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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496245241
only shitskins watch world first races
i want to see f1nn5ters butthole
only shitskins that think they're white complain about people enjoying the rwf
only shitskins support Liquid
i'm afraid i'm going to have to anally rape both of you.
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bro? echo is lead by a swarthy mutt
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you...DO have your void customization, right, anon?
Only shitskins give a fuck about anyone's skin color.
No my class fucking sucks for solo so I wont try it until 630 or something
If you dont have it after today youre just bad
doing it as a BM hunter was really fun, my pet got auto'd over and over again so I had to play like an idiot and use kill command very sparingly except on cocoon otherwise mittens would pull threat and die :3 :3
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>When his race starts with T
female taurens were made for human bvlls
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So, uh, we all know what's happening here, right?
Mittens no :(
I managed to do it by pre-nerf lusting with my cat, dismissing the cat, then pulling out a tank pet. The pet still died a lot but I rezzed it whenever I could.
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these people are so fucking dogshit what happened to players
>leader of the BLACK dragonflight

you just know
if he dies before cocoon you're having a really really bad time, revive pet is really risky because he can just spellqueue 2 frontals and a 'gtfo out of melee' mechanic back to back to back and then ur just fucked
a +10 now is like an old +16
Delves inflated the ilvl
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sisters... he's coming after our game next... we have to stop this!
>Almost every dragon chooses human or elf as their visage form
>this absolutely bull chooses tauren
max sisters... echo are going to wake up refreshed and kill queen before us... ion f*cked us again
Need to see her get zugged
which key
i just did an ara kara 10 we were on time, had 7 minutes left at the final boss
wipe 4 fucking times after that because of dispel totem
i was so pissed
ive yet to time a 10
I think its a combination of extremely easy loot and a fuck load of tourists trying to get their max vaults but they dont belong anywhere near mythic plus
and the death penalty is extremely punishing
She already voices at least 2 cards in hearthstone apparently
a +10 is a pre dfs4 20
but half of the dungeons are tuned so poorly they could feel like an 18 mists/necrotic or a 26 stonvault/grim batol
kek the totem blasted the melees? And yes peril is broken.

NW is so hard because of the third boss and the trash after the first boss
i feel like the dungeon is so fucking easy until stitchflesh and then you better have a good healer and a tank that doesnt suck because otherwise you got one shot at killing him with your arsenal of pickups or have fun wiping until someone leaves
pretty miserable actually
How does being visible online work with WoW? If I show offline on battle net and hop on an alt that's not in a shared guild can realID WoW friends still see I'm online?
When are we getting another sale? I want a race change.
only if they have the character added as well
but honestly grow a fucking spine bro, jfc
let me guess, resto druid healer
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if they have you on direct character friends, they can see you online or you might show up on 'quick join' for like LFG or BGs. If you want to go take a peek in Goldshire, stay online coward.
disc priest
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I always win in the end.

I always, always win. At the end of the day. When the smoke clears and all's said and done. When the chips are down and the silence dins the airspace.

I always, always win in the end.

Stay tuned.
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me rn
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Today's Pandaren word is
>[Pandaren] Om.
No, not 'om'.
>[Pandaren] Om.
Say it properly. This is a very simple Pandaren greeting, though it is typically informal and only used amongst friends and family members. Here is how you use it in a sentence:
>[Pandaren] Om nom nom nom.
Your turn, class. Repeat after me:
>[Pandaren] Om!
you think necrotic wake is a good example of an easy M+ dungeon this season? Not city or threads or city of echoes?
i meant to say ara kara in place of wake and was too lazy to correct myself
threads is hard as fuck tho
Can hunters use flare to bring out the shadow beasts in that hallowfall torch quest?
Dead thread
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Teacher, how to say you have a nice ass in panda?
Do you think you could goon it to your own toon?
Threads feel so easy to me
Is there a way to separate my characters by server? I keep my characters in separate servers for a reason.
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>>Resto druid in a M+
I'm not some FOTM sperg that changes their main every hotfix. I play what I enjoy.
Which build did you get it done on? I'm guessing warrior due to spell reflect cheese.
i did it on BM hunter anon
meant for
is there ANY specs in this game that boomblast for a few big hits instead of assaulting their target with a thousand paper cuts?
Two questions:
How did you deal with dispelling Spittle?
How did you have enough interrupts for his Regenerating Carapace considering Counter Shot has 24 sec cooldown?
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Yes. it's partially why I make them
>sindorei armor is cool
>dont want to play a b elf
disengage dispels the spittle because it has a movement impair effect on the debuff
this does mean you cant use disengage to get out of the 2 frontals and the void zone so you have to be on your toes to move asap if they spawn under you
they changed the spell queue on the boss so he only casts the heal as often as you can kick it (every 24 second minimum, but was usually more like 30). This is a class-by-class change afaik
the biggest annoyance was that he just oneshots mittens, you have to change your rotation heavily to not use as many pet-attacks on the boss
there are videos out there of ppl doing it on bm
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>they changed the spell queue on the boss so he only casts the heal as often as you can kick it (every 24 second minimum, but was usually more like 30). This is a class-by-class change afaik
I'm playing a DK and every spec this has been a major issue. Even with improved interrupt putting it at 12 seconds (the exact same CD as Regenerating Carapace itself) it's still being cast back to back.
The movement impair removal doesn't work for DKs either. At least not with pic rel.
As a tank bursting down the egg/add is extremely difficult depending on RNG. If the boss has a frontal or fear anywhere near the egg that eats up too much time for doing damage to the egg, thus it hatched with 50% more hp.

It's real shitshow as melee right now and I don't know if I can do it.
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why do I always have 5 of these? is there a daily cap of 5
You have to just let spittle go through and find a way to either negate it or heal through it with Brann or whatever. You can't kick both that and the heal, it's impossible.
Melee get giga fucked on the fight. I don't really know how you keep the boss in melee (because if he's at range and cones you, gl getting out of it in 0.2 seconds) whilst dealing with the spider cocoons.
I died a bunch of times as BM just being too far away from the boss absentmindedly, or going out to range to avoid the fear circle, and then getting frontalled because the cone is so wide after ~7 yards.
I'm not sure was destruction warlock looks like these days but that was one of the last ones with huge chaos bolts.

Almost every class and spec work the same way now, everyone plays a builder spender system where you spam rapid fire small attacks into a slightly bigger attack.
I spent about 4 hours trying to get it done before I gave up. My best attempt was 50% in phase 2, but then I got eaten by an invisible slam for 24 million damage.
I think this one might be a challenge I have to do on an alt, sadly.
Are there any WoW characters who know theyre in a video game?
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Time to dust off and level my old hunter.
is there any point in doing the major and minor keyflame events
I beat it with spell reflect cheese but the fight is literally retarded and badly designed. That anon the other day was right when he said that the devs who designed content like mage tower are long gone and the current incompetent devs don't know how to design anything so this retarded zekvir fight is their idea of a "challenge", a boss that can kill you in 2 melee hits with RNG crits, has an RNG spell queue system, RNG where he points his attacks to you or brann, RNG where the egg spawns, on his timers, everything.
In all of my attempts brann would die during phase 2 every single time and you had a limited amounts of seconds before it's game over from that point. That's just dumb.
It's weekly. If you get more than that you might be hitting a daily cap that paces the catchup mechanic
lmao she only spawns for like 20mins a day gl huntard
Warriors should have Lust
Ev*ker burst is pretty strong
Is it just me or is the viewership for this world race kinda shit.
>do stonevault
>wipe on 1st hallway
this always happen lol
i shidded....
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Little reminder he's coming back for the goblin raid.
at this rate, paladins will get it before they do

just kick the fear
Why don't pet battles drop mythic track gear?
any warmode bros know what the deal is with unbound spoils? only ever seen one
10 man raids
dunno, saw it for the 1st time today
>Heroic Silken Court just got nerfed into the ground

