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Do you daily freyna bullshit edition: https://tfd.nexon.com/en/events/2024/09/freynashop

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Now that Kings Guard is dead and burried, again, I need a new weapon for Jayber
>Peace Maker buffs his turret damage
>Gluttony drops it
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i dont wanna do magiste'rs lab anymore..
So do the kuiper mines shit instead and get some wep prof while you level
Holy shit are ALL the gley builds using the tightrope meme shit???
Someone post your build so I can copy it.
have you considered just doing other things while farming instead of pointlessly grinding just for the sake of grinding?
Have you considered shutting the fuck up?
I haven't even been grinding levels, I'm just giving him a suggestion.
Dungeon completion bonus is too big, they need ot do something about it
Also I'm "saving" doing certain zones missions for later so I can do them and get the weekly missions done
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bros will I get to enjoy hailey's big ass and titties tomorrow?
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Need to see Hailey in that outfit in the Nexon Shop by next summer.
I refuse to spend any money on this game until they add a Black descendant.
Whats the freyna build if you're too cheap to invest more than one cata into her
A man could die between those glorious mountains and not regret a damn thing. How is it possible for them to have designed a 10/10 like Hailey?
your money's no good here, nigger
I will also spend money on a Negress Descendant.
sharen is black coded
I know le racism XD is hilarious but don't you guys find it weird that in a game with a such a big roster there's not a single Black character?
no, not at all. the roster is like 15 characters, and it's a korean game you dumb faggot.
How does 6 amorphous not give me a single 32% drop. Fucking rage inducing bullshit
Why should they have one if they don't want to make one?
There's like 3 white people in Korea and yet most of the characters are white so your argument is invalid.
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It's here!!!

They just need to buff descendant comp across the board. It’s too slow and I get fed up with it about halfway through catalyzing a descendant.
You know not every place on earth has black people in it right? Fix your western brainrot.
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>Finally get my first Gluttony win
>2 Haileys and a Yujin
>Thank the Yujin at the end
>Only Yujin
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There is that one pnj that is black. But i wouldn't mind a black girl if she look like that.
Koreans find niggers unappealing, in fact most of the planet does. It’s just how it is man, they’re uglier than other races by and large. It is what it is.
TFD takes place thousands of years in the future on a different planet nice try though.
It's a game made by asians, so why would they be inclined to?
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>don't you guys find it weird that in a game with a such a big roster there's not a single Black character?
Unfortunately leftists have now solidified the concept of black video game girls being fat ugly lesbian dykes, so ironically people are now more resistant to their inclusion lmao. Love to see it.
Why do bunnies join every intercept. What does she even do there? I can understand Obstructer but thats about it.
Maybe in your own mind.
Love black women but without wigs. She's very pretty but mixed. I've noticed that "pretty/acceptable" blacks are always the half-breeds.
What does that have to do with anything? You think there's only black people on other planets?
so you're telling me thousands of years from now niggers will be eradicated? thank fuck
Not really, it’s visibly evident. Theyve been shoving them into western aaa games, and they’ve been failing. Or have you not noticed?
There are more Blacks in Korea than whites by far.
The game is dying because there is no negress Descendant. This a fact. I need my black goddess.
yes because koreans love whites. their beauty standards are all about trying to be as white as possible
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I could tolerate a black male character but not female. Imagine if Hailey was scrapped in favour of Latonya.
Yes but why would they be inclined to include a minority like that
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Sorry trannies, no niggers in our games.
why are you lying?
Not surprised a racist doesn't know how to read. I never said there should only be Black people.
My point was that it invalidates their argument.
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there is a dedicated containment general for you disgusting niggerlovers over there at >>>/trash/
Not surprised you're having trouble keeping up. The point is there doesn't need to be a single black person at all and that's completely normal. Now fuck off nigger.
It doesn't, you just weren't invited to the favorites club.
>can't read
>hates Black people
The least surprising thing ever.
The argument is that they’re ugly so why would they be in a pretty girl Korean game? Think.
>capitalizing black
Oh you're one of those guys.
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Because Black people irl are a net negative to society, not a good trait when humanity is being pushed to the brink of extinction like in TFD. Still I'd add some cream to the coffee until the black was bred out of it.
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This thread needs healing.
I look like this
Good excuse to post this.
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Forget black characters. We need lewd lolis.
Wait, do you think Kyle is pretty?
>not black loli
holy shit taste
1000% a loli would have better sales than a black character.
Yeah but they added Esiemo (White CHVD)((Literally me)) he smells like shit so he's ok in my book.
Do you think Kyle is one of the pretty girl characters, you faggot?
>is super mad
>no you're mad!
Italians aren't people.
The game is about the girls. Everyone knows that. The guys are there to give people another realistic option. Blacks aren’t realistic in ALBion
I haven't seen a single kyle in 190 hours of playing
don't think he's even a real character
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how do i fix this? its already ultra + dlaa
Weird, weren't you saying they can't add Black characters cause they're not pretty? Idiot racist can't even follow their own argument lol
He's Mario Italian, so he's alright.
he looks mexican
No one thinks about the men. If you’re really mad because you can’t play a big black guy in then you’re gay and a cuck.
fix what? the grainy shit? turn down sharpness to 3 or 4
I just want to see Hailey get blacked.
theres no sharpness on my game or oled
Man is it not enough nigresses on other games you fuckin wierdo go back to ur western trash
Yeah we know. Luckily for us nexon doesn’t swing that way.
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that's some good breeding stock
>loses the argument
>gives up
Now that's the confederate spirit!
No I hate niggers. There's plenty of normal functioning black people too. Try to keep up.
>teeth gap
i can work with it
I wonder if there's a correlation between your virulent racism and the fact you can barely read.
She NEEDS a black panties outfit SO badly...
>Posts a mixed-race nigger in a wig and heavy makeup
>Still looks less feminine than passable White male troons.
I really wonder if they will do something about this issue, like letting us exchange excess materials for shit we need so it is not a complete waste of time for us
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>not wanting to add some cream to the coffee
>would rather fuck a troon
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God damn.
>twists the argument
>pretends to be an honest normal person
Easy to see right through you Jew. Sorry no one wants to look at dysgenic apes.
I don't know why you keep saying this when it was you who couldn't follow your own argument. Projection? Maybe. Retarded negro? Most likely.
You lil niggas need to stop arguing about what new characters we need. What we really need is a Speedo collab for Hailey and Yujin.
>people disagreeing with me is a conspiracy
lololol got any more gems for me?
>racist aspie
Wow what a combination.
what would oled have to do with anything?
Because olead has more colours.
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Based Bi-Chad
speaking of Yujin he's so fucking useless except for bunny retards. wasted all that time farming his components for nothing
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I love ponytails
You’re just a dishonest bad faith actor bro, that’s a Jewish trait, simple as.
He's top tier when it comes to Gluttony. I've carried teams with him and have been carried by randoms when I wasn't playing him.
The "problem" you have is that none of the content so far is not tough enough to warrant a Yujin being on the team.
I'd wait til they release harder levels/dungeons/bosses and you will see the support characters start to shine because the glass cannon builds will not be able to keep up.
Half of the roster are dudes you dumb nigger.
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do you think there will be an ult luna any time soon? I was considering starting to cata her 2nd page for a support build but think it might be a waste
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ANNNNNnnndd then she speaks
as a black man give me a one drop if you are gonna do it
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>desperately wanting niggers this bad in your games
Yet people play the game because of bunny and Hailey. Curious.
>simple as
Have yet to see someone use this phrase who isn't a retard.
Damn brat...
You seen the as of these characters ? these are niggers in disguise
You're an embarrassment to your own kind. Might as well be a nigger.
>niggers think this is sexy
you guys are unironically apes
Sounds like it isn’t the first time you’ve been btfo by a white Chad bvll
Yet now every women (not poor) on earth twerks now
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Well I for one like muscled up dommy mommies who can drain my nutsack like I'm a breeding stud
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I honestly don't know what the fuck you just attempted to say.
It's nigger culture that only appeals to niggers
Ponytails are a top tier hairstyle
I was just put into a group with an ult bunny that never used her sprint or aoe shit
Why the fuck do Kyle and Esiemo have harder drop rates than half the ultimates?
>such a loser he has to fall back on pride in his race
no one cares what your skin color is lol
It's to get you to improve
are you happy now
>I honestly don't know what the fuck you just attempted to say.
This bullshit is the most mind boggling shit. If you're never going to use Bunny's powers, why play bunny? she has nothing that boosts guns and is too squishy to just stand still. Gun Bunnys are retarded
Best part is the fucking dude died like 5 times
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Of course he did, these Bunnys can't survive shit and they never dodge shit. They also never do enough damage with their gun to justify it, they're certainly no cannons, just glass.
Time for you to get off your lazy ass and WORK, kid.
We worked them too hard in the bunny mines
now they are revolting
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Who's secretly doing this? Bunny and Luna?
I thought this was going to be one of those webms of an asian dude pissing on the elevator controls at first.
Too much jumping in the Bunny mine, now their legs are blown
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I got your next descendant right here
>look at the spawn animations
>see a cool blood spiral whatever thing
>click on it
>the fucking price for the bundle even if you own ult gley already
I know these gooks are fucking greedy but fuck me
This must be Esiemo in highschool
luna is for sure a freak. anal, orgies, lesbian make out sessions in an elevator, she'll do it all.
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>mfw when I reunite Hime-cut Gley with her daughter
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DLing this game right now. Who has the biggest boobs?
But early on Viessa would be the tits character
a character you'll never get because you're gonna stop playing after like 2 hours
dumb question... is Gregs good for DPS against Gluttony? it seems like Bombardment would put him in frenzy
Base Luna looks so fucking trashy I believe she's be up for anything
Hailey if you're gonna dedicate to the game.
Viessa if you're gonna start off as F2P.
Hailey. Buy her. It's like 10 bucks and she's a blast to play through the game as. Other wise you won't get her until you're deep into end game content. Just buy her
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Hailey should be twice as big.
It's the default hair. It's not just a normal pixie-cut, there's something absolutely scuffed about it

