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Based janny edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>496379231
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Also unedited cutscenes edition
I love huntresses
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>returning monsters are still slow af
>not even adjusted for the fluid controls and moveset
>can also fast travel in combat now without the need of farcaster
this game is actually made more people who never touched mh
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I love huntresses
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>he isn't a solo hunter
>can also fast travel in combat now without the need of farcaster
does this really matter
Doesn't even seem to have any Rice tracking.
but enough about World
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Reposting lumu co-ordinates:
>1080p/60 fps (with Frame Generation enabled) under the "Medium" graphics
Is this gonna be like DD2 where people will ignore the performance redflags?
>navigating long ass corridors that takes 500 times longer than a quick load screen
why are normies so dumb?
god damn thats nice
Why did janny delete his thread?
I'm tired of looking at cheap sluts.
Post real huntresses!
Shilling my new weapon idea
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>I love huntresses
Same but not the ugly fridge you just posted. Like how many mods do you need to make World not shit and give it any kind of grace?
wow what a hilarious and original and creative post anon
Imperial = charge blade or switch axe
Shogun or Ronin= Longsword
Gladiator (9 smashes lol) = Hammer
Landshark = SnS
Hoplite = lance
Gunner = bowguns
Survivalist/Sniper = Bow
Imperial? = Gunlance?
Swashbuckler = Dual Blade
Princess = Great Sword
Troubadour = Hunting Horn
Highlander = Insect Glaive
Botanist = Palico
it removes the last reason we had for not just fast traveling and restocking instead of risking something. if nothing else it's another red flag
men with high T like bigger women
>risking something
>a farcaster
because they're so hard to come by
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My beloved
What mod's that?
yes the mats were actually annoying to farm in most games and you could only hold one and it's not like you could restock all your items at base
Well it does matter if they want to make actual hard TU fights like if they wanted to bring back alatreon & his EJ , you can't do that if you can fuck off whenever you want
I suppose this series is literally unplayable without mounts from now on.
you literally just throw the mats in the farm or buy farcasters from an NPC lmfao they've never been a hassle to acquire
>you can't do that if you can fuck off whenever you want
but you can do exactly that in World??
You haven't played the game
Kill yourself
>they've never been a hassle to acquire
yes they were especially early on. but you are right that monsters being slow af is the bigger issue here
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Better mods
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Post your locale-specific layered sets
Just use your wirebugs to travel
*sleeps in camp*
too lewd...
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>those weird shadows
>those jaggies
>everything looks wet and oily
Why are Capcom games so ugly now, they made the best looking games during PS2 gen
you can literally farcaster back in the middle of EJ and grab a new one from camp lmfao
>yes they were especially early on
you could buy them from traveling merchants as far back as MH1, but even so they hardly mattered in the early game to begin with. there is virtually no difference between this system and how it worked in World, it's literally just a difference of spending 2 seconds inside the camp
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Tell me anon, what does this picture say?
>but even so they hardly mattered in the early game to begin with
they were handy sometimes but you're right that fast traveling back to camp is way more useful now with item restocking
that you use the menu instead of the square button and there's no meaningful difference, diaper shitter
>yes they were especially early on
no they were not
>you can literally farcaster back in the middle of EJ
no you cant
The main difference between not having farcaster is that it's not in your inventory taking up a space. But they should prevent you from teleporting out if you are fighting an elder dragon. Doesn't really make sense you can just go back to camp fighting a natural disaster calamity.

Maybe something simple like you need to be like 50-100 feet away from the monster in order to teleport out
Fuck off you /v/ermin, I bet you are the same latinx that had his OP 404'd
>it's not in your inventory taking up a space
this hasn't mattered since World and barely mattered since Tri, you have so much space to take whatever the fuck you want
>no they were not
bomb casings alone are a bitch to come by early on in most mhs if you like to use flashbombs, tranq bombs etc.
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my locale is the spooky gathering hub
>bomb casings alone are a bitch to come by early on in most mh
it's a stone and a sap plant anon how the fuck are those hard to come by
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My inventory is always maxed out since I use seed/drugs/dash juice/trap/multiple bombs + stuff to craft more bomb and other stuff
Need hub girl demon gf NOW
Plesioth trailer tomorrow bros.
you can buy farcasters directly off the peddler in almost all the classic games
hell, you can even buy bomb casings, and if you have the dlc for freedom unite you can buy flash bugs too
also fun fact you can only capture using supply items in MH1, cant even craft tranqs on your own in that game
State of Wilds?
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idk maybe play the games. your farm sucks at the beginning and you want honey or blue shrooms and flashbombs and thunder bugs and so on. but we agree that it's a bigger issue that the monsters are way too slow and that we can restock items in the first place
so you have to do a bunch of things like, unlock characters, look said characters, farm items, spend money, prepare before you start the quest. and in wilds you don't have to do any of it and can fast travel any time you want and as much as you want AND restock items

what the fuck your point?
I can't wait for wilds because the heroes of old will all return to make the general and hunts lively again while the 4 risetendies are forced back into their goblin caves.

Murdae returning to shit on pc players
Hikage returning to shit on Murdae
Masterlinkx returning to post cute stuff and carry noobs
Ryukishi returning to tell everyone off for being noobs
Doj creating excel documents for community use
Noice returning to be a wallflower again
Erin returning to call shitters what they are
Aira returning to post the festival countdowns
Blondie returning to grace everyone with her presence
Momoka/Magatsu returning to make original chibi art of mhg players

The possibilities are endless
>navigating long ass corridors that takes 500 times longer than a quick load screen
You can still fast travel to other locales with a load screen, being able to walk from one map to another is more or less just for flavor
>idk maybe play the games
I've played every single generation and even in MH1 it's not a problem after 1-star.
It’s a co-op franchise
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Holy shit, spread HBG with the special scope is so fucking cancer.

Do speedrun faggots really?
A few of those are still around
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Easiest MH to date, monsters are ugly, ugly fog filters everywhere for no reason
>unlock characters
>look said characters
holy esl, what does this even mean
>farm items
thats part of hunting and gathering, yes
>spend money
easy as balls to get by hunting one large monster and selling carves & rewards
>prepare before you start the quest
you should always have to do this before every quest, this is part of the gameplay loop and intelligence check

the only problem is that they now allow restocking but thats something world introduced, not rise or wilds
>monsters are ugly, ugly fog filters everywhere for no reason
World is basically a PS3/360 era game in terms of tech
Also I have evade extender 1 gemmed in, does this actually increase how long my roll animations last or is it the same length animation (time) but I go a bit further
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Lumu closed, I'm getting sleepy.
so you still have no point, gotcha
>the same length animation (time) but I go a bit further
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uuuuhhhh sahmhpargition.hajts
I don't get how the fuck can you say rise is better than world. Like, there is no comparison point.
For a starter, the game doesn't register half of the inputs I do unlike world, the items wheel don't register what I do half of the time, I didn't have this problem in world.

Monsters deflect half the attacks, why the fuck did they put sharpness this low???
Hitboxes are all wrong, many times attacks don't land or attack the direction I don't want to, monsters are "squishy", they move the character attacks and hitboxes a lot.

Game resolves about wire bugs and using air movement and attacks yet 90% of attacks you get while in air are bullshit. Hitboxes are all wrong.

Wall running is horrible, you lose control of the character, sometimes the character starts running the wall in a recovery while I don't want to and combined with the retarded input I lose control of my character.

Palamutes are retard, half of the time it doesn't let me mount it and they don't you jack.

This game is also loaded with useless shit or things that were better in world.
I don't want to collect palicos and palamutes, leveling them is a chore and half of the shit is useless or unnecessary.

The dango shit is retarded, talisman system is retarded, also what's with the gacha mechanics? I get it is a Japanese setting game but why do they have to put the gacha shit? Probability in eating and talisman, are you kidding me? What's with the ADHD particles and sound effects? Is this game made for autistic 2 year old japanese babies?

The argosy is shit, it was better in world, most of things in the lobby are useless shit.

What's even half of the crafting things, why do they have to bloat the game with useless shit???????

Rampages are shit, I don't think I have to explain it, and the things tied to rampage are also shit. Why do game developers insist on putting useless things in games that have nothing to do with the game?
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images like these are why i play hammer
this guy is so desperate to defend how shit he is at the game being incapable of doing something as simple as acquiring farcasters and bomb casings
it's such a weird thing to get fixated on, at least say brachy is bullshit or something
Don't remember ugly fog effects that halved my framerate in gen 1 and 2 or monsters that looked like the Men in Black baby
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>tfw no Rathian gf
Why live
Absolute fucking kino.
she has a boyfriend...
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you didn't play them
actually i just pointed out the fact that you can fast travel midfight now which is an objective casualization in combination of restocking and you made 20 posts defending it like capcom is paying you
Yeah, me (hunkter)
but enough about World
Being able to fast travel in combat was a reward for remembering to do the pre-requisites, it being free and unlimited belies a design philosophy that runs counter to why Monster Hunter has been so good for so long.
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That's one area where it makes sense while it's everywhere since World >>496457353
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I'm a LBG huntress. I'm too weak to carry a HBG or draw a bowstring, melee weapons are too icky too.
>monkey doesn't even try to adjust position just claws straight ahead
lmaooooo literaly made for worlos
I remember the grass in area 8 doing whatever it liked to my framerate

So true bestie
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>this game is made for
>worlo has literally never fought alatreon and yet spouts shit from his mouth as if it were the truth
Back4Blood to Left4Dead is what Rise is to World. Society is evolving backwards
sounds easy to rape
Capcom deemed them too much fun for Wilds otherwise everyone would use them, yes
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New update on Wilds just drop. You can now carve four times instead of the standard three.