This raid was already easy, what the fuck lol
Just one shot zekvir or whatever it's name was, heh wasn't really paying attention. But yeah, gg 2ez heh.
You can't change pvp gear to tier with the catalyst right?
game needs a dual-wielding pistol spec
you can

its the only way to get pvp tier
do it on ??
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check out the liquid stream, they know they're fucked tomorrow if they don't kill it today.
they just nerfed shit for lower sized groups though which is good. difference between big group vs small group pre nerf was ridiculous
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Be vewy vewy quiet I'm hunting wabbits!!
Is it worth doing if I'm a casul pve player? I'm basically just getting one hero piece a week from the vault and this week I got a shitty 1h weapon.
>yeah lets nerf the boss so max can kill it
They did the same for liquid during vault
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its over for me
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the wife
Hero gear is super easy to get
still haven't boughted expac
you a bitch
so i'm 1500 cr
and a victory gives me 10 rating
and a loss gives me 5
i thought 1600 was meant to be free?
also why is every bg blitz I queue into filled with rivals/glads/0.5% RBGers? is there no MMR reset between seasons???
>guy in the background
>guy in the background
>guy in the background
>women in front
>character model clearly female
>pronouns: he/him
What is up with RPers
>SL loading screen
>All the women are on the left side(alive)
>All the men are on the right (evil, dead)
its free if you know the game in shuffle
you probably dont
thats ok, come back to complain after a 1000 games
bgblitz is a complete cointoss unless you're a rogue
>Blue at the bottom
>Red on top
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blitz is a complete rng diceroll if you're not playing a class that can solo carry, there's literally no difference between a 2k and a 1500 game
that also means that losing or winning streaks, which are completely outside of your control, can tank or pump up your mmr massively while your rating barely moves - so you get dumb shit like people with 1k rating landing in 2.2k matches or glads getting dumped into elo hell
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>there are people ITT who wouldn't rape picrel (Yes, MY picrel)
yep, top tier sluts right there
Silken Court got nerfed into only needing one tether and pugs STILL cant handle it lol
in my guild we just ignore the mechanic in phase 3 and use every personal defensive possible and just win, it's easy once you stop trying to do mechanics properly
no, they cant even handle it in phase 1 lol
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I will try to pug it tomorrow
i want to make sweet consensual love to her while looking into those beautiful shining eyes
PB % of echo and liquid?
We need more 10m cds like lust imo.
scrap that, idgaf, is there a hidden mythic phase or just compounding bs mechanics?
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Just solo'd a tier10 delve without losing any lives and feeling good, what am I in for?
unironically a good question
I need to see her rape Anduin already
thank god holy
Frost DK
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bear druid is too hard
enjoy getting coned when you go kill the add lol
kino mog
Flex was a mistake.
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Xalatah is Dimensius
its supposed to be. it has ironfur and barkskin
bro you can't play anything if bear is hard for you
Xal'atath is Dimensius' onahole at most
I want this to be canon
shit was so free i wish i wouldve progged it the first week so i didnt have to go back next week for the skip quest
the fight is so much easier than ovi or kyveza
You can supress snares will deaths advance right?
Premium Orcbait
maybe 2007 ret
if you can figure out a swing timer addon
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Ethereal ret paladins
Xalatath is Azeroths evil void corrupted side. Anveena is her good half.
They'll hug and merge in Midnight.
Wraith walk can ya, death's advance is for knockbacks and stuff
imagine for a second, dimensius' preparing his 10 light year long void cock after meeting Xal'atath in her new elf form.
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What does season maximum mean? Surely it doesn't mean I can brick my gear because I wasted upgrade points, right?
I'm going to be real anon, you can only kill zekvir ?? If you class can remove the dot with another skill like priests with fade, hunter with disengage or ret with freedom.
sis it presses like 4 buttons and most of them dont even require you to be in melee. i think their spenders even light up when its time to press them
If you spend them all you die in real life
youre bricked, reroll
You get 90(?) allotted new crests every week the season goes on but you also don't really brick anything because you have free upgrades when bringing gear back up to that level.
word, im spending like it's going out of style. ty.
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any hpalchads running 10s in here?
i cant get invited on ret and prot is too dependent on healers in pugs also people dont want to invite prot either but its slightly better than my invite % on ret
for whatever fucking reason the bis trinket for all three specs is the fucking sac brood and the ovinaxx egg i won week 1 is a tier for holy
i played holy all through SL in m+ so im fairly acquainted with the spec
do you get invites to 10s easy or what, how does it feel?
one of the tubers i watched says he prefers it in groups over pres so it cant be that bad as far as throughput goes
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i miss her
honestly idc I'm sure there's easier specs than bear but as a prot warr any tank that can turn its back on mobs for a fraction of a second without dying is cheating and that's all other tanks and that includes bear so bear is piss easy
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Why did they make her Death Knight design so generic
I'm going to give it some tries, it feels doable I just have to play perfectly.
Just wish repairs were free, ouch.
all 4 of the new horsemen have generic dk npc armour, guess it just wasn't important to them
You can run out of valorstones though anon you really can brick progress for yourself if you upgrade the wrong stuff. It'll just be a waste of stones
any warriors here? is it true they stealth fixed spell reflect to no longer work on the fear on zekvir tier ?? in phase 2?
valorstones are infinitely farmable
Wait, really? I spent all my valorstones fully upgrading my honor pvp gear, how bricked am I
Post what you're listening to while playing worlo right now.

I'll start:
Dimensius can't compete with Grug [Level 1 Orc Peon]
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>leave game
>have to relog troon.net client because it disconnects me and never reconnects again
look at it. this is what they took from you.
It's over. Reroll
That anon's a retard, they're free, I'd have like 10k just from running M+ if there wasn't a cap.
>watch ozzy LIVE AT BLIZZCON
isnt that the blizzcon they're going to announce cataclysm at?
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Knowing where they came from. Based.
You can't even spell reflect the dot skill anymore they patched that out sadly
idk how true that is, dont see it in patch notes
you deserve a brick to the head
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I'm afking the play right now and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
>delver main signs up for my m+
no thanks lmao
honestly yea
It makes more sense for Warriors to have lust then fucking Hunters.
what has fucking happened
i can not get invited to 9s
I just tried it it doesn't work. you can still spell reflect his AoE fear for some reason but you still get feared and it does a ton of dmg anyway.
I'm just letting youtube pick dumb shit for me.
Seems to have moved onto Death Battle music.
Will say though, as whatever as most of it is, this one playing while I was doing Mythic Dawnbreaker's first boss was absolutely banging.
We all agreed on the discord to not invite you.
>1 piece away from 4set
>I bricked my silk early in the week because I thought I didn't have any

its over for me....
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I this a good io score?
If I see you with any delve gear in my M+, youre gone
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remember when?
>list +7 mists
>97 applications after 1 min
>list +7 siege, the shittiest dungeon (or is it grim?)
>over 60 applications after 1 min
>maybe 4 tanks in each case, rest is dps
How do you live like this dpsissies? You will never be invited unless overgeared + io + fotm
Do you run your own key all day? Play entirely with friends?
we talking same fear the void one in p2 with the orbs? i know the regular fear doesnt really work
thanks for testing btw
fat slut
literally about to give up and start the pvp season early
its miserable
i cant get invited at all on ret
its a fucking joke
when i tank i do more overall than anyone i run with
im losing my fucking mind honestly
Luck I guess? I finished my 8s pugging and I'm from a meme server.

Shut up you filthy predator
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this is what the average rogue player looks like
Least shitty tank in war mode/bgs?
No wonder they never talk to me
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ive had it
im literally just going to start joining peoples keys and instantly leave when the key starts
if ion wants to play this fucking game
im in
i want to see how many niggers i can get to quit this fucking game
This is a man
Organic posts
Right now you have 10 poors (2000-2400 io at 610-615, no mythic gear) for every rich fuck (2000-2400 io at 620+, raiding mythic). Both still want some dungeon trinkets etc, tons of runs going on.
Basically most good groups won’t invite somebody with no mythic gear when all you need to wait is 30 seconds for aomeone with ilvl impossible to reach for heroic/m+ only dude.
tldr raid mythic
i got ksm and now i just raidlog unless friends wanna push keys
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>tfw no werecat skin for cat form
i met one in a m+
they were like 614ilvl and they were doing 500k dps overall, that's tank dps
>push keys
you're a nobody
unironically it would be interesting to see how many groups you fuck up before getting banned
keep a record of it, and let us know how it goes, I believe in you anon
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>bdk runs in
>dies instantly
I did that once and felt bad about it
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Guys, I think I'm soft quitting the game. I just don't have a lot of interest playing any of the content

Been there, done that.
I don't like wiping and wiping and wiping to clear content. It's just not fun to me.
Too hard. I'm sorry but it's true. They are way too hard and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I just don't feel like getting better at the game to progress.

