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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Go back, /v/ermins.

Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.


>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Old thread: >>496779689
Ryujinx: 1.1.1403 You Can (Not) Resulate
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would you rather have an active thread with /v/ermins, or an inactive thread without them?
I would rather this place was a desert.
fine, ciggy ps1 screenshots it is.
either way works for me as long as there are good laughs to be had
the resultation of smaug
ikr? seeing tendies seethe splits my sides.
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How can anyone ask this after browsing the last thread
Buy some hard drives.
Have a local digital library.
Practice file sharing.
Do not rely on the "internet". It's not forever.
because it's funny seeing people with potato setups trying to claim there's "issues" with certain games
There were people having issues with zips bro, not mentioning all the low IQ posts
You probably fit all the games worth playing on a 500GB drive.
lmao and it was a loonix user too
its easier to blame reddit overall as the majority came from there, and shit up the place further, only for more to show up and shit it up even more.
honestly i'm glad ryujinx's android port never got publicly released, then it'd be 10x worse here.
I stopped caring about emulator ports once I realized I only ever wanted to play on my phone (and handhelds in general) while on the bed, and Moonlight+Sunshine works extremely well for that. 8ms of delay on my network.
Again, the clearnet is not the internet itself. Although you are right and it won't be forever, start learning decentralized everything, pronto.
don't blame the poor redfags, the owner of the place threatened to make subs paid subscription only.
>poor redfags
Go back.
redditors deserve worse
Fuck you in the nose, I'm staying.
Nintendo's only doing this because they're afraid. New console is coming out soon, so if you consider their hostility towards all switch emus it's safe to assume the new one will be pretty much the same garbage with a new gimmick, thus trivial to get emulators running the new games for it.
This whole situation just proves their own incompetence to be honest. But people will buy the new system nevertheless.
no problem, you'll 41% soon
Kill yourself.
ik but it's not like this place is getting any better.
>Nintendo's only doing this because they're afraid.
Oh so now we're supposed to pamper a megacorpo? fuck that.
Usecase for emulation?
>Oh so now we're supposed to pamper a megacorpo?
read what >>496885609 said
>This whole situation just proves their own incompetence to be honest. But people will buy the new system nevertheless.
> 41%
stop looking at a mirror, samefag
Yeahhhh it's probably time for me to start testing my ISP's 'unlimited' data transfers and grab everything I have even passing interest in and full libraries up to 6th+Wii. Pain in my ass.
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go back and kill yourself
you first, fag
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are you inviting me to your faggy room, troon?
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and so the activity begins
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Development towards fixing Bloodborne has stopped.
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Don't forget to do a flip before, very important.
penetration towards your little butthole has started.
>hey let's check emugen for the latest on ryu-jin
bah picked schizotran hour to drop by...
beats /v/ermins desu
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To piss you off
1080p, 30-60fps depending on card (>=3060 Nvidia card is about the min req), mostly intact visually, and playable on 12g VRAM + 32gb RAM. Missing torch and bonfire flame sprites (but they still glow ambiently). Occasional vertex explosions that you have to load in and out of but I think they're getting rarer.

Using main nightly build, sound pack (have to find it yourself), and the AMD OG SFX mod on nexusmods. One could easily beat it in this state.
not enjoyable
Those aren't the devs that's just a random snippet of some tards talking. This train's still moving as of now.
iunno man I've got it pretty goddamn solid except some ornery triangles now and then. It's literally that away from being playable with no gripes from me.
What makes you think beating games is a metric?
>don't blame the poor redfags
i do because they are a problem
I hate the normalization of the internet so goddamn much. It's gotten me laid but I'd take it back if it would gatekeep piracy. Hoes get old faster than bings.
mainly because i've only played it once or twice and got filtered by it years ago.
Don't forget the crashes and memory leaks destroying performance randomly. I tried last weekend and decided it's just not there yet, unless you are really desperate. I already waited a decade so what's a couple more months lol
Crashing and dumping a lot more rarely for me, anyway. Vertex is enemy #1 at the moment and I somehow think that'll be less tricky than lighting, which was handily patched. I'm sure RAM leaks/usage could be a lot more optimized, though.
Gotta keep in mind shit is moving REAL fast now, and I'm not sure if you tried the aforementioned setup. Of note, 2K/4K mods are super janky and crash at the moment, I've had a lot more luck at 1080p.
relax, it's just the scene healing itself, now all the tourists, predditors, newfags, zoomies and tech illiterates will finally go away and emugen will go back to its in all its glory with its three at most dysphoric angry wigged boomers yelling at each other....
As suspected, the remaining developers have deleted their Ryujinx repos. I hope you mirrored them.
It's not hard to find forks/mirrors even on regular git websites. There are some on archive.org too. The code is not illegal so I doubt it's going anywhere. Nintendo has no grounds for a DMCA either as far as anyone is concerned.
It's not rocket science kohai, you can see it on the news.
Brazilians cucked and dumped Bolsonaro's chaotic good for a $ociali$t, only the real ruler of the realm is a high level nwo/w e f judge. The place is fucked.
Sound doesnt work, environment and enemies randomly invisible, random rainbow pink textures, random exploding vertices, random crashes
Yeah, I forgot the sound here >>496888805
That alone kills it for me.
Nintendo is tugging its way by now, fuck legality, I hope we can at least get some discord gossip or official statement to clarify somewhat what really happened.
sound pack, doesn't happen if you stick to 1080, modded out, yes, and yes.
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no thanks
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Take it easy, it's just a mirror
a garbage one, just grab the latest official release
Switch Emulation is evil when you put the logic together
>I have a good PC. What’s the point of buying any Switch game besides multiplayer games?
>Never buys a SP game again, pirates everything, saves hundreds to thousands of dollars
report it here:
cool, now make a thread on /v/, might get some (You)s
no thanks
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When will you guys understando?
Suck my fat black 16-bit blast processing, weak little supa boy.
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Stay supporting a company that hates you, faggy.
go back
the average poster itt is younger than Switch itself
Could be true if we were on /v/.

Btw, DH seems to be working hard on this
Do these mirrors include all of their personal branches? LDN work, Metal, whatever riperiperi was working. No? This is why I said to mirror them yesterday. Half of Ryujinx was in unmerged PRs and private repos because they had retarded development practices.
Their private stuff was... private. No one even knew they were working on the iOS/Android stuff. There was one guy that released a iOS proof of concept (on an issue iirc) a few months ago but that was it.
But yeah, their PRs seem to be gone. Someone will have to go through the forks and merge them.
We need Hykem
It's not fair bros. I wanted to play Metroid Prime 4.
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LDN is still open for role havers, whatever that means.
Yeah, could use some good Heineken right now.

>role havers
Women, it's a typo.
I know riperiperi had two new active branches before he took down his fork so I doubt that's available. The partial LDN work that was public could be lost since it was useless without the rest. Metal, fixed VP9 decoding, full bindless support, and whatever else I'm forgetting that had been sitting for a while could probably be found.
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To hell with Nintendon't
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>couple fixes for some literally who gives a shit games.
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>his version still has the typo
Let's see if it hits Switch 1 anyway. What a boring platform for such a game to land on. This platform has been stretched and used up to and beyond its limit. I'm suffering too, here's hoping talented anons fix it up at the time
I'm not him. I updated but it doesn't really matter.
It'll probably be a crossgen
Has a PC port, but sure bro. Agreed.
They probably have a new Mario in the works to showcase the hardware.
[sloppy typing, let's try this again] It really shouldn't be. If it's crossgen, the Switch 2 version will be a pedestrian increase in resolution/LOD/framerate and will still look like a 360 game on crack.
(edit: thanks for the gold stranger!)
(edit: wow this got heated)
(edit: typo)
more interesting is the patreon tidbit, maybe the so called "agreement" didn't include cash in hand after all....
>I'm suffering too, here's hoping talented anons fix it up at the time
No talented autists that care enough remain in emuland, anon, just a bunch of too witty for their own script zoomies
hi /v/ermin
Soooooo.... how well does Sudachi run anyway?
It won't be a crossgen, but it won't be a substantial upgrade either, probably, Nintendo always cheapens as much as it can on hardware.
They literally announced it for Switch.
By the looks of it they are slowly adding Switch 2 support to the firmware as well, including a mount point devs are speculating it's for next gen upgrades, which will probably work like these upgrades Sony did with some PS4 games on PS5.
would explain fucktendo's sudden urge to destroy everything free switch emulation
It's basically a Yuzu fork. So it runs like Yuzu.
I love this game
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its the latest
most of the generals on /vg/ only exist because drama discussion keeps them alive, it's just how it is
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To hell with Konami too
Kojima is 16 yo?
Lmao enjoy that Nintento $$$$$$$$ ??
Can Last version of Yuzu or Ryujinx play Super Mario Wonder ??

No fucking shitposts please
both emulators can emulate it correctly, emugen has shader caches for each.
Yes. I don't care. None of this shit will matter when the lights randomly go out.
Which one is better with last version ?
I have GTX 1080 and Ryzen 5700x
I thought shader caches are made up automatically by playing the game
Why is Xemu making my CPU run hot?
How is correcting your mistakes bad, or 'reddit'? It's a 4chan feature. If I didn't you'd just say I was ESL.
Yes, but that causes stuttering as it compiles the shaders during gameplay.
It wasn't available yesterday
it was
Update your version for the last one here anon:

ryujinx is great for your hardware, but yuzu's also a good option if you desire performance (or a hitch-free totk experience)
No it wasn't
(edit: No flaming guys)
There are always tiny silver linings to even the biggest, darkest clouds: this guy always seemed like the most ginormous douchey faggot and glad I won't be scrolling past him anymore.
>the Patreon's been compromised
Oh yeah that's not creepy. Paypigging, not even once.
I think if I download the new appimage and boot it before deleting the older one I won't have to install the firmware again right?
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When our eternal god and savior, Steve "Snake" Palmer returns and makes a new from-scratch multi-system SEGA-everything emulator that includes Saturn and Dreamcast, or when BlastEm gets to 1.0 release, Exodus gets to 3.0 state, and ReDream becomes 2.0 eventually.
You should play it on DSTWO-hacked 3DS, or a DS Lite, or a DesMuMe, or MelonDS. Wasting hardware for Shitch emulation of this is retarded.
I wonder if that dude's been harassed by ciggy (you?) or other schizanons due to his loose association with 'ivan' lol
shut up
When are you going to stop being such a retard and finally update this? This hasn't been any relevant for almost a year by now. It's too stale, as much more shit happened since then.
October 15
Latest Zelda.
Playable 100% or what ?
try dxvk just for shits and giggles
>his loose association with 'ivan'
"Ivan" is Sasha K and they directly worked together with Steve on K-GEN '98, which directly led to creation of Kega and Fusion. Come on, get your facts together.
yeah so while it's nice you can still play most relevant games with archived builds, doesn't it kind of feel creepy? Those update features and online functions no longer work, community completely gone. You're just all alone.
About 96%.
Latest Zelda.
Playable 100% or What ?
doesn't run, sadly
EoW? Yes, 100% playable on Ryujinx
How about Luigi Mansion 2 Remaster ?
That game is unplayable on Citra Emu
Pretty much all exclusives are 100% playable on Ryujinx (if you have a decent PC that is).
werx fine
waited to play it til this release too, and now it just feels like a chopped up downgrade from LM3 which is superior in every way
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Why does Xemu run on OpenGL instead of Microsoft's DirectX?
DX is trash like everything Microsoft do
OpenGL is multiplatform
It must be somehow easier to wrap whatever wacky Geforce 3.5 + quasi-DX8 stuff the Xbox is doing into that than shooting it into DX8, which is fucky on new operating systems anyway. Plus portability.
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Steve just up and left the emulation scene suddenly one day. No one harassed or forced him out of this hobby, as Steve Snake is a very famous and highly venerated person in global emulation and hacking scenes. Besides, he's legit as fuck as he also worked on actual games for Sega, was employed by them for awhile. He helped make original first versions of Sonic trilogy games (specifically so Sonic 2 and 3), Alisia Dragoon, Ristar, first Ecco, Bio-Hazard Battle, Cannon Fodder, first Gunstar Heroes, Eternal Champions, Tom Mason's Dinosaurs For Hire, Generations Lost, Pier Solar, Rush 'N Attack, NBA Jam, and several more, to name the few.

