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Previous: >>496851125

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Finally got a burnice disk
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banging . . . BOOS!
Delete this.
My sister is not a slut!
Pull Burnice w-engine or Caesar w-engine?
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>he skipped jane
Yo bro, I uh... Took your spot for a single thread, guessin' you were asleep n' all... You good with that?
I didn't. We love Jane here.
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I think we can all agree that every single one of these girls is built for impregnation.
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I didn't. I am an unashamed adult lover and will collect them all.
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Post pics that activate your neurons
>when Caesar uses her robo hand to jerk you off, its actually Billy jerking you off
>if she fingers herself, its actually Billy fingering her
is this cuckery?
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I feel like there's no good answer to some of these discussions, you could vertically invest in a unit that gets absolutely trashed and replaced, or you could spread your resources too thin on a bunch of units and get screwed by general powercreep. You just don't know where they're going to take the game in six months, just relax and go for the units you actually want to use or you'll go crazy worrying about stuff you can't do anything about.
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I already bought all the useful stuff, what the fuck do I do with these things now
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Dont look anon-sama....
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never enough dennies
if you’re feeling confident you can clear out the shop every month that is
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holy brickie
Most of the people in these discussions don't even know how basic gameplay mechanics work. Metafags just lob random spreadsheet numbers they've pulled out of their asses at each other.
Why are lolibabas hotter than standard ones?
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Which characters are obviously a devs favorite?
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Ok now post her front view please
proly the ones with chink names like zhu and qingyi
They aren't. Piper is just really well made
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SoC are clearly the favorite group.
Your mom is a brick
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>finally get around to leveling Jane and Caesar and doing SD
>mash like a brainless ape and clear everything in one go
>have no idea what I'm doing with my half-geared Jane Lucy Caesar team and get like double the clear times of my Zhu Qingyi team, but they're so much more fun
Jane and Caesar truly are the best agents for people who don't want to try too hard.
she already has a shower scene
>roll for who I like
>I liked Ganyu, Eula, Shenhe, and Yoimiya
>>>>>>>>>>>current year Genshin
I'm never listening to "roll for who you like" faggots again, they're literally only speaking to ruin your experience of the game.
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How can a furry have a mole?
The only way to really brick yourself is to farm discs this early, 1.2 already introduced two new sets, 1.4 will bring another two, 1.6 another two, all of which will replace the shitty base ones eventually.

People unironically wasted thousands of battery on their one +4 substat Woodpecker 4 disc only for it be completely useless two months later.
So im doing Nicole's and Anby's trust events and even during their initial trust building scenarios they're all trying to jump on Proxy's dick.
Like holy shit these girls are thirsty as fuck
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Lucy, she had a lot of screentime being an A rank.
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taking... WUWAS!
Her EN voice is incredibly sexo, not many english VAs can get the slight drawl right. I'm kinda mad she and Jane share the same class/element because I love both their designs.
Still using Ganyu and doing just fine.
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Are all stunners, even Lighter, chained to shockstar disco... I'm tired farming that disc.
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>I can't like these characters unless they're strong
You sound like a faggot.
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Shiyu Defense 5 doesn't feel real. No way best built team is doing 4 minutes on the 1st half while it does 2:10 on stage 6 without electric shit and shield. Fucking hell
>Ether Anby
>Ice Anby
Ice creams
>Physical Anby
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I guess they use slightly different teams, Jane doesn't need a shielder like Piper wants, etc.
why are you farming disco? just calibrator impact% on 6th
>I'm a massive faggot
go back
>not making your favorites viable no matter how shit they are
You're just weak, anon.
Ether Anby loves her dohna dohners
Bag is the best bizaare brigade protag.
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good morning guys look at my wife
literally Seth and Jane Doe
Is it me or do shadow enemies recover from stun far quicker than other enemies?
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Trashbag sucks.
Soulslike dog sucks.
Roomba cat sucks.
Wagie sucks.
Nahida sucks.
Queen sucks.
Old man sucks.
Fishe sucks.
Same, I'm still figuring out how to play the Jane/Caesar/Lucy team
>he has the app
bro... your data..
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Waterkuma please...
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I had no idea that Jane back kick hit did no damage. I remember getting hit with that with almost no health and wondering why the match didnt end
Piper's pitfalls makes her much more fun to play than Jane
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That's a you problem
I don't care about abyss or do any endgame shit so it's whatever for me
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>been through 4 threads today already
>several retards are crying about shiyu 5
Is it really that bad lmao?
Bro your defensive assist spam with caesar?
you don’t need perfect discs for stunners dumbass, just roll for impact % on the 6th disc and you’re set
I want to have sweaty sex with her...
I hope no woman does this to me, because I would cum on the spot
Concession accepted, try not to seethe next time when the grown-ups are giving advice to people who don't want to ruin their gaming experience by rolling defective toys.
>just dump $5000 and reward the game for spitting on your face and making your favorite character useless
How about no?
Is this Rappa?
don't worry I'm supporting china with my personal data
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Hello when is the PvP I want to be able to invade you fuckers during your Hollow Zero run

I want to shit all over you as I hunt you down all over the level and steal your buffs. I want to kill off your Bangboo in front of your eyes. I want to give you additional corruptions. I want to break you Proxy's so hard you'll be too scared to ever even attempt the mode ever again.
>When there is another character in your squad who can activate Defensive Assist or is from the same Faction:
When Caesar activates Perfect Block, Retaliation, Defensive Assist, or Basic Attack: Dead End, she applies a Debuff effect to enemies within a 7m radius, increasing the damage they take from all teammates by 25% for 30s.
Oh right, I forgot about that ability
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I have a crush on her
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she looks smelly
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Not sure how to feel about ZY coming over to show me her CSAM stash.
Would be funny if it's confirmed that she's not actually old and is just merely pretending.
Thanks for the (You) loser. Keep 'em coming.
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Annoying mostly.
>merely pretending
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I wonder how much chapter 4 was rewritten, because for example with this cutscene and the live stream it suggests that the 3 were members of the Vanquishers and known to the Sons of Calydon, but in the game itself two are mercenaries and only one is known from someone at SoC.
So I lucked and got a Cheezar.
What disk substats should I be looking for?
White Swan just looks and sounds so boring.
Your problem. Shenhe is my favorite character and I've never stopped bringing her to the Abyss since her first release.
wrong general bro...
Been doing it yesterday and cleared on S first time, though I do have Caesar so it probably doesn't count. I think the issue is that both Pulchra and Mors are mobile and it's hard to group them and delete in single dmg window
I like how the eyebrows are done on wuwa characters
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>easily breaks corn in two
>ignores the heat
Is she a factory worker or something?
uhhhhm, excuse me her name is Swan Lawrence
>make suisei with medium tits
>wonders why it doesn't sell well
They should have gone BIG or went home.
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>see a hostile bangboo approach you in TV mode. uh oh
6: Impact
5: Physical/Attack%
4: Crit%/Crit Damage

