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>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | The Shorekeeper — THE BEGINNING OF OUR STORY

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>fucking up the OP
I'll level up as many males as I see fit and you can't do anything about it
previous thread
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>66 pulls in after the patch handouts
>still have to decide between the greatsword and the gauntlet
>do I want my jiyan to be usable? or my XLY to be usable?
I hope they give us another selector box for half anni or something...
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This your secretary, Jinhsi?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5tf7rYIj84 honestly just roll his weapon during his rerun, or grab Jinhsi's in 2.0/2.1
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Having tried not being f2p? If you start buying monthlies and bp then your account will get a permanent luck boost and you’ll regularly get early drops for characters and sigs
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I've never won a 50/50 and always go to hard pity
but all my 50/50 were Verina and Jianxin

kinda bad but also kinda good
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ha ha... Sure am glad I'm a low spender or else I'd have to go to the full 80
Evil Rover theory
>Rover was originally evil, and was on the side of the lament
>Abraxas is a sealed Threnodian. Probably the strongest Threnodian. The other Threnodians betrayed Rover and stole his powers from themselves
>Rover now without memories fights against the lament but his memory has to be reset every time so he doesn't revert back to his original self
>just roll his weapon during the rerun
If only it was that simple
>2.0 teased gun qt
There's so much shit I need on characters alone. At least with the character I can play and have fun with them even if they don't have a weapon. If I miss a character though its over, so weapons have to take a backseat.

Hopefully I can get some more of this new 4* series. Its at least usable. My only 4* broadsword has fucking DEF% on its secondary.
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What the fuck did you just say about me?
on the bright side, at least you are winning your 50/50s
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Post elf.
Also when is the next one SOLON?!
>2.0 gun
Personally from the new leaks, I think there's a chance the character we get will look nothing like the concept art. If the two eyed color character is the gun, I wonder how she will utilize the suitcase, gungrave style cross gun would be dope.
>do coop
>pick mushroom
>die anyway when I try to use it
Why does this thing have a casting time? Or is it lag because it's coop.
Maybe account seeds really do exist…
Earring thicker than her forearm, who designed that shit?
But SK says you're not evil? You were also in a post sex coma with a goddess at the start of the game.
prob lag doesnt have casting time for me
The one that cut Changli's hair and used a metal ring to connect both ends back together
Surprise buttplug for when you tell her to eat your ass.
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>Still unbeaten
Why would SK tell you the truth if you really were evil (millions of years ago)?
Where do elves live?
Yinlin is so hot but I found her kit not that fun to play during her quest, unlucky
Why would Tethys try to preserve humans if the threnodians wants to kill them all?
We don't know shit about Tethys, its mechanics, its true motives and goals if it has any. I really hope we get more info on it soon
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Be honest, this is 100% true.
Yes, they're all self-insert
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Correct. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's why I play this game and not those other two.
>When Rover has the most lore and personality than both combined in their respective patches (1.3)
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>farm echoes for Mortefi for like a day and a half
>he alrady has the same stats my Jiyan has
why is aero set so fucking cursed for me
Gwos, I have a gf who yaps a lot. I met her about 4 months ago, and I love her yapping more than you can imagine. But I noticed something strange. She completely stopped yapping 2 months ago. I feel like something is missing with her. What should i do?

wuthering waves
>referencing anime
opinion disregarded
>hp bait on healing set for shorekeeper
>get more first roll crits than I ever have on any other set
Trust me it’s rigged
Account seed. I have that problem with fusion characters. My account seem to lean towards glacio and havoc characters though
Maybe Rover got corrupted by some bullshit and had to reset his mind or straight up kill himself and get reborn in order to escape. Two novels I'm reading have "instant get fucked mechanics" and they're fun
>if you touch the raidboss you need to kill, you become corrupted and get trapped in the river of time for millennia
>if you get an impression of this guy you meet in the literal first second of the story, "your" subconscious becomes his and you slowly become literally him
How much HP is optimal on SK? I got 36k and 303 cd
This is exactly what I'm getting. HP subs just don't exist for the rejuv set.
do I get Shorekeeper? I don't really like how she's S1 bait so I was planning to skip her, but then I realized it will be a while until another healer releases
Ever tried yapping back?
I'm undownloaded the game because it's turning into harem
>S1 bait
People keep saying this, but I still don't see it
Shes so broken i did all my rotations wrong in middle tower and still managed to 3 star it
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
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How do I play SK? She feels worse than Verina.
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oni > kitsune
I just downloaded this game because I heard it is a harem simulator.
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Honestly I'm thankful for Jiyan and XLY otherwise it would be challenging to get Camellya too as a light spender
Your a brown Pajeet
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>Your a
what weapon is cummy?
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>checked their twitter posts
>a walking unironic raging lesbian
Why the fuck did I even do that. I can now somewhat understand why some anons here has a hateboner against fujos
havoc sword
Sword and pheromones
hi wwbros
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Liberation (subs) > HP (3slots) > Cdmg (4slot) in terms of damage. I wouldn't go spectro though since you'll start running into diminishing returns, especially since hp is a huge boost on it's rolls compared to attack.
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What's the best way go do echos?
Unlock first substat looking for crit
If yes proceed to second substat looking for crit
If yes proceed to third substat looking for attack%

