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>Official WoW News

[YouTube] Not Found (embed) (embed)
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
[YouTube] Not Found (embed) (embed)

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
[YouTube] 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast (embed) (embed)
>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

old >>496514016
goat milk...hehehe
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first for killing Night Elves
File deleted.
>check cooldowns on details
It really explains a lot of things that happen in your keys/raid
just done a siege
one of the dps used 0 defensives
can the AI do pubic hair?
id play a drownei but i have no class i wanna play it on
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yoo hoo
Was it a vulpera hunter...
Good news! There are balance changes on the PTR. BM hunter has some BIG ones.
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orc vs human
buy my fucking patterns
But what about the ordinary gas cloud they promised?
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Why does this cap out at 999
but that's no ordinary gas cloud!
fuck off boomer
go stick your dicklet in a wig
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>struggle to tank +6s all day
>join some group for a +8 because its late at night and they need a tank
>we blow through the dungeon
>never in any danger of dying, there is actually less damage around
>can pull bigger and always have more than enough defensives because fights dont last for a decade
>two chest it
So this is what people mean when they say tanking is easy.
What?! So they've fucked us is what you're saying. Damn Blizzard to hell
bruh.. the only thing that barbie bimbo is killing, is the human or orc semen in her stomach and asshole.
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>he buyed his challenge mode armour
It's nice when you find a group that operates well with you.
is the classic thread so dead you post in here or what
that is a belf pala, they are pure and true
i will now kindly ask you to kys amerimutt
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>haha you put in 5 souls but got key shards for 1?oops lol our bad were not gunna fix it though lmao
Recommended ilevel for Zekvir on ??
>spiral weave delve on hunter
>mobs attack whatever they feel like regardless of threat tables
>about to die and feign death
>they are still attacking me
>taunt with pet
>they are still attacking me
>tar trap them and disengage
>pet glitches through the floor and pulls another pack which also ignores threat tables and kills me
ebin experience why do people praise delves they are so bad
bimbo'dorei on bimbo'dorei violence...
615~ but your class is more important
Depends on the class
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>delver problems
can you stop just reposting reddit shit on here?
nobody cares and you're shitting up an already dogshit thread
any level that allows you to kill the cocoons reliably
I'd say 605+ but depends on the class
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>lost to goat milk anon
>dungeon is just an instanced version of a current existing zone or area of the game
>is always shit
i dare you to find an exception
NE fighting orcs and winning is just retarded
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eye of azshara
>>dungeon is just an instanced version of a current existing zone or area of the game
City of Echoes
no bro he's just browsing ironically he's not a plebbitard you don't get it
Eye of Azshara and Iron Docks are based
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>average warrior has trained and mastered combat over thousands of years
>niggerorc life expectancy is in the 40s
and thats just the warriors not even counting magic users

additional question what race is the best at magic? Nelfs? Blood/Highelves? or Drae?
It'd be the night borne then blood elves. You'd know this if you cared lorelet
this is why elves are retarded. They should basically be super at everything, but that doesn't make a good story
Court of stars is peak
>echo is still going
>they still haven't killed it
holy fuck they are so dogshit
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Did they do anything with Valeera Sanguinar since Legion?
The strongest mage is a human? All the god tier mages are human...
why wouldn't it be draenai? they have been practicing magic for longer than all of Azeroth
>smartest mage
Khadgar - Human
>most powerful mage
Jaina - Human
humans have a gift for magic, so humans.
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What Legion dungeon should be brought back for S2?
It's embarrassing at this point
don't forget medivh and aegwynn
humanchads just can't stop winning...
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hands off MY orc
yes, but also it's still World of Warcraft
Humans have a higher magic ability, the RPG has a great excerpt, a Highelf can light a candle from across the room with perfect precision, but a Human will burn out a cave of murlocs without a thought.
the old "Can crush a house but can't swat a fly"
They don't live as long individually.
honestly court was the only good legion dungeon
miss me with that gay shit
No they went right back to forgetting about her
>spend 2 days killing boars
>go kill The Lich King in his own fortress
Seat of the Triumvirate and the Arcway
Reminder that Grom Hellscream himself called night elves "perfect warriors"... Before clearing their forests, killing their demigod, and presumably taking any survivors as comfort women
Ehhhh, they weren't naturally that strong though. Not even counting the Sargaras inside they were the gestalt of the most powerful mages on the planet
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Don't forget about Elisande, the only good non human mage currently
Seat of the Triumvirate and Cathedral of Eternal Night
as they were tuned on day 1 :)
>try out prot
>there's a million buttons to press on top of defensives and knowing the route and doing it perfectly for the kill count

