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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 6 - 10 >>496409915
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 6, 8PM EST | Ultros, Primal | The Mist W20, P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous: >>496540621
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
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First for femra
You're welcome
Post black hair blue eye thighlanders
my fiddie is like this
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My monogamous, virgin, 34 year old, heterosexual fiddie looks and acts like this
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Now we have China's version of the iconic Dawntrail scene
Post lewd catboxes of exposed holes or boobs. Please.
I keep getting teased by femras and fieras that say they'll dominate me, but then turn away right after. Why is life so cruel I just want to wear a collar with your name on it.
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Are you seriously still seething about me pointing out how you were wrong? Souls are made of aether. Meteion dealt in dynamis and all of the things in Ultima Thule were copies made out of dynamis. They did not have souls, because they did not have a wink of aether in them. Quit being mad about it.

No build timers, forced olive drab camo, increased enemy sight and hearing range.
reminder maro is nankys alt
want to try for seven kids?
My moonie needs to be tucked in and her tomestone taken from her she is not sleeping when she should
>malera DRK
Way to be a stereotype, my fellow khagans.
no fucking way
I need to cum in her pussy.
At 34 you'll be lucky to get 2
I always knew this little tart got around
Cockwatch update: Val is getting plapped
7.1 doesnt look very good hey
My femezen looks acts and dresses like this
Guys , how much can you skip in p7s rn?
by who
this is final fantasy, we're going for 8 now
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
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Love Athena so much it's fucking unreal.
no one unironically likes male characters
Does she like femezen
hi aunty
Val's freckled butt
Thank for the warning broski
i like some but i prefer the females, they're cuter
launching an orbital /smooch strike on your location
good mornyan
Nta but are you the "reincarnation isn't reincarnation" guy from yesterday
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I think you need to read again ma'am
>try to have fun CC games with other /xivg/ers
>always some tryhard faggots picking the most busted free-win jobs and shitting up the queues all day everyday
No one wants you faggots, why even bother queue sniping us? You're not our friend, get a life faggot.
wtf are you talking about
morning kiwi
hello my wife!
should i goon to you again tonight?
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cc melty haha
I need to cum inside this slut's free use pussy.
Exposed holes or boobs? I'd rather see exposed pits!
NTA but does she likes male midlanders?
Launching counter-/smooch for mutually assured /smooching.
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I will now play DNC and BRD exclusively. Please look forward to it!
It's not as good as japanese and she sounds like shes reading it and not acting it like in english dub
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>most busted free-win jobs
>They pick BLM
>The entire game is them getting their teeth kicked in
>They pick DRG
>They get away scott free
>Bonus points if they play something OTHER than DRG and get shat on
>They pick PLD
considering you like nigger futa bbc shit yeah that makes sense
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Every woman is heterosexual until a femezen kisses them on the lips
So are we officially in HW-tier /xivg/ right now?
This is AI, isn't it.
:) !!!
Got more? I need to cum in her pussy.
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get good little bro
Yes. I want to fast-forward back to Stormblood...
these posts are 100% made by people who are not even playing and are just trying to stir shit
Requesting the one on the right hanging on a tree and eating a banana
Disable Signs and Raid marks in Frontline.
this is when you pick the busted free-win job and ruin their fun for ruining yours
in my experience it's the opposite, the BLM ALWAYS gets to freecast for some reason
sad fucker is a little too obvious
Yeah I posted the entire set over on /aco/
somehow you incelzens are worst then lalafags
Why does fibblit hate girls so much
thoughts on sex with torgal?
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my femlala is like this
sorry I have white hair and teal eyes
Link please?
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which jobs are the busted free-wins jobs
asking for myself
Go to bed Macska
How do I know this is AI? are we evolving as humans to detect machines and their creations?
Koto Kyomu@Behemoth (formerly Koto Chidori@Balmung)
I wonder if people were thinking like this when I played mostly RPR in those queues
Contrastchads keep winning.
>see a couple playing together
>same last name
>girl is a whm
>male is a... dps sissie
ah, so he's asking to get cucked... to let his gf heal the tank bull... of course it was a miera too.
Cease this AI slop.
As if you're any better, miera fag.
there's an evil fucking lizard
and she's giving me some problems
because she's filling my FC yard
with her stupid little eggs
No, that was someone else. I was the one complaining about how despite the game saying on multiple occasions in the past that it doesn't MATTER if a person is soulless, they are still valuable and worth preserving, only for Dawntrail to just sort of gloss over wiping out the Endless because "they weren't real people." Which annoys me, since it implies that Alpha, the people of Ultima Thule, etc., don't matter and us caring about them is wrong. It's just a really bad excuse to hastily absolve the protagonists from having done anything upsetting, and makes every attempt to have us care about the Endless fall flat.
t. fiddie
What does your WoL look and act like? You can only reply with an image of your WoL?
>no proof
I am so, SO sorry for being a lalaboy...
i don't see the problem, literally free food.
You forgot RPR and DNC
>not WHM
This is a very specific anchorpost, but I think it covers half the Thighlander population
>see other people
>anywhere, anytime
>mind immediately goes to cuckoldry
what a sad life you live, wu zhao
please immerse yourself in your porn of choice and leave our game alone
What hair is that ma'am?
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Hey mine does hey server
DNC is only good in the hands of someone who knows how to escape and confirm kills.
I forgot to add “preferably with their cock bulges visible”
pan down
i dont see miera begging for a crumb of e pussy
Pale miqitten
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That's the joke, because it's the same for RPR.
being MoN is annoyed but I hate when a AST burst heals a faggot for 20k and aoe heals for 12k.
I have never seen anyone complain about RPR and DNC is pilot dependent
i don't believe it's sunday
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Like this, at least for reclears.
like this i guess
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My sunnie looks and acts like this.
how the fuck do i get headgear to work on scaled down bodies?
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>Ryne/Gaia fusion (ultimate?)
>Cloud of darkness (chaotic crystal tower series?)

