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Previous: >>496842984

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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nice thighs, are they breedable or is it too late for her?
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I can't see her foot mole from here.
I want to rape yunli
>Is better than ACK.
>Will stand alone at the top with Firefly as the honoured ones when Tingyun drops.
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I regret skipping Lingsha...
Imagine rolling for a character whose only claim to fame is replacing a 4* in exactly 1 team and even then needing eidolons to be a significant upgrade
How is Fu Xuan better than Sigga, specifically designed for FUA teams?
yeah black swan is indeed a brick
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pagturine flopped WORMQIU FLOPPED
Should I skip getting Ack's cone and roll for Yunli and her cone instead?
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just go play path to nowhere, it got soul and cool in equal measure
Black Swan doeen't need eidolons to be way better than the 4* options though
And you care about what people on the internet do because? Let me guess, you are poor and can barely afford rent and necessities?
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I just rolled Lingsha
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wormschizo in shambles after this wonfes
I love when artists draw her in her base outfit but wihtout the cardigan thingy. It's so hot.
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now try again without being mad
meds man
Fuck off with this prywden made up bullshit
>Pag Heng Imbibitor Pagnae
why do you keep posting this and what is it meant to mean
I seriously regret skipping Yunli. I regret believing Prydwen when he called her a brick. When does she rerun?
>elder vidyadhara getting dabbed by a FUCKING HEALER
Firefly's tits are smaller than March's
holy powercreeperino!
need at least 4 screenshots prividing proofs
>recycled elder
Why's this bird so smug?
Can't believe Lingsha Lawrence would murder Dong Hung (forma de la SP Puta) like this
if a random healer can powercreep the elder of the Luofu then why shouldn't a random surfist be able to powercreep the hydro sovereign?
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>imagine wasting jades on imbibitor homoe in the first place
Anyway with Lingsha, FoFo and FuXuan I got everything covered sustain-wise. I guess I don't have FuA sustain but I never rolled any IPC jews, my only 5 star FuA are Clara and Yunli.
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super brick
yunli is actually fun, a rare character in this auto game
Is Lingsha at E0S0 better than Gallagher for E0S0 Firefly? I want my superbrick investment to be minimal
uh based and dragonpilled?
Holy fuarkk
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I'm so tired of the powercreeping in this game, bros
No because she's sp negative.
Yes, because she brings some interaction and thought in this kusoge.
>believing Prydwen
You're an absolute retard.
she'll still be better but you'll either have to sacrifice HMC's or Lingsha's own skill uses to be able to keep up with the SP consumption
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She ain't no spud
>probably blessed with 2 in the last 10 roll
blessed and cursed at the same time, but gratz
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>took her LC to firefly
>never used her ever since
feels bad
why are you not losing?
It's endearing that a Sparkleposter mindbroke giggers this much.
Just roll the cone, Yunli rerun is 4-5 months away.
??? Lingsha IS a FUA sustain
POV: You rolled for Lingsha
>+5 SP
>SP negative
go back to school retard
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Pagturine rollers lost
aint no way this is real
convincing argument
I meant sustain for FuA teams like homoturine, the waster of time. I thought Lingsha is just for break teams nominally. If she got synergy with FuA units then it's even better
It's assuming all the enemies are fire weak and that you're breaking every turn.
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Reposting this so EUbros can see it. Surprised by the results? Did you get your clear in or were you waiting for Lingsha? Do you think PF getting a breakshill version means they're dropping ultimateshill or dotshill versions?