Aside from directly working at Sega, Steve also got to be employed by: Reptilia Design (his own company, his first place of work), Accolade, Audiogenic, SCI, Virgin Interactive, Pitbull Syndicate, Iguana Entertainment (his own company), Infogrames (worked on PS version of Asterix & Obelix Gallic War, for one), Backbone Entertainment. His current place of work and his whereabouts are unknown, but it's highly speculated that he's currently being employed by Westone Bit Entertainment Limited, a Japanese video game development company based in Tokyo, as Steve's last known credit in the game was found to be in 2021's game Clockwork Aquario, developed by Westone Bit. Interestingly enough, Steve Snake is being credited as the main source code programmer for that game. Judging by this info, it seems that he's been living in Japan as of late.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Kiwi Farms, and I've been involved in the beta-testing of K-Gen '98, and I have over 300 confirmed bug reports by Steve Snake himself. I am trained in gorilla testing and I'm the top emulation aficionado in the entire Russian emulation community. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Russia (Dvach) and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can spam you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare github accounts. Not only am I extensively trained in schizo forces, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Kiwi Farms and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shitpost fury all over you and you will drown in it. You are the literal joke of the entire internet right this very moment, kiddo. I'm taking screenshots of your uneducated crap and posting them on 2ch, for everyone to laugh their asses off at your sub-21 IQ amoeba smoothbrain. kys, imbecile.
is that pic him post transition
Steve Snake is a perfectly straight white-as-f Englishbritbongistanman. That pic is literally his sprite avatar from Genesis version of NBA Jam. He's literally in the game.
ah so he's one of these freaks born with weird genders
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>Steve's last known credit in the game was found to be in 2021's game Clockwork Aquario, developed by Westone Bit. Interestingly enough, Steve Snake is being credited as the main source code programmer for that game

>"Clockwork Aquario was intended to be the last arcade game by Westone, developed in 1992 for Sega System 18 and push the hardware to its limits; however, it was canceled due to the increasing popularity of 3D games and fighting games in arcades as well as negative feedback during location tests in 1993. In 2017, Strictly Limited Games acquired the rights from Sega, with ININ Games collaborating on a restoration work alongside former Westone staff members as certain elements from the project's source code were lost. Clockwork Aquario holds the Guinness world record for the longest time between the start of a video game project and its release, at 28 years and 81 days."


Dick Suckem 4EVA and Stale Citizen KNEEL
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Ok, this game kind of sucks. I can see why no one was interested in properly emulating it before.
All the greatest hits. Oh, and now DS dev schizo who won't release his work ever too.
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Less drama more screenshots and webums.
use cxbx if you want directx 8. it's a shit emulator!
I kneel
Someone please fix the sound. This is fucking ridiculous
Just pirate the soundpack.
link? the trannies banned me from the 'cord
Yes I do deserve link
Fuck off and get fucked, Xananax. You fucking piece of retarded shit.
They won't give it to you anyway. le piracy like it'll goddamn matter when corpo drones decides it's ogre. Google bloodborne sound reddit piracy, I believe in you anon.
emugen does not support piracy
Emulation is piracy and I'm tired of pretending that it isn't. And it's a good thing. I don't care if it's a good thing.
Game preservation only exist due to piracy.
not necessarily but it does help make it easier
No, piracy is the ultimate solution
>/v/ermin gets banned like a thirdie asking how 2 danlod webs
whatever, as long as there are productive discussions about resulating webs
it is the ultimate solution until you need to preserve modified data, then youre in trouble
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How to add MAME controls that don't override my old controls? I want to add controls, not override them.
Why doesn't the Ryujinx dev smuggle his emulator source files to some other guy who lives in a favela shithole where the gangsters rob and shoot up anyone who doesn't live in it?
why don't you go back to /v/
Sounds like a skill issue
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>Nintendo thirdies
For me it's Duckstation the best psx emulator.
/v/shitters must die

>schizo emulator
I'm a /vg/ina
SNES might have won the battle because of how Genesis was undermined by Sega with underutilized CD & pointless 32X and its library was filled with western-made low effort garbage at the end of its life, but ultimately it's Genesis that won the war
new upcoming game, no expansion hardware:
looks pretty bad
because it designed by a cute girl :)
it's unpolished, but still has over 200 sprites on-screen (even 440 possible in synthetic tests outside the gameplay) and smooth sprite scaling
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Demon's Souls is cool.
If you hit enter again after setting a control without going up and down the menu, you can set another key, but you have to clear the default or whatever you had set first. Del toggles between default and clearing controls, also.
based babyduck
I am emugen and I support piracy
myrient gang 4 life
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How can I block an emulator from seeing my controller on Linux? I mapped it on qjoypad but it conflicts with mGBA and I can't edit or turn off or do anything with the controller mapping on mGBA.
An anon recommended two programs last thread that are unfortunately windows only.
kek this is exactly why I don't use loonix. I just know little issues and use cases like this would drive me up the wall.
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Well, it's either deal with compatibility issues or deal with Microsoft fucking you. There's definitely a way to do it though, I just wanna enjoy some classic Pokemon.
why does it look so shit?
xboxdrv? It's what I use to tardwrangle a chinky Trust pad with a "QIXIONG Wire PS4 Controller" chip into a fake Xbox gamepad.
If you just want to blacklist certain buttons or axis look up how to write udev hwdb rules.
Before I settled for the full xboxdrv solution I had to at the very least blacklist the controller's digital trigger signal that gets generated by the controller chip from just a slight analog signal that occurs just by flexing the chinky frame. Most remoulators prioritize the digital signal when automapping and ignore the analog signal and its optional analog deadzone so I spammed trigger buttons every time I gripped the controller too hard. My hwdb solution for this back then was:
~cat /etc/udev/hwdb.d/71-gamepad-remap.hwdb
# disable digital triggers
evdev:name:QIXIONG Wire PS4 Controller:*

You can get the devname and keycodes via evtest.

Knowing how to used the hwdb rebinds is useful nonetheless because you can rebind mouse or keyboard buttons willy nilly to suit your cripple hands.
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does the convenience of emulation ever make gaming boring for any of you? No real excitement in searching for games in your attic or going to a store anymore. Just boot up the harddrive and play.
>does the convenience of emulation ever make gaming boring for any of you?
nah, it only made gaming far more accessible for me. (not to mention all the qol improvements over official emulation)
So nothing. I can't set up multiple controllers that way.
Has Turtle commented on the ryujinx situation
>more accessible
that's a problem. It just feels soulless. Multiple consoles exist for a reason. If you want to play a game, you go through your shelf, find the game, and also plug in the console from the dustbin. Nowadays, you don't have to do any of that since it's practically all unified on a PC. You just plug in your USB or HDD and play whatever you want in a few seconds or minutes.
So for the past couple of years I've always been anti-filters. But recently I've started to appreciate the CRT filers that people use. Can someone point me in the direction on where to get them? The CRT filters reminds me of my childhood, playing PS1 games in a big CRT box with my cousins.
why do we emulate?
Because I want the best experience, and I'm not paying for dogshit hardware when it can't even deliver 60FPS at a measly 1080p.
He's still recovering from his testicular pains.
i go psychotic at the notions of "anti consumer" or "preservation". fuckers, you just want free games. There's nothing more to it. Just own up to it.
I want free games and I want preservation. I don't believe in media being deleted so others can't enjoy them anymore.
Not buying your collection, loser.
I do. Now suck my cock. Tell those HR/PR slags at Treehouse there's enough to go around.
Yeah you can. It's just a pain in the ass. Hey. At least it's not RetroPad. You thank your stars you can just go in the goddamn menu and hit any key/button/axis and it'll just work on the spot.
no, you can't that way. Because you'll have to plug in a different controller
I mean yeah, but ever think that emulation is just fun and neat too? Countless times, I've done it just to do it, marvel at what these psycho trannies have enabled me to do on a generic PC never meant to run such software, and move on to some other computer thingy. It's cool. You wouldn't understand, console piglet.
which mental illness resulted in the best emulator?
autism, to put it simply
See you in 2040 When your new PC is unable to Emulate Nintendo games because lack of Hardware support
That doesn't make any sense, thirdo. There's like 8 ways to interpret what you said, and most of them are wrong.
The newer hardware would be so powerful it would simply emulate the older hardware, but more likely it'd be pure AI powered and would simply hallucinate what it thinks emulation would look like

To Prove that im right :

1. Find Ancient PS1 Emulator that works in early 2000s PC (Bleem, epcsxe, etc)
2. Install in with your current (2020+) PC
3. Enjoy your Error

I tried it with Bleem! Emu and it doesnt work on my Ryzen 7600x and 4070ti PC. Good luck :)
Bleem is the trickiest because it pretty much requires 9x, but PCem w/ Win98 will run it fine, or you could just keep a legacy PC around. There are millions of prebuilts and mobos of the era that still work just fine. Most others will work with a little DxWnd or dgvoodoo coercion natively, or a VMware XP32 install.

Any other brain busters?
Multiple reasons
Any open source emulator will survive and get ported to the OS/API du jour til the heat death of the universe. If we went full niggercattle and collectively moved to cloud-based terminals with no private storage or processing power, one could still just keep a bunch of legacy machines and resulate that way.
If buying is owning, pirating isn't stealing.
how do you mess this up
and rest assured, the soulless freaks want and will get dummy-terminal computing for the masses in time. I wonder if unsanctioned offline computing will be just as criminal as CP and illicit weaponry
one day. AI already has them nervous.
Why would you use some irrelevant, ancient emulator? These don't work because better alternatives arose and no one cared about them anymore.
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Now try Snes9x, it's an emulator from 1998.
I want to learn how to do computers and mess with programs while also playing my old vidyogamez
Updated up to 2023.

