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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

I love huntresses
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minoto owes me several footjobs
Let's be honest most of you will die alone so that begs the question. Which monster hunter game would make the best wife?
No bro please my gf is totally hot and real and I have sex with her all the time I swear!!
Sorry, I am gay but World would make the best gay boyfriend.
PC World Room
ID: -fA8CW7KnW-d
post them
the huntresses
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I'm not good enough to join the lumu...
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I'll never be pretty enough for doj to compliment me...
Very based.
Forced meme.
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how do you get the image in front of the face but behind the hair
By not using paint
>trannies passive aggresively shitposting with their cats
fuck off you troons no one gives a fuck about your unfunny forced memes
Need Zinogre gf right fucking NOW NOW NOW
Post the wolf wyvern
No... The Man™...
I can't farm any more shitty event tickets...
>My friend, you are my Lonest Hunta and you WILL farm shitty event tickets for outclassed weapons in order to finish your 100% weapon collection
You're right, The Man™! I will complete my collection! RAAAAGH
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Trips of based
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Literally the coolest thing ever
What are those, Dojita senpai?
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zirurumon >>>>>> greyolosmon
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>he isn't a soles hunter
Fucking zoomers I fucking swear
I know they're Digimon I'm asking what that is is it an official collab, a shitpost etcetera. USE YOUR BRAINS SENPAI YOU DUMBFUCK.
Layers anon, layers are magical
was that a motherfucking 4chanX (You) ping? Is UHC /here/?
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Official digivice collab
I really hope Wilds has Lordknightmon armor, and Tailmon Palico.
Dukemon is also acceptable.
Alma's growing on me after watching that beginner's guide video she narrated...
Those two digimons better be huntable title updates.
paid shill btw
I have a growth for her.
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>The lobby when I ENTER
Alma mods when
>not only is there cringy epic Hollywood movie cutscenes but the hunter straight up talks in them and has a character with awful marvel quips

How do they miss the mark so bad
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But why? Tigrex fits that much better than Rathalos

Hell, even fucking Anjanath is better
boy do I have news for you, digibro
Zinogre topu one-u monster in japan prease underastandu
Sparkledog numba wan.
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Can't fucking WAIT for our Avengers Moment™ with Olivia and her Astrum Unit
Rathalos is the mascot? And Agumon line is also the mascot?
maybe that???
probably Beelzebumon or something
they're both purple shillmons
maybe Ravemon
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>humanoid digis
>Language: Monster Hunter
>"Hunter no, fall back this monster is too dangerous"
>Hunter smirks, "heh... They don't call me the...sapphire star...for nothing"
when i was a kid, i wanted to be wargreymon when i grew up
sorry bro let me handpick from the five ultimates who aren't humanoid in any way
I don't fucking know greymon virus then
/mhg/ - Digimon General
when i was a kid I wanted to jump off mountain cliffs
I don't have a problem with humanoid digimons my favorite is humanoid but picking a humanoid to cross with an MH monster seems extremely stupid unless it's Rajang.
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I want Diablos, Monoblos, or Vaal X Skullgreymon those would be pretty rad.
>eating dinner
>big brother just finished and he turns on tv
>https://youtu.be/Q04iqoRYMcQ?si=YFgtdiiG5jUUwS0G plays
>bring plate to tv room
They turned Beelzebumon into a medieval knight (but still let him keep his shotgun) for xros there's not a chance in hell that he doesn't get into a crossover like this
Omega as well
I would honestly be shocked if neither made it into the inevitable wilds crossover quest even as pet armor
>discuss digimon
>tear up because of flooding memories

Yup time to leave.
next order is pretty fun if you have fond memories of digimon world 1
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This might be a stupid question but can Lance KO monster in Rise?
yeah bump the enemy with your shield
Oh yeah, I guess shield tackle works better without instablock since the delay makes it harder to combo into it. Completely forgot about this skill
With several moves, yeah. Guard Dash > Shield Bash, whatever the other switch skill for the Guard Dash is (shorter and deals KO damage by itself), Shield Charge, activating the Shield Charge while in the air and hitting a monster. Could be other options but it's been a while
Even though I think Kut Ku is shit, I am glad that they will remove his bullshit insta tail spins and insta runs.
I just hope his gear isn't something I'm gonna have to farm for early game to get free Attack Boost. Because his gear is ugly.
>bullshit insta tail spins and insta runs
filtered brainlet lmao, the games gone to shit because monsters cant defend themselves anymore and you dont have to respect them in the slightest
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>This nigga out here actually grinding and min maxing early game gears
We are reaching level of autism that is not even supposed to be possible

There are much better looking early game mon with attack boost passives anyway
Why do so many waist pieces in World just give you element resistance? It's so shit
White Wraith bad!
You don't "have" to have attack boost or anything at all until high rank at least
yes you do
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I love huntresses
>le ecosystem
>le diverse flora and fauna
>le ecology
why are they leaning so hard into this fictional discovery channel shit? i don't fucking care.
cause you are in low tier?
then go play one of those monster fighter clones
The Master rank coil gives fire resistance 2 instead of 1
I think Wilds monsters look fine
What I actually hate about them is how samey their sound design is
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Once the dlc for master rank drop she will get mogged 100%. Happens every time.
she rims hunters
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good hoonts! lumu has closed now 0/16.
I look like this
what? god eater and dauntless?
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I'm actually glad Frontier died.
She was my waifu a decade before she became your waifu.
you pedo
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Poogie is going to stay in the Dodo-ham-a outfit forever
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Based, same (ToT)
so what weapon do i pair with chargeblade? a gun?
>trans weapon
a noose
your dilator, cb tranny
It depends on a lot of things, but I'd think Gunlance (big skill overlap), another CB (one Impact one Element), or SA for fun
We don't tolerate this kind of hate in mhg
I hope she gets more "art."
>cheese blade is a tranny weapon now
chargies btfo'd
I don't know what other weapon to bring with GS. Its not like I need a second GS for element. Maybe just a bowgun for wing breaks or something?
if the swap is fast enough ill just bring something for sleep
Swaxe bros always win
I will just bring lance incase i have to fight shitmons that are full of shitzone.The ultimate offense and defense, all in my hands
Probs HBGs for shitmons
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Accidentally said "niggergante" when talking with a biracial coworker today about Wilds and monhun.
>spamming morph attack vs Sword's bread and butter combo does 25% more damage on the training dummy in rise
Bro no fucking way I learnt this only in MR5
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I see my presence has inflamed the Hammer/GS/SW/Lancetards.
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GS GAWDS don't even acknowledge you
>TRANSforming weapon
>not trains
*rubs mhg*
Will I need a new Graffix Card for Wilds?
1080p 60fps is my goal.
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Stiggy and Zinogre in Wilds

tokuda slop
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Kirin too
wait for demo
I hope they permanently delete these shitmons from the series
Have we seen poogs yet in the trailers? Being left out of Rise and Stories 2 is unforgivable.
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We love their huntress armor though
Yeah probably passable for medium setting. Don't know what the fuck they were thinking, posting specs like that

Did they learn nothing from DD2?
They can keep their gear via material trade to keep coomers like you happy, but I geniunely never want to fight either of them again
A huntress in Kirin armor told me she had to go milk a Kirin
I didn’t know they produced milk but I guess that’s where the chefs get Kirin cheese from
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Hunter type B default 2, my beloved
Raging Brachydios (4U) feels like it was designed around CB. Fuck I hate this nigger.
Funnily enough, I can run DD2 just fine maxed at 1080/60
RE4R, I sadly had to lower the texture settings since 8GB VRAM wasn't cutting it
Intel i7 13700F
RTX 4080

I should be fine for 1440p, always above 60fps on high/very high settings right. I have no idea how shitty DD2 ran cause I wasn't at all interested in that game.
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is this is your king, tendies?

