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Goblin golddiggers edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496331952
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How do I stop these guys from forcing me onto a DF mount when starting the race?
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Would you let her be your raid leader?
..start while mounted?
This is so hard... :(
That's not the real Huns
I think it's hilarious how Blizzard had been shitting the bed for years with Overhype, killing HotS, Diablo Do You Not Have Phone and Warcraft Refunded, but it was necessary to create some bizarro world psycho narrative about breast milk and sexual harassment for normies to finally DARE to actually properly hate the company, and even then they flung their rotten fruit without any coherent direction, focus or particular strength.
sorry druid bro, you're gonna have to fly those retarded dragons with even more retarded hitboxes
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Is any guild going to kill this fucking boss today?
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sister... it's over... max won
soon to be raped by the giant bug
Night elf and goblin is an underrated flavor
cattle aren't known for their critical thinking skills
you can't apply rationality when it comes to herding them
It still happens
no one cares plebbitard
would you rather always be the best player in every group you join, or the worst?
I dunno. Works on my machine. Do you have dragon riding enabled?
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I fukn did it! Thank you Anon that told me Avatar and Bladestorm cleansed the poison, all I needed after that was proper execution. Brann died TWICE in phase 2, it was extremely sketchy, but proper die by the sword usage and picking up potions at the right time kept me alive until he respawned both times.
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That's how I feel when I see you...
elven skin and flesh exists for weary human male heads to rest upon
I get sleepy just looking at her
Maximum will down the boss TODAY.
Screenshot this post.

<Nerub Silkweaving forum> Raid night!
hope so, this trend of letting hundreds of gamebreaking bugs while multiple specs go rampantly overpowered (r.sham, arcane, fury, fdk, etc) for some race that literally no one cares about needs to stop
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>method with more world firsts than Echo
What the heck, Echobros.... but... Sneak(dot)lua....
Actually I think that's it,
if you talk to the guy with static flying enabled it changes your mount to a DF one and dynamic flying stays enabled afterward.
PLEASE post feet
Wrong huns
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i dont know why i find this shit so funny but it do
I want to split myself into a noob and an epic raider, the way Varian was split into two people with magic that has never been replicated or acknowledged since
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Hey if anyone on NA wants to do solo RBGs hit me up Crusty#11278
is there a fucking american in this guild??
what the fuck i love goblins now?
grats anon
>do a full clear normal raid pug last night to help out a fren
>620, no consumables, in pvp spec who gives a shit
>fucking 572 raid leader was parsing it
>now I've got a bunch of greens on my logs forever
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Gold isn't the only thing they're digging for.
if im the worst player in the group, that means the group is still good. if im the best, that means the group can potentially be full of shitters
they got rid of fem gob's golddigger joke
built for big human cock
Aug should become the tank Enhancement never got to be
Why people post aislop in puzzle format through external links?
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What did Blizzard mean by this name?
>he didnt already have heroic logs
Please no
You silly bean
if you cleared heroic you are guaranteed to have orange logs in normal
Metzen's kino
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Goblin game, Goblin general.
Dick Arse
Nick's got some arse in 'im
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>Silkweavers wiping on second boss
It is over.
alright lads im taking bets -
how many wipes are they going to have on bloodbound??
im thinking 4
they're already at 1
>glyph for ability you seldom press unless youre ww
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Love gobs
pug tank fat fingered his taunt
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uh oh another nerubtroon melty inc
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why is it just guys talking? i thought /vg/ guilds were full of girls
>pug tank
Girls don't actually exist. They're a myth.
this one (nerub) is full of troons and troon clique
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>another wipe
nice how do i get invited? (47 months HRT femboy)
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draenei sex
They saw your rio. You didn't make the cut
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fucking love gobbos
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>Clear the raid on normal
>All vault slots are 597

Something seems really off with the gearing right now.
do they need a tank?
t. vengchad
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Nelf women owe me sex.
>Anon, how much gold does your profession make per hour?
Post trooncord invite link
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I played Warcraft total conversion mods for Crusader Kings only so that I could marry a draenei girl as human character
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>Max talks strats for 10 minutes (they haven't pulled at all)
>They pull after 10 minutes of talking strats
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You make 20k for a single ring enchant you say?
they're really trying to pad out (((engagement))) metrics by making gear acquisition as painful as possible
either that or that's just how the first season of every xpac is, DF S2 was the first time I actually started engaging seriously with m+
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All builded for human men
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Post your gobo characters!
post feet first
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makes no sense your max vault from a +9 dungeon is 3 ilvl higher than a fucking t8 delve
id wager 70% of the player base would get filtered from +9 dungeons at 619 ilvl with current tuning
Link to mod?
damn you really gotta busy your ass for a vault or just spend 10 minutes in 2 delves, and they're gonna soak up those metrics and declare delves a HUGE SUCCESS
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+9? try +4
most the playerbase is getting filtered from the +7 death timer.
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>EU has a massive healer shortage in every key
>NA has a massive tank shortage in every key

What causes this?
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wow goblins look like shit
also green skin is disgusting
The problem is that M+ is too hard. Delves are fine. If they gave any worse gear people would be calling them useless and crying that Blizzard wasted time on a "useless feature".
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>fabear disengages and dumps tentacles on the holy priest
i want to make a mage alt but idk what race to go
stuck between nelf, nightborne, ztroll,
CK 2 https://www.moddb.com/mods/warcraft-kings-of-azeroth
CK 3 https://www.moddb.com/mods/warcraft-guardians-of-azeroth-2
CK 3 version is still in development (and the base game itself is still missing a lot of content) so a certain amount of stuff isn't implemented
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>Most relevant Titan character of the current expansion
>Been dead since Vanilla
Should've just used Tyr
EU has more dominant men
NA has more sissies
why dont goblins look like their fan art
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I started at the end of shadowlands and I am kinda struggling on my prot pally
I am currently at 1750, What's the shortest cut to 2k rating from here? Should I aim at +7s only or can I get away with some +5s?
Grim Batol and City of Threads are spooky as fuck
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My girl
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>Watching EU guild
>Their mages are doing fuck all dps
Are all their mages playing without a monitor?
nerub bros... not like this...
you need 3 sevens and the rest 6s iirc
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Bless you I only have CK2 anyway
the problem with m+ is that there is a timer
if they removed the timer tomorrow there would be a meltie for a week followed by absolutely 0 groups enabling the stopwatch to time their run
people would suddenly start enjoying m+ a lot more
you think you don't but you do
do all 7s untill your learn your class and dungeon mechanics then go higher
didn't zekvir cast a self-heal on normal too or am I misremembering?
>mages are braindead retards
looks normal to me
It's a melee expansion, rangedcuck
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Feel free to stop playing the game anytime
>trying to search through toy collectibles is completely broken
>its been broken for over a month
uhhh blizzard?
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This got me over 2k
What is the point of the timer anyway? Like, why is it there in the first place? To emulate MoP challenges where everyone had gear presets?
>do NW +7
>all three dps at about 1.1M overall
>only mess up once on hooks (no wipe)
>+1 with 1:30 minutes left
Is the timer fucked or what?
why do fags come here from reddit and think linking someones image from the archive is some kind of gigaown
really cringe desu
guardian dk or prot for a tank alt
main is vdh, I can take the immobile dk playstyle
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Mad that you got called out?
it just shows us you're not only retarded
but retarded ALL the time lol
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ya who would post the same pictures on 4chan for the last couple of years…haha
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I fucking love delve farming so much bros
gentlemen... how do we fix templar? make hammer hit twice as hard?
you need to pull bigger
saar pls trade do not equip saaar
wrong, retard
sis... please share your secrets
Because on Reddit they could go back through someone's entire post history to nitpick something and then handwaive whatever you say. Looking through the archive is basically a weaksauce version of that.
>omg you used the same image multiple times in a general you browse
but do you need?
what in the WEIRDCHAMP
I mean, in a year or two CK III mod will be all-around better simply because CK III has more instruments to implement fantasy elements of Warcraft (spells, different unit types etc), but for now CK II is better in a sense that you can just plug and play. Plus there are submods available, but I personally only tried one that expands harpy cultures, dunno about the rest.
Pathetic samefag
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how do i make retri fun
nelf is objectively the best race in the entire game so go with that
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VDH bros... I thought we were meta...
No I just think its pathetic when people do it on either site.
prot pal is kind of rough prot war is good tho
health bounces like a fucking dks but wog isnt as good as deathstrike and you have to manage wog and sotr its kind of like the fury war of tanks
its very busy
ya its really dumb idgi
OK mr epic centrist guy
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Just make new images so people have to make new filters.
>Over an hour
>one boss down
link your build with wowhead talent calculator
i dont see how you're not having fun, maybe you have shit taste
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>Not grinding crests
>Not farming gear
>Peaking at full heroic
>Gooning to all your characters in raid
I've never felt better
no chance, the boss could eat a further
5% health nerf and its still probably not killable this week
its going to make it to reset and then liquid are going to kill it before eu reset even happens

the only way it dies this reset is if they go to 3 heals and completely reprog the fight
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What happened to "bring the player, not the class"?
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to emulate diablo 3 greater rifts
reminder that the entire d3 team was forced to work on legion which is where world quests, infinite AP grind, m+, etc. came form
the main difference is that in diablo you can only rely on yourself and also gain infinite damage so while the limiting factor is still 1 shots you can also 1 shot any trash mob
the fun was found in zooming around and killing everything on the screen in a second before you get to the boss
in wow you don't 1 shot trash and you can't avoid absolutely all damage by dodging nor can you simply do the dungeon by yourself so it becomes tedious as fuck
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season 1 aint bussin on dobby

