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RIP Ryujin Edition

Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.


>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Old thread: >>495960108
nintendo deserves the 3rd nuke
good thing sony doesn't care enough about vidya to go after ps4-emus
NewJinx when?
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They talked shit about Android and got nuked, yuzu made an Android version instead of crying "muh Android Community" and "bad OS"
that's double good, because that means more games can be played without denuvo
Apparently they did a neimod-style "knock & talk". Showed up at his house and told him if he doesn't agree to take everything down they'll file charges.
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It's Ryujinx, retard

Anyway, full post.
cfw chads won
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Latest source code before the takedown. Download it and spread it because I doubt this will be up for long.
So can development continue? It's MIT so it can? Or was gdkchan coding the majority of it?
it could be continued. if you live in a state where nintendo could easily legally target whoever takes the project on going forward then they could sue you. they only paid gdk cuz he was in brazil and i guess the legal protections for corps are not that strong there. an american becoming lead dev would spell the permanent doom of the emulator perhaps. if any legal argument could be found.
why can't we have anything nice
They didn't pay him, retard.
because nintendo knows their next console could be emulated quickly
>forgot the x
killing myself asap
ciggy will continue development
then what was it? we'll kill you? if they could've sued him they wouldn'tve given the heads up, they would've just done it.
Welcome to Russia. We love emulators and nintendo dont work here
If you want an idea of the "agreement" they're talking about then check out neimod's argreement from the original time the Nintendo ninjas struck.


Also see the other files in that folder.
What was the last version?
Yeah, now instead of a fruit it's some k-pop gook.
oops, meant to post the reply
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I guess that last night build
Based Brazilian anon
So it's actually over? lmaoo
No idea but isn't it possible to avoid this kind of thing by not having a single faggot able to nuke the repo?
Thank you, anon
yeah, but they probably were going to cede anyway
What's the latest commit hash? Was
Update audio renderer to REV13: Add support for compressor statistics and volume reset (#7372) · Ryujinx/Ryujinx@a2c0035
the latest workflow run?
>internal resolution to 4x at least
>Post Processing>TV Shader> 4xRGSS downsampling
Looks up to date enough
thank you very much
Does anyone have the early access version of the Yuzu Android port?, the only ones in the wiki are the free builds
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Literally used mafia tactics to scare the lead dev into quitting
is this the latest?
>Source: dude trust me
Nintendo has no legal power in brazil. They most likely just paid him off, if they thought they had a case like with yuzu they'd just sue since that'd give them precedent against future emulators.
You're fucking retarded if you think they paid him after all the other times they've threatened people.
Anything is possible at this point because the dev disappeared.
Yes, I'm sure Nintendo flew out some lawyers to Brazil where they don't have any legal presence instead of just emailing the guy. If it were in the US it'd make sense for them to use intimidation tactics but in Brazil they have nothing. It's the same shit Denuvo has done, paying off crackers to stop games from being cracked.
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Do I have to merge all of this with another program?
>showed up to his house
So what just say "Chupe meu pau"
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This is what they did to a guy that just posted a picture of a 3DS with "We hacked it" displayed on the screen.
Brazil is not some lawless African shithole, they can appoint a legal representative and fuck him over. IIRC Gabriel (his real name) is an university professor, not some low life favela nigger.
Anyone got latest linux or macos version of Ryujinx?
nah, you install the firmware via ryujinx itself
This would've happened anyway. If they got a hue not living in clapistan to desist, they can go after anyone else not living in pariah states like Russia. All that changes is they knock on a dozen doors instead of just one.
Linux version is still on flathub
grats on the new motorcycle and overhauled ladyboygf, gdkchan!
Two versions behind but still
Is there a list of games that currently don't work properly on Ryujinx? As far as I can tell my PC runs everything I've thrown at it pretty much perfectly. I'm wondering if a user like myself, who doesn't really care about a bunch of superfluous features and just wants to play the games, is going to be missing out on much due to the end of the emulator's life. Sure Metroid Prime 4 may be an issue, but that's a problem for future me.
that's actually the win version i'm currently on lol
can you code?
Hiroshi Yamauchi-Yakuza Conspiracy
poor opsec
Since the site took down the download link where can I download the latest update?
Holy shit, what the fuck?
Nevermind should've read the thread
It's over, you can no longer emulate Switch shovelware.
flatpak install ryujinx, then back up the binary and libs in /var/lib/flatpak/app/org.ryujinx.Ryujinx/x86_64/stable/active/files/bin
>Is there a list of games that currently don't work properly on Ryujinx?
nothing that you would really want to play
Cool, so this really doesn't affect me much then.
All important exclusives run well
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>DEI gets uprooted, promising good games in the future
>lose the ability to play them (for free)
Are translation layers more resistant to takedowns since APIs aren't copyrightable?
It only really matters for the last few games coming out (Brothership and Prime 4) and fixing some existing inaccuracies.
That being said the Switch 2 likely has very similar architecture and that's why they're nipping it in the bud now.
So it matches >>496781761
So literally no shekels for him?
That's not a monkey paw, though. I'd happily pay for every single game that I pirated if DEI dies forever.
It should, but I only have a Linux build handy. Version is 1.1.1403
Prime 4 looks bland as fuck.
Done. What is the lightest Switch game to emulate? Also how is Ryujinx with the PS4 controller?
Enjoy playing them in 720p with 30 fps if you're lucky.
I said I'd pay for them, anon. Not that I'd play them on the intended hardware.
you don't really have much choice though.
Sonic Mania probably
How the fuck does that even happen? Did he put his home address on the github account or what?
What do you mean? Ryujinx is still on my PC. It's right there.
In America we would shoot them
>What is the lightest Switch game to emulate?
Super Mario Wonder and Echoes of Wisdom are relatively lightweight games. (Provided you have the necessary shader caches to prevent stutter.)
>Also how is Ryujinx with the PS4 controller?
I assume you're on Linux, so I'm not sure how I can help you in that regard. My machine uses Windows 11, so I use DS4Windows. (The schmaldeo fork.)
>What is the lightest Switch game to emulate?
2D games, like the Tengo Project ones, Sonic Mania, Indies etc.
>Also how is Ryujinx with the PS4 controller?
Prolly perfect.
The era of good games is long over, and permanent
Trying Ryujinx for the first time, but I'm fucking retarded. I downloaded the keys and placed them in the main folder, but Ryujinx says it can't find the prod.keys file. Do they go inside of another folder?
In America, Nintendo would sue you: in bankrupt and your ass in jail too. In America you can go to jail just for torrents. BITCH IN AMERICA YOU HAVE DOWNLOAD LIMITS.

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>developing versions to work on iOS and android
>wonder why he got shut down
Castlevania Dominus should do for now. I just wanted to let you know I would never have done this if Nintendo weren't such a piece of shit.
>The schmaldeo fork
Fucking idtoddlers
Ryujinx/system/ Put here your keys
Ryochan7 fork is now read-only, which makes the schmaldeo fork the most actively maintained.
>rar file
I can't use rar in Linux you piece of shit
In America I get a real job and pay for my games legitimately with a clean and moral conscience. I even don't play games at all because I'm an adult amd not a child. Are you a third-world poor shitskin manchild?
>unrar file
easy peasy japaneasy
for all the foss nerds out there
Teach me your ways master
Is there a place with all shaders pre compiled
I would also like to know this. fitgirl has a few Switch repacks that have precompiled shaders but the amount of games hosted there is tiny in comparison to the complete Switch library.
Includes RyuSAK shaders.
If you're using linux you shouldn't be that stupid.
Ah, well, what do you know, no such folder was present in the build I downloaded. I thought that might be the case. Thanks.
Thanks anon
anytime ;)
Anon knew before it happened: >>496733771
and to think it was a stupid frogposter
There's this little program called unrar on the extra repo on Arch and Ark can use =P
meme magic is real, praise kek
I've only ever used Mint, so that's extremely useful information to know.
>DEI gets uprooted
What makes you think that?
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good anon
Wait what's up with the Japanese letters? Did I fucked up? Fucking hell
You are a child
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That's the latest
pic related
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oh no no no no....
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>wake up
Good morning emufags what's go....
Of course it's a GokuBLACKEDfag.
yea i thought ryujinx would continue too, today has been crazy
ShadPS4 is next
>we're not getting a c&d!! - discord fag
>turns out it's a c&d

>In America I get a real job

>because I'm an adult amd not a child
t. anon from 4chinks

>Are you a third-world poor shitskin manchild?
Threadly reminder that Nintendo succeeding at this has given execs at Sony and Microsoft ideas of what to do next.
Archive everything especially the source code.
Hopefully people will develop a Switch 2 emulator out of spite
It's Snoys who pretend they hate Nintendo while still playing all their games
I haven't used it for anything in years, but I still think Nintendo should suck a fucking cock
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Anyone got that Ryujinx 1.1.1403 MacOS DMG?
Emulator devs should follow the same level of opsec as game crackers, but they are too egotistical for that.
What is Nintendo's equivalent button to X and Square on the PS4 controller?
First time on the internet?
Only Nintendo can get away with it in this manner because they're bigger than they've ever been and they have a massive, highly devoted fanbase who will publicly take their side every time, completely drowning out the voices of those who protest. Sony and MS are far more likely to take massive public backlash over such actions, and indeed they have, and so did Nintendo for that matter back when they were on shakier ground.
I've always wondered but why do these faggots expose themselves like this? Can't you just work on an emulator anonymously? I guess not making money out of it is the big factor but still, receive donations via monero or something if that's what you truly want.
So yes, you are
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It's the ego. It's always the ego. Especially once your emulator get popular. For example, no one knew who the fuck Danny was until RA started gaining traction, and now not only do we know his name and where he lives, but we even know what he sounds like. At least he's been smart enough to keep his face out of it, but it's probably only a matter of time.
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Why do I get this message when trying to play Echoes of Wisdom with Ryujinx (already got this message before today, nothing to do with Ryujinx shutting down)? I can play it just fine with Yuzu

