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Previous: >>496920961

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
First for Soukaku tummy
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banging . . . BOOS!
Caesar is the best character in the game.
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Proxy! Hey!
Thoughts on Lucy's legs?
Pipe 'er? I barely know 'er!!!
When using Lucy with Burnice, do you build Lucy with anomaly proficiency instead of crit?
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How are your achievements going?
If you're desperate for that last pull toward pity, you could always grind them out!
post the last ZZZ art you fapped to
I don't know what third world shithole you're from but in my civilized nation our police only extrajudicially kill minorities
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wuld you date a taller girl with a prusthetik hand? asking for a frend.
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Bros what in the name of Allah am I supposed to do with Hamster Cage Passes? I got some of them here and I don't know what to do with them.
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Billy has been pretty reliable lately... I wondered what's gotten into him?
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My King is so smart.
It's funny that she slots in basically every team on that challenge thing where you have to pick 2 from the same faction.
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>The people calling Yanagi boring reveal themselves to be femcel shiploonies seething about attractive women
Every single time
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>see her reading
>be proud of her and walk up behind to see what book it is
>it's pic
>.... she gotta start somewhere.
>pet her on the head.
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The vampire survivors event is too hard bros I can't get past wave 5
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Remember, Cats can't enter your roster if you don't give them your consent! Just say NO!
>takes twice as long as normal because she has to sound out every word
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weebshit here
one day and without warning the kot will pounce on you.
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>anon can't come to terms with people having different opinions
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This character is so ass I had to ignore what the game said and get companions anyway to win
what other games will we get?
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>read "one day and"
>my autistic mind autofilled the rest
I don't know about her characterisation or combat animations, but visually at first glance she is just a woman in office attire, which is boring
Why people don't use 4pc impact for Caesar? I thought she stay on field a lot to inflict daze and then switch out after enemy stunned
Stop making up scenarios in your head to win fictional battles, it's not healthy.
you can do it
just get more dudes
Looking forward to Goycore, Reddit Slop and Jank FOTM
Lighter will flop
If the leaks are rightStreet fighter II turbo with multiplayer during the street fighter collab
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Do you guys think Thirens visit normal people doctors or do they have to visit veterinarians? Do the "half Thirens" like Ellen or Jane have to visit both?
just cheesed Capped engine
>futa when it could be wise...
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Ok so I have Caesar...what does she do?
Is she a stunner? a DPS? what?
Do defenders just exist to...waste time tanking damage or what?
This game rewards Time over anything else so why defend...?
Please explain, I'm retarded.
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I really can decide what second team I should build, all I know is that I want Caesar on it. I'm tempted on going anomaly but it seems like a pain
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>honest cunny
I wish there was an agreed upon tag for this, one woman using another woman to pleasure someone. It's very good.
does corin not have any friends, why is she alone most of the time I see her? In contrast, when I come across ellen, she's either surrounded by people or talks about her school friends and such.
>Girl making other girl suck a dick
NGHHNNNGH...I wish there was more of that...
Where's my hornykino arcade game?
god trying to build characters from scratch this early in a hoyo gacha is fucking miserable
no currency, exp, weapon mats leftovers you gotta juggle every fucking thing on top of finding at least main stats on 3 goddamn pieces
how did i even put up with this early in genshin or hsr
Why would you wanna look at men in your porn, anon?
She's basically a support that does decent daze. She has a really big buff, a lil debuff, and she hit man with shield until stunned.
If you get hit you stop doing damage, caesar stops that. If you have caesar's shield you have +1000 attack. If you have her wengine and have a shield you do 18% more damage and 12% more daze.
Downloading the game right now
Any recommended mods I should get?
why would you look at women with penises
Futa mods
Caesar is great for current Disorder teams.
its all subjective since theyre just cosmetic
I recommend all the uncensor mods
that one cunny mod that showed little girl nipples out in the streets of Lumina
DPS/Stunner/Support. She can do all of it.
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It'll be MediEvil. Even I doubt my vision, but I know it to be true. Screenshot this.
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women do not have pee pees, thank you
as much as i want a 2d fighter in the arcade, i doubt they would add one because mobile users wouldn’t be able to play it
Ellen's double pee-pees...
NTA but I can relate to what theyre feeling
Because using 4pc shockstar means you're giving up a 15% squad wide damage buff on ANY assist for a daze buff that doesn't even apply to Caesar's main source of daze.
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Whatever mods make your pp hard.
We're pretty far along into the game now so if you're saying this it means you are either a latefag or an indecisive retard who completely wasted all his resources.
Basically what this guy said.
Using her bespoke set is simply more efficient.
where do you guys get your mods from?
You know the ones.
>mobile users holding us back again
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I personally ask her to join
does the coffee shop let you go over your max battery? or should you always spend battery before drinking
Now that you mention it, a deckbuilder would be an obvious choice.
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Kinda crazy how much more daze I'm getting with this piece of shit. Was coping with a 5 star stun for a while
It overcaps yeah
Genshin was fun for first 50 hour so you don't mind grinding. HSR has afk and converting mats since beginning of the game so you didnt feel the grind.
It'll overcap, but if you spend it right away not much of an issue
2 button fighting game exist
>12% team daze buff
No shit.
How thick is Caesar's shield? How many hits can it take against enemies on Critical 7 or Ambush 5?
I really want this but no way in hell I am risking getting Burnice.
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>there are people that still think Disorder Jane doesn't work
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dunno why I even bothered but watching gacha vtumors play this game is literal visual cancer. Most of them can't differentiate red and yellow glow, they pull characters that they no willingness to learn, some can't even clear weekly bosses.. And yet they all still manage to clear main story. Bravo zzz balance team, dunno how they calculate the lowest denominator but they nail it well.
i already have 2 solid teams that just cleared shiyu just wanna try new shit that's all
early in hsr when i got bored i started to build random characters that i wouldn't even use and it didn't feel like i had to juggle this many mats that keeps running out
every time
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My wifi is soooooo ready for this
Combat Daze buffs are extremely rare and I'm guessing they'd make a huge difference.
Cry about it, sigs or not it's just as competitive as other clears with her sig
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Bwos, is 4chan dying?
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Janefags are massive whales bwi
bros when will i get to play as burnice in the city
i beat the story mode and cheesetopia
did the game lie to me??
daze is not the same as impact, 12% barely makes a difference
You guys told me Rina was a brick. Fuck you guys
Remember the story defaults to easy mode where it is essentially impossible to lose
They've just rolled out the same thing in HSR after previously having to rebalance a story boss because too many people got filtered
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>watch vtrannies
Two weeks bro.
Worth the stamina investment to take Rina to Core Skill F?
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Picrel if you happen to daze the target before they die, big fat 670k Disorders
damn... thanks bro...
Fun little factoid. One of the biggest killers of men is being alone in their apartment and choking to death on steak.
not really
all the core skill Fs are overkill, but if you like the character feel free to max them out
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I think I broke the game
Challenge mode is also easy mdode
Good thing I only eat chicken instead
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>M0W1 is a massive whale
This is why loli pussy is superior to shitty roasted beef
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licking Lucy's Outer Rim
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Wish I had either the cat or soldier 11 just to use this shit already
The bar will be moved until that one guy still has a reason to be mad about Jane
B-but that's dirty!
uh oh janefag melty
>covered tits
>can't see belle
>only tell cause of her clothes
>futa is just shit
bro nothing wrong seeing a bro get his bro sucked by ladies bro.
maybe I misunderstood how this works
but once I reach the research cap at hollow zero I'm not gonna earn any points right?
so does that mean the mode is just dead until the reset?
seems kinda weird to make a mode then put gate up
bro your corin?
I kneel...
why roll jane when piper exists
Piper no piping
Piper no piping
Piper no piping
Awww man
I still love Jane Doe.
for metafagging
I can never use Corin cause she's always getting raped. Anyone else getting this problem or is it a bug?
I think you're a retard for not liking futa but I agree with your other points
why go through all the effort to make this when there's not even Nicole's cleavage on display

