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Previous: >>496836259

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
I wasn't quite patient enough to reach the 44m mark
Anyways, Capped Gallant is pretty good, not sure why you guys think he sucks
nigger at least use a cool or funny image of billy instead of making this same retarded bland thread everytime
>31 legendary drinks
thats why
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>Billy thread
I just know what will be the quality of this thread some time later
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I feel like now that I know the cheat engine for this mode I can probably clear Diff 5 on all the characters, even the garbage ones, without much difficulty
It would be really funny if Officer Mewmew becomes the most important character ever later down the line.
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is there a retardproof guide to beat level 3? highest i can go is wave 8
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I love him...
>use the pink plant faggot and stack treasure + luck
Get damage shit when you can
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Me playing this game this patch
would be kino
>MC in danger
>fades to black
>pick the worst character ever
>get 900 awful runs before you get the perfect rng
>"he's pretty good guyse xD"
So far I break the game every time by stacking treasure + luck. Maybe baggy would fuck that up since it doesn't spawn treasures
Pick cabbage, dump all gold into cabbage companions.
Angry Officer Mewmew is... scary.
Only took like 10 runs but yeah he's kinda epic???
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i am the jpg of vyrn on the right btw
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When did you stop having fun
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I think my stats might be a little too high.
resetting for good rng sucks and is not fun
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>using Asuka to shitpost
I think (you) should KILL YOURSELF, stupid bitch.
>using Baggy
>get down to -90 speed
>moving at a total crawl even between waves and spend more time slowly shuffling between shop items than in waves
unironically the less fun part was spending like 30 minutes refreshing the shop and buying like 1000 upgrades
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>Officer Mewmew finally takes out his helmet
>There's another Officer Mewmew under it
I didnt. If I wasnt having fun I wouldnt still be in the general letting it take up my thoughts rent free
I think I'm too retarded for this game, i keep taking stupid hits and mixing mechnics together. Just checking, I swear to god there's a mechanic for swapping characters during a gold flash to parry it but its just not happening. Am I mistiming it? I get regular perfect dodges all the time, so am I misremembering a mechanic here?
Lycaon wengine
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Seriously, how are you supposed to win with the money bag?
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When you posted that.
post score
I had a similar run on diff 4. Last wave was just a freeze frame
How do I stop gooning to Lucy
Flew too close to the sun, retardbro...
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at least I have Rina
Nut and stop edging
Repeat until free
Did (you) really use poly on the standard dogshit banner? Holy brickeroonies.
Would love to see Asha's face when she scores a very solid but normal run and then we just go "okay, 30M score" with broken fucking cheese
did you actually get to 90?
>I swear to god there's a mechanic for swapping characters during a gold flash to parry
You are too slow
>90 more rolls on the standard banner
How long is this going to take, if someone else can do the math for me
I NEED my Koleda
No? retard
Yes? probability schizo mathlet
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In a moment.
I can't stop myself from buying things even when the mere act of it lags the game.
Hello thread
Some piece of shit wiped my drive full of Belle lewds
Can I have some Belle lewds?
You are mistiming it.

Go into the VR training room and parry every enemy 50 times, you'll get the hang of it. You should always parry over dodge if you can, it gives like 10x the amount of Daze and Decibels, some Elites like Thanatos and Cored Hati even have special modifiers which increases the amount of Daze they take from parries. Hati even requires you to Defensive Assist him three times before his she'll breaks.
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My Qingyi fig just arrived
Anon you might be clinically retarded...
Assists are a core mechanic and you can parry hits on gold flashes to automatically swap to the next character, which then can do a follow up by pressing the attack button. They cannot be used if you have no assist points and will instead swap to the next character and trigger a dodge. Keep in mind that with no assist points the character on-field will still receive damage unless they have I-frames from another skill like an EX Special.
Nice try, Wise
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When the blood appeared on the toilet paper.
>buy the clown
>game clowns on you
It's like pottery
>inb4 it crashes and you lose the run
I have no idea what you mean by VR training room, where is that?

I was under the impression that assist points were only used up via the assist parry though? If I'm not doing it, I should still have full assist points right? Also is this the only type of parrying in the game?
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luckmaxxing didnt work
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>h-he's just carried by that whaled qingyi!

billyKINGS broke you
filtered brickbro...
Your honest thoughts?
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bros how do i play caesar neko nicole team
i dont know what my field time distribution should be like
Yes, assist points are spent on parrying.
>Also is this the only type of parrying in the game?
Defense characters like Ben and Caesar can parry with their EX skills.
use the lettuce dude, he gives double minions
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it's next to your desk in the corner in the tech room
just play Frosty, ridiculously easy character imo
Is knot ball good on chinky?
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How do I trigger Caesar's counter that doesn't consume energy?
>40 seconds faster than my solo
Holy lmao
Cute grandma
Neko on-field like 80% of the time. You start with Caesar > AoE shield throw > Perfect Parry for shield > Nicole Ex debuff > go ham with Neko, swap back to Caesar/Nicole whenever their Ex is available or their buff has run out.

You can Ex2 with Caesar after her regular Defensive Assist so she doesn't require much field time to accumulate Daze.
parrying an attack with her ex skill
I wonder how close I could get if I really dedicated to getting fast runs
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cabbagemaxxing didnt work either but i think im onto something with the luck build earlier, just gotta work on it a bit more
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honest thoughts, feelings and opinions? will I win the Burnice 50/50?
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hi, one (You) please!!!
yes. believe anon
>Character A is on field
>Swap to character B
>Character A still lingers on field for a bit
Can character A still take damage? i swear they can because Nicole keeps getting hit by things while everyone else is at full HP
Feels like building teams is getting faster now. Almost done putting my fire team together, and then I just need an electric team, and I'll have every element covered. Probably try something with Grace, Burnice, and Rina I guess.
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>Can character A still take damage?
Yes and this is by far the worst combat mechanic in the game. If I switch to someone else it only makes sense that the uncontrollable character won't take damage because there's nothing I could do to prevent it, but nope Jankhoyo decided Piper should just randomly die when switched out.
Yes, unless you parry counter. The unit is also invincible if the shit they were doing had iframes like some jump moves
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Also, I can't see my victory screen clearly since the game is permanently stuck on the loading screen.
So I swapped out Lycaon's B rank Daze engine for the Brimstone I pulled and I went from B rank on Shiyu 1 to A rank thanks to what I assume is due to the extra 200 attack + the attack percentage from it as well. All of my people are at level 50 still since I just got to level 50 proxy today. So I guess I will stick to Lycaon attack and daze stats.
>3 items
Bro fucking how? Actual fucking skill issue.
why is this game oozing with soul? nu-Honkai and GI are as sterile as hospital equipment when compared to ZZZ
>doesn't swap out during i-frames
>doesn't do perfect assists
It's there to punish you for missing your perfect assist
can we just skip to miyabi banner patch please?
Did it save your presumably new best score
....So if you try to parry and swap too early, you're still getting hit anyway. At that point isn't it better to just always perfect dodge since its easier to do and less risky? You might even get happy birthday'd at this rate.
Defensive/evasive assists will always make the previous character invulnerable. Just raw dogging a swap with no assist lets the previous character take damage unless if you swap them out in the middle of their EX animation, for Piper specifically she gets her i-frames on the downward smash of her speen so swapping out during that animation gives her i-frames.
You could prevent it by not swapping while they're in the middle of an animation and stood in the path of an attack
This is especially bad with Soukaku because her animations are 10000 years long so an inopportune swap can just get her deleted
Sweet and spicy embraces...
Planning on doing anything for his birthday? I was going to try writing some small thing, maybe, but I'm always doubtful of my skill.
which agent would let you cop a feel?
New team unrelated to the GI and HSR team
HSR and GI probably did all the soulless cashgrabbing so they are adventuring into new niches with this game, meaning more soul
>If I switch to someone else it only makes sense that the uncontrollable character won't take damage because there's nothing I could do to prevent it
You shouldnt have switched? What do you mean nothing?
Your on field characters will only take excess damage if you randomly swap out for no reason or fuck up parry timing. Support EX into quick assist protects them, parrying protects the previous character too. Defensive assists triggered by being hit by a strong attack also protect the character.
Piper has invun on the last part of both her special and EX special, you're only getting punished when you play badly.
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really arbitrary in this game unlike in Genshin where it was just the ults
>perfect assists
only works if you still have assist points, after which if you misinput space instead of right click someone just takes half of their HP in damage or straight up dies lol
....So don't use assists, use dodges?
Nicole, but you'd have to pay her dennies for it.
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I'm still having fun
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I just squirted by shlicking to Caesar, my Prince.
when i took a 50hour week job but zzz fixed it
Parrying is extremely easy at least, you never parry too early, only too late, Dodging is safe, but it's boring and doesn't do as much damage/daze etc.
Sometimes it's better to parry, like niveneh's twirly tornado move
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It did, 28556960.
Got bottlenecked by enemy spawn rates.
>if you misinput space instead of right click
The fact that you think this is common is pretty concerning.
Bwo I hope your windows isn't on that SATA drive, its definitely slower than the 2tb nvme
IIRC the team behind ZZZ is like a new and somewhat autonomous part of Hoyo that wants to do their own thing.
>you're still getting hit anyway.
Unless you tried to perfect assist a Red glow attack, no you aren't. Besides, perfect dodge is currently bugged and still makes you eat damage if you perfect dodge too early.
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is it really a new team? This game has the same vibe as old Honkai impact and GGZ. There's no fucking way the ZZZ team is new.
No I always parry too early so it becomes a raw swap and my last character takes all the damage. That's my problem. Am i not supposed to do it at the gold flash? Am I supposed to wait for the attack animation to almost land instead or something?
is this diff 5
I'm the diff 4 anon and my run was around 31-32m I think
I wonder what's better for scoremaxxing
If you are somehow running out of assist points regularly you should probably dodge more
If you are running out of assists even if you only use them for setups or while dodge is on cooldown then your team isn't doing enough daze
If her tits were this big, she's be pregnant year round and have 10+ children now.
I think I'm swapping characters too early because they're just swapping and not triggering parries at gold flashes. So my last character gets a free hit taken and its just silly. It doesn't feel like you're supposed to swap at gold flashes, but then what's the point of the gold flash?
Use assists and stop missing them
If you dodge you're cancelling your animation, using defensive assist means your character continues its attack off field
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if you pulled on standard until almost 300 you used resources you could have used on limited banners, one way or the other. The only non-bricking way to reach 300 is to use the free master tapes that you can't use anywhere else and currently we are nowhere near 300.
So yeah, you are a retard.
All EX attacks and ults have i-frames. Also,
>really arbitrary in this game
The fuck does this mean?
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I'm going to draw him... I've already got some preliminary work done...
>I was going to try writing some small thing
I'd like to read it...!
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for real?
they were crazy for this quest, no other game would have the balls
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wtf I thought Wise was supposed to be weak? He almost crushed the Overlord's pelvis
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>I can't get the "dun dun dun dun dun" arcade song for this vampire survivor game theme out of my head
How over is it for me?
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Not everyone who plays ZZZ is an action game or fighting game player. On some enemies I see the yellow flash and still fail the parry for some reason.
>you should probably dodge more
What's the point of dodging when you can parry? I still get hit by the secondary enemy's AoE while dodge countering if I miss the dodge direction.
>The fuck does this mean?
It's not clear which action gives me an i-frame.
it tells you that a parryable attack is coming. I don't chimp out when I see a flash and try to parry immediately, I see it and wait until the enemy starts the windup first
This is also why I parry everything but the big robot's swing move because that is uncanny as fuck in terms of movement
Yes you're swapping characters too early, which means you're swapping characters before the flash because any swap after the flash will work, stop mashing the buttons
Anon it's a brand new team, but degen otakus are degen otakus. Mihomo changed after Genshin blew up and started making everything "safe".
In MOST cases you just swap as soon as you see the gold flash.
However there are asswipes whose attacks have a weird timing (i.e. construction complex) that throws off parrying
I haven't used a single polychrome on standard, maybe you're just poor
this is kinda pathetic considering the first post of the thread was just shy of 30m
>Not everyone who plays ZZZ is an action game or fighting game player
ZZZ is an action game so you are an action game player just by playing it.
>On some enemies I see the yellow flash and still fail the parry for some reason.
You're fucking up the timing or your spamming the buttons. I bet you also dodge and fail the dodge counters too right? Relax a bit on the inputs
depends some attacks cant be parried if enemy is using ranged weapons, characters like zhu yuan grace and rina for example have delay time that works on any attack but doesnt parry and you can use them if lets say enemy shots you across the map and you see the yellow flash, game will pick rina even if shes third and delay time allowing you to run all the way to it
You literally cant parry too early, you are just switching before the flash even happens, hell, sometimes i switch right before the flash goes off and i still parry. If you see the flash you are just way too slow
If only I had a lick of artistic talent... but, geeze, I hope I don't miss it if you share it! The threads are moving so fast lately though, I kinda gave up checking every single one...
I'll try to motivate myself to write the smut, but I've only had my stuff read by one friend... though they did give a positive review.
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Final stats.

