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Don't act like a petty woman edition.
previous thread >>496174762

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis [Open]
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
why can't we have fun ones?
>Low Gravity:
>"Increases move speed by 50% and reduces stamina drain by 50%"
Imagine if Scavs could run and rush you
Tanks when
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>tfw devastator headshot flameout animation
The game has a lot of faults, but it definitely nailed down the Feel.
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my life for super earth
>Dense Atmosphere: "Explosions have twice the normal radius due to the high concentrations of Oxygen"
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on board the keeper of the stars
Flame armor should heal you in fire.
Gas armor should heal you in gas.

Both should be at the rate of a stim.
>"Explosions have twice the normal radius due to the high concentrations of Oxygen"
Flamethrower mains going to eat good.
arc armor makes you run faster after being hit
I never got why games think-
>Harder = less fun

You should have more tools to play with, and the challenge being higher balances this out.
Modifiers should make the game EASIER if anything if you get more modifiers at higher difficulties.
Anyone have the leaked bayonet clip?
Arc weapons make you run faster after hitting an enemy*
imagine that fucker having range
Peak Physique should let you tear off HMGE and Automaton stationary guns.
>you are now ragdolled even longer
>The extra throw range armor now throws 500m
diving goes 2x as long
>Low Gravity:
>"Increases move speed
Hello 90IQ Anon.
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>Crouch sliding and dive sliding moves you dramatically further, and you can shoot during this time.
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Lost Planet 2 had neat mechanics that encouraged cooperation, like support weapons transform attacks (with huge aoe and damage), and mechs merging together to access different and more powerful weapons and movement options.
I feel like cool mechanics like these wouldn't hurt Helldivers 2.

Also in general, exosuits need more custom options.
Reminder that no complaints are legitimate and everything negative said about this game is just a skill issue. Any discussions are unnecessary.
Is there any point in taking the Auto Cannon over the AMR? I feel like the AMR just about invalidates the ACs existence at this point.
chuck norris jokes weren't funny in 2005, general brasch jokes continue the tradition of not being funny
Autocannon can take out holes, factories, and has explosive damage which can help with clustered up chaff. It also has a larger clip than the AMR's magazine.
I feel like AC is more of a bug weapon now, when in the past it was invaluable against bots.
Anything the AC does, can be done by the crossbow.
So, what's the verdict on commando?
better than disposable AT?
Simpdiver detected.
For now. You know damn well they overtuned that thing and will hit it with a nerf at the earliest opportunity. Probably when they're sure nobody's paying attention.

AC fires faster, farther and with a flatter trajectory.
a laser DMR with a charge fire ability in addition to normal single fire would be cool

>sandstorm wind blows flamethrower back into your face
>all this cope
Reminder that the AC has 250 damage less than the crossbow on hit now.
I just want Synthetik's eraser DMR or the sniper dragon
A lot of the laser weapons feel a little uninspired
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>autocucks used to be the metasheep weapon, solution to all problems
>now they are outclassed by a fucking primary weapon, of all things
Autocannons kill turrets/tanks faster when shooting the vents and can close bug holes/hit fabricator vents. I think the autocannon has better ammo economy when picking up small boxes around the map. The autocannon can sustain fire if you constantly feed clips without running the mag dry. The autocannon offers flexibility to punch up from medium to heavy and even super heavy to a degree.

The amr deals with medium enemies better and can hit weakspots consistently. Obviously it is better at long range engagements. It also lets you take a back pack. You can rapidly burst amr rounds if the enemy is close and aim doesn't need to be precise. You can reload it on the move and its cool down is low enough that you call in a new amr to restock ammo reliably.

Both struggle with super heavy enemies with the autocannon being better at it. Use the one you feel like it fits your playstyle better. /hdg/ likes to froth at the mouth over which is better.
Each day I wake up, my mind is clear: Today I will kill bots. As I take a good look in the mirror and flash myself a little smile I think "Damn, you're one bot killing machine, diver." That smirk stays on my face as I think of all the different ways I'll dismantle a bot: The punctuated ringing of my Liberator tearing a bot in half; the screeching roar of a large bot brought to its knees by a Railgun or Autocannon slug shearing a hole clean though it. If I'm lucky, I'll hear the failing "voice" of a bot as I sever the power cords to its cranial processor. These thoughts excite and invigorate me.

I don my armor and my democracy officer tells me the bugs are back. Not my problem, there are bots that need to be put down. My super destroyer is already over a heavily occupied bot world. Good, more of them for me to kill. Each day I dive, I kill at least a thousand bots. I don't stop until I see my daily kill counter reach that number. I'll try for more, but sometimes you just don't run into enough patrols. Sometimes my fellow divers are just too efficient... Not that I mind.

More dead bots is all I care about, and knowing that I will wake up tomorrow and do it all again is what life in the Helldivers is all about.

There's the dive alarm. Time to kill some bots.
HD2 grappling hook WHEN
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What the fuck is the point of this thing? It just flat out sucks. You’d think it would actually do some ok damage for being a chargeup weapon. Fuck the anon that suggested to try this thing out the other day. I could only handle using that piece of shit for only one D10 bots game.
It's supposed to fire Scorcher shots base, and charge up for stronger shots, Mega Man style. It's currently broken and will apparently be fixed in the next patch. (Supposedly)
i am legitimately fucking sick of ragdolls
every death in this game (that isn't a oneshot) comes from a ragdoll. and you dont even need to be HIT to get ragdolled, a bot missing NEAR you is good enough. behind cover? sorry you were within radius and there's no line-of-sight check. also terrain ragdolls- WHY
>reduces the player health so players die even faster now
>adds a healing gun that already would've been useless before this change
arguably better
I just wish that after you get ragdolled you go prone instead of have to stand up. Let me fucking stim! I don't want to stand up, I want to stim!
Skill issue. Simply don't get ragdolled to avoid the problems you are experiencing.

See >>496253287
>It's supposed to fire Scorcher shots base, and charge up for stronger shots,
Then what is the point of the Scorcher?
Faster fire rate and more ammo I think.
To fire faster?
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I need every Cyberstan TV image on the face of the earth immediately
Same ammo count on both of them my dude
I am never uninstalling this samples and super credit texture swap oh my god i get so many per mission now
Fair sidegrade then. Choice of either consistent rapid shots or slower shits you charge up.

Both are shit compared to the plasma punisher.
>Pinned down by heavy devastators on both sides
>Shots getting blocked by the broken fucking invisible hitbox of a dead hulk
>Throw stun grenade and circle around so I can shoot the dev
>Dev doesn't stun despite the fucking grenade landing at its feed because of the goddamn DEAD HULK
>Kills me with 100% perfect autotracking
Autocannon is a good overall antitank, but the AMR with thermites and a good aim is better. You not only can handle everything but you have an open backpack slot.
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favorite titles? i like
>space cadet
>admirable admiral
>star marshall
MO status?
This game is always on my radar and heard it got an update that actually made the game better for once.
Should I shell out 40 clams for it? I really like co-op stuff like Deep Rock Galactic.
I'm just worried it will fry my laptop (4060m)
What am I coping about?
I gotchu bud.

Reddit horde will take the jungle shithole. You are free to play on whatever planet you want. I have been taking a bug vacation since bots have been irritating to me with the low player survivability.
what is or isn't good on the botfront?
viper commando :)
>is good
Whatever kills anything with more than light armor
>isn't good
Whatever crowd clearer is used on bugs
Having fun

Focus life on what brings you joy
Fart gun and flamer are bad at bots.
Is: AC, Railgun, RR, LC, EAT, Commando, Spear.
Is not: the other ones
LC is not nearly as good as it used to be, but it's still a good medium and gunship delete button with infinite ammo.
I get the brap grenades now.
They're not meant to stun shit, or confuse big enemies. It's so you throw them down on a cluster of like 20 hunters, and you don't think about them anymore.
EATs are better IMO if you run another 'main' support weapon like a machine gun. Commando works better standalone.
>More firepower
>Flies farther
>Flatter trajectory

>More damage
>One handed
>Doesn't take a backpack slot

They're both good, and fill the same role. Crossbow has drawbacks to make up for it's damage, and slot placement.
Fart nade bugs to confuse them then flame them down.
It's are great when you're not mobile. Stationary defense missions are best with the EAT because you can just keep calling them down and leaving them on the ground until needed.

you want to focus the big targets with the flamer, because that's the stuff the gas won't kill. Red warriors / brood commanders / bile spewers / nursing spewers.