4pc Soul Rock 2pc Shockstar if you wanna use her as an off-field stunner (which you should)
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I just noticed, there aren't that much possible combinations
yeah, I'm thinking we lost
its a time slog, because of amount of waves and enemies you have to handle. the enemies themselves are not that hard, but mainly annoying.
What the fuck is going on in this one? Feminism? Psychosis?
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How important is it to do two basics before ex-ing with Koleda? Is there a genuine difference in practice?
It took me several retries, but I cleared it with 30 seconds to spare once I got lucky with positioning. One annoying thing in particular was that if you swap right before the fire robot does its flamethrower attack, the character you swapped off will stay on the field, get stunlocked, and fucking die. It doesn’t even matter if you’re using Caesar because her shield only goes on the active character, which they’re not anymore.
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Can I get some context here before I beat my meat?
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>first world btw
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Does Seth has any cope engines other than his sig?
Right now he's using Starlight Engine simply because it has Atk sub.
Cute couple
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Why are real women so gross.
DO NOT stick in crazy
uh oh, melty incoming
Most important on the left, sidegrades on the right.
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Coco mogs S6 niggas designs
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>there aren't that much possible combinations
>8 grids are empty
>ether has TWO characters
>Feminism? Psychosis?
What's the difference?
I'm slowly losing track over all new members of Lawrence Clan
ok faggot
Jane isn’t a tomboy thouugh
Wait until you see what sociapatic men can do
Obviously Nicole
Miyabi also feels like its someone pet
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I scare all the hoes away don't worry
>b-but what about
you lost
So you can get a reality check and stop being a slave for pussy
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>food not included
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lost what
Reminder for caesar users that non ex parry is worse than dodge counter unless you use it to get into guard stance for ex2 with 20 energy
Keep crying, SEAtroon
Talk about Bizarre Brigade.
Femcels are fat
Honkai SR almost doubles the possible combinations
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Not him, but you did lose. You not understanding is what makes it easy to see you're a femoid.
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Piper/Caesar/Lucy managed to clear their side in Shiyu defense with S-rank even though I have no idea what I'm doing. I just put up a shield and spin.
What's a guarsnteed way to unlock Card King (get 200 income)
Literally me
Lightroons will never recover from this
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Which one is Lighter?
not really
At least you still have your bros...right?
you only get the big damage explosion if you do a basic combo or after a defense assist
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What the fuck is going on here
Buy lots of items with +income.
Don't buy items with -income.
You don't need to clear the game with 200 income, just reach it at some point.
Lighter would never do this. Shadow the Hedgehog is his favorite character.
>We didn't help billy to get the starlight knights into the game
Goddamn why are we such a bunch of dicks to him if I got a choice I would do him a solid and wore the costume.
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
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What are the odds of an npc becoming playable? Does any such cases exist in the other hoyo games?
I'm a slave to 2D pussy though...
>Fire still S11 or nothing.
>Ice still limited DPS or Sixkaku only.
>We need a ice and fire support stunner btw!
>TWO Ether characters
>Physical got lots of DPS option but lack support options, Ceasar is more of a general utility unit.
>Electric has characters in every slot
>Yanagi, Harumasa and maybe even Pulchra are coming
The electric shilling needs to come to an end...
>first world btw
>Real niggers everywhere
Nah that shit is probably somewhere in africa
So I'm running Qingyi with Nicole and Neko, later to be replaced by Mibibi no matter how bad their synergy might be. Qingyi has knot ball and I got a second one rolling for Jane. Since the other team is Jane/Seth/Grace (will probably get replaced down the line), I won't be rolling another stunner any time soon. Should I 2 star the knot ball?
Sure, and you taking every online interaction as a battle makes it easy to see you'd literally piss your pants in fear if I ever talked to you irl
Still less disgusting and not as much downsides as with irl femoids
Miyabi is going to be ether attacker and put ZY to shame.
based fuck shadow
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>>Physical got lots of DPS option but lack support options, Ceasar is more of a general utility unit.
Jane and Piper is a literal easy mode in the current meta. Electric AND phys shilling needs to stop.
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Where is the grubble collab?
For a company that can make nice animation shorts for priconne, this show was kinda dogshit.
Oh dark, the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away
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You already lost and you keep going...
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>Ice and Ether shilling is too much NOOO STOP SHILLING ELLEN AND ZHU
>Electric and Physical shilling is too much NOOO STOP SHILLING *currently non-existent electric DPS* AND CAESAR/JANE
Other Hoyo games don't even have well designed NPCs in the first place, imagine ZZZ filler NPCs but with clothes flatly layered on top of the model and virtually the same facial expression for every NPC
holy cope
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Save it before it gets deleted. I love Nicole from zzz btw.
Did you even watch the webm
Literally nogs everywhere
>Anyone who picks up the game after 1.0 has no choice for an Ether or Ice DPS
dios mio... el devorador...
>electric shilling
We barely even have a usable electric team though
no she's a Jerry girl, get it?
>Have Seth because I like him and play Cringe Blade in MH
>Have no use for him as I am Rinaless and Janeless
>Keep getting copies of him off-banner anyway
maybe I'll just build grace
wow you're so tough I'm afraid!
Belle and Wise being sedentary I get why they wouldn't agree to climbing to the second floor window and nabbing the costume and the game was rigged from the start anyways
she will be the most meebiest meeb
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Cloud Retainer
>Electric shilling needs to stop.
The only thing we have is Anton an is shit.
Bro is cool, but its shit
>he doesn't know about Qingyi DPS
he's good with burnice and yanagi
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Please just shut the fuck up
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That's me. I started the game last month. It sucks not having Ellen or Zhu but at least I got Jane.
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We will have Yanagi with extra 600% Disorder next patch. If anything, anomaly shilling needs to stop.
bro... ur piper? ur anomaly caesar?
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>My sister is not a slut!
that's not the same thing because she didn't even have a model before becoming a playable character
Post Anton shiyu clears please
You can always use anomaly instead
He won't be good in Disorder comps too, his AP buff is single target only which doesn't work in comps which constantly require swapping around.

