference brought about the old gods. Checkmate
Not available in my region
Echo wins every time if the playing field is even. The Na headstart is the only reason we even have a “race”
I'm sorry to inform you of this man, but Orcs and Humans come from the same titanic parents.
I only associate with trolls and the furries. They are the original natural species
no real faction problem
outer villain
alliance villain
horde villain
no real faction problem (both?)
horde villain
outer villain
alliance villain
no real faction problem
no real faction problem

i'm not seeing a problem here?
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Am I supposed to craft this or should I try to skip right to the better one?
I have a shitty 606 shield right now that I dont even want to waste crests on, but nothing better is dropping
hate to say it but the frogposter is right
>BWL drops in sod, with options for extra difficulty
>full cleared on max difficulty within 90 minutes
You should since you can recraft it to 636 once you have the gilded crests
Did this one even have a secret boss? Or did they learn their lesson after the orange ballsack?
A man of taste
why can't nelves be blue?
OK cool, does it cost something big? Like a spark or acuity?
holy paladins are faggots but i agree with the rest
>no real faction problem (both?)
are you high
It's horde players who rerolled for alliance racials trying to cope with their choice by relentlessly shitting on their former faction.
Same mindset as the wow refugees who obsess over every little thing Blizzard does
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the link is https://files.catbox.moe/zjfh57.jpg

here's another that gives you the link when finished https://jigex.com/NfBfY
melt it all away
in the yellow chaos flame
They didn't wanna follow and support their sex symbol queen Azshara
pump and dump short term project
hell fucking no
"horde bad" only came at the end of the expansion, literally a segway into wod. BOTH of the factions were the problem for 99% of it, the whole point of mop is "you guys should really stop fighting"
MAUwalkers ...
Is the hook on NW's third boss bugging out for anyone else? Like no animation and throw just fails?
high elves
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>Doing SV +7
>On Skarmorak
>All the elemetal shards spawn in a little cluster of 3 right beside of one another
>We have a frost mage, retri paladin
>And assassin rogue
>assassin rogue and ret paladin attack them once
>they all explode
just look at how well they handled Blue Protocol, there's no way this could go wrong
i'll play until ncsoft ruins everything
Shut up Sargeras. Grow a pair and learn to live
Trying to down Brood on HC in pugs has made me realize that majority of wow players are retarded. Im done with this game fuck this shit
need a paizuri jigsaw puzzle...
nah it didn't have shit
if i can tank heroic dungeons and survive them perfectly fine while also dealing damage and all that jazz am i ready for m0?
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post a Image that describes your current spec
I will start
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Path of Glory.
'nuff said.

These animals will never be compatible with human, elven or draebabe society.
high elves
mostly yeah
on heroic you can ignore mechanics but you cant on m0
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>Can't ever forget about their existence, because they're constantly screeching back and forth against the enemy for years.
Yeah, checks out.
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thanks anon you are my greatest ally
>want to gen some smut
>cant play any games if i do
>"horde bad" only came at the end of the expansion,
Nope, Horde bad started with the mana bomb on Theramore being the final straw of unchecked catafaggot aggression. Then there was the Stormwall campaign.
all m0 are easy to tank at 570+ ilvl with the exception of ara-kara last boss
this world is genuinely horrible
this "material" "universe" should not exist
>Nope, Horde bad started with the mana bomb on Theramore being the final straw of unchecked catafaggot aggression.
I forgot about that, holy fuck Cata was awful for the Alliance
They also killed Rhonin offscreen with that lel
even though i've only done heroics i'm following m+ tanking routes, i'm trying to interrupt the important spells that are scary and bad and i do my best to resolve boss mechanics properly because i want to do a good job

i'm around 590-ish right now so thanks, i'll start making some m0 groups then!
one trick, one comp, cheese spec
not based
has never will never be based
see fdk
nigger specs, literally

