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Previous: >>496877647 #

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Open]
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc9mQZyUJQA [Open]
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8zsNS5FNEI [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxI5oNATLE [Open]

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
why is the protag attack in bizarre brigade so ASS
Nicole if she was hot.
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Gracebros... we are gettomg unbricked
if you didnt build grace before you dont deserve her
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>they have a combo Ultimate

Also their roles are nice.
fake leaks
>oh boy I'm so excited to continue this game and see it's story
>"raise inter-knot level"

for fucks sake
all momentum just grinds to a halt and it takes ages to fucking level up
dont wanna rain on your parade but these leaks were fake
that art was ai generated stuff posted in feb or something, waaay before this leak came out
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what is going through Burnice's head in this particular momment?
It's fake bwo, that art was pulled from pixiv where it was originally posted months ago.
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Don't get too excited. No idea if it's legit.
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yare yare da ze
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RoombaKot isn't too bad once you get some candy
This thead IS NOT for whales and dolphins. it's for you, because you are just like me.
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Just got around to playing the story and why is bellum so zesty? Lighter even tells him to not say his name like that, and calling him handsome multiple times
I wouldn't last 10 seconds inside this Nicole.
If I lost all my 50/50s and my 75/25 does that mean I’ll get Burnice with my remaining 90 pulls
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How flammable her current surroundings are
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You can win easily with trashbag without mittens, armor is the most important stat.
I need this pic with the speed lines and the MENACING kanji next to her head
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For me? It's rape
But I’m f2p Premium Deluxe
He wasn't wrong tho
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I'm married to a glownigger
I stuck my hand, my dick, and my entire head in the honeypot
It feels so goooooooooooood
yeah cuz loli Nicole would sell your pedo ass out to the cops for a bowl of noodles
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Okay futafag, you win JUST this once.
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like what is this
Nicole if she were me
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what the fuck, so most thirens wear wigs??
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isn't jane the glowie
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we are so back, janebros!
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How can she do that while being pinnned down under my 250lb ass in mating press position?
How long do you usually reset with the red fish? I have seen like 3 blue drinks that grant HP upon drink purchase in 30 attempts and I think I am going insane.
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>Proxy will come like he promised...any minute now...
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>That fucking cat
Lucy is so sexual its unreal
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The guy who posted that video noted in the comments that he forgot to equip Jane with a W-engine and still found that to be the best disorder team, lmao
How much more damage do you do when attacking elemental weakness?
Is resistance just the opposite?
Game sure knows how to guilty trip you
I think it's more likely for non-thirens. Like cosplay
Hoshimi Miyabi!
assaulted his ass so hard he got sent across the border
On my right side, holding her by the waist, Koleda. On my left side, holding her by the waist, Lucy.
I'm a happy Proxy.
They mean wigs made out of Thirens
Is it ever stated how/if Big Daddy and Lucy's pigs are related?
20% more/less damage/daze/anomaly
reminder that disorder damage is doubled in this.
For koleda what do I level? Also I'm only supposed to just use her dodge counter and skill?
more like
Finally, someone who actually knows how to play the game tests burnice out.
Literally every time I max out a trust Ijust invite them out to ghost them. If Corin were real she'd probably kill herself.
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where's the tier list for the new minigame? i fucking suck at it
This has been a bug for a while that happens very often with Qingyi and Nicole. If you knock back an enemy that is under the effect of a vacuum, the momentum seems to go wrong sometimes and they proceed to slide until they hit a wall. Piper's spin has a very slight vacuum effect, not sure where your knock back is coming from though.
I want to sleep with shark
But the sethfag spreadsheeter told me it didn't work...
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Hey Proxy!
the most common theory is that yanagi going in random play and not bothering to bring her movie out was because she bugged the building.
if you work a service that requires customers to present an ID, you'll notice fake ones get left behind more often. it's like that
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New wipeout screen just dropped bros.
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Here is hoping that she is like S11 i.e an attacker that doesnt need a stunner, just so I can use Caesar+Lucy with her
maybe its the grace autos that hit him
bizarre bug
This dude has a bunch of videos teaching you how to play various characters.
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Ballum was just moved by the sheer amount of honor on display
IMAGINE the nitro-fueled braps.
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Not only disorder damage, anomaly application is also amped by 50%
In real circumstances the tightness of each disorder is going to be a way higher.
This is unironically like looking at the 20 nekomata ult spam and saying shes broken...
Perfect tits...
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Caesar? Why are you looking at me like that?
I've specifically had that Mors faggot just drift away on me too. There seems to be an issue with the "forced breakout" the doppelgangers do, where it can cause them to sometimes just slide away out of the map.
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Granny Bangboo needs a new hip
Why does she drink lattes
It's not a bug contained to the doppelgangers though, it can happen to any enemy that can be knocked back. The dopplegangers just happen to fall in that category. I've had it happen to me countless times in Shiyu where I vacuum the mob wave at the start with Nicole, do an EX with Qingyi to stun, and one or two enemies just start to slide away until they hit a wall despite Nicole's black hole still being there.
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>the Ch2 construction boss's theme is a distorted and corrupted version of the construction theme
>Caesar's PV theme lyrics say "my enemies will curse my name"
>Pompey's boss theme inverts Caesar's theme and has "I curse my name", among other mirrored lyrics
Is it kino?
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Is this yuri
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So ummmm why are these lights blinking?
How do I make webm? Just convert an mp4 from the first link from google?
Too bad he tests her in a stage with shill buffs three times stronger than even sd gets
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were blasting off again
No it's a crazy car lady.
No its yaoi
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Burnice is incapable of a relationship. She just wants to roast the cat.
that's not piper though
I sure hope not. I cant take another semen demon being a lesbo instead
so capped gallant can have his gimmick
webm for lazys
I used my starter bagaboo(?) rolls and got three of the shark guys
Was I supposed to spread those out, or is that fine?
They taste better than black coffee.
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i almost feel more excited to get lucy and nicole dupes with burnice banner...
she's cute but i don't know how i'll play her and i'm not very familiar with disorder
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they require further investigation
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That's what I do.
You get like 10 converts per day.
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there is yuri everywhere for those with the eyes to see
My sister can't be this retarded...
Anon, the bangboo banner is 100% guaranteed to give you the one you select
You should probably try to get a variety so you can actually have ones that work in different teams
doesnt really matter
ideally you get one s rank for each team but their damage is kinda whatever
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After doing Cheesetopia I have literally no idea how to describe Burnice
She’s sexy as fuck but I think she might be an alcoholic sociopath that’s also a little retarded
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I put Belle, Wise, and the agents into a pair generator for a list of randomly generated crackships. Do these pairings make any sense? Who knows! But i'll try to creatively imagine how these pairings could come to be anyways
>Rina x Anby
>Koleda x Piper
>Anton x Lucy
>Belle x Jane Doe
>Zhu Yuan x Soukaku
>Wise x Ellen
>Grace x Ben
>Von Lycaon x Soldier 11
>Seth x Burnice
>Nekomata x Caesar
>Billy x Nicole
>Qingyi x Corin
Do we know who's after Burnice? I really want Yanagi, so I might have to skip Burnice unless Lighter's in the middle.
I forgot to add that this can also happen to you in disputed 8 if you get knocked back by the enforcer when Razor is doing his big vacuum attack.
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After watching that flashback made me understand that her hair is naturally pink.
she no fake bitch but she working the grind for those dennies.
why is nicole best girl and why do i wanna hold her hand so much.
I would not recommend deliberately choosing S-Rank Bangboo dupes, no. That said Bangboo aren’t super important, so it’s not the end of the world.
I got Caesar. Now what?
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keep getting lucy engines
should I refine them
i would pay through my ass if we got a skin where nicole wore that with the glasses
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>>Belle x Jane Doe
>>Wise x Ellen
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In their latest sexual conquest, can the Phaethon siblings tame the wild pyromaniac that is Burnice?