He's basically there for hypercarry.

Nah Caesar and Rina will mog him, his animations are too slow too. He might be okay with Haru for a dedicated faggot team.
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Who was he crying about here? It's definitely not Pompey.
There is a total of 2 anons in this thread that have him built.
He should be decent with Yanagi but probably worthless with Burnice and any other disorder character.
Yanagi does most of the damage in disorder teams that use her, and she activates his core passive so he should be a strong buffer for her - Caesar also only buffs the on-field character so it's a matter of 25% vuln vs anomaly buildup.
A good electric attacker would be nice for those stupid working machines
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I know my Jane needs more work but she Assaults for 200k at most, which feels like nothing on some enemies
Does Assault depend on attack and nothing else?
The game gave me Grace, C6 Anton and C1R1 Rina and I'm still not going to build him. I just don't like his moveset.
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How long will it take to get to Chapter 4 from Interlude Chapter 2? And any tips along the way? I want to get onto Chapter 4 before they release the new chapter but I'm sure I have time.
So then I am EX++ bricked, if any ice or ether with phys/fire res content comes up?
According to google,
>american woman demands sex in jamaican airport
God I wish Pompey will become playable. Only good male design Hoyo has ever done.
God i hate flowy shit.
I assure you, dear viewer, nobody who has a built Seth will be rolling for Yanagi, and no one who likes Yanagi will be using Seth. This is an irrefutable fact.
stack attack and AP NOW, you need MORE AP and drop the AM disc for MORE ATTACK NOW
200k seems low what are your supports like
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Anton shilling needs to stop
Try to get like 100 more AP. You are using her wit at least 1 of Seth/Caesar, right?
Jane should be able to hit 300k on assault without crit. My Piper hits 300k with basically the same stats as your Jane but my Jane hits way higher than that.
Assault scales with attack, damage % and anomaly prof.
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>no one who likes Yanagi will be using Seth
Miyabi will be ice attacker, trust the plan, but instead being sustained dps like Ellen it will be a burst character
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cute and sex fox
Imagine going out with all this flowy shit and a strong tailwind picks up.
W I D E is not cute
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You people know you can just click the character's attribute on the stat screen and see what each thing does, right?
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>here's a hime autist with a katana
>gacha players:
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Your anomaly prof is very low bro...
The retarded thing here is that physical is the second-worst element for disorder (ahead of ice), and the upcoming disorder enabler Yanagi is electric, so Burnice may as well be the only other anomaly unit that exists
i think it's fine in small doses but genshin and hsr have too much flowy shit on a ton of characters and it drives me insane
God I hope she's haggy
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Took me like half a day, but I was fucking around and afk'ing a bit. I haven't been playing for that long either.
is lucys cheer on just a bad version of caesars attack boost?
You're not talking about Bizarre Brigade.
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Pretty fun game.
>american woman demands sex in jamaican airport
top fucking kek. her brain is rot from too much interracial porn
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You're missing a 100 Anomaly Proficiency from what you can get pretty easily with her weapon. Even if you get a +1 Anomaly Prof substat roll on 5 of your disks that'll still put you at about 400-415 Anomaly
Disk mines suck but I believe in you!
My Seth M6W5 is lvl 1
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Yanagicucks explained in a one image
You don't have to rush anything because the story content in this game is quite short, and the interknot level timegating aren't as annoying as before since the game now have more exp sources.
>How long will it take to get to Chapter 4 from Interlude Chapter 2?
If you are not gatekept by interknot level it's about 2 hours per chapter if you only do the chapter's main story and nothnig else. It can take a little more or less time depending on how slow you are in combat/whether you try to explore some of the TVslop.
You have Interlude Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Jane/Seth story and Chapter 4 of the main story to get through still, so figure about ~10-15 hours total.

>And any tips along the way?
Pay yourself instead of rushing. You might get bored of combat commissions/TV comms if you rush the story and have a massive backlog of side stuff to do.
You have about 35 days to clear chapter 4 and the event(s) it unlocks, so at a leisurely pace you'll be caught up by 1.3 basically no matter what.
1.3 probably doesn't have a main story (interlude/chapter 5), it'll just be another side story like the Jane/Seth story was.
She's sustained, her boyfriend Lighter is a specialized off-field stunner for a reason.
I started playing the game a day before Jane's banner and I was able to complete all chapters (and her special episode) before her banner ended.
The only real timegates are the "raise account level" interludes but levelling from 1 to 36 is fairly fast compared to 40 and beyond.
zuh should have been electrik, why the FUCK is she using deadly poison magic on civilian control bullets?
You clearly didn't inspect her correctly
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Top 3 girls: Zhu Yuan > Caesar > Qingyi

You all agree? Good.
No one is pulling for flopter btw
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Honestly with how self sufficient Jane is it doesn't even matter
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it symbolizes police corruption
I'm hoping she's anomaly not just because I'm an Ellenfag but I'd like her to have a new team instead of just pilfering my Ellen team or running Lighter/Caesar.
We really need literally any ice/ether anomaly character and then the roster will be widened out rather well as far as team variety goes.
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>Got S11 up to cap
>Wonder why I'm not getting any event to unlock level 4
>turns out you just literally can't until some future update
Ether corruption is a great way to stop resisting citizens.
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I like Yanagi and won't be using Seth with her.
Thanks for the spoonfeeding. I'm rolling for Caesar because I'm not using her with a faggot
>electric rounds on a shotgun/homing middle launcher
So they can die an excruciating death via electrocution? This shit fucking sucks.
>shoots you with multiple laser beams
>blasts you with NEPS approved shotgun shell attachment
>gives you ether cancer
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I only use him in electric weak enemies
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Ey, I didn't know mihoyolab had details, please rate my dps
>wont use her with S*th
>Lyc**n peeking down there
Ok faggot.
Based Anton player
Ice anomaly would be useless. Freeze is the worst element in the game for both damage on its own and disorder, its sole purpose is to buff crits
She would be most interesting from a meta perspective as an ether anomaly unit but I don't expect that to happen
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I'm considering buying Lycaon's signature for Qingyi, but is it really worth 30 rolls
Already have Nekomata and cats are cuter than fucking rats lmao.
Yeah it's retarded, they game doesn't even tell you.
I tried for like 4 days straight to unlock her last trust event before I googled it and found out you can't do it. I even thought it might have been linked to the cat because one of her trust events involves the cat, but it's literally not in the game.
BTW, if you go to the archive you can see that Anby is the only character with a level 5 trust event so hers will probably be tied to Soldier's when OBOL is added.
Holy retard everyone and their mom got Anby's engine for free.
why do you need it for qingyi
Would you like it if Mibibi turned out to be the most 'for (You)' Agent?

