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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on September 19

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
JINX PLAYER - September 19 ~ October 3
NONSENSE RED [Red Hood Poll Costume] - September 19 ~ October 30

>Upcoming Events
Co-Op: Modernia - September 27 ~ September 29

>Current Special Recruit
Rouge - September 19 ~ October 3

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Quency: Escape Queen - TBA
Phantom - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Leona: Zoo Keeper [Mission Pass] - September 1 ~ September 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Miranda: Thief of Justice [Mission Pass] - October 1 ~ October 31
Tove: Baseball Fan [21-Day Login Event] - TBA


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I love my wife Rapi.
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
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I invented PvP
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My wife is champion of the ring!
I hate Rapi.
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The AZX?
At least delta gave me a blowjob, this whore just lost.
your wife regularly loses to humans and rikkers
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Swimsuit never ever
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Does Neon have a permit to carry around an ass that fat?
We love Ether here!
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For what purpose?
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it's too embarrassing
Your invention is fucking garbage
2nd from left is vampire miku
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What's Neon's favorite noodle?

Macaroni shells
Sex with Guillotine until she breaks character
if nikke are all androids do they all weigh like a ton?
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are you buying this?
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read the story
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Yes, but I wish it was better quality. While I was banned, lurked and saw a post talking about it. Wished it was better quality and bought, hot glue with drake! It's a start and hopefully down the line Drake gets a better figure
my reading comprehension is at a first grade level
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you'll fit right in
They weigh as much as the writers want at any time
I hate pedos
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can we get flat Nikkes who dont look like children
>I hate pedos
Well leave this place because jannies have the largest CP collection next to glowies
Your Eunhwa?
I hope not, the game is already reddit enough
....do I have to?
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Yes. You must Eunhwa. It is mandatory.
yeah its much easier to be a pedo with some stepping stones isnt it
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Nikkes that do this?
>Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Colorized), 1948
What's a good Nikke doujin with Crow?
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Red Hood is the one and only wife of the commander (me).
Flat nikkes are garbage. This is an oppaichad game.
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They have combat bodies and recreation bodies, the recreation ones weigh human weight while the combat bodies are really heavy for peak efficiency ofc.
None because Crow is the nigger of nikkes
bro don't say that you'll get banned
>you dont want to fuck fategg? P-pedophile!
every time
Eat a salad
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it took me a while to realize you're talking about egg and not fate gg
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same, thank god nikke is a hag game
Sorry, I don't speak ESL.
OK homo
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My son-in-law who lives in Japan went to TGS and met his friend, a Level Infinite staff, who is highly confident that Signal is the next treasure unit (bond story is supposedly "very funny"), and that SSR Delta is one of the winter units, so don't combine all those SMG dolls just yet.
Nikke would be a lot cooler if each squad had their own vehicle that they use to drive around on the surface and fight raptures with
hopefully true
Delta Winter Soldier....
>Signal is the next treasure unit (bond story is supposedly "very funny"),
Treasures are DoA, rip
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I'm keeping 2 copies of every blue doll in case of future treasures
I still have a lot of RL nikkers that I want to at least be holding a doll for later though, haven't gotten many
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if this turns out to be false, i will hunt you down and spread pictures of your feet
No. They'll go crazy if they were heavier than a normal human female.