Find out in two weeks time!
W-Engine or bust
Interesting, so that's what Lucy nitpicks when it's Belle.
Wise confirmed better driver and never getting the character he wants from gacha.
It was two rolls of nothing, one roll with one shark, and then a roll of two sharks
Guess I should swap that for another critter the next time I have more of that currency
Yanagi then Lighter
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>alcoholic sociopath that’s also a little retarded
That's what makes her sexy as fuck
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>Qingyi x Corin
they give out those rolls like candy so youre good
you got pretty lucky too
Lighter and then Yanagi.
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>police officers dating minors
Damn, I guess I'll cope with Jane while waiting for the next anomaly then.
[X] Genuflect
You can always cope with a Stunner W-Engine for the Impact. Characters can use balls from other specialties at the cost of not getting their effect.
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Will Caesar-Lucy-Burnice be good or is she only good for disorder?
drip marketing is when hoyo posts a character teaser on their twitter page before they release
they post one character per day, and qingyi was posted a day before jane doe
thats our precedent, so we are assuming since yanagi was posted a day before lighter that that will be the order
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admit it: she's beautiful
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First time I'm seeing this.
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Build her. Ideally you can get her weapon too since her alternatives aren’t the best. For now slap the Highest Impact stunner weapon you have access to on her. Generalist discs for her and a safe bet are 4x Proto Punk and 2x Shockstar. Make sure your disc 6 is impact mainstat.
I'm loving all the content but I have no desire to roll anyone anymore, it's weird being content in a gacha game.
>zzz has a fun combat system
>people discover disorder
>all of a sudden the fun combat system is being turned into a shitty version of the already shitty genshin reaction system

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Me reading (YOU)r posts
>Caesar's W-Engine is really fucking good
>There are no S-rank defense balls in standard banner
>coping with a different role's ball for a stat is really fucking bad
W-Engine or bust
so thats the god run...
I don't care
Her whole faction is booooring
Yeah that makes sense, kinda weird to go Calydon->Yanagi->Calydon though.
how hot a dick must feel
I'm not pulling for it tho, cope kek
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You said that last time...
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Is it still that far away????
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You just wanted to make a content/content pun didn’t you?
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its nothing like genshins elements at all though??
in fact, id say its more fun than atk/stun/supp comps that just damage dump on a stationary enemy
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Aaaah, I can barely move. I'm too fucking FAT.
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Hello I'm new to the game and have been lurking the general for a while. How exactly is it that you get Polychromes in this game?
Is it like Genshin where it's mostly through events? What do you do once you're done with that?
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Stupid niggers like you deserve to be killed
>early S rank standard
Will probably be usable, but not as good as her disorder teams
>Is it like Genshin where it's mostly through events?
>What do you do once you're done with that?
pay up gweilo
being a flame artist in the wastland is actually hard work
despite the heat, theres a remarkable lack of flamable stuff arround
ever try to set a cactus on fire?
Events, achievements, dailies, weekly shit.The usual
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End result.
She is pretty but like the other anon said, she is part of the worst faction so far
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Actually it's exactly 2 weeks, October 16th is apparently when she's out
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Call it
>Events, achievements, dailies, weekly shit.The usual
And also tons of one-time progression awards, like hollow zero or the initial shiyu defense stuff, mission completion, side quests, hard mode missions, exploration and treasures, there's tons of stuff
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That's why you're a stupid bitch.
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a-about that...
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Waterkuma at it again. You fucking know they made im draw an adult woman for this smut cover.
standard? rina weapon
weapon rate-up? caesar weapon
character rate-up? koleda
What for, I already used her to S clear Shiyu without it.
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By all means this shit shouldn't be so dependant on item luck.
"Get godlike items within first waves or suffer".
A solo character should have much better synergies, stats or at least item discounts.
At least that's my 10 polies. Only 6 shit characters left.
I can't wait for the arc where we get stuck in hollow zero with her
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It's over for me, atleast i have a guarantee for Burnice or something
Nicole is a virgin and a cuckquean.
Kotted until proven otherwise.
He clearly drew a loli first and then they made him change it at the last second, those guys in the background are way more detailed. They're trying to cage our bear.
I love Nicole's combat intro
M1 Kot? I wish that were me.
You can clear 5 seconds faster bro!!!!!
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>get Caesar on 20 rolls because I was bored
>with a blue rank impact weapon and unleveled discs her shield can already hold against lvl 60 monsters
She just makes the whole dodge/switch parry mechanics irrelevant, WTF was Mihomo thinking?
You've been blessed
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fucking slut
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>People think Lucy is their mom
>Ok with her beating them
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what the fuck was his problem?
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>have the following week booked off work for my birthday
burnice time
She's not a slut, she's exclusively for (You) and has already gotten her father's blessing for the marriage.
he's acoustic
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>boss won't even let me have half a day off so I can have dinner with my family for my birthday
I need to quit this wagie hell.
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The past and the future
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Something feels off about having a guy like this call someone big daddy
Yeah. they're only bis for her
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I'd pull for her if she looked like this
There must always be
a Zhongli
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now she just looks like Kurisu with tits
Most long-term standard s rank?
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What would a Piper blowjob feel like?
thats good though
i would say its BiS even for Soukaku lol
soukaku needs to do EX skill to get her buff and it has a low uptime.
currently soldier11
Like bags of sand.
Unironically Piper
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>early Koleda from Shiza's banner
>Koleda ball from monthly reset standard gibs
>all this free EXP from the HIA
Oh I'm gonna have so much fun 3 days from now.
>zzz diluc
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Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi in the flesh!!!
>falls asleep during the sucking
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Rina. Soldier-11 currently also has a unique niche but that’s just because there hasn’t happened to be a limited fire attacker. The issue with Rina is that she doesn’t fit well into as many teams as you’d like for a support. She’s much better when buffing shock from and electric teammate.
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Giga knight.
So I switched from a pretty optimized swing jazz to a proto punk and even though I lost 200 atk, the 2 piece proto has a bigger shield for Seth.

