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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>495953848

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)
>Next NGS Headline (2024/10/01)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
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>Puyo Quna
Lmao op
Quna kinda be looking like injecting kids with estrogen is her agenda...
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/pso2g/ for this feel?
Post your character
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i want to fap with you!
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>No tail
step it up
Show tits please...
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I saw you tried to make the aco thread. For next time you need to post 5 images after the op otherwise it gets deleted.
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Old image, until I get some time later to take some more.
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Farmed up 7 GDK2 today and now i feel all tense from all that farming, just need to unwind and relax now. Hope you all have a lovely day.
I’ll try again tonight. Thank you for telling me!
Get a tail and I will thirst post for you
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I still want to cum inside Galama.
this is what gwiz did to anamana
Gwiz would be a warlock not a witch.
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Meanwhile me with Pellegri.
Fox ears are my weakness...
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hows this?
i triple fluffed up my tail! i'm half racoon...
post catbox...
Do you like futa?
I've got 30 minutes to kill. Who can I rub my feet on?
any friendly fellows itt tonight?
>have to sit in T&L streams for 12 hours for full twitch drops
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/pso2g/ Trust Tierlist

>based anons, our dependable and helpful leaders
Esvatira, Atalanta, Fall, Doppel

>friendly anons, they usually won't mind a conversation or invite
Maku, Jiggu, Werin, Alice, Xear, Machi, Franzburg, Milocc, Everian, Stella, Renee, Otoki, Runali, Hennika, Angery, Shiro, Elpis Valeiru, Chiaki, Lucifi, Kriell, Potionaholic, Azrice, Mokku, Kirschmesser, Squib, Hamulily, Blender, Poppy, Maru, Ress, Nia, Piper, Lhuc, Koumaru, Rainasu, Galama, Firo, Sparrow, Tok, Crimson, Choukai, Agent Mitsumi, Andesi, SOPMOD2, Aiatar, Void Blade, Minette, Tomomi

>filler anons, don't rely on them but if you do most of the work they might respond sometimes
Melissa, Krittening, Caduceon, Rumlatte, Revy, Chry, Stena, Oxion, Finchy, Romalea, Chelkie, AGM, Ars, Kouwaseiki, Platinum, Moratheos, Nightfire, OathP7, Nym, Senzo, Gehenna, Sipsoo, Shine, Nihlim, Firegreen, Buelle, Remi, Lulu, Bossu, Lofn, Argent, W-41FU, Gyro, Caelestis, Mito, Vehk, Erdbeere, Sura, Tsuna, Runali, Moira, Alicia, Teddyoshi, Yuno

>two-faced backstabbing snakes, avoid or blocklist
Grimjak, Mieri, Ollie, Chu, Cappu, Pellegri, Rinka Linca, Asuka Eros, Rope, Necromanceme, Koishi, Gpof, Jack, Xevel, Buttons, Grizzermacht, Nashai, Piyoko, Nutmeg, Squishy, Morgan, Yomiki, WetDreams, Cornelia, Holden
What does it mean if you don't appear on this list at all?
who is brave enough to qrd this entire list?
Depends what exactly you mean by this
it means u can shitpost your friends and no one will ever suspect its you
>don't post my character because anons will shittalk it
am I doing it right bros
No it just makes you cowardly
how is atalanta or doppel a leader they should be bottom tier fuck you
Any big namedrop list is a shitpost list and you should just ignore it.
T2 x T2...?
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>don't post my character because anons will sweettalk it
am I doing it right bros
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This bitch built like a 2 x 4.
... Solid? Good for nailing? Good support?
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i know the feeling :\
Watch out bros shitfingers is pissed and he wants everybody to know
im watching the official gameplay patch trailers and why is sega so bad at the game? one footage is literally ash running in circles and getting hit by everything. they couldn't have a expert player show off some cool skills?
they wanted to be accurate to the average player
Top 5 pso2g wallflowers?
even the average player is mashing attack button at least. sega is just running into tornados and not hitting anything.
jjdragon got promoted to work on league of legends so they lost their only actual employee who played any of the pso games
what does that have to do with anything? global doesn't make the update videos
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the black cat!
thank you...
post butt
You care about literal who opinion
throne and liberty is actually good
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>day 2 of knowing new plapfriend
>hangout for a while in friend's CS
>comfy cuddle
>end up plapping again
>they said they still want more tomorrow
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r u the plapper or the plappee?
I'm the T2...
Is it an anon or random?
A random :)
But we got along quick hence why we plap as soon as we're in private
Congrats you horny animal! I wished I vibed this well with anyone...
Keep them satisfied and soon you'll have your new source of meseta.
I'm not horny... but I do love teasing and I guess my character is generally a turn-on for people who likes "mature" looks

