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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth, other French Bread games and comfy pictures of Ushi.

/melty/+/unibg/ #121: signal and friends edition

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/xxxCGPoC8OQ?si=4fTH05O8XbCXXIOS

Tsukihime remake and FSN are out!
Uzuki patch is out and she is playable! (https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/portal/post-27191/)
Hollow Ataraxia remaster coming out eventually, probably!

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/
ECT: Oct 11-13
CoN6: Oct 25-27
CEOtaku: Dec 6-8

previous bread: >>493968790
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oopsie I was at a meeting
oh well
the thread died on the third anniversary
it's type luminover
Thread died in Noel’s arms…
the last arc combo killed the thread
post it again
sex with sion
The Noel chop…
It was warm
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me on the bottom
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Mid combo blood heat might be a good option if you can't kill but you have a lot of recoverable health. DAN can do it off of anything in the corner but she needs MD.
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They should let saber do it.
I can't find anything fun for Saber. You'll have to go to FUC for that.
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I suck at tkcing though...
you'll figure it out
>4 bars for 180 damage
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it's based
Cool combos are not rewarded with cool damage in MBTL generally
my biggest sadness comes from knowing the classic CH jC airdash cancel jC starter is now horrible damage instead the highest damage starter for most characters
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somehow I hit the reverse video button
crouching bonus damage is gone, SMP kills the double jC starter, we only have meme combos left to optimize(and MD spam combos for certain characters I guess)
Noel soup
Why did they remove vatista anyway, weird marketing decision.
Good morning
The anti-Noel...
The high amount of salt found in Noel…
Too much pushback on Noel...
I miss crosstag bros
Screw Noel!
I'm gonna
nuh uh
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In another universe it was supported long enough to get melty characters
>we will never get Noel-to-Noel communication
Why even live?
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Noel is cancelled
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mbtl in like half an hour? I could be persuaded to aacc as well if only one other friend is interested.
Pushing Noel around like a dung beetle…
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Page Sion
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Snuggles with Noel…
financial struggles with noel
My beloved...
Beats by Noel…
Damn italians
Beat up Noel
Beat off Noel
Fuck off Noel!
fuck on noel...
Fucked by Noel...
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I hate this cat like you wouldn’t believe
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What about this one?
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how about now?
That’s a fate character, pass
Too big
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online bracket this weekend for people who don't top8 everything else, hop in unless your name is plat
Anybody wanna ft5 in mbtl?
if you're still here i'll play
kw: /melty/
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ggs. I knew I should have 214Ced at the end.
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you're way better than me at actually using system mechanics, I'm never confident enough in the scramble to just pop heat or MD on the first knockdown so I just sit on them until the end and then die for using them predictably.
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>214B only has 2 active frames
oh no wonder the hitbox was gone
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Thanks, but I attribute that more to my defense/reactions being so bad that I need to abuse the screen freeze from MD as much as possible (the clash frames are nice too). I really need to spend like a month playing without MD to see if that makes me any better at not getting opened up after a knockdown. I think of heat as basically a better EX DP, so that's why I use it so liberally. And the earlier you use it, the better, because it's cheaper.

Do you have any advice for how to differentiate between confirming off a normal air hit or a counter hit? That and dealing with clashes are two of the biggest places I want to get better at, aside from defense.

Yeah, it's quirky. Also, did you record that game from Tuesday where ultrashock got you to jump back by charging? I need a webm of that.
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if you don't have a cheater 2hit normal to use you just have to guess it'll counterhit and not press anything after or have a combo that works either way. Reading the situation of "They will jump normal here, I'll intercept with my own and counterhit" is just a melty blood thing.
I'm annoyed with myself because I don't anticipate blocked air to airs enough and in a ton of situations I could have just done the downwards ladder into air unblockable I did a double jump into nothing.

in my mind this was empty jump -> heat bait
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I was afraid you were going to say that. Guess I'll pray they give Saber Arc's j.B in type twomina. Also buffering divekick after my j.B and j.Cs. Hopefully that'll also translate into some air unblockables as well.