What do you guys think I should do?
>almost dies and then heals himself to full 4 times in ten seconds
i dont know if im supposed to heal these guys or not
why the fuck would you design a tank class like this
If a blood dk dies it is their fault like 99% of the time
Giga heal them until they have 10 boner shield charges
You can focus them at the start of a pull then occasional throw hots on them but usually they self sustain outside of extreme damage. You can get a RP tracker for them.
whyd you link some random eceleb
We still laugh at you in discord btw
bearbros how do you not get your asshole ripped out at start of pull?
You shouldn't laugh at other people
Is frost dk supposed to do 99.9% of their damage within cooldown windows?
Go in with barksin or instincts running
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Please understand this is all he has
Shitting on people who play a game that he hates
thats the first cute goat ive ever seen
Me and my best friend Brann delving
You have so many defensives, fuckin use one of em instead of squirreling them away for ???
Also talent into curse dispel, holy shit why don’t you do this you dumb animal
holy shit.. that nelf is taking it like a queen
isnt ret meta?
Holy milkers
you know those buttons you have? you press one of them
Press incarn(ation)
>holy shit.. that nelf is taking it like a queen
Yeah, it's really hot. We thought it'd be more fun if the nelf was powerbottoming Bea with a vine around her neck and leg locking her in
>isnt ret meta?
Nah. It’s decent but not great, and ret playerbase is the least skilled in the game so you don’t invite lfg rets.
disc priests were classically a great partner for blood dks for this reason but i imagine that shit doesn't matter anymore
same io as everyone who applies to my keys
Fellow engineers, what did you put your points into when you're at this point of the tree? Absolutely 0 points in Devices by the way. I also don't have points into Inventor's Necessity's in the Equipment tab.
every druid tank I've had does this. gibbed in about 1.2 seconds flat. BDK at least has the excuse that they're basically invincible if they survive the first 10 seconds. had a paladin tank who basically needed no healing constantly crying about how much he sucked and apologizing to me for taking so much damage, pointing out my 600k HPS on the meters and saying its his fault I needed to heal so much.
that pala is 100% a powerbottom
I went 40/40 for parts because then you can make yourself 3star parts without conc. After that I would go back to Inventor's
currently throwing in mercenary mode for my faction suck it niggers
whats the mage of melee?
high mobility
tons of defensives
low amount of rotational abilities/offensive cds
optional: cdr on big cooldown/way to proc mini uses of the cooldown
My favorite mechanic of the Zek'vir fight is brann leaving the room to do nothing and yelling at me to not stand in shit while he does nothing but jerk off outside.
Fucking useless faggot dwarf
did TWW save wow?
wait so if im capped on crests for the season am i just stuck at 611 ilvl
The fear bug his ass 90% of the time
WW monk kinda sounds like that
no df did, tww is just the encore
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Cool, stalking!
Man, that'd mean something if I ever talked myself up on high content, played heavily obsessive extents or even was my main who isn't much better anyway.
Cool, I'll just do that. I didn't know you could make tier 3 parts with maxed out 40/40.
bricked account
>a daily cap that paces the catchup mechanic
jew bullshit
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what id give to be her toilet for a day
>9k more kills for "of the horde title"
kind of hard during a BG bonus week
due to pre made groups
rogue obviously
ww is trash
>prune class to make it easier
>then slowly gut class because you pruned it making it easier
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thoughts on holy pally?
never understood why people who are playing a fantasy game choose to play male human

how boring is your life
post your cool character
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>never understood why people who are playing a fantasy game choose to play male human

>how boring is your life
Commit and be a blood elf
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male humans are cute and good
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tomorrow I +7 siege and start climbing.
>spends 19 hours per day shitting up a video game board talking about sex
>doesn't push any sort of content
>uses it as an excuse

get the fuck outta here
How was WoD regarded before the drought kicked in? Did people like the content when it was all still fresh?
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Got a 10 done... I don't want to m+ anymore
Feel free to take a look back a couple weeks and point out how much I post and what about.
Stop making up scenarios in your head, you silly idiot.
Highmaul was liked but I fucking hated it
Meh dungeons
That was it until brf, one of the best raids
Nothing till hfc it was cool
Horrible expansion overall
>Brann will try to kill Zek'vir and not do shit every time instead of kicking the spider which dies instantly every time he manages it
Brann bronzebeard is the most retarded niggerfaggot dwarf in all of Azeroth
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give me attention you gooners
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Grizzly hills... home....
Honestly you should take it easy until you're 620+
i love you mommy
I feel like i'm a bad person when i play pure dps classes, except for warlock
do you guys think retail wow would be better if it was the only blizzard game?
rogue but you have like 4 offensive cds
people liked BRD
people complained about professions being gutted
people complained about some of the ability pruning
garrisons were enjoyed at first but people began to feel a bit lonely being isolated in them
garrison mission stuff was hated and compared to facebook farmville timed dailies
people thought trashran sucked even compared to troll barad and wintergrasp

dungeons were fine, if unremarkable. people hated the train and would often ditch the group if they got it
people liked highmaul (i found it boring)
people liked BRF (i liked this raid a lot)

oh and I remember people whined like CRAZY about cho'gall being a secret final phase in Highmaul mythic
Become an rpGAWD
my wife xally'toes
TWW theme song
Oh and forgot to add: people really enjoyed the questing and zones at the start. Some people in my guild who normally hated levelling characters said they actually enjoyed levelling for the first time since vanilla
One thing i liked about wod was all the treasures in the zones having a little story behind them. And then we only got generic rng treasures in legion and bfa but now we get a mix of unique and rng treasure at least
Take a break until November or mid-november.
What kind you want?
what class are you mini gamers main?
fury warrior here
also horde racial's rework when?
fuck you
fuck mythic raiders
fuck ion
i actually forgot wod introduced the treasures
or was it mop?
Can't decide gnome hunter or rogue, how is Outlaw rogue doing?
Mop introduced those treasures yes.
my main is a night elf druid. tried dwarf pally but the animations are horrible. human paladin is iconic as fuck in fantasy settings.
Good for minigames
i lucked into the tailoring and jc blue quality tools, both of which im heavily invested in so i went goggs/tools
I wonder why gnome is BIS warrior for pvp
when humans get free stats
Human knights are iconic. Paladins are only iconic if you do surface level fantasy that never expands beyond dnd and as paladins make it clear they're elite.
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dh but ww is much better right now
dh will get a buff in a few weeks tho so keep your eyes peeled for that
yeah nah

In Warcraft, paladins are closer to a knight than warriors are. Warriors are dumb berserkers, nothing noble about them.
What is the coolest passive
and why is it titans grip?
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its literally not worth
i feel like im working a job
i hate myself unironically
but i hate the community more
i wish you all were fucking dead
literally every last one of you
Paladins rely too much on the light to be knights and until blizzard jammed vikings down warriors throats they could fit the knight niche via arms
what delves you avoid ?
for me its the scavenger hunt one
deciding between outlaw rogue and dh
how much annoying forced movement does dh have?
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you cant move. you need gnome racial to be able to hit anything. even as a gnome you're spending significant amounts of time rooted/90% slowed, as a human you're basically fucked.

wow pvp is degenerating extremely fast, in a few seasons it's just not going to be a functional game mode anymore. the cc mobility arms race got out of control in DF and has only gotten worse since.
Kobold delves. Underkeep if it's that one with the ice turrets
>caring about someone elses happy minimalism
What are you, a woman?
Titan's grip looks RETARDED and has outlived it's novelty since wrath
you play momentum instead of inertia in pvp and you're going to stack momentum just getting on target so practically none\
if you want to do a max dam opener youll burn your retreat before you pop meta whereas in pve you retreat into meta but you really just send that shit before you dash to target in pvp
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it looks cool depending on the race / gender of the character
i dont pvp
escape artist lets you actually play the game if the enemy has mass slows/roots
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i'm not going for the 4th slot. would rather melt.
>end of WoD
>titan's grip has completely worn out it's welcome and novelty, average warrior clamoring for one handers/SMF to be better
>legion gets announced and hits
>fury warrior artifact is double two handers instead of one handers
This cemented titan's grip being blizzard's one and only vision of fury warrior. We are literally stuck in this purgatory forever.
>haha m+ is so fun guys, I really like it
well then you're playing inertia and you will use your mobility to do damage
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in an LFR with a Guardian Druid Healer
>Titan's grip looks RETARDED and has outlived it's novelty since wrath
agreed, single minded looks so much better it's fucking cringe that 2 2h is still pushed so hard
i wish they stopped having SMF on the talent tree
just let me mog into 1handers, it's not that hard
I hope they announce a huge warrior rework
for anniversary patch
make every thing base line and bring back stance dance
Yes huge rework but is not in the ptr lmao
It's week 2, it's fucking hard and gamers are toxic. Understandable people are stressed.