I don't do that for meseta anon.. I have more than enough..
Okay you really are lucky. Maybe I'll find my own hag someday
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Looking cool, brother.
>have my cock rated
Thanks bro.
Post it
Me with my mentally ill wife!
Aloof T2s that always agree to sex...
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Have you thought about becoming minheight?
>Have you thought
lemme stop ya right there, boss
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Did Maku die?
I make a friend into a best friend?
post butt
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Left toble after fall turned down his officer application
Do you take in weary ronin looking for shelter for the rainy night?
Oh, that's sad if it's true. He was one of the only two friends I had when I stopped.
Shinobi watching over her master (without any sort of lewd intentions)
No. I'll go with >>496160000 Those numbers earned the right to choose my backstory.
Is this true...
Just ask him yourself in private if you're so curious.
Anybody on shit 2 wanna do anything tonight? how do the denim jackets cost right now?
8 mil+
my smelly firowife!
Good night /pso2g/
he is now a throne and liberty chad
Well if you talk to him, tell him some random person said hi.
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Goodnight my wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet!
I love love love you!!!
Damn i bought mine cheap
you still haven't sent me a kudos or talked to me...
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3-day shop passes aren't cutting it when barely anything moves, this game is so ass
What if it's someone you blocked
You're never online...
you can send kudos while i'm offline though... and i was online earlier for a couple of hours...
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This thread is more dead than the content updates.
Cute.... *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero* *rero*
The thread itself is the content.
alot of pso2g is currently playing throne and liberty come join us king
I'm playing LOTRO.
The sperm bank is not prepared for what happens next
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>Amazon + NCSoft
No thank you, but have fun.
*slaps yo butte*
who is the ugly one on the left?
The one on the left is cuter.
i was playing that recently again. fuck i love the shire and the music so much

ngs space opera music doesn’t hit like it did in 2008
just here to say dead thread dead game
based. Every now and again I just hang around the shire a bit, maximum coziness.
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>still no NGS t1 cast body like Dighu body
not with that mouth and giant chin
>Having money for EA
Nice angle, Your making me feel peachy.
>amazon games
No fuck off
/aco/ already dead because it's just the same oiled lolcow with bbc fetish posting
Wrong. She's the cutest.
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You tobleniggers are worse than cracky's cuckplement. The manufactured drama tobleniggers keep shitting into each other's mouths is so laughable
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I didn't even know it was up
>darker posting
I told you to not make it.
There you go, posted something.
there's no one left in cukplement though
pso2g is majority white women with rich S.O's
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Should we support cheating sex?
Retards deserve it
Still don't know who is he cheating with now
You should show your dad this post
as long as they were never intimate in person then its not cheating and everything is fine
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>Spent an hour and a half in the salon
I'm going to have a stroke.
This bait will never catch on
Think of me when you cum bro
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>speak the truth
>anon calls it bait
pretty sad
Come on Akeno, tell us which public slut it is now...
What? Get to stroking already
So I just started NGS with my pso2 character after not playing for like 7 years but I have a question
It seems like only my character isnt affected by the toon shading option? Why lads
Sega is retarded and made it a separate option you have to enable in the salon specifically
Go to the salon > edit misc > cel shading option or whatever it's called
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thanks sisters
Calm down firo
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Save a lot
Save often
Save even if you just saved
what eyes are those?
Mystic Eyes/B
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oh and can I still play caster bouncer in ngs btw
or should i just force
Bouncer is more PA-focused now
Force is dogshit boring
Better off learning other classes you haven't played before
counter point im old and my hands hurt any reccs
the only class in ngs that can even slightly qualify for being fun is slayer
thank you, I like them a lot
yeah the combat isn’t fun, that’s why I said slightly qualify, it’s the least rotten steak in the fridge
If you want the truly braindead experience, play Ranger.
There is a crafted PA at the class vendor that turns your blaze shot into homing (this part is unimportant, the important part is that it increases potency while it's held)
This will do decent DPS, while you can stay moving around and doing whatever.
The other PA is fear eraser, the launcher laser. You just keep it held down for even more dps than blaze shot, but at the cost of being locked into place and not being able to move, which makes you very vulnerable. Pair this with grenade launcher before you start firing so you get a massive chunk of PP back 10 seconds later so you can keep the stream going.
Ranger is the new babby mode class that has the lowest floor to excel at, but still outputs very useful damage. Gone are the days of having to use every single PA, lining up razing shots and sattelite aims, all of your power is pretty much condensed into those two crafted PA's.
Pretty much the only time you'll be doing anything else is when there's a boss that spams AoE so you can use your rifle PA to counter with grenades
All classes are pretty much simplified now. Heck bouncer is probably one of the hardest to play.

