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Previous: >>496823462

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
spud status?
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He owns you
He onlys this gen
The master of Star Rail
I have Lingsha E2S1 and I am proud to say I'm the only one with the most powerful Lingsha in /hsrg/
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Good for you, I can't even roll yet
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Lingsha's slow ass banner is killing the game
Is it likely that Topaz get powercreeped soon? And is it true we are expecting a summon meta soon too?
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Now that her banner's almost over, what does /hsrg think of Lingsha?
I will E6 her when she drops on the America sever
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the summon meta is using a different system entirely from pre-3.0 summons
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Reminder future piggers
E1 makes her a better support
S1 makes her a better DPS
She is already "crept" in the sense that there are alternatives that support as well even if in a different way. But her numbers are still better, especially at higher investment.

And yes, summon meta is guaranteed in 3.X because of the greek bitch's kit allegedly shilling it. It also explains the recent planars.
homos fear her de-worming incense
>He onlys this
So Aventurinefags are also eslpags huh
Where is new code?
If I can clear shit well enough with M7, Topaz would be an unnecessary win-more character right?
>Lost 5 50/50s on Jades banner
>Lost 4 on Topaz
These IPC bitches are expensive
Still can't believe they made xiangling the progtag of this game
What even are the chances Aventurine might get powercreeped?
Ruan Mei is an ethereal beauty
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I'm glad to report that I've managed to snag Robin after losing my coinflip to Welt. My account is unbricked. Good luck to you as well, bwos.
Don't forget her S1 is also being passed around like the whore that she never was
0% for 3.x, there aren't any preservation units
Calm down Herta
>follow up attack shielder in imaginary
It's fucking pointless to use him unless you use topig.
>people lying about warping for Lingsha
Come on now, at least try to make it convincing
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Bronya RABU!
it seems a few people have reposted my gens the past few threads
What's with the sudden dick riding of avent? I mean he's cool asf no matter what you say. But his banner was ages ago
is Lingsha going to save star rail?
> Aventurine out of nowhere
I'm nyoticing
Being imaginary element isn't a boon. Unless you still use ratio.
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you should skip her. waste of promogems
I think E0 Firefly and E0 Lingsha together works pretty well, but /hsrg/ isn't ready for that conversation
You really said I'm gonna waste 170+ rolls on firefly?
>Lingsha is the new banner
I noooticed
You are right but you need ruan Mei s1 and it must be on HMC for that which poorpags skipped
you guys still use this?
I got the wrong Abundance, now my Bailu is E3S4.
Grats on the Welt, bwo
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My secret idol gf, Robin!
Hiding our relationship from her fans!
Hiding our relationship from her brother!
Hiding our relationship from my girlfriend Firefly!
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Finally, I'm a real gamer...
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>Mihoyo leakers (insider programmers)
>don't know basic opsec
I mean, I know China is dystopian but there's no way they couldn't use XMR there and buy a Mullvad subscription and drop their leaks via tor.
synthesize it all on Guard set because it would be so funny anon kek do it
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wrong jaypeg
I married Lingsha btw
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I just saw the Alter Aventurine figgie annonuncement holy shit.
I'll love to preorder him in 2027 when he's ready for 50k yen.
wake me up when Lingsha drops on EU
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3 more Es and 1 more S.
So Lingsha is just Gallagher but slightly better in PF according to Prydwen?
gallaworms flopped
My Lingsha deals more damage than Blade
My Abundance unit, whose only role is to heal, deals more damage than a Destruction pathsrider

Is this a fucking joke
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What's Rappa's gimmick? What teams can use her? I wanna know if I need to be conservative with my upcoming Lingsha rolls
Haruno Sakura of Star Rail
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My sister is so hot
Please post more sex...the silver wolf and bronya with pubes was the most sexy shit you've made
Please post more or post any you made onto your pixiv ;_;
I used my departure warp rolls, how's the roster? Only hoped to get Clara and Pela...
tells me nothing
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I always let him rape me in AI chat
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Here's your gimmick
Level my cute wife Sampo immediately
Will 2.7 really be another xianzhou slop?
>flop 1 and flop 2 are made for each other
80 rolls in total
I love my dragon wife
IPC girls love me
>shield piercing attacks
nothing personnel
I ran out of exp items...
Oh damn, is she break damage dealer? If only we could run 5 girl teams instead of 4
>e6 showcase
>damage per screenshot in apoc shadow
omg share your logs for us yumes please
Remember when Yunli dropped and Prydwen put her in T1 with the caveat that she needed her LC until they got proven wrong on both accounts so they had to bump her to T0.5? Why are we still listening to them?
If MOC AS and PF required 3 teams, would you be ready? At this point my account is so strong that i would probably be fine
she doesn't even perform better than firefly on her shill boss lol
Is Tingyun good?
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How does this work?
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Remember when Prydwen ranked Acheron T0 at E0S0?
Ill do fine
>Apoc shadow
>Retard doesn't know this is the moc two cycles from now.
give me a good easily accessible (aka not lurking through 6 discord servers or watching 10 videos on youtube) alternative to prydwen, but for real.
I have no attachement to them beyond basic convenience. Shit like game8 seems worse
Please dawei
Incest kino in Amphoreus
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Yes, she's unneeded. There's nothing Feixiao + Topaz can't clear that also can't be cleared with Feixiao + M7. But you can also say this for alot of comps and characters, because everything comes down to investment. If you don't like Topaz, there is no reason to roll her at this point. I say this as a future E1S1 Topigger. She's a 1.X character and none of them are relevant anymore without investment.
fuckin powercreep man
im guaranteed topaz. im not guaranteed LC. i have 100 pulls.