If at any point it rolls something except crit on the first two then recycle?
interesting how its just hoyoverse trying to bait and then act like anyone cares about their game
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She is 5* danjin with havok dual sword gameplay apparently. Plus insane.
Go to +10 and look for at least one crit. If it at least one crit then go to +20

If the substats are good (atk%, ER) then I'll gamble and go to 25 though
... the most dead gacha game award
I’m running out mats to crit fish…
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does that include the hp loss mechanic
The important part is to get usable stats depending on the character (Atk, Atk%, CritC,CritD) are no brainers they go on all
Energy Regen, Skill Damage, Liberation Damage are good on some characters

You can be lenient on 1 shitty roll if you don't have a good echo yet
You trash echos if they have immediate 2 shitty rolls (hp, def, basic, heavy)
Only wanting CritC and CritD as first rolls is foolish and only meant to be as ultimate endgame upgrades.
Yeah. Not like anyone has hate against lesbians and fujos. The problem is that a big majority of those groups are fucking loud as a minority group in the grander screen. And it's not like they don't have money and don't spend, the problem is how they spend. Because they don't spend ingame, instead purchase merch, but do in a way they purchase anywhere but the official places, making no money even from that for Kuro. Add on top of that how insufferable and demanding they are when contributing nothing but making everyone who spends angry with shipfaggotry and you see the hate turns out. I have no hate against the more normal fujos and gays, be gay wherever you want, but when you didn't got cards in the game, you shut up.
I already have +25 echos (correct set and main stat) on everyone so is there a reason not to scrap echos that don't unlock double crit on the first two rolls?
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It would make a lot of sense since her flower power is killing her according to early leaks (until MC inevitably heals her with the power of love), but not if they keep the old kit.
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You can still get Crit on the last 2 rolls as long as the other ones are good enough
>with a goddess
Bwo, watchers aren't exactly good...
Yeah but that's a huge waste of mats if the two most important don't show up. The cost to go to +25 is really high compared to going to +10
Don't tell Solon I told you that, but her new version also has a special passive for Rover, and drains his hp and reso energy if they're in the same team.
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You forgot how she gives him a seed gauge, and when it reaches 100% both camellya and rover becomes temporarily unavailable.
Is that Kurumi mod?
Which region has the most players? should i play on asia, sea or europe?
how to know when to swap back to shorekeeper after you ulted with her? what happens if you don't get enough swap energy before her ult expires?
That's only at r6 though.
Select your own region anon.
Unless you want to play with high ping.
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In need of some advice. I'm not sure if I should get the gun or the gauntlets.
I was originally considering the gauntlets but the bp ones are really good at R5, my echoes are subpar and my crit stats would suffer a lot, plus I have Sk's weapon and Moonlight clouds to make up for the lower attack. How good are they for Jianxin and Youhu which I'll be building next? Still worth getting?
As for the guns, they have a nice crit substat but I'm not currently using any gun user yet. I'll roll for the future 5* glacio's gun most likely too so idk.
>Two novels I'm reading have "instant get fucked mechanics" and they're fun
Huh? What novels are these?
Depends on how desperate you are, if I'm building a new set from scratch I take everything to +15 unless it hits two uesless lines in a row like def + hp
I play with high ping and it works out okay.
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If you're not planning on building a gun user in the near future then just get the gloves. You can get the pistols later when you pull for a gun user.