Force is just pretty much mashing one tech atp and doesn't even do considerable DPS

Slayer however, is easy to learn and does well in overall content
Nigga jet boots had 3 PAs in base LOL
And what of it? Most classes in NGS are pretty much spam one PA shit nowadays.
Rotating 3 PA is considered hard for NGSbabs.
You're literally describing base
People thought masq was hard cause they couldn't just spam one PA for the first time rofl
Let the Base player remain delusional. They always forget no one use 90% of the base class' PA and there was a small amount of PA for the scion classes.
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we can't let her abandon us like this, the thread won't survive on its own
Why am I not on the trust list? I would be rated very highly.
He should join Core
Can't wait to watch him get rejected from another community in real time. And banned from the game since SE actually has moderation
well who are you
I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit
Stfu Mukyuu, you're not even on the list because you're worse than Yomiki. Only Kriell is tolerable from your group
I don't even know who that is.
All three would be bottom tier
leave the biofems out of this
>edit character
>get horny
all three should post a pic taking on darkers together
make a cool cast instead
Did he make a character on balmung? I'm so ready for the cracky ffxiv drama arc.
Did just that
Still horny.
Damn xivg gonna be lit soon while psog gonna be dead
why are you pretending to be me
>Ring on wedding finger
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you took to long now shes claimed
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Are you taken...?
Is it true Galama is taken now?
I want to tribute you with the ring on
galama jerking anons off with her left hand and keeping the ring on..
The next T2 post I'm going to make my crush!
anyone still on jp ship 2
wanna meet? :)
Aww, but I just posted... So close to having someone goon over me...
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That is all, thank you for reading my blog.
*farts on you*
the orcman cometh
I do not love my caseal wife.
I'm crazy about my caseal wife. She's so cool.
I... Beg your pardon?
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Don't care for gacha but I love this blue dork
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he's a massive fapslut goon in private anon..
wtf i love galama now?
Don't care for gacha, but I love you!
groom me next
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you can only pick one
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What are we expecting bros?
How do I get the :3 mouth?
A prompt and efficient suicide.
Your only option is a mouthless cast face and then you use accessories flr the mouth.
None of the human faces have that mouth shape, it's an enormous cope and looks fucking retarded.
>Farming Simulator is at TGS
>PSO2 isn't
It's over
ummm are you forgetting about arks expo, why would we need to go to tgs???
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Good morning pso2g
just splooged to gwiz selfies
no you didnt
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you're gooning to the ugliest zelda "woman"in history
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lol he really does look like peatrice
Wasnt the last one like 2 years ago and it was only a small ass booth instead of a rented out entire convention like XIV fan fest?
good morning pso2g dad wanna fill up my cereal box wif photons. . ?
stop phone posting immediately before they find us are you insane?
What sort of gameplay loop is there for this dogshit deadass game this weekend? Anything new to run to make money besides dext?
Your wish is granted.
How is this shit still going on?
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now post the back shot, usual suspects
TGS is for new games. NGS isn't
Imagine Mitsumi jerking you off while being bored on her phone, but as your cock grows bigger and leaks more precum, she gets more into it and puts her phone aside and suddenly GLUCK, a deepthroat out of nowhere.
Nobody cares anymore.
No matter how much the wiz attempts to become one with sega, the internet never forgets.
Even kiwifarms has a PG thread about the shit that has gone on for years.
Now as I said, the internet never forgets. But the internet doesn't care about some who fucked up being a community janny, and then deleted everything.
Shame the party didn't get crazy.
if you wanna look at ugly men with wigs on thats all you lilbro we dont wanna hear about it
Too bad it all amounted to nothing LOL
I am so happy that pso2 is in its last legs, I cant wait for the cascade of people with thousands upon thousands of hours in it the day they announce EoS next year, extremely exciting
are you on ship 2 please groom me
you must be living a depressing life
Sega literally promised five more years, minimum not that long ago.
You're suffering and I'm smiling. Your tears are delicious, btw.
but I'm happy
you have thousands of hours of shitposting, loneliness and swamp ass so it all balances out in the end
im lonely even though i have a buncha friends to talk to.
real life or online?
You're not lonely, you're just bored and realizing you're too idle staring at a screen with nothing going on.
I'm a catfish!
based biofem
Sega also promised more content, faster updates etc. There was literally a letter from Sega mentioning that they are aware of the lack of content in NGS in 2022. Now you wait 4 months for a potency upgrade for each class, 6to 8 for unit+weap, all you get is higher ranks and a new lap every X months. Almost level 100, 7/8 slots from augs filled, mars broke balancing and the clown circus keeps on going
Who else did they groom?
Good riddance pso2ers
>Projection over 9000
What the fuck is wrong with your legs
Never make a character while horny.
It was hilarious to see the roadmap after they said that they were done with creative space updates and will focus on combat updates. It makes me think, if they did actually say what >>496218641 said, they literally just meant keeping the servers online. Not keeping updates rolling. And even then, if at any point the line goes into the red, they'll definitely pull the plug early.
Yeah, check oct-nov this year, basically all limited. Notice how revivals were rather scarce and now we get 1-4 each 2 months, almost permanent augment scratch, weekly scratch etc, it's quite obvious they are cranking up the potential sales before it goes to shit. All we are getting is pso2 base assets and bosses and then the ngs boss which lasts 2 pulls and done.
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this is the average of players by steam, obviously missing consoles and then you have to remove the AFK 24/7 lobby rats which only eat resources etc
Yep, there's your promised five years
>You now remember the jap that bought 10 years of prem back in 2015
Wonder if he's laughing
t. bald
what if thats how her body looks irl?
didnt think about that did u
best pso2g body sliders?
with mods
Not because it's by any metrics of being anatomically correct but because I'm the coolest.
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>Seeing the final tickets in the inventory
>body sliders
every pso2g gets mogged by shortii
another vote for squib
can you even see Guild member Guild Quest activity in this game?
From my memory he spent something like 50k yen. Which is nothing if he logged in.
Remember the arksfests posts about how insane it was.
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doppel as minheight
doppel as hag
Cute. Would summon and hope to be enslaved.
the 3 cats also known as the 3 confirmed biofems because they went with realistic sliders
An anon said him and wakaba groomed voidblade
>doppel as minheight
tell me more
You guys lied to me. DXVK does work. I'm getting better frametimes than this D3D11 stutter fest.
DXVK is black magic in this game. The reason it doesn't work at all for some people is because it needs vulkan compatible gpus, with support for the drivers, so any card made after 2016/17