im getting anxiety. should i pull topaz cone fuck. but i also want aventurine and sunday. :(
I have Ack, FF and Feixiao teams which don't cannibalize each other. I guess the only one shared between those teams is Gallagher for Ack and FF but I can give Ack Fu Xuan or something without making her much worse. I also have DoT team but that one wants RM or Robin which are already taken.
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Hey idiot, do you not see the number 29 on the left? Where is the action value number?
they're all dogshit
and it's not exactly convenient when the info is just wrong
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topaz cone is great, but her e1 is also amazing
Just saw whale Lingsha one shot Kafka with her ultimate
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Alright, let's get these out of the way
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Lol LMAO even. She's a DPS that has healing as an extra.
super break continues to be a mistake
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One more for good luck
yeah, i'd run a robin team with shitters (march/shangshang, herta in pf), yunli with brickle and fraudfly with rm
You niggers told me she was a Gallagher sidegrade what the fuck, how are you ALWAYS wrong
yeah not listening to /hsrg/ homos who roll for males and call cute girls bricks
Probably super break. SB don't really give a shit about stats, it all just depends on your break stat. Gallagher and HMC does bonkers damage too with their aoe attacks. They won't tell you though because they want to shill Lingsha instead.
What's this chart with E6? How many E6 Gallaghers would it take to deal e6 lingsha damage
If you have other hunt characters with fua, you could just get the Topaz cone for now
She does 70% more damage at E0 than Gallabrick E6
She is sidegrade because she's not nearly as SP positive as him. In terms of damage and healing she is better, no one ever denied that.
The rest are embarassing...
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kek wtf
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Help me fags, I just returned to the game, here is my current roster.
Is it worth rolling for the new spacechina support?
>try moc side 1 moc 12 with my e1s1 lingsha with FF not using ult and only there just to plant fire weakness
>1 clear in 1 cycle
It's so funny how broken is this.
If new Tingyun is really superbreak support is it possible that running Lingsha, Tingyun, HMC, RM might actually end up a stronger team that FF, Tingyun, RM, Lingsha?
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Whoa sis....Aventurine would not do this.... would he?
You can go for a clara tingyun asta natasha team. Once you have more characters you can swap out asta and nat for better supports or healer. If you get lynx it would be ideal because she can boost Clara's hostility to make her counter more. Tingyun is kinda essential for clara for the energy boost
this happens with literally every new character. these numbers are made up
Only because no one ever uses Gallagher's ult after super break goes up. They usually use it before. Firefly usually kills everything before he gets another ult up. Stop being a disingenuous faggot.
yeah uh I think lingsha isn't a brick, I thought her damage was close to 0 like all other healers
This was already proven to fake their numbers for views
>no ruan mei

lingsha is there for healing on superbreak teams with FF/harmony trailblazer and ruan mei. Ruan Mei is key to piercing toughness fast enough to get to superbreak damage.
SP doesn't matter because if your Firefly isn't E1+ you fucked up already
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Retarded and OOC.
I will save for something else then, thanks anon
What is the purpose of Rappa? Is she DPS?
not sure what are you implying by saying "still"
crafting from remains is a powerful tool
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Breakbot for Himeko.
>What is the purpose of Rappa?
A skip banner for everyone
That's a problem idiot. Lingsha ULT is also used before superbreak. So firefly can get the break. Except lingsha also has a lot more toughness damage coming after that and can charge her ultimate faster than he can.
Which ai chat app is that?
Filler character
She is superbrick PF brick
They keep trying to shill PF bricks but they'll NEVER get me
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Break Effect Pro Max:
Lingsha forma de forma de serpiente
Ruan Bosenmori Mei
Firefull Flyshine
Tingyun Nihilidad del fuego
>mob not weak to your element
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the shill campaign isn't going to work. wake me up when 2.7 drip drops
what planar set for rappa? inert salsotto? talia?
Thanks for your tip!
>6-figure Ruan Mei break numbers
So dishonest
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>Filler character
>She is superbrick PF brick

is this post talking about bricksha
This is okay but apparently Jiaoqui healing is too much?
Is E1 or S1 more priority for Lingsha?
10 days to 2.7 drip

supposedly sunday and tingyun
E1 by far.
Skipping is the bigger priority
E1 is a way stronger boost
brick effect teams e1
robin teams s1
If Tingyun is uglier as 5* I will
So only 900k of that was lingshas power sad only 900k. That's a little :)
>the abundance superbreak sustain has more discussion than the hunt general dps
Lankeks in shambles
>Skipping a viddy beauty
do homos really?
if 5* tingyun is a hag i'm skipping
Will what? It's probably just gonna be tingyun in a different space china dress with more tails
It's been 3 weeks since Feixiao came out and there was nothing surprising about her.
Lingshabros, that stupid retard fox HUE HUE is dabbing all over us and Gallagod...
I'm skipping for E6 Fugue and E6 Herta.
Who the fug is fugue
that's 0 sp dmg
Do the rest of the patch give enough 80(with monthly) roll?
I have both guaranteed on character and LC banner.
Do homos really?
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Always wait for Prydwen tier list update before rolling for a character
>rolling for a sidegrade
do retards really?
Probably not, 2nd half of the patches are generally sparse in rolls since content tend to be frontloaded.
Firefly, Tingyun, Lingsha is LITERALLY the perfect team tailor made to bear your children. You are literally retarded if you don't have it in your barracks.
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>fat fuck aventurine bird plush
This might be better than the alter figure desu
You'll be lucky if you get even 40 pulls in the rest of the patch. You have like 30-35 left
All this poorfag cope
Just swipe and roll for everyone
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>He rolled for Gallagher replacement instead of HMC replacement that is Tingyun Alter
Vidyahara can't have children, anon
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>Rolls Lingsha
>Tingyun enables more damage
>Can only have 4 units on the team
>Have to ditch Lingsha
kek, nice pull value, honkeks
Entropy Syndrome womb, literally disappearing and fading from existence
undead womb
canonically doesn't reproduced
>aventurine fags are hags
he was born to be groomed by rich hags
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Should i roll feixiao? Will she make yellow M7 useful?
You do have super sperm right anon?
>Boothill and Jade are the only Penacony characters who get practically zero merch
Truly sent out to die
Are all sparkle niggers this retarded? Tingyuan will have e1 with 20 def ignore and you'll have a 100 def ignore team with e1 firefly, e1 RM, e1 ty, e1 lingsha.
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I don't know why they decided to make Opal a baby a most likely pushing him for the next stoneheart.
>have to roll 3 eidolons
But Tingyun will replace Ruined Mid and not HCaelus?
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>Robin e1 is OKAY
>My brickpaz e1s1 is OKAY
and people make fun of FUA players for wanting E1 on their units.
You're late
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None of them are real, you will never fuck her, you will never fuck anyone. You've been alone your entire life, you're a virgin past your thirties and you project your sexual fantasies onto videogame characters because no woman in real life will ever pay attention to you.

Honkai: Star Rail, Lingsha, Memory of Chaos.
Where is your Adventurine?
It dropped. She's T0 in PF and AS and T0.5 in MoC at E0S0. At E1 in their own words "Needless to say, if you go for this Eidolon, Lingsha is the de facto best sustain in the game, no question.".
Uh, isn't Firely like, dying?
Did we just completely forget that storyline ever existed once we returned to Luofu?
Superbreak diminishes toughness faster than toughness damage scales especially since thats all he does any relying on imaginary implant (doesn't exist on the firefly team.) RM doesn't care about ice weakness she all she does is buff and be sp positive.
A rainbow shota is more marketable than a hag in Japan
Don't think too hard about it.
when can EUGods roll
With lingsha being that efficient, Tingyun wont be replacing ruan mei or hmc. She’ll be replacing firefly… as long as the enemy is fire weak ofc
I cured her
I (Caelus) will save her
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>T0.5 in an MOC without any fire weakness
she ain't a fucking spud
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She's space dying in a sci-fi setting
She'll be fine
FUA and dotniggers already have e1s1 on everything. Trying to gatekeep now?
it's an e6s5 team retardbro
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Lingsha or Topaz, bros?
You are still not supposed to compare these.

