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DEI Orcs edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496288693
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>see female goblin
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post blood elf rap and other kino
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kill all mages
roundhouse kick mages
behead all mages
stab all mages to death
remove all mages.
I did my first dungeons today. That is without npcs, with actual people. I was scared as well bc I've seen how this community can get so I was coming in with a ton of anxiety But honestly it was totally fine; I'm sure this isn't the same as a Raid or even heroic dungeon but I think I did alright and none was toxic at any point.

As a bonus, I also did my first battleground today, I have no idea what was going on lmao but ig we won??
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Logging in
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post her
Kargath you must return to Draenor! You must protect us while we escape through all of these portals Kargath! Kargath come soon you have to stop the Alliance they're killing the baby dragons! Kargaaaaaath!
Avoid Ragnaros, Quel'thalas and Proudmoore players and youll be fine
Happy to see you got your start
what is it about khadgar and kargath
what if retri but fun
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*only applies if you're NA
EU-Ragnaros is fine, it's just a normal server
for EU be wary of Sanguino and Pozzodell'Eternita, and be sceptical of Russians. They're either elite gamers or totally useless, no inbetween.
What's up with Proudmoore anyway? EU Chad here so don't know the NA server lore other than Ragnaros/Quel'thalas being jajajaland
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Are holy priests?
step on me pleasee
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god I love alleria
that's not DEI, that's just cool
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Is there any way to hide this Favourites dropdown? I don't want to use the stupid campfire scene, it looks bad. Yet this stupid shit takes up a bunch of space on my select screen
Proudmoore is a mental illness containment zone for fags, furries, trains, and whatever else they like to pull under their umbrella.
Alliance dominated so horde is a no-go in case you dont mind the freakshow.
There's been an uptick of "M+ is toxic, people are flaming every dungeon, people getting kicked left and right" posts on this sub lately, and I want to offer an alternative viewpoint.

Right out of the gate, I'm not trying to insinuate that toxicity doesn't exist, there are some jerks out there that are just miserable and want to take it out on others.

That being said, the VAST majority of runs start and finish with at worst nothing being said at all, and at best people joking around and having a good time. No one gets flamed, no one gets kicked, no one rages. The group goes in, does the content without a hitch (or a few small ones), and every goes on their merry way.

The game is not nearly as toxic as Reddit and the WoW forums would make it seem, and I don't want people to be discouraged from playing certain types of content because they get their gameview from forums (where people go to predominantly complain).
this is a hordebitch falseflag by the way
you generally wont encounter toxicity much until you end up in mythic+ or heroic raids or rated pvp.....well actually any pvp really.

normal and heroic dungeons are all generally chill and understood to be people leveling up, learning the content, gearing fresh characters, etc, so you usually dont see too many issues there. you also dont tend to see too much toxicity in normal raids if you are going in with a guild or premade. raid finder can be a bit iffy, the dificulty is very low but you need to know the mechanics so as not to botch raidwide mechanics, though i think they've toned down on succeed or wipe mechanics for every player in a raid since dragonflight.

if you're going to encounter toxicity, 90% of it is going to be in mythic+ or pvp, barring the occasional asshole who just has a stick up their ass and is going to make it somebody elses problem that day
>Divine hymn takes 7.5 (Seven point 5) seconds to do what evokers can do in one global
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>the blood elf with the orc mask
kek, everytime

Anyway the only real gripes here IMO are:

>diaper gnomes (literal humiliation race, no-one asked for this joke of a allied race)
>void elves instead of high elves (had to have been done out of spite after like 20 years of people asking for high elves)
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ah, so Moon Guard/Argent Dawn but without the small bits of RP creativity? sounds like a real treat
often times toxicity is worse in the normal/heroic dungeons desu, people sometimes initiate vote kicks for the fun of it and the lemmings just click yes
>the VAST majority of runs start and finish with at worst nothing being said at all, and at best people joking around and having a good time.

only if everybody knows the mechanics, the routes, doesnt fuck up their dps, already has a respectable ilvl.

shit gets toxic real quick if anyones underperforming or still progging in any area. m+ has no patience for learning.
my paladin looks just like this
The game isn't as loudly toxic as LoL but it has an innate, silent cancer to it that permeates on pretty much every level. You have no choice but to become one with the cancer because your options are to be part of the M+/Raid retard treadmill or get flung into the shitter ghetto along with all the other shitters forever. Nobody needs to be overtly toxic for this to happen, the social system of WoW enforces these community norms on its own.
I actually like mechagnomes, good race that fits the Alliance
I think the main problem is that in counterpart they gave vulperas to the Horde to even increase faction imbalance
if you're doing normal/heroic dungeons when mythics are out that means you're a shitter, if you're doing LFR that means you're a shitter, enjoy living in the shithole that is the shitter table where the game has ZERO gameplay value at all for all time.
farding out cum
i dont know where moonguard gets its reputation. if you stay clear of goldshire, i have never encountered mental illness in 4 years of being on there on alliance. it really does a good job of containing itself to guild chats or dedicated RP sleaze pits
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VDH bros... we have fallen
>i dont know where moonguard gets its reputation
memes, the DNA of the soul
>his character just spawned at level 80 ilvl 610

how much was that boost?
is 50k per hour shit farm?
mining/herbalism gives 80-100k (with moderate null stone luck) when you're specced out to what the max is right now so yes
its okay. 25-50 is about average without doing anything special like market manipulation or refining
They're both watching their Night elf wives getting owned by trolls by the way
Its decent
>EU /wowg/ guild
do they accept complete new players?
>he didn't get to level 80 ilvl 610 BEFORE mythics came out
you lack commitment to being good at the game and validating the norms of the community
stay a shitter, shitter
where to farm for max efficiency and what spec should I go after max bismuth; also why the fuck is the nullstone dropping that much, was 7k reset day
>Ummmmmmmmmmmm, tank? Growl didn't say pull those in his youtube guide...
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always knew the draenei were demon infiltrators
I warned everyone, but did anyone listen?
miners needed 2 null stones for their quest
the weekly gathering quests will spike demand briefly
and also i think a new spark so people were crafting more stuff but im not sure on that
it wont drop much more for a little bit, i promise
>watching echo stream
>preach comes on
Yup, it's mute time.
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>the mists weak aura doesn't kick in until you've done 3-4 rooms already
Just yell at the healer for not solving it
maybe you need to take a step back and read up the post chain.

we're talking about a guy who literally played his first dungeon today
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why dont you like Norf, anon?
Yes! Join us anon
>not watching scripe
theres one that works really fucking well but no ones sharing it and all the top ones on wago are from '22-'23
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My knight and her demon boyfriend!
but i'm the tank and i want to solve it quickly

this is the one i'm using: https://wago.io/04YHZsxIO

but even the weakaura page itself mentions that it won't work until the first 3-ish rooms have been done already
>Azeroth waking up destroys the planet killing everybody
>She cums so hard we all come back to life
>Also she has really big boobs
>The end
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>watching scripe
>the "european"
shant be doing that, id rather watch m*x unironically
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Azeroth is imprisoned by the titans
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what are the tanky tanks I should prioritize in pugs? bears and warriors?
I avoid dh (they pull 15 seconds ahead of the group and die) + dk (untrustworthy in pugs) and know nothing about brew and pally
i like the uh female orc from northrend who showed up in tww
it was cool seeing characters like her and danath/kurdran
pref seeing older characters than new danuser OC shits
you know that she's going to be a black woman played by debra wilson
Female humans canonically fart in the tub
>get bismuth gives full null stones unlock
>never get a drop again
>get tons of null stone shards from the other ore nodes
Thanks RNG.
>look at top hpal on rio
>to no surprise its ellesmere
>this dumb faggot is using a strength enchant on his chest
what did he mean by this??
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draenei should get new heritage armor
>import the WA cause apparently it's helpful
>it doesn't even trigger until multiple rooms in
>it's stationary and doesn't move with you so if you don't position and memorize it as soon as you enter a new room it's useless
>clogs your entire screen
>doesn't help on the boss fight at all
This WA sucks why would people recommend this?
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I will as soon as I'm done playing through past expansions to catch up on all this deep danuser lore that I missed
My draenei looks like this
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what is this on the left
cant fall if you never climbed out of the hole
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>still getting dc if you double space bar with your mount in a wall
nice game valve
hol up nvm guilds are now region wide
what are servers even there for anymore
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I agree, it seems like a waste otherwise to have these characters in the past and then they're just left in the dust.
More variety per heritage based on armor types would be a step in the right direction.
this is now a conspiracy because the exact same thing happened to me - as soon as I fully unlocked bismuth I have hardly seen a null stone
Troll bait
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Iridikron who is made entirely out of turds
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Now that the dust has settled, was he right?
The goblins say that the horde should continue to allow every race into their faction
why is he on the the last titan logo
Flames to lick at your heels.
I kinda want to RP dungeons n shit bros.
He was in titan jail until razageth bailed him out
>nothing is more threating than the arthas
we saw his masters in tft i hate retards like this
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I have never struggled like I have against brood twister heroic. what's the secret? even if you do the eggs right this dude shits out so much raid damage
>baby raider lmao
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hey guys you shouldn't leave after the first boss in a dungeon that's rude
post more of your draenei
war most tanky
dh most dps
guardian is ok but them being tanky is a meme and they get anihilated agaisnt bosses
Deathwing's world impact and fight kinda blows this out of the water.
Nelves > Humans > Belves > Draenei > Shit > everything else
fastest leveling strat for a class that can't use the earthen exploration cheese?
>nothing more threatening than arthas
That smells so much like "oh, I only played the undead campaign". The Burning Legion (and Sargeras) was always the endgame threat in Warcraft.
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Are moonkin
Nelves are so fucking boring I don't understand you noggenfoggers who adore them.
Belves are supreme in every single aspect
do it on reset and the quality of the group will skyrocket
what's the most autistic thing you have done ig?
I have 35 characters in from of the eye raid trying to get ashes of alar mount
I prefer playing as (male) Belves. This is just a coom ranking.
nobody actually expected we would have a chance against sargeras
people thought it would be an end of wow event
blame challengers peril
you take 5 deaths at the start of the dungeon youre almost guaranteeing youll die 5 more and at that point the key is bricked
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No one but autistic belf mains think belves are better than nelves
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no it was heroic mists and we killed the boss in no time
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Now that the dust has settled, what are your honest thoughts on the dracthyr?
Scalie furryshit pandering that further ruined the game.
belves are slender and sexier
Fine and serviceable, their visages look awful, I don't really care about them as a whole but not to a point of being bothered by their presence.
>3D """"artist"""""
>turns everything into a shiny, glossy mess
why are they like this
If I see one out in the open I will attack it without hesititation
aug should have been a tank spec
Sorry I was just filled with so much RAGE at imaging a Dracthyr in front of me.
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he Lutece twins
Hideous race with a great class and great racial passive
are season heroics harder than the pre season ones?