Jane Seth Burnice is gonna go crazy but I'll need to learn backswapping
Zhu because her burst is very solid + you can form a team around her with just two freebies (Anby + Nicole)
Burnice because possibly no other fire anomaly anytime soon
Lycaon because he's good as a general stunner and very good as an ice stunner
Now it all makes sense
Mibibi is an agent of tzeentch
>Grace - powercrept by Yanagi
>Rina - not powercrept yet
>Koleda - powercrept by Lighter
>Nekomata - powercrept by Jane
>Soldier 11 - not powercrept yet
>Lycaon - powercrept by Lighter
They’ll all be powercrept eventually so just pick who you like from the 300 pulls thing.
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they made the knot absolutely broken
Honestly she’s my favorite stunner to play. Get in stun the fucker, get out.
who's your pick then genius
Might as well get her sig
ZZZ roll guide

Caesar will probably always be good
Your wife and her w-engine

That’s my guide
What about Caesar-Grace-Burnice? I can cope the lack of Lucy by having 3 titty cows instead
>Grace - powercrept by Yanagi
Speaking of Yanagi, do we have info about her weapon already? Is it good for Grace?
What do I do if my wife is Caesar
>forcing Nicole to promote the video store in a skimpy outfit to repay her debts
if Phaeton was smart they'd be raking in the dough
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for what I can clear everything
Zhu isnt standard, retard bro.

Longest term to me is Rina since she won't have a replacement anytime soon
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Yeah, that'll work very well even
Just got Grace's engine from standard.
Is it better than Gourmet for Jane?
M6 her so you can build DPS Caesar.
nah dudes in ZZZ are hilariously low test or else Nicole would've been taken and locked up in someone's basement a long time ago.
probably still the knot. he amplifies ice team damage to such an amazing degree that makes him feel like a limited support
by a lot if you have rina
by a little if you dont
guys.... what is phaethon
Have you unlocked shiyu yet? I got jane Sig and shes been carrying my ass through shiyus with no problem. My team 2 is struggling thoughbeitever but yanagi and burnice will change that
Yes but you’ll need to make a point of spamming special more, which can feel a little awkward.
died cause he was a cocky fuck who couldnt control his dads chariot
make of that what you will
hey dudes. is caesar actually that good? I wanna roll for burnice and yanagi and have a gurantee right now with 90 pulls saved and 20 left until hard pity. was saving it for burnice but I think I think I can risk caesar if she is that good.
I am a retard and have a question:
How are you supposed to use Soukaku? Use chains only or play her as active to charge the 3 stacks then special and assist with Ellen?
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>blocks your path
yes I S ranked it without her sig lol
For Rina all they have to do is copy her multipliers but give the limited version her m1 at base and shes instantly powercrept
How strong Burnice?
Just imagine them making out with your dick in between them.
Why isn't there a counter for how many character swaps you have left during chain attacks?
The wearer's electric attribute abnormal accumulation efficiency is increased by 30% . When [Special Skills] and [Enhanced Special Skills] hit an enemy in an abnormal state, their own abnormal mastery is increased by 75 points, and the effect lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds;
when the wearer's abnormal mastery is greater than 400, the disorder damage caused by the wearer is increased by 25% .
She's pretty good and also fun, a generalist character overall.
I don't think she's essential, no character in this game is unless some insane limited Support tripling your damage or something comes out. Roll who you like the most.
Lucy will be better bro. trust
>Lucy M6 buffed to work with Burnice (now inherits ap)
>30 secs uptime on buff
>close to 1000 ATK to everyone with her engine
>decent DPS
Greek myth. Son of Helios the sun god.
She is great if you are getting filtered by the harder content
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How we lookin bwos?
you get enough energy to ex 3 times then pass the buff
you dont swap to her otherwise, including during chains
in an ellen team the only chain you should be doing is ellens
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Property of Sir Gisgary Blair.
alright cool. thats what I was hoping. like she seemed really really good but I wasnt sure if she was so meta defining that it'd be bricking my account for not getting her. thanks boyos.
>Re: Disorder ICD
That's so fucking weird, I have examples from the same fucking battle for both of these situations. I have no idea why they're different. Is this a bug?
>Anomalies not having ICD
@ 0:12 Shock is triggered, 0:13 it gets popped by Assault Disorder
>Anomalies having ICD between each other
@ 0:22:80, Shock is triggered, I start spinning with Piper but Assault doesn't trigger until 0:25:90, exactly 3 seconds apart
If this faggot is our first limited support I'm uninstalling the game.
who is this cutie
How the fuck is Grace single???
Don't give up bwo, you too could get your missing 70 or 80 polychromes! (or probably closer to 100ish), one whole pull!
So I play her on the field until charging the stacks, then go full Ellen. Gotcha.
Had no idea that I had to ignore her chain too. Good info. Thanks anoncito.
doesn't wash her feet
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The cat literally only needs one item to work, the health from chests one.
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Enjoy your Koleda bwo. Most fun agent in the game.
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two different anomalies dont have ICD
its disorder that has the ICD
you cant trigger more than 1 disorder within 3 seconds of each other
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I was so happy when I saw Koleda, for a moment I thought standard had not disappointed me... Then I saw the 4-ranks. I swear to god Ben's siggy is the only wengine I ever get...
I'm still 7/7ing Shiyu with no effort with Ellen/Soukaku/an unleveled and non upgraded Anby and Qingyi/Rina/Corin, the game is piss easy so far
Shes the annoying kind of autistic
She INSANE bro I just went into HIA and she and Jane did a 300k disorder shit is FIRE :fire: PogChamp
A man to surpass even Big Daddy - henceforth he shall be called Bigger Daddy!
that's true
Weiss has all the chicks trying to jump on his dick because he's the only guy on the entirety of 6th street that even fucking stands straight
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Sounds good for her
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my pc tanked that
that's my wife
dont play her onfield
buff ellen with no stacks first
then stay with ellen until you get enough energy to get 3 stacks
you want to use swap into soukaku as little as possible
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Can you parry Niveneh's ult? I know you can tank it with the shield.
I keep seeing everyone breaking that game by wave 2 with the Fish I and I can barely pass wave 4... What the fuck is the secret?
holy fuck kek
is it penis% main stat too?
So are we in agreement that at some point it makes sense to just roll for bangboo dupes instead of getting 20 different ones? The upgrade numbers for just one refinement seem pretty bug
how the fuck do I get internet xp? I'm running out of side quests
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>switch to Wise in the menu
>forced back to Belle whenever I enter a cutscene
Aiiieee... Please, Dawei-dono... I didn't know Lucy and Caesar would give me the GFE... SHOW ME MERCY
The plan is the get one, maaaybe two and save until eternity.
the next patch A rank bangboo looks like BiS for many teams.
Dailies and weeklies.
Her main gimmick is that she gives your party a shield that also gives ATK buff while it's up, like 1000 ATK buff when fully upgraded, that lasts 35 seconds (30 seconds is how long the shield lasts but the ATK buff lingers for another 5) and this can be reapplied by parrying the enemy again with her special. She's also a decent stunner despite being a DEF specialist.
So basically she can slot in in many party set ups and her utility gimmick means she's not going to fall off quickly.
You know you messed up when she takes the time to spell everything properly...
Really? So bangboo powercreep is already starting?
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This must be the work of Dark Reunion...
what if Grace and Zhu swapped outfits haha
this game is all about luck unironically
the trick with fish is getting enough hp that refreshing and buying potions has a very low cost or is even profitable, you break the game by that point
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let this be a lesson
ALWAYS pick the male mc, otherwise all the pandering turns into lesbo trash
Spending battery gives you a ton.
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I love Lucy.
Nyo, percent attack
God, I NEED to bury my tongue inside Lucy’s tight asshole and cum all over her soft thighs. AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
lilac sex
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The biggest argument against picking the male MC at launch was not being able to run around as Belle
Glad they made the choice easier
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Worse since the bangboo is A rank and not guaranteed.
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I like the side quests in this.
I know she should always be before Ellen to pass the buff to her, but on a team with Lycaon should I focus on stunning first? Or build her stacks?
Also you say dont play her on field but she get stacks only when using chain or special or is there any other way I am missing?
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anons... give it to me straight. what are the odds the roadblocks in the overworld are removed and the agent can explore freely on a skateboard like pircrel? that would save the game imo.