It's 40 rolls.
Do you want half a character or do you wanna stun 9% faster?
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Is Piper usable at M0?
They can easily give her a gimmick centered around freezing, such as AP is converted ot crit vs frozen enemies or some other buff that turns her burstier/encourages feezing. It's not like disorder mattered until Burnice (and especially Yanagi) was added, either.
They gave Jane crits for assault immediately to make sure that no other phys assault unit could match her, when they do add a freeze character they 100% will have some gimmick that only they can exploit that makes the status effect less useless.
As was discussed last thread, Ice is the weakest damaging Anomaly. This means an Ice anomaly can either be
>weak as hell
>scale with crit and have a convoluted kit
It's simply too early to make Ice's mechanics work with Anomaly, and they can't afford to make Miyabi weak and unappealing as a character. If they know what they're doing, she will not be Ice Anomaly.
I'm using it retard, I'm just contemplating if the upgrade is worth it
Thanks for the replies guys
I agree
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I love little sister characters
She goes full dere when we're alone.
Yes, if you don't have Jane
it very obviously isn't
okay brigade bros... i'm trying to beat the difficulty 5 with card king but it's too hard. any strats?
Critical node?
Are you under knot 50?
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She's so fucking stupid so it's OK
Yes, I was using her like that before I started rolling for Caesar and got Piper maxed out.
Eous needs his own Cinema art.
Get lucky.
She looks ugly so no, I like it when Zhu Yuan and Lucy do it.
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Talking about S weapons from the shop, do these ever go on discount?

I'm not familiar with other Hoyo games.
shouldve rolled their sigs/10
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I use it and it's ok but not that big of a deal.
>This effect can trigger at most once during each skill.
Which means her mash attack doesn't build stacks after the first hit and the buff wears off.
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>Talking about S weapons from the shop, do these ever go on discount?
Yes, she's hot
Yes, she is usable even at that point, because her kit is complete and everything else just makes her do what she does even better.
C1, C6 and W1 are her biggest power spikes after that.
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Launching your allies does a ton of damage, learn to do so if you haven't yet, it can help out a lot during the early waves if your damage is too low.
Otherwise, you can always stack knockback and get the bullet blocker fan, remember that you just need to survive 10 waves, outlasting the waves is just as valid a win as killing them.
yeah the red one with the robots. No my dps are both 60, stunner and support at 50
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If Jane is bad for disorders then why does her passive want another Anomaly teammate?
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yours pretty low as well
Making her just be Ellen 2 without any gimmick at all isn't going to help her sales, either.
DPS in Hoyo games often make the most money of the other archetypes, but if they release a character in the same element as the most-owned 5* in the game the amount of people that will pull her will be severely limited. She either needs to be significantly stronger than Ellen or have a completely new playstyle.
Go look at how shitty the copypaste characters do in HSR (Yunli) or the fact that Hu Tao ran pyro for like 4 years even though some characters were actually stronger than her (Lyney), just not enough to matter until 'Chino came out. Who still only performed all right for a character shilled as hard as she was.
Miyabi is popular but if she's crit ice, she will need to do 2x Ellen's damage to print money.
I'm f2p and I prefer to roll for characters only.
My genshin/honkai experience made me regret rolling for weapons.
No, because it's too cynical to have a character that gets power level wanked and then shoved in your face as obvious waifu bait, and Firefly has already shown that hoyo can only do that with the subtlety of a sledgehammer
Anby's ball is better in my opinion, more energy more i-frames
To bait retards into pulling for the single most selfish fieldhogger in the game
Caesar's trust events are so wholesome, bros
no bro you dont GET IT Rina isnt a brick bro you just need her M1 and ideally M2 and her sig oh and at least 18 PEN rolls per character (up to 24 but let's be realistic haha!) and she can definitely compete with M0 Nicole (except in a Zhu Yuan team) and Soukaku w/ Ellen but man once you get all that your Anton is gonna be doing MAD DAMAGE im talking like 2 min 15 seconds per shiyu side
You can choose between Caesar, Burnice or Yanagi as they're all great for her, going Burnice or Yanagi means that you can use Lucy or Rina as 3rd slot
Because people are retarded. Jane is amazing for a disorder team because Assault is one of the best for doing it.
>use Jane, Seth, and Yanagi/Burnice
>shock/burn the enemy
>swap to Jane and buff her up with Seth
>enjoy huge disorder and assault procs
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It's been a week. Please tell me what discs she wants. I saw in a guide that it's 4pcs protopunk and 2pc shockstar, is this right?
>corporations developed cures and ways to resist ether corruption
>corporations are also developing ether weapons
>the government is their biggest client
A coincidence, I assume.
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holy shit, I'm completely cabbage-pilled, during waves 8-10 I barely could see the enemies
Shadow Jane is fun because she has an attack pattern which rewards you once you learn it.
Shadow Pulchra is pure bullshit because lmao you can't damage the enemy for a while just because.
Yes, I'm mad.
you're doing too much thinking citizen, inhale this ether gas
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It's just spreadsheeter propaganda.
Will try to main her on my second team then, I have M6 Corin but really wasnt feeling her gameplay style
thats right. for disc 4 you want crit rate, disc 5 phys dmg bonus and for disc 6 impact
kill yourself homowormer
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>letting the corn touch the table
It's just one sethfaggot spreadsheeter who spams the same shit every thread. Ignore him.
Your comment literally made my morning
Jane + Yanagi + Rina is the most sexo team I can come up with so I'll strive to that
They fucked 100%
How long did that take you? 4 weeks of farming? more?
I'm Seth, you mad bro?
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Thanks, bwo.
4p shockstar 2p swing jazz crit substats mash basics and spend every 20 energy on ex2
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>and at least 18 PEN rolls per character (up to 24 but let's be realistic haha!)
You just need a single Disc 5 PEN% mainstat disc and two pieces of Puffer Electro for 32 PEN%. PEN% isn't a Substat you can roll for, flat PEN doesn't do anything for her.