What do you think?
Worldbros, we're got to 180 the narrative this instant. Casualization is now cool and based (but not when rise did it)

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If they want Wilds to be roughly comparable in difficulty to World (but balanced around the new features) I think that's fine, having replayed World again I think the difficulty was actually okay, I just hope that they avoid doing what they did in World where the game's difficulty completely falls apart as soon as you get past the elder dragon tier.
You get broken tools like mantles, your damage suddenly skyrockets because you go from like 2 damage skills to 6-7, you get health regen, and as soon as you hit a certain threshold of damage output you can just stagger lock monsters to death trivially easily.
the worst part about it is the hypocrisy
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Is it worth it?
I play gunlance
Not really.
Just carried some shitter through his Teostra quest
the monsters are forgettable and the names stupid
Gunlance is pretty fun is Risebreak. You get Blast Dash
is the 4th a guaranteed rare carve?
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It has the best mon in the series, so yeah i say it is worth it
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Only if you liked Gen/GU's anime shit
Glavenus isn't in Rise though
Anyone got a higher quality source for webm related? I took it off this tweet
and converted it, but if I'm gonna be shitposting with it I'd like it to be higher quality
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The Great sword cowers before the mighty Lance
what the fuck is that
Get that spin2win by hook or by crook
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>from women being token characters or fanservice to every character being an ugly bitch
It started with ugly handler and this muscle granny.
DB are even more AoT now.
thats cool
No, but they changed it to that if you capture monster you have small chance to get any part including the rare parts. Capturing only net you 3 parts, carving is always 4 part now.

I'm just fucking with you lol
Now this is real Monster Hunter
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That's gonna be me in February, including the cute huntress
MH has always had a mix of good looking and ugly women, it's just that even the ones meant to be good looking look bad now because realism
They should've kept a more stylized aesthetic, real people are ugly
No you fat bitch, there are pretty women everwhere irl if you don't live in a shithole. They don't make characters accidentally ugly, it's on purpose. There is literally a hot babe in this very game proving it
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Why do people associate sloots with Kirin armor. Because it is one of the rare skimpy armor? To be honest i think it looks ugly as ass
Anime move. If Rise does it, it's bad. If Wilds do it, it's good.
artists keep drawing lewd pictures of huntresses wearing kirin armour in comprising positions
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That's not the only armor associated with huntress sluts. KT, Zinogre, Narga, Odogaron, Barioth, Bone just off the top of my dick
>there are pretty women everwhere irl
No there aren't. Humans are ugly without exception.
>There is literally a hot babe in this very game proving it
Imagine unironically defending dyke side shave cut pozzed garbage.
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they just rehashed this character and made her even more of a lesbo
>Humans are ugly without exception.
major projection
it's a headband, collar, micro top, a tiny skirt, thigh high boots and gloves
If you played a with this outfit in a porn game, you would get raped
Not like any of those niggas are ever drawn on model.
Gemma isn't pretty
Her body's hot, but her face is a 6/10 and that's me being generous
Pause and actually give some time to think how her face looks
She's on the ugly side
The pretty one is Alma
>No there aren't. Humans are ugly without exception.
The only people who push this are ugly people who want characters in games to be ugly like them so they feel less ugly
Don't worry there will be a mod to transfer Alma head to Gemma body.
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First time i saw her i thought it was some kinda young version of the Admiral
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The Wilds huntress is a lot slimmer compared to the fridges in World so huntresses will wear the slut armor sets better
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Hey guys let's play MHW (PC) today guys :)
I actually just want less realism slop. Video games are supposed to be for escapism. Why would I want to look at real people when I'm playing a video game?
I did. It's Stories time now.
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>Humans are ugly without exception.
i have several gigs worth of folders that tell me this is projection
>you can literally farcaster back in the middle of EJ and grab a new one from camp lmfao
>>Anon has yet to fight Alatreon
Where are you stuck, Anon?
Shara Ishvalda? Rajang? Raging Brachydios? Furious Rajang? Safi Jiiva?
Host a lumu and I'd be happy to help you
I can scale down my gear to help you as well :)
I love huntresses
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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>you can literally farcaster back in the middle of EJ
If you're hunting monsters then it's Monster Hunter
nothing pretty about being a whore online
I wish girls were real
you can travel to camps right in front of a monster
Weird then that we never see people like you criticize the ugly realistic characters and you only ever come out of the woodwork when other people do that to attack those people and push the narrative that it's because of realism and not because companies make characters ugly on purpose
top 3 lol champs?
In what way do companies benefit by making characters ugly on purpose?
Proof that the low IQ, inbred retards that argue about dumbshit dont even play the game.
What a fucking nigger brain.
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Giga based. Have fun! :)
I main Alistar, Nautilus, and Bard so those 3 I guess.
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DEI shit. It's also always as simple as ugly people being shotcallers
Ah, you’re one of those lol
Best weapon to farm that fuckhead F. Rajang with?
Relatable, "it is totally me fr fr" sale

There will always be more ugly / average people than pretty ones
Photoshop, a ton of makeup and flattering lighting doesn't make humans not disgusting, Anon.
you will never be a woman
Discord troons woke up early today
wow EU hours really are the fucking worst, huh.
Repeating the same shit over and over again doesn't make it less obvious that you are either an ugly asexual weirdo projecting or just looking for a way to defend the game's ugly characters, which "IT'S BECAUSE OF REALISM" is the go-to for
Critdraw Frostcraft Greatsword probably?
Sticky LBG
Speaking of projecting.
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same reason they cast uglier actors now?
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>tfw all the hate Gunners get and then see this
This is shaping up to be the most braindead MH yet. Same old monster animations while we can go Attack on Titan
And that reason is?
she would birth strong sons
Is LBG primarily an elemental weapon or do you also use spread/pierce/normal like HBG?
depends on the monster
whitey's time is up
lol ok
LS is such a shit weapon in World, how is this dev favouritism
>literally the same move you can do in rise
>except jumping away from the monster to have an excuse to use the grapple hook
The big plot twist is that people think LS is the devs favorite because they think it's the coolest
how are you so bad you can't use LS
you could do it in world too
It's literally just "same old move, but grappling hook"
Its moves are cool looking but it does fuck all damage for all the set up it needs to helm splitter

It doesn't do anything compared to my main (GS)
>le damage
my apologies miss you're perfectly valid
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Because it's so broken you can literally use it blind
You can make this clip with any weapon because nergigante just falls over and dies
HBG is the dev's favourite
world gs is probably just as easy to play blindfolded
I only buy video games that has attractive women in it.
I'm bad at the game world is filtering me
I can't beat fatty with a LS
I can't be alatreon with a LS
I'm only bright enough to shoot LBG with strafing at safi/KT for hours ;-;
get gud
pro insect glaive gameplay showcase https://youtu.be/omLB8KFXkfY?feature=shared
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Because they have diversity quotas they actively enforce on productions
The elites want to people fight each other in a race war, gender war, and corruption so that no one every does occupy wall street ever again. As long as normal people are not focusing on a "class war", they don't care. That's why they are pushing for destruction with the LBGTBBQ+, DEI, ESG shit and brainwashing younger children to cut their dicks off. Ugly people can't be good role models or someone you look up to, so it's being used as a way to corrupt people mind in a way of subliminal message. Stuff like using pronoun and other retarded shit. It's called alchemy when you can use the thesis and anti-thesis to get the desired outcome. The desire outcome they want is total destruction.

Scientific method seeks to understand things as they are, while alchemy seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. To put it another way, the primary objective of science is truth, - that of alchemy, operational success.
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Bro? Your Wilds?
lol, lmao even