ret deserves it own category at the top that reads: its players are better than you and you suck if you hate on it
>was awful for the alliance
They got one black eye and the players decided that was too much
consumes pretty much ya
hearty feasts, flask and prepot cauldrons
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sounds like you're desynced. /reload.
>holy paladin
How do you feel about rogues and warriors?
gen your shit online
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All rogue specs
Calling all resto drus: is this hero tree ever viable? Seems more fun than the trees.
>one black eye
and a broken leg, and a battered liver, and kidney stones, and some blight in the face, and also getting pissed on during blizzcon, and openly mocked and shat on by the devs
but sure, let's minimise all that so you can pretend you don't deserve the scorn and the humiliation today
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Why can't Monks use Zen Flight for Skyriding?
Druids get to use flight form...
It's not fair...
aren't rogues doing very well numbers wise but actually playing them feels dogshit?
Things imagined in your mind don't make them real
assa feels fine in dungeons
reminder that he was right and they're still mad about it 18 years later
arms? based if they're not shitting on ret palas
fury? kys
rogues? They can certainly do some really fucked up stuff but your average brainlet cant hack it unless ass is tuned a tier above everything else and they can just win on damage, have to respect rogues honestly
A paladin that doesn't fully have his head up his ass? Consider me surprised
God i love the undead and the seethe they cause
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which of these gathering addons do i need
yeah it's unreal how hard the alliance was shat on by the devs
every change/retcon was done purely to favour the horde without a second thought given to the alliance playerbase
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>"ironic" 8 milly posting
>"ironic" alliance we wuzing
>"ironic" avatarfag spam
>"ironic" ERP spam
>"ironic" token buying
>"ironic" mazed faggotry
free online generators lack options, accuracy and detail
just produces low quality stuff
there's a reason why it's free
>still no half draenei / half orc race
>still no half orc / half ogre race
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>no panda race
Because Horde aren't allowed cool things post BFA.
>nobbel is recycling content again
hopesisters... were we retarded? is the game... dead?
How am I supposed to finish everything weekly? There's too much to do in one week
>half draenei / half orc
that implies rapiness and it's {currentYear} anon...
>half orc / half orgre
blizzard would have to rig up a new skeleton and they're just a small indie company, please understand
humans are also alien invaders
It'd have to be explained to draenei players why there'd be orc+draenei. They don't know that the draenei caused the orcs
none of them. turn on the game's built in node minimap tracking and find your own route. those addons are all bloat
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ah, better days ...
tensor has most of the shit you need except its missing a good chunk of LoRas and you have to pay for higher resolutions. its not bad for free, but novelai is definitely better if you're willing to pay.
>built in node minimap tracking
i don't even know where these things are on the normal map to begin with
>4 weekly quests/events for coffer key boxes
>2-4 t8 delves
how is that too much
all of that takes like one hour or 90 mins if you run 4 delves
everything else is just extra
faggot-tier player here
looks like cope from a seether
i dont think anusarek is dying this weekend
alexstrasza sex
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the wife
Ysera please. What if the nelves find out?
It'll be sunday at the latest. 100% chance she gets hit with the nerf bat tomorrow, so Blizzards interns don't gotta work the weekend
little binoculars icon above the minimap
gathermate is useful to record a lot of gathers and identify what spawns in what region
based on that you can choose the highest-value areas to farm
Delves are such a mistake. They are incredibly boring but at the same time the best way to gear up.
Why are +8 delves so easy compared to +7 mythic plus despite giving the same gear
the best option is a local setup if your GPU isn't complete trash
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Cause Blizzard had the bright idea of mythic squishing for TWW.
they want guild less players to feel good
>they want guild less players to feel good
Guildless player here. I felt good when M+ was reasonably difficult and I could PUG it. Now? It's fucking impossible to PUG and gives shit loot, which doesn't feel good. Doing 4 piss-easy delves a week does not feel good either.
Blizz makes world content because Holly, Ion and Metzen decide to prioritize the casual audience.
And hyper-sweat Mazed players begin to have a panic attack when they realize getting gear in said content is easier than their content.
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>list my stonevault key as dps
>within 10 seconds a 4-man party of russians applies with 3 of them having 0 score
>don't really want to deal with sv anyway so might as well brick it quick
>invite them
>the run actually goes super smooth with no deaths and we +3 it
>one of the ruskies even trades me an item he didn't need
wtf i love His Excellency President Putin now
Femgob warlock sloppy
Femdwarf priest grippy
Femtroll shaman clappy
Femorc warrior plappy
>11.0.5: Myth track gear from T11 Delves
make it happen blizzard employee sisters
There are way more han 4 weeklies. Plus all the rep shit
Come on anon. It'd be t10
How long is this fight going to be? They are almost 8 mins into the fight and she's still 45%.
They still have quite a bit left to go
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>shadow priest
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any NAI WoW sloppers itt? the eyebrows on elves always come out fucked up