She will shine with Yanagi who will be able to get an easy 100% PEN% with her. HPEN% only gets better the more you have of it and the higher level the enemies become. It's actually exceedingly cheap to build too, zero disc autism involved compared to Crit.
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Godspeed hagchad
yeah they had sex
>My genshin/honkai experience made me regret rolling for weapons.
why exactly?
I don't regret skipping Zhu and Jane.
One, Hu Tao ran pyro for years because everyone fell for her c1r1 meme so they can't justify benching someone that costs three 5-stars total. Two, Miyabi can always be a burst-type attacker, all she needs to do to print money is do a judgment cut end anyway also personally I'm an advocate of a "secretly attacker Ice Defense" Miyabi because I agree that powercreep this early sucks. I simply think Anomaly isn't the way to do it because the gameplay loop will suck.
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Seth be hitting that ass everynight
bro is lucky
uh oh sethfag melty
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I feel like I really need Lycanon
I started this game just for the calydon group
the event say I need to complete the story to unlock their chapter
I've been playing this for 2 weeks and I just finished the belobog chapter
be honest with me, how far I am from reaching the calydon chapter? this shit is taking forever
Miyabi's gameplay will be all about judgement cutting frozen enemies for insane shatter damage.
>cleared in less than 3 minutes
>needs lycaon
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My Jane Burnice team just did a 300k disorder shit is CRAZY don't listen to the spreadsheet autists this team is FIRE
>Assault is one of the best for doing it
We literally already talked about this last thread, Assault is the second worst Disorder trigger, EVEN if you consider the initial pop. We're not doing the fucking math again.
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I'm about to change your life. Switch Koleda and Caesar around, thank me later
im gonna cum
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>bad at the game
4pc Proto punk 2pc Shockstar
>good at the game
4pc Shockstar 2pc Swing Jazz
>only support
4pc Swing Jazz 2pc Shockstar
>running in anomaly team
4pc Shockstar 2pc Freedom Blues
I can see it!
Does this mean that shitty Grace ball I got can finally have a use?
my solo Jane assault hit 1.5mil LOLOLLOL
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how strong are your assaults?
Just assume you're halfway there.
Did no one bother comparing clear times between Jane + Seth and Jane + Burnice? Tired of the same few metafaggots arguing about this every single thread
>Mibibi's moveset is just the Dark Souls 1 Uchigatana moveset and nothing else
There's no reason to believe she's even still an ice unit. People are assuming that based on a beta so old that roles didn't exist yet and Soukaku was a wind unit.
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oppa gangnam style
Not yet. Wait one more week
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This. AverageLuckGamer, Pokke and FlossinOnYou all recommend it and say it's gonna be META comp we are so back
>4p shockstar user
Swap koleda and caesar, use Moccus instead of Bangvolver
full pic?
No because then Piper can SPIN WOOOOOOOOOOO for free
My ellen is gigastacked alredy so she does not need it as much as piper
redpill me, I love my Qingyi
I assume you need her signature
The HIA demo is RIGHT THERE for you Janefags to test.
4 punk + 2 impact/energy (depends on what you think is missing)
disks 4-5-6
impact/phys damage/crit-AP
use AP if you're using her with jane or piper since she'l contribute to assault buildup
you can use crit in basically every other team
10-15 hours if you're not skipping dialog
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Her breasts are NOT that big.
>Yanagi will be able to get an easy 100% pen with Rina
What does the candy do in the arcade game
How the fuck are they gonna compare for something that isn't even out yet?
can i still play soukaku dps with just m4 + sig
Chapter 1 & 2 feel slow because the game keep telling you to momentarily stop playing the story to check on new stuff.
How do you know?
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m6 gives her a roid injection so you kinda want that
You're assuming a normal assault proc, which you're definitely correct about. Jane fixes assault to give it a far more competitive damage. The problem with the other elements is it takes too damn long for them to tick and do their damage. Doing a DoT like burn/shock and then doing physical fixes that.
objectively highest quality of life would be germany, austria, or switzerland. getting into the latter 2 is near impossible, getting into germany is easy. if you want normalfag good weather though, italy or france, but only if you actually learn the language so you can live outside of major population centers, village frenchies will sell you poisoned baguette if you look like you're even trying to speak english.
Her tits are big but she's too covered in-game.
It gives +100% Disorder and +50% Anomaly build-up application so it's not a useful testing environment.
Wrong hair color.
There were lot of ocasions where I thought "I should have rolled for that character" and lots of times I thought "I should have not rolled for this weapon"

On the other hand I never thought "I should have not rolled for this character".
Animals have less fur on their bellies
Show me what a giga stacked Ellen looks like?
read >>496869634
If you have Jane, do one of the SoC stages and try her out with Burnice.
Okay but now make it a cube based on Cut, Smash or Pierce.
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>I don't trust spreadsheetfags
>I don't trust the HIA stage
>I'd rather argue about the same shit every thread instead
Holy shit you metafaggots are insufferable. Glad I skipped Jane so I don't have to bother with numbers
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>village frenchies will sell you poisoned baguette if you look like you're even trying to speak english.
She's ridiculously versatile when it comes to gear and most enemies aren't that hard to dodge consistently, I feel 4pc protopunk on her is a trap and 4p Shock just leads to fights ending more quickly if you're running dual support e.g. with Brickomata
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This is an edit, here's the original with the 1.1 version of Sjal.
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Like sjal hasn't done way worse to fat bald basterd just to get her min wage coupon distribution deal
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Sorry Anon, Ellen is feeling lazy today. Maybe ask to touch another time?
it wouldve been funny if sjal changed her hair every panel
Those stages are a complete joke and you have no control over the stats of the borrow characters. It's totally worthless as a metric for checking clear time, especially since some of them give you infintie decibels or have other nonsense.
Just wait until Burnice is actually out. She will probably perform similarly to Caesar + Seth teams for Jane, and better if you get her engine. But then you need to realize you're using up to like 300 pulls to clear 5s faster, when Jane's M2 is the same amount of pulls but also makes her able to solo in 30s.
2pc Puffer: 8%
Disc 5: 24%
Fusion Compiler: 24%
Rina buff: 44ish%
= 100%
With Rina M1 and you don't even need Puffer Set on Yanagi to reach 100%. Currently Yanagi also gets 12% in Low Stance from her M1 but only whales will care.