no thanks ill wait in queue :)
Vault of the Wardens
Eye of Azshara
this has been debunked
>Millions of buttons
None of them matter outside tauntz thunderclap, and ignore pain
bro, drae live for tens of thousands of years just like elves did before the Tree died. Velen, Arch and KJ were ancient beyond measure before the story even started the story 10k years ago and Velen is still active as shit. he is the oldest "mortal" by far
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Haven't played since Shadowlands

Did I miss out?
Just blasted some ropes all over my screen during an M+ run
Reminder jainas staff has the power of da THUNDA KING in it
they do if you want to do big damage
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this is why you dont get invited to high keys as a dps when you dont have the highest rio and ilvl possible.

there are so many shitter dps players even at high keys that I just dont wanna invite somebody who is below average when Im hosting a key as a tank.

Im still convinced that instead of rio they should make a rating based on how many kicks on average you have per dungeon. would be a much better tell about a players skill level than a random number
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>want to roleplay as a mage
>too stupid irl to pull it off
You guys are so retarded.
Elisande's time magic is a greater feat than anythign Jaina and Khadgar have ever done.
But it doesn't really matter because Azshara would rape all of them.
So play a gnome
>yes, but also it's still World of Warcraft
by all means
most people are too stupid to play fire mage so really you're just in character.
i god autism

i do not have intuitive understanding of others instead substituting it for theory of mind

i repeat thoughts in my head for no purpose other than repeating them; i dwell on things too long

i have a cacophonous inner monologue

I have marked executive dysfunction which manifested as poor motor skills as a young lad and led to a feeling of paralysis and futility as I notice my peers getting more done than me

but beyond all this cruel disease does not impair ones intelligence or artistry; I am a fully cognizant soul aware of his own retardedness

i always known this on some level that's why i restrict my behavior to the same few no risk activities