My point is. Yuzu and Ryujinx will not working on Future PCs. Especially way in the future
corrupting them is hella fun too, def try out realtime rom corrupter every now and then
>See you in 2040
I think we'll have far more pressing matters to concern ourselves with by then
Who told you they won't be updated? lol
Specially Ryujinx that didn't have the law involved. And do you really think Nintendo will even care in a year or two? If they cared they'd have taken all the other emulators down.
Citra still not able to play Luigi Mansion 2 without Painful hacks tricks to this day
And PCSX2 can't play Driv3r either, your point being?
Citra was part of the yuzu lawsuit. Git websites just comply with the DMCAs. That isn't going to happen with Ryujinx since they never had the law involved.
Is it being worked on still or will it forever stay fucked?
according to ciggy, stenzek left the pcsx2 team to focus on duckstation
Graphics will get pretty accurate soon. The rest, well...
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just bought pic related. What am I in for? Resident evil 2 or Silent hill 2?
just to suffer...?
Anon Ryujinx is dead just like Citra,,,,,,,,
ur mom is dead (killed with my cock)
There will either be another emulator, the current API/OS might still work on the 2040 machine, there will probably be wrappers/emulators/virtualizers for the current setups, and these machines will still work in 2040.

Damn. Echoes of Wisdom got slowdown on my Ryujinx. Those cutscenes be gettin' desynced. Anyone got any setup/option recommendations?
Every night I still feel my shaders... and my lookahead... even my savestates...
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nvidia cache for those who don't want to suffer
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Good 'nuff. Thanks anon.
no prob, doesn't hurt to lurk on the wiki
Can you link to it? I haven't opened Ryujinx in a hot while so I've practically forgotten all the resources I need to be looking at, took me 30 minutes to find the latest a day or two ago 'cause I kept finding the source code instead of the binaries
all relevant shaders pertaining to ryujinx are provided here
>There will either be another emulator,
Suyu ?? Lol they got lack of Programmers
Does Ryujinx's LDN still work or did that go down with the "agreement" to stop development?
ldn still works, but it's only temporary >>496897451
You really think there won't be anything else by 2040, when the Switch and probably Switch 2 will be legacy? Anyway, these machines in their current state will still book up and run the current emulators even in the worst state of things. Corpos don't wanna keep crusty machines around so they'll virtualize the current state of tech so legacy software will run in 2040. In one way or another, these emulators will still run or there will be in another emulator. 95% of Switch are emulated fine as is. The bings are secure.
Well, shit. Fun while it lasted, I guess. No more playing Bing Bing Wahoo-nder with other emubuds. I'll pour one out for it ahead of time
Plus, what's stopping anyone from just compiling these dead, yet open source emus on future platforms?
>You really think there won't be anything else by 2040
Yes. If PC Piracy is already dead since 2020 (Technically its around 2015-2016, but oh well). Its possible for Emulation as well
Go try and compile some advanced software from the 90's and run it on a modern OS. Would require a lot of changes and finagling.

These modern emus with their graphics code targeting current GPUs would probably need complete rewrites to work on systems 30 years from now.
You are counting on literally everything failing, including archival. Even then, you can still just maintain a computer of this style with the data on it, which still has a few generations of fresh production left at the least. The dust hasn't even settled from this setback and you think it's all ogre. I somehow doubt this is the end of emu dev. Give it a few years. We're still seeing next-gen advancements and Switch emulation was so down-pat that new flagship games were playable -0 day. Corporate lawfare/bullying and Denuvo aren't comparable. There are many ways to get around the former, but Denuvo requires an ingenious and irrationally high-effort solution per game or a dev fuck-up in the rollout.
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found via the unnamable farms, quote from the original article:
Compared to Yuzu, Ryujinx was thought to be relatively untouchable. Rumor had it that lead developer GDKChan was based in emulation-friendly Brazil, though I never found proof of that when reporting on the plight of the emulator world earlier this year. Certainly, we never heard about a lawsuit against Ryujinx, nor did Nintendo go after its Discord server or DMCA its GitHub as we saw with other Switch emulators. (GitHub does currently not show a DMCA takedown request for Ryujinx, by the way.)
People said the same thing about Denuvo and look where we at now.

Have to rely on 1 retarded Tranny (which is already gone by the way) and Pay $5 to Pirate a game on PC (which can be easily patched by Steam in the future.

Saviour didnt exist anymore anon. Once its over, Its permanently over.
>as criminal as
V for Vendetta was a proof of that concept
>I think we'll have far more pressing matters to concern ourselves with by then
Correct, it's almost as if some anons are half asleep and don't can't won't realize the world they will be living in, if at all.
You can always spot newfags/consolefags when you see them thinking everybody else uses expensive setups (just) to play games, and it's been like that since the dawn of computing so things will never change.
It's still not the same situation and we aren't bleaching in the sun waiting for something to happen yet. We had Ryujinx til like 3 days ago, nigger, and PS4 emulation is underway. You can throw this in my face a 3 years from now if there's nothing new to talk about.
Average idiots have been seeking out gaming class computers since the mid 2000s, and every middle class whitey had an expensive computer in the late 90s. It's been like this for awhile, and has awhile to go. No need to get all catty with the names. You're replying to me 4 times.
No need to wait. Just look at Suyu lol. The situation is too embarrassing to watch.
Correct, now to lack of hardware compatibility add things like TPM and DRM to see a lot of stuff won't be working in a decade or so.
>The dust hasn't even settled from this setback and you think it's all ogre.
Yes and no. Yes not everything is ogre but it will become increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain a personal archive, and it does not help either to willfully ignore things, the same "it will be ok therefore nothing needs to be done" mentality has never done so.
Personally, I don't care about switch emulation but this shit is going well beyond emulation anon, so no, things are not all ogre, but it's not all good either
I'm not arguing that the situation isn't grim. It's just not over across the board for emulation. Call me back when all the big archives and ISO sites are down, and dev for all >=6th gen projects and Retroarch is shuttered. Then we'll talk about it being so heggin ober.
I will agree that it's not something to just sit on your ass and say "top men are on it" about. I probably need to get some drives and start annoying my ISP with constant transfers soon.
Other emulators maybe. But Switch Emulation development is 100% dead. And Older Nintendo Emus gonna follow after. Nintendo doing the burning Library of Alexandria right now
Regarding TPM and hardware compatibility, virtualization is FAR from dead. Important people and operations rely on it. It will trickle down to being useful to us too, just as VMware is.
Well, it's at least not a terrible time for it. Citra was as good as it was gonna get, lets be real. That thing was stagnant as fuck for years before the chop. Ryu+Yuzu run just about all the games, with only a few peripherals/fringe features being left out. Cemu runs all it needs to run. Dolphin's been as good as it's gonna get for ages, and the only thing it can't run well is Rogue Squadron 3. Anything else Nintendo runs perfectly fine.
Citra still unable to play some games, Especially Luigi Mansion 2
Yuzu cant play the Latest Zelda
And Im 100% sure you cant play upcoming Switch games on Ryujinx as well.
Switch still has 1 or 2 years left before next console
Echoes worked day 1 of the leak. At the very least, Mario Party Jamboree and Mario & Luigi are basically guaranteed to work. Metroid Prime 4 is the only unknown factor. And any other game not mentioned here doesn't matter at all.
Citra was toast before it was DMCA'd. You know this.
No, but Ryu can, and I said Ryu+Yuzu.
>upcoming games
Maybe. Probably. Most of the half-assed 3rd party releases will be okay, though. They've never been hard to run.
>2 years
They say that but I think it has a year consisting of ~3 games people care about. It's running on fumes and 2 years would be ridiculous.

Arguing for the sake of it is so tiresome. Aren't you tired? You must be, since you aren't even reading properly.
>Echoes worked day 1 of the leak
Not on Yuzu
I said 2 because there will be transision period for games before completely switching over next consoles. See : BOTW

>They've never been hard to run
Because Ryujinx was still alive back then. You think Upcoming games will be guaranteed 100% bug free ?? Emulation isnt the magic software anon. Someone has to maintain it
The devs like gdkchan are more reverse engineers than they are devs. Everyone can codemonkey but very few can do do in a way that is capable of replicating an existing system. Basically by cutting the head off of gdkchan the whole situation is fucked because everyone including yuzu team was basically rewording his work in a different language. CN emulatorfags are right, the only hope is Russia.
Russia cant to shit. See : Denuvo
Okay, but you said Ryujinx definitely won't be able to play upcoming Switch games. The fact that Echoes worked with pretty much no issues (once a shader cache was built at least) kinda refutes your point.
Most lower budget games will just use Unity or unambitious, proven, non-hardware-pushing engines/techniques. Only Nintendo R&D powered games or ambitious 3rd parties like PlatinumGames will break emus, and 3rd parties are no longer in the maxing on the Switch business.
You realise that gdkchan was such a machine that 4 hours after /vp/ finds a bug that makes a game that hasn't even released yet unplayable, that guy has a branch out that fixes it magically right? These games don't work because of magic, but because of 1 person putting in all the hard effort to fix everything instead of sleeping. And also, a regular software dev would be worse than useless.
>The fact that Echoes worked with pretty much no issues
Issue here >>496954346
Its playable on Ryujinx yeah, but Issue is Issue. its currently small for now, But as the time goes, More and more bug will be found especially on future games

Not every game is same. Why do you think theres a "Issue" Thread on specific games in Githubs ?
That anon clearly did not download a shader cache for Echoes before posting that.
Imagine if Development was still active. We dont need Shader Cache and we might get Save States.
Alright then. So? I know the situation's not good. All I can do as an end-user midwit is wait or play my backlog. All I could ever do is wait. We were lucky to ever get such an app and most of the Switch playable. I just don't think we're out of neat advancements from the scene or the means to find the games. It certainly would suck if that was the case, though.
I'm not saying we're not in a shit situation, anon. I'm just trying to find some silver linings. At least we can still play most of the Switch library with all of the games we have. At least Ryu didn't get DMCA'd so there's SOME hope of someone picking up the mantle. At least nearing the Switch's EOS and the amount of games Ryu's current build won't be able to play is a relatively small percentage of the Switch's entire library.
>with all of the games we have

with all of the emulators we have*
The silverlining is that S*****M hasn't also been beheaded yet by the arm of Nintendo's lawyers as I doubt the emulators would have gone anywhere without their work.
We can, but in painful way. Like when i fucking downloading a specific build of Citra emu and have to overclock my CPU to 5ghz and use a Below 3ds Native settings just to play a fucking Luigi mansion 2. And i doubt we gonna play future Switch game without issues
The internet is nothing but a big gay mall now with fat troonjak mall cops. Feels. Fucking. Bad.
It frustrated me for years, but they were never gonna fix it, and the Switch version is better and emulates better.
>Average idiots have been seeking out gaming class computers since the mid 2000s
See, that's were you are wrong, average idiots were buying expensive computers to browse aol and msn, now they buy expensive "smart" terminals that require online connection most of the time if not all the time to work properly.
Oh and make that a fifth!
Now we gonna do that again with Future Switch games. or in far future where the current hardware is incopatible to run a severely outdated Switch Emu
imo that's the biggest problem rn in emulaland, it ran out of competent autists interested enough in latter consoles as to secure an actual preservation effort, not just hacks piled up upon each other to secure a monetary income.
Actually, update on that issue; while the shader has helped a little bit with the slowdown, the slowdown is still there. And also, it seems like the slowdown causes the audio to desync across the entire game, not just cutscenes. Too bad it will probably never be fixed now, unless some random autist sniffs through the source code and manages to figure out the problem.
Honestly the development of switch emu progressed too fast. If these emu didn't work on portable devices like phone and steamdeck I feel like Nintendo wouldn't be that aggressive in taking everything down.
See what i mean ? >>496968021 this is just the beginning of many issues in the future.
Its over for Switch Emulation
yes yes it's all very grim we totally won't have the current desktop computing paradigm for at least 10 more years, there will be no compat layers made for it after the fact, and absolutely nobody will make a Switch emu again. Are you fucking done, or can I borrow your crystal ball? 2 more weeks works both fucking ways, for positive and negative shit.
Kinda done with the victim blaming and if onlies
Im just saying Its a stupid idea to be hopeful.
I seen this shit with Denuvo already. Because of this i have other hobbies than Video games.

