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>Official WoW News


>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old: >>496137381
first for Delve chads
i shidded...
>m+ killed mythic raiding
>delves killed m+
delveGODS run this game
blood elves are gay faggots and deserve everything bad that has ever happened to them
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post more Draenei please
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>it's another episode of tank losing threat in m+
>it's another episode of tank doing extremely small pulls even though nobodys hp is moving
>it's another episode of you popping cooldowns and then tank decides to do a big pull on the next packs
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What killed M+?
I need someone to flirt with while playing the game...
Adjust dps cuck
whats your ilvl
should I farm some gold and replace my bracers?
or try to RNG them in plus 8 delves?
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>it's another episode of tank losing threat in m+
Don't bully the Brewmasters, Blizzard fucked their threat generation
>it's another episode of tank doing extremely small pulls even though nobodys hp is moving
Tanks have been conditioned to do 1 pull at a time because trash mobs in +7 keys or above can oneshot them with defensives up
are skinny fat with a beard?
how big is your knot
yeah my pug tank has definitely done +7s ok bud
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*hoots at u*
how do you respond?
No, I'm just a boy that takes e to stay hairless...
>HRT blaster
just laser it off?
*rapes you*
>Water droplet
>honky honky
>Gun shot
if delves actually win there's no reason to play WoW anymore. I'd rather go play any single player game.
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SoD is getting all those bussin weapon transmogs that should be in retail
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>Solo shuffle as Arcane mage
>Die because healer is retarded
>ask for rez
>Tank decides to pull another pack
>Clear that pack
>Ask for rez again
>Tank keeps pulling
>Type "zzzz" in chat out of frustration
>Get vote kicked
I am so fucking done
>want losed?
you could've released and been back at the party by the 2nd time you asked for a res, dipshit
>healers LITERALLY dont know what an external is
the fucking 2h sword guys in dawnbreaker wreck me so fucking bad dude
i tried doing the mini boss at the dialoguers house in dawnbreaker 3 fucking times
popped all my defensives
nigger hit me 3 times for 2-3 million a pop in 1.2 seconds
Shouldn't have died
esports min/max creep
people are literally gatekeeping half the specs in the game lel
can't wait to see melee get nerfed into the ground and suddenly tears will flow like a waterfall in the thread about gatekeeping
Or just wait and rez and not autopilot>>496174795
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Admission of defeat from him
hAvInG fUn yEt?
the only dungeons that arent complete fucking aids to time are mists/arakara/wake
everything else is a complete fucking shit show that the devs just didnt bother to tune
its the 15 second death penalty
it basically means if you're not on disc and or you dont have ACTUALLY competent players you will have zero chance of timing the key if you have 10+ deaths
>die because healer is retarded
I'm going to stop you right there chief.
>continue clearing
>dead dps runs back
>no pausing no time lost
>stop and stand still for 15 seconds to res
>then pull next pack
this might be hard to understand as a newbie but once you get up to high keystone levels, seconds matter
any point doing bootyful delves when you don't have the keys for 603 chest?
vault at end of week
it just proves the only reason you played to begin with was rewards kek
if you actually enjoyed the group interactions you would not care and just keep playing but suddenly when the rewards structure of the game is changed you want to quit
vault and delve xp so you can eventually buy keys. Not much else to buy from the murloc
ok players
ORC futa or draenai futa tonight?
>if you actually enjoyed the group interactions
i fucking hate all of you
no one argues this
you're a fucking retard
buff resto druids... we're supposed to be the best healer for all content, it's not fair
How are you guys doing ?? zekvir even after the nerfs when brann is still retarded and dies in phase 2?
hi, is it a good time to start wow for the tirst time? i am an xiv player but literally my game is completely dead.
what happened to xiv anon?
did Ion unironically win?
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>blood elves are gay faggots

I want you to say those exact words out loud then bow your head in shame you stupid fuck.
you mean the trannies on /v/ telling users
FF14 is alive were wrong?
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>want to tank M0
>get nervous because don't want to fuck it up
>chicken out
>not sure what to do
>want to tank M0...
'fraid so
whats with the full stop
the dawntrail campaign was god awful, everything from writing to quests was complete low quality garbage, also they used a tranny VA for the English main story character, since your character is literally irrelevant. all my friends logged in day 1 i was so excited and few days later they all stopped, now literally no one is left and server is empty. it feels like they gave up on the game. i want a good mmo and friends.
Because it was a one worded sentence.
lol so then the answer swings around back to why are you in a game doing something you hate smart person?
t. gay faggot
TWW has a lot of players and, anecdotally, a lot of them seem new. Beyond that the change to cut off the first 10 levels (which was less of an issue during the end of DF because a lot of the M+ playerbase had been doing the dungeons and was smaller since end of expansion) has created a scenario in which you're finding a lot of people who would naturally pug up keys hyper condescend into this bracket where they're doing 2s but hard failing 6s and there's not really keys for them to progress between. Not that I'm unhappy with them removing the first 10 (it works for me) but I get how it's causing a lot of people to flounder. Delves coupled with harder to acquire myth track also means that people are going in with higher overall gear with less expression for true endgame gear so everyone appears to be the same. Two guys of vastly different skill levels look a lot closer ilvl and io wise compared to previous expansions as a result. Overall tank and healer power are also on the lower end.

Personally I'm pugging into 8s right now and while I think this season is probably more annoying than in the past I do not think this is some major outlier. The squish and itemization has brought out a lot more shitters or generally new players but I do not think overall the dungeons are anymore aids than usual nor do I think the average pug once into 6+ that the average pug is any more or less of a raging freak than usual. I think people tend to forgot how bad start of expansion keys are.
there's no time limit and it's not very hard. m0 is where you fuck things up and make mistakes to learn how to do m+ better
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the only thing a resto druid is best at is polishing Orc spears
now get to work
Bountiful elves
Sounds like you might have to just kill yourself
>but I do not think overall the dungeons are anymore aids than usual
interrupt changes + even MORE interrupts than in DF definitely makes it more aids than usual
nobody wants to strugglebus through fucking trash in babby's first +7
says the wowfaggot
Delves have really ruined M+, so many dogshit players coming in with gear more than enough for the key level, but theyre just so bad it doesnt matter
All I'm saying is think about it
>game is becoming more popular in CN and KR
boob sliders soon
fat green orc tits!
Does wowg like cute n funny pandas? :3
A few questions about crafting:
Is it possible to add an Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest to an already crafted item to upgrade it from 606 to 619 and what would that require (in terms of materials)?
Are Embellishments linked to ilvl in any way or is it just the rank of the Embellishment that matters?
Do Embellishments stack?
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look at this cute and funny panda
dolly and dot are my best friends
kino alert
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>Can't get into any m+ as a holy paladin
I'm sorry I don't want to be a fucking faggot twinkdragon...
dunes of sands
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why would gear matter if you have io to judge people by
I just did a +7 dawnbreaker with a twinkdragon healer, he healed less than half the tank did and bricked our key
Maybe you should have invited the holy paladin.
HOLEEE I can't wait to boot up Turtle WoW for this!
Because gear determines how easy content should be assuming youre not braindead
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gear determines nothing but possible numbers
io is the measure of how experienced a person is in m+, unless cheesed by carries
You do a recrafting order with the new item and a much smaller assortment of the original materials
Embellishment numerical differences are based on the ilvl of the piece itself and the higher ranks of embellishments simply reduce the crafting difficulty of the item.
A lot of embellishment effects stack but you'd have to look up the specific one to make sure. I don't think a TON of specs want double effects but some do.
is the joke that everyone forgot about dragonflight
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The People don't want twinkdragons for m+ they want totemboys
kek i knew there was something wrong with that picture. Tbh DF is the prologue of the worldsoul saga
I can't listen to gospel and tracks from 40k vidya while playing shaman, anon. That's why my only options are priest and paladin.
DF would be a nervous looking dog being pet by furries at a convention
by the titans... that fucking ass
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I'm new to this and I've been informed that addons are important. What are the must-have addons?