7.1 msq might be good right?
i believe you're a tranny

i dunno bro should u???

excuse you i am a loyal and prude tradwife actually
Oh. I don't care then. I wanted a thread enemy to argue with occasionally. Have a good one.
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Go be a faggot in your containment thread.
catboy lobotomy(they found nothing)
holy shit it's my favorite cat
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>no WHM
WHM player detected
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Like this
Please help me cum, you're my last hope.. a pussy shot.. a butthole.. anything...
That's because miera don't like pussy.
Post your WoL and what they roleplay as!
Nice fat Pornozen tits...
Okay, you too bud. Praying you get your thread lore enemy soon.
That's for faggots
finally caught up with the backlog of shonen trash had on my list now not sure what to do
>i dunno bro should u???
well if its up to me i will
but id like to know what you think of it
no i'm a dude and not afraid of it
uneven teams outweigh busted jobs every single time
What was his problem?
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he didn't EB me
Can I come meet you again?
it's 2024. can you guys stop pretending to be into buttholes and putting your mouth parts anywhere near them?
My sunnie is like this.
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>your door bursts open
>my catboy puts this on your desk
well? gonna eat? there's more if you want seconds.
and you will want seconds, right?
didn't have sex with my femra
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like this
4 expansions without getting any lala pussy
Imagine the shits she takes. Earth shattering.
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my vierda looks like this
my experience playing blm is either getting ignored the entire game and ending with 2mil damage or getting chased 3v1 around potions in spawn the entire game
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Plappable and breedable
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q up for cc NIGGA
i dont think i would be able to but i would eat one helping
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>want more TOP totems since I only cleared it once on release before unsubbing
>no pfs on primal
>all the pfs on Aether
>can't travel to aether
The raids are going to be 11 themed? Never played 11, must have been some impression leaving dungeons back then.
bro it's C9 time
don't inflict this on other
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my meena is a little like this


Beyond the civilized lands of the Empire, beyond even still the rambunctious eastern lands of Doma lay the wild green seas of Othard. Within this geographic region exist niche tribes with anomalous attributes archived by Garlean custodians. In particular, the tribe known as [___]. Magitek engineers and investigative bodies examined concerning phenomena which seemed to emanate from the corpses of tribals in Garlean custody:
- dizziness;
- audio hallucinatory episodes;
- increased ringing (possible tinnitus?) from as of yet unknown regions within confined spaces;
- impaired movement;
- fatigue;
- autoimmune disorders;


Investigative bodies uncovered rumors of [___] lurking near trade routes. Though ambulatory, witnesses reported on their peculiar gaits and uncanny features when viewed from close distances, such as elongated necks, malnourished figures, and faceless features. Memory-loss would occur upon prolonged exposure (see Analogous Incidents to Black Rose Events, Archival XII).

As of recording since their discovery near Yanxia, all three specimens have been rendered comatose since [_____]. They are nonresponsive to any form of external stimuli.


The thing has observed us. The prevailing reports are accurate: this location operates as a manifestation of pure, unrestricted nothingness.

No void, no aether. Nothing we have ever seen nor have on record. Within this "blank", the distinctions between dreaming and waking, as well as between ideas and physicality, are entirely blurred. It is crucial to acknowledge that we are ill-prepared what those savages deemed as "older than the steppe". Our own star may be perceived by their collective as less substantial in comparison.

We have kept them slumbering, we have kept them malnourished and barely functioning. But in our dreams... they sing songs and they know our faces.
Need to cum in her pussy.
miss me with that shit
otis is the one making posts about himself when it comes to cc
Macska post some more cat loli instead of spamming
Give me a kiss retard
YOOOO it's the cuck miera!
didn't read but kino
Gross pedo
>1 (one) turali corn sells for 600 gil
>not even oil yet
>one rroneek steak sells for 1000 gil

You botniggers are actively losing money running artisan.
The heads are standalone, so you have to work with whatever headgear options are in the mod. He tends to includes a fair amount.
Grapecat in shambles
He's never showing his face here again
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Look at these three Garlean girls. They must be unstoppable since they cover each other's weaknesses!
So afraid of heels, like a girl can simply stab you in the eye with them.
Let me cum in your pussy.
i RMT so i don't really care
cuck miera
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i got bad news for you chief
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Sometimes a little bit like this
Instructions unclear
don't fucking tell them retard
If only. That faggot loves attention and the thirsty losers here love giving it to him.
>middle is 80% legs
that's my fetish
i don't think any are included in the boy face version. that's really annoying
Who cares, not like you need gil in this game, I am entirely self sufficient.
Why? Something worse than being tozer'd multiple times happened?
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She's is neither Ryne nor Gaia, she is Ryaia!
The Oracle of Twilight!
i really want to trib this sunnie
BRD is really good, THOUGH.
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My meena looks and acts like this
hmm yeah definitely my wife now, join me for one last dive
Busting fat nuts all over your tits.
Please understand, they're running market bots and have them set to undercut too aggressively
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Trial and error, sir.
Meow meow meow meow!!!
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me on the left
Gonna smooch this femra
He afks in cc matches to reply to the thread
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They're going on a quest! What adventure awaits them?
There's nothing lewd about them!
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He's an obnoxious sexpest.
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my femra looks and acts like this
(she is not being listened to)
oops meant to reply to you too
i dont wanna flame but i dont know how else to ask this question
do you play the game? like raids and roulettes and battle content pvp?
if so, how the fuck do you play with your model being so massive? that cant be fun
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my fiddie looks and acts like this
Stop running off from the orphanage little kitty.
1 turali corn is 220 gil and 1 rroneek steak is 1200 gil though
Impromptu spooky movie meetup again tonight?