cute boy
How is it filtering you when these are literal post credits add on monsters and everything else is a joke (Ala is a joke too)
>asks question
>gets answer and proof that's open, acknowledged and publicly available
>lmao please delete this
Just consume and shut up
I love Monster Hunter!
I would recommend Lithium
>those shoulders
>fridge body
>bangs to hide hairline
>mosquito bite tits
That's a tranny
that other lesbian-looking character is attractive
It's taking me 25 minutes to hunt down a HR5 Khezu. Is this normal?
that's every huntress in the entire series though
That’s half the time you're given to do it
I know, but I suspect you're supposed to do it faster. What if I have to hunt two or three large monsters at once?
I can try but that's not going to change the truth that there are quotas
What weapon are you using?
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Anyone else happy Wilds finally allows us to crossdress?
She looks like she fucks Rajangs
They have reduced health pools if there’s more than one target, it’s fine
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Gay armor that reeks of low cost cosplaying. Pretty sure every attention whores and their mother will wear this shit in con
Really? I never knew that.
more insect glaive https://youtu.be/wdM0Q-x7-LY?feature=shared
>still caring about old monsters when they look this slow and pathetic >>496457345
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Not really, it is most likely some excuse to cut off Alpha beta / Blader Gunner armor from the game. I guess only the gay fags are happy since their female avatar can wear full helmet now
Equipment being separated from character sex isn’t a problem anywhere else, seems a strange limitation with no reason to really exist. It’s only noteworthy as a change, but I’ve never seen complaints about crossdressing in Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls or whatever other games let you collect and equip garments.
>aiieee npc is ugly
>see them for 40 hours out of a 1000
not my problem, still hunting monsters
Are those new splash images
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Why do they make their own game ugly with green and yellow filters and fog? People pretend to be elitist graphicswhores and shit on Rise for years but building a high end PC to play this ugly shit is fine?
It's a problem because it's going to lead to having fewer cute girly armor sets, they're already redesigning returning monsters' sets to be more unisex
>but I’ve never seen complaints about crossdressing in Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls or whatever other games let you collect and equip garments.
did you look? there are tons of complaints because people want gender specific armor
Probably just not landing your soaring kicks cleanly
I can't fucking beat him
Explain to a retard who didn't watch the streams how do you play hammer now. People talk about heavy comboing and shit. I'm not against it, I heavily doubt that it will be complicated, but still.
how many layers of QoL is wilds on
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>Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls
All of those have have canon male protag and 99% the armors look made for male. MH has very flashy girly armors. Personally I don't mind it because sometimes there is a helmet or something that looks cooler the opposite sex but we can already see Capcom uses it for tranny dyke characters and >>496465627
What's a soaring kick?
>MH has very flashy girly armors
Use frostcraft GS to kill fatty with draw attacks, it's probably the easiest way to kill him.
the way you dump your meter for damage
I can beat the EJ checks no fucking issue, he just has too much god damn HP. Feels like he's completely immortal until dragon phase then he starts flinching, stagging, parts breaking (not just the horns but the tail and wings too) until he EJ where he goes back to being immortal
He means Helmsplitter. In Rise they changed it to Soaring Kick Silkbind into Helmsplitter
but that's how i beat him my first time and it took me like 200 tries
It's a special move? Then how am I supposed to spam the best move, Silkbind Sakura Slash?
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Careful, janny gets pissed because he looks like that character and doesn't want people to poke fun at him
>Want to farm all layered armour
>Its all guiding lands shit
Fucking hell...
wouldn't be so bad without the sunken eyes and shitskin
sakura slash is for getting the meter, but then you have to find a way to use it
guiding lands is fun though
>I have to hunt monsters? What the fuck is this shit?
>still playing mhw
even if you love that turd of a game you're stupid because you will feel burnt out when wilds comes out
Based and true.
>getting burnt out
Ah, shoot, I misunderstood how it worked. I thought the sakura slash was for stacking up an attack buff and stunning the big monster all mission long.
Agree but mostly because the normal locations suck and almost no monster is worth going on a specific quest for
Doesn't Capcom use a male character for all the Wilds players as well or did they already stop? I don't think I saw him in the State of Play trailer.
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What's she thinking about?
Worldborne PC lumu/room/lobby/session ID
Who cares, Wilds won't be interesting for months since pre-TU monsters aren't allowed to be hard anymore.
Any silkbind special attack will eventually "stun" the monster, but generally you have to make a choice between generating resources and spending them
Eventually you get sacred sheathe and you don't need soaring kick anymore because it lets you convert all your meter into this big charge attack
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They should just make it optional whether we walk or skip the tunnels like in the old games with a loading screen. And I wouldn't even mind forcing it and going back to separate zones if it meant zones look less samey and graphics are actually good with amazing backgrounds
>why are normies so dumb?
The average person today is stupid beyond any comprehension
I've just booted up Rise on my Switch Lite for the first time in years. It's saying I have 33 hours of playtime and HR4 for the character.
I'm wondering if I should just start over, or if I'll do even worse the next time around.
Unfortunately LS is in this awkward position where the expansion rebalanced a lot of its kit with new moves in mind but you don't get those new moves until master rank, so right now you're playing a really gimped version of the weapon that does maybe half the damage it did before the expansion released.
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am I blacklisted...
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It is actually interesting how it's completely lost on so many people that the loading times they hate so much are faster than the fucking nothing-happens zones.
>have to pay for an expansion just to unlock the moves lost with the expansion changeover.
>not enough upgrade mats to get any other weapon up to HR ready state.
Welp, guess I'm fucked then.
>pre-TU monsters aren't allowed to be hard anymore
Name one game where they were
literally every classic mh because of the clunky controls and healing alone
They should bring back right analog stick controls. Pressing buttons for attack and ability to properly control camera is the peak of casualization.
Are we really dealing with the Scylla of casualization versus the Charybdis of fake difficulty?
It's kind of understandable because the previous version of the weapon was very overpowered, but they handled it in a somewhat unfortunate manner. I'd recommend to just play a different weapon for now, because especially with the cooldown increase on soaring kick the weapon's flow feels pretty bad until much later in the game.
I fucking kneel
no but running while healing, canceling every animation, restocking items, focus mode, getting rid of stun with only 3 slots, mantles, counters and monsters being piss easy is casualization
>can use weapons while on Seikret
Lance can joust now right?
johnny bravo?!
>clunky controls
There isn't a single game with actually clunky controls, you're just a retard who can't put his thumb an inch lower
i think you just hit a crit, holy framing
Don't forget making ranged play like a modern third person shooter
"Fake" difficulty is a cope, it's literally telling yourself that you didn't REALLY struggle to beat the monster when you actually did.
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fuck yeah
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I think it'll be very difficult to beat this
>no but running while healing, canceling every animation, restocking items, focus mode, getting rid of stun with only 3 slots, mantles
Don't use them. As hardcore player you should restrain yourself from using cheap tactics.
Bros I'm excited for Wilds. :)
The games are made with the expectation that the player will engage with the mechanics.
about the girth of my lance
same anon
maybe you are just a retard who doesn't understand how words work
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Try proper gamepads.
Dude same.
I wish I could just play a different weapon. However, I have two problems with that.
1. the other weapons are stuck at their base states, as I don't have the materials I need to upgrade them.
2. the longsword is the canon weapon for the Rise hunter, and I'm not supposed to go non-canon ever.
infinite hunts through multiple maps without reloading sounds comfy to me
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actually peaked
Common shitter excuse. You're not forced to use anything.
>I-I w-was forced to use cheap tactics/combos/weapons/items! Game did this!
I finally got hyped for Wilds but now I'm craving hay and grains. Is this normal?
>he didn't beat the game by using kicks only while being naked
fucking casual
Well it's not an excuse but a fact that difficulty doesn't feel the same when it's self-imposed and it's not really the experience you're looking for in a game, especially a game like MH that's all about the satisfaction from good dps
Nothing about being forced in what I said, just that the developers expect the player to use the stuff they put in, and craft the encounters around those expectations.
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The legendary double ass shot...with a pose...perfectly framed...as johnny bravo...
explain the joke?
>all about the satisfaction from good dps
Starting to think retards who swap R1/R2 actually have a point.
Fuck, last letter is b
So it's
Pick up where you left off. It'll come back to you in a few hours.
Spirit Iai Slash being on a trigger makes me seethe
I know my timing is good but that fucking travel distance of the trigger will ocassionaly fuck me over. It's not an issue in Rise because the window is so generous but in World it's tight enough for that to make the difference
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>wound break gets you a monster part
>seems like you no longer need to pick up a million shinies on the ground
Do we like or not
alatreon isn't fun
Tempered F Rajang is fun
Raging Brachy is fun
frost fang is fun
I meet every fucking EJ check and hunts last just as long as ever other monster hunt but he has too much fucking HP
Lance bros rejoice
It's definitely at least about boosting your damage _potential_ and optimizing your performance. If you disagree then you are like the 1% minority. It's a game about improving and making stronger gear. Making it difficult shouldn't be your job but the developer's
Fake difficulty is a real thing, but people misuse it all the time
Old MH was simply built on a design philosophy of gameplay born from restrictions, and newer games have been lifting these restrictions more and more
Maybe in 3 years
You are so fucking based
This is true
>It's a game about improving and making stronger gear.
It's a casual borderline party game about having fun with friends in multiplayer. Making it difficult just limits the number of people that can get into it and have a good time with their friends.
>alatreon isn't fun
He was fun for a minute headshotting in Tri, no idea why Capcom thought he would be some epic DLC monster for Iceborne
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>le triple lance poke, ichinose
>le triple lance poke, fujioka
>It's a casual borderline party game
Well that's certainly where this series is headed
genuine retard
>Making it difficult shouldn't be your job but the developer's
This is why we have an achievements. Video game players are so retarded they need someone to tell them what to do in video game and how to create hard content.
It's what it's always been, retard-kun
>It's a casual borderline party game about having fun with friends in multiplayer.
That shouldn't be an excuse to make it a borderline nightmare in single player, even at LR.
Jesus christ it's like a renaissance painting
that purple hunter mid air is just majestic
>Making it difficult shouldn't be your job but the developer's
Monster Hunter? The mainstream series from Japan? The one every fucking salaryman and high schooler played on PS2 and PSP with friends all day? Beating """"le hardcore XD"""" content naked with his friends during lunchtime?
Developers set the success conditions, failure states, and boundaries of play, and I would like the success conditions to be harder to reach, the failure states more punishing, and the boundaries of play to be more restrictive.