Remember to go to manage 3d settings in the nvidia cpanel and scroll down to the bottom and set 'Vulkan/OpenGL present method' to 'native' if you're using DXVK for windows.

Sega need to offer native vulkan support as an option for this game.
>With his twig arms
lol lmao
are pso2gs really playing throne and liberty?
No. I'm trying to find ERP partners.
no, it looks like sell pre-purchase, support for 5 months, life support for years sloppa
This is piloted by a biofem
not paying a dime for early access, but will play for a day or two
no lmao paying for early access is criminal
this boy x ollie x doppel x vehk foursome when
For a long time now I was wondering why Steam Deck was so smooth in towns compared to my i9+3090 rig but it turned out to be Sega using the worst API choice for a game like this. It reminds me of Fallout 4. Game with a bunch of mods stutter like hell but as soon as you install DXVK all that goes away.
Nice try fags but I know using DXVK will just get me banned.
There's also Gpl/Async out there for DXVK if you want even more performance, or, like more accurately, if you want to use your hardware in a more performant way.

DXVK is whitelisted by xign.
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>Some of my favorite jackets irl are denim
>Can't wear it in-game because it looks bad on my character
true suffering
I tried async and it gave me graphical glitches but it does still work better at delivering better frametimes than the game default. DXVK just released a new update yesterday too so maybe its fixed?

The anti cheat doesn't snitch to Sega. It just closes your game if it doesn't like whatever it blacklists. I had the game close because it triggered on my RGB software.
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>Tera without the combat
>Kitty pose is 20+ million
Stop being fat in game simple as.
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Then suffer being unable to wear normal person clothes.
>Lift my arms up to stretch
>Realize my pits smell really bad
what the
>didn't get it in their 12 roll
sucks to suck I guess
>giving sega any money
mental illness
What 12 roll?
Have you seen the "PvP" combat? The game's dogshit. Maybe if it was 20 years ago, it would be alright.
TLDR on the t2?
>being poor
be my smelly gf please
t3 x t3 frotting
How come t1 x t2 is unpopular now?
because most the people who play T1s have different interests from the people playing T2/T3
hence them playing T1
T1s who find their T2s are off being happy not patrolling 4chan for sex.
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the only people left are sex pest autogynopheliacs.
>malwarebytes all of a sudden detected a trojan after watching this
are you on ship 2?

my friend wants to know....
because mental ill male faggots want to be women who like women.... with a cock... so a man. but really a woman. A Manwom.
It's popular to see but not to act if that makes sense
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>dressup fashion barbie doll game where 90% of the content is aesthetics
>if you try to look at any character up close it fades out, you gotta finesse the zoom function in the screenshot mode to look at someone's face
who the fuck made this
By 5 more years they mean keeping the sites sorry.pso2.jp and pso2.com/sorry up while the game burns up in a cosmic fireball with 3 day shop passes being unable to move any items with the decreasing amount of players.
Maybe cause most are ugly or weird. I got lucky!
You're the cuck aren't you?
There aren't any T1s for this feel...
Is the T1 the one with brown hair and oversize shirt while being hug by a taller t2?
yeah the shorter one is the character played by the T1 and the taller one is the character played by the T2
No, the actual look
I only like T1 x T2 when I play the T1. It's not that complicated.
which ones do you mean?
the t1s or the t2s?
What's wrong with t1 with an oversize shirt and long brown hair
>He hasn't messaged me all day
I think it's over
If you don't message me every once in a while I will stop messaging you too
i'm still waiting for a kudos from an anon...
I don't play stupid games. Either message me or get deleted.
cry about it dopple
"hey retard"
If he said that to me I would /swoon irl
I still like T1s...
>3 years later
>still stuck on Planet (h)Alpha build of the game
I meant I’m lucky that I got my t1!
dont like it? leave /ourplanet/
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i dont need to leave. sega is going to shut down once the roadmap is over.
good goy
oh doomsayerkun you poor little thing
>Never bothered to read the expiration date on his special scratch tickies
you have more limited content than permanent content
only gacha that shut down do this
You're overthinking it probably
name 10 limited content then
jokes on you, that's been our content the entire time
T2 for this feel?
this game literally has like 20 different limited edition versions of a mole.
half the T2s in aelio 1
name 10 rn or u lying
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Don't give up hope T1 bros. We're all gonna make it.
>left toble for retarded child strange
You're a paedophile now?
>jealous rizzlets
hags btfo
Is this a z**t all over again?
>6 of 11 online pso2g friends are in a creative space
>its probably the beach
>not one of them has invited me
As long as you're happy, brother.
Just go? It's open to everyone. You don't deserve a special invitation.
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>>its probably the beach
>its probably the beach
>not one of them has invited me
bold of you to assume that everyone would go there instead of e-sexing in private
i've seen your pp
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The "endgame" is simply collecting a bajillion capsules for augmenting the weapons and armor; not new cool loot. You're expected to collect thousands of augment capsules and then hope you have enough to trade the lower level ones in for higher level ones. The higher difficulty "endgame" content will still drop lower level capsules 99.9% of the time. Its boring af so of course lots of players have their gear barely augmented.

