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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
I prefer https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-115
why the fuck does leda constantly remove status on rellana? there is no situation where this is a positive.
King Godfrey sends his regards.
Archibald! NOOOO!
IT'S TITLED "Radagon's defense of Hoarah Loux"
What does it mean? Why was he defending him? Where does this fit into the timeline?
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So many people online, so few things to talk about.
Why is she so muscular
She trained on throwing babies into the sewers, she can do it from 10 feet away now
Want me to delete the thread?
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lets discuss the mental illnesses rampant in the souls pvp community
why are they like this? and why are so many of them trannies?
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what are your favorite weapons aesthetically speaking?
i like milady a lot
it is inspired by traditional chinese jian swords that had little to no handguard, but also has that kind of european look
>no new patched in lore
Game remains beyond salvaging.
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>hurting myself with this game's horrid pvp again
I love hoe it looks but I don't like the noveset
What did we think of the new Vaatikino?
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She trained hard.
Have you tried cutting?
ryan is live
Fuck off back to your containment general, e-celeb worshipping dsgtroon
no thanks
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kek, based
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>my favorite indie game x my favorite ER character
holy kino
Kinoroni and cheese
Because as the mechanics become more and more twisted and against you as an invader, you need to put more and more effort into it to succeed. That means to invest multiple hours a day to practice and research, just like speedrunners do - who are also known for their autism and tr*nnie problem.
I remember reading about one previously confidential CIA research, and its' results were that you create trannies by constantly punishing and ridiculing people despite them giving their best effort into their tasks... kind of like how fromsoft keeps making it harder to win invasions (which is one reason why I quit invading, my gaming sessions have been way more chill now lmao)
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>fromsoft is trying to create more trannies by making invasions harder
I feel like this is the first time in hundreds of hours I bothered killing one of these things like this, most of the time it doesn't work and then I stop caring.
How tall is Midra? Specifically his lord of frenzy form
NTA but respectfully, kill yourself you gay faggot. Nobody loves you you miserable ugly fuck.
you first ya seething bitch
You have to be mentally ill to play souls pvp.
Only retards and mentally ill play fromsoft games at all
>Saint is streaming ER again
We are so b-
>PvEslop through the entire game before doing a single invasion
It's over
Apparently the seamless co op people just advertising some steam card scam, lmao
>Fixed a bug that allowed Skills to be used in incorrect combinations with Weapons under certain circumstances.
Fuck yeah. Which faggotry got smashed by this?
Or no, it was sponsoring some random ass game???
And now like it's lik3 immediately undone
kill yourself wdc
>222 troon flag reacts
the absolute state of discord trannies
I'm so so so so so so sorry, I didn't realizd
At first I cropped out the reactions then specifically included then so people would see jt
I'm in a lot of servers for game mods and it's literally almost always the first otlr second reaction. Raelly makes u think
i get the vibe that you're a fatass
I'm not
I'm not fat, and fatty isn't even an elden ring phrase, it'd be plump sort
>t. hamplanet sort
I'm not
oink oink piggy
Who cares, none of the elden ring trannycords are worth interacting with. All run by retarded faggots like that troon ivi and the rest of the dumbfuck modding scene
Anyone know of a link to a mule save file with DLC content? I tried every single one in nexusmods but none of them have the dlc areas unlocked, so I can't invade there. Also, I thought I knew how to flag them in CE so they'd become available, but didn't work.
That makes no sense. Pigs don't get any particularly fat
nigga, CE is so easy to use how do you even struggle with that
>All the tranny flag reactions
Why is soicord like this
Whatever, maaan
reminder to not reply to trip fags

kys tripfag
I know it's easy, what I'm saying is that I tried flagging DLC locations as discovered but it did not work. I just tried to open it to double check but there was an update today.
Would you think it was cool if I jumped up and down with my gifts balled in front of me and yelled Eldie Ring a bunch
I sure do hope Noktily killed himself.
Last I heard, suicide was attempted but ended up being survived and entered rehab for unrelated things and that was the last update we got
can we trade mermaidtard (fat) for trannox
I'm not fat, and you're the only person that mentioned mermaids
>suicide was attempted
qrd? link to the post?
fuck mermaidtard, at least try to not reply. fatty lmao
There are tripfags in this thread? I must have filtered it long ago, you should do the same and hide the stubs
I'm just saying your reply was dumb
Lol, so much seething
It's funny how mermaidtard (fat) is the worst poster in the thread even though there's a fucking tripnigger around.
Plump sort*
How do Radah anon and femanon get along?
skinny :)
I am the only person in this general that actually plays Elden Ring
Looks like you don't know what a wdc is.
What? You wanna know what wdc means?

