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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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helldivers lining up to form a swastika on the space station edition

previous thread >>496095807

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
apply for CL for /hdg/ here:
you can also nominate a fellow diver if you don't want to apply yourself.
thread will democratically vote on CL based on the answers on this form.
your steamID will be hidden, but everything else you put in will be shown to the voters.
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>bot MO
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when bro picks the orange liberator
there's obviously a mistake where the stim pistol was built from the senator to function as a revolver, but they forgot to remove its ability to do gun tricks
I'm making sure to let them know so they can remove this unintended exploit
Rigged Pisscord troon faggot form. I see one of you here and I'm blocking you from my lobbies.
Bugs are too weak now, D10 is way too fucking chill, they need to double the spawn
Just stop being emotional and you'll be fine.
>email requirement
Nice try Rajesh.
fuck off
>actually taking the clan leader shit seriously
It's literally just gonna be whoever make Helldivers General clan first
Fuck off, the orange liberator is cool.
can we please be called the slop droppers
>helsissies were complaining about the reddit chaosdivers
>now they want to do the clan thing
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fixed, so it no longer prompts you to nominate someone else if you want to nominate yourself
there is no email requirement, tyrone
Some of you guys aint right
I wish my game looked this good while playing it....
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haha flutey that one sounds silly
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haha flutey that feels funny
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>cringe people talking about a flute or some gay shit
>Me talking about Draupnir

When we going back to Draupnir? iykyk

Indian cuck behavior

Indian cuck behavior
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just ignore the emotional cuck, boys. he fears the hero of the federation
PSA brap dog, armor, and grenade combo make clearing mega nests really easy.
I'm currently away from home and not able to play, are they actually stealth nerfing shit so people don't get mad? Or are people just trying to stir shit?
Wear something else, chump. Autism is not admirable.
Yes, they stealth nerfed my keyboard, it's why I can't beat D5
A nerf just flew over my house
>stealth nerf

They forgot like 4 or 5 things that got weakened due to health buffs on enemies. Its not some nefarious plot of nerfs or something.
could one of super earth's finest heroes sign my flute please?
impossible to fail, heavy and medium bugs no longer exist, it's now a pure chaff faction, loadout is irrelevant, and unless you have stalkers or very bad luck with spore charger spawns you will absolutely never be threatened

two, max three items solve the whole bot front, rest is suboptimal, as a result every loadout is the same, you only die if a chicken rocket goes straight up your ass

this patch is a downgrade, most heckdunkers are just not ready to admit it
Shut up, retard. Your skill issue is showing.
8GB VRAM bros...
Correction: CL's future leader.
>i'm gay
You sure showed him, sis!
what? *sets Textures to Ultra*
I just wanna see how committed to the bit he is, your snarky white woman is showing anon.
>easydivers isn't fun imo
>n-nuh uh you just suck
the troons are out and about it seems
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okay, but i don't know what a CL is
bots aren't that easy though imo
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>plays with 6GB anyway with the important stuff cranked up
Only a woman would have to explain that. Above all
>saving and having a gay image in your files
You sure showed him!
Clan leader, also if you want you could nominate yourself. Can't type. insomnia is a bitch.
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>tfw gtx 1060 6GB
Can someone leak the flutepajeet in-game name so I can block him?
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>having a gay image in your files
Yes, still Thrusgay in some parts of the world.
meds, now
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advice from the hero of the federation:

nah i don't think i'm on enough; especially daytime
I don't want to be in a clan with you people, I'm only joining because I know the station will get maxed out really quickly and I want to reap whatever perks come with that
what if you meet a wonderful boyfriend (female) in the clan?
Just don't be emotional, sis.
You just know the discordfags ITT that already have their established hdg clique will make this their thing and power trip over it.
When will we dive on Cyberstan?
Same, it's like being in the same room with a bunch of inbred retards. At the end of the day, I still prefer the normies more, at least they are chill
can you name these "discordfags"?
are they in the room with us right now?
I'll tell you what, I'm gonna make one also and it isn't going to be a dumpster fire because I'm not in here playing a character and trying to gain notoriety
anyone who doesn't want to be around the fags can just join mine, it'll be free of all the unwanted gayness of these tripping fools

I won't even talk to you people, I'll just have the clan open
personally i think we should have that one robot anon be the CL
>discordfag trying to get power for himself
>he even does the reddit spacing so we know he cares about status and internet points
Does heavy armor even still work against bots? You die so quickly now, I wonder if heavy armor is worth the loss of speed and stamina.
I am making this webm to call out u3 for being a funny guy
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awfully convenient whenever you mention discord fagging a few posters always seem to get uppity.
bots are bugged again
nominate him on the form then.
thats what i did but with the squid diddler
i fucking hate cannon towers and i FUCKING hate arrowhead
True. And you, an emotional woman all the time.
I think the UN man should be CL.
>level 150
>most likely on the spectrum
>plays lobbies
>chill dude
>not some controversial figure
It buys you an extra half second. Make it count, helldiver.
reddit spacing isn't real, fucking newfag
people have always formatted posts the same way on this site
so, you and you alone?
damn, must be hard living with schizophrenia
you're pretty annoying to play with. like a discount chinaman
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i have no idea what this webm is about, but GOOD JUMP
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got anything new yet buddy?
>the zoomie that calls everyone a woman is back
curious that he came back with the flutenigger and gargles his balls.
>tfw too shy and timid to play with hdg
its over
Why would I need anything new? I'm just calling you what you are and I find it absolutely hilarious that you'd try posting what you think is a masculine image to counter it KEK.
what difficulty do you play usually then
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>join clan
>kicked due inactivity
you're not missing out much at all
6 on bugs and 4 or 5 on bots
Don't worry, most anons don't type much beyond "hi","GG" and "nice cock!".
I am making this webm to call out myself for being a funny guy (i put those mines by the gens)
yeah but they still pass judgement and bully you (silently) and stuff
Literally just copy and paste the link
>B-but I'll d-die
Throw Napalm Barrage before you do so and you're already better than the faggot who brought mines and mortars
you know how to host?
i'll join if you host a bots 6 or bugs 7.
get you more used to the higher diffs
does it really oneshot tanks?
no it was damaged
>get you used to them
thats the problem i just dont find them particularly interesting. the gameplay tempo changes completely and its a wholly different game, and not in a good way. it's like putting tobasco sauce on your eggs but one day you accidentally the whole bottle and now youre just drinking hot sauce with some egg particulate inside it
That webm is old as fuck.
That's an ancient webm, you'd need like 10 GP shots now
trust me, the game completely changes when youre playing with people with more than 3 brain cells.
this place is gonna go to absolute shit if we get anything like clans, isn't it? i can already smell the little tranny cliques forming.
You're not missing out on much. Most anons are chink tier and drop eagles on your head or think they're being quirky and interesting by bringing random loadouts (they're always dead weight).
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and one of my favorites
What is the point of clans? Seems like faggot shit to me.
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>this place is gonna go to absolute shit
you'll share /hg/'s fate
Anyone who has dealt with /vg/ general guilds/discords can see it coming. Expect constant namefagging and drama to leak into the general.
clover club....
time sink and potential work around to their horrendous friend system
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and i will have zero part in any of that