5* weapons are always great because they're massive stat sticks
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>how to know when to swap back to shorekeeper after you ulted with her?
>domain expansion turn gold
>what happens if you don't get enough swap energy before her ult expires?
uhhhh dps lost? idk just watch rexlent video
if you want a more detailed guide say if you want it but tl;dr for my method is
>do it in bulk, stockpiling helps a ton
>you want in order ER until threshold > crate > cdmg > atk% = ER > x% dmg
>+5-15 tune, keep an eye on your tuners vs exp amounts adjust accordingly
>be patient
>farming gives you more choice but not needed outside of initial building
just keep in mind before dumping a lot of resources into something ask yourself: do you need it right now at this very moment or can it wait
>what happens if you don't get enough swap energy before her ult expires?
literally nothing
no special intro on shorekeeper but the other characters still get the buffs
If you're going to roll for the gun character's sig anyway, then get the gauntlets.
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Here's why you should invest vertically on Shorekeeper, and other limited supports, if you're a f2p or low spender:

This game, unlike other similar gacha games, lets you build up your standard 5* weapon arsenal pretty consistently, while also letting you roll for a free limited weapon with time. What this creates is the possibility to have standard 5* weapons on any DPS/SUB-DPS character you get, which will always be around 10-15% less dmg on avg for that character, compared to their respective sigs. This makes it so that investing in the sigs of supports that can buff numerous teams, much more worthwhile for your account, instead of perpetually chasing after DPS character sigs, just to get similar DPS increases.
The same applies to the dupes of supports, that will end up giving you similar DPS increases all across the board.
You still end up with your favorite DPS doing more dmg, while having said dmg buff on any other character that scales with the same stat. S2R1 Shorekeeper will easily be good enough for ATK scaling characters until EOS, guaranteed.
>Roll the DPS you like and use the respective 5* standard weapons on them
>Use the free limited weapon pulls to get the sigs of SUPPORTS, since 5* standard weapons aren't that much worse than DPS sigs anyway
>Invest vertically into segments of supports that have broken segments that buff everyone, like Shorekeeper's S2
>Multiple of your DPS that scale with said stat now do a shitload more DMG, which is much cheaper than investing vertically on each one of them
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Is she interested in Rover
You go back to the drawing board and make sure to build a team that can generate enough Concerto to cycle fast
it's a Hu Tao mod
/Our guy/ uploaded this
Alright thanks, I will take the gauntlents now and the guns in the future.
New drinking game, take a shot every time you see "Gensh" in the comments kek
I'll just ignore the last two lines, "vertical investment" is soulless.
i hate this bald faggot retard cuck though
Why, he promotes Wuwa and keeps it float. His fan base agrees too. Read the comments. Why are you such a hater?
Yes, but only the male
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I mean bro i like wuwa a lot but the amount of glazing is kinda cringe not gonna lie. I understand he is just stating facts but still
Whoever watches this bald cuck should fit right in with this thread. Why don't you send them a link?
>Jinhsi rail shooter, Mt Firmament and Aetherfin surfing, Tethys' escape
Now that the prototype is done, it's time for a full blown mini-game Kuro

Kino Hologram in perspective.
>glazing is kinda cringe
No it's not, you should promote what you love. Or do you prefer having hoyoslurpers shit all over it?
>Check it out
>Get this in recommendations
Do Gencucks really suffer through this? Holy shit.
Rent free
no wonder this dogshit general is so dead
What chu gonna do? Stop us from slurping? Kek
Why would I stop you? Do what you want. I just noted that this is actually very sad.
>if someone agrees with your opinion you can't hate them

kek that's not how it works you are more than your taste in videogames
Honestly it’s outdated at this point.
Can this fat fuck and his toxic fanbase move on from this game?
Nigger you're in a thread of a dead game discussing anything BUT the dead game. Who's sad now?
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I stole this webm
Why are you so full of hate? He loves Wuwa just as much as you guys do. We should be a team.
Buy an ad Cucktone
>this general sucks
>comes back to make the same post every hour
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New wuwa 1566
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Oh no...
come back, white man
Why did Lucia do it
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Rexlent or fuck off
Ive always been here, other times ive just been late to post it and someone else did instead
one of the best
I watched one video of his during the mephis era with some gametips and massively improved because of it
didnt he shit on wuwa when the monthly fake numbers came out?
Fake news. Go back genshitter
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She's just yapping to another guy instead of you. Don't worry about it.
not a genshitter, I just saw some thumbnail like that being spammed
>join coop
>host is called skibidi