It also doesn't even see the game and adds it to the game list, while Yuzu also does that fine

Do I need a new firmware or something? (My Ryujing should have the same firmware as my Yuzu, so that would be weird)
>It also doesn't even see the game and adds it to the game list
check firmware and keys versions
I always forget where to get those, got a link? Though also
>It also doesn't even see the game and adds it to the game list, while Yuzu also does that fine
but I guess I can try
Whatever happened to ryusak?
meant to quote >>496792103
>(My Ryujing should have the same firmware as my Yuzu, so that would be weird)
dev had a spergout
retard the other thread was still going
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Makes me wonder how much big N paid him
iirc the lead dev had a discord meltdown and killed it
don't remember exactly what for
Had a bunch of broken shader caches because of AMD's great drivers, and the guy who was running the project was sick of all the bug reports because of them, and didn't want to go through and find and remove all the broken caches, so he just nuked it.
stupid fags, zoomies, alpies, nintendrones living in denial, oh and don't forget yuzu's white knights, the bunch were told it didn't matter if the case didn't reach trial phase, the forced settlement was enough for Nintendo to shag the brains out of whatever they don't like...b-but yuzu won because there was no verdict in court!!
my take is gdkchan was offered money or a similar "settlement"
yeh you can say that again
All this reinforces my guess that the nintendo sbitch 2 will have some amount of backwards compatibility and nintendo is pre-emptively taking care of shit
an agreement could be anythihng, retard, including $$$
The main dev trooned out
Nintendo had to figure some specific related shit because all of a sudden they gained too much interest in switch emulators
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bahahaha Nintendo suck my turban
honestly if nintendo's lawyers came up and went like "we'll give you 100,000 dollars to fuck off" i would accept without hesitation, good on him.
he knew what awaited him if he didn't accept the deal.
op for what it's worth, any thread subject is better than no thread subject like the other retard does, it makes emugen feel more comfy
Switch 2 is officially Switch 1 with a higher clock speed. It's GC/Wii all over again
100k? Why would he accept when he knows Nintendo makes obscene amounts of money?
That would be too funny.
Because in third world countries 100k can be an obscene amount of money
>deny 100k
>ok then we kill you
pretty easy choice
kek. I checked Ryujinx earlier and saw gdk's pfp was missing, now I see everything was nuked without alerting the others of the organization. Because they kept a *lot* of shit private, major work has been lost. The biggest being LDN because of Berry.

Anyway, due to Nintendo threatening literally everyone from streamers, ytubers, gaming blogs, rom sites, and legal emulators, this is likely to change the future of the scene and could take years to properly come back. Wouldn't be surprised if they begin to target Dolphin and older console emulators like BGB, VBAM, mGBA, SameBoy, etc.
is the yuzu successor Sudachi or something any good?
None of them are good.
we have to wait a few years for ninty legal to get sidetracked before either project is ressurected
Because you don't push your luck in the legal system.
I mean, why would they make any effort to make it much more than that? The Switch is literally based on hardware that is almost a decade old, and not only is it STILL being sold at the same exact price since launch, but it's set to eclipse the PS2 in sales. Literally all they need to do is upgrade it just enough to be able to output in 4K and throw a couple other gimmicks in for shits, and everyone will line up to get one.
Hopefully someone will pick up where Ryujin left off
Yeah just like Yuzu :D
It's at the same price because of Kamalanomics.
They don't want to sell a console as a loss leader.
My point is they can get away with a token hardware upgrade rather than a generational leap because it'll sell regardless.
$0. It was shut down or face legal charges.
There's nothing illegal about Ryujinx
There was nothing illegal about what neimod did with his 3DS yet Nintendo had a crime list a mile long ready and the local law enforcement was ready to charge him.
Nintendo and others have started to straight up threaten others, and if lucky, bribe. They don't care about legality, they know they have other means of stopping development or production of content.

Projects will need to move away from having one or two persons with the keys to everything and publicly releasing all work and ensuring it would stay available in an event like this to deter any similar actions from Nintendo and co.

I'm surprised it took them this long to get an evil villain-type legal team together since they were stalking, harassing, and destroying lives of developers already about a decade ago.
this is the downfall of emulation
see ya to when the next nintendo console gets cracked
Any difference between using NSP or XCI dumps?
He lived in brazil they couldn't do much of anything to him.
Did the Switch fail to make a profit and that's why Nintendo is clamping down hard? They're just trying to stop bleeding money to pirates?
only gotta spend $$$ on lawyers and time in court to prove it.
leaves the question: whose pockets are deeper: ninty's or yours?
Is switch emulation dead?
>don't remember exactly what for
people repeatedly (re-)uploading corrupt shaders and their system not being able to detect them automagically
It's because the switch 2 won't be much harder to emulate so they want to nip it in the bud.
>giving any fucks about emulators of a console with no games
XCI is cart, NSP is eShop
No practical difference
NSP updates work with XCI games
>Did the Switch fail to make a profit
lol no
don't listen to anon he's baiting
I assume they just hired an IP law firm that was willing to put in the work and Nintendo gave the OK to everything since they don't care about the western PR. The Japanese are likely to fully back Nintendo.
Neimod was proven to be in a warez scene group (LGC aka Legacy) and it's rumored that he was the brain behind Gateway 3DS.
reminder that the blame lies solely with kotaku and their "here's how to play metroid dread for free" article
that castlevania collection is on PC, retard.
I dedicate this fap to the death of my nigga Ryujinx
R.I.J. (Rest In Jizz)
I refuse to believe everything was lost. They knew Nintendo would go after them next after Yuzu was taken down.
They are dealing with Nvidia
>It's the same shit Denuvo has done, paying off crackers to stop games from being cracked.
There's no evidence of this ever happening. The more likely explanation why games are not being cracked is denuvo is way above skill level of your typical cracker
bros i am getting sixty seven errors when trying to build Ryu from latest src is this normal
None of them are going to be stupid enough to release anything post-threats, even if they weren't against themselves. Everything was kept private, and what wasn't was lost in deleted public branches that have been sitting for literal years because gdk was a bitch that implemented things and either never finished or merged them. Most of the public branches will likely be salvaged but the major private work is rip.
ninty never made a loss with selling consoles, not even with wiiu.
Ok, so who’s forking Ryujinx and adding Switch 2 support once it’s out? I really doubt they waited almost a decade to take down the emulators in such a small timeframe for no reason whatsoever, it’s clearly a threat to Switch 2, probably very similar architecture wise.
they paid them to switch sides, i.e. they hired them
desu if i ran an emulation project and nintendo approached me with a life-changing amount of money to cancel the project and basically commit identity-death and I have to make a new identity on the internet, I would take it too.

Guy is in brazil too so "life changing" amount of money isn't much over there probably when you consider the exchange rate right now.
I wouldn't really care if Nintendo targets Dolphin next because all of the Wii and GC games that I want to emulate run perfectly on the current version.
I get the feeling it's less a skill issue and more a not wanting to spend a hundred hours per game reversing and disabling hundreds of denuvo calls, on top of the existing obvious legal issues.
>never at a loss
I could almost swear I've seen that discussion over and over again over at /vr/, afaik they did with the WiiU
They never dealt with Nvidia before
what's even the point of this thread? anyone here have an idea how to bring Ryujin back to life or is it just a festival of NPCs mourning after it like filthiest of normies mourn after some famous celebrity dies?
The beauty have having manchildren drone fans
>very accurate
>runs better on arm than x86
>MIT licensed
Nintendo poached them lmao
>Sony and MS are far more likely to take massive public backlash over such actions, and indeed they have, and so did Nintendo for that matter back when they were on shakier ground.
lmao what the fuck, Sony has literally taken down fangames just like Nintendo has and no one's given a shit. Whenever Nintendo does anything bad it always gets far more publicity and backlash than MS or Sony, or any other vidya dev. The reason MS/Sony haven't gone after emulators is because there are no fucking working emulators for modern MS/Sony consoles, we're nearing the end of the PS5's lifespan and we're only just now getting working PS4 emulation.