no, it's going to be a
>bots attack super earth
>we fucking blow up cyberstan with our death star
Can't be bothered to fix the friend system but invite links are cavemen-tier nowadays. Also I'm guessing they'll include the resource sink people want
I am getting spoiled by the AMR (All-purpose Menace Remover)
eight player raid missions or somthin
Try it with the Guard Dog if you can spare the slot
i use it sometimes with jump pack
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AMR feels cool to use.
then host bots 5 or bugs 6
doesnt matter to me
Player performance already nosedives if there's more than 2 people, 8 would just crash the servers
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make the HMG emplacement an 85 second cool down
are you the drawchad? could you pretty please make the jungle suit bare armed heckdiver with the medium machine gun resting the gun on his shoulder with his leg up on a rock like captain morgan
el oh el that's literally how it looks
Isn't the reticle light blue?
I can see if i can do it later today.
But he will be the most midnight black negro.
The scorcher and plasma punisher are two different shades of white.
I like it against bugs on D10 because they love to spam bug mid-tier units and it just domes them out of existence.
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>ignore trip faggots
>ignore ritual trannies
>ignore SAARS
>if one of those three create a clan, ignore
This is the only way.
i'd say for me its #2 on bugs behind railgun, and #2 on bots behind RR
overall really strong weapon
nothing is better than mmg
>dont join their clan
>join my clan so i can power trip
discord tranny detected
if Garth can do it so can you
MG Sentry does your job better, how bout that
feels cool
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For me, it's waiting until the second clans become available and then swiping the name Helldivers General. No one will be allowed in, only me.
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this but whatever the fuck reddit or the official discord will name themselves
not my post, I'm voting for the music man
lol nobody's gonna call it "helldivers general"
shit ass name
GGs to the D10 guys
>want to host diff 10
>afraid of 2 braindead idiots joining and the 3rd guy taking this as "never join these lobbies again"
yep, i'm not hosting.
I don't see how they're not, honestly. Between RR downing entire drops, RG+AMR+AC being stronger than ever, DCS doing support weapon performance in a primary slot, and quintuple thermite spammers on supply packs, bots no longer stand a chance. Get a triple detector seed with a side of gunship fabs and jammers, it just doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that can still deplete your reinforcements is bad luck, i.e. chicken rocket straight up your ass. For people that already were underwhelmed pre-buffdivers there's just no challenge left, I'm sorry but it's the truth.
I want to host but I have permanent incurable terminal pub aids
Vote draw anon or sound webm anon, you'll always know what's happening because you're either gonna see a drawing or a webm
If you call it anything besides Helldivers General or HDG you're unironically the gayest fag in the whole gay bar. You are fuelled by cocks.
>want to host
>too pussy to kick retards
Fun retards get a pass but there is no excuse to keep genuine retards around.
ive never noticed that you can see his cock shaft in this
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should i apply for cl
calling it HDG is such an autistic "we are 4chan" thing to do
make it a funnier thing like BZZZZZZT or surrstroming
braindead idiots don't join hdg lobbies, other than (You)
draw anon is a total dork and while he's cool, he's not a leader material
why can't you absolute spergs just play the fucking video game without getting all tranny about everything
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its tradition tho
damn nigga why the fuck are you using the purifier
You've been playing D7 your whole career so no.
Or at most "Hellbros".
I used to play Warframe with anons, it was fun until Warbros was ruined by faggots and unironic trannies.
>calling it HDG is such an autistic "we are 4chan" thing to do
But we are from 4chan, retard. Our name is Helldivers General, not BZZZZZT general.
>want to run off meta goofy shit
>7's too easy
>8's full of knuckle dragging idiots
>9's start to require some meta because pubs are idiots
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>literal tranny cape
what did the flutenigger mean by this?
the secret club stuff is so autistic, it makes me cringe
9, but i'll take that as a compliment
Purifer is an S-tier weapon.
>Can now damage heavier enemies like Chargers, Bile Titans, Impalers, Hulks
Yo! Is the game actually saved?
Fuck off Alexus
No one treats it like a secret club
needs to be aiming at an ACuck trying and fumbling to reload with tears filling his helmet
great pic as always drawbro
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I already stated i have no interest in being leader.
I want to be a Joseph Goebbels guy.
>91 melee kills
You play like a little bitch.
play 10, pussy. Everything is viable if you're good.
NTA but it actually is serviceable on bots.
One of, maybe even the only primary, that can stunlock rocket chickens.
what's cl?
it's not offensively terrible anymore, the charge is a bit slow and while it'll stunlock rocket striders it takes four or five shots to kill them which is annoying. D10 viable, but not meta.
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in the town, you're the law
but on bricks, it's me
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Autism on 4chan, no way.
pubs are full of idiots
I won't be joining the BZZZZZZZZZZZZZTstation. I'll make my own, called Lt Barclay's orbital Troi brap chamber. I don't plan on inviting anyone but you'll be free to join.
Pussy and/or shitter.
the Purifier isn't an S-tier weapon now, but it will be when it's a poormans Scorcher appended to a poorman PlasPunisher and primary slot Quasar when it gets variable charge levels
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Are these career stats good or bad?
t. max difficulty only autist
What about Jin roh MMG schizo?
Purifier is better than scorcher on bots.
pretty sure drawfag was the original jinroh mmg schizo
the other one is french and posts less frequently
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>50 more hours ingame time (330 vs 380)
>literally used twice as many stratagems
>almost TWICE as much total career EXP total
>almost 4x the melee kills
>4k more samps collected
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Watch as Joel lower the bot forces so we complete the MO before night time in Sweden
i love those capes + the solid green one and the green short cape. but what's interesting is how you follow the words of some literal who tranny. like, come on, man; don't let some tranny bring tranny shit into your helldivers world fukken el oh el
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A battle autist should be in charge, pencil pushers will get soft and only play on moon dives
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I want a leandiver(modded) to sit on my face.
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>killed more than died
good enough for me
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We should get the stratagy autist to figure out what to do so that we can fight on bot moons the most.
that's just wing diver in her full body suit for like the first 10 missions
You sure do die a lot, lmao.
but look how many he killed
>die a lot
>still get a shitton of kills considering the obvious front preference
is it better or worse than the bugdiver who posted his stats
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The only CL that represents me is the one who parks the station on the snow biome
>stats dickmeasuring
it doesnt matter what you did before.
if youre gonna join my lobby, die 10 times and contribute absolutely nothing to the mission, you're out regardless of how many hours you played, how many deaths you had before, how many stratagems you used or how many melee kills you have.
Lobby doko?
you see, bayesian inference tells you that examining priors will give you a better idea of future performance
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>be botdiver
>hop into bugdives only because other friends who play are bugdivers
>end up with 400+ kills per match
i just kinda hold down the trigger, i'm not a bugdiver, i swear
sabermetrics say "just getta lotta kills"
whatever you say, tranny
>2800 deaths
another thing; that tranny probably disliked those two capes the most because those two are the ones he's replacing with his mod. how can you miss that? come on, mannn
>only 10 fewer mission hours than >>496182524
>less than a third of the total EXP gain
>60k less total kills, "botdiver" with 40k less automaton kills
>only about 2/3 as many stratagems used
looks like another underperformer
that's not how you use semicolons dumbass
honestly that's some good attrition
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i think that was a typo anon the colon and semicolon buttons are right next to each other on the keyboard
less than two thirds, my bad
I was doing a lot of solo stealth before my friends came back and started playing again
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gaming i have not played a single mission on the new patch yet
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you share the same taste as that tranny :)
fuck cannon towers and fuck arrowhead
based, i agree
just take out the towers
shut up raghead
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Once you get to the election bit, employ ranked-choice voting.
>Let X equal the number of nominees.
>When voting, voters will rank their choices from #1 to #X.
>Their #1 choice receives X points. Their #2 choice receives X-1, their #3 choice receives X-2, and so on.
It'll take a bit longer to tabulate, but you'll get a much fairer ranking of the nominees. Further, if a nominated player denies the role, you can just skip to the next one down. This way, you don't have to do runoffs or recalculations after the vote's called.

If you're not autistic enough to run it like that, I can post a burner email for you to send the results to, and I'll tabulate it for you when the time comes.
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>join d9 quickplay because fortresses are kinda boring now
>blitz fabricator mission already started
>"ok this should be eas-"
>0 reinforcements left
>1 minute to go
>3/8 fabs destroyed
no desire to put in the effort to be good at something they can just go 'ha ha lol fun' in
Are they having fun though? I was able to destroy the last fabs in <1 minute of joining, but if I didn't they would've surely lost. How can someone have fun getting stomped like that?
beats me, i like working for a win and winning
Man look at this sweaty tryhard dude haha he doesn't even like know what fun is lmao
I fucking hate fun
I had fun once and it was awful
haha wow just like in that one meme
>me and a buddy Jack off in a corner stunning and flaming bug breaches and patrols while the other two randoms actually play
>He's full teletubby armor, I'm tinfoil fire proof man.
>I brought every single possible fire strategem, item, and even the firepod booster
>He brought smoke, smoke eagle, shield gen, jet pack, lib con, dagger
>We keep dieing and giggling about how meta our loadouts are
>Wonder what the randoms were thinking

Honestly at this point it's become more a game of tactical circus play than anything. Like just do the stupidest shit we can, and min maxxing rocket jumping with the eruptor. (Work in progress).

