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>/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
Kafra Wife Edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>Other servers
Individual anons are spread thin on a random assortment of servers, at least make a 4chan guild in it before you try to shove a server into this list.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!

Previous >>495891490
uh? where's everyone?
anyway, is turtle dungeon good for parties?
died while farming assaulter last time i did a solo run lmao
>removed all servers from OP
>except ragnav
You people are seriously fucking cancer. Go make your own general.
Checking if you can be reported for shitting up an OP.
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This is /rog/, not /ro/.
There's 0 point in blindly copy-pasting /vm/'s /ro/ thread serverlist from April.
ccRO for example actually only has one non-autovend character online on the server at the moment.

A kafra for your troubles.
My power is out I can’t griiiind
I want to fuck Succubi and steal their shoes
Not great, but hell why not try making a party anyway. Depending on what server you are at, being in a party and hunting together might still give insanely more exp thanks to tapping.
While I agree with your sentiment there are quite a few other servers anons are playing on, at least uaRO I know is pretty popular, and fairly active. Even if you hate their commie ways.
I agree, hence why I've added the blurb "at least make a 4chan guild in it before you try to shove a server into this list."
/vg/ threads move a lot quicker and die a lot quicker compared to /vm/, so it would be really nice if we could get a list of 4chan guild names and who to whisper to get an invite rather than just a blank server link that forces people to ask this question every thread if they intend to play on said other servers.

Surely anons who are actively playing on servers would have enough zeny or grinded enough to actually have an emperium at hand.
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>at least uaRO I know is pretty popular, and fairly active.
am i being trolled
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If you want to be hipster you gotta deal with the consequences, majority rules
No one here is playing uaRO
Apparently they're under maintenance.
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Babu party
My wife is in that picture
High babu for not much longer..
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doing this alone was absolutely not worth it but I got closure on the quest. my autism is satisfied
why is your character black
I am.
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Quite literally half of the server's population
they're making fun of us again....
How are you supposed to deal with ranged autoattack enemies? They feel like a mandatory HP tax no matter how fast you kill them.
Bro? Your flee?
I actually assumed they couldn't be dodged, but they just have high flee requirement I guess
get 99 vit
that should solve all of your issues
A lot of enemies in this game exist exclusively to piss on your coffee, including most ranged monsters.
It's funny to think that Ragna/v/ could hit 300+ players with one ad on reddit but myro can't even break 30
I've been away for some time, anything interesting happened since the first WoE? and what the fuck is myro?
Are bullies just slowly migrating to myro to keep their highs ?
Yeah it's obviously their clique pushing this myro trash
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I know this is a shitpost but god I wish this was real and you could design mechanics in RO easily.
dogshit fucking mechanic
>Seething melee hands
You can, you just need to not be niggerdev-levels of useless and incompetent
nigga don't you think a million private servers would be doing it if it was so fucking easy?
instead you should something from 5 fucking years ago instead of something recent cause literally nobody is doing it
That shit reminded me of those old Tibia servers with custom content, there was some polish version with DBZ stuff and apparently there's still some guy updating them
>Cliquefaggots go to other server
>Come back
>Can't stop comparing when nobody gives two fucks
>Repeat every time the dev does literally anything
fuck off, this is why nobody likes you guys
>"when nobody gives two fucks"
>literally throw a hissy fit and change the OP
myRO won
you acted like fucking babies
Yeah it's annoying
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>that edgelord to the right
cute character desu
That new acolyte on the left is really going places, nice
>it's a bulliekeks desperately brag on global for applause from the plebs episode
He's the opposite in-game
I've never played a server where people didn't announce they were doing field morroc allowing other players to get skins until now.
are you actually upset that people didnt kill a boss for you? what the fuck
yeah you seriously don't understand ragnarok online please play a real server for once in your life.
>Bullies don't organize parties now that the masses got them to trans
You really are retarded.
>real ragnarok is about making everyone else do things for me
lol just kill it yourself?
Do you guys not understand how the quest works? Anyone on the field gets a skin.
he ignored the post about it and then got mad he couldnt get the skin after it was already dead and map cleared out.
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didn't see a single thing in global about anyone doing it.
he's mad bullies didn't warn everyone first, you literally have it backwards lol
do it yourself if you want skins lol
>make sekrit parties so nobody can watch you fail
>spam the fuck out of global with your attentionwhoring when you finally succeed
>shit on bullies constantly
>mad when karma kicks in and they don't beg you to leech them
i really should have played v3 but oh wlel
You don't understand, you should leech us by playing support so we can level fast and unlock all the dungeons so we can swipe all the gear when all of our members aren't online. Oh, but don't you worry we'll make sure we'll give the gear to offline members before you. Don't worry we won't sell any of the gear that we don't need, cause we're overrefining!
legit gayest bunch of people i've seen in RO
>Don't worry we won't sell any of the gear that we don't need, cause we're overrefining!
you tipped your hand shion
this servs so shit bros i shouldnt have told ragnadev about the infinite zeny bug
thats it i'm done
installing my-ro right now
If only someone could have warned you that these trannies only play with the sole motivation of impressing the so-called "randomplebs" and newfags on a 0-competition localhost.
can't believe bullies actually finally won.
proud of you faggots, i remember when you couldn't do any mvps at all.
make the /rog/ guild when the second coming of ggro finally happens.
bullies is literally ro buddies tier
that's it i'm done
dilating right now
he's not talking about bullies bro
First time doing this, didn't know that was an expectation, pretty weird. But he's pretty easy, we can do him again for you guys in a few days if you can't figure it out.

FUCK no.
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are you saying that the bullies got bullied back to myro by randomchads, now the forever engraved meta story of ragna/v/3 ? fun
ping me and say hi then
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Nemma and Poring council approved
why do you always do this? everyone knows you arent new. nobody falls for it.
nigga shut the fuck up, nobody gives a shit
I do, where's your screenshot?
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Never change /rog/
It's called humblebragging
Sorry schizofriend, but I didn't do any PVE shit before Bullies, and 90% of Bullies never played the game at all before r/v/. It's not a complex or difficult game, one person who knows a fight can easily make a prep list and teach everyone in an hour or so. MVPs don't take some kind of forbidden knowledge and weeks of practice, you have the knight auto counter, priest SW, everyone stands in pneuma, and have the sniper shoot or creator throw. There's very little to learn here and this applies to almost every single boss.
that's a really nice build how long did it took to complete it?
you don't even know what you're doing, knight doesn't go to mvp beyond eddgatos
yeah is that why you had to ask the dev to remove exile from a few MVPs?
Works on my machine.

People said skill rate is bugged here, which makes sense, since our Beelz kill on another server only exiled a single time on pretty slow DPS and all of the macaco videos I've been able to find get exiled once or twice tops. He exiled both our tanks in the first 20 seconds 3 pulls in a row.
have you tried to do beelzebub with the increased skill rate?
have you ever tried to do beelzebub on this server bro? if its so easy, have you cleared it?
In the first 5 seconds in 3 out of 5 pulls.
>one person who knows a fight can easily make a prep list and teach everyone in an hour or so
then why did you fail to do any of them three servers in a row
>playing previous ragna/v/s
jesus christ how horrifying
Because you followed the thread narrative instead of playing those servers. We've killed one or more of the big 4 on literally every single ragna/v/, but nobody's going to babysit the thread correcting the narrative. The current narrative is " r/v/1 valk didn't count because reflect," "r/v/2 valk didn't count because someone else did it first, and beelz didn't count because someone did it 2 weeks later with 3 less people."
Took me around 2-3 weeks more or less of constant farming, don't really remember, all solo.
wake up elly!
>m-muh one out of four with crutches and exploits
please cope harder, what's the reason for not raping ifrit in the first month on every one of those servers?
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ok this is actually funny
i bet he feels dumb now lmao
do we owe you something? Sorry, I didnt get the memo
Yi Sang says your server is for cucks though
he then instantly got a card soon after he said that so it must be true
Warms my cold, dead heart
are you the strongest knight on myro right now?
he already said they are new
No idea, I don't think so.
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Can you imagine how long this log has lived rent free in their head. They're over the moon now that they were finally (4th server attempt) able to prove Kikeggy wrong...
anon sieggy wasn't even in bullies on 1, why are you pretending you played any of these servers?
i don't think i'm gonna make it
i'm at 87/72 on SN and i'm feeling the burnout of playing a class where i have to try like ten times harder to do any damage cause i don't feel like playing caster
You could always try playing in MyRo with another class
i'd sooner kill myself honestly
you have two options, farm mobster or the paper cards, or get multiple star dust blades for racial/size cards and the damage won't be so bad
use at least one sidewinder
i can't believe elly wasn't real
why play the meme class then?
I dont understando
i never did it before, i wanted to do something new
is there a way to disable certain equips in the character's appearence?
fin helm looks so ass
Get the invisible headgear items from larry.
cosmetics in larry
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why aren't there playable fairies
Why aren't there fuckable faeries
any desired classes that aren't priest or bard
which npc though? sorry for further spoonfeed
Every single one in the bottom half of the starter zone
Mid lower I believe
could use another paladin, gc+gospel+prov preferably
You kids still don't realize that ragnafag 3 is a server for the bullies by the bullies? Why are you playing this shit? Don't give graendol his playground he's such an insufferable faggot.
Nobody gives a fuck about myKEKS
What's the best Monk/Champ build bruvskies
investigate sleepers until 99 champ
then asura mvps
Why don't you tell us what you hate about them?
Whats your beef with the bullies anon?
Every server is a playground, its a game after all
Its a playground for them and even for you and me
dodo-less abyss: retard edition
how much prepwork do i need to do
rebirth and learn to stack if you don't already know how, that's about it. gc levels fast and isn't super gear dependent besides your thara shield.
no idea what you're talking about I'm just grinding and enjoying my costumes dropping by mob
Lmao no one even mentioned those people. Rent free in your head.
Renne is completely unable to function without dodo tardwrangling him, should've left him playing at the sandbox
gay strategy for losers
>shill ragna/v/
You faggots are just as bad as myro shitposters
>why are people shilling the server that was made specifically for /v/?
we never wiped cause of my doing sir, we had some peculiar decision making going on and it wasn't me
technically made for bill but he already got chased out
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Counterpoint: knight survives better on sheer schizo power
Yea, a ragnarok general on /vg/ is a place to shill /v/ games. Cool. Fucking retard
knight STRONGER together, brother schizo
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mfw /rog/ plays some garbage server made by bill in the year 2024.
yeah you got called retarded and now you're trying to save face you big FUCKING RETARD
myRO is dead on the water btw just a reminder
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this threads shitposting gold people think every post is the same guy
I'm 120000% sure I know who you are!
then what is this
>>496275823 ?
>mob gives 0.1% per kill
oh yeah now we gaming
What's the best costume you've found so far? Mine is anubis.
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Using this on the female characters
using this on your post to make you obsessed with me causing you to schizopost me for the rest of ragna/v/
ragna/v/ 3 was made for /v/ you fucking dumbass.
what? a single hue and 2 NPCs?
I'm weak to this...
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I have many favorites , these are some of them