EU collage: https://files.catbox.moe/0tambp.jpg
Super /hsrg/ collage: https://files.catbox.moe/qkf8kd.jpg
I want to rape yunli
I'm really impressed by how she performed on the latest PF.
I think the lack of quantum weakness in MOC and AS is really fucking her over
>Lingsha rollers have to defend her in this thread
Yep that's a brick
Qq is so lucky...
Should I build Crit Lingsha for Feixiao?
Minutes turn into hours waiting for Topaz. And I don't even have enough pulls to reach pity...
Aventurine rollers did the same for 2 weeks when he came out
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My girlfriend is so cute
Does Jade want the Quantum Set, Duke FUA set, or Valorous FUA set?
you had to make me hard again, I fapped twice today already
>giga mogged by everyone
>bottom 5
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crit lingsha is a fucking meme. at least build break
Yeah that's why he's also a brick, FX works better for crit FUA
Crit with some break on the side to maximize the passive seems to be the way to go for regular FUA teams.
>Better (as long as you have Fofo, Robin or Sparkle and her cone) than ACK (with Jiaoqiu and her cone only)
Get that garbage outta here, there's a reason more people rolled the pink fox.
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Lingsha bros, are we ready?
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>no one actually uses Dogturdurine
I knew it
FUA or Quantum set, whichever one is easiest for you to farm.
What's a bigger damage boost for Lingsha, E1 or S1?
more like lubotcha and homoturine rollers have to defend their poor purchasing decisions, again.
thank you for your service
I think Uber should be reserved for Omni support like RM and Robin.
HMC rely on break shilling and Galagher is 4* star who don't have 5* equivalent yet.
I know this is usage based from Smogon but usage here change drastically in short time unlike pokemon which yearly or biyearly
duke performs greatly for me
>spending decisions
I have spent 0 dollars on this game.
Why the fuck is Argenti so low? I thought he would be great with the "ultimate break" modifier.
What are the 4*s in ligma's banner?
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What is this smoogon
>aint no way this is real
Always look for Hoolay vids since he's a good measure for most dps.
i shame i wasn't able to get xueyi in there this time despite the quantum weakness
well it's purely based on usage, the meta being everchanging is one of HSR's charms
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Fuck you Lingsha haver
Raping march 7th (with love)
Did anyone unironically believe gallagher is good for anything apart sp generation? I had him in my FF team since day one, all he does is occassionally heal and print SP, he's dead weight apart from that
What did I do, bro?
I miss Hertaschizo
I have an E2S1 Sparkle thoughever
Just make one then.
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I love march so fucking much it's unreal
I aspire to understand this level of jargon at some point in my life
Why is no one posting Lingsha rolls though if she's so great?
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It's fine faggot bros Gallapag can utilize QuidProCuck or whatever(Literally Cruise vs InTheNight tier copium but its okay since you faggots have low standards to beging with).
because barely anyone rolled duh
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That modifier isn't very helpful and the lack of physical weaknesses on either side hurts him badly, plus not many people own him to begin with.
Hoyoshills are out in full force today. Instead of spending money on promotional material on lingsha or on improving their kit they're wasting it on shilling their latest filler unit in bad imageboards.
Fucked how in MoC you can get Xueyi in by just running her as Yunli's "subdps" and letting the others carry her, while in PF every team member needs to pull 110% of their weight.
Kafka NTR shota nakadashi honkai star rail
Ok but what if my Gallagher is E3? How big of an upgrade is she?
dogturdurine flopped
had to nerf Feixiao's speed so she wouldn't outrun his shitty shields
if you like sparkle you also like lingsha. how do you live with yourself
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>TFW Lingsha vs Paglagher clacs based on actual testing INGAME and in not in the minds of mentally ill troons from google docs are out.
I'm not a pagpag or worse, Australian. There's still like 20 minutes left.
I have 166 flat with lingsha w/o buffs do i need more or less?
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argenti is a very rare char and there is a huge overlap between people who rolled for argenti and people who are bad at the game
some interactions are also not immediately obvious and no guide mentions them (ruan mei + 4pc thief + err rope)
What's this mental illness called?
I raped lingsha
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>last late night 10 pulls on feixiao banner just because
>see the golden bullshit. Fuck yeah
>Yanqing E3
>Couldnt sleep because I was angry about it
Fuck this gay bullshit lol
Fofoposter (evil)
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I think Yunli having her main taunt locked behind her cone really soured her on a lot of people. I genuinely think she would have sold better if they didn't make her cone bait since more people would just cut their losses and skip her altogether than roll both her and her cone when they don't have many rolls to spare.
based and fofopilled syndrome
>jiaoqiu: 37330
ack owners without jiaoqiu please don't post your clears anymore, you're lowering our average
NU is sovl
BASED 44 posters cleansing the worms in this thread
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Just feminine boys like Misha or Yanqing aren't enough, I need actual traps.
I want cute boys who dress and act like girls
NU should have been called Belobog tier
Your Hanabi?
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most dpses are bricks without their cone (besides FF) so this is a pretty silly thing to get hung up on
erpcord trooncel syndrome
>he is not saving for 3.0
I hope you are a whale bro.
That actually worked.
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hide this please the resident homofujos will have another melty
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>Stelle E1 Firefly (wife) E1 Ruan Mei (wife) E1 Lingsha (wife)
>clear at the same time
what a win for a limited character, wow
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so what's the verdict on bricksha?
girls can't have wife
I'm doing 1 (one) single
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>Gallagher is now relegated to holding QPQ for Robin in autistic zero cycle runs
damn that's crazy, i thought he was better than her
Get E1 Firefly first/10
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Autorolls on accounts of users that have no AIDS, anal worms or stretched anal ring.
That is absolutely not true and if you can't tell teh difference between most character's cones just being the same but more stats and Yunli who just flat out doesn't work as well without her cone in gameplay then you re retarded.
why are you acting like this shows how much better lingsha is? there's barely a difference
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>cleared 4 PF
>60k points each
>claim rewards
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Xueyi is pulling her weight!
unironically what luocha dreamt to be, good dps good heal
Surprisingly not a brick as someone with E2S1 FF. Gallagher's kicked.
Based evil Fofoposter fighting the good fight.
>need to alternate using skill and normals on both Lingsha and HMC to barely keep up with the SP usage
God this looks like dog shit to play.
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Lil sigga
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>Present during #27 Rubert's time to lead a resistance against him.
>It was #4 Polka that killed Rubert.
>Invited by Nous to be member #76.
>49 members chosen before him after Rubert.
>At least 4900 years before he got chosen.
>Said to be the universe's best hacker but Silver Wolf already on par with him as a brat.
No way anons, is my gentlemanly mechanical aristocrat actually a jobber? That can't be, right?
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My E0S0 Firefly needs 3 cycles to clear the 1st half of MoC. How bad is this? My E0S0 Kafka/BS/Robin/Gallagher team also manages to clear it in 3 cycles. Isn't Firefly supposed to be a lot stronger than DoT?
>ulting before golden armor
peak souless
you're lowering my wife's average you lazy fuck
>RM cone on HMC and still barely keeping up with SP usage
No thanks.
as opposed to skilling off cooldown with HTB...? Which you won't be able to do anyway when Imaginary shilling is over
E1 by far
why do people care about meta in a gacha game? this isn't hearthstone, you're not climbing the ladder
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I just like her I dont even have robin or topaz lol cheap but NOT a smart pull.
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Literally needs to be buffed by a second character, while Danhomo is just solo.
it's over...
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>My firefly is only E0
I'm skipping lingsha
Exactly, even worse since this one is harder to do sustainless
You’d need heavily invested characters or a big carry on one side
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>golt WELT'd
At least it's not Yanqing like last time.
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cute clear
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it's more or less the same as ACKeron cone (except aeon is guaranteed free while gnsw s5 is not)
both characters are functional without the lc but gain a lot from it
>off cooldown
In usual Firefly teams you'd spam HMC every single turn since they're basically a sub DPS with how much BE you have on them which also helps them with getting their ult up more often. I'll also add that video clearly has RMs cone so if you don't have that it'll be even worse. Lingsha just flat out does not work with Firefly if you don't have E1 Firefly.
As if Welt is any better
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>have paid sex with old man
>60k per creampie each hole
>claim rewards