also im obese with big man boobs
>enter solo rated
>wait for someone to flame
>light them up with u mads
>set DND to 'bro ur ragewhispering get help lmaooo'
I don't know why but I don't like the nightborne
>wow won
We are so back
Maw of Souls, the original maze
because the playable look like shit compared to the npcs I guess
you're the fart guy whose guild bullied him aren't you
tell us more
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Have we seen any payoff from this? The belfs have been using the animus golems pretty much constantly since they acquired the know-how to make them.
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>tank tries to do a Dorki pull
>fucks up and dies
>blames healer
Why are they so delusional about their own skill level?
probably because they're retarded traitors who turned on the people that saved them after a week
no that's another guy im just a unrelated guy
Seems like a cool lore, cool capital city, all cool, but it's like something's not right
But yeah, the playable ones look so-so, but that's not the point
when? the belfs have arcane golems since tbc
The Zandalari dungeon with Rezan and Yazma
its the models
No they don't remember throne of thunder significance or threads
Hopefully nerfs
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Was doing my WQs when I came across this kino shot. If this doesn't capture the absolute state of the Horde in 2024 then I don't know what will.
you see a lot of them in WoD with Belf forces
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If anyone reads this and sees 'literally me''
Here's a brain trick to get over analysis paralysis/stuck for choice etc. Your brain is lagging behind from processing the power and thoughts of the situation. TTO BEAT IT. JUST GO. PICK SOMETHING before your brain catches up and figures out ''hey wait what am i doing? I'm doing this now? OK then''
>Do I choose the apple, banana, pears or orange and do i take my bike or walk?
Just take the apple and walk before your brain decides it wants burger king and taking the car. GRAB THAT APPLE AND LEG IT.
they look the same
why do they even need them
strange lore decision
sister status?
does guardian do ok dps?
I like my vdh damage for outdoor content and delve desu but I cant stand the nigger being squishy
So they could reuse the models
>blood, blood, blood...
>blood elf
>blood golem
>nail it!
metzen probably
They used some in WoD and in BfS
They used them in Talador in WoD, Suramar in Legion, and Nazmir in BfA. They show up whenever the belves mobilize their forces.
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leon kennedy looking ass
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I have a 613 prot paladin tank
Should I even be attempting +10s? So far +8s have been OK, haven't tried anything higher
I expect you to build your whole character around this concept now.
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>join group
>pozzhole de'eterna
what if i pick the wrong thing? if i pick the wrong thing i'll start hitting myself again. nope. the best decision is no decision. that way i won't get in trouble.
sadly I haven't unlocked nightborne yet
stop advising affirmative action during my blackpill realist seminars or the wowg autistic society will beat you up
black rook hold
court of stars
maw of souls
neltharion's lair
cathedral of eternal night
FUCK halls of valor
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One day, I'll figure out what I want to do with these....
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>you still need to unlock allied races from 8 years ago
Has it really been 8?
no... no more Maw.... so much time running those FUCKING KEYS... i can't do it again! YOU CANT MAKE ME
I simply will not be playing a diapergnome
Since they've revamped Cata dungeons for Mythics, how far back will they go? WotLK? Will we see a revamped Shadow Labyrinth next season? Stratholme?
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Her favourite colour? Green.
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Mechagnome is staying locked
question time, if I make a priest on the other faction can I still use my Legion Mage Tower skin? even if that toon didn't do it?
having unlockable races, quests and story is good, actually
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highbornes are pretty strong mages too I guess
are french really that bad?
Go here https://mythicstats.com/ and see what others of your spec have crafted
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>do every single quest in Zaralek Cavern
>achieve reputation rank 17 with the Loam Niffen
>still need 1 rank more and i'm all of out of missions
And all for 1 dirty shovel cosmetic
imagine brazilians that dont speak at all
>wtf is this slut saying?
Locking character customization behind content that has been dead and irrelevant for years is actually bad
what was inanis' bodycount
wrong thread anon
You now remember Maye
>Oh noo I have to spend 20 minutes doing 6 quests to unlock a new race! ACCCKKK!!!!!
>Shadow Labyrinth
can't wait to pop every cd and consume right before the MC on 2nd boss and oneshot the healer sissy
right thread
Now do earthen
*crosses arms*
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thanks anon
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How hard is Restosham going to get nuked?
Half way to max fishing just from lazily doing it between BG queues.
>all those assassination rogues
>they all suck
top jej
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looks fine to me
Preferably one with zero rp.
it's story/questing content, it's never 'dead' or 'irrelevant'
it was that bad
i just logged off.
fotm arcane mages not even once
especially from hyjal
>pregnant with half-human children
hopefully not too bad, enjoying shaman being relevant for once. I'm hoping they backtrack on some of the ele changes also - it seems fine now
Just to spite you they're going to put Escape from Durnhold on the rotation
They will NOT be buffing Thrall's mount speed
>fotm arcane mage
>most deaths
>low kicks
>700k overall
>blame the others and shit his pants
we fucking timed the key and he was fuming
>have no idea how to get quest
>all guides are 6 years old and don't work
>my friend asks me to carry him through raid
>halfway through the raid i recieve the quest i wanted
How the fuck was i supposed to know this?
>ideal world
>all specs that aren't arcane, augment, elemental, marksman, affliction, frost, retribution, assasination, fury, blood, protection, guardian, vengeance, restoration get buffed