Crash the stocks more so the blobs like
Leave my race
That's the potara fusion.
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my middie just stands there
>There's nothing lewd about them!
that's fine too
i love raising daughterfus
Hey, what's up?
there's like 3 of you that do this
Stroking to this hot slut.
I will attend but idk what to vote for
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My Miqo'te thinks you're weird.
someone do a schizopost, I'm bored
I'm on that Riker in Season 2 and 3 with the beard glow up and the lust for alien women absolutely no cappington.
Omw to breed
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Uh oh
That might change in a second.
and all of them are massive faggots that should be called out for it
fuck all femra
incredible aura
holy cute
Do the meetup after sunday night football.
thats illegal
send it to me when you do
I am
a male midlander
7.1 looks so disappointing
oh shit
my daughterfus, cover your third eyes! they'll fuckin' kill you!
My male midlander is no longer incel
I'm not gonna say who this is to because I don't want to ruin what we have. I am in love with you. I know I'm not supposed to fall in love with someone's character in game but it happened and I there's nothing I can do about it now. Maybe its because I'm a shut in and I've never had any sort of relationship with anyone before. All I can think about is you and I my day revolves around waiting for you to come online and when you go offline get really depressed and have this sinking feeling in my stomach. I wish that I could just make what we have in game real but I know I can't and it hurts me deeply.

Also I just ate 4 fruit roll-ups and I feel like a major fatty.
omg................ it cant be........... its my favourite anon!!!!

pathetic men kinda disgust me

i think..... the vibes are off.......... theres something sinister in the air
How kind of you, thanks! :)
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>knock, knock
>you hear my femlala walking away from your door
>and then running back towards it, her rapid footsteps growing louder as she gets closer
>the door flies open as my femlala shoulder-tackles it open, carrying with her a plate that miraculously spills none of its contents
>she's sweating from the endeavor, but she quickly reverts to her demure stance and waddles across the room to your desk
>with an air suggesting that she *didn't* just tackle your door in, she looks up at you, blushes, gives a little bow, and then stands on her tippy toes to put the plate onto your desk.
>then she stares at you with large, bottomless eyes
>when you don't react as she might have liked (i.e. by eating it) she stands on her tiptoes again and pushes the plate closer in your direction
>she stares again
>her stare drills into your eyes; you can feel her gaze burning a hole in the back of your head
Well...? Eat it...
hello madam may i please see your uterus
No it is not. Catbox a pussy shot and I will cum to you.
I'll go if it's Lesson of the Evil. Not in a supernatural mood rn
you dont even play the game anymore
we're gonna.....
Femra are only the second most mentally ill race.
Two white GAM that play as femra snorting coke for their birthday.
Our eb is soon
yeah it’s AI
They... lost...
do you post lewder stuff anywhere
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Grape-Flavored Twitter Faggot Checking In! Nyigger! >'<
No one is ready for this conversation, but fiera are actually the most mentally ill race
my favorite mount...
i dont like spooky movies...
i do this except its not for anyones birthday and its only me and im not a femra
Damn I was rooting for them. Those poor brats
Thanks babe, you're the best. *smooch*
i dont have any
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i don't even know why i logged in since i'm busy today
desu i really don't like coke
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Transfer to goblin and eb my middie
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Don't come to the secret fiddie hangout spot in LB14...
Alma Larenn can't be stopped.
Savage Ala Mhigans didn't show them any mercy... (ToT)
i thought that was a really cute video and i'm a straight male
Plapping meteion face first, then the miqitten
Then I have to force myself into you and keep thrusting deep inside you until I cum. There is no other option.
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Cry about it I'll take C9 over cringe desert or cringe volcano any day
Are you sure? Lalafell are definitely the top of the list.
what are the most mentally ill male races?
Thanks! I know its fail-RP since I'm using real-world terms like "tinnitus" or "cassette players" but I love me a good spook and I had an itch for ARGs recently.
this is why nobody unironically likes femlalas
fix the fuckin door while i dispose of this
cant even feed it to the dog
Who did they lose to? I would have taken those arms and those heels, they're surely worth something.
I have 800 games played and have only seen 1 AFKer (Flux Core). Grape hasn't AFK'd in any of my games personally but Hodrick just provided video evidence
i'm playing overwatch
Oh. Oh its a dog.
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I have been manifesting Grapefaggot's fall from grace for months.
My rava is a self sufficient machine that turns meena into Gil
cat just doesn't exist anymore

check the archive
>cringe volcano
yeah kinda
>cringe desert
you take that back right now you fuckin' fuck
did you finally move to behemoth?
sex with haglalas
Vana'diel is the XI setting's name, yes. The only stuff they've showed of the raids is a reimagined version of the Shadow Lord's(end boss of the base game's story, but not a penultimate evil) throne room(which looks a lot like Golbez's for some reason), part of one of the main hubs(Jeuno), and the tan knife-ear girl(Prishe) on the patch poster art.
is this the fag that's shitposting LL?
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>C9 over cringe desert or cringe volcano any day
>Insulting Volkino
What happened to izumi
How do you get a goth femdom femra as a female character?
He plays FL like all the other classic 'bins like Val.
Dumb mhiggers
they're not leaking cum so that's a win
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we need more nsfw lala mods
Full pic of that hefty bush?
Please post an album.
Watch, they're gonna pin this on the innocent malera.
malera 100%
qrd on that?
>but not a penultimate evil
So he's the ultimate evil?
Neither do I! They all seem so interesting!
Why, so the fat men who drink beer and watch sports all day can show up?!!
When even is it finished?
Are you familiar with it? I'm not but I saw it recommended in last night's meetup. Is it spooky?
Pffftt... baby...
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>Meteion face
Keen eye, nonny
he doesnt know about the lewd lalacord
Alright xivg
1 double cheeseburger + fries or 2 double cheeseburgers with no fries
peahead having ass nigga
Thanks! :D
Wha...? ;_;
not reading + you're a freak that jerks his dad's tiny seamonkey cock to hyper shemale porn
he's been cultivating the grapes of wrath
A femra is speaking
Shut up and listen
>preferring c9 over red sands
both ass maps so i could hear you ou-
>preferring it over volcano
fraud detected
i am
a femlala
who just finished drinking for the 7th night in a row
and last week it was 6 out of 7 nights
a year ago i only ever drank on fridays and saturdays
That's not Korkana, retard.
I don’t drink beer. Around 8:30 PM pst
erm you guys didn't queue
accidentally early pulled again because i forgot huton is an attack now bros
yeah we dont like c9
Hiring this maidqitten to clean my pipe nightly.
2 burger is healthier
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>blacked underwear
take this back... NOW!
Akemi, let me lick your pussy. I will make you squirm uncontrollably.
my moonie really really hates gotr but she should really get the outfit..
fries are good
macska doesn't care, he won't stop until he gets banned or the alcohol knocks him out
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>willingly getting fries, ever