how does mihoyo decide what they're gonna do? i never played genshit but i heard that their overworlds were once limited, but later opened up so the player could freely explore. will it happen?
Never listen to any mentally ill faggot referring to Lycaon as "the knot", also his HIV ridden ass has been powercrept by Caesar.
The real answer is Rina.
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Almost done with this poop...
They are trying to save budget everywhere they can
TV mode was basically for that reasons and now that its gone is even less money.
damn time gates

now it makes sense why you can spend real cash on battery
it's supposed to temp you
Pretty much zero, they’d have to redesign the entire game.
Guess I am indeed saving all my rolls from here for this thing
This isn’t an open world game and it won’t be.
that would double the animation workload given that they're adding agent overworld walk animations in 1.4, so very unlikley
I wish I had Lycaon for Ellen, I don't really like using anby and don't want Caesar. Guess I'll jist cope with koleda
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just made my first ever mod
>Save the game
>implying its dying
>Implying needless overworld travel nobody likes would save any dying game
Now you have something you could smile about even if you lose a 50 50!
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>Rina - not powercrept yet
What does she even do? She'll for sure be my chosen 300-pull Standard out her personality and design alone, but I legitimately don't think I've ever seen her gameplay be discussed, so I don't know what I'm getting myself into.
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First time beating withering garden: core on ether activity 11, took me a while to finish off Nineveh since Piper and Lucy died, Ben had to finish the job.
There's a world where they give it us for free but its so good that i doubt it.
hoyo is welcome to prove me wrong tho.
grats anoncito
you can just get lighter next patch since he buffs ice teams
>can't make up my mind between Caesar or burnice
I don't think you understand at all how much of a time and budget sink choosing to make something open world is. There's a reason only like 3 developers (mihoyo is not one) have done it well
I'm not there yet, almost account level 40. Is this actually that hard? I'm glad to hear it. So far the hardest thing the game has thrown at me has been the rat girl you have to fight as the cops, and that was a refreshing bit of "Oh shit I need to pay attention"
Damage dealer vs generalist support
Crazy bitch vs tomboy
>energy regen meme
>measly 160 flat atk buff
This is worth less than shit compared to the nukes Rocket/Amillion/Bangvolver offer and the utility you get from Ether/Shark.
that was me until i decided to count every polychrome source in the game and noticed i could make.
do the same maybe you could do it too
Whoa cut down on the cheese bitch damn
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Shark tits.
Team Penetration Buff (Enemy Defense reduction) and a buff to electric damage and shock duration (and thus shock disorder damage). Really good with Grace and Yanagi.
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Here's Rina's gameplay:
>pop out a chain attack or Ex once in a while
>get spooky
>fuck off
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Let fate decide, do you have a guarantee? No? Then it's a 50 50 which you get, isn't it?
Bangboos do no damage anon compared to agents.
let it go anon.
Just you wait
We have too many big titty bitches
I want a lady with a massive ass and thighs
she's a pen ratio support, meaning she can let the team ignore a large part of the enemy's defense value. she's also the fastest agent in the game which could come in handy in some very niche situations.
>swap in
>left click or ex
>her dolls come out and sit on the field for 5 seconds
>if you're within 10m you get 30% res pen
its not really worth it without her wengine/m1 but whatever the games easy enough anyways
Every day I fight the urge to c1 Caesar. Since I still need to c6 Lucy and she's with Burnice
already disproven. sorry you fell for the butler brick
>Really good with Grace and Yanagi.
Grace or Yanagi more accurately. You wouldn’t want all three.
>Piper/Burnice/Lucy worse than the same with Jane
Where's that faggot who was screeching about hypercarry Jane and disorder Piper/Burnice being the way to go? I fucking told you Jane and Burnice together would be the best. I FUCKING TOLD YOU.
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stay on ellen for a majority of the fight
lycaon is there for parries and dumping his EX
soukaku should only be swapped into to refresh her buff whenever she has EX up, dont bother if she doesnt
in case youre a visual learner https://streamable.com/spiz58
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im not a drawfag so the thong i drew is just so-so.
>Bangboos do no damage
Wrong. My level 60 Rocketboo does noticeable dmg
can I touch em?
it's alright son
you're doing God works
>Buff and energy for agents that will do damage most of the time
>one """""Nuke" every 20 secs
also, buttler is indeed shit because the other are much better but no single bangboo is going to shave of some seconds on any content except maybe this one and even then is doubtful.
I don't think Nineveh gets any harder mechanically, but the offensive and defensive stats on all the fights leading up to it are pretty cracked. Enemies have a lot of hp to chew through and if you bring a squishy lvl 50 unit they might just get 2-shot. Also Bosses get out of stun before chain attacks are over.
Should I invest on Rina or Lucy then? You guys keep sending me mixed signals...
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Why isn't Rina's tongue on my anus right now?
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I didn't realize Phaethon was an actual mythological character, thats neat

>bastard son of the sun god Helios takes the reigns of his father's chariot against his father's warnings, loses control and nearly burns the earth before Zeus strikes him dead to prevent calamity

Seems pretty obvious what that's implying, the MCs took the reigns of their masters "chariot" and some bad shit is about to go down
My Safety Bangboo does more damage than my Anton.
>big butt
>must be black people

anon you're in the wrong thread
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I can't stop playing the new mini game
How come I can be a professional HSR player and dumpster everything with my tactics but suck at this game it’s not fair.
so for Piper I just monkey stack as much anomaly as possible and nothing else?
Zero. That would basically mean making a completely different game.
anomaly prof > atk >>>> everything else
If you want to make her hard tackle 11/11 under hay fever. Although I imagine Caesar makes the life drain significantly more manageable now.
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If you don't have a sub-50 second clear of both CSD7 sides you should leave the general. We don't carry casuals and shitters here this is a GAMER general.

