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Old: >>496109890
i want to see f1nn5ters butthole
Sylvanas fucks worgen
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no one wants fury war in M+

what are the meta classes/specs for M+?
or vice versa
I really don't care much for khaz algar. It feels small. Really small.
Imagine Thrall's daughter Rezah showing up and asking him why the nasty purple elf woman isn't wearing any shoes, what would he say?
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The owl is actually pretty big...
reminder that he won so hard the Alliance worshiping nuDevs had to purge all memory of him
yea this is before alliance got blood elves... then the final nail in the coffin ... vulpera
God that's some hot fucking art. Thanks anon.
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>GRIM batol
Why is it so fucked
I don't like cataclysm hyjal
It's just a scorched location
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how do i get the mod or is this purely sfm/blender?
the orcs destroyed everything, just because they were there
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Why do so many white men like Metzen become obsessed with their own daughters anyway? Why don't they care about their sons as much?
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imagine it taking a a huge bird shit
My protpal is 610, can I reasonably tank +7s?
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actual ingame
hyperfeminization of soiciety
>horde literally worshipping an amerimutt
holy shit, they really are the bad guys
you couldve tanked them at 605

but since youre 610, i assume you got geared exclusively off delves and have no clue how the dungeons work
post your body 2 character, sister
surprisingly i see a shitload of rets get picked over me, also ret, ret isnt very far behind fdk according to the charts that get posted here
honestly tho you're not missing anything pugging is fucking miserable, i got in 5 +10 groups today, literally everyone ended in a disband
if i cant fill my vault this week im just going to stop playing desu
i cant wait to get off work so i can fucking goon my absolute mind off to draeneis
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Garrosh needs to come back. Afrasiabi needs to come back. Bring the heart back in Warcraft. The heart of savage, strong and sweaty men obsessed with meeting dad.
the one on the right is a xiv player and they just got a nepo job at blizzy
What's the minimum ilevel for the raid? I feel like am way too late and I'll never catch up.
are people actually +3ing a +20 dungeon in heroic gear???
Normal gives 597/603 gear. So 590 or mid-580s is probably enough
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Me when jaina ass
well in a world where people werent like they are now id say
but you wont be taken unless you're a healer under
and dont forget the kills you dont have!
el goblino de americana..
dios mio
they are +9ing it butt ass naked
sloppers carry /wowg/
You and most of the horde
>20 minutes
>10 posters
dead game dead general dead dead
i was timing 10s/formerly 20s in last season heroic gear first reset of dfs4
now i can barely 1 chest a 9
god i wish i were my dracthyr
i mean what did you expect to happen, i know you're just shitposting but everyones run the raid 3 times at this point and the devs told 90% of the playerbase to fuck off and not even consider running m+
ofc this is the result, literally dead game
>one month since expansion launch
>not a single smut piece using the new moira model
You guys know that this is a bad omen right
what's the best class for an adhd retard?
google arctium warcraft. join the discord. sift through the garbage.
are mythic raids the same personal difficulty as +10 keys and +11 delves?
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demon hunter

rip in piss
moira is too vanilla. wow players are into toes
>SC murky
I remember when me and a friend found out if you pulled out a zergling next to him, one of them would kill the other
its a poor comparison honestly but for instance with mythic ulgrax if you eat shit you can just pull it and replace people until you get it
whereas with +10 you join a group, disband, spend another 30 minutes trying to join a group, disband, and repeat the process until you give up
no one cares about delves
slopanon here, taking some more pinup requests for a while

keep it to one character if you can
>Decide I want to change mains
>no time to redo everything on another character
Guess I'll see ya'll for midnight
Blue Draenei with white hair with boob overflow in bikini
The timeline where someone making a comm of orc woman and elf man is more vanilla than elf female posting
Whtiemane kneeling with her eyes closed and mouth open.
From above POV.
you ahv all the timein the world my sister girl pooner bro
slapping and plapping gigantic lightforged butte!
>he didn't foresee blizzard's balance choices and intuitively pick a meta class
sad, many such cases
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Which character should I gear

I don't think the devs know what they're doing.
Female goblin warlock (fujo) reading one of her steamy romance novels
anymore jigsaws?
blonde haired human stormwind knight with a blood knight
Can they please stop fucking around and just get rid of the factions altogether?
the light is my strength foul knave for my father the king justice has come is there danger for lordaeron i stand for the light you are past redemption of course a sound plan certainly i'm here to help for honor betrayer of the light feel my wrath justice shall be done to the ends of the earth if i have to do you hear me to the ends of the earth!
The game was a lot better than.
Insane SOVL
in midnight they will be replaced by light and void
void is going to be meta
A pregnant Alexstrasza sunbathing on the beach.
>Everytime instep away from the pc there's a new thread up
so we're officially back?
Why the finding a heroic raiding guild/m+ guild so hard?
>ilvl 611 full clear normal twice 4 piece
>2k hunter
>Purple parases in the 5 heroic kills I have from pugs
I don't even want much man I'll even take one with troons in it at this point if they can atleast play the fucking game with a functioning brain
no one played flameshaper so it took this long to figure out the bug
Saw you around SW the other day on your gnome.
Gear the gnome.
An anon had a good point that everyone who knew how to do this has probably left the company.
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>we will never have this level of sovl again
check wowprogress/raiderio
then add people's discords
not that hard anon, dont aim for the moon and be realistic
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Just transferred to Argent Dawn
Group finder killed most heroic guilds. It's just too casual now.
because it was made in cata
I second this one.
pve will never be an esport
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Literally alliance and horde
Idgaf about meta. I just have more fun on a different class.
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Is there any reason to do delves over tier 8?
jaina in a schoolgirl outfit
y'know the 6 armed ladies from outland
Whitemane getting mogged by Sylvanas
>epic badass generic dragon (we want the skyrim audience)
>way too many memes in quests
>can't actually go to kezan
>botched dogshit patches
>stv pvp ruined forever
>fucking vanguards
cata was the death of wow
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Tauren and trolls are the literal native races of azeroth alliance is mostly titan slaves

who cares
anyways everyone went alliance for far superior racials in pve and pvp
Anduin fucking Jaina with Jaina revealing she's actually his mother in the next scene
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>pretend to be ai tard taking requests
>thread devolves into begging
Outside of unlocking tier ?? and achievements, no.
oh yeah forgot
brann sits in the delver's hq talking shit about you to reno and the murloc behind your back until you clear t11
So my champion ring is 8/8 but I don't get a discount on my other champion rings to upgrade. Why is that? Do you only get a discount if you upgraded a higher track?
b/c ally has a better winrate in pvp
shrimple as
I never went alliance. I am still horde because orc, troll, tauren and goblin women are hot and march well with crackhead blood elf men. Also I find the darkspear posture curve funny
rigns and trinkets have 2 slots anon
you have to have a higher ilvl in *both* slots
You need to have both slots higher for discounts on rings, trinkets, and one handers
Slopanon here, keep posting pinup requests i'm making a huge dump file of them.
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no good goblin lora exists