so you just like to scam yourself
LMAO owned
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im just enjoying some squishy thigh pillows...
it’s lalas, but they’re also the smartest race.
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>I'll take C9 over cringe desert or cringe volcano any day
>cringe volcano
Range hands.
Hodrick CUTEstone
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Like this sometimes
Don't smuggle juicy melons. It's contraband.
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>Missing one card from the first DT dungeon
>Queuing for it is 20+ min long even on tank and healer (though I need it on DPS)
>Decide to try it with the trust system
>Mfw I need to level them up from lvl 71
Just pick one I want to watch
wanted to be the first to pump em full of kittens but the faggot hroth from Alter got to em first
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*x-factors and reverse sweeps you with Dr. Doom, forcibly logging you out of the game in the process*
Heh, have fun getting your work done.
I'm not familiar with it but the synopsis interested me

>A popular high school teacher concocts an extreme plan to deal with the rise of bullying and bad behavior among the student body.

>Mr. Hasumi is a popular, young and good looking teacher at an elite high school. He hides his dark past and homicidal urges until he witnesses bad behavior and bullying among the student body.
Wait what the fuck was in that wine earlier
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why do you have so many skull reaction images
i am
a middie
who hasnt been drunk in months and
i am
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Uh... I don't know who you're referring to but thank you or I apologize that happened to you. Here's me irl so I hope that wasn't what you were referring to.
xivgger troons making these le EPIK! XD comics will never not be the cringiest and most pathetic gasps for attention

no such thing as an "innocent" malera. they're all melt factories
I was just too lazy to cook 4 patties, but understood...
Kek, should of been better anon. Imagine getting btfo by a hroth
be careful sis. your liver aside, if you drink too heavily and wanna cut down later, it can be really hard and even have physical effects on you that feel like awful withdrawal symptoms
dont fuck around with this please
Click duty support instead of trusts. It's the same thing, the trusts option just lets you level them to unlock alternate outfits.
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what in the fuck is that
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I don't think anyone likes this fiddie
duty support
I wish we had more cute and fun pictures like this
WTF my game just closed suddenly?! thanks though lmao
not denying
Is it me?
it's really funny how a few ebins like lizzy and val who literally never do any actual erp have tried to ride the wave of cockwatching to relevance
people who actually cockwatch know which relationships involve sexting and aren't convinced
Let's hope it feels fresh, tired of these purple coded dungeons over and over.
you can use duty support if you dont have them leveled
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this anon will be going to femra heaven upon death
Yeah no problem bro, we can run back the set when you're free.
I dunno how people feel anything from looking at catgirls anymore its like 35% of the players, pretty sure femra and cats make up like 60% of anyone you ever see ever
Unless they are mega modbeasted those two races just blend together into a primordial soup and I barely even notice they exist
yeah I am a roulette hero and used to do FL a lot. its not that bad playing that way
The newfag male middies, the council ones. a.k.a Maliddies
LMAO imagine being beaten out by a hroth of all people
you must have the worst personality known to man
ft we need to be het tradwife buddies
we're already cc buddies
Thanks fellas
like this
holy flat, builded for naizuri
huh okay, i guess it's playable...
carry on, big bnuuy
See you there
This is the cockwatch sherif.
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>log in
>click mare
>"oh [friend] is online"
>send a /tell
>instant response, get mis-sent message of him getting his femra bussy destroyed
Sometimes I hate crystal
my femlala drank every weekend night for 10 years and never on weeknights
over the last 6 months it grew from 2 to 3 to 6 or 7 nights a week
my femlala won't care until one of these years she finally gets an elevated liver function test
Timezone for going to bed and typing style checks out. An absolutely relentless whore.
gooning to a certain moonie rn bros...
post logs
We get it, your mom never hugged you past the age of 4.
skill issue
Rori........are you the food femlala...
This except they’re all +s and insta lose to a thighlander
When I look at some of your modbeast creations, my first question isn't "Are they straight", "do they ERP", or "do they like male (race)". No, it's
>how the fuck do they walk without fuckig dying from hyperventilation trying to support their obese yet proportionally attractive bodies
male middie freedom soon
no tycho belle
Always been there
it's neat and creative, I've been really into that stuff lately but not had the energy to make anything
I've done some horror gposes before and it's fun when you start to obscure details with shaders and messing around with bone coordinates
bro is the cockwatching colonel
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I need to cum
post femra
*offers you the salad*
:D love this poster
IV is locked the FUCK in
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the 1st isnt until tuesday bro
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This is a screenshot they showed of Jeuno, which was the main hub. At least the architecture isn't black or purple.
>get to level 40
>do a dungeon
>i suddenly lose all my abilities and can only use the two i had at level 15
oh... uh... cool i guess...
You are NOT allowed to chase me around with your gun, mister.
her fingers are like, in that closed crossed position?
what color are her nipplers and bhole?
Oh, thank you.
wishing she was gocked the fuck in
>femra bussy
No cock slips past him unmatched
we got Constable Cockwatch over here.
>used to do FL a lot
i have been posting on here for months that you barely play fl anymore and you denied it
frontlines standings pages narrowed down to your faction and world back up my claims
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my wol looks and acts quite like this
Where's the feets
i can't tell what your end goal is... surely not just pseudo erping in front of the whole thread..
then it doesn't exist and you have skill issue disease.
reroll aether
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JM is locked the FUCK in
If you are too scared to admit you post here when asked you should not be here. Fucking hate snakes
My WoL likes to say "UOOOOOOH I SEE IT ToT" xD
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I see something
my sunnie+ otl and Sophie otr
Of how straight I am because I find this repulsive?
I hate hyperfags so goddamn much.
should i?
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like this.
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I post here.
It's a double edged sword, on one hand it does kinda suck to lose what new toys you get, but on the other hand it keeps old content relevant so new players will always find a queue and won't get shit one shot by veteran players.
is this the inquisitor's original main khazia wolfe?
or whatever-his-name-was redwyne?
we haven't forgotten that IV is huge futacock thighlander khazia wolfe, have we?
only have old pics of that
Your only escape is not queueing for levelling roulette and unlocking more dungeons, homie.
I hate futrannies so much it's unreal
here comes dat boi
using this middie again
i vote for the wailing
Why do raiders pretend that dying to the same fight for hours on end is an expression of skill but learning the dozens of fights you can get in roulettes is worthy of scorn?
>korkana jerked his small dicked brown greasy biological fathers penis to this
what the fuck is wrong with vietnamese?
To cum. It's not that deep.
professor penislooker, can you inform us which ebins are in their dry spells? your knowledge base seems solid so I figured I'd ask
bro imagine how good it would feel if you were actually stronger based on how big you are