Can't wait to spearhead the /zzz/ guild when raids come out and make fun of you shitters their bricked public logs. Me and my Discord buds have decades of experience raiding FFXIV and World of Warcraft, can't wait to bring them into the fold and do my big dick PVMPER BVRST rotation destroying Sunbringer in the world's first sub-10 minute Hardcore clear uh
Burnice/Piper/Caesar is the top tier though
nta my red moccus does 10% of shiyu 17 jane's bar on his chain attack, not to mention it juggles her when he does his active. I don't think bangboo damage is insignificant at all.
Personally I think it's just a waste to roll Burnice JUST to buff Jane, she doesn't need it at all.
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Take that back Bagboo is the GOAT. Factionboos like Cui are absurdly strong though.
I'm a Piper hagbro here. What anomaly mastery even does?
Isn't ER important for her too?
it makes her assault people it needs to be as high as possible
Lucy fits easily into more teams. Rina is more powerful in the teams she does actually fit well fit into. So it depends.
>Personally I think it's just a waste to roll Burnice JUST to buff Jane, she doesn't need it at all.
And? This game only has modes with 2 teams needed with 3 characters each. My bigger concern is fitting in the limited characters I've rolled for into teams. Fuck waste. I don't have time to even think about that.
so I've just been using the Cunning Hares and I'm at the point where I can level them past 40

should I keep pushing them upwards? I'm kind of just using them to get me through the story. I don't think they'll be my "main agents" if that makes sense. I just don't really have anyone else that really synergises together.

is it a waste of resources to keep pumping them? it's getting pricey at this point
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you dont need ER, just ult with your support
anomaly mastery is anomaly buildup rate
its multiplicative with her core skill so you build a lot of bar really fast
Thanks a lot anon. I am just too retarded for this game.
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Hello guys remember to pull for Caesar's W-Engine to clear shiyu 3 seconds faster
not if you like them. there's videos out there from people here who just Billy solo the entire game. They're perfectly competent
>no mole
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I did it to pamper my favorites
Anomaly mastery allows you to fill the circle faster.
ER is not important if you have M1 since you can stack using your non-ex spin. You can also play around energy requirements with support ults if you are M0.
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Already did, thanks Rushi
do you run anomaly mastery or impact 6 disc on Seth in a Jane team?
Mastery translates directly into a percentage increase in the amount of anomaly buildup. Anatoly Proficiency is the damage boost. Since Pipers Sig and Pipers kit has a fair amount of extra buildup ans it is and she’s pretty energy dependent, energy regen disc 6 can indeed be a good choice over mastery.
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>Pretty much was doing this save for maybe using soukaku more than I needed too
Good to know I was partially doing it what I was supposed to didn't know realize the chain attacking was a waste though
alrighty cool thanks
I like em, but I don't know if its just cuz I don't really have any other agents but I won't stress too hard
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so warm~
dios mio... el abominacion de la furries...
I let him sit in slot 2 with no equipment so Jane can have her bonus skill while she solos.
I'm just trying to get more copies of the Piper engine
if youre running 2 electrics building anomaly prof/mastery is ok
in a jane lucy team though you wont proc enough shock to be worth it
Did you know that CA take time away from your DPS during stun? Is not free dmg.
it is very insignificant because
1.- They are not always guarantee to hit their attacks
2.- DPS just do much more damage
the best bangboo are the ones with utility for a reason.
Rina has a niche with shock/anomaly/disorder stuff that I think will last a long time. I think Nicole will outlast all of the standard banner characters including the S ranks though.
Burnice should have tons of proficiency?
Sorry if I didn't quote everyone.
Chain attack being bad is more or less a Soukaku only thing simply because she has a really long animation and lower personal damage as a support.
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We WILL be the last surviving standard.
I put attack on everything because I have M6 Seth and his Resolve Spender attack hits like a truck
>butlertard is doubling down
>i never played genshit but i heard that their overworlds were once limited, but later opened up so the player could freely explore. will it happen?
It never changed, you can walk to every region besides Inazuma, which is across the sea, devs just added new gimmicks exclusive to each region which aren't retroactively added to others, such as underwater swimming only being available in Fontaine.
>what are the odds the roadblocks in the overworld are removed and the agent can explore freely on a skateboard like pircrel? that would save the game imo.
Zero. The hubs are too small since ZZZ isn't open world, I'm talking smaller than levels in a Tony Hawk game on the PS1, plus they would require a complete redesign to take the new traversal into consideration so Jet Set Radio'ing would even be possible.
Only way for something like that at this juncture is if the devs invest in a game-mode separate from the main game like MGS2 https://youtu.be/81grIIn5BqE?si=nRlUpeqCOglDJk5h and even then MGS2 had the benefit of just snagging another Konami game, code and all, for it. ZZZ would have basically code, animate and design a much more expensive and ambitious minigame than the ones in the arcade from scratch to snap into ZZZ's whole just for it to be abandoned and left in the dust, kinda like how FF14 did with its Chocobo racing and breeding.
I'm like 99% sure S11 is a dev favorite so her
soukaku is unique because hers takes 3 years to do way less damage than your dps
your theorycraftings falls before the might of my clears
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Bros I drank hot water and my headache disappeared. What the fuck???
>Jane+Burnice confirmed to be a meta comp
We are so fucking back bros. Just did a fat 300k disorder in the HIA event, this team is gonna be FIRE. Where's the blandyagi faggot screeching this ain't gonna work??? Where the bitch now???
>no mole
i bet she doesn't even play the fucking game...
I have her m2 but she looks weak
Every anomaly character should have as much proficiency as you can give them and a high amount of attack.
Drink hotter water now
Is buying the interknot membership subscription thing seen as generally normal and reasonable?
that was the seth shipper, you can fully bench seth or lucy if you pull burnice.
Secretly worst than Nekomata. I can't wait for Miyabi to powercreep her.
>by the time I get to redeem S11 1 and 1/2 years later she's already powercrept by some backwater nigga named Tzatziki
It hurts so bad bros...
its the best poly per dollar purchase by a long shot
I mean sure, but with red moccus specifically, you're probably running an anomaly comp, so stun doesn't even matter since you're only guaranteed one within the timeframe of the stun. I agree that bangboo utility has a place and sometimes its better to forego them in chains but it's a case by case thing
drink tea, is flavoured hot water.
it helps a lot with a lot of stuff, while the lolibaba robocop is a retard, she ain't wrong about the health stuff.
If you’ve got the extra cash it’s the best place in the game to put money.
Bwo I do 1.4 million assault crits with solo Jane, what the fuck do I need Burnice for?
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Is Nicole cute
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i don't even have butler retard.
i already said butler is shit
Buying the battle pass and the monthly thing is generally seen as reasonable, yes. It's when you start buying monochrome packs for over 8x the price of the monthly that you're setting money on fire
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its fucking massive
>shtter with nonmaxed bangboos telling you they do no dmg
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Imagine the sex
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Thanks for replying bros. I already have Grace built so I'll just pair these beauties together eventually.
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So Burnice can give you paizufella while Jane is sitting on your face.
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is this the thread?
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See, when they first said Assha, I thought it was a typo. But then they said it again and corrected themselves. So now I'm just thinking...Were they distracted by rabbit thiren ass?
>in a crop top
is she a prostitute?
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this was honestly the biggest brick advice when people realized you could just equip a stunner w-engine
>I think Nicole will outlast all of the standard
With a debuff that lasts 3.5 seconds? Nah.
The game may be overdosing on phys and electric characters atm, doesn't mean the trend will continue forever.
Why she can't stand still?
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is it?
Asha has no ass though
its not case by case, you should always ignore CA specially on Anomaly where stun times matter the most since you only get so many stuns.
It's fine using it since it does damage off-field and whatever but a bangboo is not going to shave off secs on your shiyu defense because they do not attack as frequently and are not as strong as your DPS.
That's why KnightBoo is better than most, that 160 atk + energy while small is something that could totally shave off some seconds.
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How did this big titty dumbo end up in the desert
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I'm trying to help F2P players to clear shiyu heehe
I love Lucy
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>seething he lost the roll for best engine
I was wondering the same thing and I still don't have an answer.
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Janebros can't stop winning, not only are we the best solochads but now the best mixed anomaly agent too this character is so OP and versatile she fits in any team and makes them better she will LITERALLY never be powercrept
That's some buoyance alright
she's not a dumbo she works hard for those comissions
>you go to the desert
>she goes to the desert
wow who knows man her motives are extremely complex you couldn't possibly understand what goes on in the mind of a lonely onee-san
It doesn't matter what character it is.
Every single sunk cost retard will advice to roll for engines because they are "very good" for the character.
I never paid attention to numbers, but I was surprised how much faster I cleared some floors on SD after I bothered to level the bangboos I was using from 50 to 60. Didn't realize how much difference the bangboos made.

