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Previous: >>496877647

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
We need a femboy bunny thiren
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What does Belle smell like?
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h-hey proxy...
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I need your strongest missions.
her brother
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>two weeks until she comes out
>zero discussion about her or her gameplay

She really does only has the "burn off-field LMAO" schtick does she? Why would you waifu-roll when your waifu is only going to be onscreen for 0.5 seconds before fucking off again?
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should I use my standard picker on rina? I'm getting real close. The only standard agent I'm missing are kot, rina, and the belobog ceo
Polar metal or woodpecker electro set for Ellen?
>likes and wants to roll Burnice
>don't own a Jane
fucking hell...
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I played through all the content and now there is no more content, where is the content
>belle players will never experience this
She's perfect, bros.
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Post shiyus
Rina is dogwater and will be replaced by Harumasa our first limited S rank Support. Go for a S11 dupe.
I haven't even done half of the 1.2 commissions, how the fuck are you guys so fast
Sure, just keep in mind she needs to be M1 to not be annoying to play.
woodpecker until they inevitably release an anomaly ice support
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She's great.
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Yanagi pairs better with her thoughbeit
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My man I promise if you dont have your life together by 22 you are not alone. Go take a shower, shave, and go for a walk outside. Go buy yourself a little steak and have a nice meal. Then start getting your life together be it by getting a job or doing some exercise. This game isnt a job, it'll have insane Schizo's screaming brick at every character in the month it'll take you to get out of your rut.
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>love Burnice
>want to play her on field
is it possible? I just want to see her more...
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gonna regret this next month but fuck it full send it
use her with piper, or even corin. It's actually insane how much damage corin's saw can do with burnice's skill.
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>Playing as Wise
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is that
Bullshit my Jane and Burnsice do 300k disorders in the new HIA thingy it's INSANE the team is gonna be FIRE
Baby, I'm just trying to play it cool
But I just can't hide that...I want you
How many stun agents do you have?
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posted this earlier
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I believe in love...
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the b in burnice stands for butt
I don't know if people have done it this SD, but people were clearing with Nicole and Soukaku solo so it could be possible.
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I knew I wasn't going nuts they did change something
What does her brother smell like?
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During a stunphase, due to burn disorders dealing higher damage than assault disorders, as well as assaults having frontloaded damage, you would want to order the anomalies to be Burn (prestun)-Assault-Burn-Assault for 2 burn disorders and 1 assault disorder + frontloaded assault damage

If you go assault (prestun)-burn-assault-burn
You only get 1 burn disorder, 2 assault disorders and you miss out on one front loaded assault proc
They're literally me
i play rina with corin and she is very strong i like her
her sister
Piper's max trust event doesn't trigger. Am I doing something wrong?
his sister
Yes. It is possible to play Burnice as hyper burn while spending Burnice's meter to enhance basic attacks.
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commissions, doko...
the only limited character i rolled is jane doe, now i have 110 rolls so i'm gonna save for obol squad and harumasa i think
>CCP ever pandering to mentally ill homos
only 110?
Top looks more realistic.
So youre gay? Or a woman? I'm curious
Of all things you could save for why that homo?
lighting changed/improved, yes
it was mentioned in the patch notes