are we playing with literal 12y olds?
>Shadow Slave
Zoomer Berserk without the rape. I'm referring to a specific arc where MC's magic sword gives him knowledge that turns him into some corrupted creature. Really slow and cringe romance, be prepared for that if you give it a shot.
>Regressor's Tale of Cultivation
MC becomes stronger and uncovers new ways he's been Fucked in since chapter 1. Read it, it's good and MC is sufferkino Rover basically
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The majority of people on the internet are minors
over the age of 6 they tend to switch from Genshin to Wuwa
Shorekeepers damage all scales with attack aside from her intro no? Why are people building her with HP echos? Am I missing something?
>haven't heard this song in years
>instantly recognize it within a few notes
I hate you, Gaga.
her intro is the only thing that does meaningful damage. Also the fallacy of no return echo damage is hp scaling
Where are all Wuwa sex scenes?
Man, webnovels seem like quite the rabbit hole sometimes.

^is a great/fun team but nobody shills it for some reason. Why does nobody like calcharo anymore? He is great with elf wife and keeper.
I don't trust your opinion you said reverend insanity is bad
I just never liked how he feels to play. I like watching people clear with him though.
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You have to understand anon.
People have spent too much money to quit the game lmao.
I'm glad I only used 50 bucks on that game.
Played that shit day one until Fontaine then dropped it.
I will never go back and neither will I play a hoyoslop again.
Wuwa is so much better.
And Verina feels better to play with Changli anyways.
I doubt many people have him majority used their ticket on verina
Calcharo is probably the hardest character to play but most fun when you master it.
I stopped reading that one around the time Fang Yuan stole some beast hide map or whatever very early on? When he killed the pretty girl of the village for effectively no reason. I don't like evil MCs, Sunny and Seo are good boys who really love civilians
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Calchud is just annoying to use, he is good but not good enough to overcome his clunkyness
Nah chixia would win
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I don't have him, is he hard to play? I met one today in co-op against crownless, he died like 6 times in a row or more.
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Jinhsi has a butthole.
Fully functional.
Dark brown.
Also Regressors tale of cultivation has a Fang Yuan type (Yuan Li I think lol) who gets manipulated, destroyed, turned into a woman, and plundered by MC and some others. Get fucked benefits maxxer
>overdrive zone
I need better echos. I don't seem to be able to pump out enough numbers to get there.
Fang Yuan does nothing for no reason everything is for benefits.
I've never heard anyone getting filtered by this though usually it's the part where he cooks 2 children in an oven.
I wish we got birthday art from the official account
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Wow, finally some GOOD content on youtube!
>its a dead game because we dont have fags and women shitting up the place with shipfaggotry
I've never seen a shorekeeper die in coop is this a godmode character defense wise?
>shit ton of HP
What about verina? And baizhi/monk?
So people prefer spending over there instead of here, and you think that's a good thing?
>Not like anyone has hate against lesbians and fujos
If there's any reason to hate a group it's because of what you said. People need to understand the difference between hating a group and hating an individual. I wouldn't have cared about those groups if I wasn't constantly encountering them infiltrating hobbies I like and trying to change them to favor their headcanons.
They spent too much to play another game and spend there that's all I'm saying.
Since they chase meta in that game and the gacha it's pretty brutal they don't have a choice.
It takes willpower to quit a gacha and those people prefer to die or play until EoS even tho their game is shit than change and play another game.
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She's retardproof yes
Based grifter
So, from a business point of view that's a good thing right? No wonder they can afford all those fancy collabs
Why is no one discussing this?
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seems it was just clickbait, the actual vids are interesting, even talks about something called the Kafka effect wherein players just save up for a popular character in advance and thus revenue is surprisingly low, which may have happened to shorekeeper
there's also the fact they probably have friends that play genshin or are actively engaged in genshin communities
if they were to quit it leaves a large void

gachas are predatory the mentally weak shouldn't dabble in them
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They have a huge player base that are playing their 3 games so yeah.
And let's not forget that they will defend their game and shit on everyone, they are like cockroaches shitposting in almost every gacha game threads.
They hope for better patches but sadly the devs are not listening to the player base so they end up seething and pissing their pants after every patches.
Not to mention their MC always get cucked at the end.
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Is that...
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For me, it's hag verina.
>MC got cucked at the end
Speaking from real life experience or don't play the game?
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Haven't you read my other post?
I played until the end of Fontaine's update, to be precise until Arlecchino's banner, rolled for her then I dropped the game.
There is no (you) pandering in that game, and the MC is a weak ass pussy.
The characters are contributing more to the story than the actual MC, even some NPCs have more screen time and role than Aether/Lumine. And let's not forget that Paimon is doing all the fucking talking lmao.
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you have to be functionally retarded to die with 2.5x the hp pool of normal characters that has massive heals
>there's no (you) pandering
Why do (you) need to have that? Don't you get enough of it irl?
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I do but real life girls aren't magical beings that can summon black holes and reverse time so I need that fix.