it's like idiots that make porn with the objectively worst angel. reverse cowgirl
wow I sure do love looking at just a back.

she's too old
I fucking love fucking lucy.
good on ellen btw.
She feels like shit outside of boss fights, and its a shame since I have her at M6
I rolled Jane AND I also rolled Caesar's weapon banner to get C6W5 Piper.
Ambush 5 big mecha breaks my shield in 2 hits, Critical 7 wave 1 dog takes 3
yet as tight as the actual child
>you can't like more than one character
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Sex r@
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What would that number be with Tsukishiro Yanagi?
>roll Jane
Only soulless metashitters do that althoughbeit
theres zmerits for 6 runs
you play the mode a couple times a week
otherwise it gets stale
zmerits used to go up to 15 runs
imagine doing it 15 times every week
Huh that's weird, I could take like 2 or 3 full spins of that robot
Do you have her engine?
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I impulsed for big sis and got two copies in about 70 pulls
only metafags use seth with their janes.
the easiest way to identify fake janefags.
I have crippling alcoholism and bought Jack Daniels at the grocery store and am going to drink the entire bottle alone while playing ZZZ trying to get a high score with my main Cabbage.
congrats but also explode
saving is so shit
I impulsed for ellen and qingyi and got one early and the other off a 50/50 win
I save for caesar and I go pity into 50/50 loss into pity again
Old people famously have loose weak pussy.
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lucy is so cute bros
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a Spanish female one drools over billy
Jane is not for you. She's only for retarded metafaggots
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>makes /zzz/ seethe until eos
>use two characters to add a million (highballing) of damage total.
>that's two Assaults with Jane
>the time spent setting up Disorders could've been spent by sticking to Jane and the result would've been the same
>if the two slots were used to support Jane instead, she wouldn't even need to make up the difference.
Grace is not an off-field anomaly, and this video is just another example of that.
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Yeah, with 2 piece Shockstar and Impact main 6.
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I'm sorry to hear about your condition, but I hope you have fun
where can i find corin mods?
gamebanana barely has some
The opposite
I saved since Ellen for Caesar and only had to use like 80 pulls to get her weapon and c1 lol
I got like 2 pitys left
Can I have this for next arcade
I NEED to slither my tongue into her ass
When the fuck are we gonna get a sentient ethereal?!
i was actually super disappointed with w5 piper, mine clears faster with w5 gemini, but thats probably because i run disorder and always on-field her even outside of stun
>not anby making nicole suck dick
Don't bother arguing. People who use Jane without Seth are retards (which is why they pulled Jane in the first place to be quite desu)
bottoms up fellow cabbage bro
>roll Jane to use in the overworld
>all her animations are already finished and ready to go
>delay her being added for 2 and a half months so they can shill 1.2 and 1.3 characters more
yup.. was at this moment it was decided the Zzz devs are trash.
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Clear case of you not being able to read
>there are people that still think Disorder Jane doesn't work
>Disorder Jane doesn't work
There's a clear which clearly shows it working, and it's competitive with hyper Jane. Both types are more than viable
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The Lucy shilling was nice but where does her character go from here? Her dad already said it's cool if she wants to marry the proxy and get pregnant and she can comeback and take over the family's business whenever she wants Her arc is literally already over. I'm afraid this is the last we'll ever see of her, bros....
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this is just stupid.
I literally couldn't keep track of my protagonist. He's literally too fast. and shoots a fuckton of projectiles each second. Almost always 100% HP.
Cope harder lmao
>roll Qingyi
>get M6 Billy
>skip Jane
>clear everything in the game
yup.. was at this moment it was decided the Zzz devs are BASED.
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I want her. Not from the limited banner of course
Need a arcade game like metal slug
What if I'm simply a cuckoldry enjoyer?
Outrun/Endless Runner game.
There's already a foundation in this patch's story with Caesar's driving segment.
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I can't do it anymore I need to pull for Caesar's W-Engine, I need to pull I think I'm addicted to gacha aaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>roll (insert anyone)
>get (insert well built character)
>clear everything in the game
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I think charge blade and switch axe are COOL.
>Using worms
Will we have a S-rank Billy someday?
Taimanin and NIKKE are right there for you to play bwi
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She gets a glowy butt if you have Caesar.
why would she be integral for more than 1 chapter. even caesar is struggling to show her relevance, since they opened with saying ch4 is based on perlman spilling the beans and that never happened once in its runtime. the soc don't currently have any relevance to the plot of the sacrifice, which all of phaethon, neps, victoria, and section 6 have accomplished so far.
>There's a clear which clearly shows it working
>and it's competitive with hyper Jane
But both of those are literally false

The same exact run would've ended roughly the same if you skipped Grace entirely.
The run would've been quicker if you run a "support" instead of Grace.
Sons of Calydon has too much sex appeal, their faction covers just about everything you need from gacha women, it literally isnt fair for the other groups.
Shame for having jerked off to a furry.
>Janefags and Sethfags STILL arguing
>while people are soloing Shiyu with Piper on one side and Lucy on the other side
I Kek Hard.
I think I know where all the seethe comes from:
>metatards roll for Ellen
>but Ellen needs Soukaku and Knotdog
>so metatards reroll for the knotdog off standard+Ellen combo
>Zhu comes out and she's the only Ether DPS
>metatards must roll her
>Zhu NEEDS Qingyi, so metatards roll her too
>now all their start of game rolls are used up
>but that's okay, Jane is just a Piper sidegrade
>Jane ends up being better than all their metatarded units
>and she doesn't even need specific teammates
Metatards lost to the "roll for who you like" crowd, and they just can't stand it.
they're missing the objectively best body type
tiny tits
amazing ass
huge hips
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>why would she be integral for more than 1 chapter
because she's the most popular character in the game, that's why.
I'm doing it since I will skip Burnice anyway
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Is it true that Lucy's boars inherit her Anomaly Proficiency now?