>pic unrelated
a dps meter
that's it
Details, Weakauras, some boss mod of your choice (DBM/Bigwigs&Littlewigs). Anything else is personal preference.
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i did a world event to finish my last slot and just did a tier 8, why didnt it upgrade to a tier 8
HAHAHAHA look at this panda shes getting her paws tickled!
It's 8 tier 8s not 7 tier 8s and a world quest
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I see. Thanks Anon.
it has to be 8 t8 or else the last slot will be the lowest activity you did
twink dragon will be THE choice for gitgud groups. they're just next level of hps + busted utility (even more than shaman) + more mana efficient than totemic, straight up better than farseer + their dicks are more aesthetic
rsham is better for shitter crowd (ie people who pug)
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so did i go and brick that slot
Bro are you brain-dead? Just do more tier 8s until it upgrades
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>declined to a +2
>lose my cool and message slurs to the group leader
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>shamans are good
DBM so you actually know if the generic glowy orb put over your head is a soak/meteor/drop/ spreadable dot/run to specific area mechanic without wiping the raid 4 times first.
Details so you can focus on improving/know who fucked up.
Auctionator so you don't accidentally jew yourself.
MDT if you plan to tank M+
TomTom if you have any interest in hunting rares/treasures/collectibles
QuickQuest to speed blitz through the campaign.
WeakAuras if you want to make your own alerts/CD trackers.
That's pretty much all I use.
ur cute
It's so funny to me when dpsissies get personally offended
I just don't want you on my fucking keystone run dude nothing personal, I'm gonna invite the 3 1800 rating pumpers that applied
Zoomers might as well be braindead.
>twink dragon will be THE choice for gitgud groups
The ratio in high end push groups containing resto shaman to prevoker is 20:1.
>go into zekvir ??
>pet dies to 1 auto attack
so what exactly am I meant to do here?
blizzard give me dracthyr priest now i want to give you money
Play better, chuddie. Sounds like a skill issue.
Come back with better gear.
weakauras (lots of)
plater + 20 hours of configuration

then maybe, MAYBE you can run dungeons up to +6 or so
I'm 612, I got the boss to 30% before Brann decided to go unconscious (he sometimes just doesnt die and goes straight to full hp, other times you need to res him, I dont know why it's so inconsistent?)
It's retarded, not thought through at all
do you think the current keys are the highest keys that'll be done?
at least 80% of the tryhards are raiding all day right now. you'll see in a month or so where people are geared properly and reclears take one day.
Why aren't you playing fempanda monk, /wowg/?
>Best Animations for monk
>Good transmogs
>Waifu material
>Fun racials especially suited for monk
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Of the following paladins, which should I level to 80?
>doing 0s to fill out missing slots on new character
>Tirna Scythe
>ret paladin and healer who are obviously duo'd together leave after first boss
>get another healer dps in
>healer does 2 pulls, barely heals
>"my head hurts im dizzy
>doesn't even leave group but goes offline
>find another healer and get to fairy boss
>no one is attacking the illusion even with me marking it and pinging it
>tank leaves
And people wonder why everyone is using delves
>do you think the current keys are the highest keys that'll be done?
This isn't how this has ever worked. Barring massive tuning changes you don't just go "well resto shaman has served us well pushing to 25s but now we have no choice but to bust out the secret tech of holy paladin". On occasion you get that with tanks but even then that's not super common.
I know that feel. also when
>they join my key and then leave in two seconds
>list for my key only to decline invitation
or the most common
>leave the group when they realize it's not time able
I must say I have whispered some people for these reasons today
This fat bitch needs to go on a diet
Because I like short woman and pandas are like 7 ft tall. If they were short little furballs ladies sure

I have a fem panda warrior because plate looks great on them and the animations are good
Fem dwarf then fem draenei if no cock
i dont play female characters
>70% of tank population is WAR at the start of S1 SL
>70% of tank population is PLD at the end of S1 SL
(...ah shit shoulda read until the end of the post)
the point is:
- most actual tryhards are busy with raids rather than pushing
- most people are undergeared so it's difficult to judge in general
- lack of knowledge means rsham is better, as pres requires more positional autism
all three of those will change with time, and I expect pres to make up a lot of space in high-end groups
She is a short little fluffball, dare i say, very cute n funny one! she's fun sized like lili! hahaha..!!! you may need to get your eyes checked...
Only time I ever tried to do Mythic+ was in SL and even though that was like 4 years ago it burnt me out of the system
>runs are either incredibly smooth or some of the most annoying frustrating shit imaginable
>1 retard can brick a key
>barely got any actual gear from the chests
>most of my gear came from vault
I really don't see how people can spam this shit
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>nobody but tank uses any defensives or self-heals ever
>healer dies
>suddenly everybody realizes they have two defensives, a self heal, a group heal and a big shield
and you can't use those when healer is alive because...?
Bro, if you are gay just say you are gay
it's a total shitshow, which makes it fun
it's also much more comprehensible than the almost random moshpit that is raiding when above 12 or so people
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>hit 1600 in solo RBG
>suddenly utterly useless as Surv
Haha and I just got the conq weapon and enchanted it with the most expensive enchant haha guess I'll have to wait several weeks before I can amass enough conq to buy a bow haha or maybe I should just level a new character and gear it up from scratch since that would be more time efficient.
>get into 1600-1700 solo RBG
>suddenly everyone on my team becomes an objective ignoring retard
>out of 10 plays, 5 is Kotmogu
>could be summed up as "what orbs?"
At least I can slowly get the pvp mount, they always look go... oh wait.
mental illness
>healers when they are in a group and have to heal >:-o
>group is constantly dropping from fucking up the mechanics
>healer dies
>suddenly nobody takes any damage
Alright. And I'm not into futa, that just doesn't sit right with me. Frankly disgusting.
toxic playerbase and the inherent un-funness of racing a timer in an rpg.
keys should be entirely based on clear or not clear with no consideration for rate of clear.

I'd LOVE scaling dungeon difficulty if they still worked like ordinary dungeons, dropped loot from bosses and did not tell me rush along as fast as possible.

but because Im told I have to speed run them all and the standard dungeon loop of trash>boss>loot>repeat is broken I never do them.

"Failing" a dungeon because you ran out of time is gay if they want to restrict the progression of keys it should be based on soft enrages and a death counter like more than 20 deaths and you dont + the key.

Timer races forcing optimization sucks ass in a game thats supposed to have an RP element.

I dont want to play meta dps to do keys

Keys should be difficulty and death counter.
>healers when they're in a shit group: "oh hey it takes me a minute to find a group and my hearthstone is off CD"
Heroic or Epic edition?
the healer exists so i can stand in shit and not lose dps by moving
once she dies, i will naturally begin dodging
why are the yak mount NPCs SO FUCKING LOUD
dps cuck mad after spending 40minutes in q
A ploy to get you to buy the more silent bear.
>Keys should be difficulty and death counter.
bro just wait for lust to come off cd, it's only 8 mins left
If i play BM is there a way to have ONLY spiders show up in all my skills that summon beasts?
Flying mount with transmog, bank and repair npcs.
9 milli
Mount with a crafting table
>summon succubus

Alright, that's enough!
Item upgrade also.
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>accidentally called a guy a parsefag in trade chat again
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i think yak have started to move
cant goon to the yak
I believe there's a glyph for that one stampede skill to have only spiders
what even is the point of healer dps?
you do 100k for free and 150k when you sweat, and the chance of random deaths is a fair bit higher
in comparison a dedicated dps blasts 1m overall and there's 3 of them in a group
Summoning Stone Golem that functions as an actual summoning stone when you click the extra action button.
>go into ?? zekvir since he was nerfed
>get 2 shot by autoattack crits the moment die by the sword ended
Wow very cool.
git gud
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>S1 Brann
>S2 Rexxar
>S3 ????
there's two seasons per expansion now
Good, get us to TLT kino faster.
any -cheating- addons for gatherers?
I need something that auto gather when I'm nearby something like that
I'm playing a oracle holy priest and it's fun and good!
sum pls
did you know that 'gooning' was a term for nearly ten years before 4chan got around to it? aren't you embarrassed to be acting like a redditor from a decade ago? aren't you embarrassed to be acting like a normalfag from now?
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Shut up nerd.
Tourists also unironically use twitch memes like 'gigachad' around here, pure cringe
I will play DH tank exclusively
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not my job
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>see zekvir ?? nerfs
>oh cool maybe it's finally soloable
>walk in with my 614 ele shaman
>still get autoattacked for 40% of my hp
>boss can still cast poison and heal back to back so can only interrupt one or the other
>brann might as well not exist
>at least the spider cocoon is killable one (if rng allows it)
what a blue ball that was
thought they finally realized the boss is impossible but I guess I gotta hope they realized the numbers are just fucked
>queue for dungeon
>missing dps again
Do dps just not queue?
is there unironically a dps shortage?
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Did M0 Dawnbreaker. We wiped because I got wrecked really hard somehow on one of the LTs. I think my trinket took my Vers lol but idk
what video game are you playing?
>uses die by the sword
what's the problem
I think it's fun and I'm not a plebbitard like you are so that's a checkmate retard
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>m+ group has run through 3 different healers because they all stop caring or get pissy when asked to heal runs or are dogshit
>every time we find another one, the previous healer gets mad we stopped asking because they always said no
i hate healers so much it's unreal
nibba why are you being melee'd as ele? you are great at kiting, you have tanky as fuck earth ele, brann as healer is very effective
basically you unload everything you have with spiritwalk then just run around, then if you have big dam (stormkeeper) ready you go near brann's healing potions + ideally use defensives to tank, then you kite around some more. interrupt heal, poison is irrelevant since you have a totem for it. earth ele when you're getting overwhelmed, turns the boss into a training dummy for over a minute.
killed him at 606 so I guess you need to gitgud instead you shitter. ele is probably one of the best specs for it.
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Post Jaina
if every healer is a problem then maybe the problem is something else
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I can't believe how much fun I'm having in M+ this season.
Having the challenge be learning mechanics and having consistent throughput rather than dealing with RNG affixes is a huge improvement.
Wish I didn't evaporate the moment I mess up my cds even slightly, but that's a skill issue so it's fine.
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>Post Jaina
carry me uwu
draenei being stuck in blizzard games is a crime against humanity
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throughput isn't a real word you dumb nigger
They're just tieflings.
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looking at the logs for my class/spec (destro-lock) is pretty funny this tier
>every percentile setting up to and including 99th percentile
>Destro > Aff > Demo
>max percentile
>Demo > Aff > Destro
how does that even happen lmao
I know what im about son
midwit syndrome