Fun game tho. Great patch.
Usually when I want to assault a base I wait until the other randoms piss off a bot drop/bug breach elsewhere and then move in.
>1 million shots fired
you shoot more than anyone in the thread
still worse much worse given playtime than others, but it's funny that you shoot so damn much
Goddamn, the Torcher is so goddamn good against bugs.
>kills anything Bile Spewer and smaller with zero effort with direct contact
>you can set the ground on fire and back up to soften up approaching bugs, stack Gas Grenades for extra fun
>at least as good as old Flamethrower at chaff clear, fucking AP4 on a primary means it ignores Hive Guard and Bile Spewer heads
>its only weakness is that it chews through ammo quickly, and you can't walk forward through the flames without Inflammable perk

This is all I wanted in a flamethrower. Roast small bugs like they're nothing, set the ground on fire for area denial, and the best part is that it doesn't take up a support weapon slot. Might need to bring a Supply Pack for regular ammo replenishment, conditional on a good support weapon that can kill armored enemies.
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>clans this stats that
how about you join this lobby instead
bots / d10 / shelt
Can the eruptor rocket jump?
I used to do it all the time with the AC.
>kills anything Bile Spewer and smaller
Lol. Lmao even >>496175386
I don't blame him, as a fellow stimulus abuse Chad there's only two good armors. His, and the bone snapper, then there's only 5 or 6 helmets you can run with it.
We need helmet shaders at least.
The Adjudicator is the best AR now
full, 4/4
mag too small
It's great. Far better than the regular flamer, it's nimble and easy to use.
Was waiting for it to get buffed ever since I first used it

Just wish I could build more loadouts relying on using it exclusively, and making it do more.
i've been using the sickle forever, i sweep mines (player or bot) or explosive tanks or whatever to avoid accidents.
It's only shortcoming is that hunters can jump on you through the flames and stalkers dont give a fuck and WILL ragdoll your shit in.
My favorite bug loadout has been since this patch,
>Grenade Launcher
>Supply Pack
>2 free pick
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>designated machinegunner on the team
>drag cursor across screen and kill more bugs than a Chinese civil war
I fucking love the dakka in this game so much bros
I pre stimmed and had some solid horizontal air with it. Look forward to the YouTube bait pro rocket jump videos in the future.
>It's a downgrade that you're not constrained to the one or two loadouts every one had to take
Lmao shut up faggot, take a shower and put down the fork.
My favorite feel is lining up my machine gun with the machine gun sentry.
There's something ultra powerful about watching a horde of bugs poor through a hole. Then watch their waves slowly get pushed back with the combined fire.

It's probably the only reason I take that sentry. It's practically a fetish I've discovered.
I wish the hmgs felt as good, I hate that they suck.
How good is the commando against chargers and bile Titans?

I like running machine guns against bugs but I don't want to be locked to thermites to deal with heavies.
2 commando rockets is 2200 damage.
1 EAT rocket is 2000 damage.
EATs have a lower cooldown but you only get 2 shots.
Commando has a longer cooldown but you get 4 shots with laser guidance.
You figure out the rest.
Once I get the laser pistol (and test it) I will probably test out a Quasar Cannon/Eruptor/Laser Pistol build and pop heavy shit from afar.
Legs for chargers, for bile titans you need a little more oomf for a headshot I think. It's 400 under kill threshold.

But it's not explosive immune sooooo that's just two impact grenades from total bugger death. (Or a torcher for like 2 seconds)
Two headshots to kill, you have rapid fire so if your aim is good you can kill them almost as quickly as an EAT, Recoilless or Quasar.
Should mention that's just with one rocket.
Do you actually put in effort to be good at anything other than a Swedish slot machine.
supply pack
machine gun
orbital precision strike
orbital gatling barrage
stamina enhancement
jaguar helmet
predator light armor (peak physique)
executioner's canopy
What charger leg, the front?
I love this pos commando and it's okay on bots but sometimes I get screwed.
Want to get efficient with it in all fronts.
Is the Dominator still good?
Are you retarded or trolling? Its the best primary for bots and pretty damn good for bugs too.
The jar? Some people say it is but I hate it, small mag means you need to perfectly land all your shots every time, long ass reload means you die if you have to, barely any mags on you to carry either so you need resupplies. It's only reasonable till d7 and then packs are too much to deal with.
On bots it's serviceable and on hugs it's suicide since you can't keep up with hordes.
Anybody saying different is probably being carried.
Imost energy weapons out perform it on either faction, and there's way better options for bugs.
I don't like it
I feel like it has such a low accuracy that you're bound ti miss often, and since the magazine is so small it's way too punishing to get fucked over by rng constantly
Aim down the sights. Use it enough and you'll get a feel for it. Its the best primary and the most stylish.
Insane projection, faggot lmao
Are you under menstruation?
>instantly getting butt blasted because you were made fun of for immediately thinking "uhh gay???" about the most basic feature
Now your insecurities are showing, calm down fag kek
Which ship crew member do you think would play with Bionicles the most?
kys, faggot.
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The fartbond is pretty bad all things considered, the brap grenade is the only decent thing it has
So much for less warbond but with higher quality. CA makes me wish we had PP tier bonds back.
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Now kiss
Tits too big, flat is justice. kys, you faggot piece of shit.
I'm not the first post, I'm just confused why he's so angry all the time. The accusations against him aren't wrong at all.
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gg, gonna host another one in 4ish hours, unless squid diddler hosts one
post your careers i want to compare your stats to my own so i can tell myself im the best player in this general
Stim Pistol is top tier though.
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>be accosted by mechanical ruffians
>call in my pilot waifu to crease their jordans
If they let Alexus anywhere near the 500 I will become unreasonable.
cool post i enjoyed it
>Their #1 choice receives X points. Their #2 choice receives X-1, their #3 choice receives X-2, and so on.
ranking 1-2-3 is kind of tedious and requires too many brain cells.
i was thinking of a yes/no vote based on the profiles, so you can vote yes for multiple people that you like, and the top something percentile of yes votes get into the choose 1-of-X vote, people with a lot of commendations get into the 1-of-X from the getgo
>If you're not autistic enough to run it like that, I can post a burner email for you to send the results to, and I'll tabulate it for you when the time comes.
i'll manage but thanks for the offer
Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
>use cluster and strafe so i can hear eagle chan more often
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So, to clarify, you're stating there's 3 rounds.
>Round #1
What we're doing right now. Nominations or self-nominations.
>Round #2
Self-nominated players are selected in/out of the pool based on "percentile"? What's your criterion here? Top 25%? Top 50%? Anyone above Y votes?
>Round #3
Actual election. Ranked-choice between the nominated and selected-for self-nominated players.

Aside from a little curiosity on your methodology for round 2, this sounds great. Thanks for taking the initiative, here.

When you post for round 2, let us know how many responses you got. I'm a little curious about this place's investment and interest in the clan.
Who else likes to rock the peace maker?
i think it's alright but the verdict feels better
i just like big pistols
i dont know yet, it'll be based on submissions.
round 2 is probably going to be between top 5-6 yes votes, or anon needs to have 2 yes votes (self + at least someone else), all depends on how many people bother with this
i already have a bunch, but also things like
>name: N
>steamID: I
>slogan: G
>stance on arrowhead: G
you get it.
Gotcha. Since you're not letting me oversee/observe the process, I'll just trust you with the specifics.
Good luck.
N sounds like a based guy, i would vote for him :)
HMG feels shit against bots, is it any better versus bugs?
It's shit against bugs, bots are the only reason to ever carry it.
Autistic faggot I'm making the clan and inviting everyone who asks, fuck this nigger popularity contest shit
power tripping discord tranny detected
>can't handle democracy in the democracy game
anon, I...
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Realistically the clan leader will be UN or spleen if we're going by dedicated niggas
I would nominate myself but even I took a break during the escalation of freedom drought
nominate yourself then
I'll vote for you
the person running this is the power tripping tranny, he will use bots and phone IP resetting to fuck with the poll and rig it for himself using the poll as justification that people wanted him to be a leader

the most managed clan will be the one made by an autistic person as soon as the update goes live and starts inviting people
>projecting this hard
put your trip back on bro its obvious. the clan will be whoever makes it first and that's the way it is
if he rigs it, it'll be obvious
the decision is pretty unanimous from what i've seen on /hdg/ lobbies, and if some no-name fag comes out of nowhere, it'll be clear that he just rigged it for himself

ideally he'll let the neurosama avatarfag look over it himself, though.
All you nigs talking about vooting, what part of managed democracy do you not understand? Let the AI pick the winner.
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retard opinion alert
rendering your stratagem choices irrelevant by trivializing the entire game is not the same as making weapons more viable
viability prerequisites incentives to make appropriate choices
i.e. I need AT to handle BTs, something with good stagger value to keep enemies out of melee range, big aoe to avoid being overwhelmed
such incentives are now almost gone from bots and completely gone from bugs
the need to think on your feet pretty much has been amputated from the gameplay loop to accommodate niggers that play on console and puff a pound of lobotomy grade weed pre-mission
the only concern while picking a loadout now is that you pick weapons that can do damage in time before your mates are done killing everything
only a swedenshlomo would even dispute any of this
>all these weird insecurities over clans
just don't worry about it, guys. you guys are being weird
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>the clan will be whoever makes it first and that's the way it is
I don't have a job, you guys have no chance against me
I don't know his password
i'm not joining some splittranny clan, one guy's already begun the voting process. i'll stick with the guy who set it up first and who seems to care the most
i have none of you niggers on my friends list
im not in any of these 'mythical' discords
i join lobbies from time to time and have a great time with people.
feel free to "rig" the poll if you want to though, it will be fairly obvious.
i will post statistics after the poll so people can see if it was rigged or not
yeah i'll ask chatgpt to select the winner
>discordfag is clan leader
>only lets his discord friends be captains
what fun
t. neuro avatarfag
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hello, everyone
you are now ridin' with haydn
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Nice troon clique faggot
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on board the keeper of the stars
>my opposition is le trannies!!!
sorry but if you're not a lobby regular, i'm going to completely ignore your shitter clan
splittranny if you want, but nobody's gonna care or join except contrarian autists
I'm not sure if this is bait or a genuine subhuman.
Are we playing a different game?
>I need AT to handle BTs, something with good stagger value to keep enemies out of melee range, big aoe to avoid being overwhelmed
You still need all of that on both factions you god damn fucking idiot.
>dont bring AT?
Enjoy getting buttfucked by the 8 chargers/hulks, 2 impalers/tanks and the bile titan/factory strider.
>dont bring a weapon that can stagger medium enemies?
Enjoy getting vomited on or gunned down like a dog.
>dont bring chaff clear?
Enjoy getting overwhelmed by the 80 hunters/devastators.
I have an inkling feeling that your retarded ass has not gone above difficulty 6.
>counting your chickens before they hatch
the clans are at least a month away still
by the time they're there nobody will remember this whole proccess you've set up
settle down
not joining whichever tranny clan the flutenigger's in, simple as that
If Helldivers were real
>all the people arguing over clans ITT would never be a helldiver due to insecurities and emotional problems
>solo autists who play with randoms would be high ranking heros
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if you don't like flute, you don't like super earth
to be fair being a helldiver is a literal death sentence
You fucking faggots better not fuck up the clan
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pfft don't need a clan. i ain't like you. but hey, one of your fears are gone now and you can freely join whichever clan you want