That’s their job
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>Beating """"le hardcore XD"""" content naked with his friends during lunchtime
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holy filtered
CHADLATAREON gets another one
Their job is to make a game that sells, so it should be as accessible as possible.
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>all those new flurry follow up
damn DB eating good
Insisting MH was always a casual party game to defend the low difficulty of World and presumably Wilds is a new low for World fanboys kek
So tell the developers that. They can't read your mind.
It's never the player's job to balance the game they're playing. The expectation that a player should ignore entire mechanics and not engage with entire game systems because the developers didn't have the foresight or care to realise how powerful it was is retarded
A player should never be expected to rob themselves of something they could potentially find fun because of developer incompetence leading to it being so overpowered that using it is considered too cheap
If you ever get to that point you've done a bad job as a game designer and handwaving lazy game design by saying the players can self regulate is giving them an out and will only lead to more and more of this shit
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6 years can't stop won't stop fuck it we ball
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real mhw lumu
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>It's never the player's job to balance the game they're playing
Many games do this by making you pick a difficulty setting at the start, but not every game includes that option
>So tell the developers that.
We are you mouthbreather but retards like you say it's ok because players can just not do it
You're part of the problem motherfucker you're just as bad as the casuals who spam the broken shit 24/7 and shit, piss and cum about how fun it is to be an untouchable god in Rise so the devs double down on it
This really reads like common shitter excuse in any video game. Especially multiplayer video games of pvp ones
>game X has broken Y weapon
>the shitter used Y weapon to beat game EZ
>shitter complains about game being EZ
>"I have right to use weapon Y"
If capcom wanting me to try other weapons then they wouldn't make HBG the strongest one.
/mhg/ being so mad at everything all the time proves that nu-MH is bad.
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MH used to be known for being a frustrating, clunky hardcore series and we used to make fun of casuals and normalfags for not being hardcore enough and not getting it. Just because you really want to love the new games doesn't mean you can rewrite history. And even if you want to play rhetorics and just call MH an easy series then it doesn't chang ethe fact that they made it even easier
Counterpoint: devs just include mechanics because they think they'd be cool and fun and don't want to not include potentially fun things because some anon somewhere is going to get pissy about "balance"
You control the buttons you press
Just play older MH if you like them so much. I hope it's not some casual shit with attack on the buttons :)
There are a variety of factors that help or hinder sales that go beyond how accessible the game is.

I can’t exactly get Tokuda on the phone. I take part in their community surveys and interact with social media posts, and that’s about as good as I can do I think.

I’m complaining about Capcom’s change in design philosophy, if I was concerned about meta driving my playstyle I wouldn’t be using Lance over everything else
games aren't easier it's just qol
desu dying in snowy mountains is pure hell because you have to run all the way up there again and you're fucked if you don't have enough hot drinks, something you will learn the hard way if it's your first mh
Just don't press the buttons if it's too easy for you.
>a considered and curated difficulty setting is the same as putting in a "press x to nuke the screen button" because players can just not use the win button
Picking medium vs hard mode at the start is not even remotely the same as self restricting by not engaging with system mechanics that are too powerful because the devs did a bad job
Those things can be fun without breaking your game in half. Saying "you control the buttons you press" is how we get shit like strongarm stance. It's bad for the health and longevity of the series if players don't vocally push back against mechanics that make the game actively worse and less engaging to play because it's a when not an if that the entire game suffers because of choices like this and not just individual weapon movesets
>le triple lance poke, ichinose
What triple lance poke?
He went out of his way to make sure that only Striker had a triple poke in Generations. (You know how Guild style is supposedly the classic way of playing? That's a lie, at least for Lance, because "classic" Lance sure as hell didn't have that slow, shitty, clunky and retarded multi-hitting final poke that gets you in trouble more often than not.) And just to make sure nobody actually triple lance poked with Striker, he gave the dash attack finisher the most absurd motion value the series has ever seen, making it so that the way to be efficient with Striker is to spam that dash finisher as frequently as possible. If you find yourself triple poking more than once in a blue moon with Striker, then you're playing poorly.
He also went out of his way to force a similar playstyle for base Rise with Spiral Thrust spam being the way to play that weapon, and with triple poke lancing being insanely weak. If you were actually triple poking as a general playstyle with Lance in base Rise, then you're playing poorly. Lance in base Rise was the biggest joke in the series.
>Saying "you control the buttons you press" is how we get shit like strongarm stance.
A fun and rewarding mechanic?
Making you fight Khezu that early was a dick move
>MH used to be known for being a frustrating, clunky hardcore series and we used to make fun of casuals and normalfags
>best seller in Japan
Yeah brother. Niche hardcore series that somehow was played by every Japanese normalfag during the peak of PSP.
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fuck off, he has too much HP. Doesn't help that he starts speeding up his attacks and cheating to stay in the air where smokes, flashes and slinger bursts do fuck all
Just tickle his toes, silly!
>stay in the air where smokes, flashes and slinger bursts do fuck all
That's where you clutch his ass and tenderize and still be doing some damage to him. Remember you are still damaging his overall HP regardless of phase/break/successes/elements etc.
I know Japan is cool not sure what your point is
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>nyooo he's cheating AIIIIEEE TASUKETE
CHADlatereon dabs on another one, literally skill issue
>Picking medium vs hard mode at the start is not even remotely the same as self restricting by not engaging with system mechanics that are too powerful because the devs did a bad job
It's not identical, but it still asks the player to curate their own experience based on their own preferences
I don't see it very different to summoning a spirit ash in elden ring or choosing the top weapon in monster hunter, you can pretend it's all on the developer to make a perfectly balanced game but you either consciously or unconsciously have already been making decisions that enhance your experience at the cost of experiencing parts of the game
>Lance in base Rise was the biggest joke in the series.
Hahahaha. I love delusional retards. They could sell their grandmother if it meant winning an internet argument for their team.
post your run or fuck off
he either fucks off using dragon air dash or I'm thrown to the ground by dragon head bang
Wtf are you even talking about it's the easist shit monster ever in World, he stands around summoning element shit you can't get hit by letting you attack him for 20 seconds
The difference is I don't feel forced to miss out on parts of the game because the devs did a shitty job balancing
I love how Vergil plays in DMCV and each of his weapons have three moves that are essentially screen nukes. They're cinematic, they're impactful as fuck and they're extremely fun to end combos with. But guess what if you do them even on the highest difficulty every enemy in the room fucking dies instantly so I don't get to use three of his most satisfying and fun moves beacuse I'm robbing myself of the fun and engaging combat of that game
I am having less fun than I could be having because I am forced to ignore these moves I like because using them would rob me of even more fun
I control the buttons I press but I'm not fucking happy about it
Westerner weaboos turned fun japanese game into hardcore cult. If it was hardcore it wouldn't be played by japanese housewifes on PSP.
I hated the MMO count down mechanic
I'm glad DB still looks like you can turn your brain off and just have fun
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>he either fucks off using dragon air dash or I'm thrown to the ground by dragon head bang
So wait for one of the very long openings he has after certain air attacks. His random flying for 5 minutes is the most annoying part of that hunt but there are openings for damage and for getting him back to the ground built into it when you look for them. Trying to brute force a flinch shot will get you killed because he has a lot of moves while flying that seem intentionally built to counter clutch claw if you try to do it when he's not in the recovery of a move
>he either fucks off using dragon air dash or I'm thrown to the ground by dragon head bang
Then you aren't recognizing his tells properly. Alatreon has a few ways getting in the air, all distinct
>ice breathe downwards, he comes straight back down; Clutch to prevent damage AND tendies if close; safe
>fire breathe downwards, same animation, same strategy
>slow ice breathe rotate flying up; You can do the same here. What he does afterwards is up to him
>dragon explosion; it's all red, so you know to fuck off or if you are good you can roll into him at the right timing; he lands after this
>head grovel; 2x if normal, 3x if enraged. He always does an autist shout after, you can tickle toes tendies here
>air fire sweep; toes and tails are free game
>air dragon charge; do not clutch onto him, wait for him to come to you, because he will land and 180 towards you giving you his head
>easist shit monster ever in World
I didn’t struggle much Great Jagras, but hey, we’re not all the same I guess
>The difference is I don't feel forced to miss out on parts of the game because the devs did a shitty job balancing
You could just use a worse weapon sister
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lel gunlance can just press r2 to aimbot longshots never missing
>ice breathe
>he comes straight back down
Not always
>dragon explosion
>he lands after this
Not at all I don't think I've ever seen him land immediately after his explosion you do however get enough time to dive, get up and headsnipe
>air dragon charge
he can also do it across the room multiple times in a row staying in the air the landing one has a distinct animation
You also missed
>fast left to right oil spam
>does the same autist shout after
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I don't get it, how do I perform helm breaker?
Why is it always the wiggler heads that are the speed trannies?
Use soaring kick wirebug move and then whatever the helmbreaker button is in the air.
wirebug kick
lol, I know.
whoa mama
he does a set amount of attacks when he's in the air and really doesn't stay up there that long
in response you have a lot of attacks where he just sits there and lets you fuck him up