which is why a lot of people were complaining about performance issues
And what that might be.
I felt it was mostly fine. Things look too bright now.
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opinions on this character?
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I think anons who say you ONLY want to swap her in to use ex specials are tripping a little bit.
At least from the gameplay the off-field burn doesn't apply that quickly. You'll still want to tag her in every 3-4 seconds to reapply burn after Piper pops the disorder
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skip because I have ellen
I think her basic attack combo looks really cool too
Lighter says the same thing for both Belle and Wise. Now bend over and call him Master Lighter
I hope they do something interesting with her kit instead of generic iaido woman, theyā€™ve certainly had long enough since they stole her beta kit, slapped a coat of paint on it, and gave it to Ellen
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The B in Burnice also stands for belly too!
As well as breasts!
She's a regular three B casserole!
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If she really is ice attacker I'm rolling for Ellen's sig instead.
i started late and took a break a i never did hollow/shiyu defense but now i'm gonna start taking the game seriously
i'm a guy and he looks cool i roll characters i think look cool
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They need to implement a switch function. They arent involved in gameplay so why the fuck does it matter?
and i lost my 50/50 on jane doe so that probably didn't help my rolls, i think i used 160 rolls to get her
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This character can go off like no other, but with bad luck he's really bad.
Why does Lucy have a baseball theme? Does she play?
She's okay, I just don't really understand her appeal. Like almost every gacha seems to have a samurai with a katana and who is autistic.
It doesnā€™t matter either way because the content is identical for both protagonists
Only autistic self-inserters care and they would have picked the protagonist they want to begin with
My excel sheet wanking says it's bad so you are BAD do as I SAY, swap immediately!1
How about stopping metafagging for doing better by literally couple of seconds?
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I like Soukaku a lot but I can't see her being anything but dead weight in the future.
Trust events soon though!
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He's busy.
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>he doesn't feed and pet Inky every day
I don't care it costs me 25k per week, there's a hidden loyalty tracker to see if you took good enough care of him which will become relevant in S11's arc during OBOL patch. You've been warned.
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i love swords so much.
Wise is so fucking generic looking, I couldn't pick him
tfw i never fucked a smol/skinny girl
how does it feels, bros?
The design of both Piper and Jane and the ease of triggering multiple Assault hits in a row compared to trying to swap and alternate will almost certainly make it better to do this
Which is the reason Assault is the best Anomaly damage, because you can trigger Assault into Assault and it deals damage instead of fucking you
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Wait--what hair?
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>can literally try burnice out with any comp of your choice in the new mode
>prelease theory shit-flinging still happens
war never changes huh
Her kit is so ass after playing survival shiyu. I mean I guess she's free, but with how spastic the game is getting activating her buff will be impossible.
Funny, because she has the best design in that group
Not really, too young
>assuming that the shitposters even play the game
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>What losing the coinflip every banner I roll in looks like.
Fucking hell, Caesar took everything I had left including the polys from the events and new missions + my saved up Residuals because I also got shit luck both times, literally had to trigger hard pity for her... My plans of getting M6 Lucy after getting Caesar are dashed. Thankfully there aren't any new limited banners on the horizon that my dick wants to roll in so I can finally start building up a new stash.
she's better with piper and yanagi
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Still haven't needed to swap out my stunner/support's unleveled purple discs
Which zzz would go for the one block jump for the raw chicken or the elevated diagonal jump for the raw beef
not waiting long enough or she's in some other quest (probably related to the event) that you haven't finished yet
This is arguably the single most midwit post I have ever seen on this website, good job I guess
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losing to level 5 desu
i decided i won't cry anymore and become a better person instead
>too young
lol, what?
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I accept your concession
I LOVE LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't listen to reddit-tier responses. There's valid reasons for disliking her, too young isn't one.
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Holding hands with the police?
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I wanna force dps soukaku since I got knotted and his ball + caesar but I don't have m6...
What does reddit have to do with this? Do you suffer from a severe mental disability, such as being a discord tranny?
she can hit like a truck for a support unit, use Caesar and she can tank the hits while doing the slap sttack
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
Me is building Lucy in the game what set do me use the energy regen set for bonus damage seems many good but what about the other set. The crit rate or the attack or the anomaly all good choices but what is goodest? Also what be the Lucy attack threshold pertaining to her attack ability? Me simple injury of the matter.
Ive been stuck on m5 for ages
This new arcade needs a survival mode
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>ether anomaly
>physical stunner >general ice support
>ether anomaly
>physical stunner >general ice support
if the physical stunner doesn't buff anomaly very likely will be yanagy/burnice nicole/caesar and robot cunny and because she is a robot they will make her busted just so she can sell something like giving alies anomaly build up or damage, are you guys really ready for this ?
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Groomable Ojousama
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She's definitely not support-level off field like anons said she would be
who are you quoting
Idk about that. DoT disorders have pretty ridiculously massive scalings, and Burnice's extra burn time buffs will only amp her disorder damage further.
Getting two burn disorders in a stun should be an absolute reaming
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Hmmm... nyo
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I can't be the only one that still doesn't understand what Burnice's skill tooltip says. It's a literal science essay. I only get ex skill once = 1 flame thrower, ex skill twice = 2 flame thrower..
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>All the Lucy trust events where she throws your brocon/siscon back at your face.
>Having a melty already
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He's 100% a tranny, and like all trannies he lashes out every time he sees something he interprets as an attack against pedophiles. Even as innocuous as calling a girl too young for any reason whatsoever.
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He's calling you out for being a redditor tho gaslight-kun...
is far right the ice support? I want to replace soukaku's awkward ass and I like the tsundere best...
Bro, where is your DPS unit in side 2?
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finally got 400 AP on my rat (couldnt get her signature weapon)
Just get 3 stacks and auto apply the buff with a chain if you're not good enough to do it manually. If you're not playing on-field Ellen it doesn't matter if she has the buff up all the time or not.
That was a fake leak bro.
Will hoyo finally give us a transformer?
>it's another redditopedo raid
you don't build crit in jane doe?
If you waste all your money upgrading dogshit disks then you deserve to stay poor
I don't like Ellen, she's too young
virgin anon...
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what would be burnice' team on day one be?
i dont think it matters much since most of her damage is her anomaly damage, and they run on a seperate crit rate
you mostly just want AP and atk%/atk
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Burnice/Piper/Caesar or Burnice/Jane/Caesar
a lot of janefags (like myself) think the latter team is gonna be trash
burnice/yanagi/caesar will obviously be her bis once yanagi is out
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I guess she did stand there for a while. Though that didn't stop her from coming to hangouts.
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are the devs okay?
I love Ben Bigger
Burnice, Lucy, Grace
Caesar Piper
C6 Lucy Piper
Caesar Grace
Seth Grace
Jane Seth if coping
>Start making a game out of love for roguelikes
>Forced to make arenaslop for the foreseeable future
I very doubt so
and for the substats i get anomaly and atk?
Now do this on an enemy that has actual resistances.
is that the opposite version of the horse king?
I need more images of Belle being a sex pest.
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I want Rina and Corrin to get off duty outfits like Ellen's school uniform
for the main stats you want 4:AP, 5: phys% or ATK, and 6: anomaly mastery
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right here, wish I had good enough disks to run 4 piece woodpecker
Mine's going to be Caesar Lucy
The retard I'm mocking knows this is directed at him.
If you knew wtf you were talking about you'd realise the anomaly buildup there is overkilling massively and is just limited by the cooldown
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I believe this was the leak given by the zzz worker himself without going after the leakers as proxy, and she is supposed to be team music creator or the ice support
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>level 1 bangboos
>no dps
nigga wtf
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Anon wtf am I looking at lmao
Whatever helps you cope
>ice support
finally, good bye snackaku.
what would be preferable, m1 grace/lucy or piper/lucy?
My lucy's currently on 4 but i could max her out while i'm pulling burnice
the same leak said the ai generated pink boo was an avocaboo upgrade. there's not really a chance that the image was independent, posted irrespective of the leak, it was just fake from the start.
whose the next banner? any cute hags coming up?
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you're coked out
good luck bro if you post your clears I vill kneel
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only if you like japanese OL with glasses
That leak used AI generated art the dude pulled from Pixiv. It's 100% fake. And the fact all the telegram leakers jumped on it despite that being figured out within the hour should tell you how much you can trust them, too. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119852430
I love OL more than anything, when's she out?
Dear ZZZ what video game should I play and buy on steam im bored
she's perfect
I love king so much bros
after burnice so about 4 weeks
Starfield Premium Edition with the Shattered Space DLC
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Grace would likely want seth so her passive is active
I think she'd probably be better then, especially at m1 but Idk for sure.
Piper Lucy will be much better than Grace Lucy (i imagine
Just started the game. Is there a guide or video for what my daily/weekly/monthly ritual should be?

There's a fuck ton of shops and currencies. Anything I should be buying from the shops?
I am not playing that walking simulator
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Wow! That rat Thiren girl sure has that rizz, I love her~
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>Anything I should be buying from the shops?
I can't S the last node. I am too weak and unskilled...
I only used exploreboo to trigger the effect for this cycle, and I haven't decided one which bangboo I want so I don't level them
caesar king bro
just the outpost shop
buy everything except platings
Remember when Section 6 was 1.2?
Open shop, do scratch, drink coffee, go to HIA and spend battery on mats.
Drink your coffee and scratch your lotto
The events

