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Previous: >>496796884

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409 8=D
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), 8=D Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), 8=D Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
I self-insert as QQ
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Hertaschizo was right
She looks kinda cute with the party hat on her head. It's placed perfectly lol
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you look good childe poster
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Have you spent wisely so far in 2.5?
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Look at all these roaches, crawling out of their holes, the moment someone makes a QQ thread
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>QQ thread
So there is something worse then a Hertaschizo or Firefly spam thread
yeah, 0.
Is Topaz a significant improvement over E6 March for my Feixiao team?
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who needs to be wise
>E0S0 Kafka
>E0S0 BS
>E0S0 Robin
Skipped Fotmxiao
I thought the new banner was tonight...
I already made coffee and everything too fuck my life
Firefly love!
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They are foreshadowing Opal
>e0s0 robin
>e0s0 feixiao
>tried rolling to get e1 robin, hit hardpity and lost 50/50 to bronya
i'll probably skip lingsha and 2.6 to guarantee tingyun/sunday and have a high chance of getting their LC too
Got wind fox, her cone and Kafkas cone. All in under 150 pulls. The luckiest ive been in a long time. I was tempted to pull E1 for Robin, Kafka or BS but held off.
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this is a mentally ill anti-QQ schizo. he wants the thread to get deleted for spamming
They can both 0 cycle so no
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Threads don't get deleted because of some retard spamming in them
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he solved star rail
>qqtroon spam thread
Hertaschizo has never been more right.
No, but because she only buffs her master, Topaz is better if you want to buff Aventurine damage as well.
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Imagine being outflanked by a faggot Hertaschizo
Stelle is so cool....
>t. newfag
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>playing the Luka event
>QQ's serious side
She is a nice girl huh...
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shes a sexier 1 for sure I have a e1s1 topaz but i found chink march much comfier to combo with in AS & PF, obviously in MoC where you have alot of leeway for hits topaz is stronger with her debuffs
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nice same fagging general honkeks
Wait that's not Essex!
>you want wind orb bro,
I use them together, Topaz is a fun Shifu for M7
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Getting ready for the only character that matters.
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More BP figurines + some others
is there a website with the whole display or is this it? im trying to find a image of the sunday nendo annoucement
Will she be the best FuA main-DPS until EoS? I can't see them powercreeping their Chinese hero with a gweilo Stoneheart
she will be powercrept within a year
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I dont get it
Brick juan was crept instantly, and Dan homo is only "relevant" because of spudle, brickxao is gone in less then 6 months
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3-4 months especially if 3.0 servant meta shits on huntbrick damage
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dead by christmas.
A premium Blast FUA with similar kit will BTFO her.
My wife on the left
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Belive it or not bwi, my only post ITT is this >>496825346
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just follow the line of sight
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Yunli is the best FuA main-dps thoughever. She's T0 in all endgame modes unlike feixiao
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I got her E2 and will probably be good until the game dies realistically. She may not 0 cycle, but all this content is easy anyway.
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How ya doin'
this is a auto-to-win game though
They'll just make her but destruction instead of Hunt.
no king rules forever gro, just max on your favs
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It's Wonder Festival, everything is gonna be up in a few hours in their respective pages.
Since Sunday is a nendo look out for good smile updates
You need her S1 though, E0S0 Feixiao is T0 in MoC and AS.
they could add a hunt dps with similar kit but if you kill when ulting you continue onto another enemy and you get buffs for each kill
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Alright i suppose
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She'll be powercrept like every single other chink DPS
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good to know
Only FuA you should be investing in is counter. ie Clara and Yunli.
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Who are those two in front of Welt and Dan?
Robin was supposed to get a nendo too wasn't she?
Robin isn’t popular like Sunday
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Clara is still relevant to this day despite being a standard character. Meanwhile Jing Yuan is dead in a ditch.
That's Yanqing as his battlepass icon in front of Welt
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What the FUCK is that? We have a QQschizo now?
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Yanqing and Sparkle
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I will take any opportunity to take my schizo hag out of her jail.
How come Acheron never gets figures despite being the best seller
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How much longer till Lingsha is up in Asia?
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thats.... aman
stop spamming paggots
Arent those scores too low for being the shilled characters this week
1 hour 5 mins
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save for Madam Herta
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Well im going to contribute one QQ for you but just this one okay?
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For any of my future piggers
E1 makes her a better FUA support
S1 makes her a better DPS
Choose wisely
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That's a man
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Schizo having a severe meltdown after his QQ falseflag on LGBT got BTFO, and everyone just made fun of him for browsing LGBT
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Servant meta better have some cool minions and not these fucking clowns.
Why are these threads just low quality image spam when we are the most popular top earning gacha game?
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so my firefly team i have firefly e0s1 and ruan mei e0s1, how much speed do i want for firefly still 150?
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QRD gigger
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That’s my squire
What is there to discuss?
if this is a men I want the sauce
if not idc
i'd pump it
>he fucks men

If he has a nice cosplay, yes i do.
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Is it SEA hours? is it SAARs hours? is it tranny hours? is it kekscord raid hours? I just don't know what the fuck happened
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you tell me
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*wards of evil*
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Here it is bros, hope it'll be helpful.