i seem to remember the heroics being much easier before the season started, like pull the whole dungeon without taking damage easy
total dragon death means TOTAL dragon death
Both inferior to trolls.
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There you go.
Both have their aesthetic and thematic strengths.
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so do the fixes make san'layn blood actually worth playing or is it still dogshit next to exterminate?
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Too slutty?
Please please please step on me
they just made the numbers better instead of fixing the problems with it's design, so no
yeah they bumped up ilvl requirements as well as dungeon drops, heroics are the equivalent of pre s4 DF mythic 0s, while current mythic0s are the old +10s
>bitch expects me so solve a puzzle
kiss yourself!
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bless you
>finally decide to see if I can do the delves with the best gear
>do the +8 on my first try
kinda neat I guess that I can get upgrades from these now
delves are easy. they are gear dispensers
This is true. That dude needs to get off reddit. I had some sweatlord going off on everyone in random bgs, I told him to cry about it and moved on.

When did people turn into such pussies?
>don't play dragonflight
>roll a new alt in tww
>game tells me to go to dragon isles
>it's a total shithole
>everything in shambles
>supposed to meet wrathion, get some gay flightless retard instead
this place sucks
>he doesn't like videogames
why are you here?
to shitpost and complain about games I've never played before. Problem?
>156 derby marks
I hope they change the marks again because this is going to take like a year to get all the rewards
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I love this draenei
I wish there was an AI slop report option. I hope you get fucking banned because I am so tired of seeing your stupid bullshit every fucking thread with no spoiler.
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Jarring, disgusting to look at, should have never made it to the game.
>Move to Moonguard in DF
>Spend all of DF there
>Have seen 3 guilds disband over drama
>Most of population I have interacted with is degens or trans or both
>Got in shit in the RP circle for calling someone a fag in VC
>get introduced to weird desperate fuckers
>watch drama around ToA/SCA etc.
>90% of MG players have been terrible at the game

Bro, coming from a content based background, this has been a wild ride.
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uh oh troony melty
same reason we're all here, we don't like video games
So it's just like any other server.
>better proportions
>dont have man hands
>dont have softball calves
>dont have shoulders wider than hips
>have nice, and nicely groomed feet
>have nicer ears
>pretty green eyes
the choice is simple, retard
nelves might be better if they didn't have weird claw feet
not slutty enough
give me a moment
ill show you too slutty
liquidshart sisterbrothers, why isn’t the boss dead already? how many days headstart do we need?
do femdrae like subservient velfies...
>dungeon mechanic mindcontrols a random player
>instantly start using all my cleaves
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need something more to your liking? big burly dwarfs? orcs?
What's the design issue?
t. Clueless retard
I didn't have those experiences back in the day when I first started WoW. And definitely not with some of the other realms I play on when I came back.
I too hate seeing high quality art of sexy women, fellow faggot
>Hand drawn Dwarf bros made to mock an actual faggot hating on sexy women

I don't see what that has to do with your low effort, cumbrained slop posting with no spoilers on a blue board. Retard.
A week AND full mythic gear to level the playing ground and all of echo and method's healer to be falsely accused again >:(
it seems that my superiority has been the source of some controversy
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I like nelfies
When will Method take their rightful place as world first again?
>muh AI slop
internet porn """artists""" should get a real job
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Not everyone is your thread enemy, faggot
Take your meds
>spoiling perfectly SFW material
Yeah ok
Here, seethe more
>Sorry bro it's rotational
>Tab switch
Heheh :^}
Addon that adds music, but only when youre in combat?
porn emperors won.
GoonGODS won.
eRP servers won.

CELEBRATORY SISSY SQUIRTING SHALL BEGIN!!!! Post your most sick goon goddesses my gooners!
inconsequential currency, shitty gear and rep which doesn't matter anymore.. all of that is.. warbound???? holy SHIT bros this is a freaking GAME CHANGER!
Go choke on your bad dragon horse cock dildo, faggot. I'll just keep reporting this bullshit everytime I see it.
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this is my scribe/spellthread/ah whore
i almost feel embarassed logging into this character
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>faggot derailing the thread because he can't stand the sight of hot fantasy women
This is why we can't have nice things
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? jewly removed u mad mad mad mad
mad jewly.
Yep. I will deny that stupid faggot his low effort (You)'s however I can. Fuck your low effort bullshit spamming. Choke on it.
i only have the red and purple ones but i was playing tbc at the time
do wish i had the full set and the one from bfa s4
not a fan of huge mounts
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I wish playable orcs looked like Thrall
they got that mad/stupid look with updated draenor models
She looks like she calls the manager within two seconds of entering any establishment.
that wasnt very nice
he should say he is sorry
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>faggot now resorts to spamming gore because he got btfo
you never hate those people enough
you think you do, but you don't
Eurobros... Echo can still win this, r-right? Th-they can still catch up to Liquid, r-right?
why did they have to split rep into tons of weekly shit to do. This just feels like more chores than before.
A lot of things need a facelift. Class assets come to mind, like Shaman totems. Dwarf, Troll and Tauren totems look like absolute shit.
the entire spec's gameplay is fishing for random procs that are worse than what Deathbringer gives you passively, while also turning Vampiric Blood into an offensive cooldown that is worse than Reaper's Mark
stop complaining you dumb goy
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>filthy fucking poorfaggots expect someone to craft r5 stuff for them with shitty materials and still have the gall to complain about fees when we're talking about something that'll last the whole season, or even the whole expansion if talking about tools
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This one simple invention pisses off Horde.
Which alliance race for warlock
Might engage in sexo too I'm not a bottom
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>max out crafting skills in a week
>have an infinite money printer till the next expansion
>feels like he can ask 20k for clicking craft for the next 2 years