You'll get used to it
aisloppa sure has come far
So, do tactic courses make the attending character unavailable?
But enough about the Jane Doe special episode
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Drew another Burnice
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Fuck this useless cat, took over 15 tries to get a decent enough start to survive the first few waves.
I finished it with the Omnom, the old samurai and Baggy. Any other brick I should clear with now before they nerf the shit out of some exploits?
mod idea
re-record that line, as:
>that rat thiren, I was cheesed to meet her
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>Caesar is into wholesome romance
>her porn is all rape, NTR, futa, etc.
I love the contrast. Keep it up ZZZbros.
the exp thing? no it'll just label them as such in the chara selection
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Another day of being really sad that Lighter isnt a fire attacker or even a stunner/dps hybrid
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How do you get gud at that new arcade game?
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Elves? In New Eridu?
Just tried Burnice/Grace/(support) in HIA, 600k disorders are such a dopamine hit. Can't wait for this to go live.
AI slop sure is popular in the gacha community
I am 20 rolls away from guarantee limited, I want Caesar and Burnice equally, do I NEED either? Is Caesar even good without her engine?
It's a single player game and some items are designed to be OP on some characters. There will be no nerfs.
be grateful a generic npc like him even managed to become playable
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They meant section 1.6
m4/w0 soukaku or m2/w0 corin to pair with anby/nicole
it's not much but it's all i got i can really think of working with for a second team
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woah sexo. saved
you ever do any pipes?
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i hope that you are right because this character being stunner is a special kind of joke when some teams don't even use stunner anymore
Did you pick Wise? Get Caesar.
Did you pick Belle? Get Burnice.
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I can't decide between burnice or yanagi please help
>generic npc
I'm talking about Lighter, not Yanagi
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I'm more concerned with the shops. There are tapes scattered everywhere for multiple different currencies. Mindscapes too. Have no idea if they aare worth the currencies spent.
Caesar is more useful but she's not a good stunner unless you get the engine.
uh oh femcel melty
unironically just play Billy Nicole Anby
no matter what role that character has, some teams will not use it. what are you trying to say with this one?
those two would make the bis team, so
the weapon literally screams stunner bro...
Very hot
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>still have a bunch of a skills to level, xp and expert mats
>Tempted to start using fuel since I need so much shit
Fuck, I wish the double drop "event" wasnt just for 5 cards only
I wish her gameplay was more fun, got her M6 and the event ball seems perfect in her but I just cant...
Flamethrower or generic katana shill office hag gee thatā€™s a hard choice
The fact that they said the sweaty megaphone loli is somehow an ice support should tell you everything you need to know.
shut the fuck up you dumb piece of shit Yanagi is extremely relevant to the main plot and part of section 6 so she'll remain forever part of the CORE roster of characters for the whole game meanwhile your stupid fucking monkey nigger will be forgotten in 3 seconds when the next pair of tits comes out you will never be a woman
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Corin, scales much better the more characters you get. The second you get Rina she'll take Nicole's slot for example and you can activate everyone's passive.
Want to roll Caesar? Corin + Caesar + Anby/Rina. Going for Qingyi later? Same thing, etc.
Once you get Corin to M6W5 eventually she becomes a monster vs dazed targets
Raids when
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Yup cute doodle
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It wasnā€™t rape, he came, so it was making love.
Uh just buy up all the roll mats
mmmm... nyo
why is morikubo there
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I love her, also why I love Burnice
Hold button to delete people is fun
>I'm more concerned with the shops
You mean the gacha mechanics? the grey ones are for the standard banner and the polychromes are for the limited banners. Minscapes if you rolled a character more than once you can upgrade them
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for me it was the section 6 chief
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>gambling all your Dennies on discs
Deserved, discs are the last priority after you level all skills and everything else, you don't need to be austistic about substats anyway, since the game is easy and as long as the set and mainstats is correct you're good
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hmm this fish character is a bit broken ...
What's the difference between residual signal and fading signal?
Opening up your store, a scratch card with doggo and coffee and spending all the battery you have that day, always after the coffee for obvious reasons.
Shiyu and HZ
Limited-time events, that's where you'll get most of the currency for pulls.

Not really at your stage, disc and wengines you'll get with time, don't think about it now.
The Arcade is just for mini-games if you're into that.
Noodles are for combat buffs, I never use them really.
The 141 bangboo store only has the bangboo upgrade materials that are worth it but you need special currency for that.

I'd tell you to look up a guide for all the currencies cause there is just to much to mention.
should you ever buy the skill chips and other mats from the fading signal shop
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fuck this shit
I don't believe Jane/Burnice/Caesar is better than Jane/Seth/Caesar, Burnice simply takes too much time to set up.
>residual signal
>fading signal

they both have their own shops you can buy from
damn didn't think you could get it rolling that early
Its good for bosses, but against a bunch of minions she is really annoying to use
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>tfw luckshitted Jane and Caesar
>getting Burnice
One pure sexo team coming up
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Is Rina better than Lucy M6 for her?
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Rat dab
There is no setup, she takes as much time as Seth on-field and Jane can trigger the rest without swapping off. Her own personal dps + Disorders is definitely going to outweigh the Assault dmg difference that Seth buffs by himself
Burnice it is
Is it truly over for Belle players?
Will there ever be a canon for (her) character?
Thanks for the detailed response.
>I'd tell you to look up a guide for all the currencies cause there is just to much to mention.
Is there a guide that tell you what you should be doing? The ones on the rentry only tells you what the shops are.
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i-it's my birthday today
She's very fun against anything that can be staggered, even faggot dupes get dunked on by the combo of caesar shield bash into rina skill into corin skill or quick assist hold, imo the most annoying bosses are the red punchy brute and razor, since both can get out of corin's EX at any given moment, even if they are staggered
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Belle has Wise
>Now do this on an enemy that has actual resistances.
One of the problems with doing it on "enemies which have actual resistances" is that they fucking die
So here's the hardest content in the videogame
so what will his team even be? i'm planning to go for him since i pull for fists user in any game but i don't even know what his niche is
Man these Limit Break ads really got me fucked up. I really just busted a nut to an ad.
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happy birthday anon
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She looks like she got bitten by Piper. I love it.
m1 Rina + sig is definitely better, it's questionable otherwise. m6 damage from a well built Lucy is a noticeable amount of extra damage during Corin's EX. Corin's best team members right now is some combination of Qingyi, Caesar, and Rina.
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100%, Corin is a burst dps through and through, Rina fits perfectly in there as you can trigger her buff on the first Chain attack and only have to quickswap back and forth once to reapply during the daze duration. Lucy really doesn't do all that much dmg with her M6 to make it worth sacrificing all the steroids Rina is pumping into Corin during her burst window
Time for you bday BJ
S11, Ellen or Miyabi(if the legends are true)
The off-field effect doesnt really apply burn that quickly from my small experiments.
if you're popping an assault every 3 seconds you still need to swap back to burnice to keep the disorder chain going, playing her solely off-field really only triggers burn every now and then
Yeah Jane with burnice makes no sense. Jane needs basically 100% field time she's a hypercarry by herself (I only need Jane and seth don't bother with a third most of the time) Burnice however will pair with Yanagi when she comes out with 600% disorder buff shit possibly. Just my 2 cents from what the cringe tubers are talking about. By the time i bother building up a disorder proc I could just proc assault 2 times for 500k+ damage anyways. Someone can prove me wrong though
This works fine even with M0 >>496907485
M1 is just QoL but even without it you can fit in Corin's EX > reapply Rina > Corin ULT> etc
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I don't have Grace I will use Koleda and Burnice together
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Bwos what do I do for corin? I want to use her and Rina more but it requires me to have qingyi (which I do) but she has to stay glued to ZY since I like the ass cop as well. Should I just bite the bullet and roll Caesar to help with this or not?
sis your anby?
no bro you dont GET IT Rina isnt a brick bro you just need her M1 and ideally M2 and her sig oh and at least 18 PEN rolls per character (up to 24 but let's be realistic haha!) and she can definitely compete with M0 Nicole (except in a Zhu Yuan team) and Soukaku w/ Ellen but man once you get all that your Anton is gonna be doing MAD DAMAGE im talking like 2 min 15 seconds per shiyu side
get knotted get knotted get knotted get knotted
or just plain old anby
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What are you on about, they work great together as is, Burnice's off-field build-up is pretty quick and Jane still gets more than enough field time
>18 flat pen rolls
>on rina
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What does this expression convey?
>per character
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yeah, I think I'm rolling Caesar
>clip of one disorder
I mean triggering multiple disorders
several in a row isn't feasible without switching burnice back in anon, you'll land two more assaults before the off-field burn burns again, that's two disorders wasted
>intentionally put myself in a spot to get notted
>this happens instead
I would like to have the rest of the standards but i guess my shit is grace seeded (not that im complaining)
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>"Hey there proxies. I got a job for y-... OH MY DENNIES!"
disgusting @ the dirty femcel cockblocking her from wise
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Wait, are people using the Course fights as an example? Have you people read what the buffs for that map are?
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hmm yeah you right looks pretty crazy. I thought burnice would need more field time i should have done some more testing. Or I always thought the disorder damage did a lot less but guess im just retarded.
I'm not in this conversation but I think it's interesting to note here that the burn on the near add seems to ignore the cooldown on Anomaly trigger
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My missions are too strong for you, proxy.
>you'll land two more assaults before
And? It's never been an issue with Disorder comps that have Grace, be it with Jane or Piper, the Assault generally proccs more often there
Next you'll see a clip of nekomata doing 15 ultimates in a row and people saying that she's broken, kek
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>in just one update belle became the canon cuckquean character
It's so over it's not even funny anymore....
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Why is it always Nicole walking in on them?adatn
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what jamset am i farming for caesar salad?
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Haven't found any really. So I'll try to give a you a quick one.
Basic currencies for all things
>Gear coins
Only appear and are use inside TV mode,
Paid currency for the store
In-game currency to buy pulls and monochromes can also be turned into this on a 1 to 1 exchange rate.
>Residual signal, Fading signal and Bangbucks
Residual currencies obtained from pulling can be used to buy things from the store.
Not really a currency but worth mentioning if you're a beginner
These are Master Tapes (for standard, never buy them) and Encrypted Master Tapes (for limited banner, save for these)