EU collage: https://files.catbox.moe/0tambp.jpg
Super /hsrg/ collage: https://files.catbox.moe/qkf8kd.jpg
I salute the Ruan Mei booty
Ruan Mei's FAT ass literally stopped thread vandalism by Hertaschizo.
If it is a man i feel like i can get past it...
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*buys you food*
Trashcans are just TB's delusions (and a useful placeholder for anything new because they have an easy justification for appearing in events)
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yep still can't fit!
What cope cone do I use for Robin? Bronya?
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Why hasn't anyone mentioned the vandalized banner links in the OP?
aren't SEAkeks busy rolling and gooning to lingsha right now?
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Peak YELLOW hours
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wtf I thought Lingsha was today..
Trashcans are real
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>Erudition TB will be a summon character that summons trash cans
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thanks unri*
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Black Swan getting an Alter figure too
Not a surprise tbqh
Most QQs are fags or outright trannies for what we know
But seeing a schizo being called out for being on LGBT is funny
Tatalov is real
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Big fucking bird
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Isn't Yunli's story just.... Kagurabachi?
ruan mei cosplayers should be legally required to got GYATT
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How the fuck did Ruan's ass get memed? Not upset desu(keep them coming) I'm just curious why her and her ass particularly unless there's a meme I missed
Assuming you were not here for the f2p cone, yea
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Holy BASED effort post
I don't know, but from what i grasped it made the hertaschizo mad somehow.
>in 2.5
yeah, by not rolling anything
You guys told me Jing Liu was trash
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you told me banjo was a skip
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It was an OP once and from there it snowballed
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That paradise...
When the hell is lingsha
When faced with the choice of Ruan GYATT or Herta bread, /hsrg/ chose Ruan GYATT, actualy that simple
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What are those fucking smogon tiers
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love robin singing
Massive superbreak victory
It was posted in the thread before it became an OP and now I keep posting it because I like to look at it and want others to look at it too
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ayyy i'm on the /hsrg/ collage twice
What the FUCK man
lil sigga
So cool
AIEEEEEEE when these drop?
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proud xueyi user
I love swords so much
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Team Topaz here coom!
Made for rape
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Bronya WIFE!
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Where is Miss Sparkle's figurine?
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Calidad y precio
I am gonna need backup to get past that
she got one for her bp icon >>496828573
We used to have at least 8, but you know this already. Hertaschizo
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>Watch YouTube video about skott and writing for npc on hoyogames
>One of the reply is comparing him to Firefly
Lmao, Firefly hater can't even read the title. I guess a lot of her victim got mindbroken literally
Pre order fucking when?
canon firecrotch
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I'm so glad this general finally received the gospels of GYATT almighty
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So what's the midnight drip tonight?
Okay, I can understand Aventurine.
But how the fuck did BS get Alter to make a figure
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games dead as fuck
That's the real difference between mindbroken(real) to mindbroken(victim syndrome)
how much do I need to donate to Guinaifen for a "private meetup"?
Most characters get like 2 months without any shilling at some point. It may happen less to her because she is paired with March 7th. They are really making the free main characters meta.
You are not slowpoke, you are regieleki. Drip are supposed on the week of streaming, next monday
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>these are irl gacha
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 Caeluses!!
I can't even do 40k...
There's also a loli SW figurine but I lost the pic
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Are implying there's not-loli SW figure somewhere out there?
>he didn't roll for Topaz on her debut
it's so over.
It's peak
>13 fucking hours
Fuck I wish I was on Asia server
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Realistically, (you)'ll never get to 50 arcana stacks in 99% of situations and the only times it happens is in swarm or SU variants and those don't count. God why did they make BS so dogshit....
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Where GYATT?
such a sloppy xueyi...
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I have everyone in the top 2 tiers and cant even do 1 star
fack this speed to win game and FACK these homo dinosaurs
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gl on your rolls!
>her her upper thigh is wider than her ass
I hope this is fake news.
just use march hermano, ult+enhanced basic = dead dino
If they make her too strong, Kafka will also got boosted a lot too. And that's not healthy back then (when BS released)
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You too
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gl bwi
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March brother?
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When are they adding more Visitor lines for characters in this shit game? Where are my Sigga visitation lines
QQ fags love cock.
still takes too long, I need these faggots dead before they take a turn
legit I'm only doing like 33k/60k points here, it's fucked
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bigger than mine!
Hertaschizo has never been more right.
You’ve been having a field day recently, you cuck
QQtroons love cock. Don't we all?
>Sunday and Robin get nendos
>Aventurine gets nendo, scale and plushies
>Firefly gets SAM scale
>Black Swan gets scale
>Sparkle gets some meme figurines