Every char has certain assumptions done when these calcs are done and they are NOT comparable. For break chars in particular it assumes you break ALL THE TIME.
>same tier as a 4 star
>worse than Houhou
yeah, its shit.
Nta but unironically this
Do retards really need eidolons?
Every enemy is weak to fire with Firefly
Why is Hue hue so high when prydwyn themselves admit that Gallagar runs the meta and fits in more top tier teams?
I can't recommend rolling Topaz now that you get E6 March for free
poorpag cope
>only sparkle merch is the shitty nendroid knockoff
>a billion aventurine merch
What the FUCK
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>literal Gallagher sidegrade
love and deep space proved that the female market is superior.
I still don't know why the fuck flopflop is so high up there
muh energy
none of these women can breed bro...
It's to sell the 5 stars. It would not look good for them if 4 star was already T0 everywhere even though that's how it is in reality.
Sparkle merch is for neets living at their mom's house while Aventurine merch is for executive class whales.
Uh oh sustain war melty between two Chinese doctors ( a feng shui goblin and a marijuana "crystal" healer ) incoming
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>do a sneaky single warp on the cone banner
It really is that easy
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Hi Antillar
70% more damage than e6 gallagher, more healing.

>But all my characters are E0S0 so I REALLY care about SP poorpags dont even have a fucking ruan Mei cone LMFAO
>no woman in real life will ever pay attention to you
This is a big plus point in this day and age, hertaschizo
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Aventurine is Penacony's king
Sparkle is Penacony's clown
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Girls may not pay for gacha bug they WILL buy all the fucking merch you give them. Sparkle got two small figgies at least
yea it should be Gallagar over HouHou for tier 0 he runs this game
Sure, March is great with her and almost as good as Topaz.
I don't want to replace HMC with Tingyun. That's so soulless. HMC and Firefly being tied together was kino...
Yumes and fujos eat up merch of their boys like it's catnip
>HuoHuo is 6 tier
>Doesn't even have a place in the three best teams in the game (Flopxiao, ACK, Pagfly)
Holy retardation
I bet Tingyun will be absolutely useless for Boothill.
I expect a T0 character when I have to shill 80 rolls anon. not some 4* sidegrade
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>Fofo is not even at her final form yet
>she's only getting stronger
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You don't have to roll tingyuan. The game is easy as fuck. You don't have to use the "BIS TEAM" here is my yunli clear. You think fuxuan is anything but dead weight on this team? Still 40k.
how long till lingsha is out?
Why RM cone though? It doesn't even really fit the break teams.
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wait, i need topaz? i dont like that pig fucker
there are only 5 t0 characters atm, did you skip everyone else?
Hertatroon melty
You'll change your tune when they introduce another super for (You) girl who works extremely well with the next MC path.
People are so brain washed by 0 cycles that they are trying to justify spending potentially 160 rolls on a character to get it instead of comfortable 1-3 cycle clears.
Lol no. I just said March is almost as good as her so why do 180 rolls on barely her upgrade. Bronya can also substitute Topaz just fine in Feixiao teams. The only character Feixiao needs is Robin.
I want a reroll tier, kill yourself. People have been playing since day 1 here.
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Yes, and?
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>Huohuo is a tier 0 sustain according to prydwen
>yet all of the characters she supports are shit according to prydwen and the ones that prydwen thinks are good literally cannot benefit from her energy regen
How could you ever top Firefly?
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like 3 hours and twenty minutes if you're in EU
>not pictured : half a dozen eidolons on the team
Transwomen from the Hertacord are raiding our thread.
Ruan Mei LC gives you the 10 energy you need to instantly HMC ultimate after his first turn and also gives you 1 sp everytime he uses ultimate which is very often in a break team
how long for NA?
how does her team look like, fofo/robin and m7?
Correct, Harmony Trailblazer is Eidolon 6.
Are these Thiccnyas supposed to be preggers or just fat
She is also pretty hard to fit into many teams as general use sustain because she not good with SP. Aventurine and Gallagher dominate in that department too.
>Tingyun, Sunday, Agalea, Hagta, Tohsaka/Redman, Shirou/Saber all coming up soon.
How will us f2p survive the upcoming wave of powercreep?
9 hours
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colored ver.
I think this is the first Pure Fiction where I got under 70k points.
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I won't roll for soulless collab characters.
Why do I need to replace HMC when Firefly is already cracked
FF HMC RM and GG is such a stupidly strong team anyway, it would be smarter to pull for something else. Tingyun is still cool tho
Sparkle and fu are s0 Robin is e1
That really made the difference preventing me from clearing this EASY content brute forced without weakness by the way.
Feixiao, M7, Robin, Gallagher. You can try FoFo but I'm not sure you'll not run out of SP. Also Feixiao can't get energy from FoFo's ult.
wtf are you doing with that second team bro?
Just use your Himeko and Herta
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I guess I'll finish Space Marine in the meantime
Is Tingyun confirmed break support? Where the fuck is the DoT team additions
Her red limbs look kinda gross
Blud, people are literally 40k autoing side 2 with e0 Firefly, you have no excuse.
we dont know Tingyun's kit yet but even if she has super break you can always run a second break team
>the fate collab units will be summon characters with the masters as the character and servants as the summons
Tingyun the Dying Star
I have E2S1 Acheron and Firefly.
Should I roll Feixiao before her banner ends or can I just keep saving for others? I haven't logged in a week since I'm kinda burnt out rn
No. But only leaks so far have been about superbreak, nothing else.
I'm trans btw not sure if that matters
> Fofo eats alot of SP
Do you niggers get neurotic anytime your team is below 100% health? You don't need to spam her heal you know, unless your build is absolute shit or placed in the wrong matchups your not gonna get one shot. It's fine to have downtime on her healing jfc.
That would be absolute shit. Guess at least I'd get Illya.
But I only have 1 Ruan Mei and 1 super break dps
>E1 homo
That better be a single 10 pull
Aventurine is tired of hanging out with that slut
Tingyun is confirmed tested with Firefly relics with ehr, Firefly gets what Firefly wants and Hoyo agrees, meanwhile DoT is busy killing the prydwyn stats of Ruan Mei.
Stingyun - Sexibitor Vulpine
Your Rappa the Brappa?
I regret not saving for Lingsha Lawrence...
No we make fun of you for needing e1s1 just to make them do as much as a decent acheron or firefly team
EZ skip
>Tingyun is confirmed tested with Firefly relics with ehr
yeah and feixiao was tested with ruan mei and has 2 dots in the kit
Literally everyone will be getting a Plappa though?
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Every youtuber and anons in this general will try to shill you lingsha because she's new. The youtubers because they want clout and hoyo $$$ and server access, and the anons because they are unironical gambling addicts and want to seek validation by spamming the thread.