The HDD is only for storage, I've moved most of the stuff like the OS and games to the 2TB SSD.

Diff 5
Fear response is one hell of a drug (adrenaline)
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/zzz/ - bizarre brigade general
im assuming he is trying to parry shotgun shots etc that will hit you if you dont have a support with tiem delay
I love Ben Bigger
>What's the point of dodging when you can parry?
It is possible to run out of parries if you're not chain attacking enough, and some enemies spam so many attacks that running out before you stun them is essentially guaranteed
Dodges are only limited by a short cooldown
It's the only content in the game right now
Expect Bizarre Brigade posting for the next two fucking weeks or so until Burnice banner drops
I'm not mashing, I'm just used to games where you see the flash and immediately react or get hit. If anything my reaction time is too good and its causing issues because I instinctively swap the second I see it.

Yeah its that kind of game huh? So you're looking for the attack that comes after the flash, its just that sometimes the attack really is right after the fucking flash so its not immediately apparent what the issue is
is there any way to figure out after the fact if i got a limited agent from a 50/50 or from a guaranteed pull?
Are you suggesting I have some magical power of precognition and can somehow see the flash before it happens? Am I supposed to wait for the full flash animation to finish first or something? I'm doing it like frame 1 the second it lights up. I'm just swapping characters and not parrying, it looks like its because I'm doing it when the flash happens but before the actual attack its signifying has finished coming out, which is annoying.
You can tediously scroll through your pull history 5 items at a time, or run a dubious powershell script that steals your login so it can show them to you on a website
Billy will come for you in the night while you sleep. If he slaps your left asscheek, you win. If he slaps your right, well...
>standard before limited
>limited before
coinflip win
Try plugging your stats into rng zzz moe website for details to really see shit. Also note that it updates based on the roll history that's only available 1 hour after you actually did roll
Wise is weak posts are sponsored by Belle to keep girls at bay.
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It's so fucked how all the female character designs greatly appeal to me on a deep level, but the combat is way too complex for me to understand by just casually playing the game.
>our boi mattjestic multigaming is back
>our boi mattjestic multigaming is back
>our boi mattjestic multigaming is back
Only an oldfag from the OG hoyo era of 2020 will understand this
As long there is a gold flash his character should be safe after "parrying" ranged attacks, you cant parry them at all and will only see red flashes if you dont have a character that cant "parry" ranged
>If anything my reaction time is too good
That is not how it works dumbass, if you press instantly after the flash you will still get DA, you're smashing buttons in response to animations before they flash and then telling yourself you reacted to the flash afterwards
The game even lets the oncoming character sit there waiting to parry if you manage to hit the button really early
It was mentioned during some dev talk or maybe 1.1 preview stream - they mentioned that this is the first game the team is making, so I guess it's some Team C that acted as a support until now and now got chance to prove themselves with ZZZ. Hence all the sovl, it's their passion project like Honkai was for original team
Caesar's embarrassed voice in this scene is really cute. Poor Lucy got cucked at the end.
>becoming wormed
This is not to clown on you waifu bro, you have excellent tastes
But damn, I guess this is why hoyo make their games dogshit easy
>It's not clear which action gives me an i-frame.
Dodge counters, perfect assists, Ults and EX attacks (not hold) all have i-frames but duration varies. For example, Anby and Grace have short i-frames on dodge counter but Corrin and Qingyi have long ones.
I don't remember if the skills page says it, but some agents like Jane and Piper have i-frames on specific attacks.
>its just that sometimes the attack really is right after the fucking flash
Most of the time*
The ones that don't are either ranged attacks or the exception because mihoyo I guess.
It's really not. I'm not looking at the enemy attack animations at all, I'm literally just looking for flashes. I couldn't tell you what a single enemy attack looks like.
No he's suggesting you're mashing
All of these attacks have windup animations BEFORE the flash, if you panick and start swapping characters because you can see a punch winding up but the flash hasn't started yet then you're going to get hit, which is what you're doing
I think the producer of ZZZ is a former major Honkai Impact developer. It wouldn't be egregious to think that he probably grabbed some most of the people he wanted to work with the ZZZ project along with newer developers who want to work with a game that gives them more freedom.

no fucking wonder Honkai Impact is dying. It deserves its death.
>I'm doing it like frame 1 the second it lights up
That should work, but only if its a gold flash, unless your perception of time is fucked and in reality you are waiting too long
>self-insertfags unironically want to play as a walking feminization fetish known as Wise
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fuck your gimmick old man
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Is that your projections? Why don't you neck yourself first before it spreads. That's already more contribution to society than what you have ever achieved
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I try to pop in when I can, I have the next week off so I don't miss his day...
I'm very intrigued...
But I'm not looking at attack animations, I'm looking for flashes. It's the same as when you're playing a music rhythm game and you're just looking at when a note overlaps the button zone. I am not looking ahead to see what the next notes are, I am only looking at when a button appears, what button it is, and reacting instantly. Besides I haven't even finished the prologue so there's no way I've memorised enemy attack animations and patterns already.

Plus there's definitely enemies that have animations AFTER the flash. The one that comes to mind is the big muscle guy that flashes, then lowers his shoulder and starts charging. That's the only attack that stands out because I'll clearly react to the flash and then the next character gets hit in the tackle. That one you definitely need to delay your swap for, although I'm not sure if you delay until the shoulder lowering or the actual charge yet.
>run a dubious powershell script that steals your login
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Time to level Ben Bigger, Casualbro
she would never say this
Am I retarded or does Mors have a fucking attack that isn't telegraphed in any way?
No he isn't, the main dude is the one who did the first presentation and the QnA and he's a fresh face.
New gameplay, tl;dr
>still no dodge counter animation
>Lighter's EX is an uppercut
>Yanagi's EX is a polearm charge to a dragoon jump, the multiple dashes were just him spamming, each charge costs energy but the dragoon jump is free
>non-ex is just the dash?
>Yanagi's mode switch isn't her EX nor her unenhanced special (is it a charge attack then?)
>Lighter has aerial kicks (seen after ulting, unknown how it triggers)
Why are ZZZ leaks so fucking vague man.
you used monochromes that could have been transformed in polychromes
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Are major events replayable like in HSR or they are gone after event ends like in Genshin?
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>If you play Wise, you're gay
>If you play Belle, you're gay
What's the solution here?
you can't buy standard tapes with monochromes RETARD
you can buy the packs that give standard rolls though
you're not, he absolutely does
>finally complete my move to japan after saving and planning for years
>hey you know im like a 20 minute walk from akihabara now, wonder if i can find any zzz shit
>hit up a few of the big merch stores i went to last time
>one of them even has some zzz posters with an anby and nicole figure
>search high and low through all the stores
>check final spot, has some genshit merch, shart rail merch
>and the final display next to the two hoyo games is