that guy who keeps calling them womanly isn't wrong
get a grip you freaks
in a perfect world all the good faith people will join one clan and any side clans will die off in obscurity with their small handful of autists who couldn't handle a vote

there's no good faith opposition to the vote right now so itll probably be fine
Flutenigger, fucking kill yourself.
Samefagging retard fellating himself.
I solo bug d10s with napalm, mortar sentry, and AMR
feel free to cope as much as you need though
here's hoping d11 will be so ball crushingly brutal that your kind will piss and cry like kingbeeno getting ff2'd three times in a row
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you constantly prove him right when you wish and hope for things like that upon another man
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You say that like it's a big achievement.
D10 was easily soloable even before the buff patch, on both factions.
Hang yourself you waste of oxygen.
not for heros
Has one ritualposter ever mindbroken another anon this hard?

Also this whole thread is why I said I was excited to what the clan shit play our around here. It will be chaos.
Get the fuck in here chuds, we're spreading that democrussy.

Gave the Railgun a shot against bugs, it's meh since the time you spend charging up multiple headshots could be better spent just landing a single headshot from the Recoilless or Quasar and then going about your day. There aren't very many usecases for Safe Mode shots either, the only things you might want to blast are Bile Spewers and they're just as easily taken out with explosives.

Like, I appreciate being able to blow up Bile Titans in three fully charged headshots now when before it would take probably at least ten (assuming that the head invincibility glitch didn't happen). But AT weapons being so godly now just defeats the point. Maybe it'll be better against bots, who knows, I'll give it a try some time tomorrow I guess.
I cannot think of anything more mind numbingly stupid than having to be the invite janny for a clan of 4channers.

Platoons only give you an extra order (your "platoon order") on the planet the platoon station is orbiting. That's it.
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Where is this janny?
>game is trivial toddlercore now
>game still forces you to be smart and you can't win by just blindly clicking four random stratagems
which will it be, schizo?
I can see a huge problem with stratagems being locked behind being a certain rank in the clan. Why not just make your own little clan at that point and enjoy being able to use all of them without having to deal with all the hdg clan politics that are already in play? The fucking thing clan hasn’t even being made yet and look at the state of the general rn. Plus, it’s a known fact that there’s a clique of you tranny fags in this general, and 4chan in general is plagued by you weirdos just about everywhere now. I personally don’t want to be in a clan with people that disgust me. I doubt that I’m the only one that feels this way.
It struggles against Factory Striders, and also tanks because they took away its AP7 bonus at 90% so it bounces off a bunch of places. Otherwise it's great.

Even if it isn't the skeleton key it's nice that it is useful, like you said being able to down a BT in 3 headshots compared to 10-20 is manageable.
>tip tap tip tap tip tap
>game still forces you to be smart and you can't win by just blindly clicking four random stratagems
How to tell me you are an autocuck without telling me you aren't an autocuck.
Sure as hell was fun only taking like 6 stratagems out of +30, along with the choice between like 3 primary weapons, 1 secondary and 1 grenade.
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3/4, get in!
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>Doing my part defending Shel
>Queue comfy 6's with my comfy lazy build
>EAT's, RR, EMS mortar, MHMG
>Get up for water and hit quickplay when i get back
>Filling in a team of 3 already in
>See someone is also running a a build of EAT's RR and Mortars
>Drop in and everything is going wrong
>Already pushed back to the second set of Gates
>Factory Striders and Tanks pushing in
>What in the honest fuck is this seed?
>Hold them off and keep shooting down dropships
>There are so many fucking Dropships
>Power Load an entire back pack into the other diver
>There are still dropships
>Another 2 Striders touch down and we are pushed back to the final set of gates for the last two missiles
>One Diver who brought all Red is turning the world into an apocalypse
>Through the Screen Shake and Violence the Democracy Officer says we win
>I look up on my Screen
>The Game had kidnapped me to Level 10

And I loved every second of it.
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nothing has changed
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Keeping the Torch of Freedom aloft is not a Death Sentence, but Valiant and Noble Sacrifice for the People of Super Earth.
Every time I kill a Factory Strider with a single Recoilless shell I cum a little
What a euphoric feeling
For meta chasing autists, sure.
But having an actual arsenal to choose from is nice for those who aren't autistic.
With how much autism is already surrounding clan shit I'm just not going to join any clan and made one for my non-/hdg/ friends instead. From my experience in other generals: If a general makes a clan and it has any form of moderation or leadership it will directly lead to the implosion and death of the general and should be abandoned and its leader chased out and scorned.
>From my experience in other generals: If a general makes a clan and it has any form of moderation or leadership it will directly lead to the implosion and death of the general
Most people here are worried that the thread might kill the clan, but they do not see the far worse outcome that the clan might kill the thread for everyone else
No shit bro. That being said, I will continue to play and keep an eye on the autism and possible implosion here.
Zero moderation, zero leadership.
"Clan Leader" will just be the self-enlisted invite janny if the invite cannot be put in the OP.
One rule, dont be annoying, retarded, a tranny or a combination of the three.
Thats the only way clan faggotry wont ruin this general.
lobby is private
NTA but it likely got full and they put it to private so randos dont drop in if someone gets DC'd.
Do we even have any details on how the clan system will work or is all of this just some massive assumption based on the orbital station MO?
then why the fuck bother responding, anon?
Bugs always were trivial toddlecore and bots are slightly harder now. Nothing changed
Nope, just autistic overhype of the potential system.
To help a retard out with their question since their pea sized brain cant put two and two together.
don't join my aurics, please
"fuck cannon towers and fuck arrowhead"
Thanks for the previous vote of confidence from another anon earlier in the thread, this could be fun, I hope
based, i agree
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You only need one rule; be an adult. Both literally and figuratively.
If you cannot figure that out, and need help, you are permanently banned.
If correct behavior needs to be explained to you, you can fuck off.
It really is that simple.
Outside of that, I don't care what you talk about, or how you play the game.

That's my hat in the ring.
can you set this off with a hellpod?
There's already a bunch of cliquefags rotting the thread.
The introduction of clanfaggotry will only amplify the issue.
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I propose we use an 'Australia Rules' system to vote for the clan leader.
>Record players over the course of several games and across multiple /hdg/ lobbies
>At the end of each match, everyone nominates a player based on how well they performed.
>Compile a list of 'most capable players' based on feedback.
We can't have weaklings or nogames as the face of our general after all.
Yes you can, and it explodes instantly.
yes, and it won't kill you, makes for a great entrance
Gaylipoli 10s. Clan system will demand you use PSN anyway.
>Clan system will demand you use PSN anyway
Haha steam review goes brrr
I don't often use the autocannon since it doesn't lend itself super well to solo play, but I'd gladly partake in 1000 more AC lobbies instead of falling asleep in another RR (reddit rifle) one.
I don't think they are going to do more nerfs. Just based on the attitude they had in their patch breakdown video.
And just like that it was over again.
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Though judging by the ~15 people i played with, /hdg/ is composed of remarkably well-adjusted lads
Mission was in progress. Lobby opened up again
There will be a creator, and then there will be elections. No room for tranny cliques.
>tranny cliques
Someone is a litle grumpy that he isn't a regular.
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>all this shit about muh election and cl only for the member limit to just be 8 or something
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>wojak + wall of text
Don't care, didn't read, you're a discord doom troon lmao
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D10 bugs on Acamar and then Robutts after
get the fuck in here 3/4