I'm not saying nintendo is le good but acting like they don't get the most backlash is absurd, it's just that when other companies do bad shit just like nintendo news sites rarely ever cover it, since they know nintendo has the most rabid fans and haters so it's easy clicks.
Not just a feeling, it's like that, crackers can spend hundred of hours and still not catch all the denuvo calls. Denuvo shit gets release pretty often these days though, it's just that most of it is always online shitware
No. Just pointing out how stupid you are emulating it while you can just download its pc version.
You are niggercatle incapable of reading a thread. Commit suicide post haste.
notice how 9/11 was the same thing
"sir they hit Yuzu"
and then Ryujinx fell too
Where do I click to setup again? I unzipped it
Considering Sony hates Bloodborne and will never ever port it to PS5 or PC, I doubt they care
Anyone else think this takedown means that the Switch 2/its games might not be that different under the hood from the Switch, and this is why Nintendo worked to take Ryujinx down? Especially given the rumors that the Switch 2 can play Switch games with graphical enhancements, and a large appeal of Ryujinx is the ability to play Switch games as if they actually came out in the current year.
>what's even the point of this thread?
/ryujinxgen/ is dead, long live /shadps4gen/
>I refuse to believe everything was lost.
We don't know the details of said agreement and likely never will, it could've been anything from, here's some cash cease development and cede all ip, to, stop or else.
Folks are too slow these days, Brazil has this insanely shit w e f leftard judge that is a borderline dictator, persecuting people for online posts and crap like that, we ignore if there is movement in the background to change ip laws over there and the ryu-jin team got advised to just stop.
The entire thing sucks but it is what it is.
Just extract and run, dumb /v/ermin
It is portable
I doubt nintendo will go after older emulators. We know that they 100% know dolphin exists but they haven't gone after them, the only time nintendo's really gone after emulators, even in the past, is when they were threatening one of their current consoles. (n64, gba, and switch)

Still, always good to back stuff up and be better safe than sorry.
When have they ever gone after VBA?
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Cry me a river
I did it says keys not found
I thought they did go after Dolphin, but Dolphin addressed the issues Nintendo had instead of shutting down?
Castlevania is that bad? I mean, you rather be here riding my dick instead of playing it.
they only went after them when they tried putting dolphin on steam
How do you know those people used to be in the scene. The only cracker I know of was Yates who got hired back in the securom days and doesn't even work there anymore.
>skill level
Everything I've heard about denuvo cracking is that its just insane tedium and it varies from game to game so you can't reasonably shorten it with any kind of scripting
Just set up a script to download CEMU and Dolphin source code after every commit, my schizophrenia is rising.
/v/ zoomers invaded so not much can be discussed right now
Arguing about past emulators being or not being on Nintendo's radar is irrelevant.
Their business focus is going to push Nintendo Switch Online including their shitty emulated re-releases harder than they did during the Virtual Console era.
If they can fuck over other avenues threatening that and succeed at it this time then they will do it.
Nothing is safe. Archive everything.
Should I save every emulator I can now? Are we witnessing the death of the emu scene?
Man, I remember when Zelda Tiktok dropped. The general was literally unusable for days thanks to all the /v/ermin dropping in.
>Archive everything.
Even this post?
I believe this year's attack to Switch emulators have more to do with the Switch 2 than anything, old Nintendo emulators are safe I think, still download and archive everything you can right now.
do i need firmwares to make this work?
Arigatou anontachi.
I guess we should be thankful this was at the end of the the lifecycle and not in the middle of it.
I hope this is good enough or for MP4 when it comes out, or some other autists will upkeep it.
Yes, but they are literally the first result on Google.
>Should I save every emulator I can now?
>Are we witnessing the death of the emu scene?
i doubt it. the emulation scene has always been like this, with projects getting killed or stagnating, be it for personal or legal reasons. someone else always appears to take over the crown.
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All the latest version of Ryujinx here:

Any links to where i can get those versions?
Say what you will about Sony but PCSX2 have been going for 20 years and it's still there.
Based GokuBlackGOD
>Nintendo go after all their emulators
>People move to sega/pc engine/others
>People start working on them
>Golden age of emulation returns
Good point. If they start going after older emulators as well, that's the tell-tale sign that they're planning to expand NSO into other platforms. Seems a bit far-fetched now given how Nintendo has historically shied away from releasing anything outside their hardware, but you never know, they may yet have a change of heart.
yeah because it sucked ass while the PS2 was still relevant
Same with RPCS3, it is more than a decade old and Sony has done nothing about it.
Same with Dolphin, it is more than a decade old and Nintendo has done nothing about it.
Sony was BTFO in court before.
PS2 will ALWAYS be relevant, pup.
Does the github link comes with firmware and all?
so why is Nintendo doing this?
had success with (illegal) yuzu, had success threatening and bribing ryujinx, next on the list is wii/gc with dolphin. as long as they pay their law firm, they've shown they're willing to do the dirty work and I doubt they'll stop while they're on a roll.
Sony actually hired a couple PCSX2 devs, that's why development slowed down for a while ~2011.
Of course not, it will get deleted if it did.
Dolphin has the resources to fight Nintendo in a lawsuit, and Nintendo would definitely lose.
Because Sony, despite losing, STILL bankrupted the companies they went after. Nintendo's going after broke-ass autists and nerds who will capitulate in the face of a C&D, let alone a lawsuit.
How are people in the year of our lord 2012+12 are people still too stupid to do a Google search?
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>Sudachi Windows
>Try to put keys in roaming folder
>Delete folder
>Try again
What the ever loving fuck? There's nowhere to even report the bug
GDKchan has betrayed the emulation fanbase
Is not a bug, you are just stupid.
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>so why is Nintendo doing this?
ninty isn't going to court.
If you have any common sense at all then you would realize that Google search engine is the most unreliable piece of shit in existence, the company's butchering their own search engine for ad money.
It worked, dapyon!
Why waste resources fighting when you can cash out?
Then why did searching "switch firmware" on Google give me exactly what I was looking for on the first result?
Cracking and emulation dev has become quite lucrative now that jews will show up to your house with bags of money to stop.
Yeah, but that info came out later and from the leaks it's clear Nintendo had no clue.
if you had any common sense at all you'd be able to figure out where to get both the aes keys and the bios without having to be spoonfed
Where are people getting this stupid idea? There was no money.
yeah, and these devs worked on the ps1 emulator for ps3, which was the best ps1 emulator around for a while
wouldn't it be cool if an official sony console had pgxp?
>Silent crash when linking to prod.key in suadchi roaming dir (1.0.8) to install
Someone's a lying shill and it's you
Because gdk is Brazilian, you can't just sue someone into poorfaggorty like in the US
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>10 1/2 hours ago
>last change to ryujinx was 12 hours ago
by gdkchan
No, Sony stopped working on the PS1 emulator in 2007. And Cottonvibes said he worked on the PS2 emulator for PS4, which makes a lot more sense.
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I am not the stupid buffoon that got filtered by prod.keys directory.
it's bugged
>braziltrash user
explains a lot. enjoy your stutters crashes. you're clearly used to them.
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>Download it for preservation reasons
>Try to boot up a game quickly just to make sure nothing's broken
>Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, doesn't boot up
>Wipe my user folder, put the prod.keys back in, install the firmware 18.1.0
>Try again, still doesn't boot up
>Try Pokemon Sword instead
>It boots up right away
>Try BD on Sudachi
>It boots up right away
Wasn't Ryujinx supposed to be accurate?
>Try to put keys in roaming folder
"C:\Users\Anon\AppData\Roaming\sudachi\keys", THAT is the folder.
Alternatively, you can make a folder in Sudachi's own called "user" if you want a fully portable copy.
>The emulator doesn't work even after installing keys and firmware
>Therefore, I'm the one causing it
i think mario took the wrong shrooms
why was he still updating the emu today if he was contact by the nintendo assassins yesterday?
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I do enjoy the capabilities of my brain and its synapses, something you don’t, fentanyl boy.

It is not bugged, you are just fucking stupid.
stop supporting illegal activity
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Y'all are fucking stupid. Fentanyl is a hell of a drug, burger boys.
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It silent crashes when you try to install them from that folder. That's the issue.

I just put the keys elsewhere. Shouldn't have to, but no one said Sudachi devs were brilliant. Barely holding things together on windows.

Then there's this shit which is just par for the course.
so did they give him a bag of money and what's stopping every other dev from forking and continuing?
>what's stopping every other dev from forking and continuing?
They gave him a bag of "you should probably drop this Ryujinx nonsense. Y'know, might be bad for your health. Hint hint"
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Damn, I bet it sucks to be that fucking stupid, dude. kek
>It silent crashes when you try to install them from that folder. That's the issue.
I'm the Anon you just replied to.
I use Sudachi on Win11, have my prod.keys stored in "E:\Emulators\Switch\Sudachi\user\keys" and it works just fine, so I don't know what to tell you.
Good luck.
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Downloaded this gay-ass game just to prove you wrong btw.
now play it to completion you stinky pig
>low playtimes
lol, switch emulation in current year is shit
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Those are firmware files. If your games subdir is the same place as the firmware files, just delete them there once firmware is installed.
>works on my machine
no one cares, now shut the fuck up
NTA, but you claimed it didn't boot you dumb nigger. Anon proved that it does indeed boot. Moving goalposts is for faggots.
Sudachi is shit, I just download it to prove y'all are way too idiots. I play on Ryujinx the most.
You said it didn't booted up, now you are just moving the goal post.
That is the latest version I got from the github before it got taken down, not downloading anything from randos on 4chin
don't any of you feel any guilt anyway emulating games? The feeling of knowing that the corporation behind your games will forever consider you an enemy just hangs over your shoulders.
>not downloading anything from randos on 4chin
bummer, you missed out on an epic duckstation fork
No, not really. Corpohomos can lick my asshole
>That is the latest version
It's not. The one posted by the Anon I originally quoted is.

>the latest version I got from the github
I don't care.