lmao go fuck yourself
she looks like she pleasures orcish men
she looks like she pleasures orcish men
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this is how divine steed looks like in 2024
Yea, they should have given the chestwrap option as well, like the original art had.
Yeah, this is what I mean. You look at an Earthen Paladin's ram and it's so unfair.
>or even the whole expansion if talking about tools
are they going to implment new ores and herbs later?
I can see myself craft a blue pickaxe but theres no way the prices will stay high in like a month aor two max
What's the difference between valorstones and Crest? They both say they upgrade gear.
New heritage armor? For what? Every Draenei I see is in the same succubus slutmog. It'd be a waste of effort.
its kino, a classic even
it looks ten times better than the belf horse
that one is shit
and i prefer it over the legion glyphs too
belf horse is just a recolor of this one
They can do both. Give it a facelift and have a glyph for old school. If they updated its mount form to also fly ilke the Highlords Charger it'd be even better.
I went to do arathi rep and it's like 6 repeatable weekly quest. Its obnoxious
>poor even by 2010's standards
>thinks his opinion is worth anything
i had some shithead quote me 40k for an r5 cloak
i offered 20 and he did not respond
had someone else looking for r5 blue tailoring tool
i have the pattern on my engineer
i offered to craft for 15k
he did not respond
i think some blame can be layed upon both parties here
no one is reasonable anymore
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>doing zevkir
>he spawns add on raised platform
>i go to kill add, see in the corner of my eye him doing claw strike, assume he's aimming at bran becasue there's no visual on my screen
>get killed by claw strike
>claw strike is obscured by platform if he's casting it on the lower area at you
I don't really get why blizzard did this, it feels incredibly cheap to be killed by attacks i cant seee, why this arena has walls and isn't a flat surface I really have no idea why
It would be fun if he didn't BS like this.
ya but the color palette is so cheap it just looks bad
i mean if they wanted to uprez it i think that would be pretty cool
the only time i get to use the mount is when im playing my human pala
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are crafters better than gatherers for cash
t. poorfag
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>put in highest rank mats for a public order, since nobody answers when looking for a crafter
>write don't fulfil if you cannot craft it at r5
>retard fulfils at rank 3
don't ask a poorfaggot like him
crafting is for those who already have a clue about the economy
stick to gathering, and focus on raw materials, specialize in bismuth for mining and arathor's spear for herbalism
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What brought this melty on?
men are trooning out because looking like a foid is living life on easy mode
i curse this dogshit earth
>I don't really get why blizzard did this
they probably didn't test it and don't care
it's all about which server you're on
I'm on outland and had guys moving in from silvermoon and they didn't even hesitate to accept 15k fees saying they'd easily have to fork over 20k+ back in their old server
it depends
some of you lads have said that youve made millions(plural) with mining and herb
but the difference is you actually have to go out in the world and ignore the content youd like to do to farm, which is basically virtual labor
i spent the first two weeks grinding honor and every proffession and now im pretty much set for the xpac i dont need anyone to craft things for me but i only made like 1.5 mil
i do make around 200k every reset day tho with cheap r3 crafts with concentration
is he going to be ok
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yea you're right honestly delves weren't tested and are an unpolished janky experince and not even in the fun way.
I would say I'm disappointed an expansion feature was so undercooked, but i'm more disappointed in myself for thinking it would be otherwise.
>Was SV
>Forgot I had loot set to BM
>get 600ilvl bow
>Less dmg and less fun
>Desperately try to get a nice melee weapon
>Keep getting SV trinkets that proc on melee dmg
I started a week ago and I already made 6 tokens, so basically 275k x 6 so 1.6mil
I farm a couple hours a day, a bit of rng like the stone drop or gettign tinderboxes from the dig thingies
>Specialize in cloth drops from humanoids
>Designated Disenchanter

i've no idea what you're on, i've only been posting for 2 days. the last pic i posted, i didn't even post here despite being SFW
can you solo mythic SL raids in level 80 gear? what about DF?
I easily solo'd sepulcher but I can't say for mechanics of others, since that's the only SL raid I tried, so I wouldn't know if there's mechanics blocking solo somewhere.
shes sexy, moar!
>literally can't die while leveling anymore
this is.. questionable
idk what's worse in m+
the metafagging retards that follow fotm but still suck at their class
the boosted delver mains who hop into high level keys
How to fix wow
>remove factions
>remove forsaken
>remove night elves
>remove blood elves
>remove pandaren
>remove monks
>remove demon hunters
>remove vulpera
>remove worgen
>remove dracthyr
Problem solved
>expected M- changes on friday
>complete silence
>have some mythic ansurek changes mr game director
I cant believe they're willing to leave the game in the state that its in
any key 7 or higher is a fucking roll of the dice as to whether or not youll finish it, its crazy
challengers peril is far too punishing
I just want a normal horse with red livery and gold barding, is that so much to ask?
>already have a clue about the economy
>12 addons to automate big number
kek don't act like you know what youre doing you dumb nigger
>>remove night elves
>>remove blood elves
retarded secondary
fuck off
>remove forsaken
>death knights can stay
por que senor?
Don't worry, with the facelift to Silvermoon I'm sure they'll suck Blood Elf dick some more and give BE Pallies new assets, like how they get a unique Blood Knight armor.
>Be me
>Tranime addicted so my brain is mush
>Put up thing for ANYONE to do without any stops
>B-but my LE NOTE!!!
>start gathering
>finish gathering
>node despawns
You forgot to remove void elves
I've had luck by just providing mats, saying thank you and leaving like an 8k tip. I've gotten plenty of 5's by just being polite.
>roll a troll priest on argent dawn because rp servers seem chill and have nice racial pop balance
>orgrimmar is dead
>endgame open world has 80 alliance to 1 horde per event
What the actual fuck happened here? At best I see a lone orc or tauren with no trp or an unfilled trp on a rare few undead or DH elves hanging about
it's so incredibly easy yet all you do is fucking bitch about professions for months straight
Which race is better for playing a mage (from a visual and lore point of view) - blood elves or void elves? Can't decide between these two even though they're pretty similar
Almost more than having the sexy draenei as a reward, I like figuring out the puzzles and putting them together faster with each one you post.
human male
I can't because I am not an addon using CHEATER
thats what i thought you dumb nigger
blood elf
Don't be a faggot elf
>the metafagging retards that follow fotm but still suck at their class
shit is actually embarassing
>the boosted delver mains who hop into high level keys
theres no way they dont nerf the shit out of delve loot going into s2
for me, its the disband rate, its astronomical
to a certain degree i understand that the key is just completely fucked after 10 deaths but i pretty much refuse to run my key at this point
I don't use them
I don't spend more than a minute in the AH at a time, I only do orders and gathering
you're the one making the claim that it's easy, yet you also complain how professions suck
you're bitchmade to the core
If you're gonna be Horde why not a Nightborne? Doesn't really get more arcane looking than that. Blood Elf for Fire.
gooning hard btw
make sure to pick the kael tree
>i make shit up because im a dumb nigger
yeah i figured as much
will Null stones continue to drop in price? I'm waiting for them to drop before using 2 for the job quest
the racial gives immunity to spell pushback
its a must unless you're an r1 level player in m+/pvp/parsetranny
Play a gnome they have better racials and arent in a dead faction.
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What the fuck, why is this so good
So what’s the next raid? Are we getting a new zone? When is next season? Where the roadmap?
>gettign tinderboxes from the dig thingies
from the what now?
Im a master of goon
higher res here
Are you shooping these in or are they a modded model?
AI trained on fucktons of models
>another day of me farming SV for the mount
>still no drop
>150kills already
estoy cansado jefe
What has been your longest grind for a cosmetic, anon?
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Good flying mounts to go with the new Harvest Golem mog? Also, best scythe weapon to use with it?
Do it on a female dwarf
Ah, i forgot that was even an option
Looks great though, nice work anon
post me one
honestly not a lot; Im not that much into mounts and shit, I just want a robotic golem mount since I dont own one yet
longest might have been the "feed the alapca 7 times" mount
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Thank you. I will when I'm playing her again, taking a break for now.
Appreciate and commend the effort.
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All of this, except all of it except the last one.
Horsemans Reins
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>topless but bottoms on
My fetish
If this anon doesn't mind
I can't log in right now
Maybe, but I was hoping for something more thematic to the harvest theme. Sinrunner Blanchy is also thematic in other ways, though the colors don't work (there are recolors of the mog though that would work better for it).
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a draenei with a cute mog clicked on me while gathering but i was too scared to say hi...
with a special dedication to
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>Method has been streaming for 20+ hours
>Max's stream has been offline for over 21+ hours
what ally races do irlchads play as? male dwarf and what else?
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>got +5 capes from delves on main
>0 capes
Both of the things I posted are true, thoughoever????
>doing +9 grim batol
>nelf retard monk runs straight into elemental twice on 3rd boss and wipes us twice
>dont time key
these subhuman delver mains i hope they get banned
Max turned off his stream 6 hours ago retardbro
>its another nw key
the fuck blizzard
if youd like moar send me stuff, ill see what can i do
am i actually supposed to fork over a bunch of gold to upgrade my heirlooms? or are there quests or something else i can do
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I hate Turalyon and Alleria. And I hate how much attention they get in the plot. I'd rather see someone else than the generic white guy #423 or Sylvanas 2.0.
I'm kneeling
Which class the hardest rotation and which one the easiest?
brown hands typed this post
I feel like I'm the only one who likes NW. It's probably the most straightforward dungeon in the rotation. No gimmicks like DB, Threads, or Mists and it's not pure cancer like GB or Stonevault.
But bro the setup
I had so many miserable experiences in NW during SL that its kind of tainted for me.
>It's probably the most straightforward dungeon in the rotation
if we're being entirely honest here the most straightforward dungeon is either mists (the puzzles aren't hard) or ara kara
they fucked up by moving that ice skeleton now you have 2 caster summoner packs back to back
its retarded
also hook boss is horrible
member multiboxing?
>Void elf warlock
>Orc warlock
>Mechagnome (?)
i remember that 1 horde guy who had like 40+ accounts multiboxing and farming ashran, dunno if he's still around tho
>With the amount of casters within it
>With the bone guys who kill a dps if at the wrong angle or the party if you don't interrupt
>Which you have to coordinate to interrupt at one point since there are two
>With the necromancers and the niggers with the channeled stun
>The inherently chaotic second boss
>The aiming bullshit mechanics in the third

Motherfucker it's the least straightfoward except boralus
Literally a side character in this expansion.
Yeah, I don't like her either. She looks and acts like a typical DEI character.
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Since I haven't done anything with my graphics tablet, felt like getting some exercise by touching it up. Obviously not perfect with the braids.
This new ping feature is so handy
anon behind the AI image here, that looks perfect, covered up the AI mistakes
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This worg, if it's not too much trouble
really is, but surprisingly few people actively use it

1. Haven't played in 3-ish years. Has the game improved and is it worth playing again?
2. Did they remove the faction barrier or is it still there?
3. What is the current plot? Is it retarded?
>bring back old dungeons in m+
>some people are phased so they dont see entrance to grim batol
very cool, gj blizz!!!!
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>They didn't bring the broom mount back for the trader's post in October
if you're a PvE Andy, the game is at its best ever currently - especially if you like playing alts
Faction barrier is (somewhat) gone - guilds are cross faction now and you can do all group content cross faction too - just not queued content in a premade for some reason
Current plot is still dumb, but not nearly as retarded as it used to be
If you play an elf I have zero respect for you.
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>Do key
>oh boy an item!
>1. Haven't played in 3-ish years. Has the game improved and is it worth playing again?