Uhhhh Acheron???
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I want to have sex with s tranny in Ruan Mei cosplay
benis :DD
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>make a bootleg Haruno Sakura clone
>one of the most hated foids in shounenshit
>expect it to sell
Some narutard must have gotten promoted in the hrtdev team and is ruining the game internally
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How you about you stop avatarfagging
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Sakura is hated?
Saudades dele
I dont get it
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New beta leaks via StepLeaker
>he just nooooticed
There's a reason why Feixiao can use a rasengan and canonically has a tailed beast inside her now.
It's supposed to be a peener
They canonized "No one cares about your Acheron you mentally ill freak"
Ice to meet you!
gebone, KING
She will get a life sized statue with a premium onahole attachment.
My sides

She was, but she has alot of tards from the new gen readers too
I don't have Feixiao, does her character backstory (inside game menu) tell us about this? Why the beast eating Hoolay moon = Feixiao got moon madness?
begone, KING
god yes, she's a useless retard
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Begone, KING
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>make a better Haruno Sakura clone
>one of the most loved woman in shounenpeak
>expect it to sell
Some narutochad must have gotten promoted in the hsrdev team and is saving the game internally
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I am inside Feixiao
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The game spells out to you that absorbing the crimson moon was hoolay trying to take her over.
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>freeloader game player dares to speak about sales in our general
Silence, plebian.
That shitty clone is the reason why your shitty battle arena slop is still alive.
Show some respect and KNEEL, we're Mihomo's main breadwinners now.
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Oh here is it
is it an official
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Yeah, by Apex (same as the one that did the Dan IL figure)
>Loli Wolf
Don't mind if I do!
Why is miss lingsha looking at her rabbit like that?
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buy this figure qq troons
What do we all think the Fate collab will end up like? Again with Saber or are we going to get some beast action and Kama or Kiara will appear or some shit?
Huh? I remember Hoolay pluck his heart and mass were panic. Then Feixiao summon big fox and then it absorb the moon. Both are fall but the fox is gone and Feixiao got Moon madness. I thought its different entity like Juan LL but they are actually connected?
They should go for non shit character that has a plausible reasons to be on the express.
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>thread quality in /zzz/ falls off a cliff
>check this shit hole
>it's moving at a snail's pace
take your schizos back asap
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it's a collab with the UBW anime with ufotable
it's Archer guaranteed already and probably Gilkek and Artoria, MAYBE HOPEFULLY, Medusa too
Ah okay, that's lolified hebe
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I fucking HATE acrylic shits so much. Fucking corpos are like "let's print out an image, cut out the background, laminate that shit and give it a base to stand on and sell it to the retarded fanbase" and idiots everywhere buy this overpriced shit all the fucking time. Goddamn so fucking stupid.
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I rolled for E6S5 Black Swan because she’s hot & has floating Remembrance crystals that look kinda like eidolons in her idle animation
I think my next E6 will be Tingyun alt because she makes my peepee hard
I don’t pay any attention to game mechanics, all my supports are under-invested and I don’t even farm relics, I just spend money on the girls who make my peepee hard
>Sparkleposter and the janny rn
damn janny has it made
nvm I just forgot how to play PF
another month without having to minmax speed averted!
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good luck with your Lingspud pulls bwos
Go watch Ufotable.
It's definitely fake grail and Gil being asshole. They won't go far inserting Great grail or even Beast
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10 mins
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Can (you) post the entire mega link?
>not a men
who cares
You're playing the game properly.
This is a child
I thought bladie was on nofap
it's UBW only so no fgo characters. personally im just looking forward to mihoyo cooking up a new banger emiya theme song
A sexy one in fact
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Feels like the stupid fairy wings ruins the vibe
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It's not november yet.
green sam was always S H I T
Nah it just lack of pose.
Fairy wing actually can be done well of they have creativity since it's not physical-part in game (but particle)
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Man that looks great. Sad that there’s still no update on Firefly’s actual scale but I can’t wait to pre order this one in the meantime
Childs can't be sexy
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Friendly reminder to y'all.
Do not fall for the Anti-Lingsha propaganda.
then that must not be a childs
It’s a poseable action figure anyway. The extra accessories will probably be removable seeing the other products from them too
SAM looks breedable here...
dick hard means roll
simple as
Not even Hoyo cares about her...
Anon, this is hardly the place for us to be discussing your latent homossexuality.
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It's almost over...
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should i roll for Lingsha or Topaz
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>roll weapon banner out of bordem
>have 40 in normal banner
>have 65 in weapon banner
>0 rolls left
now what
She's 18, thoughbeit. (confirmed by in-game lore)
You can stop being a raging homosexual now.
>all harmonies
>80 on Himeko and Herta
I kneel PFGOD
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goodbye banner
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I'm giving this whore 10 pulls. No more, no less
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5* tingyun status? meta?
I'll pull after the livestream
>march 7
>two limited sustains
Neither. Wait for the next T0 character.
Is she good with feixaio?
I've heard anons here say that aventurine is better for her but i despise that faggot (not a male hater like wormshizo, i just have it in for him in particular)
>Let Scent Sink In
Imagine the smell
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It's always Sunday somewhere.
do i roll lingshart for my firepag or not
dubs and u get yanKINGed
I want Lingsha to shit on my chest
is your firefraud e1?
u don't need lingsha u have gallagher
Is your Firefly E1?
Go pull Lingspud
Lingsha is only needed if you're gonna roll for Firefly and want to use QPQ Gallagher with Robin.
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>did literally nothing in the story
>has the personality of a cardboard box
Metafags really will roll for anything
Kys analwormer
Not to mention ugly chink
/hsrg/ is full of contrarians
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I don't know who to roll for ever since banner leaks stopped
I'm eu I want to roll lingspud already