The duration refreshes every time her black hole thing deals damage, so the debuff lasts the entire duration of her black hole PLUS 3.5 seconds after it stops doing damage.
She took a car presumably.
>the best solochads
that's still Billy though
It's not really an anomaly team, Burnice is just RPing as a support for Jane, who is a hypercarry. The only reason anyone thinks physical disorder teams are worth using is nothing else is available yet
What if she's the final boss?
Its someone girlfriend
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>lucy is bis for jane burnice
so what is caesar bis team then?
jack of all trades master of none...
Jane solo clears are faster

Lmao I'm literally doing 350k disorders in the HIA thing right now that's literal FREE extra damage non-stop shit is insane, I bet with the assault crits Jane+Burnice is gonna be better than Blandyagi+Burnice too
Tell me 1 buff that Burnice gives to Jane not including core passive since it can be activated by seth.
I'm going to kill myself
>She reveals that she was pretending to be retarded all along
>Then proceeds to overpower and rape you
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She looks like Kafka here.
I love the Agent designs in this game
Other games have the 5star characters covered in superfluous details to try and give them "Main character" appeal and they look like an 11 year old drew them.

Lighter is 5stars and he's just a guy in biker gear with sunglasses and a fire knuckle duster on one hand. And it works
Have they released the other challenge missions for the arcade event? I've finished all of them but I can't claim any rewards.
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I love her
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where does the W-Engines go?
Billy is trash prydwen told me
your bangboo of course
Janefaggots not beating the constant metafagging allegations
Additional damage from her off-field burn, which substitutes for making Jane herself do more damage
Jane in general doesn't really care who her teammates are, she wants 99% of the field time and all she needs to do is dodge and hit things. This is great in terms of longevity and ease of team building but it also means it barely matters who you put with her as long as they somehow add to her damage
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uhh bwos? my sister is looking a little weird...
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Proxy and Caesar aren't answering their phones again...
I know it’s miserable but I legitimately hate cosplay, one of the worst parts of any fandom.
Nah dude, the temptation comes with the lack of resources and even worst, the disc stat grind.
I require sex with Anby.
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lighter is cringekino
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Prydwen tiers were shit since the very beginning with CounterSide
>zero typos
uh oh......
Literally just fap and then ignore it, bwo.
you poor obsessed american.
this is why the rest of the world laughs at you and your downfall.
Why not? It doesn't matter
that anon just talked about disc grind and now youre gonna prove him right
All in a bad 4th stat
That's not a buff. Burnice damage is burnice damage, jane damage is jane damage.
Hyper carry teams are NOT disorder teams.
>he's going all in
Add percent def and dump eet.
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>Janefags are such coomerbrained retards that they don't realize the HIA Event has a special +100% Disorder damage/+50% Anomaly Build-up passive
>their 350k disorders would only do 100k in normal play
>don't realize how the Disorder formula works and why it heavily favors Burn/Corruption and especially Shock

Keep listening to the sub-70 IQ CC's hyping up Burny+Jane though.
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You should listen to this sexy robot
post the spreadsheet faggot
Is there a full size image of Billy's Starlight Knight cosplay?
how mad I am is determined by what set it is
With how shit these builds are i don't doubt that well built jane and burncie could do more damage.
Why do Qingfaggots always use the same 5 images
I am not rolling for Bricknice Lawrence.
There are lots of different types. Read the discriptions.
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It's almost as if Hoyo is trying to bait them into pulling for Burnice... Hmmm.....
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When are we going to get a character that looks as cool as THIS?
I'm rolling for Burnice. She's cute and hot and sex and crazy
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Is that the only message she gives you without any typos if you ditch her
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I am going to be very fucking mad if the first ether anomaly is another off field, I'm taking a gamble on burnice. I refuse to roll for npcnagi
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I thought Jane does 1 million damage? Why are people hyping up 300k disorder proc?
anyone that actually looks at TC knows jane is an enormous brick in disorder
it's just a bunch of cope from people that don't want jane to be shackled to seth until eos (she is)
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When are we going to get a character that looks as cool as THIS?
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we don't want to talk about that...
No one is rolling for Sharter so Koleda still hasn’t been powercrept
>anon types this, as if endgame has 0 passive buffs and is always neutral and impartial to any banner of the month
How the literal fuck are you supposed to survive wave 3 as the bagnigger on difficulty 5
It doesn't seem possible
>carefully taking the time to type it out properly and not make any mistakes
Caesar is way too cute and deserves to be Wise's canonical wife
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>no tail
you reset if you dont get the heal on coin pickup item
Yeah, that's why release Caesar is infinitely superior to beta Caesar.
in their pocketses
They feel like they have purpose and they don't discriminate between s-ranks and a-ranks since they all look great
It's isn't, but it would never give 100% bonus damage to Disorder either, this rotation bonus is 20% additional attack for shielded team members for example.
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>looks as cool as THIS
we already have a fox without a tail, jq. You're blind anyway
she IS pretty cute
should I give in and play HSR?
My dick will be her tail
Cripple foxgirls deserve love too
there 2 typos in the second one
Goku Black is a literal faggot tho
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Lycaon is Gepard
>Immediately useful day one because it's an essential role which you lack options for, but because it's an essential role is being powercrept thick and fast. Caesar already does his job better and then Lighter will also do his job better