I'm guessing a solid 12-14 minutes full fight. Depending if it's HP stays as it us currently.
its like a 20 minutes fight
Do the quests that give the caches, there's usually two purple and two blues. They give 4 keys for bountifuls. Pray the coffer shard weeklies show up during the week for an easy fifth and then game the system so you only need 6 t8s for a full open world track.
yes but the rep grinds are meaningless unless you really care about the cosmetics
the only thing that matters is getting your 4 weekly key boxes so you can delve
unless you've already outgrown delve, in which case you can just raid log and do weeklies on alts - the rep from them is one-time per week, not per character
you'll get your renown up eventually just doing the weeklies that way
im glad dratto and tettles are still covering the rwf
The 'Your welcome alliance' shit at blizzcon was so unreal, I've never seen such rancid contempt from a developer towards their own fanbase.
But then I have to do weeklies for all renown, weekly for the extra spider faction and wqs because I get less than 1 level per week. Which I dont even know if I'll finish the rep in a year at that rate
why don't the orcs just learn to farm properly
i slopped a lot of pandas in nai3 actually. cant post them here theyre nude chubby lolis
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>world pvp has devolved into grouping up and nuking everyone not in the group
fucking grim
If I start playing my 70 now can I finish all the important weekly stuff by reset? I want to get into the expansion now that the content dripfeed is finished.
redpill me on this, I want to seethe some more
they have no fertile
yeah you will just have to play a lot
I'd like to join a guild but they're all either mass invite ones or ce cliques that turn into empty husks overnight
i agree, phase 2 of classic was awful
the issue is m+ being hard
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stupid sexy goat
>all renown
You eventually run out of new quests. Spider faction, yeah, probably if one faction has appealing rewards for you. One of the better rep gains is that weekly dungeon since it gives you most of a level: great for spiders since they're patron specific
because you almost cant upgrade the gear from delve without doing m+ or heroic raid
you'll be forever stuck at 606/610
you get a miniscule amount of runed crests from completing a delve, but you're kneecapped hard for them if you don't do other content
delve is just a way to gear up your characters to a decent base level before doing other endgame content, which is good
Holy... Orc version please?
why did thrall get a wife, but Garrosh is single? he didn't even get it on with zaela. that is so unfair.
Garrosh was made purely from sour grapes
armschads.... we got too cocky....we keep catching strays on fury nerfs....
>alliance have a notoriously low win rate in bgs due to racial imbalance and map objective favoritism(horde start closer to farm in ab, ib choke point is almost unbeatable if played correctly)
>alliance players complain about this for years while Blizz continues to add more horde favored bgs like silvershard mines
>flash forward to blizzcon where they announce new comp stomp brawl
>Have a unique panel that just says "Your welcome alliance" showing that they know about the winrate imbalance but don't care
>blizzard literally breaking my macros IN REAL TIME
why the fuck are they "fixing" shit during playable hours? what is maintenance for?
Should have been a tauren
garrosh would have made jaina his breeding sow in another timeline
Garrosh was orcler with weird sex aversion. Art imitates life
He was too focused on conquest. Had we gotten the golden timeline where Wrathion backs Garrosh and he conquers Azeroth, he'd have pump a billion kids into Warlord Zaela
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>havent logged on in two days
am i free?
>still here
See you at the trading post next week.
Didn't wanna come back to a dead thread
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last one https://jigex.com/j3V96
not the problem
the 15 second penalty means if you wipe once and have a few random deaths here or there you wont time the fucking dungeon, its a joke
add that to the spam casting change and now you need to pull packs 1 by 1 in alot of the dungeons
the tuning across the pool on an equal key level is all over the fucking place
some mechanics can be ignored and the others are one shots
we dont feel good
The weekly faction events should give at least 1 renown level per week. It would still take an absurdly long time to complete them.
it was probably a carry group desu
ive had the same thing happen to me but with south americans
three of them were fantastic players and the last one sat at the gate and said thanks team after the run
hot as fuck
prob a group of bros on fresh alts
so people are doing +20s in heroic gear?
BASED. Thank you.
that's because all of that MaKe uR oWn gRoUp shit was never an honest answer
the real answer is you have to make meta groups and conform to the meta as much as possible in order to pass the encounters which 9/10 times involves just killing the boss faster than they can put mechanics out or positioning cheese which means you need to overgear it
What are those shoulders?
is +20 even a thing yet? i thought it only went up to 10
wastewander set from trading post
>act like a nigger
>get banned
damn son better just stop talking altogether
you're gonna get that ass banned permanently
i got a seven day silence for telling my shuffle team mates to kill themselves
couldnt use the group finder
missed a vault
was pissed
stopped using the chat for anything besides coordinating strategy
you cant really do that here either
t. banned itt for saying gamer words
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>siege +6
>shadow priest 611 ilvl (same as me) didn't PI anyone else
>warrior also 611 kept dying every pull
>tank was pulling SO SLOW it felt like a mythic zero
i'm getting burned out really fast this is insane

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