yes, i too beat my wife
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Don't know since the specs they posted were for medium setting. Gonna have to wait for the demo, anon
Hmm I suppose so. If it comes down to it, at least I'll be able to get good use out of DLSS
unsure how zinogre won the fav monster poll when its a retarded shitmon that sucks to fight
I think he's fun to fight, depends on your weapon?
Pleasant color and good looking armor / weapon, i suppose
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>HH doesn't have directional recitals anymore
Who wants to bet that medium settings includes shit like ray tracing and other pointless shit that once turned off will skyrocket your native fps to space a beyond even when using a real resolution?
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>this blonde bimbo blacksmith will sell our game
Does Capcom really.......... ?
I got my first experience with ray tracing with Cyberpunk. I can't believe people bend backwards for that shit, just turn it off and enjoy a smoother game.
My bet is on motion blurr, depth of field and whatever the fuck that blurry fog mexico filter shit is
>sparks flying everywhere
>bikini top with tits spilling out
Exposed tummy too, she's perfect.
I'd wipe her sweaty body down, especially her armpits, and squeeze the towel into a mug and sip with utmost satisfaction.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
White girls are for my cock
>as you progress through the game her stomach and cleavage gets noticeably more scarred and disfigured from all the slag burns
Gemma micro bikini mod to make it even better
>waaaaah why are there no sexy characters in video games anymore? fucking woke shithole america!
>waaaaaaaah why isn't my game full of realism where only men would be fighting giant ass dinosaurs and blacksmithing weapons!? at least put a burka on that whore!
So which is it? Or is this some wokeshit troon falseflagging?
NTA but Wilds is pushing the "realistic serious story with the ugly side NPC" then this blacksmith suddenly is working with unrealistic gear during blacksmithing. Either make all the characters good looking or dont half ass the "muh realism immersive game". It's not far fetch to have NPC have two set of clothing.
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my wife
I love huntresses
Have you ever played MH? We've had the same game with the same npc whackiness for decades.
Just fought Melzano for the first time
Can't remember what music was playing...
Previous to it I hunted Gore Magala and can vivibly remember the music
I don't have the music turned on
I'm not the original person complaining about the clothes. I didn't even notice it until it was pointed out. The game definitely need less ugly people. Too many characters have androgynous features. Doesn't help that some of the voice actors are using the opposite gender to them.

Doesn't really matter since I'm going to use monster hunter language
What's up with elemental ammo in dos being so fucking weak? There's almost no monsters at all where using element is better or even considerable with the exception of dragon shot but even that has very limited applications and weapons that can even use it. I can only imagine it's worth giving the time of day with Rapid Fire.
The handler this time is way cuter than both World and Rise handlers though?
don't bother. the discord really hates Gemma and shitposts her when she gets brought up.
Trannies hate hot, athletic women? Colour me surprised.
>Cuter than chichae
Lol not even close, Wilds handler looks arab.
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chunky little rathalos
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How do I get access to the discord? I want to jack off to sexy huntresses in the sexy huntresses channel.
Ask Jar he's the head mod
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Play Greatsword
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>soloing safi
>pic says drain all of level 1
>get level 1 half way, maybe 1/4th on second level
>it switches, now doing a tiny amount level 1 and eating chunks out of level 2
>now takes even longer to fully drain level 1 even if I wanted to rush it
well this is going to be annoying as fuck. I remember a video guide on how to get safi with both the boulder and a drained area before he heals once, anyone know it's name?
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Play charge blade
huge choco huntress udders
post them
hmm uhh you first
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>I don't know what that is, I just hit the monster until it's dead.
Is there any latest Wilds charge blade overview from TGS? I can't write moon.
Purposefully and knowingly being ignorant of game mechanics to your own detriment is only retarded
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I just created a new wallpaper for y'all to use featuring the best weapon. And there's no need to thank me. You're welcome.
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>It doesn't matter it just a game for fun
>Your taking the game so seriously you should really lighten up
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>muh axe weapon
ummm, hello, what the heck is this?
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>Try out Wyvernsnipe HBG
>Can't snipe monsters across the map
Day ruined
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bing bing waaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Does horn have innate stamina drain?
I swear monsters get tired quicker when I used HH.
Yes, blunt attacks drain monster stamina
bruh I saw this video the other day about that exact subject
TLDR yes
I swear elders have an exhausted state
Both hammer and horn have it but the ratios for KO and exhaust are flipped. Hammer does more KO, horn does more exhaust.
>slay 10 hermitaur in the jungle
>they can only spawn in 3 zones
>kill all of them
>no more spawn
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Yeah that makes sense
what gamu? In 4U there are some hiding in the sand of the low desert sleeping area(area 3?). I also know some spawn in new zones after clearing out the normal zones
you can drop those??? I thought the vale only had drop spikes in the bottom outside of Vaal's nest
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What I genocided the entire hermitaur species after killing 9 of them?
I remember something like that happening
I think the last one is somewhere on the island zone
The monsters' ultra instinct is tricky, you just need to plan your moves 3 minutes in advance.
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>Not having your tits out when working with iron
while those can be dropped they don't do any actual damage. its pretty dumb.
>elders don't get exhausted
Hammer is still fine but Horns get fucked over?
Well that's not fair.
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I hope they remake Worldmon weapons someday. So many amazing looking armors that are stuck with...these. Really spoiled the whole fucking kettle
>radoban resists dilation
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>troon uses dilator
it has no effect
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>mfw kut-ku announcement
Why do you like kut ku, just so you can scare him with a screamer bomb?
Yeah man, you need to go to the island via the beach
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What's the Japanese translation for "Don't sweat it!"?
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Depending on the context I'd guess it would something like 'naisho' or 'donmai'
But then again, I don't speak Japanese so fuck if I know
is that so TGS footage?
>doing the akira slide with the seikret
書画ないの (there's nothing you could have done( could work based on the context
Like the other anon said donmai( ドンマイ) could also work it's literally just the Japanese pronunciation of "don't mind"
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Donmai means no worry
kut ku being in means garuga is in right? garuga graves beta baby
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man the idea of fighting a whole flock get me so hard
Starting from axe, RT B/O RT RT B/O…on and on is the combo. Wild swing into RT RT for gaining amp fast. Rapid morph 3 and phial switch boost mandatory 24/7, you can augment for it on axes that don’t have level 3 rampage slots. Elemental Burst Counter mandatory, never use compressed discharge, soaring wyvern blade after discharge to recover faster. That’s like 90% of what you need to know for the next 100 hours.
I did play 3U a long time ago but now I decided to play Tri for whatever reason and damn, things get hard early, just got bullied by a Barioth, that Gigginox was crazy too
What if there's only like 3-5 returning monsters in Wilds?
if only I knew what purezento means
1. How's God Eater? Is it fun? Girls seem hot

2. Is there no new SnS gameplay?
now you see why people call 3u a downgrade
still have a personal bet on agnaktor, share too much animations with balahara to not be in
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It's fine for what it is, but it still feels like another greatly shafted series by Bamco in terms of budget and dev time.
Actually, that's just everything they do.
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ドンマイworks! Thanks, /mhg/!
is also the default machine translation for don't sweat it from World onwards...
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This is the only thing that has disappointed me so far. The different recitals you could do in World/IB were the most fun part of the moveset.
>can hear white fata screams at just the sight of a plushie
>nothing for MHW today
I swear I read somewhere they going to play in crimson forest at 13:00
Worldbab here, which PSP game should I start with? FU or 3?
FU then P3rd.
I heard that too
>believing ruricuck
I saw it from a post an anon made on tuesday iirc
It's on Saturday, 13 JST so it's pretty terrible if you're yuropoor.
who do we blame for the shitty optimization?
denuvo and capcom
If somehow denuvo was able to be scooped out like a piece of necro skin then I guarantee you the game would run at least 30% better with nothing else changed.
Denuvo barely does shit to performance, it's just Capcom being unable to optimize worth a fuck. Back when DMC5 came out and the denuvoless exe leaked it had like a 1-2 FPS gain at max over the denuvo version. DD2 has had shit performance and denuvo and now has decent performance after they spent a few extra months actually finishing the game, despite the fact that is still has denuvo.
AI Framegen and AI upscaling
Gamers refuse to pay more for videogames so the only thing companies can do is cut corners and release pre-emptively
It took three trade events for someone to play SnS but atleast it's here now
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What game has the funnest story/progression? It's my favorite part of MonHun
I really liked crafting a bajillion sets in GU and the variety of weapons/styles
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>Every game that gets Denuvo removed has 20-30% better performance
>Uhhh it does nothing !
>S-Stop noticing ! !
4U is probably the only one that bothered with "story" outside World
>Every game that gets Denuvo removed has 20-30% better performance
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>Watch some gooks play Wild
>Frame drop everywhere
>Other Hunters just randomly teleport
>Hitboxes seem iffy as fuck