yeah thought as much
They're the kind that hijacks an OP to remove all servers from it except their own. What did you expect?
They're unironically less than humans. Absolute garbage people.
bullies come to myro, speedrun mvps and woe and quit before dev shuts down rv3. kill both servers and let rog return to the grave.
post ids should be enabled on all boards
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my zeny count keeps going lower.....
*bill and bullies
That too.
None of them are good enough at the game to play here. They couldn't handle 3x experience and skills not being changed for them like max MATK wizards.
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Another day, another daily
what do you want from a erper?
soul less
He came from the FFXIV general, what the fuck did you expect? He's only there to try to score some ERP and even has a spreadsheet on relationships
>spreadsheet on relationships
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why does the game lie so brazenly to me
>he fell for it
The client is renewal don't trust it.
>a spreadsheet on relationships
based data whore?
wtf is this headcanon about me neither of these are true lmfao
buff tkm
buff erping
i saw the ads
sell me on this
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you click things
things make items appear that go ting
intense dopamine rush
talk shit with /v/iggers
server ragnav is run by discordfags
heavy circlejerk
they hijacked our OP so check the archives for all other servers instead
Dodo is the hero of the people
post the proof
Dev should increase share range to 20
no just increase the rates
stop trying to force everyone to party
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>trash thread is filled with new players choosing priest
as goon god intended
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a part of me would rather the server dies than be filled with your kind
what other server other than ragna/v/ that's fun to play. I tried myro but it's too dead.
hard to find super good servers these days so most people will pick from uaRO, arcadia RO or payon stories, thing is they're all low rates so if you can stomach that then have at it, those just happen to be the most populated
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are you talking about this arcadiaro?
He's talking about arcadia-online.org, formerly known as origins. A very old & highly populated server with tons of parties going around but very big on multiclienting, which a lot of people dislike - me included.
not that one. Arcadia kinda gatekeep their server for whatever reason
i've only played on and off for the last few years but ragna/v/ is the most fun in that period. payon stories was... okay, but you're way too late now.
Probrably just arcadia if you dont mind multi-client
>find high pop server
>filled with multiboxxers
every single time
>play terrible build on meme class
>have hard time
don't get me wrong, it's still fun and i can kill stuff without issue, but it takes far more effort
wait i thought super novices got 99 job levels?
they do
Just do the instant cast bolt build and use it as a farming character, they even get a cart for that purpose
they do, but melee kinda peaks at 70-75 once you have all your buffs and passives maxed, magic does far better on SN, but since this server has one-hand quicken for SN, people have been doing melee
dancer (male) and bard (female) when
Melee...on ragnav..bwhahahaha
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the rest of us priests will have to be extra faithful to make up for our new sinful sect
Go be a tranny somewhere else
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killing undead is good deed.
I've lost count of how many I've killed, but whatever it is, it's not enough.
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sorry I missed the wedding
two men
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begone fiend! your kind has no place in this world!
i'm so glad ragna/v/ is so LGBTQ+ friendly!
No, gender locks are cringe.
you have done great things to bring peace to ragna/v/. bless you.
the man on the left is really cute though
Thanks for the ro art
Heal !!
i must rape
I fucking love this game
Who is the biggest slut?
Where do you exp as a magic character? I remember doing stationary mobs like flora/geo or mobbing mi gao/zombies.
Also I'm naked, is farming some easy cards like horn and selling them best way to farm money? With no OC selling mob shit to npc is meh right?
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You already said the best spots to level. You either bolt geos or mob migaos.
Mages don't really need any gear grab a +3 int rod from someone for 10k and go blasting, but sadly mages aren't the best at farming raw zeny.
holy BASED
more pls
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damn that's hot
Webhead what are you doing here. Am I really playing RO with gimi enthusiasts?
Please push me against the wall, stretch me open and do me until my insides are ravaged and form into your private place remembering your every inch inside of me

oops wrongchat
Guess I'm gonna do more geos until I can buy a clip, then farm some creamy/vitata/smokie cards.
I'm Ninja btw, can I buy another Asura somewhere to dualwield them or it would be easier to make second ninja for it?
Why the fuck I need to put 10 points into Ninja Training, this passive is complete shit
I can give you another asura, I'll be in the larry zone
do not buy clips
if you got another character just park him on dfly and check in every 10 minutes
Beyond based.
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you can just mob shit in new world as a nnja desu
Like Bradium Golems or what?
anything thats not holy or poison
that's your guild leader
You don't know which one. And I'm proud of my guild leader.
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Its worse than you think...they are my parents
the swag of this literal infant
mfw I can't play because I'm in the middle of my PH.D class
mfw I want to be farming like a retard doing nothing else and turning off my brain so I can get another 10 million zennies

what's a picture for this feel?
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Say no more senpai FB got u
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what mvp's can I solo as a Knight with 200 potions?
Phreeoni easily, and maybe Drake if you have anti water
that's cool, gonna try it before transcendence
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Done with Fire, I wanna grab First Wind next. After that should I get Watery Evasion or maybe Caltrops + something else? I don't think there is enough points to reach Mirror Image without giving up on First Wind that I planned on, right?
Reminder dancers and soul linkers are banned this WoE.
what WoE ? lmfao
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where the bulge on shion?
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I hear the server in the OP has been restarted 3 times.

Why? What caused it? How long did each iteration run? How old are the server owners? What are the future plans of the server? How are they monetizing it if at all? How many if any community mods does the server have? What is the goal of the server? Plan on running it for 1 year, 2 years or just a few months?
>A grown ass adult, probably on it's 40 posted this
back to your plantation dotard
I never actually got to do many of the long quest chains the game has. Earlier this year on a server called Midgard Legends or something I got to finally do the Kiel entrance quest. I loved every second of it and recorded all the screenshots and shit. Server was wild and fun until it got run down by cheaters. The lore in RO has always been interesting to me. When you hear about the fate of the Prontera kingdom, how you can type the wrong thing to get less rewards or even fail the quest it's quite cool. Biolab quest was utterly boring and short though.
server shuts down when it dies

>what caused it
people play ro as a seasonal game

>how long did
2 months each

>how old are
how the fuck would we know this

>what are the future plans
play ro

none, admin says to buy ads if you wanna help

>communty mods

>goal of the server
play ro

>1 year, 2 y
if people actively play it for that long sure but in the modern ro community servers do not last a year unless they're uaro, payon stories, or a br/pinoy server
max out your Blaze Shield, since that will be your bread and butter for mobbing
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They lasted like 1-2 months, died because everyone quit for one reason or another. 1st server was mainly due to everyone hating the dev (hence he got the name niggerdev) and his poor decision-making and handling of the community. Lots of people ragequit and then the dev basically just called it quits and decided to shut down even though there were some players left still.
2nd server did even worse, a decent playercount on launch which collapsed REAL fast. Basically only 2 guilds both of which were private cliques so the randoms got bored immediately.

3rd server has been the most successful by far in terms of playercounts and brought in enough randoms/newfags to sustain multiple guilds. I wouldn't expect it to last forever either, eventually the cliques will get bored and it will start a snowball effect of quitting.