its so over bwos
where is the merch
Don't play ZZZ.
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i love this image so much shoutouts to the anon who created it
>I haven't even finished the prologue
Then i'll assume you are reacting too slow while thinking you are on point, record it if you can
If you play a mihomo game, you're gay.
No replays yet, and they haven't said anything about it now that I think about it
>not being a biCHAD
Relatively new guy here, having issues with Stable Node 9. I can survive just fine for the most part, but the first boss seems to live forever unless I bring in my Piper for him in particular, but then I end up with the same situation on the other side.
I haven't really grinded out discs, is this where enemy defense starts escalating and I need good discs?
Release the ZZZ Furina to save your game.
I'm torn between metafagging and just getting flaming titties. Clearly having -15 elem res on Caesar means she's gonna be meta forever on any given team as the buffer for a pair, but on the other hand, flamethrower retard.
Go and record a clip of what you're doing
In the process of recording footage and looking at it you'll realise that you had the order of events mixed up in your head and then you don't need to reply
i was under this asumption but i noticed the ranged parries have weird timing if you go full melee and no time delays, i keep messing the shotgun and ranged shots despite doing them with perfect timing, i can do shiyu vs melee no hit runs and go perfect usually but ranged parries have weird timings for sure is not the same as normal parries
I rolled Caesar and she makes my Fire/Physical team incredibly comfy to play, but then the Ellen team feels like dogshit with Soukaku doing nothing most of the time and Ellen needing to get her icicle ammo recharged every few seconds.
level 50 onwards is where you need to start caring about discs, yes
just focus on getting correct main stats first and don't worry about substats. leveled discs with trash substats is enough to clear stable
embrace being gay??
Burnice is a specialist unit made for Disorder comps, if you aren't pulling Yanagi you are unironically better off with a Lucy in your team.
The game is more fun when you have a wide roster of similarly strong characters to play with instead of one overpowered vertical investment slab that you then have to use for all content
>move to Japan after years of planning
>live 20 minutes from Akihabara
t. Japan Pro
I think it's the attack where he decides to just blow you up with a bomb
Or just play Burnice Piper Caesar like a normal person
assuming your phys team is piper/Lucy just give Caesar to Ellen and drop brickACKu. you can use koleda or something for the last slot on the other team, they don't need Caesar as much. I immediately enjoyed playing Ellen 100x more once I dropped the blue brick out of her team. such a dogshit character to play
The problem is that the side content is obviously written for a male character (though Wise is a pathetic choice for the gigachad harem master, it doesn't suit his personality or looks even slightly) but the main story and most dialogue choices work WAY better with Belle as the MC because it all matches her gremlin energy far better than Wise's calm, mostly serious air.
I don't like Wise but Belle MC makes all the girls gay.
>the game is... fun
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Check it out
The current Cheesetopia event is the first event that will be replayable after it ends. The replay won't include the free Lucy. All the other events we've gotten till now are just filler events, same setup as with HSR.
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>Kami North returns
>brings another hardboiled commission
>surprise twist at the end
He has the coolest commissions in the game.
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>The game is more fun when you have a wide roster of similarly strong characters
No, this is retarded. You are risking the fact any future metaslop or new machanic faction/characters will all have shit designs you don't like and you will skip all of them, so it's better you keep the characters you actually like strong so they can always clear any content.
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Old men...
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Another victim of Basedtone
Wise MC makes all of the men gay anon. Every agent is protagonist-sexual
chuo is quite nice where i live whats the problem
I can't go back to plaiyng Ellen/Soldier 11 without Caesar bros
The male events aren't overtly sexual at all though, with a possible exception of Lycaon (which still isn't as blatant as Lucy).
>Officer Mewmew gets to fuck THIS
stop posting slop
Naw, other people in this thread have confirmed I need to wait for the attack and not just the flash. I'm trying to be slower on purpose and confirm the attack coming out first and its working a bit better now. I guess if you have slow reflexes you might think you're pressing it on time when you're really not, but it is what it is. It's like how some fighting games have different ways of registering command inputs and its possible to go too fast for it to keep up so you have to go slooooooooooooooow. Which annoys me a lot since I'm fighting against 8 years of fighting game experience, but it is what it is.
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He's pretty and his (JP) voice is pure sex.
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The worst part about Caesar is that you can't have two of them on both sides.
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Wise will have sex with whoever is in the next image posted
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Got my M1 Caesar finally. Now I can save again.
Oh no clue then, the only character i use that can parry ranged is rina but she has time slow
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It only takes 76800 polychromes to guarantee all 3 of the idols at worst case scenario. Surely gweilos can spend $1200 to get all of them.
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You're not risking anything by pulling M0W0 of every character, your account will be more than strong enough to clear all the content and you can run any team you like
Imagine spending rolls on making the numbers 15% larger when you can already clear and you could have pulled an entirely new character instead
They are no more or less sexual than the female agent ones. They go to your room and hang out and say they like you and want to spend more time with you, whether you take this as platonic or romantic from either is solely on you
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Oh neat, though I have to work the night before his day... hopefully I can catch the threads on that day at least.
And t-temper your expectations, I'm not some prolific writer or anything... I just can't get him out of my head (not that I would want to, even if I could). Also
>Birthday post for October on hoyolab
>No Lycaon avatar frame, not even a temporary one
I am sad
the problem is you live in the run-down poverty district of Tokyo like a third worlder
also Akihabara sucks ass
Why are CEasar's boobs so good looking compare to the rest of the cast despite Rina and Grace having bigger badonkas?
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Your fighting game experience should tell you that confusing the order of events in memory and swearing that you reacted to the 16f overhead is something which new players do all the time
Don't worry bro I'm sure you're just "too fast" for the game
her shoes never come off why the fuck did they waste time modelling this? :skull:
Then I only need like 24k more to go so I'm good to go.
Punishing Gray Raven's gacha is designed so that every character is the next must have meta character, so its all vertical. However, there's 6 different elemental teams and they only release 1 S rank at a time. So maybe this patch you get the meta lightning DPS, and next patch is the meta fire buffer, and the patch after that is the meta ice tank.... its all vertical and its all just pure upgrades, but 1 patch every 2 months and 3 slots in 6 teams means it takes a while for the next lightning DPS to replace the current lightning DPS. They always cycle through every role of every element first.

Which means the game kind of fucking sucks. The game's structured with the expectation you're keeping up with the meta, so if you keep using your old characters from a year ago you might as well be playing with chopsticks in between your ass cheeks
guard point on her attacks do it too
It would be even more kino as TV exploration mission instead of corridorslop...
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Bwos I swapped my Zhu from 4pc chaotic to 4pc hormone and it shaved 30 seconds off of my shiyu clear time. Crit stats within a few percent of each other on both sets too, so that came almost entirely from the 4 piece effect.
She's very athletic so they don't sag like Rina's or Grace's
Keep replying if you want to suck my cock
>guard point on her attacks
Caesar has guard points???
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>You're not risking anything by pulling M0W0 of every character
I'm risking the fact the design is shit and I don't want to play the game with characters I don't like, I have more fun and satisfaction playing the characters I like
The reason I skipped Chinky and Jane is because I don't like the characters and don't want them in my roster, I'd much rather have a strong Caesar that can buff my Piper so she can preform as well as her S rank counterpart
Same thing I did in HSR, when I skipped SHITfly and Bug Mei and all the other break garbage I hate, and can still beat everything since I have a high investment in other characters with E2S1, and can ignore all break gimmicks
>Punishing Gray Raven
Sorry I don't play that slop lol
you can absolutely parry too fast in this game, he's right. the easiest example is with the corruption complex which has souls-esque 30 year windups on its attacks, but the actual parry flash will occur way before it actually moves. in my experience, there's a lot of leniency to parrying too early, but it's still possible and can fuck you over. i would personally rather they just drop the loud flash and just make the animations more distinct and readable if the flash isn't always going to be a consistent timing indicator, but it's not hard to learn the movesets for enemies right now, especially when there are so few
autistic nerd
postmenopausal grandma
checks out desu
>28800 x 3
No fucking way I'm sharing a thread with mathlets right?
Is she called Ellen "Joe", because Joe sounds similar to "Jaw" and she's a shark and that's a Jaws reference? Am I retarded for only getting it NOW?
>playing with chopsticks in between your ass cheeks

what did he mean by this?
....Are you implying this is the kind of gacha game where its reasonable for you to get every character if you keep playing? Genuine question since some games like Azur Lane really are like that, and they make their money from lewd costumes of their girls instead.
I haven't touched anomaly at all. Do I build up my M6 Piper or roll for Burnice?
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Getting hit during the dodge attack auto-activates Perfect Parry for free and you get to follow up with the Ex2.

She has some fun gimmicks.
Do both, they'll work really well together.
don't let the 4090lets see this holy shit.
I haven't checked his math but you will never need the full amount of polychrome because you get refunded some or all of a roll every time you get a duplicate A-rank
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>basically /zzz/
Getting every character is possible with BP+Welkin+A lot of luck but in practice you'll occasionally lose 2 50/50s in a row and miss one
Kino North
Hard disagree, it's designed so that you can roll all of the meta characters guaranteed without having to spend a dime. They also periodically hand out free characters, skins and collabs
If you happen to like a specific non meta character nothings stopping you from using them, when I was still playing it I had a guildie who mained Sophia, widely considered one of the worst characters and he still cleared everything easily
Having played all of Hoyo's games, PGR is the most generous gacha out there by a mile
>the construction faction are all bricks
there is no way you are getting every single character M0W0 unless you spend money (i.e. more than just MP+BP). if you are already committed to being a dolphin/whale then you might as well just vertically invest into the characters you like the most rather than just pulling every single character M0W0 or M0W1 out of some pathological need to collect everything

with that said, both methods are playing the game are valid. the horrors of powercreep in these games are generally greatly exaggerated and you rarely need absurd vertical investment to guarantee a unit's longevity. character + signature weapon is generally enough to keep them relevant for a long time, especially when you factor new supports can elevate older characters more than dupes (an argument for horizontal investment, I know, but contextualized)
Is Caesar better than Lycaeon in an Ellen/Soukaku team?
I actually found out that Caesar has elem shred on her kit, incredibly.
I don't even have Lycaon right now, currently playing Ellen/Lucy/Soukaku.
I also don't like Caesar as a design, but I love Ellen.
I'm also saving for Burnice, Yanagi and Miyabi.
What to do.
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>Naw, other people in this thread have confirmed I need to wait for the attack and not just the flash
I seriously dont understand the issue.
I checked on the webm software and this was a 10 frame reaction (1/6th of a second). Post some footage of you failing to parry because its too quick.
Ceasar is an upgrade over both Lycaon or soukaku
Caesar is a sidegrade replacement for lyacon or soukaku in Ellen's team but she would absolutely be an upgrade over Lucy, especially since Lucy is not operating at full power with that team since her passive is not activated
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decent enough it seems, certainly shaved 21 seconds off the initial solo billy run, still made a TON of mistakes and got hit unfortunately
Not enough bulging muscles
if you mean that area northeast of akiba yeah i walked through there and yeah, its kinda dingy
but im south of akiba like around the hamacho area
if this is the poverty area then i am shocked because its way nicer then any equivalent area in a us city
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Another discussion where the simple solution is rolling for who you like.
If you don't have Lycaon then I guess she'd be worth it for Ellen, but I'd save for a future character that you might like way more than Caesar.
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Ok /zzz/, I have 270 Encrypted Master Tapes. What are the odds I'll win Burnice, Yanagi, AND Miyabi assuming I'm only pulling for them, and I don't paypig to get more tapes?