If you have Gallagher E6 you're set with your Firefly team. If you've been pushing for 0 cycle clears you're using March anyway. And if you have Firefly E2 you're set for PF. No. You don't need Lingsha for PF. You have Herta, and at this point you either lucked Himeko or used your 300 pity on her. So you gain almost nothing from Lingsha. imagine pulling for PF btw LOL, and a healer nonetheless LMAO?

You don't pull sustains for DPS increase, you pull enhancers like harmony or nihility. If you're 0 cycling, you're not dying. And if you're not 0 cycling, Gallagher will sustain you and deal enough damage for comfy clears. Don't fall for the bait. Save for Tingyun and get ready for the new summon meta coming soon.
Decent Acheron team needs E2S1 and the gayest analworm in the game though?
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140 pulls chasing E6 QQ all the way back in 1.1
Why would i roll for lasagna when E2 firefly deletes everything?
Who would even work as a superbreak dps it's only been firefly so far
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>Lingsha rollers
He said girls, anon
No, being a sex slave to ugly fat bastards doesn't make him a woman.
Flat hag/maid when?
e0 feixiao + e0 robin mogs both e0 fraudfly teams and e0 ACKeron teams
Get thee behind me, Satan
>Still haven't won a 50/50 yet and got e4 Himeko
At least give me e4 Bronya so I can play her in Feixiao teams.
That was only true before Feixiao because that nigger Ratio couldn't even properly work with E0S0 Topaz, Robin, Aven team. Feixiao, FF, and Ack are also roughly equal with their base teams.
Servants =/= summons
That's his sister...
The trash can event debunks this thoughbeit?
I tried to save HSR but failed miserably...
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But what if we had soulful collab characters?
Lingsha is out in Asia right? did any anon post his rolls?
Tohsaka will be another superbreak slave and Redman will be forced to watch Caelus fusk his woman.
Rich "guy" doesn't play gacha game bwo
Better than Fatetrash
nobody wants her, bro
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I’ll post her when I get back in a few hours, was busy wageslaving.
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>drugs you
>rapes you
>erases your memory of the event
>makes you pay for the child support
What the fuck is her problem?
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>imagine pulling for PF btw LOL,
i rolled yunli
This is an unironic to long did t read cope post on why you will keep coping with a worse option. Nobody gives a fuck what you do with your shitty account full of copes anon. My account will be better than yours.
I like SG but that simply doesn't fit. Soulful collab shouldn't feel out of place and use memes to make characters being able to fight. We could go something like Star Ocean or Xenoblade
They're not even necessarily related.
>spend 22,000 Jades to made an extra 300 jades a year
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Jade genuinely just lets me no brain PF. I can just put teams together that kinda work and clear with no hassle
I always use it for sets that have domains with one dog shit side that I don't want.
I rather spend the jades than be a shitter like you.
If you pull for meta you're doing the same thing for MoC and AS has 5 target bosses appearing. At some point 5 targets will be regularly sprinkled in with all content.
Who are the new 5*s in the next patch anyway? Rappa and tingyun?
Just Rappa. Shit is grim.
Which characters are unironic bricks at S0?
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i wonder how are dotkeks supposed to deal with this shit
these "trash"mobs have 70k hp lmfao
Her name is nappa because she’s a nappy headed nigger who’s also voiced by a nigger in the English dub
MoC and AS still have only 1 super tanky target though.
Blast is better than AoE in this case.
PF is too far removed from those two anyway, good think you only really need to roll 1 limited Erudition to deal with most stages.
Rappa and Milkcheron rerun
Just bosenmori Mei and arguably topig.
Blade, Jingliu, Argenti, Jiaoqiu
having to spend jades on a designated pf bot in order to clear it makes you a shitter too though
Physical Break-oriented Erudition when?
The moc 2 cycles away has 5 enemies that all share HP so erudition will be the best and hunts will all be dogshit in it.
>come out with lingsha, rappa, then 5 star herta
>thinking erudition isn't getting integrated into overall meta
If you don't roll you'll be left in the dust

Herta especially already has a sig set they want you to prefarm. She will be shilled on all modes just like Rappa having a 5 target boss in MoC 12.
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wtf you told me to not to save because she was ez skip??
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Lingsha is too boring in HSR. She's just another hollier-than-thou Xianzhou denizen here while she's a degenerate weeaboo in the other game
>2 DoT buffs
BP cone is much easier
Used to be but Pioneer reduced the reliance significantly