I don't have pagfly or even books to level her up btw
Also what set does brappa use
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>the break shill trio in the trial
>got kinged in the permanent banner
am I safe??
Lingsha flopped....
>only one anon rolled lingsha
skipitty skappity skip.
I skipped Feixiao because she loves Wormqiu and I'm skipping Lingsha because she prayed for Wormqiu's safety. Fuck worm enablers
…..onto my cock
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Pure sex
Does china know?
Begone, KING!
Lil Sigga
what is the lore reason for Lingsha having red hands
there will be no molesting the lil sigga
No it's not you fucking retard
>lil sigga trapped in a container
Too many Cheetos
Tingyun and Sunday kits will be leaked before this patch ends, right?
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>rolling abundance bricks
He didn't remember anything from Luocha
She's a dragon like bailu and Dan heng
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>hoping for E1 Topaz or finally get the final dupe for E6 Clara
It's over for this Day 1 player...
wormturine flopped
why don't bailu and dan heng have colored hands
My desire to guarantee Tingyun E2S1 outweigh my desire to kick Gallagher off the Firefly team.
For these reasons I shan't waste rolls on Lingsha.
HE was right
What's wrong with Luocha?
Chinese March announced
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I’ll fuck her first, don’t forget to clean up my cum later, NAtards
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Mystery box figures?
>won the coinflip
>zero Jades now
Now to save everything until Punished Tingyun.
That's KING
They're not disgusting like her
But probably because their dragon features manifest as horns and the tail instead while hers are all scales

Since every dragon has different features, which I'm sure is not that deep and more so not everyone looks the same
But they're both high elders too so they manifest as different levels of traits I guess and lingspud is just some random woman
post rage bait
What did we learn from Fofo?
the upgrade from Natasha to Luocha was the single biggest difference I've felt rolling a new character
i regret nothing
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Begone, KING
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Please don't interrumpt, dragons are mating
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begone, KING
Can i add you?
I'll use ur e2 ack everyday
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Do we even know what Tingyun does, let alone her E2 or her lightcone?
>new banner
>ded thread
Lingsha killed the fucking game
>Lingsha is for the bootleg Daniel NPC
wait till Rappa's banner.
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at least its not KING
when will you retards learn that 4chinz is an American website?
the new banner begins tomorrow, no matter how you pags try to slice it
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Go ahead. She is probably getting crept soon anyways.
I got Kafka to E2 before reading a single line of text in her kit so who cares?
Even at pag hour the thread is more alive than this during a banner.
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Ok, first I roll Verina while rolling for Shorekeeper and now Bailu while rolling for Lingsha. The audacity of my luck...
Holy based
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HSR knows you have W*wa installed
i need this
No yunli existed before her and is better.
>pag language on my /hsrg/
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begone, King!
begone, KING
Lingsha flopped
>only 2 people rolling linghsa
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I wanted a guarantee but I guess this is also fine cause it was a bit early
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do you think the psn star rail players will miss out on their log in bonus?
post gyatt
>have a guarantee now
When's the next drip marketing? Next week?
They probably have E1 Pagfly, fitting really
who come out after lingsha? i lost my 50....
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Next week, they also have stream to announce the rerun banners which is predicted to be Acheron, Aventurine and Danny