If you have experience with Hoyoverse games before, here is picrel, to make it easy.
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this is disrespectful to kotbricks
Ceasar/Soukaku/Ellen would work, right? I have the knot but really don't want to level him, mostly because I already have Koleda, Qingyi, and Ceasar ready.
O I am laffin
But with big tiddies
Wasn't this obvious???? Jane nearly filled up the entire Anomaly bar with a single EX without even being in passion. Take off the additional build-up and it's still really quick. The fact that Burnice doesn't have to be on-field to pop the Disorder is huge, she just has to come back on to reapply and double dip Disorder off the Assault which is worth doing regardless
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as she should be, wise is only for lucy's FAT FUCKING THIGHS
Since you actually bothered replying, flat pen rolls do nothing to Rina, nor to the characters she's supporting because "Pen Ratio" is not a percentage increase to your "Flat Pen" like HP% is to your HP. It's a separate stat on the defense calculation.
>Target Def = Base Def - Base*Pen Ratio - Flat Pen
So if you have an enemy with a 1000 def, 50% pen via Rina, it goes
You go from 500 to 473 from flat pen rolls, which does not matter at all, because you're sacrificing crit rolls for it.
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her game
her general
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Well because then why are you even playing Burnice
I'm just saying you aren't meant to use her as only a "apply burn every 10-15 seconds" character.
If you want to do that go ahead ig but it won't be as efficient as looping disorders properly
Her feet
My dick
Jane was slightly more flirty with Belle than Wise in the actual 1.1 story (she used an extra ~). Even though the trust events were the same. Combined with the yuri bent of Janeā€™s teasers thatā€™s something I guess. You just have to ignore the Jane x Seth part of the fandom.
Add WuWa lmaooo
Erotic tummy
I picked Belle because I want to have back breaking sex with my brother how hard is this to understand
Holy fucking sex
Shame her personality is so lame
maybe ill build her though fine
Would Burnice/Grace/Caesar work?
definitely, and fat thighs
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>Confirmed to be a lolibaba
My dick is diamonds
No it doesn't? Two different anomalies back to back doesn't have a cooldown, but two Burn procs (as in the orange circle filling two times) within 3 seconds shouldn't be possible, nor was it shown in the webm.
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her 3 copies
my bricked account
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What core level should Rina be on? Do you even bother leveling it?
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why are wisefags always so eager to justify their gay choice? Nobody asked dude, we're all anonymous here, we don't care.
do mihoyo games get sexy halloween skins? im new
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I belive that Hoyo wont repeat the same mistake that they did with Jane, and that Burnice wont end up as another dyke bait
Is the bike race mini-game gonna be reused for an event or something? Kinda feels like a waste to have it be limited to a story mission.
uh oh belletroon melty
>doesnt have her sideglance to the camera
that bit made me diamonds
You don't understand. I regret not picking Belle every day. This is all I have
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anomaly has a cooldown only between itself
so 2 assaults back to back or 2 burns back to back
there's no cooldown for disorders
yeah it should
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>no barefoot alt
>that interaction with pulchra
It's over boyo
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The burnice stat is pretty shit at course fight it justifies the disorder damage. Actual Burnice with her sig and shiyu buffs will do funny numbers
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Really helpful chart. Thanks.
>Do you even bother leveling it?
Bro, it's the entire reason you're putting her on the team. Aside from cute hag milk tits
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>out of town
>forced to do shiyu on phone
You do not know pain until you have done this.
>kiss anby
>taste burger
worth it?
Wait you're right, holy fuck that's a fat fucking cameltoe.
The character itself tells you to apply the scorch mark and stay off-field until it proccs. As I said before, both Jane and Piper are going to procc their Assaults faster than scorch will pop, especially on subsequent marks and pops, you're not meant to keep up unless you start playing her as a pure quickswap and start tagging her in before scorch even pops
You have literally no understanding of female anatomy huh
Yes. Youā€™d miss a little bit of extra shock damage from not activating Graceā€™s additional passive. But thatā€™s less critical if youā€™re trying to disorder the shock.

M6 for Grace is really strong. Trust the process.
She's fine as is.
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You're broken in my heart dw
now get on my account you fucking whore
genshin got a couple of shitty skins like 2 times a year and star rail which format should integrate skins a lot easier never even done one
but zzz is a on a brand new dev team so who knows
It already gives a base 25% though, it's 25%+10% at rank C, taking it to F turns it into 25%+12%. That's why I'm asking
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Pulchra is the dyke, not my Burnice
It's also worth pointing out that anomaly ults bypass the ICD.
You already got Caesar. It's Belles turn now
No no, Burnice the dyke, not my Pulchra
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burnice will save /zzz/
NTA but yeah you're literally only playing Burnice as a
>get a Burn Disorder every 30 seconds or so
if you're playing her this way, which makes her worse than Caesar or Seth for Jane.
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How are my Burnice disc stats, Burny bros?
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Idk if you really disregard it it's a lot of damage you're leaving on the table
Posted already but
During a stunphase, due to burn disorders dealing higher damage than assault disorders, as well as assaults having frontloaded damage, you would want to order the anomalies to be Burn (prestun)-Assault-Burn-Assault for 2 burn disorders and 1 assault disorder + frontloaded assault damage

If you go assault (prestun)-burn-assault-burn
You only get 1 burn disorder, 2 assault disorders and you miss out on one front loaded assault proc

If you only go for assaults that's even worse for your DPS compared to what could have been
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lol. Outside of Honkai Impact, Genshin is the only one that implemented skins like 2-3 years into the game and mihoyo barely makes skins for that on a semi regular basis (1 skin for two characters a year if you're lucky) let alone IRL holiday themed ones.
>Belles turn
/zzz/ is pretty chill now. For some reason it was absolutely the shittiest during Jane's banner.
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I'm not confirming anything here, I watched them take out the data that implied Chapter 4 would get a new Hollow Zero section including a corruption that buffs Pompey. However, right now 1.3.1 has an item called Item_3ZFashionStore_Token_Name
So maybe obtaining Fashion at a Store is on the menu.
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It isn't but that's a fat fucking pussy
I don't know where this meme came from that Jane is a strict hypercarry.
She's only a hypercarry if you play her as such.
She doesn't lose meter or her stance while off field, she doesn't lose buffs while off field, all of her combos are quick and there's no penalty from starting over, she can be played perfectly fine as a disorder trigger because there's zero penalty for swapping her out.
burnice will burn /zzz/
For Lucy/Piper
>It already gives a base 25% though
Damn, your Rina has 100% PEN ratio?
Your Burnice looking kinda fuzzy.
lucy is made for wise
thighs too small
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god I love corin
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The penalty is simple
Opportunity cost