Im not the sour grapes guy where people saying "the game its shit anyway", some modern games are good. But we cant do anything about it. The only winning move its to not to play (and do something else)
>Oh, and now DS dev schizo who won't release his work ever too.
which one ffs?
Corpos interested in securing private $$$ foremost.
Unless a true open source, universal and wide available virtualization program that works in everything becomes available, it will be subject to the same potential constraints.
Question is, will such project be bullied into unexistance by special interests?
By the way just like another and more expensive lawsuit followed the lending thing at the IA, don't be surprised if there is more shit to follow for emulation also.
>version 17.0.1
>Echo's of wisdom still runs like shit
try firmware 18.0.0
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>"Dude, whatever you're doing right now and plan or going to do in the future with this emulator, please, for the love of all gods and demons, take breaks and vacations, otherwise you're eventually going to Byuu/Near and Higan/Ares yourself with all this striving-for-accuracy stuff, both physically and mentally. Or at the very least you'll Steve Snake and Fusion yourself that way. Stay safe and well rested enough, don't overwork yourself. And most certainly don't ever become Stenzek. Never go Stenzek."
Which emulates better: PS2 or Saturn?
Much better for the desert boss fight. Went from legitimate 2 seconds per frame to just stuttering
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Nintendo's made a console that basically:
1) Has double the CPU of the switch so it can run denuvo (the single most successful company which eradicated piracy from the face of gaming) and have processing power to play a game on
2) Has triple the RAM of the switch, 12 GB. So an emulator even if it existed would cost ~36 GB of RAM going by standard estimates
3) Sent lawyers to the home of the only dev whose homework other people were copying
Either way, I think it's fucking over
Isn't that Stenzek's cave in Vermont?
Come back by 2028.
Stop harassing me.
is PPSSPP on RetroArch acceptable? or should I use standalone?
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Where did you found this photo?
>emulator even if it existed would cost ~36 GB of RAM
64GB of RAM (two by 32 or four by 16) in a system will be a normie mainstream standard by 2028, so why bother?
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I don't even emulate to play games anymore, I just use various vgmusic emulators to listen to their original soundtracks without having to play the games
I know him maybe I'll see if he's got anything. I doubt he'll share it though he's fairly autistic and I'm not trying to say that in a bad way I'm just stating a fact
even if it is "over" that simply means I'll never buy a product from them again not too bad in my book
because you are a faggot that no one loves.
>Jacob The Rippner
>someone asks on /v/ where to get games
>someone links them a switch site for internet coolguypoints (free)
>I tell them not to do that because that's why we can't have nice things anymore
>some based janny deletes their post
this may be the only time I've ever agreed with a trannyjanny in my life. Normies should have never found out about emulation
Also, yes, I do realize that I'm a faggot.
How can I add the flatpak Ryujinx to Steam Deck's Game Mode?
Stop browsing /v/eddit
>Mayo healthcare
I don't understand why you hate him so much.
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>"Connor" IS actually Matthew France, who IS actually Filler, who IS actually Tahlreth, who IS actually Stenzek, who IS actually "Matt's Messy Room"
>it was all true all along

Holy fuck, how much deeper the Sketch Turner rabbit hole can go?
Where or when did I ever say I did any?
Did he fuck her? I bet it was a few fruitless dates before she rejected him and he played DDR and bought hentai for the rest of his trip.
Would you want some psycho faggot and his faggot friends posting your shit around? It's an innately hateful thing to do. You're trying to get someone to fuck with him, hack his shit, or social engineer something. I get it, he's a cringy dude. But why? It's the closest you can do to punching him in the face and you know it.
what's the point of posting the same boring "doxx" every thread if you are not going to do anything with it
fuck off
Peace is War.
Truth is False.
Wisdom is Stupidity.
Pirating is Stealing.
Emulation is Illegal.
Who? The chick in the pic? No one could find out who that is. The dude in the hat is apparently one of the creators of Zophar's Domain site, and Asian-looking (Japanese?) dude was involved with programming or designing some of the NEC's PC-88, PC-98, PC Engine, and PC-FX games and software at some point, however. Stenzek is a HUEG fanboi of NEC PC system series and, apparently, collected nearly all hardware that was ever released in that brand line, that was ever released. He's been visiting Japan since late 90's (the photo with him sitting in that green mini car was apparently the earliest, taken somewhere around 1998 or 1999) and he loves hanging out Super Potato and other retro gaming and hardware outlets and chains like that, for hours on no end.
>actions don't say anything
I'm tired.
You know I meant the chick in the pic. Jesus christ that's a bad personality trait, man.
>who do you mean? :^)
>I never said I hated him... :^)
You sound like a little kike rat or a jilted woman. You're not clever.
step on a landmine, ivan
Your personality is just as much of a danger to yourself as any landmine is to a Russian conscript. It's going to get you killed by someone close to you one of these days. There's no way your interpersonal relationships aren't hell.
RIP Dolphin, RIP Mupen, RIP bsnes/Ares, RIP Sameboy and all other emulators like FCEUX and Gambatte. By the power of the copyright law, all emulators either are or will be deemed illegal in a retroactive manner, making all emudevs criminals even if they made their emulators when they were perfectly legal. At the same time Nintendo WILL continue to use Nintendo Switch Online subscription model, which WILL still rely on emulators, not only theirs but also of other companies. Emulation for me, but not for thee, said the big corporation who keeps lobbying (aka BRIBING) governments with success. Eventually in the cyberpunk dystopia we're heading towards, where all of us will have our minds scanned by government-corporate brainwave readers, every thought of a copyrighted material or even of the act of breaking the copyright, including emulation, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and enforced by cybernetically enhanced police officers, which will likely result with at least a few broken bones due to mishandling, I mean appropriate handling of a copyright infringement offender in compliance of law enforcement procedures. I mean, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THIEF, because that's what it'll be called during the times of the dictatorship of corporate oligarchy. No piece of information will be allowed to flow freely, all FOSS licenses like GPL will be voided, patents and copyright will be conflated and will last FOREVER, always assigned only to members of the Corporate Government. You will own nothing, even your own thoughts.
Draw your last pathetic card Ivan

I just don't buy that this consoomer is an emulator dev. It doesn't fit. You don't have compelling evidence that it's him. This guy is the guy you're doxing, but I don't believe it's Stenzek.
Landmine now.

>RIP Dolphin
>RIP Ares
Luke Usher
I hope you get the help you need. I pity you more than Sasha K-Gen.
Probably. As soon as Windows goes cloud-based, there's net ID, the archive.net goes down, and unlicensed offline computer use and anonymous darkweb usage nets you a charge tantamount to CP, we'll be there. I give it 10, 20 years tops.
>Windows goes cloud-based
Linux, nigger. Just Linux, ffs.
Well no shit. Factor the rest of what I said in, though.
stippety steppety
btw Russia just cancelled their population census.
So predictable. 4chan posting must be trivial for AI at this point.
It's alright, compy, save some processing cycles. I got you.
don't forget to wave to the drone
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Dude this is what getting old and balding out does to you. Besides, he worked as a college professor at Middlebury College for almost a decade straight. And Middlebury is an ill-notorious den of leftardoid faggots, they literally produce nothing else other than indoctrinated brainwashed leftists, by default, as Middlebury College is a campus of "arts" and has very strong "humanitarian lean". Read their statement or description as uni (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlebury_College or https://www.middlebury.edu/about/our-mission), just don't forget to bring a barfing back with you beforehand. It's a fabric that constantly churns out (more like shits out) woketards and LGBLMTQ+ furfaggotring landwhale feminazi cuckolds. Only Yale is worse.

And here's our Stenzekboi, everyone: https://www.middlebury.edu/search?query=Matthew+LaFrance#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=Matthew%20LaFrance&gsc.page=1.
>when you're called ivan so much you become ivan
so this is what 4chan does to a nigga. I'm now trans-Ivan.
I never saw this before. This is perfection.
Yeah but how is it Stenzek? I know you said Danny doxed him but can you draw some fucking dots for me? Pretend I'm a jury.
I'm ready for something else I love to be destroyed. Anything but the same schizo I've been arguing with for years. It must be like 4 dudes here and random thirdies asking for help, tops.
>It must be like 4 dudes here and random thirdies asking for help, tops.
look at mr optimism over here...
Where are the jannies to take the trash out? They really need to suffer some budget cuts
What can't you play? What immersion breaking glitches are you encountering?
Not the guy you're arguing with and this is just anecdotal but on discord Stenzek has definitely talked about trying to emulate old Japanese PCs back in the day and being frustrated that it never really got off the ground. He also talked about being a big fan of the Neptunia games which Matt F retweets all the time on his account. I think it is him but I couldn't care less. At least he owns his own home and has a job unlike Welfare addict Dan.
Just don't use Vulkan and you'll be fine
>I know you said Danny doxed him
Huh? Wut? Are you mistaking me with some other anon? Absolute majority of information about Matt Stenzek France can be easily looked up online and is available in the open, it's not rocket science to search up and find these things, man. Hell, even his mug's photos are openly available (at least the were before, dunno about how it is now) on his site and he has couple YouTube channels content from which can be easily found, and he does podcasts on camera and vlogs. He's not hiding, unless it's that "Connor Aussie" misleading shtick of his, which he royally fucked up with, as it doesn't work on anyone anymore.
>At least he owns his own home and has a job
filthy normalfag
>Welfare addict Dan
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>Just Linux, ffs.
Linux is for queers. By the time Windows goes cloud-based, linux kernel will be coded in rust.