I still play the game and enjoy it for what it is while desperately hoping for improvements but lets but real guys...
post sex on /aco/ please
no one has told me how...and creative space obviously = erp theres nothing else to do
CS code: 901749 960158
Come on. Join.
...thanks i will in a few hours to dodge the attention
>creative space obviously = erp theres nothing else to do
Your imagination is alot more wilder than whatever you think is going on i promise you.
Damn Nym you're pathetic
>gpof immediately joins
no no NO NO NO NO
based /ourgirl/
post beach pics
Based el caballito
>doppel finally joins
hi im new to pso2 and im wondering which server ship should I choose if im a friendly fellow who wants to partner with other friendly fellows?
Ship 4
>melissa is there
omg gpofs the one with a subway car dick isn’t he
wake me up when a minheight joins
and yes she was blessed at birth with such girth
Should I pop into the beach...?
>jiggu refuses to go there
not like this...
Why is maru in here?
why is it just headpatting
Sure. I mean, you're just gonna see it's 1/100 and anons are making shit up.
I want to fap with a minheight...
>maku is beached
tiny dick lol
Wtf is general tullius doing here
you didn't fap with her? wtf are you doing my nigga
biggus dickus? is that you?
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Honestly feels nice to have someone I can ask to do stuff with who doesn't immediately turn into jigsaw.
I never mentioned it cause it was a shitpost but that wasn't me. I've never taken a dick pic and lets be real, no one wants to see that.
I've never been to the beach. I'm actually pretty boring.
I'm happy for you both, she's so lucky to have you
That’s not blessed that’s vile
Are you two really dating? Who is her?
>playboy wannabe crumbles under a T2's affection
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>Honestly feels nice to have someone I can ask to do stuff with who doesn't immediately turn into jigsaw
>I can ask to do stuff with who doesn't immediately turn into jigsaw.
t2s on suicide watch
what does that even mean
Holy fuck. What did Jiggu do this time? Jiggu hasn't been online for days and is probably screaming and crying right now.
it means t2s are mentally ill and should be avoided at all costs
easy to figure out and not a jigsaw puzzle
>I've never taken a dick pic and lets be real, no one wants to see that.
Jiggu... no....
they dont feel like doing shit and its always a hassle to get some people to be motivated to do anything
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>3 years later
>sega still carving assets from base pso2's corpse to flip for their abortion of a game and pass off as content
I dont know you but, let me tell you, ignore these jealous cunts, they are worthless leeches that wither away without attention
Well no shit people are not motivated when the current content is unrewarding garbage.
Content will never hold your hand into not being an NPC and having funs.
Even outside this game some of you fags don't wanna play shit together, my comment was more broad term.
So the very most of pso2g?
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NTA but don't join between 11PM and 8AM EST if you don't want to draw attention. That is the designated time when everyone hops on.
Are you going to drain my blood?
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Extremely based.
The main issue is >>496261908

Loot is unrewarding. Plain and Simple.

Even if you got loot that was interesting, it can't be traded to another player which almost defeats the purpose of a coop based RPG.