You gain passion from only 2 things, dodge counters and stuns
If you're swapping her out in a disorder comp, not only do you not stun as fast as a stunner comp but you also don't dodge as much as a hypercarry comp

You're also swapping her out to do a job she doesn't have any multipliers for, why even go for assault disorders that do less damage than her normal assaults do? It doesn't make any sense.
Why is Lucy getting more art than Caesar???
Penetration gets stronger the more you have. Thatā€™s why the bonus steps down like that. You can see the same concept in Nicoleā€™s def shred. So yes you want to fully level it when you get the chance.
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Thighs just right
Perfect body
I thought everyone here hated her because her machinery autism is too strong
Is this game a cuckge like Gayshit and Honk Honk shart rail?
who the heck are you running this with
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nyo this is a dating sim
lucy had more since she's a launch character, but caesar is getting more, because that describes the rate of change. I hope this helps, and that you aren't actually an unteachable retard
It is if you play as Belle
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Wise... ambushed...
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not yet
sheā€™s hotter
I just want to know if you should bother taking it from rank C to F >>496909778
25% of Rina's Pen, I assumed that everyone knew by now what the hell it means
>25% of your Rina's pen ratio + a straight up 10.2% for Rank C
>25% of Rina's Pen Ratio + a straight up 12% for Rank F
both with a max of 30%. If you choose to stay at Rank C, you have to have 19.8% x 4 = 79.2% Pen Ratio on Rina to max out the buff, vs 18x4 = 72% Pen Ratio at Rank F. I'm pretty sure it's currently impossible to reach 79% Pen Ratio on Rina as a stat.
> I watched them take out the data that implied Chapter 4 would get a new Hollow Zero section including a corruption that buffs Pompey

Not sure why they didn't just add that. At least change of of the existing HZ and rotate the bosses. They are too hung up on the initial impressions of TV. I wouldn't be surprised if they are a bit dumbfounded by all the people saying they like it.
What do the candies do in the new game I already forgot.
Couldn't S rank node 5 this time, it's never been more Joever.
The latest character canonically dreams of fucking the male MC.
Who hurt you?
It's worth noting that Lucy's m6 sets precedent that fire dmg % won't buff Burnice's off field damage. Meanwhile it scales directly with her attack, so that's something to keep in mind.
Could you guys please keep your animefag poster contained?
>Want Caesar but if i go for her im only left with a coinflip for Burnice
I hate it
I hate it so much
not our problem, he's originally a /gig/ger
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Thanks anon, that's all I needed to know
darn, your sudden lashing out means it was the latter. an entire minute of my life, wasted...
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umm sweetie..
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I don't particularly love her because her gimmick is too overdone
she barely has any personality outside of le machine autism, and even about the machines all she really says is technobabble

She is 100% fuckin' hot though like goddamn what a woman
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>actually calculating damage and using formulas in a titty jiggle game for 13 year olds
all the agents are for (you) except grace and seth
the Ice Attacker with a tail that cannot be touched...
While it's sound on paper, it's not that simple because disorder does cause daze, and it does cause damage, and dodging requires being attacked which varies heavily from one match-up to the next. And then we'd have to compare the field time of Burnice and Seth as well as the resulting damage.
There's also the fact that Ceasar buffs the whole team so Burnice benefits from that as well.
All that to say again: it's not that simple.
Yes you should. For exactly the reasons I stated. Like all passive you can hold off on F is itā€™s too expensive at the moment. But it is worth leveling. Those few extra percent will be very valuable when you start stacking with Disc Pen, an anomalies Grace Ball, and/or other sources.
>get c5 piper today getting king
>decide to just do 1 more roll
>get c6 piper
Holy based
Shes like 15
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At the end I didnā€™t even see the screen it was all purple
I maxed my Piper rolling for Caesar too. Feels good.
I have M3 Seth but no Rrat, what do I use him for?
Piper - Grandma Pig
Big Daddy - Papa Pig
Caesar - Mama Pig
Lucy - Tsundere Pig
Burnice - Cooked Pig
Lighter - Cool Pig
Grassy & co - Children Pigs
Red Mocus - Brother Pig
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what will it be about?
evens i throw a single tenner
odds dont
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out of 10!
Why did they waste Grace's design on a meh kit?

she applies shock and that's it
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>Big Daddy - Papa Chulo
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3 chapters of sex
9 b balls
1 anton
God I love blondes so much.
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>fire dmg % won't buff Burnice's off field damage
Nyo... I have an okay Fire disc...
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Pretty much the same as me
I was at c5 after rolling 6 antons in a row and getting caesar
One extra tenner and she showed up
Thank god I would've hunted dawei down myself
Piper is the oya and burnice is the ko
yes go away
Is this Mexican?
NTA but I still haven't seen the source for the claim that
>stacking Pen Ratio is better than Rina+Damage% Disk 5 against high defense enemies
I've been asking for a while now.
Kit itself is pretty good, she's just undertuned like the other standard S rank DPS units
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There's no reason for Caesar to use a Defense W-Engine unless it's her signature right?
I might just put Lycaon's signature on her.
Izzzzzz piper worth building pity for C6 my piper is c4 answer the question now or else I will cry
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For me it's hebes but Rina is the exception
shes not 15 though she said like 10 times shes an adult
Actually it was 2 pipers and 8 balls
piper is good but worthless if you have jane unless you want to run assault on 2 sides
You can really tell that a lot of the team is new, or at least doesn't have experience RUNNING a game. One of the first things you learn is that launch will have a lot of knee-jerk reactions from people that won't stick around to keep playing no matter what. You've gotta learn to filter between actual players and unironic tourists.
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How are my rolls looking so far?
Yes, it's spanish for pimp daddy
How much of a damage bonus is elemental weakness?
Piper is good and better than Jane
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C6 is mostly QoL but after having it for a while it's honestly really nice
I would give it a few pulls yeah
piper has the most attractive personality in the game.. little truthnuke for ya
Oh yeah, what's the adult age in zzz?
Isn't Pig Leychon or something like that in Mexican? or was it Filipino? oh well...
utterly bricked
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A SECOND Burnice doodle?
Could I trouble you to see the first one?
>AP +2
That's rough bwo, hopefully it doesn't work like Lucy's m6 then.
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>dodge as much
Did you really think we'll be fighting the same thug boss or razor until EoS?
Anomaly is actually good for everyone, but more for people that stack it of course.
What are you going to do when content is phys resist and electric resist
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What's wrong with assault on 2 sides?
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>old enough to retire
I guess Rina is young in comparison
Is the current limited good for a f2p newfag or should I just save up
Have you seen the fucking double thanatos fight nigga
It's dodge spam or buy caesar
This is my account except I have the knot instead of Grace. I'm bricked to all hell.
>get M6 Piper
>but Caesar is already married to my S11
what do
Put him with any anomaly character. Theyā€™d all love 100 AP.
get lighter for brick 11
It's not that bad. Sure, they'll rip yer arse open once or twice, but after some practice it's doable.
He only really works for solo non-disorder Anomaly comps, otherwise you're better off using someone that buffs both anomalies
Who's younger between Corin, Lucy, and Ellen? I'd say it's Corin, she looks about 15ish.
Caesar is arguably THE best for a new F2P, she's rare in the sense she can be only any team and make them 30-40% better.