bumping through the cumbrains
IDK I don't use meme guns.
Well there are Hailey speed kills with it
What is it's skills?
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck look at those legs...
Look at those ankles...
This, but swimsuit Valby
It's good for backdraft blair atleast
Sharen looks more Middle Eastern than black
you can tell by her blue eyes and her non monkey looking facial features you absolute fucking retard
she's a just white chick with a tan and it's fucking obvious
Do all of the descendants swear?
I've played both Lepic and Bunny and both have said Shit
not black, black CODED
Would the outfits alone have been enough to earn the game an M rating? I feel like without the swearing it would probably have been rated T.
she Black
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I'm thinking these, 3 catas, and gregs parts since everything else is trash? even gregs parts are pretty shit but none of the guns are good and I have awful luck
shut the fuck up a girl braiding her natural straight brown hair doesn't make her "black coded" fucking mutt
Apart from Ass and titties, why should I play this game?
the only reason they didn't make her black was to avoid a lawsuit, retard. they said it in an interview
>the only reason they didn't make her black was to avoid a lawsuit
NTA but I'm gonna need a source on this claim.
are you retarded
bamco doesnt own the right to all black ninjas
you are so fucking retarded if somebody opened a portal to the retard dimension you'd still be the most retarded cunt around and the retards there would crown you king of the retard realm
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Use an energy activator instead and don't bother using catas. This is good enough to farm anything. If you don't want to use an EA on her just use lower level modules.
Sharen is aryan
I made it up
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Buns & Thighs
After 2 weeks farming for U.Gley, I found out she actually requires some skill to manage her health and I'm a shitter. Damn, guess I'll just use Freyna instead and have an easy life instead...
it's warframe with destiny's gunplay.
If that sounds appealing, and you want to look at ass and titties, it's worth it
does anyone play on PlayStation? how do we sign up for the freyna shop? the site says it can't find my psn account
Should I get Python or Fallen Hope for Freyna?
>the kid is also pregnant
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it does not have destiny's gunplay lol
That sounds like bullshit but I'll believe it anyways and will tell others that's the case.
Hopefully they talk about new fucking mission types, that is what this game lacks and needs insanely bad
>IGN Japan
>will just ignore all english questions
Hopefully the japs will ask the important questions like when are we getting a loli descendent
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Oh yea? You underestimate my dedication to big fat titties.
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What is that, 1AM for East Coast? I'll stay up for it

Hope they preview some stuff
they better show something good or else this game is officially dead
Incredibly based. You will go far.
Dangerous duo
BASED payCHAD making farmlets SEETHE
Calm down fatty, you’ll get your content when they’re ready
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Based paypig
it pretty much does
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why does my game spazz out like this when i use enzos supply drone?

you barely ever get to see them while playing
the ass however, is very present at all times
Looks like you're gonna have to RMA your card.
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go into settings, turn reflections to low. That fixed it for me.
I went to lab with luna and just went setting by setting to ultra, when I got to reflections it seems to be what caused that.

Also for some reason, I was able to turn it back up after it was fixed and it hasn't happened again since.
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i have beaten Gluttony 15 times today
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>capcom threatened to sue nexon if they made sharen black
cringecom at it again
guess hiring drag queens to shill their games wasn't enough
can you carry me?
Is this game actually fun or just coom?
it's fun coom. kinda repetitive. very repetitive actually. you experience every unique gameplay loop within the first like 10 hours if that long.
Nice. I beat him 20 times in 1 day and got all the pieces to max out the weapon. It felt so weird to never receive a duplicate part for the weapon. I still don't know how or if you can get Peace Maker's alternate skin.

do you have a fully maxed out Ult Valby with at least 20k HP and Spiral Tidal Wave?
I have a 0 cata normal valby with 9k hp and no spiral tidal wave. does that count?
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There is an adequate third person shooter with some cool boss fights underneath all the coom.

But it's a looter shooter at its core, so if youre not the kind of person to put on some music/podcast and grind the same shit for an hour or two just so you can upgrade your gun slightly, then it's not really for you
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Based Nexon lying about legal shit
>bunny is hapa
>yujin is korean
>ajax is german
>blaire is spanish
>hailey is jewish
seems like a decent amount of diversity
There is a decent foundation for a game under the coom. But whoever is designing shit seems to have a boner for mmo mechanics instead of making fun shit to shoot at.
Bunny is white
She is hapa, but her descendants will be whiter
for the past 100 hours I've used basically nothing but this piece of shit because it's the best piece of shit, I hate it. why are there no fun guns?
Am I misremembering things, or did Jayber used to give MP regeneration with an upgraded medical turret?
I'm sure he used to have both 3% HP and MP regeneration on his gear.

I wonder if they took it out for fear of AFK behaviour, but, like, forgot to buff the HP regen to compensate?
I literally never use it and I’m having a blast
Bunny looks Korean to me, Valby looks hapa
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NTA but I do. Guess I could join the carry. I already got everything I need from him though, so it'd just be a carry.
what gun are you using? I hate this fucking thing
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>Bunny looks Korean to me
Don't use it then, if you're going to farm shit atleast find something you like while you do it.
Maybe you drempt it. I had a dream about leveling up my Bunny during surgery.
Why does the race of fictional characters actually matter to the point where it needs to be brought up in an interview?
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imagine sliding your cock into Bunny only to get picrel
gimme a Luna build for Noise Surge!
I want to marry gley so much bros...
>Freyna can solo every single point at the same time on block kuiper mining
Bunny xisters??????????
nerf freyna
they need to tone down the bombardment effects on greg...
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this is what I'm using
it's breddy gud.
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Like, back during the beta, I vaguely recall Jayber having MP regen on the turret.