Rappa the rapper
I love robin
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On seafags can roll right now. I'm NA.
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Cute, but why with glasses?
Not only the big Birefly but also small Birefly
>Blade's car is mounted on a spring to symbolize the erratic driving he is going to do to finally achieve death
Skipsha status?
skipping bricksha, crappa, monday, and stinkyun for HERTA
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It's Birdturine
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eziest 80k in my live
she isn’t even in 3.0
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for me it's aventurine being the face of this game
Post linghsa build
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Does Sunday give 60 energy on ultimate like tingyuan or is she unpowercreepable?
I would if I could. It's still Fatxiao banner for the next 6 hours.
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>it's 2024 now
>make new waifu character
>give her an E1 that ignores defense or increases all type pen
>and again
>and again
Everything is Ruan Mei's fault.
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We call him GODturine
No one knows bwi
Nothing is unpowercreepable in Powercreep Rail
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I can’t get past those
You'd have to be retarded to spend any pulls on 2.5 2.6 or 2.7
I liked the Topaz/Numby version of this but this one is by far the best.
>Pagden says that Moze's BiS relics is 4p pionner
How the fuck do I get 3 debuff with him? He only applies one. Feixiao, Robin and Aventurine don't have one either.
AI is getting a little too good with feet.
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How can this game be soooo ez?
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I love ALL Bronya butts!
Bro your Aventurine cone?
Bro your Jowcow? Your trend on analwormturine?
He inflicts 2 debuffs by himself...
all you really need is 160spd and as much be as you can get, you don’t need outgoing healing chest since she heals too much already, just use an atk chest with more spd and be subs
Aventurine has a debuff on ult and on his fua if you have his sig. If make Feixiao or Moze wear a Topaz sig, that's another debuff
I want to roll Lingsha for sex. Is she really a Gallagher downgrade?
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>50/50 stolen by clara
>have to use my guarantee for lingsha
>ended up spending 150 rolls
damn brat! that E2 better ne worth it! get pregnant! get pregnant! get pregnant! get pregnant! get pregnant!
Only for E0 FF
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>lingsha E every turn
>HMC E every turn
>troon mei basic until no blue dot
>FF enhanced E every turn
Yeah shes bad. You can skip her so I can have her all by meself
They might as well be the new unit, save for Tingyun sex instead.
Don't have one
Ah right that's 3 with his ult
What else other than Prey?
Not gonna pull for Topaz sig
Bro your Gallagher?
She is a slightly better Galagher with team wide cleanse. Don't bother pulling if you don't have E1 Firefly. She eats SP like breakfast
guarantee on topag or save for anyone else?
Who's MrTail's Sidecick and GalaxyStrider
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Follow your heart (dick)
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What did she mean by this?
>FF enhanced E every turn
Not a problem unless you're a fag without E1
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His a6
bro ur hunt march?
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You can BA every other turn with HMC
If you have that problem, you should Roll Firefly eidolon instead Lingskek
>Lingspud without FF E1
Based retard
What the fuck. They didn't mention that trace as debuff in the menu
Better than Gallagher if you have above room temp IQ. So not for most of this general, especially those retards crying that she
>Must use skill every turn
>Eats all your sp
She can use technique unlike Gallagher first of all that gives you 3 free bunny uses and break vulnerability without having to ULT.
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>he rolled without E1 FF
SEA player everyone
mom's sloppa breasts...
Why is this general so dogshit? I like the game and every time I want to talk about it, I come here just to see diarrhea all over the general and suddenly don't want to even be associated with you lot.
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it's my fucking turn to post some slop.
>Sea players are the ones crying that she's usable without e1 because they come from poor countries and live in huts. So they have to free2poor characters, thus a lot of doomposting of everything they can afford to get.
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Not my problem
Lingsha has a bunch of gimmicks, unlike Luocha.
even those get blocked just look at her
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What are the Socio-Political Implications of the Wormpill?

Do Wormoid invaders cause homosexuality, autism, obsessive compulsive behavior, obesity, cancer or npc-like deficiencies (lack of internal monologue, internal visualization etc.)? Will Ivermectin or other anti-parasitic medicinal products and foods cure or relieve these proven Wormoid-derived maladies in humans?

>Esoteric Wormpill Document (A Fun, Informative and Only Somewhat Schizophrenic Read)

>Wormoid-free Chad Shit Transplant Cures Autism (What's Chad's Secret?)

>Parasitic Wormoids cause cancer
>I Frickin' Love Science xd edition

>Parasitic Wormoids give you aids

>Parasitic Wormoids give you autism
>During the course of our study of helminths and disease in Western society, we have recently encountered the view that some children with autism are infected with a large number of intestinal worms, called helminths.

>Parents observe that removal of some of the apparent helminths can alleviate some of the symptoms of autism in some cases, at least temporarily. This has led some parents to conclude that helminths are a causative agent in the pathogenesis of autism, and that extreme measures should be taken to remove them.

>Parasitic Wormoids give you suicidal ideation

Post your best wormpills in this ITT thread; remember to support your Local Potion Seller (LPS), Black Walnut Hull Extract, Wormwood and Cloves are proven treatments.

why does opal have a pacifier

i don’t even mind boyish characters but why a pacifier what the fuck
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Miss Robin is so sexy...
>the first few days will be nothing but bricksha doomposts and sunkcost cope posts
ATDAN is my god.
We don't know bwi, we don't have his lore yet
They just probably thought making a boss baby character would be funny (and they were right)
Does this happen for every character?
to let you know you're a big baby faggot if you pull for him
Yea, the wording for that is not really good, i only noticed because i tried to play him with Ratio.
Toddlercon pandering
Yes. Especially Firefly because she made HSR too easy
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Of course
It happened with Jade, with Jiaoqiu, and now with Lingsha
E2 Moze or E6 M7 for Feixiao?
Yes. Poorpags can't afford to roll every character. They lose their 50/50 to yanking, proceed to shitpost (never wanted it anyways, cry how Le bad it is) all to make themselves feel better and try to try to dissuade others from getting toys they can't afford to get.
Just Bee Yourself
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I need E1 Lingsha for my E2 Firefly
Anons have been posting off model art 24/7 this week and this is where you draw the line?
You're absolutely right. They should be bigger but I lost that one image
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brick yawn lowering the quantum hebes’ average aieeeee
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Just sit that old bastard down already
Atleast the team is soulful
Is E1 vs S1 which is better for Lingsha?
Gepard and his harem in NU
Moze if you have spare SP (which is easy in the Feixiao BiS team)
M7 for SP economy