Their guns and ammo are really heavy though (heavier than normal) and that's were all their weight comes from. And since they have robot strength, they can carry a ton of them without noticing it's actual weight. So some of them probably confused that with their own weight.
I'm kind of losing interest in daily nikke logins, bros... :(
so she can actually remove her horns.
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I love my evil schizo wife crow
real life nikkers???
But you have to do your chores....bwo...
doubt it
this retardation of starting coop 7h after reset needs to stop
>nooooo dont kill terrorists that blow up trains
I'm going to Alice.
I'm new. How do treasures work? Am I supposed to be saving dolls or something for them?
you should quit. why play a game that you consider a chore
>all this crow loveposters
did goodness lose?
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rawket lawnchair
How old are you? Are you happily married still? Does your wife condone you playing Nikke?
Bwos im in chapter 28. Is this going to get any good. I already had to endure the SKK being dumb even though lost reports in previous chapters explained everything in chapter 27.
Same with ur.
It's true though
I wouldnt give them candy
And I will never do their bonds
Just hold on bro, soon you will meet Behemoth
i fucking hate how slow gem collecting becomes after reaching endgame, I used to easily get up to 30-40k gems a month with little effort. Now I-m stuck with 10k-12k a month, part of the fun was this game allowed you to roll in almost every game with a high chnace of getting the banner ssr
that doesn't matter
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alight niggers, give me your
>best boss design
>best boss fight
>hated boss design
>hated boss fight
>what do you want to see in fights
>what you hate in boss fights in general
>what rapture you want a plush or figure of
>no campaign
>can't climb towers
>no income
Did you rike it? No refunds btw
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I want more stages like rape train, that really sold me the game on day 1
I'll hit the big five-o before too long, my wife doesn't mind me playing the game so long I don't spend too much on it (both time and money), and yes we're happily married. Some storms and high waves along the way, sure, but I'd like to believe that we're one of the luckier ones.
Ogey, well I'm going back to sleep until the thread gets interesting
Don't give useless replies, or else.
i really like the scrolling background, why did they abandon it?
I want to see defeat CGs where skk gets raped by the enemy female if he loses.
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>Train or Mat-H
>Mirror Container
>Cool music and cool looks
>Too much downtime(Like stormbringer leaving the fight every 20 seconds), incessant shields
>Harvester or Indivilia
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>a real ojisan
Marketing surveys are supposed to give out 300 gems, intern-kun
>part of the fun was this game allowed you to roll in almost every game with a high chnace of getting the banner ssr
10-12k gems is plenty to get both new SSRs each month. Have you tried just not being unlucky? It really helps.
ask them on X(formerly twitter)
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I can't imagine being 50 years old and still coming to /nikg/, or hell any board on 4chan
We're all here forever btw. I left, I lurk, I come back. You will die on 4chan
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I like Blort's voice. Playing SMT V right now and I'm positive that she voices the Mimans. Gives me extra motivation to find all those little shits
>my wife doesn't mind me
brother you're 50 and you still care about what your woman thinks of you
for shame
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t. unmarried poltard
I'm in my 40s and I don't think it'll be any different in a few years. Just the same thing we've done for almost the past 2 decades.
You can assume anything of me, but at least my girl doesn't tell me what to do
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I just turned 40, I've been here since 2004, never kissed a girl or had a girlfriend so I guess 4chan sort of fucks up your life.
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why the hell would anyone browse 4chan past 30yo?
What is chaimu saying here?
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Belorta! All the ojiisans are here. Take them and leave my rolls alone.
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let me add
>best boss intro
I don't think anything tops Ultra's so far yet, the airplanes, all the dead rikkers being used as bombs too, and Ultra coming back up
also gave me edf vibes so it was a plus
hey that's not what her tail looks like
>that mouth on the end of her tail
38 here and its been the same shit since 2006 when i started
After becoming a citizen of Crown's kingdom she was forced to remove pointy and sharp bits
Your poor choices did that. If you let the retards using this site influence you, you're the biggest retard.
I bless you guys with your next rolls
>all the dead rikkers being used as bombs too
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Managed to have a sort of life and GF in my 20's and then decided 2D and internet life just feels so much better for my mental health. Spend 15+ years in the hamster wheel and anyone sane wants out.
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yukkuri shiteikuNODA
Isn't Alice super warm that she needs a cooling suit? Won't you fry your balls if you ever have sex with her?
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You guys are all OLD and BALDING
you even get to see a line of rikkers lining themselves up to fall from the plane map too, i dont have a webm vid of it though
You ask Ludmilla for help.
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they forgot about the heat thing so it's not canon anymore
I would like to have sex with your daughter. Please help me cool her down once I get her naked.
36 is young albietthough
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Just take a break from the internet, you old men won't run the world for much longer anyways
I'm old with strong hair genes. I have long hair, but not poli long. I'm going for a hobo look
I love Rapi
>Just take a break from the internet
and why would I want to do that
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I love her more than you.
Please give me hope. Is there still sex at that age or when did it end. How old were you when you got married. Every where I go and read it’s all doom and gloom. Don’t trust women. Divorce rape. She’s going to leave and cuck you anyways. I want to believe women are worth it again.
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>there are at least 2 people here who love Rapi
at least two people in /nikg/ have shit taste
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Just die already so I can buy your house from the bank after you reverse mortgaged it boomeroid
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I am 24...
>I want cool shit. Giant skeleton rapture boss with flaming eyes and skulls and chains and shit with cool rock playing
>Element-related cancer
Overall I like bosses in NIKKE and think they're cool, the music is also great for most of them, but my favorite ones are Chatterbox's (not the Interception one), Glass Slippers and Nihilister's
What if event where we chose a different group early on. Instead of Counters, we could have continued with Unlimited. Or stuck with Snow White. Or even join Syuen.
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Fake, gay and retarded. Also, we're the same person.
Rapi is the most loved here, all other girls are shit tier, especially Anis
Damn, you're actually correct. You are the same person.
1.) they probably just said that so have a little girl in a skin tight suit acting like a kid and talking like a kid from a kids book
2.) they probably upgraded her body at some point and lowered her internal temp with new tech so use the bunny suit
>t. me
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>we're the same person.
I know SKK.
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Her game.
I require more tove underboob
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Post the Tove and Syuen pic, you know which one.
Well, shit, excuuuuuuse me for thinking you might actually want to live, Doomer.
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Somehow forgot my picture.
I'd rape her right there
She does, but not at the cost of another one's life.
People still get mad that advise sometimes doesn't make sense? They are women after all
But it completely makes sense.
I'd kill her right there
Man, Red Hood is really likeable
I'd marry her right here.
when is quency gacha
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Next Wednesday if we're lucky, the Wednesday after that if they make us suffer through Phantom first.
it's retardception!
Those retards? All me.
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I'm forced to pull for her since she's my first liberation unit, right?
WAIT WAIT THATS QUENCY??? I thought that was a different nikke
if Quency looks like that imagine what Sin's alt will look
>Sin's alt
lol, lmao even
It'll 100% be Phantom first.
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This is why I stopped advising Red Hood. It's like every other advise is about Rapi.
>Nooo we can't do that cause Rapi
>Nooo Rapi wouldn't like that
>But Rapi...
Shut the FUCK up. I DON'T fucking care about Rapi and I never will. Just let me enjoy talking to my stinky boomer wife you absolute cockmonglers.
Red Hood would hate you
love? hate? I don't care at this point, I'm having sex with redhood like it or not
Red Hood would love you
Sonic would hate you
Knowing Quency was less voted than her on the popularity poll, yes they are definitely saving the best for last
blue hood
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I love my yakuza wife
I’m gonna make her believe she can conceive a child
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Now that's a good soundpost.
Is Neon gonna betray us or something later in the story? She's kinda sus
I dunno, I get the feeling she might be a spy...
Red Hood burst line: Gotta go fast, Gotta go RED
In my headcanon she would love me. And that's all that matters. I haven't self-inserted as SKK in ages anyway.
When is Eunwha getting an alt?
When Tactical Up
If I take Rouge into coop, I'm basically there for the passives and I'm not supposed to use my burst right?
It better be Eunhwa: Magical Fairy since it's already canon
read nikker READ
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I hope that "New Hope" IP is a non-gacha game
Never use burst, especially if you're the only B1
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who /doro/ here
sorry that's a reddit meme now
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Eunhwa isn't popular enough to get an alt
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Doro was always a reddit meme. We love reddit here.