Like how I remember Viessa having an armour debuff, or Valby not being nerfed to into garbage.

Alas, I only took screenshots of Valby's abilities during the beta, so I cannot confirm.
>Plop Plop
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>tfw Xbox
>end up in a Gluttony group with 3 PC players
>we beat the fuck out of him and proceed to queue up four more times to kill him

god bless you PCbros
>Turn off other player's explosions
>Still see their bombardment effects
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Does Hailey have issues finding pants and chairs that fit her fat ass?
>you can see it
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Me and Haileychads.
doesnt matter I pull them off and rape
I'm new and can't seem to find it, where are the reward tables for kuiper mining and other "survival/defense" missions
go to the mission terminal thing in albion and click on one of the nodes
ah fuck, thank you
The fact that Freyna's neck is bare when she totally should have a choker makes her trash tier no matter how much they buff her.
Good morning sir.
How to do Frost Walker? I’m about to try my first group and my final uktimeta Valby part
The choker is going to be my hands around her throat when we're having sex.
No problem
>dps the fucker
>shoot the cans on his legs
>dps the fucker
>repeat until dead
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stop bullying freyna
I do it out of love.
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got bored on glut, now im bullying molten fortress
what happened to collecting cans and become immune to freeze and all that
>excact same post again
piss off niggerlover >>>/trash/
i dont care about luna's build, just post her ass
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especially for the "jew"
I agree with the other guy lets see your slut
with exec gleys running around you should have enough dps to ignore that
You only need that if you fail to do enough DPS.
And I want to believe that you are not a failure.
I understand exec, but can you explain why/how do you use the other two weapons for a total newbie?
vestigial organ to shoot the balls, el just there
basicly with this setup you carrying 3 retard to success, dps the boss and cheese the mech
Gotcha. I just unlocked U.Gley, my first ultimate, so I'm checking stuff about her, thanks.
quick someone post luna's butt!!!!
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Bro maxing out weapons in this game tho....
I just failed my first Frostwalker....tried to start collecting embers close to 7:30 but only found 4 for some reason before it froze us...
honestly i would fuck them both
Someone let me admire your descendants ass in game
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Game needs more P-shaped women
Get a squad of lepics and haileys and nuke it instead.
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Nexon got you covered bruh
are you suppose to see the fire ring activate right away even before FW casts its baility if you've collected enough?
What are his arche powers?
what am I supposed to be shooting if I take Exec Gley into Frost Walker, Pyro or Executioner?
Thievery and being gay
Well ignore the last one

Its a shotgun... doesn't it have shit range?

Are you having trouble beating FW? Have you beaten him before? There's no reason a FW match should be going past the 8:00 mark these days
ok fine, knees then.
its my first night trying fw

keep trying until you get a group with at least two Lepics. if you are still having troubles tmrw, reply to this post.
>There's no reason a FW match should be going past the 8:00 mark these days
you guys act like everyone has been playing this game since day 1, and that you'll be matched with nothing but people with 500 hours that have fully farmed characters and weapons.
I saw someone die 7 times in 2 minutes earlier to executioner. you can't choose your pub.
i squandered my first group of 3 lepics by not getting the last fire in tine....or even seeing the fire anywhere

yeah, I keep forgetting there are shitters who have been carried through every single Hard mode boss. I ended up in a Glut lobby with a MR 14 base bunny
Hailey should always be fully dressed.
yes, more fun to rip off before rape
Im undressing her with my eyes right now
Luna's ass
I got lucky when I got to hard mode and was carried through every boss. I was basically that bunny. I had no idea how worthless I was
It's ok cutie, post cameltoe,
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How did you get through the earlier bosses? Do you have a lepic or hailey built? If so just recruit another 3 lepics and kill him in seconds.
>How did you get through the earlier bosses?
by fighting them normally....? were you carried the way whole way you forgot how normal fights go
dead game incoming
If you can't beat FW, you were probably the one that got carried. I just farmed up u lepic specifically to deal with fw instead of bitching about the fight here.
can you post your build? i unlocked her a long time ago and completely forgot to lvl her up
I just asked question of how the buff worked, I guess I struck a nerve with the previous reply since you obviously got carried...
if you want i could help you, 1 lepic is enough as long as you stay alive and help on invulnerable phase
>doesn't know it's slower to run soloable bosses in public
>doing bosses solo is getting carried
yeah I carried myself lmao
im away now, just look up online, my build its not really special im copying others build. for weapon platform all you want is cooldown duration hp and def + shot focus
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Just got it, no Lepic either which was neat.
The blind leading the blind.
Give it to me straight: Is Freyna top 5 now?
Mechanic is simple.
Break weakpoints to drop embers
Collect 6 embers before 7:30
Group with other people at 7:30 so they don't freeze to death
Avoid getting hit while collecting embers
If you have 6, gathering another will reset the max stacks timer

I don't remember when the 2nd freeze is, I think 4:30? 4?
Top 2
For mobbing she's top 3 right behind Bunny and AoE Luna.
For boss fights, she's mid at best. Got to wait and cope that she gets a module that makes her great for colossus fights when Ult Freyna drops.
Is there any way to make luna good for bosses? Or just as a support?
Mobbing Freyna is better than both since she can infinitely spawn camp mobs, speed running dogshit missions bunny is still better though.
Only as support, which is fine, since that is what she is meant for.

Yes, but most missions don't require you to spawn camp mobs. If you're doing shit like Kuiper Mines, then I guess she's the best in that regard.

I would personally like to see a cute small breasted, thick hipped, thick booty, luscious lipped, curly afro'd black female descendant. I'm not even lying or trying to be funny
She's built like shortstack goblins. Fine as hell. Why she got Asian facial features though? Looks mixed.
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No more Frostwalker needed!!!
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>I find this black woman attractive
>but this goes against my echo chamber vaules
>I'll just say she's mixed because thats the only way i could find them attractive
Ugly as fuck
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No I'm being serious. I have never seen a pure black woman with facial features like that, only Blasians.
Is this what niggers think are attractive facial features?
That is a fucking dude, NO WAY THATS A BITCH
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>choose some goblin looking bitch
>that'll show em!
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>choose some goblin looking bitch
It's the same fucking girl as >>496435028 you retard
Stop worrying about min/maxing and just use what you like. I put Activators on stuff like Excava and Blue Blood Bloomer and love using them. If all you stick to using is meta shit like Thundercage,Gregs, and Enduring it's no wonder you're bored
anon's here will call this ugly or mixed. Damn shame.
I will absolutely call it ugly because I find it ugly. The only good looking black women are the very very rare few that have white facial features.
He is a Negromancer summoning Watermelon golems and chicken wings skeletons shiiieeeett
I used Thunder Cage for like a 100 hours
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You CANNOT be serious. >>496435424
The jokes write themselves at this point.
Secret garden on my viessa, tc on my bunny, python on gley, I like using them all. Enjoying sg quite a bit though that’s a fun gun.
That cat is me looking at haileys butt
>you can't find the women I find attractive unattractive!
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Look man I understand having preferences. You could even be doing the whole "lolxd im racist for the memes" thing. I'm not even going to call you gay or a faggot or judge your white features preference. But there is no way you find Anok Yai ugly.
>only have Ultra keys for Normal
>only have normal/medium for Hard
>Go to hard
>keep seeing Ultra vaults
I find whoever the fuck anok yai is ugly.
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And of course when I switch to Normal...I SEE A WHITE AND BLUE VAULT INSTEAD FUCK
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have you been doing your dailies?
>lolxd im racist for the memes
No meme, I am absolutely racist. I think less of minorities because of empirical data. I don't think that just being black will inherently make you a worse person, but there's a much higher likelihood that you will be.
>empirical data