Yes, see above.
I wish at least on this game Mihoyo gone for a skin policy. I would really like to see the characters in different outfits, and unlike Genshin the costumes doesnt feel that embedded on the models
I tried it yesterday but the boss dies too fast to really infer anything useful
Caesar parry -> Burnice on field for 3 seconds -> Jane pops assault once and the robot gets instagibbed
>fusion compiler
I stopped reading here.
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not him, but I rolled Jane and I don't bother with numbers either bro. I'm using Jane Burnice because I like them, I'm not using Seth because I don't like him. It's as shrimple as that.
Sniffing high schooler pussy
Brigade diff 5 is too hard for most chars
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it is absolutely ridiculous how fast Burnice can inflict Burn, putting her along with Piper and Ben will be outrageously OP
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>Rina M1
How much autism does M0 Rina require to keep her buff up?
How do I play the Jane/Seth/Ceza team? Do I put both shields on Jane and on field her? What about stuns?
Is Jane supposed to be this clunky
I'd kneel if I had legs
>don't know Burnice's stats
>don't know her W-Engine level
>don't know her discs
>don't know her Cinemas
Are metafaggots retarded?
OK I kneel
why they changed her so much times anyway?
You can grind candies in earlier difficulties for a minor starting stat boost.
Since the minigame is pretty snowbally, that small HP and ATK boost can be the key between a win and a lost.
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I gave her 4p freedom blues in my jane team.
>Fusion Compiler
>Rina M1
middle heh
Yeah I have the squirrel sitting at lvl 1. I'm gonna pull for burnice too
They are doing one basic attack and then waiting instead of doing combos, I assume to make the numbers easier to see
i completely agree, using 4p shockstar also makes her stuns less reliant on boss activity ie people using the defensive assist into ex2 spam and more consistent on all bosses
caesar can just self enable ex2 spam anyway and get faster overall daze buildup by remaining on field IF that is her role on the team
caesar is so cool and fun to play
Belle is in lingerie too, so this is fine
Jane's assault crit is a constant 50% right? Only the crit rate increases with AP?
This is better than normal Burn, but worse than Shock, Corruption, and Burnice burn. I also don't really understand the complaint about DoT anomalies ticking too slowly, when you're doing Disorders precisely to pop all available procs at once.
>still no decent Burnice lewds
What gives?!
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this is my roster. what teams should i build for Shiyu? should it matter, my future plans are: i will pull for Burnice, i might pull for Lighter, i will not pull for Yanagi or anyone else from her group.
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Where the fucknis the vudeo tape for Zhu's trust mission? I want my date already
Is the big pot absolutely dogshit or am I just playing him wrong? I can't even make it past wave 3 most of the time
I skipped Jane because I have M3 Piper, M6 Billy and M6 Corin. I don't need anymore physical DPS.
>Try the cunning hares trial in the new training mode shit
>Neko sucks ass
why do people whine about permanent shiyu? I don't get it
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Rate my F2P+ luck
>3 enemies in front of me
>perfect for grouping with ceasar
>move toward middle guy
>hold left click
>she jumps to the guy on the right that was barely even on screen
>left guy doesn't get pulled since he's too far
Why is this so shit?
It matters much less in Genshin and yet it works so much better
They put the one thing that makes kot's kit actually work in her signature ball, as a joke
bad at videogame
Based account
I Kneel
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Sex with the police?
jane seth piper/rina/lucy? i forgot what the comp was
caesar nicole zy
get ZY to 60 and crush shiyu's balls especially with nicole m6
The issue is for SD you want BIG burst damage. You're again right that swapping between two DoT elements does proc disorder just fine, but a DoT into assault means you will get an absolutely massive burst. That's ideal for SD where you just want to blast an enemy ASAP. Imagine each disorder doing 500k. So you alternate between elements and get a nice 500k pop each time. If you have assault instead, you'll get a huge 1mil damage pop, meaning you can theoretically kill a boss in SD thar much faster.
Yeah that's also a possible combination. Could even do 4p freedom blues 2 swing jazz if you don't mind a slightly slower stun rate and want more out of your EX2 spam and have good pieces, she's super generous to build.