Ratio is pretty trash without his cone at this point.
Actually, I spent 480 jades >>496845407
I'm aiming for minimum cycles though. You on the other hand can't even clear the content. A real bonafide shitter.
pag jade (pagde)
I would have rolled for her if she was a filthy hikineet otaku.
What a waste of a character.
>30 rolls
>No BE hunt cone
Guess my Boothill will still be bricked
Doomersissyskipperbros... How do we cope now?
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is HSR still gay and retarded? did we leave space chinkland yet? any new noteworthy barefoot hebes? can I finally reinstall?
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good morning bros I love Xueyi
I'd roll Lingsha right away but I haven't done the new story to unlock her weekly boss materials, so I'll probably just wait for Tingyun's drip marketing and decide then
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These are my 5 stars, should I roll for Lingsha or Topaz?
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He is tired of her intense sexual libido from pent up work stress and cannot keep up anymore
Topaz is barely better than hunt March.
Just use Feixiao on the 1st side and Firefly on the 2nd side?
You're not going to get this kinda boss often in MoC anyway.
It's Break Shill time because of Rappa anyway.
>so I'll probably just wait for Tingyun's drip marketing and decide then
That's what I'm doing too
Shouldn't have listened to /hsrg/....
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I can't roll for Eidolons because I'm poor...
/hsrg/ was wrong yet again…
We're not going to see Herta until next year anyway, and I doubt they will release her immediately.
That's cool and all but imagine pulling for an Abundance unit in current year.
Did people really think she will have anything lower than T0.5 when Gallagher is already T0.5 and T0 everywhere?
I'm not, I just don't think spending on a easy ass mobage is worth my paycheck
>it's fine for a 5* character to literally function worse than a 4*
But sure "Muh damage" is worse the team blatantly not working. Anyone who acts like needing Eidolons or signature cones is a completely justified thing are retards and deserve to be mocked.
Trannyturine floped. Kill yourself analwormer
Firefly isn't anything special on 5 targets literally lingsha would out damage her.
I don't think floped is a word, bwo
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Silver Wolf
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>needing Brickde to clear content
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Godturine will keep winning bigly until they make a male character who wins biglier with all demographics. That means another hour long backstory drop is mandatory to kill him. Cope.
>E2 Firefly
Doesn't matter, will still get 60k without having to roll limited Erudition.
Can also just use Himeko.
Lingsha wouldn't outdamage Firefly even in an AoE situation without building her with only BE anyway, and that would be fucking stupid.
Seele? Asta? Xueyi?
Crept by E1 Lingsha I'm afraid
>22k on this easy as fuck pf.
>E2 firefly
So this is where he thinks all his skill comes from. Thanks for the self report shitter.
...on opposite day
>minimum cycles
>not even 0 cycle
You're still a shitter then.
So this is the kind of retard that would cry at the mention of a light cone or eidolon.
Preservation kind of sucks compared to Abundance when it comes to general use cones. Preservations cones are just stat sticks overall with Trend being the only exception but it only matters for Acheron. Meanwhile Abundance has shit like QPQ and Multiplication or even Natashacone that can enable faster ult cycles.
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>not investing in your wife
As expected of souless Jade rollers
Bro, your eyes?
OBJECTIVE Top 5 HOTTEST hsr girls :
1.Nano, obviously, she's also best girl. I love Nano.
2.Firefly, pure sex body with a gentle and fierce personality for all fetishes
3.Herta, prettiest character Hoyo has ever made
4.Robin, is there even a need to explain?
5.Silver Wolf, EXTREMELY bendable.
>rolls for eidolons because he sucks
apologize to yunli
If you think about it getting 3* in endgame content is gay because 3 is like a nutsack.
>I — what in the name of The Elation is this first Eidolon?? This has to be one of the most ridiculous first Eidolons any character has ever gotten, and it's on a sustain unit of all things. Needless to say, if you go for this Eidolon, Lingsha is the de facto best sustain in the game, no question.
Straight out of Prydwen's mouth
Who is Nano
cum in clara
Because brickbundance legitimately need the extra utility since they're 100% worse st actual sustaining. There are 4 preservation units in the entire game. I think it's natural there are less cones for it too.
I got E2 Firefly as mostly (express pass) F2P . Just stop rolling every single banner and falling for 4chan fomo
You sure you are investing? Don't see the e1 lingsha. Your firefly is dealing minimum 27% less damage than others. And your overall team damage is at least 40% less than e1 lingsha teams.
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What's all this ruckus with PF again? The two non-limited PF queens are more than enough to clear content and get all the rewards. I will either build my Serval or Harmony MC for the next one to better match the weakness type. Not rolling for any Eruditionbrick until Hag Herta.
>deserve to be mocked.
>He thinks he got any moral high ground to mock people about what they do with thier own rolls and money.
Just remember that you're a faggot who will rather have male ass on the screen than cute female
Mistuki NANOka
>Pag mei
>no topaz
Shit list.
That's like calling her 7th instead of March. Call her Mitsuki you dumb bitch.
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bunnies are cute
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Her banner isn't even out yet retardbro, and yes I'm planning to roll her.
Fixed that for you
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...you disgust me
uh oh poorfags melty
>does nothing if you don't break
>le bestest in game
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Negative! No intercourse with Clarissa.
Nobody uses Energy anymore. Acheron doesn't, Superbreak doesn't, FUA wants Aventurine, Dothags aren't a top meta team. Shitshit has no right to be that high.
>Herta especially already has a sig set they want you to prefarm
there is nothing that indicates she'll be a summon character
Jade rollers are having a sunk jade meltdown because they realized no one actually needs her to clear PF.
You're right! Firefly is T5! Useless if you don't break! You're very smart!
The hell? 40k with that team? I can barely get 28k. You either have 5* cones or your relics are insane.
Yunli is the best DPS at e0s1 and uses energy thoughover.
This isn't for DoT
This is for Acheron, there's even a bonus you can pick that makes Acheron ult into Kafka ult
They're just being coy
Yeah except no. I'm mocking you for telling OTHER people what to do with their rolls. Dumb cunt.
goofy ass
>muh homos seethe
Cope troon.
Yeah, the only new unit that likes energy is Yunli, yet they don't consider Yunli T0.
cute art, thanks anon
Do we know how hard lingsha is flopping yet?
damn just took a massive lingsha. mexican food never again
but it says "best sustain in the game" not "the best for in the game for break teams"
post rappa
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Nobody cares about BonsenMori Calliope Rappa
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Loli mama when?
Yunli can't compete with Acheron, Superbreak and FUA. Huohuo should be moved down and Gallagher and Lingsha up.
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>Just remember that you're a faggot who will rather have male ass on the screen than cute female
I like that with this you basically just admitted even you know she's dog shit and are just hard coping cause she's female. You faggots are so hilariously insecure.
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what does "can't compete" even mean
And she is?
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This is getting released next patch
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Whoa whoa whoa, I was just explaining on behalf of that anon.
Did yu forget to see that only applies to MoC buckaroo? And thats entirely subjective. Prydwen isnt an authority on jack.
>literally started with frogposting
>people say they will roll for e1 and it will be good
>nooooo I'm gonna mock you
Not only a faggot but also a retard
oh. yeah okay that's obviously for her
and how is she better for fuaslops or acheron than kaka urine?
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POV: You rollled for Lingsha
>5 enemies that all share HP
So they die in 1 Acheron ult?
Do not fall for the paid shills in these threads anon. Do your own research and save save save for non-filler characters.
Should I farm this for Serval?
It actually took me 20 attempts to reach the 40k mark bc the puppets RNG sucks and all of them focused on a single character. Himeko has JY's cone and Herta uses Himeko's which is a huge boost to their damage, I know.
>Anyone who acts like needing Eidolons or signature cones is a completely justified thing are retards and deserve to be mocked.
Yeah except no cause I specifically said I was talking about people saying they were required and nothing more. You are the only retard here give you literally can't fucking read
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Firefly rabu!
do you not have pioneer
You might actually have brain damage and are just yapping words without knowing anything.
>eidolons and cones aren't necessary
>Looks at Dickless dan and ack
Not you absolute retard. The more you invest the more Gallagher will be left in the dust. People who want to roll because they're not poorfags can do it and your gay ass have nothing on them. Simple as that
I will continue to only roll for the characters I like
Is Lingsha actually stronger than Firefly? what is going on here.
So it's blatant Rutilant Arena powercreep with no even condition attached outside of characters that like DHIL or hunt M7 who use basics?
I do, but not on her. Damn, a lot of units like Pioneer.
No they will have a lot of HP so your skill damage will show up a lot and drag down your DPS.
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Insecure pussy
Barely getting by bros are we fucked?
of course not
Wait for teri/nahida expy
That's a relic set, not a planar set. You could use both
it's 5 enemies, just use your homo fox and you'll be fine
How much HP? Acheron ult does 2m vs 5 targets easily. 5 targets also means each turn they take gives 1 stack to Acheron so she'll be able to ult 3 times in 1 cycle.
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Lingsha havers get to see THIS.....
Not everyone here has anal worms like you.
Well Feixiao got so many stds from borisins that insecure pussy really fit your image
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very cute
Get lucky like I did or save rolls and skip on FOMOs.
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>The more you invest the more Gallagher will be left in the dust.
Being better than a character who doesn't need any investment. Such an impressive achievement. lmao. Lingsha copers really are coping this hard.
Clara RAPE
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Please redeem sirs
25% basic attack increase unconditional, 20% further increase 2 turns after using ultimate, 8% crit rate as 2pc set