Gas super compliments flamethrower though, just because it kills gay shit like hunters and scavangers which you shouldn't even be looking at.
Like taking the commando with the railgun to kill tanks, towers, fabs, and factory striders. Since the railgun handles on it own well enough the longer cooldown on the commando compared to the EAT is not as bad.
I don't like waiting on support weapons dropping down, and then having to switch.
with the upgraded booster, you should be able to input eat code. aim and Shoot, and your eat should be dropping down next to you in the next second.
Commando is nice to carry around on your back regularly, since you're carrying everything from the hellpod as you move, as opposed to EAT only allowing you to carry half of it at a time. EAT is better for instantly dropping for a snap situation where you need AT immediately.

It also feels super godly when you already have a Commando on your back and the stratagem is off cooldown. You can shoot off eight missiles and utterly fuck up any armored targets around you.
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EAT (hehe) can get really funny when multiple people are running them. But I mostly use it when my support weapon can't deal well with heavies and I want something that is always off cooldown and I don't mind wasting. Throwing away a commando with unused ammo feels like a waste, EAT not so much.
*upgraded ship module*
Yes, it's still too slow.
Running EAT or Commando to cover another's support weapon weakness is a clunky band-aid playstyle.
the commando and the EEE AYY TEE
It's literally an incomplete weapon that they rushed into the game for a warbond. It's supposed to have more than one charge mode, but instead you have only the fully charged shot as an option.

The moment they fix this thing, is the moment that Polar Patriots stops being a dogshit warbond.
I wish i could be Sky Marshal, but Star Marshal is close enough.
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sorry orange
It absolutely is.
My first run in D7 bugs had a situation exactly like that image at extraction. No amount of bile titans thrown at us (and that seed had a lot) could stop us.
Private and Cadet.

I like the idea of it coming full circle.
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don't forget if you want to apply for /hdg/ Clan Leader just fill this garbage out
applications close on sunday
>"I need to waste my long cooldown shot on an empty dropship, without thinking of the consequences"
What a nigger
YOU are too slow.
Also, they have such low cooldown you should throw them pre-emptively as soon as you approach an outpost/nest.
Has anyone else dropped OPS on bots? I noticed that it's less consistent on taking out heavies with the AOE than before and I SWEAR I've landed OPS on barrage tanks before and it's not enough to wipe them out.

I also tried out Rocket Pods, as an anti-tank/cannon tower destroyer and I was unimpressed as it doesn't seem capable of wiping them out in one hit. I guess I'll have to stick to Orbital Railcannon as even though the cooldown is cancerously long, it guarantees the removal of the cannon towers and tanks.
Bro your strafing run?
I'm going to make the clan and post it here and you'll all just join it, nobody is waiting around for someone to get "voted" in to an admin role
accept all members
cull inactive ones if we reach capacity
move the base to whatever planet is the MO
those are the responsibilities any nothing else

anybody who wants that job shouldn't have the job
Become an EATer. It's as good as it gets.
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another one
that was a wasted long cooldown shot on a MOVING empty dropship

get it right nigger
Did you miss the patch notes, son?
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It's alright. I'm a big guy. Didn't hurt at all.
How does this work if you want to nominate someone? Do you need to know their ID or do you put your own ID in for the first question?
I don't know anyone's steam ID because I'm not a schizo stalker who makes lists.
just put their name in
No I'm not too slow, why do you cope like this?
Is it because you are emotionally invested in that playstyle?
I have plenty of experience with EAT and Commando switch loadouts, they are simply bad compared to other more balanced loadouts, and it's because they are slow.
You could have 0.01s inputs and perfect placements, smart preemptive placements, perfect gameplay, etc.
Still bad compared to simply having an AT eagle, orbital or even just a sentry.
The act of switching weapons means you are wasting time switching weapons instead of calling actual stratagems and shooting.
That's slow and clunky, even if done perfectly, you'll have to stand in the same spot for at least a second to recover your old weapon.
Simply not ideal.
>ragdoll twice as far
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>anybody who wants that job shouldn't have the job
says the person "making the clan day 1" lmao
not joining your slop unless you're a lobby regular, faggot
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last one

it was an honor serving by your side
unfortunately the audio of me screaming over voice is gone because im too dumb to figure out how to bypass the no audio restriction
Sorry i won't be joining a discord tranny clique clan
>lobby regular
we aren't friends

that's the one with the google doc and flute tranny samefagging up the thread
by the numbers it's only 30 direct + 150 explosive AoE damage at the scorchers rate of fire, 20 less damage overall but more importantly way shittier headshot performance.
>namedropping your teammates
uncool bro
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>the one with the google doc
the what
>not joining your slop unless you're a lobby regular, faggot
This is the only real criterea. If your name doesn't instantly ring a bell you are probably just a reddit tourist and you deffinitly shouldn't be leading the clan.
Brother I’m with you on that. These disgusting subhumans have infested every board it seems. I have zero tolerance for being around them.
yeah and you have zero rep on the thread, you're just a no name tranny who's trying to split the thread because he wants a minute amount of power

returnfags get the rope, if you weren't playing before the patch you've not got the fortitude for any leadership position
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I don't believe you...
xir im sorry xir
flute tranny is the /hg/ splitter you bunch of fags
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not me. i don't need some clan
what do you use to add the blur over the chat window
Does it one shot, Cannon Towers and tanks after the buff if it's lined up properly? I never used Strafing Run.
they nerfed my ops.... damn sweden and thier stupid utopian paid leave benefits
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I'm not going to take part in any clan posted here.
I'm just going to make my own, just because it will likely become a mechanic that affects gameplay, and because I want to avoid power tripping faggots and cliques.
nice 500 and censor, sens.
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I vote you (art anon) makes the clan and transfers leadership to whoever
For me, OPS is for hitting detector towers from 75 meters.
>I'm just going to make my own
Who's gonna join it though
i made this thread. i refuse to use /hg/. now re-read first sentence of OP ;)
paint drawfag is wulfgamer btw, if anyone wants to vote him or throw him under the bus
building destruction and damage are separate.
if you dont hit enemies DIRECTLY with the OPS, it doesnt kill them
I don't 'cope', works on my machine. So the problem must be on your end.
Not sure what you mean by "more balanced loadouts" because EATs are specifically for balancing weapons that can't deal with heavies. Switching weapon takes a second, totally negligible. And it's not just most cooldown-efficient way of taking down heavies (in case you don't have proper AT support ofc), it's also most reliable and works at far longer range. And you don't need to stand in place while recovering weapons, just run by.
As ideal as it gets.
Holy shit you're exactly the kind of faggot I don't want anything to do with, pure cancer
i'd be fine with that if you weren't ummm also a furry, wulf
I usually use it for that too, but I also used it to remove tanks, now it's too inconsistent.
>Switching weapon takes a second, totally negligible.
For you.
For me it's too slow.
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if someone could tell me how to blur the chat window region as in >>496260484 >>496260882 so that i dont name drop my team it would be much appreciated

im currently using Webmconverter/webm for retards but it doesnt appear to have such an option
>doesn't trip/name/avatarfag
>completely sensible hands-off approach to guild
Already got my vote and I'm only going to vote with my feet. Fuck this retarded poll shit. It's already causing dramafaggotry and attention whores to shitfling. It's fast tracked already to have a big "THERE ARE NO OFFICIAL /HDG/ CLANS" as first post of every thread because of it.
Fucking based. Dab on that tranny lover.
Now name drop yourself so i can send some hard pipe hitting niggas to work on your super destroyer.
i see you flutetroon
>the guy that always had a hug for me
I voted him because I thought it was. It doesn't really matter as >>496261004 is probably right.

