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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
weirdo femanon feet...
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kill yourself
you have the right to remain poisoned
get it?
miranda rights?
it's not funny if you have to explain it
I dont get it
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>Being cucked to a +6 vendor until DTS fucking sucks cock
Then don't wait until Draconic Tree Sentinel and just grab it as soon as you hit Altus Plateau.
>Put the +12 Vendor in Caelid
The most I've ever fought Radahn with is +8, he's completely doable at +6. That said, the game does have a legitimate issue with Smithing Stone 3 being ridiculously scarce compared to other Smithing Stones for some reason, so you're forced to farm them rather than just finding a bunch naturally.
>+18 vendor after Morgott.
It literally is dude, there is nothing stopping you from going to Zamor Ruins after you beat him.
(I did get it)
mirandeez nuts
>try to make a dragon cultist build cause i had never done it before
>minmax everything
>press dragonmaw on an enemy
>it does 5k damage and like 40 stance damage
>give it up immediately cause it's too broken and makes the game unfun
I'll be available in a bit
can join in like 2 hours
but breaking the game is the best part
Why didn't Miquella just fuck his sister?
why don't I just fuck you?
Malenia isn't even a character, she's just a puppet of Miquella.
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Malenia is good, but I prefer her brother
I'd prefer if you shut the hell up
People have been trying to kill me since I was 4. Think you can succeed where they failed?
the moment you minmax even a little bit, the PvE crumbles apart. It's so retarded and badly balanced.
>invade stormveil for the varre shit
>some guy and his summon, both clearly new
>starting attacking me immediately, just run away to the banished knight by the elevator
>kill the summon and decide to just watch the host kill the banished knight, planning to just use a thollier concoction
>wait he's gonna die lol
>he keeps trying to attack me while the banished knight is fucking him up
why though?
turn off your taunter's tongue
Then let's go, hermano
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Shit I forgot I had it on. Can't summon a blue to help me, either.
threat levels
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Such a cool enemy
Conceptually, yes. In actual practice to fight, utter cancer.
Oh yeah. I should've clarified I meant the design and concept. The fight itself sucks and I'm always getting summoned to it.
That picture is so ugly that it makes me not want to save him though
fuck off fujo
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Here is a nicer picture, then
You fuck off
What do we gain for saving messmer?
Thank you
They posted a picture of a singular man, that isn't fujo related, fujoshi means BL/yaoi which means there has to be atlwast two
I feel like I'm missing something about the Nagakiba
I pumped one to +22 and put Keen and Blood Blade on it just to test it out but I'm walking around with it in the DLC and I can't kill shit and my combos suck
you fuck off too
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Happiness, through seeing him getting the happy ending that he deserves?
And his happiness is our death?
Almost two hours
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Yeah I mean they're twins so it's really more like masturbation at that point lmao
are you desperate for a fc again?
Not as desperate but I want to do it if people will
One sec and I'll start
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Eldie Ring?
Idk there are some people that I'd probably kill myself for if they told me to and it's make them happy
Ohhhhh no Eldie Ring
I'll be okay
ngl anon, that doesn't seem the healthiest for you. gives them a lot of power over you and makes you seem like you don't value your own self-worth
What the fuck is the point of Occult when Blood is right there?
I value myself a lot, that's something I value about myself even though. Any idiot can kill someone else to make themselves happy, it takes a lot for me to be willing to kill myself to make someone else happy
For things that already have innate bleed
Why would you remove the ability to put bloodflame on them and gain nothing
You sound like a retard.
Well I'm not, so
Whatever, fag. Total Messmer death.
You can't buff occult shit
I dunno, I would see that as a fault depending on the context surrounding you killing yourself
Say you're rock climbing tied together and you both slip. You're on the end and need to cut yourself off so the other person can live. They're happy to be alive, but morn the loss. That sounds noble and good on your part
Say the other person takes advantage of you, or just knows you'll do whatever they ask. Eventually they get annoyed, bored, or over your unwavering fidelity, obedience, or willingness to put up with them. Flippantly telling you to kill yourself, they walk off, leaving you to marinate on the idea. When they return to see you've done it they feel relief and are happy to be rid of you. That sounds depressing and avoidable on your part
I dunno the whole context surrounding you and why you'd value killing yourself to make someone else happy, but those are the two extreme examples I can think of. Seems off that someone would be willing to kill themselves (in a literal sense in that they physically die and not in a metaphorical "killing of one's Ego" and changing who they are) to make someone else happy
I want to have sex with Romina
i want to have sex with femanon
I think it would be romantic, but not having to it doesn't have to be in a romantic person.
Plus there is a bit of a good happy feeling knowing that they COULD have me kill myself if they wanted me to, so the fact that they don't have me do it means that the positive things that I bring outweigh the positive feelings they could get from having me do that, it means I'm doing good.
If you say so, Juliet. Feels like the question "Would you be happier if I killed myself?" puts a lot of pressure on the other person(s) you ask that of. Unless you're in the military where you're expected to put other's lives before yours, you just kinda sounds like a person with blind devotion. How long does the positivity of your life last till the negativity outweighs it? If and when that happens, what will happen? Seems like you could put that devotion to killing yourself if someone asked you to into better submissive tendencies
It's not like I do constant check ins to be like "Do you want me to kill myself today?"
Its more of a self evident thing, it's like if you're listening to the radio, and you're on one channel. It doesn't have to constantly check in and ask if you're okay with listening to it, the fact rhat you haven't changed the channel to the other one is evidence enough. If it does its job and I do mine, then the outweighing won't ever happen. What do you mean by that last part? You can't really redirect the idea
Why? If they want you to kill yourself, they don't care about you as much as you care about them. Maybe they should kill themselves instead. Or maybe nobody has to kill themselves in the first place.
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>no-one has to die
Also that's fine? First of all, you can still care about someone and think that you/they'd be better off if they killed themselves, second of.all, so? Why would it matter if I cared more about them than they cared about me? That doesn't change my caring about them, and either way food can taste good, food doesn't have to taste you back for it to be valuable

i need some assistance
I guess that "self evident thing" doesn't really tend to be a perspective for myself. The notion that someone would be happier if I were to kill myself has never been a thought to cross my mind. So hearing someone else talk about it like it's a thing that they think about feels off. Like, that person's thoughts could be redirected to not that. There's an understanding that the thought does occur all the time, but it still sounds weird that the thought occurs at all. With the sense that psychically killing oneself is the literal last resort in my mind.
One can "kill oneself" by changing their behaviors and becoming a new version of themselves. One can "kill oneself" in another person's life by literally never interacting with them in another meaningful way. They disappear, and are essentially dead to each other. Killing oneself because someone asked, and having that mean physical death sounds avoidable and not an option to bring happiness to the world
>There's an understanding that the thought *doesn't* occur all the time
Food doesn't ask you to kill yourself because it would make it happy. If someone you care about is asking you to kill yourself because it would make them happy, you should reevaluate why you care so much about that kind of person that would ask that of you. Why should their happiness depend on your life? Also, why how could they know you would be better off? They don't know what comes after death any more than the rest of us.