Should I give her AP for Disc 4 instead of Crit or ATK%?
Into futaBelle's kitchen. Barefoot and pregnant
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i admit i only rolled jane for meta despite the cuckbait with seth
Where's the fur?
5/10 bait I replied
Disorderchuds need an hour to set up their proc for 300k damage while Attack button masherchads shit out million damage by pressing one button.
You could cut them out and nothing would change. The soc are at least holding perlman hostage after he escaped with the airship
>Zhu NEEDS Qingyi, so metatards roll her too
you had a point until you outed yourself as having no idea what you're talking about
>both of those are false
That's a Disorder comp and it's clearing within seconds of the fastest recorded M0W1 Hyper Jane out there amongst the sweatiest of CN speedrunners.
It works whether you like the playstyle or not
forgot belobog
you have genshin and star rail for that bwi.
the deal with Seth is he gets Jane, and Wise gets Belle.
He's an alright guy.
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im going all in on biker gangs bros...
burnice and that dude is next on my rolling list...
>rolling for meta
Lmao FAG ass niggas. I rolled for Ellen for sex, I rolled for Zhu for sex, I rolled for Qingyi for sex, I got them all, then I rolled Charge blade. Rule of my dick and rule of cool are the only two things that matter when it comes to rolling.
Wise also gets Zhu, Caesar, and based on the pattern, Miyabi
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I want flashier ult animations
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What trailer is this shot from?
A sand cat is fine too.
Caesar would TANK that
The more I browse this thread the more I'm glad I skipped Jane
Burnice is for belle because she's lesbian
>I rolled for x for sex
>then I rolled Charge blade
giga based charged blade user
>only a couple of anons use jane without seth
burnice in two weeks.
Same except I rolled Ellen, Zhu, Qingyi, Jane, Caesar
bitch that ass ain't fat
every comp with a m0w1 jane is clearing within seconds of each other because the enemy dies in 1 stun
go clear inferno reap with 0 resonium set, and post your highscores with both teams
then youd have a real argument
Is Lighter better than Lycaon for Ellen
>Rolling for charge blade
Any Monhun veterens would laugh at you.
Only weapon clone worth rolling for is inset glaive and hammer.
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I'm rolling for every Anomaly no exception, Burnice, Yanagi and Ether Idol next
I am a cuck so I rolled Jane
The most obnoxious posters so far, every single thread arguing and crying about the same shit
my m0w0 jane seth deal 1.5 mil assault why would I change it?
Based 'raseGOD
Do you self insert as Wise or Seth?
Wise would never let that happen, he would ensure Belle gets impregnated first so she becomes his sister wife.
Mom love
Dork love
Rat love
Cop love
Venus love
wait is seth really bis partner for jane? I thought it was rina grace for disorder spam or piper for speed solo assault right?
I only like children
Wise cause I'm KEKMAXXING
Everyone is all about Lucy. But Belle's perfect calves are still unrivaled
Seth is only BiS for Jane on the bed
Reminder that anon mother cuck his dad because she talk to that Walmart cashier guy
Has someone already reached 300 pulls on standard f2p?
>every comp
Concession accepted I guess, that changed quick after feeling so strongly about how Disorder Jane doesn't work >>496945231
>Inferno Reap over Shiyu
lol, lmao even, you enjoy dying on that hill
any monhun veterens would roll for any weapon but ranged weapons
>i admit i only rolled jane for meta despite the [cuckschizo mental retardation]
every damn time
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I rolled for SnS
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Piper's butt is perfect for her size. Any bgiger and you're just a fat fetishist
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If you could put any MiHoyo character in ZZZ, who would you pick?
no I'm only at 270 F2P
Ok but when do we get a gunlance.
I will buy Mihoyo and
>delete Jane from the game
>refund polys to every player who rolled her banner
>rerun Qingyi's banner in parallel to Caesar's as compensation
>Caesar is around the same age as Belle and Wise
Wtf, she's young as fuck. I thought she was a hag.
>the deal with Seth is he gets Jane
damn what a lucky guy
Don't talk to a granny like that..
>cat character
>actually hot instead of the furshit diarrhea we got with Pulkek
Why do we always lose
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im sure there will be reruns, but will characters ever go into the standard banner/pool? ive never played any other mihoyo game
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The only thing seth "gets" is to smell me and my bed all over his """""""""""girlfriend"""""""""
there's a distinct lack of tails
Im at like 196 or something
Where are my god damn no shoes/barefoot mods
I wouldn't mind a Furina expy, or Charlotte expy, or Lynette expy. Man, why does Fontaine have the best hebes...
Hag really lost it's meaning
>run billy corin with jane
>clears within a couple seconds (because m0w1 jane can solo it)
>it works guyz!
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My nigger.
I did back in 1.0
F2Poor here. Should I hold for Burnice or roll for Caesar?
based tencent.
Post it or get over yourself
Pretty sure that's impossible unless you do the retarded thing and waste polys on regular pulls.
im at 209 f2p
Why, of course, the greatest character Hoyo ever made.
>That's a Disorder comp and it's clearing
It's Jane and she's clearing.
Grace isn't doing anything of worth there.

Disorder Jane might work with Burnice but Grace is not an off-field anomaly.
Stop putting words I haven't said in my mouth, you stupid retard.
Think with your dick which ever character you goon to more wins
Wtf is this real?
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Pic rel is what this game needs!
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I just did Jane's chapter and I think I'm in love with her.

Is there any way at all for me to obtain her right now? Or do I just need to wait for a rerun?
F2P is at 209 or so
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Caesar is the best character in the game
for my dick btw
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yeah we had sex
What's going on with her legs?
Is taht some ultra brazilian buttlift?
So what affects stun duration? Do different stunners stun for different times or do different enemies get stunned for longer/shorter? Does impact matter for how long they get stunned or is it just filing up the daze bar?
All that text and yet it's a fast, competitive clear that uses Grace/Rina. Again, however you feel about it is completely irrelevant
I need me some despair kino. Give me Wise/Belle stuck in a hollow with an out of battery Eous/Fairy desperately sharing anti-corruption while hiding from a massive ethereal
Burnice will probably have more of a noticeable impact if you don't have many characters. Caesar does make Nekomata and Corin feel better to play though.
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This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
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Hello Piperscholars, im trying to build my Piper (she's M1) but I really don't know what disks I should farm for her, and I would also like to know if her Disk 6 should be energy regen or anomaly for main stat. Can anyone help me?
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Rappa for aesthetics
Fu Hua for gameplay
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Sorry, I'm just not going to roll on weapon banners!
4pc freedom for disorder
4pc fanged for everything else
mastery = atk > ER for disc 6
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Let's settle this once and for all.
Fanged metal, the physical damage 10% one I mean, for your 4 set. The 2 set is debatable and more preference in my opinion. 20% regen for more spins, anomaly buildup for bigger spins, etc.