If a person isn't a raider, they should chill a bit as people figure things out better.
why is my girlfriend in stormwind...
t. nathanos
>Expansion intrinsically linked to Shadow Priests
>Worst spec in the game
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she's anduin's girlfriend now, sorry danuser
you guys do know
sylvanas is a rotting corpse right?
very grim
On her way to Silvermoon actually. She swung by to grab that minx Valeera.
She's been pristinely grey for more than 20 years, if she were rotting she'd be in a far worse state.
she is perfectly preserved
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she's not rotting. her type of undeath has her skin be unnaturally strong in fact.

but she would be cold
>EU hours
>people defending fucking corpses
so glad EU whites die out by 2100
good riddance
why, so you have more corpses to fuck ya disgusting degen?
Is there a reason my flight occasionally just decides to lock into being elevated until I look down like 30-40 degrees more?
maybe start with +6 instead
uh, what are they doing to poor valeera?
I wonder how well this game is doing
would adding it to game pass save it?
Horde sleeper agent training via seducing other women. And also maybe Liadrin gets too wrapped up and impregnates Valeera. Wouldn't be that out of place for her to have a belf child
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tanking is too scary
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>be male holy priest
>female spirit
Humiliation ritual.
If you so much as think about touching water you need to remount or else your mount auto levels out
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>if you can't handle getting trained by 3 orc warriors and 3 orc dks, you can't even heal in pvp where they're busted either
Probably only place they're fun to play is in arenas, idk
I +2d two sixes should have been three. I could explain the mechanics of all dungeons to the braindead dmg players in my sleep. I hunger for digits.
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What killed the hype?
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>small "family" guild
>gray parsers never shut the fuck on comms
every raid I get close to the /gquit but i know if i do ill just quit the game entirely because finding a consistent AOTC guild is hard.
Worse, I need to do a full reload.
Good to know I guess, will stop touching water...
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>And also maybe Liadrin gets too wrapped up and impregnates Valeera. Wouldn't be that out of place for her to have a belf child
how would a woman impregnate another woman?
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>if you can't handle getting trained by 3 orc warriors and 3 orc dks
Honestly its not even the boss fights. You get a group that knows the 2 mechanics for each fight and you're chilling. Didn't even wipe on the elemental boss in stonevaults +5 even though they kept killing the spawns too quickly.

No, the problem is the trash pulls. I've had way more wipes on trash than on bosses.
how would you fix mini games?
First I would buff anti heals
and bring back mana drain spells
why is max so wound up about killing the boss tonight, echo arent even close and still wont be close 12 hours from now theyre barely even getting into p3
Belf magic and the light.
what is your bench PR and favorite class/race?
275 bench here
also orc warrior
legion gear templates. I don't want to grind for pvp gear I want to just jump in.
999999999999999999999999999999999999999 bench
vulpera priest
remove all pvp gear, gear now comes from pve
Nerfs happened 3 hours ago or so. Some slight ones but a lot more realistic to advance. It's also going on day 12 or w/e now man.
they hugely nerfed P3 just a few hours ago
What is the point of holy priest
oh LMAO devs trying to hand deliver wf to echo again?
minigamer healer
if the augvoker is dealing more damage than you then idk what to even say.....
party shouldn't be allowed on pvp zone/World quest pvp
T. getting deleted in a 1V3
they nerfed it as Echo went to bed, Max has had basically most of the day with the nerfed version but they can't manage it
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easy fix is make quest not completable when in a party like they do when you are in a raid group
Im pugging queen and one of our healers is trans, what should I say
the nerf isnt substantial enough to make the boss 1 shotable, its enough to force the guild(s) (liquid) to retool their entire p3 strat
so now liquid spend the next 4 hours doing that while echo get to sleep and yoink the new strat, this nerf is quite obviously advantageous for echo when they were previously SIGNIFICANTLY behind on prog
You can't heal your balls back, or your parents to love you again.
loudly announce to the entire raid that you are transphobic and that you will not be healed by a tranny. Tell the raid leader that one of you is to be kicked, make his choice.
Hey! Don't talk about fury like that!
Fyi if you are running a raid and the server shuts down on the loot draw even if you roll a hundred and a disconnected (troller) makes it so the roll doesn't finalize prior to the server shut down. You will log back in without the the item at all. If you file a ticket the GM won't reimburse you and basically insult you. Even if you roll a 100 on the item. They will admit you got the item and won't give it to you, on the premise that the offline character might have won the roll (that they didn't roll for) and that there is no proof otherwise you won it.

(Protip offlines lose out because they are trolling). So to the gm that said this bullshit to me, if win an item, you won't get it because they don't care. All they do is prolong the roll-timer. And if there is any question, to someone who didnt roll because they were trolling, they don't get punished for it either.

Guess what, there was more than one roll an obvious tier piece item that was mine ALSO. (which is reasonable because in this case, the guy didn't roll and also didn't log off) (my roll was literal 96)--just to not see who gets it. I won, but the offline guy still was included in this one too.

It was no contest that I won these much needed rolls. You as a GM said somehow, the offline guy that wasn't there that would have won. And initiating a surprise server restart just so I would not get the item in time is another lowlife bullshit thing you did I am not bringing up.

Btw let's not talk about the bullshit favoritism that occurs when I win something only for some troll to miraculous match the roll and get priority for it everytime, when infact he doesn't need the item.

I hope you die in a terrible car crash and they replace you with yet another piece of shit just like you, actually. I don't have any sympathy for you/ Especially when you demand people be so polite with each other. 10/10 you fucking bitch.To put it politely. Die. I hate you.
is the leader of that group a tauren enhance shaman?
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What is your dumbest Warcraft opinion?
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>play archon s priest in raid
>its just ok. have to play real well to be on par with others
>meanwhile void weaver, THE s priest class fantasy hero talents, are even worse in all content

i havent felt this insulted since they nerfed power infusion because it was to paraphrase it, "too good on other classes", not even on priests themselves. and also nerfing mass dispel
Loudly announce you're transphobic and leave during a pull
acrhon is cooler than voidweaver though
it has emphasis on mindflay insanity and halo, the two abilites that were core to shadow before the legion reworked raped the spec so hard they had to revert most of it come shadowlands launch
Sylvanas has found a new calling in life as a dentist. She is examining Valeera for cavities while her assistant prepares for Valeera's teeth cleaning.
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so is the hallowfall elf dude a tranny?
>>496314307 for you >>496312042
>existed for a single expansion
>after killing cata's cool shadow design because talbadar raped everyone too hard in minigames
Zek'vir being able to do a full 90 degree angle before unleashing his shockwave and catching me directly in the middle of it is criminal.
by the power of the light all things are possible
>>existed for a single expansion
I distinctly remember using mfi and halo in both MoP and WoD
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Allow model mods and/or add in way more customizations. Let every race be every class at this point, idgaf. Let us do everything with Alliance and Horde unless in Warmode and figure out a way to buff warmode. Add in somesort of behavior score so I can find friendly people to try to befriend.

Prob from best to worst ideas.
WoD never existed ok
What made me laugh the most was he claw smash shockwave literally doesn't even show the visual effect until halfway through the cast time. Not a problem if you're staring directly at his cast bar at all times, but when you're on the other side of the room killing an egg and zekvir is fighting brann and does a random 360 spin to shockwave you, you're dead by the time you see it.
Whoever worked on this fight really deserves a few bricks dropped on their head.
Max has dry hair
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I think the average WoW player is now too dumb to handle heroic Queen
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no way
yea it looks cool but its not fun or engaging to play. pressing halo once a minute so you can get a feedback loop of MFI into more DP into more MFI. its just making me press two buttons more.