Fixed that for you
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>on an 11 coinflip loss streak, haven't won a flip since Argenti's first run almost a year ago
>at 30 pity with 25 rolls to my name, prepared to top up if I have to
>this happens
brick e1
robin s1
>RM cone
Yeah I'm thinking of skipping
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Based. Enjoy your Topaz!
Why does every video like this always have either E1 Firefly or Ruan Mei's cone? I just want to see how she performs in base E0S0 team.
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Welt+Rappa would have been great if she had weakness implant
And most people would not recommend you roll E0S0 Acheron. Acheron got the anniversary bonus and top up reset so people were willing to splurge more often but you can't make every character cone bait nad Yunli absolutely was hurt by people not willing to take that extra dip. Acheron also existed in a niche of her own where as Yunli is just a Clara upgrade but doesn't actually offer anything new.
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I just got her in exactly 75 pulls. Feels good.
Anon, that's the wrong banner...
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>Lingsha does more damage than Gallagher but doesn't let HMC do damage
>Gallagher does less damage than Lingsha but lets HMC do damage
Replacing Gallagher doesn't seem worth it desu
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POV of a LingshaCHADS
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So topaz or lingsha?
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>very early Himeko going for E1
Do I keep going?
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she has nice pits
Bros.... That's not who I rolled for...

how strong is E2? I have her LC too
wait there is a topaz banner too?
maybe I should roll for her too now that I have an unexpected feixiao. Cant I cope with march/moze?
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>lost my coin flip
Welp guess she's getting skipped
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Finally managed to get a starting build for my Sparkle, so now my Mono-Quantum-Hebe team of Silver Wolf/Qingque/Fu Xuan/Sparkle is now ready for MoC. I've been trying it out in SU and through the blessings Fu Xuan can actually sustain, while a Sparkle-buffed Qingque can now dish out amazing damage even without taking the blessings into account. Now I just need to progress the story and get Lingsha for my Firefly team since I don't have Gallagher somehow.
March does great, is very comfy and consistent, what even are SP.
Moze has problems target switching.
I have Yunli's cone and my experience is that if you're going for low AV/cycles/40k etc. her cone is very important for consistency because you have little room for error and landing consistent counters + energy counts for a lot.