Anomaly main stat if you're doing disorder
I prefer energy mainstat.
4pc fang or 4pc freedom, 4pc fang gives bigger damage but 4pc freedom gives you more assaults over time.
theres no anomaly buildup 2 pc
It's not competitive with the same exact team doing the same exact run except never putting Grace on the field.
>trying out Burnice in HIA trials
>use her hold attack flamethrower spin
>it doesn’t hit a guy like 3 feet to the left of her
yea thats a SKIP
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This was settled even before Jane's banner
What are you on about
This but Lighter.
lmfao her banner just ended, you're gonna have to wait six months minimum.
so i dont understand... is jane for (you)?
low t post
Alright, post a 35s M0W1 Jane Rina duo clear without Grace, fuck off if you can't
Jane is for everyone :)
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just so i never have to see another "who is the kafka of zzz" post
My wife Qiqi. Who somehow flies under the radar despite literally being the first character in Genshin for (You)
Retard here. Is 12000 enough for burnice
Who is the Firefly of ZZZ
win the 50/50
all of the whores in this game are for (You)
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I doubt the poster is still around, but I made a longer version of the Burnice intro that includes her looking at you.
you get a couple of rounds with her
Literally all the playable females are for (you) in-game, ignore shitposters and schizo's
Why aren't you converting them into rolls if it's so hard for you?
last time you said it was 5 feet :/
hello guys please stop saying "schizo", i have schizophrenia irl and it's not funny
The cassette tape thst gives your team 30 atk speed and 40 move speed is broken.
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Is there any reason to run withering garden in any difficulty beyond 0/11 if you've already beaten 11/11?
not just females even the males are hard coded to be for (You)
Don't worry because no matter how severe your schizophrenia irl is, you're still more sane than the actual fucking schizo's in this general
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please burn my dick Burnice-sama
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My slacking wife Qingque
This is true, with Lycaon and Seth being the most obvious ones so far
If the fall of the old capitol happened within Koleda's life time why the fuck do people keep saying it was "an era" ago. That'd be like saying 9/11 happened an entire era ago. It's so misleading
>needs Jane M2 to beat Piper M6
Skipping Jane to roll Caesar was the right decision.
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Ty senpai, i'll try to get 4p freedom for disorder because im going to play her with Baldnice.
How did you do it?
more points for the weekly, you can run 9/11 I believe and hit 8k in one run
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*buys soukaku food*
>Caesarbros are just as illiterate as her
Honestly based
based caesarchad, as illiterate as their favorite character
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I recorded my own intro then edited it in Davinci. I've never used it before so that took a bit but the real kicker was trying to get the video under 4MB and still be able to see her short seems.
why did Jane flop despite being meta
>Jane M0 2 million dmg
>Piper M6 870k dmg
Where's my jane being a stinky bitch porn? I want porn of her being a smelly bitch in her stinky apartment
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farutard bro...
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Lads time for dinner
Miyabi is going to the the games first double element or double class
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I hope he draws the rest of the girls too..
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is this a british interpretation of poutine
>team game
>Jane steals field time from the team
I was having too much fun in natlan I forgot to do my research on what to prefarm for burnice. I am an idiot
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yeah, and her power level will be over 9000!
because she's ultimately the worst pickup of the limited dps, at least ellen had the launch banner factor and will have been the undisputed ice queen for months before mibibi shows up
Britain must fall
You could have saved a little bit of space by removing those black borders. But Thanks.
glued to a twinkboy
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Can't tell if it was a deliberate joke or
Miyabi is going to be "mid" and everyone will call her Midyabi in their stupid red text YouTube thumbnails
only waterkuma designs sell
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double element mibibi will take over 2 slots in the character screen, that's how wide she will be
The Luftwaffe isn't flying overhead anymore, please eat something better
Lucy > Burnice > Piper > Caesar
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is this supposed to be fish and chips? Why are there beans on top
Concession accepted.
Fish has become too expensive.
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I'm ready for all of it
>turns bad
>face doesn't get patched
>turns meta and gets her face patched
Miyugly because it's a rite of passage
Why couldn't at least one of those bricks be a Piper ball?
>Qingyi's banner gives Billy
>Caesar's banner gives Piper
What kind of retarded nigger would actually roll Jane
>Perfectly good fish and chips
>RUINED by beans
>he fell for the ball shilling
This game ruined my life
Is there any world where 4pc Inferno Metal mono-fire Burnice is a thing? I want to do something with her that isn't sticking her with Jane+Seth and having her only show up for 5 seconds once per fight. Don't have Caesar, do have M6 Lucy and M6 Ben I guess.
>"who is the kafka of zzz
Makima ripoff? glad we don't have that here
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my wife SW
The anomaly damage one then, whatever it was
Find me ANY M0W1 Jane Rina or Jane Seth duo, because at the moment all you're doing is screeching how Jane Disorder with Grace doesn't work, and I know that you can't seriously be this retarded either
i use both and grace
just works, abusing the fact that actions and certain combos still complete after assist works out very well
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Please help before I make a mistake on the discs.
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>meanwhile only 1 Piper's W-Engine this banner (had a random one from a long ago, so it makes that P2)
It didn't have to be this way, Hoyo.
4pc inferno is pretty troll because burnice doesnt need crit rate
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I did not expect Qingyi to type like this
She’s funny as shit
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why is her pussy so fat
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why this thread has so many lolicons?
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>f you could put any MiHoyo character in ZZZ, who would you pick?
We don't want AI generated shit here. ZZZ is the only hoyo game with a REAL artist and original design
the other games especially HSR copy paste from other popular gacha/anime or have extremely shitty designs like Kokomi
I'm noticing and increasing amount of autogynephiles posting recently, is this the beginning of /zzz/'s prison gay arc?
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>Darkness, Light, Wind, Ground
Is this foreshadowing future elements?
uh oh anti-loli sethfag melty
Lolis look attractive.
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it's true
but I like loli
>all you're doing is screeching
You are the one who is screeching, though.

I'm just stating the objective and easily observable fact that Grace does nothing of worth in that comp.
You are being asshurt about that is a you problem.

I'm not going to look up retarded conditional shit you want me to because that's a waste of time that won't be proving anything even if I find it as cross-account comparisons are worthless.
Do it yourself if you want to die on that stupid hill.
Or stay mad, kiddo.
that loli from hsr with gray hair and red clothes, don't know name
might be referring to elements they scrapped during development, soukaku used to be wind element
Piper pretending to be a hag is not funny
life sucks
So Jane is a brick for Disorder teams? Got it
nta but a 35s jane/seth duo woudn't be very hard to find
i cba to dig through bilibili
life is tough in Indonesia
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burnice can't come any sooner
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>unable to get consistent sleep
she's just like me
dont worry, its fucking worthless anyway
You have 0 friends in this game
and real life
i literally dropped my account with jane because she makes me extremely horny and i jerked off like 8 times in one day
bros, is it mandatory to have Caesar if I want to main S11?
It's definitely creative. I was wanting to try and on-field her if I could, would 4pc Freedom Blues result in re-proccing Burn too fast? I might end up coping with Ben instead of Caesar and so I'd have crit from his shield anyways.
>Still come out with assist