And here we have one of these guys. Alright anon let me see those "statistics" that you probably base your whole personality on.
I'm not getting into a discussion about this on the first descendant general. I'm here to talk about scantily clad video game girls that shoot aliens. I just wanted to correct you in thinking people are only pretending to be racist.
butt is way too big wtf
I have but I'm debating about this

Do i spend on vault keys....which can technially drop anywhere but i am definitely short on? Or grab some weapons that have beenr eally annoyiung to farm (python)?
You a faggot or somethin bro?
God I hate Molten Fortress. It's not a hard fight, but the overheat on the towers coupled with 8 possible degrees of laser aiming means you can get lucky and everything is 1-2 shots from being aligned, or you can get unlucky and you've gotta babysit a tower for 15s to get it pointing the right way, at which point by the time you get to the other towers chances are one has overheated and reset.
A simple to beat yet frustrating as fuck mechanic.
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just one phase it bro
>MR 14
Is it bad? I have all girls except Luna. I've fully built 3 ults and maxed 3 weapons, yet I'm at 14 as well. How did you manage to improve your rank when you consider 14 to be low? Did you level male characters? Are you gay?
Bitch i aint farming 5 executor copies
i dont care, post luna's butt
How are you so low lmao I’m almost 20 and I don’t even know what I’m doing most the time
Working on it. Still need to get Hailey up to max and then catalyze/EA her. But at least I have pic related already.
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I wouldn't give a shit if they add the entire rainbow into the game, well excluding mexican because mexican women are illusions. They look like they're shape beautifully from the back but once you see their side view. It's like staring at a "I" then seeing a "O" from the side.

Wait isn't Freyna hispanic?
Freyna is French.
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>Hailey is Spanish/White
Can ask it to identify Sharen?
Bro, they've succeeded in creating an appealing Jewish character. I think we can trust in their artistic abilities.
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Anyone have the translations from the Tokyo Game Show Q/A stream?
They should just patch these where there is only one kind of vault per difficulty and all 3 codes can open it for different reward tiers if you've already went to the trouble of tracking it down. I hate wasting time on these
you gay?
Oh fuck I forgot that happened an hour ago...well I'm sure reddit or youtube will have the summary tomorro if there's anything relevant.
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I tried but it seems limited to one per day?
Tried asking regular chatGPT the same thing and it said it's impossible to get a characters ancestry because they're fictional and it might be racist or some bullshit

I used this
if you do them every day for the 5 weeks, you'll have 275 points. even if you get the 3 catas and every orb (minus 1 white orb), you'll have enough for 6 gun components.
>5 weeks
>on top of 4 invasions because they dont count for mission complete for some reason
Hmmmmm technically it really doesnt take that much time but 35 days of this is a bit....long
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I got some free time, I can atleast whack the stills into google translate for you.
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oops, all the slides seem to be questions, not answers.

Oh well.
I have a harder time with Swamp Walker than Frost Walker and I don't know why. I just cant 1 phase him as easily.
>Sharen skin tone
>tribal marks on the face
And there is also that sniper who doesn't have an arche ability (yet) that appears in story, I thought the sniper release would be her
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TGS japan asking the hard questions tho
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oops, last one was supposed to be number one.

I guess this one is... number 4?
it's like an hour of play time a day
Warframe doesn't do it, so they probably won't. The problem is in Warframe you're drowning in forma because they are the most common drop while CC are 20% at best
you'll be drowning in CC too if you farm for literally anything.
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Well, speaking of things warframe does
>4 invasion: 15-20 minutes
>4 missions: 10 minutes (Outposts)
>2 Infiltration: 10 minutes or less
>1 intercept: 1 minute if you meme it up or more if you're fighintg something hard you actually need
Yeah, 1 hour seems about right actually

It's also easier to do cope builds in Warframe because there are cheap but efficient mods, aura slot gives more capacity, the equivalent of activator gives more capacity, etc
You can very much have a solid build in Warframe with 2-3 forma but here you'd wouldnt even be half way done towards any build.

I'm a bit confused, are these text actually quesitons that devs tried to answer or just questions people posted but we dont know if the devs answered?
>Warframe doesn't do it, so they probably won't.
Warframe added trannies, faggots, and pregnant gay warframes, so hopefully Nexon doesn't steal that either loooool
I'm surprised you're still here if I have to be honest.
You ESL or something? What's confusing about what I said.
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Looks like they are being asked directly.

I'm fairly sure the devs are responding in korean, or atleast with enough of a Korean accent that I wouldn't be able to try guesstitranslating their answers.
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I'm playing the better game. Within context I assumed you think you know who I am seer.
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Let's hope some jewtuber actually has the resources to get someone to translate these and share anything interesting then.
But consider how many of them literally just talk over themselves playing the game without even basic editing, I'm not counting on it.
I don't think I've ever seen bigger retards than TFD youtubers desu
like there are several that are literally mentally handicapped
You can also make use of budget mods in warframe, you can have a rank 6/10 mod for 10 drain and it not be complete ass. And adapatation gives you 90% DR for 2.
In TFD, because every level gives increasingly more stat, you are trolling yourself if you use a 6/10 mod because your getting only half the bonus you could be.

Also, in warframe, only prime mods and some of the gold ones go up to 16, many relevant finish up in the 9 to 12 space. In TFD, even the most basic health mod takes up 16.

I have yet to see a youtuber not fuck up a build, math or basic mechanics yet. Only one I mostly trust is Vash, and even Vash is out there putting maximise range on his Esiemo.
Holy haggening.
Also regarding the usual blabla 3 formas are enough : of course it's enough since there is zero content in the game where you can actually die unless you afk and yes I'm including EDAs.
idk but i saw a bunch of gooks spamming in chat with the tiny dick hand gestures, guess they weren't happy with the recent skins
If we're talking unleveld or halfway leveled mods, I think TFD does have some good choices there since a number of mods have a secondary stat that dont increase with more levels so theyre actually pretty good budget build choices if all you care about is the 2nd stat (Gley can use two Focus-on modsjust for the Cooldown as an example)

But even with those, TFD builds are still more expensive and capacity hungry overall since pretty much all the key mods are 16 capacity
Well, you can die but you just have more tools to counter them.
Spoiler mode, Helminth a defensive ability, and absolutely insane mods like Adaptation and Rolling Guard
Spoiler mode especially is basically just god mode.
Warframe has 0 difficulty because they've spent years buffing and nerfing based on crybaby players from reddit and the forum. Anothe reason why it's so easy for them to recycle everything.