>volcano move with the three cocentric rings, just dodge to the center after it erupts
>the lightning wall move is literally 10+ seconds where he just stands still if you properly iframe it (his regular triple bar lightning also provides a big openings)
>his 'summon a bunch of random bolts' move will never hit between his two front forelegs
>his big dragon explosion is a huge opening if you iframe it
>his dragon raise and slam is another huge opening
>his velkhana ice breath has him just stand in place
>his downward fire breath in the air is a free tenderize

also most of his moves just don't hit you if you move past him and attack his hindlegs, like he literally just can't do anything to you and usually his flowchart will end up doing another move with tons of punish opportunity
i need to kill tempered namielle..
Here >>496470698
Do soaring kick and then press right trigger
>If it was hardcore it wouldn't be played by japanese housewifes on PSP.
You say PSP because you know it wasn't even that popular in Japan until it went portable. And "but Japan loved it, the country with the best taste in vidya and that literally gives us all these games and popularizes them" still isn't the best argument and doesn't change that Western God of War and FIFA loving casuals used to hate MH
>need to clutch claw with lance unsheathed without counter
>hold L2 + click right stick, then press circle
Who the fuck designed this shit
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i was thinking using dualblades and insect glaive so glaive can cut tails and dualblades just dodge everything and they use same skills so dont need to build different armor sets
Idon't remember the jumpies having so little HP even in lr village..
>gamespot couldn't do this
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Everything dies in at most 5 minutes in LR Village assuming you brought appropriate gear
>post your run or fuck off
Okay, but you'll have to excuse me for not using a weapon with free counters
So anyone got any numbers on how much damage boost perfect demon buff gives?
Telling players a game is hard while it's actually easy is an infninite money glitch. Perfect for streaming and every shitter can play it to feel like they've done something.
The huge success of Elden Bing and MHWorld on full display
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>All these faggots pretending that Yian Kutku is the greatest thing since sliced bread for some fucking reason

I don't get it, he is just some shit mon with copy pasted Rathian moveset. And his armor looks like THIS

Is it just le oldfags?
>with copy pasted Rathian moveset
kut ku literally comes first dumb dumb Rathian is kut ku with more moves because that's the game teaching you how to play by slowly incrimenting the difficulty curve by attaching more moves to the same skeleton as not to overwhelm you
He's the first real large monster you fight in all of MH (fuck off Velocidrome you don't count).
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Eat shit bulldrome
there isn't a single bideo game that's actually difficult

you want difficulty? go take a quantum physics college course, go run for office, go live in the woods for a year, go climb mt. everest

saying 'yaaaaaaas i beat my heckin hard video game' is the lowest form of 'difficulty' there is
Rathian was developed first, she's the proto monster. She has EM ID 001. Every monster is an evolution of Rathian.
Pfft, you think that’s difficult? Try walking on the moon, now that’s a challenge
Skill tax
>GL: Artillery, Guard/Up if defensive
>Lance: Guard/Up, Offensive Guard
>DB: marathon/constitution, handicraft
>Hammer: Slugger
>SA: Power Prolonger, maybe Evade Window/Distance
>Bow: Marathon/constitution, normal type up, spread type up, pierce type up
>BGs: type ups
>HH: horn maestro
>GS: draw skills if draw style
>LS: lol
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>you know it wasn't even that popular in Japan until it went portable
PS2 versions were popular too. PS2 in Japan had functioning online in some games. Japs literally played FFXI on PS2
>Hammer: Slugger
never in any monhun game has slugger been worth slotting
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All this talk about the casualisation of MonHun, and yet they never put in the casualisation I need to clear any content at all.
Rental armor/weapon sets tuned for a given hunt, reducing the challenge to just solving the puzzle boss and DPS execution.
man, gen 4 greatsword is so fucking fun. why did they have to ruin it in gen 5
How did they ruin it in gen 5.
bro your arena?
umm its same greatsword
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Braindead with Lance, SnS, and Switch Axe
Ultra easy with GS and CB
Took me a second to figure out the openings with Hammer, but then he's easy.
Ice-start is stupid easy with GL, and just easy with Fire-start

IDK about the rest. GU Alatreon was MILES harder than MHW.
Eschaton Judgement sucked as a mechanic but is necessary to hide how limited Alatreon's moveset is

LS wants Quick Sheath
GS always wants Focus why wouldn't you mention it???
Guns need Spare Shot, type ups, recoil downs, and reload speed
Hammer never needed anything ever
I like how you've omitted SnS lmao
LS quick sheathe is actually negligible even at max level, not worth the 3 levels.
Making your gear and acquiring items to help you hunt is the game
How do you CB alatreon?I can't get no SAEDs and barely any AEDs
that's literally the arena dumbfuck
>LS wants Quick Sheath
Only in Rise otherwise it's another never needs anything ever weapon
It’s just World GS without TCS and tackle???
Crit element savage axe
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99% posts ITT are just larp.
World is the best. World is pretty hard. Wilds will be kino too
Same games but clunky. Except for Frontier. Frontier just fucks
>underwater combat
Pure cancer
Putting all of Greatswords damage into TCS completely changed how it plays. It went from positioning and headsniping with draw attacks and charged attacks to forcing in a TCS at every opportunity
It became far less deliberate and far more braindead
>Putting all of Greatswords damage into TCS
stopped reading there
Focus your attacks on his front legs and head, you can also tenderize his backlegs to make them a good spot to hit. Other than that learn what his big openings are so you know when it's safe to let out some big attacks.
>It became far less deliberate and far more
It became more deliberate since your damage is more backloaded now, old GS was completely braindead since you could just run around unsheathed out of range waiting for the monster to do something punishable, do a single draw charge, and probably still outdamage every other weapon
But you can play draw GS.
Being able to redirect your TCS 180degrees is some nice QoL I must say.
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Actual legend, I fucking kneel.
>your damage is more backloaded now
This would be true if slingerburst TCS didn't exist and wasn't only slightly more commital than a fully charged draw slash
And it still gets outdamaged by TCS spam and only works if you use the armour set put into the game specifically to enable a critdraw playstyle otherwise it's not worth playing
>MH4U draw charge MV: 143
>MHW draw charge MV: 85 at launch, 110 after multiple buffs
I mean you can but your damage is going to be complete shit compared to the old games
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which clown is Aya talking about, /mhg/?
>only works if you use the armour set put into the game specifically to enable a critdraw playstyle
You mean like in the other games? Also FC is great for a lot of weapons, not just GS
My favorite moment in MH history is when Ryozo said "It's QoLing time!" and QoLed all over the place.
lumu armor looks like THAT???
>And it still gets outdamaged by TCS spam
Yes, more committal move does more damage than less committal move, that's how it works. Otherwise TCS would just not be worth using.
>muhhhh positioning! muh headsniping!!!!
>same faggot that says gen 4 with Gen Ultimate and Valor/Aerial is 'good'
i know you'll just deflect to 'i m-meant 4U' but we both know that's not how you framed it, the problem started earlier and was way worse than world
I always considered polish + speed sharpening dual blade skill tax, judging by how sharpening works now you probably only need polish and cancel all your sharpnes after 1 swipe
Tommy Wiseau
>Yes, more committal move does more damage than less committal move
It's only barely more commital with slinger burst and the damage output isn't proportional. A slinger burst TCS comes out only barely slower than a level 3 draw slash and does 2-3x the damage often leading to a flinch or topple so the longer recovery is rarely a factor so you're incentivised to force them in whenever one will land and even if the longer recovery does get you hit who gives a shit when you just did 3K damage and get up, eat a max potion and do it again
What are some good weapon tutorials that don't spoil big fights? Because in-game (World) tutorials don't even show you all combos and explain mechanics like TCS, tackle.
What? I mean for main quests, not a minigame.
The Hammer goldswing offset actually looks great, and will feel pretty good to land considering you have to think further ahead than the other retard-proof counters
No, it's not. It's the grinding tax that gates you out of the actual game.

I like these GS changes. There's less focus on TCS now
You need to find channels from autists that only care about one or two weapons.
I just played the game then asked mhg if I had a question
It’s not called Monster Fighter.
Not that anon but True charge completes GS and i am tired of pretending otherwise