>what will happen
>restoration nerf and no other changes
Watch my back while I commune with the machine.
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It's puzzle time
which server should I play on my european bros
no kazzak or turkish nether as I'm not muslim irl
Got the mount, NEVER doing that again
Measure twice, cut once
Do you only get 1 shot per week at the mount from this or can you do it on multiple characters and have another chance?
Hi, sorry for the noob questions, but I've never made a personal order before:
>Should I be giving the highest quality mats?
>What's a good amount to tip?
you can do it with multiple characters
Zuglet Factories
Argent Dawn
Because its funny to watch all the roleplayers walk around. Sometimes I turn their RP addon on so I read their backstories for fun.
nice try dragon-scum but you forgot preservation
>be ww
>want to switch to healer or tank for keys
>watch some guides
>literally need a phd to play mistweaver
>tank is boring dogshit
Should have rolled a paladin bwos...
Literally just press them as they come off cd.
Make sure shield block is up and you're immortal in anything below a 10.
Macro shieldslam and ignore pain together.
Uhhh bro? Your ship steering wheel shield transmog and torch off hand transmog? Bro, unique transmogs finna keep these zones alive forever
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>singlehandedly shifts the timeline
>echo split lusting 430 pulls copying liquids homework and they STILL havnt killed the boss
this is just embarassing
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Is the big first pull in necrotic a dorki pull?
Roleplay a fraud who gets by on natural talent and you're insecure about people finding out you're not some megamind genius.
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resto shammy has too much
ranged low cd kick
shitloads of cooldowns (commie totem being unique to them and only them)
poison removal AND curse removal
decent damage
insane spot healing
great aoe
farseer being the best possible hero spec ever, duplicate casts (healing and dps)+massive shields for pretty much free
can be dwarves
aoe stun
aoe knock up
aoe slow
can earthshield himself+someone else
downside if people spread healing is hard but that is all specs
no instant mobility outside of gust of wind which needs to be talented
and no external for tanks
but who needs an external when you just pick the best meta tank everytime haha!
this nigga saved wow
If Palworld is getting sued for catching monsters, then why haven't Blizzard been sued? Monster catching has been in the game for years.
Wait a minute this isn't a draebae...
>Should I be giving the highest quality mats?
Probably, otherwise the crafter needs to dish out more concentration to get you a t5 and when you are recrafting later it will require more skill
>What's a good amount to tip?
The standard fee is 10k for concentration crafts, but if people say "tip what you want" just toss a 5k in there, they are probably making enough through resourcefulness and the good mats you put in
This guy is trying to GROOM random anons into ERP
If you erase everything on this list you have priests!
taking new sloppa pinup requests for an hour or so

stop asking for goblins/femorcs, its not happening until someone trains a good lora
it's not? You can go do Westfall right now and have just as fun of an experience as in 2005 or 2010 (when Cata revamped it)
>>ideal world
>>all specs have damage, healing, utility, cc, interrupts, mobility, defensive cds and passive mitigation normalized across the board
>differences in specs are purely cosmetic
now everyone gets to play and its 100% skill-based.
what is the best warlock spec for blood elf lorewise?
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Whitemane in a red bikini lying down at the beach
You're comparing long bullshit grinds to 15 minutes max. The "grind" for earthen is a 4 quest chains that are not rep locked. Not easily compared.
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What did she mean by that name?
Yeah dude and I can go gear up in molten core too, just as fun of an experience as 2004 :)
Totally not dead and irrelevant!
Blizzard is an elephant who's on land