that vs getting to move while casting void torrent, shooting a black hole every 30 seconds, banking my mind blasts to get the maximum dmg, and it has a cool animation.
I think belves should be alliance
why do people that started playing in later expansions try so hard to act like they know the 'lore'? just tell people you don't care about it and they'll respect you more
Kael'thas should return
you have to say "whats up with this dude's voice?" and feign ignorance until it gets really really uncomfortable
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Would you tickle a very cute n funney pandas tummy, wowg? hahaha!!
stop shoving action figures up your ass
where should i level my earthen?
it's still funny the main reason belves went to horse is because they needed a "pretty" race hahaha
being able to use void torrent while moving would be very nice I agree, it's very cringe having to cancel it due to a swirlie spawning under you that will literally one shot you if you don't move
i don't care about the lore
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why would i do m+ if i can solo delves?
Dark Iron dwarves should've been horde
on a mount flying around the world
apparently you can just fly around EK and Kalimdor exploring to level them fast
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>playing with cute vulpera
>also a cute 'pera
>cant stop thinking about our 'peras tickling and sniffing each others paws
Freudian slip?
Elves enjoy horses, this is well known.
Can anyone explain to me why the Bel'ameth zone exists gameplay wise?
Male kultiran tummies were custom built to be my pillow
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Reminder that the void blimp is irrelephant now that Zek'vir has been nerfed
reminder that i'm about to say the n word
Its been irrelevant ever since pre nerf brann
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Are there any more main questlines after I finish this zone? Or is that it? Are we still in the 1st patch of this game? Please help out your local elf mage.
That sucks for me because my guild is filled with average players. God she's so pretty. I love her so much!
remember to go to the reputation NPCs on all your alts if you have medium renown or higher
you get hundreds of flightstones, multiple delve keys, lots of low-level crests, makes the early gearing a total breeze :3
>decide to play rogue, outlaw
>slice and dice and blade flurry still exist
>go back to my main
many such cases!
It's irrelevant because it's ugly
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Blue moonkin WHEN
There's another five questlines post spider city that set up for the next story update
yeah there is the max level campaign
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do people actually give a fuck about how many orders someone has done? do people take it into account when deciding a crafter? lol?
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mythic dungeons should not award gear higher than the current raid tier on normal diff. same for delves. instead, they should award fomo cosmetics, titles, etc.
pvp items, rating, and arena should not exist at all. battlegrounds as a minigame are fine, as is world pvp, and those should also award fomo cosmetics, titles, etc.
all roads should lead to raiding, and raiding should be the focus of the end-game. each raid in a given expansion should include one or two 'chase' trinkets or off-pieces that are highly desirable or BIS for the entire expansion to keep people doing weekly clears of all current-expansion raid content.
Well if he's done 30k orders and nobody is warnin you against using him then he probably consistently 5 stars his shit
i will never serve
What will Azeroth look like?
Milfy, forsworn, with a void voice effect but the cadence of a titan.
I play world of warcraft vicariously through streamers while i afk in dornogal!
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Thanks! Have some ass as payment.
Transgender black man in a wheelchair
I mean, they should have personal lust.
Slayer kinda has it in form of speeding up attacks.
she looks like she fucks human men
Evoker fits the best
U charge up shit and then boom!
Otherwise it's elem on single target. Cast beefy meatballs and then release all power with earth shock.
And then there are destruction lock and combustion mage on single target as well
But evoker fits the best
Shame its tranny coded
You quiite literally spam one aoe button and cycle through mitigation CDs. What the fuck?
Xaltath is Invalidus
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reminder that wow is the king of mmos
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>We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

>Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.

>We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.
What a chud
He's actually a huge socialist
>we joined the alliance because they're the good guys
Pretty based
So are some patron orders meant to be a funny joke by the devs?
Or is this another case of "hmm this works on my test environment where i can just spawn in materials so it's fine, ship it!".
>helf wannabe talking about not doing something out of convenience
>when that is the helf MO
Kind even get that right
According to Raider IO Holy Paladins are second most popular healer in M+ 10 and higher keys (after RShammy).
Frankly, Blizzard are retarded for putting so much casts to kick, curses and poisons In the dungeons.
RShammy is the only healer that has a counter for everything.
Wait slow down, i need to write this down
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when are we putting these people against the wall?
i'm not giving you 10k to push a button
>Every Heroic Queen listing rn asking for AOTC is lead by a guy without AOTC

Yeah most blacksmithing patron orders feel like a joke
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>Make your own group
>Ask for whatever you want
>People still sign up
out of all the nu OC allied race leaders (even if he is co-leader under Alleria) Umbric is the only one with even some semblance of a character desu
Nah he's a libertarian. Either way it's funny he joined up with the monarchist
>is it malicious intent or gross incompetence?
It's hard to tell with blizzard but i lean towards incompetence.
gyatt damn what a tight little ass
What are they killing her to?
im doing delves are a blood bdk knight and its fun and good!
Hopefully Rise Against
I need cheering up badly and I dont know how to.
My battlestation of ten years toasted, Its almost like having a friend die.
That computer was refuge and bright spot for some of the worst years of my life. Its parts, carefully chosen for how well they worked together are now totally incompatible with modern replacements so rebuilding it is practically impossible. Have to start over almost completely. I even managed to hang onto windows 7 till now.

I'm like non-functionally morose about, done almost nothing for nearly a week. Looking at parts for a new rig just makes me sad. And I can't really afford much anyway, blew most of what I had trying to revive the old one cus I though it was a bad gpu at first but it turns out the motherboard is almost certainly fried

One minute I was playing WoW and then I let my roommate use my gpu to troubleshoot his own pc issues and then my whole machine was non-responsive.
Is everything gone or only the gpu?
echo is really shameless in their strat copying huh
thats like a floor of 2 million unique characters running ulduar if every single person in the raid is uploading logs seperately.
>babby with one day head start and boss nerfed mid their progression time is talking about fairplay
The only thing a head start accomplishes in a raid that takes 2 weeks to clear is giving NA the opportunity to beta test the bosses and come up with strats so that EU can have easy kills.
how do i get a weapon upgrade? i've been stuck with 580 weapons for 2 weeks now. haven't found a single upgrade in the vault, bountifuls, weekly chests, heroics, nothing. i cant start doing my mythics because my weapons are so fucking pitiful and i cant seem to get any upgrades to drop
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im bouta say a cuss word y'all
all doors lead to war mode
Just let horde hang out at Stormwind at this point
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>So, Anon, what are your hobbies?
psu is gone, fails it self test
gpu is probably gone but I can't know for sure, mobo throws gpu error for three cards I know are dead, the current card which might be dead and two new cards which are probably not dead, I RMAd the first cus I though I got a doa gpu, but I just dont know.

I suspect the pex controller is gone.
the ram on the board may or may not be damaged, I dont get dimm errors but It was really slow the last time it turned on, after I reinstalled my card.

the cpu is probably still good, however its a 4960x i7 socket lga 2011 from 2014, literally the best commercial cpu when I bought it, but now the only mobos with that socket are chinese no name brands and dual socket servers

I have a 2060 super tht might be dead, a 3050 replacement card thats probably good. 64 gigs of 1333 DDR4 that may or may not be damaged an ancient 3.6ghz hex core thats probably good but has no board and I dont actually know if its good cus I have **nothing** compatible to test it in.
>Potion costs gold
>Mana is free
Why the fuck should i spend gold instead of the healer just doing her job.
will probably happen soon enough
alliance will be hanging out in silvermoon next expansion anyway
eat the free juv pots the game showers you with
Only if Silvermoon's skipped
>healthstones are also free
take the green pill
i fucking suck at, and have no desire to do, pvp. any other options?
t. nelf
that's the best part, you don't have to engage in pvp at all, that's why all doors lead to war mode
I managed as ret, try it if you have one
t. fem human
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Why do human men look the most heroic?
I'm 588, what level of content can I do?
whats the benefit of being in warmode then? does it up the rewards of world quests or something?
tier 4 delves and world quests
wiping in pugs
no you just get free bloody tokens and conquest for opening chests which get you free weapons
do you agree?
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What a good way to start the weekend
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Thoughts on my gf's elf?
Velf actually. I miss the green
will pure pve shitters ever recover?
is it an article suggesting blizzard should change its expansion formula after it already changed its expansion formula?
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>my main spec is ret pally but it's ilvl is a bit too low for m+ right now
>start doing m0 and m+ as prot & holy depending on my mood whilst putting my loot specialization to ret
>tfw nobody in dungeons has asked me why my tank/healer weapons are so much lower in ilvl
feels good
Your dude looks like a stoner cosplayer wearing a wig of his favourite elf character.
>modern blizzard GMs insult you
>old blizzard GMs did your college math work
epic reddit repost
>4 new zones
>8 new dungeons
>4 new renown reputations
>new endgame feature
yeah anon the formula is TOTALLY different this time it's totally not just the same as the last 3 expansions
>sunfury arcane
I wish those subhuman fotm reroller niggers would kill themselves already
How dares a mage main to do that... one who reached the pinnacle of PvP on every spec every expansion...
were dracthyrs a mistake?
if you think we have it so bad with wow then go play ffxiv