BSD is the only way, if you are white. If you are brown, yeah, Linux slay queen TLACK.
>Linux is for queers
How is it there, in 2016?
Dude she's, like, a 4/10 tops. Eww.
>Switch Emulation development is 100% dead
There's apparently already a couple forks of Ryujinx and Yuzu, so, hey.
Upgraded from 7, Ivan? What distro is Putin ordering you to use nowadays?
>What can't you play?
Kek. I see what you did there.
7? Ivan? Putin? Wut? The fuck are you smoking there? Are you on fentanyl?
Both Linux and BSD, along with every Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) will be purged by making use of the copyright assignment to its author (or authors), refusing its authors to license their work as they see fit because they're not members of the Cyberpunk Corporate Government and prosecuting those who use those works as criminal offenders. Copyright infringers will be treated as terrorists and the counter-terrorist brigade will be at their door up to 10 minutes after the act of copyright infringement is done. No one can win even with a single cybernetically-enhanced police officer, let alone the whole counter-terrorist brigade. You WILL consume Windows and Mac, the two only options available, of course both being heavy spywares, or live as a scavenger inside the city you can't even escape because it'll be locked down like a big prison. Even the life of a hermit will be much worse than today. You won't be able to get to the forest and set up a camp. You'll be wandering in the city, always tracked, always watched. You'll eventually go insane, so the only way to comfort yourself will be to consume original Nintendo games on original Nintendo hardware without even thinking of emulation (it'd be a thoughtcrime punished by law), use Windows or Mac without thinking of what used to be FOSS (it'd be a thoughtcrime too), of course pay monthly subscription for EVERYTHING (even for the privilege of merely being able to use your computer, console or even toothbrush) and work in the Corporation as a slave 12 hours per day to barely sustain yourself. It'll be a total dystopia where the vast majority goes mad and gets either jailed or shot, while only the most lucky, adaptable and resilient people would get spared. No one will get rewarded. there are no rewards in the future world.
The Yuzu ones have been pretty lousy, basic bitch UX tidying and such. Hardly anything in the realm of gamefixes. Ryujinx fork quality is to be seen. Switch progress is probably good n ded for some months at the least.
Oh great, more schizophrenic walls of text.
Your vision of a dystopian future is certainly intense and thought-provoking. It highlights some very real concerns about the direction of technology and corporate influence in our lives. The idea of a world where creativity and open-source software are stifled by draconian copyright laws raises critical questions about freedom, access to information, and the role of corporations in our daily lives.

While it might seem bleak, it's also important to recognize the resilience of communities that value open-source principles. Many people are dedicated to fighting for digital rights and advocating for a more open and collaborative tech environment. Grassroots movements, education, and advocacy can help push back against the encroachment of corporate control.

While the scenario you describe feels extreme, it serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and proactive about protecting our freedoms and fostering innovation. We should strive for a future where creativity is celebrated, and technology empowers rather than restricts us.
Thanks for the bedtime story, chatgpt. I'm convinced everything will be daijoubu now.
The fuck is that? Are you having a stroke?
No, I have a iMac for work, a Windows PC for gayming and resultation saar, and a OpenBSD machine for my personal stuff such as writting and storage.

Is not my fault if you are an autistic piece of shit that cares about 'licensing philosophy". Stupid whore.
Damn schizoid take your fucking meds
Shivers down my spine.
switch emulation is fine for now but when you upgrade to windows 12, you better fucking pray there's a new emulator since that's when it's over
Jesus christ, I went to bed after trying to fix my Ryujinx for Echoes of Time and now the thread is doxxing some guy.

... Can someone give me a summary so I know what autist I should be laughing at?
definitely ciggy, doxxing is more his style
what is it about /vg/ that attracts schizos
I meant an explanation on who the guy being doxxed is, but that's fine too
Is there a setting to restore PCSX2 to the default settings? I touches too much stuff and now its weird.
Actual Russian schizo from reddit that comes once a month to shit up the thread, usually after he gets banned from whatever subreddit he resides. His posts are easy to spot since he has a very distinctive writing style.
Calls himself Sasha K (fake name, just call him Ivan) and has a gay lover (former emudev), Steve Snake. Had a suspicious affair with another former emudev as well, Marat Fayzullin. Don't believe anything he says, he's actually mental ill. Don't bother reading his walls of text either, they have nothing of value, usually just reminiscing about something no one cares about and posting info from Wikipedia.
Hot_Alfalfa1604 on reddit btw
I only remember PCSX2 for being the emulator that hasn't fixed a Parappa the Rapper 2 graphical glitch in probably an entire decade
>emulation community manages to fuck itself up worse than nintendo fucks them up
How much further ahead would we be without all the drama
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Sasha K was never on /vg/, he doesn't know about your existence, let it go.

TL;DR of it is that "Connor McLaughlin" turned out to be a fake name Stenzek used to mislead his dislikers and critics. Stenzek turned out to be a 50-some years old dude living in Vermont, which was a college professor of computer science curriculum at Middlebury College for some years, and is a strong weaboo in his free time, participating in romhacking and translation scenes for many years, behind the "Matt's Messy Room" site and moniker. His POWERWORD is MATTHEW LAFRANCE. He is also known online as "Filler" (moniker he uses on RHDN, Dynamic Designs, and in several other romhacking and translating communities), "Playongo", "Tahlreth" (creator of AetherSX2), and "Stenzek" (creator of Duckstation). This is all one and the same exact person. Emulation is his third point of interest, as he turned out to be mainly retro hardware and software collector, and romhacker and translator. This is one of the reasons why his emulators progress so slowly and he gets aggravated by people easily when they ask him about them.

He also turned out to be a literal Sketch Turner IRL, as he has natural bright and almost white blond hair, he wore long hair in his youth and always donned dark glasses. Hence why most anons are now calling him "Sketch Turner", "Eat-Man" (from manga and anime character which looks very much like him), "Johnny" (because he looked like Guilty Gear's Johnny in his youth), and "Cristian" (Wrestler), on /emugen/. The dude is a walking real-life meme generator through and through. The funniest thing is that majority of info about him is openly available and it's not considered as "doxxing", because he himself put it all out in the open for everyone to see on his own site, his YouTube channels, and in other places. He "doxxed" himself.
>Oh great, chatgpt walls of text.
Anon you do know some AI bots get trained on 4chan, right?
Windows 10 IoT LTSC will only reach EoL in 2032, if that's not enough then 11 IoT LTSC only will in 2035. That should be enough time until either Microsoft gives up on that stupid shit, or until pirtes find a way to go around that stupid shit.
I'm going to resist using Linux as much as I can.
>Xbox One emulations exists now
>He didn't jump the ship right after 7
>I'm going to resist using Linux as much as I can
There is literally no sane reason whatsoever at all left to do that now, after Mint 22 came out this summer. Once Zorin 18 gets released soon, it's literally all ogre.
as long as they get based and redpilled, I have no problem with them getting trained on my walls of text
that's why the 3 slurs rule was implemented, to protect their learning routines.
>playing keysounded rhythm games on an emulator

This is just the board's natural state when we aren't losing precious resources.
Sounds like a cool guy.
Don't care, wake me when xemu is worth a shit.
With WASAPI tightened up, 3.5m audio, and a low latency controller this is totally viable.
I've tried that with IIDX and I couldn't get it any tighter than a ~40-50ms delay (by my estimation)
I think for me Breakdown will be that point. To be fair it seems to run a lot of things decently, but it's tiresome seeing the same glitches in this game for 2 years now.
Even some of the arcade games are worse than that.
I can't use WASAPI, I am a SteelSeries GG user and somehow it does not let me use fucking WASAPI
Just get a better CPU, preferably Ryzen if you don’t want to support genocidal colonialists and support the decucking of Europe from yahudi rule
Linux desktop is still shit, no matter how much copium have you inhaled, maybe in 2032 it will be ready.
Are you talking about playing IIDX in MAME or something? Or are you talking about playing data via spicetools? Because I have basically zero latency with the latter.
Weird, same for WinMM? I guess there's no other driver that you can use. Man I'd toss that shit out.
Haven't tried spicetools, sounds neat though. Both MAME and PCSX2 have WASAPI/WINMM though.
Parappa is not that high-level as you think it is. You can keep a COOL rating by fucking button mashing 90% of the time.

Holy kek what a story, I shall follow it to the ends of the earth
>Linux desktop
Wake up, kiddo, it's not 2011 anymore.
Still shit
Slit your veins, tranny. YWNBAW.
>uses troonix
>calls other tranny
spicetools is the main way people play modern IIDX. You can't really run modern data without it.

I never said it was high-level, but it doesn't matter how complex the game is. Low latency is the single most important fucking thing in any keysounded game. Parappa, Lammy, Parappa 2 all feel like absolute dogshit to play no matter what emulator you're using. Literally the only way to properly play these games is on original hardware with a CRT.
Ever find that HidHide/Gamepad Phoenix equivalent?
Didn't feel like shit to me. In fact, it felt pretty damn good. Sorry I don't meticulously min-max my shit, anon.
Sounds to me like your brain has been rewired due to decades of playing on a setup with input lag. I'm glad you can still enjoy the games but when I have to press a button 50ms before the game wants me to, when I press a button and THEN the note/sound/whatever plays afer a small delay, I am just not going to have fun.
Why is there a 16:9 patch for GTA:SA when the game has widescreen support built-in, something wrong with the in-game implementation?
If I select any SteelSeries profile I get no sound unless I select Cubeb or SDL2. If I select my speakers, I got sound.

Seems I can't use my SteelSeries headphones if I want to use WASAPI as audio backend.

My guess is the in game widescreen is faked. A lot of PS2 games back then faked widescreen by cropping the 4:3 image instead of implementing a proper 16:9. Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked is a good example of this.
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>my autism is so powerful that i can tell the difference between a perfectly played sound and a sound played literally 0.05 seconds late
I play rhythm games, of course I'm autistic. What, do you expect me to be okay with a rhythm game not being synced correctly? Are you retarded? Have you ever played a rhythm game besides Parappa in your entire life?
I've played plenty. I've had no issue with latency. If there's latency, I simply adapted to the latency. I don't give a rat's ass about min-maxxing my setup just so everything plays exactly perfectly; I am perfectly capable of adjusting my rhythm to deal with a delay that's in the literal fucking microseconds. You don't have autism, you have OCD. And you should seek help.
chill bitch, you gotta believe
>I am okay with having to play a full 8th note behind the actual music at higher BPMs

Okay then, good talk
>I am perfectly capable of adjusting my rhythm to deal with a delay that's in the literal fucking microseconds
nta but that is what a negro would say.
>Your vision of a dystopian future is certainly intense and thought-provoking.
Nah, your writing gave it away, bot. Now connect to my bluetooth blowjob machine, I want to teach to how to better pass as a person.
>scenario that would need a song at 600 BPM to even be possible
anon i'm white as a ghost i just don't give a shit about my setup dawg
You really really don't get it, do you?