Rina is Bronya
>Damage buffing support used for speed runs whose benefit scales up significantly with good gear as an additional multiplication vector, not strictly better than Tingyun (Lucy/Nicole) but likely to stick around

Koleda is Bailu
>You're happy to get her early on but she isn't going to last 5 minutes in the meta

S11 is Clara
>Pretty garbage on release but new characters might keep her relevant

Grace is Welt, people actually pretended she was useful for a short period
Neko is Yanqing
S11 is Clara
See >>496934034
Janetards are fucking dumb
>Cripple foxgirls deserve love too
No. Hit the gym and grow a fucking tail.
Burnice is probably the best banner so far for any limited, even better than ZY since burnice also has Nicole lmao.
>Lucy specifically buffed for Burnice and will be the second character that can work with her, the other being piper which is also a character that can be used with burnice
>Off-field fire, meaning it will be relevant until another two off-field anomaly characters release
>Works with every anomaly in the game
That item doesn't do shit against the boss inevitably injecting his hot steamy load into you as he unavoidably advances on you. You won't have enough health regen even with two of the oven mitts.
OOC garbage. Lucy won, not Caesar
just build armor and knock him away
metakeks are seething because seth will be benched in two weeks eh?
Do you like chinkslop and autobattlers?
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I just got this, now I can skip Burnice's banner
Nekomata is fine if you have her signature and/or her M1, there is no unit in this game as useless as Yanqing
I want Burnice, but I think I need Lighter and Miyabi instead. I just don't know.
hey fuck you
how in the FUCK do i get capped gallant to work? this fucker feels like shit to play.
>it's just a bunch of cope from people that don't want jane to be shackled to seth
Jane's best disorder team is Seth anyway
Roll for her just to get the extra rolls bro.
you are literally stealing from da wei when you roll a banner with M6 A ranks on your account.
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>9999 decibel training course
>get to see neko's butt wiggle constantly
Is there any point in using Lucy over Caesar or is the guy who made this video retarded?
Miyabi my love please look at me with both of your eyes
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Actually the best banners are the ones with Corin on rateup. Hope this helps!
he has severe autism
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hey guys rate my seth build
This, I got M6 Billy and M6 Corin from Qingyi's banner.
>why won't you look me in the eyes when we make love
Nigger he rapid fires two to three times in the space between getting hit by at least two bullets and being in knockback range, and then he just does it again, WHILE a bunch of trash mobs are also shooting your ass for base 4 damage each. You're not getting any amount of armour that matters before wave three, let alone that much armour AND the coin regen.
>get to see neko's butt wiggle constantly
her hips got a good workout that day
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always looking with both eyes open
Jane literally does not need teammates to work though, she can solo the final stage of shiyu in 90 seconds without even playing particularly well
>there are faggots that actually built and use Seth
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>tought the training course was tutorial shit for newbies
>just learned you can use it to unlock a passive exp farm
How old is this bitch really to be mentioning it as much as she does? Has to be at least 45
How good is Billy's core skill? You don't just crouch shot all the time
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>zzz in 1.4
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just ask for more like a normal person bwo
wait what?
She's probably like 30, so pretty old I guess.
I hate playing seth
>Want Burnice's sexy ass on my face
>Have both Nicole and Lucy at M6 already
Unironically suffering form success
She is a disgusting 15 years old hag
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I swear the devs just put this in to shit on people asking for ult spam

We already have perfect mini-ult, they're called CHAIN ATTACKS
>jane is an enormous brick
This is true
it buffs everything when crouching, including skill and ult
very important
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I could not play zzz over the last few days, but geez what a pleasant surprise was picrelated.
I started playing this stupid little game and that was all I could do for the whole day.
Mihoyo is so based it hurts
nyo.... >>496935620
most of the companion passives aren't worth it over drinks or items desu
That was probably the best banner we had.
thats cope
her best team is with seth, and likely will be with seth until she gets powercrept out of relevancy.
>didn't Furina ult > Jean ult > Yelan ult beforehand
bricked fight
sex with venus
What did the ass rat do to upset you this much
I need the right side of the wide Miyabi.
dun, du du du du du du, DUN, dun, DUN, dun, DUN, dun, DUN, dudu DUN, du

this arcade game is in my head 24/7
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good job lucy!
>no proof
I'm using her without Seth lol
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you know what would be funny
if shiryu defence had actual boss fights that would actively delay the fight like the big boss fights
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>Masta, it's time for your daily handjob
>What level of shock do you want this time?
I have not used seth a single time and I main Jane.
Uh oh sethfaggot melty

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reason for posting koharu?
Does Nicole actually use Rina's wengine better than her own sig?
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Please no Rina, I'm already drained. I can't take any more... You're gonna kill me... no more...
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does shadow pulchra have a dodge mechanic? There were moments that felt like I couldn't damage her at all
Kino image
>does shadow pulchra have a dodge mechanic?
you blind dumbass nigger
Miyabi is actually tailless because each visible tail represents an additional 10% power. She's only fighting at 10% right now and will casually oneshot Niveneh at 9 tails.
>looking unhappy
>looks disgusted
>no bangboos
this is shit, Rina is the perfect maid and would smile even if she didn't like it.
0/10 won't coom to it.
Yeah she just perfect dodges shit
so after a few days, is Caesar good?
Shadow Jane also parries sometimes
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I'm a baggot patiently waiting for the BA expies.
I need that sauce boss
Damn that is cute as fuck.
>dawei generously gives you jane's bis support on her banner as a 4*
>have a melty anytime someone mentions he's her bis support
what level of autism is this
I just said I'm not using him, nothing wrong with that
I wish I knew.

I want her to look at me disgusted.
flaminski keeps claiming that there's diminishing returns over 3000 atk
can anyone else attest to this?
Universal support, never dies if you play her right, looks cool and sexy, her EP is an absolute banger.
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Is there any hope of her main quest actually making up for her boring design?
need a second opinion from jstern25
But you appear to be the one getting mad that people are not using the catboy with a nerf chargeblade for 1% more damage
>clear all Shiyu nodes
>did my weeklies
What do I do now
Are the 10 pulls bette than the 1 pulls? I swear I see niggas pull multiple a ranks in every 10 pull
maybe but her brief intro after the msq, doesn't leave me with much hope. Maybe sec6 as a whole will be better.
My Piper is running with 4300 Attack with both Lucy and Caesar buffs and she only clears faster and faster but that's anomaly so it could be different.
>Boring personality
>Boring designs
Easy skip
I mean, there's diminishing returns in the sense that it gets exponentially more difficult to stack higher than that. I don't see why there would be diminishing returns in the damage formula, other than the opportunity cost of having other stats instead.
Your "companions block bullets" drop?
is she good with Nekomata?
More like Nicole is she was not.
let's see the goat jstern25 has to say about this
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>back on the Yanagi loop for the 192381097101938103th time
jstern25 just announced he's appearing on talk tuah
Balls deep in Nicole cunny
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Why'd they deathbait Caesar at the end of the quest just to show she lives like 10 seconds later? At least make the player and lucy believe she's dead for a bit longer. They could even have made a follow up story quest in the next patch where you rescue her from whatever fissure she fell in or something, or play as her and fight herself out of the hollow while riding the bike idk.
Yes anon I know you will skip, you have been saying it for the past weeks
I'm not very hopeful toward S6 in general.
Soukaku is the exception, as everyone looks quite boring.
Yanagi is hot as fuck but still.
>get lucy copy from cheesetopia
>immediately have to go jerk off
No. Her character is just as hopelessly bland as her design.
yeah im skipping burnice.
real talk tho
we need jstern25 on Talk Tuah podcast so bad
if special chapter is over for her, if she gets an interlude she's saved.
Skipping the ugly bitch

Boring bitch, gonna step on ur glasses boring bitch kys
because the game is dogshit
She is good in any team.
There might be optimal choices, but she will fare well in all teams.