The last banner character I obtained was Caesar, and I have 87 pulls till I reach another 50/50 btw
lolibaba robocops shouldn't be allowed to be THIS cute and sexy
>you will never grow old with a rival gymbro who you sometimes hit up for a late night dicking
You cant be too fast, ive had a couple times where i wanted to switch to lucy to buff but instead she gets into blocking stance, flash happens and then she parries, any "faster" than that would be randomly switching like in my case but that is before the flash even happens, and that anon claims hes reacting after the flash
Piper is good, but physical anomaly units are the least effective in a disorder team, they're more for playing solo. For disorder you want you'd want any two of shock/burn/ether anomaly units, and preferably Yanagi since her passive is +600% disorder damage.
My king...
This is what I like about ZZZ. Characters have those small gimmicks that aren't really necessary to master but still feel nice to have. Yesterday, by chance I found out Caesar can do the roll on the ground if you dodge twice in a row in a quick succession
Isn't at least one of them A?
You'll get 200 pulls from 1.3 and 1.4 combined if the trend remains the same, so pretty good odds honestly.
I'd have to deliberately fail parries, I got the hang of it after delaying my inputs to the attack animation and not the flash.
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>270 pulls currently
>worst case another 30 by the end of the patch
>get Burnice in 120 pulls with average luck, left with 180 pulls
>get Yanagi in 120 pulls with average luck, left with 60 pulls
>get ~90 pulls F2P during Yanagi's patch, up to 150
>get ~50 pulls during Miyabi's banner, up to 200
>you can now hard guarantee Miyabi
Considering how Mibibi isn't in 1.3, pretty likely.
>Caesar can do the roll on the ground if you dodge twice in a row in a quick succession
Billy does the exact same, it can't be a coincidence.
Running Fusion Compiler on Rata and I realize I can fullstack the Wengine buff in passion mode by frame 1 cancelling the non-EX skill with dodge
You can guarantee Burnice and Yanagi, Miyabi depends whether you win at least one coinflip. Depends whether Mibs will be the first or last banner of 1.4 (or if she's even in 1.4 at all).
I just used the trial Burnice during the HIA event and... she's fun... and looking at the Yanagi leaks I just know ulting into a Yanagi assist will be kino... oh no...
How important is to go all in on like, multiple copies and exclusive w-engines and yadda yadda gacha bullshit?
>Li said. "We have veterans from the gaming industry but also young talents who share the same values and are all passionate about getting involved in the creation of an interesting product. Indeed, some team members including myself had experiences working on HoYoverse's other projects before. Take me for instance: I used to take care of the CG, animation, and video for Honkai Impact 3rd."

well, probably not a major developer but it wouldn't be far off to assume there are veteran Honkai Impact devs working in the team
Honkai Impact's shift was noticeable after the Salt Snow arc and Captainverse ended last year.
I love doroYi
>I got the hang of it after delaying my inputs to the attack animation and not the flash.
APost a webm of you parrying "too fast" causing it to fail, it'll take you 2 minutes.
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Not all all. roll a single copy of limited characters that you like and enjoy the game
>multiple copies
Complete whale bait, often only bring some minor convenience for the biggest of shitters
>exclusive w-engines
15-20% damage increase. Can be considered after you've acquired and still really like a character on their rerun.
Lost my 50/50 bros. I refuse to use Seth, so who is the better teammate for Jane, Caesar or Burnice?
I don't see why people who care about gameplay would skip Caesar ever
I rolled for waifu reasons but she is such a stupid metabreak characters that fits in ever ysingle comp imaginable that it sounds dumb to not get her if you weant strong teams over waifupicking
not important
you'll get a lot of a-rank dupes rolling normally and the only reason to roll multiple copies of s-ranks is if you really really like them
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bwos... I regret rolling on caesar's weapon banner. I lost the 75/25 and now I'm starting to want yanagi more and more...
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Sariel in-game model leak (real)
Caesar by far. Jane is better off with another support than to go for Disorder memes with Burnice, that's Yanagi's niche.
Probably Caesar, disorder with physical anomaly units is actually not very good in general and Jane wants as close to 100% field time as possible
If you're playing Jane properly you're not really ever getting hit either, but I guess the shield helps if you want to facetank something to get a full spin attack off
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How tiny can you go? kek
What did you get tho.
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What is my purpose?
god i love children
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>I lost the 75/25 and now I'm starting to want yanagi more and more
Your coping systems are in overdrive, bro. Buy some booze and relax. Soon your mind will clear up and you will forget that you wanted her in the first place.
once I became too small and too fast that tapping the move button moves me out of the items so I can't buy shit
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I fucking hate trash bag
I got Brimstone so it wasn't a total loss, but defeinitely not worth it given all the good cope options for attack wengines.
>bland hoyo face
almost believable leak
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Wonder how strong the borrowable burnice from the training course is. The way i can completely shit on the lion boss with the standard caesar burnice piper team is massive promotion for her.
Some A-ranks like Billy and Corrin want to be maxed out.
Otherwise, a single copy will be more than enough.
Wengines not needed unless you suck at the game.
Retard. Let this be a lesson on not rolling weapon banners if you want future units that are literally coming soon
To be fair, he's just like the 6th at our vhs rental...
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Do you think they were part of Sarah's group or just a random Vision shill on a kids tv show.
I thought Yanagi would be an easy skip...
Tits too big
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Behold: a character that will earn 40 million for Wuwa and will finally put ZZZ in its rightful place (below Wuwa of course)
But she is...
I'd rather have a Yelan.
The training courses with Burnice have disorder massively buffed (+100% disorder dmg and +50% anomaly build up) so I wouldn't trust it too much
if she was an easy skip for you before she should still be an easy skip for you now. you aren't some kind of metakek who just pulls when he sees big noombers, right?
Can (you) make them bigger, aibro?
my Jane+Burnice do 300k disorder kek yangicopers keep huffing copium JNe+Burnice is going to be OMEGA meta
I just want to fuck that fat old man lion.
>corruption complex
You're misunderstanding what's going on
Corruption complex is a retarded boss design which doesn't work properly and is obviously an early concept
It has almost no attacks that you can actually defensive assist, it keeps doing red flashes for attacks which your character will dodge counter if you swap, but then it has lingering active frames from extra attacks afterwardss so it ends up hitting you AFTER you correctly swap on the attack, because the guy who designed it was retarded

The attack you're probably thinking of is the spin which is followed by a tail swipe in phase 2. You don't need delay your parry against this, you're just not understanding that if you get the parry it's not the tail that your character actually parries. You block the rotation of the machinery itself and the tail attack is a 2nd followup which only comes out if you don't DA.
She's a 4 star.
Do you even play wuwa.
she cute
>put this brat in wind cu chulainn's banner
They really hate their lolikek fanbase lmao
Nice, thanks
I like it. The first time I've tried it out I lucked out on item that lets companions block bullets so I just hid inside stack of 3 ranged goons and kept afking untilI I won
is that burn->assault or assault->burn disorder anon? Is that in stun or outside of stun?
Disorder with physical anomaly is strictly worse than any other element (except ice) and by a fairly substantial margin. It's sort of shitty how they set it up really
>Only 4* anomaly is physical
>First 5* limited anomaly is physical
>Standard 5* anomaly is shock so can't cause disorder with another shock unit
>Yanagi wants to be paired with another anomaly unit that is not physical
So, you either roll Burnice or hope that they reworked Miyabi into ether anomaly
>finishing the Event of Bizarre Brigade already puts me in the top 4% of the player base.
how bad are people goddamn
this actually destroyed any chance I had of pulling shorekeeper. I already luckshitted jiyan in 20 pulls at release I'm not rolling in his rerun with a guarantee banked
Today I learned Zhu has damage falloff, as I watched her shotshells do progressively less damage because they keep pushing the dog in Shiyu away from me.
TIL you can
>start up Qingyi's Held Basic Combo when nearing 80% stun
>immediately swap to Rina and cast EX special
>immediately swap to Corin before the quick assist prompt appears, then cast EX special
This achieves the following:
>triggers stun via Corin EX
>triggers it around the 60% daze sweetspot of longest stun duration
>allows you to cast all of your chain since you don't have to think about wasting stun time for Corin
>free decibels as a result
Who the fuck said stun-support-attack comps have no complexity?
caesar, if you asked nicely
What do you call this type of titling.
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>big noombers
more like she's got big honkers
Zoomer cringe
Yea, she has a shotgun. Do meatshots
Billy also has falloff too, but Zhu feels like she feels it most
Zhu Yuan rerun when? I'm more interested in her than anyone else past Burnice. I skipped her for Qingyi, not realizing that she works without Chinky while Chinky is kinda ass in non-Zhu teams like Ellen teams.
Generic clickbait?
nice eyebrows
there are bigger tits in the game and those are also attached to better designs. it should take more than that to convince you
Also true for Billy. I bet Trigger's gimmick is going to be having zero ranged damage falloff since she's a sniper.
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>cunning hares training course with 9999db cap and crazy fast buildup
>can spam ults from start to finish nonstop
This is so stupid but having kot's butts on my screen every few seconds was nice.
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Anomalie is a placehorlder, they will rework it later to introduce element combos. Probably when they introduce another element, which I could see coming as soon as next year second half
>Chinky is kinda ass in non-Zhu teams
nigga what
Chinky wants someone who does bursts of damage. So it's like rat or corin and the likes. She fits in an Ellen team but feels like ass because they both hog fieldtime. If the schedule is as intended then Ellen probably Reruns in 1.4~1.5 and Zhu should be slightly after that
i still don’t understand what she’s wearing under her maid dress
that sequence also really helps maximize rina and qing yi's sigs if you have em, it's really great. My only issue with it is that squeezing corin's EX->chain->ult in one rotation with all buffs up(including hormone punk) feels impossible.
Some additional 1.3 gameplay leaks. Retard leaker keeps spamming Lighter DA over and over again but whatever:

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>Misclick spikeball
>Completely brick my build on Cappaed Gallant
A-Atleast I have sadness...
>make trigger, an attack character who can snipe enemies from range and specifically has no damage falloff
>make a shiyu that explicitly buffs damage from range
>but also make even more aggressive enemies that will leap across the map at you as well
I can see it now.
How does the gacha currency in this work? I'm guessing its like... the black and white ones are general banner, rainbow are limited banner, and the film reels are currency you use to convert into either of the above?
Your problem is that Ellen is not actually a burst DPS, so having a field time heavy stunner is not really ideal. She does better with something like Caesar + Soukaku
I wonder if this 9999db cap is their vision for the ult changes...
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>Zhu falling off
Mine is M1 and I literally have no problem with bullets and feel like she's gonna last longer than ellen
>sunk cost cope
But I like Zhu Yuan though?
That's just you injecting your fetish tho
this is big
onfield dps is a retarded idea, you do meager damage without stun multipliers
skipped for Caesar and Burnice
I have her M6 is she worth using at all? Maybe as a second team option for when both stages are physical/fire weak? I already use Piper and/or Soldier.
what this anon said >>496857481 except I can't use Ellen + Caesar in 2 team content, because I already use Caesar on the S11/Piper teams that might be on the other side.
I swear they put this in only to show just how retarded split ultimates would be, it would be 30 seconds of non-stop ulting.

Holy copium
just use qingyi with any burst DPS and she's fine (billy, corin, even kot and Anton can work with her). its specifically just Ellen, and S11 to a lesser extent who don't work with her since they want more field time than typicak burst attackers
I was top 33% or something, with even difficulty 5 done (now I'm top 5% iirc), and the event is difficulty 3

it depends on the score
>Blackwhite film
buys some shit from the shop or change into rainbow film
>Rainbow film
Buys standard or limited rolls
>Rainbow tape
limited rolls
>blackwhite tape
standard rolls
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I just rolled on the current banner, but decided that I still hate Kuro since she's not even out yet
Yeah I thought the same when I saw it. Having the decibel cap be way higher and easier to get with each character ultimate having some kind of cooldown.
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Alright bros. Tell me. How do I make giga Billy? Have Caesar with her Engine. What else does he need engine wise and who for the third slot?
>turn the combat even more into genshin
how about you just go back and play that game rather than coping here
I like my zu, melting half hp bars in one go is nice
Doesn't matter. It's all over for you ZZZkeks.....
>with each character ultimate having some kind of cooldown.
that's probably the case, but even so maybe 2 dps and 1 support (or stunner) will become meta...
Corin is good, especially at M6. I assume you have her sig? Kotball is also great if you have it
You seem to have Ceasar really busy so you might need to sort out team options yourself
which is why you use stunners who can build daze quickly with limited swaps (literally anyone other than chinky)
the robot's benefit is her massive fucking stun multiplier which shoots the stun window damage through the roof, but if your dps can't effectively burst in that window then it doesn't matter. ellen needs the field time to manage her stacks and energy properly
Admit that you're just mashing and trying to "predict" than reacting to what's happening onscreen
>get exposed as a non player
>non woowah player shilling woowuh for free
Ok retard.
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I personally run 6p woodpecker electro (that's the crit set, right?) with his signature Wengine. If you don't have it, you can run Starlight Engine, but you're gonna need a support in that case.
Why is Hoyo ass raping us westerners with prices? Nips pay almost $30 less than us and if thats anything to go by chinks are probably paying half what we do
bro, your VPN?
the average retard is probably too lazy or stupid to use a VPN so they get away with it
shouldn't you run a 2pc of the phys set?
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below reverse 1999 you mean, know your place wuwajeet
Seth fucking murdered that poor girl
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If they catch my ass buying poly in chink currency without a social credit system ID then I'll get banned and possibly killed by a communist spy bro...
This >>496857909 I've never stopped using it ever since I found out on Genshin a couple of years back
>strictly worse
The Disorder damage itself is worse but the total damage is comparable or better because you're also getting Assault and Assault is just better than other Anomalies
This game needs more A rank agents.
and a HSAHLWFEFE to you too, anon
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from my knowledge, they're about on par
i like using 2p woodpecker because it means easier procs of the 4p ability
bro????? you VPN to Japan to get Japan currency
I don't think you can double up on the 2pc bonus no? please correct me if i'm wrong.
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Anon they do the exact same thing in Genshin by putting the new 4* on the rerun or opposite banner of the new 5*(unless the rare case where the support is tailor designed for the new 5*).

Especially when it's two new girls. The CN wuwa playerbase had a meltdown because leakers said they would be together.
You can't stack the 2pc effects
The 2pc activates twice if you run 6p?
Anon, running 4 pieces gets you both bonuses. Swap out 2 disks for something else.
uh your code doesn't work bwo
It doesn't work like that, bwo...
4p woodpecker
2p whatever the physical set is called
stack crit and atk
starlight engine for solos street superstar for team play
his w-engine is kinda ass so if you luck out on brimstone or cat ball they can work too
I'm convinced Officer Mewmew is a government spy assigned to watch over the siblings.

Like what the fuck is he doing in the Outer Ring? He just so happens to be there when Phaeton's there? It's not even New Eridu jurisdiction. And nobody with a life would bother doing all his good boy points mini-quests except Phaeton, it's like he's specifically designed for manipulating them into doing his bidding.
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get a vpn, second US is one of the best currencies 60% of the countries have it worse, japan always has good conversion rates for gachas and also their economy is in shambles, the best country to spend is ukraine for hoyo games
Watch out hes gonna use his inhuman reflexes to reply to your post, tho he might be too fast and fail to type a message before clicking the post button...
First of all Akihabara is the normie place for anime merch, majority of those stores are just selling figures you get from claw machines with a markup and the dumb foreigners buy it.

Secondly because of the first point they mostly just sell Shounen Jump slop and some stores like Animate may have a few sections for vtubers/idol anime and other slightly less popular anime but do not expect anything amazing.

Just shop online, very likely if you go to any anime merch store you will just find a small section with pins, pencils, posters, phonecharms etc and other low effort crap, for shirts and other cool things you'll have to find online.

I can't even recommend a place like nakano broadway or nipponbashi in osaka because they'll just have more slightly niche franchise merch and ZZZ is new, you'll have to deal with whatever is in Animate or radio kaikan or look online for pop-up stores
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Bros? What did Mewmew Say/do?
>billybro is a retard
in character desu
Would play reverse 1999 but it sounds like a dyke only games and I love myself to touch anything like that.
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I see several people saying that Pulchra and Harumasa will be future Rank A
Assault = 713% of ATK
Burn = 50% of ATK 20 times = 1000%
Ether = 62.5% of ATK 20 times = 1250%
Shock = 125% of ATK 10 times = 1250%, but...
Shock is a special case, it ticks once per second for 10 seconds but the max ticks is actually 16. This means if you land disorder with shock it does 60% more damage than if you just let the DoT play out, and you will almost always want a shock unit on a disorder team because it raises the damage to 2000% of ATK.
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Is there a hidden cooldown when parrying with characters?
I keep doing this thing
>Zhu yuan
>enemy starting a long combo chain
>parry swap to Koleda
>quickly swap back to ZY before the next attack
>parry swap to... Nicole?
Why does this keep happening?
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Retarded posts like this is why Corin deserves to get raped ON SIGHT with 0 consequences
In fact, you should face consequences in criminal court if you're caught NOT raping Corin if she's within a 20m radius
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>Assault is just better than other Anomalies

Burn gets 8 additional buffer procs of damage added to their Disorder damage calculation, Shock and Corruption get 4 but with twice as much damage. Assault and Freeze get nothing, they're simply not designed for Disorder spam. You're literally chucking yourself our of hundreds of thousands of damage if you use Ice/Physical over Fire/Ether/Electric if going for Disorder.

You don't even know how the Disorder formula works....
i honestly went on it because i like arknights and the artstyle is kinda similar, is a fun game honestly
Why is Shiyu stage 5 so hard? The big red helmet retard and Shadow Jane just melts with Zhu's boolets and I can't believe that the robot in stage 6 was easier to deal with versus stage 5. Is this intentional?
I have every limited character at M0W0 currently on just welkin and one BP because I've only lost one flip
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we love slampigs around here
got Koleda recently and building and playing her really made me realize how premium Qingyi actually is
What's a guard point?
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Scraww! This is epic!
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>start killing enemies well enough
>no matter what allies and items I pick damage falls off
>nothing dies
>no money
>jobs and run fails
how do I make this piece of shit work?
also ice not only does shatter also increases crit damage taken from enemies when shatter triggers aka frozen for a duration so is more oriented towards crit dps
You can't swap back to an agent that's still on the field doing stuff so basically you're swapping too fast
Based AIGOD. I will now subscribe to your onlyfans.
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back to the mines then and by that i mean elfy's earrape hut, i'm tight on charge
Kek, 8 years of fighting game experience btw
>because I've only lost one flip
so you got lucky, congrats? you can luckshit every character M2W1 f2p too, just roll better. the point was what was realistic
did the english localization ever get any better? that plus failing to get tooth fairy twice in a row got me to quit the game (it was also way to sweaty for a card game)
Ellen isn't fat
KYS metafags my Jane+Burnice team is gonna clear faster than your troonbuild
He is a member of the rebels who Obol are hunting aka Taiwanese.
oh, ooooh
I guess that make sense, it would destroy the daze bar in seconds if I could parry counter every single attack of a combo
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ZZZ needs more teenage schoolgirls with fat tits and ass
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Just watched the Yanagi/Lighter/Burnice showcase. Are leakers really this fucking retarded or is this just average player skill level?
yeah it got kinda better with time
Use bag man with armor builds and pills or cabbage man with high dodge and all cabbage companions.
That's okay, bro.
Since you already have 6pcs you actually have some flexibility to swap out whatever slot you want for the last 2pc set.
>ignores literal math to push a worse team
>still obsessed with clear times
>troon boogeyman
is this a falseflag to make janefags or burnicefags look bad? it's too on the nose
you need good luck with everything bwo
he's the first one I cleared diff 5 with, but it took me some tries
I had a rat build, high dodge high speed and decent damage
I have Jane and plan to get Burnice but them as a combination is almost the worst possible disorder team you could build (Piper+Burnice is worse because you're more reliant on the bad disorder damage instead of accidentally just killing things with Jane)
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>pulchra just straight up dodge invul to my attacks
AIIEEEE who the fuck added this to the game
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I really don't want to touch my M6 Anton so I hope I can roll Yanagi just to have a real electric dps.
terrible bait
whose pov is this??
yes, yanagi's disorder buffs are there to accomodate the average player's skill so they don't feel bad about themselves. On the flipside anyone that knows how to actually manage their anomaly gauges near stun and pop disorders back to back will be eating good.
is Billy straight?
Yes, and unfortunately, yes. this is why these games will never actually be difficult
big daddy
Not surprised at all considering what happened in Genshin leak scene. None of those leakfags actually play the game.
let's say i'm 40 pulls away from a 50/50.
i pull once, and get the limited character.
is the new s rank pull, now 80something pulls away, now a guarantee, or is it still a 50/50?
reverse spitroast where lucy rides my face and burnice rides my dick
Ice definitely is for using your ult on a shattered and stunned enemy, Ellen still deletes even shiyu bosses under those conditions with her 100% crit.
YOU WIN 50/50 = 50/50 IS STILL ON
still 50/50
You're ignoring that you don't get all of that 'total damage' because it's removed when you trigger disorder or when you trigger the anomaly again before you've hit all the damage procs. There's a reason the first Fire Anomaly is an off-field slow buildup character, it's because repeatedly triggering Burn over the top of an existing Burn every 3 seconds doesn't deal any fucking damage