There's no clique you retard, just join the lobbies and have fun
>posts are basedjack
>a page worth of cope and seethe to justify the game being so shit everyone left
>acting like this is a reddit thing when nobody was happy and everybody got banned asking for buffs
Oh, so you're an obese contraband sweating in a fucking pve game lmao
Lose some weight and then come back to us kiddo
why would I be grumpy? I join when I feel like it and have joined many lobbies.
funny that you feel called out when I purposefully didn't call anyone out or quote a post.
4 premade clans that players get sorted in at random. we are getting that harry potter houses competetion with points for doing MOs.
Not him, but i do and the sheer volume of enemies makes it ass to use. I feel like it needs another 15 bullets to feel good, really all are do.
>Most stylish
No denying that
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>all this shit about clans only for Gaellivare to fall before the station is completed
You mean reddit. /hdg/ had a consensus that d10 wasn't difficult enough on either faction, that nerfs aren't actually warranted, that only the mass of shitter normies would ever regard it as a good course of action, that overcorrections will happen. Io and behold - ATshitters, the least skillful player type, now dominate the meta. Nerf RR to 1800 dmg plus 200 explosive and bring back penalties for angled shots. If you disagree you're an ultracuck that sucks bull sperm from wifey's roasted cooch using an EU-compliant paper straw.
>implying Joel won't purposefully throw low-level defenses on the planet and railroad it so you don't lose the planet no matter what
>such incentives are now almost gone from bots and completely gone from bugs
Blatantly false, like it's not even close lol
You're a discord drone, aren't you?
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>[schizo babble]
>if you disagree [retarded projection]
Nope, just a guy that can line his shots and dive out of harm's way once every 12 minutes. If you had trouble with d10s pre-patch you were just bad. If you're still having trouble now you deserve to be sterilized so future generations won't suffer your gutter tier genes.
Last /hdg/ bot lobbies I hosted we ran down the clock and our reinforcements to 0 almost every mission lol. This was despite everyone saying how fun the update was.
This is (you).
Alexus in the thread right now, coping and seething because he can't nerf anything while pilesofshidt is here
>you are now reminded about the working vehicles that we'll never get to use
He was getting angry at me in the last thread over jetpacks. Dude is really a fucking autistic freak.
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This new Defence map is amazing
I spent the match chucking EAT's at my teammates too
That and if they try to actually be a leader in any way and pull imaginary rank, we just migrate to a new one. First among anons has no real power, it's purely a bureaucratic position, lest discord trannyism takes root.
Being a swede usually does that to you. Their shithole is invaded by foreigners so the last place they can have a little bit of power is the internet.
i agree with this but only if the same nerfs happen to the autocannon as well. angled shots should always bounce and never pen.
and a damage nerf from ~410 to 300
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>RTX 3070 Laptop GPU
He's not a Swede, from what I figure. He's a Serb, or some shit. He's basically living in Sweden as a subhuman.
what the fuck does this mean
the only feature/ability i want from the clan system is an easy way to invite /hdg/anons back to the game when they crash. the clans offer no real advantage to the general outside of that and threatens our glorious autistic democracy
D10 bots 3/4

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>select 5 people fit for CL
>ask chat gpt to choose one
there, managed democracy.
no rigging, no unjust decisions, no recount needed.
fair and square
should I get fire or gas warbond? or just not bother with either

if you have everything else then the gas bond has the best grenade in the game
Fire is better
gas just has the stim pistol currently, gas weapons are for low level bugs
all other warbonds > brap > fire
does it stutter on 8gig cards?
Gas + gas armor is unironically giga strong, until some fag drops an orbital napalm barrage on you
>not killing the enemies is unironically giga strong
you lost me there bud
That's what happens when your game is built upon progression being tied to objective completion and not killing enemies
ah yes,
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>get in the super bug nest
>gas everything
>close all bugholes while bugs are freaking out
Its not that hard to understand. Not everything is about killing. Hell, the """"""correct""""" way to play is trying to interact/kill the less stuff possible. It is gay ? Very much so. It is effective ? Also yeah.
You'll find me and my bros firing everything we have at random bug breaches yelling slurs in the mic until we have 5 min left to extract tho
it's funny because who the clan leader will be has already come to me in a dream so all this voting shit is pointless
cope, seethe, dilate
I propose we elect our clan leader via duel
>3 drop into a d1 mission, two candidates and one referee
>candidates both run the senator
>they both face opposite directions and, at the referee's signal, turn around and shoot eachother
>whoever lives wins
>do this until one clan leader autist remains
>this is your brain on bugdiving
>gas OP!!!!!
>lib concussive OP!!!!
jesus fuck
Yes but the game also eats through your CPU
>d10 garllivare
>rando spends the entire fucking mission whining about bots on the mic
Good news everyone, we have been reinforced by the bugniggers
imagine buying a 8gb gpu in the past like 3 years, lmao a fucking rx480 had that in 2016. i get only a couple stutters on first dive into the map, after that perfect smoothness with a 6700xt and i5 11400 on ultra textures
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>playing on MO planets
You only have yourself to blame
Does gas damage stack or not?
Sorry bros I crashed... might as well call it there. Thanks for all the games fellas.
Clans aren't even in yet and I already hate clanfags.
d10 bugs
quick question, how do you stop randos from joining your lobby when hosting for people here?
you did your part. o7
dont select a mission
>while waiting
don't pick a mission until it's filled
>during gameplay
you can't, be quick with your bans
full or do i have aids?
Post only the link, don't choose a operation/mission before the lobby is full
cheers, thanks anons.
full, pretty sure i got a rando in here but im too chicken shit to kick
>full, pretty sure i got a rando in here but im too chicken shit to kick
just ask if he's hdg in chat
only (you) can prevent pub aids spread
>Meanwhile, aboard the /hdg/ clan space station...
>fucking space aids, I verify files twice a day, time for evening file verification, they don't know how clean my game is!
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>lobby if 50% aussies
you cheeky cunts you
>alright cadet, lean up and practice that flute boy
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Fuck it, I might throw my hat i to the clan-making ring. I have no fucking desire to tard wrangle a dozen autistic faggots, but it wouldn't be the first time Ive done this shit on a whim and ended up the de facto official version.

Namefags and discord trannies will be summarily executed in real life.
We all know you won't do shit
So I have a hard time seeing how people can miss when you spam "friendship door" etc in chat
but what really got me today was when I marked and mentioned one, then died to a hulk near it. One player runs up, resurrects me right near it, so I walk over to it and click the button as he is approaching.
And then he just.. .walks over it? Basically puts one leg in the crater and then walks off and takes my dropped samples and goes to extract