Glad you asked!

I... am a PROUD Wexdustsexual! What does this mean? I...
>keep my SL low to avoid experienced players
>use twink weapons, rings, and armor
>pwn retarded solo hosts
>make epic webms so /dsg/ can circlejerk me

Q: But Wex Dust chad, I thought Wex Dust didn't affect matchmaking?
A: I encourage everyone to examine the mod's code. One of the best unknown features of the mod is the ability to only invade solo hosts, avoiding all those pesky ganks that may damage your pristine win/loss ratio and force you to improve at the game.

Q: What should I do If Wex Dust glitches and makes me invade someone that isn't a retarded solo host?
A: Your first defense should always be a curse dagger. If that fails, try ALT F4. Take care not to turn that invasion into a webm.

Q: Will Wex Dust get me banned?
A: Absolutely not. The mod has been thoroughly tested and determined to be a safe cheating method.

Q: Can I be a Wex Dust chad even if I don't play DS3 or have a PC?
A: Yes. Wex Dust is a mindset and a lifestyle, not simply a matchmaking mod that enables you to pwn retarded solo hosts.
We get along fine, I guess. We both post here and as far as I know we haven't had any conflicts
The Formless Mother craves wounds
Do you?
Question: Will this help me get more proof of concord kept?

just kidding, I don't need any
What happened to "kill yourself"?
i think radahn anon and femanon could make a cute couple
Wouldn't being tripfag intrinsically get rid of thw "anon" part? It's not really ___ anon if they have a trip
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damn that's cringe and yikes and all that anyway can i have a source
anon forum
anon board
anon posters
You don't have a 4chan account?
Play Elden Ring while listening to the Lethal League soundtrack
So uhh....how about that FC?
I hope >>496865140 is still around
I think they said like 3 or 4 hours from now
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This but unironically.
Kill yourself, unironically.
I know but he asked me to give the thread a headsup if i'm ready to maybe start the FC sooner, since i won't be able to play in 3-4 hours
We certainly have a lot to talk about

It's still anonymous. My name isn't actually "Radahn" !!uY2diQOhfkl
>reddit is anonymous
Kill yourself
Also that implies that reddit or Twitter is anonymous in the same way 4chan is, you know what people mean when they say "anon"
>Everyone on reddit uses their real name and personal information

So do you, which is why you know what they meant when they say "Radahn anon," you pedantic jackass.
You aren't anon
i should filter this tripfag
I dont understand the point of trips!
>hmmm I will use this website where the Main gimmick is that prople like can't tell anyone's posts apart
>Wait but hoe eill I make sure people know which posts are MINE?
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>both dsg and erg are having a complete meltdown
lowly times these are...
I dont use dsg, dark souls always seemed like it would be boring, I just like elden ring
Gigantogiganormous if true
Sure I am. You don't know how many people could be posting with this trip.

Funny that they included an option to label posts, huh? Do you think every post without a trip is the same person or what?

You want to get technical about the definition of "anonymous," so let's get technical
Nox still invades, I saw him in some streams where was a co. Looks like he found the strength to let go of erg
You aren't
They shouldn't have
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They really didn't playtest this game.
git gud
sane ryan status?