Nexon can either relax the RNG or keep creating content to flesh out everything. Wartards don't understand why it's stupid to compare a less than year old game to 15 year old game.
>Wartards don't understand why it's stupid to compare a less than year old game to 15 year old game.
No, they know this. They're just being dishonest whenever they can. You can see them every monday talking shit on this general when they are done with their only content worth doing after 14 years of development (EDA+Archon hunt) or whenever a "hotfix" comes out for TFD you'll also see them coming in droves with dogshit opinions and unfounded complaints.
Warframe's problem is that they spends years of dev time on massive features that get used for 2 weeks and then abandoned by the devs and players because it's all just a distraction from the main grinding loop and doesn't interact with it.
Also the game is ugly and conceptually random
Why can't I solo Glutt and Frost. Is every future boss going to be forced mp? That's dumb.
are any legendary weapons truly useless? will I get ragequitting shitdicks if I bring a non meta weapon and descendant into gluttony?
>maximise range on his Esiemo.
What's wrong with this?
they have mechanics that aren't possible solo unless you beat the dps race. If you don't have the dps to kill FW by 7:30, it's literally unbeatable.
Also they want you to actually be social on this online game.
>Also they want you to actually be social on this online game.
>Makes invasions solo only for the first month
Yeah I am not sure about that. I think they are just winging it.
Because he caps out at 100% bonus range. Just use skill expansion.
If you are using Bunny 24/7 then she should have 8 condoms stuffed on her. If not then wtf are yo u even farming
>no bunny condom belt...
>unlock hailey
>slap on 3 crit mods and little else
>do 3.6 mil crits from the get go
i see the appeal now
They knew what they were doing, they didn't want hailey easily accessible so they could get as many sales as possible.
Actually, why cant they make Frostwalker soloable again?

You just need to pop the the tubes and collect the fire yourself. The problem is you'll be targeted the whole time so keeping the stacks (or even popping the tubes since it's facing you the whole time) will be extremely difficult.
>extremely difficult
Not difficult, impossible.
Always a possible.
t. Elden Ring shitter
Well the key here is that Frostwalker's intended mechanic can in theory be done by one person.

You break parts as you would with Swamp walker, and then when it's close to 7:30, you either pick up the orbs while dodging like hell...OR you time a perfect knockdown so you pick up the 6 orbs needed without being even fired upon.
Has anyone used this to get past bosses they were stuck at yet?
Who's the father of gley's daughter?
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and freyna could kill any collosus until swamp walker without any catalyst or activator
r u sure
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>This is the recommended module combination for Enduring Legacy weapon based on records from top 10% successful intercepts used in Molten Fortress void intercept battles.

What in the world, this is actually an incredible tool if it's really pulling from live data like it's claiming. was this advertised in the patch notes? It should be way more well known, even just as a reference point.
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It's actually ingame
>top 10% successful intercepts
how do they quantify the top 10%? I guess based on time but wouldn't that just lead to meme builds being on top?
Maybe, but not every character has those build options.

Some characters juat have "honest" builds, like a Supply Moisture Valby for example.
>mental focus
I was thinking of to start playing the first descendant looks fun , not sure . What do you people think ?
Run away
another spec ops mission
Have you played other games like it before? Warframe, Destiny, dare I ask Anthem?

If you liked those, you might like this, it's a... well not a fresh spin, but it's fresher than going back to those games.
wtf are mutations
Can you turn off everyone's name in Albion? That's annoying
Oke , i will stay clear then.
I did not play any of those games , back then i wanted to play Anthem but did not have a good PC. Thought the game was dead and they shut down the servers or is offline game?
beyond based
remember to drain your balls all over her fat tats
Either time or damage with the character/weapon, I'd guess the 10% is enough of a sample that it excludes most meme builds.
I now have Valby Ultime, what's a good build for her?
very based, her being top tier just a bonus
Why yes I will bring lvl12 Jayber to Invasion and you will carry me. You can call me Jayber as well
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First build is what I used to run for Gluttony before switching to executor Gley only as I found that even if I did the Glutt mechanic perfectly I would then have to rely on other people to deal damage which wouldn't always work out.
Second build is a weapon platform valby where you'll stay in your puddle and shoot your guns (EL/Greg mostly)
Third build is just aoe fuckery to kill shit with her abilities in normal missions.
That's what I like to use.
It's f2p so if you have some time to spare you should try it and make your own opinion instead of listening to /vg/ posters
Pretty sure anthem is dead now, yeah.

If nothing else, you could give TFD a shot just so you can experience it before it experiences it's end, whenever that is. It is free, afterall, more free than Destiny and Anthem. Warframe too, you can actually reach the endgame without having to paying $20 for their necramech paywall / grind their weeklong necramech grindwall.
the darkness invasion's a fucking shitshow today
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Thank you.
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Agony? What? Still falling for the DEF meme.
Very well , TFD is more eyecandy. Then again vindictus has been going for more than 10 years .
>wake up
>first attempt at Gluttony
>someone brings a Blair
And that's enough for today.
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I can already smell her butthole
>he doesn't know
toughts on the excava?
I don't know why sometimes I don't get my buffs. I uses Esiemos sprint, wait for the 40% cooldown but it never comes. Are there enemies who can debuff you or something?
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Absolute cinema this story quest. We ate good today.
it goes brrrrrrr PEW
I like the feel of it but the damage sucks apparently
Mainly because it only has a 3% crit chance and lots of the most useful damage mods are crit related.
We need new mods to increase damage that aren't crit based.
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You get the buff after you're done sprinting

If you're not getting the buff, that might be because you're spamming the ability at the wrong time. It doesn't refresh, see, so if you end the sprint 1 second before the buff ends, the buff still ends after 1 second.

I think the only way you'd lose the buff is if you were specifically frozen before you ended the ability, unlike other characters esiemo's ult renders him immune to knockdown and stagger so he can't lose his casts that way.
Best legendary assault rifle in the game.
Probably second best assault rifle overall.
Can't wait for the tears of the casuals/complainers about Deathstalker being too hard and Ult Freyna being locked behind it, when people still can't kill Gluttony even after the nerf lol...
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I'm getting my wife is 16 hours :)
You will be the first to complain.
The crit chance scales up when you fire it until you use the grenade mechanic. If you only hipfire it the Excava will stay at a consistent 18% crit chance. Pair that with characters like Enzo and Hailey who can increase crit percentages and you actually get the crits pretty high
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if you are looking for early success, you need to farm the Albion Cavalry Gun as soon as possible. it is the most underrated gun in the game, much better than the Enduring Legacy or Gregs Reversed Fate.

Its passive ability works great with Sharen or Kyle. its DPS can reach over 9KK DPS with the right modules, which you can get before the end of the story mode. I have taken down Hard Mode Devourer in 19 secs using this weapon. If you are new, this is the FIRST gun you need to max out and fully CC.
>dogshit opinion
Checks out
oh, this'll have the gents slapping their knees down at the country club
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Once we get the pity system in, there'll be no excuse not to nerf lightning emission. Soon, it shall go the way of the Bug Puddle, and justice will be had.
my nigga xur
my nigga Baro
kek a fucking Tamer on display
>surplus weapon blueprints
hmm they specifically said "weapon" there
guess my stash of lepic jizz isn't gonna cut it
What is the Telesto of this game?
the 4x invasion mechanics are such dogshit
how can you be this retarded making something this unfun to do
>reveal simon says pattern while swarmed nonstop by homing/hitscan hordes
>boss has homing multihit orb that curves arround cover
>5s high damage autotarget beam
>Exchange bps for shop currency
>Item you want = 1000 currency
>Each bp = 10 currency
>there are still people who have trouble with invasions
Need a "cosmetic" that's just a loud clapping sound which plays whenever Hailey sprints.
You should put health mods on.
Also health components on.
If you already have those on, just put more on.
unless you are playing Enzo, of course, then swap for HP