Someone thinking they know what's best for another person can actually be the worst thing for them, ironically.
That only really applies if you think that suicide is an inherently bad thing. In thise case, its essentially more of a cutting losses. I bring positive feelings, and then once it's recognized to not do that any more, then I'm not bringing them anyway, so then the stop is given. I like how I am now, plus it's unfair to expect them to micromanage my life to then make me into what they want because most people don't know WHAT they want, just hoe they feel about what they're given
There's a concept like about tea kettles and breaking them
1 tea kettle is very useful, because now you can make tea. An extra one, having two, is kinda good, because now maybe one can be dirty and yoy take the other one and make tea. Once you have three, that's kind of getting redundant. At a certain point, they'll be disposable. At a certain point it would be MORE valuable to start breaking them and getting rid of them, their value goes negative. There's 8 billion people, and you'll never meet all of them. Depending on social circle, it could be a moral and human value net positive of I killed myself, esspecially to make someone happy
Yes, in this context I'm assuming that suicide is not the answer because, how you're describing the thoughts, literally just walking out of each other's lives is the answer. I'm not the anon you used the teapot analogy with, but you don't have to destroy the teapots. You could put some in storage as extra if/when one breaks. You could sell some, and let other people enjoy tea. Breaking them simply because "oh I have too many and will never use them" is extreme. Relating teapots to suicide and a connection with someone where that person wants you to kill yourself: I think it's reasonable to agree that letting that connection end, leaving that social circle, and/or getting out of that situation would be better than suicide
This. Someone that asks a person that cares about them to commit suicide because it would make them happy should go work on being happy in ways that don't involve asking someone else to kill themselves - and you should create distance between you and them as well (if you can.)
Everyone else already has their teapots though, and be honest, do YOU really see if someone wants to fix up broken microwaves and kettles or if they want it? I don't think it's that weird to cast off things like that, like Miquella and St. Trina
I love my best friend and would do anything for him, suicide included if he really wanted, I don't think that's weird, and I'm okay with that being only one way
You can say hypothetically I could end up finding a new person to know, and sure, but I now as is wouldn't want that or do that
And besides, finding a new person is just finding else to fill thag same being willing to for
You're talking like I'm suicidal, I'm not
People aren't objects with set functions that determine whether or not they're "broken." What allows a loved one to determine whether or not you should kill yourself?
Because I said so? Like, if you're saying I should be the one to have say over what happens to my body/being alive, why COULDNT I tell someone they could decode that instead, if I own the right to that?
You're assuming everyone has a teapot (a connection) which not everyone does or needs. Yes, there are people who fix microwaves and kettles (therapists and people who work in hospitals), but not everyone may utilize and/or need that service (therapy and/or hospitalization). However, microwave and kettle repairs (therapy and doctors) are available for those who need those services.
That's nice that you have a best friend. That's wonderful that you'd do anything for him. Killing yourself because he asked you to is extreme and I would argue that you ending your life would heavily depend on the context.
That's cool that you don't want or need a new best friend, enjoy and cherish that experience. But understand that friendships come and go, and depending on your situation you'll be able to find a new one
All people are different. Some may feel similar, but everyone has a unique feel. A common quote is "people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime" it's up to you to determine what your best friend is
>I would literally kill myself if my friend told me to and it would bring them happiness
>You're talking like I'm suicidal, I'm not
I'm sure you're not, but please understand that your romanticized language of your ride-or-die feelings for your friend are abnormal. And, here's something to think about, may be one-sided if your friend wouldn't do the same for you
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>mfw powerstanced curved sword moveset
I can never get into the way too twirls novesets, I feel like I'm barely controlling the actions of it, I way prefer 1 r1 = 1 swing
Elden Ring?
It's not weird
oohhhh elden ring
NTA, but it is a bit weird.
I mean, yes, to a certain extent. We have many stories where friends would die for each other. So the feelings exists. At the same time, unless they're in a situation where they literally have to look out for each other's lives, and not just, like, really good friends, then it's kinda weird
Don't suicide because friends say it'd make them happier. Suicide because you suffer from end-of-life conditions, like dementia, that'll only deteriorate your brain. Robbing you of your sanity, your family members of who you used to be, and put so much stress on the hospital staff tasked with keeping you alive
by someone
or something
Because you should have agency over your life and your opinion of it. If someone you care about saying that it would make them happy to see you commit suicide because they think you're a broken teapot in a world saturated with teapots, they don't value human life (yours or anyone elses,) so it would be a waste to trade a life (yours,) for whatever value and subsequent happiness they place on your death. And if you're willing to do it, you either see yourself as a broken object and don't value your own human life, or you don't have the agency to keep someone you care about from convincing you to see yourself that way.
Do you like Elden Ring?
Do you love Elden Ring?
What would you do if you could play ir for the first time all over again?
What’s a leal hound? Does it mean Radagon is a mutt?
>what is a metaphor
I just don't think it is, I'm not romanticizing it, it's just romantic
Okay, but, if someone asks me to kill myself I'm burdening them in the same way you just said that would justify it, right?
You can lease away agency thougg, and I didnt say I was broken, I'm amazing, but I know that one day it's possible I'd drift out of that and never know. If you just use your hand to check your temperature to see if you're sick, you might not know because your hand temperature might rise too, having something (or someone) else be the thing that checks and cuts it short if it is is good and allowed
Leal means loyal
St. Trina deserved it
St. Trina deserves to be mercilessly cuddled and tucked in with a kiss on the forehead
STFU already
How does Bleed interact with Arcane? Say I have a weapon or ash that has X bleed buildup stat, does the bleed buildup or damage increase with my Arcane stat or what?
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It does but I don't know by how much
>Okay, but, if someone asks me to kill myself I'm burdening them in the same way you just said that would justify it, right?
No, since you could relieve that burden in other ways depending on the context. If you're a physical burden, learn to lift yourself up. If you're and emotional burden, try therapy so you're not trauma dumping on friends. If you're a burden to hang out with just stop hanging out with each other. Literally the only context would be a life or death situation where your life would be a burden on others.
E.g you're both hanging off a cliff and you're too heavy to pull up; you've been bitten by a zombie and you know you're going to turn so you hold the door to let your best friend escape out the back; you jump on the grenade to save your friend cause you're in a war zone.
Context heavily matters when we're talking about taking lives
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>and you're too heavy to pull up
Kill yourself
"fat niggas one and all bear witness" - godrick the goated
Exactly, in that specific instance, where you know or have a reasonable belief that your sacrifice will save others and bring positive net happiness to the world, kill yourself
No, you
Oh, no, lol
You fucking goober, haven't you been paying attention to our conversation thread and my stance on suicide? Silly goose
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>the tracking on square off r2 is so fucking dogshit I'm gonna have to start free aiming it
why tho
everything from ds3 MUST be dogshit
>yoy can't get the Messmer fire torch that all of the soldiers and knights have
Why do they do this?!?!? It's literally just a normal torch with different effects! Why not give this to the player?!
I hope the next game has bonfire ascetics lick chad souls 2. I just wanna fight fun bosses and cheese shit ones. But in ER, every fun boss killed doubles the presence of shit bosses to fun bosses in your world until you're all out of fun bosses and only left with shit bosses.

Just let me duel Relanna again.
The beast repellent torch looks similar and has a added bonus of repeling all the annoying dogs in the dlc
Why let other people decide what's best for you? Again, you're treating human life as an object with set functions. A teapot has one function, and if it breaks it can't serve that function anymore. Human life isn't like that. A person's potential can't be measured objectively, so how can someone else determine whether or not you're better off dead? And why would you let them make that determination for you?

Have you ever heard the phrase '"suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"? Well, all happiness is temporary. Are you really willing to permanently destroy all the potential your life has just so someone else can have temporary happiness?
>A teapot has one function, and if it breaks it can't serve that function anymore.
A broken teapot has many more functions than a teapot. For instance, you can now use it to prop up furniture, or you could turn it into an art piece, or you could pretend they're shurikens.

Basically, Everything is better broken, LET CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD
>everything is better broken
indeed, that's why we SHOULD have gotten the Tsunami of Blood and Glintstone Comet Minigun in the DLC

speaking of "should haves" a bleed straightsword would be really appreciated
Wait are there really no straight swords with innate bleed? Weird
nope, closest thing to that is uchigatana right now
I'm gonna beat thos fucking dlc and I still haven't unlocked the upper half of the map (where ruins of rauhl is)
How the fuck do I get to the map totem
Yeah, ds3 had two, this dev really peaked 8 years ago
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Look for a cave behind this lake, then follow the newfound path till you find the map fragment
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What's the easiest build to play through Elden Ring without it feeling like I'm cheesing the game? I mostly just want to enjoy the world with a mild level of challenge.

I've never played Elden Ring, but I've played all the other FromSoft Souls Games + Sekiro.
You can't.
good afternoon erg, what's good?
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Harder != Fun
>re you really willing to permanently destroy all the potential your life has just so someone else can have temporary happiness?
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Buuuut if I beat a hard game then my opinion is worth moooore!
whats the rentry info section even for in the OP if no one here plays the game
Because one day, people might
One day
weapons still bounce off walls in er, the hallways just became wider
compass does not equal a minimap
you can move and heal in ds3 at least, don't know about ds2
hit and don't get hit is applicable to every enemy encounter
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I've never learned this shit head's moveset. I just face tank him every time. What are enemies you never learned how to dodge?
I have no idea of how revenants even attack since I just nuke em with heals every time.
I also have no idea how to dodge Slopahn's 2nd phase moveset with the laser spam and I have no interest in dodging it, I just whip out the holy infused black steel greatshield, drink the deflect juice and style on him and his gay faggot boyfriend
i dont know the moveset of anything in the game because i summon 2 people for everything
the elden rat close range bite, I have a hunch that it's impossible to dodge on reaction and you just have to know it's coming
>brass shield got buffed
They really want you to use a shield.
What's better, Nagakiba+Unsheathe or Milady+Wing Stance for magic infuse build?
both serve completely different purposes
Off the top of my head
>Everything Radahn Phase 2 does
>Godrick's storm AOE (genuinely convinced this is impossible to dodge on reaction alone)
>Banished knight storm AOE
>Messmer's assault
>Magma wyrm's ridiculous charging attack
>Inquisitor's projectile spam
>The projectile spam from the guys at the top of Enir-Ilim
>Most of beast clergyman's attacks
>Banished knight storm AOE
Fuck that enemy. Getting hit by that is a legit stun lock most of the time.
I'm looking for a PvE weapon to use with an offhand staff.
then use milady with carian sovereignity
I made a post about this in the last thread, questioning why From would put a true combo attack on an earlygame enemy, and nobody replied to it. I'm glad that someone at least recognizes that some of these attacks are bullshit.
Deal, thank you anon.
Mohg. The sewer one.
There shouldn't be any combos in a game where you die in 3 hits. The game is also full of frame traps for whatever reason. This is not a fighting game for fucks sake.
Based. I started a playthrough where I summon as much as possible and the game is way better this way.
Based anons finally discovering the joy of coop Elden Ring. Turn on taunter's tongue every once in a while for extra entertainment and impromptu fight clubs
Goddamn it, I was looking in Shadow Keep and Ruins, completely off mark. Thanks Anon.
I never fight the iron virgins.
I managed to kill a grafted scion at the start of the game only once using square off spam, otherwise I always die to him and I don't know how to fight him properly
Then don't get hit.
how did we cope again with the fact that the dlc is just belurat and shadow keep
we focused on shitty lore and final boss.