Geezz i dunno boss

No more huntress posting?
>Does the wound damage animation
>To the air
>Gets the weakpoint break
they made weapon hitboxes baby tier generous despite also adding a mechanic to let you aim more precisely
I don't understand MH devs
Damn, this is pretty hard. While I like the idea of the Acid Glav horn, actually using it is absolute torture
Didn't Long type used to have the most powerful Wyvern fire, why did they switch it? Was it 4th gen they did that
I just hope it is a LS thing
>the raping ballad
WTF Capcom this language is unacceptable think of all the survivorss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they keep playing switcharoo
>Helmbreaker forward charge has super armour
As if LS didn't already have enough toys for fuck's sake
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>that monster lag
>that fucking brightness
every weapon looks absolutely fucking stupid in wilds
>greatsword keeps charge after tackle
>DB can dodge out of dance
>hammer has keeping sway
>hh has a parry just cuz idk why not
The best thing about wilds for me is that weapons are no longer boned, now I have true reason to hunt.
I remember the FU days where I just craft weapons I never use because they looked cool and I wanted to collect them.
Your character doesn't look like that.
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I have no idea what's the best option for end game, I'm guessing maxing out elemental?
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>Guard Counter is really good and fast
>SnS mounts ridiculously easily
>Damage is fucking shit on this weapon
>Slash combo is closer to World rather than 4U/Rise
>Has 2 (two!) latch attacks it can do, one from midair and and the other from Focus
>Perfect Rush damage seems pretty abysmal but it combos into stuff
Also, this pic has big "Main Character" energy. I can see Dosha being the shitter-filter for newfags that don't pay attention.

I'm already missing Rise SnS though. SFX sound weak and the attacks are weirdly slow.
Shoryu could've been the Offset Attack or something.
Still, I'm an SnS picker through and through. I'll probably be switching between it, HH, and Hammer.

tbf, the HH "parry" is the offset song that needs to be loaded up before hand.
It's kinda like the HBG Offset Attack where you have to load and charge up the sniper round in anticipation.
>that fucking brightness
looks like a problem with the recording, the ui elements also look brighter than previous footage
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>Timer moved to the other side of the screen
>Mon now has a perma mark on its head telling you its general direction and how far away you are from it
>The Hunter's spider sense doesn't flare that much in hunt? I guess it only spazz out if the mon has aggro on you / if the attack could kill you?
>Some anon told me that you could turn blood effect on but all the videos i saw so far have no blood
They swaped wide and long in world for some retarded reason. In rise they fixed it again and now its fucked again.
Main team GL designer is a retard.
There’s blood but it seems to be reserved for inflicting and damaging wounded parts. Sand otherwise.
>Some anon told me that you could turn blood effect on but all the videos i saw so far have no blood
Because all these content creators are trying to maximise playtime and not go into settings? We saw the setting shown in one of the gameplay during gamescom, it's going to be there. Same with cat voice.
Blood comes out of wound hits only
Blood is turned off by default and no one is turning it on it's that simple, Capcom was even against turning it on on streams before.
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Huntresses are for brute wyverns only, sorry hunters! HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE
>MHWIB is 70% off on Steam
So I've been playing on 15.11.01, transferring my save data shouldn't be too much trouble right? Is it even worth it? It is like only $10
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It is in
Nah, congalala would win..
if you're using an elemental weapon, and don't want the level 3 rampage slot, and are already hitting 100% affinity
>15 years into the series
>still laughing at monsters directly diving into pitfall traps and flail
Why am I like this?
Because it's funny and they never learn. It's like watching dumb cat videos except the cat is a dinosaur.
I'd rather get maximum part breaks by slamming into shitzones than just spam attacks into a single weakspot
this is fake right?
how did sns play in rise again? wasn't it especially shit online?
he almost did
>Every game that gets Denuvo removed has 20-30% better performance
On a i7-2600 maybe lol.
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Next MH collab: Beyblade
Draw attacks and regular & strong charge are more powerful now while TCS is much weaker
Instead of TCS basically being 2-3x stronger than your other attacks, strong charge is now 10% better than regular charge and TCS is 15% better than strong charge
No way that is true. I understand the math is done with the numbers on the screen in the demo, but if that was true then who the fuck would lose life and limp to get to TCS? Unless they are introducing GS skill tax that buffs TCS
*equips TCS Up lvl 5*
lol !
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Wait a cotton picking minute. What the fuck is this shit? Alternate charging?
You aren't supposed to beeline into TCS anymore, everyone hated that shit in 5th gen
The best part is that you know they aren't going to up the difficulty to compensate for this. It's going to be completely piss easy and then in interviews after they're going to be like "well most players didn't do the two rey dau quest where they're 10% stronger, so actually it is a hard game :^)"
You faggots said the same shit about World, then you get filtered and cry here about how the game is unfair.
You can keep the ugly beast.
I'm already married to hunting.
>Back against the mon
>Fully charged
>Just turn fucking 360 and hit it

What the fuck man? What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>Muh difficulty
>Implying that Monster Hunter games were difficult from the start
Soulsfags deserve the rope
Shield Bash.
Upper cut.
Shield bash(mobile.)
this looks like an entirely different weapon. I'm a lifelong GSfag and I'm kinda getting hype despite everything.
>MH games were never 10/10 difficult so you shouldn't complain that they're being lowered from a 5/10 to a 1/10
The only hard parts of World are the AT elders solo with HR gear and Fatalis. Everything else you barely even have to know how to play the game to beat.
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Pov: chatukabra is about to toss your salad
correct, if difficulty isn't an important part of the game then its removal isn't a valid point of criticism
It's the old swingback but now has charge
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>me when my delectable salad is on the ground TRAPPED and BETRAYED within the DIRT
World was easy but it still had a high skill ceiling, Wilds is doing everything to push that ceiling down
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>Sword now has an alternate pattern where you charge shit but upper cut instead of swinging down
>It looks like an entire different weapon

Never change, GSfags
>Yeah, I can definitely tell how hard this game is without playing it
>No I don't need to see the whole thing
>What do you mean it's only early game? That doesn't matter
>What do you mean it's only early game? That doesn't matter
The Wilds demo had a Rathalos tier high rank monster (Rey Dau) and it was still easy as fuck with starter gear
To be fair.
Long sword seems very cracked, and it can dodge out of helm breaker, removing the commitment it once had.
Anon is likely apply that to every weapon out of worry.
I wouldn't mind this so much if they didn't ALSO give it the strongest attack in the entire game in spirit release slash, and then gave that move complete hyperarmor on top of that, despite nerfing "super moves" on every other weapon
The eternal cycle of monster hunter
>promotional footage reveals new abilities
>woooow this game is going to be so casual now
>/mhg/ gets their shit rocked by in-game content
>ummm now all the monsters have to be stronger to counter all the new abilities, yikes...
A demo made specifically for game journalists*
People said the same shit about World, that the demo monsters were weaker and slowed down for newbies and journos, and the full game was the exact same
i have practiced the same move 1000000000 times and theyre adding a new move anon

my moveset has increased by 100%, this is huge
I think base world was borning but fine as far as difficulty goes. Imo i think base wild will be around the same difficulty as base world but less boring fights. Which is fine with me
Wilds will let you marry other hunters and throw a wedding.
Wilds will let you publicly humiliate Huntress.
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>GSfags are the true proud ungas
Sasuga. Never change, it's actually endearing.
The main issue with World difficulty wise was that the difficulty declined exponentially as soon as you hit a certain damage threshold where you could just chain knockdown monsters with little effort.
Steam went down?
Wilds will let you transition by harvesting "Queen Substance" from rakna-kadaki and exchanging them at the elder melder. Unfortunately King Substance is a schedule 2 Substance as defined by the guild and will get you hunted and assassinated for trying to harvest it from [redacted].
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Monster Hunter is not supposed to be difficult, go back to rollslop.
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You mostly used the base infinite combo for damage, bash was for getting that last bit of Stun you need for a KO
Shoryuken was the best art in the game bar none
Guard Slash became a viable playstyle