Unless you love the maze, the game is not worth playing

>2. Did they remove the faction barrier or is it still there?

Pretty much gone at this point

>3. What is the current plot? Is it retarded?

It's passable, but only in the context of the last couple expacs.
good thing i play Dracthyr
imagine we are getting high elves playable race
and they add negroid facial features as a customization options to them
who won rwf
You now remember Pesado
just dont use DEI customization options
just ostracize those who do
it's that shrimple
>start a +9 grim
>blood dk tank falls over on 2nd pack
ok this key is not happening, fucking delver mains
if they do add helfs it will probs be a low effort slop race just copying belf/velf model while adding things like alleria's old blue tatoos
they'd probs do the same thing with whatever low effort slop race horde gets as well
I use curls on my human because I have curly hair irl
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>join key above 4
>leader is 590
>he puts the key in
>i leave
cant get it to look better for now, for now have this
let's see
Based do it again
what he said >>496342172
alternative is human female (from kul tiras (not kul tiran race though))
I appreciate it anon, good on you
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How goes the rep grind fellow non avatartranny anons?

>hurrdurr i can buy boost to max reps xD
yeah potentially at the end of the expansion if the warband system didnt cock that up (as you could boost in DF but that was per character)
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>angler fish
So you only get 1k renown a week for each faction. So basically I cant max it for months. Thanks blizzard
how the fuck do you get so much rep with them
>two delvers bounty on alt thus far
>0 on main
cheat death is part of the dk opener
blizzard needs to lower the cd
i see it all the time in PvE and PvP
you prolly shouldn't need delves on main by now

not clicking that shit, kys
how come you see so many horror stories of blood dks and bear druids being dogshit and bricking keys but you never see that any of the other tanks? this is extra peculiar since bear druids are at the top of raider.io
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i stopped doing world quests ages ago
kek max complained again lul
>you shouldnt need free hero track gear
It was scripe that was complaining thoughbeit
A good pun name for a warlock?
>13 hours 31 minutes ago
>"Perfect timing, nerfing the boss when Echo is sound asleep while Liquid is in the middle of their progress..."
>liquid already went to bed since this nerf and echo has had a full day barely making progress
no alts
>used a contract for severed threads every week, >did all WQs (including pet battles, world pvp quests, and skyraces)
>cleared 8 T8 delves since they unlocked and they gave half a rank with each faction
>killed every rare each week

it helped with getting early heroic crests for my crafted gear so I spent the rest on gear
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why would they nerf a wfr boss
let those e-sportsmen have their fun
>do SoB +7
>boomie in group
>starfall is bugged pulls the first boss 60 yards away
>ty blizz
>last boss
>retarded fucking affix spawns orb in water, under deck, etc
fix your fucking shit blizzard wtf. wtv timed this god forsaken key and im not stepping foot in it again until I need io at the end of the season.
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So as a DK, what are you supposed to do to win in arenas? I lose consistently, despite always doing the most damage and rarely dying myself.
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>people saved their keys for this
do you think you would be getting even MORE free gear?
Max is one good pull away from killing the boss
Echo keeps wiping to the same thing every pull that max had solved 2 days ago
Max fucking won
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>her reaction when you tell her that you play a male human ret paladin
yes I need more coins for the pet
it happens to spellslinger mages too
the splinters randomly hit the first boss and lockwood
I just don't have time to spend them all :(
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great, now I get to level Brann even faster to clear this shit
by the time hes 60 I wont even have to touch a delve again
>already have more coins than I will ever spend
>the other 2 things are hard weekly capped anyways
Maybe the weekly quest will be good.....
Why is this cat so huge?
yeah unfortunately i dont play a fotm class and didnt do zekvir when brann could solo him :(
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i love this belf
Liquid seems to have fixed their infamous prog into 2h of deprogging issue they had in previous race. Don’t know if its roster changes or more lack of so its only the experienced guys that remains or something
not brown enough desu
I dont think you can make humans brown enough to resemble pajeets
Its either white hispanic or giganigger-tier skin colors
>The sands of time have run out, son of Durotan.
>The cries of war echo upon the winds.
>The remnants of the past scar the land, which is besieged once again by conflict.
>Heroes arise to challenge fate, and lead their brethren to battle.
>As mortal armies rush blindly towards their doom, the Burning Shadow comes to consume us all.

>YOU must rally the Horde, and lead your people to their destinies of becoming a completely irrelevant herd of furries and bimbo elves with no presence in the story or power on Azeroth whatsoever!
Woah, what did Medivh mean by this?
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Ok that's reassuring, means I can actually have a better name than this.
Still, I need a name now
its not like they had uhhh *check notes* a full beta cycle, m0 week and week1 to fix it, right?
this elf needs to get knotted by a worg ASAP
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>half the dungeons are reused from older expansions
Thanks. That's a very mixed response on the current quality of the game. Not that I would expect less. How does the game compare to MoP/WotLK/Legion?
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all of those were dogshit so by default it's better
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you now remember when pezado btfo's wowg multiple times including that boost buying shitbag h*ns
the game is at the best its been since legion
people are so retarded
>1. Haven't played in 3-ish years. Has the game improved and is it worth playing again?
WoW feels good to play again after 3 expansions of meh. Lots of progression options, plenty of shit to do that feels fun or rewarding.
>2. Did they remove the faction barrier or is it still there?
Mostly gone, only exists for some technical aspects and certain PvP (warmode, random BGs)
>3. What is the current plot? Is it retarded?
Xalatath is back with a multi expansion plot to corrupt and destroy. Its pretty average so far for a WoW plot. Everyone is hyping up Midnight (next expansion) as the big turning point for WoWs story.
>after 3 expansions of meh
it was only 2 expansions of meh shitter, BfA was kino
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>her reaction when you tell her that you play a male human unholy dk
promiscuous draenei priestesses....
>do my +6 siege key
>no good people reply
>have to take some shitters
>we make it but its a fuck fest with 15 deaths
>they even die to the firing sqaud RP thingy xD

after that

>do +7 stonevault
>since its a +7 good people apply
>turbo group and we rush through it

fucking hate this game sometimes
>BfA was kino
I enjoyed it, but it had so much garbage content and fuckery that people either ignore or dont remember.
who was this zevkir fight made for?
>they even die to the firing sqaud RP thingy xD
the second squad is bugged tho
classes with short interrupts, strong self healing, burst damage, and mobility
brann bronzebeard
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>Her reaction when you're a human male warrior.
no idea i have never got hit by it as a tank when I stand right behind the boxes and I always wait for my team.

ok the hunter also died to the gauntlet before the last boss and the healer kept debuffing people when allies were still near them
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Dog in, it's theater time!
game winning setups like grip a heal blind into strang
making use of your 15 yd interupt, like dragging ontop of enemy healer when you're targeted or they retreat
be good at petkicking
going after targets whove used their invulns/walls
>Grim Batol
>City of Threads
>The Necrotic Wake
>The Stonevault
>Mists of Tirna Scithe
>The Dawnbreaker
>Siege of Boralus

Rank them.
the wretched humens have been destroyed
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we lost with like a minute left when they capped both workshops...
I've asked about getting into wow as a solo player in the last thread and anons have told me that it's not a good idea, let me clarify.

I don't have a single friend playing wow nor anyone who would want to get into wow. Is it possible to just clear some harder content with randoms? Like, is there a matchmaking system for social outcasts? Are there noob guilds to gather a party (without voice chat)?
giga cancer
grim batol and siege is ass cancer
everything else is more or less okay, aside from the general "this is kind of obnoxious after interrupt changes" feeling
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hello I play a fem humie hunter soon to be fem dracthyr hunter
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join one of the /wowg/ guilds. both are cool. WoW is fine as a single player game, but finding randoms to do group content with is easy and the majority of players are chill. WoW players only get toxic when you do the competitive modes where there is something at stake (rated PvP, m+ with high keys)
intrigued, what makes grim batol so ass? seems like one of the easiest