I liked the open world map because of the Keep->Unte->Darklight->Woods sequence, kino Metyr quest and having to look around for some paths, but there is a big room for improvement in legacy dungeon design. The castle is very weak
Dancing Lion's entire moveset except for the bite, I put off fighting it until after Rellana and some exploration of Scadu Altus and when I went in I just beat it to death with bleed+rot
Morgott, I kill him so quickly almost every playthrough that I completely forgot what his phase 2 was
I still can't dodge Waterfowl
I've never beat the game with summons.
I've tried
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The shortcuts in this game make no fucking sense since you always have a grace to warp to. The shortcuts in stormveil are useless since you never have to backtrack.
Bigly disagree
Sometimes I'll find a grave but not explored the whole level yet, shortcuts let me cut through from graces to areas I still need to explore with less risk
Welcome to Shart Souls 3 level design, you're here forever.
You do realize that using grace respawn all the enemies, right?
Also their definition of a shortcut in this game is a ladder that goes from the bottom of the level all the way to the top lmao
I've never used a mid level grace.
pointless dogshit malenia's elevator
>I've never beat the game with summons.
>I've tried
before Rennala, Gideon, and others, too
There's too much filler in this game. It would be a better game if there was less to do but higher quality.
Its as if they first designed their levels with minimal grace in mind then later on another devs just said lol need more grace.
wrong message copied, sorry, was talking about other unnecessary elevators
This is due to their shift in design philosophy from environmental challenges to making boss fight the bulk of the ''experience''.

The result is that everything seems like repetitive busywork between bosses.
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Child Miquella was still slightly taller than the Tarnished.
People who expect praise or attention for doing RL1 runs are autistic. RL1 runs do nothing for anyone nor offer any new insight, if anything it only makes the person who posts about it look no different than an onlyfans whore.
In short, nobody cares about your masochist obsession, it doesn't make you a better player.
What about rl2 runs
Does anyone here play on xbox?
Xbox is still a thing?
>play another franchise
>have fun
>play elden ring
>its bad and don't have fun
What's the name for this?
DLC rn
Rl 1 runs can be interesting to watch if showcasing something, like perfect knowledge of bosses to the point most attacks are dodgrd via position, or something (original) so broken as to make the game a cakewalk even at rl 1
I told you before and I'll say it again, that's called not liking elden ring
Then you're willing to kill yourself for someone that is a piece of shit
No? He's my best friend, he's an amazing person, he's not a piece of shit
>coomers erping
>"i don't like the game"
there is no hope for this general.
Give me something for the pain and let it die
That knowledge is absolutely useless to anyone who plays the game for fun or competitively, there's never ever a reason to do any of those things and the people who do watch them are usually zoomers with no braincells of their own or millenials who have nothing else going on in their lives outside of their RL 713 character
>get a little bored invading with 115
>decide to finally pump to 125 to invade the 150 bracket and see what bullshit is in it
>it's fucking deado more often than it was in 115
Something doesn't add up here...
>funnyjunk filename
Nobody likes the game, it's bad now, the game awards is literally considering taking away it's GOTY award from when it released
That's not a funnyjunk filename, words are separated by +'s on there
console is dead because dogshit multiplayer
at least PC has seamless
>DaS1 has lively multiplayer until the servers literally shut down
>ER can't keep MP functional for 2 years
I enjoy watching rl 1 fight if the player is using an interesting way to make the fiht just not 5~10 no hit rl 150 fights stitched together. Sometimes I discover new tricks I can incorporate, it's from there that my habit to test jumps for ground attack came from.

Not him, but if someone I trusted absolutely, and knew to deeply care about me told me I need to kill myself in circumstances thay excludes 1)that person having shifted their opinion of me 2)it being a thing of the moment from alcohol/bad jokes/ anger, then I'd trust they have a very good reason to and maybe I would actually kill myself.
However having never been in that situation it's hard to now, and it's very unlikely
Suck my dick I love elden ring, played yesterday and will do so as soon as possible
I wanted to start invading again in a week, would it be better to wait for some possible spike in activity like sale/vacations period? How dead is the console, really?
I like the game... but I'm not sure there are still things to talk about. We've seen all the content, there will be nothing new.
I wonder what Sparrow poster thought of the DLC, btw.
Eldie Ring....
...is bad!!!
Is this actually true? What the fuck
What the fuck
Charo forgive me.....
I can't. The matter is too grave.
'fraid so
It really depends, most people have multiple characters at differing levels for certain purposes. If you're strictly invading for example, you usually have a few charcaters between 30/80/110/125/150 depending on your flavor of meta to deal with and how you plan to play against it. If you're just looking for coop? Then you have to consider the areas you want to be most available for and stick to that level. For me? On Console? I've found 115 to be solid, hits so many spots, stays out of the shitters meta bracket, picks up co-op summons usually everywhere up till Enir-ilm but usually just means longer wait time.
Console isn't "dead" persay, but given the type of audiences each platform pulls in, it's probably running on fumes as opposed to PC which may have a larger base since they don't really have many other options in terms of games or content.
I must reveal thy grave
Literal asperger
What's the significance of death being red and blue
My personal thought is 150 is a meme level forced on by tryhards. Alot of people argue you can't make a complete build at 125 but I find that to be untrue at least in the hands of a skilled player or properly minmaxed player, alot of builds finish strong around 125 anything higher than that and you're just looking to be able to shoot off elden stars constantly while having 130 poise and wield duel moghs spears. I've always known 125 to be the top and I've been comfortable at that bracket ever since.
150 is a meme level yes but 125 is the reddit tranny meme level, real chuds level to 175 or 200
I know Dark Souls 3 royally fucks you raw with a barbed, metal horse cock if you so much as think as not equipping something in an armour slot, but what about Elden Ring? I never considered it in the past, but with how little I am finding in stuff that matches the Freya Set legs and Ansbach set hands, I'm considering not using anything in the head and chest slots.
What aesthetic are you going for?
there's no 'armorless penalty' in ER, go wild
Gladiator, hence the very fitting Freya legs with the most fitting piece for hands that I could think of, I.E Ansbach's hand pieces.
I am not too sure on weaponry yet, maybe smithscript spear with an equally, beaten, gone-through-war-looking shield.
Oh good
Why did nobody tell me Poisoned Hands are so fun to use wtf
Why not use the top for the champion set? I think that'd fit
>I think that'd fit
The shoulder piece is too big and sticks out too much with its color when compared to the black and gold of the other pieces.
The only black and gold pieces are too heavily armoured, don't match shape-wise and thematically or too oddly modeled to look natural.
The main argument was that bad players (the people you want to invade) don't ever stop leveling so a good or familiar with souls games player can beat someone like maliketh at 80 for example but maybe a scrub has to level to 130 so that guy is out of your invasion bracket, this methodology continues until the bad players beat the game but the good players chasing them for invasions are now stuck at that level and so there they sit invading and dueling others at the same level thus making others believe that's the level everyone is at, but that's not true.
I'll try and find something for you later
I also considered goldmask's rags already, doesn't feel well colour wise.
If you put poison on the snake fist weapon, it'll do deadly poison with the duration of regular poison
Deathbird is a cop! AHHHH
Then he would never ask you to kill yourself for his happiness - or assume he knows what's best for you better than you do.
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Just lost 80k runes because of the fucking dogs in the Shaded Castle and I wanna fucking wring the neck of every single fucking dog in the game
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How come no elden ring boss compares to Him?
>start region-locked randomizer run
>every level up i pick a random stat
>margit is replaced with malenia (has two phases and healthbars)
i think the universe is telling me that this run is a bad idea and i should stop.
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I love my wife Therolina
It just came to my attention that Fingercreeper ash is also a healer and I'm very curious how it compares to my wife now
Which he hasn't yet, so
I actually liked the open world...
anyone want to dual in arena pc?
I'm dogshit and want to practice
I wonder how many nuts seluvis has busted inside her
Ohhrrrrr I won't be home for 6 hours
Like I said, if someone does, then they're a piece of shit
ok I tried to use bleed infused dual great knives but its fucking abysmal
Why isn't melina freakishly tall like the rest of the God's?
Not necessarily
I tell people to kill themselves all the time, yeah?
Projecting makes her smaller. Like when Willy Wonka wants to send candy to kids through the TV, he has to use a giant candy bar to broadcast in order to get a regular size
Yeah but you're not sincerely asking your "best friend," to kill themselves just because it would make you happy, are you?
does anyone here play the actual game?
No but if I had to I don't think I'd be against it, but I just don't think I'd ever have to
shes young
No, why?
I just theorycraft builds I'll never use and speculate on the lore
yes but exclusively sub-optimally
wtf literally me
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I can't stop
I don't really want to stop
>shorter than melina
>taller than the tarnished
i wish the golem halberd was held like a polearm instead of as a colossal weapon, and had greatspear thrusting attacks on its neutral 2hr1s but kept the rest of its moveset the same
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I'm horny (get it, my armor has horns on it)
Judging by the head sizes, Miquella should be scaled down bc he looks like he was scaled up.
Not a pedo btw, but a noticer.
Is swordhands of night a better summon than tiche?
generally no, but it depends on the boss and your own medium of contribution
That's the point, though. If you're asking them to do it just because you think it will make you happy, you don't *have* to be asking at all.
>Projecting makes her smaller. Like when Willy Wonka wants to send candy to kids through the TV, he has to use a giant candy bar to broadcast in order to get a regular size
I don't know wtf you are saying.
But your saying we've never actually met melina just her projections?
Where is she hiding and why can't she ever grace us with her beautiful presence?
>shes young
She burnt down the original erdtree
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After getting stronger summons like Oleg the gigaknight.
I finally see why people were saying that summons are OP.
But I don't care. That putrid erdtree avatar was giving me shit so I'm going back with Oleg to fuck him up
Spirit ashes and coop summons is how the game's meant to be played
summons compound any damage you deal to the boss and cause bosses to have pretty meaningful diminishing returns for their own damage to you.