shitup doesn't care about elysion so never
Shit up tries to make unpopular girls popular by giving them alts.
it's actually just a censored version of the game for china, they simply removed all the mentions of terrorism and goddesses and other nasty things like that
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that rapture near snow white looks like my balls lol
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that's not cunny retard
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WOW I look like that? my gains have doubled for sure
An interesting theory, but wouldn't they have to rewrite the story for that? All Ark chapters at least.
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Looks like my ex wife
I honestly don't know man. There's always a Liter in the group and I'm scared I'm messing something up by using it. And one group activated it for me once so I thought people who knew what they were doing can use it with the right timing.
Sorry but I'm not a pedo.
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>Snow Whitefag

Doesn't sound much like mary to be desu.
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It doesn't matter what you do in co op because even if you bring a mass produced nikke and try to sabotage things you'll still get the max rewards in 10 seconds
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Syuen, the nikkermogger
I don't like detailes doro, it loses the charisma of the simple doro.
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I'm a neonfag
Everyone would pay for this skin if Syuen was a nikke.
red hood's music kinda sucks compared to real classic rock
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That's reassuring. My 2k power ass can't help much so my only focus was not messing anything up for the others
Red Hood kinda sucks
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>I'm a neonfag
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I hate advise. I fail most of them and it makes me realize I can't even rizz up a bunch of JPEGs
No hope given. It's so over.
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my dick
Mid Hood
actually they're PNGs
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Retard picks Blanc. Doesn't even lock. There's no Noir. Spends the entire run afk.