Probably the best character build-wise so far.
130% of 30 (Rina's max PEN share) is 39, not "44ish". Assuming Fusion Compiler over her sig is also weird.
>39+8+24+24 is 95%
which is also respectable, but not literally ignoring enemy def.
It's very hard when your characters are level 40
Okay, the new Ambush has some prime aids combinations
activate caesar's and seth's buff and go ham with jane, dont bother with stuns just dodge everything with jane.
>Try the NEPS trial in the new training mode shit
>Jane is clunky as fuck
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She got her engine and crits for over 100 k alredy so I think she is pretty stacked myself, gona do a test run swapping Koleda but Ithink I will get worse timer overall
>M6 Anton
no matter how much luck you have, this right here bricked it
The candy? I still wonder where you can see what they actually do
>try zenless zone zero in the new mihoyo game shit
>it's clunky as fuck
lycaon has ice shred after all
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hes better off with M6 Anton and others, means he will get more free rolls
Fair enough, Jane is currently unparalleled at clearing 4 waves of trash/elite mobs. She's literally kitted like a Dynasty Warriors character. Anyone that will get oneshot by ~1m damage will be killed faster by Jane than having to wait until two Anomaly bars are filled to proc Disorder.
why skip the boopons
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Everyone hyping Burnice+another anomaly for disorder...but I really dont want to dump my Caesar+Lucy combo
>w3 brimstone
what the fuck
wtf I have 30 less crit damage than (you) with shitlight engine but my damage is ass. Is the ball THAT much of a gamechanger?
Koleda Burnice Grace is the end game
How do I obtain a shield every 20 seconds without Caesar, Ben or Seth
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>trying to clear difficulty 5 with Omnom
>find a relic that raises one random stat by 1 whenever I take dmg
>get to wave 10 like this
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Cute couple
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Is Sons of Calydon bangboo a good investment or am i better running phys and fire anomaly bangboos with the girls?
The funniest thing? Jane requires M1W1 to work
Just build Caesar as your main attacker and use Lucy+Burnice for off-field damage.
>try out the new pigboo in hollow zero
>it drags far away enemies to you
wtf this is a great ability
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Super impressive, jealous of all these Brimstones.. such a great generalist attacker ball
>build Caesar as your main attacker
Doesnt she need her sig for that?
I thought Wise was carrying her but there is no way he is that fit.
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>whaled for wengine
The absolute state of Billycucks
Uhh no, BP weapon or an engine with atk to use as a stat stick. I cleared all shiyu with her as DPS.
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it is. i have him at M2 and he is worth it for the SoC girls, also helps with grouping and can push enemies for a long time
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>my Billy is M6
>shit(you) defense keeps shilling physical weak
>I didn't roll for Jane
ok (you) win I'll build HIM
>it's okay when I whale for M1W1 Jane instead
shit bait
Your order, sire.
What will be the best comp if you have Jane and Caesar, and want to pull both Bernice and yanagi? 3 anomaly?
You got two interludes and a main chapter, so probably a day or two.
He can stunlock humanoid enemies like Jane/Pulchra/Bellum/Mors so he's been really useful for SD and the new mode where they keep popping up.
Ellen is already Miyabi 2 since her kit is basically an improved version of Miyabi's CBT kit.
Mibibi will definitively get a whole new kit/element/role, recycling the same kit twice would be fucking stupid.
Idk why would anyone do it - her M0W0 is already broken as it is
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This woman is retarded
You put Compiler on Yanagi bwo... It even AP buffs her special which she has to spam
I can't keep hearing this dude as an even more bri'ish James Hoffman
Managed to beat diff 5 with the fish with no candy upgrades
Tried to do it with the cat and the garbage bag and you need insane luck to get past wave 3, even then you will probably die on wave 4
Looks like you have to grind candy for stat boosts on the shittier characters
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Seriously? I just spent like half an hour at Elfys for 4pcs protopunk. Are these stats good enough?
I do use her with Piper.
Give her a break, she just started learning how to read and write.
My retarded wife...
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>streamer with Caesar broken shield cant survive Shiyu 7
why is Lighter's animation so underwhelming except for his chain attack
What site do you use to track your pulls?
I'm hoping she's ether anomaly, as unlikely as that is, because it would make her the BIS teammate for Yanagi while also filling out an absurdly under-represented element
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>sitting on the toilet at work
>fire up ZZZ on my phone
>time to spend my battery
>decide to farm disks to optimize my M6 anton
>pick anton rina anby (favorite team)
>there's no one around so I turn the sound on
>going well enemy is stunned
>start farting a little bit
>switch to anton for ult
>start shitting while farting
>robots are basically dead
>finish them with my M6 anton
>check discks
>electric damage disc 5
>pause the game (anton pause screen)
>put the phone in my underwear (like a phone hammock)
>the music is still playing
>start wiping
>paper slips and I smear some shit on my fingers and the back of my balls
has that ever happened to anyone?
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The engine is super busted nad gives you 44% crit rate for free plus more ice dmg and has stats of an s rank therefore its extremely noticeable on her
Jane's engine for example is not THAT noticeable
As I sad if I swap Koleda I take more time
check the OP
I love my autistic gravel-chewing Physical Anby wife
She's just American. There's a slight different.
Her gear doesn't really matter. If you're not comfortable with dodging (i.e. bad at the game), 4pc protopunk can easily carry you. The other gear is just to shave time off, but you can use 4pc proto and clear just fine.
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What episode of Powerpuff Girls Z is this
He was supposed to be an a rank agent. He was upgraded to s rank to appease the fujos.
Can't I just use Grace Engine for Burnice? I don't want to roll weapon every banner, since they both want you to spam skill and ex skill aren't they essentially the same?
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As an A rank should
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I have played this game since release, and I have never once beaten, let alone S rank Shiyu Defense stages 5, 6, and 7. Stage 4 is my maximum limit; more than that, enemies have bloated as shit HP. The two teams per level fuck up my chances of doing it since I didn't roll for Jane Doe and Ellen Joe (lost 50/50 to Koleda).
i fucking KNEEL
I'm dumb like Caesar so who can I use with Burnice if I don't have Jane and can't get Yanagi?
Are the in-game disc recomendations a good parameter to build my agents?
Bros...you have to help me:(
I want Ceasar to be strong, but i also want Burnice and Yanagi. As of now i have like 70 pulls saved, 60 to guarantee on the limited banner. What should be the priority? Ceasar engine, Burnice, Yanagi...in what order?
They really should've had a bit more contrast on that latte art, it's hard to see
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@me when jstern25 streams
Just checked her sig
>714 atk + 30% atk
>30% anomaly buildup (better than AM)
>75 AP
>25% more disorder damage
VS Fusion Compiler
>684 +12% atk
>25x3 AP
>24% pen
Huh. It's actually quite close for a Standard vs Limited comparison. I omly just learned that Grace's sig isn't cucked to Electric Anomalies too. Guess that's a nice use for a previous brick.
You either go all in on PEN% or you don't use it all.
Burnice > Caesar engine
Is there a guideline how stats should look for each role or character? I have no idea how damage caluculation works and skills effects scaling differently for every character doesn't help.
You'll regret using your rolls on a Wengine when everyone is using Burnice and Yanagi on their teams
They ought to be decent at worst. Just make sure to read the bonuses and decide for yourself if that's good for your team.
I'd use Original Transmorpher asa a cope engine and pull burnice. In the rerun I'd pull her engine.
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Reminder that someone at Hoyo spent hours fucking with Unity so that Qingyi's eyes are visible through her hair
burnice needs the energy
>Looks like you have to grind candy for stat boosts on the shittier characters
yeah but what does it even do?? one candy is one more stat in everything or what I don't get it
>day 1 player
you're doing something wrong then
Is Koleda for ME?
that's literally a toggle in Unity
>has that ever happened to anyone?
Based Qingydev.
Let's see. Are there any other anomalies in this game?
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Playing as a jew is pretty fun. The goyim are holocausting themselves while you just walk around collecting shekels.
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Is my Lucy build okay for now?
Jane + Seth/Caesar/Lucy (pick 2)
Zhu Yuan + Anby + Nicole (this side can literally delete bosses even if they're Ether resistant, clump with Nicole, stun with Anby, apply debuff with Nicole and burst with Zhu Yuan)
He's a filler character
>Yanagi wear spats
So that new elec&fire is literally made for Burnice and Yanagi? They are that much needed together that they made equip just for those 2?
Would Jane-Seth-Yanagi work?
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No hags allowed in my account
No, she is for a bigger if you catch my drift.
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Do we know who comes first in the next banner? Based on drip marketing, it would obviously be Yanagi, but it would be weird to go from Sons of Calydon to Hand, back to SoC and then back to Hand. I really want to make a Burnice/Yanagi team, so I'm really hoping that Lighter is first so it gives me a chance to save up for Yanagi.
go to prydwen.gg and go to character -> build, and they have endgame stat recommendations
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I just found out today and I'm a day 1 player on top of that, that Ellen gets a dash charge attack that is leagues quicker to charge for 3 stacks if she enters her roaming state on a perfect dodge and quick assist. I want to die from my own retardation.
They are All in their 20s...
To be honest I still don't know what Yanagi does
>2 ether agents, 1 was a limited banners and unobtainable
>3 ice agents, 1 was a limited banner and unobtainable
>8 completely empty roster slots
>2 a-rank physical attackers for some fucking reason
>confirmed to be adding another s-rank electric anomaly and fire stunner, doubling up on roster slots already
what kind of retard is in charge of coming up with characters for this game?
How do I attain this power?
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That's gay bro. I have no respect for a man who can't appreciate all types of women.
Yanagi is designed for disorder teams. Physical is the worst anomaly for disorder besides ice, and the only other anomaly unit in the game is also electric, so no disorder with Yanagi. Burnice is your only option.