I think we'll see a massive drop off starting next week
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Why do you think it's redditors who do this?
bros i struggle so much coming up with character names
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>first time doing dungeon
>got the mount thingy
it's kind of ugly though
literally never existed.
If I get someone to recraft my https://www.wowhead.com/item=222443/everforged-greataxe will it always be 619 if I request highest quality and provide T3 materials? Or is there a chance they'll fuck it up/scam me
if you set the minimum quality to max on a personal order they can't scam you
nah you show me your build
They're going to disband after Liquid wins this. One of the guys on Liquid was leaking stuff on dorki's stream the other night saying Echo has a lot of internal problems going on right now. There's no way they're winning this.
i am so horny for gobussy
ilvl is determinded by the crest and you can set the quality
if you want it to be 636 you need a gilded crest
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literally same with 0 wipes but killed stitch on first pass, thought you were in my group for a sec
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>you are not prepared
idk wtf you're doing so im going to assume m+ but i got one for raid and one for arena too
>echo disbands
>the good players go back to method
>the bad players from both guilds get the boot
>eu supremacy achieved once again
trust the plan
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How did we go from
>paladin is a dreadlord
>Jaina is a dreadlord
>dreadlord is a paladin
to this?
delves, solo content and maybe some pvp
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oh nvm lol
it's as useful as the "freebie" mount you end in legion questline, which needs exalted with nightborne
Just go to a dead server and rip them off your favorite fictions
sco always wins baby
wait when is this coming??
>hit my cc button
>game crashes
Once the average players realize they've hit a wall in their crests and the only way to get over it is to do +9s I don't see most of them willing to overcome it.
>people bitch there are no tanks
>I get declined from 10 +7s in a row as a 2.1k 615 ilvl prot paladin
I hate metacucks so much. You arent doing +13s lil bro
vintage gob
Vulpera are for ___________
>get gearlocked because of crest cap at 612
>have to do +9s
>612 so 0 pug invites
yea you're 100% correct, just made an alt instead
incredibly devilish
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He kicked everyone lmao
What's the difference between valorstones and crests?
if gobgirls ACTUALLY looked and acted like this, I'd pick wow back up and never leave
holy SEX
Built for human men
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Take a closer look.
just install schizoware and change the md5 hash + filename randomizer
You're not getting invited because you have 0 score you little delve cretin
made for my bwc
good to know cheers
im a filthy casual so this is the best i can do. which is fine.
o im retarded. 11.0.5 looks like a patch to no life. they're also making the tmog changes in it
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this is what got me to 2k
I'm 2150 retardfren
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hero crests upgrade to 619
probably only take another week or two for the majority of players to get there
i agree with the sentiment tho
really hope the shareholders take skulls when they see the quarter four reports
sneedstones are used to upgrade gear
crests are used to upgrade gear
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>randomly stop being able to cast skills with keyboard due to... uhhh... an addon that filters m+ keys
jesus christ I hate this game so much
>he actually participates in the speedrunning system
you asked to suffer
I did pic related and won the game
what now?
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using shitty bloat addons like premade group filter when filters already exist in the base ui

your fault retard
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the base ui has a pretty good filter what the fuck do you even need
Prove it
currently its a bigger waste of time to run your own key
you have at least a 60% chance of a disband at anything above a +7
>what the fuck do you even need
to filter people from non-US you retard
your ass is bloated
No he didn't want to put in effort recruiting people and the guild died
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happens with better wardrobe too for some weird fucking reason
I want anal from a futa goblin while i fuck a vulpera up the ass
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sooo true sister
herb sisters... the mining chads are laughing at us again...
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pff lol
basically a dps check so they don't have to think about people camping out for defensive cooldowns being degenerate max time possible runs
the problem is they undermine it by adding breakpoints to try to skillgate the rewards where people push into shit they really don't belong in. instead of it being a kind of self regulating your speed is the skill grind for loot that actually works out decently in diablo you get that. and it's even worse in groups to have people who don't want to just casual treadmill.
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Another they/them WTF I thought TWW wasn't woke???
Draenei Priestess
Orc Warrior
Name a more iconic duo
>obvious lowbie alt summons Slatefang
>announces it in chat
>flies off
>obviously expects others to kill it for him
>summon 2 more slatefangs next to his so he won't be able to skin it without fighting them
>What is the point of the timer anyway?
I don't want to wait for lust on every single pull
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>5 pulls on bloodbound
>both tanks dead
>they kill it before it wipes the raid
man this is so much fucking better than rtwf
nope, I'm right and you're wrong, cope and sneethe
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reminder to elf beauty deniers, you cannot even SPEAK of how pretty Alleria Windrunner because she is unspeakably so!
embarrassingly unfunny
rope yourself
wait how? recipes or just tinderboxes?
>new spluckytama
wtf is this cringe Exile's Reach intro quest line? i'm doing it for the first time on an alt
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Epic Blizzard quality
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I forgot alleria was supposed to be tall, explains why anduin looks like such a fucking manlet when standing next to her
??? how
>fly to a node
>mine it
>futa garbage with one of the ugliest human models ever created
>people camping out for defensive cooldowns
Let's be real. Only a handful of teams/players actually bother doing keys above the level that gives the best rewards and they would be in the double digits once nobody has to pump his score up. There would be less than 5 teams across the entire globe afking for cooldowns between each pack and they would only be doing it for internet clout like those people in LoL who hold matches hostage for 6 hours while they farm stacks of something.
Also you would hit a boss brick wall long before you would need all CDs up for every pack
The timer has no reason to exist and should be deleted
for me it's mostly
>fly to a node
>it fucking vanishes mid-harvest
It's good furtranny
what are those worldsoul memory things anyway?
>literal trannychaser calling anyone else a tranny
I laffed out loud
>human ""men""
>rogerbrown back to method
As it was meant to be.
its the triple windup that gets me
you go out of bounds from where the radiant echo event takes place
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twenty thousand years of unwashed scalie musk
Spend Radiant Echoes to start a 5 minute event.
Kill as many enemies as possible and get valorstones + key shards at the end based on your score.

Mabye they shouldn't have placed bosses outside of the event area.
Lick him clean
nelf warrior x orc warrior
>can't refute the furtranny allegation
Well that confirms it stop raping animals
Why did they make so many different hairstyles for Dracthyr visages when you barely see them?
human male paladin and female void/high elf hunter
where the fuck are my null stones
imagine if they at least made the dracthyr exclusive armor set visible on the race instead of wasting resources on drag makeup
All elves should be tall. They come from a species that averages 9ft
you can get a decent amount just flying around and mindlessly mining with 50/50 mining fundamentals (mining while mounted)
>unapologetically pump giga dam
>do more deeps than meta specs with higher ilvl and humiliate them on the meters
>mispell every word when speak in group chat
this is how i humiliation ritual
Worgen rogue and undead warrior.
nelf druid and tauren shaman
nelf hunter and troll priest
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>So, anon, tell me more about what you do in your free time?
Echo sisters... Max is tightening the noose... It's looking over for us...
This game gives you endgame gear WAY
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What's the deal with europeans being so bad at this game? Look at echo and nerub lmfao
rare ion
Is this SylvanASS?
>nelf druid and tauren shaman
Doing cata quests and remembering how casually horny dwarves are
>pretend to be retarded and fail raid wipe mechanics every now and then
>do worse than meta specs
>get orange logs anyway because there are only 700 other people playing my shit spec
>vocally brag about being the best of the worst
>they can't talk shit about me because they gray parse with S+ tier specs even if they are much better than me
I know they are seething every time
how? where? when? i want endgame gear too...
imagine this kid hosting a nice waterboarding sesh over at gitmo ten years later
nerub just ate shit on rashanan
NO ONE wipes on rashanan
i think their healers are shit tanks are dead every pull
that chapter was the best one in BtDP, and it wasn't because it had a sex scene
it really showed well just how utterly broken alleria was following the death of her brother
Elves being big and tall only adds to their allure desu
there are all kinds of WQs in TWW where items or mobs spawn outside of the area, it's ridiculous
>Farm with a truesight potion
>ironclaw ironclaw ironclaw ironclaw
>stop using it