I am. That's the magic of the internet. Start your own site if you don't like it.
No you'ren't.
Golden Land is so good against big enemies.
The projectiles outrange every spell in the game and home into weakpoints.
It also heals you if used with the Great Stars.
The only con is the ash being located behind the Gargoyle Duo boss.
still pveing....
Did that Radahnfag actually fucked his sister or only watched how someone else did it?
He said he actually did it himself
Do you think Rya ever tried cutting the Tarnished name into her though and tried showing it off, expecting him to be proud, but instead he reacted with a bit of pity and disgust so she became depressed and locked herself in her room because she wanted to get rid of it but knew she couldn't, so all she could do was wait for it to heal alone and cut all over it to cover it up?
I think she did
She's talking about the needle.
New manga chapter in 28 hours
He's not a Radahnfag, though
He's actually one of the Maleniasimps
What is the best starting class and gift?
Fanged imps
Wretch bevause it makes finding equipment more woecial
That won't make me kill that golden horseman faster
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>clean up Limgrave
>lose the will to play
It's so over.
You played the only good part of the game. Rejoice.
b-line to leyndell
vagabond for most physical or hybrid physical builds except arcane-heavy stuff.
I like to take runes, makes level ups faster
is this game really dead?
The game as a whole isn't, but the community for it here is
There is exactly one person who actually still plays it that still posts here
Messmie Ring
there's no reward for killing the tree sentinel except for almost no runes and a shitty weapon.
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Just when I was starting to think the DLC didn't have enough weird shit compared to the base game
why is Marika drawn like a troon?
She isn't, just a little bit more androgynous like most people in her art style
And besides if ANYONE was going to look androgynous, the character that is both a woman and a man is a good candidate
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geg, saved
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I know I'm basic bitch but can't beat the most timeless of classics
What's that?
Being basic is a virtue in these games. You literally can't go wrong with straight swords.
Is that what the weapon is?
Broadsword. Or Arming sword IRL. One of the most practical and effective sword designs in history
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Just beat the base game for the first time. Radagon was fun and satisfying to stance break. Elden Beast was annoying with him throwing the golden slashes while I was still running from the homing projectiles. Pretty fight, though. How difficult are the dlc bosses in comparison to them two or Malenia?
Also, Ranni is cute! CUTE!!!
he did a great job perusing these threads
nta either but, sincerely, fuck off, e-celeb nigger
Some of the DLC bosses are on par with Radabeast in terms of difficulty, others are on par with Malenia, the final boss used to be so bullshit I had to whip out the old greatshield (and I'm skilled enough to do Malenia no damage, parry only) but a patch nerfed him hard and now he's on par with Malenia
the game is full of cool little mechanics and interactions like this, sadly it doesn't lean into it at all, instead rewards you for braindead playstyles
No, we didn't fuck, gross. But yeah, before I knew she was my sister she led me on and pretended to break up with her husband so she could drug me and fuck some other dude (who was actually her ex,) at our apartment with my favorite music playing after "accidentally," dropping a gun on the ground for me as part of trying to get me killed. But, since she we hadn't actually discussed anything and she said she wanted to be single and play the dating game, I never thought we were anything more than friends (which I guess we were, just not in the romantic sense people usually mean when they say that,) and figured I'd been misreading shit and/or she was very oblivious and inconsiderate. I didn't want to be in a romantic relationship with someone like that, and since we hadn't talked about being anything more, it was a bullet dodged in every sense of the term.
That was 13 years ago and I didn't know she was my sister until last November btw. I didn't watch them, either. Gross.
What da hell is he talkin about
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what the fuck
certified hood classic
Oh that's just my dog Bonzo, ignore him
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KYS tripfag
nah I'm good, feel free to gargle my nut sack though
Clickbaity title but there's a ton of shit like that in the game
The land octopus and abductor virgin ones are particularly useful because it renders the former basically helpless and the latter are one of the most obnoxious enemies in the game without it
spoken like a true redditor. Just don't a tripfag and be anonymous like everyone else. But you can't stand not being "special". Don't you?
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allowed me to present a solution
ah yes, the "your entire religion and worldview was just aliens" moment of Elden Ring
I want to love thag spell but the fact that the spectral spear that toy throw isn't just using a ghostly model of the spear you put it on kills me, I hate like seeing it like looking too different
>She isn't, just a little bit more androgynous like most people in her art style
so, like a troon
> the character that is both a woman and a man is a good candidate
She physically fully transforms from woman into a man and viceversa, we know how Radagon and Marika look like in game, troon.
how much do you want to bet the author of that comic has pronouns in their bio?
>playground insult
go back kid, you don't belong here
>how can i make this video game thing about da trannies??
why are thirdworlders like this
yeah? the basedjack one making fun of people with common sense
it reads from left to right