though i guess you could just play tank
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Final Fantasy XIV Online: Dawntrail is the best trashy brothel and freak show on the internet. We love this.
The one that posts these >>496552702
If you don't raid anon just say that.
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Me too
Settle down, Indiana Jones.
the ebins don't seem to mind, that dedication is almost respectable
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Alright I'm sorry about what I said about the v*lcano. AoE hell in the middle of a CC match is awesome actually and I totally definitely love it
Now can you PLEASE queue this time

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You are fucking creepy dude.
You should kill yourself if you actuall believe this.
That's Sun Rosa.
Because roulette fights are literally brainless. Tanks can literally ignore mechanics and get 6 vuln stacks and still be fine.
incoming pvp melt
i can't believe you guys confused me for korkana when i first started posting

that shit's wild
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How do you farm poetics for manderville relics?
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My miera kind of acts like this.
this femlala's fit goes hard ngl
I wish all three of these "people" would die.
First time?
I don't know who that is
Sun Rosa would never offer food
Fatass would eat it all herself
Is gunbreaker hard in CC? I don't have the job unlocked yet but I watched a video saying it was one of the more difficult jobs in PvE
I wish Vexa would split me in half with that horsecock
hunts, forays, roulettes if you're desperate
some niggas in they 30's really REALLY are hurting for a shred, a crumb, a microbe of attention
Spam level cap dungeons.
THAT'S HOURS FROM NOW!!! I need to be asleep by then!
Yeah, squirm in disgust. Go lick a public toilet
You can take the melons, just don't search my bag or coat for the stash of candy and chips
OKAY! Well Shutter is winning the poal... but I don't actually have a source for that right now. I'll do some looking around but I doubt I can find a download that's fast anytime soon. Lesson of Evil and the ring will be ready soon though
I plead the 5th
Oh yeah I know what you mean. I've been trying to make textools texture for blood and bruises to create the image of a horribly uncanny xaela. You know the classic you stare too hard at the photo and its actually a cryptid right?
Haven't been able to really produce anything on the level of other gposers but with facial bones in particular, I know you can wholesale remove an actor's face. Makes for nice creepy images if you can make it fit a scene of some sort!
Mostly like a rich ishgardian.
Make a lot of gil from a few submarine fc's I have.
poe pillbuck what in the blue blazes are you doing here
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cc doko?!?!
You really have to stop teasing and post something way more lewd.
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how do you define dry spell? a lot of ebins rarely or never do actual erp but i don't count that as a dry spell because they were never wet to begin with
it is easier to define for the ebins who normally can't go more than a day without sexpesting someone
for example zolzayaa took almost 3 weeks off between sept 1 and sept 23, when he was spotted with ebin of eld (and major blacked supporter SpadedSnowKitty on twitter) renko nakatsu of all people
They're harder to made than standing screenshots or lewdposes because they require you to have enough of an idea of your WoL as a character to have a scenario that you think fits them.
What the fuck is this combination of words?
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I'm not a good enough creative writer to make bangers like that, sorry bro.
A bit rude innit.
Take a lot of high heel shots with the fiddie
There is nothing wrong with being casual anon, but it’s because I can solo all those fights synched and not just on tank
OJ is locked the FUCK in
You can start now if you want. Game is starting to become one-sided.
i guess so...
one day someone will say i'm locked the fuck in...
it never registered to me why they called him dadfucker and he refuted being a dadfucker in person but uh
yeah... wow
that image.... and dad....
i'm so glad i shook the same face allegations
I've seen what you do to spam
you are a man in a dress
I was shitposting but damn, you really had the receipts ready
I thought it was a lala pic from the thumbnail
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>saying it was one of the more difficult jobs in PvE
It really isn't. Your rotation changes slightly depending on if it's an even or odd minute(because of Bloodfest), and it has a decent amount of oGCD weaving, but so long as you use your mitigation you're nearly immortal.
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... wow look at the time, gtg.
FT is locked THE FUCK in
Made for BBC
erm you guys didn't queue again
Are they really the same person?
That's so fucking hot if it's true.
it's one of those jobs that scales directly with your skill of the mode since it does nothing but hit people in melee range 99% of the time
>get ready to queue
>some BULLSHIT happens right before and i have to wait until the next call
>happens at least three to four times a day
now you have to do the arduous task of getting to know me.
I need a updated list on the schizos on the double xivg.
the best thing you can do is to ignore those retards, and of course carry on.
It's sad but that's the only option.
Give me some good material and I will cum for you.
mercy's nails really get me horned up
Anyone wanna get together in game and watch SNF?
need my holes widened and my throat violated by fingers, tongues, and cocks
People have noticed cockwatching (following people when they erp) gives the watchee attention. For example adder-ra's relevance has skyrocketed after she got caught arranging an instaloss meetup. Some ebins (like Macchi) want to stay popular and are trying to bait people into cockwatching them. It's not working.
add me please
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Where? I’m watching rn
Anon said DPS players are sissies and now I can't play my toon anymore :/
I gotta switch to tank
what is the double xivg i have paranoid schizophrenia and this post is bothering me
can I lay my head on your shoulder while you explain what's going on?
shut up tranny
> That frontlines feel when you realize that an alliance in this match is a premade and it isn't yours.