With Piper or Jane it's possible to land a Shock, 3 Assaults and 2 Disorders (One from Assault and the other from Shock) within a stun window. Feel free to total up those motion values
I didn't
I am currently building a Billy/Caesar/nicole team to shoot some fools.
I am 50 standard pulls away from getting Grace on the selector to make my M6 anton/grace/rina team a reality
>is the new s rank pull, now 80something pulls away, now a guarantee
that would be far too nice to the player
>with her 100% crit
He's a fucking robot
but he also dates a girl I think
14 FUCKING days left of this shitty banner. Now I know why they call it ZZZ
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ZhuGODS, please help. Sometimes I feel like my Zhu deals peashooter damage. What can I improve?
After pulling any S-rank
Pity resets back to 90 (80 for weapons)
Next S-rank is guaranteed to be the limited

After pulling the limited (pure luck, pity, or guaranteed, doesn't matter)
Pity resets back to 90 (80 for weapons)
50/50 resets
I wish Hoyo would release an agent with a particularly strong chain attack, so I can make my Koleda less of a brick.
Your crit damage is so ass for someone with her ball
He is about 2d girls
this but I slurp the nitro fuel directly from Burnice's pussy why I secure the Montefio bloodline with Lucy down south
you can never go wrong with more atk
14 FUCKING days left of this amazing banner. Now I'm confused why they call it ZZZ
I would roll for Burnice, but I still have PTSD over her bald render where her eyes were hollowed holes. Like, holy sleep paralysis demon Batman!
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is the trash bag just RNG until you get the good companions
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Love their dynamic.
Ellen is extremely easy to get to 100% crit rate.
monica is a real person isn't she
what is your team? are you running her with qingyi and Nicole or are you coping with a different stunner? this sounds more like something in your rotation is not being executed consistently. make sure you always end your chain with Nicole and then QA into Zhu to maximize her def shred uptime. that's the most generic tip I can give without seeing your gameplay
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The two hottest women in ZZZ
>Your crit damage is so ass for someone with her ball
What's the mark then? 200%+? Because I swear to god those crit rolls are cursed on top of being weighted.
Lucy on my dick looks like that
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alright Janefag beat this time now
Pretty much, yeah.
Needs more Crit DMG.
Also Qingyi is her best friend.
Disorder effectively applies whatever damage was left on the DoT immediately, so you don't lose any
The exception is shock, which actually does 60% more damage with disorder than on its own due to how they set it up (it has more ticks than it can ever proc before it expires)
Stop lusting over childrens
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Looks like mine and she does fine.
how does the 60% extra damage interact with rina's extra 3 seconds of shock passive?
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You seem like one of those contrarian faggots who just does the opposite of whatever most people do and gaslight yourself into thinking you're making smarter choices lol
I had this problem with king with his starter minion until they either had shark or trident. If your minion has a seemingly weak looking weapon, restart. It's ass.
>what is your team? are you running her with qingyi and Nicole
Yes, QY is with a cope ball though. I try to use QY golden stick as much as possible, stun, chain ZY->Nicole->QA ZY and then magdump.
Doesn't count.
Children's what?
post artifacts and eidolons
>Jane mogged within 1 patch
uh oh
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Shock + Assault is already getting 700k Disorders, sometimes more
If we strip the passives, Ether + Electric will get the biggest Disorder nukes, Yanagi giving a 600% multiplier and one of the idols being an Ether Anomaly scares me, we can easily see 3-4m Disorders as a F2P with Yanagi + Ether Anomaly + Support
did a zigger actually make this? if so that’s hilariously creepy
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What the fuck bros? Ellen feels 100% better to play as with Caesar's shield. It's a giant QOL not being interrupted doing her Charge-attacks + not having to use the Imps spin really smooths out the whole rotation
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Lucy is too sexy bro. Don't worry, I also lust after adult women like Caesar.
she gets a boost to crit damage not crit rate
how are you "easily" getting 100% crit rate on her when her core skill upgrades only give 14%? dont say her w-engine
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Jane is an interior decorator now
>no imp
>ellen is now playable
brickcucku was the weak link all along
>gave up on piper
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>mixing Genshit and shart rail's terms in 1 sentence
We really doing this song and dance every shiyu defence, huh.
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Maybe you're just playing wrong or don't have M6W5 Nicole
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But officer she told me she was an adult, called me a youngin' and then lured me into her truck with free beer!
>Disorder effectively applies whatever damage was left on the DoT immediately, so you don't lose any
That damage is what you're already counting into the Disorder damage in order to say those disorders are 'better' than Assault. The point is you don't get it twice, you think you're double dipping when you're not. When you get all the DoT damage on the Disorder then the Disorder damage is high but the initial Anomaly damage was fuck all, you have to count everything together to figure out how much damage your TEAM is doing in total
>Idols got aged up
Is this a meme or did waterkuma really got fired??
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>M1 Rina with W5 Slice of Time
>Yanagi with W1 Fusion Compiler
>Burnice with W5 Roaring Ride
>2pc Puffer = 8% + Disc 5 24% = 32% PEN% baseline
13 sec Burn+Shock = 30% harder hitting Disorder, with Rina buff 82% PEN% on Burnice and 100% on Rina and Yanagi.

The only thing I'm worried about is AoE and Daze, Yanagi seems to have massive AoE attacks so that's fixed. Didn't Disorder inflict Daze as well or was that bugged?

I do know that inflicting Disorder gives the largest amount of Decibels so you can just spam ults non-stop which is cool.
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>M2++ Caesar with Sig trying to be slick
she killed 16 czechoslovakians!
It wouldn't affect the disorder damage. Shock has a limit of 16 procs, but applies once per second for 10 seconds. So with Rina you're getting 3 more ticks (375% of ATK) as a DoT, but disorder will still just take however many of the 16 ticks you have left.
I regret rolling for Ellen Lawrence so fucking much wtf
I really hope brickACKu is the first support to get replaced with a limited. she genuinely feels so awful to play, like a mediocre DPS kit that got forced into being a support. if mibibi is stuck with this blue shit too it's gonna weigh her down
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It's all real unfortunately
NERD rat
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Fucking hell lmao. Whoever filmed this did a good job of making it creepy.
>Both Jane and Eula are physical oriented, cops, and have the biggest asses in their games
I don't regret it.
Not all attacks can be parried (The red danger flash circle vs the yellow flash). If you try to parry these, your following agent will dodge instead, but the agent you're switching off will NOT be protected and will eat shit most likely. Only the yellow attacks trigger the Defensive Assist where the next agent jumps in to block the attack.

However, these red flash attacks can be completely nullified by Evasive Assist, where the agent you switch into does a sick dodge flip and slows down time. Aka Vital View.
Both agents are invulnerable for the duration of the time slow.

Currently, only Zhu Yuan, Grace, Rina, Billy can Evasive Assist iirc

If you try to parry a red flash attack and you have an Evasive Assist agent in your squad, you will instead swap to them and trigger Vital View. Its the games way of saying "No not that one you retard, you can only parry yellow attacks, but I'll step in and correct you to the right agent"
damn they did Paipa dirty while Lucy got the good wallpaper
>game refused to stand true to its vision when Content creators complained about TV and immediately removed them
>still seriously believed the game will stand true to its vision when content creators complained about the lolis
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Here's your pith (you) . You proly took dozens of tries to get that time so you can look for validation in some garbage anonymous forum.
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M6W1. I got Zhu ball AND Brimstone after in one luckshit pull. Rolling after this is just asking to brick myself.
I'm also mad that the game refuses to hand her over to me. I'd have to use selector on her like I did clara
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There are some talented anons here.
Is there any meta benefit to doing Nicole's secret move where she tries to sit on but falls off her gun and shoots it up in the air instead of forward?
I think Chiitopia sucks.
>The lever is my purpose.
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she's invincible for the entire duration of the animation which could allow you to cheeze something that would otherwise be obnoxious to dodge, like ninvenh's bullet hell
>They're here!
Try holding the button next time and see what happens....
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Shitting out a wuwa
I know she can fire it normally when sitting, but I'm asking if the vertical shot that drops down on the enemy could have any benefit.
Rina's shock extension has no effect on disorder damage, see >>496859368 - she doesn't add more ticks, she just extends the DoT timer so it can actually use more of the 'spare' ones that are otherwise only accessible via disorder
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I play for fun and by my own rules - roll for who you like and skip the rest. Zhu and Caesar is also popular characters and I like them too
>you take 2 seconds from triggering the first anomaly to trigger the second one and thus trigger Disorder
>Burn procs 4 times before being Disordered
>Shock triggers twice before being disordered
>Corruption triggers 4 times before being disordered
The calculations:
>Freeze: 500% + (450% disorder base + 8x7.5%) = 560% from Disorder off a Freeze/Frostbite status
>Assault: 713% + (450% base + 8x7.5%) = 1223% from Disorder off a Flinch Status
>Burn: 4x50% + 450% base + (8/0.5)*50% = 1450% off a Burn status
>Corruption: 4x62.5% + 450% base + (8/0.5)*62.5% = 1700% off a Corrupted status
>Shock: 250% + 450% base + 8x125% = 1700% off a Shock status