>in my mind this was empty jump -> heat bait
What it was was kino.
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this noel throws a key. She has one less key to win the round with.
an interesting play, let's see if it plays out long term...
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Damn Noel… eating food in bed…
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They say that a Noel will save us, I'm not gonna stand here and wait...
Do people have constant melties around here?
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no it's very nice and sleepy here
wasn't always though
Noel is...
What time is the team tourney thing today?
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graphic design is my passion
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i simply cannot understand the fascination with that thing
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you've gotta be more specific
the minecraft shit about jumping for the chicken or the beef >>497268158
it was funny to watch
It's bullshit that SHIKI got to leave parkour prison as early as he did
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Who is Noel to you?
saber on stream
not a real saber player. doesn't MD 3BC on wake-up enough.
they had like 3 avalon chances and took 0 of them...really questionable play
If it was me on that stream, things would have gone down differently.
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Is the winner decided based off total game differential if the sets get split?
winners have to play each other
Were the sets not split in the 3rd place match? I may just have brain problems.
hisui and ciel were the same team and both won. If the names showed otherwise then I messed up.
I'm gonna go with me having brain problems.
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da mario
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Good job organizing and hosting. I'm sure coordinating all that must have been a pain.
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Stupid meme cat
kw: /melty/
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ggs. Sorry to leave so abruptly. The melatonin kicked in and I want to make a funny webm before I forget.
ggs. I needed to end soon anyways. I should probably just take the invalid combo against Saber in the corner, it's so easy to get blown up for trying to run.
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Maybe it wasn't funny so much as just really dumb.

That, or tech away from the corner more. tbqh, I'm not good at punishing any option aside from mashing 5a and praying for an air unblockable (and hoping it doesn't drop before transitioning into autocombo), so I wouldn't mind if you let me get some more practice in on those other options ;). All that said, you're probably right.
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when I say imagine the smell this is what I mean
Dead by curry stench
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I don't want to complain too mich since it was an opportunity to help the community which I've always been wishing for but it has been stressful. I passed out after finishing the stream.
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give the people what they want
big thing happening for current code
Noel kisses… better than Noel disses…
noel never does the dishes
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>a few months ago someone finds new combo for a shitty mid tier in a 12 year old game
>requires a large delay
>can't do it myself consistently, get annoyed
>try it with training mode tools
>need to delay at most 9 frames
>end up delaying exactly 10 frames nearly every time
guess I'm just fucking stupid eh
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The people want Len.
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forgot what Alice looks like but I'm pretty sure those are too big
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She's got other duties.
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it's a 2f window this is NOT a bnb
character is still ass
Noel ass...
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Sion ass
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other sion
Noelkind must never go extinct
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the (sa)tsuki
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sorry hisui, kohaku's love is for someone else.
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pretty sure that's a cheesecake
Noel? No L.
Ironically, not at all.
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Tiny Sion
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currents code brackets this weekend
give me something to skeb
arcuied visiting the Arc de Triomphe
Kohaku teaching Ushi how to meido
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very small Sion (and others)
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Bake the Noel…
We're all Noel's now
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warcin it
arcueid trick or treating
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seibah morning
like this one
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don't die, i'll make a lobby tonight
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put him in
Noel feeling...
Noel falling
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The Noel peace prize...
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eco arc when
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they should make arcueid real
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lobby up. KW: Len
always remember to thank spin len
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thank spin Len
Len players are not good
especially not H-len players
thank spin Len, and GGs
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ggs. thank spin len
it might be time to actually start labbing things other than combos in training mode...
ggs everyone, thanks for hopping in.
Noel, at this time of night?
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i want to try other characters after climax. Give warc another shot, maybe learn vlov, maybe even become the noel
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Thinking about getting back in to UNI but the last time I tried it made me want to kill myself
Should I do it anyway
no, live
Recent studies show that Noel is in fact, that kind of girl.
what didn't you like about it?
I'd only really get into it if you are under peer pressure and have friends to play with. The solo ranked grind will be awful if you don't like the game but friends can make it bearable.
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long path
Noels big fat butt!
Sat on the thread and killed everyone...
we come back anyway
maybe tomorrow
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Riesbyfe mod for UNI2 ready for playtesting.