It had a lot of speed and maneuverability, but with pin-point accuracy. I felt like I could hit every part of the monster whenever I needed to.
To me, it felt like the canon Ninja choice

It's the Offset Attack, you have to charge it
>Cuts out before getting obliterated
All of that to get railgunned in the face.
ironic given the anon that cried about "gs not getting fuckall" for weeks after the wilds GS demo
It still didn't in comparison to other weapons. It's just that GSfags think this is big because their one braincell can't handle that much change.
Oh damn, they gave Wyrmstake to long. Sounds wierd, since long's advantage is longer shelling and wyrmstake hitbox is/was pretty annoying to land, IMO, unless they made it easier.
Which also begs the question, to which type does charged shelling go to?
uh no it cuts out before the GSchad shoulder cancels into a tackle and effortlessly shrugs off the railgun attack and the stun damage from the tackle knocks the monster down and then he does ultimate FINAL TRUE CHARGE SLASH and jumps all the way over the monster and cuts its tail off and the girl he likes is there and she sees it and shes really impressed
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>locales are seamless connected
that explains why you need a supercomputer to run this
Nah Open world map is nothing new. I mean, Elden Ring does the same shit and it runs on objectively worse computers
Then you woke up.
Wilds will introduce hunter bussy
why are we going backwards again in terms of optimization? I figured we were already hitting the wall in terms of graphical fidelity vs performance, but now they're adding 99999999 more polygons for no fucking reason? World already looked great and max settings and performed great.
It also looks objectively worse.
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because capcom likes to add hair physics to monsters + armor then theres unnecessary wild life loading in background making whole game mess for performance
then i fell asleep and then i woke up again and actually the part you said about waking up was the dream i had because i got knocked out from overexerting myself too hard but the girl i liked was there to take care of me and she said i did a good job and she was proud of me
My 2cents is that they just don't know how to make open world game, people talk about the engine, but engines aren't roadblocks for good codes and design.
They don't know how to optimize for open world while really wanting to do it anyway.
It was also known for its horrendous performance on release
>poor people power hour
This, people saying that this game looks bad are insane. I understand that the specs could be miles better due to better optimization, but the game looks good as fuck. Compare this game with another "AAA" in Dragon Age veilguard...
You say this, but DD2 is more optimized in the open world.
I think they're just being conservative in case the game runs like shut at launch (i.e. not 60) so they can say
>Look, we told you, targetting 30!
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>full reload has guard point; Reload goes through
>quick reload has guard point; Reload goes through
>wyrmstake startup does not take a million frames
>2x wyvern fire we know; Cone seems to be narrower and longer even for standard non-crouching wyvern fire
>slam to fullburst has much less lag in between

Moore's Law has been dead for a while and devs are still trying to one up past games on hardware that's almost a decade old at this point

DD2's world would be fine if it wasn't for the way it handled NPCs behind the scenes being fucking retarded. It runs better away from cities and the entire game runs better the more NPCs that die across the world, even if you're in Batahl and everyone in Vernworth is dead you still get a performance improvement. It's fucking bizarre.
People need to accept that """graphics""" peaked half a decade ago and it's pointless to try and one up it unless you want to go the Skyrim ENB route.
DD2 is famously also known for a bunch of code being needlessly tied to the CPU.
No way it'll run at 60 on consoles but I think with the usual settings available the recommended specs for PC probably can with some resource hogs turned down/off (fog, shadows, etc) even without fake generated frames.
Probably gonna need a more VRAM for the high res textures than World did
It's insane to me how Japs are so much more competent than anyone in the west with these vids.
Retards here just went to the longsword and made videos about how cool it looked while playing like ass.
yeah idk what people mean, taking screenshots of livestreams and saying it looks bad I guess? Not understanding how streams work?

anyway consoles maxing out at 30 fps has been standard for literally decades. That's the simple reason why they're advertising it that way. My PC hasn't had a problem playing a game in recent memory so I'm not concerned but console specs are inevitably far behind no matter what.
I've been playing World at 30 on PC in prepartation for Wilds. It's fine.
the longsword and gunlance were actually a few of the weapons that actually got proper analysis
>less lag
faggot its frames this gay community calling everything lag drives me insane
I've been playing World on PS4 Slim at 30 still, lol. Yeah 60 looks cool when people record on PC but it's not dealbreaking. I will play Wilds on PC though
>Manage to clear the first Shara Ishvalda urgent with 0 carts and barely used potions
>The next 4 hunts has me double cart and need to refill my mega potions
Was the first one meant to be easy or what?
Gunlance bros...
We are eating so well
he said frames in other sentence schizo, sit the fuck down
Forgot to mention, the side stepping slash after single shelling allows for almost 360 for the follow up after, the movements feel much less rigid and more responsive
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True. I dont see any reason why games would need to look better than red dead 2. Hell, im fine with stylized games not looking realisitic.

At the same time i play hyper demon and cruelty squad so maybe im just an outlier on the curve /shrug
im watching a rey dau hunt and holy shit this game is so blown out in terms of lighting. wayyyy tooo much bloom.
So the buzzword that'll be tossed around a lot more in Wilds "criticism" will be
>Attack commitment
Right? Being able to actually aim SAEDs is whack.
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Gunlance got so much attention in wilds.
I've accepted it long ago, art design, animation and VFX are way more important to me.
This game has it all, like all Capcom games really.
https://youtu.be/4ijmmPPbtRg?feature=shared sns can do focus attack midair
I think it's a capture card bug, because it looks normal in the trailers.
How do we inform the greatsword players they haven't been the protagonists in a decade?
You just got lucky, and I'm not trying to be patronising
The quicksand shit can get you
Perhaps, not helped by the fact that he can straight combo a knockdown to a beam and that's almost a kill.
at 4:50 the guy goes into a 180 charging poke from a shell? DAMN thats so nice
>there will never be a cool demo like iceborne with rare narga encounter
Weak, jaundiced, uncalloused longsword hands typed this post
am i crazy or does longsword look absolutely fuckin busted in wilds?
I dont know enough about gen 5 longsword to really tell how much its changed desu (ive only played gen 5)
>greatsword can literally spin 360 degrees and walk away


at least I can cope and have some second weapon strapped onto my bird that I pretend I use sometimes.
longsword can speedrun base game
This really seems to be the trend with wilds.
Adding cool shit to your main weapon making you want to stay loyal

Much like a lover who starts hitting the gym and getting toned and curved
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jesus christ why is the victory music so somber? you could confuse it for a failed quest theme.
Eh i think it works
Youre killing a majestic beast that was just trying to survive. But thats just my opinion
>micebreak player expecting to hear proof of a hero for killing dodogama
sheeeeeeeeeesh its true what they say about fivers isnt it...
stupid schizophrenic loser.
Yes, we are murderers.
>need rathalos plate in FU
>3% carve chance from the tail
>2% drop chance from a shiny
>the fastest way to farm for it is to start the quest, flash the rath, check the shiny and abandon if it's not a plate
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>Returning monster is going to have a redesign
Something is telling me Zinogre but also they need something for a Volcano region so maybe Agnaktor actually is back
>Changes inspired by Rise
We can't judge strength in how cool their moves look. LS is pretty cool in World but it's damage is super mid
im playing monster hunter not shadow of the colossus.
Yes, please enjoy. Now imagine doing that for a mon that you definitely have to kill haha...
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>game is story focused
>monster hunter but shadow of the colossus
you accidentally made Wilds sound cool as hell
>only rise fans want the games to keep iconic parts of the series like triumphant victory themes
am i supposed to feel embarrassed about that?
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What should I do after killing Fatalis and farming his gear
>anomaly+gold crown turns barroth from eh to genuinely fucking annoying
that's amazing
move on to Rise.
Complete all quests with your OP gear. Shitpost on /hsrg/
Do SoS with that gear to help out knuckle dragging retards
Get a better understanding of the game with the sheer brokenness of the Armor
... And then slowly downgrade your Armor to never using any Fatalis gear
>hes a mice that enjoys rice
>thinks the new themes dont have enough spice

bad opinions from fivers are never a surprice...
>>thinks the new themes dont have enough spice
and im right
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Learn a new weapon
Beat Fatalis with vanilla IB gear without the claw, mantles, cats, ballistae, Dragonator, smokebombs, or health augmentations
You haven't hunted him before you've done this btw
●Monster Hunter Wilds Cosmetic DLC Pack 1 (Planned for release in Spring 2025)
The below 16 contents are included:
・Hunter layered armor: 1 series (5 pieces), and 1 piece
・Seikret decorations: 2
・Pendants: 6 (Color variation)
・Pose Sets: 1
・Makeup/Facepaint: 1
・Sticker set: 1
・BGM Set: 1
・Pop-up camp customization contents: 2
*This item affects apperances only. More details at a later date.