can't do specific armor like that without a lora to draw it

if you can find a lora on civitai, maybe
ahh ..yes of course
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why are you guys so obsessed with pregnant alexstrasza
Please do a Blood Elf Dark Ranger with white hair / red eyes, in a skimpy outfit or bikini
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>no good gob-
Try harder
just go crank it to Atziri between phases like everyone else
needs a josh edit
goblin, gnomes are ugly
I feel like everything between BFA and TWW was non canon
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this is too fucking good
I require more draenei
she also has a lack of porn
I just wanna jerk off to 7 feet tall demonesses with long legs and a great ass
Why did I not unlock an appearance for leather boots from a quest I finished on my priest? I thought finishing a quest unlocked all of the appearances from it?
literally hundreds of them recruiting on rio, though you being this fucking lazy probably not a good outlook
you will have gay fetish dragons in the game forever
>Game becomes more Alliance focused
>Player base becomes cringe.
Say it ain't so
Was it a pre TWW quest
>It's another 4 Liquid raid members die in phase 1 episode
Change the channel
am i meant to save my null stones or dump them all right away they're like around 6k
you should have dumped them Tuesday when they were 7k
it's already over
What profession are you? Cause if there's nothing keeping them, go dump it
they were 5k all expansion then spiked to 8k when the mining knowledge quest asked for them on tuesday
is there a reason why null stones are so expensive and null lotus' are so cheap? why does herbalism suck compared to mining
Why did we need 6 kinds of crests? Blizzard makes up too many currencies.
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maybe you should train a lora yourself if you want gobbos that much
more jigsaws please
literally everything in this game is about baiting casuals into buying runs with tokens now
you need 5 bits of null stone to make 1 full null stone
you pick a lotus you get a lotus
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Is a tinderbox worth 2 knowledge?
Why do they all nerd to be called crests
ah i see it's owari for me then

both mining and herbalism
Nah nigga I can draw by hand. Lame ass machines
Do you need the knowledge or could you do without it?
Thirding it
yeah i'm not desperate, this is on my alt
Listen go sell 'em any profit is a profit with mining+herbalism
Everything is canon and you are just ashamed of this game.
I want to level an Earthen but i don't know which class. For those that already have one, have you been making any use of the azerite racial?
They need to rename them to the standard X base crest, heroic, and mythic for the sake of consistency going forward and then chop off explorer and adventurer as tracks. I'm fine with LFR tier as a track existing but I think nobody would care if you could just upgrade those with stones leaving the normal, heroic, and mythic raid tiers as the baseline standard with gear. It's not overly complicated since at the end of the day as you do higher content you get ilvl upgrades at a glance but I would like them to just go back to very clear divides.
>trading post
Wait until they can be druids for funny rock forms.
They need to rework all the tiers in general. We don't need six tiers of gear and four different raid difficulties. It's insane.
Again adventurer and explorer tracks should be culled for the sake of it but they're also irrelevant. It's just them putting a name to generic shitty questing greens. I don't think anyone (least of all the community) thinks of them as a tier.
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Im not the one making jigsaws
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great game blizzard! /s
>eat dragonflight food to get well fed
>random cunt in m+ doesn't notice when he posts "Missing well fed buff" addon in party chat in some random language
how about you slash ess your way back to where you picked it up
thats peanuts bitch
ive had to sit multiple 45 minute ques in the last three seasons
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>alliance cuck tries to gank me
based the strength personal food at one point was 50g cheaper than a fucking feast for crying out loud and aint no way im buying consumes for anyone but me
he might not have gotten you this time but youll be watching from the floor perspective if you think about getting uppity at the supply drop
there's a Zuglet brewing in that belly
>then he proceeded to beat you 7 out of 10 times in PVP
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Is seam specialization in mining just a huge scam?
There are barely any in the entire game. I think I've seen like 2 in delves and that's it
>dragon egg hatches
>there is an orc inside
just fucking recolor them to green blue purple orange or some shit how fucking hard is it....got my runed barbados slim harbinger crest shako x 12, need to 6:1 them to gilded what the fuck blizzard fuck off
this isn't even their fault THOUGH

overwatch had this same problem and the only solution was to change the ratio by removing a tank from both teams (used to be 2 tanks 2 dps 2 healers and is now 1 tank 2 dps 2 healers). obviously you can't do that in wow so I'm thinking the only way they can fix it is adding more DPS. 5v5 shuffle with 4 dps 1 healer would probably fix queue times.
I just started griefing a Tauren player as he did a spider world quest and after killing him twice I came up and petted him and I want him to fuck me so bad why am I like this
idk but world is probably better off without you in it
Keep your creepy fantasies to yourself, you insufferable freak
>blaming blizzard and not the cancerous asshole playerbase
shiggy diggy
t. nelf
this is how dragonkin were made
I made well over 50k from feasts in season 4 of dragonflight. i also put one up in every single dungeon i did. i even put them up in normal dungeons. i've put so many feasts up. you've handled my ass feasts.
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Well hello beautiful
Remember the early days of OW when the comp meta was 3 tanks 3 healers and they had to force 2-2-2?
>dragon steps on it and splatters it's guts and blood all over the place
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>run 8 keys
>only 2 timed
They really have to nerf the lvl 7 affix.
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what is it?
15 seconds deduction per death.
Who can say? Btw is this you?
How do I deal with fucking up in raid? Not just making an understandable mistake, actually shitting the bed.
I'm used to being good. I've played competitive games on a high level. I am also seemingly unable to stop tunnel visioning the fucking raid hp while healing.
I've been playing the game for like three months, it's a change of pace from fps or mobas which I'm way more used to, I'm VERY familiar with fucking up and learning from mistakes, it's how you get good to begin with, I am NOT familiar with being a retard who dies to unavoidable damage because he didn't top his own health up. Dying, getting a combat res and dying AGAIN is a soul crushing feeling.
Like aim sometimes fails, some days are just not good days, but holy fucking shit this is so simple I feel actually retarded.
Also that fucking first boss in mythic is simple but what the hell is that damage Jesus
Stop dying so much stinky
do you still get loot if you deplete the key?
try making changes to your UI so you can keep your eye on the game and hp bars
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I'm pretty sure the actual reason for that change was just ranked match quality being abysmally low because of people refusing to play tanks or supports and just stacking dps
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Date a dracthyr man.
I intend to place a huge ass square by the raid frame with own hp but it feels brutally stupid. Like actual mentally impaired material stupid.
I've seen some healers stacking leech too, which in the end increases overall healing and all. I guess there is nothing about it but trying to fix it for next time around.
It just feels so fucking shit though. It is the utterly simple and basic aspect of it that fucks me, really.
too many face spikes
Hiring scaletroons was massive mistake for blizzard. That race and their faggon form looks so fucking gay and retarded
They're cool
No you.... got em!
tits too big, flat drae is bae
Might actually play a Warrior Dracthyr when they come out. Azurathel was cool.
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That's what I'm playing too. I'm race changing my main
can you stay human form the entire time as dracthyr other classes?
I really, really hope this faggot gets banned. Gelbooru, Panda, r34. There's a hundred places for you fucking kumbrains to get your fix and instead you spam here. Fuck off.
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Wasn't this guy able to levitat? Wasn't he able to transform into a fucking birb just like Medivh?
Are blizztwats so desperate for rePrEsEnTatiON?
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>loot recipe in lfr
>use it immediately
>someone asks me for it in exchange for all the loot he has got
>go to ah afterwards
>it's 200k
Libtards are so fucking stupid holy shit
Play a Blood Elf or a Void elf then, what's even the point then?
thats not a real wheelchair so hes technically levitating
He is levitating
to be a human with horns
If i was crippled and levitating then i'd sit on an illusory bouncing ball and not some gay ass wheel chair
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then why spellweave a wheelchair? Why not just levitate? shallow representation.
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>tells gankers to kill themselves