The game desperately needs MH style progression but instead we got the worst of all worlds. We got a single player gacha.
>abandoning and hurting jiggu
i hate everyone itt
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More like PSO2 NEW CONTENT.jpg
Who is jiggu and why do ppl not like them
shut the fuck up crackhead
sluts always lose in the end, men just want to settle down and soothe their hearts with sluts
methbreath is too busy streaming xiv with his camera on
>full head of hair
>baby blue eyes
>full healthy teeth
>youthful healthy skin
He is actually really cute
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>finding real friends vs getting railed by futas at the goonbeach
Which one do I go to bwos?
Real friends. SFM porn is better than NGS plaps.
he actually is wtf
qrd on jiggu
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S-Say you're just friends... please...
critical difference is back then these natives would actually interact and fight off the darkers.
now dolls are just chill because they only go after things with photons in them.
in other words, there is no use for ARTIFICIAL RELICT TO KEEP SPECIES (ARKS) anymore. might as well wrap up the game since dark falz, negative photons, and corrupting evil magically don't exist. there was an omega chicken once. Now its just chicken nuggets filled with onions protein filler.
baseniggers are mentally ill
you will never be one of us, ngsbab
they at least look different and fit the theme of their area. dolls look the same and clash with the world design.
>fight off the darkers.
lol no. They turn into dingu nothing faggots. At least Dolls make sense since it just Zeph's autism that refuse to turn them off in the off chance that it might make us "weaker"
>replicas of deep space aliens look out of place in natural environments
Sounds like they're doing it right then
this would work if it were a brand new ip, but it clear that dolls are just darkers ripped off. so they went from being unique to lazy just to save money.
and darkers are just seed ripped off so who cares
Surely if they fixed the lore this would suddenly be a good game
unironically yes
butt pic?
My cute friend!
Why are sega devs arguing with base(d)pso2 posters in this thread? Its not our fault ngs is so shit, you troonies
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I keep getting thinner and thinner
what beach? whats the cs code?
the current lore doesnt even make fucking sense when phantasy star nova is apparently canon to the series, yet nobody realises they can replace photons with gran energy and suddenly the starless aren't a problem. or hell even pso2es where photon points were replaced with chip points.
the game has always made shit up as they go along even during the pso2 era but ngs is one of the most stretched premises and according to interviews they worked on the game since fucking 2017 ever since they saw the success of that open world game
Post on aco with your current sliders
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If it's with you, sure.
Don't start I'm one step ahead of you.
You can't even take one step ahead of me, fatso.
savage anon is back lmao
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why arent you watching pso2g?
We don't care
i already see enough crackheads on the train to work every day
>that thumbnail
Holy shit he got even fatter and uglier
>face reveal
We already saw his mug shot
Streaming is not your ticket out of being a gig economy delivery boy
I suggest a noose
>leche rikka in the chat
Everyone shitting on emv knows that once ngs is gone he'll make a living in twitch in any popular game, every autist does
>no more meat plaps
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make boobs bigger
EMV is never gonna make it but supposing he did, he would get cancelled extremely fast simply by having an anon publicize everything he's posted on his tripcode
now theres even less reason to watch the stream
Slap me and call me names...
he is actually cute
when are you going to post on /aco/...
you can talk shit while being a faceless nobody on a board for an irrelevant game. can you do it without hiding your face?
concession accepted
Are you implying cracky is anyone but an unemployable criminal?
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>post your face on the anonymous imageboard!!!
You clearly will never belong here
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Oh, it's this NGS cocksucker. Shoo you SEA gremlin.
You are completely right and they can only hate and seethe, I bet they wont even for 2 grand on stream
Can you please go back to hiding your disgusting face
I accept your concession
>$1.25 door dash balance
Guys I just ate so much pizza and cheesy breadsticks it was so good
>cracky trying hard to not make it obvious he's posting: insane difficulty mode
it's so obvious with a camera
>Look at him, cracky, he got fat
>Extreme parasocialism
I bet you all look like pure garbage if you're at the level of Choukai, watching that dumpster swamp of a bedroom made me want to vomit.
say something in chat
I'm watching through VLC so that you don't get any views or ad revenue
>it took him that long to respond without making his posting obvious
of course
I'm proud of him and hope he becomes successful he really isnt a bad person
Its just NGS being a extremely unpopular game to watch and to play desu, he talks non stop and can easily make a living off any popular game or reactions
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twiz has groomed you well
showing your face only proves the attention wannabe allegations
yeah pretty much
>bald boys riling up
he really latched on to the bald thing
we need a pso2g hairline tier list
Which is really funny when he has the shittiest Brillo Pad hair imaginable.
what happened with jiggu?
He got c*cked again
omg...damn it maku!!!
jiggu is pregnant....
The lore was wrong. Jiggu didn't reject Maku, Maku rejected Jiggu and left him.
>hallucinating that tectone is in the room
you need to write a 34 page document for that to happen, get started desu
wtf is a tectone?
a pokemon
An extremely bald streamer (way more popular than EMV btw)
what emv wishes to be
garbage really does flock to garbage
the target of EMV's jealously
the color of his eyes has more charisma than your entire body
Did you give up on the jewfro already?
so... how bout that video game we all play, eh?
wanna fap?
tectone won
emv lost
How can EMV repair his reputation?
going back in time
You can't come back from beating your mother.
What would you want to see in a PSO3?
doing something impossible like saving the game
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>random gave me kudos
>decided to give kudos back
>their fashion catalog pops up

have sex with him
Mega gay
I don't think a hairline gives you a right to beat your mother.
new director/producer
a game lives or dives 100% on having solid foundation at the start and that begins with a solid director/producer.
you need a yoship or miyazaki or harada at the helm, someone who isnt afraid to speak their mind and not hide behind several layers of PR people.
he never did that
ok shitfingers
damn michelle obama is back
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>decided to check their arks card
>a tall masculine T2
>with even bigger cube

it's even harder to resist now...
ignore the haters queen keep being stylish
DX12 and Vulkan support are hard requirements
>tall T3
Now you're just being cringe.
White hair?
No, that's just my type and you don't have to agree. Everyone has their own taste