Palworld is a cuttlefish swimming around in the ocean

Nintendo is a shark
The gooks are too scared of M$, they can onlly bully indie studios and neets
Argent Dawn has people talking in general/trade chat regularly and people talk/interact with each other in the open world.
You won't get that on a regular server.
Affliction followed by destro
that's group content, which is obviously not relevant today. There's a difference between solo questing content and group content in terms of relevance/deadness
don't be stupid, anon
>The "grind" for earthen is a 4 quest chains that are not rep locked. Not easily compared.
It's the entire TWW campaign + 3 other questlines
fucking dogshit entitled aislop poster
>Raid night is over
>Fast forward 2 hours I open guild interface
>At least 3 of my raiders are in Elwynn Forest
black haired busty blue goth draenei falling out of bikini sunbathing
What the hell is this?
Why are there goblins in the draenei puzzles?

I was expecting a slutty goat puzzle.
>didnt hide the preview
you fool
You literally just press whatever lights up and spam Ignore Pain since it's off the GCD. Here's the average prot warrior rotation
>Shield Block, Ignore Pain
>Shield Slam, Ignore Pain
>Thunderclap, Ignore Pain
>Shield Slam, Ignore Pain
>Thunderclap, Ignore Pain
Over and over. Just keep up shield block and spam thunderclap, shield slam and ignore pain.
no external and spread healing are really bad downsides
its current content, im fine with blizzard locking them behind completing the new story
they always change the amount of time lmao
Nintendo is only getting away with the patent lawsuit because Palworld's company is based in Japan.
If Palworld's company was based in any other country then Nintendo wouldn't be able to sue them because the patents they're trying to push are far too vague to work in any court on the planet.
It's only going to work in Japan because Nintendo both owns the courts and Nintendo is a global icon of Japan and Nintendo losing would be Japan losing face and Asians would sooner drown their own children than lose face.
>echo still havent killed it
They would have killed it this morning regardless if that pull wasn't successful. Echo is proving right now why you don't force it and pull an all nighter after a 1% wipe.
my sides desu
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This guy looks like a total chad
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last from me
>handfull of pebbles
why is this shit so expensive?
Compfy draebea taking selfies at the gym.
This is legitimately the biggest blunder of the tier for them. Booomie has like the worst single target prio in the game right now and there's no part of the fight that requires their aoe since the spiders all die fast anyway to the melee classes. They'd be better off bringing a feral if they really wanted a Druid dps instead of bear tank.
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i came
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Sally looking on in envy of Sylvanas' fat tats
some things never change
Holy fuck that's a titan-forged ass
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his opinions are invalid at this point if he ever comes back to it
upvoted xd
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BE/NE/VE (pick, idc) saying 'welcome home anon!' in an apron. Apron only if you want to be spicy but regular clothes is fine too.

A man can dream.
Imagine the most gorilla looking mandingo orc you ever saw, greenest gorilla orc ever, big, dumb, and sweaty with a meaty BGC tittyfucking this slut and spraying his load all over her. Making her licking the remains from his BGC and then he takes this whore and shoves his meat inside her puss and pumps her for an hour before he roars a jungle gorilla roar after he empties his balls inside her and lets his Mandingo seed fertilize her womb. Then he keeps her as his personal cumslut were her lips are sealed to his BGC. Her body craving for a big, dumb, and violent gorilla orc who will create ONWO with his BGC. Belf slutty women getting bred like farm animals by big green dicks that jackhammer their fertile pink pussies like there is no tomorrow.
Beautiful blood elf woman looking you from the other side of a table, like on a date
Casual café setting
that sub 1% would have been a kill if they had just copied liquids comp instead of trying to big brain the prot pala
>My Ancestor...
uther fucking arthas's ass
This dude is horrible
member when he got filtered by sepulcher normal
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based cryboomer poster

asmon got filtered in season of discovery, imagine living in literal filth like asmon and spending your entire life playing vidya and still being worthless at it lol