>526 kb/s
his archmage wife made it for him retard
Never played queefthyr. Do you have to play in their faggy ass dragon form or nah?
A chair is more confortable. The real question is why does it need wheels?
so im trying to play prot pala and ive been doing some 7/8 mists
it seems fine until i get one of the packs with two foxes with the bleed or a double anima slasher pack
and then i eat shit
only dangerous place in teh dungeon for me as far as i can tell
what the hell am i supposed to do about that
i cycle defensives and bubble off stacks but im still getting wrecked by the anime slashers
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how do i leave mythic dungeons other than using my hearthstone
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>no honey! you can't just go around looking majestic and powerful by just levitating. You're too white and privileged. Here, have a magic cuckchair.
Walk outside
>Missed broom last oct
>No recolor in this ones trading post
His wife is a retarded bitch
It's more embarrassing that way. Next she's gonna put a purple propeller hat on him
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how do you fuck up a dragon race this badly lmao
look at that goofy ugly fucking face
Tauren hunter
You don’t see that too much these days
Nothing wrong with it. Also that is only one of the many options you can have for a face.
That's what happens when the designer literally wants to be ass fucked by a cartoony dragon human
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Yupie! It's a me... Khadgers...
you mean the dungeon entrance?
I think they used the Second Life dragon as a base model
<stay awhile and listen>
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raid lead, main tank and dropped the ansurek mount, feeling good lads
>skyriding speed is reduced in khaz algar too
so that's why i'm finding traversal between zones worse than DF
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>classic timewalking
>cats dungeons
>NPCs start having sex
This ain't it, chief
That nigga finna need a transmog makeover no cap
do you think wow will have a 'complexity squish' in midnight?
All these crest currencies
the crafting system having all the different ranks and skill trees that are punishing if you fuck up
every spell having half a dozen different modifiers
surely they're going to pull back on this, right? or is this game only for spreadsheetfags?
crafting is worthless anyway
has anyone ever had a pug with 3 dps that pump the numbers hard or is that a mythical pipedream only?
yeah dude let's go back to professions being completely irrelevant like they were for 15 years before dragonflight because it's too complex for dad gamers
Face is fine they're just too skinny
oh okay i just wont make my best in slot gear or enchant/gem anything or use any consumables ever, sure okay
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i've been running grim batol heroic every day because i need the trinket from the first boss but it won't drop. yet, i also don't wanna step into maze+. i'm not a rat.
Hope so
We also need to squish all classes together
DK warrior and paladin become 1 class
dh, monk and rogue 1 class
Shamone hee hee and evoker 1 class
Priest, warlock and mage 1 class
Hunter removed
just do maze0 every day till it drops
professions were relevant in Legion and they werent overcomplicated
Alright, crackers. How do i make time warped tokens real quick?
you just missed an entire week of timewalking, dummy
mereldar fishing derby
>weekly quest gives 25 derby marks
>they nerf it to 3
>people complain
>they 'buff' it back to 10
what the fuck are they doing
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What dractyr couldve been
>he doesn’t understand crests
>he gives a shit at all about professions
lol and lmao, respectively
just reminded me that I've missed the last two, FUCK
yea had a +9 last night and all 3 DPS did over 1.2m and tank/heal did 650k/400k, was pretty gud
the same reason mages walk 99.999% of the time, do you guys just pretend to be fucking retards or what
Where the Hell does a gnome go to get turned into an onahole that isn't Goldshire? This place sucks and caters exclusively to elves.
Yes. Only Evoker has to go dragon mode.
Is a cool idea to go dragon mode when you use your big cooldown though, like go dragon mode when you use trueshot as hunter for example.
Goblin, show midriff & feet in all Tmogs.
I missed the what now?
sylvanas with big boobs and a big blonde bush
alexstraza > xalatath
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>Loot: 8 gold, 60 silver
too masculine for this game
Ok now what?
every few weeks they do a "timewalking event" where they scale up the old dungeons and a raid from previous expansions, that's where you get timewarped badges; you just missed a whole week of it where you could've gotten thousands. now you can't get any
next one is in a couple weeks for the anniversary celebrations
Damn, bro. You dumb as fuck
>choosing not to levitate as a cripple is the same as choosing not to levitate as a normally able person
>tfw comfy leveling as SoDolodoslodolodmodamoladamite
poopoo peepee

I was thinking about this earlier what is even the fucking point.
they are also ruining timewalking with the anniversary update btw
How FOMO is TWW?
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are there any comfy WoW YT channels like there are for OSRS and other games

ie MudkipOSRS, 9rain, settled, kempQ for OSRS, or woodenPotatoes for GW2
yeah I know about wowcrendor and madseasonshow, crendor has devolved into endless dumb top 10 lists and madseasonshow is now a talkshow/podcast
i think the closest thing to what I'm talking about are jediwarlock and verigan, any others?
there's generous catchup mechanisms for very mechanic, it's fine
That's hella lame. Back in the day i used to trade honor points for time warped tokens to buy amani troll armor from G'eras in shattrath
>have to do a +17 to get the exact same gear as a delve
kino xpac
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well seasons already over so you missed the train
why do we call him Prince Arthas
surely he became the King after killing his father?
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OK fine have your dragonflights.
well it might make you feel better to know they're "warbound" now so you can consolidate every timewarped badge you ever got on all your guys
Very genuine and organic post.
He never got democratically elected like a proper king
I've lost my old account so i'm starting from scratch and sniff
some wouldn't consider it a legitimate succession
Arthas died in Northrend when he picked up Frostmourne, he was the Lich King afterwards
its insane that we already getting more content in 1 month
was legion this fast with the content cadence?
Heroic guilds don't really work, too much of a skill gap between players. You'll always have that divide between the semi serious core of players that want to eventually push into mythic and the more casual crowd that just wants to overgear the bosses.
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it is a legitimate question, I like comfy progress series to follow along with while I play the game in question
I'm at the point where I'm listening to 15 year old TarouWoWguides videos just to have noise in the background
>hey guys it's ryutarou aka tarou and today I'll be showing you how to level alchemy from 1 to 525.
at least they didnt used to sell e-books for $20 which are terribly formatted wowhead posts.
nu-ow youtubers are fucking shameless
>want to pvp
>remember I main arms
help me !
He became the Lich King at the end of TFT.
Kel'Thuchad called him king. Look how that worked out for him.
>what could possibly go wrong if we nerf every healing class except one-- ACK!!!!!!!!!!!
bwos...it's fucking free if the tank is not retarded and they pull like tbc/cata dungeon, 2/3 mobs every pull and giga CCs
Still in beta, please understand.
I can't wait for them to get nerfed.
Unholy dk is kinda like an evil arms warrior
So obviously I got lucky here, hit a couple of perception procs but the bismouth ringing deeps route is still strong one month after release
post the route
best way to make gold via alchemy ?
I have been selling honor flasks
wow that's enough gold worth of mats for 1 ring enchant
i don't really have crabs in bucket mentality, especially considering i don't think rsham have EVER been this strong, but its a bit annoying to not be able to get into any group because all they want is a fotm class.
its insane how much easier m+ is with a rshaman in your party
growl was saying the lizard was going to be top healer in m+, fucking retard
7 null stones? you fuck
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It is miserable, man.
Who's the ugly skank with the shitty tramsmog?
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fury warrior is like an arms warrior but they use two two-handed swords
some pedophile
i agree its strong, i actually levelled one to 80 but i found i have no love for the class itself. i find the gameplay itself boring, i have no love for the aesthetic or the class fantasy (totems and elemental power means zero to me), and knowing they are gonna get nerfed soon it was enough to just abandon it and go back to playing something i actually like.
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Finally a customizable rail transit!
none of it even color matches its all a different shade of white grey black
is your one working eye also color blind?
>Journey to the Centre of Azeroth expansion
>Isn't filled to the brim with lizard men and dinosaurs
>Instead it's Nigelves and bugs.
That's a stretch
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just fly around dude
>wow that's enough gold worth of mats for 1 ring enchant
dude that's almost 100k...
>t. wears a full set from firelands
Bro, i already threw up this morning from eating nutella and then drinking baking soda to get rid of the heartburn and this toon finna make me hurl again
some of you are so autistic and mean :(
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You drank baking soda?
>they changed the mythic week event for delves
huh that's nice, another free hero track item for delveGODS?
When was the last raid with a great theme overall?
>New raid; spiders and void shit
>Amirdrassil; plants n shit
>Abberus: the shittier BWL
>Vault stoney bois shit
>Nyalotha: void shit
>mini raid; void shit
>dazar alor; shit mogs
He was never coronated, and after the scourge invasion the Lordaeron state was no more
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>Plunderstorm was over 6 months ago
i mean tos or nighthold
even the nightmare was good
>Vast battle through the Legion's greatest stronghold
i didnt play, it looked pretty gay
Next dragonriding cup when?
Sepulcher of the First Ones was kino and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
You lost out on the best FOMO in the past 12 years idiot!!
I am literally autistic, you ableist piece of shit
Mixed in water
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Sepulcher was boring and uninspired
It was miserable and I was very glad to be done with it.
Pandaria remix was shit and i hope it enver comes back fuck pandaria it's not canon
I think he's just being funny
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>dress cool
>talk cool
>hanging with your buddies
If you don't like pirates then you are honestly a fag
you guys dont watch the meters? a bunch of grey parsers i see
Bro, Pandaria remix is already confirmed to be coming back. Which is more than that can be said for Blunderstorm
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>Pandaria remix was shit and i hope it enver comes back fuck pandaria it's not canon