>not downloading anything from randos on 4chin
See >>496786419.
And I'll say it again; you're a retard, Retard.
>If your games subdir is the same place as the firmware files
jfc none of this shit would be necessary if sudachi just worked
You use Ryujinx. You don't get to call others idiots, retard.
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Don't care, don't think version 1.1.1403 had any regression for pokemon BD, you are clearly doing something wrong, the game boots and play just fine
those "corpohomos" are who bring you your games
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the other devs seem far too accepting of what happened
These were Bleem developers. The PCSX2 guys worked on the PS2 Classics emulator for PS4.
what do you expect them to do, organize a resistance?
I pirate nintendo games for my whole life, never own nintendo console and never bought any of their games.
Don't feel any guilt in fact i feel pretty good about myself
Yeah, kinda of weird, why not just fork it and continue the project with a different name and without gdkchan
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>You use Ryujinx. You don't get to call others idiots, retard.
Retard? I am not the fucking chimpanzee who is getting filtered by prod.keys directory kek

your gpu is dying or you are fentanyl monkey boy. Maybe both.

Most of you are so damn stupid. KEK
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>contacted a day ago
>he kept updating
how many regressions did they add in at the last second, accidentally?
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>you're a retard, Retard.
Nintendo has their Address. Its over anon.
Emulation is Dead
why would you feel guilty. people who pirate weren't going to buy it in the first place.
if the multidollar company was my friend they'd provide ways to play their older titles instead of making games permanently inaccessible or only available for a limited time
so fucking glad switch emulation is finally dead. I hope they go after Dolphin and Cemu next as well unironically. You PC onlys, stop clamoring you hate Nintendo while pirating their games because you're too poor to own the only console that matters.
Want my money? Release the games on PC, simple as.
All exclusives already worked on Ryujinx, Switch emulation is complete.
Praying Switch 2 gets emulated on release year just to see tendies cope and seethe.
I pirate every jewtendo game and emulate them despite having more than enough disposable income to buy whatever I want just because I hate those slanted yakuza kikes.
Please don't reply to the retards flooding in from /v/. Myself included.
they had to shut it down since a dolphin situation was going to happen with the switch 2
I hope Metroid 4 Prime Beyond runs on Ryujinx.

Damn, you are a retard
Because they got paid off lol
I'm wondering if Nintendo/Retro Studios is going to try to do something within the game's code to try to mitigate this. Especially now that there's no Switch emulator being actively worked on to any meaningful degree.

No idea what they'd do, I don't know shit about coding.
>all exclusives work
buggy and glitchy messes with 10 fps are not considered complete
Tell me which game runs at 10fps to prove you wrong real quick.
>10 fps
So even the buggy games are doubling the switch's native performance?
I am 100% sure that the actual problem you have is being fucking poor, buddy.
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>buggy and glitchy messes with 10 fps
But enough about the Switch!
>glitchy messes with 10fps
we aren't talking about running them on a native switch
i just got my steamdeck today and idk how to put switch emu on it with emudeck :(
was ryujinx the best switch emulator available or is this just a nothingburger?
I agree that the switch is a weak piece of shit but what does that have to do with ryujinx?
Nintendo isn't going to have sex with you Stan.
It was the most accurate, and still is, pretty sure all future games will work just fine on it.
yuzu is better
>anon then proceeds to post his system, he was trying to run the emulator on a 15 years old cpu and 10 years old gpu
It's going to be funny if Prime 4 runs perfectly on it at launch if an actual successor to Yuzu/Ryujinx doesn't come about before then.
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Why was literally every post in the old thread deleted?

They deleted all 814 replies, some kind of Nintendo/glownigger request? Are we all under investigation now?

So is this really it ? No Forks at all ?
What about Suyu and others ?
you'd probably want to play the switch 2 version of it though
Nigga it just got taken down.
Wait 1 or 2 weeks for forks to appear.
Retardbros........ Every week old threads on 4chan gets deleted
the forks have no real devs
literal copypaste emulators
I feel zero guilt for enjoying a better experience for free
why do you fags COPE so much with forks? Forks are not continued development. They're just shitty placebos. No one will ever continue Switch emulation development again.
There are no proper Yuzu forks after almost a year. Its Dead Jim
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Nintendo wants my money? Release your games on PC then or make a console that can at least play 60fps native 4k with modern graphics.

I'm not playing on a toy tablet with less power than 10-year-old mobile phones.
>No one will ever continue Switch emulation development again.
It's mostly good enough so whatever
Can Citra forks Play Luigi Mansion 2 without hardware tricks and hacks, huh ???????
Just emulate the remaster
Yes. I know you're a /v/ kid desperately trying to get your dopamine but kill yourself.
i once visited the nintendo world theme park as an emulation/pirate-only fag. You could feel being the crook in the crowd of Nintendo loyalists.
I'll probably buy a Switch 2 at launch anyway and just never update it so I can jaibreak it eventually
Answer my question faggots
Now I have to play Mario on a poorly coded emulator?
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed huh
This is the most hilarious thing, Nintendo can go after emulation all they want but they can't go after the homebrew scene. It's filled with too much autism and underground fags. Switch 2 will be hacked in the first year
>The feeling of knowing that the corporation behind your games will forever consider you an enemy
they don't even know or care about who I am
I mean its open source, someone else will just take the project over
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>someone else will just take the project over

2 More weeks.
Do not reply to /v/ tards
We know exactly who you are, Marcus. Doug Bowser will be stopping by your house in a few weeks. We look forward to the encounter.
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Drooling mongoloid retard nintendrone.
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Nintendo headquarter tomorrow...
doug bowser is a homunculus devised by Nintendo of America, he'll instantly fold to a light thump with a bible
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Now that Ryujinx is gone, this is gdkchan. He was a Brazilian romhacker/translator and later emudev also known as Gabriel Dark 100/gabdark100/omundodogabriel/Dark Ninja. I was in the scene back in the day so I recognized him when I first heard of Ryujinx.
You can find his profiles on random tech/romhacking/emulation forums by searching these usernames (if he doesn't nuke them).

No wonder Nintendo found him so easily
did you paid for the ticket? not a true piratefag
I will teach myself C# and save Ryujinx.
Is that after modern Switches get hacked?
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>that Mayoi pfp
unrelated to this Switch emulator controversy, but don't you fags ever feel bad for emulating in general because of what it means for the existing physical games out there? For example, the physical copies of Haunting Ground will eventually go extinct because most people just downloaded the ROM instead of trying to save the game. They're already dying out so the prices are only going higher and higher as well (last I checked it was 500 dollars now)
who cares, the rom holds the same data
if it's already in the no intro database, what's the problem?
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>The feeling of knowing that the corporation behind your games will forever consider you an enemy
I don't understand the question. Whether you emulate or not, you can't increase physical copies for a game that's out of print.
>no intro
i'm retarded, should've said redump
The disc is just a piece of plastic with DRM. I couldn't care less if it's already dumped. Also fuck scalpers and "collectors".
If you didn't bought the game at launch for retail price then your not really a fan but just a retarded retro games bandwaggoner.
/vg/ glitch, it happens all the time
i feel good emulating, the first time i've emulated it felt like the best day of my life and every time a new console gets an emulator, or a new game gets compatible i feel that feeling all over again, it's a truly life changing experience that you can only feel if you quit console gaming and go 100% emulators
>don't you guys feel bad that I can't sell my 50c of plastic for $500+?
Nope, you're free to insert it into your anus.
>he still used his old email on Ryujinx
if companies want to me feel bad about pirating their products they need to start offering better products
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We live in clown world anon, everyone is an enemy
what's the point, people will just say those words but just slightly differently
Yeah, like kneegger
it's a april fools joke
The entire website has been an April fools joke for a bit over a decade now.
I want Moot back...
your mom is an april fools joke
moot fucked the website on his last years
modern emulation in general is dying
>Switch emulators dead
>no one gives a shit about Xbox emulation, barely even functional
>3DS emulation is dead by proxy
>VITA emulation literally abandoned
what's happening?
Covid fucked the world and the consequences are generational
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>>VITA emulation literally abandoned
At least we have based Themaister working on that new ParaLLEl renderer for PS2 emulation.
He did this. The mods he appointed after gamer gate are the ones that turned this place into a shithole. All because /v/ went after some SJWs who happened to be close friends of his, specially that Gawker girl that cücked him.

Just wait until you learn every image you post is AI scanned, sometimes your posts may not even not go through because their AI detected it as NSFW.
ps2 emulation is complete though? literally never have any issue whatsover with pcsx2
>new ParaLLEl renderer for PS2 emulation
qrd? benefits?
>Just wait until you learn every image you post is AI scanned
Explains why /co/ is more spam than discussion.
software renderer that can be upscaled and doesn't take a supercomputer to run properly
yeah, saw it earlier on /g/. This place is slowly becoming reddit
>focibly downscales back to native
th... thanks Themaister...
That would be pretty nice actually
no upscaling support yet?
pcsx2, rpcs3, vita3k, xemu, xenia, citra, yuzu and now ryujinx on life support
rpcs3 is atleast working on arm64 and the rest of the emus like dolphin and ppsspp are optimizing arm64 and vr shit
theres no new game fixes for these old consoles
the only good thing to happen this year is shadps4
Based oldfag. At least some people are still aware of how corrupted this place is.
>vita3k, xemu, xenia, citra, yuzu and now ryujinx on life support
pcsx2 and rpcs3 are doing just fine
isn't xemu working on a vulkan backend? seems like there's progress to me.
no im talking about console exclusives not having certain bugs fixed or optimized to not run like shit
>doomposting because of the switch
That's bad, but all the other projects are doing well
long live sega... emulation
The last real emulation change was many months ago.
ah well, didn't affect me much anyway since i've only used vita3k to play txk
I'm sure that'll get fixed eventually. I'd imagine downsampled PS2 graphics would look mighty nice with a CRT shader, though.
yeah, that's definitively a frontend thing
He literally uses Discord.
Based on Themaister's blog post, I don't think he wants to implement upscaling at all. He talked at length about how super-sampling is superior to upscaling for old games, in his opinion. It's a bit long, but here it is: https://themaister.net/blog/2024/07/03/playstation-2-gs-emulation-the-final-frontier-of-vulkan-compute-emulation/
Yeah but that was in the same day, idiot!
If supersampling is implemented, then upscaling is as well. It's literally one step before scaling the image back to native res.
>leave /vg/ for a few hours, latest speculation being that Ryujinx is just changing hosts or some shit
>it's ded jim