If echo kills it within 16 hours after Liquit kills it then the world first belongs to Echo
>do grim batol +8
>goes horrible, having a bad time
>kill last boss
>ring drops for shaman
>3 people (me included) needs the ring
>i lose roll to the dogshit belf female priest that died the most times in dungeon
>shaman gives me the ring anyway
holy shit thank you. you are a great guy and i wish nothing but the best for you.
why haven't the bots crashed gathering yet?
Yea you can easily find groups for everything. In high populated servers you will find tons of guilds advertising just get in one. Retail is way less social than Classic but its still social
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great answers, thanks anons
they moved the release date AGAIN?
It’s a factoid.
>headstart doesn’t matter lul t. maxpad
damn id make a drownei but i hate their fucking combat sounds. yes i play with sound on
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>She should cancel her sub like the rest of us that were immensely damaged by this data loss. Hopefully enough speak with their wallets to force them to rectify the situation.
these guild bank losers are so delusional I love it
All the bots are on classic where buying gold is basically normalized and there's no expansion that has to be purchased when the ban wave hits. It's just way more profitable.
If you hate Siege of Boralus, you just got no style bitch.
Remember when Jaina summoned the Kul Tiran fleet and it was like FUCK YEAH FOR THE ALLIANCE
If you don't watch that cutscene after every Siege of Boralus run you are literally a faggot cuck and don't belong on the Alliance of Human Lordaeron based and redpilled FOR THE LIGHT!
>There's been an uptick of "M+ is toxic, people are flaming every dungeon, people getting kicked left and right" posts on this sub lately, and I want to offer an alternative viewpoint.
I think there's a gas lighting campaign being carried out by a discord server to try and tarnish M+ and have it removed from the game now that blizzard has introduced delves
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another amazon flop
another ncsoft flop
>completely forgot about brewfest
am i too late?
why would you care
its all false hype and a way of advertisement for the game
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Good afternoon /wowg/
>check bs patron orders
>a bunch of epic crafts
>no sanctified alloys provided
These things are a fucking joke.
reminder to people who complain about the wheelchair, this is a game where the end of the world happened because one guy couldn't heal his stupid horse
>yurotroons when echo is ahead: LOL LIQUIT!!! EAT SHIT NA!!!! WE ARE THE BEST!!!
>yurotroons when echo is behind: Umm nobody cares about esports chud stop talking about it shut up
Really just goes to show that they can't handle the "bantz" after all
you are replying to a bot
most kino race for a rogue horde side?
fem belf
vupera (female)
cringe but also kind of based at the same time
Not a wow player but eat shit muttmerican shitskin subhumans
stick to /lolg/ or /sp/ they actually care about this remedial kind of tribal behavior
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Am I trolling if I wanna play demonology in arena instead of affliction?

Played a few bgs with friends as Demo and it felt way worse than Affliction even if it was more fun. Like Aff just has more options when you're being trained on compared to Demo.
I don't understand healing magic in warcraft. If you lose a limb can it be magic'd back on? Can it fix broken bones?
>instant indirect seethe reply
male undead with no hair

Not an american but eat shit wowfaggot retard cuntcucks
i honestly just hope blizzard removes priest as a class once and for all because the worst type of dogshit healers play it
I've been seething about mythic plus mode since it was released, I cannot fucking believe that timing already existing stuff with bigger numbers pleased endgame players. That's it, that was my rant into the void.
>this is a game where the end of the world happened because one guy couldn't heal his stupid horse
Who and which horse?

I haven't followed the lore in a while
they cant even kick, what a limp dick class
free unless you have a retarded shamanigger that wrecks a perfect +10 with poison cleansing totem three pulls in a row
>Grim Batol
the boss encounters are all piss easy besides the last boss and that one isnt even that bad the aoe damage is the biggest concern and if you have dks/palas/hunters you can trivialize the tentacles
>City of Threads
last boss is pita, the rest is easy
>The Necrotic Wake
would be the easiest dungeon in the pool if stichflesh wasnt extremely overtuned and its the only difficult part
>The Stonevault
extremely overengineered instance none of the encounters are that bad besides skarmorak, the trash in front of the last boss is miserable, and the last boss is the most annoying fucking encounter imaginable for melees because you get like 40% boss uptime, dont invite melees
>Mists of Tirna Scithe
Free but youll still have RETARDS brick your 10 key running through acid and spreading it every fucking where
>The Dawnbreaker
free as long as you didnt invite some idiot that cant handle the dark orb on the mid boss, also a tip do not fucking invite a prot pala to this dungeon they will eat shit three times 45 seconds into the pull at the dialougers house mini boss
t. that prot pala
>Siege of Boralus
the only difficulty in this key is the trash before the first boss, retarded tanks that dont know to hit the spotter on the gunlines, the gunners being able to pull hook shots when you're not in los and the one shit pack before the second boss, which you can completely trivialize by pulling it into the cubby to the left or back into the gatehouse
you can unironically drop 12 deaths in this dungeon and still time
i really dont understand why retards bitch about this one so much, ya the last boss is a stupid lazy encounter but thats about it
S - D free - to hard
Ara Kara
Grim Batol
Farmer Furlbrow and Blanchy.
Depends on the wound. Non-lethal physical injuries you can basically walk off but if there's magic damage, a curse, or part of a ritual like Kilrogg's eye/Kargath's hand, it'll usually be permanent and healing can stop it from killing you.
Which is all the more stupid that Arthas lost his horse to a broken leg.
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that's exactly what i'm saying sis
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he probably used to do this
posting on /lolg/ but got bullied out because literal blacked cuckold porn ERPers bullied all the esports kiddies out of that general LMAO
cataclysm devs made worgen and goblin boobs so big
it drastically increases your own self healing. except in extreme cases where actual miracles are performed, but those typically require the help from outside forces
this nigga dumb
Should I get into pet battling?
Shadow priests can kick, right?
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Kill dracthyr. Behead dracthyr. Roundhouse kick a dracthyr into the concrete. Slam dunk a dracthyr baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy dracthyr. Defecate in a dracthyr's food. Launch dracthyr into the sun. Stir fry dracthyr in a wok. Toss dracthyr into active volcanoes. Urinate into a dracthyr's gas tank. Judo throw dracthyr into a wood chipper. Twist dracthyr heads off. Report dracthyr to Blizzard. Karate chop dracthyr in half. Curb stomp pregnant dracthyr. Trap dracthyr in quicksand. Crush dracthyr in the trash compactor. Liquefy vermin in a vat of acid. Eat dracthyr. Dissect dracthyr. Exterminate dracthrys in the gas chamber. Stomp rat skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate dracthyr in the oven. Lobotomize dracthyr. Mandatory abortions for dracthyr. Grind dracthyr fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown dracthyr in fried chicken grease. Vaporize dracthyr with a flame cannon. Kick old dracthyr down the stairs. Feed dracthyr to kroxigor. Slice dracthyr with a katana.
I hated the final boss in stonevault so much as melee. even as ranged its not fun at all.
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woah holy FUCK
i've tried to like elves but NO MORE. the only elf i will play is demon hunter, and even then only until another race can be them
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I still have no idea what spells the Arcane Phoenix is casting
for my anons <3
>free unless you have a retarded shamanigger that wrecks a perfect +10 with poison cleansing totem three pulls in a row
why would you NOT want the poison totem in this encounter?
>Arcane Phoenix
sounds like a mage played by that snowflake kael'thas
once every ingame reset
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Do you think the WoW token will go down more or should I buy for 193k right now?
Male Belf dark ranger
>na guild doesn't raid
what do I do if I want to get AOTC this patch
at some point its going to pulse as soon as cultivated poisons is applied and your melee/tank will have next to no time to react
it can happen the same way with range if they're dumb enough to be playing right on top of each other
which tanks should be avoided?
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I hear brewmaster mains are suffering
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All of them
Tanks are complete retards this season
ez, thanks anon
arknights general prepared me for pizzles
i see
well i have one cleanse at a time so i struggle in a different way
pretty sure its broken that shamans are not only fotm broken but also have the totem
let me play evoker without turning into furry chicken
>>na guild doesn't raid
We kind of do, just severely lacking people who actually show up at the times. Raid days have been moved to hopefully get more anons involved.
>he said, posting slop
You know that's a reanimated corpse right?
Troll or goblin
nice fingertips cunt
You deserve it for being a fotm nigger
Teron Gorefiend in Turalyon x Xal'atath in Alleria alternate timeline disgusting corrupt nasty filthsex when?
what is wrong with disc priest mains?
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you ok?
Now I can buy the My Hero Academiaâ„¢ Overwatch skins
later losers, enjoy your dead game
5 Imperfect Null Stones sell for more than an actual Null Stone
skill ceiling is high for monks in general especially bm, it's one of those classes that will always "suffer" because if they make it too easy/buff it breaks the class. that's why skilled monks never struggle and everybody else thinks its the worst class.
Do they?
But I was playing fire when everyone was saying it was bad :((((
Im still bad at it
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>Get enough conquest to buy a conquest weapon
>Buy it, equip it, play another round
>Log out
>Log back in
>I have mail
>Lost item
>Two tokens for Gladiator weapons
Thanks, Blizzshit.
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this is your gm
say something nice about she!
it's good if you like ryona
I just want Teron Gorefiend back
Would knot.
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I hope the megadungeon is goblin themed and not just some night elf troll nature shit.
of course i get in on the nullstonemaxxing a cunt hair too late
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We could have had a new Teron Gorefiend from Admiral Taylor's body if Draenor hadn't been abandoned in the development stage
>they still havent killed princess
There was a datamined area for Harronir called the Rootlands, but people are now saying its scrapped as it was extremely early in development and hasnt been seen in the files since.
Had a horrible dream that Holly wasted another patch on a rerun of Blunderstorm.
Surely she won't be that stupid, right?
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Teron was a pretty cool character
I feel blizzard really wasted the potential a lot of the warcraft 2 heroes, even on both sides
the alliance ones have basically been ignored other than khadgar untill literally this expansion
the horde ones blizzard decided to stupidly kill them all off in TBC
what they did to zul'jin and the amani trolls was a fucking war crime
>look up nerub silkweaving forum out of curiosity
>majority of members are all high rank m+ grinders
didn't expect that honestly
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I think Rootlands might still be in desu. If they commit to the plan of Rexxar being the season 2 Delves character, instead of scrapping the system and just having Brann all expansion. Something like the Rootlands, hunting big primordial animals would easily serve for that seasons Delve plot.
The biggest toss up currently is the mega dung, as we know Goblins are 100% the next raid and Ethereals look to be the final raid thanks to Datamines and Nexus Princess dialogue
TBC in general was an absolute fucking travesty for lore. It was like a calculated hit on everything to do with War2 and Outland so we would never have to go back there or hear about it again.
>orc warlock in a human knight body
Teron'gor is basically trans/otherkin coded so he should definitely come back
i really don’t think they expected the game to last as long as it has when they were making tbc. they probably thought we’d have wc4 by now some or some shit
well, i’m at 610 ilvl. i don’t want to pug or join a guild. i guess i just level alts now or some shit?
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*saves wow*
The worst part is that it wasn't some deliberate scheme to ruin the setting like Shadowlands, the devs and writers literally didn't know any better other than to throw established TFT characters at you in droves in order to create "cool stuff to do in the game".
And TBC was popular because for the kind of person who played WoW, you know, all those wholesome chungus open world hi there standing in org on a mount in full raid gear whatever the fuck COMMUNITY SOVL REMEMBER 2006 THE INTERNET FUCKWITS you know those normalfags, to them a Warcraft character is only as good as the amount of pulls you need to gank them for the epic loots!
It's kind of funny that the lore rape got worse with each progressive expansion that TBC is looked at fondly now when I remember what it was like in 2008