Grey arses, more like
heh... sorry to correct you on the grammar of such a word... heh...
Yeah it will come back in 10 years after they rotate all other expansion remixes lol
>Rotate all the other expansions.
The bfa raids all had really great themeing desu.
Sl was retarded and DF was ai generated generic slop.
the upcoming goblin and ethereal raids
BRD raid too
I have just faction changed from blood elf to light forged dranei so I could play with my gf in bgs and dungeon events also world pvp, it feels good that my gf has enabled me to be a degenerate gooner for the alliance
you couldve qued real pvp with her or mythic dungeons without race changing
seems kind of pointless desu
Do you miss Dragonflight yet?
Can't wait for the great broker vs etheral war
>Shadowlands just makes ethereals again
>Also brokers can just leave the afterlife whenever they want
the amount of disbands ive encountered over the last two weeks is really disheartening boys
why did they have to ruin something that everyone enjoyed?
why was that so important to the hack devs that make our game?
The Brokers had way more character and personality than most Etherals that showed up since TBC.
I'd just bring them back for the sake of actually having another trade race with personality around.
Holy fuck
I completely skipped DF, but I did the mole people over the course of two days to get the Smelly title, and I actually liked it.
Meh race meh aesthetics
Cool race cool aesthetics
>night elf
Cool race cool aesthetics
Lame race cool aesthetic
Cool race lame aesthetic
Meh race cool aesthetic

Cool race cool aesthetic
Meh race mwh aesthetic
Lame race meh aesthetic
Cool race cool aesthetic
Cool race cool aesthetic
Lame race meh aesthetic
Lame race meh aesthetic
Couldnt do timewalking
Could do random bg's
Cant queue up for dungeon events
Cant join her for shits and giggles in lfr
Cant world quest with her cause she is a pvp target in war mode
Now I can play frosr mage and fuck horde cucks
not really, this is basiclally just more of the exact same slop with a new, uglier capital, and four new dungeons.
Do Jaina's mom or Jaina her self with a milf-belly bump.
Tyrande gets Taur'd
make the background a horde yurt and this would be perfect
I've seen those animations too
Hag fags make me sick
How could I miss it? TWW is essentially just a big content patch for it.
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Why are you trannies like this?
Play the game next time retard, you retards are getting mad over the dumbest shit.
i just did gm +4 with 10 minutes remaining
its incredible what a difference a good group makes that actually interrupts, uses their defensives, and cds
no, the only good part was the gameplay and tww just made it better
>seething response to a million year old post
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i give lfg two more weeks and then there will be a single scroll worth of listings at any given time
ion is crashing the ship with no survivors
yeah doomkeks don't play the game lol
Watching them rn
Nice projection retard, calling out dumb low iq dipshits like you is fun
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face the wall lolifag
World of Warcraft:
The Chungus Amongus
I like that he swapped to prot like he's not a dbs bab. Nice touch.
>i give lfg two more weeks and then there will be a single scroll worth of listings at any given time
lmao you dont understand the power of maze+
>too many dps in the game
>nobody wants to play tank or heal
>tank and heal have their pick of who to invite to keys and have the luxury of inviting those with better rio or ilvl
i wonder why most people get rejected??? its a mystery
Ion is adding soloq M+ next patch

there was a survey before launch asking players if they would like the idea of a queued M+ system and 95% of players would say yes except the autistic key pushers pushing keys what ya pushing bud?
>I-i'm not mad! Y-you're mad!
Say that again without the tears in your eyes and i might take you seriously
*pulls your head down to my ass*
*farts in your face*
Take a whiff of that, shitter
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>2.5k rio ONLY
>only has 2.2k rio himself
>dps shitter
*says it again without tears in my eyes so you'll take it seriously*
you were saying?
>post my +10 key
>literal bukkake of applications immediately
>like 6 tanks to choose from within the first 15 seconds

its based being a heal chad
Billionaires and royalty
Creepy boomers, bimbo loving south americans and italians with mommy issues
>Say that again
Retard, you're the one still crying about a wheelchair 3 weeks later, stop projecting dumb tranny.
Callin out your mental retardation is not seething.
There's no fucking way this would not be worse
>spend all my bloody tokens on a pvp weapon
>randomly get a free conquest weapon out of nowhere
My first character twenty years ago. I was the quintessential huntard.
im a maze rat and im probably done after this week desu
its just not worth the effort little brother
i have a 17% complete rate for 10s over the last two weeks
i actually got some tank gear and they still wont invite you unless youre a bdk or a druid and im only applying to 9s
never going to happen
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same lol
Now this would be based. Is it solo with ai I take it?
faggot troon
Bro, now you are just taking what i said and changing it slightly before repeating it back to me. You are just a few posts in and you are already completely out of steam. I recommend you stop posting because you are really bad at this lmfao
>i have a 17% complete rate for 10s over the last two weeks
you're just bad dud
>Is it solo with ai I take it?
No is a queue with other players
post your vault, epic gamer
you wont
We need MORE worgslop in this thread.
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Logging in
skin furries alive so they know what it feels like to be an animal
Fuck animals in the ass so they know what it's like to be a furry
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>ask chatGPT to create me the perfect backstory
>put it in my TRP
>don't actually RP
Ok tranny, just kill yourself.
Huh? Sorry. I was busy drawing goblin girls. Crayons make my fingers so dirty, though
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that is NOT what I asked for
Yeah, you mad as FUCK right now
Maybe you keep your bitch ass mouth shut the next time so you don't get your cheeks clapped by big-dick anons on the 'chan
you forgot the king of milftards, jupiter himself
>In 1993, at the age of 40, she met the then 15-year-old Emmanuel Macron in La Providence High School where she was a teacher and he was a student and a classmate of her daughter. She divorced Auzière in January 2006 and married Macron on 20 October 2007.
>check the comments
of course
S - Draenei, Goblin
A - Worgen, Nelf, Human
B - Pandaren, Tauren
C - Gnome, Belf
D - Dracthyr, Orc, Undead
F - Dwarf, Troll
So the first lady of france is a pedo?

for me is boulder spring H
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Wanna make some friends? You can post your character name or we can meet up somewhere.
are russians the most useless and unintelligent fuckers in this whole game? every dungeon with them goes wrong, even worse if its 4 of them and 1 of you
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Zekvir nerfs
to play with good russians you have to pay them
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definitely way more doable now
What's your ilvl?
>they didnt' beat zekvir pre nerf
that would be even more of a disaster
remember cata heroics on launch? When you had to sheep mobs or press interrupt? It was basic mechanics and yet 99% of pug groups through RDF failed
thats why they overcorrected, nerfed all the dungeons to the ground in 4.1/4.2 and added a 15% DPS/Heal buff and then made Heroic dungeons a total fucking cakewalk in MoP and beyond
RDF m+ would be a total disaster
and so I'm all for it, it would be hilarious watching people queue into failure after failure after failure
Noob here. Is it just me, or should there be a dungeon difficulty between Heroic and Mythic?
I'm at the point now where I breeze through Heroics like it's nothing, but I couldn't even get through the first half of a M0.
It just feels weird because I can also clear a T8 delve fairly easily, and in the Great Vault that'd give me a Hero-tier item, while Heroic dungeons give a shitty Veteran drop, and the only option to get better stuff from the dungeon track is an insanely massive jump in difficulty.
it's way more cringe if you beat zekvir when it was bugged with brann tanking ngl
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Hope you feel better soon anon!
>I'm at the point now where I breeze through Heroics like it's nothing, but I couldn't even get through the first half of a M0.
yes but Blizzard is retarded and at the end of DF thought it would be funny to make people jump from heroic into +10s
> but I couldn't even get through the first half of a M0.