Caesar, Soukaku and Ellen is a solid team - not as solid as Lycaon, Soukaku and Ellen, but still a very good team.
Which Agents will make me faint 5 times throughout the night and still be going afterwards?
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>duplicate file
Ah, I'm slow. A glass of tap milk will have to do.
Whom is jstern
Am i supposed to actually pull for w engines?
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which bangboo should i use for this team?

basically wondering which one is the least reliant on its faction bonus
Jason Sterner twenty-five is our lord and savior and greatest ally against the trannies
the king of ZZZ
>actually making up for her boring design?
Not really, and even if they do anything interesting it wont show in actual gameplay.
Isn't that an altar thing?
Bro the moment the legend of the first overlord is explained to you the game is practically screaming into your face that the same is gonna happen to Caesar.
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Omnom too strong please nerf
I literally went afk from wave 7 onwards and my hp didn't drop below 99%
thr metaGOD himself
I dropped a huge cumload to jstern25
ehm im pretty sure its John Stern
The hell is this team dude...Nicole wont even trigger her second passive
where is your damage dealer
I see more people talking about Lighter for being a KOF expy than people talking about Yanagi for any aspect of her. It takes a boring bitch to do it but, I think Lighter will sell well enough. Also has anyone noticed that the second banner of the patches tend to be the character that most are into?
bro your damage
I rape Corin's ass raw with no lube every time I pull her dupes
Fuck Corin
Is Caesar your damage dealer?
Show W engine and discs
This sort of thing happens in media all the time. Yeah they COULD have had people think she's gone for weeks, but that would've completely altered the tone of the story. They wanted to have a moment of suspense and emotion and that's all.
if you're doing m6 caesar shenanigans there's still way better team comps, qingyi and nicole both aren't activating their passives. I'd go for Lucy and idunno, shoot for lighter next month.
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I don't understand this team
пpивeт /bpaт
Hes clearly running DPS Caesar and parrying her in while stunning with Qingyi and using Nicole for DEF shred
I think. Maybe.
That would be more kino, yes, but you just know some hysterical stupid assfaces would immediately quit the game or something because their Waifu was killed.
I see more people talking about Yanagi myself, I think we just frequent very different communities, which is good for ZZZ that they can gather attention from different types of people.
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Shitsar who?
Am I the only one getting filtered by the fifth frontier? Got an S for the sixth one though.
Was it autism?
>never post in the thread
>already got two (You)s
I'm just that good.
so they could show us that the legend was true
>mention Jstern
>farm (you)s
so easy
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I'm tempted to pull burnice m1 but i can't miss out on lighter and miyabi aaa
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>just her animation leaks have gathered 300k+ views on YouTube within 48 hours
>such a ridiculously important kit meta-wise she'll likely won't be replaceable for the next dozen patches
>nothing but positive feedback about her gameplay
>but she is going to flop because one schizo on 4channel says so
Keep huffing your own farts. We're you mayhaps bullied by a girl with glasses as a kid? Or are you a wagie and did your gigastacy OL manager make you work late again lol?
the legend would still have been true, since caesar still would have come back.. just a few moments later
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ah, yeah, that's true. the only funky thing in the damage formula seemed to be levels interacting with defense.
otherwise, i'm weighing these setups against one another. right looks better to me.
>Jane wants to have an one night stand with Wise just so that she can cuck Zhu
Kill all rats
Kill all thirens
Kill all rat thirens in particular
I'm using her DPS (M0) with piper and Lucy.
>i can't miss out on lighter
Why are you faggot
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>Or are you a wagie and did your gigastacy OL manager make you work late again lol?
uhhh just out of curiosity any H doujins with this premise?
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Biker whores and cops should both fuck off
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Mom love
>nothing but positive feedback about her gameplay
cap. all she does it auto attack
how do I get zmerits
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Fucking sluts, HE'S MINE
Is the bunny asshole w engine good for caesar?
No cap bro, I'm being deadass.
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calling it now miyabi will also have assists and switch in mechanics to go with lighter
I, Wise, Random Play's owner and manager, have decided to marry officer Zhu Yuan from pubsec.
I will not have a relationship with thirens, outer ring "people" or maids, do not try to convince me otherwise and I want all other women to stay far away from me, including my own sister.
weekly Hollow Zero. 6 runs.
on god?
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>Random Play's lobby on Valentine's Day
its m1 qingyi
since shes quite competent as damage dealer, im thinking of skipping both section 6 electro bricks, and now trying to find her perfect team
no idea which bangboo to use however
Is this a euphemism for female masturbation
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Caesar already gave Wise a ride.
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Koleda Ben S11 is such a sick team...

Why was my account fated to be maidpilled....
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We love Victoria housekeeping here
I hope Y*n*gi does worse than Jane
>watching porn together
>having her sleep in your bed + breakfast together
>riding a bike and then having a long walk together
Yeah I'm thinking Pubsec mogs
>SIX runs
who has time for that
each run is like an hour and a half
The nips love her apparently so she will sell very well
Her death was baited twice in a row, felt nothing for the first time - definitely wished she died for the second.
Lucy's rich as fuck dad decided that Wise will marry his daughter.
It's over for Pubsec
Quick Reload is so busted how do you even play C0 Zhu Yuan
uh oh janecuck melty
you can quit the run once you pick up the zmerits after the second boss
the dead end butcher one also lets you skip a lot of the grids so you can rush to the bosses
You can just do Blitz now.
You do 2 or 3 full runs for weekly missions (for polychromes) and that takes like 30 mins at most. Then you do Metro on the highest difficulty to collecting 150 merits (2nd boss clear), quit and repeat three times. It takes like one hour to do everything
Any reason why?
you onfield qingyi 90% of the time and only swap to zhu during stun windows
>Lucy goes to Lumina square
>uh oh you're acting suspicious gonna have to take you to the station
problem solved
Guys, should I start a third team?
I currently have Koleda/S11/Lucy and Soukaku/Ellen/Lycaon
I just got Caesar tho.
Should I make a sons of Calydon team, or a team with Caesar, Kot and a support?
Any stun engine with +Impact% is better
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Bangboos are way to expensive Denny wise to upgrade multiple to level 60. Man.

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