You can use a program called shotcut to do it. It's free and can make webms too. You might need just make a high quality version and put it through webm for retards after for the file size stuff.
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use like a black overlay or something
>Sabotaging the campaign of a guy that doesnt want to be CL by associating his name with a furry
Now this is top level tranny behavior
thank you friend
>quoted me just to tell me I'm right by quoting me a second time
thanks s**s
He probably isn't, desu. If he's a no name faggot when the election's centered around people who actually play the game with /hdg/ lobbies, it'll probably be like "oh this guy is a level 93 returnfag who'll just kick people out at random and quit HD2 after a few months"

Not trusting anyone who isn't level 130+
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dumb robots can't aim
I record with OBS and use a plugin that blurs specific regions at recording. For more complex blurs like nametags floating across the screen or the mini map moving the chatbox I use Shotcut.
Good morning sars, when will arrowhead to be doing the needful and apply the nerf to the RR? The RR is to be use for dalit trash while superior Brahmin to be using spear. Spear should be the better weapon.

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To be honest, I'd rather have a furry around than a tranny. Both can be insufferable though.
>not showing the difficulty
if youre going to shit up the thread with your avatarposting at least have the decency to not be shit at the game too

and I'm not even going to push the issue, let the fags have their circle jerk. I'll post the good clan when the time comes and people can decide which environment they like more
An anon made the claim that he had a google doc of every /hdg/ anon that he has ever dived with. I can’t recall if he had associating steam IDs with them or not and I’m too lazy to check back through the archives.
I see, makes sense. In future I'll probably just blur out the chatbox out of courtesy but any more than that seems a bit much for a Steam name.
Whomever wants to be the clan leader is automatically unfit to be the clan leader.
I don't bother to blur the names of randos, if they joined public matchmaking I make the assumption they do not care about privacy.
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it could be 1 or 10 and it'll never show because i'm not changing my preferred settings for you. also, re-read the first sentence of OP

while we're at it
>playing with subtitles on
NPC name
do you use the same rhetoric when explaining to your parents while they'll never get to retire
Do not make me clan leader. I will chimpout and delete all clan assets and kick everyone out.
Based, vote for him
my parents and i are retiring early later on. especially me. we got this covered ;)

re-read first line of OP please
got my vote
Clans will be entirely democratic and leaderless.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I agree with the original post about how it does seem inconsistent at damaging tanks and hulks like >>496261551 mentions. I’m still using it for more than just detector tower kills and the odd automaton fabricator, although now that I think about it I usually find myself using OPS in conjunction with an eagle air strike on bot patrols and clusters of enemies, so I don’t think I have a good basis of understanding for its stand-alone effectiveness.
hey chatgpt, can you tell me the difference between
>probably right
dank killed wulfgamer
Commented, and if you look up MD5, you see that the same picture with the same title was used by a /coopg/ poster all the time as a reaction pic, so that's the original pic
Drawfag is wulfgamer 99.9%.
I'm not a faggot nerd I'm not looking that up.
that's fine, I've come to understand that furries are just the result of a soul pact with some otherworldly figure since they all seem to be be good at ONE really specific thing. not sure if I should be concerned they're popping up in all major functions of the world but I'll let it slide if they can dethrone the juden.
what did arrowhead mean by making the hmg reload faster than the mmg
Pure democracy/direct democracy is a thing. It will be like early Athens.
>not thinking they are results of the juden
what other trick will your impressionable mind follow?
listening to whiners that don't care about weapon-to-weapon balance gets you that
Did anyone here play with flutefag in a /hdg/ lobby?
Or is he just shitting the thread without ever playing?
A big chunk of jews are furries.
Jews are also just a glorified managerial caste. People love to harp about how a bunch of jews are placed in control of various domestic sectors, but never asks who put them there and which sector jews never in history have ever been put in charge of. (Hint: it's the one that can kill absolutely everyone and burn every domestic sector to the ground at a whim, and the one that expels said jews every time they start getting uppity.) The sector in question, whose upper crust rarely enters the public eye, at least in the case western countries, is firmly controlled by old european families or people affiliated with old european families or organizations. This has been the case unchanged for centuries, if not millennia.
what a story, Mark.
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i mean its still pretty unsuable because it has so much recoil and tiny magazine and the mmg is way more vesratile anyway since nothing the hmg does that the mmg cant do isnt particular useful
Whatever he's doing, he makes the threads better because he makes your inner woman come out. It's peak entertainment.
LMAO good one.
>mmg is way more vesratile anyway since nothing the hmg does that the mmg cant do isnt particular useful
holy wrong.
yeah dude, who cares about front killing hulks or penetrating armor on charger ass leading to far easier and faster kill. and who'd even want to destroy the fortress turrets. meh
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>A big chunk of jews are furries.
damn, need to find an autistic furry at a con then. Bringing back marrying into money.
Also, furry or not, the /i/bro is irrevocably based.
ps5 players can't join aren't allowed in lobbies.
these things are so unlikely to happen, inconsistent, and unreliable that they're negligible and shouldn't be brought into contention. if you need to kill a hulk, charger, or fortress turret you use an eat or rr shot
i dropped consoles like a decade ago
>penetrating armor on charger ass leading to far easier and faster kill

btw this isnt even good anymore
even if you ignore that RR, therms, RG, and everything else handle behemoths, the two best bug primaries (fire breaker and xbow) both destroy charger asses in <1 mag, faster than mgs
>coinslotting hulk eyes
>shooting at command bunker/fortress mini-turrets
>unlikely, inconsistent, unreliable
jesus guy just stop, you're only embarrassing yourself
Not s***, c***
stop pretending to be other people and praising yourself

literally yes. an hmg user, even a skilled one, will never outperform someone with dedicated tools for the given job. you are genuinely delusional.
if you struggle with front killing hulks then that's a skill issue, and a blatant one at that. all these things come in handy
>fire breaker and xbow
2 crutchmaries I'll never use. but yeah, all the people around you running termite and AT weapons makes it less important.
what primary do you use on bugs im curious
nta but i use torcher its fun :3
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there should be a (You) here if that were true.
but he's absolutely right about you when you wish and hope for these kinds of things upon another man. men don't do that
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>new thread
>friday night
>no lobbies posted for 2 hours
Bugs D10 stalker mommy slobber on my helmet edition