There's no monetization but the dev is kind of a jew or poorfag. I don't think there are many mods and the dev can barely even find any if he wanted to (see the BG fiasco).
The goal of the server is for his pet clique to impress randoms and farm their applause so they can feed their own egos.
There is no way it'll stay up for a year, the dev will just shut it down once the playercount drops below his liking as he has done before.
"muh seasonal game"
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>grown adults are not allowed to have fun
I will post amine and you will like it
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what class is this?
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99% of this website is weeb shit
What did you expect
this website is almost over 30 years old you stupid fucking nigger
don't forget the server is probably made to cater to dev's friends.
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I liked Tree of Savior more because it was more straight forward but sadly got to become an absolute clusterfuck of bugs, glitches and AFK homonculi style farming that killed the game. I still suffered through it all and had glorious fun playing various classes.

I have both RO and TOS soundtracks. The songs are just so good. Now that an RO general is up again I want to ask what you guys think of TOS? Back in 2017 or something both RO and TOS had generals so there was stupid rivalry that was childish and retarded but now that both are dead finally I would like to hear what you guys think.

Did you guys play TOS at all and/or visit /tosg/?
I played ToS pretty extensively and RO only on ragna /v/ servers. I liked ToS better, Ragnarok's pvp is retarded. But launch ToS had too many serious issues that hamstrung the game.
>performance performance performance
>Mobs don't really use skills
>Many classes cannot do ET at all and the gear is untradable so play a meta class or fuck off
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I had fun with anons on west launch.
I actually quite liked TOS when I played it, I even get nostalgia flashbacks to certain areas every once in a while. I was never all that bothered by the linear quest-spam system at the time, although in hindsight

The endgame state was pretty weird though, iirc there was only some tower that was actually too high level for the max cap you could get at the time? Gearing was shit, PVP was outright unplayable because of the fps lag and the last part really seemed like a killer for the game because it looked like something that would NEVER be fixed. Everyone I knew that reached the high level pretty much just stopped playing because there was nothing to do. And by the time they tried to bait people to return to the game it was already "here's your free max level boost, please please please play" cope.
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yup, for some reason the korean coders fucked up the western release of the client and it had major issues not only with FPS. Apparently certain classes did more damage with lower ping. I wanted to play on US servers but had to choose EU.

US server was more vocal on /tosg/ for sure. EU had small presence and like one guild? I was mostly anti-social solo player myself, sweat af tho, so I didn't get to know them much. Joined one once and got kicked soon after.

Tower was called Earth Tower. It was the first end game content. They expanded on it, then dropped it entirely in favor of diablo like field farming which was fun for a while but fucking time consuming. I dropped the game just before getting into that. Weapons and items in that game had the over-enhancement system where you'd spend daily farmed shards to get something to +10. Difference between 7 and 10 was massive, like millions of damage massive.

You'd run a dungeon chain daily 5-10 times depending on how many alts you got just to make shards.

The worst thing with TOS was the very first expansion patch that added tons of new areas had monsters, just field monsters, that one shot you no matter what your gear was. People couldn't even finish quests to level up. It was bad and like that for months.

Apparently their servers are still open but have barely anyone playing but I logged in a few months ago and shit was still there, all of it. Level cap is stupid high and all classes / shit reworked and I can't understand it and there's like zero guides.

Wish someone could've emulated a TOS server...
Kind of meh.
It was nice to be able to play with controllers and not have that input delay you get in Ragnarok. But the game has a very bad class and stat system
how do you unlock Change cart 2 in ragnaV?
Aside from sprite, its nothing like ragnarok at all
Yeah played it from launch until it hit endstage deathbed status
Guildwars became quite fun later but the servers were too dogshit and then they ruined everything
The game just had the coolest class ideas, yet all ruined by incompetence

Overall I have to say RO is better lmao, Kim Hakkyu is an incompetent nigger

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>It was nice to be able to play with controllers
I literally ran two clients at once. One with a controller, other with keyboard. It was fun as hell because the 2nd account was a healer and unique support hybrid. I even made my own guild. I played Doppelsoeldner and loved the 2-handed playstyle with controller. My second favorite class was Murmillo because of the fucking awesome sound effects when you slammed shields down and headbutted people. Such a cool class but a pain to level because you had to choose defensive classes early on.

>Also loved Catapract, reminded me of RO Knight but actually fun.
>Miko for being a cute support.
>Inquisitor for fun as hell wheel meme damage.
>Plague Doctor for screen wide flames and poisons, also insane heals.
>Squire build that had Murmillo that acted as an AoE tank ( no one needed you) but you had tents and shit that was fun and you could repair gear for people.
>Druid / sadhu for fucking wereful and Dievdirby totems that were fun as fuck.
>Elementalist screen wide spells and amazing combos. With Rune Caster you were fun as fuck.
>Shinobi for being fucking amazing despite having one of the most cancerous hidden quests in the game.
>Alchemist, Squire and Pardoner for dropping amazing shops in town for others / yourself
I had so many alts it was insane and most were max level or close to the final curve.

I even loved Necromancer despite it destroying the game economy forever and even inspired me to make meme images to drive home the point. Took too long for them to do anything and the final decision was.... just remove silver from monster drops entirely... lol.
Can you even make private servers for TOS?
>all that damage spam
Kind of gross to look at. Is that recent? Kind of makes me glad I quit long ago before it turned into that kind of mess. Never liked the whole power creep to insane numbers and walk over all content like it is nothing.
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They kinda double down their development with frickin AI
No one has the server files and nobody really gave a shit to datamine em
even the official ones are also completely forgotten by their own publishers
Dmg number spam = dopamine
But I agree the numbers inflated way too much
it got worse after that too since this was 3 years ago

This is how the guildwars ended up looking like later, triggerwarning : tryhard nerds having comms
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Fucking hate it when you have to take a screenshot to read the damage numbers.
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The reason damage numbers got inflated was the retarded weapon upgrade system and the fact that people only played Priests and Archers.

Wizards and Swordsmen classes are not played at all and I just looked at the top 10 classes and it's obvious. If you ask me that looks like a boring ass game if only 2 classes are played.
That ranking was extremely innacurate and bugged if I remember it right

The only real rankings of people who actually played, you would get was from Weekly Boss fight and the infinite scaling tower thing, I forgot its name
This is not accurate AT ALL like it doesn't even work.
The biggest problem with modern ToS is the p2w, no matter how good you are it is always more efficient to just swipe your credit card and sell gacha items and it killed my interest. Also there are gacha exclusive classes now (I know it's bugged because they're not in that ranking)
Watch this
Ice spear 1 is your GOAT skill
Not only was it pay to win but if you were a free player it was impossible to catch up to whales. Skills had those 100 levels of enhancement that required millions upon millions of money. More on higher tier classes. You just couldn't max them at all and it became a massive cope by fags that "well you don't need to". This meant your skills dealt 20% less base damage than a whales. Not only that but if you want to respect you couldn't. I hated how they handled the same. Too grindy. Too pay to win. In the end only 2-3 class combos worked and you are wrong if you're saying priests weren't the top tier class in the game. Swordsmen dropped fast and no one played wizard combos that had casting. Everything had to be instant cast or it was bust.

Content never required tanks because priests outlived everything with heals, ruining the classis 3-role triangle. Even RO has a need for the 3 classes (DPS, tank / heal), however in RO a priest apart from 1 or 2 places can't go and solo content. In TOS priests were god classes that did anything they wanted. Archers were superior to every melee class too. Like I said only 2 classes (and their combos) reigned supreme in the end. Rest was support. I'd say it is the same in RO to a degree.
Wasted Potential: The Game
Incredible art, great class concepts, solid base gameplay wasted on otherwordly jewing, themeparking and spaghetti code
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If you keep using vuvuzelas, you'll attract more brs instead of removing them
>lord knight necri
He still makes these videos even today. I used that video guide earlier this year on the Midgard Legends server. Too bad it fucking burned and died fast. Can confirm all of Necri's video guides are on point and worth following.
>Also there are gacha exclusive classes now
Just looked at the forums and you weren't kidding. Apparently those classes are superior to all other classes by a long shot and cannot be obtained any other way. I guess they gave up and just added p2w shit at the end. This is why I never trust Korean MMO's. You get burned too many times you stop trusting them entirely.
ToS was not p2w AT ALL at the start except for the token, that didn't bother me in the least.
I'm talking about modern ToS

If a gacha class is ever not meta it just keeps getting spam buffed until it's the best again. They weren't the best in pvp (I don't know how the new one is though) but it killed all character identity outside of that.
this game deserves a private server
could be so good
Eh, the tokens allowed you to post on the market more than 1 or 3 items was it and no 30% cut from profits? Also you gained shared storage between characters, something you also didn't have without Tokens. You also gained extra entries to dungeons which became a huge advantage the longer you played. Token was huge bro. The EXP was the least it gave but even so 30% or was it 60% more exp mattered in a game where leveling towards the end became an insane time investment. One level might've taken you 8 hours of constant grinding, so making that 5 hours was huge. This was us running from one AoE camp to another for hours upon hours. Dude, tokens were not insignificant at all.