●Monster Hunter Wilds Cosmetic DLC Pack 2 (Planned for release in Summer 2025)
The below 14 contents are included:
・Hunter layered armor: 1 series (5 pieces)
・Pendants: 6 (Color variation)
・Gesture sets: 2
・Hairstyles: 2
・Makeup/Facepaint: 2
・Sticker set: 1
Where's this from
It's good that they're revamping monsters in some way, one of the coolest things in world was seeing how the monsters evolved by being variant or different than species. Even the old ass silver and golden raths had cool new moves.
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Hype status?
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>Hype status?
>yian kut ku returns
>konchu, also return
I'm trying not to be hyped, but it's increasingly difficult.
The game is still too far away.
Lots. I'm just mentally preparing myself to sandbag hard because I know it'll be kinda easy.
No armor sphere upgrades, no intentionally getting meta skills, etc. until endgame grindan'
this. Fuck man it's basically out next March, why are they beating the hype drum in September the year before?
its in 4 months, anon
that's no time at all
>No armor sphere upgrades, no intentionally getting meta skills, etc. until endgame grindan'
i mean doing that in morlo and mice still get you 10 min hunts
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odds - play freedom united
evens - play final fantasy X
null - shitpost on /mhg/
Remaster or original PS2?
play the remaster!
The remaster is awful! Everyone looks kike they have aids and they have eyebags
>pukei and tobi are at the same threat level as narga/raths and barioth in rise
what the fuck am I looking at, bro???
still better than the original, literal ps2 games have not aged well
The latter mons are really weak there you see.
a bad game
People use armor spheres early on? I only used em when i have my endgame armor
i only use armor spheres when my next urgent quest intimidates me (hardly ever)
Sure, but there's really not much else. Upgrading weapons means new designs, so I'll keep doing that.
I don't want us to go full Elden Ring DLC, but I wish they could cater to long-time players more
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What do you bastards keep in your pockets
they're not some of the ranks are just weird
Sister...you ever look at some of the shit sharing the same FU ranks?
>demon/stoneskin drug *5
You only need 1 since it lasts until you cart... and if you cart you restock anyway
Only bring 1 with your save loadout, you free up 2 spaces as soon as you drink them..
>retarded anon crops his name but it appears on the chat anyway
mega potions, herbal med, nulberry
1 shock trap, 1 trap tool, 1 thunderbug
6 tranqs
power /defence charm / talon
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>potion (10)
>mega potion (10)
>demondrug (3)
>armorskin (3)
>Max Potion (2)
>Well-Done Steak (2)
>whetstones (10)
>paintballs (20)
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shit thats pretty smart
t.habitual gatherer
>Monster Hunter Wilds won't feature a performance mode, Ryozo reveals. "Please enjoy Wilds looking at its best!"
>Monster Hunter Wilds will target 30 frames per second at a 1080 pixel resolution, Ryozo says.
Yep... It's over
oh cool thanks man, good idea
>early game caterpillar monster
>metamorphoses into late game Mothra monster
You're describing Gore and Shagaru
oh yeah. 4U was so good
The Jivas
The Magalas
Tigrex and Akantor
I hope we get an Apex neopteron.
would be sick as hell
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>Check Safijiva HP
>"Only" 20k
>Somehow less than other MR Elder Dragons
>Time limit is 20 minutes
>It can heal too lmao
Well shit, any gear "breakpoints" or whatever before I can confidently solo it?
BAM! Suit up, huntah!
Lil' Miss Forge's 'BAH BAH' has lived rent free in my head for years
Soloing Safi will take...a long time
>insta tail spins
Just roll at the right time. Took me years but I can somewhat consistently roll through it now.
fatalis, unironically and even then it's fucking AIDS
When can I hunt a Greymon who turns into SkullGreymon when near death CAPCOM?!
something that would be near the bottom of a monster hunter iceberg kek
I'll take that as a no then.
das rite
They could take some of the design parts of Beelzebumon like the helmet or the metal parts and put that on Gore
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Shouldn't be that deep. You take a good look at its eyes and you realise that you've seen that look before. You can also headcanon that Brute Tigrex is a missing link considering that it gains much stronger roars that can knock and damage hunters back, something that Akantor does.
No. Its not worth doing. You could whittle down its energy to 0 and get a solo kill but that takes hours. Doing a full energy solo clear requires a bowgun that isn't even in the steam version of the game.
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Hes just chilling
How do we get more players to #ReturnToRise?
Barrel appears to have 80 hitzone

Lv3 regular charge: 160
Lv3 strong charge: 175
Lv3 TCS: 200
Good. TCS is a fine combo-ender, and if you get to it through normal gameplay that's fine
But the meta of skipping everything to TCS was so fucking lame
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Rey Dau is honestly contender for best flying shitvern, he actually looks fun. He just needs to get sped up and shoot more lightning and he's perfect. Something about flying wyverns and being lightning element truly earns them based status.
Don't worry we'll get a more aggressive type of all the Apexes in the expansion, you can bet on it.
Thanks capcom undercover.
>LOIC Rey Dau
Robot players get the fuck out of my general
Rey Dau will definitely get a Dragon subspecie or variant right? Not much you can do with a lightning based attack set.
hello im a mhw baby, can someone explain why every monhun fan i know is losing their shit over the yian-kut-ku reveal? i heard he was a tutorial monster, whats the big deal? nostalgia?
Lance thrust MVs match Sunbreak
Wide Sweep is 70-ish
New 3 hit finisher is around 26+26+40
Rey Dau's strength with lightning is how it plays out with the terrain in sand (creates those geodes that hurt if you get hit) or his nest that lingers any lightning attacks from him or his wings
How are you ERPborne niggas entertained by slightly slower Astalos
>i heard he was a tutorial monster, whats the big deal? nostalgia?
Yeah basically.
Go fight kut ku in mh1 or freedom
He's the original tutorial monster
Tendies like doing the same shit over and over and over again with minimal changes so they were getting anxious because they were only showing new content for Wilds
>fire raydau
>dark red scales
>fire like a canon/musket
>set got gunlance related perks
ehhh, astalos is faster sure but he only has one move that shakes up the fight while rey has like 2 fake dives along with >>496249251. also raygun > lighsaber
>Wilds' uncharged Wide Sweep is as strong as base Rise's Charged Wide Sweep
uhhhhh ok, am I seeing that right?
Nostalgia is a big part of it considering he's been a fan favourite since the very first game but he's not just a tutorial mon he's a part of a very finely crafted progression of difficulty through the game
The Kut-Ku > Yian Garuga > Rathian > Rathalos progression is an amazing way to teach the game's system to players by slowly ramping up and introducing new factors to the same skeleton and base monster and the game feels a little empty without his specific step in the ladder
His armour is also equally iconic from a progression standpoint
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>can your PC run wilds?
>i'm gunna fucking jump
>The Kut-Ku > Yian Garuga > Rathian > Rathalos progression is an amazing way to teach the game's system to players
Yian Garuga is not in the original monster hunter and is irrelevant to its design philosophy, furthermore Yian Garuga is not even normally available to hunt in MHF and MH2 unless you connect your PS2 to your PSP so it's even further outside the range of tutorial content. Lastly, even in recent games, Yian Garuga is never made available as the target of quests before Rathian is, and in the original game Rathian is unlocked after beating Rathalos.