There's just not a lot you are going to do to keep up with a team that is probably all in a discord call right now anyway, following callouts faster than can be typed
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Post catbox.
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I'm tired, bwo. I've probably got one or two more good games in me and then I'll be back to being icky poopoo bad garbage tier and have to stop playing for the night.
yuri sex with my giantess sunnie
I made my lowlander+ as a pugilist
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I am soooooo ready to win a small and turn it into a BIGGER
Have you had a nice Sunday, anon?
futa loli!?!? ToT
don't be so excited to say that word sis...
>he thinks this will be enough to upgrade to a large interior
I recognize this bed....
So she can beat her target senseless then screw them?
You niggas suck at games and I'm tired of it
It's been alright. How about you? Nice picture.
Didn't cum yet, so bad.
Hello my wife!

May I see?
Can't even work up the motivation to ever ERP because I just want real pussy, man. Even masturbation to porn is losing appeal to me.

I'm the Emet Selch of horny incels.
nigga who tf is you
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HEY CRYSTAL DC, could we get some help, please? pf has no password.
When this happens I make sure to focus the premade team down and convince my alliance to target them. It doesn't always work but I've succeeded more times than I've failed so far.
oh look, it's proxy noir's plapping grounds
how's that several nights straight of supposedly "just chatting" while he's literally jerking off
Fuck off tranny
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Can't take it anymore. I'm becoming a catgirl
my pvpwife! the dote i am sending you is pumpkin spice scented
Have you tried more degenerate porn? That is typically how the addiction manifests
What about your broes?
spiritually i am a lala

mate u made the rookie mistake of hornyposting 2 anons in one post, now i dont feel special anymore

but materia is the best server
PL is locked the FUCK in
Her holes.
I did, cooked up some ribs that were on special along with a side of fries and now I'm chilling in limsa looking at catgirls
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>no password
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Ok but really where the fuck do all the sexy Femlalas hang out?
Need a venue with cute Lala wifes
Lurk more
you have an album or a twitter for more?
cute trannies!
Isn't this the fiddie who confessed to liking beating beaten down in cc and then met with Jazz Venuz to discuss that fact at the wolves den pier
check your pocket
>spiritually i am a lala
no wonder you're so fat, blocked

it should be! SE is not gonna milk me dry ..right?
Why is this homo seethe-posting on cooldown?
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Fine, then no cum for you.
I thought you were one of those people who hated lalas outright and called them all pedos. Am I thinking of a different catte?
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Yeah! Better show some respect to famous ebins!

just the first part

-> >>496534068
I just photoshop blood and bruises, it becomes easier when shaders obscure the finer details, but admittedly most images I've taken obscure the face with a prop or mask/helmet, new facial bones are also a ton of work
Usually with moving bones I do things like elongation of limbs or move them into awkward spots so it looks broken/wrong/stretched, you can use Customize+ as well to mess with a model and have some consistency
It's fun because the resulting creepiness is often accidental, like doodling something you really like
>blacked futa shit
LTbros, we lost so hard...
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Sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller, but something like this
Can you let me steal your character data first...
>he didnt travel back after the live letter
you snooze you loze
I only have like 3 sexy Lala friends and none of them RP
Pretty good so far! Just a very sleepy day...
gayther more like it
you really need to stop being lazy and doing shitty solo pinups instead of poses with other characters
also join one of the syncshells please
Filled!! thank you.
Team LL till the day I die. She even has a cute wife now. Stocks are rising!
Fuck off you degenerate subhuman piece of gutter trash. The only thing worse than these bloated faggots is trash like (You) who keep replying to them.
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Nice armpit!
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I slept most of the day
... check your other pocket
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Hello, grown ass man acting like a cat unironically
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TB is locked THE FUCK in
Nobody cares let me live
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Had an awful day at work
What's wrong with saying meow meow?
magness that male midlander design really ain't it
like if i got sexually harassed in a con game room by a stinky man i'd expect him to look like your male midlander design, please don't ever let that see the light of day again
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hey wyd
you keep posting this but what does it even prove? just looks like the average tranny shenanigans
My attempt for a new pose to be seen has been thwarted. I already knew.
grown ASS, man!
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erm what the marksman
Thank you! Mine has been very pleasant.

I hope your issue resolves soon.

My anonymous spouse.

I am sending you cherry tomato dotes my tomatowife

That sounds lovely anon. What sauce did you use?

Me and Jazz just had some friendly blm mirror duels and I got some tips for cc. A monkfriend I don’t remember also pwned me
yeah between my knees until he puts a baby in my femlala
hello crybaby
Stroking my goon shaft.
cute moonie with cute small breasts
A lot of seething, malding m*les in the thread tonight
Sorry these pants only have 1 pocket
>He remembers me from the last threads
Ive already won.
The Male Midlander Council Acknowledges your suffering.
Uoooh nice armpit!
Nope. We will eb first. Arranged marriages like the nobility of old evropa
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It was a highlander actually.
Yeah, but after I go back to roe in a few days. I lost a dare.
tonight our thread bleeds red blue and green
>Thancred's HW+SB outfit
Heh, what the fuck was he thinking...
I wish Proxy would use and abuse my body in this bed too...
u like me

i think lalas are cute but also think men who want to sex them are pedophiles. i think that is a pretty standard take

and what about it
Can you faggots seriously play nothing beside PLD? Ranked too hard, got stuck at silver, have to cheese in friendlies?
>I go back to roe in a few days.
oh, good. your roe is nice
then it's joever
>Has to have a horse cock because they're a small 3 incher irl so this is the only way they get "bitches".
pumping my plap rod
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where is everybody...
Fellas is it gay to be a catgirl healer?
Forget shitty solo pinups, I haven't posed much of anything in months. I've just been burnt out period.