if it bothers you then use a partisan. You're mainly using it for stance break anyways and damage scales directly with ARC stat, not weapon scaling or AR
Why did you reply to me at the end randomly
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>he hit the filter
Partisan? And that's interesting, I never thought about it for stance break, I usually just viewed it as way to get ranged damage without a second weapon, like storm blade
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because I intended type something but auto send beat me
>trannybrain is a phoneposter
So reply now
why would you post a webm of your mediocre gameplay.
just go back already. You're too young to be here
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I can hear a lot of subhumans in this thread bringing their hybrid builds in to pollute it.
I think I'll stay
Nta but please just go for a little but to smooth things over, I think some time apart would be good
no thanks
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
it's a stance break tool. One of the best in the game in fact.
>25 stance dmg on spear and halberds
>9 FP
>relatively fast animation
>very long range
>great tracking
Cpt. Ahab's soul on a skill. It's damage can be decent if you're running Arcane, but weapon needs ARC scaling, like Occult Spear
base game HTS
staff of the great beyond
I dont know much about how the systems in game like that work but wow! That's interesting!
I kind of wish u had used it for my arcane build, since I kind of like don't want to go back now atlwag fo4 awhile to an arcane build
just stop replying to the underage fag and he'll eventually go away on his own because of lack of attention
actually mindbroken
you hate to see it
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I really like the Erdsteel Dagger, both Swords of St. Trina, the Moonveil, and most of the straight spears in general (fuck the cross-naginata it's a halberd)
It bothers me they didn't bring back my weaponfu when they were nostalgia-baiting in DaS3, especially since the much shittier sword version got in
Based. I fucking loved that spear. I wish there were more in ER. Siluria's tree is fun tho
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Helphen's Steeple especially with the buff
Nightrider Glaive and Crescent Moon Axe as well
>at our apartment with my favorite music playing after "accidentally," dropping a gun on the ground for me
She wss hitting on you, you retard
germoids have the mark of cain thoughever
Nora Kisaragi tier schizoid
>another lawsuittranny
I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same person, lol.
Lawsuit guy isn't a schizo
maybe, maybe he's just a too far up his own narcissist
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That picture looks edited
you might be surprise
Can someone explain why Reddit and similar places worship naked jar man?
If you're gonna have someone solo a boss for you why not just install ce and one shot the boss instead?
Wasn't that already a thing in the base game? "The Greater Will is an ayy" is like lore 101
Blame Bandai Namco advertisement team for sucking his dick.
schizoid and schizo are not synonyms
schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia are entirely unrelated and just share a greek etymology
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there are many sexy as hell designs in elden ring. But the png doesn't always translate well to in game 3D.
Pic unrelated. Claymore is sublime
We don't know what the Greater Will is other than it sent down the elden ring/elden beast as a star
yes but seeing the literal Ayy Lmao who planted the current undisputed religion into some random blonde broad peasant who later became "God" and established modern civilization was some real wiplash
It was college there were a lot of attractive women around me besides her. I didn't think it was intentional cause that's a lot of effort to go through just to fuck with me (I didn't know about the trust account or what my family had been saying about me as part of trying to access my portion.) Plus, doing anything with a roommate like that would have fucked up what I thought was a good living situation with a friend. Think I wanted to go back to the people who raised me?
Sorry I was writing about masturbating with a gun when I replied that, my perspective was skewed, it probably wasn't flirting
Oh okay. Be careful.