Well, what else does the Shitch even have left to be released? I think Echoes was about it.
I sure hope so, I would love to be proven wrong on this.
Yeah, that's what gets me, why remove the option for that last step? You can build it today and see there's no option to just upscale.
Eh, in Brazil they wouldn't send a representative if they had a journalist would have reported it
>it wasn't a dmca quit 'mongering bro
>it totally was
Oh fuck off, fucking disingenuous troons.
Is it possible to Emulate Miku Boxing on PC ? Do you need Switch controller for this or what ?
can you "burn" a rom to a CD and play it on a PS2?
altho as I ask this, the games I want are only $8 on ebay...but still.
Honestly, emu-talk being banned on youtube would be for the best. This shit should only be discussed and developed by anonymous parties on weirdo parts of the internet. It's gatekeeping time.
Metroid Prime 4, Mario & Luigi, DK Country Returns, Pokemon Legends ZA, New Professor Layton, maybe a couple others
Prime 4 will hurt, but is Prime 4 actually gonna be Switch 1? I just don't know.
Prime 4, but that'll probably end up on the Switch 2 and run way better.
Pretty yucky situation considering what a nothing Yuzu's forks were.
I hope this serves as a lesson to all the piratefags out there. You're never safe. People on this site boasted Ryujinx was impenetrable due to Brazil, but its creator was intimidated into total silence.
I'm finding it hard to believe that they sent representatives to Brazil. No evidence to back it up we only have his word, You can't bully other countries
That was his biggest mistake. If he lived in the favela he would be protected from everything as long as he paid the drug dealers around.
Not saying they did, but they could have, which is what might have threw him off if they contacted him with some legal basis in hand.
It's not even his word, the dev himself disappeared into the ether, it's the word of some other dev (and some random guy who said he's friends with a dev and got pictures of the visit, yeah sure dude)
you may not want to hear this, but brazilian civilians are free you can just walk in the country and take them, I have 252 brazilians in my basement
Bros, is ACTUALLY OVER for Switch emulation?
I don't know who you're preaching to. Only the most deluded don't think the clearnet will only get gayer and more useless. It'll reach the point where you risk association with the worst darknet users to play dumb bidya brames for free or turn to books or a more agrarian lifestyle. Honestly, clamping down on enough piracy, an escapist pressure valve for the poor, will probably make more Teds.
If he lived in a favela, his IQ wouldn't allow him to write a Switch emulator to begin with. Nor the justice would even know he exists.
The only people who get fucked in this country are law abiding citizens.
Maybe. Dunno if the motivation for such a task is there without clout and reddit donators clearnet fame brings.
you don't need anything formal, just 1 email threating the guy and it's over

would you risk your peace buying a fight against a huge corpo? not only that, you probably won't have enough money to enter in the fight
This is why you should just remain internet anonymous as an emu dev, unless you live in russia or china
Doubt it. It's just going to take someone with more balls than a BR to fork Ryujinx and continue from where it stopped.
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>careful kid. you don't want to know what happens when you cross me.
Why wouldn't you grief minecraft servers at that point? There is nothing else to look forward to if you're that guy.
>Switch emu dev is just one person
It'll take a bunch of people being able to work efficiently in concert, then find a place/means to release it where it's even worth the trouble. This sucks donkey dick and you know it.
yea, i agree 100%, i have no idea why this guy didn't hide his real identity
it's not like building a portfolio working with emulation will get you a job in brazil, that kind of complex stuff is useless around these parts (and it jobs are very easy to get, but 90%+ of them are webdeving)
Zero guilt.
Corporations would charge you for breathing decently clean air if they could.
i suggest everyone go create local git mirrors of all the developer's repos. riperiperi, berry (and ryusocks), isaac's metal, etc.
As soon as someone with leadership skills shows up, most of the old staff will surely follow. Just like on Citra's case IIRC.
>the physical copies of Haunting Ground will eventually go extinct because most people just downloaded the ROM
The ROM will continue existing, unlike the physical copies.
The game will remain playable forever, satan. Too bad for you.
They've all said they're leaving.
>citra's case
What meaningful improvements have Lime or whats-his-face's fork added since Citra got Nintendo'd? to be fair Citra dev was glacial beforehand
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Don't you remember the bbc spam all over 4chan when m00t was in charge?
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Bro, no. I have disposable income, and even if I had millions I'd still pirate and emulate. 9/10 times hunting the files down and tinkering with shit are the fun parts for me. Pirating shit is a way of life for me at this point and I can't rewire my brain. That it's an ethical imperative to do so now is a small bonus.
luggage lad
if that's the github username the profile is already displaying 404 not found
Don't worry stenzek will save us
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i don't know who most of the major ryujinx devs are, but judging by the github contributors page, it looks pretty bad: gdkchan was by far the most active member of the project, rhys has said he's stepping down from switch crap for good and berry said he's stepping away from emulation for a few months. it probably wouldn't be impossible for people to keep maintaining ryujinx in some form (assuming nintendo's "agreement" didn't involve handing over the rights to them), but like citra, i doubt it'll ever be as active as it once was again, so nintendo technically wins either way
it would be really, REALLY nice if these evil nip motherfuckers didn't keep scoring these huge victories that only benefit them specifically, but i guess god just loves smiling on nintendo 24/7
Why does the old thread have 0 posts?
They were very cute
worse than now?
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old /vg/ bug that never got fixed because 4chimps devs don't care anymore
Ohhhh, cigs. Never stop ciggin.
Not without a modded PS2. Also, 99% of PS2 games came on a DVD
I imagine he's aged decently and got a better piece now, and Mal is probably BEAT.
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Alright now that both ryujinx and yuzu died which one is the better emulator in the end?
ryujinx by a long shot, it's far more accurate than yuzu
Yuzu's only saving grace was that it was about 80% as good as Ryujinx while running better on shittier potato hardware, it was always trash compared to Ryujinx, for which you needed actually decent hardware.
so now that the emulators themselves have been cut off, is there a way to go after the leechers that have hoarded their NSPs and deprecated emulators?
Ryujinx was borderline unusable on AMD GPUs for a long time
That's not what I have heard from this general
some of the issues were from people who had shit computers, others with better hardware don't have the same problem
What's a good utility for controlling my GPU's fan? It starts heating up rather quickly when I try emulating Switch games, and the fan doesn't kick into full throttle until it hits 80 degrees, which is already getting dangerous. I imagine I probably have to reapply the thermal paste on it, as it's kind of an old card now, but for the moment, I'd like to make it so the fan starts working harder sooner.
amd or nvidia? which vendor? i have a pny verto 3060, so i use velocityx to control fan speeds.
Not under Linux. AMD drivers being shit is not Ryujinx's fault.
AyyyyyyyyyMD, of course. It does it even with Yuzu and its forks.
Just make a custom curve with MSI afterburner
shit, I knew I should have let Ryujinx update when I opened it the other day.

Should I go through any effort to update from 1.1.1117? Think that is like 8 months old.
you definitely should, especially if you're going to play something as recent as echoes of wisdom
Is there a good ryujinx fork to support (leech) now that the main thing is dead?
imagine if /v/ermins could read the thread
write a resume

get a job

buy a switch

buy a flashcart and play pirated roms
will flashcarts work with marikos, or am i fucked in the ass?
Berry's SOCKS5 library for Ryujinx LDN. The only public part of the LDN build that was released.
latest release and source code is in thread anyway, you should be fine
Yeah that seems like the best choice right now, makes me think if the Switch 2 has very similar architecture adding another reason why they went for Yuzu and Ryujinx now of all times
Emu newfag here. does CEMU and Dolphin need any firmware dumps from the consoles or do they run on their own? I want to archive everything just in case.
Dude what? No way that's been the opinion in aggregate. Ryujinx was always the underdog and natural pick of /vg/. Shader-hitch and TOTK performance aside, it's the better one by a mile, too. Yuzu is a bit more performant on old AMD cards, though.
I know Dolphin doesn't need it but you can have some fun dicking around with the sysmenu if you have it.
Consoles suck. No. Not if I had a million dollars. Emulation is just cooler and more fun, simple as. Even when it's janky.
nah, just plug 'n play
this one's a bit more tricky, you'll need keys for each wux you download. thankfully myrient provides keys, so it shouldn't be a problem.
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Dont listen to retards says
But to answer to your question : Yes, At least for now.