Even with Tingyun and Huohuo, you want to be selective on who you counter and sometimes you also want to bait an ST parry -> counter like the dinos. You really don't want to mindlessly taunt every single attack that comes your way.
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QPQ Gallagher is broken btw
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Next patch is a skip patch (rappa + acheron, everybody has acheron already). Thats my only cope to get E1 lingsha and save to get E1S1 sexfox in a couple of months
Now that the dust has settled are Rappa's nerfs really as bad as people thought yesterday?
You're right, Rappa isn't worth it anymore with all the nerfs...
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>4 star from the previous region is as good as a limited 5*

this would be like if Misha was as good as Yunli. it's so stupid
Imagine paying for a free to play game
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This is a proof of my account not being a FaggotAidsWormedCuckedPooPagged btw.
I know half of peoples itt especially so called Firefraud """""Waifufags""""" can't relate.
Gallagher was relevant to the story unlike Whogsha so it makes sense.
how many wormschizos are there in /hsrg/?
>invest in 2 cost(E1 FF + RM cone) to kick out Gallagod for Lingspud
No thank you, I'll roll for Stingyun instead. Maybe on a rerun
Imagine making a post like this.
No one is impressed by your mental illness
>kills himself a "waifufag"
>has more than 1 waifu
kys normalnigger tranny
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/hsrg/ is skipping THIS?!
The stack building from breaking is just fucked up and doesnt fit into break teams.
Is Critsha a viable build?
Gallagher is unironically too strong for a 4 star. I'm not even sure it was intended.
Bricksha my beloved
It's just one, two at most when he samefags
nah, im a faggot and i'd prefer to use a hairy bara instead
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>a limited 5* is as good as a non-limited 4*
>this means the limited 5* is better and you should spend 180 rolls on her
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what now?
I was already not really feeling happy about my performance this PF, and the fact that my clear is so small makes me feel even worse. Hope to do better next time. But interesting data, you can clearly see what this general likes. Like how Acheron is used a decent amount, but JQ is even below BS despite stronger in PF. Same for Jade vs Argenti. Guess people do pull for their dick. Herta being below Himeko is probably due to no Ice weakness while there is a Fire weakness, unless there are really still retards that for some reason refuse to build Herta. But then also funny seeing how often Yunli and Clara are used, despite no suggested physical. And that Weltbro is pretty based
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I need to prove people in a chinese image board that I'm straight.
Might as well just go all in and get E1S1
I don't care about anyone on the next two patches anyway
That's just Gallagher being hilariously overtuned for a 4*. If he didn't exist, nobody would be questioning Lingsha
based for calling out firecucks at the end
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Ooops, my hand slipped XD
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She came home /hsrg/!!!
161 is perfect as is. Good job.
Less, she's fine if she gets 150
How's your BE looking?
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Good luck with your rolls.
Not seeing many rolls eurobros...
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Gallapagher bros....
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I'd pull but I cant build her yet because I haven't unlocked the weekly boss
360, you need Firefly E1 for her to even be considered
There's already ONE more than pag hours, she is a success for sure!
i'm stuck in wagiecage...
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The fuck is this joke of a banner?
(you are cool Gui)
hard pity, no regrets
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Should I say fuck it and roll Topaz just to make use of my Himeko, Ratio and Rappa in the future?
I don't have other IPC gooners and Robin.
61.2% BE, give me a min I'm gonna try to lessen the speed and give her a bit more BE
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Do I roll Lingsha or Topaz for my FuA team??
Replacing Luocha or March.
They are both basicaly the same kit slightly better, do I just skip??
Who gives me more stacks for FeiFei??
Do I get any comfy breakpoints from 25% break debuff?
Why do you all care about break teams??
Did I brick my account?
I wanted to pull on topaz's lc banner to get some moze's lc (for boothill)
I was already at pity 36 so I found topaz lc in 3 multis but no moze's
Im content wirh her lc since I gave it to ratio's anyways but if I knew I wouldnt find any moze's lc I wouldnt have pulled there...