From there, just gotta use a bigger gun with more damage put on it.
Translate it weebs...
Then shut up faggot white boy.
Need to know his leg day routine. The legs are HUGE.
I was born in the darkness.
can't wait to trade my 6 million blueprints guys :D
>inb4 you can only trade 3 bps per visit
Deathstalker was suppose to come out before ufreyna.
Her best new modules however
Thank God I have money
so how the fuck do colossi weakspots work?
i can with tab and a bunch of shit lights up blue, thats a weakspot right?
but if i continue shooting it, it eventually goes yellow
i can rip it off with a grapple or continue shooting it until it falls off on its own, but what does that do exactly
i can shoot all of executioners weakspots until they are all gone, is that how it works???
blue -> yellow -> gone??
what about swamp walkers fleshy bits after ripping/shooting off his armor?
outpost farming is the worst thing in this game, you can say what you want the droprates are fucked
>duration modules are labeled as cooldown
>i can with tab and a bunch of shit lights up blue, thats a weakspot right?
>but if i continue shooting it, it eventually goes yellow
Only parts that can be grappled turn yellow
>i can rip it off with a grapple or continue shooting it until it falls off on its own, but what does that do exactly
grappling will prevent the Colossus from attacking and will stop its frenzy meter. It's when everyone start dumping everything on it but they should avoid shooting the grappled part and let the grappler breaks it when it near expires.
>i can shoot all of executioners weakspots until they are all gone, is that how it works???
>blue -> yellow -> gone??
Even after the parts broken you can still shoot at it for bonus damage
>what about swamp walkers fleshy bits after ripping/shooting off his armor?
Its a weakspot
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>currently considering ways to transfer upgrades from normal to ultimate version of descendants
we already know about this
>we'll add more endgame contents because the feedback from season 1 was there's a lack of those, and the new ones will be more challenging
>because the time to complete the content isn't that long, we never thought about adding mid-game joining, but we're considering about changing the difficulty when people are leaving mid-mission
>we said before release that we're preparing for a trade (with calibur) system, but currently the stabilization of the service is more important, so we want to focus on individual players farming and exchanging surplus system
yeah I guess it's still be a long while before that happens
>Even after the parts broken you can still shoot at it for bonus damage
a bit correction, you can shoot the area BEHIND the broken part (which is now exposed), which can be significantly smaller and recessed
they actually mentioned that's the case
>In addition to the rotating shop, ETA-0 also offers the feature to exchange surplus weapon blueprints for ETA vouchers. However, due to the limited amount of goods that ETA-0 brings in, the amount of blueprints that can be exchanged each week is also limited
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>got the 3% item i dont need instead of the 38% item i actually need
I ran 9 fucking void reactors for a 32% drop last night before getting it
>Constantly ragaing because of level 1 niggers in my intercepts
>Wonder why i'm not so tanky vs MF
>Forgot i'm level 1
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Does changing the polarity / socket or whatever of the grapple slot increase the capacity gain like in warframe?
How is this game? is it good?
Steam says mixed why the hate on steam ?
should I slap an energy activator into the eggxecutor?
i make love to gley btw and hailey
Might as well
if you plan to play gley cause she's the only one who can use it effectively
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they really coudlnt up come with a design with more personality?
Noise sexo
Choco sexo
Make your own opinion, steam reviews are not reliable and never will be especially on a f2p game. You have plenty of reviews obviously made by warframe/destiny schizos, reviews with less than 1 hour clocked in, people with a 1060 6gb laptop trying to run it at high settings and wondering why it runs like shit, etc etc.
The game is grindy though so that one is a legitimate complaint.
TL;DR : never trust steam reviews, if it's f2p try it yourself if it isn't then pirate.
I haven't looked but I'm going to assume it's because the cosmetics are over priced as shit if you don't actually have the descendant, gameplay loops pretty fun if you like farming games like warframe.
they're overpriced even if you have the character
Is it good to have both Electric Enhancement and Electric Conductor on Thunder Cage?
what's the best way to level hailey? mine has no catalysts and i still do not have shot focus module
>You have plenty of reviews obviously made by warframe/destiny schizos,
The irony.
magister lab
>get Amorphous 059 several times from Hard Slumber Valley
>all of them turned into some other thing but MUH ENDURING LEGACY BLUEPRINT
>even the Energy Activator Blueprints appeared twice during the whole process
Maybe Nexon should consider the option of selling Ultimate Weapons rather than withholding something through RNGesus
What are the best gold farms?
I maxed out two red mods and nearly bankrupted myself
There's no irony, there is a huge chunk of warframe fans who have mentall illness and half the playerbase is Chinese. Destiny is also home to some of the most buckbroken people like Paul Tassi.
You also have plenty of reviews with less than 10 minutes clocked in just there to say fuck nexon.
Most negative reviews aren't even criticizing the core aspects of the game and god knows there is a lot that needs to be improved but these fuckers didn't even play they just left a negative.
Steam reviews were always worthless but now in 2024 with vidya tribalism at its peak they are less than worthless.
Invasion gives 5M a day and you can PUB, there's no excuse running low on gold now.
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Slutty chinese dress for chinese new year
Didn't read your schizo rant. Take your meds (a bullet).
Nexon just throws money at you constantly with only red mods really being a significant gold sink.
I started early this month and have probably accumulated 60 million gold at least
You know you can set review filters right? Everything you said is wrong and easily verifiable.
Hey anon, the boss told me to come find you. He said the based department was on the line and they want you down there NOW.
Sauce of your titty anime gal pls?
witch of steel annerose i think
Got it. So that's from Taimanin, huh?
I still miss my preordered Shizuru sensei bunny figure. Damn those fucking delays.
Gluttony got nerfed? I thought they only nerfed Frostwalker.
>try tansc camo sharen
>hardcucked by ammo being limited to 10 shots
why does this exist still?
You underestimate the Japanese degeneracy
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just do your 4 invasions every day, it's all I do
Good night sirs, please rape valby.
Yes sar, I will rape valby in your absence
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Hailey will protect us
No. Gluttony is getting nerfed next week. I dont know what they are going to do but I assume they will reduce his damage by a lot and speed up his cooling process with the ice balls.
Is MP recovery in combat useful for Bunny?
freyna in kuiper block is better than bunny, dam son
Yeah, she can solo literally every single point at the same time if she's built right
how do you even farm them, they are a general drop?
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It took 39 levels until we did something successful with an ironheart
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I usually do this Bunny loop on echo swamp, set it to public and someone will come over and be the mission start bitch.
>39 levels
does he know
I don't
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did they shorten the gold time for invasions?
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Boobies power!
Block Kupier mining. Two runs with a boost and a good module should get you most of the way there then finish with a random dungeon.
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Power overwhelming
How did your character get aids ?
look at those heels...
Any suggestions on which reactor stats I should aim for a cold blood Viessa, crit dmg/tech dmg or cd reduction/crit dmg?
doing frost walker with randoms is apparently impossible
>uploads a build
>"I don't know if it's bugged or not..."
Yeah, gonna have to wait for the cow again
>not making your own builds intead
Shaking my head at you famalam for not being a real Descendant.
I can beat it with shit teammates no problem. Sounds like a skill issue to me.
That's not my character, but I'm on low
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>own build
There are two builds in the game.
>stack skill damage/crit
>Shot Focus
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How do I learn to make Hailey pinups with the big dogs?
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Then why do you need some Jewtuber to tell you how to make your build then?
wait for new skill power modules for low crit descendants
my wife will be even stronger
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how does one build hailey for dungeys and mobbers
Her red mods had icons that looked like they might unironically make her skills more mobbing focused
Cost reduction/mana gen with shot focus and TC. The Ice buff will last forever and not drain your mana.
Hate Asians with facial surgery + filters.
Wait and hope that her cannon red module is good for mobbing because her skill 1 is mostly a debuff and not for damage.
don't care, would fuck
No one cares about your opinion.
Bro this freyna conatagon spam is ridiculous
her fart gass is covering the whole kuiper mine
yeah its even better than bunny
I hate greg's recoil
>not making your own builds intead
Different anon but I only started playing recently. I'm extremely retarded and don't understand how to make builds or how to keep up in games like this. It sucks because I do like the gameplay but watching most people just demolish everything without me doing a single thing doesn't feel great. I constantly feel like a detriment.
>watching most people just demolish everything without me doing a single thing doesn't feel great.
it's going to be like that for about 100-150 hours at a minimum.
just do private or get a group of friends that are equally weak as you
I'm gonna fucking CRY if "Black Thorns" Hailey isnt extremely slutty