It only concerns Blizzard's mobile gaming divisions, though.
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they call me delvin' melvin
the best chapter was taking Hellfire Citadel
it's called warcraft bitch
Not thick enough.
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>some crafter ask for 10k
>some say tip what you want
Why is this so?
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Of course. we were robbed with player elves being the height they are.
Okay, that's pretty... sweet. I don't know how else to describe it, but she looks really nice in this sweater.
yeah ok that one was pretty good as well
it was just a good book overall desu, one of the best warcraft novels
I play worlo and goon
That's it
>all those moles
you need better models
I pump the meters then I pump with my bros
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>no dh in group
i play wow and spend way too much money on cute boots, cute heels, cute sneakers and other sexy/cute clothes
timmys finally have wowhead guides of how the crafting system works when they didnt at the start of df
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>not ONE Demon Hunter in raid
>kill Rash'anan heroic
>oops all warglaives
give us back personal loot blizzard you niggers
So warcraft rumble was a flop?
Sissy healer main?
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Does PvP gear activate in warmode when you're NOT in a fight with another player?
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not unless you're in a ffa area
can't win any of them
ifucking hate them
lmao imagine doing world activites in sub 600 gear. No wonder PvP is dead.
I usually play M+ with a friend that plays Tank. And he refuses to use platter and such to identify types of enemies, because he says, it is very easy to recognize what every enemy does. But then he misses every important kick and doesn't place frontals away from the rest of the players. We have to warn him about every tiny mechanic in every pull we make. Any1 has any idea to convince him to use some add-on aid, at least until he learns things?
Better wardrobe has never not been bugged in my experience
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>spent the last 2 hours getting declined for keys I am overgeared for at higher rating than the person making the group
.... fun game
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don't call me sissy thanks i'm a boy
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Problem, knave?
absolutely. now put tom chilton back on wow
What does it mean if my friends say they don't need a healer but all their recent logged runs are with different healers (pug)?
i only charge for concentration or if its an artisan acuity pattern. and the tips are usually far higher than any fee i ask for
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>tfw I was right
funny enough it pops off the first week of the season because you have the raiders trying to grab a quick 1600 for mark and the last time it was really popping off was sls1 when you could get myth ilvl gear from vault, lot more boosting too tho
>at higher rating than the person making the group
in what universe are people who start groups looking for people worse than themselves?
protip: you can't be declined from a group you start
>watch m+ streamer

>log onto my female void elf
>start thinking about sex
how do I stop this
>trying to do RDF for the rune bags
>game keeps giving me s*****l*nds garbage forcing me to take the deserter debuff
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I run blacksmithing and if I just make more orders for lower fee, I get a bunch more chances to get free sanctified alloy back through procs
yea just play with someone that isn't shit until he takes his head out of his ass or quits
Contrition, why have you stopped your art?
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why? because i dress the way i do? that doesn't change the fact that the word sissy sounds stupid which it does
tell him to turn on enemy nameplates lmfao
i dont use any of that shit either
ever since they put the cast bar under the nameplate i dont even look at the enemy frames anymore unless i notice a buff i can belf
this is what peak performance looks like
also 40+ bmi for optimal ass cushioning and thermo-regulation
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wait I could be raiding with nerub sissies rn?
ya just go ask fagbear for an invite in his stream
any tips for tanking lfr
just b urself
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Femworg spotted
do you have dbm?
taunt when the british lass tells you to
i actually am busy for the rest of the weekend so now WoW commitments from me
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<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> Raid night.
What does Yrel think of the fact that red dranei are not in the alliance? I bet it pisses her off
put on your Garbage playlist in the background and just embrace the immersion until you start lusting for human male paladin dick
>tanking lfr
if you let the other tank get hit by the boss your mom will call you and tell you you're a disappointment
>b-but taunt swap
NO you're the tank you hold the boss
why is viewership for this world to race first so fucking bad? what happened ?
What's the point of the WoW Community Council if it's always ignored by devs?
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what do you think is the best warlock race for either faction?

for alliance I'm tossing up between human, gnome or void elf

for horde I'm tossing up between orc or undead
That doesn't stop her from bending over for them
taunt swap when DBM screams at you
look behind the boss to see if the meleetards are standing in shit on the floor and move boss if they are
dbm actually pissed me off because they made me download another fucking module for dungeons
its got alot of useful stuff that throws ability timers up on the nameplates but some of the shit is just horse shit like on mists they have an interupt notification but they replaced the mechanic
*starts the theater event*
*accidentally goes AFK*
whoa, oops... sorry guys!
*gets 500 gold while shitposting*
i had like 5 arathi basins now in rbg and i won 0 of them
garbage mode
There isn't one or nelves if they weren't pussies
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h-here I go!!
do people even need tanks in LFR I thought it was so shitter tier that even a healer could tank, dont know myself I've NEVER played LFR because I'm not a turboshitter
game lost relevancy + viewboting being harder.
the mechanics are ignorable and a joke
>install the flag addon
>now able to decline all russians, all germans, all french and all spanish
very nice...
400 people LAYED OFF. lmao. war within saving us? as if
>uninstall game
>have preemptively declined everyone from grouping with me
kneel before me worms
they used to outsource the botting to an israeli company but they're a bit busy infiltrating the lebanese pager supply chain
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I miss her bros
can someone please tell me why it takes people who join groups 5 years to get to the dungeons? it isn't that fucking hard to know where the entrances are
for alliance unironically worgen
you are already cursed abberation with no soul hellbent on destroying everything around you but forced to pretend you are normal so may as well get something in return
For horde either orc or goblin
summon please
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>fake title
>same months old new
>400 people in whole Activision Blizzard
>ignoring meme rumble
>ignoring new cod dead on arrival
>including King

Next time you're gonna report shadowlands years news?
Doomretard is starting to lose xer mind. Do everyone around you a favour and hang yourself.
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good luck!
if dracthyr looked like this bros...
>for horde I'm tossing up between orc or undead
For Horde troll, because trolls have a long history of fucking around with things they don't understand
For Alliance human or dank iron dwarf for basically the same reasons
>dragons with tits
Shit taste
lmao that doesn't stop these morons from wiping us
>blind retards get fucking mopped by the freight train attack
>tank solo gaming doesnt aim the belch on the party
>retard retards eat the massive charge up AoE attack
>it's basically impossible to die on Sikran unless both tanks drop
>either one or both bozos go to the wrong side for poison wave
>AoEs arent targeted on eggs and we all eat black blood ass drippings
>minecraft andy drops the nether portal directly on the raid group
womp womp faggot
ok homo
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well, wowchads...
I would play one in a heartbeat
fuck blizard for making them all look like troons