the most simple is always the best
you don't know anything you dumb NIGGER
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Deios felt more epic than Fyrakk imo
this by definition can't be midwit syndrome, or you'd see the inverse appear around the 75th percentile. it's literally only there at max percentile
>only alex and noz are still alive
I would walk through broken glass, have my nails pulled out, get crucified, have my balls crushed, get dragged on a rope behind a truck, go through water torture, get thrown into a snake pit, fight Mike Tyson in his prime, sacrifice a hundred thousand women and children to the blood god, drink a liter of fluoroantimonic acid, have all my bones broken, my skin burned, just to have her lay that juicy cheeks on my face and suffocate me, I would alsolike to hold hands and take evening walks together.
>9% natty haste
>1.37s gcd
bro fix that
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how does one acquire artisan's mettle
When will something be done about disc priests in pvp?
lord help me for what im about to do (pug M+)
*penances you*
>why are you being melee'd as ele
because the boss will just walk past any cc and donk me in the noggin
>you have tanky as fuck earth ele
anon the earth ele dies before a single cast of my lava burst goes out
>brann as healer is very effective
dies as soon as zekvir does his first aoe fear since the AI will just stand in it
>poison is irrelevant since you have a totem for it
what totem? the poison counts as magic for some reason so poison cleasing totem doesn't remove it
idk man i just run them down
>t. sub rogue
Nice one, anon.
>Wish I didn't evaporate the moment I mess up my cds even slightly
aren you supposed to kite when you dont have a sigil up, nor spikes
t. vdh beginner
First crafts, patron orders and uhhh i dont remember what else
if you have the gold you can just go through every profession and learn everything to amass a lot of it and go back to the one you want to stick with
>That one season of M+ in Shadowlands where tanks were expected to spend 90% of trash pulls kiting
Holy fuck I hope we never go back.
NIGGA is really complaining about disc when evoker exists
Furfag detected
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this is your healer for the night, say something nice about her
the poison counts as a snare and is removed by abilities that clear snares
Please let me spread your thick thighs (respectfully)
just blame the healer
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Im gonna give her PTSD
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humminah humminah humminah AWOOOGA AWOOGA *pants* BARK BARK BARK *smashes head with frying pan* *tongue rolls out onto the floor*
>the poison counts as a snare and is removed by abilities that clear snares
fucking WHAT
that changes things slightly
I'll give the boss a couple more shots tomorrow when I'm not passing out from lack of sleep
still don't think I stand a chance because of of the double tap autoattacks
genuinely no idea how I'm supposed to survive it
that's impossible because I'm the healer
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I wish I was good enough
Yeah, I'm getting better at remembering to do that, but sometimes you just get erased, or it's because you're fighting stitchflesh and apparently you can't infernal strike more than 5 feet at a time in that room.
came here to say im glad i quit wow when i did.
What are some pink or blue mounts?
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what's with the weird nigger-elf? thats pretty fucking gross mate.
can I get into +2s as a tank at 592? don't really feel like running heroics or 0s with brazilians
>World first guild wipes once
>Has to spend 20 minutes fine tuning weakauras
The absolute state.
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Can we stop pretending that Blood DK is anything but WoW on easy mode? That spec has been ridiculously OP for several expansions and there are no nerfs in sight.
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fits my mogs better, die mad about it
yeah, tank/healer is 580+, dps is 600+
then its some kind of pure degenerate autismo-strat dps maxing
think like abusing talent switching prepull and swapping pets mid-combat and shit
Death grip has always invalidated one of the major fundamentals of the game. It's like opening cheat engine and removing a mechanic you don't like.
every tank spec is easy mode outside of high keys you retarded nigger
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This killed Mythic+:
- People sabotaging keys
- No patience for a suboptimal clears to introduce new players to routes
- Exclusive focus on RIO-score rather than player competency
- Annoying affixes
- Old dungeons that are played to death
- Worse loot rewarded than delves

While M+ generally require a higher skill gap than Normal/Heroic raiding, it's just a lot more about knowing people who aren't idiots than anything else. I usually say that raiding is about coordination whereas M+ is about competence.
..and I say that as a raider.
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but how will that help us clear the dungeon?
maybe you'll get a peek if you can top the dps meters

sorry... you were replaced...
who's mad? its just weird
Oh, and I forgot to add that if I play a healer I don't ever want to do damage to "help out a key" or some shit. I play a healer to heal. I get that some people want that, but I really just want to play the role I signed up for. That's all.
I am actually yet to receive a single M+ item from the dungeon chest.
For real, I ran about 30 dungeons so far and all I got from it was 50 gold each. And repair bills of tents of thousands.
have you played prot warrior by any chance? they take literally ZERO damage meanwhile dk hp bar pinp pongs all over the place
>huge delve backlash
>week has passed
>quietly throw the problem under the rug
>spam reddit with 'tww is so good' threads instead to shut backlash down