>But anyone could buy them off the market
Yeah and who do you think was selling them? Whales. Imagine you being some mega rich whale just buying 50 tokens and selling them early. You'd be rich beyond belief and could buy and upgrade anything. TOS had the greedy p2w signs there, right from the start. I chose to ignore them too anon but to say TOS didn't die from corporate greed is a lie. The forums were begging them never to implement p2w and they even promised multiple times that the western version would never turn out like the Korean version.

Well they lied.
I loved ToS but it was definitely an 'art student project'. Amazing art, engaging world design, awesome music (even if it was half outsourced), and an almost autistic attention to world concepts/inspiration (like who the fuck makes a dievdirbys class in a rpg?).

On the flipside, the combat was hamstrung by dogshit balance and terrible gameplay loops leading to an endgame that is only functional for the most poopsocking of neets and biggest of whales. I don't think they even had any plans for the endgame until the last minute.
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Word. They even had a class based off of my country that I've never seen in any game at all before. Hackapel or hakkapeliitta. Shit, I didn't even know about these things and this game taught me something about my own history.

I even loved the gameplay early on before it became "vomit AoE out of your priest/archer anus by pressing 3 buttons" and watch the screen explode in billions of damage. Took all skill and engagement out.
>graphics 10
>music 10
>lore 10
>maps 10
>gameplay 8

>game design -500
>balance -900
>not pay to win -9,000
>retarded future plans / content -1,000,000
I never said tokens are insignificant, I just don't care about them as a p2w element because it was a f2p game. Devs gotta eat, you spend $8 a month and everything else is reasonable.
Well back up why you don't care about certain p2w and not others. Otherwise it's a bad opinion and you shouldn't state it as an argument.
>a second Finn
What the fuck are you doing here
>what the fuck are you doing here
Memory lane. Love RO. Got not time to play it. I even used to host an RO server back in my youth (I was literally a teenager and I made a website, forum, MySQL database and eAthena servers and everything) for fellow Finns or for Europeans. Got a lot of memories with this game. My server had zero donation or pay elements. So when I saw someone post about Ragna/v/ on /v/ I came to see if a general was up just to chat about the game.

And you?
Kidnapped by few friends to try out RO for the first time in my life, really. So far, been pretty good.
>$8 a month, provides a universal benefit across all classes and characters, a soft sub to play the game
>random amount from 10-200 dollars to gain access to a class that makes every other class in its tree judged solely based on how it can support that class, and end game encounter design built around all 5 party members using said classes

There are degrees of p2w, all forms of p2w are a flaw but if the game is good enough I will tolerate it and even spend money from time to time to look cool or cute and support the server. But eventually the game just becomes a mechanism for the cash shop to function.
Enjoy. Explore. Take it all in. I'm too old to have friends in my age group to play games with, so I'm envious. It's a dead MMO with tons of charisma. Back in the day it was the perfect game MMO to go to from the Playstation 1 era of JRPGs.

Nowadays it might look like an indie game to zoomer? I don't know. Don't know if zoomers play classic games at all.
Pay2Win is required in MMOs to match the consumer demand
The playerbase is not children and neets anymore, but adults who have jobs and dont want to compete against poopsocking neet animals
More like Pay2Fast, like VIP, bubble gum, battle manual and such. You can pretty much get away with those and a variety of costume headgears.
>The playerbase is not children and neets anymore
Oh sweet summer child.
The playerbase is not children and neets BECAUSE it became pay2win, not the other way around, and it has nothing to do with the size of the demographic because 10 manchildren with excessive disposable income are worth a thousand neets. The NEETs just moved on to other genres.
why, just play the game it's a korean grinder ffs
Ragnarok Online is a more enjoyable game with cash shop hats.
You can do that in all pay2win games
Blessed are the people who don't care about pay2win and only play for fun
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I don't compete but I want to see all the content the game has. I want to see the end game boss. I want to get end game items. I want to stay relevant and be efficient. I'm only competing with myself. I'm not feather brained enough to wander around aimlessly like cattle doing random things and enjoy my time that way. I don't see the point of that past your first time playing the game through. After that it's all about being an efficient player inside the world. Why? Because it's fun.
You are the target paypiggie audience then
If I made a server I would take almost all the cash shop hats in the game and add them as very low chance random drops to fields and monsters that don't see any activity. I would make some of them craftable with hidden quests that are hard to do. I would never add angel wings or ability to color your dude in 255 different colors. Always looks like shit.
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What the fuck does my post have to do with pay to win? Explain?
>it might look like an indie game to zoomer
tbqh the devs could just add some piss filter, lens flare, and some chromatic aberration and zoomers will eat this "new 2D-HD game."
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closed beta was fun, game drove straight downhill after that
i remember on launch party play would just freeze your game and it wasn't fixed for months
>and not have that input delay you get in Ragnarok
meanwhile in the reality of ToS: playing an autoattack class with ping above 40 was total DPS death
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Posting my favorite TOS memory
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fuck off with your tos trash
this is the comfy ro thread
God that game died comically fast
the clique is tos-chads
I broke my hand from a car crash so I'm afraid I'll have to call it quits, luckily it was just my hand.
Have fun, everyone. By the time I recover the server will probably die and typing with non-dominant hand isn't fun.

Peace out, -Gredex.
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wtf bro I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out, glad the rest of you's okay
Dev has to have cursed you, what the fuck
I see a bunch of schizophrenic ToS-posting, I know Lolipan is here
i wanted to be your friend, i just hope you're ok
Holy shit bro I'm glad you survived. What happened? What's the hand status for recovery?
damn that fucking sucks, hope you have a smooth recovery man.
It'll be, wasn't my car anyway and the driver is fine, mostly shocked with scratches.
Literal mafia after me. Niggerdev ia behind this, watch your back if you want Stalker buffs.
I kid, just a retard that wanted to pass and ended up crashing on us on the side and size my hand was raised it fractured against the roof from the impact.
Thanks, that means a lot since I suck at that department, once I'm freed from the hospital, I might drop by just to see what's going on and say a proper goodbye. No way I'm playing with one hand, it's so hard to just type.
I tried to sum up above.
Thank you.
drop all your stuff in town like a real nigga
No way fag. At least wish me a speedy recovery, you soulless rat.
All the best and a speedy recovery, mate!
At least we managed to party 1 last time yesterday >>496260691
Hope everything turns out ok for you anon
see u in ragna/v4/
fuck you
That sucks but maybe we'll make this server last (lol). See you in /v/4 mein neger.
nigger give me your stuff
I just hope there'll be Stalker buffs by then.
Bro you've got to sue and fast. Don't take the settlement get that fucking dough. Get all of the relevant documents together as soon as you can and talk to several lawyers. The more documentation and photos you have the better. Get paid.
It is really fucking weird hearing RO people talk about how great it is not to have dailies etc and then you look into it and they actually did exist but 90% of players just pretend they didn't.
They didn't
they didn't until new world
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>goonie I...
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Why is this a thing..
now do that 2 more times
you rike?
I hate you all for bringing back /rog/ the people who play this now are so casual I cant stand it.
i honestly think if people here cared to take it seriously and ignored the schizo we could still be really strong. but people go into ragna/v/ with the mindset that it's dumb for fun server and do stupid stuff. there's a lot of new players but the experienced ones are good and just aren't trying at all.
time to play a class that can be done with one hand
absolutely not
So, how's the server holding up?
I haven't checked on you for two days, so I thought I might as well check on my friends.
woe seems pretty bad but everything else is good. fewer merchants but similar login numbers, public parties still common, people are doing morroc and stuff.
That's really great. I hope the server keeps on growing. I'm also working on a pretty ad for the server.

I wanted to mention that the slotted garments people sent me through mail were not redeemed, so to speak, thus I forgot to give them away. So, with this said, is the Kusoge guild still doing well? Will probably drop by and try to give the rest of the items to Miss.
yeah plebs havent even tried today, what a pity.
the jew screams out in pain as he stabs you
we told you about this shit bro
literally play in MyRo
Kusoge guild leader went to MyRo and is now friends with the swordsman that was also a previous ragna/v player
Huh, no way. Miss really quit? Who's the swordsman, anyway?
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Post them
No wonder.
Don't forget the cheery on top
now post them
did you suffer?
this is the lamest shit i've ever seen
Yeah that looks about right.
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myroCHAD enjoyer damn I wish that was me
posting them
Here's a complete pack of Ragnarok Battle Offline for the people in this thread. It's literal abandonware so it should be alright.