Blade and Dan IL saved?
You're my favourite poster in /hsrg/
It's about 8 to 9 million HP.
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What is this really coming from the supposed waifufag? I thought Feixiao was good cause she was female? Oh so now it has nothing to do with being female, you're just seething cause Lingsha sucks. Got it. You literally can't go a single post without making yourself look worse. Good job.
Quick question. Do you have Yunli and did you roll her cone to make her less of a Clara sidegrade? Because it will be so funny if you did
>does 0 damage unless the enemy has fire weakness
it's already a powercreep using him instead of another harmony
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Ty, gypsy boy
It's out
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would make march better at carrying blade that's for sure
i regret skipping yunli for her
bro your critsha???
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I rolled for Yunli cause she sexy. Skipped her cone. Unlike you who feels like you need to justify your rolls with metafaggotry. I don't give a shit. We are not the same. I am better than you.
>If you're a waifufag you supposed to like every whore in the existence
Cool man
Pr*dwen is extremely retarded though so this tells you nothing
t. E1 Fofo haver
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I really regret skipping HSR's best generalist sustain. I need her for the DoT team I just rolled for
Yunli is only Clara sidegrade if your Clara is E6.
Grats you rolled a sidegrade. Nice waste of rolls.
Yet you're attacking someone who do exactly the same. You're a faggot for different reasons
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lol how does he get a scale before spoorkle? Black Swan is also getting one.
I'm so glad they're finally stopping with the chinkslop figures. Hoping for Topaz eventually.
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>mutt that fucks her 2 escorts
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Why is Lingsha like this?
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Straight men are disgusted by Feixiao because she's a nasty worm enabler
Christmas fields
Reminder prywden uses ChatGPT to write their character reviews and tier lists so their option is less worthwhile than a YouTube comment.
Why would Sparkle get one? Firefly, Aventurine and Acheron were the main characters of Penacony.
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Lingshacuck melty
Bros should I get Lingsha? How good is she for the current and future meta? I already have Fu and Fofo and I still believe I don't need more than 2 limited sustains
Still no damage since she has low multipliers
>Used in dots
>Dots is the worst preforming team and brings the average down.
Have some context low IQ subhuman.
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I will never abandon you. My HERO
How many cock did you suck today QQanon?
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I trust ChatGPT more than you retards
It's rare for male characters to get scales in the first place that's why. I assumed Sparkle would come eventually.
Just pull Sigga and run DoTcheron
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Listen to this man. He speaks the truth.
>rolling for a worm
If you have 2 limited sustains you don't need any more.
FuA + Break are the most shilled ones
Huohuo is used on brick teams like DoTs
Dies lingsha wants ER, ATK, or Break rope?
Why did the wormschizo get chased out of /gig/?
You only need 1 limited sustain these days thanks to Gallagher
>investing in DoT before we know if it'll ever get buffed again
It's why I couldn't in good conscious get Black Swan E1
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He didn't. He still posts there and on here.
ERR or Break rope.
Attack orb.
You forgot Yunli
goes back to the retarded "she's totally insane (little to no data to support the claim btw) but happens to not be good with any of the strong characters h-haha"
Contrary to popular belief, it is okay to roll more than 2 limited sustains, but only if you also have a healthy lineup of DPS and support units
If Qingque is your only DPS then obviously getting a third sustain is a bad allocation of your resources, but if you already have two complete teams that can clear endgame, it literally doesn't matter who you roll
>releasing statue of a dead (in meta) character who will probably never appear in any content again till they want to kill her off
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>SAM figure
>Firefly figure
>Aventurine figure
>Black Swan figure
>shota Jing Yuan figure
>bunch of nendos
Damn we're actually getting a ton of shit, I don't think Genshin ever gets that much.
Should i get lingsha e0s0 or wait for Firefly rerun to get her e1/2
I don't even have Black Swan and I still pulled Kafka because I like seeing her do a pirouette and nuke a chunk of the enemy's HP. It may not be as big of a chunk as Yunli or Firefly do, but I am still having fun.
convince me to not quit honkai star rail to play throne and liberty
If you want to put her on a Firefly team you're going to want Firefly E1, but if you want Lingsha it's still fine to get her first because there won't be a Firefly rerun for at least a few more patches
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>Number this tier that
I don't care.
Firefly looooove
>release both of them together
>giving them both statues
I find it hard to believe they aren't cooking something up, most likely DoT crit going by SU stuff. I feel like they should be done shilling FUA for a while but now summon is gonna be on the table and it seems like they are going hard into break so who knows?
>but I am still having fun.
That's all that matters anon. You still got it.
I won't. Go play that amazon slop boy
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This but Kafka

Kafka loooooooooooove
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>[Yunli] T1 - T0.5. Well, I guess some of you have a deja vu now, because we already made similar change in MoC and PF. Yes, we underestimated Yunli on her release and she's truly Apex level in every mode - even without her Signature Cone. In Apocalyptic Shadow, she performs really well, doing tons of damage and break with her often counters, making her one of the strongest DPS you can bring in this mode (or any other).

Yunlibros literally can't stop winning
>Lingsha E0 is stronger than DHIL E0
>-28.8 SP
Either you photoshopped this or this came out of someone's ass. There's no way Lingsha is this strong
Still not rolling Yanqing's sloppy thirds or whatever
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Bros, what if...
What if Ting is actually Burn DoT support? You know, like *5 version of Gui
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I regret skipping Yunli because of Prydwen...
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heh, they did they thing
The prydtranny list is assuming lignsha's always doing break damage
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Uh oh stinky
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>throne and liberty
Did someone actually launch an open world MMO with AAA graphics fucking yesterday? Who would play that? FOTM niggers maybe, but those will drop it in a month for the new patch of whatever other game they care about.
All I want from the MMO genre is a second rerun of WoW Classic. Cataclysm isn't classic - it removed probably 80% of classic's content from the game permanently. If tomorrow Blizzard says okay we fucked up, here's a new completely fresh classic reset without any seasonal or discovery content, just classic as it was in 2019, I'm moving HSR to life support daily logins for the next 6 months.
>Ting is Burn DoT support that allows DoT to crit
it's too good an idea to be true. She'll be break support. Thing is that if she's being released in the same patch as Sunday then there's a chance she'll be shafted.
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Leakers claim she scales off break since her trial kit is full of break effect relics.
She's a break DoT support
Source: Aha
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>5 version of Gui
I really need a limited sustain but I don't want to roll for Chinese or Homo characters. When are we getting another sustain?
I really hope Ting isn't the only 4-star they plan to give a 5-star upgrade to.
>95% crit rate acheron
Its so fucking stupid. Im sick of this shit game not rounding up.
Thankfully for you she isn't. We already had the DHILL pickle.
Rolling with my dick always pays off
Your Jamiroquai?
Would the Borisin rape Fuofuo or do they have standards?
You can use her to find missing chests too
Sampo will be the next 5 star upgrade.
Even Hoolay would think Fofo is disgusting
>main cast
Doesn't count.