i.e. a mediocre player can deal 3-4x more damage and take 1/2 as much damage by summoning even a medium strength spirit ash, let alone an extremely powerful one like mimic tear or tiche
Really wish this summon was good
Cute and funny doesn't have to be good
Meme Jar-Warrior build could be fun, there's an idea for you, Theorycraft Buildanon
going to the gym because of this, thanks Malenia.
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>the set that model wise feels like a perfect addition to the Night Rider set doesn't match color wise
>4 different shades of the color black

I'm so fucking pissed.
God this agitates me so much especially trying to reach 89 poise, so many good fashion combos ruined by off color or tint and don't even get me started on the downscaling of faces on the field so they don't even look like the face you took four hours making in character creator
>>4 different shades of the color black
Blame Miyazaki. He wants all sets to feel unique and convey "Emotion". It's why all the base game knight sets have different colors...OF RUST!
I'm not sure I understand or agree
oooohh elden ring
please brothers
don't the red/yellow phantom colors somewhat hide the armor's mismatched ones?
I can handle every attack in the Tree Spirit moveset except that stupid explosion.
Just run away when you see him lower his head and start shivering
Sigh... I already voted...
I consider them researchers. I've learned a lot about how to deal with the game's harder parts from RL1 players even though I've never done a run like that myself.
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Born to burn
most of the fingercreepers' moveset, somehow they always catch me
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That still counts! You'll still end up burning her evtbsuylly if you succeed, just like a like different context
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That's doable, but the problem is the same as many other attacks in the game: it doesn't look that different from him just moving around in some other way until it's too late to react.
I can dodge Blood-Starved Beast's instakill grab but for some reason a lot of Elden Ring's attacks feel impossible to read properly. Divine Beast Dancing Lion has this bad (and that's not even mentioning the times the lock-on camera puts itself in the floor or halfway through the beast's model).
Erdtree is a fuck.
I kneel...
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Should I just bite the bullet and make a 5th or so UGS build but this time add meteor spells
Colossal swords are way more fun after the last patch. I have a zwei+blackflame build and it feels much better to play now.
Did they get buffed?
With the DLC's new toys is it better to go Faith or Dex if I want to be a lightning man?
I know but like...I've had 5 or so UGS runs so far. One of which included "powerstancing" two guts swords.
And every other weapon that fits this armour colorwise is too unfitting "chunkyness" wise.
I'm not making Stormblood Zenos
Zweihander + offhand Staff is pretty nuts right now.
R2 + slicer is a true combo, Storm Stomp + R2 + Slicer also true combos.
Starting an R1 chain is a bit faster, and uncharged R2s are way faster.

What about trying other big weapons like great hammers, axes, and spears instead?
Hefty Lightning Pots are unironically the best ranged lightning projectile in the game.
OMG NTA but how did I never think about like using carian slicer like WITH another sword? I always juat figured carian slocer was just like for if you didn't want to use a sword. That is so so cool and I'm trying that out when I get the chance
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No way this is true, fromsoft doesn't write details like that
Source though if there is any?
You weren't funny the first time you spammed that, and you still aren't now that you're posting it for the 35134543th time.
Miquella is a top.
She doesn't have a body anymore. The joke was that her body is/was the same size as the other demigods but what we see is smaller because it's not her body, it's a projection...

If they can't be happy without you killing yourself, that's their problem. I don't mean sacrificing yourself to save their life would also make them happy. I mean then asking you to kill yourself just to make them happy. It's lazy and selfish.
I trust that when they do tell me to, it'll be for a valid enough reason, and their enjoyment is a reason enough for me. Plus it's either that or the other thing, which you ALSO don't like so it's a lose lose woth how you think either way
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>What about trying other big weapons like great hammers, axes, and spears instead?
The only one that 100% fits the idea that the armour makes, beefy strong knight, is the serpent hunter spear. I did consider the basic giant mace near the dectus lift, but I might have another idea for it.
imagine if when you get killed you just respawn a few hours later. god damn i would absolutely love to have this super power while having a serial killer gf i allow to murder me for her pleasure
All of these look so cool. Are they all DLC?
Oh yeah no thats my ideal, I plan to live forever, I wish that I couldn't ever die no matter what. I'm not sure if I'd want to revive, or just not die fully in the first place
dlc no dlc no no
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>the most interesting ones are DLC
Bleh. Can you dual wield falxes and whatever that first sword is?
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>fumbled around with the Solitude set so much I make an armored Highlander
what the fuck is with my brain
falx is a paired weapon. to get the sword of light, you'[ll need two playthroughs, or for someone to give you theirs.
Thay looks really really cool
Heck's a paired weapon?
>we will never get a Veteran's helmet with the visor down
fuck you
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A weapon where two handing takes out a second one, like the starscourge greatsword
>pc arena is the same ppl all over again
That's weird, a falx is a two-handed weapon.
Have you ever had someone you care about actually request you kill yourself purely for their enjoyment? Like, drop a gun on the ground for you? Cause I really doubt you'd still feel the same way about them if they did, and then you wouldn't have that reason to do it for that person anymore, anyway
Imagine if you fucked during the alive periods and started associating sex with dying. Now that would be crazy.
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>got so mad at pvp again that I ragequit with altf4
I might have unresolved anger issues to be getting this pissed at worthless pvp within a game that's about as balanced as boogie2988 on a seesaw.
and remember there is a trooncord about "competitive" pvp with 60% of the game on ban list (and for a reason desu)

GOD3 lasted years bc of good multiplayer. Elden Slurm 2 months into the dlc... *crickets*
Sad, if you come to think about... what could've been...
If I had then I wouldn't be here, retard
Either way, if he did do that I'd probably ask if I can do it differently since I don't want to die by gunshot, I'd probably ask if I can hang myself instead or take pills and that he cut me down/deal witb it afterwards so my corpse doesn't get too messed up
Redfags are like fighting game fans, they spent 20+ years practicing and making pvp their entire lives and act surprised when normal people don't want to be subjected to their ego trips and griefing sessions.
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Any way to optimize this without using the mushroom head (it looks stupid) or using the Rock Heart dragon form (because it also looks stupid)?
Also, I have +5 in all stats cos of the great rune.
this is why games need to be have abysmally low altitude skill ceilings desu
Seems to be doing pretty fine enough, anon
Are you having trouble?
Also, what's that first spell?
Nah I'm loving this build, most fun I've had in a while and it's also very strong. Just wondering if there's any way to make it even stronger (without looking like a clown)
First spell is golden vow, I only use it b4 bosses tho
I still remember the first time I played a fighting game online.
Never again.
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Reds be like:
Mmmm nop! I think it o9oks very good! It's looks a lot cleaner than even some of my higher level builds, so good job!
Also I'm sure you know this since you have two equipped, but holding both dragon seals at the same time strengthens the dragon breath even more
Bait or retarded? Call it.
I've seen some challenge runner doing insane amounts of damage to pretty every boss no matter the weapon he uses. Is he just doing some autistic buff stacking? Because even when I'm using the Blasphemous blade my damage doesn't come even close to some dude using a straight sword.
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Miquella's true power is stupidity. The reason Fraudahn doesn't use his Starscourge self's best gravity moves is because equipping Miquella to his back lowered his INT.
It's hard to fight when your brother is fucking you in the ass in front of some tarnished.
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Banished Knight is here.
Dark Moon greatsword or some other greatsword infused with INT?
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Why do I always go back to shield and straight sword?
so that's why he walks hunched over with his arms splayed out like he has to take a shit
Because you're too influenced by boring low fantasy settings like Myth.
But every time I find something that looks cool, It needs 20 levels in a stat I didn't even know existed. How do you guys do it?
Simple. I don't like "cool" stuff, I love unfancy, practical-looking weapons, so these have lower requirements. Only exception is the golden epitath, love it.
But shield and Straight sword is the most practical combo in the game. Nothing beats it, especially now that the brass shield got buffed.
Big fan of spear and shield myself, so...
ryan is live
rya is dead
You should really value your own lives more if youre willing to die needlessly. Especially since you can't come up with an example of a situation where someone you're willing to do that for would be saying they want you to. Besides, why do they need to give any more reason than saying it would make them happy, if you trust them and their value of your life so much?