https:// we. tl/ t-nKHEu7U6F1
(Remove the spaces)
It will only last 7 days and it contains RBO, expansions, music, plus a few extras. Enjoy.
attention whore
Wait what the fuck?
Fuck my life, Gredex. I leave the server and this happens. You're an amazing person and while I'm glad you're alright, this shouldn't have happened at all.
I tried my luck and added you on discord, hopefully that's you.
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Looks comfortable
who's the leader of kusoge?
Odds are it isn't, my discord isn't the same as IGN.
I'll mail it to you in case it's who I think it is, I was scrolling through before koing out
I only died twice actually, so.. It coulda been worse.
>spic is samefagging to shill myRO again
it's all so tiresome
CCRO's new season in few days bros
>post anything at all
>get one response
>it's the myro guy claiming why it wouldn't happen on myro and please play with me
which thread is he ignoring right now? i miss talking about the game
is bullies going and will i get an invite?
it's seasonal server meaning account wipe every 3 months so I doubt bullies will be playing on it(good news)
for me it's myro
there's more than 1 player though?
is a x20 server out yet?
i dont think slapping porings and then dogs and then quitting without doing anything big is good news but okay
their characters start with "miso"
>rush poring
>rush dogs
>leech guild
>spam new world dungeon
I blame ragnav
i dont think any of the other guilds are even doing nighoggy, that's the problem, they aren't doing anything. playing ragnarok without bullies is like signing on to do nothing but grind parties until you quit.
what is the max level upgrade of armors and weapons? or what should I be aiming for, 10+ all? or what precisely? please help me out
10 is max, don't go higher than 4 if you don't know what you're doing. You need hundreds to get anything near a 7, and thousands if you want a 9 or a 10.
siroma and imp should also affect ninja's single target magic skill.
Siroma, Imp, and hill wind.
that would be too OP, imagine 80% increase from 8 hill wind cards.
The single target wind skill for ninja is only 600% MATK, considering LoV is already higher than that and an AoE I don't think it'd be a problem.
the card should also affect that ninja's AOE wind magic tho
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It's almost as if other guilds recruit whoever wants to join them, not to fill [x] roles in their comp.
Crazy, i know.
>guilds recruit whoever wants to join them
I don't know who you think you're fooling here
if you use hiding skill from smookie card, then switch the clip for other accessory do you lose your hiding status.
is this the hot new cope
>It's almost as if other guilds recruit whoever wants to join them, not to fill [x] roles in their comp.
troon keks will never understand this concept
>its /trash hours
armor is safe to 4, and the chance of succeeding past 4 are 60% / 40% / 40% / 20% / 20% / 9%
the drop from 40% to 20% is why most people stop at 7 (the last 40% chance). the cumulative success rate of getting a +7 item is basically 10% (0.6 * 0.4 * 0.4). it sorta drops off a cliff to get anything higher than that.
it is not worth overupgrading anything you aren't willing to farm 10+ of for +7 imo. just stick with +4.
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I hear your cries (again)
I recognize that bulge
whos the top
>inb4 shion
that's shion erect, anon. who do you think is the top?
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where are my videogames?
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>party up or get gated and don't have fun
what a shit server
renewal is right around the corner for solo supersaiyans
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So how was woe today, I'm not seeing anyone talk about it
took place entirely in the bedroom, only a few members of each guild were allowed to attend
I'm in this pic
where do you think you are
server really would have sucked if i didnt hop on the bulliekek train early
partying is like most of the fun of this game, anon, and I say this as a terminal solo player
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after mostly giving up on going after .1 and .05 drops, and instead spending most of my time bumming around in parties for dungeons and MVPs, I'm having a lot more fun with the game
I do need to make the time to farm out some things though, and find a suitable distraction to not feel mental pain from not getting the drop for hours
mmos are multiplayer games
>myROshill got no one to play with in his 10 person server
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heard the leader of pleb and bullies were fighting in a private room.
christ i hate the two faggots that keep being spammed with art, go suck their dicks in game or something
>i hate fun please schizopost instead and stop derailing my attempts to create drama and/or erp
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good job everyone
nigga the only people who care are the ones already in your party
i don't get why you people think the rest of us give a shit
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he jobbed hard
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I live to shitpost, I promise if you come make a request I'll give it special priority uwu
>myRrat getting angry that a party of randoms are having fun
Dev, if you're not going to bring back Alchemist homuculus can you at least lower the cost of cannon balls? as it is right now they are incredibly expensive and depending on what you're farming its a net negative in zeny.
>Everybody is one person all the time
go back to sucking each other off in your party
i'm sorry pinoy that no one wants to play on your server
myro wins by doing nothing again baby!
the party was literally open, if you're too stupid to read global it's your own fault, and if you're below 84 just make a fucking ice cave party yourself until you get there
what are you even complaining about?
>10 players
thanks bros I had fun
Just farm net positive maps and gear up to unlock more net positive maps.
or the dev could not gut the class and leave it with terrible options
why is this faag so obsessed with drawing 2men fucking
For people looking for some endgame to do with their buddies/guild, finish this questline!
because (You) keep reacting to him
Where do you even post these
cliquecord is real, don't you know that
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in the /vg/ threads mostly but the jannies sweep me up
join party and make fren
nice work
is the cooking quest broken or something?
No but if you're also retarded like me, you need the updated ingredients: https://pastebin.com/V5EayV4b
How does it work?
I left a message in-game but wasn't sure
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why change it
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here are the hags you requested witchlover
Too lazy to do abbey quest
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I have a large pile of requests, I get to what I can but I am slow and dogshit and love shitposts
to jump the line gib zeny plox
damn.. everyone is so friendly in myro
too bad there's no erp spam in global, or i'd be tempted to migrate for real
zamn.. everyone is so based in ragna/v/
too bad there's no dailies, or i'd be tempted to migrate for real
Thank you! I love evil women so much...
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My-RO wins by doing things right
Partying benefits without being in the 15 level range is great
>let me just leech this level 1 novice at anubis real quick
ToS was bought and is being maintained by a completely different community now, in case you didn't know.
The only thing that myRO did right and I wish dev would do the same is the variety on cosmetics and having random mobs drop it like they did. MyRO still fucking sucks but I love that feature.
Please just steal it from them on top of other cosmetics.
We love MyRO here btw.
Cosmetics market sounds hilarious
not him and not play on the dead server, but genuinely who cares how people level on a p server
Leeching sucks out fun since the struggle itself to get where you are is worth it.
I vaguely remember suggesting something like that long ago, probably on v1. It's a good long-term farming incentive.
But the dev is really fucking in love with his "FREE COSTUMES FOR ALL *BASEDFACE*" gimmick. Case in point, on v2 we had costume hat rewards for the achievement system - A good concept, but this was made almost completely irrelevant by the fact that you could get 95% of costume hats for free from the Larry Zone anyway. So unless you were autistically fixated on some specific hat that just so happened to be achievement-locked, you'd never care about the reward.
me and who

some foods used to have recipes so ridiculous no one made them in years of server life
me on the left
Sorry i always farm it
Right i understand that to an extent, but you can still leech people from geos and then switch to dogs and still achieve the same result
>Bullies are so fucking mad that they got exposed
Reminder that the meta story of ragna/v/3 will forever be bullies getting btfo to myro by fun randomchads AND they are still seething right now.

Even get called out on their bad faces drawing that you had to change the guy's

Imagine getting owned by
>I play solo priest
Now let see you shill micoomro another week till its over for you. Time to go back gachas HAHAHAHAHAHA
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They love to take the baits
whats the reason for pleb patrol to damage control this time
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Look at this dude oh nononono he just got bullied in a shitposting 4chan thread and this is serious discord business
>myrrat falseflagging both guilds
can't get any lower than this folks
lost to my/rog/
lost to my/rog/
lost to my/rog/
lost to my/rog/

What made MyRO(our daily server) so powerful!, bros?
man woke up to schizo out
theres a fucking lgbt thread?
>xhe doesn't know
ragna/erp/ xhister(male) i..
myro won
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Probably the fact that you can be a salty egotripping gooner without being called out and BTFO

The funniest shit is that I stir stuff in threads just for the lulz openly like most but im always super nice in game all the time and you guys cant deal with my shitposting level that you're to scared to even directly reply to me. An impromptu wedding was the best fun moment of this server and its certainly not because of you. Also you cvcks didnt show up to duke it out when I call for BGs post WoE

I guess the bully pleb got patrol'd out lmao dont take this bait please
I changed it cause Rance was happier about the penis
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My bad then, keep (gay) gooning fellow frenemies. Im the biggest heel in this town, case and point. Now come back to ragna/v/ and play with us and have fun being a teacher too cause ro is an amazing game
Shut up husband, get your ass online, I have shit to farm
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God sees you damage control

All those anti priest/solo anubis salty posts were deflections of me raising up to chad status and fucking with you (in threads). It was always jokes and you guys keep taking the baits in the most deflective beta ways. Literally you didnt had fun in the proper manner and you only have yourself to blame.