Maybe in 5 or 10 years Nintento isnt gonna give a shit about this and Someone continue to Develop the Emus

Time is your best friend..... And worst enemy since you probably be 60, 70, or die by the time all of this happen

Image for Attention
>Anyone else think this takedown means that the Switch 2/its games might not be that different under the hood from the Switch
It's either that or nintendo intends to full gung ho a nickel and dime backwards compatibility scheme.
sure but buying a switch lite and a flashcart is very cheap and reasonable if you just want to play the games
No one should have even been developing a Switch emulator while the console is still being actively supported.
Generally not worth it over a LAN equipped PS2 + SMB shared ISOs, and you need a chip or some sort of other weird rigging to get discs working anyway. CDRs are only necessary for PS1 games on PS2. These can be loaded via Tonyhax and other exploits.
Whats there to add ? Its OVER man.
Programmers are too Scared of Lawsuits
Nintendo has found the loophole to make Emulation Illegal.
Forks are shitty garbage version with script kiddies
Plain and Simple
The biggest is normalfags and "influencers" promoting it everywhere, and spoonfeeders too.
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Chinks will save it!
Hey, there's a general just for you, fuckface. It's not this one. Off topic.
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why'd rpcs3 include the entire llvm git repo as a submodule?
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>Forks are shitty garbage
you call this shitty garbage? mame couldn't even load audio clips correctly.
That's not a fork of MAME, though.
it's a fork of duckstation, so the point still stands
Yeah it was the most brazen people have ever been about playing on emulator this gen.

I remember that whole kerfuffle where one of the vidya "journalist" sites reported on Metroid Dread being great on Emulator at its launch.
I think they knew what they're doing. Any time you see some normie megachannel promoting this stuff, it's probably some lowkey grassing on the project. Just like when the faggot Linus talks about how to dodge ads.
Bold of you to assume they weren't paid by the company that's being emulated just so they have a "just cause" of going after the emulator for "muh revenue and IP"
Why people today can't just do shit behind the scenes, without discords and githubs? It should be piss easy to run a project like this without being publicly known. If not the money, they need the attention, though. Jeez.
Most of the devs are in the US and they can bully people in America.
This isn't the 90's where everyone was sitting in a usenet group on dial-up, paying by the minute without big corporate overwatch everywhere grandpa.
You dont expect to do this shit for free dude. Progammers get paid handsomely. This is the reason why Piracy has died on PC. It just not worth to do it anymore.

Also this >>496828258
>mfw thinking of buying a switch now
>switch 2 on horizon and already finished 9/10 exclusives on emulators
Don't publicly share your contacts?
Ryujinx had no patreon, right? So they were not even getting money. Just attention. Don't rusk discord groups, don't run a github. It is not rocket science.
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So this is what it feels like to lose a body part huh.

I really need to cope with this. Any other fun hobbies besides Gaming ??
Can someone link me to the github link of all switch games? I need to bookmark it.
Start making your own games.
Ryujinx has Patreon. Although they dont make as much as Yuzu did before.
>Don't rusk discord groups, don't run a github. It is not rocket science
Its hard to communicate without those. Also most emudevs are americans which can easily get tracked
Guess I was mislead. Should have done a Monero then. Teach normalfags to use it.
Also they are way well more secure ways to communicate. Why the fuck anyone doing anything questionable would use discord and github. It is stupid ass shit.
This >>496828664
But make your own engine, that will teach you enough programming to make emulators in the future too.
No one trust Crypto . Crypto is fucking dead
Because people today are a mere bunch of idiots whose brains have been turned into mush by the aggressive form of cancer known as social media?
All they crave is acceptance and clout from total internet strangers that in the end give a fuck about them.
That and patreon bux of course
what confuses me about emulationfags
>fuck nintendo, fucking nigger corporate cunts i fucking hate them
>still pirates their games because they want to play them
They can appeal but they've probably done the same shit as Yuzu time. Nintendo can't DMC projects that don't violate the copyright system, it's just that DMC'ing big projects like this dissuades people. So it's best to let the project be “led” by someone in a country where Nintendo can't stick its grubby hands in to keep the patreon fuckery going. The other option is people working for free, which won't get the project very far, unless it's like Mame or something
What is so hard to understand for you?
Appeal what exactly, /v/ermin?
sha1 for win zip
MAME has gotten as far as free talent will get you, and reached its peak ages ago. The advancements past 2005 have been increments of increments, drivers for literally who and what the fuck devices, and a slow drip of protos that were protos for a reason. The thing simply cannot get past Voodoo emulation via software. MAME's single threaded software core and its devs just aren't capable enough. That it doesn't have some sort of HLE or GPU-compute LLE by now is a joke.
>why do these faggots
attention whoring. why do you think emudevs always troon out?
>Can't you just work on an emulator anonymously
yes, this is the based method. too bad 99% of emudevs are fucking retarded
That they're not violating nintendo's intellectual property. People rag on the Yuzu niggas but Ryujinx did the same shit, the project didn't fall down because the emulation is too accurate or something. You can't take down a project because of that, unless they've used nintendo property.
>inb4 its not about PLAYING the games [hazejak.jpg]
bullfuck you stream yourself playing them all the time, and this line is just cope for MAME and dev limitations. I'm sure Konami drivers having the same bugs since I've been in goddamn high school are dedication to accuracy and preservation.
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So after days of wrangling with AMD's shit, I've come to the conclusion that I made a huge mistake in choosing an AMD GPU for my desktop. I have tested it with a couple of Linux distros and it works adequately well there, but on Windows it just shits the bed too hard with emulation. Only reason I don't switch over fully is because I need to use several Windows programs for my daily work, and I'm not sure I can trust WINE with them. So I've decided I just want to install a lightweight Linux distro that will be pretty much exclusively for emulation and maybe actual PC games. So the question now is, should I just slap something like Mint on and minimize my suffering, or should I fall for the Arch Linux meme?
Mame didn't have a single trouble because of its DIY nature. People donate or buy old ass PCb's and other people work to make clean code free of copyright issues. They've probably had Q-sound for years, but it took a while to make code that didn't violate the copyright system. The problem is that the process is slow, since Mame niggas aren't getting paid to work.
Create your own multi national publisher chud
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I do it for teh lulz, I do it because I live in clown world.
while you still can use ryujinx and yuzu just fine for the games that matter, does it not kind of feel creepy? With no open support or updates, it's eerie as fuck. You're not part of any community anymore. Just isolated playing games.
>needing community to play vidyer geams
shiggity diggity wip bop wiggity
Another reason MAME is where it is now is because it's a relic of the hobby and internet being far smaller and a dorks only club, and everything it emulates is super-legacy. If its hey-day was the current times and it emulated juicier targets, it would be plagued by all the social media and in-house drama, vocal normies, and corpo meddling you see today.
Just use Fedora KDE:
I'm reliably informed that this game came with a tambourine controller that isn't emulated. Making the game unplayable.
Why did they take Ryujinx down? What law did it break?
Also, why aren't emudevs for current gen consoles anonymous?
Read the thread.
Arch or anything else rolling release are the only sane options. Not having up to date kernel, Mesa, Wine, and other programs is absolute ass.
Stenzek must pay for his crimes.
I did. I didn't find what law the emulator broke or why the developer wasn't anonymous.
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>read 574 comments when an anon can easily answer my question
tldr: the creator got visited by nintendo and was so spooked by the meet they just fucked off forever
>This is the reason why Piracy has died on PC
It didn't lol
Just because no one cracks denuvo? The drm that will take hundreds of hours of busy work that consists of launching and crashing the game looking for triggers while patching them on x64dbg? The one that will get removed in a year or 2 anyway? That can't even be updated without doing that process all over again?
Piracy is still very much alive for anything else, it's just not worth cracking denuvo anymore since you can crack a dozen of other programs in the same time it would take for one game. Also the fact it'll be removed anyway.
If you're ever bitter than something you liked like never got a sequel remember that Mini Moni got two games on PS1 and at least one on GBA.
Stupid. Reminds me of Portal 64. Just scaring nerds seems to be the best way to get rid of them.
He didn't break any law, Nintendo lawyers reach out to him and came to an "agreement", whatever that means.
Nothing against KDE, but isn't it a bit bloated? Again, I'll not be using this installation for anything other than vidya, something I can boot into after I'm done with my faggot work.
It's definitely what I'm leaning toward at the moment. I have tried Manjaro, and I found it OK.
It's Moni by the barrelful.
>Piracy is still very much alive for anything else, it's just not worth cracking denuvo
> it'll be removed anyway.
This is why Piracy is dead anon. They found the God software that able to stop Piracy and Pirates relies on Pubs itself to remove it, which most Pubs refuses to do so like SEGA.
SteamOS uses KDE for a reason.
Two on GBA
Hmm, that is true. I'll mull over it, anon.
Hold on, there's another for PS1 that uses the Kid's Station controller. That's not emulated either.
i can't believe we even have liminal emulators now
If you can get USBhelper it downloads the games in RAW folder format no aux or keys required
>will be removed
Not guaranteed at all.
Can AI be leveraged against Denuvo? I'm somehow surprised the advent of AI everywhere hasn't resulted in a new era of DRM and other security bypasses. Could be scary once it's figured out.
I get my games from GGn, I think they have the keys included but not sure.
>piracy is dead because of these 10 or so games (not even programs) that come with denuvo every year
>8 of which that'll drop it in a year
Great logic bro. Just ignoring the thousands that do get cracked. There's only 3 or 4 publishers that insists on wasting their money on denuvo.
They remove it too. Yakuza 0 and Sonic Mania for example.
which gba emulator stays in turbo mode the next time i open oit?
Old news. They never remove it since Denuvo was never or barely cracked
>Not guaranteed at all.
It is guaranteed because it's a subscription service. Only some early versions, from the time before Irdeto acquired it, that won't ever be removed because they were a one time payment. These games are all cracked nowadays, since that faggot killed the meme by cracking Handball 17.
Are you living in a rock ?
Denuvo is standard steam DRM nowdays because of how effective it is
>nintendo is also going after any content creators promoting emulation
based. Do you see how much they hate emulation? If you engage in it in any way, Nintendo will never be your friend even if you have a whole room of Nintendo goods
Like this anon said >>496833648 it gets removed once the game starts making less money of what the cost per month of denuvo is.
Games older than a year don't make too much money.
I literally had to buy Sonic Frontiers because it STILL has denuvo. The Switch version is dreadful, and I felt it was pointless since I have decent hardware.
>Overpriced game with drm
Why not just pay for gamepass/ps+ ?
Why did Nintendo even invest in getting Denuvo to block games from running in Switch emulators and just pull this shit years ago instead?
>Why not just pay for gamepass/ps+ ?
Why not just hook your nuts to a car battery?
Are you? That's just a bunch of 2k/Capcom/Sega shit that gets removed eventually.
Capcom even removed it from RE Village last year even though they released a DLC. The same game they insisted on keeping it after getting all the criticism on release for the poor performance vs cracked.
>Why not just hook your nuts to a car battery?
Nothing would happen, 12v is too low of a tension, even with wet balls.
How is that different? It's better because it's cheaper. I won't pay full price for a rootkit, I'd rather pay less for it.
Because they didn't know it wouldn't work lol, name one denuvo locked ninty game that doesn't work on emulation that is worth any of your time.
when will these low IQ retards fuck off to /v/
Content creators openly promoting emulation of recent hardware are either idiots, or know its stupid but want the views. Its part of the reason Nintendo is now cracking down this hard.
you're still getting drm anyway. if it's cheaper games you're after, steam sales are where it's really at. (bought frontiers last year at half price lol)
>denuvo on Switch
Do you want to kill the already poor performance on that thing?
They didn't, that was Irdeto. No one cared because it's a shit product. Why waste money on a DRM when only 0.something% of the user base are pirates?
>bloodborne on the cusp of being enjoyably playable, there already if you're willing to accept some jank
>Switch emulation superded
Guess something had to give. Makes sense somehow.
I can't name one denuvo locked game on Switch at all. AFAIK they haven't used it at all, and I don't know if they ever will.
Dude now we have to wait for minimum a year to get it removed. At most cases its never gets removed
Dont be coping dude. Just see what Piracy in early 10s vs current tear
Ryujinx should have released their Android version with Vulkan that can easily run on any Samsung phone with AMD graphics.
Speak like a human, zoomer.
Yeah, a year for denuvo shit, which only 3-4 publishers use. You can easily say 99% of the games released this year got cracked, AAA included.
>only 3-4 publishers
The only Big pubs that dont use Denuvo are Bandai Namco and Sony.
PSN account requirement might as well be Denuvo.
You must be braindead. Basically only Sega, Square, Ubisoft, EA, Capcom and 2K use that shit. Not even in all their titles, only on AAA shit.
Let me remind you how many publishers are around, since you seem to be a slop enjoyer.
you're welcome
It's stupidly easy to bypass, not even a DRM, just Sony trying to inflate PSN numbers for investors.
Any Chink Devs Use Denuvo. See : Wukong
Even Russian Devs Use Denuvo. See : Atomic Heart
And of course i didnt list any Indie games. You are coping hard anon.
Most AAA games use Denuvo nowadays
What's the status of that Enigma DRM that Crapcom loves to use?
>You can easily say 99% of the games released this year got cracked,