tl;dr nerd:
>Disorder rankings: Shock = Corruption > Burn > Assault > Freeze
>Shock/Corruption end up worse than Assault if you take at least 7 seconds to follow up the second anomaly AND you only trigger the status 2/5 times (which is easily avoidable but possible)
>Burn never ends up worse than Assault since the procs are automatic
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any new of these?
Meme, as far as we know.
A supposed leak was posted alongside some art which people thought were unreleased official art, but turned out to be AI-generated art from Pixiv
the fact that you play on kbm instead of a controller is much more disturbing
>exclusive character to be unlocked for clearing 1000 tiles in other minigame
I will NOT play Soulless Hounds III, fuck off
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Why is Corin like that
how do you do this with keyboard and mouse btw?
Some general tips is that kiting and launching your allies should easily take you to wave 4~5, though without good stats or allies, clearing the wave 3 boss is difficult.
Other than that, DMG% isn't as good as range attack buffs until later on, and anything that boosts the number of effective shots such as splitting, piercing, bouncing, or simply just having multi shot will massively increase your total damage. Even number of shots though, is generally a pain since none of your shots will go center giving the runners a clear line to rush you.
If all else fails, you can grind candies in easier stages for some hp and atk boosts.
As someone who stopped playing after Ellen's banner cause the cops and the rat didn't interest him and came back this patch you think I can get both Caesar and Burnice within this patch? I only have like 70 rolls currently so I might have to bust out a welkin or whatever it's called in this game to be safe.
I havent seen controller gameplay that didnt struggle at some point with the camera.
Rebind skill to something other than E, I guess? I can only do it on controller or mobile personally.
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Hmm you're right. I'm guessing the same for the Burny's burn extension?

You think Caesar or Rina will be better for a Burny+Yanagi team?
Bro your fingering technique?
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>Content creators complained about TV and immediately removed them

Nobody liked the TV or how fucking cumbersome that whole experience is. Anyone pretending that the average person enjoyed that is beyond reason. And it's not like I don't enjoy the Dungeon-esque experince, I have more than 400 Hours farming MD in Limbus. But that's actually fun compared to the shit that was the Story missions and Exploration missions
Shock has 16 ticks, not 10. 6 of them are normally inaccessible via DoT (since it expires before it can apply them) but they're still counted for disorder.
>grind candies in easier stages
wait, each candy is a small buff? or you need the total required amount?
I've done this by mistake exactly one time since the game dropped
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>I only have like 70 rolls currently so I might have to bust out a welkin or whatever it's called in this game to be safe.
>to be safe
imagine being such a sweaty theorycrafting gamer in the easiest mihoyo game man embarrassing
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Post more Rinas
She drives me nuts
It's almost unbearable
Not reading all that. The same people who complained TVs also complain about lolis AKA normies
You need 360 rolls to guarantee two limited characters, realistically closer to 320.

You only get 132 per patch if you do all content and buy the monthly + BP. Your chances of getting both characters are quite low.
>hold E with right hand
>go WASDWASD with left
kbm is comfy if you map your character swaps to extra buttons on your mouse, so you only use QE WSAD and mouse
>gets additional 8/4 procs into the disorder calculation
source? the damage formulas in the rentry link doesn't say anything about it.
burn doesn't have extra hidden procs beyond 10 seconds, so the extra 3 seconds she provides actually does boost disorder damage by 3 procs more.
casuals should genuinely just rope, some people actually enjoy thinking
Better get to clearing those contents whiteboy
You can probably guarantee 1 at least. Just win your 50/50s or early pop
In the long term each limited character is about 90 rolls. However, in the span of 1 patch, it's closer to 120
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You can also do it by hold left click and doing the 360
you forgot to attach your soijak image
Worth getting Burnice for Burnice + Piper + Lucy? I'm F2Poor and don't like Yanagi
i changed my keybinds
I kneel whaleGOD. Can I see your M6 Ellen?
>don't like Yanagi
EoS yourself
>thinking of interesting combinations and synergies and putting them into action
>spreadshit gaming and mathematizing all over the place in pure theoretics
HSR is a literal autobattler
>attACKerkeks filtered by the grown ups talking about game mechanics so they can only cry and call the game easy
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But it's actually the other way around
Predict the next arcade game
I use right click for skills
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Don't worry you'll get your brainlet meta with Lighter and Miyabi again, the 300 IQ Disorder gods are talking now.
Caesar is better for that, but it works yeah l
What the fuck does Nicole need W5 for? I though the Vault was some ass cheeks?
i'm getting burnice for that comp specifically but only because they all make my pp hard. I've been clearing shiyu with koleda/piper/lucy already so I don't think it'll be too big of an upgrade but it'll probably be a great comp eitherway.
I think it's breakpoints, get 10 candies for +2 HP and +1 atk, then a higher amount for higher levels.
I'm not sure what the breakpoints are though, but it's not every 10 candies and seem to scale higher every time.
At 50 candies, it's +3 atk and +8~10(?) hp. The atk increase might seem small, but if it allows your bullets to 1 shot enemies on higher waves, it will save you time.
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kissing hags
nta but I don't like her either. I thought she was just an NPC for the longest time.
Uh oh hagfaggot melty
let’s say I want to become a pay pig who just wants to get every banner character ones. What would be the best buy except the daily pass?
Source? The formulas in the rentry don't say anything about it, nor Rina's interaction with only allowing you to access 3 more of those hidden ticks.
you don't have a soul
that's me
nta but hsr has practically the most unforgiving endgame of all the hoyo games
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>click win rate
>don't win
>quit until the next canto
>cry KINOOOO when I finish the next canto
>repeat step 1
It never ends. ZZZ btw
why is wise brown
Rina is so fuckign peak sex
Wish she was not dogshit
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It's worse than that. It's sweaty theory crafters on top of sweaty fighting game fags. Double the mental illness.
hagCHADS run this general, although lolifags are alright
all of the "look at us we're so special" cops from Yanagis group are soulless garbage
is this realy or just shitpost edit
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>so you can look for validation
It was mostly for fun honestly, was going to try better my time anyway
Her skills are 16/13/12/16/16
except yanagi
She is tho...
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Best selling and most popular girl is a teenager, so this general and game is run by hebeGODS.
>Shorekeeper is blow Burnice the fuck out this month
Hot take: Pulchra mogs Yanagi
You're never going to successfully push the narrative that Yanagi is a good character. She's looked worse than some of the more interesting npcs since her release
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Who the FUCK is that zzzigga on the right?
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Play genshin
>Get nothing
Play HSR
>Get nothing
Play ZZZ
>Get all I ask for
Im sticking with this one
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Autistic data miners on Discord comparing DoT and disorder damage with and without Rina
I'm not sure if anyone actually dumped the game's scripts anywhere yet to confirm it either way
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>cry KINOOOO when I finish the next canto
That's me every time a new Mili songs starts on the final boss
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True. It also punishes you with the most blatant powercreep in all of hoyo games. I remember times when MoC bosses were just 800k hp. Now they are almost 3kk hp.
If my only s rank is soldier 11 I should get the rocketboo right?
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>don't worry, the NEXT Shiyu will actually be difficult!!!
CAESARBROS!!!! i dunno if this is common knowledge but ive been doing some testing.

no energy non ex PERFECT PARRIES and followup stab builds NO ENERGY and is WORSE DAZE than a simple dodge counter, let alone basics. and this is with dodge at lower level than my EX!

however, no energy parry is the easiest way to get into guard stance, and if you get hit (non perfect) you can go into shield bash for big daze without spending 40 energy for the ex parry! other ways to get into guard stance is failed dodge and dash attack, so ironically if you technically play worse you can get discounted EX shield bashes all day!

chaining these together is more daze (with the impact buff up) vs spending the 40 energy on EX parry and followup but is situational. it also happens a lot more often since 20 energy is faster to build than the 40 you need for an ex parry

ultimately this probably doesn't matter much, but i had fun testing it and discovering caesar can get big daze with just 20 energy

i love caesar and i love zzz
The “3kk hp” Is balanced by increasingly more powerful MoC blessings
>Zhu, Qingyi, Nicole
>Caesar, Lucy, Piper
>Rina, Grace, Burnice
Yeah, I think my default teams look solid. Just need some decent Ice team, so I guess I can just keep saving until Miyabi once I get Burnice
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>Yanagi is literally Raiden Ei but without the tit sword
If they were going to copypaste assets from their other shit game, then why did they chose to omit the best parts?
When do i unlock using my AP/stamina/whatever its called? I've been playing for a while and its already past midnight so I'm going to bed, but it kind of annoys me I'm not able to use up my whatever yanno? Its just kinda wasteful. Can I at least crush/condense/convert them into a storage unit of some kind?
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HSR scales it's difficulty around the latest characters and the powercreep in that game puts the powercreep of the other games to shame.
Should I roll for Caesar Lawrence? Can she unbrick Neko & Corin?
Thats not dificulty tho, you just have to roll stuff and put them in the team
Thats a very cold take bro
Can I trade your Rina for one of my Koledas?
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Caesar enables every shitter in the game and doesn't just make them viable, she makes them good.
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The more I get to trial Zhu the more I'm glad I skipped her, she's too clunky
Bro, your SOULkaku?
just hold left mouse button nigga
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very happy with my account so far
More like SLOWkaku.
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A bit late but I did it. It sucks that I couldn't take advantage of the 2nd part of the blessing. I found a semi consistent way to group the raiders in the 2nd half which saved 20 seconds and I replaced Corrin's R3 Maidsweeper with Brimstone (not sure if that helped). Also stage 5 was harder than stage 6 for some reason.
Where is your Qingyi
Sorry, also has Koleda, but no real place for her. Not to mention I kind of want Rina's C1 to make her more comfy to use, I may event get it from standard selector once I reach 300
Nice! I'd say to try and get M1 Seth at some point as it's a gamechanger if you do use him.
Turns from having to use his EX first before holding BA to simply quickswapping/defense assisting on him and instantly holding BA to get all his buffs
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HSR has zero skill involved, it's ALL about your stats, specifically your relics that are all RNG and you need to farm for months to have something usable. ZZZ has skill involved.
I've been clearing Shiyu using my level 50 Soukaku M6 as a DPS because I could do it with enough skill. Try beating MoC 12 with level 70 4* star units without perfect relics.
For me it's
ah I see thanks
I guess that's like a "safeguard" if you're stuck too long on a character, to make it easier to clear
Zhu is easy. You just do what any real life cop does and hold the trigger down when the enemy is on the ground.
>you just have to roll stuff and put them in the team
That's fucking powercreep, which by definition makes it more difficult for older characters to perform as good as in their prime time. You said it yourself, you HAVE TO roll stuff. You can't negate the powercreep with your skill, if the whole game is just a glorified stat check.
That's unironically how I felt during the Ahab fight. The musical transitions are amazing during that stage