Guy's name was STEVE.
I don't even use her in the campaign unless it's a short stage where she works as a B1
I cheat on advise and look up answers.
we all hate STEVEN the weasel around here
Red Hood kinda stinks
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My name....is STEVE
arca has so much more soul than 4chan and reddit, it's incredible
I have 5 units at 2 limit-break. Does this game secretly manipulate the odds to delay your 160-wall climb?
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>Does this game secretly manipulate the odds to delay your 160-wall climb?
It only does it to retards
If 4chan did this these would all just be wojak edits.
Soul used to live here but it was driven away by tourists
4chan hasn't been good in over a decade. It's time to let it go.
>reading advises
i use 3 fingers to tap through that shit asap
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/nikg/ is good enough for me
Dolla bros...
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We should get a junior sidekick commander
>got the dancing crab
you won
Only if she dies tragically and becomes my nikke afterwards
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Reporting for duty, Commander.
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The Egg!
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The Rosanna!
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The Soline!
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The Commander!
gross, why would you want little boys in your porn game?
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*The Sexline!
>senpai = Big J
I was getting used to the trannylation in Nikke but holy shit
Why did you do it?
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When's divegrass Birdy?
that's literally (You)
nikke is not a japanese game
doubt it
holy fuck it's trash, i could 3d print a better one by just scraping the model from the game and then blendering it.
yea right
Nikkes I can call "Mommy"?
emma, she even cooks for you every day
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Mary would take it as a compliment
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Awhaa? Bweh? Awabweh? Huhh?
nikkers that aren't good on pvp give me the ick...
I miss the BBQ game
https://x.com/bang_you/status/1839662897464816066 sex with yulha?????
you can play it in the archives and post your high score on nik gee
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This guy?
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Give it back you piece of shit
Because it was easy.
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I saw people debating whether or not this is Anis
What does /nikg/ think?
Clearly Rei
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how is this chick real.
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I liked Rouge's event
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Does anyone have the full version of this? I hate when they cover good art like this.
photoshop retard
Even her default pose is annoying. I don't even know why. She looks kinda happy and I don't think I enjoy it when she is happy.
She looks 40.
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What's with chinks ripping up their eyelids? That shit is disgustingly scary, some uncanny valley shit, keep your asian eyeslits the way they are instead of making it worse, jesus
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Here you go
asians are buckbroken by how good white women look
Fat enough to be Anis, but for some reason my mind instead thinks of that big bitch with the spikey shaped huge areolas from the first episode of Valkyrie Drive
>brown stink haze covering her
kek, accurate
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Thank you so much anon <3
>obsessing over what some stupid random did to you a month ago during the last co-op

this is not healthy behaviour stupid or "retard" as some may say
I'll never understand why we wasted a whole ass 3 week summer event on nonstop Sakura wank of all things.
anyone who gives up in coop after reaching rank 9 is a cowardly and disgusting excuse for a human being
there's co-op up right now retard
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best girl is canon wife
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I'm starting to suspect the anti-Sakura agenda is all by the Rosannafag
actually, I'm behind all of it
>t. MoranGOD
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>it's real
FUCK my PC launches has an update I won't make it in .30 minutes
>his phone can't run nikke
how poor are you?
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>he avatarfags as Moran
>he is stupid just like Moran
My phone is out of space because I saved too many PMVs.
phone is almost dad, can't find the cable and my screen is borken so I can't aim and don't want to afk and ruin my partners coop runs thats rude even though they always do that to me so I don't know why I'm being so considerate even
But Moran is hot.sa8hr
retVerification not required.ard
based gooner
>Fake wig
>Fake eyelashes
>Fake nose
>Fake boobs
>Contact lens
>3kg of make-up
>50 photoshop filters
Based, do it and nake some money
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>bond story is supposedly "very funny"
I hope it's funny in the sense that she almost kills us during sex
>200 cores short of leveling up
reset in 15 ish
20 minutes after reset
>been plat-diamond in arena consistently for past 2 months
>check today
>gold 2
what the fucking fuck
Sucks to suck!
What rank does plat normally yield you? And how many gems does that give.
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Season 21 Union Raid

> NIKG 16th
> PREFECT 0.88%
> VGNIKKE3 0.94%
> PANTSUU2 1.11%
> WANGERS 2.58%
> CUNNYSI 8.16%
> NOPAN 9.85%

> NIKG 41st
> MESUGAK1 45th
> N1KKAS 75th
> UOOOH 100th
> NOPAN 1.41%
> POLIPETS 1.56%
> NIKGERS 3.18%
> P愛ZURI 3.37%
> ROBUTTZ 3.78%
> 404TH 4.14%
> LUCKLETS 5.58%
> RIKKERZ 5.80%

> KNICKERS 6.65%

> LUMMIES 2.07%

Nick Gee Bros give us your final rank update please
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no cosplay thot is real. every single one will have extensive makeup/photoshop.
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na nopan finalized at 1.34%
japanese game
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My rando union finished in plat :)
wrong country
yea right
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Well, time for my daily simulation.
doubt it
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NA Co-op