Heh, that was easy
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>this cbt bullshit is POST-NERF siege of boralus
I'm never going back in again
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boralus is easy
what are you niggers blabbering about
you HAVE killed zekvir on ??, right anons?
>Don't bully the Brewmasters, Blizzard fucked their threat generation
holyshit this people don't seem to understand that untill they see kegsmash followed into breath of fire I have no AOE threat. it's been this way for years, holyshit i miss dizzying haze.
Warriors just spam TC but I need to do a fucking combo or have exploding keg up to stop my squishies from killing themselves raw
Cozy morning delving :))
>but how will that help us clear t-
I wish man'ari options were better. They're the closest I get to being interested in goats
>huge delve backlash
Okay, I'll bite. What "huge backlash" and about what?
Because I've been doing delves on 2 characters last week and I didn't notice anything.
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ass too fat
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Turalyon is going to fix the 'blood elf problem'
I think it's pretty funny how blizz nerfed siege of boralus and it's still giga-cancer, but now the weekly affix also spawns orbs in the water by the last boss so he's sitting on a cool +infinite resistance because fishing them out is borderline suicidal
what problem?
he was already hanging out in Silvermoon in the Alleria short story like it was nothing out of the ordinary kek
Draenei face options are so trash.
what backlash? they even gutted zekvir
people are shitting their pants bran no longer soloes the entire delve in 10 minutes when they go in on their 520 ilvl alt
fuck off I asked to spread thighs first
Sex first questions later (respectfully)
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>grim batol without a curse dispell
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How is that a huge backlash? Mazerats having a hissy fit is closer to lashing out than people getting a slap on the wrist for testing boundaries
in what way am I coping?
that literally happened
he was probably there to fuck liadran as well
artist name, right now, give it to me
when was that the case?
making a good group (ie inviting overgeared fotm) is probably the most important skill when it comes to timing keys
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uh oh meltie
can someone explain to me how the FUCK tww crafting works
You seem onfused about mister elite will do.
it was the case roughly a week ago. dps bran could be left alone and he'd pretty much do everything himself by lv30 or so, which was huge value for undergeared alts
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>80% of those are the forsaken
>the rest is just garrosh chimpout
I'm baffled by the idea that people wouldn't be 540 or 550 by the time they tackle delves at cap. Going in overestimating yourself/something else isn't a surprise but 520 seems a stretch for an alt
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Stop whining you fucking shitter and get better at the game, Boralus is not particularly hard, just open your fucking eyes.
I hate all you retarded shitters who bitch, cry and whine when there's anything in the game that's a challenge to anyone with an IQ above 90, which most of you fail to meet.
Drop dead
Source broski?
Ever notice how the talent builds for world content and pvp are kinda the same
you're not getting it
you play your main, get some gear and the like. you do a bunch of delves at t8, bran levels up a bunch etc
then you make an alt. bran is already juiced up and soloes the instance for you
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This, I've been farming m+ for days on end without a single drop...is this shit bugged or what?
Unironically streamers turning it into an esport. It causes their low IQ fanbases to feel like they need to minmax comps and routes to accomplish a mediocre result.
>hotpot hero beating method
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Might makes right. Garrosh did nothing wrong.
Imagine that finger tickling your prostate.
The healer wonders why he has aggro
I am currently on the floor in a 5 second stun which he does not seem to want to purge
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this woman
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Why'd she wrap bandages over her tits, is she embarrassed to be in a female body?
I guess I'm not because Brann's AI has always been retarded that barely helps and I'm usually higher than 520
Imagine every body you possess turning into an ethereal through no active desire on your end. That's what's happening
Done playing for the night, what genre of porn should I crank my hog to before bed?
Literally on the picture
I'm only gonna cover spark crafting, since that's the only one that matters.
The first thing you need to do is head to wowhead and look up your class guide to see what embellishment you need.
So you head to the crafting NPC and find the item you want, and look at the crafting materials it needs.
Then you head to the auction house, realise you've forgotten the materials already, head back, find the item again and take a screenshot this time.
Then you head back to the auction house and buy the materials, plus the embellishment you identified earlier. Ift the materials have a tier rating, buy T3.
At this point you're going to realise it's like 100k+ of mats, so bust out your wallet and buy a token.
Once it's sold, grab the mats and head back to that crafting NPC.
Find that item again, set it to T5, and link that in trade chat, making sure to mention you have T3 mats.
Someone might whisper you, if not try again later, you should be able to figure it out from here.
If you've got 45 spare runed harbinger crest and you don't already have a spare enchanted runed harbinger crest you'll want to upgrade a nascent harbinger crest as well, which you craft through the same NPC but this one doesn't need T3 mats, so you can post it as a public order.
>playing an orc
>getting hard thinking about zugzug with all of the belves around me
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Does burning Teldrassil count as Forsaken or Garrosh you faggot?
What is his onlyfans?
Corruption, pregnancy with a slice of defeated hero(ine)
kael'thas was brutally murdered twice for this btw
Not that hard to figure out guys.
keys below +7 drop 2 pieces of loot.
assuming all loot is given out instantly you've got a 20% chance of getting loot.
If loots given out sequentially which why would it be, you've got a 20% chance then a 25% chance.
so the really you're not getting loot is your odds are really terrible.
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Our thoughts on prot paladins?
i unironically picked horde to play as the bad guy when i was an edgy teen
dont get all this reddit cope of how they din do nuffin
Gee I wonder
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The amount of overtunning, fixing and constant changes to mythic bosses just to pander to a barely watched race between 100 sweetlords is getting silly at this point.
Brutally murdered for being an idiot and siding with the living embodiment of being a chunnibyou
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neither desu
being the bad guy is cool, being morally grey is awful
Pretty most everyone did. Alliance just can't stand the fact they did bad things
so apparently you can get a decent item for any slot from the pvp weekly? what's this about
So basically Delves and then straight to +7, anything else is a waste of time.
The box probably pulling from the raid or dungeon pools
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just saw a vulpera hold hands with an orc, THE HORDE HAS FALLEN, GARROSH DID NOTHING WRONG
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>just got a new cpu so I can finally raid at ok framerate
There is no integrity in the Race to World First. People exploit and get away with it all the time. Fuck 'em all.
they should really just make thrall warchief again and put an end to the literal humiliation council they have it the position's place desu
I'm getting mine in 2 weeks. Finally time to put the trusty r3 3100 to rest
brb gotta smoke my weed lol haha
>For real, I ran about 30 dungeons so far and all I got from it was 50 gold each. And repair bills of tents of thousands.
Yea basically but good luck getting into a +7 group if you can't get loot. also the 3rd peice of loot isn't 100% either.
At the end of the day the answer is just play more m+.
>20% is bad odds
>spamming m+ for a whole week without getting a single drop with 20% chance per run
Retard this shit is bugged, simple as.
Thanks, reddit, for once again fact checking on what did or didn't happen to me that I saw with my own eyes.
What box do you get from the pvp weekly? All I see is currency.
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>from garbage to top1
Blizzard can't balance their game for shit
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Why did you fags stop posting draeneislop
hon hon hon baguette
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I actually put in 20% of getting loot, not 40%
>Approximately a 99.999978% chance that the event occurs at least once in 30 trials.
so your odds of getting nothing in 30 runs are 1:4'500'000
so no, you're full of shit you disingenuous nigger
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No matter how many times you repeat an action, the odds of that action doesn't change.
There's no pity system, the game doesn't care how much you're doing an action.
Picture is a 5 sided dice being rolled 30 times, you are #2.
You're just having bad luck anon.
This redditor is mad.
you can buy stuff with this currency, hence the "item for any slot"
i don't do pvp hence the question
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the mists puzzle is too hard
I want the citizens of Orgrimmar to accept me even though I'm a human. I especially hope some of them will also fuck me after we duel to exhaustion.
how is M+ so far? I haven't resubbed yet but I casually got 3k running my own keys in DF S1
are there many bugs? gatekeeping of specs? scaling?
i don't raid because i work nights so M+ is my only option in WoW inb4 just raid
Obviously retard, 2/5 people get drops every run. Why do I never get an drop with that good odds?
How did that happen?
Why would I lie about that, faggot?
My gear is basically delve versa garbage and the tier pieces I put in the catalyst.
Like >>496187220 said, there is no bad luck protection and I seem to be in need of it.
No idea why you or the other guy (unless he's you) suddenly go full reddit about this.
>assuming all loot is given out instantly you've got a 20% chance of getting loot.
it's two items per run
I know people in this general don't actually play wow but this has been unchanged for years now
the game detects you're a lying bitch and refuses to entertain your bullshit
People were so busy repeating that Fire was shit they didn't notice that it was actually playable and now it got buffed thrice because Blizzard only bases their decisions on what streamers are saying.
>Good odds
bro good odds? the majority of the group get nothing always. you're always in that majority. good odds would be over 50%.
40% chance is poor odds as your history is testement of.
look man I'm sorry you've walked away with nothing several times but the fact of the matter is you're just unlucky.
>delveshitters making up scenarios in their minds to explain why ahkshually m+ is completely worthless gear-wise (they're already 10 ilvl below m+ fags)
>it's two items per run
shit my bad bro I thought it increased if you pushed key.
>run out of arguments, possibly realizing he's in the wrong
>make up a strawman and reply without linking any post
And so goes another one, as always.
>all tanks are very viable in m+
>only specific healers don't feel like absolute dogshit to play in m+
how did they get tank balance so right but fuck up everything else
just say thrall is your adopted gay orc dad and i'm sure they'll treat you ok desu
If it still does it's on >10, ie keys that very few people do nowadays
You can assume 40% chance per run. Which, coincidentally, means that you have astronomically small odds to not get any gear for 30 runs.
I love Thrall!!
But also they can't understand me. :(
I use Elixir of Tongues to understand them.
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i aint readin that essay bud
basically resto shamand + pres eveoker or bust
it's unreal that disc and holy priest still don't have a kick in the most kick heavy meta maze + has ever had
not to mentioned half the dungeos shit out poision and curse defbuffs that agian priest cannot do fucking ANYTHING about
All healers are underpowered in m+ right now. Shaman gets played because it's the least-worst but all healers were stronger in SL than current rsham.
>602 ilvl
>sub 10 renown on all factions
is it too late for me to catch up?
>If it still does it's on >10, ie keys that very few people do nowadays
Ah that makes sense, thanks for clearifying and yeah I guess 3 just isn't a reasonable asusumption to make about loot anymore if you're doing +10's you should just be able to to trade with your premade.
You can tick "track recipe" to see the mats you need.
dk chads win yet again
>you have astronomically small odds to not get any gear for 30 runs
Exactly, that's why I'm saying my account or character is probably bugged.
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Alliancegirlies.... our response?
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>Decide to push a higher key
>Hunter in group tells me to pull more faster
>Do so
>Apparently still too slow and they start pulling more for me
>Pulls fast enough my aoe abilities don't cooldown quick enough to keep collecting threat adequately
>Hunter eventually dies, blames me
>Ask if they can at least misdirect if they insist on pulling more
>No answer, assume he doesn't have it spec'd.
>Continue as is, a few more hunter deaths from over pulling
>FINALLY misdirects... the last boss, as a pull
>Time key anyway, tells me I'm shit before leaving
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>tfw you will never get a group like this ever again
Will I ever get a pvp chest in war mode as horde on WrA? It’s pretty aids how I never see anyone go for the drop and the supposedly “horde server” is swarming with fags(the gay kind) from moonguard
feels good to be a frostmourneBVLL
truly the last bastion of the alliance
BASED australian
Hello, I have never healed in WoW but I'd like to try, I've played the game for a long time and I've played healers in other games and enjoy them.
What are some tools/addons that are good for healing?
Any good resources?
I'm thinking of trying healing follower dungeons at first, is that a good idea?
do not use healer addons
you will end up like the average shitter here struggling in heroic dungeons
>inviting hunters
you only have yourself to blame
report him and forget about it. games full of tards.
When retarded wannabe pro dps or healers pull ahead before the tank, it ends in disaster 8 times out of 10.
I say this as both a dps and tank, if I'm tanking and only do small pulls, it's because I know my own and the healer's limit, it also depends on if the dps use their cc or not.
Uppity dps retards or wannabe dps healers are the worst, I don't want to be in the dungeon any longer than I have to either
Wasn't my group. I don't have to make my own to join keys when everyone wants tanks.
most tanks unironically have subpar iq and will get themselves killed unless you babysit them, dont be afraid to say you cant keep up if they overdo it, they may control the pace of the dungeon but still rely on you to let them
Whether the tank instantly evaporates or is virtually immortal is a 50/50 because this games balance and scaling is fucking non-euclidian at best
can someone tell me how much m+ score roughly you get from a timed +6?
It's a lot of fun, and they've finally been able to do what the community has been asking for and add difficulty around doing mechanics rather than just straight damage/healing checks (though those still exist).
There's a couple of friction points, like Stitchflesh in NW, which make some keys much harder than others of the same level, but overall it's decently balanced and it'll only get better.
I only play tank so can't speak to DPS balance, but all the healers seem good enough except resto druid.
like 230ish I think? To get to 2k io you need mostly 7s.
Plater, big/littlewigs, wa, omnicd, cell for frames. All needs to be customized by hand which is work for days.
Good luck
>xalatat's purple balls spawn in an aoe that will kill you
>"urm yeah? it's high right high reward!"
Would be a valid argument if the balls didn't buff the enemies and their sole purpose was to buff players.
This is more like "do this and I'll make you rich, if not, you'll be beheaded" kinda situation.
Fuck redditors.
delve only chads what's your ilvl?
605 here
saving coffer keys for delve event next week
I report all gn*me players on sight
isn't the event just experience? No extra rewards or some shit
Bosses are fine. Even fun, mostly. Some are still overtuned but most are ok
Trash is generally miserable/unfun sue to interrupt changes and too many casters everywhere.
New affixes are buggy, like orbs you want to intercept spawning in water in siege of boralus which, when entered, spawns tentacles to rape you.
FOTM is stronger than ever. Don’t bother as non-meta dps if you like m+
What is the addon that shows boss abilities on a time line?
is that official?
so bran only levels faster?
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>Gilneas blitz
>We cap mine they cap LH
>Fight for the middle flag
>I sneak out with mage sealth and cap LH after winning my duel against a rogue
>We lose everything I'm not defending despite the fact that I'm alone
>Warrior tags along to help me
>He fights the Evoker instead of canceling the rogue capping in his cloud
Humanity is doomed and deserves plague, war, inflation and it's many more comming curses.
You think they'll make delves award hero track gear just like that?
Or what are your expectations?
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>be me
>604 DPS, ready to climb Mythic+
>join a random +5 key
>prot warrior, resto shaman, some other DPS, everyone’s chill
>start the key, tank is pulling like it’s his first time in ragefire chasm
>timer’s ticking and we’re crawling like snails
>”hey tank, let’s pick up the pace”
>tank says nothing, still pulling one or two packs at a time
>we’re not gonna make this timer
>decide to help out
>run ahead and pull half the next room while group is still busy
>tank: "???"
>mobs everywhere, tank furiously typing in party chat, whole group is getting obliterated
>tank: "Why would you pull that?"
>"just trying to speed things up"
>tank: "Enjoy the speed of the LFG queue"
>get kicked
>key is ruined, group disbands
>mfw I saved zero seconds and lost 45 minutes
>605 ilvl
kek, is this the power of „omg m+ is so unrewarding” ?
t. unrewarded 617 ilvl m+ fag
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For what, cunt?
leveling through delves is fuck you levels of xp
DBM Deadly Boss Mods?
I wonder if this makes it worth to spam delves without coffer keys
Okay, didn't know it has that.
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how good are the dracthry or earthen racials for gathering? or are they not good at all?
> Discerning Eye: Increases your Perception by 2%. Perception increases your ability to spot rare reagents while gathering.
>Hyper Productive
Increases Finesse by 25. Finesse increases the chance of gathering additional materials.
Don't you already have to do that to fill up the vault since you get 4~6 keys a week and you need to do 8 to get all 3 slots?
What would be „worth” about it? Delves give nothing without keys
Only way to buff it would be if it drastically higher chance for maps but it’s not happening
are you supposed to use delve maps before going in or after?
You can use them right before the boss and still get the rewards.
they should drop guaranteed map shards.
fuck this "all or nothing" RNG. don't make me waste 20 minutes for no reward. give me a guaranteed, even if small, reward.
well I was hoping it would give extra loot
like curios and upgrade reagents
buck Flizzard
Tanks are retarded with delusions of grandeur. Literally the most easy role to play, and they expect you to grovel before them. It’s a role that attracts the worst kind of people, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.
>b-b-but you NEED me!
>have fun waiting in queue
Stfu tanksissy. You’re nothing to me.
what do you mean anon
good or bad?
My dear Arthur
>tank player
you didnt do those keys
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If you mean like this it's a WA called Raid Ability Timeline, it works in dungeons and anywhere else DBM/Bigwigs works.
ok lol
>bricks you’re key to get another group 30s later
>constantly bitches and whines about tanks
>don't tank themselves
explain thid
is gearing the easiest its ever been?
can i get banned for applying to groups that denied me as tank and bricking their keys for revenge?
Thanks for proving my point LOL
0 chance if you don't every type anything
Delve is welfare loot to get you to low-mid ilvl
Mythic gear is very difficult to get unless you raid. People will screech about it in a month or so, when they max out hero while still not getting any mythic, much less upgrading it
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>be the colour of under the bed