The only bad thing about Moze is that if your team kills the boss too quickly you don't get as much value out of his FuAs, but in my experiences it doesn't happen that often.
Fuck yes
She came early
Never thought about running Himeko + Firefly dual DPS.
Also i prefer M7 on Bronya + Feixiao for obvious reasons.
I won the 50/50 for Lingsha
I don't need her LC, right? I have 3 pity left for Tingyun
Lingsha's slowass banner killed Star Rail
E1>S1 by far.
Play the fucking game bro
S1 What is real with er rope or S5 Post op with break rope for E0 Lingsex?
Cope cone for Lingsha?
Ano ba yung opinyon kay Lingsha? Susugal ba tayo?
Mine is E2....
You don't need big damage per screenshot that much in PF so HMC can be safely benched for Himeko. Firefely breaking enemies left and right also easily triggers Himeko FuA
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Imagine being a Lingkek, couldn't been me
What else than "What is real?"
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He does pretty well in MoC if the side is lighting weak. Sunday will help make him strong again and replace Tingyun. Maybe.
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>Bronya was a single M7 stack away from dying since she was the last one left
Don't care about your aoe and break shilling, I unga therefore I bunga.
Suicidate Pablo
bro stop autoing your acheron side
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>patch phase 2
>no event
It's over. We're so over
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Is this the BNW artist?
>E2 Acheron + Gay fox
>Still can't get 40k
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I know a time will eventually arrive I'll get spook by this faggot. Fuck
Any of them. If you can't make up your mind quid pro quo or multiplication is an option if you don't need the stats like ER since you use ER rope or the break cus your relics have enough.
Qiqi still hits harder tho
Wait I recognize this ass, pornhwa right?
couldn't hear you over the worm noises
Just had a dream where I found my true love and I woke up crying.
Honkai: Star Rail.
>E2 Archeron + Fox homo lighting weak enemies
Why is always the shitters that want to talk trash?
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Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up, it's time to gather now
Forget about the rules written on weathered rock
There were chasers of light
Find the way or get lost
We have no way to know where they all headed for
See the light from afar, just blaze through the thorns
We know it's right over there
We have something to declare
Whatever is arriving, we'll be prepared
We've made a choice, go fight against your fate!
Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up to hear the cheering sound
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No it's a wholesome sfw webtoon
The worms are leaking out of your ass.
>6-cost team can't 40k
>e2 ACK
>still can't 40k
Kek this is what doomposter are capable of?
I got feixiao and kafka. What's the best cope cone for fei?
The Joker got fucking murdered at the end of Joker 2 and the murderer is heavily implied to be heath ledger's joker and that's supposed to be his origin.

Honkai star rail
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
fucking lingha’s unwashed asshole
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I'm not an insecure faggot, I roll for the characters I like whether they're a man or a woman, hag or little girl, meta or brick... I don't expect a self insert Paglus to understand it tho.
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That's stupid but I'd believe it.
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I'm new: do I pull for Topaz or Lingsha? Gotta be Lingsha, right?
It finally happened.
Is getting yunli’s sig still a massive improvement? I already have her own sig
Roll for who you like
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That's quite the ironic post worm.
>Imagine being lingkek
>I have no problem using homos because I like them but you should have problems being a lingkek!
Yes, her own sig is shit.
What are the chances of Topaz getting powercrept
You don't really need either too badly. Lingsha is only great in break effect teams which you can't even do with who you've got and Topaz wouldn't really increase your damage too much from March 8th with Feixiao and Robin.
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how can you not love luka after this kino event
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My girlfriend is so cute
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like a 120dollaz? Im satisfied with pulls too, and guaranteed next 50/50
March 7 is a free sidegrade to topaz. You don't even have Gallagher. Roll lingsha that can be used with Feixiao or don't roll anything.
I kind of wish he had more agency in the fights and stuff because otherwise he's heavily reliant on TB
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Monthly resets finally came in clutch for my account and I won the 50/50
Now to grind my ass off in the rest of the event for a shot at the lightcone
I will be staying up till 3am
reminds me of ippo eating shit and jobbing until the coach tells him he still has oxygen in his muscles and he should use the oxygen in his muscles
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Take your pick, bros. Fox or Worms?
Imm need to see kits before deciding. Or I will get both if I really like both kits.
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Prydwen has spoken. It's over
Good luck bro i just got her lc a couple mins ago
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I'm gonna buy it, the same way I bought the sigga nendo with the special pre-order acrylic stand and all the gift sets and all the keychains and pins and shit too. I even got a second pre-order in for the nendo on a different site just in case. I figure if they both go through I'll just put one in a jar.