>Full burst day
Time for the Kraken.
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Sex with Laplap.
>don't like real women
>don't like when real women shop themselves into fake women
I am confusion
Don't forget the puffy pussy
What happened to the guy that would cum on you every time you posted? Did he drain himself?
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RIKKERZ finished at 5.48%
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Good evening.
I love Mihara.
They'd do better if they kicked out the bums who refuse to hit
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NA Co-op
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Ok fine. Thank you for whoever convinced me to keep doing anomaly and not go back to SI. I finally got an attack helm for my red hood.
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can you guys kick whoever is bringing helm or any other healer?
i dont want to spend 3 whole minutes per fight on this shit
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divegrass imminent
match prior to ours just finished, we're up in a few
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The hell? Got DC'd out of loading the fight...
Why does Eunwha have breast envy? Isn't she supposed to be her "ideal form"?
Maybe her ideal form is the soldier version, so she wants to be slim without giant fat lumps getting in her way, but as a woman she feels lacking.
What's the name of the new OST in the selection screen for coop?
I do not care for soccer.
Dark Matter - Onward, from the last chapter.
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2 slots open for this
I care for soccer
I opened the stream :)
stop asking the same question and answering the same answer
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>open stream
>snow jobber
>close stream
That's a 16yo
How far in are we. Where can I see the brackets?
if you don't watch our football matches you fucking suck
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>dark matter
Even he's following me here...
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>10 rocks
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Divegrass time let's go bitches hoist the flag!
Does double rewards also count for overclock in simulation room? If I haven't done OC yet and do 25 will I get double?
If it was Football instead of Football I would actually watch it, I would love to make a dash for the endzone and take a massive hit from behind and get bowled over by Yuni and be carried off the field on a stretcher
no one does. fucking gayest "sport"
nobody but ameritards care for handegg
the entire world loves real football
It's just friendly matches, we have another next week Friday as well against /smtg/. The actual league starts in like a month or two.
NA Co-op need 1

cope EUtranny
Global coop come join us 3/5
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Why is she telling me about her period?
I don't like watching any sports at all because I would rather just play them. I used to be big into watching icefight 20 years ago.
Global coop 4/5 come come
I know you guys can't read well, but I said the entire world
even your country has been trying to get good at real football
when the hell is anis getting powercrept out of pvp? I don't want to overload an sr.
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>winning is fun
Yeah, and it feels so good when you pull it off
kill yourself pajeet
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yes, my underb& virgin wife
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>no rapi on team
boring sleeper shit, wake me up when we get a squad worth watching
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>Six (6) rocks
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they gotta do something about anomaly interception, no one wants to do this shit every day
>no Drake on the field to round out Matis
this is why we'll lose
>SKK playing defense
>the rape victim who takes it from everyone and is in the hospital for half his life
Which Nikke hates indians the most?
Kraken is relatively comfy now with SBS and SSakura, it's definitely more effort than SI used to be though
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NA Co-op

all of them
Imagine liking a sport where all you do is watch a bunch of obese blacks give each other brain damage
Servers are down?
Need 1 more
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Best girl saves the game again!
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better than yours
I have never build a team around doro and she's my highest core pilgrim
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This fucking BRAT needs correction
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So much for an impenetrable shield. Can't block for shit
Where's the nipple?
nooooo i couldn't switch back to misato in time ;_; i have failed you bros
I ate it
It's dorover
this goalie sucks kill her
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Peppa won't fuck off, I guess I'll finally build her. What team?
I don't think brat nipples taste that good anon
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NA Co-op

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a n u s
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not telling you because you were rude to her
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Shifty. They keep outsourcing her work to them.
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Everyone rape correct your noah NOW
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our defense is really lacking, just like in the actual game
>Defenders are worthless

wow, it's just like the game for real
Can we get a taller goalie
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>finally get their stats similar minus some 3 stat bloat and dupes
Everything's coming up Plopplap!
what the hell happened
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Need 2 more!
Some retard keeps letting Snow White play
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What did we learn from this match?
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>SBS needs ATK, Elem, and Charge Speed
>Charge Speed for PVP
>10 rocks
>5 rolls
>Couldn't get 2nd line to fill with ATK or Charge Speed
I really hate this RNG but at least my Alice is at full waHAAAAAAAAAA!
Noah dot dot dot
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we need a caretaker that can put up instructions to never let snow white play ever, under any circumstances
also talos sucks ass
*off topic post*
You're brown and a tourist is what I learned from this match
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remove noah
remove sw
>1 save
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i want to deep kiss her splendamin dispenser
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Not like this bros...
Need 1
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so uhhhh, does anyone want to manage
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OUR HEROES in full would have lead us to victory
You don't deserve her.
Her Elysium.
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I don't know the rules of football, can I be a manager anyways?
thats a nice song
you don't have to do it everyday you can skip it if you want
NA Co-op

of course, you'll fit right in
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as long as you keep snow white off the pitch it can't possibly be worse than what we've currently got
Peppa + Crown + nonburst CDR is a pretty good core, Crown buffs her so hard her shots hurt so it can be a good wind team comp with SBS and S.Sakura.