Limited supports and buffers are usually much more rare than DPS (who get reruns much more frequently) and less prone to powercreep.
>Caesar is already married to my S11
What about that dog thiren maid
>when content is phys resist and electric resist
When is that going to be? There's only 3 damage units out right now and the future looks like more electro. I have Soukaku C6 + dog for ice weak too.
It is if you picked Wise. If you picked Belle, save for Burnice
C6 is a massive damage boost
Is going for C6 Piper better than going for C6 Lucy :S Burnice also has Nicole which is a nice C6ā€¦ >_<ā€˜ Decisionsā€¦ decisionsā€¦ aiiieeee itā€™s too hard T~T
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Burnice Lucy
Grace Lucy
Koleda Lucy
Ben Lucy
Qingyi Lucy
Neko Nicole
She works with basically everyone in the game honestly
Thatā€™s kind of a different question with a lot of confounding factors though. Including what youā€™re fighting against. Youā€™re better off just testing it yourself with your current team state.
Caesar is the most flexible unit in the game and probably will be a long time. Even when a limited support unit powercreeps her buffs, her shield is still going to be comfy for hard hitting content where you get 2-3 tapped.
C6 Lucy is useless for everyone but Piper and Corin.
Piper is if u dont have jane
Lucy is a better Nicole unless u have ether team
Rina is pure sex, it's a shame she sucks so much as a unit
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Has anyone tried Grace-Rina-Caesar for a giga tits team
>I don't need Caesar
I don't need Caesar
>I don't need Caesar
I don't need Caesar
>I don't need Caesar
I don't need Caesar
Piper still kicks ass without caesar
She's a whore. She's for everyone, not just (You)
Okay then I guess I'll use all the currency they throw at me to roll for her
Helps that I like her design
Devs must be stoped they are putting literal any Fantasy race in the game and saying "It's just Thirens LMAO"
Jane is one of those girls that seems like a whore but is actually a virgin
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I just saw AverageLuckGamer say the same as his Jane got blown up by ShadowJane and he had to restart xD
You actually do
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If you hold the whole thing yeah but that's only during stuns and you can compensate
What I used to do was pop an assault before swapping and building gauge with the final hit of special, then coming back in to pop it,
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>piper's whole character is that she's old
silly take from brainlets
>pipers whole character is thats she's legal
there, thats how youre meant to see it!
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Why should this behavior be stopped?
Not really? This has been the basis for the claim of
>If you have Rina your DPS should have a Pen Ratio Disk 5! It's better than giving them an element damage bonus disk 5
that anons have been saying to newfags for so long, without any proof or testing whatsoever.
When are we getting a support unit that we actually play as and don't just EX -> Quick Assist out?
same with Nicole
Extremely good and much more widely beneficial to different teams than the following banner. If you can manage it try to get Caesar. Burnice is more of a niche piece for specific teams.
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My fucking sides.
Happy Birthday Anon!
Didn't ask
Piper's gimmick is she's not a virgin
yeah the copium on display here is amazing
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This is one of the very few teams that can't trigger Caesar's passive
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True to Caesar
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Uhhh they're all legal, Lucy drives a motorcycle
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Rate my dinner yes Iā€™m a Scot
People are gonna complain like with Soukaku
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I'd like to report that after finally farming a comparable 4pc hormone set for my Zhu, it is in fact better than 4pc chaotic. My best time for this fight with the chaotic set was 1m47s. It changes how you play though, you can't mindlessly parry to get ammo for Zhu otherwise you risk the buff being on cooldown during stun.
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!!! REMINDER !!!

Zhu, Qingyi, Caesar, Burnice = /zzz/ core agents
Ellen, Jane, Lighter = Reddit TikTok normiefag bait
my god what am I looking at?
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Anyone else get a boner thinking about Piper
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wuwa with a side of wuwa
>actually shit on his plate
Fuck I forgot about that...the giga tit dream is dead
For what purpose? As far as roles go atm, supports are intended to add some specific benefit (PEN, armor shred, straight buff) and chill off-field.
Only option is to give swap in-swap out dependant buff, but sounds pretty clunky.
>uses my hand to yawn
>instant boner
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I love these girls
Will they fix chain attacks being a liability since they eat up your stun duration?
Anon you can't drink a candle.
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Thank god someone took a screenshot of this
They really made her do the fucking jotaro point
Good ass shit da ze
yeah Nicole is another one
meanwhile actual whores are girls like Zhu, trust
It's impossible to believe Burnice is a virgin. I hope they show her having sex with a few dudes.
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please please please
Probably never.
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since day 1
This is going to be Chinatsu, the notes are idol chants, screenshot this.
Stop copium. All zzz girls have a lot of sex, they are sluts. except corin
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Does the exp in Tactics Courses reset? If so when?
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Don't worry bro, HE is HIM and will be the first on-field support agent
Is it just me or Baldnice require so much field time?
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neko ult spam was not fun. I thought that it would be fun but it was not. It actually felt depressing instead since enemies were taking so little damage from it. I had to switch Nicole in to debuff them to see some good damage.
Corin gets raped daily, she's also a slut.
They should add dual blades and itā€™s like good Anton where you press EX for demon mode and it drains the meter
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the devs clearly did
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rape is also sex
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Don't believe these lies, Corin rapes dirty oji-sans in the alleyways.
My piper's c5 and lucy's c3. Do I aim for c6 piper or c6 lucy for her team?
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Sir your Nekomata?
Have you tried double tap holding her Ex?

Have you tried doing her Ex after a Defensive Assist, Chain Attack, Dodge Counter or Quick Assist?
i prefer swordmaster. and raidenface
lucy for overall improvement, piper for haha engine on a stick goes whirr
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c6 lucy is the bigger upgrade if you can only pick one
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Yes really. Penetration getting better when stacked is not in doubt. Itā€™s just how the math works. Whether stacking that penetration is better than a %damage disk instead is going to depend on all the other stats involved because there is an opportunity cost on what you choose for disc 5. There is no opportunity cost to leveling Rinaā€™s core passive to F. But, frankly I didnā€™t make the different claim youā€™re talking about. So idgaf.
There she goes, self inserting again.
Lucy's C6 has amazing synergy with Piper
wise is a lucky man
You tag enemies to apply scorched and swap out. You swap back in and hold basic or double EX for 2 seconds if you need to speed up the burn proc.
I can tell from a lot of the posts lately that Burnice is going to filter a lot of people here like Grace did.
I want Lucia to be the hammer unit
Also while we're at it, add Etheral Dragons where the head and tail have separate hitboxes from the rest of the body and enable Daze/tail cuts
Soukaku already exists. Especially at C6.
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Is it just me or is Burnice extremely satisfying to play as?
In a perfect world... proxy like me would not exist. But this is not a perfect world...
Whats the cheat behind people clearing the hardest content with Billy?
Mine is M6 and hits like a wet noodle (only at lvl 50 so far but I doubt 60 would be much different)
I hope Miyabi is ice defender and unbricks my Ellen by getting rid of that stupid fucking blue imp
zhuā€™s ball
>only at lvl 50 so far but I doubt 60 would be much different
I love chocolate nipples
>There is no opportunity cost to leveling Rinaā€™s core passive to F.
I agree, but you did make the claim afterwards that stacking Pen Ratio with things like Fusion Compiler makes it better, which is what I replied about because there's no proof for that. Intuitively, if you already have Pen Ratio on your wengine, it should be better to diversify your stats and go for an Element Damage% disk 5. Apparently that's wrong but there's no proof.
>Billy's DMG increases by 25% when he enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack. The effect ends if he moves, returns to standby, or is knocked back or launched by an attack.