His low IQ ass didn't realize that the modder posted the capes that were being replaced by his trans mods. I don't know if he's ESL or just can't comprehend his own language.
Eagle-1 complained to the democracy officer again bros...
Might have been a new fag that never opened a bunker
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>eagle-1 popping flares even when in bugs
Terminid SAM sites soon...
I don't remember his level, but no one was below 40 I think
regardless, you have two big glowing buttons, and one player smacking one and yelling in chat
just how braindead do you have to be to not get it?
>Zerg Spore launchers as a new type of enemy
The flares are either to make sure tardy spear users don't shoot her or maybe just to put up a show for us on the ground.
its because you can lock on her with a Spear, best not take chances with the tards you're wrangling
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>flares ur missile
infraredkeks in shambles
I'd lock on her with my spear if you know what I mean
Can't wait for bot and squid aircraft that shit out chaff to render Spear usueless.
need 1
>doing anything to an infrared seeker
oh she knows, thats what the flares are for (the .45 she's packing)
All this implies is that you aren't the elder god tier players you hype yourselves up as. My last bot d10 was a pug. It started with an eradicate where the obligatory RR team reload downed every last dropship, one squad mate was afk, another did the gooning animation all mission. Followed by a geosurvey and SSSD retrieval with a whopping five deaths between them. Triple RR plus RG btw. A great deal of people agree that the game lost the few teeth it had. Don't be such a contrarian about this. Nerfs are needed. And if they can't happen, every enemy needs a fat armor upgrade along the lines of behemoth and rocket chicken.
And flares
and decoys
And leaflets that will stun the helldiver on contact with all of its' propaganda.
favorite titles? i like
>space cadet
>admirable admiral
>star marshall
>and decoys
don't forget the noisemakers, surely squids will have submarines
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>Listen, if you want to change your gender you have to fill out the AC-K3 form, you can't just "say" you're a woman, that would be ridiculous.
I thought that was the A-ACK1 form?
>space jews
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No, the A-ACK1 form is for Super Sterilization. They usually go for that one first, that's why it's the first form. Then there's the AA-CK2 which is for authorizing feelings of outsider-ness and general doubt (in oneself, never supper earth). THEN, we get the AC-K3 for gender change with SUPER approval through the democracy officer. Finally, there's the ACK-4 where you sign up to be a Helldiver for a Day and we drop you into the middle of a Mega Nest or Fortress.
Uh, Anon? They're called SUPER MERCHANTS
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Rate our drip
No one asks why the MOG (Merchant occupied government) keeps bombing the based robots
fleet admiral
forgot to pay the super power bills/10
Turn on the lights you cheapskate.
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how are people like this fucking real?
do they know that they are supposed to fire their weapon?
is this the fabled "im crowd controlling bro dont worry" gamer?
this is a 40 min mission and everyone has been there from the start.
Can it really be called drip if its wearing the matching armor and helmet?
sabermetrics say he's pretty efficient
>looking at stats
>getting assblasted in a co-op game
You're giving off big faggot energy there Anon
it gets to you when your teammates cannot take a bot artillery secondary for 8 minutes straight.
>1 death
>doesn't show/tell which weapon he's using
Trash post.
Mald some more.
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And now rate the loadouts
every other person is less efficient than that player and you chose him because he fired the least?
83 kills at 1.2 shots per kill
91 kills at 4.8 shots per kill
120 kills at 5.8 shots per kill
from left to right
>normal looking loadout, 4/5
>total trash 1/5
>quirky but not trash 4/5
>that booster, olaser 1/5
Will you elect me to be the /hdg/ clan leader?
don't worry, we've got the technology to albinize you yet
if you keep the discord drama and troons out, I will close my eyes.
Fuck no, do not redeem the clan
this nigga wearing peak physique irl
Nigger factor aside, very freaky hand. Fingers seem disproportionately short and thin
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It looks more like he hasa wide palm, making the thumb look like it's coming out of the wrong place. Or he has a sprained wrist and it inflated to the point it looks off.
Nice dark trooper helmet. Only lack fitting armor fo it.
The next faggot to booby trap an airlock with surströmming will be thrown out of said airlock.
Those cans are also interrogation equipment and access is forbidden without a DO's authorization.
So what is the best primary against bugs now? I was told the incel breaker is for newbs which was my go to. Adjudicator is alright although it has shit ammo economy. I'll try anything except the defender which is trash.
arc shotty
I assume that means punisher.
Lib, Scythe, Sickle, Punisher, Breaker, S&P, Cook, Blitzer are all decent choices.
Scorch, Eruptor, CB are also good if you can stay ranged and know how to danger close when covering your allies.
for me, it's the slugga
Do you not feel ashamed posting this?
not at all, do you not feel ashamed replying to the same post again?
Let me guess you're the faggot doing the gay bow.
i really should post more pubs scoreboards.
it seems to get a lot of attention here
I vote the arc blitzer, basically retard proof. Knockback on medium size bugs like commanders and stalkers, no aim required, shits on hunters.
>act like a whiny faggot
>get attention
ok man
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>Bulletin 1A-H8 is now in effect, 13% of Helldivers will be assigned to the Meridia Black Hole reconnaisance force.
D10 Bots
>today I will try the MMG
>hitting a shield nigger anywhere makes it flinch
>the shield perfectly protects the face when they flinch
3/4 get in now
feet shots are the best solution for them when you run MMG. They die pretty fast once you get it down and can control the recoil.
AH said they're doing "crunch" now, are you happy you fucking chuds?
SNOY be praised. Whip those lazy swiggers to work.
I don't know what it means
They have to work 8 hours a day and can only take 4 instead of 6 vacations a year now! All because of heckchuds
Forma blanco
Crunch = Devs are told to stop fucking around and do some actual work
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NTA, I'm developing a manly SUPER CRUSH drawchad. Keep it up.
>dat chin
If we talk about most of the world, it's pretty much 24/7 work hours.
If we take Swedes - most likely they got the full 9 to 5 experience.
I think our secret clan handshake should be tickles haha
Imagine walking on the space station and getting swarmed by anons shouting theyre the tickle monster haha
tickle tickle tickle >:)
>loads up Senator
I think this dude needs some stims.
based, I for one welcome ticklekino aboard my quarters
>stimmed tickling
you don't want that
The platoon name isn't going to be Helldivers General
probably, I doubt the swede will give us the right to name ourselves considering we can't even name our ships.
do you have any free-use edits of Flutey?:)
If we don't call ourselves Helldivers General I don't want to be a part of it. Naming a general guild after the general is /vg/ tradition.
where can i order a commission of Flutey getting spitroasted by Hero of the Federation and the democracy officer

visible flute-shaped buttplug desired but not required
AMRchads what crosshair overlay you running? I've been using Crosshair V2, just wondering if there is something better for free out there.
Eyeballing it like God intended.
just code one yourself :)
my monitor has a built in "hardware" crosshair option. is this rare?
what monitor is this?
AOC 24g2u
datamining seems to indicate that you can infact custom name a platoon and that they must be unique but who knows if it will be like that whenever the swedes push it out
I'm all for tradition but if/when some anon makes Helldivers General it's going to a troonanon on a power trip and the real platoon will be named something else
reshade with https://github.com/notpeelz/reshade-xhair
ive played killing floor 1 for 1600 hours, that game has no crosshair on any weapon.
i can hit noscopes all day
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probably inevitable that there's gonna be several hdg platoons, and I say let the best one win, 4chan based guilds and communities have a strong tendencies to splinter anyway
I foresee another Warbros situation happening
>push bad updates through the winter and spring
>most competent people take a vacation for the entier summer
>skeleton crew pushes updates that are so unpopular it threatens the longevity of the game
>act like this victim when you have to bust your ass in the fall to make up for the problems you created
Where did they mention this crunch? Trooncord?
>if/when some anon makes Helldivers General it's going to a troonanon on a power trip and the real platoon will be named something else
ah i see you have also been through this kind of thing before
>developers actually working on a game I want to see succeed
Yes, yes I am
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this time it will be different, surely.
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how did you guys know that forced drugging is one of my fetishes
>Swedish crunch
>this means instead of their days being 2 hours of work and 6 hours of teatime, it's 3 hours of work and 5 hours of teatime
The horror
Total Dropshit Death.
Art anon I request snoy loggo whipping AH logo. You can get creative with the text.
no anon it will be just like every single vg guild that's what i said
the only people who don't think otherwise are the ones who cause the problem in the first place
can i sex you instead?
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my lowly chud stats
I failed to claim numbers for super earth!!!!

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post a webm of absolutely genociding bots and then we'll talk
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what the ever loving fuck
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Niche use case for lower difficulty bugs is to run the Jar for medium pen enemies and the Stalwart for everything else. Still leaves you needing something for heavies but that's why you have stratagems and EATs.
I would be a Helldiver so I could quickly die and be regarded as a hero. Or my survival instincts might kick in and I'd become a grizzled war vet that one day dies in glorious sacrifice.
See this guy gets it.
really? not playing on a friday?
dead thread
dead game
she's gone now, i hope you're happy
I finally cleared a d9 operation for the first time by the skin of my teeth, am I a real helldude now?
good job anon!
proud of you
I have diagnosed you with a severe case of troon fingers it is a fatal condition.
>default scopes
Anytime I see anyone still using those I think that the person is either retarded or a consolefag
I hope you guys really like playing on Imber and Shelt in these coming few weeks lol
What's a default scope, never seen this scope before.
>overpaid lazy retards have to do their jobs for once
Yes. I'm overjoyed.
I emptyed a full backpack of RR rockets into a factory strider and it didnt die. Is that normal?
Shoot the head or belly retard
his neopussy is aching because that guy isn't using modded sights.
Which armor is that?
It's a two-shot to the head, one if you nail it in the eye.
>It's a crash at extract episode
Imagine not being able to drop and drag files to make the sights usable. Imagine actually liking the slop that AH tries to pass for workable sights. Couldn’t be me lmao
now THIS is PEAK modding right here
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works on my machine
>arknights in /hdg/
How do you use modded sights?
Can you link me?
You ain’t gotta dox yourself with a selfie like that anon
How many termites to kill an AT-AT? 2? 3?
>cant play the game as-is
>has to make it easier
definition of skill issue
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>host crashed with around eight minutes left
>and we also killed a thousand bots
I can almost see through your bullshit, Helldivers 2
2 to the belly
Lmao sure whatever makes you feel better retard
lmao, its a scope from 5 patches ago.
>needing visual crutches like custom scopes and third person crosshairs
the only rule is not to nyopost.
just throw all 5 of them then resupply yourself like you deserve
to be fair, half the scopes are STILL not pointing to where the bullet goes
Because you can't zero the guns. And red dot mod won't really fix that.
>hmmm today I will play D10 bots
>first mission everyone ragequits after 1 or 2 deaths, have to finish mission alone
>2nd mission everyone is at 4 opposite corners of the map the entire mission dying over and over and spamming reinforce. 2/4 people leave before extract
>3rd mission, I am the only one doing anything, whole team is just fighting where they dropped in, dying repeatedly. I then notice that 2 of them are under level 15. Once again, whole team leaves, I have to soloclear
>4th mission, I once again have to do everything by myself because team just dies over and over as soon as they spawn. Finally almost press the launch nuke and some Russian retard TKs me, most likely because he wanted to press the nuke button
>I call him a cum-gargling gip faggot and he kicks me
>finish mission alone once again