t. gaylord
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This is old news, why are you retards posting shit from months ago?
troons are based as fuck tho
Do people still shitrush in Ashran or is it kinosovl zug zug perma fightning again
>play with shitters
>be a shitter
>complain you're swimming in shit
LFR exists to threaten real players with what happens if they fail to conform to Community Norms and the game Culture.
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>LFR exists to threaten real players with what happens if they fail to conform to Community Norms and the game Culture.
get some friends/join a guild or suffer
>we will never get wod but finished
why even live
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Jesus, the sheer smugness of this goat
Is there an NA guild to join on moonguard... I'm tired of playing alone.
>br*wnoid cant read
zug zug...
>we will never meet dad again in WoD (World of Dad) classic
father... is it over?
didnt sub rogue used to use non daggers in their oh? why did that change
playing void elf has ruined other races as casters for me
the no pushback on cast racial is insane, god I hate how that is still a thing
No melty lasts forever, my son
but why
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If Draenei are jews, the Exodar is their arc and Velen is their Moses, what is their Mossad?
we wiped on the second boss and the other tank keeps taunting the boss off me
Get in.
subtlety rouge should've been a physical ranged spec
How's tank DH?
its ok nerub cant master that mechanic on heroic
took them 5 pulls to kill it today
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Rolling in Stormrage. Which class for my Eradar?
What a tail-let
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the Rangari
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>addons are le ba-ACKKKKKKKKKKKK
Echo won.
its OK :) >>496369996
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Do rwf guilds kick people or do they play because they're friends? What determines even getting into one of those guilds? It feels strange seeing the same people make raid wiping mistakes but they're not being swapped for someone else
Warrior. Paladin only if you play into the corruption angle. Get better horns too
from 25 blitz rbg games i won 4 games :)
The amount of players that can play at that caliber are few. If you replaced one with a rando they would make even more mistakes, especially since they have to adjust to the group dynamic.
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The size went to her tits, you homo
Oh shit, true.
>Yrel as head of the IDF, massacring innocent Orcestinians
both. they play together outside rwf as well
Penis inspection.
Uncut in EU? you stay
Uncut in NA? kicked
Max is the only one that will never be replaced
the other people, can all be replaced if they don't perform
how do I join as a horde player since it doesn't show up in the search
ok sorry
it was 13 games and 4 wins
but still a lose ratio that is bad
Find the community and join through that way
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well well well
what did i tell you faggots that were soifacing over blitz???
I told you it would be dead in two weeks
and would you look at that?
i keep reading cry posts about how you're all losing every game
how the turn tables.
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>nerub silkweavers and princess
Why are so many of the RWF people so old?
Surely there are some 15-21 year olds that can blow them out of the water in terms of reflexes, just like every other game? These niggas pushing 30+
Young people don't play WoW, don't have 10+ years of experience mythic raiding, don't have connections with all the mafias.
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Does he actually play with them? Sorry if that's a retarded question but this is the first time I'm watching one of these and he's just giving callouts. Is that his role in the group?
there just retarded europeans overthinking it
NA pugs just make final twilight go past their red lines to the outside and stay the fuck out with triangle
they're trying to do some dumb shit where they try to run the mark to the opposite side, through the raid
fucking idiots
fagbear walking into daggers and dumping orbs on his guildies constantly
>giving a shit about RWF
Explains the age
is this rwf???
holy sex
no one thought they'd make SOLO rbgs actually group-queuable
Yes he's a living weak aura
Nothing holy about draenei sex...
i don't think leclerc can get dropped, because if he could, they would've done it already
anal queen
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All done :)
is this local
what level is your Branndon
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all good
?? Zekvir should give a Myth track in the vault
I'll join next time I'm on thanks!
He's basically the coach and gives all the callouts so the players don't have to worry about that while also playing the game since there's a million mechanics. But, he's extremely annoying and has a tremendous amount of bad calls. He'll never be replaced though cause at worst his guild will always get 2nd since there's no other competition.
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why is this allowed
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what the fuck am I talking about this isn't /f1/ on /sp/
Max's wife is 1000% getting blacked back at home while he does these silly "races"
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Ok Liquid is killing this today it looks like. Echo in shambles.
>max at 10%
>echo sissies still at 25%

lol lmao
That’s why the RFW is such a fucking farce. There can only ever really be two teams competing because those are the only two groups of people who get paid to play the fucking game.
This means you've ran tons of T8+ without keys.. What would make anyone do that? Are there any rewards worth farming or is this just autism in practice?
impressive that they let total retards be glad now. Blizzard really has become very inclusive.
They are the most toxic guilds you can find but they already pulled the trigger and geared up the main roster so it's way too late to swap but otherwise they behave like any other guild and kick you ASAP if you aren't a core member because they know they can message anyone in the entire region and he will instantly /gquit to join the best guild around
>top 1% of the pvp ladder
thats self play buyer
it's not about age it's a generational thing.
Male performance peaks in early 30's it's just most gamers don't maintain themselves at all.
Echo should just disband after this race.
How fucking embarrassing this must be for them.
Wiping to the same point on the boss for 10 hours straight with 0 prog.
Liquid is mogging them and it's not even fucking close.
Is there a way to skip to Murozond's Rise in Dawn of the Infinite? I just want to farm for Gorehowl
Soulbound with Pelagos
That's why no one cares about it. It's not a serious event and Blizzard keep getting flamed more and more for balancing the entire game around it. Viewership this race is about 30% lower when compared to Amirdrassil. Hopefully it keeps going down and this cursed event is forever lost to time.
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>fury warrior
watching cuck porn til your garbage boring esports ends and the thread becomes usable again
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ENOUGH titcows!
Buying keys with the delve currency.
draenei should be titcows THOUGH
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see the secret phase
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see the secret phase
t. male belf
is max a chincel when he shaves his beard?
>Gladiator is top 1% of the ladder
Your answer should have been: lol, lmao
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t. male human
all that shits a meme with the reaction time
look at AWC liquids team is all 35ish
pikaboo is like a decade younger, played rogue longer than trill, hes worse at it.
theres another guy thats under 20 and hes worse than pikaboo
for whatever fucking reason terminally online millenials let zoomies gaslight them into thinking they're washed up boomers on deaths door at 30 its a joke
interracial* cuck porn sorry should've clarified.
Isn't that limited to just 3 in total?
male belf paladin coded post
It has to be fake.
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Sanest Ret Paladin main
Would not surprise me. They implemented keys in such a dumb man
God damn those goat hips...
Finally, the perfect girl for my cuckthyr sissyvoker
she looks like she fucks human men
Oh sorry, t.male nelf
my draenei (male) looks and acts like this
Swoobu fellow members of the Horde, have our great and powerful Raiders of the Worldfirst Clan raced first into the victory of Loktar Ogar for our ancestors yet? If not, how can we, the meager and numerous peons contribute to the mighty conquest of our noble savage defenders and protectors, may we perhaps drop some highly valuable DONOBOMBS in the chat so that the great spirit and earthmother watches over them and guides their mighty blades to defeat the enemy? Loktar Ogar my bretheren we must kill the humans and secure the Race for World First, FOR THE HORDE!!
big agree.
Lots of boomers feed into it too when they say "ahh I don't have the reactions to keep up anymore" when in reality they were just as shit when they were 20 they just never competed against people of their level or higher.
It's 466 +8 delves to finish the journey.
Even at 8 a week you won't be anywhere near finished by the time the season is over.

Unless youre expected to run 8 delves a week on 5 different characters.
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holy shit this is embarrassing for europe
What do you think about riccirado getting dropped though?
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>mfw this so called RWF """"""horde"""""" guild is composed mainly of diapergnomes and dwarves for their OP racials
flat chests + fat butts is the best combination
who cares about keys, nobody needs more champion gear
now I want to create a draenei hunter to play as warcraft mossad
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>It's 466 +8 delves to finish the journey.
there's a variant of the spore delve which you can finish in sub-2min on rogue, if doing it repeatedly counts then probably that
Echosisters, can we still win this? There must be another sneak.lua in the works...
explain to me how a season 1 boss of a TWW raid can be harder for echo than the dragoon from sepulcher?
That the scavenger hunt one?
My first xpac since WoD but it's kinda wild how the VAST majority of new quests in TWW are just... not relevant? Got to max level and immediately geared myself in like two days and then I had at least a couple dozen quests out in the world that would give me gear like 50 ilvls below me and marginal amounts of reputation that would amount to one piece of gear that is instead 20 ilvls below.