>When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: After Billy uses a Chain Attack, the DMG of his next Ultimate is increased by 50%, stacking up to 2 times. This effect resets whenever an Ultimate is activated.

>M6: When Billy accumulates 10 hits on enemies or triggers a Perfect Dodge, his DMG increases by 6%, stacking up to 5 times. The effect resets is he is knocked back or launched by an enemy.
I play Grace Rina Jane for my gigatits
Wow, you retards actually made them put in back in... why? TV mode sucks. People only said they liked it cause nothing replaced it, yet, and Stockholm syndrome.
She doesn't do much to me. I think it's the hair, makes her look funny. I do like her, but I'd rather plap Lucy or Burnice.
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I like Paipa's eyebrows
I want an ice anomaly freeze support for her
but ice shielder is cool too
cheesetopia and its consequeces have been a disater for blaze wood...
bro enemies gain massive damage reduction the more under leveled you are
I too would benefit from more images of Belle being a sex pest
/zzz/ smells like girl sweat...
Dennies dont grow on trees, they cant expect me to level more than a couple chars past 50
we got it from fucking your mom
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Sirs, I'd like to redeem affinity events...
>open Corrupted Ellen room
>Miyabi player immediately enters and locks in
>exclusively goes for the head and keeps tripping the Lighter
>lose out on tail cut drops
>t. fell for 141 scamboos
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do we know burnice's cinemas yet? How is C1/C2
Short men are no different than women thoughbeit.
Well dont act confused that you cant solo content with Billy if you arent willing to take him all the way
Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ donā€™t call me a girlā€¦
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Yeah even being 3 levels under is such a huge nerf to your DPS.
We all make that mistake sometimes. I've since learned not to trust those little bastards
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If they dont fix this shit im going to murder da wei
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fix? What's wrong with Lucy's affinity resonia?
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Real women are so imperfect...
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>want to keep playing and try to get to IK50 (one level away)
>no commissions popping up
>only things i have to do are agent stories which i don't mind but don't feel like doing right now
What would the free to play team for burnice look like?
I buy only the strongest soap and shampoo for my formerly-stinky girlfriend Miyabi
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Mors Support Physical
Pulchara Atacker Eletric
Bellum Stunner Physical
Neither her nor piper have actual events for it
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>piper if bioware made this game
Piper and Lucy, easily
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Lucy Piper
Also will be one of her best teams if they're both C6 with balls too
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holy wold salad m6
nose too high sexo body though
I hope everyone who post fucking ugly "cosplay" bitches will die in the throes of hell
>Dance of Fire and Ice
>isn't ice
explain this hoyobaboons???
>free to play
retard, where are you getting a free Piper?
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for me it's Sjal
She's the ice bro. Burn ice.
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Wasn't Piper one of the free units you could pick up in the shop in the first month of the game?
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Am I just blind or does Belle completely disappear from the game outside main quests?
Where the fuck are my Belle trust events myhoyo? Where the fuck is my Belle sex scene you fucks?
Yeah I'm gonna kill myself
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Would upgrading the decibels limit to 9999 be good?
It should have been Burn Ice instead of lighter
Current banner, retard
>costs 7 wishes
>during the second month even
This HAS to be bait.
Asanagi looking face. I like it.
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>when a Slippy run goes juuust right
I think I have a grasp on how to build this character.
Still, it'd need some luck to clear Diff 5.
her face looks weird
Where are you getting a free Burnice?
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Some of them are kinda hot though
Presumably he's using an Asanagi style LORA. I know because I've also used one for some of my ZZZ sloppa gens.
>tranny gear
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Can this bitch stop talking about Caesar for 1 millisecond?
>character you have to use the gacha system for
savage lucy
>didn't cut her left arm off
shit cosplay
YOU cucked her with Caesar
No they are fucking ugliest thing on earth. Who's stopping you from posting arts? Arts are 100x better than any "cosplay"
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By "their" health
Whose health do they mean?
I don't see health on companions
Obviously what he's asking for is free to play compliments for the Burnice he's going to roll. So between the ACTUAL obtainable for free units, which are
>Anby, Nicole, Billy, Soukaku, Ben, Corin, Lucy (thanks to the Cheesetopia event)
Dumb as hell.
Are you dumb? The enemy's.
Caesar brings up Lucy a lot too. They live rent free in each other's heads.
Youā€™re uglier
The last subject on the sentence bro
damn... that rat thiren sure has rizz
Okay, but I don't post my face in this thread at least
she got dat GYATTatouille
If they weren't ugly, they wouldn't be photoshopping and filtering themselves to the point they look like fucking aliens.
What, you think F2P means hoarding currency until end of times? You must compromise and gamble to not get spooked by an unwanted S rank sometimes
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How the fuck are you even supposed to get past the first boss with this guy?
>Caesar's final trust event
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>get Dumplings
>buy item
>stats go down
It's not AS powerful as I initially thought. So which stats exactly does it affect and which it doesn't?
My armor seemed to go down when I bought an item that had -armor on it, but the ranged damage didn't, when I bought a -ranged item.
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how do people still not know how anomaly works 2 months in
all anomalies have a shared cooldown of 3 seconds and that applies for different anomalies as well
playing it you can very much feel the cooldown, and ive recorded a video for you showing how its obviously not 0
look at how the assault fails to proc instantly despite the bar being full
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having multiple ultimates allow buffs given by support character in the future to be even more busted because lucy gives next character 30 energy
Which of Janeā€™s skills should I use 1 hamster on first? Basic attack?
Godly RNG
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>Big Brother keeps putting up the forcefield
>Going back and forth with Customer Support over this
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Try again and again until you get enough mittens and hp, and then hope you get neck brace
reroll until you get "+armor for ever -speed"
refresh for mittens (heal on coin pickup) and the relic that lets your allies block bullets, cat guys give you money for refreshing so buy those too to let you dig for mittens easier
>real women? ewwwww
>t. /zzz/
Build into defense first.
Mittens are particularly CORE on this char in the early game. It takes a bit of RNG to get a run going. Expand into offense once you're comfortable with your survivability.
Sheā€™ll show up in and around her room at night. Complaining that she canā€™t sleep or wants some food or milk tea.
they should add a The Binding of Isaac minigame to the arcade t b h
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I wish I had a sister like Belle to kiss and hug and sniff and lick...
I liked the part where you help her fix her bike
FYI most of the characters are dogshit without candies especially the collision damage ones, do a stage 3 run or two then come back.
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Actual facts: Belle is hot as fuck.
People like gacha characters being posted instead of irl shit, shocking.
Same. Having a hot sister must be fun.
Of the female protags I like her desigm the most.
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Merging Lucy's attitude with Burnice's body
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Actual facts. Belle isnt fat yet Belle has 0 gap. Belle has the hips of a boy. Poor wife material.
Loses to Lumine, gets obliterated by female Rover
That entire question is dumb as hell to begin with.
It's free to play to pull the gacha anyway. If you consider characters given to you during events to be f2p and viable for whatever brainrot this is, then all the fucking polychrome and tapes you get are also f2p.
im just gonna prefarm miyabi mats because i have fuck all to build
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With the ugliest female Agent.
Since you guys also play Wuthering, who's that little blue slut who keeps appearing in my twitter?
ye card king is pretty strong
Only two shitposters play that here
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>ugliest female Agent
Shorekeeper? Or Youhu (child)?
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Ok I unironically have no idea whats happening in your webm
I genuinely haven't noticed an internal cooldown between different anomalies before and I've played a shitton of Koleda Lucy Piper.