Electric anomaly, but her core passive is +600% to disorder damage.
Didn't you play the trial that awards polychromes and mats at release?
>Lucy M2
>Piper M1
>Rina M1
I am an all-accepting waifuGOD, every lady that comes to my account is in their usable state.
For me it's late teens and early 20s agents
Gay seeded account. I bet your Lycaon is M1+
all younger than piper btw
Wgy does Soukaku comments on golden gear coins in hollow zero as a useless currency?
Is it a reference to Yen?
If Yanagi is electric anomaly then what does that mean for my M2 Grace?
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It's alright, you're still cute. *pat pat*
For me it's 8-50yo
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I know I should swap to a Crit Rate chest
but I won't.
Why not? The only real downside I see is that twink ruining sexo comp.
answer plis sirs
If it makes you feel better, I'm also a day 1 player and just learned that you can combine blue mats into pink ones
Attack wants 1:2 crit ratio and high ATK.
Anomaly wants high Anomaly prof. and mastery and good ATK.
Stunners want high Impact and good ATK but getting crit substats is welcome.
Supports want high energy regen.
Defense depends.

Keep in mind some characters gain crit chance or damage, buff attack, have skills that scale with all sorts of stats, whatever so there's not some universal rule.
A PSA for anons who might not know this, but ZZZ has very high lvl bonus. Going from lvl 50 to lvl 60 increases all your damage (crit/anomaly/disorder) by 25%.
I almost spend most of my resources on leveling up the cunning hares trio (Billy, Nicole and Anby). I don't have any energy/resources for the rest.
That's perfect as is, assuming you have M6 Nicole. You'll get close to 85% crit rate with that build.
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where did she disappear
All my characters are 55max...
sux 2 b u
From searching around on d*scord, it buffs your stats by 1% per candy
What team setup do you use for carry caesar? I tried mine for fun that has 11 skill upgrades on attack and 12 on ex, using woodpecker electro and nicole + lucy as teammates. It took forever to kill the furries on node 5, like 4+ mins compared to a jane team there.
Caesar watches 9/11 time travel movies?
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You can always play who you like and ignore meta faggotry.
Who would you choose to replace him in that comp?
>>496865236 (my build)
I'm using a lvl 50 M1W1 piper with a mid build (cope discs) and Lucy M5 without her signature.
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bear necessity...
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dopamine rush game
It is a very addicting game.
soulful lucy
thank you mihoyo for showing lucy so much favoritism and making her an A rank support so she can get as much lifetime as possible and an easy m6
>18 quills
I never got past 7
>Anton M6W5
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*has higher basic attack multipliers than S11's perfectly timed attacks*
Bets on whether Anby work with Obol squad?
Used to most likely
Still won't roll because I don't like her and I'm not a metafaggot
She was the team spunk rag.
Reminder that Caesar drinks shampoo.
nta, but i would choose someone that buffs the entire party like caesar.
this is your problem. use your resources better. you could have had 2 usable teams by now if you focused on leveling 2 DPS to 60 and left your supports at 50.
Will roll her because her after image animations are sick and I'm a metachad.
I might roll her only because I have fusion compiler
Well you can't go wrong with Caesar.
Maybe Rina but I'm not so sure she's better for disorder team since catboi gives anomaly build up but hey, at least you are tit and butt maxing.
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1st half was very easy, I basically did it in one go. 2nd part took me 30 minutes though.
Probably would've been easier if I didn't get KNOTTED on my 50/50.
Do the intelligent construction equipment have the same rights as Bangboo or Androids?
anby + fire anby and ether anby will be meta
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>the bangboo stares at you
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S11 needs more love.
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Are you saying she works as a crit hypercarry?
Because I was just convinced on skipping her because I cant make the disorder team work.
I didn't realize Metal Chimera's lyrics is just Endless Construction Day's lyric but heavily distorted.
What intelligent AI is forcing everyone in new eridu to use shitty CRTs instead of LCD or LED displays
My Jane Doe (double dodge/bleed/assault build btw) says hi.
Anby suck
Also bangboos don't have the same rights as Billy and Qingyi if you meant them as androids.
Self aware machines like them are a special category.
Bangboos are just robots without self awareness.
Like animals.
im gonna be running jane & yanagi & caesar and you cant stop me.
Probably the lost of large industrial sectors and production facilities located in Old Eridu. Same with data, which is why people are resorting to VHS tapes, CDs and flash drives.
But that's just a theory!
Yeah she sucks my cock
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>without self awareness
They're clearly sapient, though... They just lack rights because they're mass produced and don't need anything other than battery charge and maintenence...
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