This is not something that was the case in WoD but I remember when you used to be pretty excited to finish a long quest chain because you would get a nice usable blue. I wonder if they can ever recapture that feeling.
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not really though, looks unnatural
woud look a lot better with a B cup
remember, Liquit ALWAYS chokes on hard bosses
Dragoon had a bigger arena. Europeans prefer things looser.
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It's pretty clear Blizzard is stretching their art team's capabilities beyond what they're able to accomplish with this more-expansions-faster shit and what I assume is a new focus on having new zones in patches.
Flying through the Dragon Isles and then going to Khaz Algar gives you whiplash. Isle of Dorn is clearly, blatantly, indisputably UNFINISHED and even though some zones look good (Ringing Deeps is a straight upgrade to Zaralek and Hallowfall looks great) there's more detail in Waking Shores than there is in all 4 TWW zones combined
He left Red Bull of his own volition so I can't feel bad for him
>DraeneiDF using sexy girls to get new recruits just like the IDF does
just ignore it til they nerf it, not exactly a new thing that blizz has 0 QA and has players do it for them
Remember to do your weekly fishing derby!
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Bomb void elves
believe so? ik you can leave instance via the green eye like in dungeon finder to restart quicker. idk if cooldowns reset between runs, in vid they used both vanish charges up for that time.
>Make an Elf
>Slap some horns, tentacles and a tail on it.
>Paint it grey
>call it a Dranny
i hate feet fags so much
i can't play prot paladin it's simply not working i'm literally made of paper i only have three defensive cooldowns in ardent defender, divine shield and guardian of the ancient kings and even if i pop ardent or guardian i still take massive damage. putting down my consecration takes time, stacking sotr to 3 takes time and it feels so fucking ass to play
limit max at the barber be like:
ayo let me get that soijack fade
more like
>take a tiefling
>make it lawful good
pretty much desu
If that's not heroic just go play something else.
WoW is suffering from the same thing that all other game studios are suffering from, this weird obsession with detail bloat. No one needs all these small little doodads in every environment. Just make individual things that stand out. At best save all of that just for the capital city which is severely lacking in interesting aesthetics. I remember more about Nagrand in Burning Crusade with its incredibly low poly textures than most of anything in these recent xpacs
this picture is worse than some of the ai slop, her horn is coming out of the back of her head
Even if thats heroic, your guild is SHIT
It's not the art team, it's the content devs. They're being told to only put in the stock quota of things into the game so that it finishes on time, and the executives reason that marketing will be able to social engineer enough cope in the playerbase that "it's not so bad" and "there'll be more stuff added later".
It's not a product-driven business, everyone with power in the corporation wants production to matter as little as possible compared to everything else because that could potentially reduce the relevancy of
>human resources
>DEI consultants
The more you sell with the minimal amount of product, the better you are at your job and the more valuable your job is - unless you're an actual developer, of course.
imagine mage but you have enough selfsustain to comfortably play like paladin or dk in solo content
we call those warlocks
The last thing an Orc sees before they're forced to convert to the light
Ansurek looks very easy mechanics wise but killer overlaps inflate the pull count so much. If world first raiders need more than 100 pulls the boss is overtuned/overdesigned
>skipped my hoyo chores again
and i didnt even get the codes from the stream
Tomorrow I'm going to get that dumb zekvir down surely. Good night :>
healer brann does it imo
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so a warlock?
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tieflings are way uglier to be honest
Anyone else starting to get burn out? I might go play vanilla again soon
its not great but you can make it work
just leave the group if you have a priest healer
something else you probably dont know is that you should be alternating sotr with wog at least on pull and then you can probably go two sotr to one wog, i didnt know this before yesterday but wog gives you 15% block and it makes it a little better
do not be afraid to send your blessing of spellwarding or bubble if you feel like you're about to eat shit
ultimately its in a bad spot right now but im doing tens on it rn because its easier to get invited on prot vs ret, you wouldnt be the first to roll another tank that requires less effort
why is echo so behind? they are the best no?
draes are much better than sneedlings in every aspect
Why is draenei female x tauren male such a popular pairing in porn?
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veng bros.........................................
except warlock feels like a complete shit
I disagree.
Mythic should be virtually unbeatable and take 4 months to clear for even the best guilds. Anyone who actually wants to beat the raid can play heroic raids like a sensible person.
Normalize doing your own content.
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>The last thing an Orc sees before they're forced to convert to the light
Exarch Hellscream realised Yrel was unironically correct and joined willingly.
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At your service m'lady
is this the nerubian weaving forum guild?
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This but unironically. Fire Warlock dev and get a proper rework cooking instead of this half-assed Legion shit.
my fellow anon in christ i even specced into the wog gives me 30% block talent and i keep it up as well as sotr but i still eat shit in trash pulls. bosses are honestly fine but it's the trash pulls that fuck me over and nothing i do seems to be working. will going lightsmith help a ton or?
funny, I would say the same thing about mage outside of pvp
Rogerbrown found out his ex is getting BLACKED. Gingi's son just came out as trans.
fuck Yrel
now post dps
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The chosen people will not be denied their holy land
good night
anyone else really like exploring the islands they made for expeditions back in BFA? why didn't they just make a proper expansion out of them instead of s*****lands?
I think warlock is fun
im trans but im not sure why that matters
idk im playing templar
i just copied yodafotms build
didnt read it or anything lmfao
yes, I want to make babies with her
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I quit this crusty outdated piece of shit game years ago, now it looks like friends are going to force me to play it again
I know nothing about the current expansion, can anybody make me feel less bad about installing it?
we really thirsting over ai slop?
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>the very first mythic boss should be as hard as Uu'nat and KJ
>difficulty only goes up from there
Now I want to see this
>why didn't they just make a proper expansion out of them instead of s*****lands?
Because of the poor reception to the expeditions.
Which in turn happened because BfA turned into a grindfest, in no small part because of how the community reacted to the design, borrowed power and loot treadmill of the game.
So the community instead coped that Shadowlands wouldn't have this problem
Get fucked retards
A few of the new raid bosses are pretty fun, on heroic at least
The quality of writing in modern WoW has conditioned us to love and crave slop.
>thousands of horde communication devices explode
>goblin suppliers blamed and court marshalled
okay i suck ;w;
the goblin suppliers did it but everyone blamed the fungarian mushroom people
>delver main trying to apply to my group
no thanks
gpt would write a better story than modern blizzard desu
I miss the days when you were just playing the game and you'd randomly be hit with the global world first announcement. It was cool.
in what spec nigga
>for 10 hours straight with 0 prog.
More like 20 hours straight. They've been stuck at the same point for 2 days.
>tranny+ when delves exist
Holy fuck. Alliance won.
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There's a non-zero amount of heterosexuality in the game. Now they just need to bring a non-zero amount of masculinity and the game would actually be a nice fantasy rpg.
In terms of being a social internet MMO it hasn't changed at all so don't expect that. It's still apartheid, you're either a shitter or a hardcore raidmazer with no inbetween.
ugh... my knees are bending on their own...
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when they add the sporebits affix you will be sorry
prot paladins needs 2 or 3 key abilities off the GCD to not be fucking shit, maybe in 11.0.5
>600Breezy getting trolled on plane by Transgender Mexican