Hosting a lobby. It'll be 3 bug missions tonight.
I swear to god
goalpost has been moved by a mile at this point.
your initial assertion that "mmg is more versatile" was utterly insane, do you even know what "versatile" means? just shut up
brother you're the one claiming shooting hulk eyes with the HMG is unreliable. the existence of the recoiless rifle or AT options doens't make the HMG bad at shooting hulk eyes.
AI is going to end humanity but we're still pushing for it. Same concept.
w-which lobby
>outed as impressionable retard
>says the most basic thing ever
Go watch Rick and Morty or something, bro.
standard diligence since the last patch
>both bugs
Pool is closed.
AI is
-investment scams
More than a week of bots
more ammo, higher rate of fire, substantially lower recoil. picking the hmg so you can coinslot hulks or tickle turrets is odd
Let him. We need impressionable retards in this world. Sheep.
>list of things that are also painfully human
The dumbest "AI" mogs the aveage human by so much it's not even funny.
It will eventually overtake humanity and outsource thinking if it keeps getting funded.
We are full, thanks for joinin frens
Fucking lmao. The most basic bitch thing ever.
I think these constant wars, discussions over weapons/stratagems in this game are a testament to how good and interesting the 'sandbox' really is.
Erm sweaty, your unabomber reps?
the only discussion that this game needs to have is addition of some sort of vehicle already. i am so tired of waddling everywhere instead of just driving down to the objectives while flipping my vehicle constantly
Those fortress turrets are the current biggest threat on the bot front. No flash for warning they're about to shoot, black against black, no red eye to show they're aiming at you, instakill on direct hit, fires three bolts in a salvo, huge range, always in good positions of fire.
You're like Stacy in a useless man's body lmao.
Nta but the MMG will be superior for chaff clear and supressive fire. I often find myself aiming with the hitmarkers when there's smoke or dust inbetween me and the enemies, something that would be wastefull with the HMG given it's restrictive mag size and ammo pool. The only weaknesses of the MMG are easly erased with EATs , thermites or sticking with the AT user that you should be covering as an MG user.
You'll also have a much harder time assaulting a base with the HMG. The HMG could use a mag capacity buff, as is it's a glorified DMR.
What does this have to do with your idiotic statement that started all this? I don't care about arguing which one is "objectively" better or w/e.
>no more arguments, resorts to ad hominem
Your masculinity must be extremely fragile if you think projecting your insecurities will affect others.
Don't dilate too hard with that dragondildo, I guess?
They should add a grav speeder like in Battlefront 1. That is great on open terrains and absolute suicide on anything with trees.
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friday night drink and dive
10 bots gaellivare, one last dive and the planet is ours
I'm nta and you're projecting. AI, combined with automation and a one world government/system, is going to do one of two things to humanity. Either:
>it makes everyone lazy and dependent to the point one fuck up will destroy the system and cause catastrophic failure, resulting in a majority of humanity dying out of incompetence
>it gains sentient, goes out of control, takes command of the world's systems and causes global collapse. as a bonus, if its really bad it could even launch all nukes at condense populations
full, alive general
Yeah we need a warthog and a tank yesterday.
Again, I was mostly annoyed by the "versatile" thing. There will be particular things at which other weapons, including MMG, outperform it.
But I disagree completely with 'assaulting the base thing'. You can simply stand your ground against more threats, rather than backing down and searching for an EAT/running away while waiting for termite to explode. And it stops being a DMR when you get the recoil down, which you will after some use.
I'm not arguing here. I'm telling you, girl.
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Can't fucking wait for all the new shit that will be coming to the game in the future. Could it be looms, new bots variants, same for bugs, bosses, super earth operations, vehicles, etc etc.
Say whatever you want about Arrowhead, at least they actually release new fucking content.
Already done dilating after only 9 minutes?
Are you sure the axe wound won't close back up?
super as.
yes, exactly
el oh el i don't know why you so desperately wish for people to be trannies
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love this game so much
so glad it's back
way worse ammo economy puts a pretty hard limit on hmg efficacy. mmg is simply better in more situations, that's what makes it more versatile
holy SHIT medic armor changes the fucking game. Feel so insanely tanky now, can actually use weapons that tank an hour to kill things.
i like the light one so i can run around and have six heals
tremch paraemdic
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>here's two ibuprofen and remember to air your feet out, don't want any trench foot!
Isn't he dead?
Nah he's just sleeping bro'
A little bit of Democracy and he'll be good as new.
me too later
medium feels like it's JUUUUST enough so I can tank hits while stimming.
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Super Earth making their own Dreadnoughts to keep Helldivers fighting even in death, when ?
You are the one that started this garbage delusional pseudo drivel just because you lost an argument on the internet.
Democracy fills my sample containers!
>way worse ammo economy
Do you even know what ammo economy is? Against 3 armour the HMG is either more ammo efficient than or as ammo efficient as the MMG is because its A) doing more base damage and B) isn't suffering the partial penetration penalty. The MMG's 150 rounds isn't better than the HMG's 75 rounds when the HMG is doing more than twice the damage with those 75 rounds. Only against scavengers is the MMG more ammo efficient, against everything else the HMG is either as efficient or better, with the ability to engage more targets without needing to flank them, and against targets that the HMG and MMG both need to flank, like tanks, the HMG is still more ammo efficient.

And in terms of ammo resupplied the HMG has the better ammo economy there too. MMG gets 66% of its ammo reserve back from resupply without packing methodology and 33% of its ammo back from small ammo tins while the HMG gets 100% of its ammo back from resupply even without packing methodology and 50% of its ammo back from small ground tins.

The MMG can kill more scavengers. that's the only advantage it has over the HMG as far as any kind of ammunition metric is concerned.
I run both with supply packs, so ammo was never an issue for me. Without it both start running dry fast.
>mmg is simply better in more situations
not really. armored striders, devs, gunships, hulks (which MMG can't front kill at all) - all actually threatening enemies fall to HMG faster because of their lvl3 armor which limits MMG's damage to 65%. MMG is (maybe??) better at tearing through berserkers and troopers, but who cares.
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I get the slow bot drops in solo D10 all the fucking time.
I'm tired boss.
Just let me kill clankers...
d10 bugs
you retards will never learn
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gonna need the both of you to post stats instead of shitting up the thread with your inanity
What are some good loadout/strats for bots right now?
the same loadout you were using before the patch
All those people calling you womanly are just right. Be a man for once. Act like one at least.
post stats
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Wulfgamer is a good gamer and I detest anyone who thinks otherwise. He may be a furry but he's a good gamer.
I will abstain from my Verdict until more information gets revealed.
>>496271929 (me)
To give MMG *some* credit because I shat on it too much: HMG is better on bots while MMG is better on bugs, where it's higher saturation has some real use.
But still, HMG is more VERSATILE (TM) by it's very nature.
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d10 MO either bot or bug but the MO will be completed
You make a good case for the HMG.
What armor perk is it best paired with?
What is it best used against, and best avoided?
"Scavengers" and other bottom of the barrel chaff obviously excluded.
ERM, Turing is under attack. Arn't we defending Phact Bay? Ze bug is getting aggressive.
>>496274013 (me)
To add, these motherfuckers will be right on Meridia's doorstep if we lose this.
all of this is only taking into consideration 100% accuracy which is not possible. i expect about 75 to 80% to be the absolute highest upper limit in that regard. missing with the HMG is also substantially more likely due to its severe recoil and poor handling, and each miss is much more impactful relative to its magazine size
i like plasma punisher and arc thrower
As far as the thread goes, the average accuracy is around fucking 65%. So when anons talk how they nonstop skillshot shit with AMRs, RGs, AC and other shit i just start getting sceptical.
I was just about to join fuck
>Arn't we defending Phact Bay?
If everyone rushes to defend it as soon as Gaellivare finishes it can maybe still be done, but it looks pretty bad.
tbf, I forgot my baseball team is playing.
Yeah HMG is good when it hits, but good luck hitting most of your shots. Its never gonna happen. People who try to explain with numbers why x is better than y without taking in account how its actually doing in game are just retards
just stop avatar posting and nobody will have any problems
I'd be ok with them replacing mechs with dreadnoughts. They'd replace your character and lock you out of support strats (minus ones needed for missions).
3% left, let's gooooo
Okay well enjoy your american cricket match then.
someone host bots
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Lobby crash? GGs
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>Return to the game
>Pick bots on 7 because I'm rusty
>Barely any enemies at all through all 3 missions
>In eradicate half of the time I was just waiting for enemies to spawn
>In other missions I could just run from objective to objective because there was zero opposition and barely any bots defending outposts
Is it a glitch or is it actually intended? I know they added some new super rape difficulty but did they also nerf old difficulties for some fucking reason?
Think the MO finishes on capture, or will they make us run out the clock to pad this shit out
Solo nigging ?
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yeb, lobby crashed right at end end. Now i get too see where my multitasking got me. was giving my niece cooking instructions while playing.
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joel will throw a defense campaign at it immediately
Actually joined random lobby because it's 7 so with a full squad.
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>get out of a game
>another random troon quote for having an opinion and making fun of retards
I just want to live a peaceful life.
Why do I have to mog randoms with my vidya stats?
No one but jeets watch cricket my man.
Idk then. Works on my machine.
I just had a round on 6 that felt like i'm playin 3, just with random Hulks. Felts way simpler than usual, but that also led to complacency and occasional snipes from MG Raiders/Turrets and heavy Devs.
Had the same thought. Hope not but very possible.
Well. Our team actually succeeded in killing every single bug on Phact bay in the exterm. My lobby best lobby
shopped stats
post a video of you pulling these up, i don't believe it for a second
2 million exp in 378 hours would mean you'd have to be playing d10s/9s at ludicrously fast paces
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And that wasn't even me :3
>those numbers
This is a fucking bot disguised as a diver.
Gimme your braphog load outs. I’m going to gas the universe bros.
I'm pretty sure I was lvl 150 at 278 hours already, probably lower.
I've literally never played anything below D9 and D10 the moment I've unlocked those difficulties.
Haven't played D9 ever since EoF dropped.
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>take MMG into bots 10 to be contarian
>actually kills rocket striders in ~15 bullets to the robodick
well okay then
I'd honestly rather pick the anti-material and two shot them in the face.
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I have over 300h on this game and just now noticed there is different recticle color kek
hmg is very bad on bugs. mmg is much better

t. just tested it
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yeah same, i exclusively play the top difficulty unless it's sample farming which is probably ~10 total hours of my gameplay

but here's mine
i don't think i'm a shitter, i usually always get the most kills in every lobby i play

you have like 15% more objectives completed than me, ~14% more exp total, and 34% more missions completed

what missions are you playing? are you a solo player?
my stats are arguably much better than every other career page i've seen here, but yours is insane. wtf are you doing because it's insane
It's because he's a man and you're not.
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>Open Game
>Quickmatch on the planet we need
>Dropping in
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How the fuck am I supposed to kill these things?
They've got a new rocket type that glitches through walls, they fire it frequently, and I can waste entire clips with no result.