This WHORE needs an outfit to show off all her assets
Yes massively
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She can solo all the points at once while sipping on some tea in the corner.
stack cost reduction and cd,shot focus, multitalented for giga cd on q
then you just have V active and pierce everything, big lads get a q for the 9 x50% bonus
Just copy a moxsy build on YouTube till you get more used to which modules are worth paying attention to
Fuck im running out of kuiper whats the new farm?
>it's going to be like that for about 100-150 hours at a minimum.
It's a buzzkill but I understand that's the nature of these games. I just wish I could get a better grasp on understanding builds.
>or get a group of friends
I haven't had friends to play games with in over a decade.
I'm playing too many games...too many Dailies...
>till you get more used to which modules are worth paying attention to
That's the problem. I never know what I'm supposed to pay attention to. I'm legitimately retarded with these games. Like for example, I have no idea what components I'm supposed to be using. I've just been throwing defense stuff on because I assume that's good. Am I not supposed to? Are health ones better? Shield? Am I supposed to mix it up? I still feel like I lose shield and health super quick anyway.
HP is #1, you can get away with 500 Def if you have 20K+ HP since Def scaling falls off rather fast. Maybe throw in an appropriate element resistance module if you're having a hard time with a boss.
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Daily Valby butt (shiny)
whats that new freyna build? is my queen finally efficient? i saw a video of her ult hitting millions
I appreciate that. I don't mean to throw a pity party or anything lol I really like the game and I don't want to throw in the towel because I beat myself up over sucking.
she literally farts everything to death now, bunny is obselet
more like valby butt (not real)
Hp is most important, but that can be handled mostly with modules. Depends on the characters stats overall. Like on viessa, I don’t focus on my comments being good for health, but rather her memo generation in combat. She needs that because she spams so many skills. She also needs skill cooldown, so I use focus on chill with increases skill chip power but ALSO reduces skill cooldown. Always run increased HP module. Then either buff skill power or critical chance/dmg if they’re a fun character.

Basically: choose a descendant you want to invest in, and look up videos breaking down different builds and see what those builds are focusing on. Then either copy one of those or make your own focusing on the stats you learned are important for that character.
Focus my components*
Memo gen = mp gen
Skill chip = skill chill power

Fucking phone
Fun character = fun character

Apologies for my worthless phone post.
G U N character FUCK ME
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finally my brap queen time to shine, i loved her gameplay since the release but she wasnt strong

time to lurk jewtube for builds
Very much appreciated. I'll try and take your advice and put it into practice.
All good dude. Gave me a good laugh.
Hopefully there’s enough there to suss out what the fuck I was talking about. Good luck though bro it’s really not that hard once you have a decent build you’re going for.
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actually she's pure, too focused on her mission for that
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unironcally the best rework yet you will have a lot of fun
Does she even get exp for killing something outside of the exp range
i think exp range is 150
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finished watching my football team play, time for more Gluttony runs
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this happens way too often in this game...
Never played this but booty
most unfun shit in the game
6% items drop more often
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When will get a character with some REAL MegaMilkers?
I hope that vendor coming out has a large fucking selection of shit cause this shit is fucking gay
Your obese woman fetish is never coming to this athletic and toned universe, sorry.
up to a 99.76% chance for this bp to have dropped
26 runs for a 20% item, have seen 11 people come and go. longest I saw anyone else was 6 times
Ah shieet, tfd is getting competition on tuesday by amazon.
But then, it's Amazon, they always find a way to fuck shit up.
I don’t think anyone’s concerned, Amazon is allergic to sexy women so their dumpster fire uggo trash will fail like all the rest this year.
>AI pepe slop
Fuck Sportsball though, especially HandEgg.
Saving Gleys daughter so we can have a mother-daughter threesome.
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Hailey's are as big as they usually get aside from silicone surgery or just being fat.
No fat chicks allowed.
I demand a direct import of Hitomi Tanaka.
>Hitomi Tanaka.
I remember the vid where she is at an american AV convention and she gets titty-mogged by some black chick. LOL
Oh boi catalyist are running out fast,hopefully we can exchange cats for activators
Oh look, the special human child
You can get 2 from the Freyna web event, make sure you get those.

Bratty Magister... Needs correction!
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She ugly asf as well get the big tiity one that tifa was made to look like
they need to make it so you can't get the wrong element and skill type on reactors and it would be bearable to farm them. no reason im farming fusion chill reactors getting fire damage and dimension as sub stats. also fuck sub attack who uses that
yea thats making things too random
we are rolling like 5 stats on reactors they need to tighten them up
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5 minutes a run on average, 32 runs, just over 2 hours to get a 20% drop chance item for a gun I probably won't even use
I’ve found that when it starts being absurdly gay like this I go pretend to farm something else for a couple runs, come back, and then it drops fairly quickly.
The Invasions have achievements in the main body outside of the seasonal tab
Invasions will be forever
what does this even track?
It shows the liklihood of receiving an x% drop in n runs.
percent chance of an item dropping over x number of runs. a 20% drop item over 32 runs has a 99.92% chance to drop. so if you haven't gotten it in that amount of time, you should just kill yourself because god has deemed you unworthy.
I see which webm you're talking about and the black chick in it is literally obese
has anyone even fully built a Peacemaker yet?
I have the passive at 5/5 but I haven't tried to activate + catalyze it to try and make it a hand cannon as I already have Nazeistra's for that. It's a stat stick for abilities anyway.
See >>496533021
Yes these “men” find horrifically obese misshapen land whales “sexy”, and they should be ridiculed and shamed out of any semi-respectable media space.
i just burned through all my kuiper
whats the fastes way to get them, i used up all my vault keys already
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did you not do the event dailies? they gave you 100k a day....
Boss runs if you can sub 10 sec them, or block kuiper mining
>i just burned through all my kuiper
1 event point for 20,000 kuiper or 5 points for a 5hr 30% boost in the shop for web event. I've got like 40 million gold right now and like 20,000 kuiper so I feel ya. Upgrading red mods for multiple characters burns through that shit fast
Post Freyna builds, otherwise I'll go to youtube.
Right, but she's being compared to Tanaka who is an example of that not being true.
Area duration toxic damage go nuts
I'm seeing a lot of shittubers not using spear and shield. is it just for clickbait high damage numbers rather than practical builds? are they the retards that are dbno 8 times in a fight?
is there any point to making a Valby mobbing build anymore?
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>is it just for clickbait high damage numbers
always has been.
honestly use any mobbing build for whatever favorite descendent you like
I forgot to do an intercept yesterday -1 point
Your 3k hp bunnies dying in the first 0,1 nanosecond in MF fights
so what are the chances you'll actually be able to carry progression from a normal to ultimate descendant without caliber?
I want to invest in some normal characters but feel like it's a waste for when they eventually get ultimates
>People dumping all their resources into base Freyna now with Ultimate right around the corner
I take it Freyna will be gutted next week
>you have to build the normal desc first and then upgrade it to ult
How it should have beem imo. No point in building normal descs outside of mastery points.
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>inb4 progress carries over from normal
I regret bringing this webm here
You are overusing it too much
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it's not like anyone is coming here.
they did say they were going to do something about the regular descendant situation
I want a femboy descendant who has a fat ass
"when you sell a base descentdant you can choose to refund your CC so you can then spend them on the ultimate (still have to grind)
so there's no purpose in using normal descendants
not unless you need to
What are you talking about
just don't
these gook aren't generous
There really isn't that much stat difference between regulars and Ultimates. Unless they have a really good red mod to use all your really getting is a bit more base stats and 2 extra catalyst slots. Is is better to wait and just get the Ultimate sure but it's not really gonna make or break most characters
okay but it makes very little sense when her ult is confirmed to be released in less than 2 weeks
>but it's not really gonna make or break most characters

Until the the dev's introduce some bullshit stat-check boss where every stat matters and the ult version works out to where you can tank an extra hit.
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Hot DAMN maybe I should have bought Viessa swimsuit...
Love PAWGs, simple as(s).
caliber discounts when
HOLEE GUACAMOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take the Gley + Shotgun pill. I'm still missing 1 full module so the damage can increase a bit more.