Maybe I'm just out of touch with new players but M0 should be pretty easy even for new players.
most of the comments are positive and the ones that aren't are mostly criticizing blizzard for being hypocrites because they removed most of the risque lines/content from the game but left this in

"mommy energy" is safe horny anyway
>Troll F Tier
>he doesn't know about the snu snu Blood Trolls
>pvp shard
>its full of alliance cucks
go to sleep dummies
>got the 50 delve achievement days ago
>zek’vir has appeared twice in that time
>looted zero maps
It’s gotta be statistically impossible to be this unlucky
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M0 used to be easier, but they rescaled Heroic and Mythic/M+ difficulties going into War Within/end of DF.
So you're ultimately stuck with the current buffed version of the dungeon experience, where the M+ difficulty pool got squished down but the lower difficulties got made harder to compensate.
Unironically become a tier 8 Delver like Brann wants, grab some champion gear via using keys on bountiful chests then see if your luck changes
it's not grooming when a woman does it
>a russian steals a lamp
>he polishes the lamp and a genie comes out
>cyka... i wish for you to poke my eye out

Moral of the story: russians are retarded and evil
What are you struggling with in a M0? Are you a tank? healer? dps?
if you cant get through a m0 it's because you haven't understood how to play your role yet.
Damn I should give it a try then
>october trading post
what we think? cringe or based?
>scarecrow mog with double harvester claw
I’m thinking based
rekt unfortunately
Hand is kind of funny and the harvester mog is cool. The rest is skip tier.
Im watching bad monkey, a tv show with a woman pedophile and I swear if the character was a man everyone would lose their minds
Skipiddy tierlet
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a man of taste
desu I can see some bosses, like the last one in Ara-ara, being horrible for new players without an organized group
based shadowgoon gooner
I never noticed we missed a hand back in sneedolands
>Goblin high
>Orc low.
Bro the only difference between Orcs and Goblins is one's short with longer ears, the other is tall with shorter ears.
They're both green skinned girls with the same line up of hair colours.
I'm sorry kalamazi and the german lady are the worst liquid casters
can dracthyr healers control where that green aoe heal spell can go? because i just had a ragranos dracthyr target it on himself every single time throughout the entire dungeon with no one other than himself being in the circle
whatever you say, delve"chad"
not even close you dumb smelly femorc fucker
holy fucking cope
pretty decent, better than this month's for sure where the entire post is a skip if you did plunderstorm and maybe even if you didn't
that wouldnt fix anything, you'd still need a tank and a healer for every 3 dps and they simply do not exist. you'd get hour-long queues, shuffle queues would look like a joke compared to maze+.
So basically M0 used to be a smoother difficulty spike from Heroic, but then in TWW they made it fuckhueg. Got it.
Tank, and my friend is a DPS.
I feel like we're doing what we need to be doing, but the numbers just aren't there or something. Doesn't help when other members just start dropping and we have to find replacements.
One thing that's odd though in terms of role, and I notice this in delvings as well, is that I'll be tanking a mob, it'll say the mob is focused on me, the threat will read as 100% or more, and the motherfucker will shoot a web bolt at the other guy or Brann. Is this intentional so the ranged DPSers have to pay attention and keeps them from being a faceslam-the-keyboard role, or am I supposed to be able to prevent this?
Wrongest thing i have ever heard in my entire life
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if liquid don't get it tonight then echo will get it when they wake up
is anyone else struggling in +7’s as a pug? i swear healers can’t keep up with the damage
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This isn't ending anytime soon
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>ilvl 611
>apply to a +4
>leader actually whispers me
>"fuck off delver"
>"u have glory of the delver so u suck"

Does anybody in here speak complete retard?
The combo of fort and peril is destroying groups left and right
You heard him, delveoid
S - dwarf, gnome, goblin, vulpera, pandaren
The rest - the rest
Yes but prevoker also does not press emerald blossom in the first place.
>bald ugly rock shaped green ogre
>luscious buxxom light skinned breeding hipped shortstack
lil bro thinks mobs only hit him because hes the tank
The mazerat fears the Delver. Knowing they'll soon be irrelevant
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This race is kinda boring aye
>try zekvir with the nerfs
>he's totally free
wow okay
>game adds an alternative path to progression
honestly very funny
some mobs spam spells at random targets even if the game says you have aggro on them, there's not really anything you can do about it, it's just how they work
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*SSNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFF* Ah. Yep. I'm thinkin' its cinema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjmJCy1ksYY
>honestly very funny
Try that routine at open mic and see how you do, kid
isn't there a hidden phase? recall someone saying the health values are such that there must be one last phase
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Why are WoW players so addicted to the past? It's been over 10 years, man, let it go already.
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Got any rare pets?
I need to see xally get zugged raw
>filtered by a few sentences
Hellfire Citadel. New raids are the definition of sovlless. Completely forgettable.
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myndflame used to be so kino
the night elf druid sounded fat but i still liked her voice
are you genuinely retarded
can you not tell the difference between a huge hulking masculine ogre of a woman and a small wide hipped feminine shortstack
>BRD has 8 bosses
Is this our megadungeon for the expansion? Think BRD will be part of the s2/3 m+ rotation?
Bro, HFC's biggest complaint back in WoD was it was too green
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No and brd is a raid
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Post a screenshot of your character on this cart.
Every woman I've ever met that raided was a whale.
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gee, thanks, a 554 ring for defeating the end boss of delves? wowee
It's a raid. But it's still up in the air if they keep it around post anniversary. Given it's advancing the story for Moira in the expansion
this system is so much better. people basically stopped doing single digit keys after a week in the old m+ scaling
You tell me what to do again and i'm gonna fucking kill you, capiche?
I just want improvements and more variety, different types of keystones, something to incentivize pushing like the upgraded key being worth more if you use it right away.
>defeat the nerfed r1 boss
>expect good loot
zamn, sounds like terminal autism
this cow looks like a rapist
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i did it last week anon before the nerfs but after they fixed brann
it wasn't hard then either
High Elf sisters.. The Horde can't keep getting away with it
What do you mean? This expac is basically just 10.3 or whatever the last DF patch was.
I desperately want to fight and then fuck horde players. This is so embarrassing. I don't get why they turn me on so much.
t. Human female
>no don't join my group, you may have good gear but you absolutely fucking suck, you don't know the mechanics of the dungeon or when to use defensives since you spent all your time in delves instead of the dungeons
actually based
the game will be 20 years old in like 6 weeks
by continuing to play it at all we are living in the past
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what the fuck is glory of the delver and how could he know you have it
that guy is delusional if he thinks people know what to kick and where to use personals in a +4 even if they did 0 delves
has anyone ever engaged with the pet battle system? I've never once even tried a pet battle.
is it even remotely fun?
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>remember cata heroics on launch?