It's my favorite thing about the combat and actually makes it feel like you do have a little group of characters instead of 1 guy that keeps switching what colour his fuck you damage circle is.
>Grace does nothing of worth in that comp.
Then stop repeating yourself like a massive retard and show how irrelevant she is by posting any clear at all that proves your point
>waste of time
yet you've been sat here repeating the same things over and and over again for the past hour because you got some hate boner against Grace or the idea that Jane Disorder doesn't only work but is pretty damn competitive
Feel free to post it because the fastest I found were between 30-35s, the the faster ones involving other limiteds, ALL of them being in a full comp.
The only way you're getting in that bracket is if you've got M2W1
Yes, and?
Billy is my friend, we play video games together :)
why would I add anyone when there's no multiplayer
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jane transform my dick into dry stick
Billy is my friend
not true, i have the achievement for getting 15 friends in one run
Does the noodle shop buffs work for Shiyu?
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For your information I have 2! They added me because I was TOO GOOD at snake...
I remember constantly having people talk to me in genshin, that was nice.
no but they work in HZ and notorious hunt at least
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Jane's banner is over.
Shut the fuck up. Yes, you bricked yourself by skipping some combination Caesar/Burnice/Yanagi to roll her. No, nobody cares about your Jane.
Shut the fuck up.
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How's everyone's bangboos coming along?
I don't know if I'd say mandatory but they work really well together. S11/Caesar/Lucy is really fun and feels pretty strong.
Lighter is arguably more mandatory for Fire RES shred.
Both full robots we know of are sassy shits and I really like them
Don't forget to ask for Beta Nico,Grace, Neko and Anby on the Survey's devs are listening and updating models
No. S11/Koleda/Lucy is pretty solid too. I've cleared all the non-fire resistant Shiyus with those 3.
>by skipping some combination Caesar/Burnice/Yanagi
sorry I don't understand poor-glish
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Hey everyone, this is my underage girlfriend, what do you think?
people cared about that cuckbait? lmao
im not joking btw it was fucking unhealthy
rare based frogpost
Shut the fuck up sethfag
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That was a fun couple of days. New arcade game when?
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I’m aware
Quality cunny.
touch some grass
Wise is not underage
I'm hoping for a Classic Bomberman rip-off.
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no need, I have frens on /vg/
Seth Lowell is so fucking handsome and cool
he bags Jane Doe too damn! his dick game must be good
What's the trick to increasing Income? I still need to unlock the Card King.
I regret skipping Ellen, Officer Fancy Bangboo and Burnice, this hag only challenge is cruel
Will they ever buff Nekomata to be good?
i dont understand the cuckbait shit, she only talked with the twink squirrel for 1 minute, she flirts more with wise or belle on her trust events
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>I'm meant to believe that this faggot is straight
Caesar isn't a hag
yup!! that's mi idolo Seth fucking Lowell
I just assume any post mentioning J*ne or P*per is a baiting samefagger. The worst part is this isnt even a good rivalry like hu tao and eula you guys are just obnoxious
Trust events aren't canon
Honestly all she really needs is an agent who can apply off-field physical anomaly. Once Neko can reliably and frequently proc Assault while staying on the field she's going to be really good.
You're not meant to believe that, tha game is pretty on the nose about his faggotry
you fucking cheater
>i don't understand
good, you shouldn't try to understand schizo's and actual cuckfags
truth be told i got my Jane completely accidentaly while trying to build pity for caesar and maybe get a few Seth copies
how much Seth copies did you get? his M4 is pretty good
it's janeshitposting hours if you couldn't tell
pretty pathetic to be this obsessed when her banner already ended
>i dont understand the cuckbait shit
did you miss how she looked at him when he protected her? That shit is the reason for all the fanart and porn these two got together
Mihoyo baited them and artists took the bait
Yanagi looks pretty cool, but I have a feeling Burnice will hold up better in the long term due to her ability to build up anomaly while in the back.
Why not? It happens in game, she slept with my belle btw
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I'm just so tired of being bad
Does s11 gets interrupted a lot when doing her combos? I mean you should finish her combos to do big damage no?
Bwo? Your billy kid?
based frogfag
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she's mature enough to understand when to be serious and when to have a light hearted fun
Does Caesar have a gyatt
need me a woman that looks at me like Jane looks at Seth
Posts like this and the one you replied to is just as bad btw. If you don't want to see posters pop up you ignore them, not shitfling or fling shit back
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Other shitters will say "it's just 200 polys bro" to cope with how bad they are lmao
uhh yes but you said it she looked at him lol why cuckbait
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>have good random numbers queued up
>waste them
well that sure didn't work
bro you can say getting seth was your main goal, I sure hope it was because "building pity" is tarded. I won't think you're the horse cuckold or anything, I already know he doesn't even like seth
>started playing the last day of Jane
>couldn't get enough tapes to roll her without whaling
I'm bricked aren't I...
are you saying Hoyo didn't bait them? if yes you're either lying or delusional, most likely the former
denying the truth won't erase that ship, will mihoyo do more we don't know Jane flopped but that didn't stop the shipbaits in Genshin and HSR
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At this point the anti-Janefag cares more about hating her than caring about characters he likes in the game.
Do you even have characters you like in this game? Or has Jane broken you so much that you let her live rent free in your mind?
Anbyfags and Qingyifags stopped fighting like weeks ago.
Piperfags already stopped caring about metashit.
What excuse do Janefags have to keep whining about the same 3 topics every thread?
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Honestly it's a shame Ben isn't good cause he's cool
Am I really a faggot for using Piper :(
Yeah. It's hard to play the rhythm minigame with her, especially with faster enemies. You'll mostly just be dodge countering, which isn't exactly bad, her dodge counter does decent damage anyway.
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Is it weird for me to want lighter and burnice to like each other so I can self insert as him??
>people cared about that cuckbait? lmao
Soon that will be 80% of the cast. Don't laugh at Janefags because your waifu is next
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one step closer.
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she will be once i knock her up and her tits sag and her nipples darken
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We love Seth Lowell here.
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If a chinese 2d model of a gacha woman the devs make is attractive then I roll, simple ass
>b-but she's not for (you)
I don't give a shit. I rape every hot woman in my head regardless and I only do RAPE
Starlight Knights Beat-em-up
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d-don't you think that sometimes it would be better to ask Corin for consent?
Piper is literally a woman, it's impossible to be a faggot if you like a woman
This place picks and chooses who to shitpost.
We've seen Caesar and Lucy constantly banter and bicker in-game, even a shower scene, yet there's nothing thank fuck
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It's okay anon. You're based and correct.
Now THIS is a man who fucks rats.
correction piper is a HAG
Seth Lowell is loved by every Eridu citizens and coworkers
he's my hero
>is it weird making mental gymnastics to from a parasocial relationship with a fictional character?
yeah unironically go out more
I still think femcels used him as a way to spite zzz
Nothing to roll for till 1.5
If you told me this was unmodded I would believe you
FOMOkeks have to stay relevant somehow
can we please increase roll income and reduce banners to 2 weeks in length
these slow ass banners are killing the game
but will characters ever go into the standard banner/pool?
Not usually, we may get a standard S defender at some point, but I wouldn't count on it.
not so rare frog samefag
Anon not everyone is as mentally ill as you are.
I don't think they interacted to each in the story
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Ben is good with his signature W-Engine.
I ship Lighter and Lucy
Maybe Jane isn’t forgotten or fotm after all…
>that's a heavy responsibility
Yeah I think Hoyo just confirmed Belle is fat
Would a typical Attacker unit benefit from Caesar more than Jane Doe? I know Assault scales with Attack in some way, but is it less effective buffing that with Caesar's shield than buffing say Ellen?
>What excuse do Janefags have
Unironically shitflinging that never ended (and won't for at least a few months), of course you're going to have a back and forth
>are you saying Hoyo didn't bait them?
dios mio... is the cuckfag finally starting to see the light???
post lucy and shut the fuck up
Not true, we have dehya and tighnari from genshin and Clara from HSR.
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Is it a mistake to build Lucy with Impact on slot 6?
Maybe if he gets out of his house and interact with people lmao
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Lucy is B__ coded.
In terms of overall dps they both benefit from her buffs.
In terms of shield however, Ellen will forever thank you for that shit while Jane never really needs it
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but corin, it's not rape if it's under consent
If by "impact" you mean PLAP and by "slot 6" you mean HER PUSSY then no
they exist?
>that reply
weird melty, but ok.
I will NEVER get Ellen JOE
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impact% on 6th is only good for speedrunning shiyu
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don't worry, you're not alone
I'll probably have to completely max out my crappy f2p teams just to get A ranks
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At least give me an expy
what is she doin
Your Jane?
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What to do, get electro-lips to r3 or level a second one for Grace, Jane is using my r2 electro-lips
once phys weakness is gone from shiyu jane will be exposted as a B tier unit
post roster to help you
i dont know if i should get ceasar for a neko piper team or get burnice, or should i just go with my dick
So is there literally any reason to horde batteries when so far every resource event has been super limited and not required a single battery refresh?
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I'm having trouble with Shiyu Node 7 right now.
The new bosses are insane.