Black hair
You're gay anon.
Imagine being straight in 2024
whats wrong with hetero t1s and hetero t2s?
super straight bros, our time will shine when 2025 comes
The main architects of the game need to be people playing the game, and by playing the game I mean interacting actively in the systems they're implementing, not just logging in twice a week to stand with pre-approved discord sycophants. If they can't or have no interest in playing the game they work on then they're in the wrong department or working on the wrong game.
straight lads we finally have our own utopia within throne and liberty a true home for all heterochads REJOICE
I guess I'll greet them when I see them.. I never seen the name before so I guess it's impossible to randomly meet them...
i await a real game that isnt f2p garbage
If Maku could do it why can't you?
appreciate it anon
He's bi just like everyone here.
when did zach galifianakis start streaming?
>it was all the t2s turning him down that made him leave
Azgawd lives on
>That fat as fuck face
You can just see all the fat in his cheeks.
Why does he look so old?
That's the beautiful hair? lol
Isn't he 36
Makes the larping like a teenage girl online even creeper.
>average Globabs "content creator"
-> >>496267905
its sad that people who dont even show themselves make fun of his appearance
leave him alone for once
He looks as unhinged as he portrays himself in the thread and ingame. Nasty ass nigga
stop defending yourself it's embarassing
But he looks creepy.
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Looks like a homeless dsp
>takes trip off to samefag and defend himself
you're embarrassing yourself even more
That's not even him, it's just some dude who defends him cause he knows it gets (You)s
He does the same thing with blint lol
this is how all of you look to me because you were groomed into erping other men on this game
that's even more pathetic
>Unkempt greasy hair
>Terrible bags under his eyes
>Huge amounts of fat on his face
>Beard to try hide the double chin
>Asmon brand t-shirt
>ocasio cortez style stare
Guy is the definition of ick.
He needs to -ack now
>Bald ass Sakai
Drugs makes you look older than you actually are.
zero for irl appearance and personality aside
you can be real without spamming your channel ads in the game lobby for cringetopia.
few or nobody is going to jump through the twitch ad solutions github script installs to watch this shit
the ego is so inflated you think everyday people are going to watch preroll ads, holy shit
God it's so creepy how he keeps looking at the camera while he talks with nothing but his monitor lighting his face up.
you all are sad for being this disgusting
>EMV playing ffxiv
oh yes please let him shit up ffxivg
EMV looks like a regular normalfag dude. I thought he was gonna be a pale long haired skeleton like all of you.
EMV looks like he does drugs.
>the sky is blue
normalfags do drugs yes
>trying this hard to farm (You)s by blatantly defending EMV
It's okay I ratio'd him.
not everyone who uses this thread is full of hatred
Dude looks like he's tweaking constantly, the still pictures don't do him justice
Yeah the weird can't sit still shuffling in his chair he's doing along with the intense stare at the webcam is just really creepy to look at.
people move around your not suppose to sit still like a little gay robot, are you both retarded?
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thank you...
You aren't moving a small amount like normal people you're straight up tweaking.
>Zenith still using Akeno as his model
>Akeno never left Zenith's server or unfriended him
you can break up and still talk to each other
Many such cases in this thread
the fact you think EMV is typing up stuff here while on stream shows you don't know EMV at all lmao. if he was in here he'd be pounding away at the keyboard narrating every word on stream
im not emv and no he isnt
>shows you don't know EMV at all lmao
Damn that anon is lucky
you are welcome