She'd be a last resort onahole because she doesn't possess the constitution to produce strong offspring.
>Inflationary Demand
>Picture of her chest
Your only hope is an abundance one during 3.X
What is this guy on my friends list doing, he had Firefly at E0 for a while but a few weeks ago I noticed she was at E1 and I just now noticed she's at E2. But she hasn't had a banner in months at this point. What's going on, is there some secret way to get Firefly that I don't know about or is this guy insane and activating her eidolons really slowly? I can't think of any logical reason why you would have the eidolons but not activate them, unless you just plain don't use the character but then why would he put her as one of his support characters. I had to double check and make sure they didn't add her to the standard banner or something but they definitely didn't. So what am I missing here.
I thought Feixiao and Acheron is the hypercarry of 2.x patches? What the fuck is this bullshit? There is no way they'd let a healer become the hypercarry as well
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Still pretty low but I don't think anyone expected Lingsha to sell
>playing gacfha games
>surprised some people are mentally ill
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is he into 0 cycle autism? He probably couldn't zero cycle the current moc with his e0 pagfly, and finally had to activate the eidolons to do it since this is the first MoC since her release that isn't hard shilling for pagfly.
to be fair, DoTs caused by Breaks are still an underutilized mechanic (unless it's physical then fuck off) that could still make use of a unit to bridge the gap. So possibly a unit that turns on break DoTs as crits? (except physical fuck off)
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Drivebros... we won.
I know a guy who rolled E2 Firefly and is keeping her at E0 until he struggles to clear with her. Of course, not content that specifically walls Firefly, but either shilling (Fire weak + break shilling) or neutral (imaginary weak and no fire resist) content that his Firefly fails to clear in time for max stars. IIRC the latest PF almost made him unlock E1.
I don't think limiting DoT crits to break would help that much if that's what you mean to imply.
I was having a dream that I had DHIL, Topaz, Aventurine, and Xianyun(?) and I was happy with my account. When I woke up I felt so depressed.
Fofo won
Spuds lost
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>Aventurine's plush is the biggest of them all
HIS game.
I hope they never allow DoTs to crit, or if it did, make the crit independent of the character's stats.
The thought of having to regrind relics makes me shudder.
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>E2S1 Firefly with ult attacks
>does 90k damage
>E1S Lingsha AoE skills
>100k+ damage
Is there something wrong with my Firefly?
anyone have pics of the origami bird mini figures?
What about HMC's ult? You can get permanent uptime on that.
was just a suggestion. Point is Break DoTs are still up for grabs for a new unit to buff. Though it's probably turning hellish to balance around just because Bleed exists.
Honestly I'm surprised e0 Firefly can clear the latest PF. Everyone said she would be bad for PF.
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Any of you guys ever completed this event? I never got more than one guy
Why is the leak sub so excited about Sunday?
Full of women and gays
stop what you're doing right now and post rappa
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She got hard carried by side 1 on my account. I've seen clears with Herta instead of Yunli as well, the key is Feixiao to break the dinos in 1 ult and leave them at very low hp or even straight up kill them.
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>want to roll for Robin
>dont wanna get dupes of homo 4*
until the next time
I only invite my friends to play better games like WuWa or ZZZ
not those ones. in the pic of the plushies you can see mini figgies of birb robin, bs and aventurine too without a special stand.
what's so surprising about a brick effect character clearing brick effect shilling content
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Today, we gather here to honor the memory of our beloved Rappa. It was heartbreaking to learn that she was nerfed into obsolescence, leaving us all in shock and sorrow. The kit changes have taken away a cherished Break DPS, a beloved ninja, and a "rapper," depriving many of us of a valuable subdps.

As we mourn the loss of this endearing character, let us also celebrate the impactful legacy she leaves behind. Not many can be proud of a beta kit that lived so well and touched so many.
Biggest faggot ITT
>shota JY and loli SW figures
What the fuck
Kek this is the opposite of me. I used feixaio and herta, who got carried by max score Firefly in side 2.
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She's worse than a hunt unit*
*Pay no attention to the rest of team 1's lineup
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Can't believe I missed the qq thread
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Don't fall for this cute demeanor. This girl is a sexual predator
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Should I roll for Lingsha and Topaz
I'm guaranteed 5* atm
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Glory to nuChina
Apparently posting "b3ta chang3s" counts as spam on 4chan.
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They called t the mini series so I guess the rest will slowly come too
Idk about Lingsha but doesn’t FF do most of her damage after you break the weakness bar? If it’s still up she’s going to be hitting like a wet noodle.
If you’re FF is only doing 90k super break damage after getting past the weakness bar then yeah you’ve fucked up somewhere.
how good is e2 firefly? i only have e1
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>shota general
wow even the devs know ingame attire on Seele is awful
>no Gallagod but have 3 sustains
>clearly don't play FUA
Does Lushaka stack with itself?
3rd place is low?
Why are her tits so small in this art? Firefly's tits are huge. Like not Topaz/Kafka huge but they're considerably larger than March's.
multiple copies work yes
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circle of protection
E2 let's her reset every other turn after a break which increases her dps by about 100% in combustion state. It's her last good eidolon until e6.
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Stelle saving Firefly!
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No offense but fofo really shouldn't be at tier 0. She's good but not THAT great
Were there any cases where leakers just collectively miss the mark completely? What if they're just speaking out of their ass about Tingyun and she isn't a HMC powercreep superbreak bot?
Well we usually reach top 1 at release
What was Firefly's second death?
iirc it was off screen right
And who's mecha?
And why did she take off before our fight with Sunday?
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Wanna stick my cock in that thing
>gives energy
>gives speed
>gives attack
>auto cleanse
>aoe heal
>auto heal
>sp positive at e1

She's pretty good. She's basically optimal outside of firefly and sigga teams.
I don't think we have any credible source on what Tingyun actually does, just that she scales off break, is fire element, and nihility.
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Bros! I got Ruan Mei (II) AND I use the Curio cheese. It feels so good.
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Sometimes yeah. Yunli was leaked as physical preservation.
How is Lingsha in non-Firefly teams? Is it worth getting her for her comfy teamwide cleansing?
Stay dead you filthy heliobus
Her second death is being stabbed by the meme. Her first death was entering dreamspace via brute forcing.
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I'm offended. (You) should kill yourself again
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Does Topaz want SPD or ATK boots more?
i hate lingchud fuck lingspud i don't like lingpag
If its a break or follow up team, she hits the nail on the head.
Are there any other teams?
She has a debuff on her ult for Ack I guess.
>And who's mecha?
Plot hole, that part of the story is entirely unexplainable and was not explained.