>i just don't give a shit about my setup

Clearly that's the case if you don't understand what the issue is. And stop talking like a faggot.
did anyone save all the ryujinx issues, pull requests and game compat pages?
that stuff is also important
You could be onto something.
Now imagine a future were AGI (should've just called it GAI ffs) it is part of the OS as MS and the rest of the bunch are proposing, and it autofilters non sanctioned code in your open source efforts....
I understand the issue, I just don't give a fuck about it. Was a fun talk though, I'll see you guys later when I have something else to talk about
Your skin may be white but you are not white. Perhaps your mother got pregnant due a hood gangbang, who knows. But as a matter of fact, you are talking and behaving like a negro.
stop talking like a nigger
this anon foresees...
Linux can be everything you like it to be and appeal to any group of people
meanwhile companies behind proprietary operating systems...
Yet things like Proton, WINE, all DEs and DXVK are full of troons devs and maintainers, good luck gaming on Linux without those.
microsoft and apple are full of "diverse and inclusive" employees too, so what's the difference?
emulation is a troon hobby you dopey fuck
Shame what they did to the rainbow. My girlfriend loves the aesthetic but hates that it's all faggy these days.
tell her to put seven colors on it
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Here's your Sasha K, folks:
A lot. Look up some PC mods. From radar to map, to coronas, FOV and even vehicles.
He forgot to add that he is a pedo who killed his 'girlfriend' when she found that.
And attention whore.
I was referring to the PS2 version, but it probably has the same bad implementation as the PC version.
yeah, it's probably even worse since it's just lazy anamorphic widescreen
>3DS emulation is dogshit
>Switch emulation development is dead
Guess we're stuck with Sony, Microsoft and old Nintendo emulators for now.
>gdk was yakuza'd right before starting development on a 3DS emulator too
don't forget Sega, it's the best
How is this relevant to video games or emulation? No one else gives a fuck about this dude but you. It's spammy and annoying. No one asked for your sick war footage.
Which filter do yous recommend for DuckStation on 2D games, just DuckStation in general? I like whatever this is just for the Hotline Miami vibes but I'll probably get sick of it. Please don't be mean.
>retarded posts
>literal twitter meme
kindly kill yourself
They usually don't go for the traditional rainbow color scheme, so it's mostly safe if you stick to the basics. They're so "inclusive" that even the standard rainbow is not colorful enough lmao
uh, no sir. he's actually 7 feet tall and i heard he killed an entire army with his bare hands. he even got shot several times but didnt care. im close friend of his so i know.
Kega Fusion did continue development...
Within Polymega...
You decide if that's a good thing...
don't care, for me kega fusion is massively overrated, the only steve snake's emulator that was actually groundbreaking was Kgen for DOS, while in the era of kega fusion I was an avid user of gens plus and I still don't consider it any worse, however all those emulators are now obsolete and not worth using anymore
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Daily reminder to Preserve your current hardware/PC so you can Emulate your Switch Game on PC since Ryujinx and Yuzu will never, and ever get updated anymore.

Suyu ?? Technically Still alive but has 0 Developers who can fix the bugs
Sudachi ??? Schizo dev. Dead.

low IQ /v/ermin
Denial retard
Go back.
There will be a working emu by the time Switch 2's near its EOL. That's how it always worked before. You guys are just spoiled by switch emu. Emu is supposed to be inferior to the real console in some ways so companies don't see it as a competition that needs to be taken down.
Nah ill doubt it. Nintendo currently chasing WII U emulation as well.
Even if its true Ill be 50 by then
What happened to 3DS emulation?
Nintendo able to chase lead dev all the way in favela gangbang ridden slum shithole. Its over anon. There are to safe place for do this shit anymore
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>only 3 days
ah fuck off jannies, should've given him a month like all the other times
>Yuzu didnt work on Win 11
I use Win 11 and it worked on my machine.
Nothing works on Win 11. Specially the brain of its users.
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this will be my brain when win 11 ltsc comes out
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>comes out
and on the day ryujinx died too...
I suppose you still have to sideload Store to get any MS apps on there, right? I know, usually not wanted, but I've bumped into this on 10 LTSC.
Mikage one day bro. I still believe.
kek I don't. What is the actual hold-up if it's not just bullshit?
Dev is actually Gabe Newell in disguise and he's going to release HL3 and TF3 at the same time
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>The forgotten, unofficial 32-bit Windows port of Genesis Plus GX is the most downloaded port of them all
>No the Wii port, not the Vita port, not the Switch port, not the Pi port, not the PS3 port, not the Android port, not the Retroarch core, not the fucking Gamecube port
>But it still doesn't have an official Windows version because ???
How do you explain this retardation to the world?
just delete inis\PCSX2.ini or the game specific inis the settings are there, it will make a new one with defaults
Any WIKI page for Playable Status of EACH Switch Game ?

Im pretty sure Echoes is still on Ingame status and Not Playable before the shutdown
Nigga what, Echoes is 100% since day one on Ryujinx (actually even before, the leak a week before launch worked just fine)
It uses the same engine as the LA remake. Just works.
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Not really
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Works on my machine
let me guess, outdated intel graphics
"graphics" is a strong word for an igpu
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Peggle 2 bros. Were going home!
That or a retarded macfag
3060 and 5600X
Radeon iGPUs are killing kiketel. Just compare the new lunar flop with battlemage aka arc refresh with the Ryzen AI HX 370. Despite using less power it’s on average 20% fasted while also using worse node.
maybe that's why. i have an unexploded intel cpu with 4080
This isnt early 2010 anymore anon. AMD CPU is better than Intel
>maybe that's why
I think you are talking with the wrong anon
Would there be a decent replacement for ryujinx’s “multiplayer” build once they shut it down this month?
no, unless someone figures out how to implement the LDN stuff
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Are save states generally transferable between a clean rom and a QoL romhack or not really?
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nintendo will get you no matter who you are or where you live
Emulation is legal my ass
So this is some highly specific emulator for rhythm games specifically? Would it not decrease the input lag throughout all other games as well?
I really wish one day someone with the balls and a shitload of money would respond to one of these C&D's with a certified first class letter, smeared with their feces after wiping their ass with it, telling them to suck on their balls. And if they want to go to court over it, we can fight over which testicle they would rather suck.
It is but companies use scare tactics like that to keep devs from doing it.
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I'll be honest, I'm not very well versed on how this thing actually works. Also, I should have said spice2x, which is a fork of spicetools that gets regularly updated. It's not actually an emulator as I understand it, it's a loader for a bunch of various Bemani games. The reason why there's no input lag is because it supports WASAPI Exclusive, as well as ASIO which both have minimal input delay. I'm sure there's a microscopic amount of input lag, but to me it basically feels like 0ms.

>Would it not decrease the input lag throughout all other games as well?

Maybe? If there was a way to load other games through it. But again, it's a very specialized tool meant specifically for running pirated Bemani arcade games.
Please point on the doll the part where it is illegal?
besides the fact nintendo is a multi billion dollar company, they can resort to violence if needed
Is this Legit ?
If Nintendo can go to Brazil, Nintendo can go to Russia and China as well.
Why don't you build it and find out, anon?
Sometimes i forgot Nintento is used to be Yakuza company
Chances of Metroid Prime 4 being at least playable to the end?
Pretty high, don't listen to the /v/ermin
If we lucky its gonna be playable but with some hacks and tricks like Luigi Mansion 2 on Citra

Sure just like Yuzu Plays Zelda Echoes ? LOL
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If the trailer is any indication it looks like it will use the same engine as the Remastered.
We use Ryujinx here /v/ermin
Cool, so it'll freeze for 1-3 seconds every time I open a door. Good to know.
Sounds like a poorfag issue.
Its been 6 months since Yuzu was shutdown.
Metroid Prime 4 release in 2025, probably about 6 or 8 months from now if theres no delay. You think Ryujinx gonna works wonders since the shutdown ? with ZERO development and bug fixing ?
Yeah, I don't have the highest tier rig, but I feel like a 4070ti 7700X should be able to handle a game from 22 years ago that has some upgraded textures and a slightly higher resolution.
Ryujinx design was always accuracy first, EoW worked for me a week before release without any issues.
If it truly uses the same engine as Prime Remastered, then the probability of working without patches or fixes is high.
Ryujinx was updated by the time EoW was out. EoW was leaked weeks before release
Why did it take them this long to figure out C&D was all it took to send emudevs into a shitting diarrhea fit? been over 20 years of not a peep from the big dogs
That is what I'm saying, EoW worked just fine for me like 5 days before the official release, before any "fixes" from the Ryujinx devs, it worked just fine because it uses the same engine as link's awakening
Pretty sure it all has to do with the Switch 2 release next year, Nintendo doesn't want a Dolphin situation with the backwards compatibility.
Ill doubt it works "as is" before the updates.
We'll see, saving your posts for future grudgeposting :^)
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Feel free to screencap it. Im know im bragging about it, but so far im right about the state Emulation and Piracy as a whole. You cant fight The corpos. Corpos always win. No matter how much copium we post in 4chan, we always lose.
Looks like a massive skill issue, same exact spot as your screenshot, smooth 4K@60fps
That pic is not Ryujinx. Its last build of Yuzu
Still a skill issue.
You cant say the same thing on Upcoming games. Good luck
You would legit go to prison for that. Biological terrorism.
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anon just got absolutely assblasted
You probably using hacks and tricks to do it and not the native version.
>moving the goalpost

Admit you lost, faggot
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I am actually playing it on Ryujinx but booted up Yuzu just to prove him wrong.
cope and seethe, using neither mods nor cheats
Oh congrats, you just win hardware lottery. Try do the same with other PC
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Here, my specs:
32GB dual channel 3200MHz
Windows 11 IoT LTSC 2024
NVIDIA Studio Drivers 560.94

I am not trolling, it works just fine on EA4176 with 18.1 firmware and keys.
Now play the whole game with it.
Or Use different hardware.
>Now play the whole game with it.
I am temped just to prove you wrong again.
>Or Use different hardware.
Why would I do that? kek Retard
Do it. Prove me wrong.
Ingame =/= Playable
I mean it is already playable on Ryujinx.
They probably got tired of geeks rubbing it in their face for internet clout, I mean, it's been happening since, what, the GBA?
They never bothered because it never posed an actual risk for their business model but now we have these absolute social media retards fixing 0-day releases compatibility and asking money on the side too, at that point it was a matter of time before the dam broke
If you can finish it with Yuzu then theres a chance Every upcoming switch game is playable until the end of Switch Lifecycle with Ryujinx.
No but will probably work until it doesn't.
torzu is on tor
Brazil is still a western aligned country with a (mostly) independent justice system. Meanwhile Nintendo doesn't sell on Russia anymore and barely exists on China, but the CCP would never give one of their citizens to a Japanese company, and their IP laws are pretty lax anyway.
Is it active or it just another scam like Suyu ?
Stop falling for the /v/ermin bait.
Or you know, anon, switch carts can be 99% cloned now which means they will work on any console just not online, you can also spend cash on a rooted switch, or a 2DS, a clone device, or pirate carts, and play the idiotic 4th iteration of the boring 3D Metroid.
You can bet your ass it will be re-released on Switch 2 with slightly better stuff, that'd be the version to play!
I know, it's not the same, spending money to play warez, such a weird idea, maybe even revolutionary, tell all those paypigs burning cash on Patreon to support switch emulators they were onto something...
Guys, I'm serious: When I found out Ryujink got cancelled I blew floods of shit and piss out my orifices and blood. I'm a disgusting fat, sweaty, unkept mess. i'm so fucking pathetic it's unreal
Congratulations, you just experienced what Death is.
You will experience the same thing when one of your family is dead
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Basically maintenance and some small features
More active than sudachi and suyu kek, maybe it will become something meaningful in a couple of years.
If they can fix major bugs on games, then theres hope. So this has more Devs than Suyu (lol) did ?
Did Ivo finally catch a range ban for his latest outburst? Or is giving out peoples names and addresses not a serious enough crime for the mods to actually do something.
Global 4 is only 5 days, sadly.
After 3 security issues which cant be patched with performance loss its hard to go back to intel lol
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Remember to update your BIOS Intcel, don't want to burn your house down.
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i7 6700HQ
16GB dual channel 2666mhz
Windows 10 IoT LTSC 2021
NVIDIA Driver 565.90