Would you reccomend 2x ATK% + Impact?
Or Crit Chance + ATK% + Impact?
No, rape for you
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When is it viable to not run a stunner?
Can a Piper/Lucy/Billy team bruteforce its way to victory?
>Lighter is CANONICALLY the Champion and strongest fighter of the gang
>HP%, HP
>only 3 base substats
I wouldn't say blessed
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giving you
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THE_HORSE_KING has made his decree.
He will scream in rage at Jane every time he's awake.
It's nice to have batteries when you want to quickly build a new unit that can't be prefarmed
>a MAN is the strongest fighter in a toddler gang full of women
>So is there literally any reason to horde batteries
No, unless you want to spend them all to max a character without pre-farming.
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Caesar claims she's the strongest a few times and Lighter doesn't dispute it at least
She does have retarded gorilla strength after all
my retarded wife...
>and strongest fighter of the gang
Anon he himself says that he's not as strong as caesar.
Caesar is stronger tho. The gang says she's the strongest like 10 times. Even lighter says she's so strong that he doesn't have anything to do
tell me how to build lucy

type it in easy words im dumb

no big words thank you
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>when is it viable to not run a stunner
when you have caesar lmao, also level your antons
If you want to run a shield agents with Jane, she's better off with Seth. Attack is good, but AP stacks even better on her.
>all that and stuck on Shiyu 5
Now equip your disks and try again
post anton builds
4p swing jazz
2p ATK%
disk 4, 5 and 6 are ATK%
then give her whatever support wengine you have, i personally run the camera one
What weapon do you use with Anton?
the boars only inherit her crit chance/dmg if you run another calydon member or fire attribute
so 2ATK%/Impact%
Stakataka Stack attack
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unpowered Billy is a champion too, probably close to Lighter because Caesar is above both of them. full power Billy, we just don't know. I want him to be a big deal because it will be boring if Mibibi is the only powerwank character for too long.
Impact, Anomaly and Energy are all good builds for her, depending on what sort of team you're running her on and content you're doing,
>faggots will forever argue with you not to build Anton because he's a "brick"
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Why is it always Wise belonging to Belle? What if Belle belongs to Wise?
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Raping Corin is too boring!
She'll just let it happen while barely trying to stop you!
Psychological torture and emotional abuse is where it's at for my cute little maid!
where does he even live
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Biker coded. Yes.
>rolled every banner
>still cant clear
God have mercy on your soul, this is terminal retardation. I bet you're an anti-tv fag too.
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fish good
Hello Anton chad
I use 4piece woodpecker 2 piece electric, brimstone as the weapon

disks arent optimized (ATK 5 slot instead of electric with so much atk already), but i feel strongly about ATK ball and energy slot 6 instead of vice versa. his signature sucks asshole because you dont get the effect for most of the fight, the free atk ball is probably better
Then why even roll?
bwo... what are you doing...
i would say the only time you need a stunner is zhu
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this is my ship, thoughts?
>Just finished final, mision.
>Lighter literally says "As the champion and strongest fighter of the group I need to keep things interesting"
he's just TOO strong!
Well right now, just because of the units I have built, I've been running two teams
>Zhu, Qingyi, Nicole
>Caesar, Jane, Seth
and just doublestacking Seth and Caesar's buffs. I know the shields are redundant but I'm primarily using them for the buffs. No idea what team Caesar will end up on in the future.
thanks anon, I'll keep that in mind. Caesar would be a comfy choice I guess
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I'm playing this team because I can't think of anyone that will benefit Jane's team other than Nicole's def shred, but I can't find a time to swap into her ever. any tips?
discs on dps charcters??
>Lighter is CANONICALLY the Champion and strongest fighter of the gang
Did you miss his harem? >>496953304 >>496953241 >>496952443 >>496952404
you don't get a 10/10 harem by being a fag
I like how in that cutscene, Lighter was still grieving but instantly snapped out of it when he thought a new enemy was approaching
Cute protective bodyguard
switch nicole for lucy
I bet you have problems playing zhu, watch some zhu rotations on youtobe, use nekomata with your jane, level up your disks and skills
zhu qingyi nicole ether bangoo
jane nekomata lucy pistol bangoo.
I was expecting top level being 50 and an otherwise shitty roster with two or three S-ranks, the fact you haven't at least cleared A-rank on everything is embarrassing
Just do Lucy instead.
They are both in love with me, so no.
Anon, lighter has shown more attachment towards Billy and Bellum than he has for any other SoC member.
The guy is 100% gay.
>team comps