Everything is in the readme aside from mentioning that her Vorpal trait is gaining EXS from concentration. I'll likely update the link for updates if there's enough feedback, but it's time I finally get her out there!
Sharing a bed with Noel…
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Len is so cute
is uni easier to mod than lumina?
I don't know much about Lumina, but I hear it's way more encrypted and locked down to start (something about cache data) — otherwise it's the same engine so there's only a difference in naming conventions
interesting. I remember the akatsuki mod earlier, no idea if that still works after all the system changes(or if it's been updated to have them).
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len this year, hime next year, nanaya the year after that!
Thanks, I'll give it a go in a bit. Hope Kamone doesn't come to my house with a knife for using it
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don't die we'll play tonight...or tomorrow night...
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What about her?
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that's a red garden which means 2030 at the earliest! She'll be with her friend, Akiha Vermillion!
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Would you rather live with 10 indivual Noels or one Noel scaled 10x?
The Zero Noels Plan
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Noel crunk...
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avalon should be 1 bar so saber can do this
I'll take the one big Noel personally
I like that idea.
Give me a Big Sion instead
No Sions...
Noel butter...
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Noel (one size fits all)
looks cheesed
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ryougi soon
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wife pretty
You must love Noel, for it is the law of this land.
UNI lobby 8PM Est (3 people)?
Why only 3?
Noel shavings…
I don't like waiting
And I don't like Noel
lumina on the telly
>noel shows up
>i say "oh it's noel"
>fox on the stream says "oh it's noel"
>it's noel
>hope OURGUY wins instead
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noel defeat
congrats. total noel death
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u rike?
bro what the fuck
command grab
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arcueid on screen
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buff pciel
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you'd better start believing in pciel...because you have to fight her again.
Congrats on 4th
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thank you
fighting games are hard
Wait for powered skiki
maybe if nasu locked in
UNI lobby
kw: drunk


Riesbyfe micro update, nothing major aside from fixing missing BGM, removing black debug lines and making Network actually playable without a crash. Testing Network soon.
Is that the lobby breaking or my internet being trash?
Another UNI lobby in case anyone else wants to play
kw: alter
I do not understand why Japan thinks Kaguya is good
I think it's Kamone's fault
GGs everyone
Swore I could punish C drill in the past...
clearlamp lost to an american kaguya
GG. Haven't played in months. It's all coming back to me
first kick in drill super is punishable, not too sure about the second kick
I would post the Ixion Dan vs Luffy Rose match but it seems to have been wiped off of the internet.
Noel rubbin'...
Noel displacement…
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Pocketed Noel…
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>yipes didn't save the melty vod
big capcom hates us
Noel over there
Isn't that 98% of what you do in this general?
Waiting for Sion's return...
the vod is there
yeah they got it after scrawt complained.
the king himself had to step in.
Yeah, I'd test Noel.
Nasu is testing my patience...
Noel noel noel... cant you see.
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uni's on
late night melty?
i can't play melty tonight i have autism
many such cases
hope you get better son
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It got worse...
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put them in
sleep time
Noel is the kind of girl who could start a fire…
First contact with Noel-kind…
for me, it's spotty len
scrawt is in top24 of sf6
kiri is in top8 of gbvs
esports is stealing our players
Would be funny if the devs put Medea Lily in instead of Len.
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why not both
https://www.twitch.tv/milkmandanTV current code stream
Would anyone like to play some game?
Sure, I'll play either one
kw: /melty/
everybody still good with ft2? or do we want to move to ft1?
have to go, ggs everyone.
ggs, this game is hard
they playin F/UC
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ggs. Nice to see a new face (new to me anyways). Especially when it gives me a chance to try and learn what warc does.