Having a final third form where you fucking pole vault on your sword and went all unga bunga makes perfect fucking sense, it flows so much better than swinging your sword in a wide circle. World did a lot of shit wrong but not True charge
Wait what the fuck.
If you hit a "just tackle" you get your next charge at level 3 instantly?
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>fine one last try tonight
I actually fucking did it, thank you guys. He was a source of an irl headache and now he's fucking dead. I'm sorry for being rude
It's also not called Item Gatherer or Gear Crafter, either.
It's just nice QoL chud.
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An aspect of being a Hunter (half the franchise title) is preparing for the hunt, which is what that is.
Sex with her huntress
Congrats anon, eventually you'll be good enough to kill him without second thought
good work anon

fatalis will be even harder, the prepwork isn't over. try to nab at least the alatreon weapon for whatever you're using
Seems like it. Timing seems a little tight, it's not just 'tackle and take damage'
But in fairness, TCS was really clapped as far as MVs. Feels like the SB LS treatment where it's easier, but not the king of damage anymore
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Why is everyone so happy to see me?
I can get to phase 3 of fatty after headbreaking him and my best run managed to get 2 flying fire cones before I carted instead of timing out
They didn't tell me any of that in the YouTube frag videos the algorithm fed me to convince me to but the games AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
With TCS neutered it means even doing a draw charge > tackle > and instantly pulling out a lvl 3 strong charge + strong slash is strong as hell.
kulve huntress booty...
KT huntresses are such fucking sluts
Good, and I mean that with unfathomable sincerity.
Strong Charge into Strong Wide is still the most stylish GS move. I was still doing it anyways, but now that it's buffed I win the nonexistent argument
I'm also glad it's like Rise in that Strong Wide combos into TCS, instead of back into Strong Charge
>GS has just tackle
>DB and Bow have just dodge
What else is there?
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laptop with integrated GPU?
what's your set? if you're carting too much against your first solo fatty it's worth slotting in DB5 or EW3/EE2 over a DPS skill
Ever hear of just block?
The universal mechanic to all weapons with a block?
Steam Deck
Kino fight
something is off with the instrumentals
it feels muffled like the drums don't kick at all
I've already started using EE 2 for alatreon and I haven't gotten super frustrated at the fatty fight yet because I've not learned the phase 3 moveset let
Speaking of EE, I hope it uses World's distance in Wilds
It's way, way too good in Rise
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It honestly says a lot about this general that the retarded gooner discord clique routinely trashes these monsters that /mhg/ swears are uniquely unfair challenges.
In rise it feels like I am traversing 1/3rd of the area in one roll lmao it's ridiculous
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What it says is that the people screeching and shitflinging in threads about a "discord gooner clique" don't play the game and the people who join rooms actually do play the game and are good at it
>trusting trannoid pcheats
>feel brave enough to switch out of my shitter defense set for a more offensive set
>cart four times against R.Niggagante in GLands
I don't know if I'm a hunter anymore.
Get a lance out and melt him. You don't even need good gear. I took a lance out with him, no regen no health boost just to try out the weapon (5th time using it) and fucker just got bullied. I felt bad, but I did like his shiny drops.
stop getting hit
Alatreon was never hard. Only redditors get filtered by him
tempered? did you have astera jerky? how many times have you fought him before? did you fight AT nerg back in base world with HR gear? were most of your carts at 10% HP or whenever he starts spazzing the fuck out?

everybody has ate shit to that faggot once or twice, he's only 'easy' because the fight is a joke once you've internalized a few of his moves
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Will you let your palico talk or nah?
Fuck no.
I’ll try it
only during sex
I chose to gunlance, figured that wasn't important to mention.
>stop getting hit
Amazingly hard, somehow. Or maybe I'm not good at dodging.
Not tempered, have jerky
>AT Nerg with HR gear
I don't think so... I've barely tried AT mons at all even back when I was clearing IB.
>How many times fought before
6. In the last two years? Once.
I guess I just gotta spend more time hunting, but I'm gonna be wearing my babyproof set for a loooong while.
I personally wish I could set the Palico to ONLY JP language, it sounds a lot more cuter there than in english.
Hunters be quiet. Cats meow adorably. Them's the rules.
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did i scare ya?
The voice sounds gay as fuck, so no.
Why does a palico need 2B style wig?
Because they couldn’t fit her ass on the model
>it's only barely more committal
Go look in the mirror and decide if being a disingenuous retard is how you really want to live your life.
I finished Gasmagorm and entered muh anomaly quest era and hunting usually took me around 20minutes thank you
can someone post the chart of fastest clears for sunbreak?
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S-Snoysisters... our response?
>dev build without perfect UI menu polish
Jesus christ
>crazy recommended specs
>doesn't even guarantee 60fps without frame generation meme
Wilds is gonna be a hot mess on release, I think I'm gonna do the sensible thing this time and wait for the expansion and the game to be fixed and playable by then, it's not like any base MH is worth playing anyway
>SA becomes slight faster
>CB is still the same as it was from 4U
Nooo please play our new Slicing Ammo hunter
I wish
4U CB was its most fun iteration
I'm just gonna play this shit in lowest settings until modders fix it
Because 4U is peak!!
So why do people like 4U over GU
Why do all the japanese content creators play on PS5 at TGS then?
MHWi vs my 4th gen corei7 Geforce1060 PC with HDD
I doubt it's gonna be playable even on lowest settings but we'll see
Not liking what it did to some weapons even if you use guild style
Not liking the cooldown super attacks
The game can feel pretty bloated at times with some of the required hunts for progression feeling like total filler and a slog to get through
I love GU but its not without some glaring flaws
No bing arts
No bing styles (you don't have to use them is cope, you don't have to use the snoy claw or bingbugs here)
Actual variants instead of bloating the roster with shitmons
Way better progression
CB isn't nerfed to shit
IG isn't nerfed to shit
GQs are bad but a better system than deviants
No hyper grind autism
>crazy recommended specs
Older hardware than the PS5
people think the RE in RE Engine means Resident Evil but it's actually short for "REach for the moon", yeah it's pretty stupid
It's quintessential Japanese marketing and branding. You see this kind of thing absolutely everywhere they love their stupid foreign language abbreviations because they think they sound cool
Consoles are cheaper, especially when you scale it to like 50 or whatever demo stations. They're also easier to deploy and replace if an unit dies.
As if western marketing aren't in love with sensationalist spelling with skipping vowels. Same shit different flavour.
Yes we love Nazi language
It's actually Monster Hunter.
It's a devkit, retard
GU (and Rise) are anime games
>died to lavasioth
I'm so bad at this game. How can people land TCS 100% of time while dodging everything nonstop?
I just can't get into Sunbreak.
Autism practice
GS does so much damage that you can easily knockdown loop monsters once you figure out the positioning of aiming a TCS properly when they get up
other than that just figure out the openings, learn to tackle to get to the stronger charged swings quickly and run around like a retard until you do
not even close
The people you see doing that have hunted that one single monster more than you've hunted every monster in the game combined
why the fuck am i so bad at LS
people keep saying its easy and noob friendly
id rather dodge than counter shit it's way too cerebral for me..
I cant beat him smoothly without bow either
hammer tribe welcomes you brother
Speed autists aren't uploading the runs where they whiff
Your shoulder charge has armour. Time it.
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It's actually the hardest weapon, because your defensive options are so broad...
GU and Rise aren't anime at all, Frontier is anime.
ls is just peak autist bait weapon, it's damage is dogshit, the counters it gets in every GU onward game are honestly bad or are shitter bait like foresight into roundslash. it's also clunky as shit in every game except maybe morl
it's okay if you're good at the game but that goes for every weapon.
I am so pathetic. I can't even get past HR4 in the baby game MonHun. I'll never be able to clear even low ranks in any other genuine MonHun because I am that bad.
Don't worry they nerfed the shit out of TCS in Wilds. You'll be draw slashing for days
what's the equivalent of lolong's elbow?
lance pokes?
still ls but only fade slash?
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is there a way to transfer a MH3U save file from CemU to Citra? like how you could with the wii to 3ds? i want online capabilities
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Playing MHR and my friend was showing off this charm he got. Is this fucking possible?
It's real and it's not even 1% as powerful as charms can get
gunlance shells
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According to the legal charm sheet it doesn't look like it though. What is the limit to these things?
What does it do?
create mustard gas every time the monster roars (it's worn as a buttplug)
If it wasn't legal the game would delete it. The sanity check doesn't allow it unless he also has a mod to bypass the sanity check
>What is the limit to these things?
Frostcraft 3 on a charm is pretty insane
Why do you suspect your friend? More over, why do you even care?
Probably old school greatsword or strength hammer
If he’s cheating then he has defiled my save and I am compelled by god to kill him.
>at all
They’re anime at least a little bit
Why would anyone cheat for blast attack and earplugs
And not even max out the slots while he was at it
I really dont understand the songbird mechanic in MHR. I collect theses differently colored birds and they give me minor stat boosts but go away once the hunt is over? Does nothing carry over for a specific zone?
>why would anyone cheat
It's a cultural thing for chinks that has been heavily infecting the west over the past decade. The only people you can trust to be honorabu are the Japanese nowadays.
They are a chore for you to do every hunt
it's just a difficulty slider
you get the same amount of HP/stamina/etc. as you do in past games, but the bingbirds can give you a lot more if you take some time gathering them
in late sunbreak they crank up the damage values and speed so high you're forced to either get them or get good, before that point you can just ignore them
Humiliation ritual to be performed for nearly every quest
Get the mod that spawns the rainbow variant at start
isnt that cheating?
I hope whoever came up with guild quests got flogged for it
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They sent me a paid actor nergi to make me feel better
Try reading full sentences cause thats not what I was talking about
That charm is dogshit compared to the nonsense you can already get normally in Sunbreak
I'll miss my IG gathering set that had ee3 on it.
Literally flying across the map.

I hope EE1 is older game EE1, EE2 is Rise EE1, and EE3 is Rise EE3.
>baaw I need 250hp and max attack
>World gunlance
They probably pitied you for being a god damned retard, especially being shell spam wide.
>2 shells
wtf is blud doing :skull_emoji:
>This might sound freaky, but I have a thing for spiders! Ahhh, those compound eyes, the hairy legs... Hey, don't judge me! I heard a giant spider was spotted in the Primal Forest? Lemme see it!
They are used as exploration line of guidance since all these wall running stuff make your camera up and down
which MH is the most fun for lancers?
I refuse to rely on slaplance fullburst
and I didn't really like long that much, though the charged shell reach is good
I just wanna shell old school style
I know. The answer to your question is that everyone will cheat for the most pointless reasons. The same reason this guy cheated in an earplugs and blast attack charm is because he probably was making a specific set but was one deco short for what he was expecting to get.