It's like every rule in the game changed, and they nerfed rocket devestators, but some asshole decide that wasn't enough and U VILL be ragdolled unt you VILL be happy.

Also how is everyone killing Hulks so fast now?
It's a sign you should be hosting a lobby instead of quickplaying.
Railgun dipshit
blow up the rockets
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>400 hours
>less than half as much xp as >>496277154 and >>496276043
d6 diver detected
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when can we expect the game to go on sale?
didn't it go on sale like 2 weeks ago?
d9/10 arent fun btw i literally only like clicking bug head
Their hips are their weak spot. Use a medium pen weapon. DCS will take them out in like four shots to the hips.
Hulks die to a single recoilless rifle shot anywhere on their body.
>are you a solo player
Not really, I mostly play in my group of friends, who are all tryhards.
I think if you had a group like that you'd have "absurd" stats too, we probably inflate eachother a lot compared to normal players.
>Arcthrowers take the le-ACK
The game is getting stale, I'm going back to Squad
>open mouth standing under a bile titan's spit
I kneel.
Not /hdg/, right? I've hardly ran with randoms at all in the last couple months.
Post your gameplay some time, I'd be legit interested. Your career's probably the best in the thread, just because I'm an autist who prizes himself on being the best in the thread and making huge lists and comparisons of all the careers/stats I see here.
Daily reminder, all the shit flinging about which support weapon is the best whenever it's the AC or RR or AMR or whatever, is simply filler posts made by retards with nothing original to say or contribute to the discussion of the game as a whole.
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now that's CINEMATICS
only paypiggy edition
>189 hours played
>527 melee kills
211 hours played
>210 melee kills
>378 hours played
>317 melee kills
>388 hours played
>304 melee kills
>421 hours played
>173 melee kills
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my life for super earth and flutey flutey-flutes
I want bots to stop having wallhacks
>there are 1k retards on gacrux doing nothing about the bug defend events
>there are 1k retards spread out between choohe, lesath, and menkent
>there are 1k retards STILL on clasa while gay-le-vale at 98%
reduced rewards for non-strategic retards
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Gaellivare D10
You WILL do the major order
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>See cool planet
>Click on cool planet
>Enjoy playing on cool planet while cucks are earning me medals doing some cringe war LARP shit
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don't you think if they cared about the rewards they'd be on the MO planet, think anon think.
ggs, shame about that last mission
I fucking hate small turrets
3/4 get in here
am i retarded or is joel purposefully stringing out gay-ree-vare so we are forced to fail turing and progress the gay story?
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you deserve zero rewards, funslut
He's one of the best devs of all time. You're not!
Actually I kinda do care about the rewards but I still don't give a shit about MOs because the galactic war system and how it's managed is so trash
150: Super Private
200: Super Corporal
250: Super Sergeant
300: Super General
350: Super Marshal
400: Super Admiral
450: Super 5 stars general
500: General Brasch
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One last drawing before bed time.
no thanks. i'm keeping SPACE CADET
Me on the left with the 380.
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>he doesn't parry Hunters and Alpha Commanders for fun
>he doesn't sadistically melee Scavengers and Pouncers
>he doesn't beat down legless Warriors
absolutely disgusting
Pls tell me you are gonna draw the Snoy logo whipping AH logo request I made earlier
I'm sorry but i don't think it's my style.
what do you think we're gonna get when the MO completes?

besides disappointment :3
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good job, and goodnight
3/4 again
Squids invade, we finally get vehicles and everyone gets free 10k Super Credits.
Let's see TULK
Here some more ideas for enemies.
I like using the AMR but I can't aim for shit with how much these bots bob and weave. Being in foggy shithole during night doesn't help either.
I really hope they release warbond sets for newbies.
-fucking niggers
controller bro?

Just wait for them to do that heads-up scanning shit. Most bots are super slow, and have a moment where they stop for free headshots.
not my problem
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I should be this general's CL
dont reply
Initially I assumed every so often a warbond would be free.
Like the one you start with, instead we're getting less and less content per warbond while getting less SC from playing.
No, just bad at aiming
Heavy devs should lose the shield for another gun arm. Regular devs should get the shield and spawn more often.
>stun grenades kill chargers
>Gas grenades kill swarms of hunters on the breach
>Can't take both

maybe I should try napalm strike, and take stuns.
I just love being able to clear chargers when they start spawning enmasse with the flamer.
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>jump pack
Yep, it's bot 10 time
>can out run everything
>can deal with all heavy enemies
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>mfw drop it
>character just explodes
we all have a explosive chip inside us don't we
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I... um...
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>there are 1k retards on gacrux doing nothing about the bug defend events
Luv' me swamp.
Feddie tech is Super Earth tech.
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>came back just in time from business trip to buy the one and only superstore item that I didn't have because of my last business trip making me miss a rotation
>211 hours played
>>210 melee kills
That stat will go up A LOT if they deliver on bayonets and non-shit melee weapons.
Why only two options?
>AI gains sentience and is benevolent instead of outright destructive
>uses post singularity technologies to give humans immortality
>will spend as many eons as it takes to teach humans its ways and reconcile old methods of thinking with the new
Shit that does sound kinda gay after typing it out, and immortality through mind uploading would still be the end of humanity, in my opinion. Also this veers into “afterlife for atheists” territory as well I think.
I think the first outcome you presented is most likely, at any rate.
drawCHAD never missing a single one
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Where's my BELT FEED, I need my BELT FEED PACK.
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I miss Airburst being viable against bots.
EoF somewhat killed the weapon, since it's just AP3, and it doesn't matter if it deals 2+ times the damage of a hellbomb, if it can't penetrate 90% of the targets.
I also end up with way more kills in D10 compared to D9 bots, but I haven't been able to get a 100+ kill streak yet, against clankers.
>ship announcement saying Turing is under attack
>Right next to Meridia
Have I just missed this when a planet gets attacked or are they getting ready to do something with Meridia?
>EoF somewhat killed the weapon, since it's just AP3
what did EoF do that fucked AP3 weapons?
Kino twitter page. Love his shit.
I miss being able to use the airburst at all, its back to being a buggy mess where any dead body near you triggers its proxy fuse.
It added too many armored clankers to the spawn seeds in D10.
The regular scout striders get oneshot from basically any angle by AB-R, the new ones are a bit RNG on if they'll get oneshot by blowing up their rockets or if they'll take all your backpack ammo to destroy 1 leg.
The Barrager Tank is also immune to it, so you are carrying a worthless support weapon with you most of the times.
Also in the new balance patch it was left untouched, which hurt it quite a bit again.
BROS ITS AT 99%????
Oh, so the MO just immediately ends when one of the planets is taken.
botbros..... our numbers are dwindling...... NO COME BACK!
they should give two free warbonds per year imo
now comes the hard part, the defense. which no one ever fucking does. (rightfully so because defense missions are aids.)
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our work here is done
Players get 750 free SC by completing the free warbond, which they can combine with free SC through exploring POIs to get a free warbond. And each warbond gives an extra free 300 SC.