And Peppa + S.Rosanna makes Rosanna keep her stacks forever if parts run out.
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what if she's black now
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who the fuck is highballer
its what rapi calls you when you put it in her top butthole
Me when its cold outside
Soline is so cool and stylish, I love her
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Me when my massive balls are slapping against my nikke wives.
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creampie Anis at all costs
Anyone else think Noir's hair would look better darker or maybe black? It looks a little too close to her skin tone and it upsets me.
Improved. Would make more sense, with all the property damage.
Basketball nikke confirmed
Syuen wouldn't employ her
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Soline is edge
Caretaker needs to lock Snow White on the bench
Tier8 upgrade guy here
so my top tier units replaced with manufacturer tier9 and waiting for rocks
second tier units got the t8 gear, but then generic t9 gear
and third tier units did the same but manufacturer t8 gear

all that upgraded tier8 gear is feeding tier9 gears now for amazing effect. two level 5 t8 gears upgrades a t9 piece to like level 4.8

and because of being core starved the credits are not an issue. this is awesome
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Good runs, fellas.
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Stop the SW slander, my wife did her best and I think she was amazing
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Thanks for the awesome runs bros
all those broken hands...
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ggs thanks for hosting
They can't even burst anon, their hands are safe
Nah she's like a delicious chocolate swirl
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NA Co-op


Good runs bro
forgot to add GGs
too bad about the fifth
God Miranda is so fucking sexy
Reminder to buy her new burqa skin so she will be covered up properly
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Jokes on you I love muzzies
>properly covered
Look at how haram this shit is
censored DEI garbage for gay prudes
>cinderella originally looked like THIS
This slut needs correction
You're the gayest one here, FACT
How exactly does slut correction work and what is the end result
no im white
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Are gear stats weighed the same for Nikkes?
My Crown was at 77k
On her boots she had a low def and hit star
I rerolled a few times, and got a good attack and ammo count stat, but her cp went down to 74k
You're gay and brown? AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEE you'll fit in with the non-whites of /nikg/
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CP is affected by the power of the effects. It doesn't change the "stats" per se, unless you're under deficit which, if you're counting CP, is relevant, but outside of campaign and tower, isn't.
Obviously not you just answered your own question retard
I don't know how it works I'm assuming the cp padding depends on what level the boost is and not what boost it is
I want to drop a penny in there
For some reason DEF gives a metric shit ton of CP
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Im gonna be sick...
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>4 rocks
>a penny
You could swipe an Amex in there and get a discover card back
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what is that?
i'm almost certain ammo count doesn't give any pow
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was that actually a beta design, or is that from Destiny Child?
fuckin Hyulla...
Tits too small
puffy pussies are so good bros
>commander doesn't actually rehabilitate her, she just decides to break out from time to time to hang out

lmao I didn't see that coming at all
That's a scrapped Nikke design that was in the files. No confirmation if it is proto Cinderalla but the design elements are similar so it might be.
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NA Coop doko?
Really? You didn't?
Was she the first one you did?
There was another astronaut nikke and shots of space in the opening animation, so it seems like they were planning a whole space arc that they pivoted away from. Probably to minimize how much they were ripping off nier
You're getting raped instead
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any day now
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Too easy
Quick question, does even runs reset or refill daily?
I was extremely sick yesterday and can't remember if I did my runs and opened the boxes or just got the the last chapter and let all remaining runs expire.
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NA Co-op


aieee i'm opening the game still
you get 5 event entries per day
if you don't use them you lose them
You'll never get those runs back. You're perma bricked now. Better to restart
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ggs srry if i sniped a spot
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You better be free in a couple hours, last time you left me alone to die with randos
yeah lmao
I just want a nikke that will rape me consensually.
then it's not rape retard
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did someone say rape?
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pull over and join, it's not ethical to lock Danchou in coop all evening
Isabel and Maxwell will rape you.
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Need 3 more!