Why do chinks load up SoSs with oneshot mods turned on? It is a mystery. Cheaters are braindamaged
How the fuck do I disable the camera zoom out in Rise during certain monster signature attacks?Shit's annoying and actually a detriment since it's harder to see my hunter
>I just wanna shell
>doesn't use the skill that gives him more shells
unironically rise
>I refuse to rely on slaplance fullburst
Ammo cap up is not only used for slaplance FB, we know you're using wide shell babe...
You can't. It's a staple of the franchise now. Gotta let retard players know the big scary attack is coming so baddies have ample time to dodge the most dangerous attacks. In Wilds, they will also make the monsters cum yellow paint all over when this happens to make it even more obvious. All for better accessibility!
>second lavasioth hunt turns into monster pvp
>b-52 knocked him down like 3-4 times
I'm good at this game now.
Fuck me I thought I was bad at Gunlance and then I see this shell into air and pray shit lmao
MH1/Freedom for headlocking
World for the most technically satisfying execution
Rise if you're 12
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I did think about it, but couldn't tell if I really needed it. I know it's good, just wondered if I could live without it.
I've basically never touched world gunlance until this year, so yeah, I'm pretty bad at it.
>I refuse to use half the weapon
Guess you won't be playing it in Wilds then.
>I don't like long, yet I'll do the long playstyle for the most part
Absolute fucking retard.
How do I into World Hammer?
Lance is only fun on odd numbered gens ot seems
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>world/rise skeletons are right there, hell rise copy pasted some monsters and just lessened the amount of textures
Literally no excuse why wilds should release with less than 35 monsters
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I like the wilds UI a lot
Wilds is gonna be different, obviously. But I'm probably gonna use Wide again
>yet I'll do the long playstyle for the most part
you standard shell long? Never heard that before.
Tenderize heads, spam power charge level 3s, big bang on knockdowns
>Literally no excuse why wilds should release with less than 35 monsters
gotta save some for the expansion
Not him but curious when do people use 3x Triangle combo as opposed to level 3 R2 charge
Oh also abuse level 2 charges for quick gapclosing/dodging of course
>not mentioning the absolutely broken L2 after Level 3 charge to clutch spin follow up for free tendies or just more KOs
>not mentioning slope spin to win
>Literally no excuse why wilds should release with less than 35 monsters
They need to give them lots of idle animations and enviromental interactions to make it realistic and immersiveâ„¢.
so what does the new red gauge mean? I recognize the orange being power axe mode
they can make it 55 after G rank
>so what does the new red gauge mean?
I think its just sword charge, what used to be blue
You can golfswing it's just...not good in world compared to big bang
I hate crutch claw faggotry in general besides a quick tenderize at the start of the fight but fair enough
As far as slopes go that is something I should have mentioned. Slopes are absolute nigger territory for hammer and you need to learn the jank around them. Don't rely on the retard spinning move it fails all the time just force the fight onto flat ground
Finally some actual wilds DB gameplay not by pea brained streamers.
so why did we never get Risen Velkhana in Sunbreak?
Yes anon, long isn't just doing charged shells. You're mixing regular shelling in during small openings too.
I didn't mean the ground spin, everyone knows that is useless. I mean the air spin.
>nigger territory
Absolutely is. Learning to slide down and jump back up the slope to fuck up a monster is absolutely broken
Is the move from >>496460894 in there?
Did we get any good footage of greatsword? Doesn't look like much has changed for it besides the aiming thing (which is a big deal yes)
btw TGS grants us some decent IG vid? I wanna deepdive my favorite future shitpon
Well you might as well tell me what's Wide for
No french content creators went to TGS sadly.
Okay here's a really rare question...

Any content creators cover HBG/LBG changes in Wilds? I'm not the only one who actually likes playing bowgun outside of being a farming tool
The new kid was gonna show off IG footage but he got cancelled for his Negrogante pet before being able to upload something
Like what you did with the webm but better.
>shell shell stake
>shell poke shell poke shell poke QRL
>rise, slam, swipe, QRL reset
Your poke damage is not to be underestimated both for damage and speed
Why would you want to play with a gun in a game about hunting monsters with medieval weapons and shit. Make it make sense
They aren’t medieval weapons
>all these quickly deployed geo thermal stuff
>compact steam engine driven Trains for cat
>gatling gun literally everywhere
nah their technology level is actually getting past Industrial revolution era
The airship industry won't last much longer. It'll be planes that flap their wings soon enough.
How do I upgrade weapons other than my starting weapon past the initial tier? I want to see if any of them are easier for me to use than what I got stuck with, but I'm afraid they'll deal too little damage at the current hub tier I'm at.
*hits monster with rocket propelled car-sized sword* woahhh so medieval
Oh, also, is it okay to put up quest listings online and hope randos with OP kits can carry me through the required quests for the main story?
That’s basically tradition
if you don't want to actually play the game why not install a oneshot mod?
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My Switch is not moddable.
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Bowguns are not literal guns you retard. It's kino dumb technology.
Makes me sad. Bowgun design are cool as hell but playing it is gay and trans
redman won
Thanks for the hunts, room should be 8/16 or close to it
>surge slash enjoyer
>johnny bravo cosplay
>taking creepshots during hunts instead of in ERP sessions
>not one but TWO mid-hunt creepshots
Please never stop doing this. You're too based.
good honts
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In preparation of Wilds release, I took it upon myself to make a useful list of red flags to avoid. Rooms with words/behaviour such as these are always made by discord cliques, secondaries, or cross general erp coomers. Check everything you can before joining including filenames

>"good hunts"/"thanks for the hunts"/"hoonts"
>wagie constantly talking about being at work and unable to join
>no 7243 password
>safe horny image attached with booru/pixiv filenames
>generic monster art attached
>ingame sticker image attached
>image attached with handmade filename
>any indication of modded quests
>any name appearing on the blacklist see image

I will keep this list updated with more red flags. Together we can ensure we get an enjoyable Wilds launch experience free from secondaries. May the sapphire star guide you all.
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Good honts.
bowguns would be so much cooler if the game actually remembered they aren't supposed to be guns
That list is missing masterfaggotx
Depends on the available voice types.
The one in the demo so far have been somewhat fappable but i'm pretty sure there's an even cuter one. Man i can't wait to dress up my cat and jack off to her.
How do I get on the blacklist
Use DB.
Monster hunter if it was good
>thanking people for playing is a red flag
this is just too funny
Nintendo 64 tier is not so retro for me
you will never understand 4chan
stop jerking me off or my desire to meet those expectations causes to me seek a webm so perfect I never post again
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>surge chad
Velkhana is too strong to get afflicted by Qurio
I don't understand how going out of your way to play a worse version of your weapon makes you cool
Pretty much everyone I've played with from /vg/, /v/, or /vm/ had the common courtesy of thanking other people for playing. Do keep up the 2cool4u larp though, it's funny to see
I want something warm though
How about my big fat tanuki balls?
>>no 7243 password
bro thinks we're still in 2010 lmao
Humans are too weak for our host though
you wouldn't get it
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Aside the focus mode moves, IG look so gutted, putain Crapcom!
Just starting Rise.
I'm gonna try Greatsword now. So there's that, it's getting me into the most iconic weapon of the game.
I'm just too stupid for fast weapons. I like lance and hammer because you just poke or smash. Now all I have to do is slash.
only thing gutted is aerial combat, but the trade off is now being on the ground is fun. Considering that's where most of your damage came from and it was a basic 3 hit combo loop you repeated 50 times over, its good that there are infinitely more things to do on the ground now.
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it's a more fun version of the weapon though
And people always seethe about strongarm stance, so playing a style that doesn't utilise it is generally praised
You could call it...counter counter culture
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>cares about playing optimally
>doesn't play hbg
i know that dogs name...
i care about having fun
>Dec 2023
>when 90% of those people haven't joined a room or probably even posted here since 2020
that's my lawyer
>it's the "why dont you play bowgun" strawmanner again
can't wait for this mouthbreather to finally die from asphyxiation after forgetting to breathe one day
I think it's a common argument because...it just makes sense
why don't you kill yourself the inarguable point of living is to eventually die so why spend years not doing that? just kill yourself already it just makes sense
what's gonna be the name of the Wilds expansion?
its about striking the balance between optimal and fun, hbg is too optimal for me but might not be for others
you're getting a bit emotional sister...just play what you like...
>you're getting a bit emotional sister...just play what you like...
i accept your concession
I don't really understand your rhetoric sir, could you explain how it's a strawman to point out everyone makes DPS sacrifices to optimize their own fun
I couldnt focus gameplay he is uh... MEH!
it's a perfect argument to counter the retarded parroting monkeys that there's only one way to play the weapon optimally
well fuck you there's only one way to play the game optimally and its hbg
Ok so i learned that if you look up guides on jewel farming that its kinda bearable to farm them, its just that you need to know these VERY specific event quests, and be good enough to do them fast.