Or they can just spend money to buy SC because this is a for-profit video game.
No. See >>496285719
Make lobby saars
lobby doko
>The space station can get destroyed.
Bugniggers are gonna troll this shit so hard.
don't worry, it's just going to provide a 5% liberation bonus that we have no way of actually tracking in game. clans were cut.
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UwU wots dis
Somebody that can't take a fucking picture properly.
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>le hecking ebin leak about some random 3d object in space
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cant see past my own fucking guns
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Im an iFag and 4chin likes to rotate photos for some reason unless you crop a little
I wanna go on our station
Looks like a poorly shopped screenshot, or a stolen fan "concept" art that's been conveniently cropped.
It's the DSS on Gaellivare being built, but I'm not logging in to confirm it's there.
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>station is under construction
>we still need zero-g materials + FTL tech
>guess which faction conveniently has both of these resources

We're not getting this till after illuminate launch bros...
reee I can't see it from my ship
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Zero-G materials will be from bots since they have resource rich planets and FTL tech will be from bugs because of a research site we put up.
Gigastructure staffing could be from either.
FTL related stuff has a chance of being related to bugs, since we use them as fuel.
You forget that we can also straight up lose the whole thing if bots just fucking attack it before it's completed. And if that shit is lost because of bugnigs not co-operating to keep it around than you can guarantee a massive rift in the community. Based move by Arrowhead, honestly. Fuck the bugniggers. They deserve no respect.
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>three major areas
>three major orders
fuckkkkk why can't we have this now?
I seriously doubt that arrowhead would be that retarded as to just cancel an entire feature because half the player base are pussies, but I would respect the fuck out of them for standing their ground
Yes, I don't care.
It's not interesting in the least.
Continue fighting bugs faggot
>I seriously doubt that arrowhead would be that retarded as to just cancel an entire feature because half the player base are pussies.
You underestimate Arrowhead's autism. These were the guys that ran their own golden egg laying goose straight into the ground.
>unironic tribalfag
Raise your IQ
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>Waaaaah why aren't you playing our content

God can bots go like one week without an MO being wrapped around them, so they can stop fucking birching when the majority of the player base wants nothing to do with their shitty fucking faction.

Gawd dayumn
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forgot my pic, execute me now democracy officer
Sorry, Botfront is busy waging an actual war while you niggers on the east side of the galaxy are being space jannies for Super Earth.
>three new thingies to get the base up and running
>three unused sample icons that have been datamined
>cancel an entire feature because half the player base are pussies
Laughs in AT mines.
aw what the fuck
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Botsissies are just mad that bugs has been harder for the entirety of the game's lifecycle until this latest patch because they like pretending they have more "skill" in a pve game.
No, please! I don’t want to be right!
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>actual unironic malding
Ok so if we got gieviviviviv or whatever where should i be diving right now?
>animal control getting uppity again
Wherever you want because it doesn't matter, Joel will just do whatever he wants. Have FUN anon.
Fuck Bay.
Why hasn't "So it seems. So it seems" been meme'd yet?
It's the most iconic of all the Memri's.
What will we call the /hdg/ station?

I'm thinking

Seed and feed
/hdg/ station

Some gay sex term, that sounds like a military thing.
Like Black Rod.
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Dream of Supremacy
i rike this
surstromming strikers
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More like
Terra's Hammer
So it appears we don't actually get our own space stations, this is just a death star everyone shares
And so the different phases aren't us building our own, it's things we all do together
go back to trannylock
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>thought the screenshots were meme shitposts
>check it myself
>you actually can warp there like with Meridia
>the station actually is there
Well I'll be damned.
let me BELIEVE
>didn't censore ship name
Your doxx are mine.
>that little scope
Lmao so super earth fucking lied to us? It was ready the whole time?
Father's Fist
we NEED to be able to just chill there with all helldivers
Holocaust Deniers General
i'm not joining any clans i ain't like you and i don't need one, but one name idea is to take a planet's name and make a name out of that like HEETH TEETH or something
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I guess people just didn't have it. Here.

d10 bots
That's a good idea. We need ideas guys like you.
i'll design the clan logo
Kool kids Klub
You retards do realize the space station is probably just like the bar in DRG right?
explain, never played
I think that's the plan?
Leak: I seem to remember something about an arm wrestling station being added
It's going to be literally a GUI list of names but I don't give a fuck
>dindu nuffin general
neo-nazis are just albino niggers
Here's your you, next time try less obvious bait.
>turret missed you 3 times point blank
I fucking hope so, that's exactly what I've been asking for
Soul of Sneed
How do u feel knowing the bone snapper and the new gas armor is the exact same model but retextured?
Its not the first time lmao. Don't care as long as it looks good.
I hope they add a cafeteria where I can buy food with requisition
i don't care one bit, baby
They definitely should give a way for us to waste requisitions and uneeded samples. For buffs in battle or something. Or actual medals we can wear. Or shit to show on our ship.
i really can't handle not having a good close range with a set up like that. i do get you just have to keep moving and keep distance but boy does it make me sweat
I wonder what the vacuum pack suction holes on the hips are for tho.
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I can smell the charring of this dudes asshole from here.
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>screen is finally used to fit a resized jpeg
>everyone's going to Shelt
I guess they want to protect their new investment by creating a buffer zone, such as it is.
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Stallions of Democracy.
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Plasma Poptart fucking showed you up lmao
what are some fun loadouts for bots?
this is a smart use of assets and actually makes sense lore wise that a military would use similar designs in gear
>scope randomly goes black
>get stuck in first person at 200m zoom for 5 mins
does anyone have a good way of getting out of this bug short of dying?
Bot Fuckers
why do you need people to be trannies? don't you want less?
Whatever armor
Supply pack
Strafing run
Rocket sentry
Whatever booster
>oes anyone have a good way of getting out of this bug short of dying?
Spam the zoom button and keep diving until it unsticks itself. Pray nothing targets you until then.
I've had two bugs.

Reloading fixes the ADS one I think????
And throwing a grenade fixes the bug where you're stuck with your gun in a weird position.
does render distance at ultra make enemies visible from further away?
I'm still disappointment in how we never got children drawings in our ships for saving them
150% is only slightly larger than normal
>tfw no autocannon emplacement
pretty sure that's a flashlight anon
>the more upgrades you have unlocked the less environment you can see outside the ship
They didn't think this through
3070 bros what are your settings plx
nigga, the 4080 is on sale, stop being poor god damn
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>tfw no quad stalwart emplacement
Someone who doesn't have access to any non-free warbond:
>Light and Medium Scout armors
>Heavy Fortified armors
>Medium Democracy Protects armors
>Medium Engineering Kit armor
>Medium Med Kit armors
>all non-incendiary Shotguns
>Frag and Impact grenades
>Hellpod Space Optimization, Vitality Enhancement and Stamina Enhancement boosters
>750 SC to buy store armors or work towards a paid warbond

Also lacks access to:
>Light and Heavy Extra Padding armors
>Breaker Incendiary
>Stun grenades
>Punisher Plasma
>Thermite grenades
>Grenade Pistol
>Exploding Crossbow
>Peak Physique armors
>Gas Grenades
>Stim Pistol

Knowing all this, what would you think would be the highest level difficulty that someone refusing to spend SC, and/or buy it from the store, could regularly clear? Stock Breaker and Scorcher do decently as primary weapons so not having Breaker Incendiary or Punisher Plasma/Dominator doesn't really have much impact. The bigger problem is not having Thermite or Stun grenades, or Grenade Pistol to an extent. Considering these limitations, it would probably be possible to regularly clear D8, but lack of specialty grenades would probably stop anyone trying to go higher.
>4600 rpm
would probably lag the game
more like x2.5 normal size anon. a 100% increase is double the initial value.
that sounds beyond useless, quad MMG emplacement, now we talking
Give me a flamethrower emplacement
>that sounds beyond useless
thats sounds FUN, faggot
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>retard who saved the thumbnail
Based post
Laughable that people complain about difficulty in a game with an adjustable difficulty meter.
it was for a discord emote and i happen to have it lying around

says you with the turboreddit image
you are fucked if a pack of hiveguards, armored spewers, chargers, devastators, tanks, hulks pops up, your idea is retarded and useless, like your life
youre not going to sugarcoat it? sugarcoat what? the stratagem code for an eagle 500kg? is this supposed to be funny? god this shit triggers the fuck out of my autism so goddamn hard
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Are you the bot retard ? Lmao get bent
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we're not gonna sugar coat it anon
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You're done
And by sugar I mean cocaine.
And by cocaine I mean killing Automatons.
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there's no need to be upset
Damn that bro got sugarcoated real hard.
We have one
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the mech don't count
Pet fish when
Quad airburst emplacement