>And why did she take off before our fight with Sunday?
She had to prepare for the 2nd death, perhaps?
my cock in her tight pussy
She's not on the same tier as Aventurine though. I've had teams die with Huohuo, but Aventurine makes indestructible teams.
No one cares about your Wormturine
>Realize that even if I skip 2.5 to 2.6 entirely I'd most likely be able to fully clear all the challenge modes anyway

Makes me wonder who to even get if all of Lingsha, Rappa, Topaz or Aventurine arent necessary for my lineup
Need my Star Railing really bad...
Bro when are you getting one hit?
You get double or triple targeted when you die and she has a stop gap heal at 60% health.
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Fu really wants to monopolize QQ...
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>ignore everything else
>like firefly and sigga teams also don't need e1s1 to function
pagturine flopped WORMQIU FLOPPED
I'm not sure if I want Lingsha
>had 2 limited sustain already
>can clear all game modes already
odds roll
evens skip
They're wrong most of the time but what the hell are we supposed to shitpost about? Doomposting/Shilling leaks whether made up or real is funny anyway + all the meta speculations
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what are you playing while waiting for Lingsha, /hsrg/?
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A real human being.
only if your cock is smaller than mine otherwise I'd be considered gay and I don't want that
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All this stupid ass meta talk is distracting us from the fact that an air fryer isn't a necessary appliance.
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she's godlike in my feixiao team, the amount of follow ups feixiao gets is out of this world
With cocks

0 roll
1-9 skip
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Convince me to pull Feixiao.
>shipped with QQ
>shipped with JY
Am I . . . a kek????
Do you drop Topaz for that? I had SP problems on feixaio without Sigga.
Skipping you for a new air fryer was still the best decision of my life.
Speed, Robin gives a huge amount of ATK.
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wormschizo melties don't count
Sparkle doesn't have a cock desu
Then why does everyone I know have one? Checkmate Sporkler.
QQ anon...
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>someone has a son without a cock
How many jades are we getting in 2.6 and 2.7? Don't want to roll for Lingsha if I won't be able to afford Sunday and Tingyun
Dont, you are welcome
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Whether you like it or you like it, you have to roll Feixiao because you musts roll for Feixiao since you have to have Feixiao.
NTA but shouldn't Topaz be spamming BA like March?
Lingsha can just alternate between skill and BA.
So true, sis. MicrowaveSTACIES rule this thread. hsr btw
>/hsrg/ group mastubation
i tried two times to get this bitch, both times lost the 50/50, guess i'll never have robin
It's shilling super break specifically, she will go back to being giga bricked on the next one
It sure isn't necessary, but it can be used for a lot of things. Though it's less effective when people who don't know how to cook are using it as a crutch for their lack of skill.
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imagine skipping
Topaz can BA if you need the SP but she wants to skill whenever possible for more damage and energy
>He thinks Sparkle is male
3rd worlder "education" everyone
E0 FF IS normally bad for PF but this PF is shilling her hard
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My sister is obsessed with hers and I can admit it's pretty handy for some quick recipes.
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My spider senses always tells me something is wrong when I see this fucking larper. This is a guy with make-up on isn't he? I've never "seen" this person's cleavage in videos that I've seen of him.
don't have to imagine that
where the e6 lingspud posts at Asiabros?
They should release them as in game skins and charge 3000 premium jades each
Reminder to report off topic posts
Topaz needs to skill to be optimal especially in pf content.
imagine rolling for a worm enabler
>dotshilling PF next
At long last.... My bricks will find use
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I'm into fat sluts so for me it's Canan ASMR. Her latest video from a few days ago was rather mediocre unfortunately, no dildo paizuri from what I saw, but the nipple vibrator was new and unique.
>lil sigga figgie is in the cards in the future
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Managed to snipe Feixiao's cone, feels nice that she is finally complete
Shes the top dog.
She always gets her turn 1 ult that lets her raw dog most enemies with colorless +100% break.
2 FuAs every turn makes her the leader of the pack for every comp with robin.
March and Moze are great underdog replacements for topaz, so the teams pretty cheap.
Her personality makes her the uncontested alpha.
If you dont pull her everybodies gonna be like "whats up dog?"
These damage calcs are always retarded since it assumes infinite HP dummies. Feixiao and Acheron would've killed the dummies by then.
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Rappa gonna get clappa because I'm a pappa with the stackas and now she's crappa on the floor.
Reminder that you're brown
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When will hoyo release a tower defense game?
Go to bed burger bwo...
I'd play that
>shopped foxian ears but forgot to shop the knife ears
sloppy work
Never because towerdef games suck cock and you're a faggot
Meaningless chart considering this assumes the enemy is already broken for Lingsha's damage.
It's cuter this way
Knight cup Railer when...
My dick is telling me to roll for topaz...
>new account
>missed on the Kafka tiddies pic again
>Jiaoqiu wormed both Acheron and Feixiao
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Why did TBird use domestic violence on FireBird?
Hoolay Lingsha.webm
Isn't this basically assuming lingsha is breaking every enemy and never overkilling them and gets to spam SP every turn? Now im not saying it cant happen, but its basically a "target dummy" scenario.
Hotaru ryona honkai star rail
Probably never, little room for typical Hoyo flashiness. I can see them making a tactics game somewhere down the line tho
This fucking picrel has been here since last year (you) fucking tourist
I need a hoyo fps or tps
This isn't google, anon.
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Hope they introduce a new mechanic for enemy in 3.0 that can damage units even when shielded just like the wolves in genshin
My Lingsh did 400k super break damage
How the fuck can DPScucks even compete
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sigga rape
Is it Bire(bird)fly or Bire(fire)fly?
>FUA wants Aventurine
Fu Xuan is better
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wtf did he do
I want hsr dating sim for next April's fool or valentine's
How's lingsha for E2 Firefly?
Sex gifs
It was Enaschizo's fault
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Better than Gallagher
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Granted, but your only options are Pompom, Numby, Tuskpir, and the Plains Bear Cub.
Worse than Gallagher
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still counts
I’m cumming…
Now kiss
Cumming inside that pompussy SHEESH
Rizuna never fails
What‘s the best place to find stuff like that with ingame models?

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