But without these guides yea fuck farming decos
>seeing people defending the idea of rng deco farming
Holy shit worldfaggots are a blight on this series.
it's still dumb
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yeah what the fuck? how dare they wanna play the game and get rewarded sometimes with progression? sick fucks
Your reward is monster parts which are then used to craft the decos you need for your build
Not to spend your entire playthrough thinking "this build would be nice but the game won't drop me the 3 decos I need"
Fuck off you stupid cunt. You're not "rewarded" for not being able to access skills that are harder to get on builds.
And I'm not talking shit like wex or attack boost either.
Oh 100% its dumb, you shouldnt need this level of knowledge to be able to just barely farm jewels to a level thats even somewhat passable.
Heres hoping wilds will have it be less of a pain and have options to craft jewels (even if the jewels are expensive to make)
>basing builds off decos you dont have
maybe stop hawking reddit meta builds and speedtranny videos and play the fucking game you spaz
Im a warframe player so i dont mind a grind, and desu this game should never approach a warframe tier grind for decos.
To be fair if you play gunlance (like me) wanting your basic artillery, guard, AND ESPECIALLY GUARD up decos shouldnt be a fucking pain to grind for.
You're either baiting hard or you've actually never played a game that isn't World and can't fathom the idea that before World fucked everything up we could think of builds and then go craft the decos needed to make that build providing we had the parts
You based your builds off of armour skills and slots and then filled in the blanks with decos
You didn't see a good build staring you in the face and then for 70 hours think "wow if only the game would drop me those decos I need I sure wish I could just craft them"
bro what are you doing you don't need those
The problem isn't with RNG decos or talismans.

The problem is that RNG decos and talismans exist because the devs don't want every player to exclusively build for every DPS speed tranny maxxing skill.

That's the underlying issue. This series goes away from "hunt monster, use it's skin to hunt other monsters" to "which monsters can give me the theoretical best DPShart uptime with whatever I rolled from the lottery".

Just remove the metanigger damage skills like WEX and Agitator or nerf them into the ground.
Nigga just let me use my SHIELD skills with my SHIELD weapon. Sure i can build for evade extender, but i want to be able to BLOCK attacks.
>To be fair if you play gunlance (like me) wanting your basic artillery, guard, AND ESPECIALLY GUARD up decos shouldnt be a fucking pain to grind for.
uragaan armor + artillery charm gives all those skills in high rank
fucking gay crybabies
Go watch some people who actually know how to use gunlance and count how many times they use shields
But then you have to wear the Uragaan armour
the shield is decorative. you're not meant to use it.
I feel like making tremors, poison, wind pressure and etc more annoying would do a better job than just nerfing attack skills tbdesu, but they've seemingly done the opposite
It's not meta we're talking about you fucking idiot.
Face it, the ideal world is World charms and classic/Rise decos. There should be ZERO rng in what you get outside of monster drops.
I just want to hunt for the sake of it, myself. Reduce quest rewards if they want more grind if anything.
You're an idiot. Just because world was ass for the weapon, shield skill bad meme doesn't apply to Wilds.
HBG is fun!
ok metafag
Even the scummiest gachas have some form of "pity timers", so I don't really understand why we still have capcom games that have 0.001% odds of giving you specific decos with no guaranteed way to work towards them
gunlance is a hop weapon, maybe you'd have a valid complaint if you were playing lance
Nigga what. Roars, stun, tremors all fucking suck in World. People still cunt about Kushala or Lunastra being the worst fight ever and refuse to slot a single point into Windproof
You're right poison is a non issue now and a lot of these were done away with in Rise though
you wont even need decos or charms to clear wilds endgame
>Sure i can build for evade extender
>i want to be able to BLOCK
Do you fags go out of your way to not read or what. Is blocking suboptimal? Yes! Do i want to block? Also yes!
I like being in the monsters face
I don't care about either of those sets. This has nothing to do with meta no matter how hard you cry.

We're talking about wilds, it's absolutely NOT a hop weapon there.
so evade extender, evade window, artillery? clownsuit beetle, kadachi, and kushala parts
so stop crying about needing all the skills then, you chose that
If you want to intentionally play like shit you can just spam wyvernfire in a pre-Rise or whatever
>I like being in the monsters face
Not at all mutually exclusive with not blocking like a retard
kinda glad that wilds gl is gonna have a much bigger focus on guarding and has real guardpoints now
God dammit, why is everyone playing the game so utterly shit at it? Could Capcom really not afford anyone half-decent for these showcases? Anyway here's what I've managed to piece together
>popping wounds on the ground gives you triple extract
>the "spend all extracts" attack also collects extracts back
>if you get hit during the "spend all extracts" spiral attack you just lose all extracts
>according to the auto-translated subtitles extracts don't give tremor res and shit anymore
>seems like you can gather extracts with some normal attacks now (or more likely you can attack and send your bug out at the same time)
>pressing Triangle with a direction after the Vault does the Helicopter (used to be Circle)
>Pressing R2 does an Aerial Mark attack (used to be the Dive, and it's a melee mark instead of a ranged one)
>Pressing Triangle with no direction (?) does the downward spin
>there are aerial promts for holding Circle, pressing X and pressing R1 + R2 but the useless faggot never does any of them
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Where da drawfags @?

Nah I like craftable decos with RNG charms, gives me more stuff to farm compared to the reverse.
Looks like fucking shit jfc, the only good animation is the new wound pop with the Kinsect.
It's worse Aerial game than Rise, and worse ground game than Sunbreak
Even SnS was getting more mounts that this thing.
>the "spend all extracts" attack also collects extracts back
His kinsect is auto-picking Orange every time, it's a dual extract.
>Where da drawfags @?
No one here has any talent
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new lumu

>His kinsect is auto-picking Orange every time, it's a dual extract.
Wrong, look at 5:50. You can clearly see the Kinsect is resting on his hand, and when he goes for the attack the first extract collected is white, before being replaced by 3 orange ones
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>Where da drawfags
What are you working in?
Im doing some studies and dying for it
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You are proving anons point that a shield weapon should be able to block. If it's suboptimal or wrong to block with a shield weapon, that's the games fault not his
Is orange numbers in rise means you're hitting weakness exploit part?
>can gather extracts with normal attacks
>triple up from popping wounds
So it's basically just glaive now?
>Where da drawfags @?
Doing studies for 2-3hrs then crying myself to sleep because I'm NGMI
just hitzones above 45
what studies?
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Only for the purposes of shitposting
It's not a shield weapon. It's an explosive beefy metal stick with a shield that just happens to be there.
Do you also get mad that HH users use their big fucking gong guitars to smash monster's skulls in instead of constantly playing useless songs like Defense Up L like some gay healslut? Or when SnS users use their 'shield' (second sword) to extend their combos?

It's a weapon. You kill shit. You don't play like a scared little boy hiding in the corner.
Study bros...
hearty kek
drawfags only drawing faggy shit like women is super faggy
>So it's basically just glaive now?
Think they might be pushing a "collect all extracts and dump them" playstyle, kinda like with Helmbreaker or Sacred Sheathe on LS. Also one of the "collect" attacks seems to be the Weak Thrust even when having Red extract
>It's not a shield weapon
>can use offensive guard
>can use guard up
>can use guard
>can block
>Another builder + spender
Oh god
GS can do all of that too.

Tell me GS is a shield weapon.
Say it to me you little faggot.
I want you to tell me to my face that GS is a shield weapon.
Say it with conviction. Say it like you mean it. Try.

Guard skills mean nothing.
You don't use the funlance to block.
Join the 49%.
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>has a shield
wait but the greatsword has a weak shield, while gunlance has the best shield...
nono, this anon has a point.
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dont listen to those anons. GL has a good shield, its true, but the difference is there's nothing that ties the shield in with the rest of the kit. CB and Lance both have counters that make guard skills more appealing. You're just not getting as much value using skills on guarding for gunlance when its already hungry on slots (like artillery and capacity boost)
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Room is 2/16
Is one of those two my wife?
Ummm but both world and rise have additional blocking moves beyond just holding block
Look at all that latent Dragon energy bursting from it
capcom give it a sub/rare species you cowards
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Join and find out
The coomer gambit
Now whoever joins the room next will be assumed to be behind that post and in search of an anon they like
Enjoy the paranoia fuckers
>hunt valstrax for the first time in ages
>smile multiple times during the hunt in reaction to the sounds it makes
goddamn i had forgotten how kino this monstie is
>more stuff to farm
Except craftable charms did the same thing. Rng charms is just dumping shit in a pot and waiting.
If anything, Rise has the worst charm system.
And that's why Rise added block to wyvernfire and put in guard reload.
It's also why Wilds has guard points.
It's a shield weapon that mixes shelling and melee. Shitters will get washed out of their melee gun playstyle.
Kino if they bring back Gammoth but not the other three
NTA but i too much rather rng charms than decos.
This stopped being true in Rise though. The shield became damn strong there.
Is the player using Guard+5 or something? Because him blocking Doshaguma's slam attack barely took off like 4-5 percent of his stamina.
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Who gives a shit if it's "worse"? The game is about having fun, you don't need to be optimal for basically any aspect of the game.

>Think they might be pushing a "collect all extracts and dump them" playstyle
Nah, Spiral Slash looks like fucking shit, it whiffs most of the time and does no damage
>Where da drawfags @?
when there's mspaint sketches of monster ideas, I shall arise

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