Also, are there only two places I can change sword of night to light?
I just started the dlc. What are the best strength build weapons and what ashes of war and enchantments should I use with it or is the only good ones still anything with bleed?
I dont own a gun I was just fantasizing about it
I dont know thw answer to your second one. Do you want one? I have an extra
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I like pic related for the glintstone that's running within the blade into the girp, even though it looks slippery to handle lol. Too bad its skill and r2 stance damage is weaker compared to non-unique straight swords
>Level 90
>Nobody summons me against Morgott
Dead game
way too high level for morgott
Well shit
If you want I can summon you for him for fun
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Behold, the power of chucking toothpicks! https://files.catbox.moe/xx602z.webm
Why are you so obsessed that you see them everywhere?
>Draw a female character in an androgynous style
>said character coincidentally is constantly claimed by troons
Gee I wonder why? Who were you trying to fool?
Goonermarika is canon, everything else is tranny headcanon.
>>said character coincidentally is constantly claimed by troons
Nigger what
Heh, nah, this killed my coop mood for now
I'm just grinding to 150 and making my way to the DLC so I can coop against Messmer, Commander Hogrider and the Sunflower
Was probably the most fun I had in this game
>pretending to be oblivious
I know what you are
>said character coincidentally is constantly claimed by troons
Source for that?
I'm not, I'm saying I've literally never people claim that
Like, I've seen them try to say that Ranni is because she "threw off her body" and trying to argue where you get the cursemark of death is her male body, I've seen retarded troon things, I just haven't seen them about Marika
That's good, guns aren't toys! Are you on playstation?
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I mean neither are hands but you know
Also nope, nevermind
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>one person "claimed" her
>so the entire LGBTBBQ claimed her
Are you retarded?
dude... you lost....
nigga that's one guy with 500 followers who are you fooling
>one person "claimed" her
>so the entire LGBTBBQ claimed her
I never said or implied it like that. You said it didn't happen and I showed you an example. Retard.
You triggered him so hard, he samefagged!
>okay it is happening, BUT ONLY A LITTLE!
just admit defeat
Weird, yeah I've never really seen stuff like that before
I guess we just go to different circles
But like actually, I guess I just had missed things like that and assumed it was because since Marika was the villian they didn't wanna associate with it. Still though, I think you're overthinking the artstyle thing, here's a piece of art from before they did elden ring stuff. And finding this was hard because they draw mostly men (which could be another reason, just what they're used to)
Idk I think you're reading too much into ut
retarded newfag alert
Real question is how he found out about that one guy. Clearly he's scouting Twitter to find things to get angry about.
What a cuck, lmao.
45 seconds apart is the wait for if yoy have a 4chan pass
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>he's samefagging
he says as he samefags
>troon artstyle
this art is ugly as fuck, you have shit taste

You struck a nerve, lmao.
I disagree
I dont like the image that I just posted, it was just an example, the lips are ugly in that, I think that the Elden Ring art is really good though
are you fat by any chance?
No, why?
you talk like a massive fag and you're pretending to not know
kill yourself
are you dumb and retarded by chance?
fuming, seething, absolutely malding
No? I said I didn't know, but I'm not saying you're wrong
nah that's you
that's you that's how dumb you sound
uh oh fatty melty
I'm going to kill someone if I try to start a fc and no one joins
People said they were going to start one at 7 PM CST
People said they were going to join
No one said anything when that time passed
Lives are on the line, do you understand?
logging in
ack wait I need like 10 minutes I'm not even home
logging out
kill me please
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Eldie Ring?
Log back in
Eldie Dong
Join and show it off
Im gonna do it
I will legitimately buy whoever joins the first fc a videogame each
(If we get a fight going)
you probably shouldn't do that
At most that's around like 180 dollarsish
do you have that much money to waste?
I wanna fc
Please join you can literally get a free videogame out of it
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desperation isn't a good look, sweetie. nice picture though
I don't care, why should I act not desperate if I am?
you're so cute
What? Kill yourself
I'm not fat
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A duel maybe? Just 1 person needed then, and we only have to like do it once
Do you play elden ring on PC?
do you have blonde hair?
How would thag change what you play elden ring on? And why mention hair
you are like a broken record
Why do you care?
How much did they nerfed Radahn? I have a cracked version of ER, so I am still fighting Pre-nerf Radahn, but I am about to buy the game.
Did they fix his bullshit?
>Did they fix his bullshit?
Yes, he is not broken anymore. Still a shitty boss tho
>How much did they nerfed Radahn
They nerfeded him a whole lot.
I do another run in the updated game.
If you join >>496953691 I'll tell you
I don't even have the game installed, sweetie
Then why are yoy in an elden ring thread