Never again.
Being serious you have to remember the end delve is just for cheevos
it's literally just pokemon but less complex
>m+ rdf matches you with 4 retards
>m+ currently lets you pick the 4 retards
whats the difference when its all a dice throw in the end
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It's essentially Pokemon, and just as casual and braindead as that implies.
Is it fun? Sort of I guess. It's kind of just a distraction for while you're running around in a new zone and see new pets you haven't collected yet. Sometimes there's a quest here and there for pet battles and a while back there was a pet battle dungeon.
it's ezmode pokemon but weirdly slow and laggy for some reason
people kick everything in 4s, even things they shouldn't. but at least they're kicking. a delve shitter only knows what button to press next in his dps rotation because that's what hekili says.
It's a significantly shittier pokemon.
Kill yourself, tranny
damn ill have whatever keys this guy is having
yeah 100% but honestly it'd be less insulting to give me no gear at all
also ssssh say it quietly but you can get tier 8 vaults in 2 mins :3
Stop living in the past!
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Damn, Warlock can just face tank the ? whole fight now without having to worry about interrupts
>Voidlord takes aggro.
>Healer Brann pops you potions
>heal all damage Zekvir can put out and can easily nuke webs.
Have fun bros
Big sweaty muscular female orc with hairy armpits, pussy, asshole.
yeah but what about ??
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worth to do this? do i get the mount?
I want upright Taurens.
Well that's a relief. Thanks for the info.
you need chittin then blood
I'll try it out whenever I feel like doing it.
At 605 ilvl, Warlock can just face tank Zekvir's entire clear on ? difficulty and keep roughly 20% of HP that's easily filled back to 100 with brann or healthstones
I imagine on ?? he'll still 1 shot you if you get caught.
wtf is this warband shit
Entire cleave*
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im not good at geoguesser
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comfy weather
they invented a brand name for account bound progression and pretended it's a new feature
A goblin girl lover would never say anything this disgusting
dumb bird needs correction
im busy cleaning up my depletes
maybe later
I wouldn't bother farming it, I have 421/1500 by just playing the game. You'll complete it eventually.
what server should i roll on for ally?
They're trying so desperately to try and make it seem interesting, but stretching out a single raid into two weeks is stupid and clearly just an example of more blizzard doing shit to timegate the playerbase for longer and longer periods. It should just be a 5 or so day clear and that's it. The raid doesn't have nearly enough bosses to warrant this shit.
Need this kind of orc to enslave my Mechagnome and use her as a fucktoy
>try to rerurn after a few year break from the game
>start downloading the game
>buy the xpac
>try to use level boost so i can start playing
>internal error
>apparently you have to wait 24 hours before using a boost
>refund the game and uninstall
>this much gold just to recraft one weapon
what the fuck? is blizzard trying to make me quit the game?
do i get the mount tho? i got a quest starting item off this rare
do i get that as a mount when im done?
what healer should i roll
fem nelf btw
you gonna fuck the kestrel?
Assuming you're NA and don't want to RP, Sargeras and Stormrage are the biggest alliance realms
there are multiple quests before you get the mount, but yes there's a mount at the end
they want you to buy a token
Buy a token :)
i already bought a token this season, and i'm almost out of gold. repairs are 1000 gold and you get 60 gold for completing a dungeon. they definitely want me to quit.
I wish I could live in Jaina's armpit
>Delves solve all of Asmongold's problems with the game being too hard to get gear.
>He still won't come back.
So what's the next excuse?
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>killed zekvir on ?? with my spell reflect
peak kino
Why not just have mythic track gear drop from world quests?
Maybe he just doesn't want to play it?
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Faction change complete
The game doesn't resemble what it used to be at all. It doesn't feel like a traditional RPG at all anymore
Orced Nelf Holy Priest
It never did
Tiefling faggot
feck fem humies got meaty feet
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Depends what you refer to as rare. Got most event/CE pets, though the only ones I actually like and use are the Starcraft ones.
Actual rare drop ones I don't even remember whats what. Like I got all the Archaeology ones, and several rare spawn pets, but fuck if I know what the rate on those is.
Fuck delves, fuck mythic
Make the quests were you help a nigga shape some clay and polish a turtle's shell give you ilvl 620 items
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Time to be crushed into a void wall.
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>WFR Mythic Nerub is currently nearing it's 2nd weekend.
>Classickeks get their own mythic raid difficulty for BWL that released today
>Only lasted 2 hours before WF kill
Oh ho ho ho ho ho
Compare classic wow to retail. They might as well be completely different games with how much it has changed.
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I hate how Blizzard changed Grim Batol to fit M+.
Think of your favourite dungeon, how the mobs are placed and move around. Blizzard fucks all that well placed thought out placement for TIMERS and meta gameplay, instead of an interesting world. Even going into Grim Batol to solo it, you don't get any loot from regular packs, showing how much it's catering to the go-go-go-go mentality.
classic players dont want mythic raiding, the sod devs are out of touch
dawg if you need money that badly you can get like 25k/hr just flying around at level 1 mining
Classic wow is literally just raid logging. It's fun to level at first and then you raidlog. I would know because I'm still playing SoD and Cata
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almost there boys
sweet thanks
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Max is working really hard
god king max
classic wow 1-60 is an rpg that's extremely fun if you take your time and are on an active realm with lots of levelers. Yes the end game sucks.
Based Coomhammer https://x.com/coomhammer_/status/1839391977324114328
60-70 in TBC is too
70-80 less so but still has some of the magic, nowhere near as much though
Wait i'm dealing more damage as flameshaper than scalecommander
>lazy ai slop with bad animation
listen buddy, it's hard work
>do legacy raid on 3 different characters
>dont get the mog piece I want
Join it and troll in the maze just for teh lulz
wotlk is the start of nu-wow, don't know why people lump it in with classic/tbc, wotlk is more similar to tww than it is to vanilla
Yawn... you don't yet, gramps?
some of the zones are nice, but you're right

Vanilla to Wrath is a trilogy package. Wrath is the perfect in between vanilla and retail. Not too hard but all the old world stuff is still there. You can still level a warrior naked with no weapons and no abilities as a challenge. Where as retail you're automatically given spells.
btw blizzard was bought out mid-TBC.
he's playing on a prestigious bought account privately because he can't deal with the fact that he's dogshit at the game and gets laughed at constantly
he certainly has the money and over the last year and a half or so his stream have been comically short
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what's a good addon to minimize the objectives/quest tracker on the right?

for some god forsaken reason blizzard doesnt let you minimize it in the edit mode
clicking the -

But I hate these dogshit addons cuz they can be pretty heavy, not sure about this one tho
and we killed all these people
is it insane that some of the orcs dont fuck with the wc2 horde?
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I lived long enough to see people ignore Mythic+
Personally I'd split the game as follows
>Patch 1.1 to 3.2 = The original, rpg-forwards 'trilogy'
>Patch 3.3 to 6.2 = Queue simulator, stripping back of original mechanics and RPG elements
>Patch 7.0 to 9.1 = Grind simulator. RPG elements washed away. Intense focus on mazed modes (M+) and grinding for incremental power increases. Nu-wow
>Patch 9.1.5 until today = total nu-wow, weird fetish art in the game, strange devs on twitter, return of some RPG elements but only for mild flavour as opposed to anything mechanical (a rogue can open 1 door in the entire questline, wow, such RPG!)
Still the main activity brainlet
Fuck u, we still own this game
are any of the delves good for skinners?
im just lvling a alt via killing mobs and skinning them and its taking a bit...
it just reopens anytime you zone or log or whenever it feels like it
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Look at him go, being able to raid such a chaotic fight with only one hand. Truly, he redefined the game
>go to valdrakken
>bunch of lvl 70 weirdos standing there
i thought the same whenever i ended up back in Oribos during DF
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Lets say I want to do every main story quest possible in the game. I'm level 80 now (boosted 70) so I don't have shit in the old world unlocked I assume?