Hurry up slowpoke
GGs, and no you didn't
I was around but you had stuff to do when i got on
Nevermind, I cleaned up the shop so I obviously did use up my runs
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Only 5...
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>Pull over
It's not time to leave yet.
It's 50/50. Either work or life stuff happens or you're not online
which nikkes know how magnets work?
Is that Tove's mouth right? Because that looks good.
Yes, but still a good edit
Oh lmao
Spoiler Guilty is the only one that even gets close to being actually rehabilitated
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It's a party
It's impossible to get good rolls with reset attributes
isn't Sin rehabilitated and technically joined the Counters squad?
playing on phone because im dogsitting for my auntie
This is hard but I feel like I did more damage? I cleared SI much faster than usual
Maybe you're just worse than auto
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Wait a sec...
doubt it
God it's gonna take me like 2 more raids to get this bitch to level 5
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One of these is not like the other ggs bros!
Yeah, one isn't wearing the dress
You're right, there's an odd one out.
>red hood
>rei ayanami
>privaty blanco
weird pic but okay
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>only 2 playable heretics
>only 1 of them has been reformed
Counters but cooler
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Okay fine I'll give the dress to the old man
>tetra defender helmet
Nice :D
god I love co-op
your blanc?
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>phase 1
i know you can do better
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Same bwo
UQ is criminal counters
>sakura rapi
jealous cuckquean with delusions of marriage
>rosanna anis
sassy cuckquean, happy with scraps of SKK affection
>moran neon
retard with glasses
Not necessarily you basically just give her an ultimatum to either cut the crap or go to solitary forever. Shes still as manipulative as ever
Slut for co-op? Typical polidanchode
it's not even that much of an upgrade, I don't get why it's THAT time gated compared to all the other upgrade systems.
>equating neon to Moran
How fucking dare you
would co-op be more fun if each player controlled a whole squad?
25 nikkes at once fighting a super raid boss
polidanCHUD HATE
youre a fucking SLUT
It would be more fun if it had actual rewards and I didn't have to deal with 30fps poorfags
I will not let this slander slide, only polikeks can make fun of our danchode
Moran is much better but the comparison works
I mean the store isn't anything to sneeze at, it's not incredible but it's every two weeks you get coins instead of every month, and you can buy from it every week.
Ok, but have do you have a high salary?
Oh yea I forgot she was defender, I'll do that then
Idk, so far I haven't had any luck in pulling it off. But I also got a Pilgrim supporter helmet so this team should be able to at least get phase 2 tomorrow maybe?
Your Moran?
i just spent like 1k gems on cores from the event
i dont know how to feel
am i suppost to be buying cores from the common shop as well with gems?
I'm roughly the same level as you and I can get to phase 3 no problem, just give it a shot
post a global room
Is there a list of what OL lines each character wants
I just finished giving 4/5 of my main team fully upgraded OL gear (finally), and now I think its time to reroll
Majsoul Friends Room 20696(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=20696
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You liar
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I love mahjong but you guys aren't ready for my strats
Do the math, in a day you get 20h worth of core dust from the event boxes. 100 gems gets you a days worth of tries. For example the first paid daily wipe out gives you 2 hours of dust for 50 gems.
>do the math
Mahjong is boring. Why? I'm too good and most of you are terrible.
Anyhow, who is ready for solo raid next week?
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I'm not brown
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How do we even have any overlap with mahjong players?
What are all of you doing here?
Is Naga still Crown's best friend? I don't have Naga, what are some alternatives?
i like playing mahjong with my friends
it's like a preview of our lives when we get old
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ayayay los Doroqueños memeticos de Latinos es realidad...por que...
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Would people join a riichi city room?
yea right
You sound so confident I want you as my mahjong partner
let's replay this against the veterans
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I just like gambling
whyd they turn her into a fleshfang dumbass? they flanderized her because of one meme expression
>doro corn store gets posted on twitter
>reposted to 4chan from twitter
>reposted to reddit from 4chan
>reposted to 4chan from reddit again
this is so fucking epic
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2 more and sex will be had
Mahjong is ez and boring. I go to a casino, win and go home. I'll probably get banned soon from the casino closest to me.