embarassing desu
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Yeah exactly that, thanks.
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Friends i farmed a total of like 10 tinderboxzes yesterday just to upgrade my blacksmithing, but they didnt drop for like 2 hours since the last one. do they hjave a soft cap or something? when does it reseT? please help
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if i can't have fun no one shall
I report all tanks on sight so yes - gameplay sabotage
Built for futa humans btw
How do you farm those? Random caches in the world?
Have fun being reported for trolling
>frost dk
Which and why
>the game master's response to the report:
>Good morning dear player this is gamemaster Azerbaijani thank you for reporting the issues we apologize for inconvenience and are aware working very hard to fixate in the meanwhile check out wowhead
>If everyone's geared
>no one will be
are you a crayon eater or a fart sniffer
ok what DPS specs need high IQ to maximize deeps?
The concept of gearing up is complete bullshit nowadays.
It used to mean you participated in high end content, went into a raid and cleared the big bad guy, you did an epic feat and was rewarded with a piece of the dragon to use as a weapon, or a helm crafted by its hide.
Gear has gone from being a reward for playing the content, to being the baseline requirement for being allowed into the content.
WoW has become an arcade experience, an action RPG if you will.
I notice crafting gear is cheaper
remember shadowlands?
Your fault.
nothing in this game barring maybe contriving literal world first competitive comps requires high iq of any kind

if you can't play any role or spec at a high level you're intellectually disabled, unironically
>currently 100 groups in lfg
>96 waiting for a tank
is it time for the 'holy trinity' to die? tanking is clearly a shit, unfun role no one wants to play
not to mention only 2 are ever needed in a raid and there's no place for them in pvp outside very niche flag carry or base defense roles
fun bosses except the last boss in ara kara if youre melee
why don't you people just play tank yourself when you complain about not being able to find groups and claim that tanking is easy
>she hasnt played mountain thane prot warrior
Blizzard should experiment with the same sort of scaling they have for delves to allow any of the heavier classes to tank dungeons. Just make it "not as good" as having a real tank, or give the tanks abilities that increase damage taken / AUG type buffs.
>gatekeeping of specs?
technically speaking brewmaster/prot pally should be gatekept but there's a tank shortage so they're s tier anyway like the rest. similarly resto druid/holy priest should be gatekept as well because they're both shit but since there's also a healer shortage they're s tier too

for dps you can play whatever you want except fire/beast mastery
red pill me on mountain thane prot
does it get rid of rage starvation?
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this is how big sex looks
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however this is not sex
Custom engineered for BTC
I'd rape her
>dracthyr are extremely cute in human form
>but the dragon forms look like a $25 furry commission
DBM or BigWigs?
Which is less jewish to use?
cute gnome desu
fury is fun frost is boring
guardian or blood lads
main is vdh
fury is the fun and not clunky retarded version of frost

I sincerely refuse to believe a single human prefers the gameplay of frost DK over fury, it is played solely because it is FOTM and does crazy damage, nobody NOT ONE PERSON finds it fun

>"poison debuff on you"
>"boss is casting xxx on you"
>"move out of xxx"
i'm edgy retard
There should be a spec where a 500 pound black woman sits on my face and diarrheas
there are more guardian druids in the top

literally fury warrior
thats an aesthetic not gameplay THOUGH
>Join mystic plus group
>Nobody talks
is this a good or bad sign
Very good sign. When everyone's chatting you know it's doomed.
>Very good sign. When everyone's chatting you know it's doomed.
who do I have to erp with to get carried in m+
>join group
>hon hon bien venue
>bitte summon pls xdd ich habt dich
>cлaвa poccии
the more asocial your wow players, the better they play.
The more social the worse they play.
m+ players are autistic people.
bear because the dispels are op and you'll enjoy not being made of paper

yes, you'd run out of GCDs to even dump rage if IP was on GCD
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>join mythic group
>brb rolling a blunt xD
She worships futa human balls.
they literally give you a shaman tank in that first forced follower dungeon, surprised plebbit didn't meltdown
They did, but it's a come and go thing like everything these days.
I don't know how you guys manage to keep up with all the weekly stuff and still do alts.
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I know why you wanna hate me(wanna hate me)
I know why you wanna hate me(wanna hate me)
Now I know why you wanna hate me
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>While time-locked at the Temporal Conflux in Thaldraszus, the goblin Krizzik saw a future where her great grandson married a night elf and had kids with her.[5]
>Warden Krizzik says: WOAH! I saw my future! My great grandson marries a night elf, and to be honest, their kids had incredible ears.
>Wan'she Skystrider says: Gah! I've seen yet another future where the Bloodhoof chieftain is captured!
>Elo'sho Skystrider says: Sweet Earthmother! I'm finally free of that dreaded timeline! It was all gold, explosives, and Goblin politicians!
Damn, almost canon.
Some of the weekly stuff eventually becomes irrelevant for some characters to not be worth doing anymore.
i hate alts always have, always will, i prefer playing my main character
>609 ilevel
>Declined from +2s