im waging, also im rolling for topaz
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mint mommy
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>Why do you all care about break teams??
To have another team comp type to cover your bases.
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Stand proud, Poopaglagghercuckbros
In my case I got her to 163 BE on character screen and 300 in battle. I just used the same relic set as FF on her.
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cute elf
They know people are only rolling with their dicks on this so there's no need to waste the good 4* here
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Did our resident mihoyo shill already post the info for the lingsha build?
got her after 60pulls and will build her now
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Can anyone post Herta for me?
Doll joints fuckers unite!
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>was going to roll lingsha because i like her desgn
>she is actually meta so now everyone likes her
>have to be contrarian and skip her
I am skipping lingsha.
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That's just how good 100% advanced forward is. Sushang deals shit damage but her extra turn lets her do funny stuff.
If Hook has 100% advance forward instead of 20%, she'll be Firefly sidegrade.
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What cock did you suck to get an alter figure
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Good morning bwos
look at this cute art i found
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>Has no slit
>Has no potential for reproduction because her race is just an aeon splitting themself 1 million times
>Has no potential to be shipped with (you)
>Somehow liking this makes you a hetero chad
Face it, you're as much of a dragoncuck as the femcels who gush over Dan2.
Is lingsha good for acheron team with sparkle? How much stacks she generates with her cone and ult?
>>>>she is actually meta
>60 rolls
>no Lingsha
Yep, that's where I stop. Tingyun is more important than this 4* sidegrade
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So what's the best f2p cone for Lingsha? The Gallagher cone?
I'm not a poorfag like you mate, my Topaz is already E2S1
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>/hsrg/ doompost lingsha as gallagher's sidegrade/downgrade for months
>her banner goes live
>/hsrg/ suddenly like her and call her gallagher's upgrade
like clockwork
Ask that to this faggot >>496861364
S5 Post-op
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>Aidsfaggots timezone soon
>Seething fujos and fags will soon mald at Lingshastacy
Edging handjob from Lingsha
That guy is popular so I believe it
Quid Pro Quo
PF shop
didn't meant to reply
Why are you talking like that?
I stopped playing in 1.2, how long will it take me to catch up with the main story if i start playing again?
I also thought Yunli would be bricked this PF due to the dinos and no phys weak, the high average surprised me.
Xuanquan will make her species reproduce again.
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Remember what they took from you
Both her debuffs from ult and from S1 are triggered upon ult so it's just 1 stack for Ack.
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Where is the official lingsha roll SPOT?
(yes, this religious crap works for me)
She has a mouth
next to her
Gallagherbros... i thought she was a downgrade because of our amazing SP generation...
At least we can abuse qpq for Robin still right..?
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>not saving for realta herta in 3.x
massive trvth nvke
>spend 180 rolls to replace a T0.5 unit with a T0.5 unit
I regret not saving for Lingsha. When's her rerun?
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I will pull for Lingsha if someone posts art of her bouncing on borisin cock.
Lingsha will be free unit.
Gallagher broke you
use galagher for your fexiao team and lingsha for your firefly team
... I am going to roll
exquisite post
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Got this NFT
Should I put it on Robin? I use her with FX and Nano
>Fu Xuan above Aventurine
EUbros are always based
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The Sushang and Lingsha part in the story.
Only if you missed Robin's event cone.
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Dr Ratio hands wrote this
>zero cycle runs
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Happy Shake!
not much of an upgrade without high superimposition
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Skipping Lingsha but I keep being paranoid why the fuck they released a healer that heals this much that often. Hoping she's not mandatory in the HP slurping meta assuming it's even real.
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I couldn't give a shit about this feud, I hope my Snekbros enjoy their waifu while I have my bro carrying me,
So does Lingsha want Iron Cavalry and the Fire speed set?
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>Msot wemon are cbaaple of sierctneg csonilerdaby mroe mlik tahn ndeeed by a siglne ifnant. The rugleitaon of milk ssnhteyis is qtuie efifinect (anorud 800 mL/day).
>The naomrl dilay pdoruicotn of svilaa veiras bweeten 0.5 and 1.5 lerits. The wlohe usntamileetd silvaa folw rtae is arpopxitemaly 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate dceraeess to 0.1 ml / min dirung selep and icnersaes to auobt 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min dnuirg etanig, cehwnig and ohter smitaluitng acveyitiis.
>Dialy loss in swaet is auobt 400 ml for an aludt. The haet lsos can be qiute singicafint bsecaue trhee is a loss of 0.58 kcal for eervy ml of wtear eavropated. The mxaumim rtae of swtaieng is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an aclciamtiezd adlut. On agareve hevower - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast epovatarion and msot of it dispapeanirg - teherfore:
>800ml of mmaarmy mlik + 1L aevgare of silvaa and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr dnriug inetsne paisychl ecirxese = 2800mL average, aussnimg Besonmroi Mei is swaetnig for 30 mueitns for any rsoean...
>Weatr cumsonpiton miinumm: Aubot 15.5 cpus (3.7 lrteis) of fuldis a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of usnitafseid tihsrt
>Feryfli Mei has 2 bdoeis >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (aevgare)
>non-peragnnt and 1 sex per day hivang Besonmroi Mei is cabalpe of sytifsniag daily thirst of 1.5 Cuslaees!!
she wants 2pc break 2pc speed
Can use the break planar or any of the support planars
I don't know if you've noticed but it's a single schizo avatarfagging as flopflop trying to force it.
>still 3 months away
You can save 300 tickets by the time she releases.
I remember when Aventurine came out the general talk was that if you have 2 limited sustains you don't need another. Now it's crazy shilling for a sustain that already has close 4 star alternative.
Main story only? ~25 hours, 50ish if you do all the side shit
make a macro that spams space and 1 for your sanity
no one rolled Dogturdurine >>496858648
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>let scent sink in
>complaining about censorship, hate speech and fake news in the same line
4chan has become even more insufferable than it was 5 years ago. I'm genuinely tired of how rampant fake-news, hate speech and censorship has become. Unintelligent discourse has become the norm on this site. It is completely normal now for some guy to debate you with sixty different fallacies and then disregard all peer reviewed research you show in favour of his own hypothesises. So basically any smarter 4chan Alternatives?