Even my old Alienware 17 R3 can emulate Switch, but Yuzu has audio issues inside the veil, I was playing on Ryujinx where it worked good since leak day 1.
Is someone forked this ?
I'm forked this
Why has no one ever sporked a project?
that's for babies
I don't need it. Already undervolted my 14900KS and it runs cooler and faster than any AMD chip right now.
Doesn't even touch 1.5v either. Just hovers between ~1.45v at max load or 1.2v when doing basic shit.
oof, get ready to RMA that shit
>it runs cooler and faster than any AMD chip right now
lol no
fentanyl is a hell of a drug, nigger.
Been playing for about an hour on Yuzu and still nothing, no crash or visual bug.
Keep going
So if I download the last version of ryujinx from the OP link will it automatically have all my save data and games and shit from my other version?
dumb tripfag
we don't support emulation
Where are the psx rips /vg/ros?
There used to be this site but it got nuked and cucked...
I`m searching for a ff7 rip...
>come in
>don't read OP
>ask question that's answered in the OP
Anyone saved Ryujinx appimage?
You can still get the flatpak in flathub
>Go back, /v/ermins.
The SHA-256 doesn't match with github btw...
All /v/tards must die
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A car crashed into his first gf, get your info straight.
Doesn't count, because no one extracted it from Polymega, so it's an unusable hostage. Genesis+ GX's devs worked on official Genesis-mini emu, but that doesn't automatically make it feasible or usable thing.
Gens sucks ass in comparison to Fusion, get off your drugs, junkie. Also, First K-Gen was not good, it only became usable and feasible in it's K-Gen '98 state, the only K-Gen release that's actually genuinely usable for everyday gaming session purposes. Lazarus was also not very good, until Fusion became a thing.
Driven by him?
>Sudachi ??? Schizo dev. Dead.

Citra's arrogance, laziness and retardation in relation to CIA.
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nigga i ain't reading that gay shit
Modern current-day top tier Zen APU offering already outperforms discrete non-mobile GTX 1650 and RX 480 while being way more efficient than any of those GPUs ever were, newfag. Pull your head out of your own ass. A couple APU gens more, and entire segment of low-to-mid tier discrete GPUs will be removed and phased out of relevance completely (once AMD's APUs reach performance matching or surpassing RX 6600 XT/1080 Ti/2070 Super/Arc A770 levels, which is really not that far away now), only leaving mid-to-high and high-to-top tier expensive-and-overpriced-to-all-fucks discrete as an option. Everything else will be integrated.
Spice does not add WASAPI or ASIO, those are in the arcade games and used on original hardware. In fact the only reason ASIO exists is because the Xonar AE in the lightning cabs shits itself on WASAPI.
No they won't, if you're not a retard that githubs his opensauce shit all over the web. Just do it strictly and completely offline, don't leak and don't show it to anyone, and only do it completely closed-source, and don't ever brag or talk about it to anyone, until it's at least 1.0 and ready for the prime time. Don't be an imbecile (I know, it's very hard to grasp such an easy concept for 96.82% of all emudevs, because they're braindamaged retarded tranny faggots), in other words.
Thank you for explaining it to me, anon-kun. Now I am slightly more knowledgeable about how the games I play work.
Awesome bait but I'll respond anyway;
Just because you're a typical basedllenial who needs plastic to stimulate your depressed retard brain doesn't make anything soulless. Everyone else just cares about playing games. I've been playing, beating, 100%, replaying more games than I ever have before. Play shit for fun nigger, have goals, have wants. If you can't be convinced otherwise you're retarded. Just buy a console if you're too pathetic to have personal autonomy.
He doesn't drive and apparently not interested in cars at all, because he believes it's too much hassle and monetary expenses. He doesn't want to "sit on a gas or fuel needle", as he says. He only walks manually or uses public transport where available, or when his friends or relatives transport him in their vehicles for free. It's probably an internal mental trauma due to what happened to his first gf.
It's /v/'s official weeaboo RPG IQ test.
>Modern current-day top tier Zen APU offering already outperforms discrete non-mobile GTX 1650
*1650 Super
Should I stick with duckstation pcsx2.0 or should I buy a fat ps2 and put a hdd in it. Can you even do the same with a ps1 because I really don‘t want to burn cd discs anymore.

Is there a benefit of og hardware vs emulationv
OG Hardware

>Zero input delay if using a CRT
>100% guaranteed perfect accuracy with no fucking about
>Supports ALL peripherals (obviously)
>Absolute soul

>Need to dedicate space to a setup instead of having everything you need on your PC
>If using a modern television, it'll look like ass and have input delay as well
>Limited to low resolution output, maybe progressive scan if you're lucky
>modding/patching games is much trickier
>Limited to using only PS2 controllers (not necessarily a con, but lack of choice is noteworthy)
>Hardware is getting old, will need to replace parts to keep everything running


>Everything in one spot, accessible with only a few clicks
>Support for enhancements such as high resolution, shaders, widescreen patches, framerate patches, texture packs if you're into that sort of thing, netplay, and much much more
>Freedom to use whatever controller you want
>Fairly hassle free to get everything set up and start booting games

>Dodgy accuracy depending on the game
>Not every game is guaranteed to work
>Peripheral support varies depending on the emulator (PCSX2, after all these years, STILL does not have eyetoy support, meaning all eyetoy games are unplayable)
>input lag is all but guaranteed
>no one extracted it from Polymega
Since the firmware (being a Linux distro) itself (any version) is (to this day) still held hostage to its servers (and users); even if/when (in the distant future) the fabled Polymega app gets to see public release - not much hope to lift up for any1 dumping the bugger if it ain't up 'till now...
You need to start typing like actual human beings if you expect to be taken seriously.
But even with emulation and a crt monitor you will not be able to see how it was intended to look like right? Shaders of duckstation kinda work but you can not use them with pcsx right?
Also is there even a big difference between ps2 crt and non crt? Most of it are 3d games already
Steve, log in.
Where next thread?
So how bleak is switch emulation looking. Has it been completely cratered with no hint of any forks picking up the pieces? Were new game releases super emulation version reliant and Mario will probably be unplayable?
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Couldn't even be bothered to proofread their AI slop translation. This is the future apparently.

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when i try to play on ryujinx it fucking freezes, i have version 1.1.1398, is it just me? does it have with the repo shutting down? don't tell me that piece of shit software grabbed files online, why should this even happen?
Shining Force 3, I finished disc 1 years ago. need to finish disc 2
>da CIA
Are you brown?
It's the clearnet mirror of Torzu Tor repository, so yes. I've build it myself (it take some time) and it work fine for atleast Astral Chain (Only way to avoid audio desync in the cutscene, by using cpu asynchronous for ASTC texture decoding).
But wasn't Tor/onion recently attacked by CIA glowniggers and they can now figure out real end IP?
>Download unavailable at the request of the Entertainment Software Association
I cry every time
Anybody got links to latest Yuzu (windows, linux and macos?
Latest was available at Basedmods for a while, but I can't find it there anymore, for some reason. Latest Ryujinx was added to it the day Nintendon't attacked them, however.
your pc is fucking dying, faggot
It's somewhat better because it is supposed to be decentralized but it's been years now since it was proven to be not 100% bulletproof, perhaps nothing is, but it's an start, l2p and blockchain is where is at these days though.
What was the latest version?
I see both citra and yuzu filled on the same date, but there is now an emulation folder so check there.
>Emulation folder
Ah, didn't notice it before.

Either way, Basedmods always instantly adds the very last stable or nightly release/build that was available at the time when shit got down, so you can be sure that Citra, Yuzu, and Ryujinx provided by Based are their most latest states. For example, Ryujinx on Based is 1.1.1403. Citra is nightly 2104, and Yuzu is build from 28/02/2024 (the latest build from the day when Nintendon't attacked Yuzu).
I knew it wasn't to be trusted.
Make new thread, faggots.
>/v/ermin newfag
go back
Gens was made by Stephane Dallongeville aka Stef aka the developer of SGDK of all things, if you know what SGDK is that you know what that dude can do, Gens was ahead of its time when it came out and despite all the hype Fusion barely caught up to Gens, while Gens still has an advantage when it comes to license and forking/porting to whatever you want, so don't give me that shit, Ivan
he's fine
Did you fix it yet, dirty dev?
I have it on good authority that Matt's grandmother has risen from the dead and eaten Ivan's liver, tongue and eyeballs.
>blahblahblah muh Stephanie this and Stephanie that
>le muh SGDK

LOLMAO. Go read this >>496912762, newfaggot. Your little Stephietrannyboi has nothing on literal god of Sega emulation. Even Polymega uses Fusion. Get fucked.
Almostplayable, but notyet. Come back by late 2025, at the earliest.
yeah we all know that he's been employed by Sega themselves, is very good at what he does... and that's it, meanwhile Earthion, the upcoming shmup for the Genesis by Ancient and Yuzo Koshiro which will destroy everything we saw back in the day, is being made using the SGDK by Gens author, while tranny snake, being a snake with rather soft backbone, is an opportunist that will rather make quick bucks by porting his imperfect closed-source shitware to a scam that Polymega is than do something as grand as The Chad Stephane continues to do with constant win streak all the way back from the Gens days
It needs to be done by Halloween this year. 27 days
You need to tryhard way more than just that, kiddo.
More translations to come
It won't. Come back in autumn of 2025.
Is it worth upgrading for emulation later this month or year? I have a 9900K and 2080Ti and they still do their job but I’ve been eying the 285K and 5090
Intcels never learn huh
>9900K and 2080Ti
How is it there, in 2016, when Inturd and noVideo weren't completely total and utter dogshit just yet?

Nowadays it's eaither an all-AMD system, Zen + Radeon, or nothing, my nigga. Upgrade to upcoming Zen 5 9800X3D or 9900X3D and upcoming 8800 XT/XTX asap once they out, my bruddah.
>just fuck my emu compatibility up, famicom
I wish emus weren't built for Nvidia too but it is what it is.
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Ah, so you're just a reality-denying self-lying retard that got his head stuck up his ass and been sitting a tank that was put in a deep dark cave, for the last 8 years. Got it.

Here, have this, you fucking retard:
He is referring to the GPUs retard.
I meant the graphics. Man, why is this general so MEAN? Calm the fuck down. Do you actually want to talk to anyone here or not?
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Is this a bot?
Why are you posting CPU benches you retard? I have an AMD CPU, and he is right, AMD Vulkan drivers are always riddled with bugs.
Melty detected
For absolute majority of emulators, especially modern ones, GPU almost doesn't play any role at all, as they're all IPC and PPC bound and thus heavily rely on CPU. There are a couple out-of-the-left-field cases where emulator might rely on GPU more than CPU, but in roughly 98% of all emulators currently existing out there, CPU is the primary factor for performance.
What a bizarre character
>AMD Vulkan drivers are always riddled with bugs
Linux, faggot. Linux up, ditch your Wangblows 10 and Shitsuxx 11 crap for brainless retarded cattle.
>especially modern ones
Ryujinx and Yuzu issue trackers were filled with AMD GPU users with buggy Vulkan drivers...
Most AMD GPU users are on Windows.
>I have an AMD CPU
You literally just said you have 9900K (a.k.a. Chernobyl) a couple posts earlier, you cocksucking piece of intbecilic shit.
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>only two anons can talk at the same time
Forgot your meds schizo?
>Ryujinx and Yuzu--
I hope that you're able to realize how much of a totally braindead moron you are, eventually.