Wrath had some nostalgia factor but it ruined the lich king and wrote Ner'zhul out of the story for no fucking reason
you guys remember blu plz
I kind of want to see a flow chart for the chain reaction of events that happened as a result of Blizzard botching Titan.
>ara kara is free
nah its a fucking trap because parties will be fine then completely shit their pants on the last boss
still kino to this day
MoP didn't actually rape any lore that I can think of.
i'm tempted to play again someone stop me
>i dont wanna play the game
well yeah what else?
how come grim batol keys fill up so quickly in the queue, what makes the dungeon so popular?
i dont thikn i vill
garrosh turns into hitler for no reason in mop
come goon with me ingame
No anon noo *stop u*
i play fem nelf btw
the literal setup for time travelling didn't fuck the lore?
>be me
>vdh tank, bro is rsham
>we learn and do all the +4
>today we aim higher
>we get insta invited for 5
>we get declined for 6
what's up with that? is 6 some kind of mystery level? We CANNOT get invited for a 6

reminds be bfa s1 when you would get invited for all the 9 in the world but never for a 10
bis trinkets and weapons for alot of specs
bis tank trinket
bis dps trinket
bis healer trinket
same, pumping damn hard
>every class is the same, no class identity
>gameplay bloat
>button bloat
>pay to win tokens
>disney-tier story
>pixar looking models
>rehashed content
>$90 early access
doesnt matter how skilled you are when you die if the healer stops healing you. it wasnt like this in df which is why skilled brews thrived because they were basically blood dks when it came to self sustain
garrosh was intended to be the villain from cataclysm, the quest chain in stonetalon mountains is not canon
we'll goon even harder
Thanks everyone, I decided to play as a blood elf because I liked their color scheme more
what is this song about
I guess it didnt mess with the existing lore, but wow did it set the stage for the dogshit to come.
bullshit added at the last second
Play season of discovery, it's thriving. Retail is fucking dead
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>greatest questline in wow is not canon
what really? its my favorite story in all of wow
If you're an Orc, Garrosh literally did nothing wrong.
yeah, afrasiabi in the interview has admitted in an interview that this was a result of miscommunication and it's not canon
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>Jeff Kaplan botches Titan during the big celebration expansion of WoW, that was WoD.
>WoW team is ordered by Metzen to bail the Titan team out and help them rework it into something they could present at a Blizzcon, aka OW.
>Bobby doesn't like how much money the Titan/OW Project wasted and decides to slowly start pushing on pressure onto Blizzard
>Round this time, Blizzard fully embraces the e-sports scene with the likes of HS.
>WoD is killed early so they can focus on legion
>Bobby also wanted Blizzard to push yearly WoW expansions around this time to compensate
>OW and HoTs both come out at some point and Bobby pushes for their E-sports scene, because of WFR and HS's doing good enough to garner interest.
>OWL for a while is a success and OW basically becomes the companies favourite child and HoTs gets taken out back after a few years cause it's scene didn't do well.
>Bunch of staff begin leaving the company because they got sick of the foothold Bobby had, round BFA and broke off from the company to make their own studios.
>Kaplan also chose to broke off around this time after promising Bobby to make OW2 so they could sell more microtransactions.
>Sex pest drama happens involving a bunch of current blizz staff and ex blizzard staff that makes the company go tits up and brought out by Microsoft because both Bobby/his men and people at Blizzard higher ups were trying to hide the drama for a bit before it boiled over
>Bobby got the biggest golden parachute in the world thanks to Chris Metzen having to bail Jeff out.
Least Chris got his statue for his work on bailing Titan out and turning it into OW.
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its still real to me damnit
>pay to win tokens
do you guys need warrior dps, I got ksm/aotc when I last played in shadowlands
that's not lore rape anon, and everyone except nelffags has retroactively decided garrosh did nothing wrong
you mean timeless isle or WoD? because WoD is not MoP
It's a parody of a star trek fan song. When TBC was announced and the lore of the Draenei introduced, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too scifi for the average lorefag in 2005/2006, so people were shitting on Blizzard for introducing space ships to Warcraft, and then it got even more retarded when the story was "The Draenei crash landed on Azeroth because of Blood elf space pirates"
what do you think about WOD's original concept
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Which is the best delve and why is it fungal folly?
please sit on me
The question to ask about TBC is not
>what were they thinking?
>why didn't they think at all!?
thank you
as long as its not the version that forces me to fish.
I was mirin the traps of the demon, I'm too far gone
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question
Rootlands can still be the next zone and Undermine can be the gobbo megadungeon with Gallyvix as the last boss
Where's Yrel tho
You told me she will be back as a racist villian
desu we need a tank or two, but you are welcome to join and play as whatever you want.
They didnt think at all because they thought this shit was done and over after BC anyway
Game were a lot more ephemeral back then, if you told a dev people would still be playing this shit in 20y they'd laugh in your face
How does gathering an endless tide of creep races bring Garrosh's dad back so that he can meet his dad again? Wouldn't you do anything to meet dad again? Isn't that what matters most, meeting dad? Isn't dad the most important person in your life? Ugh my dad, he hits me right in the stoicism, I need to meet my daaad! I'm my dad's son, I'm a sonner! I'm soooooooooonnnniiiiiinnggg
>Fungal folly
>When Dread pit and Mycomancer cavern exists
Correct yourself
Please understand Alliance can't be bad guys and Yrel's a bad guy
>ethereals final patch
>midnight is void focused
Playable Eth bros, are we back?
Give Brann a fat ass too.
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the new shadowglen will be somewhere here
Undermine will likely be a raid, datamined weapons are literally called 'goblinraidweapon'.
so what's the difficulty level of m0 nowadays?
and is m+ scaling off of m0 or is it some speshul snowflake numbers?
With how often Brann gets fucked, he should have a fat dumper
She least got acknowledged in Chronicles 4 with a bit off fluff added to explain why she went full light zealot in the Mag'har quest and the fact she killed Grom at the end of it being confirmed.
That's more that could be said for the Bronze Dragon's involvement, which got retconned to just being the Nightborne that sent them back and completely ignoring all the Draenor wild life that ran into the Barrens.
really makes me wish we just got some
new mmos from blizzard instead of a bunch of fucking expansions
I dont fully agree. There were plenty of old MMOs still going when TBC came around.
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Trying to solo ?? Zekvir's Lair is a frustrating RNG disaster
>Sometimes he casts his interruptible spells 12 seconds after the last time, sometimes it's 8.
>Sometimes Brann cleanses the poison, sometimes he doesn't
>Sometimes Brann throws potions around you, sometimes he doesn't
Best I've done is 40%, and then Brann died AS A HEALER. This is dumb.
how does mmr work? i was getting like 200 a win but once i reached 1100 im getting 20 a win and 5 per loss. how the hell am i supposed to climb now with rates like this?
What was it like to play during Shadowlands? I've seen some of it, looks like an awful pit of depression, the whole theme is so fucked.
>im getting 20 a win and 5 per loss. how the hell am i supposed to climb now with rates like this?
win at least once per three losses
Imagine playing WoW but it takes place in a totally different universe where you ignore the plot and just enjoy the weird setting. I think SL was pretty enjoyable at the start and end, just everything in between was a slog.
Titan's problems began even before WoD; it's a big part of wotlk's content droughts, reusing naxx/onyxia, and the barebones piece of shit that was Trial of the Crusader. It was also during that time they started to push all the various real money transaction mounts and services like paid faction change.
yeah i got him to execute phase a few times and died to some random shit like you described. it’s close to being an actually fun challenge
how do you do that
>literally have to wait for hours just for a mid tank and retarded healer to join my keys
fuck this dogshit game
The M+ changes are the worst thing they ever done to this game
S2 and S3 of DF were perfectbut no dear little blizzard has to change everything every single time
Fuck these retards
win streaks. the rating bullshit gets worse the higher you are too. unfortunately these solo rated BGs are decided before the gates even open
Playing shadowlands:
>Dogshit itemization
>Dogshit dungeons
>Dogshit raid (Except Nathria)
>Dogshit characters (Except Denathrius, who die in the first patch lmao)
>Dogshit lore