Looking For: Stringent Fake News Regulation, less mysogyny/Red pill incel/racist discourse, reduced censorship (anti ecochambers), less teenagers (preferably)
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Nyo I will just post this, take it or fuck off
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NO. It depends
Firefly/break team = FULL Iron Cavalry and the Fire speed set
Generic teams/fua team = 2pc speed + 2pc whatever

E1 is miles better for firefly/break teams
Cone is better for generic/fua teams
Try Reddit
Even in FF comp, Luocha still heals more. Trade off is she deals more damage/turn
Footbros, you are saving for 3.0+, are you not?
Reddit must be the easiest social media platform to manipulate.
I bet even a single person could potentially do it if they wanted.
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Rate my Lingsha
Is Lingshacone worth it for Gallagher?
>failed the assignment on purpose
You were better off not turning anything in, breh.
isn't the cone skippable for fua teams? break effect is irrelevant in that case, and the small damage bonus isn't worth spending rolls on a limited cone
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We love kakaurine here
There's already tons of amazing abundance cope cones.
>Time Waits for No One
I'm so sorry
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>S4 BaiLORD is back
my liege...
it's a vulnerability debuff
18% is pretty significant
This is Superbreak damage you retards. Lingsha isnt doing that much on her own
thanks bro
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there's no way in hell...
if you’re using her in superbreak you want 4pc iron cavalry, it’s easy to get 160spd with rm and kalpagni
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BviluGAWD my fuarking knees
>only one rerun character

Fuck, I thought they were going to do triple rerun in every banner from now on. This sucks.
But Dan Heng 2 does all that on his own?
It's sidegrade to QPQ. I mean, it gives 18% vulnerability for the team which is great but sometimes that energy from QPQ can be more useful. But I'd definitely give him that S1 ia a break team over Multiplication.
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Does Lingsha's summon count as a FUA?
Why did Acheron flop in terms of merch?
Totally skippable yes. In fact, Post-op S5 is her best F2P cone because allows you to NOT use a ER planar piece
I could probably tickle the entrance with my tip if I really stretch myself out...
? 31% is a pretty high appearance rate
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Quick, what is Lingsha's f2poor LC and relics set

Rolling for a male character means you're a fujo or gay. Aventurine may be the best sustain in the game but straight men simply can't play with him.
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Saar do the needful
50 Jades
>yanKINGD again
I am now saving for Saber
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does someone have the updated version of this graph?
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I could easily get past those
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The people who are poor are the ones paying for a free to play game, SEA is the poorest region in the world

>inb4 africa
Doesn't count
mental illness
>third Bronya cone
Do I start refining?
I wouldn't even be able to push the cloth in deep enough
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After getting Feixiao in 20 rolls the game gacha algorithm is going to force me to lost pity now and hit hard pity to get lingsha right?
This is how it works right?
We got some stuff this year
Who cares if someone is a fujo or gay? They are allowed to play the game and roll their favourites. I don't see people making fun of you for rolling waifus and being a straightoid
I guess you can. Keep 2 copies just in case. It will be extremely unlikely that you'll be using more than 2 copies of it at the same time.
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He's a fucking hotpot.
>Twitter link
>Not a twink
baka why do i even come here
>Kafka 1/7
So, how is Apex? I haven't buyfagged in years and I've only really gotten stuff by GSC/Alter/Koto
thank you saar
Yeah, it makes me wonder if Yunli just kills the rest fast enough that dinos slowing down doesn't impact her that much, or if people just are trying to bruteforce with her since they don't have any other option. But even more surprising is that Clara is used a decent amount. You would think in a break focused PF with no physical weakness plus Yunli being out would negatively impact her, but guess counter is somehow good this PF?
Posting that image is a bannable offense bro
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The Intelligentsia Guild has become even more unsufferable then it was 1 amber era ago. I'm genuinely tired of how rampant fake-news, hate speech and censorship has become. Unintelligent discourse has become the norm in this institution. It is completely normal now for some guy to debate you with sixty different fallacies and then disregard all peer reviewed research you show in favour of his own hypothesises. So basically any smarter Intelligentsia Guild Alternatives?