I want to just do all the main story quests and uncover all the zones/get flight paths etc. How would I go about even starting this?
just check the bee farms and steal their shit until they report your ass
go play Skyrim shitter
ok i give in
how do i farm gold with herbalism + minig if i start from 0?
Since he's a coach now he should shave his head to tap in to the power of the greats
what's the WA or addon called that tanks use to just mark the fuck out of everything dangerous automatically
go to your main city and start grabbing low level quests? not sure
m+ automarker
There should be a little board in the capital that should have some expac starters
uh oh you made the esports kids mad
thanks senpai
Head to a heroes board in any capital and see what zones it points you in.
Following Loremaster is as close as you can get. Then following rep storylineas as you go on
TBC has most of it's story still left in game, can't remember if anything got removed later.
Wrath's the same, but you'll leave Icecrown to last. Unfortunately the follow up to Wrathgate, Battle for Undercity is removed.
Cata more or less has all it's content left in, aside from the prepatch content. But both it's Legendary Quests are still in game and do-able and are basically the main plot of their respective raids.
MoP loremaster ultimately is missing it's over-arching legendary quest and the escalation patch story
WoD is missing it's legendary quest which like MoP was the main storyline of the expansion connecting the patches directly.
Legion, BFA, SL, DF and WW are all basically in.
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ion-sama....i kneel....
echo sisters it's not looking good for us...
Oh right I forgot. The Torghast questline more or less works as SL's basic over-all patch connector questline like MoP/WoD. It's content is also still in iirc.
buy some profession equipment from the ah if you feel like it
fly around any tww zone you feel like and just mine/herb everything (look up some optimal routes if you feel the need to)
put knowledge points into the generic spec tree that gives you +skill for everything you gather
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what's scarier
a mm hunter with true shot, or a ret with avenging wrath
01001110 01101111 00101100 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00101110
i fucking LOVE throwing hammers
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zekvir pwned

its finally as easy as it was before all the delve scaling hotfixes
F-for the Horde
Are you melee? The double kick is getting me because of the egg
yeah, fury warrior. only kick the heal/black blood. use w/e method of slow removal for spit
total rwf troon destruction
be honest anon, you only won because you can spell reflect
I don't get why Blizzard doesn't understand why Dalaran is such a popular capital city. It's cause different parts of the city actually look different. Dornogal is so much of the same-y feeling literally everywhere.
“Say it human”
“im not saying it”
“say it”
“For the Horde!”
you vill spin ze plates
Dornogal is also just too big, there's too much space between different areas and professions and buildings
Dalaran was compact and cosy, it was even better in Wrath when they disallowed flight outside of Krasus Landing
It's the same shit with Azj Kahet, the nu-devs think they're being clever by copying the Suramar guard "An illusion! What are you hiding..." shit, but it doesnt work because the zone is too big and the guards too sparse, and you can just fly over everything.
People dont want to hear this, but flying made the outdoor world total shit, and dragonriding isnt much better. You fly over everything, you never interact with any of the world and you dont have to engage with any of the terrain, but they can't remove it because people will throw a tantrum like they did before.
can we stop with the disgusting pregnancy fetish?
Refer to >>496167358
The crazy thing is this is canon
>different parts of the city actually look different
wtf are you smoking lol

people love dalaran because it's aesthetically pleasing and it's round so can run laps around it
i like dornogal. its comfy and it gives you a reason to step more than 5 feet from the AH and portals. only complaint is that it could use more obvious signage over the various profession/vendor/AH/bank buildings
Fuck I can't dispel that as a rogue
does anyone know offhand if the plaguebringer talent only affects the target hit by scourgestrike or if it applies to diseases on every target you have diseased regardless if they were the one hit or not
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agreed 100%
I don't know
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that was patched. you cant spell reflect for 80 billion damage anymore. spell reflect didnt even prevent spit half the time, i had to leap away and charge back to remove it as a slow lol

really? i thought rogue had 10 trillion debuff removers
>do every single cache weekly quest
>not a single fractured spark
great game you got here blizzard! fuck you
dragonriding actually made it significantly worse because the extra speed just incentivizes the designers to spread everything out even further. The world feels so empty while at the same time there is no sense of wonder cause everything is five seconds away.
>spell reflect was patched
was it? i killed him with spell reflect cause it reflected his dmg from the fear in 2nd phase
>capped out on conquest points
Now what
Cloak is 2.5 min cd
Vanish is 2m and a dps cd you can't hold
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i did it, i beat the game!
This nigga capping
Need to see xally like this...
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you can spell reflect the fear?? thats so fucking stupid brb gonna go give it a try
yeah but only in the 2nd phase when its blue/void circle, cast spell reflect and stand in it and you do like 15% of his HP or so? BUT you have to be careful you don't stand infront of the orbs, they will still kill you
>faggots don’t like dornogal, where 95% of what you want is within 30 seconds of AH
either poors who have 20fps there or actual retards
>he doesnt have a brutosaur
lmao what a loser
Can you spam delves for maps -> welfare 610? What’s the chance that one drops? I can do the fungal one sub-10min
Bros i accidentally typed "pornogal" and now my mom is gonna see it in the search history. It's over i'm cooked
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Dornogol is great, who's complaining about it? Valdrakken took five centuries to load. Dornogol loads quickly and everything is quickly accessible.
i just beat him on tier ? difficulty to try spell reflecting... he doesnt even have a p2 wtf? retards in my guild were struggling to beat it lmfao
>alex was raped by members of the black dragon flight to produce more dragons for war
>the members of the black dragon flight look afro centric in their human forms
does blizzard really?
the other difficulty, hon.
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>you don't need to interrupt in delves guys
>or dodge attacks
>or deal with any mechanics whatsoever
do you think blizzard will keep adding delves?
so solo players can get free raid heroic gear?
As a shaman (so best interrupt in the game) I do delves on ele and interrupting is worse than keeping the mobs at range. There’s maybe one or two interrupts per delve you want to do.
They will and t10~12s will give mythics. Mazerats will go ballistic when they realize it
isnt it next week?
Is it a waste to craft a non-embellished 619 neck?
It would be replacing a 580 piece of shit (I've had terrible luck).
What would an appropriate tip be?
Azj'kahet wants to be Suramar so bad but fails in every regard
If you got the surplus for it; no. It's an upgrade and unless rng fucks you by handing you one, there's no downside
I dont mind the m+ difficulty and its infact fun but desu it should reward more gear for how hard it is, rather than being piss easy
Also can I have a qrd on delves Im new, shitty and short solo content you do 4 times a week for gear?
Might aswell put an embel on it anon
And no more than 10k. If any crafter asks you for more than 15k tell them to fuck off. Haggle them down to 5k if you can, if you are providing rank 3 materials at least.
you guys ready for delves to give you more free gear next week?
during the event?
I am
>nowhere is it specified you don't need r3 mats for harbinger crests
>bought dozens of the most expensive kind and out thousands of gold
lol. lmao, even.
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yeah I only did an extra attempt on t? to see if spell reflect did damage
I just did another t?? ended up killing him again lol spell reflect is op, wish I knew that from the start LOL
100% surprised blizz haven't hotfixed or made it so you cant spell reflect it, im pretty positive its not intended
I like how maze+ers say the gear is free because it's actually enjoyable to do and they get immediately frustrated and mad because they have to commit to slog+ and being perpetually mad and frustrated at their parties
nice work anon
I could probably do it now, but I'm gonna get my brann to 60 and be a massive bitch and get myth gear before i try it :3
I think delves above 8
should give you way more stuff
like gold and mats too sell
will make Mythic players shit their pink underwear
delvers still cannot answer the question: WHAT are they getting all this gear for if they are unable (read: uskilled and unwilling) to play heroic raids or higher, or high level m+?
What if epic bgs gave mythic track gear
World quests should give mythic gear.
have fun not interrupting magma hammer on the rare spawn
no, we're all compulsive liars
Yes but you have to know the secret
No but the vault can drop tier
you can turn any gear piece into a tier piece, dingus
go to the stupid console thing in dornogal
>are mythic raids the same personal difficulty as +10 keys and +11 delves?
its not really comparable because the game asks different things of you depending on role, and a player that can do one of those things may not necessarily be able to do one or both of the other things.
have fun killing rares for no reason
to make you angry
that book you wrote tell me its working
m+ers still cannot answer the question: WHAT are they getting all this gear for if they are unable (read: uskilled and unwilling) to play heroic raids or higher mythic raids?
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number go up
Should I make this for my guild?
most if not all m+ play heroic raids rofl. why the fuck wouldn't they considering they can already do mechanics in group content. retarded delve baby is unwilling to group with 5 people to do difficult content, let alone 20. jesus christ you are dumb.
I'd stick it in Meeix's butthole
>no one mad a delve chad vs virgin mythic runner yet
waiting for OC
only if they fund it, fuck em otherwise
most if not all delvers play heroic raids rofl. why the fuck wouldn't they considering they can already do mechanics in group content. retarded m+ baby is unwilling to group with 10 people to do difficult content, let alone 20. jesus christ you are dumb.
melty hours again
Too much effort for low tier spammers.
nice meltdown
what's the ilvl needed for heroic palace ?
is it really 600 base?
You can make it out of shit mats, but it still needs tons of them.
its "free" because its from really easy content. nobody actually has a clue how to "progress" through champion gear. most sweaty players skipped progressing through champion track gear by immediately buying bloody token/conquest gear and crafting, then finishing a few random slots during their week 1 normal clear for tier pieces