Life as a huntard is rough
how are you still 609 a month into the expansion?
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I dunno I dont play loads
no one wants a casual in their m+
you have nobody else but yourself to blame for playing a dps and the worst m+ class
Which warlock spec?
Funny how the crying about delve difficulty has all but died off now that
>players have higher ilvl
>players have enchants
>brann has levelled up
>players learned how to do delves
>players learned more about their class
>players started using potions and utility
>players have started grouping up
This idea that WoW isn't perfectly balanced and that there aren't solutions is problems is so fucking brain retarded.
Are there some actually good tank players here? What addons do you use for m+?
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i dont
after a while you kinda just get a feeling for things and addons throw that off
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Bump on this. I just noticed
that Dracthyr get 2% perception but earthen only get a flat 25.
Not sure of that stat values but doesn't that mean eathen are getting barely 1% of finese?
I don't know why you'd pick earthen unless finese was 2x as valuable as perception.
Excellent post rajesh
I have keystone master and all I use is DBM and TellMeWhen
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>pakiposting delvelet continues to seethe
just dbm but that's for other people to get timer alerts and shit
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Fuck it nigga I'm race changing
WA: automarker and trackers for party kicks, ignore pain, and BRs
addons: groupfinderflags, details, bigwigs, mists puzzle autosolver
~2600 io
there should be an addon that uses an AI chatbot to find me a good guild and become friendly with the officers
ok thanks
So an ERP chatbot? Those exist.
They nerfed them you muppet.
>people complaining about difficult of delves
>they get nerfed
>complaing stops
idk if that counts as good.
Basically mandatory or you're trolling:
Extremely helpful:
A nameplate and unit frame addon of your choice (requires setup)
OmniCD (requires setup, it's mostly useful for the interrupt tracker, only track one major CD per class till you get into the habit of actually looking at it, then slowly add more)
Mythic Dungeon Tools
Ultimate Mouse Cursor (if you're old like me and keep losing track of where your cursor is)
Seasonal Dungeon packs(I use https://wago.io/5SiYaRAuX and https://wago.io/LyVvlKxvs)
Bres tracker (if you don't have a bres yourself)
Healer mana tracker
is it meant to take me 1 year to get all the knowledge for herbalism and mining?
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Hey i've not played in a long time, is it true since DF profession racials are basically all shit?
like instead of fast herbalism on my druid I get 25% deftness?
does that work out to the same as before or what?
>Basically mandatory or you're trolling:
stop being a fucking retarded shitter

>Ultimate Mouse Cursor (if you're old like me and keep losing track of where your cursor is)
that explains it
Yea with no catch up also, proffession system is so fucked.
Yes, enjoy.
having played gw2 i can say that skyriding is pure trash
i will be using steady flight only from now on
thanks for reading my blog
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this is so fucking painful and i've already gotten most of the one-time uniques that reward you with 3 points etc.
I played hunter since classic i'm not stopping now
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does /wowg/ like lightforged draenei paladins?
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I want to RP as a male Mecagnome that kills himself at lv 50 after getting his armor longing for his body before being reborn as a male gnome DK
Pic related
best leveling spec for druid?
Suicide.....please bro, commit it
alternatively bear if you cbf'd figuring out a spec you'll never play after leveling
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Pretty sure /wowg/ likes all kind of draeneis
GTFO isn't for letting you know you're screwing up, it's for rapidly teaching you which bad you can and can't stand in.
Sometimes as a tank you need to stand in bad to aim frontals away from your group or other positioning bullshit like that, and knowing how long you can stand in something for in advance is invaluable.
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How long will they keep Demon Hunter locked to elfs?
I want to play one, but I don't want to play a sissy faggot elf.
just wanna say that as a converted ffxiv player i'm so happy there isn't a cunny loli shota race in this game (lalafell)
why doesn't the game just tell me im standing on something?
I cant see most of the shit going on in this shit game becasuse there's 30 spell effects going on at one time.
ogre demon hunters in midnight
Is it over for ffxiv?
>why doesn't the game just tell me im standing on something?
It does via the fullscreen effects.
>stand in fire
>get fiery vignette
>stand in green shit
>get green shit vignette
>stand in purple shit
>get purple vignette
Why don't they just delete priests?
/wowg/ hates anything that isnt covered in fur and has paws
Oh cool then it's fine them.
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because they're hot and motherly
they basically did THOUGH
all three of their specs are terrible in maze +, and only a singular holy priest is being run in raiding for stam buff
disc is busted in pvp i guess
disc is great in m+ still
>they got nerfed
>can't link to where they got nerfed
you actual retard
She has a secret futa human girlfriend
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>mfw weapons don't drop from bountiful chests

The problem is that there's no differentiation between green shit that ticks for 5% of your HP and will be covered by the passive healing from your healer and green shit that ticks for 50% of your HP and is the reason they're balding.
>no kick
>no curse or poison dispell
everything is terrible compared to rsham in maze +
>>no kick
>>no curse or poison dispell
hpal says hi
whats the best unitframe addon that isnt elvui
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retardbro... holy paladin can both dispell posion and literally has rebuke (their kick ability)
You know I could be dealing damage when I don't have to heal right?
>player/target frame

>party/raid frame
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Everything except Kul'tiran.
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that black lady rebuked that cop and got shot in the face lol
can i use cell even if im not a healer?
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Did for me.
Though they seem considerably rarer in favour of really bad trinkets. I got a 610 https://www.wowhead.com/item=219202/lamplighters-mercy out of it.
She likes futa draenei
they're not great. But the content can still be cleared by them and any other class.
they lack tools other classes have that make the job far eaiser though.
depends on what?
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>mfw only weapons drop from bountiful chests
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How existent or big her cock is, from my understanding.
>there's no differentiation
And what does?
Talking about default UI, not addon that color codes cast bars or nameplates and/or honks and toots at you to tell you what to interrupt and what is filler.
The only nerfing that happened was exactly what I said you retard.
you guys need to stop fetishizing trans people
You don't get to tell me what I can be erect by.
>guy who wants more rights for trans people also wants to dictate peoples sexual preferences
the irony
kys tranny faggot you will never be a woman
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If nobody fetishized trannies then nobody would be attracted to them. Do you think non-chubby chasers would be turned on by fat people?
You should fast forward and ack urself already.
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Futa isn't trans. Cope and seethe. Stop plagiarizing my internet fantasy fetish faggot.
Yes I want to dictate your sexual preferences
Futa is gay and a shit tier fetish
The less of it out there the better
I adore draes that are actual females
The Futafags kinda ruined the race for me though
I use Shadowed, but it's more about the ability to customise everything to your liking. The main thing to know is that it's always going to be an iterative thing, you'll set it up, run a bunch of dungeons/raids, realise there's stuff missing or not working, change it, fix some stuff and break others, repeat until you're happy, it's why it's a bad idea to just blindly copy some streamers UI.
You can also mix in weakauras, like I have my party frames only show HP then use a weakaura to just show healer mana next to my fury where I'm constantly looking.
That's the great thing about GTFO, it gives different beeps depending on how dangerous the bad you're standing in is
i want this dommy mommy to futafuck me
For some reason, trannies and tumblr types always, ALWAYS make their female characters ugly as shit, their female night elves always have an ugly face, scars, piercings, ugly hair and often leaves in it.
All those terribly ugly tumblr and deviantart OCs got access to their fuck ugly cosmetics in the game and they ALL use them
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>you can still bait /vg/ with tranny stuff
why cant you watch the race to world first because of dreanei?
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I ignore the futafags
Simple as
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You got me
Why do hunters feel like shit
Pet management?
trannies and women aren't capable of making good looking characters because they want to make their characters look like special snowflakes with earrings, piercings, scars, accessories etc.

remember, less is more this dracthyr took me literally 5 minutes to make
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Just a bit of fun.
I agree with your take, really like the dreanei race even more that they have the man'ari redskin and fell effects.
But weary to really talk to any dreanei player at length at the risk of running into the most base people imaginable.
sure meet me in dornogal
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i refuse to unlock them
I love female draenei
Death to futafags (emphasis on "fags")
It feels fucking weird too because it's so easy to just choose the cutest face and choose a hairstyle that works, but a lot of night elves I see are fucking disgusting. It is not that hard to make a pretty/cute looking night elf.
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nobody wants to play ugly races
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Im mad, weve wasted trillions on them so they can continue commiting crime and destroying society
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thanks anon, going to look into these
High Elves and Ogres will be added in Midnight
>>remember, less is more this dracthyr took me literally 5 minutes to make
that's because wow still looks good for a 2004 game because the art style is so good.
would more likely be amani trolls than ogres if we got allied races in midnight desu
Amani Trolls will unite with Old God forces and we will kill them again
High Elves/Ogres it is
post-shadowlands wow looks good

pre-shadowlands wow looks awful
my ilvl is 596
tfw I get accepted into 2/3’s and heroic nerubnar
>another amani troll humiliation ritual
kek, I could see it
start playing like 1-2 weeks ago
healer tank spotted
Amani fell victim to the addition of blood elves to the Horde and the fact that the Horde already has trolls
This is the only fate that awaits them now
WoW art "style" is shit. Everything looks like its made of the same material.
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not being a sweatgroid
To all the niggers saying the game isn't fun it's because you're playing like min/max retards, nobody cares about you mythic keys