Also to anyone else reading this I'll buy you a game still if you join duel
have you ever bought a game for anyone else in this thread?
I dont remember
I know one time I posted a steam key but I think it got scraped by a bot
was it outer wilds?
Yeah, why?
thanks btw
For what
what do you think?
The dlc didn't offer a huge amount of purely strength things, maybe the greatsword of solitude, but like a lot of the good like really heavy weapons actually, have like some faith.
There's other like interesting weapons that you can like just infuse with heavy though
I dont know
Oh wait did like I give it to you maybe? Have you tried it?
took you long enough
no I haven't played it yet
If you do play it, try using the controller imo it's better with that
nta, but Try it.
One of the best experience you can get
you're so sweet, thanks for the advice!

yeah I'll get around to it eventually
Also reinstall elfen ring
play it blind
Write clues down on a notebook somewhere
>fog FINALLY clears
>get a nice view
I really like this game sometimes
I hope From keeps this sense of scale in whatever they make next even if it's not open world
is there a cheat sheet to follow that shows DLC's intended progression, quests, pickups etc? I'm doing a "quick" playthrough of it. I installed the "Skibidi fragments drop from bosses mod to streamline it a bit."
>wanting more bloatware that needs to be filled with randomizer loot
saddest part is FromS will likely cater to bottom feeders like you going forward
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If you're not using
you're missing out
I never like reahades...
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Literally nothing about that post stated or so much as implied that the levels themselves have to be mechanically large, it's about visuals
Also that's not what bloatware means
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fog cleared out
why not? Most bad implementations of Reshade are nothing but user skill issue. They're objectively an improvement 99% of the time
pic related shows recommend zone order, this map shows important stuff
Because I am the user skill issue
It's just like never looked good to me
>Also that's not what bloatware means
newfag, lurk for 10 more year before posting
I highly recommend you try this one anon. It's called Revenant on nexus, it's simple to install and does barely a few things but the visual looks much better.
I also recommend you optimize your graphics settings for best fps and imagine quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJlEd0N01NI
this guy goes in depth with comparisons
It's just that a lot of devs kneecap their games visuals with stupid decisions that make the games look worse. Like putting an ugly sharpening or blur filter. So tinkering with graphix became necessity for me
I'm partially blind and usually a lotbof the reshape or enbs for like skyrim games and stuff just make it harder to see, not clearer
why are you (partially) blind?
I understand. For me it's the opposite, I'm partially colorblind so bad color schemes and visual artifacts hurt my eyes. Using post processing tools to make the image clearer helps me avoid migraine.
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Wanna make it fully?
you forgot the imagine bro
Scar tissue on the back of one of my eyes makes it so I can't see in the middle of it, we don't know for sure but best theory is because when I sued to play sports I used to close my other eye to make it easier to see in the sun/bright, so mightve damaged that open one over time
you heard it here first folks
elden ring 2: haligtree boogaloo will have feet as the main motif instead of hands
sorry m8s, my controller is drifting hard and playing is not possible atm
Unironically yes kind of. I'd rather be completely blind in the damaged eye than this weird partial, because not being able to see in jaut the center but normally otherwise (excepting dor the fact that my eyesight is bad in the "normal" areas) basically means a lot of the time my eyes will unfocus/not focus correctly and I can't get them back into focus to be able to do things unless I wait, try to refocus them using my finger, or just cover the eye I can't see in the middle of. Doctor reccomenda NOT doing the last one because it can weaken that eye futher or something, but it's the best one that works
How are you partially colorblind? Like wouldn't rhat hsu5 be color colorblind?
sorry I meant just colorblind, and probably something else. When it comes to videogames, messy art styles, pixel bloat and poorly defined geometry, etc. It actively hurts my sight, physically.
It's okay
so good realistic lightning, contrast, shadows, all that stuff makes or breaks game experience for me. When SOTE just came out, I spent 5 hours lost in the Plains, because I had such a hard time telling the terrain apart.
For me, the picture you posted looks fine because I can't actually tell it apart from basegame lol
that's what I'm saaying! It enhances the visuals without changing them too much. Really enjoying this reshade. It brings the colors back to Dark Souls 1 https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/8?tab=description
whoever designed rotten tree spirits should be blacklisted from the industry
What are non-ulcerated tree spirits?
erdtree avatars
please don't do that it hurts my ears
Ikr? The 4chan notification noise is like so grating, idk why it's not like softer or something, its like a factory machine
But you didn't (You) me so I had to take/make it myself, si
check it. It's mostly better lighting and color stuff. Vanilla ER looks washed out, which makes it harder to tell things apart.
>Rec. Scadutree Blessing: 13-14
but there's literally nothing there
>Rec. Scadutree Blessing: 14-15
but you have to go through it to get to the hinterland
Ah no I don't like how that looks, I love that color but idk if I want the game to look like thay
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Very good!
>MFW I killed Bayle before even reaching Skibi Altus
>got to scaduview and hinterlands