If you can't think of a good reason for why someone you care about would say they it would make them happy if you killed yourself, maybe it's because there isn't one.
Those are both me I just replied twice
Its not needless, you said a scenario where I was asked to. Their enjoyment/happiness is a reason, aim happy that I'm a positive enough influence that they think that I'm better alive than dead, if that flipped and they thought I was better dead than alive, that's a good reason
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Is it me or is it stupidly hard to leave the Cerulean coast without fast travel, for no reason?

None of the coffins that allow you to reach Cerulean from Charo can be used to climb back to Charo
The cliffside tombstones near the furnace golem also can't be climned up.
This only leaves going uphill through the Ellac river up to the Ellac cave (and then take its exit)... Except going uphill is stupidly hard in some locations,picrel shows some rocks that require ridiculously accurate positioning to jump on with Torrent, it's technically feasible, I've done it, but really I don't understand how such a larger part of the map, which isn't even a dungeon, is almost one way.
>I don't understand how such a larger part of the map, which isn't even a dungeon, is almost one way.
fromslop stopped having good backtracking from dark souls 3 onwards. Maybe even bloodborne, but I wouldn't know since I'm not about to drop 650 bucks on a console and one singular game combined.
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>be Messmer
>design walking engine of permanent flame
>make its first response to hostility to be spewing immense amounts of fire and crushing everything in sight
>put one right in the middle of your army's main camp
>breathing in its direction causes it to murder everyone in the area almost all of whom are your allies
are you questioning him? you are to be cooked. We will dance around the flames celebrating the justice of your painful death
t. cooked person
I'm just saying, the one in front of the castle destroys like a quarter of the tents and fortifications as soon as it attacks once.
The lesser known cousin of Destined Death, the Rune of vandalism, was alsonremoved so its fine
They must have transgressed in some way.
>I will not suffer a tent devoid of light
Th- thanks general
Haha aie thanks bruv
These posts always make me laugh now that I saw how invasions work on seamless.
Everything is completely optional and both activity and the invasion quality is at least 10 times better than vanilla despite not sharing the same playerbase unlike Wex Dust.

From just made the multiplayer complete ass and made little to no attempt to fix it(the game didn't even have near/far invasions at first).
Almost as if invasions aren't the main focus of the game, how odd that little effort is put on them!
Really makes me think...
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>doesn't min-max
>barely does any damage to the boss
>it's too easy that it feels cheating
I am still trying to find the right balance
Is it time?
Astel grab attack.
I just fucking pray that I run away in time.
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what are your favorite moveset mods?
I like clever raptor's, but I want something more vanilla
It's not just invasions, the entire multiplayer is complete ass.
I'd argue that coop is even worse, at least invasions you just go in, kill everyone and go out.
A coop phantom just wanders aimlessly alongside the host in the open world 80% of the time, and unlike previous games you need to activate like 500 stone statues just so you can be summoned at all, while invaders just need to activate graces(which is still a pain in the ass btw).

In Seamless you don't need to do any of that, and also can use the horse while in the open world and enter inside dungeons, so it's way less sluggish and clunky.
Keep in mind that this is just a mod made by a single dude that never crashes or causes any major issue during gameplay.
How do you min/max in Elden Ring?
seamless is only good because it's a mod, and therefore insulated from the playerbase at large
Semenless is good because it improves the base mechanics of the game and unclogs the multiplayer.
If it were to be applied to the main game then it would have 100x more activity than before with the same number of players.
The lack of TT and open world torrent alone already fix the two biggest issues with the multiplayer for invaders(afk hosts in inaccessible areas and gankers sitting on a few small locations out of the entire gigantic game world that can be exploited to give them a massive advantage), and for coopers it makes it so the open world isn't a slog and stops them from getting cucked by invisible barriers at dungeon entrances.
fucking hell the Death Knights are so cool
>armor has shit poise
>that sick ass cape is missing
The next soul game multiplayer is just a MMO
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Why cant I fight even some sort of champion of Godwyn? The can at least make some sort of a huge undead Nito-like boss.
I just do arena duels with Radahn armor and long katana and Malenia katana and it’s enough to win 70% or the time
I want to kiss somebody
We can if you'd like
please do
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The kiss... OF DEATH
Want to duel?
you guys know how i can battle Bayles camera
just spam the dragon katana AoW at a distance
Okay well that means that there's not a kiss then
it amazes me that Fromsoft managed to figure out decent cameras for Sekiro and then just chose to have a shit camera in ER anyway

this game truly is just DS4
I feel crazy for being one of the few people that has never understood this complaint about fromsoft'a cameras. Like I wouldn't mind like if the cameras were zoomed out but like it's super easy for me to learn like what ubdulations/what the movement of the part of the body I can see and knowing what like move or attack it is
that's life I guess
When was the last time you played elden ring btw?
Fromsoft has always been like this.
2 steps forward than 2 steps backward in some parts.
The same shit happens with the DLC map.
1 step forward with making the open world a puzzle to explore, and 1 step backward by turning the area into mountaintop 2.0
>Raging Divine Beast talisman doesn't affect Divine Beast Frost Stomp
why do you ask?
Because I'm just like curious?
it's been like a month and a half
Why so long?
no reason to play again, and my laptop could barely run it anyways
So sad
Still up?
I am sad
Why come?
Why are you sad?
ask me again later, it's bedtime now
Eldie Ring...
dsgtroon coded posts
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Who the fuck was Malenia's master? I thought the dude was a hornsent warrior but then there are the dancers of Ranah, and I just realized Onze can do both her waterfowl slash, and he even does her pose right before she does it.

Did he just learn from everybody or is he even older than they already are?
What does 89 poise give you over 88?
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>get killed by some guy after he gets a lucky parry after fighting him for several minutes because i can't fucking hit him when he's 1 hit away from death several times
>literally crush my mouse in my hand in anger
So how do you guys manage your emotions?
!Losing is fun!
I like the engaging moment to moment, if I end up losing in the end, that's okay. When I fight a boss, I go in knowing I'll die sometimes, if I 1 tried every boss I'd get bored, I have to lose some. Losing is fun!
Except when they crouch on my body a ton or point down fuck you fuck you fuck you it makes me so I mad I want to cut myself fuck flour fuck you fucl you shitcunt pig die I hate your corpse
>mother of truth
>don't elaborate
FS writers should be fired
imho that's what you should expect when both miyazaki and martin like to include gods that are intentionally obscure even in the in-lore world. For example I think even gloam eyed queen too is conveyed as a goddess of a secret assassin order and it's the omniscient narrator who tells us she was an empyrean etc.

The formless mother is like a schizo vision in the lore, the most obscure god figure
>everyone minmaxes poise, hyperarmor and resistances to trade and chasedown
>fuck that shit
>minmax equipment load, light roll, crusible feather talisman
>don't trade, impossible to chasedown
>everyone goes absolutely vile if i lose

state of redditors circa 2024
good morning erg, what's new?
Don't think too hard about it.
Fromsoft certainly didn't.
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went sightseeing with the husband today
kek so true, the out group is so big and angry at us
trying radahn melee for the first time, I've learnt all his moves and how to dodge them, but how are you supposed to tell which move he's going to do if the cameras so zoomed in you can't see what his swords are doing???
I think there's just a problem with your brain if you're legitimately having trouble telling what he's doing. The camera isn't an excuse, either.
nah what's getting me is he'll do a right hand swing, which can be followed up with either the left slash->cross slash, left slash->spin slash or double sword left slash and it's the double sword one that catches me out because if you roll fast - which you need to do for the other 2 or you wont make it - then you get cleaved
normally I would look at the sword to see if he's doing it but since I roll to the left on the first slash and the right arm goes out of view with him being so tall I just have to hope he doesn't do it
everything else I have downloaded
I just dodged it, not sure what to say. I could just subconsciously tell what he was doing and just acted automatically. I guess it's muscle memory
How do the datamined levels for zones make sense when youd have to go out of your way to grind to actually be at that level?
what datamined levels for zones? I know about scaling
You get a lot more run if you are less good at clearing places and need to retry several times (and are able to get your runes every time)
Also there's a lot of side content that can give you a lot of levels, such as ranni's quest, Caelid, Weeping...
i tried to install his Morgott's Holy Armaments but couldn't get it to work
If you actually do every catacomb etc. and don't stop levelling up, you'll finish the game at level 200+
Worst part is that the regulation files have parameters specifically controlling the camera for every single enemy, with things like fov, distance, Y axis position, and they basically didnt use them for anyone except Rykard. And on top of that it got WORSE in the DLC compared to the base game, with shit like dancing lion or Bayle having a camera worse than what I've seen in f2p early access games
Play unlocked with the dragon odachi like it's monhun (I mean, the greatkatana literally has 1:1 the MH Longsword moveset)
Oyakodon with Rennala and Ranni
Fia's panties
How would YOU fix it?
make it better
i would remove ancient dragons, bayle and placi from the game
Add lava around you after the spell completes so your 6 second delay doesn't get you back stabbed when everyone dodges this trash spell
Doesn't work
>getting angry at video games
How old are you?
So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with SOTET?
>It's not just invasions, the entire multiplayer is complete ass.
Oh no! The part that isn't the main focus of the game sucks! How did that happen??? Next you'll tell me that a CRPG has horrible minigame, or that strategy games have boring characters?????
>the most famous feature of the souls-genre doesnt matter
lol, Michael Zaki stans went from having it real good to being down real bad real fast.
where can I see this list? I'm curious now

in three of my past playthroughs I have reached Morgott at RL124 & +9/22 weapons
Invasions are a feature, but not the core features. If you want actual good PvP, play a game focused on it, like Marathon or Hunt Showdown. It's clear you don't want real PvP, you just want to ruin someone's day to feel less insecure about your micropenis.
that is crazy high for morgott
yeah I know, he gets shredded instantly
I rush the gold scarab talisman relatively early on and swap it on after every boss kill and kill most of the mobs at least once, RL120 is pretty much what you get like that if you clear everything you have access to
I too get a primal rage when I lose a fight I should've won because shitboot managed to get a lucky parry in and chunk me for most of my health, then abused a shitty hitbox weapon to get the final hit in.
Can't relate
t. Colossalchad
Holy fuck great katana is pure cancer to fight
>lenydell 90-110
still the most retarded fextra shit
At least in Dogshit3 it was pretty accurate

Anyways, rare early FC?
You rike? every fight being crouch poke slop otherwise you need to be 20 times a better player than your opponent to beat braindead ass crouch r1 l1 slop?