Fuck your gay ass fake myro posting. I wouldnt be on your back if you guys werent playing a 2 faces game. Get called out for everyone to see.
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I have come upon a peaceful hermit
which I thought was somewhat amusing, considering my name is A Violent Music
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Im out for a coffee first brb hun

it's not working for me, says source could not be found
hi violent, please join the daily party later!
Not how it works, I suggest you try it out.
Quests have a level range (from x to max) . What you describe is not possible.
maybe after job change
bow thief is kind of useless for anything other than hunting wolves
O lord forgive me, I said would quit but the temptation is too great
Welcome to join with anything! Just a tap is worth, and fun to have you around
I need more please
Are mavkas the highest raw silver in the game? I'm tired of farming zenny for this slot bullshit
Incubus/Succubus are. But Mavka's are pretty close, not gated behind the most cancerous quest in video game history, and don't require a supersaiyan build (or Gunslinger with NPC weapon)
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QRD on this drama?
Bullies trying to scam bsb out of all the newbies who have been doing thana runs with dodo, truly the scum of the earth along with Bill
Bullies tried to scam somebody for bloody ball for 1 mill
you do realize even people who don't play the server (like you) could look at and see they aren't in bullies right
Alice is one of the flagship Bullies player you fucking retard, same as Mobius
Any drawfags wants to draw it?
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I understand that You might be not satisfied with our WoE approach (being more skilled than You), but making up lies about our guild won't do You any favor.
Please understand that.
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>still talking WoE like a serious thing
Bro let it go and get your costumes drop on myro its okay. We have our fun here even without 1 hour of fake pvp a week. Bullied bully
Pleb management is under vacations, it has nothing to do with how (bad) you do WoE. We'll be back in 1-2 weeks if the server is still up.
I might join you guys by then too
Hello! Thank you to the Anon who bought my 2 Stone Buckler to help me for rebirth, I have another one if you need it!
Question, does reflect shield work against spears and long mace and other melee weapons with more than 1 tile range?
I just checked and it works. Would you rather have me try another website?

google drive if you're able to please...thanks in advance
I genuiney wonder how stupid it must have feel to call up bubu players from their parties and make them look ridiculous for going to the event no one else went to. The bubs leader cant read the room ever apparently.
If you like myro so much, why don't you fuck off back to it?
lmao nice glasses nerd u gonna read or something? lol what a faggot
you realize this isn't the ragna/v/ thread right...
here you go, I'll nuke it in a day or two because i need the space since it's my main inbox
ragnavsissies, our response?

thank you
where's the ting setting in ragna/v/?
You guys know accessory tings are purple here right...?
>get bsb from opb
>player named idiot tries to scam me for less than a mil for it
>bonk is a nigger
>bullies and bill are the only ones who tried to give me an honest deal for it
they probably never even got a green ting
tinglets on suicide watch
Don't feed bully scum anyway, even Bill is more respectable
Don't use Bill and respectable in the same sentence, he's a fucking faggot who would scam any newbie the moment he gets a drop
There's plenty of people that either join Bulliekeks later on just so they can leech in public parties and even seen cases they leave for a while for trading
>t. bulliekek
bill literally scammed the first alice card drop on the server lmao
Bulliekeks do scams on the daily in their vendors
>bullies are still seething about that
LMAO you can tell they wanted to scam it too but got outpaced
Pls respond...
The truth is that you're all scammers so no one can do an honest price check on drops which leads to them getting scammed when they try to sell
bill is nice he helped me on many occasions he's just not a cliquefag so bullikeks try to smear him
So katar for sin 2 mobsters and a sidewinder?
I don't know, a whole guild versus a single person seems much worse, is that a commandment of your guild? Scam innocent plebeians?
>bill is not a cliquefag
anon bill's group is the literal cliquest crew on the server. bullies are a clique too but at least they group with other people sometimes lol
He's also a multiclienting scammer that gets away with anything he does by being friends with niggerdev and even gets MvPs spawned for him to farm
Dev literally spawned pori pori so bullies could get a free bsb
Don't like this server? Just build your own, bullies are innocent in this.
we were actually farming Odins with 2 bullies and they immediately left it 1h before WoE lmao
the bsb didnt go to them
who then
didnt bullies give mvp to asura on that with their prof?
bulliekeks crawling out of the sewers like the jewish rats they are to smear bill again lol
Ironically, Shit mass transferred SP to an out of guild Champion to give them SP. Everything you post about Bullies is consistently wrong.
I know shit, he's a pretty cool guy.
Bullies are fucking faggots yeah, but that didn't happen and they're still nowhere close to what a piece of shit Bill is
There's no uniform price values for anything because even if we had enough players to sustain all kinds of gear/cards/etc. influx, half the cliques don't even sell what they do get. If you want to sell something significant, chances are you are literally the only person on the server doing it, maybe even ever.

So it's really just a matter of shooting your shot when valueing something. I've seen both clownish overpricing and underpricing.
Weird, I even told niggerdev woe got canceled. >>495974909
I guess bullies don't even read the thread.
The person that gave me pocketwatch, I sent you a leib olmai card in return, check it.
It was actually a Pleb Patrol champ supported by Bullies

lol Bill is Ragnadev. He even acknowledges
>Bill is Ragnadev
Impossile, Bill actually know how to play the game. Sorta.
i dont want to name drop but it wasnt pleb or bullies
I want to read this fanfiction
i'm happy to see the love of their leadership trickling down into the rank and file
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>all this devbill posting
Fuck I miss him so much bros...
bill doesn't even play anymore
>giving the retard dev a third chance
No thanks, the guy is a completely clueless retard.
I bet there were tons of ways to exploit on day 1 given how dumb he is. I have yet to see him fix anything on his trainwrecks despite how he fancies calling himself a developer. If you report anything working incorrectly he will say "sry no can do".
>If you report anything working incorrectly he will say "sry no can do".
Yup that's exactly what happened (again), as seen with the mob skillspam issue and some other stuff. I am not aware of any exploits that happened to be fair.
Why did you save this picture...?
we're his new friends now, he has to quit myro to come back and make an epic GC paladin with an angeling to unify the server
hanyeo meme posting got to me, I'm just on it now
That's fine as long as you're having fun. The meme posting is funny imo.
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>44 online
Stop, I'm gonna lose a bet if you get above 50...
Holy fucking F L A T
Holy thighs.
Was 48, you're lucky.
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let me join
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>Bill reading this rn
Thats crazy, I'm on the right side
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Where are those p2w guys Reborn and Atroce playing nowadays? I miss those trolls. It was always peak entertainment when they were around.
attacks are either classified as melee or long ranged, and reflect shield reflects anything tagged as melee. spears and long maces don't change their damage type to long range.
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A haiku

I am rich as fuck
Mavkas are so easy to farm
I troll you faggot
Fair point and I do end up agreeing with you. It was when the Leticia cubes started appearing containing hats but then small tickets at first. Oh t's just a 10k silver voucher for skills, huh? Oh golden anvils... platinum anvils?? Hats now give stats!? What!?

And it just kept spiraling. It's like IMC stopped giving a shit about everything when people started to leave and they couldn't place the blame ever on themselves. All changes were amazing and the players were in the wrong. Instead of nerfing Necromancers AFK farming potential they just took silver out of the game entirely. Instead of battling RMT with bans, they just took out trading 1:1 out entirely. So many bad mistakes done by that company. I honestly feel like Korean companies are never out to make great adventures for people to enjoy but just MMO's that trap you and gacha to make you spend real life money. Sad.
>I honestly feel like Korean companies are never out to make great adventures for people to enjoy but just MMO's that trap you and gacha to make you spend real life money.
This guy just figured out what businesses are like
I didn't know and I don't care. They should just auction the source code online.
Nowhere. There's no small pop grindcore lowrate for them. Maybe they will play on Macaco Legends 2 (kek) if it ever comes out and gets players.
At the moment it seems like Arcuckdia is monopolizing the low rate pop again though (even the uaRO guilds are moving there) and they won't touch that server.
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fav merch? apple sales woman
What is her endgame?
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>newfags don't know who Holo is
dev stop putting job 3's costumes. They are too slutty.
>I open the shop
>It's just apples
What was my dumbass expecting from a Holo shop
>he didn't buy Holo's used panties
>he didn't buy Holo's used carrot
should i make a ninja?
i'm already working on a knight
Honestly? No.
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Would've been 19.9k if I could get lucky and get 3 Paper/Mobster cards, but the main weapon is complete, to bio labs.
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anon you lost the best
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The coolest Lord Knight in party with the cutest Acolyte.
Level gap is too big and they are not sharing experience lol, so Mariel is just standing still parrying stuff and eliminates any big threat.
cute mariel cute knight
high heels on a a knight huh
more of the other guys art please, this sucks
For how carded you are it's shit and 24 int? You'll run out of sp after 4 mobs. I wonder why you continue this charade.
>elder willow
>yao jun
What cards and weapon? Wouldn't you be better off dropping mirror image and just using cicada shell instead? Then you can take those agi points and drump them into str/int/luk
what server
I'm 24 level away from reaching 84 with my High Priest, but I have no items outside my healing staff +5

What easy items do you guys recommend me to get now? I know there is the rentry items, but I don't know which items from that list are easy to get and which ones aren't
Just wash your genitals and prepare for being cummed inside
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Neither of those two, just a regular willow and a sohee. Add a Porcellio armor cause this was a meme image from the /v/ thread.
3x 20% crit damage cards and 4x racial damage cards. I picked formless, demi-human, and brute for my +20 crit rates on my Hakujin.
Mirror image lets you stack flee really easily, which means you eat a stack less often and it lasts longer. You don't need luk when you have such a high crit rate already, and the int will be less of an issue later.
The main source of upgrades will be papers/mobsters, and rogue treasures.
It's funne.
Look up ratemyserver
Acquiring them as a priest is pretty challenging, you can try selling easy to farm but valueble cards(creamy/zerom/drops) for money, in case you want to do it all on priest, then buy the items.
Or get in one of the guilds, people will help you gear up.
Apple of Archer hat, Orlean's Gown armor (with bathory card ideally), vali's manteau
those are the things I'd go for early because they're either easy to get or people actually sell them
Everything else is kind of difficult to farm and will take parties or a guild handing it to you because we have no economy. But luckily for you Priest can operate totally naked at 99% efficiency. If you're going nameless with a group you really want a bathory though.
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>salty myro player