And that’s been my HD2 experience today. I miss the community before this stupid fucking patch. My D10 missions used to be fun and my teammates were the best of the best, now they’re filled with retarded shitters who get angry and upset at the slightest inconvenience. It’s been like this since the patch and is killing my motivation to play the game with randoms, or in general. I think I’m just gonna sit it out and wait for new content at this point.
why not play with hdg, anon?
anon you missed one little nuance
>bot MO now
I do sometimes, I might post a lobby in a bit if I can work up the motivation to play.
I hope the dev that made reinforced scout strider rockets has an itchy asshole forever and it never goes away
How do you use modded sights?
anon, everyone think they can hack it in d10 because of the patch, plus there's a bot MO so of course d10 bot pub lobbies will be shit
I just followed this tutorial and made my own crosshairs. Some lower than the ingame ones, some offcenter to actually properly show where the shot will go. It’s not rocket science. If the swiggers are too lazy to fix the game you can always do it yourself unless you are equally as lazy, or just love their halfassed work like some of the retards in here that try to pass that off as them being superior lmao
love when some faggot gets buttmad you joined their public game and can't just ask you to leave?
Berkan, hope you read this you bitch
>AC boogieman kneejerk
>Scythe gets a somewhat better, like-power scope
>Sickle still has a clear, variable scope
Still seething
not at all, most samsung monitors past 2k14 have that
how to deal with tanks? 110mm seems useless again
nigger tier answer
Have you tried shooting down the dropships?
Strafing Run
have you tried shooting the back of the tank
RR, spear, EAT, commando, thermite, shoot the heat sink, strafing run, airstrike, 500, ops, rail cannon, walking, 380
god damn man there's some I didn't list but there's plenty of options
Blow yourself up with a thermite and land on the tank
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you won't fix the zero by just moving the dot a little. that's the actual issue and there is no modding your way out of that as far as I know, nothing this simple at least. top is what happens in the game
>bugdivers go to a bot MO and start acting up
>anon is surprised
Friday night, better see walls of lobbies in 5 hours.
Yes this is a threat
Ugggh how long until this stupid fucking space station is completed?
I'll have a lobby up in about 11 hours anon
a month
Jump onto the turret of a tank, lie down, and cook a thermite in your hand for the full duration. The tank should be gone.
Alternatively dive onto the turret of a tanks with a thermite cooking in your hand.
You can angle the scope model in blender
With an AT,shoot the heatsink/sides of the turret, shoot the back or side of the hull if the turret faces you
Shoot the barrel too.
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>bottom diagram
god I wish the grenade launcher had proper zeroing like in squad. Love nailing people in the woods from 200m-300m out
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if you had something that could take down a dropship then you most likely have something that can deal with the tanks anon
I wish there was a strategem or support tool that just made primaries way better so I can rock them exclusively against bugs.

Im kinda sick of indirect shit killing enemies, and something about all the support weapons just doesn't do it for me.
why the FUCK is this planet so hard to take
>3% decay rate
It’s truly a mystery anon
then you'd also need a different angle for camera in ADS, no? idk how lenient the anti cheat is
need belt fed variants of the primaries and a support backpack that links a big belt from it to your primary and feeds from (and increases) your total ammo pool and eliminates the need for reloads.
Why can't they just program the game that bullets go where the scope is pointed at. And make it less accurate when enemies are out of that range for your scope.
I think the Mechs should have an Armored Core style vehicle customization bay where you can paint each individual part however you want and make your own cool decals
Lib is extremely fun on bugs unless you get a spewer/lord seed.
almost half of the strategem weapons work fine against a tank. EAT, the recoilless, and the quasar cannon come to mind.
and if you don't have any of those currently available, do what I do.
I run engineer armor usually and I really like impact grenades, two impact grenades to the back vent kills a tank.
I just want the vehicle upgrade bay so we can get an extra mech and lower call in time.
My brother in Christ people are playing with full on fursonas, dickgirls and female helldivers with asses that would put Kim Kardashian to shame as their player models. How lenient do you think this anti cheat is knowing that now?
>Sir, another degen mod has hit the page
>make lobby
>no one joins
classic hdg
Something that boosts a primary would only make sense to me if it was something like an energy backpack that you connect energy weapons to. Takes up your backpack slot but you run an extension cord from it to your scythe and it boosts damage and vastly increases heat sink capabilities. More shots on a sickle, maybe reduces or removes charge-up time too. Full auto scorcher with a 60 round battery. Give the backpack railgun mechanics as well, you get a lot more damage dealing potential but if you overheat your backpack in the heat of the moment it explodes.
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this planet better get some insane buffs like 50% reduction in strats or ion cannon beams command and conquer style
Use an image that doesn’t out you as a total weirdo next time.
Feels undertuned when you got a constant wall of red warriors. Might try tho.

My big thing I've been riding has been torcher and the jar with the viper set. Feels like actual solid primaries that just have downsides that other tools can levy.
Just feels like they need one more thing.

Main tactic so far has been resupply+grenades. Then hucking them in and finishing off shit that's low. Then it feels like I'm actually killing everything with my primary.
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>Rods of Democracy
swapping a model is generally pretty simple. changing camera is more intrusive would require more "digging" into code I think
Well yeah, post D7 the lib starts to suffer due the average mob count and patrol hp inflation, making you spend a whole mag on the bigger nonarmored shit.
More ammo is the common theme. That and more time to shoot. Gas and EMS helps at least.
hard pass on that advice, dork
An Orbital Kinetic Strike would be kinda cool, basically being a OPS tha also creates a large tremmor area, doing minor dmg and slowing everyone in the area for a long period of time.
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>he can't kill with his mind
We’ll have fun by yourself then. Your funko pop collection will keep you company.
That sounds cool
>18 shots fired
but why
Belt fed adjudicators and breakers do sound fun. How would a belt fed backpack stratagem feed into a knight smg or a slugger? If boosting a players primary isn’t a stratagem I don’t know why it wouldn’t become a mandatory pick for every mission.

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Idk meaby check yourself returnshitter, we don't want you here
was it about that fucking election thingy?
>If boosting a players primary isn’t a stratagem I don’t know why it wouldn’t become a mandatory pick for every mission.

Taking a support weapon, and most reds outperforming. That and if it's a backpack slot, it'd be a hard sell for a lot of people
belt fed primaries won't happen because that'd be an insane amount of work for them. also they'd think it's dumb
belt fed primaries wont happen for the same reason other large weapons aren't primaries - primaries are all supposed to 'fit' with the diver in the pod.
>How lenient do you think this anti cheat is knowing that now?
Is there a mod that gives me infinite samples and super credits or is that the one thing that anti cheat actually stops?
he posted his steam page with 150 hours played and asked if the devs killed the game
who knows why he deleted it
I'd take a belt feeder backpack that simply synergied with just the 3 LMGs.
waiting for (you)
>chinks absolutely fucked over joel on a samples based MO a few weeks back by cheating out the ass
They gatekeep that shit to only among themselves though.
I’m picturing the alternative to a stratagem being a booster. If there’s a booster that improves primaries I’m imagining it would basically reduce current booster selection to three slots instead of four.
As a ship upgrade, maybe it would work. But that would make a divide between high and low level players that the devs might not want to make.
They could make these into stratagem sidegrades.
But it'd still require some work, considering these would be the first weapons that'd be completely "linked" with backpacks. they aren't sure how to handle this IMO
Laser dog would be a lot more fun to take IF IT STOPPED CLIPPING ALLIES.