Browsing wowg during shadowlands:
>Peak meme performance, never ending flow of kino and side destruction
>750 posts (544 deleted posts)
i legitimately enjoyed the last patch.
are we pretending pre-TWW had an abundance of tanks and healers?
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I love reading old wiki pages
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get fucked you absolute dps cucklord
Levelling was fine. End game systems were the major pain. Raid's were alright, came really down if you just liked the themeing of the raids. Sanctum was probably the worst looking raid do to you spending a lot of time in Torghast already in 9.0 as that was one of the main pillars of end game to get your legendaries
Zerith Mortis was comfy, Korthia was shit. Tazavesh was a fun mega-dungeon.

Covenants were a pain thanks to balance difference, how long it took until they introduced a system where you could easily swap between them so you didn't feel like you were getting punished.
Didn't help either then the launch plot was then cut up between 4 covenant storylines as well, that some people never bothered doing most of them.
Then there was the year gap in content, thanks to the rape drama that got the company investigated and put the wow team on strike.
Narrative was bad at worse, fine at best, nothing great. Something that very much suffered from circumstance and writers making choices that either fans were burned out on, like more Tyrande and Sylvanas focus, or outright controversial like Arthas being teased all expansion, just for him to not speak a single word when he shows up and dies.
I'm gonna need the full image, chief.
>just win 160 games at best or more if you lose at all
bruh that will take forever i thought people hit 2k in like 60 matches on average
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>1.8k shadow priest at 610 ilvl
>still getting declined for +5s
/wowg/ sucked during shadowlands. there was zero discussion, mods just banning everyone for no reason, futaposter going wild for over a year. there was no reason to come here unless you had aspergers
I'm not going to try until they fix brann and the fear
we need to go on strike and protest m+
>i bricked a key as a tank because i was mid gcd and i couldnt use my defensive thats on a fucking gcd
it's over
time to kill myself
I only play M+ with friends because I main dps. But even then pugging, M+ as a tank/healer is a mostly shitty experience. But at least you can actually play the game instead of "sit in the capital city and spam party applications/wait for applications to your key" simulator
The bit I don't understand the most is why he sometimes doesn't cleanse the poison. Like, the boss can get 3 poison casts off, and Brann will cleanse every single one, but sometimes the very first time Zekvir casts it he won't cleanse it, leading to an immediate wipe. It makes no goddamn sense. If I just had to deal with the heal casts I could do this fight no problem honestly.
during sneedolands it was full blown shitposting war driven by the ff14 exodus
healslut it up sis...
it's so interesting to read
wow is such a legendary game
ffxiv never had anything like that
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me, the fem nelf protection warrior, looking down upon the lowly dpsissies who dare to apply to my group
if only a real Orc man would join my key...
just act like every other tank and pre-ignore then blame the healer before dipping
I want Xal'atath to fart in one of the future cutscenes. I think that would rock.
Orc male here. I only play with Troll females.
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i was ready to use tombstone on grim batol last boss tank buster
but I got cucked by gcd
i literally won§t be able to sleep because of it
tbf the faggot evoker should have used td on me
ugh SIGH fine...
*respecs into holy*
i know, i was here. it sucked. easily the worst general on the site.
just blame dps. 99% of the time at least one of them is doing shit damage that slowed the run down
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>he simply forgot the eredar were already demons before they met Sargeras
kek many such cases, GCD is so fucked on blood tanking
stream starting
we're in here
i might be wrong about this, but i think any kind of root break or cc break will cleanse the poison so like bladestorm or avatar. brann’s cleanse is on a 60 second cd so it can’t cleanse every time
easily the best moment wowg had in its entire history
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They tried and thats what counts
erm sorry chud but it was actually the annihilan and nathrezim who corrupted Sargeras
i'm so happy i don't play blood. or brewmaster. or vengeance

guardian druid, protection warrior and protection paladin gang represent
that would have been during WoD when we all camped Poundfist for 20 hours straight
good girl...
>tank m+
>get high io
>swap to dps
>instajoin groups
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What's the absolute most braindead healer to play? Like least amount of buttons and last amount of thought.
had no idea roles shared score, you have enlightened me
No joke Overwatch is the worst thing that has happened to Blizzard, worse than Activision, worse than Blizzard North disbanding. It's the worst thing that could possibly exist, like a tumor inside the brains of the people that created it, a decay and destruction of their masculine spirit as their creativity wasted away and corrupted into something as asinine and insipid as the Overwatch setting.
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Who's gonna play for free for 6 months?
>foliage blocks animations for swirls

Horrible design
Yes, however, Widowmaker.
That's amazing and true, saving Bladestorm and Avatar for cleansing it might actually give me a chance.
why not use those tokens to buy better games instead?
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><Nerub Silkweaving Forum> - Argent Dawn RP-EU ghosted my application
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>better games
>on bnet
Anyone wants to share their resto Shaman hotbar? There is quite the button bloat on Shaman.
the raider.io addon doesn't have the ability to discern between tank/healer/dps score so it simply shows whatever's the highest but if you go to someone's profile on the website you can then look at the individual tank/healer/dps scores but nobody's going to bother doing that lmao they're just gonna look at your ingame addon score, see that you have 2300 whether it's tank/healer/dps and go "holy fuck that guy will carry me!!!"
If we time travel back to just before warcraft 3, how many political marriages would it take to turn all of the human Eastern Kingdoms into the United Kingdom of Azeroth?
yeah i dont know how people play pure dps classes. you almost need a tank or healer spec to expedite your progress even if you prefer to play dps
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Overwatch really was when the company truly believed they could do no wrong and fully gave into their own hype. I mean, look at the map Blizzard world. It's not surprising the cracks began to show in the company after this map came out.
0 cause Stormwind would rather fall on its sword
I hope Arathi Emperor have a cute daughter to fill a role for Anduin's wife
is there any reason to do the raid like how amdirdrassil had a head enchant?
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the entire self-referential era where they crossed IPs within IPs was pure cancer, dunno why I speak in past tense they just did it again
Isn't that the hardest?
There's an important lesson here about how when becoming a dad partyrocker you should take care not to hire a bunch of women that accuse you of stealing your breastmilk, and especially not hire fucking cretins like Danuser.
Unlikely to happen. Kael was smitten was Jaina and likely would refuse anyone else's hand in marriage. But the daughter of the lord admiral of Kul'tiras was too busy being smitten with the Prince or Lordaeron, even then Kul'tiras isn't directly apart of the Eastern Kingdoms a disconnected island, while still closer to the main landmass before the Cataclysm shifted it's location. You'd still be having to get around that love-triangle and finally there's the whole matter of Genn secluding himself off from the rest of the Kingdoms before the events of WC3 and Stormwind in it's rebuilding stages.
first off GZ second off im talking about the ?? fight.
Yea sounds about right. time to roll a DH.
Most definetly not lil bro is knocked out half the time.
>Kael was smitten was Jaina and likely would refuse anyone else's hand in marriage
I was talking about humans, not *lv*s
Echo sisters... max is awake and has 15% health left... meanwhile we're still wiping on phase 1 and can't even get below 25%

it's over. Max won.
>nizrek is a socialist
it's over bros...
>Heroes of the Storm gets a bunch of Overwatch characters forced into it to manufacture hype
>half of them are fundamentally broken and completely ruin the game forever
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just have jaina marry kaelthas so he wouldn't have his meltie desu
>another balding fat 30 something man throwing a fit in maze+ and leaving mid run
i need to stop pugging
>ara kara
>15 min remaining on timer
>last boss
>wipe 3 times because the root mechanic is idiotic
>last chance to time the key
>retard warrior steals aggro and croaks at pull
>druid tree of life form expires and breaks the root at the last second so he dies without being able to do anything
>resurrected but tank dies later because he didnt root himself
>retardin ends up kiting until the end while healer and last dps kill the boss
>with 20 seconds remaining the boss dies
I knew I shouldn't have bothered with this speedrunning shit now that delves exist
bwo...he takes part in regicide, the alliance was never gonna take 'em.
>twisting nether