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The raid at their level basically requires a bear tank since the other Druid specs are all garbage right now. Can Noawh not play a bear or something? He played it for most of the other fights. They probably would have killed it hours ago or even yesterday if they had a bear and another DK or something.
Fuck thats good
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I just imagined it...
thank you for the milking
i guarantee you they thought the spellwarding would unlock some epic strat with the bombs in p3
naowhs bear was his main otherwise, its like 6 ilvls higher than his shitty prot pal atleast
even better when he spent 4+ hours on normal sludgefist and never ended up killing it
funny story about him is that he's truly unable to learn or challenge himself anymore. He was losing it in Elden Ring DLC until he found out that using a shield and a poking weapon was enough to kill most bosses so he never learned anything from them. Even the last boss took him like 4 attempts because he was like lvl 240 and used the Finger shield, but if that didn't work he'd say "OMG HOW CAN PEOPLE ENJOY THIS GAME DOOOD, WHAT THE FUCK DOOOD THIS IS SO ANNOYING DOOD"
what happened to him? he used to raid hardcore until Legion, did he just get filtered as the game got harder?
How is that possible?! I remember I pugged normal with brazilians wtf.
Really stupid. Prot Paladin boss damage is also the lowest of all the tanks, so that coupled with a fucking boomkin is the reason why they haven't down this boss yet.
no one cares about your internet father figure, kys yourself you fucking losers
echosis… we have now surpassed fighting time… our last cope… its gone…
he realized its much much easier to make content by being bad at everything and complaining. its actually pretty sad, i miss the old asmongold
omg eu fags they STILL haven't killed the boss???? max gave them the strat what is taking so long
we learned he didn't raid hardcore, he was carried hardcore either by gear or by people

if you raided in legion, then every raid after that should have been simple
>mistcaller ocarina
does anyone even use this shit
He never raided hardcore
what classes getting buffed / nerfed Tuesday?
>Go to site, the xivg is gone