I hear some people like these fictional women to also cuck them which I can't understand but you do you cuckman
>acts and thinks like a cuck irl
>"you do you cuckman"
KEK, LMAO even
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Loli changli arouses me the most
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>(you) pandering
Haha yeah of course I do haha...
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>n-no u!
cuckman don't cry...
Nothing is wrong with wanting to have a good MC that is relevant to the story and has the girls for you.
That was the baseline for every gacha game that came out before genshit.
Even other popular gachas have them. (Nikke/Snowbreak/FGO/Azur Lane (hell even HSR got one with Firefly))
Beside why are you comparing real life?
And let's not forget that the most loved RPG games have romances for a reason.
Nice pixels, got any that's blurrier
>no eyes on Rover
Uh oh...
I don't know, because I'm trying to piss off KHHV losers who play them?
This is not a psych ward for you battered wife, go trauma dump somewhere else
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>opens thread
>people replying to obvious troll
You never learn, see yall tomorrow
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Yandere WHEN
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Finally home...
Next patch. Camellya doesn't like to share. Trust the plan.
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Wait for 1.4
Camellya will have to share
Your game is trash, EoSing soon with lower and lower revenues yet you keep coming here. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of the gacha-history?
Mawhores get the rape
She'll share in the same way a fat kid shares pie.
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Do I really have to farm the attack set for Xiangli Yao or can I give him the electro set? Is there a big difference between both?
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tick tock whore keeper
dps it's the same but lingering 4cost feels better to use
are there any decent wuthering content creators to follow besides rexlent? i want to watch something on my second monitor while i grind some echoes from time to time
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What if instead of romance and sex scenes in 1.4 it's just her trying to kill you again
>watching gacha """content""" creators
just watch video essays like a normal person
Got 30/30 for the first time
Are you proud of me, bwos?
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so I guess there aren't, meh
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Is today the day?
I wish spider2b make more wuwa content, his cbt guide is the reason why I get into playing Danielle
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you did pick Berina and Anko before bricking yourself with the chud right?
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Of course. This is solely for collection's sake.
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who would do that
I went straight for s2 Verina I was worried about standard dps units considering gacha history
but in hindsight an Anko or Jianxing would've been cool as well they're still really good
I'm happy with my Verina though she only has 3seconds fieldtime
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remember when he was /our/guy?

i member
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Nice. Now I can coast for the rest of this patch and save for Camellya.
Do people really like shorekeeper as a character? Literally every dialog she has ends with "Please let me be with you" or "I'll be with you until the end"

This couldn't even be more forced if they even tried. It's like her entire personality is just wanting to be with you and that's it.
You'll understand one day when you're keeping someone's shores.
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QUESTION: who is the artist? Saucenao didn't help
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She's the ultimate incel fantasy. Big tiddy mommy with no emotions, thoughts or anything other than wanting to ride your dick.
Robotic deredere can appeal to certain tastes like yandere or tsundere. For me Shorekeeper isn't terrible, but not in my Top 3.
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Shorekeeper is not a hag she's my modestly sized daughterwife
Yes, if I wanted a game that shat on the mc instead I'd play genshin impact.
I didn't have SK when I woke up this morning. I thought I was gonna skip her. I now have her and her weapon
Yes, I am a person and I liked her.
So that means people like shorekeeper as a character.
>"le emotionless A.I doesn't have...a PERSONALITY??!!"
>"how could this happen?!!!"
I just wasted my luck for the whole patch
>Low rolls
Its a good cope.
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Gee I don't know how could anyone possibly like this?
Who for? Unko?
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It was horribly bad. I don't understand how anyone shilled this as the best thing ever, all the other patches were better. Even 1.0 was more enjoyable than whorekeeper.
>its replying to itself now
Yes, I love devoted and softspoken housewives who only think about (Your) well being.
Ideally they should be male, but I'll take cute girls as well.
I’m not a fugly incel thankfully so this kind of character does not appeal to me. Incels will interpret this as wanting her to shit on the mc because they have no concept of meeting in the middle and have to strawman every opinion they don’t like
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Why did everyone respond to it?
Anko is the only standard 5* I'm missing
What's the lore reason characters can run up walls?
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I don't that was bait
They are allowed to have an opinion on Shore Keeper, just as I am allowed to have the right to defend my wife.
Changli's cursors
>basic attack
>crit rate
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Hardcore parkour
It was very obvious bait and you should just post your wife regardless
>my wife
mental illness
you can tell its bait because of the reddit spacing bwo.
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Let me guess.
>Even 1.0 was more enjoyable
Ok let's not get crazy here. I think Shorekeeper is mostly carried by her design and elements of the patch like setting and music. I thought Shorekeeper was gone for good when she got sucked into the black hole, and I was thinking "wow, that's pretty bold of Kuro" instead of wishing she didn't die. Meeting her at The End of Wandering was actually pretty beautiful, but after a bit I realised that Shorekeeper could have been replaced by any of the previous girls and it would have had the same if not more impact.
holy fuck this shit is so good
how did I not hear this in-game?
was it during some skippalbe dialogue or something (t. skipchad who reads 0 story and only plays for gameplay)
1.0 still has the chinkwall dump but the end of the story was somewhat cool and enjoyable. 1.1 was really nice since it had Jinshi and Changli.