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Oh hey, it's that guy. What was his name again?
that's hisui, one of the tohno mansion maids.
Remake clutter along with Noel
climax seeding is now up, for those of you who care
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The perception of Noel...
Noel is the kind of girl you’d pay the bills for…
pools insane this year, going to be hard to do better than my seed in either game.
The best wife for Shiki.
not the breast wife though
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Breast wife!
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stop lasting arcing me
nice route
it wasn't me
the rununder was sick
Noel (big)
Noel (obsolete)
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arc is so sexy i wish vampires were real
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bad timing i'm about to go to sleep
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i'm gonna blood
Sion having a melty...
Noel makes my heart have a melty…
Enough Noel to last the winter…
Top of the morning
I got to B spamming lasers when uni2 came out and now I’m too high rank to match with people as bad as me…
whose lasers
Kuon mostly but I also did Vatista
Melty Ded
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It's Noever...
Deady Blood
lobby 2nite
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anybody wanna mash a bit in aacc?
I hate work
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i love full moon kohaku so much i wish she was in lumina(boss rush version has her 236 projectiles at least)
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kw: len
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I feel right about Noel's strong...
ggs. Thanks for hosting. I'll react to full-screen beams with Avalon one day...
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Noel expansion...
Noel explosion!
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ggs lobby(i passed out)
Woah… obese Noel warrior… with a heart so big. Big Noel…
Noel is listening…
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i miss ourguy
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i did it
Satsuki route soon!
Congrats anon. Are you the same one that's been struggling to find gigs and posted your samples here ITT before?
yeah I'm the one that didn't make it into slashback. That really upset me. Happy to be at climax, hopefully can get some good clips to help me out in the future. Also applied to frostys.
Congrats bro
Tap the Noel…
It’s beginning.
Super punchable Noel
imagine the len
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tier list from lucy
there's no way mash is that bad, r-right?
SS tier doesn't exist. It should be S and S-.
Everyone except Neco can win, some just do it better than others, so nobody is "that bad"
no but also who cares
A+ is still really good (I'm assuming the tiers aren't ordered).
mbtl lobby kw: Len
1 slot ft7
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The unstable Noel...
Would you let Noel into your home?
That blood sure is melty
Sion sniffs
Bottled Noel sweat…
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good morning look at my beautiful wife I love her
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You can’t punch Noel, your fist will get stuck.
nerves already cleared up
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hime has been replaced
we need brazilian hime, he wouldn't have done that if she was brazilian.
I would love brazilian hime right about now.
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A Noel is fine, too.
a blazbrilian noel is fine too
Brazilian arc booty butt naked go
I need her
kw: /melty/. I can only do a couple sets tonight.
I thought I had 4 bars...
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ggs. Did you record that LA when you had zero blood heat time left? I want to see how close that was.

I figured it was something like that
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Making webms takes too long
should i play melty or uni? which is more alive and which is more fun?
>should i play melty or uni?

>which is more alive

>which is more fun
Uni is more alive
Melty AACC is more fun
i was streaming I couldn't melty
should've streamed melty
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Can’t spell notable without Noel…
no more lunch for you
good morning bros
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Morning Seibah!
Sniffing Noel for sport…
Sniffing Noel after she plays sports...
competitive noel smelling
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currents code
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It costs meter though
when the code is current
if only it was fully tuned
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melty away...
>melt away, sparkling out from the center of my body
Is this an FGO reference?
Kek, was thinking the same
late night melty?

I think it's just a general fate thing.
give me 10 minutes and I will play
kw: /melty/ when ur ready
dropper ending
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idk why it's like a near universal thing that advancing specials can pass through each other in this game
3 times...
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Finally, a weapon to surpass arc 6bc...
The marketable stuffed Noel...
Simple trick that places a thought of Noel in your brain.
noel asking for a treat but only getting a trick
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just saw art of futa ciel pegging shiki
do you want a medal?
it would be nice to have one, yeah
sharing is caring anon
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noel thoughts
What's the A version used for again? Just comboing whatever 214B is too slow to string?
climax...just a week away!
i haven't played that character in years but it might be like mash 214A where you only use it to avoid SMP in scuffed routes.
who is the H-v.sion of type lumina?
probably saber
a little mbtl, mayhaps?
kw: /melty/
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ggs. I need to spend like half an hour a day practicing blocking double overheads on wake-up.