Bro, just solo the game????? What the FUCK are team comps???
I thought you were supposed to be building drinks on the fish, not mobs.
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the fuck are you doing wrong?
run zhu/qingyi/nicole and jane/piper/..lucy i guess?
unless you built zhu and jane/piper like a retard you shouldn't be remotely struggling at all
even my zhu runs a poverty build i made out of convenience instead of meta and she still busts sd incredibly well
You're leveling your core skills and main damage skills, right???
go back to /htrg/ kakaurine/yanbitch shizo.
>100% gay
Can confirm
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Does Chaos Jazz 4 piece apply for Lucy's M6?
She is technically off field while M6 is raining down.
bro touched her bare tummy first before anyone else
Lighter is so lucky
>no Caesar
There's your problem.
If I'm playing (M6) Lucy in a non-stun team, should she run something other than Swing Jazz?
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Swap to her during Jane's final BA hit, EX or the final hit of her Salchow Jump. Instantly EX with Nicole and quick assist back to Jane.
Alternatively just use Lucy or Caesar as a 3rd because they're more comfy. If you don't mind working for it then Rina is more consistent even at M0
Not making it subtle today I see
cute and canon
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Is this a fucking joke?
You can clear everything with this.
It's even better than my teams.
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I know Burnice is fun but please don't forget the new arcade
The m6 boars are technically not her attacking, they're sourced from the boars stats.
for me it's old eridu
i can see inferno metal working for her if you run corin/piper to keep her pigs going.
4pc Swingjazz and 2pc shockstar with Impact%6 on 6th for shiyu, switch to energy regen for notorious hunt
>Character in a videogame for children isn't constantly thinking about fucking every female in the area, he must be gay
why are burgers like this.
If the max db changes comes to pass, I don't think it's gonna be 2 dps comps that come out on top
It's disorder comps that will be because they're not sacrificing a stunner or a 2nd buffer, they're already max performance, just gets more ults from their dpses
Jane is my only actually built agent whom I've farmed discs for
Yeah, I rarely get hit and Qingyi stuns pretty fast but I lack a lot of damage to clear things quickly, at least on my Zhu team. Jane team does everything in ~2 mins
>Sethfag has now jumped from falseflagging Jane to falseflagging Burnice
Who's next?
Lighter is literally me
Does section 6 have the body of that thing that was in the monument?
Having Lucy not at M2 is so fucking annoying.
I keep just wanting to end on her in chains just so I can buff but I'm pretty sure I'm just wasting time.
your mother next
Horseking is a pedophile
>can press burnice ult and quick assist another anomaly unit to use their ult.
hell yeah
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You are the one still seething over Jane in every fucking thread, lmao
No, HAND does
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kek, even after his orange site account got suspended, the anti-loli schizo really can't help but repeat himself, can he?
Cute and Canon
but every member is a part of his harem
Isn't HAND section 6?
>Seth's POV everynight
Yanagi probably
Lighter is for Belle and not the SoC
Belle is for Wise
Wise is for Caesar
Jane is for Belle because all of my favorite ZZZ fanfics are of that ship and also because I said so fuck you
wish zaddy Lighter would be my bodyguard
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>use Ant-ACK
Anyone that is a hag or has big boobs really.
He switches between the first 3 every now and then and he'll get to Yanagi once her banner hits
Belle is lesbian and every girl in the game is apart of her harem
He's for both Belle and Wise which is Jarring.
They should add a straight or gay option
S6 is a unit within HAND, there are also Sections 1-5.
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>a brick neko
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>he'll get to Yanagi
I simply won't allow it
There are no lesbians in this or any Mihoyo game.
I hate how swole people are making Lighter, he’s not even that bara
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what do you mean by "actually built"
zhu can do just fine with the bare minimum, you don't need crit+/crit dmg+ subtypes
unless you mean you don't have proper 4/5/6 discs at all, but those should all be easy as piss to get seeing as youre clearly a day1 player with plenty of tuning calibrators
Horse King... everyone already saw that you're a pedophile. Screaming and crying won't do anything. Autistic retard.
Your Honky Impact?
Actual upgrade
he's like, half as swole since you can see his shoulders in the splash and also his story artt but hoyobabbies are starved for buff men
I suppose it's no different from making girls have giganto tatas
>skip Zhu Yuan expecting to get S11 from standard
>get kotballed
>try them both on HIA tutorial
>TIL I like them both
I'm a little confused on the sethfag lore. Is this different from the trannime stupid bitch jane self-inserting cuck?
Jane is literally our Acheron.
Enlighten me BigadeLORD...
Some tips and triks please...
Which ZZZ is the ultimate anal queen?
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When does it stop
>this is my ship, thoughts?
This explains why all of Lucy fanart is with him lately
I blocked it from my memory
giganto tatas are actually hot though
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but without all the sovl backstory
that's false lmao
based YanagiGOD
This image really makes me wonder if it's the goofy pink hair that hurts Yanagi's design. She looks much more impressive and commanding with dark hair and light eyes.
I knew someone called you that before, didn't think it was your own post that got deleted for samefagging though lmao
>expecting to get S11 from standard
Retard, standard unit is the hardest to get
220 rolls in and I'm missing grace, rina and s11 with 2 balls and m2 kot
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If this is Jane's unaltered body proportions I'd get her M2
>Your Honky Impact?
two characters but the rest have a male love interest
Qrd on Acheron? Was HSR seething for months?
Yeah pink hair is for crazy bitches
shipping is for the mentally ill
Do anti-loli cucks really
Wouldn't be surprised if Lighter was paid by Mr. Montefio to join the gang long-term to protect her
>skipping the only other Ether unit we’ll get for who knows how long
This should be a brick in of itself
finally she’s actually good now
Not bad
Ditch the glasses too
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I fucking kneel, KurisuGOD
>I blocked it from my memory
You just didn't have the shipping goggles on You're not a real hoyotroon but yeah Lucy ruined
>Jane Doe is actually just an alias, Proxy Manager...
>Just as your true identity is that of the legendary proxy Phaeton...
>I too have my own true identity
>Ratden Bosenmori Mei...
>Ex Void Hunter of the Old Capital
will i get "shieldlet is so hard.caesar rerun when??" moment if i skip her?
She still looks plain but the brown hair is fitting for a plain girl so you are right in your assessment
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It's her face and flat hair. Stick the elf NPC's head onto her body and she's 100x improved
idk ask the people who skipped zhongli
depends on what you use her for
4p impact is better for on field main stunner purposes, less dependent on boss behaviors and flat out better on some bosses/fights while protopunk is never better in terms of daze in any fight
in an ellen or onfield dps team, protopunk is good but for someone like corin or ZY shockstar is better
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A honkai impact expy who break /hsrg/ mind as she's the top 3 best characters in general and the most profitable for hoyo rail
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1000 fire what?
This is what I was hoping would work, do you know if her boars also keep other buffs applied to the whole party? Shields/etc.
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*parries your shitpost*
>the horse king is samefagging 100% of posts it makes just to pretend it didn't get outed as a pedophile, and pretend it's actually on the winning side
so fucking pathetic.
are you a mobileshitter? because I had to mobileshit shiyu 7 today since I'm away from home this week and caesar made the experience 100x better
lucy had sex with wise
My brain autofilters all schizo posting in /vg/ generals because I can't keep up with any of it and don't care
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sir, your card
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It seems like they started putting more thought into ultimates, probably after they decided to allow multiples. Caesar's extra daze on shielded enemies or Burnice almost being like a Genshin ult in how long it lasts when you swap.
I wouldn't be surprised if supports end up having some of the best ults.
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is m0 Lucy a brick? Should I wait for Burnice's banner to at least get her mindscapes?
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Why did they choose to show this angle?
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She's usable, but feels like ass to play when you keep having to EX to reapply buff
She's still buffing on chain like M2 if you use Swing Jazz
Definitely great if you have Kaboom the Cannon (which I don't)
His scarf flaring up during the punch rush is so FUCKING cool
Jane wears a butt plug outside of her apartment.
Burnice can butt-chug a bottle of Nitro Fuel.
Zhu shamefully plays with her ass in the shower when she's feeling a little naughty.
Lucy has never ever thought about it but will one day discover that she absolutely loves it.
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It was for me. I specifically requested for this angle in the surveys. Bike and everything.
I've used her since day1 at m0 and only recently got her to m2. She's usable but kind of a brick till m2.
This is just Ruan Mei, did HSR crack the code?
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>be Lighter
>make him a stunner so that the thirsty fujofatties roll M6 just to make him an on-field DPS
These marketing tactics are getting out of hand but I respect the chink hustle lmao
Holy sexo. Waist down is canon, can't tell if the tits are made bigger or not with the jacket in the way
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>Billy's actually running limiters 24/7 on his body and acting like a goof because he wants to be able to "transform" to power up like in Starlight Knights.
>Nobody knows this and he plays it pretty close to his heart because he REALLY wants to bust it out only at the right moment to maximize the impact and his fantasy.
>Until a climactic story mission finally forces the Cunning Hares into a corner...
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I don't actually want Burnice, but I need Lucy dupes for my M1
I hope I get S11 on my 50/50 in 2 weeks
if you have kaboom balls then i feel like she doesn't have energy issues at all (mine is m0) . waitin to roll mindscapes too because i'm lazy to swap many time to reapply buff
Reminds me of aoko
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he's so fucking COOL
whose man is this? take him home
Anby said she can beat Billy using his fuel reserves if she gets serious
We are all adults here.
It's time to acknowledge that cotton candy pink hair is retarded.
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That works too
as of the recent update, lucy's boars inherit her AM/AP. They also inherit her crit rate and damage. As for the teamwide buffs, stuff like dmg% increases from piper affect lucy's boars. Caesar's shield also affects lucy's atk so they'll also inherit that extra damage. The guard boar's attack is always based on lucy's attack+ 2x of the cheer on buff value(if it's up, at maxed out core passive.)
Is this the kind of guy fujos like?
Anime is retarded.
They're both hiding powerlevels
All the og Hares have some kind of secret to them
>Anby soldier clone shit
>Billy used to be a hotshot
>Nicole's supposed parent figure
lucy is cute and funny
Is it possible to get enough tapes to roll for Caesar if I started playing today?
I've been at it for a few hours but the game seems pretty stingy
I don't think billy or anby have ever seen each other truly serious and I don't think they want to. A big part of the cunning hares is they love each other but they're all putting up a front to keep it working. It's why nekomata feels like a big fourth wheel regardless of her growth
>have the same sunglasses
he's literally me
He’s coming home with me
Which one in this game is better
-only roll for limited support like genshin,hsr (kazuha rm robin) but no limited dps
-only roll limited dps but no support like caesar or future limited buffer
Lighter is very carefully toeing the line between an arrogant pretty boy that women like and a cool strong guy that men like.
She's decent enough if you have her weapon, if not she's pretty mediocre. Soukaku can give more attack that lasts longer, even if it's more annoying to apply.
So handsome,skilled,confident and handsome...
It's definitely my least liked of the anime hair colours.
aviators are the most common frames in history
man no wonder Hoyo is panicking lately and the CEO was crying on stage
they need to lower their expectation and stop blowing their budget on ads and fanart
I hit 2 pities during Ellen's banner before she went away, but that was day 1 with some freebies.
Yeah, you have 2 weeks
>and the CEO was crying on stage
I don't get the "Anby is secretly strong" meme. Rina could've killed her if she wanted to and I can't see Anby being the type to purposely hold back in dire situations
It's stingy but it gets exponentially less so as you go on. A lot of rewards are front loaded into game modes you unlock later. You can absolutely do it in 2 weeks if you grind it out, even if you get totally fucked.
I'm sure there's accounts out there you can buy if you wanna skip that or if you lose your first 50/50 though.
but femcels told me waifus didn't sell
Anon those type of marketing cost fucking nothing comapred to HIRING THE VEGAS SPHERE TO PUT AN AD ON IT
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>arrogant pretty boy
Is her weapon really that good? Doesn't it only buff the piggies?
Genshin livestream. He was crying because the revenue is all time low. Shat on the fans and said he can't tell between real criticism and "hoyo haters" larp on social media so he assumed every criticism was from these haters
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was he right?
Does lucy want Crit disc or atk disc?
there's also a part of him that's a likeable doofus, like how he went on this chuuni spiel about his life as an underground fighter but ends up forgetting bellum's name again so it falls flat. There's also the part in the event where he gets really fired up about getting an old timey saloon door for cheestopia.
Don't quote me on this, but one of her events alludes that she'd be a danger to others if she went all out
So she might have a berserker battle mode or her lightning becomes too indiscriminate when she's going 100%
This isn't true btw.
You'll have to bust your ass out clearing every bit of content you can and using all your stamina batteries to push level ups, but you will at least get a coinflip and at best hard pity her
Explain then
That's the core appeal of guys like Gojo, yes. That look and personality is very hot to women.
Lighter carries himself like he's too cool to care and makes you call him master during cheesetopia.
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I only rolled Qingyi and Caesar I still 7/7 bretty easily.
Limited dps are a meme (unless you really like them).
KoF tier design
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I'm just going to go ATK% ATK% Energy on Lucy.