Jokes aside, just remove crouch cancel. No one with a brain would complain and only third world subhumans would cry about having actual recovery frames

While they're at it, also remove handy tech / soft swap recovery frames so these subhumans actually would kill xhemselves
>reddit spacing
That's not how we do spacing on reddit
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Eldie Ring
eldie ring
And no sorry I'm at work
My mom died so I luckily have some days off I'd normally have to work, so maybe like on Friday we can around this time?
or Thursday
>My mom died
Aw, sorry mate.
Oh no it's fine I didn't like her
Also sorry I meant it happened last year and that's ehy I got it off it didn't just happen, I'd have way more days to play Eldie Ring if so
I want to be Miquella without the retardation so fucking bad right now if it meant having someone like Leda in my life.
>great katana stab towards 12 o'clock
>i'm at the katana's 5:45 o'clock
>katana stab, thanks to the lock on, CIRCLES AROUND 89 FUCKING DEGREES JUST TO HIT ME
>Oh no it's fine I didn't like her
Then I take my sorry back, my congratulations then.
You know I think Fromsoft themselves like created the problem of people panic rolling directly away instead of smart directs to avoid attacks by likr giving every boss and player move SO so so so much tracking. Because you can't be more secure in knowing you dodged it, b3cause it might sometimes stoll magnet8ze to you. So it's a more reliable bet to just make sure you get out of the range instead of trying to think about it
That's rude, why would you say that?
kidding, hehe, thank you for both sorry and that
I'm 25, but it's been years since I was angry enough to actually break something. I used to be way worse as a kid, and at some point I mellowed out and moved on to just muttering swears under my breath or just turning the game off. Guess it just really got under my skin last night.
>DLC about Marika's origins
>Eternal Cities not mentioned once
Nice lore, retards.
there are too many stinky people in this general
I took a bath a couple days ago
Shadow of the Erdtree's Tits?
Whats crouch cancel?
>tryhard seething over tryhards
Whats crouch canceling?
Whats crouch canceling?
Whats crouch canceling?
What's crouch canceling?
I hate fighting those furnace golems
you can't spell malenia without Male

His name is Male Nia
the "only the kindness of gold, without the order" bit was nice, but otherwise DLC ruined the lore of Marika and general history of LB for me. Nothing of value of added, some things were retconned, some were made less clear
Whats crouch canceling? Like seriously is it this hard to answer a question?
I swear, Elden Ring has to be the worst solo host experience since Dark Souls 1 if you're not willing to cheat.
What is crouch canceling?
stop spamming, did you consider that person may have left?
Hey pal, my buddy asked you a question
It's differwnt people asking, lots of people are curious
Ifbyou know what it is, why not answer?
who cares, repeated posts = spam.
I guess crouch sometimes cancels recovery frames, but I don't know if that's the answer and I don't care about tech
what's a good weapon
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>add great katanas
>make them so big they look like colossal weapons
>great katanas don't work with anything fashion wise
>thanks to that, they're de facto sweat weapons who only wear sweat armour
Why? After all, why care about fashion if your main fashion point, weapon, fits fuck all?
Are there any quests that get broken by
>killing Morgott
>killing Fire Giant
>using the cauldron
I want to get to Faram Azula to have a renewable source of Smithing Stones but I don't want to fuck up all my quests
No intent of fighting Maliketh as of yet I've barely explored Leyndell
glintstone staff
couch cancel straight sword
>knights GS
A classic. Sweet move set and looks great.
Looks cool. Shit moveset but can be fun in an faith+arc build with minimum arc.
>Star lined sword
This feels really underrated. Pair it with moonveil and you’ve got yourself a full anime set up and because of the steep dex requirements you can lean into max casting speed and it pays off.
>fun in an faith+arc build with minimum arc
Are you stupid?
>minimum arc
>faith+arc build
I'm so confused by this all around
How is it an arc build witb minimum arc? Minimum arc for like what? The flamberge has 0 arc requirement
Star Lined Sword is literally just an Ash of War stick, and it's not even that good. Might as well just stick to Moonveil so you can get all the damage out in one quick attack rather than having to sit through a giant anime combo and get interrupted by anything bigger than a Messmer Soldier.
I've already been digging into reddit and other vids and not finding any specific answer, if that moron >>496752709
wants to at least own up to his fictional and made up word then I'll accept it but if it is actually a term for pvp that can be explained then I'm just looking for that answer to understand like fuck man.
If you occult a flamberge at minimum arc you're really gimping yourself it's basically useless, in fact, I'd argue faith/arc unless at 150 is pretty much a crap build all around compared to the many other derivations of arc
Muh Lenia.
prove it
If Fromsoft were as eager to whore out ER as say, Yoko Taro with 2B, which games would be the first to get a collab?
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Why does everyone say Bayle is a legitimate dragon when every sign points to him being a wyrm that was once hornsent/human?

>strangely fleshy for a dragon who is supposed to be made of stone
>uses magma which are wyrm spells
>name has no -sax at the end
>item descriptions heavily imply that consuming bayle's heart will consume the user
>horned as fuck
>attacked placidusax (so he can eat his dragon heart)
Please god a blackflame version of Flame Fall Upon Them
This is all I ask
>I remember that name well. The broken drake warrior. Driven by bottomless hunger and fiery ambition. Precisely what the Dragonlord envisaged for men who partake in Dragon Communion. The mad hunger and fierceness of spirit that only flows from those young and short of sight. He rather reminds me of Bayle, in fact. Such thoughts are unfathomable to ones as old as we.
you make a good point but this dialogue implies that bayle hasn't undergone communion, and is just a regular ol' dragon

>uses magma which are wyrm spells
because drakes (and presumably wyrms) are descended from bayle
ryan is live
rya is kill
ergies hate ryan

[1060200000] Yes, as it should be.
[1060200010] Now, seek the jagged peak.
[1060200020] There you will find Bayle, the oldest, and vilest, of all dragons.
>Implies Bayle is young
>Says Bayle is old
Which is it
If I want to apply Rot more consistently and with shorter casts, do I have to level up Faith or Arcane? Does it depend on the spell?
*Implies Igon is young
you're applying rot with spells?
So Bayle is some sort of proto dragon that got butthurt at the zoomer dragons?
All sources of rot are static
She says that Igon's mentality reminds her of Bayle, because those thoughts are incompatible with older folk. Which implies, at the very least, that she's older than Bayle
this general is dead
So did Bayle fuck Greyoll??
time to merge
I was going to post this very question the other day. Guy is such a chad he fucked a GIANT.
Where is that implied
Great minds. On a somewhat related note, yesterday I had a doordash delivery to pickup from Hooters. What is the point of that? Not that I'm complaining...
holy dead, batman
The Elder Scrolls
Anyone on PS wanna practice? I can host at great bridge
practice what?
Practice pvp? Test basics, practice spacing, test weapons etc
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>try my to test out my Plague Doctor build
>meet another poise blob clown suit HA fag
next week, too busy until then. I'll be down for coop too
People practice PvP?
I would assume so, you think those tards that stream just were good overnight? No. They have friends they play with and practice etc, maybe even did on DS and DS3 etc so it's not really surprising. You don't really believe innate talent exists do you? Especially for video games lol
Obviously innate talent exists, just look at chess prodigies
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Can you guys pick up your tripfag
the schizo? where is he shitting up now?
I am Ansbach of the Pureblood Knights. I stand with blade loft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and master, Mohg.
What'd he do
Again, practice. Maybe started with logical games, moved to something else more challenging, then moved to chess. Innate talent is a meme unless you are a savant and that's formed through trauma in some way. Everybody practices.
How do I cope with being burnt out from writing my fanfic? I'm almost done with it, but gritting my teeth and trying to finish it quickly, I fear it won't do and I worry I'll half-ass it out of fatigue.
>>killing Fire Giant
>>using the cauldron
this breaks a ton of quests.
Killing morgot doesn't but remember to do the samurais quest because it will break if you enter the mountaintops without doing it. get the red crystal tear
They literally become grandmasters at 12 or 13 years old, there is no amount of practice that can overcome that level of innate talent. I'm talking about 6-7 year old kids being better than 99% of chess players. I'm not saying the top chess players don't practice at all, but if I dedicated the rest of my life to playing, practicing and studying chess, I could not possibly become as good as Magnus Carlsen was when he was like 16 years old

>How do I cope with being burnt out from writing my fanfic?
By not being a fucking faggot that writes a fanfic
Based chad, way above the miserable losers who can't do anything and are jealous of these who can.
So I just need to do Goldmask's then
I would do Boc too but I'm pretty sure he's bricked, he hasn't had any new dialogue since I got to Liurnia
>By not being a fucking faggot that writes a fanfic
Insecure teenaged fingers typed this post
um no, you need to meet alexander before fighting Raudahn.
Fought post nerf radahn for the first time, the fight is so much more fun now. I'm almost tempted to take my RL1 save into the DLC.
nephelis quest is also broken by fire giant.
It doesn't say it on the image but it says it on the wiki
I already took my RL1 invader into the dlc.
but I'll play it the most after level stormveil invader is done with the dlc, I hate how black flame is resisted in the dlc
Talent is just the ability to recognize tradition.