So true
Um, excuse me... you ordered 3 cones? Here you go, sir...
He's seething about PLD again
there's always tomorrow bro
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Hmmm I feel like lewding Alisaie tonight
no i'm playing mercy

now i'm getting some bad ideas
>u like me
i like u
this was your post
this was jazz's reply
you met shortly thereafter with one of the horniest most desperate men in the general
yes i am sure it was just some friendly duels
Beating my meat to this slut until I explode like a cum grenade.
as I cockwatch the ebins unseen
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aaaaaaaaaa i'm blushing
also where did all the homies go, the spot is empty... (of friend shaped people)
do you want to be my ingame gf
stop telling me what emotions you think I'm having you don't know me
we need yellow
im begging you to do something about your chin. begging
who is the most and least schizo /xivg/er you know of?
Same. Cute pic btw!


Sorry to hear that anon. I hope you get some good rest after that.
this thread has been dogshit since people stopped posting Femlala hentai consistently
So many unironic fags and cucks here these days
>Boring pin up bitch #2894032942
Ah well into the trash it goes.
Vanilla version looks better.
Play pvp
what a delectale cum receptable
my greatest thanks to the chef
Cockwatchers, take notice
This is how you keep receipts
get good
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Same, and not even just posing. Keeping up with game has been tough for me. I will look forward to anything of yours in the future though.
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>grinding for a weapon
>7 pity loot pieces that aren't a weapon
if i have to do 3 more runs to get this thing i'm unsubbing
What kind of pictures were you expecting?
both me. btw if you refer to yourself after this youre gay
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i think you are in love

me for both

dumb ass nigga
jazz is good at it though
threadbikes flock to him for a reason
your miera is so cute
You git gud and learn to play something other than the free win job.
b-but i'm a boy...
you seem happy
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youre filled with confusion and angst

im the least schizo
it's a self insert which makes it extremely fucking funny
>it becomes easier when shaders obscure the finer details
Definitely an art form I've yet to really get a grasp in as I'll admit I'm a layman when it comes to photoshop. Just learning as I go to adjust to gposes... and trying to not make blood look like ketchup. Still learning off tutorials on how to create more accurate bruising and blood marks for a gpose I was fiddling around with. This was the only "good" one I could produce.
>accidental, like doodling something you really like
Cronenberg monstrosities coming at you when brio and ktisis fight against one another lol. I've been using the latter more tho since I figured out how to access the testing version with better lighting. Definitely one of the goals one of these days is to make some ARG-tier, creepy photos like pic rel: https://files.catbox.moe/mnyfu8.jpg
OG image inc that doesn't load: https://scponecanonproject.fandom.com/wiki/Kirk_Lonwood_High_School?file=Doyouremember.png
I’m too obvious in my anon posting (|)_(|)
asuka chan uoooh erotic ToT
ZW is locked THE FUCK in
>didn't get confessed to on Femlala Friday
>didn't get confessed to on Steal a femlalas heart Saturday
>Single Femlalas Sunday almost over and still no confession

what's the highest point on the game because I'm going there and jumping off
>free win job
Yep, you really need to get good
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Posting Lalafells could save this thread but you are all too weak to do it....
Did it drop?
Sometimes find some good people from here on twitter who have a variety of screens.

Just tired of the fags who get popular on twitter so now it's just pin up shots or gposing with select people. It's become a pattern.
does this not seem weird to anyone else? is this not odd behavior to be keeping track of people like this? am i the weird one?
okay but can you join one of the main xivg syncshells at least? your vanilla bun just doesn't look the same
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i am
a seeting malding male itt

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I'm in limsa, where I belong
>What sauce did you use?
just sweet baby ray's, I keep things simple
If you’re still on later I’ll try to do some queue syncs with you, or something else.
mind if I join you up there, sis? we can jump together...
Thing is, they had met in the past.
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how do i fix this
this nigga zesty than a mf
cute cunt boy
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>50 hours and 21 minutes without FF14
Keep it that way, so I can keep replying to them.
Hey thanks! Feels nice being appreciated.
I would dress like this but I don't play a femlala
have you tried not being a man IRL?
Woaw thank you bros....
is somebody gonna match my freak???
So true
We shall see…
organic post for sure
the man has been rejected and kicked to the curb by some of the thread's most pathetic himcesses, and he even fantaed twice at the request of someone else
contender with lorilee for biggest laughingstock of an "erper" that we have
I think I'm done coming here. You retards never post anything hot or lewd. I'm going somewhere else to cum.
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i dont have a cunt i just am one
Finally... I can advertise my ads...
do you like mi'qittens?
There isn't a single fiera in these threads that is straight.
>I'm going somewhere else to cum.
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>hypnoposting stops
>thread quality drops to all-time low
I'm thinking we're back to hypnoposting.
when's maint
Wrong but the ones that are, are taken.
may I plap before you go back to roe
and then can I plap your roe also
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you have to let us go we're not real
Hypnoposting never worked anyway. I was always too strong for it.
Would love a straight fiera for my straight malezen
Love sweet baby ray’s, sounds so good…

My samurai is exactly like this
Nah it's definitely weird.
ever since i got the preorder earring it seems the dungeon will give me an earring for the guaranteed loot on the first run so i have to go again
haha y-yeah... same sis...
I think I need to give up on him...
good mornyan
I'm taking my cum somewhere else and none of you can have any of it now.
Mine is
I've been hypnotizing a thread femlala for the last 3 months. She's my go-to anal plap pig, but she doesn't know it.
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Ryne doesn't think that hypnosis is hot!
I did it bros
xivg in charge of having any rizz at all
You lost long before that, that person got horse'd by Oka before the hroth
grats bro
It’s chi
noooooo stay and give it to us...
congrats anon!
gz bwo
Post the larger version with the full view of ryne
cringe fetish kill yourself
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End of the thread, feena here, say what you want to me
congratulations bro
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Good job bro!
UC is locked the fuck in
good shit
No she isn't. She likes "women" with woobers and faggy meenas.
May my maliddie crush his shit to futa NTR pics
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my moonie acts like this
Can I come meet you now.
do he like femra
Thancred is locked the FUCK in.
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Absence only made our hearts grow colder. I'll just keep waiting for you.
I use lb on you and you die
My extreme tits are queueing down thank you for calling
He looks and acts alot like this
the kind of customer i feared walking in the front door when i worked at gamestop, i swear
so you can post lewds without their permission again?
shut the fuck up
I thought you didn't want me anymore....
post the teams
I can't, I can't pull this nut out when nothing hot gets shared. So I'm taking my cum somewhere else.
in spite of everything I will still believe in them
also put your pants back on
gz man!
Dude is a sexpest?
do you like meena
No she likes hyurs and elezen, but she's currently in fantasia limbo
>so you can post lewds without their permission again?
Never done that in the slightest.
my dude you sexpest every fiera in the thread and then spam that shit in Fren Fantasy like a faggot
pleaaaase daddy
>didn't clear week 1