blacklist these realms from your keys
Did that questline about the assassinated mage in Hallowfall make it canon that portals are pure mathematics?
>he doesn't remember hydralisk in Warcraft 3
Anyway, Heroes of the Storm was at one point one of the best games they'd ever designed. Too bad they backpedaled it into a deathspiral because of esports demands, then canned the esport scene immediately after.
OW's Golden child of Blizzard era was honestly the worst period for the company. Remember when they had D.va's whole backstory be she was a pro Starcraft 2 player, so they could throw her in as an announcer in SC2? Just to then retcon it after SC2 no longer got development?
you can only do delves four times a week, you can run m+ all day even if it gives shit gear
you forgot tranny mill and >pozzo
the problem is that a mid tank and retarded healer was enough to not brick your keys
now i have to wait one hour and they might just troll and brick the key
>giving shit gear
Hey at least you're pumping numbers. That'll matter some pace instead of gear you can use when you get it
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the alliance was built on that
>not italians
>not Archimonde, frogs on super retard hormones
>not portuguese
>not the well known draenor/silvermoon combo (biggest shitters than all the above desite being cool)
>not even fucking mentionning Argent dawn
your list is valid but lacks critical servers
Lmao. Overhype is so synthetic that the DEI chakra chart shouldn't have surprised anybody. They replaced self-worship with ESG worship but the mechanisms are all the same.
but anon, you're supposed to use a third party app/addon to study a route to get optimal percentage!
german tranny hands wrote this post
from what Ive seen trannymill players are miles better and cooler than kazzak or turkish nether
Vanessa really needs to step up and just grab Anduin by the ear. He's such an embarrassment, this is why royalty shouldn't leave their cages
>Onyxia in the back be like "yes! now's my chance to drain varian of his stamina with my big fat dragon pussy, and when I'm done with him I'm going after his son as well"
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Overwatch is a shit game, but least it gave us Ana Amari and by extension her voice actress being carried over into wow as Ve'nari
Bring back my fat thighed space gypsy sugar mama.
>draenor/silvermoon combo
woah hey what's wrong with those
AI trained on a LOT of models
t. draenor/silvermoon 1500 rio mount collecting shitter
are forsaken abominations sentient or just some kind of corpse elemental?
Flesh elemental that can eventually gain sentience ain't it?
they're sentient
congratulations, I would never do this
one of the most populated servers yet nobody from there is good at m+ pvp or have good raiding guilds, """""toxic"""" servers have way less players yet have 10 times guilds or players that can play the game
tldr servers for shitters like argent dawn
blizzcon 2024?
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I refuse to do the ilev grind.

>level toon to 80
>get a few ilevl pieces
>do a few heroics
>ignore raid and delves
they made me level a lizard against my will....
>doing heroics
Sounds like you care
i got log checked the other day for a gb 10
disband first trash pull after the first boss
guess who the keyholder was
I did one key with two premade ruskies, they were in voc, did kicks like bosses and had good dps
did a key a bit later and the dude was drunk like a motherfucker, ate all the aoes and died on every single boss
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Echo sisters... what went wrong? why did we kick our best healer because of a foid? why are we letting max gloat?
I wonder how many times onyxia raped anduin
Heroics is at least alright compared to delves tier chasing
serves you right for trying to swindle honest american patriots out of their time and grindset, little shitter
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who got kicked?
based frenchie
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>implying i was the keyholder
i dont run my own key lil bro
you can also run delves all day even if they give shit gear but why would you?
everything under +7 is worthless and the guild clique would rather run keys with people who /gquit after being benched once than me because the one time they invited me to m0 I was 560 so my st dps wasn't carrying even though I was topping on aoe
>find a new guild
the only options are worse and I don't have recent mythic parses
Piss off Tarantino
You do not do high keys with russians, unless you the guy.
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>trying to figure out where the fucking egg underneath or behind the boss is when I'm getting barraged by purple rain and a wall of green "healed (absorbed)" messages
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Deserved for Shadowlands
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I'm playing with a friend and we are grinding gear and rio
but my old shitter self is slowly comijng back, I want to reroll another class, I want to collect mounts etc
well deserved
do you have a 10 done this week?
remember lads:
when liquit wins the race
make sure to be as obnoxious to the europosters as possible
can i get a USA USA USA?
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>As you can see, these are the orders from Square Enix. In exchange for bringing Final Fantasy back to Xbox, they want us to keep firing people at Blizzard, until we manage to make Chris Metzen leave again. They believe that Final Fantasy fourteen needs all the help it can get and wants us to cripple the competition.
you can turn off healing messages retardkun
>kick your best disc priest because a whore said so with 0 proof
>split the top EU players between 2 guilds so NA can start winning non stop
>kick your second best disc priest because a whore said so with negative proof
>NA gets another free win
seriously what the fuck is wrong with EU management? the bitch that metood zaelia went back to him 3 times to be ""abused"" some more after being kicked out of his house and to this day I am yet to see any proof of josh doing literally anything
shut the fuck up pedo apologist
why does my sub time occasionally change upwards
if josh didnt do anything then why did he completely vanish? why did zaelia keep letting this crazy bitch back into his life?
give it up josh
Does anyone know if PvP gems stack
She was 16 you sick fuck completely legal in yourope btw
josh did nothing wrong
josh was right
more tits this size please!
i don't want to
how about instead blizz stops making visual clusterfuck fights?
if josh did anything how come none of the """victims""" showed any proof?
zaelia kicked her ass out mutliple times and she forced her way back every time. the worst he did was allegedly dragging her out by the hair after she locked herself in his bathroom saying she isn't coming out until his parents show up so she can gaslight them into taking her side
depends where in europe and ironically with whom
it would be better if the authorities just came out and said that the real reason for these laws is to avoid old men hoarding all the young women or something
thinking of all the bikini yrel skins we mcfucking missed by blizzard shutting down hots development
liquid too busy goofing off and cant even get out p1. mute THD and kill the boss please
there is no country in europe where fucking a 16yo is illegal unless you're a teacher or something
This. Some countries even go down to 14 but he wasn't even accused of fucking a 17yo, just sexting (?)
>steals aggro
shout out to Anonymous for the $50 dono bomb!!!!
>josh getting cancelled for sexting
>zaelia getting cancelled for bitch being crazy
healersissies can't stop losing
you can't fuck someone under 18 if you're over 21 in sweden unless you're muslim, and you can't fuck at all until you're 15
this is why lolbabs explicitly forbid the esportfags from having gfs
what's the point of farming gear in a dungeon just so you can do the same dungeon again with higher numbers?
yeah the idiot popped everything 1 second into the pull so the boss bitchslapped him before tank could generate enough threat
there is no such rule
corejj, a world champion, was married when he won his title
same with doinb, another world champion
so... why not take off all your gear and do the dungeon naked? it's the same difficulty relatively
your point?
I make all fem nelf healsluts do this
so what? a tank can just taunt on pull then secure threat in one gcd. a dps should never rip agro on a single target, this isnt vanilla wow
what a stupid thing to say
doinb even picked a champion that wasn't good at the time because it was his wife's favorite character, just so he could get a new skin made for it after he won
what's the point of playing video games? how do people still post this retarded argument for literally 20 years?
Where is the EU nerub stream???
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>holy shit this is m0 stitchflesh???? wtf is this bullshit maybe I am shit at healing
>...oh nvm
never got filtered by mythic before
if it's so stupid then debunk it

you see new stories, characters and areas
it is by no means comparable to doing the same dungeon over and over with slightly higher numbers, i don't see the point
the point is you're a pinhead who has no idea what's going on with these things
pretty much every chink player has a gf, as do the koreans
it's just the western incels and it's because they're incels, not a rule - bwipo has a girlfriend, for example
could wait for tues-thursday evening where it might touch sub 180s again but i can't really see it going down much more without a big sink from blizzard. setting aside the spike of people buying back in for the month this week that bottom has just been there so long now. seems stable and it is what it is.
removing gear removes stats that classes require
and no haste
you fucking MONGO
fucking litttle weasel bastard i fucking own u bitch
do you think this proves your point or did your own post just fly over your head?
the tank is obviously shit if the route needed that extra 0.2% that bricked the key but you should taunt shortly after the pull because all taunt does is put you at the top of the threat meter so if you don't time it properly some dpsissy popping everything on pull can and will generate more aggro before a tank has enough threat to kite forever
thats my first comment in the chain retard
tanks need a redesign
on pull is still enough time. the buff not only keeps the target on you but increases tps too which is why tanks are able to do tank swaps in raids without immediately out threating the other after it falls off
>Heroes of the Storm was at one point one of the best games they'd ever designed.
They've made a really hot Yrel, Whitemane and Dreadlord Jaina designs for it, for which I'm forever grateful
God Yrel is fucking adorable
Also her bubble hearth animation is cute too
Yeah, still hurts a little bit
mostly awful besides the economy was braindead easy to deal with. why they didn't keep the crafted speed gear as an alternate path for people to buy/sell i'll never know. gave that shit over to multiboxers camping hyperspawns and flippers instead for whatever reason.

themes aren't so bad besides the blue eyeburning and the whole zereth arc being plain goofy. worst thing was probably the overly long starter quest line and that they fucked up 9.0 solo torghast with unkillable bosses for low self healers. probably a lot of the same things in delves where the boss is out of line with the rest of the monsters then they fixed it by not healing them on deaths. korthia wasn't just one of the worst zones the game itself was truly ghost town outside of people being there on reset days. multitap skinning for every trash mob was stupid. the full region ah merge of commodities rather than merging more realms was also stupid.
im buying skins for ow2 and d4
fuck u

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