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Just saw this on MySpace, is it real??
disgusting boomeroid
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is he right?
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I do not care for your reddit post, so go back
/nikg/ is a reddit general
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I think it's real, I saw it posted in angelfire
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Behold! Is today finally the day that Anon becomes CROW'D? Stay tuned on Dragon Ball Z!
That thing still exists?
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The thread quality has dipped dangerously low, post sex to make up for it
Playing Nikke: Goddess of Reddit is just sssoooooo Reddit. Who's your favorite character, Reddit Hood? Was your favorite event Redditzone? Of course it was, the story of Doredditorothy. PTSD is such a reddit story. The Goddessreddit squad is so hackneyed, lol teamwork and differing personalities straight from redditfiction. Just go back already BelortaReddit.
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Fuck off globalnigger. These are literally peak hours.
10 more days until NA server dies from S0 release date
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>3 and a half hour drive
I'm tempted
nikke is a reddit game because you fags all hate cunny
I HATE central government
>Post sex
>Retard posts Naga
Tia is literal SEX
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Don't worry, hags will save this general
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>Full Burst Day
quiet reddittard
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>asks for sex posts
>posts a black nikke
What did he meant by this?
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Let's define every Nikke by a subreddit! Ein and Elegg are next
not really, more of a case of "I don't use it therefore it's shit" just with more words
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I'm putting my credits on Egg
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Well, it was a villain alright. Just not our favorite one! It seems Anon has avoided THE CROW once again!
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This is obviously a hag game
Who is this you and all? I for one cunny post on the nikkuny general on 4cunny while jannies nuke me off the site foe cunny posting
which one is r/fatpeoplehate
dude don't bring that hateful crap up
Me, that's me, I hate fat people, I'm r/fatpeoplehate
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>all these homosexuals triggered by sexual chocolate
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Based villain
Your redhood gf wouldn't like you retards to fap to other nikkes
what can a female student do
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Oh look I'm a hero who thinks she's a villain! Such a reddit cliche. Drake posters like you are actually redditors stop pretending
Naga you cant send me this stuff....
redhood would want me to give rapi orgasms
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We love old women here. If she isn't pushing AT LEAST 80 years old then we don't care.
I never used reddit, been around since forever and I just love my autistic wife.
Yuck. You let reddit rot your brain btw
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treasure any day now!
Which Nikke is the drink?
See there you go, if you wanna fuck an old nikke you're a boomer
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>trying to deny and explain why you're not a redditor
Peak Redditor
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mighty tools has been acting different lately...
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Oh wow, nothing new
>tits on liter
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An obsession with calling others reddit is likely of a redditor
Using her in a PVP team with Biscuit and Noah. Become annoying.
Okay, now give me a kiss
Nikke x fluffy abuse collab
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>5 rocks
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Just in time for her new skin!
if you get off that you're mentally ill
Charge speed should also make the MG wind up faster because then this would be a perfect roll for Egg
which nikke would let me be their commander as we frequent trips to the surface for the sake of humanity?
My day just got better
You're on 4cunny, no one here is normal
None of them as you have no military experience
bro it looks like she got stung in the lips by a swarm of bees and is now asking you to rub ointment on her lips with tears in her eyes
what if i do have military experience?
I don't fucking know, I'm already drunk
Alice frosts cakes with her butt.
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>Finally made stage 6
glad kraken was the easiest AI
I frost Alice with my butt
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There are plenty of gremlin Nikke pics, but how come there aren't any gremlin SKK pics?
Yes. Now fuck off back to ebaumsworld
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Ayy are the mods uploaded to limewire yet?
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eating Sin's handmade chocolate...
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Full Burst Day?
is there a nikke that's a borger?
pizza and water is what i've seen
SKK dolls are alive
yes check the thread on gaia online ^_^
Yeah, now go download my newest virus
This is the highest damage I got so far am I just retarded?
Mods don't work anymore
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Zoomers have no idea what you could find there
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How exactly are you dying?
Are you not taking cover during the big attacks?
Are you not breaking the circles?
If you don't take cover for the sludge attack, you'll die to a DoT
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SKK is a doll
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jus b lucky high roler
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Why would Maxwell do this?
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i'm ready for the raid
Your CP, now silence old man
>he rolled for neon
>sinfag posting again
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Now if it was watersports I'd be interested
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I was just doing my daily advises retard
holy sovl.
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Anyone can be a Doro
Are there two different attacks to dodge? I always break the circles and cover for that first attack but I be dying anyway
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i kinda want one now too
>visible nipples
>not rolling
are you gay or something
I'll show you visible nipples...
*lifts up shirt*
if she's not meta she's ugly trash
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i think it's time i stop putting this off
>erm, but what if my favorite IS Landorus
From what I remember, there's 4

>normal gun attack on one person
>charges up for a bit and then sends a shockwave out that stuns and damages everyone if you don't take cover
>spews poison everywhere. Does damage if it hits you, but you also get a dot which does really high damage over time. Need to cover to avoid the dot
>a red circle attack. Don't know what it does because its easy to stop
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Tourist here. Can anyone post the art that's all the way at right?
Nikkes that would spoil their SKK dolls (sentient)?
Nikkes that would abuse their SKK dolls (sentient)?
I believe
I believe
She is being retarded on purpose, her glasses are hiding her power level
yeah sure
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I fixed you're image
I only have the art for the PS5 not the PS5 Pro
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They have most of the Live2D assets here
picrel is Dorothy's armor found in 'idle_alt' in the bottom right pic for Dorothy
arent viral advertisment memes based
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