TL;DR: Shut the fuck up 3ds baby
>Yian Garuga > Rathian
Is it really? Garuga being able to dodge pitfall traps was pretty interesting. I don't remember Rathian being able to do anything that Garuga can't back then or at least Garuga can do more than her.
Also would like to point out that Yian Kut Ku also teaches you about monster states what with its ears pulling back when it's dying. It's neat.
Wilds wide sweep is really fucking slow
AGP weapon when
ok now reply with your least favorite weapon, it'll be funny haha
That's Lance
>3DS baby
You fight Yian Garuga before Rathian in FU specifically if you’ve already killed 10 Kut-ku
It’s literally the devs saying “ok you’ve farmed the tutorial mon you can graduate to garuga”
why is namielle an elder he's just bully target I feel bad for killing him
I thought Garuda was after the raths? I always had more trouble with Garuga but it’s still my favorite monster.
>specifically if you've already killed 10 Kut-Ku
Ain't nobody doing that until HR
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>demo been at every gaming event for the past two months
>STILL not one lick of where post hunt killscreens are
its FUCKING gone isn't it...
Obviously meant for >>496250280
Why would you not do it in LR? Blue Kut Ku gets you attack up and reckless abandon
It’s THE LR set to start with
Ray Dau
Uth Duna
Lala Barina
Ark Veld

why are wildmons like this
it's fucking cool as shit, i love it, they sound mythicalancient monsters is probably going to be the theme for the dlc, with discovering and fighting "extinct" species - MH WILDS - PRIMORDIAL or some shit
Kut Kus are fun to hunt with a hammer and it's easy picking for early money to buy the power and armor charms.
Most people who aren't autistic will just make armor pieces as they go rather than do the same quest over and over until they have a full set for every third monster
Theres a new option of not being tpd back to village/camp and staying where you are
Afaik this is on by default in the demo so no one has bothered with that
He didn't say every third monster, he said Kut Ku and for an obvious reason
They've done a few major changes.
>ED1 & 2 do not use phials
>AED (1) has a followup AED (2) and each use half a phial
>SAED can only be done after AED2 or GP (i think) with a charged shield
>phials can be supercharged which boosts the phial damage to levels of previous versions (as in regular phials make for weaker SAEDs)
>AED1 & 2 do not use any superphials
>pizza cutter is now a 2 minute buff that uses no phials, but can only be used if you hit a wound with a focus attack or GP (i think)
This is all I know.
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Oh man, these triple-A games look so good!!!
You can also 180 SAED now, which is neat.
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Anon was right about the Scarlet deep dive
the expansion name is cataclysm as per the capcom leak, EDW and Dire Maralis trust the plan
source: dude trust me
After AT namielle I can't feel bad for him
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I do like that the screen has barely changed since 2 decades ago. It works perfectly so no need to overhaul it.
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Ok so im doing a worlds playthrough with insect glaive. Just did stygian zynogre, only now did i learn that flinch free affected kinsects. Btw, does each level of the skill increse the kinsect effect, or do i only need one tick of the effect and extra levels only affect the base skill
What do you want to see, bro
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You talking about this? Pretty sure it was disproved
the entire moveset / combos with inputs displayed so i can mentally adjust my muscle memory in advance
>DD2: The Dragon Princess - Nov 2024
Hurts to read.
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leaked Cataclysm flagship
>ultra black gravios
Actually makes sense because the area is described to be uncharted. Imagine if the hunter stumbles upon the storage facility and accidentally awakens the thing from its slumber.
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*Winged Black Ukanlos
Lance is the easiest weapon in the game. You don't have to remember much combos
it's still different to rise, and i want to know all the differences
the shield is a lot more involved, i wanna know if perfect guarding is "needed" / what it does
i wanna know if those multipokes can be done at any time or just at the end of the combo
i wanna know how focus and clash attacks specifically work for it
i wanna know if wide slaps are still "meta"
i wanna know the controls for the new power guard since you can just go "right into" it now without having to regular guard first
i wanna KNOW
if you have nothing useful to say at all, then just don't say it retard
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A shot in the dark but anyone here successfully use a flight stick on the left hand and the mouse on the right hand for monster hunter on PC?
why the fuck would you want that
What. I do have one of those mouse that has buttons on the side.
so it can feel like their wringing the life outta those dang monsters
To play bow with pinpoint accuracy while using a stick on the left instead of wasd
>To play bow with pinpoint accuracy
the fuck do you need accuracy for, bow isn't a ranged weapon all you do is stand point blank in front of a monsters face and abuse iframes
They can easily make a dragon element Rey Dau since it's just Dark lightining.
I can't hit the face constantly with a normal controller with bow but playing with mouse feels off
>Be shit at shooting things using a fucking mouse
>Use a flight stick instead
>Rey Duark
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>both are ancient relics from around the dragon war era
>both depicted as chained up in some sort of ancient facility
>"Hunta-san we need to stop the White Wraith and find out its origins!"
We won't even be waiting for G-rank
It passed my mind to try but my VKB Gladiator is a right hand joystick. I've only got a throttle for the left hand lol.
You ever thought about getting a controller with gyro?
>"Hunta-san we need to stop the White Wraith and find out its origins!"
How about, hang on, I know it will sound ridiculous, but listen to this commissioner-san: what if we just quietly follow it for a few hours or a few days and observe its hideout, ecology, and note anything else interesting down in a notebook..? I mean, we have ghillie mantles enough for everyone here. No, calm down, listen, this might be an idea before we kill it and regret it in a week realizing we just did harm to the natural cycle or something..
I think they might interchange the Apexes with their biomes, changing them to specialize in something else. Like the Uth Duna actually surfing the dunes and making sand waves.
But imagine how cool the armour you can make from it!
He doesn't even need that, in World once you hit the first time, if you don't move the stick the aim reticle stays where you hit last time, you don't have to aim it like a shooter game bros.. Have youse even played the Bow?
Arkveld looks like a monster kept as protection or as a "god" for the villagers it killed. which would be why he is alive while the rest of it's species is dead.
He breaks free and kills everyone, while the little boy wanting revenge learns that it is a victim of his village.
And you'll will finally kill his ass, the last one of his kind!
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Dodogama is probably not returning and that makes me happi
World PC room/lumu
>Have youse even played the Bow?
Yes, with a mouse. I'm not aiming with my thumb like a troglodyte but I know that others prefer it.
If EDW is made canon I'm dropping the series on the spot.
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Am I mistaken or is this the first time you get a popup pause tutorial during the heat of the combat in the whole series?
I don't remember being interfered with that shit during combat in World so yeah maybe.
They should just make Wargreymon a collab monster in Wilds desu
>heat of the battle
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Has anyone else found the dedicated jump button yet?
Nope you get one when you fight Amatsu too
If you're willing to go that far, just get this thing, it works fine.
what in the name of autism is this
This but
>congalala returns
>congas, also return
special autism controller/keyboard.
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Wilds CB literally looks the same as SNS lol, why are the two not combined into one weapon? Nobody cares about SNS
sns is faster, less gay, less autistic, more mobile requires less resource management, has a helpful gimmick, is less gay and has overall better weapon designs

bing blade is literally just a shittier overdesigned sns for special ed students
>If kino is made canon I'm dropping the series on the spot.
Is the game running better at the TGS demo or do the nips just have folded one million times capture devices
Get two flight sticks and pilot your hunter like a mecha
how do
They stopped changing JP monster names as drastically after GU, we're getting pure JP grugspeak now
That's why the fish from World are -todus instead of -ioth
>Wilds CB literally looks the same as SNS
You are very blind it seems.
Only N*ruto fans like EDW.
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Custom names with a limit of 6 letters.
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Sunbreak pishi lumu doko?
I need something to help me wake up before I do five hours of maths this afternoon.
I feel like I'm supposed to slavishlyblove this series to be a Real Gamer, but I bounced off of vanilla Rise on Switch.
No, I'm not insisting that Wilds cater to me. It's solely my deficiency as a gamer that's stopping me from enjoying the series.
How's Monster Hunter Rise? Last one I played was one of the ones on the DS or 3DS or whatever that had Arzuros in it

Used gunlance then and liked it.
Would only play offline
>vanilla Rise on Switch.
Base Rise sucked and it runs like ass on the Switch so its not that surprising

Better now but blow through the base game to get to Sunbreak
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Uth Duna sounds like a Gaelic faerie to me. Like the horrifying Uth Duna that lurks in murky larks and curses anyone that swims in its domain.
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>I feel like I'm supposed to slavishlyblove this series to be a Real Gamer
Don't. Enjoy what you enjoy. Don't let other people dictate to you what is or isn't "fun".
>I bounced off vanilla Rise on Switch
That's okay anon, Rise was a bit of a strange game. I loved it personally, but I'm also retarded.