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i don't know how to moon drive on clash???
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isnt saber like a defensive footsies character in this game?
she can be but doesn't need to. She has the best pressure divekick move and strong pressure with her rekkas(almost every character has rekkas of some sort in this game).
Also needs EX for reversal instead of being a DP masher like regular Sion.
If you really want a short range all rushdown character you'd end up on miyako, who is the miyako of this game. Mash and Arc are also options I guess. A wild choice would be Ushi.
Can she be played as a rushdown?
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How long until someone mods this into the game?
reworking every single sprite is a lot of work.
wiki reader detected
That is a lot of work
wiki is good
You should use your own moon skill to clash through if you activate moon drive after he does and he mashes 3BC
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i didn't say it wasn't
you shouldve
why don't you do it
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The Noel grip...
i'm a nanaya/arc main in mbaa, who's the uni equivalent? I assume seth = nanaya but otherwise idk
yeah I'm really bad at clash reactions.
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Noel… too damn cute…
The Noel-Noel…
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Look at this fat ass vampire.
Open up my eager eyes… Noel’s got some nice thighs…
extremely late good morning lads
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fat fuck
Me when I'm tired.
this, but unironically
I can do a quick sesh
kw: /melty/
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ggs. Sometimes I just gotta mash ex dp.

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I think I'll spend the week labbing Miyako, I need a less stupid metered corner ender.
Noel warmth…
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Good morning chums
Death by Noel…
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Double Noel? What does it mean?
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The King's butt is too...
if her ass was any flatter, her bikini would need a belt
holy hell look at all that muscle
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Take that back! Seibah has a perfectly normal and cute butt!
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You need a fat ass you say?
anyone else going to climax this weekend?
i climax daily
I wish
Sion's climax...
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is it anal?
My plans fell through, sorry if you were looking forward to watching me
someone ragequit on me in a casual ft7
Imagine getting mad at video games. I unironically don't get it.
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melty in like 15-20 minutes?
i just played 30+ matches sorry
i lost the majority of them and feel like shit, going to take a break for the rest of the week(after tomorrow) and hope that can reset me before friday.
Sorry to hear that, bro. Taking a couple days off probably isn't a bad idea. I'm usually down for getting my ass kicked in aacc, if you just want to avoid mbtl.
Dead like the interest in Noel...
noel dread is NOT dead
Noel head...
noel's too-small bed
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The theoretical youthful Noel...
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me when
Noel gut
just a little more noel
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Little Noel.
probably not going to do the usual lobby tonight, things happened.
imagine a world without noel
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good game
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i would like to play melty
maybe we could play melty, together?
Which one?
It's been a while since I have played MBAACC
Sion night...
gonna climb max
Plapped by Noel…
Marriage to Noel, call that a life sentence…
Enough Noel…
reports of "enough noel" were greatly exaggerated
Everytime I play online and people try to reaction check me to death there's the lingering voice in my mind telling me to just 5[C] them to back and almost certainly win but when I do it I'm the bad guy
No more Noels...
i just took a big noel in the toilet
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What would you call this?
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Imagine choosing dumb a vampire over this
the wall
I have come to terms with Noel.
used goods
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any melters?
it's dark time
Dust of Osiris time...
climax weekend. Shutting off to get on the plane, the new anti-bot rules will probably prevent me from phone/hotel posting.
I'll be on commentary for lumina pools on friday (2PM EST) and then top24 on saturday(6PM EST).
Noels got a butter gut...
Noel’s sense of self-care…
Good morning, you love Noel.
I do, it's true
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Ultra-ego Noel…
This is what is known as a Super Noel that has ascended past a Super Noel. Or, you could just call this a Super Noel 2.
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kw: /melty/ in like 30 seconds
First, they came for the Sions...
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Saber is broken
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Yeah, she needs a third arc drive where Shirou heals her with a rice ball.
One small step for Noel, one big earthquake for mankind…
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She should take extra damage from punches and kicks
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She does fine against non-wobbly ones...
oh noes
Noel has fallen, the floor has collapsed.
Noel part 2...
For want of a Sion the Melty was lost
Good luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Looking more into each moon's system mechanics, how hard am I gimping myself by playing H-moon?
a lot of the /v/bros are there
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H is generally agreed on to have the worst system mechanics. If the character you want to play is H then you'll have to deal with it but C is a better version of H for basically everything except bunker.
The Noel cushion
It depends more on how good the H moon version of your character is. Although C moon has the best mechanics since ex shield is busted I would consider H moon better than F since you get an enhanced shield bunker which is very underrated. H moon is also the only one that can cancel shield into throw which is very good if you have a combable one
Every moon can shield into throw. C moon needs ex shield, and tfmoon needs to kara shield into throw the same way h does. Hmoon also has a gimped crouching shield counter and no ex guard(death vs certain characters), I wouldn't say it's better than fmoon.
Anybody know of any side game streams happening this weekend?
thingken about finally buying uni...
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not a poverty game btw
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Saw that Uni 2 was on sale and figured I might buy it as a side game from SF 6, but what the fuck happened with this game? How are there more people playing Blazblue on a Friday night in 2024? Uni 2 is not even a year old...
It's always had numbers like that. Uni2 didn't help because the netplay was completely unusable on launch. If you're in NA you shouldn't have a problem finding games in the evening, especially if you are willing to use discord.
Maybe the uni2 playerbase is split between steam and psn? Meanwhile blazblue's community is all on steam
Because Blazblue is better
Alot of UNI2's regular players are at the Climax of Night's final tournament happening this weekend though the numbers probably wouldn't be that much higher if we're being honest.