Hunt thara and hydra and sell hydra for zeny. Look up to find someone to hunt raydric with you and try to get an apple or archer from firelock soldier. You can hunt sohees for their sp card and shoes(1)/muffler(1) to get some first slotting gear. These are good because all classes use them.
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I have plenty and I doubt I'll get another chance to post.
>entire server rushes to do some event boss
>boss dies
>some of us get stuck in stun animation
>we turn it into funne
Horn Carded shield does wonders and is easy to farm.
Silk robes or Orleans with a Pasana or Bathory
Maybe a ragamuffin if you can't get a raydric or afford a Vali's.
Thank you for all the help! I put it all in a .txt and I'll make sure to check all those items on the wiki
Does swordman need job lv 50? Iam on a cheap respec server(5k zenny) btw
The cute one is the acolyte!
Also I google'd LK images to get as reference and in the Ragnarok Mobile one the LK has boots like that, I liked them so I added them.
Where do you farm mobster? Comodo beach only spawn one
That's the fun part, anon.
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What, for real?
I think there's more Mobster cards than AK cards on the server
You can spawn a bunch of mobster with the new world entrance quest, right? Can you abuse this to farm mobsters?
>A month of people asking for Super Novice buffs and nothing
>Sieggy asks for Super Novice to be able to specifically use the Morroc accessories because they are farming it
>Suddenly this is a suggestion he is considering

Hey niga dev, is the entrance to mavka's cheeks per character or account wise
Those mobsters drop nothing
depends on what job you're going
if knight get at least job 44 to cover skill pre-reqs for knight, if crusader you can change right at 40
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Sad state of things
funny right, we had one SN talking about his struggles constantly to no avail
Sn's were a mistake and only played by actual toddlers
no that's definitely priest or wizard
Moscovia is per character.
Crusader vs knight, what is cheaper and better for solo farming/doing stuffs
the world is better without reborn
imagine this being your life, like, all of it
ummm sweaty that's gordon ramsay not seiggy ok
Are u dev? Can u make it so everyone could gain access to mavka? The quest for moscovia is absolutely cancer and I don't want to it again
Crusader is a fucking beast on this server and absolutely farms certain content. But the problem is that it's kinda limited to shadow/undead mobs.
Knight is more of an all-rounder but it needs endless amounts of gear to be strong.
Crusader does everything better and cheaper
Outside of undead/shadow, what happens?
ETA on server death time? Should I switch to myRo?
>without zeny
knight, no doubt, sader is the worst option for anything not undead, shadow or demon
also knight is tankier and has better damage neutral (General) damage
MyRo gonna dies before ragnav
How much zeny we are talking here? 4 cards?
>How much zeny we are talking here? 4 cards?
lots of it
at least 4/5 different shields and armors for different races and elements
you can build a knight from the ground up and he's a great farmer for lots of places, but people usually build him as a second character
I'm not dev but you're retard
>t. mavkafag trying to monopolize income
Damn that's too bad. I only have 1 mil in the bank. Hitting the wall right now with my assassin, couldn't farm for poopooring. Is hunter/gunslinger better alternative for farming?
Nothing it's still farmeable technically, but your best aoe (Grand Cross) and best single target skill (Holy Cross) are holy element so they do far more damage to those mobs
There's also shield boomerang which is both buffed and nerfed here in a way, it's REALLY good against low hp mobs, and still pretty decent for farming against everything else. However the lack of 100% hit makes you unable to kill higher flee mobs (which is almost everything that's on the stronger side).
All of those builds are good in their way but they need entirely different weapon sets so you can't just switch builds easily.
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>hunter/gunslinger better alternative for farming?
it's the usual no brainer, everyone does it since no gear required
Be aware that knight and sader are both better farmers than them and knight is also a great mvp solo'er at least when they're at full power
Do you have a knight at full power? May I see his equips?
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bathory, pasana and swordfish for elements
peco for general stuff
shields are
teddy for undead, khatliz for demon, alice for bosses, penomena for formless, thara for demi and petite for dragon
I use hunting spear + archer skeleton with spiral for damage and fortune sword for pure tanking (+20 perfect dodge) also got 2 pikes 10+ for solo farming
odins combo is usually the main one everyone goes with but there are probably some other autistic combos that you can experiment with
I love Yiik unironically
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Fresh video from October 27th 2016, almost 8 years ago. Feels like yesterday. I probably recorded this for anons who said it's impossible to do these solo back then or something? I can't remember. Never posted or did anything with the video. Or if I did, I got shat on for not hiding my name.

This one is from 2016 too and wanted to showcase the awesome detail they put into being an alchemist, a class no one wanted to be because it gimped you entirely solely for the sake of potions. To grow herbs one had to own or be in a guild. Stupid design.

I'll stop postan about TOS. Dead game let it rest in piss. RO is superior anyway, but I'm too autistic to do well in RO.
melee ninja looks fun, also that alt sprite is sex
Goddamn that must cost gorrillion zenny. How strong are you? Can you solo most mvp?
Is quad racial main gauche the best way to go for offhand or is using a triple racial hakujin better?
I wish the horn cosmetics weren't so horrifically big and ugly... I'm being denied cute, reasonably sized horns on a ram/sheep girl
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the cutest sheep has hilariously big horns THOUGH
Yes but I wish they looked like this, the horn options in game look so much worse
My gatling fever buff disappeared for a moment and I felt like I was having one of those dreams where you feel like you're walking through infinitely dense molasses or something. Is this how non-GS classes feel all the time?
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what did he meant by this?
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I want to _____ dryad/les/pinguicula
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what makes ice cream so good? is it faster than white potion?
Snowier Card
oh right, that makes perfect sense ty
Myth of Yggdrasil
The off hand does nothing for attack, so you can safely out the main gauche on the offhand. the main hand does matter. 3 crit Hakujin does more than a 4 carded main gauche
retards would unironically use up card slots on fucking snowier cards and a marc card over pot use. And don't say you're using marc for WoE, we all know there's no competition going on there
I don't have zeny for white pots dude *hides 100m in the bank*
is there a card for dropping sp consumes or do i just have to go slave away for them
Go clap mavka cheeks or nightmare
It's almost like not having to use expensive potions is the deciding factor for many solo spot's profitability or something...
almost like merch should get DC back as it relies on potions very heavily on top of zeny cost of skills
Narue, could you please attempt to forge me some more elemental weapons tonight?
How do I get to Jawaii to buy ice cream?
>knight can go to high orcs pretty much immediately after job changing and maxing spear mastery and pierce
huh, what have i been doing with my life all these years
Knight the CHAD of Ragnarok. The protagonist. The main character. All bows to the might of KNIGHT BULLS
what do you mean? myro's been having 25-30 players that's not quiet
Do MyROs even have artists to boost their numbers?
lol what
it's fucking great
thank fuck for water converters
yeah if you're a chad vit knight, not these pussy AGI knights
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>Goddamn that must cost gorrillion zenny
Since almost everything was farmed, time was the biggest resource spent
Alice was the luckiest one below 300 kills
Teddy was the hardest 4.5k kills and 3 full days of grinding in a map with shitty spawns
Out of all of that, I had to buy the hunting spear, both safety rings (A friend helped me on this one), fortune and wool + tidals
Everything should've cost maybe 6 or 8m
honestly not all that expensive
>How strong are you?
I can tank literally everything except bio3 which was the goal I was aiming. DPS not that great since I'm usually with fortune equipped, but that's not a knight's role in parties.
>Can you solo most mvp?
I'm still missing 2 abysmals for my Bloody Eater so no, I need it for the actual damage to the MVPs
haven't had that much time to grind lately, mostly either partying or leveling my alt
Playing has been so fun so far! Each time I meet someone in the wild, they invite me to a party and we end up playing for hours!