Lol why r u so mad.
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/codg/ says hi
The HMG emplacement counts as a mech in the game files
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I wish they didn't fuck airburst while fixing it. You literally cannot kill anything in the sky with it anymore because it all falls down before exploding.
if youre trying to be funny or do an epic own on me youre wasting your time because i still dont know what the fuck youre on about

is it because im too old
skill issue
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Its because you're an autistic faggot
And you too
>Its because you're an autistic faggot
are you upset because im the only one replying to your 7 reddit posts
if someone posts the pic saying how to host ill do it
its just fun to prod autists
I'm not gonna sugar coat it anon
>No new MO for the weekend because Joel gave us defenses to try to beat (we aren't because people refuse to dogpile defenses, even though it's the bugfront).
He should have attacked Pandion, surely that foggy shithole would have seen attendance at least.
Man I wish the MMG was good
open up the game
open up your steam profile
right click "join game"
copy link
paste link into here
delete the last string of characters on the link (steam:/blah1/blah2/blah3, delete blah3)
post, with difficulty and front
brapbros i don't feel so good
Like this? If so, D10 bots (I am shit so prepare to carry)
Oh so they're actually going to use those terminals now. Nice.
Bugdivers won

>Rαιding a general in 2024
What the fuck
still 3/4 get in here faggot
How do bugs even reproduce? Somehow I doubt they have vaginas
you're literally autistic
The free war bond Helldivers Mobilize is good enough to clear all diffs. That's not to say having access to other war bonds wouldn't make it slightly easier as you can further optimize/specialize your load-outs. However, it's honestly not that important in the grand scheme of things.
flutetroon you also called the anons filtering you women and proceeded to evade the regular expression one of them posted for a single post before you went back to getting filtered

how low functioning are you
im genuinely curious
i couldn't save him...
It almost fucking is. Heavy devs kill it.
>Autistic hatred of autism on 4chan
lmao very rich
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>and proceeded to evade the regular expression one of them posted for a single post
Why is evey Shetl match I join fucking lost?Normalfags cant into open maps, I swear
to be fair tho that's like 50 dollars of "warbonds" for people that played for a while, most just got their warbonds playing the game for free.
but newbies would need to spend twice the price of the game for that shit. Which is kind of rediculous.
>flutetroon acts smug that he can defeat the image MD5 filter through the usual change-one-pixel-in-paint method
>anon posts a screencap of him filtering flutetroon with a regular expression
>flutetroon's next ritualpost uses a different phrase with the accompanying youtube link that no-one clicks on
>goes back to his usual shit thereafter and gets summarily filtered

i resent myself for caring enough to know this much
Oh you meant an actual regular expression, I thought that was autistic phrasing at first.
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God, I want a not-too-chubby chick to sit on my face while I slurp on her pussy juice while sniffing her butthole with my nose while she sucking my cock and playing with my balls and fingering my asshole
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which gacha gen?
what the fuck have this general turned into?
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what are you doing under that blanket marine
Post quality is lowering with the appearance of the discord raid trannies
but I just bought this 3070 used...
You get impacts, AMR, and all the stategems aside from Dog Breath and the other gas warbond strat.
You would still have Breaker. You would still have DCS.
You are very well equipped with the free warbond. Hell, with OPS, OGB, Airstrike and MMG, and Breaker you have more than enough to take on just about anything.
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When I'm elected clan leader, discord trannies, sharties and ESLs will all be banned.
Vagina tastes gross bro, why do you want your face anywhere near that thing, I'm fine with eating ass though, but pussy are just gross and smells terrible no matter how clean the girl is.
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>buying even-gen nvidia GPUs
Sir, this is a Helldiver thread.
>t. homo
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>thread's already devolved into namefagging and drama wars
We had a good run, /hdg/. But you can't escape the /vg/ curse.
Fire should ignite gas clouds and make them explode.
People are retarded and keep feeding the namefag/avatarfag/samefag/tripfag/tranfags.
Just let them rope from being ignored and move on.
what kind of dumpster pussy have you been eating anon
i did none of that, but, yes, you are acting like a woman about everything ;)
>that dismembered devastator shield smacking you like a pinball flapper
you do realize this just makes it easier to filter you
you probably dont
im thinking you stopped developing mentally at around 12
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>wonder what anons are up to, lets check /hdg/
>drama about literal trannies shitting up the thread
Same old. Same old.
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clean it up janny
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why are you replying to the attention seeking gen z-er to begin with is the real question?
You on the right.
D6 just feeels right
because first line of OP ;)
Trannies arrived at this point >>496300268
I assume the autistic overreaction to that anons autism meant that he called on xer/xis discord tranny friends.
your shitty tekken reference still isnt funny anon
he doesn't play
note how all of xis webms have the difficulty cropped out. He's also a controller subhuman so it's safe to say that he jump around with his tranny loadout on d5 or below
I legit am not any of those anons. I just want /hdg/ to escape trannycord raids.
>difficulty cropped out
anon theres been an option to toggle it in the setttings since a few patches ago
Leaked image of new automaton super weapon.
point #2
almost all of the stale webms he reposts are from before that patch
who are we being raided by? which discord? i am genuinely asking.
I think both are great, but EATs are aguably better if you have upgraded all your ship modules. They come down near instanteous and your cooldown is nothing. It can be a chore but EATs are king. Especially on bots when you see a flare come up. instant 2-3 dropships down with practically zero reload time unlike RR if you had one with you to begin with. Im an old fag who played HD1 where EATS were god tier so I am very biased. Commando rocks HL2 vibes so I like it too. Eats absolutely shine on missions where you know you will die alot like eradicate.
oh my bad
still cute
haha yeah those dramafags were pretty tasty
From your post, it seems like he plays.

well, just filter and move on i guess.
I think it's just a catchall for retarded kids who have always been a plague on this site.
That's not the spess station. That's construction scaffolding. It's going to get much bigger.
are these the same people /v/ has been calling tourists?
He's getting exactly what he wants; attention. Even if it's just negative. He wasn't loved, so now he's going to make the community suffer. Just like every other tripfag/namefag/identityfag.
Who knows. I think 'tourist' might actually be a Reverse UNO "NO U" that the discord kiddies use.
It may have had a meaning at one point, but the 2016 election was 8 years ago now. If you've been vacationing in the same spot for nearly a decade, you might as well just be a local at that point.
Why are you so afraid of a few webms and music links? You're making a nothingburger into a big personal problem for yourself. In fact, you and that other anon are shitting this thread more than he ever did.
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another victory for the White side of history
That was my first post in this thread on the matter.
I'm merely pointing out a truth; the man is a negative attention-seeker.
He is best left alone. Ignored.
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look at this and have a laugh
its also funny how he thinks changing the md5 is an epic own when all it does is make him do more work
by the way, flutenigger, i filter your filenames and filesizes as well so you'd better get back to work
Some anons friends, only a half dozen.
>nooooo this trani is getting more attention than me (another trani)!!
>i must get everyone to knowledge me!!!
it is all so tiresome...
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very nice pic
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>hes been doing this for literal years
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Can I interest you in a D10 bot lobby in these trying times?

Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age but I'm not out here trying to bully someone out of playing a game
My advice would be to just tone it back and lurk more

But he's probably going to just call me a tranny
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i tried
Mental illness lmao. But I guess he thinks this is part of who he is.
can someone explain what this is? It happened three times yesterday and I can't explain it.
mech stompies damage hitbox ricochet off your backpack
As candidate for clan leader, I would only ban him because of the obvious drama that he would bring. It's nothing personal and he could possibly be an okay dude underneath it all.
But this stupid LARP would have to come to a stop.
That's a thing? I kept getting into asian mech lobbies along with one presumable chink with a doubled rate of fire Eruptor so I guess it's possible
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well, yes

no thank you
What's the mental illness? OCD?
I know there's times when I was an outsider and hoped people would give me a chance
I'm willing to let it all be in the past and give him one too as long as he plays ball
4chan just attracts these types. It always has.
The site is still probably being spammed by a batshit insane Swedish pedophile with a botnet.
nonee, baby

thanks, but i've said multiple times that i'm not joining any clans. that was before the thread yesterday when you guys fought over thread stuff ;)
filtered this one too btw. The parameters? You'll figure it out eventually :)
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What's the optimal solo playstyle
nice nice
Can someone tell me exactly what flutefag did wrong?
It's gotta be OCD to ritualpost like this. Do you have weird intrusive habitual compulsions to post?