for what its worth, i only need a neck and ill be full hero gear

im a raider and only do m+ to get gear for raiding. people complained that shadowlands added choreghast and chorethia but secretly m+ is the biggest chore of them all
Are you genuinely retarded?
>(so best interrupt in the game)
stfu fotm nigger
>shaman is FOTM
the secret rule of thumb in wow is that good players progress faster than bad players. if youre still 600 ilvl at this point, youre probably bad at the game and need to be carried by gear. you could probably kill the first 4 bosses in heroic. i doubt you could kill the last 2
see that's what i'm saying
these nigger shamans don't even deserve their 15 minutes of fame because they are ungrateful and delusional
Bring back proving grounds but make it goblin themed/voiced. Maybe an adventure training course inside of the undermine or something.
Since it's goblin shit the devs could get away with it being super patronizing and (deservedly) condescending towards the playerbase.
>Get told to interrupt spellcaster in the back
>Giant neon signs pop out of the ground pointing at the mob
>gearing bad!
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fuck shamans
*fuck* draeneis
i'm 612, am I bad?
QRD on this spear thing? I'm afraid of doing higher necrotic wakes because of it
should I make myself artificially angry doing delves this week
before the bonus event?
next week?
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God it'd be so funny if China won
nothing to it
just hold it for surgeon stitchflesh
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if youre pugging heroic with 600 ilvl retards week 3 of the raid youre gonna struggle. gearing is good, pugs are bad

i was 612 last week so youre 1 week behind a bleeding edge player. you could get aotc this week easily
qrd on this bonus event? what will it do
not sure
zero details
My guild is progging heroic ansurek next raid, got all night on her so if we fail I'll probably rope (in game)
You pick 3 spears and two anima orbs
You use the 5 items on him
Thats it
they're not even close and scripe cant cheat his way out of this one
Crests don't have quality. Why did you think you needed r3 mats?
>pugs are bad
pugging is the only reason i play anything 'competitive' in this game ie m+ and raids. i will absolutely quit before i join a guild.
uhh chuddie?
there are three orbs.
And 5 party members
actual good idea
Not him but you can carry 2 items now
i don't know but i don't care anymore, just happy i made some fat loser rich in game and bought myself another token like the good paypig i am.
thread sucks ass when the sloppers are offline tbqh
why? genuinely, pugging seems to just be the most cancerous way to play the game?
M+ are making me physically tired this season
shut yer ass
are you a healer or a tank
Why do you assume the guy who sold you mats is a fat loser? You seem really upset.
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sounds like you need a Monster Energy® | Unleash The Beast®
>go to the live gaming section of WOW
>all these KR streamers
why do they love western slop so much?
because i don't want to hear some disgusting loser spit into his mic on discord and be forced to communicate with him or anyone else, nor do i want to schedule my life/when i raid around strangers. pugging solves both of these issues completely.
nta but tanking in this expac is so different compared to before
it's challenging tho, my bro plays shaman and as competitive cucks its scratching our "hard games" itch
anyone who farmed that many mats is a fat loser
so the Idea is to make solo players feel good this epac?
it's only a matter of time before you quit, the fate of all maze+ers who get baited into maining that mode by youtubers
Keeping shitters happy should be top priority
yeah But I do not get having heroic ready ilvl
and not doing heroic raids
>other players
what no thats awful i want m+ with bots this game would be way better if i never had to interact with another player to access more challenging content
Why can't I queue for mythic raids?
They can't or maze rats, tweaked out raiders, and some pvp kiddies would have a fit
>wants solo content
bro this is not the game for you
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Pugging keys is actually fucking broken right now.
It's not fucking possible. What the actual fuck. It has never been this fucking bad to even get a fucking group. I can't even get into a fucking +4, I can't. I can't fucking do it. I won't get in.
>hurr durr durr make your own keys
Just make tanks invincible again
so pve players who think they're playing esports gotcha
sounds like you dont want to put in the effort smallfry
I am completely guildless and I'm 1450 score or something. 607 ilvl.
You might be the problem. Did you clear all m0s and m2s?
I'm not inviting delvemaxxed turds who don't even have their interrupt bount, much less know what utility is.
tank / healer get in for free. other dps? you best be way overqualified AND fotm
They can never make raiders or pvpers happy though
Sweetie pea, 2.3k is minimum rating to not be instantly black listed to anything over a +2.
Anon is the fucking peril affix
This shit is bricking keys HARD and fort is destroying people, way harder than tyran
I'm 2300 as a dps and I have literally pugged every single dungeon, stop being a bitch the problem is (You)
he thinks you didnt earn your ilvl, which is absurd of course, but there it is. in his mind delves are the same thing as buying a carry and he wants to gatekeep you from doing 'his' content.
>I'm 2300 as a dps and I have literally pugged every single dungeon
same but its literally awful dude dont act like its not
keys are harder than they have ever been
disbands are more common than they have ever been
Glory of the delver is an achievement you get for completing a bunch of delve related achievements.
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Nigga 1450 is what you have when you time +2s with some odd +3 or failed +4.

>me the other day
>search for +4
>Necrotic Wake
>Necrotic Wake
>Necrotic Wake
>okay might as well do Necrotic Wake
>tank pulls the group of the small guys as well as the big caster next to the portal
>drops in less than 5 seconds
>respawns and rushes back
>rest of the group dies to the AoE
>does the same thing again
>people leave
>do another NW+4
>literally the same thing happening again
>do another NW+4
>tank skipping as much trash as possible despite me saying we need some more for %
>everyone ignores the gimmicks including the javelins, so we have only the one I'm carrying
>a HDH keeps dying to literally everything including things I didn't know were possible, amassing like 8 or so deaths by the end, needless to say he spends more time running back than doing damage
>kill last boss, TP to start, blow lust and mow down some trash
>time it with 14 seconds left
Nah. These affixes are a fucking joke compared to stuff like legion bolstering, sanguine, necrotic, skittish and explosive.
he's also a co-owner of the group that has controlling interest of the org, so he's not going anywhere.
Literally just make friends? That's who I do my keys with
lmao friendless and poor
t. friendless loser
lol getting in a +4 is fucking trivial as any class or spec
wpvp coins
craft gear
buy sockets
infinity queue hotmogu
its like 4% drop rate. go right ahead, its a decent enough grind if you find the delves enjoyable. you'll also cap runed harbl crests doing this if you haven't already done so.
unedited version?

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