This shiyu was EASY as fuck. I did it with my piper lvl 50, Caesar lvl 60 and Lucy lvl 46.
Easy as fuck.
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Thats jsut a stat check, not dificult
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They're all easy, 1.0 aside
where do i get a list like that?
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I'll think about it when her rerun comes around
it would be nice to have but he feels fine as he is for now
I am missing my kot...
I don’t believe you. Pulchra or Yanagi, right now
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I like your comps anon, but I went the other way around.
>copypaste assets
show me a single asset flipped from Raiden to Yanagi
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>Thats jsut a stat check, not dificult
So we are speaking about that difficulty? Then no mihomo game is difficult, anon. And if it seems difficult, it means you are failing a stat check, nothing more.
It's really weird that Zhu Yuan was the only one who knew Jane's identity. Why is Qingyi ranked lower in the force?
hoyolab battle records
Of the 5 best performing units in the last endgame refresh in HSR, two are 4*s (one of which everyone got at E6 for free) and one is Dr Ratio, who they gave to everyone for free
qing yi is a senior at the force but she's still considered a rookie cop, don't question it or else the big boss rips you a new one.
You cannot leave the highest levels of ZZZ in auto and clear them
Therefore bu default ZZZ is way harder than HSR
>Why is Qingyi ranked lower in the force?
Bnagboo sidegrade.
It's because Zhu and Jane were in a secret romantic relationship. Jane used to leave flowers on Zhu's desk. Canon lovers
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Chinky is just cruising through life. Zhu is blasting and fully locked-in
TrashbagGODS rule this game
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I tried your order first, but I didn't feel comfortable with it. I think I like having Qingyi chase down shadow jane with her charged attack and perfect dodging back into her spam felt cool too. Nice clear times though. Beats the shit out of mine.
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I really like how Belle refers to Zhu Yuan as "Shuuen-san", but Qingyi is just "Chinky". It's really cute. I guess because of how small she is Belle initially assumes she must be young and not a lolibaba robocop?
I think HSR sucks.
Dang its a shame that unlike Genshin Impact you have to slowly use up your battery charges and you can't just condense them to save them for another day. I'm surprised that's one QoL that ZZZ is lacking.
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>>cry KINOOOO when I finish the next canto
Same desu. I also like Ahab fight like this anon >>496860976 but what I like the most is just the guitar riff bgm during the whole Ish and Dante conversation. It somehow made it more... meaningful, I guess.
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wtf I stand corrected
Hertaschizo, your response???
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Guys stop talking about other gachas.... this is the Zenless Zone Zero general! Nicole paid good money to commission this thread!
i used lucy's EX to get piper to dbz zip to jane whenever she was getting too far. I do like how qing yi interacts with jane but timing piper's special/ex i frames to swap/parry in koleda was also fun.
Jane floppa
Sex with blonde females.
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>is the only agent in the game who's Defensive Assist is a deritive from her Ult, and has a unique Chain Attack instead
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sex with highschoolers
She looked less retarded than in the game
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resin is still a chore, everything is much faster in zzz even without that particular feature
NEPS kinda treat Qingyi like a piece of equipment.
those are minors though
Those 2 look pretty big to me
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Qingyi is basically a sexy bangboo.
>Zhu Yuan
Can you guess what these four have in common?
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>t. burger
euroGODS win again as highschoolers, which start around age 15, are all legal
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Does Corin count
hot glue
huge cocks made to rape wise
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It could be better, retard.
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Even this one?
Btw I wonder if furries are still playing the game? Every now and then I always end up coming across some fan art made by them.
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>No veins in the tits
It's so hard to find tiddy pics with visible veins...
>Implying all Bangboos aren't inherently sexy
Eous has a tight onahole btw
>No veins in the tits
Because it's ai slop
They're robotic house pets. Don't shag your bangboos.
>nooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can never raise the difficulty of the game the game must remain stagnant for its entire lifetimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That's how you "muh powercreep" retards sound like.
good night bwos, another sleepless night
Eurochads, which of those countries is the best to start a new life?
I'm a good looking brown man that works on education btw
Italy sounds fun
>inb4 fuck off we're full
don't care
Anyone felt satisfaction using Burnice's EX?
They all use Ben's schampoo.
Shadow the Hedgehog hair
Bro, stat blot is not difficulty.
>another sleepless night
of the eastern country?
You can't go to sleep now, I'm just now waking up!
i'd vouch for that if the latest stuff wasn't locked behind gacha
>open up wordpad
>increase enemy hp by 50%
>this is challenging content
Wait. Wait ZZZ genuinely doesn't have that feature? I was trying to bait in the hopes that someone would call be a retard and tell me how to use it since everyone ignored my previous question about it. There's really no way to condense/crush/convert your stamina? Fuck me then.
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come to Italy, but go to southern Italy
we get it bro you rolled for Aventurine
You will always get currency to roll for new characters.
You're supposed to roll for new characters.
Why are you playing a gacha if you're not rolling for new characters.
There's no need to do that because you can spend 200 energy in less than a minute.
mors + bellum shiyu was harder than the final one, huh
Yes, instead we get this stamina overcharge thing from HSR.
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as a Corin fan, it pains my heart knowing they will never touch her again
maybe she'll appear in mini event #4928, but still
What? No. you can just use 100 energy at once.
So you have to farm even less than genshin. You can just knock out a 100 energy course at once.
that's right. You only get slop from the other, better games. That's all this zoomer garbage button masher deserves
Don't worry bwi, I will make sure to always molest my Corin in your honor.
>actual power creep dickriders
battered wives who got too attached huh
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I did the haunted house event with her yesterday. She's really cute.
Go back to your dead general, xister.
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You can do way better baiting than this, come on now.
>Corintards are actual cucks
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Rato sexo
You don’t understand, I NEED all of my content to take 2x longer next patch, I WANT to waste more of my time, I have to please I’m begging you, thou won’t know how fucking cool and skilled I am unless I take 7 minutes to clear shiyu node 5 PLEASE I need +400% hp
>getting assblasted out of nowhere
Who the fuck hurt (you) bro?
Rato means a while
>Get told that you can spend 100 energy at once
Gentards are not beating the allegations.
>say thing
>farm (you)s
a /zzz/ classic
>keikaku means plan
Hi, I'm on the ZZZ writing team. Corin will be the focus of Chapter 10, which starts off with her getting raped. It's gonna be some real Law & Order: SVU shit, so please be patient.
>merely pretending
A retard classic.
Who does the raping?
When do I unlock that? Also what do you even spend stamina on anyway? i haven't seen anything to farm in this game yet.
You'll just have to wait and see. ;)
just educating bro
can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (you)?
all jokes aside now, WHY are Miyabis eyes so far apart? i seriously dont get it
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can't do that for disk drives tho
No, fuck off
You're probably still early in the game, I don't remember at what level you unlock dailies but I think it was after you finish Nekomata's quest with the cunning hares (not the agent story).
It's still basically amounts to the same as using condensed resin though.
why not? instead of making every anime girl exactly the same, a little tuning gives the game a dosis of soul
>say thing
>get more (you)s
hahahaha you're all dancing in the palm of my hand
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Corin is too young for rape jokes let's move those jokes on to an adult woman instead
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She's tibetan fox
I'd Piper, then.
Thanks cabron
Imagine raping corin when she gets older!
>tfw no squirrel shota thiren
that's not nuts at all....
They're not? I don't even know how this meme took off, she has the same anime face and eyes as the rest of the characters
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>too young
no such thing
how do backup batterys work im retahted
For me, it's the Coca notTexas.
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Girls who are cute and small are the most rapeable though
needs more Anbies. where are Anby clones going to be a real plot point? With the original anby being an ebil boss of course.
why are they black like she has fucking uroboros
once you reach the stamina limit you still get stamina but at a reduced rate so you still want to log in daily anyways
Just watched a testicle punching and kicking compilation. Which zzz girl should I fap to?
AI sloppa please understand
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>this scene but with Anbys
Yes please. But don't kill off Our Anby
how long does it last is what I dont get, i swear I read somewhere that it says it will collect shit until 2400 or something
Been lusting over fat tiddies but I keep fapping to Qingyi when the time comes
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>not doing both
>Anby likes burgers
>S11 likes spicy noodles
Assuming there are only three more Anbys that also correspond to the rest of the attributes, what would be there favorite foods?
spicy burgers
Anby can block bullets while running. Where can i find out who else can do this? I looked everywhere i could think of in game and can't fond it
Does the artist make porn or just safe horny stuff like this?
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I thought this was the norm growing up watching animu until I started playing gacha and seeing all the tribalism that exists
thinking about it now, what the fuck was Pulchra's plan in this scene?
It is but owning retards for the slightest imperfect trait they possess feels very rewarding.
I'd kill for a a character that has a loli/teen/hag form like Shinobu...
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Probably threaten and scare Burnice but little did she know...
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Probably just to scare and maybe or not kill Burnice, but as she wasn't expecting a clueless pyromaniac, she ended up getting screwed.
Any character with a bladed weapon / slashing attacks. Back in closed beta enemies had slash/pierce/blunt/gun weaknesses in addition to elements (like SMT) and the bullet deflection on some characters is the one remaining holdover from that
I though you limbus fags were onto something but man this gameplay sucks ass.

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