>still haven't figured out how to get to jagged peak or pretty much anywhere else at the south part except the cerulean coast and finger ruins
click the slider tab anon...
this one an even better comparison.
Gravesite Plain forks to most places. Cross the bridge then take a right towards the Suppressing Pillar, where you meet Eigon, (the man screaming "BAAAAAAYLEEEEEE!"). Instead of keep ascending, hug the small cliff from the south, you may get invaded by a scalie, defeat him or not. Keep exploring and right below the tallest part of the small plateau, there's a cave entrance. You can make it on your own from there
>Instead of keep ascending
I know that's not the correct way to phrase that but I couldn't figure out how to say it proper.
they shall be putting the black knife assassins on mine ass for what i hath wrought
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What'd you do??
The adventures of sir buckethead
She has a manjaw, is muscular, and has broad shoulders. Pic is faggot shit, no ifs or buts about it.
imagine being so swarthy you look at video games and see trannies
It is simply too good.
I aspire to create a mod that makes the rest of the game at least half as good.
Yes, I expected the sort of person to take issue with calling this drawing tranny art to be some variety of autistic, overly sensitive German.
Ordina is unironically my favorite part of the game I think
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how do I get to the poison swamp west side of Belurat? I forgot
It needs at least one NPC imo
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this is the worst boss fight Fromsft has ever made, including bed of chaos.
>inb4 skill issue
it's GARBAGE, there's ZERO visual clarity.
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what a waste of a good soundtrack
you can literally cheese this guy with storm blade, hell you can cheese the entire game + dlc with storm blade, put that thing on a banished knight gs and you win the game
I can literally shit my pants. Does that mean I do it? Yes.
Youtube deleted my video but I still have it
I think DLC nerfed jump attacks in the worst possible way - by making the ducking position after attack which avoided many attacks in base game much rarer. Is that right?
Every PC gamer should be making his own reshade profiles (not downloading other people's) to tune the games' graphics to his own tastes
No excuses
you can literally just kill that dragon with a melee weapon without status effects, idk what the other guy is crying about lmfao
I WOULD post webm proof but I destroy that pathetic frost fly immediately upon sight so I have no character that has the dragon alive
you can but you shouldn't.
if you mean it's easier to cast projectiles to its' head, you're right
I’m going to FUCK Omen women
Teacherwife... mother-in-law wife...
>commander gaius was messmer's best friend and the leader of his men and that's why he's an optional boss in an area you're not even required to cross
holy shit miyabi-san, i kneel
messmer is pretty optional if you don't want to go to enir ilim
>Tacked on unfinished afterthought boss
>Has tacked on unfinished afterthought lore
Holy ludokino...
That's not what optional means dipshit
Anyone here has a 4070 Super? What's your framerate on Elden Ring? Can you reach 120 or 144 fps with fps unlocked mod?
Guys I'm on a caffeinated state so I'm just gonna blurt this out
I cannot believe how many character creations I've seen lately of the most troon looking female creations, both here and on reddit especially. It's like people have collectively lost their ability to SEE what is beautiful, not only in terms of humans but of the more abstract aspects of life too. It is a spiritual malaise at wide and I hate it. On media it seems like most people are AFRAID to witness beauty, there's always some weird justifications ehy something has to be ugly asf and if you don't like it you're a coomer etc. Fuck this gay world, total Gloam Eyed Queen victory
You're overthinking it bud it's just that nerds are fat and undersocialized and retarded with 0 aesthetical sense so they make ugly bug eyed women with 10 kg of makeup
Normal people just make themselves in the character creator, maybe with a couple scars to fit in the fantasy world
I have 4070ti super and desu it's the CPU that will limit your frames more at this GPU level
Haven't tested the fps mod myself but it's clearly my CPU that struggles during frame drops
>Rellana and Bayle get no cutscene despite both of which have significant lore to the entire state of elden ring
>divine dancing beast some literal puppet summoned by hornsent has one
they ran out of time.
>invader runs away from the host and myself (summon) after a 5 minute fight and falls into a hole
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The dlc map is really great but Limgrave just has too much SOVL to be beaten.
It would be funny if you fell while doing that shit. You look like you came close.
That webm is actually a old leak. About 4 months before the game came out a playtester broke NDA and leaked that clip, and at that point we didn't have any gameplay footage outside of the trailers so this was our first real look at the game. The hype was fucking insane.
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Truly Duality of the fandom
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>your Arena opponent is this
what do?
Hardswap to a Pata.
what if there was a souls based rts game?
Fromslopware can't balance shit, fuck no.
As some anon posted before, they are aware of crouch cancel bc they nerfed it for gugs and shunter and also buffed it for colossal weapons, they know it's braindead and it makes fights extremely monotonous yet they refuse to fix it bc third world subhumans can't play without it
>liberated int boy now
>but the game is dead now
I wish I was a caster when I invaded while the game was newer
>The hype was fucking insane.
Just better times... first months of ER pvp were so grotesque... now it's last 2 months are not as retarded but still dogshit.