Do what I do, put on war mode and go kill low level enemy faction while there leveling and then run away before they can call their friends
i went around to do world pvp to finish my spark quest (there were like 3 groups and all were full)
the amount of people who just run away rather than fight is so weird
i understood it when most people opted in to WM to get 10-25% extra AP (and for alliance, a free heroic piece of gear each week LMAO)
but why would you even opt in if you dont like pvp nowadays? 10% extra resonance crystals? who gives a fuck?
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I am completing crafting orders, and after unlocking all armorsmiting options I am not sure where to go next.
Should I start putting 20 pts into every item I get commonly commissioned for (next being boots and gauntlets) or should I go into weapons so that I have a wider range of products?
wait I get free heroic gear if i play alliance and just warmode? but horde dont?
who gives it?
...there are low level players? in the open world? using war mode?
are we playing the same game?
no, this was in bfa
alliance dominates warmode now since ever pvper rerolled alliance
>run away
You mean actually run away or queue a follower dungeon?
>Do what I do, put on war mode and go kill low level enemy faction while there leveling and then run away before they can call their friends
so you play like the typical shitter
i bet you're a paladin or warrior
be ashamed
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How about LF Dranei mages? They look perfect when they cast
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Did you race change again?
I only did it once, first time ever tbf
>watching method stream
>suddenly uggo tranny in a dress
fucking politics infect everything
Aluneth was wasted potential
Tell me I am wrong you can't
Meanwhile XAL'ATATH
They are a bunch of niggers that only want to do there gay pve. Just stun lock and punish them
Cry more I am going to kill more low levels just because you said that. Nigger
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I think female draenei are sexy but I just really hate their melee and casting animations. Their running animation is also kind of wack. For those who play as one, what's your favorite class for female draenei and which animations do you actually like?
Rokhan's words on the warfront in Arathi are so dumb, he says trolls lived here way before anyone else, so it counts. But yet the Horde is genociding the very tribe of trolls that live on this very Arathi during this warfront.
I feel you brother
t. Thal'kiel enjoyer
This may come as a surprise to you: Trolls are actual niggers.
i've never seen anyone hate on the female drae animations before i personally think they're some of the best in the entire game with female human having the absolute worst + the worst expressions
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yeah, he was cool
i still use aluneth on my mage for his occasional voice lines
i like dk, but it's just not fun..
>invade land
>genocide the original inhabitants
>claim that actually you're the original inhabitants anyway
literally Israeli behavior
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Have a Paladin and a LF Hunter.
I like the FemHunters and how they use guns, but that's about it as a standout, everything else is fairly standard and generic, and absolutely not on par with the men animations for damn near everything.
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can somebody tell me what happened to tradechat?
fem drae warlock, I like their casting animations
you are right that their melee animations are horrible though
i also have a fem drae monk since the monk animations replace their terrible melee ones
not a whole lot beyond there being loot tiers beyond m0 and talents changing in x.0 all the time. shitters pushing where they don't belong rather than just grinding in a fucking mmorpg and the game is just in its poorest state with the greenest launch players and new dungeons dropped on top. it's very stupidly managed but they'll do it all again next time.
I would guess the wall.
she wasn't attractive already beforehand tho
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Their casting is good
i think she's a Facebook streamer now
at least she was a few years ago, go down that road maybe you can find something on it and share with the class here
i remember she got into some twitter spat with Mark Kern/Grummz around Classic release and she cried harassment that the classic community was toxic or something
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>race to world first
>US gets 24 hour head start
she ended up on twitch doing politics under some other alias a few years ago I think. I remember because I vaguely recognized her from that one reality show everyone used to make fun of
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seems like she got a kid
how long do you think it would take to speed run Warlords/Legion/BFA/Shadowlands/DF Main Quest line at lvl 80 just one shotting everything with a full speed set on?
>this troll and goat were sucking a cock together in a video
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I miss Twinbraid
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I still fap to her sometimes

is monk fun and can you tell me about his selfsustain
>3 weeks ago
is mmochampion good
good for just getting the rundown on blueposts and datamined ptr stuff
avoids all the wowhead bloat and they dont split their stuff into 30 different articles for clicks
the forums are pretty dead nowadays though
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Found the high quality dog fucker mod
Her entire gimmick was "the wow girl who shows skin". Fucking lmao at this hoe.
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What did she mean by that
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wow is so fucking ugly looking
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*stands beside beledars spawn*
not really, just use wowhead
make sure you have an adblocker installed for your browser though
Does the embellishment rank affect the ilvl of the craft or does it only make the craft recipe difficulty harder? And there's no way to guarantee a 5 star craft with a public order right?
I'm more interested in its forum with discussion of all sorts of new stuff and speculation on new expansions
i only have the one from season 1 because i stopped playing afterwards
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WoW PvP is basically the world’s worst circus. You’ve got clowns (rogues) one-shotting you while juggling cooldowns, tanks who think they’re immortal but can’t even tank a sneeze, and healers that are either gods or actively trying to sabotage you.

It’s like everyone’s playing different games, and the only constant is your impending doom. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to make PvP feel like a flip of a coin? Heads: you win. Tails: you get dumpstered by a warlock who forgot their coffee that morning.
I really want the Elite mage set, any advice on spec / hero tree?
Is blitz better or can I secure kill with a bit more ease in solo?
>I'm more interested in its forum
if you think the schizos and retards are bad here it's 100 times worse over there
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>powerful as mage
>uses a magic wheelchair instead of levitating
>a wheelchair with wheels that won't rotate

cheap representation
God i wish femhumies were real...
Jew here. Have you tried just having fun and learning your kit? I'm a fairly new player and I get by just fine wind walking.
this nigga played enough Shadowlands to get season 2 KSM lmao
wow 2 will fix coomer mods
I'm getting rather sick of being stuck underground all the time. DF zones were prettier for sure
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No kidding, have you ever seen people who look like the default white face human females from WoW?
why are you underground all the time instead of afking in dornogal?
I want to play them, but people act like I need to be a top 1% Mythic raiding, must have 2 years of experience with Echo tanking, or they give me shit. It's a fucking +4 dude.
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lightforged have really nice options
too bad about their racial
>act like a nigger
>get kicked

>wowwwwwwwwwww dude
racials are all shit anyway
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>ryzen 3600 drops to 30 fps in raids, average of ~45 in lfr (so 25 people)
>on fairly low settings when it comes to cpu-intensive ones
I thought wow was optimized for venezuelan gold farmers? I had to upgrade to x3d to hold stable 60
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>continues to make collector retards seethe
what is it
it's why zaralek sucked ass
that as well as it obviously being some weird dev's brap fetish made into a zone
Wow was "optimised" in that it looked shit for when it released. The game engine is now fucking trash and doesn't use modern hardware properly.
Any tips on PvP anon? I don't really chase ratings or mounts or anything but I want to have something to do for weeklies or to gather Marks for transmogs. I have about 2100 honor saved up but haven't bought any honor gear because I don't know what to get first. Also, is Honor gear enough or how bad is Conquest gear needed? Or is that only for pushing rating?
Mage or monk or warrior?or paladin
both. Use up your keys, dont get what you need from delves, wait until reset, dont get what you need from the vault then get them crafted. Waiting for the vault is optional but know this: Once you get that slot crafted you WILL get it from the vault
Shut the fuck up faggot, I bet you're dying for Dracthyr in other classes so you can play your Tiefling race, fucking nigger.
Dome 4/8 HC raid and cleared full normal.
This raiding thing is not that bad huh. Better than keys a least.
warGOD if chud
palacuck if sissy
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>usually consider mistcaller a free fight
>mfw the oblivion affix turns it entirely on its ass
i hate this week
You have a piece of shit CPU and you wonder why your FPS is low in a CPU intesive scenario? You literally just need to adjust your Raid and Battleground specific settings to get 100+ if you really want that
Engine is old but the game runs very well. In the spider city I have 100+ FPS on max settings and ray tracing enabled
pvptroons all play dwarfs though
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yeah he's easy now
>You literally just need to adjust your Raid and Battleground specific settings to get 100+ if you really want that
I turned off almost everything possible and still dipped to 30 when the first boss did his acid spew. Ryzen 3600 is by no means modern but wow is a shitty looking mmo, it shouldn't need better hardware than fucking Cyberpunk
bargain bin 5700x3d never dips below 60 tho so I'm good, it's just weird to me that a game which panders to thirdies like chink gold sellers and ziggers who play it on a laptop from 2014 would be badly optimized
why does this not give a cool title
fuck blizzard man
>no will to pug for raid
>only like 2 delves
>m+ is for trannies
I am having more fun with professions than with the actual content.
i just want something fun
what's the benefit of doing bountiful delves if you don't have keys?
for some inane reason the Feat of Strength doesnt appear but you get one if you beat him solo or in a group:
Title is Ascension Breaker
Blizzard gave up to rush out the launch, the dragonracing achievements for Khaz Algar have no reward either
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I want to play a Draenei and a Nelf female but coomers kinda ruined it for me
Brann exp
seconding this, what's the point of running delves outside the 4 boutiful with a key
do you even need the currency it drops from a t8 even without using a key
Just play the race you wanna play as.
get rich and pay people to do the content for you.
how much more damage do enemies effectively do in +10s?