What are you talking about? There's literally only one person on Earth that cracks Denuvo (Fitgirl), and they have cracked almost nothing in years.

Denuvo won

Pic related is the kind of request it makes when booting up a game, it pings some server, it's effectively online-only DRM which is my biggest complaint.

Why don't people try to just emulate whatever response it expects from that server?
I heard yuzu forks suck because they aren't maintained by actual programmers. Is it true?
as soon as shadps4 gets the nintendo treatment.
>There's literally only one person on Earth that cracks Denuvo (Fitgirl)
top kek, may the /v(g)/ tourists stay for a while
I know, right? Claiming ever other user is 'Ivan' and posting pedocore PS1 screenshots under the pretense of testing Duckstation is preferable by far.
you mean Empress. Bet they either hired or silenced that troon one way or another.
Might just be anecdotal, but I had an issue where Echoes of Wisdom was crashing after the intro sequence title screen on NSP, downloaded the XCI and playing on it didn't crash.
What do you mean what's the status? It's still being worked into all of their games and it's still as useless as ever. Just there to make the suits happy and all the talk about it being shady or malicious is just BS from angry losers.
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I don't even care about piracy, I just want a better product out of nintendo. Playing on Switch feels horrible, low resolution, 20 fps, the controllers suck ass, you can't mod shit in it without jailbreaking the hardware that can get you banned. etc.
Just charge me $90 for the rom but let me play on a fucking emulator.
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>put peach showtime along with the 60fps hack on my deck
>barely keeps an average 40
>constantly dips below
so this is the power of a locked 24 fps game on the nintendo bitch
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Emudev mauled by dog and arrested after trying to kidnap 11 year old boy and inject him with an unknown substance. Maybe this is why Ryujinx really shut down.


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I will never understand why people fall for this meme. You will never take out your deck outside, it's too big and the battery sucks ass. If you play inside the house all day, just buy a long HDMI cable and plug your GPU to a TV and use Steam Big Picture or make your phone a touchpad.
>You will never take out your deck outside,
I do
Where's ivan when you need him
>source code has been preserved
Are we gonna be alright bros?
>The mods he appointed after gamer gate are the ones that turned this place into a shithole. All because /v/ went after some SJWs who happened to be close friends of his, specially that Gawker girl that cücked him.
4chan's moderation is literally led by a /pol/nigger.
If I see anyone outside playing on a switch or a deck, I will take away their toy by force and then punch them.
Was this person really an emu dev?
is there any proof that Nintendo is behind the Ryujinx shutdown? because I haven't seen anything, and considering how much drama goes in the emulation community I wouldn't put it past the devs to fabricate this whole thing just for attention
No it isn't, I just tried a post with Ni99erfa99ot Ni99erfa99ot without the 99 and it really didn't go through.
>Internet Archive is getting hardcore fucked now too by record labels, for hundreds of millions of dollars

Man this year sucks cock
Anon you think this place is really anonymous? My boy every single thing you post is archived under your temporary ip for uniqueness validation and then sold at the higher marketing bidder.
>Just wait until you learn every image you post is AI scanned
Every single thing you post is scanned and profiled, there is a reason some boards are made into containment chambers for the entire clearnet, like /pol/ for example
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>If I see anyone outside playing on a switch or a deck, I will take away their toy by force and then punch them.
the palworld lawsuit must've given them some sort of a high because they've been going after youtube channels that showcase generic nintendo emulation too
>Internet Archive
I said months ago that the internet archive was compromised, they were like ooga ooga??
Told all the fags that didn't pay a dime of attention to the book lending lawsuit thing that it was just the opening act and they didn't care.
It's only going to get worse, archive your shit locally with proper backups and start (re)learning to use every other aspect of the internet besides the www and social media.
No proof at all, >>496780197 is all we got
based. I'm sick of those posts shitting up the site
Try it tough guy
Why do you fags preach about preservation when you won't actually share shit?
>hey anon can i have a bite of your supposed ROM bonanza
>anon: no.
Nice try fed
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What is currently going through his head and thoughts, anons?
Fine here's your tutorial video:
Make sure to watch it all so you won't have to be spoonfed again.
My question is what will happen with the LDN build? How would connecting work with that? Is there a p2p option? I was meaning to play Monhun with some friends at some point.
With the amount of retro remakes they're releasing, it's definitely in their interest to go after retro emulators. Can't lose any money from Gamecube Remaster Pack No 16 after all. The line must go up.
For me I just try it out every now and again just to see what's up. A huge majority of the switch games I have for emu is just "best ports" of things just to mess around with added content or updates or whatnot. In terms of genuine new games themselves, I only go out of my way to play them just to humor friends or form my own opinion, and even if it always ends up the same where it ends up being mediocre garbage I don't care about, it's still gives me agency on how I can feel about things.

At the end of the day, the point is that you can hate the corporation easily, and it costs nothing to try something out for 10 minutes.
what is it with zoomers and their inability to properly crop images without cutting off any text?

well memed

'cause that's the way it is
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>IIRC Gabriel (his real name) is an university professor
It's so over isn't it? How tf is anyone going to replace this guy when pretty much every piece of big brained switch code came from him? Even yuzu was plagiarising off this guy.

His students (doctoral or otherwise) are so lucky, that guy probably knew a shitton.
Yeah bro, didn't you hear goomergate won back in 2014
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>goomergate won back in 2014
They literally didn't. Here, educate yourself:
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kursk ain't gonna liberate itself ivan
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heard sudachi is actually good
and for 3DS I think there are like 2 different emulators that came out after Citra that are maintained by actual devs and are better than citra used to be
>the only country that can actually save emulation now is russia
>the only person in the world that can crack denuvo is chinese (and it's a woman)
the west sure has fallen, everyone is a useless basedcuck throwing money at corporations
I'm sure americucks will buy 100 million switch 2s when they come out even after nintendo shitting on us like that over and over again
the east has to win, they will win
On the 3DS, like 90% of the tricky code that emulated tricky shit was written by wwylele. And for the switch, it was 90% of the tricky code that emulated tricky shit was written by gdkchan and then repurposed by the switch devs. There's basically only 1 person who knows anything, a few secondary disciples who know some things but not everything. So when Nintendo cuts the head off that one person, the whole scene is fucked.