But I really wonder how the economy in this mmo even work? People loot a bunch of 15k items, that they can sell for 2 millions, but then mobs don't even drop money so you have to sell items that are useful for crafting or other stuff?
Like, undead orc drop claw/bones and they are useful for crafting, so I don't sell them, so I don't get money, so I can't get money outside selling gold rings that I get from time to time super rarely? Its super weird... The money in this game feel super inflated compared to a mmo like WoW Vanilla, but there is no chinese gold sellers
>acquire 20 bullies
But thats almost 1 good player, brb getting invited by a random to party
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Are there any ASPD buffs that apply after ASPD? So you can go over 190 functional ASPD?
You buy everything from other players, time is the real currency. Money gets deflated by people blowing up items when enhancing, I guess.
The only thing I know Orc claws are useful for is armor-piercing ammo/arrows but it's only 10 per, there's probably better methods.
You're a dumbass. Snowier is insanely broken on servers where card granted rates are high. Beats anything for pvm grinding, especially with evil druid being such an amazing armor card. BTW noobs like you think we use marc over evil druid for snowier.
No we're playing and having a blast and have had 40+ online this weekend.
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The off hand does nothing for atk? But dual wielding raises your atk which is then used by the skill, isn't it?
>42 online
>17 are vend
>only 25 actual players
>meanwhile ragna/v/ has 121 online
>47 vend
>74 actual players

>log in myRO
>finish dailies
>log out
It is that shrimple.
Don't ever try to help anyone who plays ragna/v/ they are 2007 tier gamers where basic math is beyond them. Bullies is about to hit 2009.
there's no way MVP and mini-boss cards don't have way higher drop rate than advertised
multiple people shouldn't have several cards on a 2 month old server
MyRo got their first Bathory card today what are you talking about?
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Offhand attack only counts for auto-attacking, skills ignore offhand attack and element.
did another one drop?
How many MvP cards are out there now?

see >>496511074
casually dropping a White Lady card.
>Allows changing hair color and style, clothes color and morphing into different sprites of the same tree. For example, as a Knight, you can choose the appearance of a Lord Knight, Rune Knight, Dragon Knight, or Alternative jRO Sprites.
Does that mean I can cosplay as an Inquisitor from being just a Monk?
Also is it possible to change my current class in case I feel like I've made the wrong choice? If so, how many times?
qrd on bard? i want to make one. any gear i should farm for it?
>on a fucking Belt
You can change your sprite as soon as you've reached the 2nd job, yeah.
Your class is set. You can't play an Acolyte, try monk, don't like it and revert/change to priest. You can only reset your skills/stats
since when is that an accessory card
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>of Life Stream
>on accessory
So that's a Dev made item?
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Its Loli Ruri belt btw. Crowmonk has the White Lady card and he has no alt.
loli ruri card is of the Stix
I hate you faggots so goddamn much, if you're not online you just miss anything that happens on the server because none of you cunts ever post about anything ITT
Every time I log in, global chat is having some conversation that I missed the first half of
Fuck you all
>blatant cheating caught
>still playing in a server where the admin just gives item away but only to his friends that then proceed to participate in "pvp" content

so why are you still playing in that server when MyRo exists?
wouldn't doubt some bullies do multi
Because myro looks ass?
try logging in maybe
Because it's shit and sadly ragnav still beats in cosmetics not being 1m and upon reaching 99
Dev changed it into accessory and it has that suffix now. If you don't believe it you can always ask others to link their accessory with Loli Ruri on it.
I'm having fun but 3x rates are pretty brutal. Yeah you have dailies giving a few mil exp for bio etc. but 3x rates are for a minority.
so what's it called when a dev has to rush in and make a change without detailing it on the "entry" because of a retard fucking up and posting his cheated equipment here?
Damage control?
it's all so tiresome
why would the suffix change to a different card's suffix that isn't even associated with accessories
>60min+ MVP respawn timers
>0.10% drop
>Somehow multiple cards out there on a tiny server not even two months old
It's borderline statistically impossible without something else being changed unannounced
The cards in the off-hand apply towards skill attacks that aren't fixed damage like Soul Breaker. You can test this with Assassin and Envenom.
and don't try to say they luck shitted multiple times in a row cause there's no way i fucking believe that when some people take 4000+ kills to get cards on normal mobs
What cheated equipment? What did i miss?
that was changed a bit, was at 99 for testing
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Who knows why. Dev fucks something up, color me surprised.
it's intentional
Don't be so defensive dev. There's zero comments on the rentry about it being intentional so it looks like it's a mistake.
>check shops
all trash all the time
doesn't help that the same retards have been there since inception
It's not dead at all tho.
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it's not a dev fuckup
"Of the Stix" is an iRO """translation""" while on kRO it's 오브 라이프스트림, aka "of Life Stream"
anyone who tells you otherwise probably calls asura, unironically, guillotine fist
uh actually, it's extremity fist
G Fist is such a retarded name lmao
However Zen >>>> Dangerous SHART collect
how much would I expect to pay for a pair of tidal shoes?
So why would you call someone a retard when both sources Divine Pride and Ratemyserver use "of the stix"? That seems like obscure translation knowledge that no one would know unless you're the one who made the change.
750k? I bought a few for that price 2 weeks ago, and giving the population/how common they drop...
i have at no point called anyone a retard nor do i care about this topic
i just hate iRO trannylations
Extremity fisting Momo
Threads collectively reaching miku levels of intelligence.
is this about the loli ruri card still?
Then what's White Lady card's translation?
is this about the equipment suffix cheating still?
reset the map server next time so most of these merchants can be wiped out, most of them barely play
looks fine to me bro >>496542695
not really though
less people in nameless recently and a lot of people trying to +7 them so more like 1.5-2m in this mavka economy
Moscovia was purposely excluded. It's a location that can be abused for exp on low level characters, so at the very least you need to be able to clear the fight with the Kaphas to gain access.

There are certain monsters whose drops are really, really bad but their misc items sell for a lot of money. That's how people make the bulk of it.

In the code, when there's a split between auto-attacks and skills, if it's a skill the game rads the RIGHT_HAND attack directly and completely ignores the left's. It only matters for auto attacks.
White Lady - 라이프스트림
Loli Ruri - 오브 라이프스트림
The difference here being "오브" aka "of"
if you're thinking that the localization team of iRO was being intelligent and trying to not have duplicate card affix names, think again, loli ruri came first
>Literally translates to life stream
>Oh, let's be cleaver and reference other mythologies and use the river stix
Tis that simple.
Reminder: Do the Dailies and avoid the ERPies
Oh did the mavkas explode since I stopped? That doesn't sound... nice.
>It's a location that can be abused for exp on low level characters

Is Moscovia even good xp I thought people only farmed there for money
Les are pretty broken, if you look at their difficulty/health/exp
Les are dogfucking-levels of exp for the one level range where there's no dogs to fuck
Change dual wielding so that if you have 2 daggers equipped and swap one it swaps the one in the right hand instead of the left hand, would make it far FAR better for people who dual wield and want to change elements. I gotta swap to a katar and re equip both daggers in the order I want them like a retard to switch because of it
Dev can you buff Murasame [2]? The other three Ninja daggers were buffed but Murasame, the water Ninja dagger, is now significantly weaker than them.
When dual wielding, it actually takes the element of each weapon individually. Try using an elemental + neutral weapons against a Whisper to test, then swap them and watch results.
And for converters, it wouldn't matter since swapping any weapon makes you lose the effect.

I'll consider it.
time to go fuck plants I guess
Yes, but I'm using SD so it only takes the element of the main hand and the offhand is only used for +atk cards
Oh, makes sense.
In that case, my suggestion is that you use the equipment swap feature. Assign a key to it and use that to auto swap just the daggers.
>the equipment swap feature
NTA but I didn't know about this
nta but can you lower the delay between equipment swaps? I tried using it and there's close to 3-4 seconds before I swap swap the gear again.
>Before I can swap the gear again
swap swap in your mouth
Put your swap in my mouth then I'll swap swap it.
What do you mean full power and what do you mean with better?
Because full power can be anything from what you posted in>>496516508 image which is far from full power and wont be great at soloing anything. To mvp carded rapetrain using frenzy to tear trough shit. And I guess a few MvPs that you just BB into submission.
So now the second question, how do you mean exactly better? Because a sniper will spend less zenny mvping, while having a larger range of MvPs they can kill without any dual clienting.
Unless you mean "better" as in "easier" where you just frenzy right click, and reset once you die/run out of frenzy.
I thought I had lowered it. I'll do it next maintenance, then.

It's one of the nice features of modern clients.
reach out to your local mystery nigga today
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[Good News] *Minor(uoh)* MyRO update is up, let's h*ckin' go, bros!

>Fix crash when checking equipment of jRO sprite
>Poison now damages until 1% hp (was 25%)
>Poison damage increased by 50% in PvM
>Yao Jun (Hyegun) now drops Hyegun_Hat at 0.20%


>10% reset chance to reset Taekwon Mission


>Homunculus now gets 50% of quest exp


>Sonic Blow 80% dmg per skill_lv (was 50%)
>Venom Splasher; Range increase to 2 (from 1), Cooldown reduced to 2 seconds, removed 75% hp requirement, will spread - poison on explosion.


>Added Poring Catch event - win a Costume Gift Box by finding the right Poring!

>vtumor pic
stopped reading there
myro gods.. we literally and i mean literafuckingly cannot stop winning!
Let's fucking gooooooo
>Poison now damages until 1% hp (was 25%)
>Poison damage increased by 50% in PvM
This is an awful idea.

>Poison any new world mob or difficult mob
>Snipe it once it's at 1% hp
poison still has its duration silly
but if you wanna hit->hide->hit->hide while jerking to whatever cock you like, more power to you, not a big change
win THIS >>496552040
I expect a video of someone taking 5 hours to kill Golden Thief Bugg with poison now
Hey dev, you should buff fur seal card to 15 crit undead/demon for aco. It is meant to be comparable to an SS card and you buffed that.
>Poison does higher damage now
>Default is 1.5% HP every second, so it takes 66 seconds to drop from 100% to 1%

Assassins and Archers already had such an easy time and you're giving them an even easier time.
All 23 of us are celebrating!
>Poison now damages until 1% hp (was 25%)
>Poison damage increased by 50% in PvM
Reminds me of this
Please play the actual game before doing shit like this.

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