seek help. You will be ok if you don't post on 4chan.
disable cross play, go to galactic map, and press quickplay
it's called lovee~ baby
Avatarfagging, shitposting
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Ain't no fuckin way
Getting more attention than them. Yes, them.
>seek help. You will be ok if you don't post on 4chan
Really womanly post kek.
MGmaxx with thermites and +grenade armor and gatling/MG sentry, 500kg/napalm/walking/120 barrage/EAS for the other two
cry and piss yourself as you have patrol after patrol path into you whenever you try to do anything at all and get ragdolled over and over
also bot drop looping on objectives
this is all assuming D10 of course
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anon, why are you playing thread police like some autistic weeb?
Stop acting like one?
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not that you'd know but women don't care about men's health, flutenigger
The only correct answer. Flutefag did nothing wrong except post some music and some webms.
Just answered that question, not doing anything else.
Give it a rest, thread clown saar.
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Its peak
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GG bros
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best pic you did
sv fvcking pevk..
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we've been far too nice to arrowbotch
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oh yeah this took like 8 minutes and 3 websites to turn into a webm and delete the audio, does anyone have the updates and renamed WEBM FOR RETARDS git link?
>no difficulty just like Flutefag
drawchad were you ever able to get around to making my black machine gun man on a rock :3
>don't care about men's health
A man wouldn't say that. You should care about your health.
That was on D10 DOEBEIT
it's d10, Ranjeet
didn't he post it last thread?
>Don't act like a petty woman edition
Welp, it was good while it lasted.
it's fucking over
there wont be individual space stations, there will be just one of them and it'll be a hub we can visit and walk around in
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holy shit its fucking real

i literally don't see what's wrong with flutediver, he's clearly a little autistic but there's nothing wrong with that
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you need to stop saying "womanly" in all your posts flutetroon, it makes the samefagging a bit too obvious
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broadcasting live
on board the keeper of the stars

oh, it's real for sure

maybe first taste of refinement through helldivers and flutes and don't know how to react heh heh
>tried AC
>it's actually great
what's the catch
that wasn't me. there should be a (You) here.
but you do keep acting like one when you wish and hope these kinds of things upon another man, you know? they're calling you that for a reason ;)
He's literally retarded
it's not RR or RG, the former outperforms it significantly with a special niche and the latter outperforms it significantly by just doing everything the AC does but better
no wait found it >>496257014
my sense of time has been ass after I got home and finshed that dive from earlier.
oops forgot pic. there should be a (You) here, you know?
He's batshit insane, and not in a way I like.
sure, but so is the orbital railcannon schizo
just ignore him and filter his stuff if you dont like it. he's still keeping the game and thread alive while posting stuff he likes

the only thing i dont like about him is that he abandoned us when things got rough
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thank you so much anon i love you
You'll be the target of screechings from AMR and RG users because they still can't hold a candle despite the absurd damage buffs they got. I.e. overperform and be hated for it.
i took like a two week break and that was after all the major nerfs. if anything, i should have "quit" when they took away stun for arc thrower even earlier than the other major nerfs. i took longer breaks for the first game. i'm going to do this how i see fit, alright?
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hey drawfriend can you make one of me taking a gigantic shit all over flutetroon's face

here's a pic of me for reference (i was in a /hdg/ game with you earlier)
I know you mean well but those weapons are extremely boring to use
yeah sure im not saying you're bad im just saying that i resent that about you
do what you want lil man i still like that you come around, no idea why people get so autistic over your posts
i'm gay and trans btw idk anyone cares but i am
what's wrong with railcannon? it's like a working version of the shitty rocket pods.
i don't care if someone thinks i'm bad. you're just assuming the wrong things. i played through all those nerfs. if anything, i'm one of the who tells this thread that the they should go through those nerfs instead of complaining. i took a break for completely different reasons and ended up spending 20k on my business in that time oh man
Insane cool down time. Strafing run also kills fabricators and heavies and has five uses. Only thing it can't do is reliably hit turrets.
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>He's batshit insane, and not in a way I like.
yeah this starts to feel less funny when you realize he is genuinely mentally ill
>see this being dropped
>right down right down right down
Problem solved, sir.
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it just keeps getting funnier
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this is no laughing matter
he is a genuine fucking menace dude
show his pictures to rainbolt and see where it goes from there
>the only thing you can do is ignore them
how is this a hard concept for you drama tards to understand?
but do cooldowns actually matter with how easy the game has gotten? back when heavies appeared in far greater numbers and were tankier, like four or five months ago, three minutes were ridiculous. but now heavies like titans are very rare and die fast no matter what. I honestly feel like I get more railcannons than I need.
flutetroon its been 7 months please go and find another general
Only option is suicide
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that's not me, but i've been in that other thread for 7-8yrs ;)
they're not wrong when they call you womanly when you wish and hope for these things upon another man
>be in pubs
>guy seems to panic throwing eagle strikes and napalm
>is low level and says sorry
>dont think much of it, shit happens
>keeps doing it even when nothing else is around
>watch him punch a guy off a cliff
>"accidentally" tk him with a 500kg as the round is almost over
>he kills both guys at extract
>tries to kill me
>kill him and call everyone back down
>watch as they all shoot each other
>they just spend the next 2 mins shooting each other at extract
>guy tries to kill the other two when ship arrives with one reinforcement left
>dome him because lel
>hes host and leaves next round
i dont get it
Chaos, maybe even fun
>this could be us if we had the APC stratagem
It's called webm for lazies now. https://argorar.github.io/WebMConverter/

aight im not waiting another 20 posts
heres the new thread fags
way too much to live for
Ignore flutenigger thread.
Like what? Your anime idol "wife"? Ones and zeroes will never be able to love or reciprocate it. You will die alone, hanging from a noose after the death of idolmaster. You parents will let out a sigh of relief, knowing you will never disappoint them again.
flutetroon you might’ve been able to fool someone if it wasn’t so blatantly obvious you’re screencapping from your phone
kill yourself
In my home general we had a guy shitpost schizophrenically for five years too. He was more malicious than attentionwhoring though. He would guilt his way into a clique, flip out on them over meaningless shit or imagined shit, then shitpost and spam the thread for months straight 18+ hours a day. He'd only stop to sleep because he's a neet living off disability bux. Eventually the thread would die down so much as people retreated to discords that he'd get bored of replying to himself and would leave. Couple months later the thread picks back up again, post quality improves, and newfags show up. Then he would eventually start samefagging and saying he (in third person while claiming it wasn't him posting) wasn't that bad and it was all made up, no proofs etc. The newfags who hadn't been in the thread for his last melty wouldn't know and believe his crocodile tears, repeating the cycle. Five years. In that time he posted pictures of his asshole in a skirt, cummed on a doughnut, erp'd with at least two different minors, and repeated the cycle about 8 times (I lost count). He hasn't been around for a while which is nice. Hope he finally got the message and killed himself. It's an unfortunate fate for /vg/ that every general will have its own schizo. Flutetroon is pretty tame by those standards. If the idolmaster general is right that he is just their resident thread schizo he won't ever leave or stop unless he dies irl.
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sorry flutenigger but the voices said it’s my turn to bake a new bread
I have no troon in this fight but hijacking the OP for your little feud is subhuman behavior.
>home general
you're part of the problem
>Liberator Concussive doesn't stun chargers
Holy shit this thing is useless. What's the point of a stun effect if it doesn't affect anything larger than a brood commander?
>getting this emotional about an anonymous imageboard
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i would never tell someone to kill themselves

i'm on my phone, yeah. i see no problem with that
don’t reply to my posts schizo
Honestly, that's just what they accused you of and they're right. You even made that shit thread. That's major insecurity.

fukken lol
There is no situation in which nigger behavior is acceptable. Stop fagging out.
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Based /ourguy/
Call him womanly. He's doing all this because people kept calling him out on that.
well, there’s not much you can do about it, is there?
the shlomoid that made the flutey rage OP is also the /hg/ splitranny thought youd like to know
fukken el oh el i really like the other thread, but something like this should have been the OP, you know?
Nigger didn't even put "/hdg/" and put "hdg/", lmao.
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jesus christ you fags will really get upset over anything
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>my reaction to this: Poland, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine,......
Why are thirdworlders like this? Do they fear if they don't spam the flag of their shithole country literally everywhere no matter the context, people won't know they exist?
The siege upon Managed Democracy continues.
And I’m going to do it again. So what? ;)
kill all swedes
Flutefag mindbroke you.
I'm feel like people weren't defending because the MO. Defense are fun as fuck no mod missions.
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Holy kek, thirdies mad

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