Looking For: Stringent Fake News Regulation, less mysogyny/Red pill tate/racist discourse, reduced censorship (anti ecochambers), less teenagers (preferably), scientific
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I got her finally!
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I won my 50/50 then got YanKING instantly giving me a guarantee.
I got a feeling to push my luck and get E1.
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Grats bwo! But now I have your UID.
Bwos is it worth replacing March 7th with Topaz in Feixiao team, if she already works?
>Firefly figure
>SAM figure
>Aventurine figure
>Black Swan figure
Me on my back getting star railed
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Remember to thank your King
>Hoping she's not mandatory in the HP slurping meta assuming it's even real.
Even if that somehow will happen, just roll for her on her rerun. Why gamble on some unknown future when you can just be patient
People love to say that Lingsha is a brick cause she's less SP positive than Gallagher but there's no reason you need to skill every turn and she'll also be more future proof than Gallagher as she'll get way more useful with future team mates who can pick up her slack with SP positivity.
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>I don't see people making fun of you for rolling waifus and being a straightoid
Bro purposefully ignored the majority stance just to be a contrarian in an anonymous Indonesian coconut fiber broom-weaving chatboard.
No one cares about your Acheron, not even Hoyoverse
There's like less than 10% difference. March is also occasionally even better than Topaz like in last AS.
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When are we gonna fight Terminus?
those aren't just EU clears...
Dan is doing this with a 10% basic damage and useless spd% set btw
i think people just used huntmarch to delete the dinos

you can bruteforce with tingyun over huntmarch but the 40k clears i’ve seen done with tingyun were with very powerful supports (e1 robin etc.) that i presume just killed the dinos through safeguard
>They are allowed to play the game
Of course. Would be better if they weren’t though.
Never since SH and Elio are under them
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Why does she smell children?
>wormqiu voiceline
easy skip. fuck worm enablers
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It's that time once again
Depends on if you have Aventurine to help out the pig
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I got lucky on her light cone too, 2-3 10 pulls.
I can roll for Lingsha now
You can add me if you're in EU
She yearns to be a mother of 4
>in the future
Cool, I'll just save for her rerun then
Honestly? It should be at the very end of the game somehow, or at least, at the end of the first "part" of HSR and it's the conclusion of the Astral Express' story, like they did with HI3 and Kiana
As the image suggests, the Trailblaze is the journey, and the Finality is the destination
my sexy pedo wife...
why not?
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Very sexy keep posting these
Is this easily the most infamous yuritard meltdown?
now the real question is, do I roll? it would be nice to get her but I'd lose my guarantee for Tingyun E0S1
Good luck bro
Topaz is a luxury pull, march works great,
The problem is that Lingsha's advantage over Gallagher is proportional to how often she skills. If she just uses basics, she is just a slight upgrade over him so not worth the pulls. If you can spam the skill, she can be quite good. But who the fuck wants to use SP on their sustain, the entire trend has been sustains that use as little as possible.
>future team mates who can pick up her slack with SP positivity.
Why would you gamble on this? There is an equal chance that they will make future team mates that will use even more SP, which means Gallagher becomes better. Since we can't predict the future, both statements are equally as worthless. Just wait until her rerun so you know for sure if she got better or not.
>wanting your sustain to eat up sp
They already serve no purpose in the party, bro. Gallagher is only in the Firefly party to provide sp. You're doing some hard copium by trying to force Lingsha in there.

If you want a true meta sustain, just shill Aventurine and stop pretending you're straight.
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>He doesn't sniff his children every now and then to analyze their health and hygiene or diaper status or to pick up on any bad habits such as smoking or hanging around smokers
You'd be a bad mother.
I'll take it
Lingsha is a super generic design and topaz is a cutie but the story made me dislike her.
I shan't be rolling.
I hope Aventurine sisters are millionaries because that's a ton of shit
Very cute
she is just like me
She wants what she can't have.
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Yunli is a hebe. Thats legal and normal.
Why is no one pulling for Topaz?

She's a must have for Feixiao
Lingsha is a super unique design and topaz is ugly but the story made me like her.
I shan't be rolling.
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That's not Lingsha Bros.....
Anon... We are the Terminus.
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It was 16 seconds though
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Fucking retard
Lingsha looks like me
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Why the fuck is Chine-slop tournament arc so fucking long... These fights are dragging out forever...
You accidentally rolled Topaz? Many such cases!
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I'm pulling her cone.
I don't have Shitxiao
>must have
lmao, not anymore when march 8th exists
Because you pulled on the other banner ya dingus
>i think people just used huntmarch to delete the dinos
I kinda forgot about March, since using a hunt in PF seems kinda bad. But guess she can break them, good point. And guess you can also use the ult ignores weakness blessing, although you do give up 50% damage
I don't pull for ugly bitches
>Topaz must pull for anything
>when March 8th exists
She is the least must have character in the game when March exists.
*stuffs a random man's cock in your mouth*
shut up babe
If only that was the case...