You didn't beat the tier
>"Why are you like this?"
>"Should I kill him and set an example?"
What kind of futa ntr?
If you are that cute fiera that was considering fantaing to elezen, don't. It'll make me sad.
>2 trannies
thanks gang
It could be someone else. Perhaps. Maybe.
Shoving the pin back in

>Shatter today
Nah I'm good.

I always just go play other stuff if my interest in XIV is waning, it's not like it's going anywhere. Hope you find something to keep your interest though.

Bro I'm gonna be honest I don't know any of the xivg syncshells. I couldn't join one if I wanted to.
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I only have the sequel.
What happened to malezen players. They used to be mysterious and hot and now they are e-boy lite.
Good morning semi-lewd, content enjoyer.
>Didn't reply within 1 minute of his post
You lost
>Just the pupils are spirals
That's actually a much nicer effect, I'm surprised I don't see it more, looks a lot better than the whole eyes being spirals like
>she likes hyurs and elezen
Theres literally a malezen here that likes fieras. Go get him.
[6:35 p.m.]Total Play Time: 798 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes
dude is a sexpest. posted a few catboxes the other night. there was a darkskin rava in one that the thread was saying he lewded without actually getting the character data FROM the person, still going around and posting the pics.
Post your character teasing her pussy and I will cum for you.
what does this even mean
>Extreme tits
Nobody else has that! Please post IV pits before you go to sleep ;-;
nyo hehe
sex had: 0
Rich ishgardian, my ass
lalagirl > femlala
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Just kidding!!!!! I'm not a feena! You're been played!!!
I've actually never posted her here but I did think about axing her to go elezen, yes.
I wanted to send him her data because I don't erp, but he posted a discord @ and I didn't want to get too far in (see above).
the only mysterious players left are malera, but they leaned too far into that trope and barely exist
Malezen's whole skit is grabbing character data thats posted in /aco/
Ok then, this is my last post here. Goodbye. Forever.
can someone say i'm locked the fuck in even though i'm not playing cc right now
it's workday 4/5 in a row for me so if i'm too tired for cc i'm definitely down to idle and yap like i usually do :)
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I gotchu
Knowing those two long enough, yeah that sounds about right
3 if we count your post
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Don't change her. It'll make me cry.
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New pan doko
NTA but I would like to see your fiera
hypnosis is boring
its like rape without the fun part of rape
Yeah sure, why not
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>work hard as hell to get missile
>It works on nothing
see you tomorrow
None of my fiddie crushes like girls.
>I wanted to send him her data
I realised that when I posted it and tried to instead arrange a meet in game. If you're into meeting up in game...
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That someone was autistic enough to remember 'confronting' someone about how much they play FL and they're retarded enough to go digging in the faction standings for 'evidence'.

But someone is trying to become le ebin records keeper posting archive links non stop
I’ll look forward to some yapping then :)
someone teach this guy to use wresize because this is fucking KINO and my dick enjoys it

please ignore this melf they are a stock tanker and we have closed the gates of judgement to wall him off from returning to ishgard
Regu, did you read the newest chapters yet? It was kino
my fiddie crush does
that's really cute already, I like the blood on the hand a lot, burn tool gets a lot of use when I use blood effects along with multiple layers of different opacity blood effects
SCP archival photos are always neat also, I'd like to make some at a point, maybe I'll recreate things I like by adapting them into XIV or something, I'll show you if I end up finding the energy
it's an art form with a lot of potential that can carry over to other fun stuff, like actual SCP images and fan art
I'm just tired
post her
Not yet, last chapter was rather tame so I'm taking a break so I can enjoy several chapters at once.
he acts like a huge asshole if you turn him down for his cdata request too
Fair enough, he did drop two and the extra chapter since vol 13 released
Eb status
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Fine, just once.
I'm not really willing to meet ingame, sorry. Cockwatching seems to be pretty real.
cute, smug bun
>I'm not really willing to meet ingame, sorry. Cockwatching seems to be pretty real.
Then how do you want me to get her data... surely you don't want to post a link where other people could get it.
>surely you don't want to post a link where other people could get it.
I didn't really think of that, and was just going to post a link in a dying thread like this. Unless you don't mind a sprout delivery service.
Oh definitely. And thanks! I'm trying to get better making blood feel like its coagulating. Fine line between "brown stain" and "ketchup" I find lmao.
SCPs have always been a form of inspiration for me because of how internet horror works nowadays. I always like the good ones that play with negative space and work around what is "seen" to present a very skewed, uncanny view. It doesn't even necessarily have to be creepy or within the horror genre to be some good "strange" fiction. But alas, I think I'm verging off-topic and I don't want to get a 3-day. So I'll say good luck with your endeavors and thanks for the bants.

Final Fantasy XIV. hehe.
Sprout delivery service would be okay
Server? I remember you're on aether and I can meet in Limsa
hahah SIKE got ya
no really I wanna wreck you but I am not that forward, if I see you around I might pest though so you better be ready
Yeah sure! Adamantoise
Be there in a minute.
Missile works on bosses that can be stunned.

Do what you must with this info
Yes, I’m a grown ass man irl, but if I was a sexy woman, I wouldn’t be hanging out with you, now would I?
I'll make some romantic ones first
Romance and mating presses are encouraged, but you have free reign.
Have fun.
Will do, just keep on the lookout in threads and /aco/

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