Made an on-topic post in dsg and got an off-topic reply. Kinda like the post you replied to.
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rate my Dark Mages/Sorcerers/Warlocks/Occultists, etc...
the one all the way to the far right was based on the pyromancers from Dark Souls like the Cornyx/Cuculus.
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god, I miss ds dark magic.
Don't reply to the mass reply there to come back, so that you don't bump the thread
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D was right and Fia is a rotten whore
Yeah, she probably smelled like fish *before* Godwyn.
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I always Death Blight that mf at the end of the quest.
D is a larper that died to a broken dagger
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>Waves of Darkness is a gravity Ash

wut de fuk, its not flat magic type?
it's fuckin purple and comes from a space alien
of course it's a gravity ash
very cool, the more you know!
>fromsoft too gay to give us a Gravity affinity that evenly splits between STR and INT
coulda called it "Cragstone Whetblade" or something
or "Meteoric Ore Whetblade"
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that's kind of a neat idea actually
what would the dex/fth one be called?
Gravel Stone Whetblade obviously

>everything is either 100% pure DEX or 100% pure FTH
>the only true split DEX FTH lightning weapon in the entire game is the fucking perfume bottle
A hour?
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>Clawmark Seal for split STR FTH casting
>Meteorite Staff for split STR INT casting
>Gravel Stone Seal for split DEX FTH casting
>Carian Glintstone Staff for split DEX INT casting
No. I’m making flameberge flame art.
At 150 I have 70 faith and 27 arc. The arc is so I can use the blood flame spells for aesthetic. Flamberge works here because it has innate bleed (not a big build up but it’s still there) and can be infused into fire keeping to the theme of fire and blood.
I’ve tried so many iterations of this idea and I think this works out best. You get all the best fire spells and at 70 your damage and spell scaling is fine enough.
>At 150 I have 70 faith and 27 arc
Can you really call that a build
>friends with so many people here on steam from fcs
>see you guys go online
>no one even replies when I want to start an fc
wtf happened? are you all newfags or what?
Minimum faith to cast blood flame shit. Flamberge will be flame art. Max faith to fit the build. It’s an rp build and it works just well enough for pvp and coop.
>70 faith. All the fire spells you want. Flame art shit on weapons you like, bonus points for innate bleed to keep to the theme of fire and blood
>27 arc for the shittest spells available but the most stylish incantations. Blood claw and furious blade.
Maybe they don't want to fc. Maybe they just don't like you
everyone had fun in fcs
What the hell is wrong with it?
I’m winning invasions and duels and can swap to a fire knights GS and win most trades AND I am stylish while doing so because that is the true end game here. Beating other players while looking much cooler than them. So when I win they are thinking “how fuck did I lose to that”
>call people newfags
>wonder why everyone ignore him
45/45 is better
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I hope Miyazaki is only a supervising producer on the next main Fromsoft game and that someone else is the actual director

I want more player agency narratively
>lol Blaidd is like a shadow or something you have to kill him now lmao
>uuuuuh sorry Malenia just woke up from her nap so she can't hear you telling her about her brother's whereabouts
>hahahaha *pffffft* lol yeah sorry when you delivered that letter to Edgar it causes his daughter to die instantly whoops lol that's what you get for doing this """quest"""
I'm pretty sick of Miyazaki's shit
I have been seeing a lot of new fags posting about what to do. and back then we even had an influx of players.
please do not
So cute
I have to admit that ER has the best gaming fanart around
just don't
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>>Meteorite Staff for split STR INT casting
>the staff linked with the most heavy, beefy, strong weapons (str) doesn't work with any visually
oly cute, artist?
Fucking SKANK _7albi blcoked me
I'm sorry what
The artist is _7albi
That's the artist's name.
These filename indicate the picture comes from Twitter, and _7albi is the person's handle.
oh I thought you just mashed the keyboard or something
Damn, this is correct
the beard is part of the armor, fuck this hack
They're saying they view it as part of beard instead of armor, because it looks way better if it's his beard rather than how he actually looks om the left
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It's like thinking Godfrey is bald because his helm comes with hair.
>small and medium shields buffs out the ass
>none of the dogshit greatshields were buffed
I thought they were like akin to eachother
>start game
>get brass shield in Limgrave from farming fodder enemies
>never bother with anything else unless I want to use the Fingerprint later on
Perfectly balanced.
greatshields get tier 3 deflection which just makes them straight up better for almost the entirety of pve
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>character creation
>use Young
>character looks like a zoomer
>use Mature
>my character looks like a boomer
for fucks sakes I just want my guy to be in that in between
Have you tried using a going into games machine, saving, and then exiting and playing it normally with that save?
I will never ever touch a greatsword without the mirrah greatsword moveset ever again
I just thought they were like
related to eachother in terms of how they are
did you think honey was made from oranges or something? have you ever eaten either?
I've eaten both, they both reminded me of eachother and I just thought they were the same concept
okay, well, that's very stupid but at least you know better now
Like the like juice inside the vehicles just like kind of looks like honey inside honeycomb I just thought they were the same idea
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>the like juice inside the vehicles
look, just admit it was a stupid thing to think and move on with your life

...do you know what limes are?