Care to explain, OP?
nightborne schoolgirl looking surprised
being carried by your viewers and former guild members can only get you so far. He stopped raiding in Legion because that's when Classic WoW got announced. then BFA came (no explanation needed) so he started playing Dark Souls for the firs time (also being terrible at it) until classic released. That entire pipeline just wasn't too challenging for him, therefore making his skill level go down and down (he skipped half of classic wow level up and raiding but lmao implyng classic wow difficulty)
so once classic wow was over, he wanted to come back to retail wow but he was just getting walled by every new release to the point he couldn't take it anymore and rage quit entirely, but obviously not by saying that he was bad, but saying that WoW bad
you know whats funny about that??
you're going to love this:
No changes, they spent their week watching rtwf and tweeked a few numbers and pushed hotfixes to m ansurek and h silken court
try again next week.
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First pull at 3pm, last pull at 8pm
its a baker joke so when someone goes to the catalog and searchs wowg or xivg they end up on the wow thread or vice versa
I remember it was usable as outlaw back in sneedolands but the s1 trinkets are so good its a meme now
Why are priests, hunters and druids such popular picks for girls?
Why are thy all nelf/belf?
He immediately hyperfocused on the years old autistic mounts mog cheevos content in OG and made himself so angry about it being mildly challenging that he stopped playing entirely.
parasocial faggots shut the fuck up already
I don't know which one is more humilliating, that or a forver actual 2004 veteran
ctrl + w
it will help your mental health if it affects you this much
whats going on with his eyebrows while he talks? hes more animated than a pixar character
I just jumped back in after quitting since SL...what is the best priest spec right now?
>euros still havent killed the boss
big tits elf giving a footjob to my orc
voidweaver disc
priest sucks unless you want to disc in arena or be a token buffbot in raids
oh man *slaps knee* i just did my first tier 2 delve (had to sneak it past the wifey and 37 children) and it kicked my butt haha ! I had to go into the shed and paint my Kamala signs after to cool off!
do...do people really blame brann for dying?
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Why does this girl dwarf have a beard girls don't have beards
Holy for raid, Disc for pvp/m+
Shadow for suffering.
what's a voidweaver? I really have no idea what I am getting into
earthen hair is actually their feces being pushed out of their body (not a joke)
i mean the guy thats not terminally online is probably more likely to be an orange supporter
for whatever reason wowfags skew heavily towards authoritarianism and xenophobia
its funnier without the last panel
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it can't really write text without half of it being gibberish, so gonna have to edit that in yourself if you want it
also tried getting her to open a door but it proved too difficult
but... I really liked Shadow in SL...
archon holy for raid
oracle disc for pvp
It's like disc but you make lil black holes its fun
It's a new tree you get at seventy.
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This is such good inspiration to get better at the game
We all did anon. We all did. Blizzard forgot that the Void expansion needed Shadow priest love
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Thanks slopanon. I appreciate it.
Shadow needs a hard rework.
>love the delve mount
>bugged animations one month into the expansion
wtf is wrong with blizzard?
any reason to not spend my catalyst charges? i've got zero tier pieces.
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How many hero pieces you have?
well youve waited this long you might as well wait for your vault honestly
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You people pay for a sub
like 3 but it's chest, wrist, back,
i said that 2 weeks now. my vault is always lousy.
Catalyze chest or wait for vault then catalyze chest.
i would not waste catalyst charges on something that wont give tier bonus
He lost interest like the vast majority of wow players and learned to shift his content to a more successful model which most wow streamers fail to do
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>actually resubbed with gold after a month
Game is not bad, not bad at all.
I think Azshara might've had some good ideas
kinda funny how the shitters at WoW (and most games in general) quit WoW but the guys who are able to kill Mythic raids and high end arenas didn't
He was a pretty bad player in a middling heroic guild. The alleged "claim to fame" was high parses on warrior for like two tiers which means nothing. He was never a hardcore player in terms of content and his status as a legitimate endgame content player is a retroactive retelling because he's a really fucking popular content creator so other content creators get him on to talk about game balance despite him not, even at his peak, really being the person to talk about that kind of stuff. What kills me about Asmongold is that his entire rise to prominence and history with WoW has absolutely nothing to do with anything meaningful. Before he got HUGE the most popular content was his youtube channel in which he made very badly made videos explaining how to get old raid achievement (with the summary often being "uh dude like uh just hit the boss im like fucking uh the boss has very little health uh dude just uh like hit the boss dude uh fucking yeah") and then he pivoted into rants about all the ways WoW sucks cock and that somehow catapulted him to stardom. The primary way he engaged with the game and got viewership was legitimately badly produced ultra casual content that was less informative than the fat white women playing gnomes who tell you how to collect every battle pet.
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I actually like this subject a lot
sunk cost fallacy
normal people can tell the game is shit and quit after they have their little bit of fun
only the most devoted autistic sperglords, and roleplayers, stay subscribed consistently
I like how Azshara in-game can literally transform your character into a fart
>Elemental caster with time magic and dragons breath
wow what a unique class
Quit spamming 1
if you spend it now you're guaranteed to get a dupe of whatever you catalyze in your vault. hodl until you get one piece from something else, then you can send on two and have your 4pc week after next guaranteed.
i know it sucks waiting, but sending catalysts and getting vault dupes is a super feelsbad situation.
>le sunk cost
nigger I've played this game for a good while but I know when something is hopeless. Didn't play BFA and SL outside of the first week of release just to get a feel and it didn't do it.
TWW has gotten a good reception compared to the last 3 expansions and yet shittters like Asmon and Quin ragequit because "game not for me anymore, no i'm not a shitter, raid is overtuned" as seen on >>496553610
forgot to mention >>496552189
like this is the retard who's saying wow is bad, the retard spamming the execute button and dying in fucking Classic WoW, the gamemode that you can play with an Atari controller. It's no coincidence that the biggest shitters quit, they can't get carried anymore
he's got 'literally me' energy and people respond to that.

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