I'm gonna get that lottery plushie too. Total sigga domination.
Sunday, especially if the leaks are right about Ting 2 being another fucking brick effect support.
Investing in victory… something something something
>has less green text than gallagher
..means playing the worm game
we do not talk about the node 1 units
Since when was Jiaochud T0 lol?
I don't see the irony, imagine rolling a sidegrade just because Gallagher, a male, makes you feel insecure (if you're doing it to free him up for other teams or waifu collection reasons, based).
Lol Sunday sounds so generic what a massive flop
It's not ironic it's hypocrisy your retarded seanigger.
Huh? Right! Investing in homos... >>496839367
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Pink fox.
I thought this is a powercreep game?
>Seapag like to assume shit
>Him liking homo worms is OK
>Someone cannot possibly not like Gallagher because you like worms.
I'd like him marginally more if he were a shota I'd wager.
Would've still skipped though.
>lil sigga inside the anti-molestation force shield

Protect him....
>worse than fofo
Liking women is NOT okay, you are just doing it to not use a male. Not because you like lingsha or anything. Liking luochud is OKAY, you aren't doing it because you hate women or anything.
Fox unless she's super break then it's neither
Lingsha and Fofo should swap places. The latter isn't in any T0 teams.
>Spic is sea now
Wtf since when?
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how do you guys play with topaz when her ass is bouncing around on your monitor display?
Whatever the case is, you are a retarded ESL. Your post is full of hypocrisy and assumptions.
Ah yes, seaniggers, the famous spanish speakers. We are clearly living rent free in your head bro, chill out.
All this pag posting is becoming a big problem, I see.
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Fake news!
Lingsha won bigly
Fofo in T0 has to be the most fraud shit
Nigga take your meds. I'm not that spic your talking to. Srsly
I regret skipping Lingsha...
>proven treatments
Will drinking absinthe get rid of worms?
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Ratio my tier 0.5 king, they will never make me replace you
The current meta DPS (Acheron, Feixiao, Firefly) doesn't have any synergy with Sunday's Energy overflow gimmick. Is he for the upcoming servant thing?
The reality is no sustain is deserving of a tier 0 status. Huohuo and aventurine should be dropped to 0.5. to be tier 0 you should be absolutely pivotal to your team. None of the sustains are. They are all replaceable by another sustain. Most replaceable roll, sometimes you can even remove the sustain and just use none of them.
Why the fuck are you having a conversation between two generals.
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carried by Gallagher's tiering
It's called supporting a non-meta damage dealer.
I wish I had a second Robin.
Yunli maybe?
You going E6 Sigga?
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Doomposter bris.... How do we cope...
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There is no universe in which Aventurine and Huo2 are the same level, she belongs in tier 0.5 with Lingsha and Gallagher, Aventurine is his own class of support, he's way too good
Analwormers lost
ATK or Healing Boost body on SEXsha?
wormgenti flopped
what debuff does lingsha do?
Yeah, the two actually hard endgames
why not?
Aventurine isn't tier 0 at e0s0 either. In fact abundance has better LC options so huohuo can stay and he can drop.
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>5 star is better than 4 star
Oh no, who could've seen that coming...?
Healing body on Lingsha unless you want to build a meme DPS lingsha or something
he could just provide a very strong multiplicative dmg buff. that way, all the energy-based dps get pulled up to ack/fei/ff levels but the top 3 can’t use him to get even more powerful
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I think I'm going to invest on Break Effect Pro Max namely:
Lingsha forma de serpiente
Ruan Bosenmori Mei
Firefull Flyshine
Tingyun Nihilidad
Biggest thing the Sigga does is huge shields, Fofo at least gives energy on ult which can be huge for certain teams.
>Actually hard
You have anal worms btw
I think we need a T0.25. Lingsha is stronger than Gallagher but weaker than Aventurine.
break vuln
Fofo is only relevant on brick teams (DoT, Argenti), that green rat isn't T0
She doesn't have debuff. Her LC does. It gives damage vulnerability
Yeah AS always filters people in this thread. And PF also filters people since everyone skipped artenti and jade.
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The Poopoofags won.
>She doesn't have debuff
literally not true
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Yunli is the best 2.0 DPS that works on all content and uses huohuo
How can a character that doesn't belong on any T0 teams be T0?
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Let me roll already.
bro your YUNLISNACK?
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Hm, having trouble with the second half of PF. Guess it's just 11 stars this time.
She has def shred at E1
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Now that this thread is soon coming to an end, what did we learn from it?
But Prydwen only ranks E0S0 and E0S0 Yunli wants Lynx
Should have saved for lingsha
>Yunli is the best 2.0 DPS
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I don't really find myself drawn to Lingsha, and getting Aventurine his LC is a much higher priority.
Yunli doesn't want lynx. her ult has taunt. With huohuo and tingyuan you don't run out of ultimates. That's the reason they moved her up from tier 1. Even without s1 she's that powerful
there are already people doing 40k with feixiao this pf
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Absolutely nothing, same as every thread.
>doesn't have E1S1 yunli
you could have had a T0 dps in MOC/AS/PF
How long are each Quantum girl cocks?
Your roster? After 30 tries, I cleared with a Quantum set Clara and Herta
I still want Kafka back.
Show me yours I don't care about other people's that aren't showing their setup. It's a fact Feixiao struggles in pf for the average player. Also using jade with Feixiao isn't Feixiao doing the work btw.
The cure for anal worms
not rolling for conebait characters simple as
>E2S1 Feixiao is doing well in a PF that shills her
where are the E0 Firefly + E0 Lingsha showcases?
E1? Why she’s fine at E0S1
Still using Clara, don't care about your Yunli
it’s a break shilling pf retardbro. and people are doing it with e0 feixiao
Where is yours? I'm waiting, still aren't showing.
Nta but going sustainless and having Herta helped me.
Eventually probably, but on his next rerun probably just E2. His e3 to e6 arent that impactful when your dps also have whale level investment
>still using this ran through prostitutes blown out STD ridden cunt, enjoy using your virgin wives tight, premium pussy
Um, sure. Lol
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I can bake... for a price
You shouldn't have not posted anything at all
How embarrassing. Let me guess you think Feixiao did all the work there?
>Virgin wife
>a overwanked shota's cumdumpster
My sides
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Redpill me on what makes Huohuo tier 0
She is an ugly retard
The website is scared to make a male the only sustain in his own tier
Do not
In fact, never cook again
Robin's best sutain
How can you go sustainless and not get max score with e1 Robin herta? I've seen cheaper herta teams get 40k.
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Hey /hsrg/, I'm this spanish-speaking seanigger, for all those who made fun of my poor ACK for not being able to clear the last PF with 40k, here I present another PF run with the same composition without auto battle. Now go and roll for your Gallagher sidegrade, you sure need it.
>no fucking Harmony 5*s
What the actual fuck
The first side is the worse one, and you should be able to do that fine with Ack + JQ
But Himeko, HMC, Asta, Gallagher for the other side.
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You need to build your Firefly. Mine was one hit away from 40k with Gallagher and it annoyed me enough to run it back sustainless.
Only took the worm unlocking his full FUA potential by uncapping the number of FUA he gets per turn.
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>went for Fei without Robin
>got Jiao for sunk cost Acheron
Yeah, well... You account is kinda unsalvagable at this point. Just give up and don't touch endgame modes. Ten MoC floors should be enough to roll for your next brick.
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have a t cell deficiency
You have a leaky asshole
You have a cock cage on
You have a semen filled diaper
You have a spade tattoo
You have a compromised immune system
You have severe brain damage.
holy bas-
>sees robin and adventurine
Please don't use Kakaurine in a team full of dirty women
i don’t think you understand how aven’s e1 works
>no limited Harmony
>E1 Bronya lvl 20
>King lvl 80
Jesus, should've rolled Robin, but at least level Bronya
No matter what people say she's still really good
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BLUD is in here sobbing about worms on cooldown
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No, she didn't do all of the work, because it's 4 character team, you retarded faggot. Every part contributes. Feixiao cleared the enemies weakened by Herta's follow-ups and routinely triggered Herta's FuA after using her skill. Her ult deleted the big fucking Dino enemies from full. You asked for a Feixiao clear, I posted one.
>shouldn't have not posted
Oh, you're an ESL SEAcuck, no wonder you're retarded. Carry on.
Shit relics and targeting RNG. Robin got mogged at the end, lost out on the damage from her ult. I could go back and 40K it but there's absolutely no point, so I won't.
Working on it, the relic mines suck. FF's in particular feel cursed.
love how every time people are saying >post clears and when they get btfo they start crying about male characters out of nowhere
anal worms melty
How do you even 40k with that Yunli team its not physical weak
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>Harmony 5*s
I don't like any of them.
>Ack + JQ
Yep, that's basically my part one team.
>But Himeko, HMC, Asta, Gallagher for the other side.
I tried this, but I guess my relics are too bad. Gotta love the grind...