honestly if it shot out like gas dog, and prioritized smaller enemies Rovers would be a lot better.
I'd just have a glowing backpack, and it teleports ammo into your magazine.
Gives all weapons laser heat rules, and it makes laser weapons cool down dramatically faster.
>we don't want you here
does this glowie speak for all of you?
>let a pozzed pub lag the lobby into smitheriness
>cry and shitpost
i love play solo in party
I mean while my team fucks around with bots, I'm doing other tasks like destroying a fortress or secondary objectives.
will kick the pubbies gimme a sec
not gonna lie this is such friendless behavior
hate when solofags trigger all the drops because the game just becomes boring for everyone else
Then get a move on nigger, all of you play like casuals
This is me and I don't even try to do it purposefully. I just don't like fighting waves of bot drops and shit. I like to sneak like a rat and destroy shit behind enemy lines.
commando still 1taps the mini turrets on fortresses so it's worth it.
also, 4 commando shots + 2 EATs destroys a bunker ez from long range.
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>game works fine for months and now suddenly I cannot connect to anyone and nobody can connect to me
>every time I close the game and restart it my armor resets
I love sweden I hope nothing bad ever happens to it.
That's how it's balanced. It has infinite ammo and never needs to recharge.
To combat this, sometimes it hits you instead.
I only know a bit about this game through media osmosis and the big PSN account drama. Why were people saying the game was ruined/over/whatever for these past few months?
Balance guy had his own "vision" for the game and he doesn't like gun violence
it wasn't.
children want a power fantasy where they are unkillable gods slaughtering hundreds of enemies.
the game was designed to be an against-all-odds shooter where youre constantly dying but you make it by the skin of your teeth
devs nerfed a bunch of shit to uphold this vision
reddit got mad and started crying and complaining, review bombing, general child behaviour, so arrowhead finally threw in the towel and made everything kids toys that you steamroll missions with
Bile booba
Devs wanted the game to be hard and everyone knows the only way to make a shooter hard is to make enemies take forever to die like it's a fucking MMORPG
Alexus you lost, get over it already
the game wasnt hard before
Yeah helldivers lost.
>20-30k dedicated divers who enjoyed the skin-of-teeth experience
>500 children are crying on reddit
>devs say, ok 500 children you win
>game "alive" for a week, while children live out their powerfantasy and then drop the game because its too boring and too easy
>we drop down below 20k because the dedicated players now don't have a reason to play (the game being hard)
The conclusion: players are fucking retarded sheep and they don't know what makes a game fun, and arrowhead are even more retarded for falling for this obvious bait.
post patch bugs are so boring theyre like exclusively just used for a change of scenery between bot ops
no idea how people have fun with this in its current state unless you just like stomping puppies
>Pouncer survives five adjudicator bullets because his wee little microthin leg absorbs the hit
Fuck you
>what is current civilian extract
>what is current bricks mission
>what is current eradicate
I do agree though it wasn’t hard but I think it was made easier. Hopefully the spawn rates in those missions is just a bug.
People got bored of the game and made up bullshit to justify no longer playing for some reason
You can see that redditors are back to whining about enemies dealing too much damage. So who knows, maybe it will be ruined once again soon.
Player numbers after this update are falling at THE EXACT SAME RATE as they did after Escalation of Freedom. 26k players down, 8 days after their respective peaks
So, now that JJK has ended and Fujimoto is back in his bag with this last fight? Where do we go from here? We all /csm/ again?
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Wrong fucking thread man. My bad boys.
aw damn JJK ended? shit i need to catch up, thanks for reminding me.
be cool if it did actually
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>join random game
>it's all mostly shitters hopping on the bandwagon
>diff 8 and above are full of shitters punching below above their weight

post-buff patch was a mistake
Realistically the game needs a fat content drop to get people back in. Illuminate, a batch of like 5 new biomes, new giant free warbond, new galactic war features to keep people invested once they unlock everything, and new enemy units for each faction.

It's never going to happen, that's too much for pretty much any studio, let alone AH.
The huge wall of pay-only warbonds is probably really intimidating for new players
>"I have to play for HOW LONG to earn all that in-game?!"
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D10 Bots
Old warbonds need to reduce in cost by 100 SC per month (probably to some minimum like 300). Medals required should drop each month as well until they're at about 20% of release.
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>you could be playing with someone using this mod and not know about it
I hate that tiny helmet
it's funny how furries have literally no sense for aesthetic
If you play with them enough you'd probably figure it out and if you couldn't then it doesn't matter.
I don't get the "hey this is a super popular character, let's give him a retarded death"thing
>the polish femboy in your lobbies uwu
>the Futafag Norwegian
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>the chink guy (he's normal, just just has poor sight and needs better scopes)
Not gonna lie this looks sick. Because I first thought it was a starcraft mod
The fact that people are sexually attracted to this makes me hate reality
>there isn't even a clan yet and already people are acting like faggots
here's a fact jack, if I can associate a personality to your username, you're kicked
end of story

the only thing I want to fucking see in chats are lol, sorry, and gg
>mad becouse he isn't part of the regulars
haha, and you never will be.
>I'm Sorry!
>I need Supplies!
thankfully you will never be the clan leader
I'll bite. who are the regulars?
Don't worry, even furries think protogens are a mess. They're a zoomer trend.
t. furry
Fluteposter won tenfold. Holy shit.
he's even samefagging the google docs?
You would know if you were part of it.
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Cute thing
Not talking about any gay clan votes, faggot. I'm probably talking about fluteposter shitting on you hard KEK.
that fucker who beats me at rock paper scissors every fucking time
but this is euro prime time so i wouldn't know any of you fags since i play late my time
Ass burgers.
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D10, drink and dive.
Just don't remind him it was you constantly losing, otherwise you'll get kicked from the clan.
Each day I wake up, my mind is clear: Today I will kill bots. As I take a good look in the mirror and flash myself a little smile I think "Damn, you're one bot killing machine, diver." That smirk stays on my face as I think of all the different ways I'll dismantle a bot: The punctuated ringing of my Liberator tearing a bot in half; the screeching roar of a large bot brought to its knees by a Railgun or Autocannon slug shearing a hole clean though it. If I'm lucky, I'll hear the failing "voice" of a bot as I sever the power cords to its cranial processor. These thoughts excite and invigorate me.

I don my armor and my democracy officer tells me the bugs are back. Not my problem, there are bots that need to be put down. My super destroyer is already over a heavily occupied bot world. Good, more of them for me to kill. Each day I dive, I kill at least a thousand bots. I don't stop until I see my daily kill counter reach that number. I'll try for more, but sometimes you just don't run into enough patrols. Sometimes my fellow divers are just too efficient... Not that I mind. More dead bots is all I care about, and knowing that I will wake up tomorrow and do it all again is what life in the Helldivers is all about.

There's the five alarm. Time to kill some bots.
Clan leader should be picked through a rock paper scissor tournament.
Uninstalled a good while back. What's the game state like now? New faction added, any new mechs/vehicles? Is it worth going back to?
2/4, please join.
stop pretending to be multiple people
I like them
>Hold position!
>I need supplies.
If you were tired of what the game was [a good while ago] then it didn't really change much since then. Few new guns, stratagems (no vechicles) and enemies (for existing factions). So it's probably not 'worth it' for you.
Keeps giving me connection issues. fucking aids.
Does anyone actually notice the blitzer "stun" buildup? It staggers, but I've never seen it stun stun?
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I had about 300 hours, hit level cap 150 at the time and packed it in. No worries so, cheers anon. I'll check back in another few months
one guy just left right before drop
scratch that
>never take medic armor because it looks fugly
>Finally try it because of this mod
>say fuck it and pair it with flamethrower cause extra stims could actually help with it
>Stimms make you immune to practically everything, DOTS don't do jack shit and wear off before the stim does, healing rate pretty much makes you invulnerable for 6 seconds
>can just prestim and not give a fuck

oh my god.
Thank you caked up helldiver mod.
it still looks fugly with that mod though
the booty makes up for it
man this looks so fucking bad. i feel bad for anyone who finds this erotically engaging
That looks terrible and the helmet doesn't match.
It's ugly as fuck and you have utter shit taste lmao
why are you so upset I'm having fun.
Scythe is okay but it really should've medium pen
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nice fucking modifiers niggerhead
I'm doing you a service.
Yeah that's something I feel a lot when using that weapon. Needs better pen so it does full damage to utilize it's durable damage.
the heat is on the day side, cold on the night side
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>heavy armour
>personal shield generator
WHO THE FUCK NEEDS ROCKETS if you have this?
This is just a fucken de-limber for bots
Devastator? Delimb him
Scout strider? Delimb him
Shielded Devastator? shoot his fucking legs off
Hulk? Delimb that fucker!
Gunships? Just put to slowest setting and imagine those engines are limbs THEN DELIMB THEM!
you really don't have to
I'll let you know again whenever it's brought up, brother. Utter shit taste? Not my bros.
>used to hit dev heads 99% of the time from 200m+ with the DCS/AMR
>they changed the scopes AGAIN
>can't hit shit anymore because I'm so used to the bullets not going in the center of the crosshair
Do you not know how deserts work? (Hint: it gets below freezing in the Sahara at night)
I wish EMS would stun bile titans again.
I do too, but I still think they're a very zoomy design as do many others.
Medium Pen and a proper DCS-style scope would be just perfect. It already can't compete with the sickle at low/medium range, and we don't yet have a niche for a proper long-ranged laser weapon.
New thread >>496250594
They’ll probably make some kind of super scythe with med pen and maybe higher damage in a future bond. Wouldn’t be surprised if they nuke the fire limit to compensate though.
>do this
>run out of ammo immediately
I need my supply pack for any dakka runs.
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What if instead of killing the bugs, we democratically impregnated them with freedom babies?
>Liberals have no aesthetics
>Furries have no aesthetics
>Most furries are liberal
Lines up.
yeah cause theres day and night cycles in a 45 min mission
dumb fucking nigger retard kill yourself tranny

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