Even though a person can write code, it doesn't mean that they are capable of fixing up anything except the UI, for example or making minor changes and the code that people write when they are working as a software dev is totally different from the level of the understanding that is required to write an emulator. A software dev can just build something from scratch which is much more brain dead than trying to reverse engineer an existing concept that exists.

If it makes sense, wwylele and gdkchan aren't the top devs because they can shit out code, because everyone can shit out code. They are the experts because they are experts at reverse engineering an existing system.
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>heard sudachi is actually good
i would get it, if i knew where the fuck it was.
and the only site that probably has it looks sus as all hell. even offering keys which is legit insanity.
So is this it? Is Switch emulation dead?
Look at the wiki. Follow the links. Literally found the git page in like 2 minutes.
they should move to russia so they can keep their work going
I still have hope. Once the Switch is discontinued and Nintendo makes a new console I bet the emulation scene for it will pick up again. Only reason I think they're so keen on taking Switch emulation is because it's a current gen console.
Look at the other Nintendo emulation, they haven't really went after those.
They didn't wait 7 years for no reason, they clearly consider these emulators at threat to Switch 2. Either because it's too close architecturally to Switch or because backwards compatibility.
So is there any switch emulator alive?
The wiki sends to the sudachi/suyu website
Empress is slav and probably a man (Voksi, a Bulgarian)
empress is not voksi
He's probably got tenure. They can't fire him so they just pay him to sit on his ass and jerk off to hentai rather than show up to work and cause everyone problems.
lol sure, that why he stopped cracking after getting exposed
Oh boy, even the 4chan archive got nuked. All posts seems to be deleted on the previous thread.
Luckily there's still other 4chan archives but still, makes me wonder who deleted it.
>americuck is a proud paypig
very shit bait, you're probably 13 years old
how new are you?
moot is selling out to nintendo, spread the word
who the fuck is moot?
>only ones that could save emulation are Russians
>they’re currently getting thrown into the meat grinder, leaving only behind the non whites in Russia
Grim, it’s over.
What's the fucking side for suyu releases?
The wiki thing got me a version that redirects me to a shit website full of ads: https://sudachi-emu.org/help/quickstart/
Holy shit, you are dumb.
You're asking for suyu fork but linked a sudachi fork clone.
Here's the suyu one:

Here's the sudachi one:
>Holy shit, you are dumb.
>You're asking for suyu fork but linked a sudachi fork clone.
Blame the fucking wiki
which one am I supposed to get?
Also this is what the wiki links for latest version
newfags back to /v/ please
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Yes, click one of them.
Then hover over the download link. It will show you the link at the bottom of your browser. It's the fucking github page. 1.0.9 only has Android, 1.0.8 has Windows.
If this your first time using a browser or something?
And that is the version redirecting me to that shit ads website
>the /v/ermin can't even use the computer
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The fuck are you even talking about?
Literally click download.
Sounds like you have a virus if you're getting redirected somewhere else. I'm not going to help you with that, champ.
I did it and now there's green goo coming out of the lappy, it's all over the place
What's the last time this general was so fucking bad? When Ivan had an episode? TotK leak? Jesus Christ.
every and any episode of "s****** gets pissy about android for no reason" is worse than this
stenzek spergouts are funny, at least
nintendo went after them because they showed their new shitty zelda game that leaked running at 4k 60 and spoiled their launch
the exact same thing happened with yuzu showing totk leaked version before release
and it's not fault of the emu devs, it's the retarded community doing obviously risky things for youtube views and reddit upvotes
this community is beyond any salvation, emulation was a mistake
thanks for the input, /v/ermin
Kill all /v/ tards
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Switch has no games anyway
go back
Pretty much this.
There are a few games I would like to TRY but not enough for me to care if I don't. Still want to play Fire Emblem stuff, and MAYBE the Zelda games. Other than that nothing really pops out. Unicorn Overlord was something I wanted to play but I saw that it wasn't a Nintendo exclusive so who cares.
americans will still buy 200 million switch 2s when they come out anyway so they can play mario kart, zelda and re-releases
Based, gaytendo is worst than ubisoft or activision
Too bad braindead army of nintendo drons will support them anyway
tr00ns aren't women
I find America's obsession with Nintendo unbelievably fascinating, I'm jealous that they've got such a stable bedrock within their retro-emulation scene; Europe's scene is so fractured and atomized that it's been effectively revised, rewritten and forgotten.
Gladder than ever to never have purchased a single Nintendo product in my entire life, fuck them, hope the next earthquake take their HQ
most devs aren't burgers
Not just Americans japs obsessed with nintendo as well, and will gladly pay 10k yen for another ocarina of time re release that will still be locked at 25 fps.
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In this particular case they were, half of Brazil are pathologically obsessed with America and go to extreme lengths to emulate it. Real Brazilians are obsessed with this thing.
based nintendo is defending their property from vile bandits and the leeches are revolting, but they will be crushed, all of them
>Brazilians are burgers now because some arbitrary metric I just made up
ok /v/ermin
most devs are still not burgers, basically anything emulation is done by euros
Senpai how are you this unknowledgeable about your next door neighbors?
Music and voice lines are fixed in Roswell Conspiracies in Duckstation but I think this game struggles with audio in general. I had it bug out and not play any of the lines once, and in the second level you walk into a room and kill all the enemies and suddenly music starts blaring like it was meant to come in earlier.
>falling for filters in 2013+11
truly a newfag vermin
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Anyone else have trouble with the mGBA controller configuration? I'm trying to map my wired Xbox one controller and I can't save my configuration or remove it or do anything. I got qjoypad and mapped it there and it works but the problem is mGBA still reads my controller too so they conflict, how can I just disable controller completely for mGBA?
But they won though, no more emu development, no more bugfixes, optimizations and so on
now that both switch emulators are dead someone can finally show up and merge both and make a good switch emulator
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>denuvo totally just goes away in a year bro
i find that especially hilarious, because the current switch was mostly ports of wii u games
exactly why i had to pay for frontiers just to have a good pc experience, fucking sega...
What's to stop them from releasing an LTSC version every few months via torrent? Distributing the magnet via a 3rd party like a repacker or something, obviously not using github/discord or anything not self-hosted for communications while developing it
>I'm done, this is just too much of a circus
>still ciggin harder than ever like 4 generals later
Put on a dress and send bussy to Matthew already.
based low IQ posts
Someone in the last thread said that Captain Commando was fixed so I checked the update list. I'm just using Beetle PSX HW now since it's abandonware which means it won't get worse.
it's not based on time, but profitability
which is often a year or two anyway
didn't this game get leaked anyway?
Only a beta with lots of problems. It's still a big fat pain in the ass to wait 2 weeks to 2 years and things weren't this way before.
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This hides gamepads/joysticks (virtual or otherwise) you don't want an app to see and creates a virtual joystick made up of any combo of kb/m or joystick controls you want with your choice of dinput and xinput.
I'm just not gonna BUY it (the software/media), haha, I KNOW, I'm just not!
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yeah dude just gimme a minute
They are. Constantly importing globohomo american politics, way of life and culture.
t. Brazillian
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>don't any of you feel any guilt anyway emulating games?
>he feeling of knowing that the corporation behind your games will forever consider you an enemy
Feels good man
Nintendo top brass are the kind of fuckwits who will steal code from emulators and resell it along with their old games because they truly believe they are morally in the right to do so. I wish horrible things upon their company, because to me they are a part, admittedly a small one, of the ontological evil in this world.
Some companies like Sega don't ever remove Denuvo.
But Sega is one of the few that removes it?
>are the kind of fuckwits who will steal code from emulators
Literally zero evidence of this fantasy of yours ever happening. It's like those false claims that Nintendo was downloading ROMs off the internet for VC releases.
Tons of evidence, actually. But no evidence would be enough for a tendie like you.
No. You must have them mixed up with some other company. I know Crapcum generally removes it after two years.
Please, post this evidence of yours.
They have been removing from the Nintenduza games, others say from Sonic games too but I don't have those.
Why? You'll just dismiss it and pretend there's still no evidence. I have no interest in arguing with corporate paypigs.
Hi Nintendo
Fuck you Nintendo
you could say that for the entire western world
>already bump limit under a day
Where's Denuvo on Yakuza 0? If devs aren't removing it it's because the game is still selling well anyway.
>half the posts are tech illiterates or underages rambling
Thank you anon, you helped
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the good guys (china, russia, iran) must win
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Stopped reading there. Tendies get the rope. They don't care about playing and enjoying games, they care about giving money to Nintendo for them. Feed, sneed, and dilate.
This works on Linux right?
>Trusting google in current year
Peak cuckoldry.
>Globohomo must lose so globohomo 2.0 can win
New bread

>It's like those false claims that Nintendo was downloading ROMs off the internet for VC releases.
The roms literally have iNES headers, there's no disputing that.
What a fucking cartoon-ass redditor lmao
HIDHide does a decent job of hiding controllers from certain or all apps too and is a bit more hands-off and automated once you set it up. Both apps are great and have their purposes, though.
you fell for the bait lol

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