It's my 5th loss in a row i'm really considering to use the rope in my bedroom...
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Fireflybros, our consensus on the sexy dragon oneesan?
Wake me when it's time to roll for Rappa please
Because her E2 sucks
We know Sparkle
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Yep, I fucking knew it. 78 rolls
Who blocks out the handle of a known CC, but leaves the name?
I have Gallagher so althrough shes hot i dont need her
Pretty good to have with E2 FF, FF can still get the extra turn killing the broken enemies.
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now this is getting interesting, i might roll for her now in a few days
Hotter than trannyfly
I seriously thought nobody is rolling for lingsha but it turns out a lot of you actually rolled for her. What gave you the decision to finally roll for her?
must roll with E1 FF, must consider E0 FF
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>luxury pull
I have basically everyone else, other than her and sigga, so debating whether to pull them, eidolons or wait.
the ult blessing doesn’t work on yunli because her ult buffs her talent, it doesn’t actually launch an attack

yunli just bruteforces the dinos through sheer damage
Also mating press Pom Pom
dios mio...la nihilidad
Impulsekeks that always see others rolling and can't control themselves
Luochad is really comfy and shes that but better.
She looks exactly like me so I had to get her
I got a Yanqing eidolon at 80, but I started at 40 and said a week ago I was going to give her 40 rolls and be done with it either way so I'm not particularly mad about it
>always use the same one vtuber
kill yourself
you make this retard to be way more important than she is
I got her for Feixiao. My E0 Firefly can stay with Gallagher.
You basically have to get E1S1 Topaz to make her feel worthwhile over March.
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because she's hot
>he believes the shills
>this retard using chatgpt to write love poems as a confession
Is he retarded?
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She's a snek, sneks get a lot from tasting the air with their tongues.
Is that a Penacony quest? I don't remember it.
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>70 pulls
>Need ONE more sustain
>Like Lingsha a lot
>Want Acheron and her cone too
I told you MHY, I'm not using THAT, Christmas is coming...
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Jokes on you I rolled Lingsha to use with Feixao anyway.
>Give Lingsha Luocha cone
>Ult + FU happens, not getting hit, nothing dies for testing
>23 energy
Okay, this might be better than her sig. If you always hit 3 enemies: 39+39+23=101 energy. All you need is one additional follow up per 2 turns, which is guaranteed. And that is without energy chain.

At the very least for crit Lingsha this is bonkers. Freakin' Luocha cone. Pulled for Gallagher memes, and now this. I have only 1 though, so Lingsha's own cone isn't a complete waste.
Gallagher is cool but I found him lacking in X chromosomes, Lingma fixes the issue.
no, it's in space china
>using chink with chinks
Cope cones for Lingsha? Is Luocha's cone good?
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>dawei makes at least 5 post hyping up the new banners
>woohoo I got her
>she's so cute

>this leads up to uncontrolable faggots with money to pull and be part of the community
>uguuu I got her too! So cuute! seeeex!

>then he just wait for the chain of events while he stuffs his ass with our money
i forgot i won the 50-50 on my lingsha
Good to know, thanks anon.
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>lingsha is released, e0s0 btfo him
what is his purpose?
img weak in as
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holy shit Lingsha carried my ass 2nd half. first half is so pain, especially when enemies spawn in they get to have 0 action value for some reason and go immediately, resulting in black swan or Kafka dying mulitple times
He has future relevance in the plot so maybe they gave him an alt to be useful
believe in the path change leaks ottogod
my lingsha does way more dmg than my galagher but somehow cant keep the team alive in DU8 wich galagher could do easily does she just heal way less or am i missing something?
Do you think it's possible for an existing 5* character to have an alt version in the future?
Funyun is slacking
Grab brain in a vat stuff.
He will come back and kill everyone
Gallagher can decrease enemy's attack by 16%. In DU where they deal massive damage that can make big difference.
the guy's been great for years now, he can rest
and he's still the only character with decent dispels, whenever dispelling is ever useful.
this lmao
gallagher has an atk down debuff on his enhanced basic. lingsha has zero mitigation
To cause everyone untold suffering in the name of his obsession and win even when he loses
>The paid shill is flailing and screaming insults to randos cause Lingsha banner is flopping.
Hoyo really needs to hire better shills.
You're just jealous of my Lingsha
who the fuck cares
I just roll on character I like, I don't even know what she does
There was a leak that popular characters would get one. If was not very reliable obviously but I can see it happening.
>Foid is mad that people start keeping receipts now
You love to see it.
ty for the help but i realised i gave her a atk% chest it should be fine now
Hey! Hes a changed man in this universe.
The only thing that carries over is his confirmed sexhaver status.
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If the new Tingyun will be superbreak related, she'd have to
>be SP positive
>enable superbreak
>have good toughness reduction
>increase the team's break effect
if she at LEAST doesn't have the above mentioned she's not gonna be powercreeping anyone
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
literally nobody, not a single person, gives a fuck about your Lingsha

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