Actually I almost 100% know that I've applied assault - burn in single chain attacks, there's no way.
I also just tested in training mode and I'm 100% applying disorders with 0 cooldown, wtf is wrong with your game
What this looks like to me is that you applied Assault first, and within 3 seconds before the Assault ICD is up, did the following:
>was able to fill it up back to the tipping point with Piper (presumably with the end hit of her spin then switching)
>switch to Grace to trigger Assault disorder using a previously filled anomaly bar (meaning there's already a flinch status up)
>go back to Piper to try to proc assault again
Your webm shows that putting another type of disorder in between two of the same kind of Anomaly (Assault[Shock]Assault) doesn't reset the ICD for the initial anomaly (Assault in this case), which is valuable information, but I believe the conversation was about whether you can do Burn>Assault or Assault-Shock back to back in the first place.
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I fuckin love Brazil now
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Getting there, slowly...
Is Jane mewing?
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I want to drink her sweat
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Finally, something from the stable banner that isn't a ball at max pity.
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>piper is canonically a legal loli
>artists are still too scared to make porn of her
I'm cumming to Brazil
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Whoever this is. Looks like that Blue Archive pair of twins
They're all legal, dumbass
Anyone here higher than 3% on bizarre brigade? I can't break 4%
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Theres some stuff out there but yeah I really need asanagi to crack a swing at her please
how do I figure out what units are must pull?
It's not sweat anon, it's her flesh. She's melting...
She's actually melting, not sweating. That's why she's ice.
Whatā€™s a good cope ball for Caesarā€™s engine?
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>tfw no friends
>Must Pull
My faves
>Don't pull
Your faves
wait... really?
Any impact ball
ask your benis
you just need to level up your units and give them some gear to clear hardest content so chasing meta is pointless
But I love your faves...
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your animations are probably long winded enough to bypass it
only the last hit of chain attacks proc the anomaly btw
its been way over 3 seconds from the last assault
look at the timer
I proc assault at 8:57
im spinning at 8:49 and its not proccing
just use the fossil
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>I really need asanagi to crack a swing at her please

VICTIM GIRLS where Sons of Calydon lose the Tour de Inferno and are forced to take Big Thiren Cock.
Gulpy and Bloom Shell are the best anyway who cares.
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>was top 0% for days
>suddenly top 5%
Dammit people must've started fishing so now I'll have to do it too
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No I mean I'm literally testing in training mode right now where I proc a shock with grace and then run up and smack him with a piper basic after swapping out on a full anomaly bar.
Im too lazy to make a webm but one of us is crazy or has a bugged game or something
I like the way you think.
I don't like rape because I don't like seeing cute girls sad.
Who is the more soulful protagonist? Wise or Belle?
>girls sad
maybe training mode is busted
>he fell for the meme billy clips from whales
low testosterone
No DEF ball has impact main stat, all the free ones you can craft have DEF and another has HP. The only good ball for Caesar is her limited W-Engine. At best you can cope with ATK% if you get the ball from the battle pass or pull Seth's signature.
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thats what the mindbreak is for
most """rape""" is faggot ass pussy shit where the girl loves it after 1 panel, it's fucking pathetic
noble and pure
high testosterone
Even if they start to enjoy it, I still don't like it. Unless it's like "sleep rape" where it gets tagged as rape even though they're in a relationship.
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>his rape victims dont love his raping
ngmi kid
>also a second instance where Grace procs shock at 8:39 and Piper can only pop the stacked Assault from 8:43 at 8:36, exactly 3 seconds after Shock.
Damn, I concede. Thanks for the info anon.
This. Should have an endless mode.
It's not rape anymore if they like it.
you just have to forget about having a passive and use an Stun ball. I use Koleda's.
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yeah idk it genuinely looks bugged
honestly the game doesnt work like how his webm works
maybe ill try it in shiyu ig
Do we know who's coming first between Lighter and Yanagi? Logially, it should be Lighter, but based on drip marketing, it would be Yanagi.
oh no no no
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yanagi because they want to make the disorder players spend a bit to roll back to back
Yanagi has the big side story like Jane and Lighter has the small agent story like Brickyi. I think this is more important to their release order, compared to just when the teasers were posted. It means making the second banner the focus, because of how they decided the distribution of value. Jane being second is the same as Yanagi being second in their eyes.
No it's not confirmed.
yanagi to carry the revenue and flopter later
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I noticed it in the disc farming stage
with some further testing it seems like DISORDER itself has an ICD
try proccing more than one disorder within 3 seconds
so functionally if your spamming disorders both anomalies have a shared cooldown of 3 seconds
doesnt apply for the first disorder I guess
what the fuck is her problem?
So disorder is a brick?
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Ok no you're capping out of your mind
Your game is unironically FUCKED
Yes, stick to defenders.
Yeah, Lucy is asking to be pinned down and raped
It's possible that training mode just follows different rules since it's meant to be a testing environment.
thats only one disorder
try doing more than one in 3 seconds
youll feel the cooldown
training mode works fine too
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Same, it's an instant turn-off
Ok that makes a lot more sense
disorder has the cooldown
The motorcycle guy? Just roll Caesar.
holy shit, its still alive?
anon there is only one screen recording software that you will ever need, and its OBS
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I like rape but I also don't like girls being sad. The inner machinations of my mind are an engima.
New thread
I'm going to continue raping corin though
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I dont make videos enough to care desu
It just takes a bit more finesse then, you can build the disorder you just procced instead of switching instantly back to apply a second
I really won't tolerate it in its pure form, but there's a number of confounding factors. Is it just surprise sex, what if it's something she didn't know she wanted, what if she's dishonest, or it's completely safe roleplay. It doesn't "need" to be pure suffering.
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fucking kek
True, and those are the kinds I like the best. Like the more gentle mindbreaks and shit. I mean I do like some of the more fucked up Victim Girls issues but it's not like I need to see the girls turned into a fucknugget to get off.

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