Just dip your toes into a free demo and if it doesn't click, don't worry. It's not for you. If you don't like peaches it doesn't matter how juicy a peach is, it just isn't for you.
bros... tyler1's account is kurolisted... who did this
It's just, my brother got it for my birthday several years ago, and I feel like I stabbed him in the back by not finishing it.
Doesn't help that I did stupid stuff like only upgrading the starting armor with defence orbs and only sticking to the longsword I started with because I made a meme character based on Toshiro Mifune.
>Translation: I'm getting old

Let me guess you are a 30 year old boomer
Sunbreak PC room!

Come hunt whatever you want! Low rank, high rank, event quests, special investigations, marathons, hazard quests, whatever!

God damn it's hard to find cute pictures to upload, half of what I've got in my MonHunments folder is porn and 80% of that isn't even MH related. C00mer's curse.
gomen I’m in the iceborne pishi lumu
Then yeah you have "game burnout". It's normal.
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>Didn't help that I did stupid stuff
It's literally impossible to do "stupid stuff" in MH. Nothing is finite. Relax.
>I feel like I stabbed [my brother] in the back by not finishing it
So you feel guilty for failing to enjoy a gift thoroughly enough?

Here's what you do. You call or text your brother, you say "Hey. I'm sorry I couldn't enjoy Rise that much. It just never clicked for me. I feel awful about it. How about we hang out and I'll buy you lunch to make up for it?"
Have a lovely day, anon!
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My only problem with Wilds SnS is that they didn't bring back the way item usage works in dos. You don't need to guard in dos to use items, and it looks much more fluid than snapping from the guard animation to the item animation. The guard and sprint buttons are separate again since moving back to console so there's no reason they couldn't bring that back.
Thanks, Notte. You're as much of a help here as you were to my Euden in Dragalia Lost.
>Finally bought Iceborne
>Will probably be useless since I'm so fucking autistic and would never play multiplayer
Haha... yay....
it's fine you can solo everything except the cringe rng gacha raid bosses and even if you did want to do that there are mods to make soloable versions of them
Why did you post then you fucking retard?
I think they did that so you can't throw barrelbomb mid air with your weapon out which is gay.
Don't worry about it, as long as you don't try to Power Guard every supernova you'll be just fine. Actually you'll be fine regardless because I've played with a guy like that against AT Nami
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Should they bring Chameleos back in Wilds?
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Newest MH is ALWAYS the best MH.
t. Capcom shill

I'm getting less excited with wilds. I'm joining team ichinose and will wait for portable 6 (the trust monster hunter successor) in 2031
Dos > FU
Tri > 3U
World > Iceborne
theres a reason why they never do mh remasters
because every generation is improving
why are westoids like this
I need a 4060 to play on medium settings? that's kinda bullshit
They should still do one like that GTA SA remaster. It'd be very funny. Jokes aside, it won't work since the jank is part of the "personality" of the game. A proper remaster will take that out.
Hey it's not gonna be that long. 2027 maybe. 2028 at worst.
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>If you have 4 Wirebugs you can Metsu Rathian's tail whip both times
I'm Fucking Cumming
Why does he have a turd on his head?
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27' and 28' are very unlikely to be honest.
The next portable release will be announce 2 weeks before Wilds G gets announced.
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Damn guess this just isn't an active hour for /mhg/?
Why not? Unless they get another bullshit setback like having to redesign their maps and combat because of wild success in some way. They've got more than enough dev time.
Rise released in 2021 remember, portable team has been working on a new entry since.
>portable team has been working on a new entry since.
X to Doubt
4 > 4U
Gen > GU
G rank versions are near universally shit
Can't possibly be worse than rise at least.
>[monster] weapon
>needs materials from random shitty monsters to level up
Huh? Wtf do you think they're doing in the meantime
It makes sense if said weapon is affiliated with the monster but most of the time it's some random Elder Dragon part so you can boost them to a higher tier. Also applies to some armour pieces that random require mantles.
Support for Wilds G. Management would rather have that than a new portable that can be done in 6 months.

t. Acurately oredicted portable 5 being multiplatform.
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good honts
The expansion teams are different than the two core main and portable ones.
>portable that can be done in 6 months
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who did this to my pig
Why does it look like it's through a fisheye lens.
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Tiggy is friend.
he tasted so good, sorry he's haunting you
I'm so sorry that you're holding out for Portable 6.
I mean the Switch is still relevant right? I genuinely don't know since I don't hear about it much anymore.
I mean its THE nintendo console, so anything from nintentdo goes on there
the full heals
nullberry or herbs
the power charms
might seed
>portable team
Enough of this shitty and wrong meme.
I can see it now
2 million players peak
for Wilds Demo on steam
>finally got someone without brain damage recording and gameplay
>SnS looks goated with the sauce
Bros I'm happy
holy FUCK the grab hitbox for 4u deviljho is completely broken. this nigga grabbed me with his fuckin tail.
Have we finally seen decent lance gameplay?
I couldn't find any new Lance stuff on JP youtube at all but it's been some hours since I checked
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I'm trying that anyways, without the PS4 only bowgun. Feels pretty doable but I spent almost 8 hours on HR KT before using the meta set
I can see it now
A million tendies hanging
Because of Wilds sucess
Prehensile Deviljho is regional species most often seen in the Frozen Seaway but known to wander out of it's bounds now and then.
It's just that when people talk portable nowadays, they talk about the Steamdeck. Last I've heard someone mention the switch IRL is a kid wanting one.
>I mean the Switch is still relevant right?
Confirmed by playtesters ps5 and ps5 pro wont have 60fps options at all. No performance mode available at all.
What an utter failure
the absolute state of snoyboys lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
720p also on the ps5, next gen tendies kek.

What did SnS get?
Overview trailer didn't do it justice
MH is almost a yearly series between the main games and G rank, they probably didn't want to oversaturate themselves when they could just update the monsters as nostalgiabait in a new game
The utter state of copesole
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What an absolute motherfucker of a quest.
>no 60fps

what does that mean? I play on a non 4k telly.
My face will be her chair
>easy mode blades
>still died twice
Eh, I wasn't planning on getting the Pro anyway.
Aside from being really fluid
>You can focus attack in the air instead of doing falling bash/thrust and hit wounds you normally couldn't hit
>Focus attack has two versions, you can do the ghettogeki or a plunging thrust through the monster
>Instant backhop from guard is still in (people were worried because it didn't show up on the move list and games come reports were spotty)
Consoles running things poorly is not news, it's just standard.
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wtf is this bar from, ive seen it in world and rise gameplay but i have no idea what this is
What the hell are those ugly red streaks
Velkhana armor
oh ok i play gl and never do an elemental build so that explains it
Rise's lack of completely random Rathalos Ruby requirements
I think its probably the least I've ever fought a Rath in a MH game because I didn't need Rath parts for like 10 other weapon trees
Modded crit glows if I had to guess.
means you're gonna get something similar to ps3/x360 resolution
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Your image tickled my funny bone, damn it
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Not bright enough
ps3 was 1080p tho
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raging brachy can lick my balls
i'm going to need to farm better decos for this horseshit
It's not elemental it charges up while your weapon is sheathed ad makes you do more raw damage until the bar runs out
Probably not too useful on GL anyways but its good on GS and some meme setups