>transgender mexican gangster snitch
I ain't seen that befoh
The story is still slop but it's less overwhelmingly goyed out than Dragonflight was
The combat feels really good. Dragonflight Talents trees and Hero Talents are kino. First time ever I've felt spoiled for choice on what looks good to play
M+ has dungeon rotations now so it's a lot fresher. Current dungeon rotation is fun with the exception of fucking Stonevault
Raid is great on Heroic, which doesn't matter that much to Mythic raiders because Amirdrassil was a great heroic raid and in the running for worst raid of all time on Mythic
Delves are pretty boring. They had a very specific time in the sun (on N/H raid week before M+ released it dropped insanely good gear for no effort) but are now irrelevant.
Crafting is a shitshow. Professions are now absolutely 100% relevant but it also means gearing characters is expensive as fuck. The thing making crafting so pricey (concentration, basically craft limits) has no alt restrictions so the way you make money is by having an army of fresh 80s with leveled professions that do nothing but spend concentration. Only doing professions on main won't come close to paying for your full setup
how do i kill heals in blitz
where are the bots to drive down prices ??
3/4 battlegrounds won
>lose 8 in a row
>legitimate business goblins minding their own
>blamed for all the Dorn's problems
>adventurers easily convinced by a malfeasant earthen to genocide the entire goblin brewery staff
>everyone clapped
>i think their healers are shit tanks are dead every pull
we wiped cus someone fucked up the line and killed the raid, then killed it after. idk take your meds schizo
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Don’t worry, trolls ARE still playable.
leveling blood dk in the 70s doing war within dungeons
I do so little fucking damage that I can't hold hate on shit I'm actively hitting without taunting it, please tell me this changes
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Why is this guy always such a retard?
whats he offering in exchange?
Echo has been pretty mid since j'lor.
Raz was literally an egregious show of favoritism, hard walling the boss to be actually impossible until Liquid went to bed then dropping the hotfix hours before they woke up.
Liquid would have won Fyrakk too but echo found an exploit in private auras that allowed them to use addons to completely automate those mechanics and then hid it from everybody by programming it to look like their players were manually using macros like everybody else did. They straight up cheated and blizzard patched the exploit immediately when it was exposed a couple months ago.
It's not a shock that without their cheater exploit and with a boss that isn't literally impossible without a 50% 4 AM nerf that they crumble apart. They haven't improved in 3 years and their competition has.
oh dear sweet anon, you're the retard here
They completely ruined their running animation in wod, troll males being playable is just your opinion
3 knowledge
10 dust
>M+ has dungeon rotations now so it's a lot fresher.
Except it's the same dungeons you were running 1 expansion ago
>Current dungeon rotation is fun with the exception of fucking Stonevault
And GB
And NW
And SoB
And CoT
And DB when it bugs out
a handjob
Eye of Tyr and Wings are also defensives, stupid. Also you should be wogging whenever you have free ones. Wings + Wog = Lay on Hands if it crits. Divine Toll gives a huge absorb if you get a big one off. Also there's Spellwarding that's good for a lot of stuff, basically like another bubble. Sounds like you just don't know how to play the class.
The story is basically not worse than WoD in terms of writing quality. Of course WoD has more hair, sweat, balls, bigness, muscles and meeting dad so it's intrinsically a better story than glorifying the hedonistic self-indulgence of accepting things about yourself (a topic that is irrelevant for a game made for real men)
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>certified competent player
>"hmm I'll decline him and keep dilating"
whatever trannoid
>echo found an exploit in private auras
based. blizzard should remove mechanics that require addons instead of slapping a band aid '""fix""" that makes everything worse
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I had hero 3pc set and got some random hero boots, i saw that one of the missing pieces was greaves so i assumed those are feet and used the catalyst on them but apparently greaves are legs? Wtf?
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Greaves were always legs anon
you are doing something wrong i was pulling the whole instance no problem
Hammer of Light heals you for 15% of your health (plus more because tooltips are stupid) so you can Eye of Tyr a pack and then, hold the Hammer of Light and if you get low blast it and heal yourself bigly.
>1 expansion ago
theres no DF dungeons in the TWW rotation
>Eye of Tyr
Wait, *dzing!* is back?!
/yell The Truth blinds you, villain!
what's wrong anon
destro warlock is suicide simulator who the fuck designed this shit
WoD had a good story that was ruined by bad gameplay decisions so Blizzard scrapped everything to prepare for Legion. I liked WoD had it not been for garrisons and all the other mind numbing bullshit you had to do.
...bwo...why are you dumb?
She gives off the same vibe as Magmaw
>I miss my wife, Alleria
you are fucking delusional if you think it is that hard for wf raiders to press a macro button when someone in vc says "press your macro" and that is what made the fight hard
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>American in Echo abom limbs the adds into raid and kills everyone on a really good pull
Shartlands is 1 expansion (DF) behind TWW
common Diablo player L
The honeymoon period is over. The dust has settled. The end has come.
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he's providing the cauldron and that's half the cost of that 65k figure
fuck off fagbear
Nu uh, check on wowhead. Half the items with greaves in them are feet. I even googled "wow greaves" and the first result is some boots.
thanks for giving my fury warrior a 1H weapon from the t9 delve,blizztard
very cool
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>makes every couple in TWW straight
ur welcome
LMAO I love you retards
Every single person who argues addon mechanics are bad is always revealed to be more or less the same person
>Not an actual Mythic raider, will 90% of the time cope that Mythic shouldn't matter when it's the only difficulty that has EVER mattered
>Likely isn't even subbed
>Willfully ignores that Dragonflight actively tried to remove addon mechanics and it resulted in the worst raids in history
>Whines about platitudes like "it's just uh wrong to need third party programs for raiding!" when Blizzard developed around them for over a decade to great success
>Refuses to acknowledge that WoW's core combat has been balanced around WeakAuras for even your rotation/prio for eons, including in the "golden ages" or whatever
>Tries to bring up WF raiders hating addons when they're biased as fuck and ended up cheating in weakauras when blizz literally did what they asked and tried to remove them
>worse than brew
nah lol
I swear, ancient boomer resto druid one tricks are way worse crybabies than any mage player. The very second they're not #1 healer by a vast margin they cry on every avenue of social media until blizzard inevitably buffs them into godhood and they become the best healer in dungeons for another two or three years. The crazy thing is that druid isn't even that bad, a good druid can still do the highest content but it's no longer braindead to play which has caused catastrophic levels of butthurt.
Just play prot. It's unkillable.
The two private aura mechanics on fyrakk were the first intermission and the prisons in the second phase which were two of the biggest prog points with dozens upon dozens of wipes each because of the retarded macro shit so yes, it made a huge difference retard.
holy fucking cope, they wouldnt have programmed in a random delay if they didnt 100% know they were cheating and trying to hide it
it wasn't slop but it was actually pretty fucking sloppy
>>the orcs unite to conquer Azeroth because... wouldn't it be cool if Grom Hellscream came back, and all the warchiefs, and they tried to conquer Azeroth?
The Horde in the original attacked Azeroth because fel abuse left them literally no choice as a culture and because they fucked up Draenor. The only reason we can say it isn't slop is because there was one man who 100% believed with his entire passion that he had to meet his dad again so you can never argue that it was just a warcraft movie ad or just a marketing committee memberberries project, this guy REALLY wanted to meet dad again and we can never take that away from him
I need some /wowg/ jigsaw puzzles...
..but people care about maxxing out delves because?
What a fucking chad
so why did they make an addon do it for them
why did they program in a random delay to make it look like the addon wasnt doing it for them
and why did their raid leader still make a show of saying “press your macros” every pull when nobody in the raid was pressing a macro?
>hype up this super scary group of warlords
>half of them fall over during quests or leveling dungeons
>one of them isn't even evil
>final raid of a 2 raid tier expansion focuses on demons and being black temple reimagined to set up for the incoming demon expansion
>only one relatively minor warlord is even killed there
>the only one anyone gives a shit about escapes to a different timeline; The literal same plot point they used the previous expansion and it wasn't well received then.
>so it only had 3 total raids
>2 of them were among the worst raids of all time
I'm thinking we need total WoD defender death at this point

>not allowed to reuse a dungeon from 4 years ago
>echo found an exploit in private auras that allowed them to use addons to completely automate those mechanics and then hid it from everybody by programming it to look like their players were manually using macros like everybody else did
Wait that's the funniest shit ever. And they didn't get in trouble for that?
>nesingwary camp in df doesn't have a single DEI npc
uuuuuuh... based??
I don't give a fuck that Echo cheated. Echo's cheating resulted in the removal of PrivateAura from that mechanic and we got to actually install a weakaura for the intermission aka one of the only fun parts of that dogshit fight so I thank them for it
Blizzard needs to go back to heavy addon mechanics like in Sepulcher. Jailer bomb weakaura was more fun than every mechanic in amirdrassil put together
it wasnt revealed until months later, there wasn’t really anything to be done at that point
fomo airship cosmetics
you're built different man idk
shit's doing a fraction of the damage every other tank did, running through and hitting shit with blood boil + a heart strike is not keeping it on me as I pull more
>Willfully ignores that Dragonflight actively tried to remove addon mechanics
Yeah mythic Neltharion totally didn't require addons and WAs to assign your position instantly else you wiped
All private auras did was make you install even more addons and WAs to solve the shit mechanic
Oh you're baiting.
I wonder if there's been any other sneaky stuff like that which hasn't been revealed yet
Bomb me with this
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I fucking hate blizzard, now i have to wait for the vault and hope i get hero shoulder or legs or at least one of those slots so use the catalyst two weeks from now.
>they fucked up draenor
Burning legion+draenei
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Post elves
I love everything about the Alliance
anyone feeling the same about their faction?
maybe your weapon is absolute dog shit
why does the nerub gm sound American?
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>The story is still slop but it's less overwhelmingly goyed out than Dragonflight was
I didn't play Dragonflight so I guess I dodged a bullet
I stopped paying much attention to WoW story a long time ago because it was slop
I'm the kind of person who is more interested in combat and gameplay mechanics but I started getting tired of the gameplay a long time ago. Mostly the whole tab target game-in-a-UI angle where the game world is cosmetic and everything happens on bars and auras began to be a real turn off
I did play some M+ when it was added and I thought that was a really good addition because in 5 man content you get to use a lot more of your character's kit in interesting ways compared to raiding, but I really don't care to go through the process of setting up 50+ hot keys and macros and addons and alerts and auras just to make this shit playable