I love asses so much bros.
I finally have all the pieces of Exodia. I will have Ultimate Valby by Thursday.
>solo devourer bullying
>still took 10 seconds
Finna pass, dawg.
it's because people have nothing to do or they are just sick of playing bunny to farm
who should I gear up if I want to progress past molten fortress (havent tried it yet)
im not farming 5 fucking copies of executor
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Missing 1 more copy of the shotgun that is currently cooking + finishing those 2 modules. Way more fun than the hailey build DESU.
>my standing still shooting the weakspot is more fun than the other standing still shooting the weakspot
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All the parts for the executor drop at a +30% rate, and they all come from reactors that you dont even need to use invisibility for, you can just go in and nuke them all as fast as you can. Took me like 1 hour to get all the pieces since I had farmed most of the blueprints while getting other stuff. I bet if you check your access info you either have a bunch of blueprients already or a lot of amorphous materials corresponding to the reactor that drops them, unless you've never farmed for anything.
does this require shot focus
Any gun build does, yes.
does hailey since it's her skill? i dont have it still after 300 hours

It's 15% free ATK, so every dmg build uses it. If you have everything else maxed out you don't "need" it in the sense that it will take you a couple seconds longer to do the same, so you can still start building it up while you gamble for it in the meantime if you don't have that module already.
This outpost grind is one of the worst things I have ever experienced in a game
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This is what I'm using, although I have to switch up predator module since it literally does not trigger for some reason while using the shotgun, don't know if its intended or if its a bug. The focus on chill is there for the CDR so you can add whichever you want and not upgrade it, brings my downtime of free fire to 0.3s
i did check
the things i farmed all happen to avoid executor
I really don't believe those 25% or 20% drop chances for amps. Like if your running Sharen and have a chance for 2 different amps each run you should be getting way more than you really do
I found a reactor that boosts Electric and Singular for Bunny but it's only a teeny bit stronger than a reactor with just Electric. Anyone know why that is?

You need to equip the module that increases consumable drop rate, at least the 19% increase one, you'll see the difference then.
and if that don't work, use more Gun
You wouldn't know what a pure black women is retard. The idea that only white people posses certain features is the most smooth brained shit you could think.
Chat, is this nigga serious?
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Make a private lobby so we can play.
can someone post a good Valby mobbing build?
Shoot it until it dies.
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Why cant you people be normal

Use thundercage as a weapon, whatever build you can find that does good DPS, and for the modules that go on Valby just stack cooldown reduction, skill duration and skill damage, thats pretty much it, you farm by placing your waterslide everywhere and do nothing while everything dies by itself.
It's the strat. You kill it phase one or everyone leaves cause the pillars are gay

I have a +4 Enduring Legacy and Gregs. I have her EA'ed and fully cata'ed, im just trying to get more damage out of the 3. seems like its not doing a whole lot of damage. i saw Meius build but he doesnt have Emergency Measures on it, which I thought was a must have for all skill damage builds
>smoothest pyro ive done so far
>not a single transcendent mod
i just want hv...
there are like a dozen other characters they could play
none farm as good as freyna and bunny

Do you have a good reactor? You can either farm a god rolls reactor with whatever weapon mounting and use that until Oct 10 when they let us swap the mounting for whatever one we want, which makes it less tedious to roll for EVERY single thing we want. A good reactor boosts your damage the most. Also, the water damage stays on the ground for like 2 years so things obviously arent dying in 1 tick, but they die fast enough to make her one of the best weapon farm exp methods in misty woods.
Freyna will get nerfed

I have a reactor for her with the right mounting, but it has Skill Crit RATE and Non-Att Skill Dmg Boost
lmao just like bunny right?

You need to roll for raw damage, I don't think you ever crit with that thing.
whats the best way to level up a Gley

Raw Crit Damage?
My RAW cock in your ass
Join dungeons/block kupier mining and hope there is a Bunny that makes it fast for you; like every other character.
Nah you want a good Freyna now, Bunny is old and busted
people are complaining about the nun skin being different on hailey but not the others. i understand where they're coming from but it's so fucking obvious that if they bitch about it then nexon won't actually change it for the better at all, they'll just make her model the exact same as everyone elses instead.
i wanna be self sufficient...
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whose tummy is this?
Freyna's like 5 times better than Bunny now.

No, just roll non-attribute + dimension damage increase.
Yeah at mobbing, Bunny is still better at speed running missions. They won't nerf either because they both have their uses.
>5m gold everyday
I'm ok with this
Then do dungeons slowly.
Just queue up for block kuiper mining and kill shit with the team
Cute robot guy with tv for a head is plenty of personality.

But that said, cute robot guy with tv for a head and also big tits would have been better.
imagine owning this in 1857
It just looks like the fucking resupply thing in camp
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will ult freyna get a cheeks costume?
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>how dare you try and have fun amongst yourselves (without me) y-you... you... fags
Invest in Jayber now before he gets megabuffed like Freyna
thats not even her final form

>neurotoxin is bugged, it should give you more room 0 dot
>new modules focusing on skill power
>fallen hope inevitable buff
Frenya is getting buffed because they have a $100 Ultimate to sell you.
Even the devs don't give a shit about Gayber. I bet he's probably the least selling character.

Stuff like Ultimate Bunny,Hailey and this>>496568060 are what makeNexon money
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Yujin K-pop singer outfit when? They should make it if they want the fujo audience.
Blair got taken from the sewer to top tier, Jayber non-belivers will get what's coming to them. You will say his name
valby should spread her water effect like freyna does
>both big titty girls have ice powers
What did they mean by this?
is molten fortress harder than frostwalker
Ice Queen Mommy is an old trope.

built for
So Freyna now is great at mobbing and pretty decent bossing... with ultimate, I'm expecting her to be great at both. Invest in your Freyna right now!
Yes.Assuming you get a low dps team just one person can run the flame mechanic and keep everyone from wiping.

Carrying bad players is way harder on Molten Fortress if they can't handle the fence beams. People quit constantly too.
yes, i've had more fails in molten fortress than in frostwalker. game pretty much forces you to do the gimmick unlike frostwalker were you can easily avoid his wipe if you just burst him down. only seen it done once in molten pubs.
as for the boss itself, he's much easier than frostwalker.
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The only true measure of skill in this game.
Why not just invest after they get buffed? It's not like descendants become harder to get after buffs
I genuinely don't give a shit about meta because it's a pretty game that can be completed with anyone you want.
Blair is pretty based though. Wish he had an ultimate so I could feel like I wasn't wasting time on him
I want to so bad, I love dot characters, going to just buy her ult when it drops with hopefully some hot skin
I got the Cats saved up and the activator for Ult Freyna instead. Working on getting the Fallen Cope maxed out so I can play her with her weapons, even though it's still kind of a bad weapon.
You’re just a healslut
From resing retards. Mostly in colossus fights.
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Not bad if I say so myself
What ass cheeks will be featured in the next thread header?
*angry bunny noises*
None, just for you
Throne & Liberty

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