All you need is blast resist and evade extender
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here's my progress from last night after 4 hours
In 3 full hunts I was able to break both arms, both legs, both wings, back and partial head. A few more hunts and I managed to force Safi into area 3,enter super critical state, fully break his head and force out a Nova, just after that I only needed 2 more short hunts to completely drain the first layer of energy
>After 4 hours
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I'm really gonna miss anchor rage.
just do it in the lumu
it's just a thrusting counter, I'm sure they'll give you another eventually
Buffs your damage depending on the knockback absorbed
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I need to get my glasses.
It's not the worst desu, Safi is a really boring fight with a LBG so I can put up a video and just go braindead
On PS4 also not paying for internet twice so free weekends only
Yes I am the same stubborn anon who solo'd siege KT using HR only gear
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Yes, there's a reason why I brought the copium swords to that quest lmao. Imagine trying to do that quest with an honest weapon like GL
Except it's stupidly fast out of a lot of other actions.
Yeah, that one converted pretty wonky
The Wilds switch2 port is looking great
you fell in love with a damage buff?
erm actually it was me carting twice with LS
For starters, don't use VP8 in [current year].
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adding damage numbers was a mistake
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Finally, the barrel bomb finish
It helps in identifying how well you're actually doing and comparing performances between two weapons. It does flare up autism though. I still like it since some places lie about stuff, like Shara actually taking 600 blast damage in both phases.
If you faint once you should abandon the quest, otherwise you're a shitter

They forgot to turn off blood splatter in this footage
Anyone that does not turn them off before their first hunt smells like moldy cheese.
4U random...
je suis monte
I miss bombs being a menace. They deal no damage now.
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This reminds me of a clip I saw of alchemy style in GU and it makes me want to do it
Maybe but I prefer it in Sieges so I can tell my bowgun actually doing damage and where I need to adjust
It also helped me learn about super autistic shit. For example when Safi's head is partially broken, tenderized, and charging up/firing a laser, Shot type damage gets an insanely high hitzone value jumping from 23 to 45
Is it the capture footage or is the lighting and colors of Wilds not great?
Its REngine so probably the latter
Bless that autist.
Playing Lance almost feels like cheating tbqh

Probably because it's on PS5 since they paid for advertisement
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are dual blades really easymode? Im lookin for new weapons to try, what makes it more easy than say berserk bow
yeah but requires tax skill (guard) in higher ranks
Lancies will take anything that improves their terrible damage
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Its just you. The game has more than just desert biomes. Also bad capture footage.
They still do the same damage they always did, monster HP just scales retardedly high now and if they make bombs stronger to accomodate, they would be too strong in low rank.
I meant damage to the player
How are you supposed to get the mats to upgrade more than one weapon type and armor set without repeating low rank hunts for 100s of hours?
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Expert hunters know their damage output by how big the red slash, hit stop and screen shake was. Novice hunters need damage numbers.
You usually get a bunch of shit doing investigations and hunts take less than 5 minutes. It's not that big of a deal. Also you'd be surprised by the amount of excess tough you have in your inventory.
>・Hunter layered armor: 1 series (5 pieces), and 1 piece

I fucking knew they would do this shit. All DLC and potentially event quest layered armor will be ONE unisex set instead of one for each gender, and they'll get away with it.
By save editing.
>frog post
Scarlett forest demo gameplay coming in 4 ish hours
Oh yeah that, I think they just want to minimize griefing
That's just sharpness though and when you get down to it, weapons will have different raw and elements and then add in difference between weapons.
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Bombs actually do scale in damage now. In Sunbreak (and I THINK Iceborne as well?) they deal amplified damage in G rank, just like Blast does. Not as strong as they were back in FU/3U, but comparable to how they were in GU and better than World.
do I enter HR or start my DB and HH collections
From what I remember, it has taken me upwards of 20 minutes to hunt low rank monsters using unupgraded weapons.
wtf do bones nodes look like in the guiding lands. Ive found plenty of mining nodes but no bones. am i just blind? where the fuck are they
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>100's of hours
Anon, how long do you think low rank hunts take? If it takes you 5 hunts to make a weapon (note: it usually will not take 5 hunts) and a hunt takes you 5 minutes (note: low rank hunts do not take 5 minutes) then you're looking at 25 minutes of hunting at the high end. More realistically, you're going to bulldoze low rank hunts in two minutes and you'll only need to hunt a monster once or twice to make a weapon, so it'll take you five-ish minutes.
>arena quests count on the 4u guild card
>have a single DB hunt fucking up my card
I guess that answers that for me
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Lumu closed, thanks for hunting!
Like orange deposits I guess. They kinda meld with the environment. You can also get the glowing spots mod if it's the much of a hassle.
So I wasn't supposed to do each new quest in a rank exactly once and then move on to the next rank without repeating ones I already cleared?
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check 'em
Wilds SnS uses World's advancing slash instead of the one used in literally every other game
So fucking awful. Why would they double back on that dogshit move?
Why is the hunting horn's move set still so ugly? Literally the lamest looking weapon
i'm gunna miss skyward thrust

not "just" a thrusting counter
it comes out extremely fast and acts as a great panic button
i rarely ever use it for the damage buff because trying to get it to have 100% uptime is just annoying and at best it only gives you like 10% more so who gives a fuck
Always a pleasure
They look like Flat sheets with exposed spines
what area are you looking for them in? I think there are maps for each region
it wasn't, i like knowing what i'm doing

they deal a shitload again in wilds
what about the world lumu?
can you help me cum?
poke poke poke reset
if attack incoming dodge/block
if no attack incoming you attack instead
It's similar to berserk+strife bow because you also want to use these two skills and they make you immortal with the added benefit of infinite stamina. On top of that you also forget about sharpness management because of ironshine silk. Shrouded vault (the wire evade) is also extremely spamamble and unlike keeping sway on hammer this one does damage if you get hit during i-frames.
fuck off idiot
You asked for a guide and yet I'm the retard?
Did you read that insult in a 'how to post on 4chan' flowchart?
Man, I really do not like the bubble breakdance
i rike rongsword
yes you're an idiot if think that's how lance gameplay is
what i wanted was something that showcased all of the new moves and how they tie into the existing moveset
Anyone who says this has to be using it in low rank or early high rank.
I don't, in fact, think that's how lance gameplay is.
I KNOW that's how lance gameplay is. You poke and reset to avoid damage before poking again.
>uhh durr you do da charge swing
You do what you need to make gear
>You poke and reset to avoid damage before poking again.
you very rarely ever do 3 bog standard pokes since better dps options like repeating thrust infinitely exist and are safer you moron
You know what really annoys me about MonHun gameplay?
You take one tap from a large monster, and you have to run like hell while mashing an arrow key to get to your healing and status cure potions before you die.
And before you say "just don't get hit", I swear that every monster reads my inputs and hits me no matter where I aim my dodge roll.
This. The damage is nice, especially if you get a big knockdown off of the hit, but the appeal is the boosted guard and speed.
>caoshitter trying to make gunlance out to be complex with this retarded ass, ugly image
Not always. Plus you're ignoring counter thrust and power guard with their benefits and utility.
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Without the scoutflies it looks like nothing
They really fucking meld
All areas i just wanna level up my deposits in guiding lands
are these ratings via metacritic accurate?
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Nope I'm using it at master rank and you can block 99% of all attacks. Just don't use skill bind counter and it can block multihits. You don't even have to move since the monster can just come to you.
>repeating thrust infinitely
Yeah, you thrust your lance forwards (aka: poke) and reset and then thrust your lance forwards (aka: poke) more
>are safer
just don't poke thrice? cut it short with a forwards shield hop? dodge? hold a counter?
stupid faggot
>and you have to run like hell while mashing an arrow key to get to your healing
Use your radials?
My what?
>Sunbreak worse than Rise
That's not what I was told.
Lines up with what I personally believe, so yes.
Whats a metacritic?
What I need never drops due to the desire sensor triggering.
in world and rise you can literally bind items to radial slots and then all you have to do is press 1 button to use them
Fuck no.
Anon, just because you CAN do that doesn't mean it's a good idea or broken.
What anon >>496279650 said. If you're talking about the older games then maybe don't bring so much irrelevant stuff.
>>caoshitter trying to make gunlance out to be complex with this retarded ass, ugly image
My guy its just a combo tree. Not even that complex. Feel like youre projecting
I've never seen that in my copy of Rise. Did it get added in with the Sunbreak DLC or something?
>ve never seen that in my copy of Rise.
you're blind as shit then cuz the setup for it is in one of the menus when you interact with your item chest
new bread:
you got a defective copy and need to buy the game again I think
Press LB to activate it
Oh, so that's what it was. I thought it was a bug in my Switch Lite causing a graphics glitch.
I appreciate them in the training room but they're also the only indicator of element doing anything at all to a monster
Like different sized elemental effects like you have different sized regular hitsparks

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