T2>T1(sadly those dont exist)>T3
I didnt want to see your armpits anyway.
I still do not know why Sega did not start with vulkan. It makes the game a whole lot easier to port to other platforms (if they ever feel like it) and it isn't proprietary like directx
Hey guys recommend me some tags, im going to fap
tirotata's work
Tag? Nah. https://exhentai.org/g/3034702/0d57fb5d72/
they called new genesis "next gen" even though its still dx11. i think sega just has incompetent programmers who cant learn new stuff. i mean it took them nearly a decade just to move from dx9.
Good thing you don't have any t3 friends or they would shitpost you
That's the face of a diddler for sure
>Be retard online
>get hate
Why can't shitfingers understand just don't be dumb?
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Fox ears...
So there's no continuation on Auntie vs their obsessed hater? And we're back to EMV again?
Nah guy was a fag who couldn't even show up even after Auntie said he would go on cam.
just fapped with my friend
I would make a t1 for this if you were not so obnoxious
Both sides seemed to be just baiting each others though. No sign of any side being serious
based it's the best
if i have any that are, they would know that this order means practically nothing and i really dont care in the end, aslong as you are fun to be around that is all that matters
biofems run this general so hopefully that anon learned his lesson after trying to pathetically challenge her
Now that's a good post
*slaps yo butte* thanks babe
This post is ass
This can be literally anyone...
That's elfuru
She wouldn't, she's pure...
*slaps your butt*
Stop lying...
Pure what? Pure slut?
elf butts are the best
That girl is literally me in personality...
Alright anons here is a question :
What is the most important thing to consider before you bed a T2?
Can they at least hold a conversation. That's pretty much it for me.
If they're annoying to deal with outside of bed. Sometimes it's just not worth it.
make sure they aren't miserable
Did you get invited to any cliques yet?
Are you a loser otaku whom I can read manga with...?
I wouldn't call myself a loser, but yes to everything else...
same desu
What about loooong discussions about completed volumes...? Talking about the plot and backstory?~
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>The face of global
That's no problem... I'm literally one of the most talkative anons I'll even shower you with daily discord messages if that's what you're into...
i dont think so? unless being invited to 2 different servers for specific things count as cliques?
i usually just chat/play with who ever is around/ shares interests.
That definitely counts
>invited to 2 cliques
>azrice got 0 and joined for longer
T1s have it rough...
only rough inside toble it seems
why won't mari anon talk to me...
Vaporize mari anon NOW!!!!
Just the no rizz ones. So most of them kek
Guys did we go to hard on emv?
I only go hard for my wife if you know what I mean
Is that why I never got invited to any of the discords...
but i want to talk...
No rizz anons get cliqued while rizzlers get invited >>496303028
just ask your friends for an invite?
any JP Ship 2 players remaining?
hi please post ur csl
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Any tall and tomboy T2 wanna cuddle? I'm a T2 :)
Bonus if you are T3
I got short hair is that enough...?
Cuddles with Little Ones are truly magnificent.
That is a plus point though, though I also have short hair :)
Go to bed Auntie it's late.
What color hair?
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Light pink :)
Just ask but then they'll do everything in their power to make you leave anyway.
I think I'd scare you if I was in your presence... How tall are you?
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Force me to go to bed. Can you?
170cm, and well I'm looking for someone taller ofc :)
Staying up late ages you faster Auntie and you're already giving old person vibes.
Is 180cm tall enough? I think a pink haired T2 would look good next to me...
Good night /pso2g/
180cm is what I consider perfect though, definitely can do alot of things together and looking cute :)
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A cat of misfortune.
He doesn't love you, schizo.
Fine. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
About time. Make sure to treat her right.
Pso2gs only t1xt2 couple
I like what I'm hearing, what ship are you on?
Goodnight auntie and enjoy the dreams of shotas
TLDR on Auntie?
vag is dusty but tight
How do we know that Maku's new gf isn't an alt account?
By not being a newfag
Someone post the couple list
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Ship 2 JP
No... you're really going to do this to me? Everything about you was so attractive.
I miss Jiggu, he was always fun to talk to and make team chat very alive.
Sorry anon, never meant to do that :(
The game is dead so no one wants to stay
none misses disposable mean garbage
Nay, quit acting like they play even with content
If there is no one around for jiggu to talk to how will he stay? Look at the big picture
Have you considered coming to global? I liked what I read and I do want to get to know you better...
Why is choukai so desperate, is he trying to grind out ERP MMR?
nobody is coming to global for you choukai
Nope sorry. I can't play on two servers and don't want to start from scratch, not with what I already accumulated here
T1 Mito x Everian T2
T1 Gold x Atalanta T2
T1 Maku x Azel T2
T1 Ars x Koumaru T3
T2 Hamulily x Blender T2
T2 Nightfire x Machi T2
T2 Oath x Teddyoshi T2
T2 Aiatar x Lhuc T2
T2 Galama X Esvatira T2
T2 Alice x Pellegri T2
T2 Nia x Tok T2
T2 Rumlatte x Rupika T2
T3 Xear x Milocc T2
T3 Gyro! x Caelestis T2
T3 Alicia x Rope T2
T3 Otoki x Runali T2
T3 Stena x Koishi T2
T3 Firegreen x Tsuna T2
T3 Wakaba x Akari T2
T3 Melissa x Kouwa T2
>T1 Mito x Everian T2
Half of that list is wrong lmao.
>T1 Gold x Atalanta T2
This one makes me laugh becuase the obese white woman found her brown man lol.
Dear PSO2 players. Please stop putting trashy AiArt filters over your screenshots when the quality of your screenshots are already really good. You are only ruining your screenshots with the laughably bad errors AiArt is prone to make.all the time. Stop fucking over your screenshots. Thank you and goodbye.
You forgot EatMoreVitamins x Crystal
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post them?
Too fat.
any dev watching this pic would off themselves if it was their game, also fat fuck
That character lineup is kino though
This is just a sphere monster now.
need to remove galama and esvatira they had a very messy breakup
Well, if you ever decide you had enough on the dry server, I'm still here!
When are you joining toble queen
These will never last much, they will cheat and betray eachother, most already did, just waiting for the ticking bomb.
sounds like someone got cheated on
Well JP has alot of lonely T2s too so anyone can also come and visit :)
I know it sucks to get cheated on twice, Zenith. But the commissions must go on...
Cheating only happens when needs aren't getting met.
Zenith only needs Akeno for his mod model while Akeno wants to get babied 24/7

Funniest shit
If Zenith wasn't putting out enough, they can hold the L.


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