>3 new tiny areas with absolutely fuckall activities to do in them
>6 new linear hallway dungeons where you're limited in how big the pulls you can do are so all of them take 40 minutes to do and are easy as fuck
>no rep grind
>no endgame features
Just play XIV if you want a dumbed down shitpost of a game.
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>i'm not giving you 10k to push a button
you can only push the button a few times a week. if you don't pay up someone else gladly will before the crafter's concentration hits cap. go back to farming mats, gathercuck.
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Don't you get tired of Stormwind having to be rebuilt yet another time after the Horde partied hard?
Why does marsupial plus start at 2 and not 1
You can absolutely push gear crafting buttons infinite times a week if you are given rank 3 mats. You don't need concentration to redeem crafting orders.
Stop talking about things of which you know nothing about.
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name a bigger chad
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Remember glyphs?
remember artificial lag back in vanilla - mop?
league of legends ass system
i got it from twitter, actually
Bring back the heart of azeroth but without the grind
5% extra pyroblast damage? HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIT
link to tweet? I need to tell him to fuck off
Built like man, will be a man but everyone will pretend he's a woman. He'll be a bald white dude.
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There should be a spec where a 500 pound black woman sits on my face and diarrheas
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>You can absolutely push gear crafting buttons infinite times a week if you are given rank 3 mats
no one wants to do that with the price of mats, and even if you do it's not possible for every recipe.
>You don't need concentration to redeem crafting orders.
Never said you do, it's just that everyone wants R5 and there are many recipes that can't hit R5 without concentration.
>Stop talking about things of which you know nothing about.
I do crafting orders with engineering and blacksmithing all the time and made a ton of gold with engineering in early access, I know plenty about what I'm talking about.
WoW devs don't play the game.
The Indian intern who programmed the system asked chatGPT to make it so reagents don't get provided most of the time without thinking of the consequences or testing it.
Why do you write retarded shit?
>Do you see it? A stone to call back the darkness...
>looks literally like a man
>ah I'm gonna lust over this male figure... I'm gooooning!
man these "world class" raiders are so shit
if i could clone myself i'd get every WF done in less than 12 hours, every single time, no sweat
If you are specced into the item (in this example, the basic cloak)
and you are given rank 3 materials + r3 missive + r3 embellishment
You can do it infinitely. No concentration required.
Shut up shut up shut up!!!! Your affix sucks balls
Death Knight's having Death and Decay fearing anyone every second caught in it.
Not overpowered and broken at all.
>Why is an Heroic class stronger than the others? I don't get it at all. PLS NERF
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how do i heal blood dk knights
you let them heal themselves, if they die it's their own fault
you don't and beg for prot warriors or prot pallys
Grats on needing one of the items that doesn't need concentration then. You should have told the crafter they won't need to use concentration as there's no reason not to craft it if that's the case. If they still said no just go find another crafter lmao
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Is Pshero (rogue god) /ourguy/?
Unless they have the heal absorb from recently popping Purgatory, you don't. They heal themselves.
>why did the queen ansurek start to learn python?
>she wanted to improve her web design

why python and not css?
My pug tanks have proven otherwise
I fucking hate bdks in pugs pls help
I did end up finding someone else, but crafters as a whole need to be put up against the wall, they ask for absurd fees sometimes
I lost respect for him when he started talking about wanting to emigrate to the US.
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Remember a random youtuber did it better
Install OmniCD so you can keep an eye on their defensives. If they're going into big trash pulls without DRW then at least you'll know why they're falling over.
It honestly looks so good. Wish wow had devs that could actually make cool armor like this instead this weird cartoony blocky shit they come up with for most armor.
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>just make your own group
oh okay then
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damn I got 4 of these
Just play with your friends?
Is there any point where she mentions you if you're a shadow priest and your time together or what? At any time?
try making it for a dungeon that people don't hate
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>she didn't pick paladin or druid for tanking/healing
ngmi sis
i dont have any friends
>just completely break the game's style
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Hey, gang. How's tricks?
i cant decide what keystone I have
my paladin is for pvp, maybe I should give my druid a chance to do more than just hit rocks with a pickaxe
still nobody has signed up btw, how exactly am i meant to start doing keys? i get rejected over and over, told to make my own key, go make my own key, nobody signs up, ???
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Undead druids WHEN
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she's already forgotten about you bro... you were but one of many...
nah I think the official one is better and truer to the original set.
Join a guild or community and make some.
where am i meant to start then?????
a history of glyphs from wod to dragonflight
>glyphs are a system where you get 3 major glyphs and 3 minor glyphs
>remove it
>add artifacts, a system where you get 3 major relics and 3 minor relics
>remove it
>add azerite gear, a system where loot gives you 3 major powers and 3 minor powers
>remove it
>add soulbinds, a system where you get 3 major conduits and 3 minor conduits
>remove it

the end of an era
NW is chill. Only siege and grim are actively avoided
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Any AD EU scrubs here? I wanna try out (and deplete) some m+
t. dumb clueless newbie
Don't forget each time they removed it they also said "yup we hear you this system sucks" before repeating the same problem again. They've never learned a lesson.
Don't say that. She was and is still my knaifu.
Stonevault is a joke tho
theres even a cheese spot for duo boss where you only dodge the frontal and ignore all else
>from wod to dragonflight
Weren't they first introduced in Wrath?
>turning xal into a bimbo
Pox upon ye and ye family
>play monk as i used to play dk
>mission tables
>borrowed power reskinned endlessly
>raid tiers that lasted forever
>class design in the trash bin
>stories that made no sense
>tranny+ being the only end game content

WoD through SL was truly the dark ages of WoW. I don't even respect legion enough to put a disclaimer about it in there. literally just 4 dog shit expansions in a row.
I wish I was a fish
i liked how much gold I could milk out of legion especially :3
very glub
I liked sl healing - good balance between healing and dps, none of the healing endless rot bullshit and „why even bother dpsing when you’re 2% overall”
I also think torghast was genuinely more interesting than delves, people just disliked the setting and ambience. Delves are completely, 100% brainless with the same 5 mobs across all of them (only with different models), side objectives that are pointless (wow 300 bran xp) and buffs that might well not exist. The only good thing about it is that end bosses are okay and the welfare gear they provide.
Didn’t much like almost all else in SL, admittedly. Zereth Mortis was cool tho
There was nothing wrong with torghast design, it was just terribly frustrating that it was required to be done as part of some time gated FOMO bullshit.
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Heh... link to this tweet? I need to rape her so she never posts again.... heh heh.....
unless theyre near death and out of runic power, theyre fine
tier 8 delves
The void is what I call my asshole haha
so how exactly are the socially inept faggots that give a shit about mythics coping now that no normal people have to deal with them and are just delvechads now? gear just as good without having to deal with the looney troon rants from mythicfags
i did all 4 delves, I got to 600 item level, I even got a delver's bounty, and I still get declined and nobody joins the group that i make
Should I pick a tier piece from the vault even if it is the same ilvl as what I got (or even 7 levels lower), or just go purely on ilvl and pick like a neck (which would be +29 ilvls). I have two tokens to convert shit to tier also.
Torghast was so much better than Delves. They downgraded from a full-fledged roguelike to a handful of tiny dungeons. The problem was it didn't give loot like Delves and Visions.

>gear just as good
Delve items go up to 626, M+ items go up to 639.
do more tier 8 delves
Anybody wanna do some M+? Whisper me
>still nobody has signed up btw, how exactly am i meant to start doing keys? i get rejected over and over, told to make my own key, go make my own key, nobody signs up, ???
play a tank or healer or if you're on eu join this https://www.no-pressure.eu/
Join a guild or community and make friends. People will play with you no matter what if you're in their guild. It's that simple bro. Networking is a skill in this game. If you're just gonna sit in the group finder all day as a 0 rio lone DPS, nobody will pick you, because they have 2k pumpers applying to the same keys.