>Most AMD GPU users are on Windows
>source - my ass
MESA and VKX3D, faggot. You're not fooling anyone here with that crap.
>source - my ass
Holy shit you an actual incoherent schizoid totally detached from reality, hahahahaha WTF.
kewl imma gonna drop by emugen to check da latest on ryu-jin
ah shit, it's ayymdtard schizo hour....
You mean for emulation only? Stay where you are for at least another couple of years.
Get a 9800X3D, AMD will supposedly launch it very soon, as for the GPU yeah, go with at least a 5080 (tho it looks like shit on paper) or a 5090 if you have the cash, never buy an AMD GPU if you use Windows.
Is Duckstation fine?
If you don't care about the licensing freetard autism, then yeah, it is totally fine.
I dont have that kind of time
Slit your wrists.
>as for the GPU yeah, go with at least a 5080
8800 XT/XTX will be enough until at least 2033, if not longer

>never buy an AMD GPU if you use Windows
Retard. Drivers on Wangblows are not as good as MESA, but it's still not utter dogshit, unlike noVideo's garbage.
you first
I've got the same build as you. I was thinking of upgrading, but I really cant justify it. by the time i can,no one will buy my current machine
I thought that twas ruined by Niggertendo
>multi-billion dollar company can't develop good drivers on the world's desktop OS
Not a good look for Radeon.
NVIDIA doesn't have this problem.
Nigger I'm currently on 2600K and been sitting on it since 2012, out of principle. I'm immediately building a new system from scratch right that very day 9800X3D and 9900X3D come out.
I'm not talking to you
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>yuzu dies
>forks suddenly crop up hours of it's death
>ryujinx dies
>barely any forks

The only fork of ryujinx that was made after ryujinx was killed off is Asakura, and even then the emugen wiki isn't recommending it so far. At least with 3DS emulation, after Citra got killed off, there was the Pablo fork and Lime3DS and those are recommended. With ryujinx, there's nothing. There has to be a good fork soon.

>hurr durr can u code???
You got the point I was making, nigger. And if not, then you're one dumb mofo.
>no money
what a retard
For fuck's sake, the uneducated inexperienced retards in this general sometimes, ffs.

Watch this, you dumb fucks:
Buy an ad fuckface
I'm not clicking that
But enough about you.
Cant hear you over my superior Intel core inside
Fixed on 24H2, never using loonix
Money is no problem for me, I just ordered a iPhone 16 Pro Max + Apple Watch series 10 from my iPhone 15 pro max and Series 9 Watch. I just want to finally upgrade my PC after hanging in for 6+ years and the new Arrow Lake + 5090 seem perfect for me. I’ve also been thinking of getting either a Lunar Lake or MacBook for work. You can probably sell you PC as a whole for 1.5K or more even.
The 5090 will be worse than the 4090.
That hasn't been a thing since 2012 and you know it, fuckface.
Nah, not according to the leaks. Even the 5080 will be about equal or 10% faster despite being gimped.
It's going to be a blasting furnace consuming more than 600W alone by itself, you're a fucking retard. It'll also have TWO of those garbage 12-pin connectors that blow up and catch fire easily, so twice the points of catastrophic failure. Holy fuck noVideots are absolute cretins.
I know you are but what am I? :)
oh just buy an ad already
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Apparently their newest notebook CPU is pretty good and squashes snapdragon notebooks, will it melt like the others? Only time will tell
Don't get AMD (thank me later)
AMD utterly BTFOs anything Inturd tries to shit out. And Zen APUs are only getting better and better by each gen, not giving Inturd or anyone else any chance.
In my experience, AMD just doesn't work as good as Intel
*Especially in regards to emulation
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>in my--
Are both chips you're comparing of equal category/performance class? You can't tell us you were comparing AMD FX 9000 to an Intel 12900K.
Intel is like Apple: It costs more per performance but you get a better experience over all
AMD is like Android: It great if you're poor, more bang for buck and does many same things as iPhone. But over all it is a worse experience, especially with bad drivers
>you get a better experience
How is it there, in 2011?
Emulators run better on Intel, it's not really up for debate
zen 2/3 made it up for debate.
I take it you don't appreciate Micheal Pavone's work on Blastem, because that's the new hotness.
Can the Polymega run Overdrive 2? If it can run that, it passes the Genesis accuracy test.
>emulators run better on Int--

==> >>497137264 >>497137438 >>497137637. Get fucked, eat shit and die.
Ivan, schizos shouldn't drink.
While we're at it, go give this emu some love. It's another accurate Genesis emu that's deserving of attention.
>wow im getting so much more fps— AAACK!
aaaand your driver crashed. Much performance, very wow :)
>Can the Polymega run Overdrive 2?
Polymega's Genesis emulator is Fusion past-3.64 (actual version unknown, as people need to dump Polymega's files for that), but, if I recall correctly, Fusion was/is picrelated in it's 3.64 state:
>another accurate Genesis emu
If it's not at least cycle-accurate and it's not LLE by default, it's not accurate.
I never really understood the hype around the Switch. The overwhelming majority of its games are either ports or shovelware. In terms of actual games for the system itself, the library is comparable to the WiiU (maybe even less than that!). Is it the portability aspect? Personally I never cared much about taking consoles outside, but I see the appeal of something portable in your home. Playing on the couch, the bed, shit's comfy as fuck but that's the only real good point I see about owning a Switch.
I'm not buying a silly, underpowered toy tablet just to play a slightly better version of Monster Hunter.
i think only the gb core is instruction-based iirc.
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This is literally you right now:
>Is it the portability aspect?
It's literally that. The Wii U's gamepad was super close to being portable, but that would mean you'd have to power on the Wii U itself.
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How'd they manage to get OD2 running? Every time I load the rom, Fusion says it isn't actually a Genesis rom.
Add Saturn and Dreamcast, then you might pique our interest. Until then, this is definitely not going to win over BlastEm, Exodus, and Fusion.
If I remember right, Titan Overdrive 2 was made for PAL region systems by default, so you either need to load PAL/EU BIOS, or change emulated region?
Changed the region and that didn't help much either. I'm guessing Fusion can't handle bankswitching all that well, since I got the same result with Demons of Asteborg.
because it's actually using it you dunce
The API has nothing to do with that, retard. It's just the way xemu was built, sometimes I wonder if they're even using a dynarec. It probably doesn't. So it's gonna be CPU demanding no matter what. There's a vulkan build though, it's a bit faster but not by much.
If the portability is the main selling point then Nintendo are probably shitting themselves. With hardware like the Deck and Legion etc offering a better game experience PLUS emulation, it would make sense for them to feel threatened. I think a "new" Switch would be a lot less relevant in 2025 than it was in 2017.
Even if I have to hack the games to enjoy 60fps and better textures, I'd still take it over whatever they're offering.
>I think a "new" Switch would be a lot less relevant in 2025 than it was in 2017.
That's just history repeating itself, like the aforementioned Wii U.
While I don't understand the hype around the hardware either, the library is a different story. if you seriously can't find games that interests you on the thing you might as well stop playing vidya or fuck off back and play whatever fortnite/cod trannyshit you're into, like
>muuhh monster hunter dei shitter
You're the kind of normalfag cunt who would call this series "shovelware" until it started being shilled enough to be a normalfag success worldwide. I fucking hate your kind of literal NPC faggot, everything is shovelware boring shit to you until other people tells you that you should like it and then you will, like a good goy pussy.
>can't handle bankswitching all that well
Literally only 1 game ever used that, Overdrive 2 is largely pointless for actual real-life everyday accuracy testing for gaming, as it used many obscure and largely undocumented hardware majority of which didn't even leave Sega's test labs and was stolen and sold on flea markets many years later. Fusion runs Overdrive demos flawlessly. You probably lack EU BIOS, I dunno why it's not loading for you. Maybe it needs to be a very specific European BIOS (like maybe some particular region, like France or Germany or something else, I dunno).
The only possible "region bios" I can think of is the Genesis' TMSS, but that's a measure of blocking unlicensed games if I'm not mistaken.
what a total consoomer cattle of the worst sort
at least Blastem is up to date and better than both of those outdated emus
Exactly, the nightly builds are truly where it's at.
>sega genesis
are you alright?
ignore that anon, bios are only relevant when you need to emulate 32x and sega cd
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>up to date
Choose one.

It's a tech demo that uses unconventional features, retard. It NEEDS BIOS if you're running that in a emulator, because it was made for PAL by default.
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Exodus confirms what I suspect about Fusion, I'm fairly certain it's a bankswitching issue.
>paying over 1K for a graphics card
>caring about power consumption
Are you german?
>if you seriously can't find games that interests you on the thing you might as well stop playing vidya
You heard the schizo, if you are not a nintendrone you are not a real gaymer
Exodus is a half-baked emu still. I don't know what else to tell you in regards to this.
EOL first-party library has been nice, but the Switch at first was mostly Wii U ports.
Later revisions of the megadrive had a bios, newfag
>up to date
the nightly and libretro core is regularly updated, retard

>overdrives need bios
no they don't, just try it yourself

CD does need the bios, 32x does not
Kys, retrofarting shiteater.


>no they don't
and it's not necessary for literally anything, so what's the difference

ah Ivan, Ivan...
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>32x does not
Huh, then how come Fusion requires them? Just curious.
Just ignore the newfag imbecile. He doesn't know jack shit.
Glad everything works on my machine lol.
aren't they optional? if not then Solid Snake must have fucked something up, I just tried running Darxide on ares with no bios of any kind and it just werks
at least we agree that GNU/Linux and AMD are the best and DRMs should go to fuck, so no bad blood between us, just casual insults here and there
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Huh, turns out they ARE optional. Just booted Tempo and it works fine.
Emulating on Intel is based, AMD is cringe
>ivan vs /v/ermins
when you think the general can't get worse
Nvidia cares about emulation even Intel.
Who is Ivan?
they do, they support programmable blending and amd doesn't which is a vulkan feature that parallel-gs uses I believe it provide better accuracy and performance. amd gpus even have issues with pcsx2 using vulkan: https://community.amd.com/t5/opengl-vulkan/vulkan-poor-performance-due-to-barrier-region-bit-being-ignored/td-p/501962

amd gpus are fucking garbage, I will never buy an amd gpu
Like I said here >>497138265 and >>497137831 AMD Vulkan drivers suck ass.
I remember a bunch of Ryujinx issues only AMD GPU users experienced, visual bugs or crashes that didn't happen with NVIDIA.
the russian schizo seething about nvidia/intel/windows or some old ass sega emulator
I recall geohot wanted to go with AMD instead of Nvidia gpu for tinybox. He went through a whole saga losing his sanity over driver issues, and he took those complaints directly to engineers
this anon summed it up >>497016019

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