I mean, 11 stars isn't too bad. I can always try again before it resets.

I've been meaning to, but I'm working on Ting right now.
>lvl 80 King
holy BASED
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People who complain about having to brute force simply lack enough force.
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How are huntbricks doing 40k in PF at E0?

Was /hsrg/ wrong again about Hunt?
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Surely SiggaGOD will give me luck to E1 his coworker in one roll...
Mine is same but with E1
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I love Yanqing, I just hate that he's a product of the devs not really knowing what they were doing early on and they haven't introduced anything to fix him.
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What Eidolon
Topaz is no longer needed, she is only for the chosen ones who worship her form
>How to brute force pf with hunt
>Hope a good blessing exists, have top 5% relics.
No homo but Aventurine unironically
Lingsha is your 2nd best for that team
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Now that her banner's almost over, what does /hsrg think of Lingsha?
I got Welt coned... It's Joever
Thanks anyway bro
NTA but you also need some form of AOE on the team. Like a well build aventurine that can kill ads.
We really need to get more free 4 star hunt cones
Ooof... well you really hate Gallagher you can roll for Lingsha. 180 rolls max!
Personally I'd just wait for Aventurine
Sorry to tell you this but March is a genius society tier compared to you
Get gassed worm.
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what are the chances of da wei pulling this move?
>wormschzio posting in 3 generals tonight
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>tfw bruteforcing with eidolons because of bad relics
(!)Akemi wins
This is actually pretty cool to see, saved to look back at in the future. Thanks for collecting the data

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