Depends how many tier pieces you already have and how many other sources of gear are available to you this week. The safe bet is to do Heroic raid and exhaust all your coffer keys before making a decision. Don't do what I did and catalyze a random piece only to receive that piece for free from the raid.
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Evokers didn't need to be added
>600 ilvl can’t find a group for +2
Is it over for me when I’m 590? I could switch to resto I guess
link to tweet?
Did they remove clipping from Dev Evoker yet?
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>have a 20% win rate in RBG blitz
the only common factor between all of these games is me but surely i'm not so shit that i'm personally responsible for all of those losses, right?
legion gets a pass because it was new and novel. all of the glaring issues were thought to be growing pains, not intended features that blizz would double down on

legion to tww is 5 expansions and barely anything has changed. the biggest changes are the removal of content. shits stagnated since legion. vanilla to mop was 5 expansions and think how much the game changed then
Just be maintenance for them, throw a heal or two when their health is hanging beneath 50%. Any over heal they do gets turned into barrier. It also helps to be a disc or resto healer. in which case throw on shields and dots and chill.
Monks and DKs were good, DH and evokers are cringe and gay
Why does warstomp have a cast time
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>primordial wave actually copies tempest and not just lightning bolt
>every tempest cleaves on every target
>this combo deals like 20 million damage all by itself
>legion to tww is 5 expansions and barely anything has changed
Nah. Legion to SL was more of the same slop, DF overhauled and improved everything, TWW is just DF 1.5
i hate paladings so much in RBGs it's unreal
why are these faggots even crying that pala is shit, it's strong as fuck and unkillable 1v1
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>life doesn't matter, there is no god, good or evil, you're just a hairless ape due to a cosmic accident on a spinning space-rock
>so just do whatever you want to lol #fuckit #yolo
<but don't you heckin' dare be racist!
my level 1 tauren rapist would be too overpowered otherwise
TanQueen mogs Snowmixy
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works on my machine
we still have a sense of right and wrong even if good and evil are invented concepts and there isn't any divine authority imparting a moral code onto us.
I thought primordial wave only copies lava burst?
Do any of the reps give access to a champion belt? Half my gear is HC but my belt is still a shitty vet one, and a better one refuses to drop
Assembly of the Deeps. Renown 19.
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I don't have mental energy to level and play another character, i have lv80 retri and destro but it's even worse than frost so i will suffer on dk
I don't play enhance but I think for enhance it copies lightning bolt
>trying to find a grim batol group
man fuck your mists of titty sykes
>friend keeps leveling fucking alts every day all day
No idea how they can do that. I have 3 80's that I actually use for stuff and a character at 76 that I just cannot be fucked with leveling.
which class/spec has this huge aoe interrupt/stun knock up ability? i was just in a dungeon with someone that had it and it was so fucking amazing for trash packs. the dungeon run had a bm hunter, aug evoker, outlaw rogue, prot paladin and a resto druid
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We're gaming now
why haven't you left it
>miss a few days and get behind on main
>am now banished to the realm of low io players and shitters for all eternity
why is this game more punishing and demanding than my 130k engineering career
i think the evoker
It was joever after the 2nd wipe anon
i now want an evoker in every single run
TWW is good
We're so back
disgusting class in rbgs that you can't kill
shaman can also aoe knockup and aoe stun
Dracthyr's tail swipe
you can do it every 90s or 45s with the appropriate talent but it's getting nerfed a bit in the next patch
tanking is surprisingly easy as a prot paladin why aren't more people doing this for the fast queues?
because toxic sperglords get filtered and ejected IRL unless they incredibly useful to the company. In WoW they just keep festering and reinforcing each other because there is not profit at stake. Turbo-Autists always gain undue influence in online games because they are willing to spend more time and effort on them than anyone well adjusted. They guy willing to waste his entire life on rust always wins eventually, in the same vein the guy who spends his entire life playing WoW sets the trends for pve simply because he is in way more groups than you are and the transient nature of M+ groups means his pattern of autistic obsessiveness is never properly identified and so it persists and spreads.

Tryhard pve is inherently toxic as fuck because it rewards the most obsessive player
technically the hunter also could have specced into the new high-explosive trap that knocks up instead of away
Its the augvoker casting his AoE empower spell
I forget whats its called by it knocks a larger area based on charge level and has a very short CD, like 30 seconds
damn evoker sounds kinda fun
>Sod gets tank warlocks, shaman and rogues, and healer mages
>We get fetish dragonshit
It's not fair....
shaman tank is pretty fun too
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Id fucking kill for tank warlock in retail
thats just a dh
pre-draenor demo is enough
DK, monk and DH were enough, evokers are just a vector for faggotry
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pugs are too much right now
>get into key
>something happens
>everyone leaves
rio showing depletes is the reason this happens
if depletes were invis no one would leave
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I demand more elf bimbos
nah. the inherent nature of keystones is what makes pugging m+ a brutal survival of the fittest
>want to do a normal raid
>apply to group
>get declined due to being low ilvl/off meta spec
>"fuck your autistic meta ill make my own group with low ilvl off meta specs"
>eventually make a group and kill some bosses
>want to do a m+7 mists
>key isnt +7
>key isnt mists
>cant make a group
>forced to apply, and compete against, 10 trillion other niggers applying to +7 mists
>keyholders have no reason not to pick the most autistic elite highest ilvl meta specs out of the 10 trillion applicants
>never get into a group
>could try to level up your own +2 key, but everyone else has a +2 key and is trying to level their own key, why would they join your key?

also irl jobs have resumes and interviews before getting a job. you cant vet pugs as well as a potential employee. half the complaints about "tryhard m+ toxicity" are the equivalent of middle school dropouts crying that they cant get hired to be the ceo or boomer tier "back in my day all it took was a firm handshake" complaints
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>we got fucking evoker before warden as a class
They both look inbred lmao
would've been boring and sucked
+10 mists becomes an 11 Siege.
11 Siege becomes 10 Wake.
10 Wake becomes 11 Siege.
11 Siege becomes 10 mists.
10 Mists becomes 11 Wake.
11 Wake becomes 10 Siege............

ION I bought the pig you bastard.
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>POV: you are a human male entering Quel'thalas in Midnight
>rio showing depletes is the reason this happens
no. nobody cares about this. nobody looks people up to see their deplete count. have you ever done that and declined someone for having too many depleted keys?? who the fuck actually does that?

the real reason for leavers is that nobody needs gear or crests anymore. champ 8/8 is the same as hero 4/6. same ilvl, same crest requirement. the only reason to do m+ is score. bricking a key wont give you more score, so why stay in the group?

you need to do something all autists fear. you need to SPEAK UP. ASK A QUESTION. TALK. ask your group if youre doing the key for completion or score. if people are only doing it for score and you want completion, find another group
this guy gets it

plus the new affix heavily discourages wipes so if it happens most people assume the keys fucked
okay i have some question since i didn't really played sl and dragonflight
is arms warrior fun
is fire mage fun
can you tell me about evoker
outlaw and sub rogue
and finally shadow priest
>the only reason to do m+ is score
And fun! (=・ω・=)
i like how this can literally be solved by you playing a tank or a healer (preferrably tank as then you're the one that is de facto in charge of the group, leading the way, controlling the route and pace etc. yada yada blah blah)
god damn the guardian druid talent tree is frustrating. sooooo many 2 point talents at branching junctions, and buffs that should probably be mid tree 1 pointers are 2 point sinks in the bottom row.

god this shit pisses me off. the fact that like 50/50 of the top players are all using the exact same identical build says a lot about the build diversity
come home white man
>prot pally has multiple options and talent choices for whether you want more damage, survivability or utility
>blood dk has multiple options as well and a plethora of talent choices for damage and survivability
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Complaining about Unholy being better than Frost DK at any point of the game
is this bait
slow class for autists who begrudgingly wont change spec, fury is more fun to play. sometimes arms is better dps than fury (think its better single target right now) but is largely a forgotten spec you rarely see people play
fire mage is either ok or fotm best spec in the game. right now is arcanes time to shine but fire is alright
looks gay and furry in a bad way so i never played one. aug is good in m+ because its the only support spec
sub is good right now but all rogue specs suffer from being extremely clunky
shadow priest is really fun but is pretty bad dps. itll get sweeping +10-20% buffs to abilities paired with random nerfs to psychic link every week until its good again
>is arms warrior fun
>is fire mage fun
worst specs