If PvP is such a minigame and afterthought and whocares then why specifically this game died so quickly after the dlc?
Dogshit 3 mantained players and content creators up to fucking ER release, it only slowed down in 2019 and then popped a bit again in 2020 bc covid. Guess what, not the best but still 20 bazillion times better online made just that much of a difference.
>crouch cancel
wtf is this?
What is crouch cancelling?
he's live
I invade just fine at 115 on my int/dex girl, maybe you fell for the 150 meme
the saint has risen
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buy an ad you nigger
Is a greatsword in mainhand and then a carian slicer offhand cool?
buy a rope
Go back, dsgtroons
good 'bm, bad manners
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You're supposed to hold a melee weapon in one hand and a seal/staff/crossbow in the other.
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maybe, maybe not. I've grown to prefer this
how come pvp is like 90% chinese people who tbag you and throw shit at you now
>he plays on PC
Lmao at ur life nigger
It should be carian piercer on the main hand and rakshasa great katana in the off hand for maximum grift
I hold claws in both hands and a seal in the other.
yeah I bet you do
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>Holy shit this looks so fucking big it's gonna be amazing there's probably so many amazing legacy dungeons hidden in every corner
>Holy shit there's literally nothing interesting here
the chineze would never do that
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Very nice
Now let's see the PS5 playerbase
>People with [nationality] who tbag you and throw shit at you now
Is there a country in the lands between where they eat cats and dogs of the people that live there?
>90% chinese people
this problem is easily resolved
land of reeds
Wdym by grift? And also like rakhadhaa doesn't scale with int
it doesn't have to
That's the most creative misspelling of "Rakshasa" I've seen today.
I find it interesting that Bayle and his kin have the ability to take on characteristics of their surroundings (Lightning Drakes, Ice Drakes, Glintstone Drakes, Ghostflame Drakes, Ekzykes) while Ancient Dragon's are just stuck with Lightning and fire for the most part. Are Drakes actually genetically superior to the ancients and Placiddicksex is just jealous?
You get your int from your main hand hence the piercer which is your BACK THE FUCK OFF tool and then if they get cheeky just heeve that broken ass katana on them and stagger then finish with another piercer.
Works about 80-90% of duels and I teabag everytime. Bonus if you use fingernail glint and then leeroy Jenkins a weed whack on them
>Placiddicksex is just jealous?
Hard to be jealous when you got posable thumbs
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skill issue
'pill me on int builds
I'm usually a Tarnished Archeologist hater but his latest video was really good. He has convinced me that the elden star caused a huge cataclysm that wiped out the Titans and buried their civilization in molten rock and humans survived by building stone ships and rebuilding civilization underground while the dragons ruled above.
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Is that COOL though?
Rewriting Miquella and Radahn's lore took time, pls understand
>westerns don't even play videogames anymore
I welcome my new chinese overlords.
Literally the only good thing about Hornsent culture

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