The gameplay is not nearly broad enough to justify the amount of clunk it expects you to suffer while engaging with it
Getting sexed by your succubus
Are you joking, no he does not at all
yes, the fel abuse that the burning legion tricked the orcs into doing in order to genocide the draenei fucked up draenor, thanks for keeping up
I miss Azshara bwos
The one private aura on nelth could be done with just regular old nameplates though. The weakaura that people used literally was not necessary if you had a reasonably set up UI.
liquid awc team just shit the bed and got knocked out of the lower bracket...
its a bad omen
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>adding some stupid BLACKED-tier horde logo
why would you vandalise good art like this?
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Elves are the best.
The greaves refer to the part that's on the lower legs, not the feet themselves so it's a legs item not a feet item :^)
isn't the one talking one of the tanks.
nerub gm is a healsissy
>All PAs did was make you install even more addons
No, PAs also compels Blizzard to design boring fucking fights. I would rather a fight with 15 mechanics, all of which need WAs, than a fight with 2 mechanics that need one jank WA. What's in the fight is just as important as what's not, nigger. Or did you not think it was weird that phase 3 Fyrakk was dangerously close to tank and spank if you weren't playing seeds? They don't add any fucking mechanics because if they add too many they have to start allowing WAs so that players can handle it all.
you faggots make me sick. You don't even understand what makes raiding fun and you talk talk talk like you KNOW WAs are to blame. 3 jaw droppingly bad PrivateAuras raids in a row and you still won't admit WAs make raiding more fun
He was burned when Dalaran fell
Elves are trolls. Dislike.
Ok, yeah, you don't want to play WoW. Move on.
delete dampening and cut healers in half NOW
You're wrong and a faggot.
t. never installed addons, tanked normal Tomb and Antorus and enjoyed it because that's what the game should be like, not RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL RUN AWAY
Or make 15 mechanics that don't require WAs else the boss becomes 300% harder. You should apply for a position at Irvine if that didn't occur to you, they love hiring clueless retards
I don't get this jigsaw puzzle meme
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and there it is, outed as not-an-actual-raider and you're bringing up fucking Legion raids so also doesn't-even-play-WoW-anymore
you fags are so predictable
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this flag
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Demo or affli
For delves
but anon every mechanic needs a HOOOOOOONK GUNSHOT otherwise my brain will fail to notice it in the midst of the fear of being replaced by a better dance dance revolution player!
this nigga thinks addons are the same as weak auras ahahahhahahaha
Oh no, you outted me as the relevant demographic for restoring the game to health and long-term sustainability. How could I ever recover? Maybe I should watch the race for world first along with the 10 people who think mythic raiding in the current year is a good fantasy rpg experience?
Isn't stuff like DBM breaking ToS? Since it automatically writes stuff in chat?
How's that any different than an addon that writes and updates a macro in real time so it mirrors the hekili rotation into a one button spam or a fishing bot?
Demo is very fun
Addons are a barrier to gameplay which will turn away new players or old players who might have considered returning
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>Uh, retard, they don't need WAs to make fights fun! They should just...um.....make fights that are fun...but also no addons allowed!
3 raids in a row they tried this and failed, dunce. They tried it in Vault: horrible raid. They tried again in Aberrus: shitty raid. They tried a THIRD TIME in Amirdrassil: worst raid ever made. I would know, I actually raid.
So on your side, for "they should make fun fights without WAs", you have 3 failed attempts creating the least fun raids ever released.
On my side, for "WA-friendly mechanics-heavy raids are better", I have every single good raid ever released
you should kill yourself!
LMAO you're the Dance Dance Revolution schizo. Never change!
It's different because Ion enjoys DBM, it gives him a reason to design ever more nefarious and malicious torture chambers, it gives his life meaning.
Technically what echo did was only possible through the blizzard api so it wasn't an exploit
>"WA-friendly mechanics-heavy raids are better", I have every single good raid ever released
In your demented opinion, faggot.
>How's that any different than an addon that writes and updates a macro in real time
you can't edit macros while in combat
>still have an adventurer track ring holding me back

did my first +9 today as tank.

dawnbraker with a 4 stack of russians. we timed it by one minute.

fuck this dungeon is mean
these are so fucking good
dude, the game does the same
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>trying to get into a +7 pug as dps
feels bad
Blizzard decides what addons can and cannot do. It's their API under their control.
what spec are you playign anon, and gz
Is not WA required you disingenuous faggot nor is DBM the same as a WA which by the way has nothing to do with the fact that private auras are the only thing in this game more retarded than you
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Im a bear but the manage damage of the trashmobs in dawnbreaker fucks the bear
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what ilvl should i be for m+?
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I play veng and I get fucked the same, I will create a bear an see how it goes, Im pissed being squishy
But you can't type /cast Spell Name in chat whiel in combat can't you? The macro addon doesn't actually have to use the ingame macro system.
join nerub or globofomo so you can have comfy groups not asking for ilvl like pugs
what are you even on about, all DF raids were full of WA fights, they just made some 'private auras' so instead of a weakaura automatically assigning positions you now have 'press button if you get mechanic X' AND THEN WA automatically assigns position or order etc.
private auras are not WA-free fights, it's WA fights with extra annoying steps
i have seen tanking woes of every single spec now. not a single tank has consistently gone on record anywhere online saying "yeah every dungeon is fine at every key level"
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What does your image mean
You're obviously not real raiders or you would know how wrong you are.
The addons writing shit in chat don't access the chat box, they interface with functions imagine something like SendChatMessage() or CastSpell() directly
When you type in your chatbox "hello" the chatbox will see you want to send a "hello" message in your "say" channel and translate that to SendChatMessage("hello", "say") for you, and when you type "/cast Frostbolt" the chatbox will do a CastSpell("frostbolt") for you, addons and weakauras can only do these functions and not use the chat directly
filtered posts
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more engaging than delves
Minium ilvl to get into m0s is AT LEAST 645 and 4k io score.
so guys, I managed to stop myself from impulse-buying expac on start, however the fomo is getting to me especially watching the RWF
tell me
>is the game good
>is the game better than DF
>are the new instances better than DF dungeons
>do I buy the xpac
Why are you showing people you filter a bunch of posts
Who cares what you filter
retri with herald of sun is comfy and you don't feel doing zero damage without burst with radiant glory like with frost dk
the tank nerfs really fucked pugging.
now the healer has a bigger responsibility and if the dps players dont know how to avoid shit the healer is just fucked

I wish tanks were a bit stronger again.

whats vengs state right now? bear feels fine but yea you are so dependant on your healer
post your CEs with timestamp if you think your dogshit opinion is worth more than fecal matter
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Delving saved world of warcraft
what do you like
m+ is a shitshow right now, i think the heroic raid is very easy besides ansurek and thats only hard because the only people that apply to h ansurek groups leave after 2 attempts so its just a revolving door until you leave too
pvp is good but i havent been playing so i dont know if everyone is running ten fucking sockets yet and that might make it very bad, hard to say
idk i dont use filters but im imagining thats what that is
just a guess
echo crying themselves to sleep tonight kek
luv me li'le 'mps
pray tell me then how you dealt with the fixating orb detonation order on mythic smolderon faggot
You need to be 615, meta class and with 2.2k rio
Im not inviting no 1.8k shitter like you
Dumb frogbitch poster
it's not just that they fucked tanks it's that they also fucked healers as well (other than resto/pres being op)
>a lot better
>dungeon-wise yeah, raid-wise they are on-par imo, also new bg in tww
>why not? it's fun
Should i try out the new retail expansion? Classic seems kinda dead and ppl are saying this expansion is good, but i have never played beyond cata, so i have no clue what to even do or where to start. Do i even need to buy the new expansion to play the game, or its just for the late game content?
>Linken Park
DPS CHADS stay winning. Tank cucks and heal sluts know your fucking place.
pretty sure you can level to 70 without buying it
not sure
yea I dont invite any druid healers anymore to my keys. its just gonna end badly. usually Im not a meta class cuck but holy fuck resto druids are fucked
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now what?
>tanks nerfed
>healers nerfed
>dps get declined
worst season in a long while ngl
stop being mean to me
we're not winning because it still takes time to get into a group and 60% of the groups disband on 7+
no one is winning man
i have a feeling most of you guys arent in the 9-10 range right now but its actually fucking terrible
wise choice
t. resto druid
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no you fucking idiot
>m+ is a shitshow right now
more so than any time previously? elaborate pls
>what do you like
mostly pve, m+, some casual raiding probably (we had a guild pushing for CE but many people left and the reformed team is struggling with curve so I will hardskip guild raiding even if I buy it)
delves look nice I guess? I hated torghast because it was boring af, but delves remind me more of horrific visions, although vaguely, but those were pretty good
>more so than any time previously? elaborate pls
not him but: >>496391986
Why are you even doing M+ if you can get 626 gear from delves? You know your gear will be irrelevant in a few months, right? What's 10 extra levels?
I love this draenei
Because High Overlord Maximus might notice me when I do split runs with him and check my raider.io, I have to have all the accomplishments lest he think I don't have the strength and honor of a true warrior!
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I'm so glad that WoW is back
>get big pb pull
>take a break
>wipe <1min into the fight over and over for an hour
rated bg soloque is exactly as retarded as i imagined
you get real elo hell where a fucking balancedruid can't press a healing spell after a fight when you're on 2% hp with dots



We need a delve score addon. These M+ scores are not cutting it when deciding what people to choose for my delves..
Not my problem, heal yourself.
Thank you, Anon, I enjoy your draeslop jigsaws.
I thought that with the removal of many 'bad' affixes it should be more stable, are the dungeons, bosses, trash etc. that fucked? even if generally tanks are nerfed, smaller pulls would work, except if the timers are fucked?
so same as random bg then but you get placed with the bad players of your level, then?
bless you jiganons
are you flexing having played through sneedolands and the scalie expansion
if you're not fucked in the head you quit in legion or maybe bfa
I'm 21
max's mental is so bad, liquid would be so much better off if he was muted between pulls (they would also be better off until he was muted permanently but thats a whole nother issue)
no, you're at the mercy of rng
you literally can't influence the outcome of the match meaningfully
it doesn't matter how good you are
wish I could put my big fluffy bear paws on your shoulder and tell you its all gonna be alright very soon
Echo sissies went to sleep... It's over... Max will claim victory while they sleep.
too late I already switched to bear because healing that shit is beyond miserable
real players, real RAIDERS play every expansion and get CE on every raid little shitkid, because to do any less is to be not a real RAIDER and probably not even a based Hordechad
>and get CE on every raid
Can we see your CE?
>learning to tank
you spam thunderclap and ignore pain
you will get groomed
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echo have 0% chance of killing this boss tomorrow or the next day
shitquid are playing significantly better than them and they barely have a chance of killing it this reset
Need a draezuri version of this one
>30 Seconds to Mars song on Max's stream
>"The Kill"
The stars have aligned Liquid believers.
>chokes on P1
i want to know which retard thought it would be a good idea to put need and greed back in LFR.