I think they meant vesicles
I have the goatee like Ansbach on the left and I can't decide if I look good with it or retarded
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Ranni in Nikke would be Kino, she would hold a Deagle in each of her arms
Maybe you had honey from orange tree pollen
>Ranni fan
>Nikke addicted chronic masturbator
Why am i not surprised
a big greek philosopher beard fits his character far better
Eldie ring?
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Eldie Ring time
Ohhhhyhh no eldie ring
Nobody joined so I got sad and did invasions instead
hope you had fun, sweetie
anybody want to help me kill margitt?
Yeah sure
What platform and like psssword?
any webms?
Any time I try to use webm for retards the files I've kept fomign out way too big so I stopped trying
Any news of the lawsuit? Was it dismissed and dropped?
Wasn't dismissed or like dropped, though i think Bandai Namco did file a motion to dismiss, but essentially the plaintiff had a PowerPoint that he is/was going to use and Bandai Namco was like "Yeah we never received that powerpoint" because presumably that's something that should've been handed over in discovery so the case got rescheduled to like January 2025 I think
its over everybody left, all that are remain are dsgtroons and dsgtroon adjacent trannies
10 years of retarded bumo spam is the fate of this general
Why not host weekly FCs to keep the game going?
Anyone wanna help me fight Mohg?
no thanks i don't want to play with dsgtroons
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Embrace the wrinkles.
>I've eaten both, they both reminded me of eachother
Honey and oranges taste absolutely nothing alike aside from both being sweet, what on earth are you on about
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>they taste nothing alike except one of their main factors and tastes and color and way they look naturally
>and tastes
Completely different.
>and color
Completely different. One is golden, the other is... orange.
>and way they look naturally
Again, completely different. What he hell, anon? Do you not know what oranges and honeycombs look like?
What is the easiest way to unlock all graces and summon statues on PC?
Glorious Merchant works well for everything else.
She makes Godfrey look 30 by comparison, damn. Does she cough up dust with each word?
cheat engine
>Commander Gaius
what the fuck
three attempts and i've barely been able to get a hit in
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She gets stuff done, she just reserves the right to bitch about being too old for this shit.
Other Tarnished get resurrected in their prime, she woke up still looking old and she's goddamn annoyed about it
They are AKIN to 3achother
Absolutely not. One is a fruit, the other is the viscous, semi-liquid regurgitated secretion of a bee.
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mermaidtard you are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger in this whole thread
Nobody mentioned anyrhing about mermaids but you
shut up fatty
I'm not fat, and Fatty isn't even an elden rign phrase, it's be plump sort
how can we trust you when you also claim you're not retarded when you obviously are? fatty
I'm not
has anyone here played wukong on ps5? i wanna get it but apparently the performance isn't so good
I'm not
Why would you want to give money to the Chinese government
because vidya
I'm not fat, I'm thin, I literally even skipped lunch today
Not like anorexialy, I just didn't eat it normally, I'm not fat
prove it then fatty
If you weren't fat you wouldn't be obsessed with saying you're not fat. Fatty.
I dont have to and either way if you're calling me mermaidtardbthen you already know I'm not
No? If I called you fat and you weren't then you would get mad too
so no proof, got it fatty lol
Prove that I AM fat
you responded to every comment calling you fat
Okay? And? That's because I'm not
no normal looking foid would be replying to every post calling her fat instead of slutting it up in clubs or whatever nasty shit they get up to, in other words you are either fat or horribly disfigured to the point no man would want to touch you pick one
If you weren't fat you wouldn't feel personally slighted by us calling you fatty.
I didn't say anyrhing about my sex, someone said I was fat and I said I'm not
Do you don't get at all slighted when people say incorrect things about you or insult you?
give up fatty we all know you're a whale
>Do you don't get at all slighted when people say incorrect things about you or insult you?
People on the internet? Why would I, they know nothing about me other than the words I type.
I'm not
And thw words I type is that I'm not fat, so
I'm not
But when every time someone calls you fat, you respond that you're not, it's pretty clear that you feel personally slighted and self-conscious and guilty.
Quod erat demonstrandum, you are a fatty.
No I just don't like someone I'm staying I'm fat when I'm not, I say that I'm not retarded when someone calls me retarded and say I'm not autistic when someone calls me autistic
You're purple
If you reply to this thag means you're purple
fat retard autist
Purple and proud. Fatty.
I'm not any of those, and my mom had me tested for autism, I'm not
You aren't purple, I made that uo, and I'm not fat
did your mom also test you for fatness lol
That's not how it works, you don't get tested for fatness
yeah cause its obvious you're fat
Why did your mum have you tested for autism, were you that much of a burden on her? Must have been your headfat cooking your brain.
I'm not
She thought I had it
Because you were acting like one? Fatly?
ohhh elden ring
No, idk ehy she just did. She used to also tell me that if I didn't say hi to nurses if I made eye contact in a hospital that they would put beetles in the coffee, which put me off drinking it. Or she also told me that premarital sex would give the kid and me down syndrome. I'm not fat
Eldie ring....
No wonder you're fat, dealing with a psycho mum like that. You have my sympathies, fatty.
I'm not fat
Also she's dead now, idk if she was psycho but idk
reminder the only way erg can get a fc going is because of dsg
Wanna duel?
not really
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hey bros, do you know if the bleed from Spiked Spear applies to Spectral Lance?
I dont think so, but if you want I can put down a red summon sign and you can throw it at me and I'll tell you if it gives me bleed buildup
I tried to do a Messmer impression but the recording sounded like an old black man because that's what I am...
Post anyway, I'm interested
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Which one of you wrote this? Post your PCR pre-patch no cheese solo.
reach out and Touch Grace
Your name is grace though
tried again but quality is still fuzzy
I will fall asleep listening to this now
There was a patch and you fags are ERPing
nothingburger update so who cares
dead 'g
I love cringe shit so this general will never be dead to me.
You can't kill me I was born dead
>2 day old thread
It's over.
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>first invader in leyndell
>some hacking faggot casting fia's mist with infinite range
>playing Souls games on pc
your own mistake
No games
it has the games I want, including ER, so that is ok.
FC tonight.
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>gonna try to actually use spells and incantations I find this time
>deals no fucking damage
try triple rings of light
I'll try to join if I can. Around what time?
>rl1 run
>+25 bleed frost weapon
>godrick great rune
>talismans, physicks
>even more retarded, spirit ashes
How do femanon feet smell?
Pocket sand requires a specialised build if you want it to do damage. It'll do like 500 a hit if you spec for it otherwise it does nothing.
>2 am for me
Unlucky, I have work at 8 am tomorrow
You can try anyway but it'll be hard to get people to join starting with 1/4
I thought this was a NA gennie...
Just hit the thread up when you're ready, i might or not might be there but who knows
i stopped and now i am free
give them 15 years and they will add the option to change metal color (in soulslikes)
i hate people that want to be quirky (this person)
they stopped caring about map design
>20 posts in a row of dogshit nothing
one of the most memorable moments is people entering siofra's well
ranni's questline goes through 2 (?) eternal cities
0 in the dlc
did you know ancient dragon lightning strike was called wrath of the ancient drakes
>another 20 posts of dogshit offtopic
erg isn't surviving the winter
>another 30 posts of dogshit nothing

2 day old general and probably more than 100 offtopic posts, amazing. do mentally ill people get a notification when a general is at their last breath so they can go and infect it
see you guys next month (hopefully not)
>being a mass replying faggot is supposed to be better
don't come back
>Mass reply
Go back, Your kind belong in fsg
Anyway dsg has been dead for a long time and they're still around, no reason to leave just now
>I thought this was a NA gennie...
It is, everyone is asleep/working that's why the gen is so dead rn lol
I'll be available 8 pm-12 am CEST, hopefully by then gen will be more active
Say something emotional
I never minded side dungeons having rewards that don't fit my build, the real issue was always that the dungeons themselves are short easy and uninspired and poorly integrated into the rest of the game.
>the world is in dire need of a pear
Can they design a fucking boss with no blinding effect?
Something like Rellana first phase.
Fucking hate that shit
I'm going to see my parents for the first time in six months tomorrow.
>Can they design a fucking boss
that wouldn't be so bad
did you miss them?
Yes. Very.
Haven't got holidays in month and my days off have been refused so no holiday until the end of the year. Seeing them will calm me.
gr*** posts are a part of erg culture
ngl shadowlands look like a comfy place to live
The WoW one?
yeah no you can keep that weird tranny to your own general dude he does not belong here
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>Remove L2den Ring
that is, make ashes of war have an actual FP cost and not being faster and cheaper than any spell while also doing more damage with half the stats

>Remove crouch cancel and handy tech / soft swap recovery frame skip
At this point in time everyone doing pvp does it, everyone knows it's a braindead easy "tech" and 90% of pvp is just braindead crouch r1 l1 slop. Hardswaps are fine though, if there's a single thing that's not braindead in this game it's hardswaps and melee-spellcasting gameplay and even then hardswaps are not even hard, once again, almost everyone does it nowadays.

>6man limit online multiplayer
Let 2 people invade 3 coopers, and have a 4th coop s lot bc 4man coop is fun.

There, Elden Slop of the Sheckel Tree is saved and enjoyable again. Fromdogshit won't do this though, these would be good changes and they don't like to do those
>uppercase after meme arrow
Too new to be worth listening to.
erm no chuddie, it's general knowledge that 99% changes Fromsoftware does are decided UNIRONICALLY by Jeenine and OnlySpic private "feedback videos"

If this isn't proof that Fromsoftware is absolutely clueless and incompetent at PvP then what else besides this game being dead 2 months after the DLC. Also proof that they might do pvp on their next dogshit souls and leave the pvp balance to a chink that hates the game and a 30+ yo argentinian femboy spic
>reddit spacing
Too new to be worth listening to.
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Why can't faithfag have faith sword as well?
>>Remove L2den Ring
They're never going to do this because that button is what made casuals beat the game and made them feel good

>>Remove crouch cancel and handy tech / soft swap recovery frame skip
Not happening, they're so incompetent they most likely don't even know that'sa thing

>>6man limit online multiplayer
Not happening because of the PS4
>struggled so hard with bosses
>until I realized that I was fighting them with 10-20fps
>Remove L2den Ring
Radahn would be a pain in the ass with that health bloat
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I wonder if I should make her a redhead instead.
Redpill me on the convergence mod
Or give me some mods to spice up my 20th something playthrough
Hey anons maybe some of you could lend me a hand and give me advice about a build.

I got kinda tired of using STR so I wanted to try int and fth and did a respec to 50 int and 50 fth, I am aware this is far from optimal with anything but maybe the sword of night and flame, but I still wanted to ask, are there any other weapons or talismans/staffs working well for int/fth? I'm happy being able to properly use int and fth weapons even if its sub optimal, but I want to know if there is something else I can use for this kind of stats but i am missing.
Golden order seal, throw discuses like they're going out of style
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Another hot offshoot of Malenia
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I know the answer is magic/it doesn't matter but I always wondered how thr metal limbs work
oh god
They shadow nerfed backhand blades
oh god
Man I'd love to have an outdoor shower on one of those platforms high up in the Haligtree. I assume Miquella did this at some point too.
Hmm? What's up?
Better luck next time, FUCKboy!
I believe the lore is that Radagon taught her puppet magic, basically the same way Ranni controls her entire body now.
Did we get a new patch? Where's the changelog?
The Haligtree would be so pretty if it was fully made, it already looks so good now
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Oh noes
Already seen
>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
you are so dumb....
Please please please I'm sorry my hands shake it was hard to do I pressed enter too early I'm trying to make sure the paths notes are added
It really does, I don't know what the style of architecture is called for the upper parts with the pale stone platforms and treehouse vibe but I love it.
Slightly early just to make sure patch notes updated
I assume it's part of the Shaman flesh being able to "meld harmoniously" with other things and based on the same principle as Godrick being able to stick random body parts on himself and control them like they were his own.

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