>can you tell me about evoker

>outlaw and sub rogue

>and finally shadow priest
worst spec
>join key
>leader is 20+ ilvl below anyone else
>join normal raid
>leader is literally in greens
why can they see my ilvl but not vice versa in group finder, let me set minimum ilvl too
furries have fur it's in the name
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no, i'm serious about this
>throwing anus: the class™
get raidio bro
lmao at you, """meta"""slave.
>akshully niggers arent black, theyre brown!
shut up faggot
There's a massive difference between
>good and evil are invented concepts
>there is no good and evil, only my proscribed regulations and shibboleths on what you can or cannot do and can or cannot say under the mask of political ideology and absolute authority
because the former acknowledges and respects humanity while the latter does not
question to those in the know, does this qualify as extremely low quality post?
Been leveling a subtlety rogue, kinda fun ngl.
Twirling and stabbing is pretty cool
>doing something only to make a funny number go up
Jesus, even the most deranged rating chasing pvpers aren't this mazed.
thanks anon I'll just respec to tank rogue, why didn't I think of that
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>Warcraft 2 movie/reforged never ever
They'll never do it since DH is the demon meta tank
piss and shart all you want but dragons have scales and not furs
yore uh fagit lol
You need the number to go up so that you can do raids.
You need to do raids so you can do the numbers up next game and get into those raids.
That's literally the game. The gameplay loop is growing a big enough asshole that your raider leader overlords will notice you and want to buttfuck you, that IS world of warcraft and has been since vanilla.
Nogames world pvp, roleplayers and other assorted shitters exist only to marvel at the awesomeness of the glorious raidmazer and to provide the upward threat of obsolesence, not unlike poorfags, shitskins, and the unemployed homeless IRL do for the working class.
Mist of Pandaria was the best expansion for one reason and one reason only.
ya symbiosis was pretty cool i miss it too
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>His smile and optimism
each night....I dream of Panda Girl....
A vivid delight....in black and white...
Panda girl...
could you be so real?
Your world...is everything I need to feeeeel.
Each day without my Panda girl...
I wish it away...I wish it away...
Panda girl....
Could you be so real? Your world....is everything I need to feel...
Having read Last Guardian recently, movie Khadgar and Lothar are kind of shit. Also I have no idea how Doomhammer could take down Gul'dan in the movie canon, not only did Gul'dan stay in power even after being outed as a scumbag but he wasn't linked with Medivh when the man died, so he never went into a coma which was the whole reason Doomhammer could fuck up the Shadow Council.
You can't do WC2, you have to do a timeskip to WC3 and kind of handwave the events of WC2 with a vague orcs lost somehow and are now prisoners backstory.
do you actually think m+ score gets you raid spots in real guilds? Lmfao
>just doing the world first race
>just doing the world first race
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Pandaren... In MY Horde!?
they call me...the Panda Exterminator....
>dragons wearing dresses pretending to be women
god I miss Onyxia and her massive fake shapeshift milkers
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family reunion
and then they add earthen to the horde lmao
there are a lot of wildhammer dwarf and high elf npcs walking around dornogal and yet they still not playable outside of cope customization options
pretty funny
No you get the m+ score to numbers go up so that you go numbers up in the raid pugs and then get aotc fast so you get picked up by a bad raid guild and do split runs for the good raid guild until they notice you senpai DUMMY BAKA
the playable earthen reveal is still cringe comedy. Yeah no new class or unique race this expac have a 3rds type of dwarf you fucking idiots. You all like dwarves right?
He personally welcomed them, that's on him.
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high elves in midnight
trust in metzen
there's no reason why did should be a separate race and not a dwarf custom option, there's no reason why void, blood, and high elf shouldn't all be one race with free faction select and customization options, there's no reason why mag'har orcs should be a separate race to orcs, there's no reason why kul'tirans shouldn't be a customization option for human along with the other human nationalities, etc etc etc
stop trying to pokemon the races of azeroth you altfags
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i'm not afraid to say the N word
how to kiss panda gf? panda gf mouth is too big...
Would you guys recommend getting into wow in 2024 as a solo player?

I've played Destiny 2 before but it I think wow would scratch the mmo itch better
theres rewards at 2k and 2.5k points so yeah duh of course people are chasing rating. going beyond that is retarded
red shirt guy does have a point with them being explicitly included and labeled like that
if it's not in midnight then it will probably be never ever
>have to relog troon.net client because it disconnects me and never reconnects again
Pro tip: you can reconnect manually by opening "chats and groups" and then clicking the button. You can thank me later.
Wait until the last patch of the expansion is announced. You only have one expansion worth of content now, old leveling content has been rendered non-existant since Shadowlands apparently so I'm told.
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im bald
5 4
bad teeth
skinny fat
what is the spec/race for me
Depending on if she's a mistweaver monk or subtlety rogue you'll have to change your strat
i have never seen a pandaren rogue
bearded females for all races when
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oxhorn is a relic of when the internet was good
by modern standards hes a giga faggot fedora tipping redditor furry but back then he was legitimately an alpha male. the epitome of guy you wanted to be
i wish we could go back
I have never seen a subtlety rogue
I kek'd x2
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alliance is so real for that
It is strange how there are both these high elf magi as well as the silver covenant forces present, along with the wildhammer dwarves.
Would not surprise me if they do a big race update with Midnight and merge a lot of races.
playing wow as a solo player is the equivalent of playing destiny to do public events. theres no good solo content
>blizz nerfs boss just as echo is waking up
>this is advantageous to echo
>blizz nerfs boss with liquit having 7 hours of raiding left and echo is asleep
>this is advantageous to echo
were there even ever that many pandaren in the game?
drop in the bucket compared to the blood elf problem
yeah I thought about that too
like a one whole race for all dwarf customizations, or thalassian race
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Well, Jaina isn't using the 'human' model either, she has her own. The kul'tiran model isn't supposed to be kul tiran only, that is only for the player character, since you can find that model from other humans not from Kul Tiras.
I think mountsmogscheevos people are kind of silly, especially those running arthas on 20 characters for a virtual horse, but they're still better off than m+ sweats who do literally nothing but m+ all day (except possibly those who make a living off of it on twitch or whatever)
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>Alleria is a void elf but not a /void elf/

Does this retard not realise Umbric is also their co-leader, like Fareeya and Turalyon for the Lightforged?
yeah bro everyone realises it
it's just a funny tweet
Imagine walking up to jaina and ripping her wargear off her to expose the standard human female body underneath... loktar I am becoming horney
die gooner fucking kill your self
zug zug motherfucker
Imagine walking up to Varian and pledging your allegiance to the alliance.. By Tyr I am becoming zealous
you literally have nobody else to blame but yourself for not picking a hybrid class that can spec dps/tank or dps/heal
prot paly has a fucking horrificly annoying rotation and active mit. it actually makes me want to chop off my fingers maintaining a 4 second duration buff that takes 3 GCDs to build up to. not to mention a good chunk of its passive damage reduction is tied to a 5x5 jail cell of an aoe you need to maintain every 10 seconds. for me to love paladin again, its needs some quality of life. SotR up to like 6-8 seconds, consecrate autocast like what ret has, maybe add holy power gen back to avengers shield. i like their defensive cooldown kit for the most part, they have good utility and acceptable mobility, and i fucking LOVE the aesthetic and the class mount (i actually have all 3 types of dwarf paladins to 80 cause i like all the ram mounts, that is my autism). but the core rotation is just so unfun im keeping my paladin on ice until they address it.

blood is fun but i dont like the lack of mobility, feels like my group is always getting impatient while my slow ass is trundling through the instance. i also think the rotation is just a bit too cumbersome. nowhere near as bad as prot paly, but i just dont like that we need 2 builder strikes like unholy instead of just 1 like frost, especially with how flaccid and limp heart strike feels just in terms of damage and runic power generation. i hate spamming abilities that you can barely tell you pushed a button, a problem i previously had with unholys death coil, though their new tree rework addressed that

just for clarity, i do have every tank at 80 and up to at least ilvl 580-590
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he can crit?
I'm not pledging my allegiance to faggot paladins 1 and 2
I can understand and*in but what's wrong with turalyon?
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what is this? what are you doing, arathor?
suceeding you, liadrin...
i've mained rogue for my entire time playing this game, maybe it's not my fault but is actually the game just being dogshit?
>retard discovers that low haste kind of sucks on tanks, same as on every class
it's literally always the case on expansion launch
still 'avin a giggle at retards who thought we were going to BWL for the anniversary
Need a cute nelfie friend for my velf...
I don't think Arator would kill his dad's mistress desu
i shidded....
well yea im cooked, I'm relying on RNG for a clear, which is doable but not really fun. I guess hoping for mage tower experience twice was too much.

literally who thought this
yeah I spelled his name wrong
haste doesnt reduce the number of buttons you need to push, it just increases the speed at which you need to push them
I just dont like him
The lack of a "utility" role in the so called holy triad has damaged World of Warcraft design more than possibly anything else in the game.
1 tank, 1 healer, 1 utility, 2 dps should be the lineup of roles
Arcane Mage, Survival Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Balance Druid, and the Tinker class with 1 DPS spec and 2 utility specs.
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