Do you not know what kind of subhumans play your game? Now you get shitstains needing on shit to sell, or hold hostage/for trading
>it doesn't matter how good you are
it does. the game looks into your mind and checks if you are good or bad, then puts you with the team where you will be awarded the just reward of staying in the rating that you deserve according to how good or bad you are at being good or bad as a wow pvp gamer
if you can't cope with being judged, just don't play rated lol
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please make more aislop titmaxxed jigsaw puzzles it was fun
i don't even know what CE is, i'm just here to play online dressup and laugh at all the pozzed stuff they can fit into the game
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shitmaxxing LFR is the point of LFR
only reason you'd know about this change is if you are an LFR shitter which means you deserve to eat shit along with the rest
learn to play the game, install some weakauras and start progging mythic or stay at the shitkid table, your choice
deleted it to not spoil it for other anons : )
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it's the thread watcher silly geese
I don't watch liquit, how close was their 10% try? Did they reach enrage?
I can't think of many WoW expansions where the game could not have been improved by nerfing tanks and healers
>play the game on MY scheduly
hmmm no, i dont think i will.
I will do the raid, when i want, IF i want.
t.better player than you'll ever be, boostado shitado
What is this Walmart meme going on with Liquid?
>light Garroosh

Never knew how much I want that
LFR is super comfy, i always put the benny hill music in the background.
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it's time to fix rogues
Multiplayer puzzle
oh my fucking god just let me start at wave 10 you machine fucker
They just lost too many people and started falling over. They honestly can probably kill it but the first 2 phases have to go flawless with gigapumping dps to make p3 as painless as possible.
you can play until lvl 70 wit the sub only which is everything except TWW
To play TWW and level to 80 you need to buy the xpac though
they didn't do anything to the dungeons, they nerfed tanks and healers straight up
BM hunter first.
it was enrage but super sloppy, 2 or 3 dead and they dropped bombs halfway out of the ring, although that only costs like a half second as opposed to dropping them middle
the last ring needs to move at like 20% of its current speed and the boss probably needs a 2% health nerf for this fight to be doable
wheres the new thread you fucking double tranny
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>every year as halloween approaches i feel a powerful urge to resub to this game, despite my knowledge of how terrible it becomes in the endgame
>haven't played since legion
>have satisfied the urge to play by watching compilations of each expac cinematics
>watching dragonflight right now
>they made sindragosa a nigger
Yeah well, glad I didn't pay for it.
Yeah some nigger is ruining it no thanks
>Linken Park
I was told that leveling through the old content is not possible even if you wanted to i.e. you can't even be a noob at this game if you wanted to the game will literally force you to not be a noob and anyone who says otherwise is an out of touch boomer?
Sindragosa is cute at least. Not to name any halforcs in tww..
>more so than any time previously?
Ya, now i will preface this by saying that i didnt run keys in SLS1 or DFS1 and alot of people have said those were challenging seasons as well
>elaborate pls
They've introduced a new "affix" that triples the death penalty so 15 seconds per death - its extremely punishing for pugs because if you rack up 10 deaths in the first ten minutes people will just leave the key because you're not going to time unless you literally play flawlessly after that point
They changed how stops work on mob casts as well, so anything that isnt an interupt will allow the mob to cast the same ability immediately after it ends
you also get a crest(upgrade currency) penalty for completing a non timed dungeon
They've moved the reward structure up to the point where you get the mythic crests to upgrade your gear at +9 and max vault rewards at +10(myth track), heroic upgrade currency only gets you to 619 ilvl out of a maximum of 626, myth track can be upgraded to 639
The tuning on the dungeons is all over the place with a static key number being mostly meaningless so some 10s feel like 8s where others might feel like 12s
Delves have massively inflated the average players item level because they are very easy and you can get up to 3 pieces of heroic track gear from them weekly, the vault reward from a +8 delve is three item level lower than the reward from a +9 dungeon, sounds good but its created a situation where everyone and their brother has 610 ilvl at least and they have no clue what theyre doing and will easily brick your key if you end up inviting one, so people are extra picky because with the disband rate being so high its a diceroll whether or not you pop the key in and its over in 5 minutes because of leavers.
ive been keeping a record of my 10 keys and i have roughly a 31% completion rate out of 13 runs, i dont record the 9s or lower but id be willing to wager the completion rate isnt much higher
You can do every xpansion at your own pace with chromie.
>entirely blue puzzle
what the fuck
SLS1 was only challenging because prideful was one of the shittiest seasonal affixes ever
no this boss is super killable they are just bad at video games
people are getting off the boss and afking for like 8 seconds next to essences that they have to pick up
or getting off the boss to dodge webs
1-2% extra from p1
2-3% more boss dam from putting in arms warrior
5% from people not dying
2% from people actually hitting their buttons instead of sitting on their asses
boss is dead
i did this one the other day boo get new material
>sounds good but its created a situation where everyone and their brother has 610 ilvl at least and they have no clue what theyre doing
so what m+ did for the rest of the game but less cancerous?
>because if you rack up 10 deaths in the first ten minutes people will just leave the key
Wow, back in my day it only took 2 deaths for people in pugs to just leave the key. Times change?
that's impossible i just made the pic
i would bet my triple gold cap tbc account that this boss lives until next reset
Waiter waiter! A new goblin OP please!
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It's a fantasy world. They're descended from nelfs not monkeys.
agreed. this shit is not dying until next week.
Not really, it's the usual welfare gear which always, ALWAYS leads to more cancer because players have to figure out how to vet you on a metric besides item level.
The purpose of welfare gear mechanics has always been to threaten all players with the possibility of exclusion and banishment to non-content. If you do not exceed, you do not succeed.
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I think I like goat women now
In the oven, good madam
>need a slime pack to finish a mog
>gold one has a 0.01% fucking drop
>the black one is locked behind shadowlands slop and some random running by can fuck it up for you
>the gray one in TWW is a low drop from a rare that is a 1 in 3 spawn that can also drops other shit

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*picks you up and slams against concrete*
my main is a human male
>Max is playing 3DD
The fact he is playing 2000's proto-emo sound is telling of his despair.
Liquid will *not* kill it.
at least I know you're a cunt from a mile away. stupid ret pally human male faggot
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no excuse not to at least pick female
I remember skipping m+ during the first week of legion then trying to compete with idiots with inflated and undeserved ilvls for a raid spot
Better be paladin. Warrior or rogue is also fine but not preferable
Sounds bricked
Im sorry sir. It is a case of terminal7
working as intended, shouldn't have skipped, should've shown commitment, no reason not to get m+10 and aotc on the first week, any good player would
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She's a knockoff Nessa from Pokemon.
It could be worse, sure, still mad they used her at all though. big evil bone dragon should have stayed inside the WotLK cinematic where she belongs.
actually 90% of my chars is a male human
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You're probably a yellow fever fag anyway.
>play horde exclusively for the last 5 years
>sudden urge to totally switch to alliance
why am i like this.
even if it doesn't what does that prove? nothing
these people are getting hit by web blades constantly because they cannot imagine that the blades exist the millisecond the animation goes away
they literally have not developed object permeance
the boss is killable without nerfs
that remains true even if these retards can't pull it off
Order up; goblin with a side dish
>gets the same ilvl with delves
shit OP image
You get what you pay for
You're late to the party.
Welcome, Hoof appreciator.
Mom why
nerub sisters
tommorow we will kill her
i will also join

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