say, a spell does 1 million damage in a base mythic dungeon, what multiplier does it get applied at +10?
then play male draenei, they're cool
i got him too :3
10x as much
says so in the name, dummy
is outlaw rogue still a piano spec for medicore dps?
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Perhaps a little too easy. I couldn't even get him to p2 before the nerfs and I got this on the 10th attempt this time.
The fight actually feels like it gets easier in p2 as well. The swirly channel thing spaces all his abilities out and gives you lots of time to recover while p1 is just a relentless barrage.
Certain see-through effects can cause massive fps drops, but that's not WoW issue, and you were literally in a raid full of objects (people). It unironically needs better hardware than Cyberpunk in that scenario, at least the CPU. X3D processors are awesome.
I kind of want to show you how high the FPS can go in a raid if you really turn on every optimization, but I don't have the time. It's optimized well enough to have 24-30 FPS on a 10 year old PC, and that's all that chinks need.
Why don't you try something outside the box? Maybe trying something that aren't THE most popular, most commonly seen races will be a nice experience.
6 million, but some claim that it's more than that
Only makes the craft harder and no
If you want guarantees you gotta go personal
tpslets. i have to shadowmeld on cd
Did the nerfs hit literally today? I fought him for the first time yesterday and had to save my interrupt for the regeneration cast
kek this has more image filters than the average bitch on instagram
he got a lot of shit in the comments
>Maybe trying something that aren't THE most popular
i was going to say something about the most popular options being popular for a good reason but then i remembered that i'm a faggy alt boy irl so you're right
You should be saving your interrupt for the regen either way, the spittle debuff you can let through and either Brann or you cleanse it with any ability that removes slows/snares
WoW is back
Thank you, Christopher Metzen
okay please feel free to call me a shitter, my warlock does not feel tanky in the slightest, doing a +8 mists and the first pack with the mobs that leap to you, regardless of wether i use defensives or not i fall over if they do it like 2 or 3 times. am i missing something?
they dont leap if you stack up in melee with them afaik
yes, the fact that they jump on the furthest target, so:
- do the obvious and stun/vortex/rop/whatever them before they spank your bussy (it's a fucking +8, how do you not know it)
- make sure you're not face-tanking every jump. no, 3 jumps don't kill you through defensives. yes, two series of 3 jumps will kill you. have some other schmuck tank more
- just fucking release and go back, you're literally 10 seconds into the dungeon
There should be systems in place to incentivize group to take underrepresented and underperforming specs. Give them more loot at the end of the dungeons. And if that's not enough to get the bad specs/players into groups, then make the system punish groups that stack OP specs.
delvechads, your response??
oh lmao
probably because in the earlier difficulties they didn't spank my ass so i never thought about it, i guess i'll go in melee range
>8 hours ago
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I'd argue it's relatively in a good spot as now it feels like you can do it strictly with gear you can get from Delves
>get to 613 ilvl
>now no point in doing delves except the weekly vault

do i even bother? it's so fucking aids to do +8 as cloth
It goes up by 10% per key level compounding, so a 10 does about 2.36x more damage baseline than the m0 version of the dungeon, then fort/tyran increase that even more to 2.71x for bosses and 2.83x for trash, so almost triple.
no, you should carry my 590 ele through a +7 or something instead
every single time
there is a stacking -healing debuff on a tank those turboshitters will collect them like stickers
I don't know how non-rsham (ie no SLT) deal with pugging
Is there an addon that exists that filters whole realms? Don’t wanna play with bum fucks from Azralon, Quel Thalas, Ragnaros or Drakkari in my keys or my raids ever again
>muh keys
Thinly veiled attempt to hide your cope from getting btfo by quelthalas pvp chad
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I going back to warrior, dk is not fun after legion..
frost dk is fun until you realise
>all your power is gated behind pillar/reapers mark
>you HAVE to use breath of sindragosa in raid
>first time inside ironforge in years
>notice they have lightforged patrols and the hottest ever ebony femdwarf guard npcs with flowing long hair and jade green eyes casually added
Got tamn
cope nigger you are not good at anything stay in your containment realm
>no damage outside of cooldowns
I fucking hate this sort of class design.
you also suck big dick with pillar on cd, same shit with destro you no proc shiny button? sucky sucky and it's probably same with outlaw and retri
Actually i'll try monk for a bit, maybe it's better..
>flew around for 30 minutes whilst on a work call
>made 50k gold whilst going "yeah, ahuh" every now and then
life is so easy
do ret still play minute wings? last time I played it didn’t feel too bad to do no dmg outside cds because you literally always had cds
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>tank pulls a small pack
>sit there with a limp dick as you do no dps or pop cooldowns and do no dps on next pack

I hate this spec so fucking much
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my penis is very small
i am bald
i am skinny fat
race+spec for me?
you also can play without wings, just procs
i think they play 30 second wings now
your wake of ashes gives you wings with a talent choice and there's something else that gives you wings as a proc
who cares? the game is propped up by China now just like league of legends. The opinions of westerners is now officially irrelevant
thats pretty much asmond so male human warrior
human retribution
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>still no mushcoom cap
I now love trolls even more than before.
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>Shuffle as a mage
>Healers complains that I keep hoping around
>Explain to him that it's a melee meta and that if I don't kite I'm getting assraped by melees
>Tells me to stop
>He loses his 6 rounds
>I won my welfare 3
>slured him in my birth language
Burgers will never know the pleasure of being openly racist against yuros as yuros, fucking atomize spain and eastern europe
>tinderboxes went from 6k to 12k in less than 5 days
wtf is blizzard doing? was the delve farming nerfed?
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nigga stop hitting on me
desu i rather atomize the nordic countries (including f*nland) and the uk
what a horrible fucking playerbase both have spawned
they need to add a way to craft these or something, it's retarded how there's no good source to get them despite them being needed in every good enchant
so what classes aren't ass out of cd's? cus i'm currently playing warlock and frost dk and they both feel kinda bad if you didn't have certain stuff up for a pack
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>What 24 hours of shuffle does to a nigga
>did the top dps in the raid across all three bosses
>didn't even die a single time and healed myself whenever i took damage too in order to make it easier on the healers
>no drops
i'm about to queue some pvp on my mage now
shame frost got nerfed, that shit was comfy
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There's some really goddamn braindead people playing shuffle lately
The paint thinner market must be booming for how much these motherfuckers huff on a daily basis

good night wowg
>max singlehandedly brought the boss down to 35% yesterday
>echo has been raiding all day and has made literally 0 progress
max won, deal with it chuds.
It got NERFED?
Brother I'm straight up hammering shit up in Arena as one, I used to literally peel my own scrotum trying to play Arcane
afaik, this is just standard shuffle, I should just ride the wave of blitz till I get my elite set.
>shame frost got nerfed,
I'll be on a lil vacation next month. you gon miss me OG postin? (I aint talmbout other game, fool). On Arugal grave someone gotta keep it steet in this bicc. On BD.
>play augmentation
>do literally nothing except keep the buffs active
>get to steamroll keys despite being a terrible player
thank god I found this spec honestly
why would you need loot if you already do well? other people need it more
honestly i don't know, i'm choosing between monk and warrior, maybe rogue
it got some pvp nerfs on reset
iirc ice lance damage got hit
Everyone keeps fucking telling me to just go play a tank I DONT WANT TO
enjoy your free time
Good flying mount for DHs?
They will never just give them flight...
i use the ghastly rider
because i want loot
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Power to you, play what you enjoy playing.
In saying that, good luck with groups.
>9 hours ago
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>Called Val'sharah
>Uses art of a place in Suramar
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>Create a +6 Mist group
>2 DPS join
>need a healer and tank
>5 min later
>They both leave
>No one is queuing
Logging on my healer to brick as many key I can rn
>Malygos in hearthstone is actually a pic of kalycgos
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Mark of Khardros is one of the best trinkets because it doesn't have any stupid fucking gimmick shit associated with it. You just activate it when you want the mastery. Blizzard could probably go back and learn a thing or two from trinkets like this rather than every new trinket now being:

>You hit the enemy with a glowing shadow blade to inflict 24,869 damage which will then also spread to each nearby target and if you jump four times you make the trinket happy to give you an additional 48 haste. If you use this trinket at night, it has a chance to not work properly and instead will blast thick slime cum all over the enemies instead, doing 400,000 damage to all enemies in front of you but increases the trinket cooldown by 8 minutes.

There a reason all these modern day trinkets are WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS while also being weak as shit and functionally worse than the older ones?
why is she looking at me that way
>inviting dpsissies before tank/healer
>Switch on my healer
>Join a party as a fucking 570 MW monk
this is depressing nigga
Does xal'atath fuck orcs or the nerubians?
keys are bricking so hard right now every one should be recording their runs and sending the footage to metro
I am from none of those realms it is just plain as day you got raped by a pvp chad because youre a pvesissy and finally tried war mode for the first time. Cope harder and kill yourself
>Engine is old but the game runs very well.
No, the game runs like fucking trash with all effects off because its CPU bound and designed around CPUs from 20 years ago.
Game desperately needs multithreading support for addons and the game itself.
My CPU utilisation shouldn't be 30% in a raid with 60fps
Neither, but I fuck nerubians

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