UNI2 doesn't change things up enough to attract a new audience (which means still difficult for new players to jump in for better or worse as a large amount of people playing in the public lobbies and ranked are at least intermediate and above in skill level).
Massage the Noel nightly…
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What are those disk drive looking things?
Mini PCs someone put together specifically to run current code at events so we could stop relying on borrowing attendees laptops.
ciel morning
Ciel ruined the day
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and the night!
dfci looks kinda fun
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times are EST
praying on people's downfall is my favorite fighting game sporting event
Praying for Noel's downfall
good work on comms bwo
yeah, good job
I've never been so happy to see Roa getting assblated out of top 8
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Thanks, glad you enjoyed it
I'm smoking a lot of packs today, sad I couldn't make it but I'm laughing
anybody wanna melt?
I'll play if you are still around
kw: /melty/
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ggs. wat da noel do

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She presses 2B and hopes for the best
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Good morning
Noel boobs!
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Going to watch both meltys at the same time
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TL Warc is just a teleport merchant
can't believe I actually miss Vlov gaming
You couldn't pay me to root for Vlov
There's an akiha, or pciel, but let's be honest none really wants to see pciel victory
Somehow I hate PCiel the least out of those characters
you and I both but everyone else have reached a tipping point with her winning every week.
Akiha won lmao. World peace achieved
Good set
who will end her reign of terror. very enjoyable top 8
All my friends did really well so I'm happy, much more Lumina to be played
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Be nice.
This kuso C-Satsuki...
Japanese own Melty Blood today
this is like two pearl harbors
Is UNI good?
When can we expect the next edition of Melty Blood, and more importantly, will they fix shield?
Shield is already fixed
Shield has been fixed for half a year. Where have you been? As for type twomina, whenever red garden releases.
tell me what's wrong with it in your own words
and never idk nasu is doing his own thing
now to find a picture with both satsuki and akiha in it
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I got you
this works
If you missed it, climax will be back next year
I dunno bro watch top 8 and see if you want to play, shrimple as that
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Dunk the Noel
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I will climax again next year
I did. I guess if I'm gonna expand my repertoire with a "newer" game, might as well be UNI.
post this noel
Slam the Noel!
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Love the Noel...

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