I tried to give her 2 Shockstar discs with Impact from my stunner, but all they did for her was increasing her impact from 86 to 106.
86 is just too small a basestat to work with. Plus the little board captains are just not reliable when opponent is dodgy and move around the field.
Kino design?
Roll for who you like retard, this game is too young to be worried about this
after you've hit her atk thresholds (2200->1900 depending on your mindscapes and your special skill level) you're free to invest in crit since her boars inherit her crit.
Master Lorenzo is cool, master lets me in the big house sometimes
Both ideas are a meme since it doesn't matter, both beat shiyu easy
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He just said something about returning to their roots.
>stop blowing their budget on ads and fanart
This need to happen. blowing close to a billion on ads shouldn't be a thing. Genshin wouldn't have been so shit if half of that money went to the game
it is true ignore the hoyo shill and watch 5.0 livestream if you want to confirm yourself
what were you expecting, nanomachines? getting surprised doesn't really relate to her powerlevel.
but I will agree anby has pretty bad autism and probably doesn't understand how to deceive others, it makes way more sense if her powerup is something she gets or learns from obol, instead of the same as billy.
Yup yup
Oh? Post your no roll shiyu 7 clear then big boy.
sigs are good in these games, and the fact that 4 star equivalents have them too is no different. 80~90% of the time it's BiS. The only other instance I know is Nicole on Rina's sig
Billy and Anby solo btw
Useless until M2
>Women getting overconfident
no way...
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The wild illiterate boar is stronger
>woman stronger than man
least retarded poster

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