I was really looking forward to the black shores arc and all the cool lore we would get but the story's just "I love you", "I'll be with you forever". "I must protect you". I just feel massively disappointed because all the cool things I was hoping or expecting were replaced with this robotic waifu that I met like an hour ago is creaming her panties to the thought of me and I'm supposed to feel any sort of attachment to her?
I miss when videogames were able to tell a good story or build the world instead of turning everything to romance because the new generation of gamers is a bunch of insecure children that think everything is trash if the girls aren't constantly telling you how much they love you.
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>my wife
hell yeah
Bro, it's from her resonator showcase trailer...
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shorekeeper and camellya fighting over rover(me)
cute boy
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Which echo set for Cowqi? I'm finally going to build her.
Yeah, but that was my point as well, no? You don't actually hate the group. You hate the group because the loud minority is obnoxious as fuck. It's like saying I want every gypsy to die because they absolutely deserve it, but in reality in elementary and highschool, some of my best friends were gypsy. Generally, I still hate them because they are some of the most obnoxious fucks on earth, but everyone deserves a first chance. If a fujo comes to me and talks normally without talking about ratios, male gaze and other buzzwords and her mouth isn't frothing, I will talk to her in the same normal manner. But these are usually the kind who either fucks off because they see they don't belong or enjoy what they got, look the other way about what they don't like and... stay quiet.
Rover would never
>best music in the game so far
>not even present in-game
I would rape her
He is more general gacha guy, who also plays wuwa, but I like the wuwa content of LegionzGaming, because it's pretty obvious he isn't just playing up for views and actually enthusiastic about the game, even looking out for small details in resonator trailers, watching them both in JP and EN.
>Reddit spacing
And it’s just paragraph spacing for readability. I’m convinced this was coined by a third worlder that never had to write an essay
Robot/A.I. characters are always a bit hard to find the right balance for. Too stoic for some might be just enough emotional subtly for others. I think Shorekeeper would have been a better hit for me if she had someone besides us to bounce off of, or they had more flashbacks to our time together in the past instead of mostly keeping it vague. Changli and Jinhsi had the benefit of being mentor and student, and you spend a lot of time with both in the first half of 1.1. Jinhsi also has her connection to Jue and Changli has her whole childhood struggle with her forte and meeting you in the past. The best Shorekeeper got is Aalto and some NPCs kinda acknowledging her existence. I guess Youhu wouldn't really make sense in the Black Shore arc, but Camellya could have featured in the story to give Shorekeeper someone to compare and contrast.
>character don’t start with their burst ready in the event
Most cancerous thing in the event. Do not even attempt to play XLY here
Rejuvenating glow
Wuwa is too powerful.
>I got Yinlin because I wanted her
>I got Stringmaster because I wanted it for Encore
>I don't really vibe with Jinhsi, I don't need her
>I got her
>I don't really need Changli THAT much...
>I got her
>Okay, Zhezhi is skippable, finally a patch to save
>I got her
>Shorekeeper is... okay but I hate the veil
>I got her
I will get Camellya because I want her, but the tendency of wanting 2 female characters and then pulling all of them for different reasons in the end is a big one, wuwa will kill me later.
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Are you saving your seed?
Comfy wuwa in bed.
She likes to watch, huh?
Well, it is a bit sad that they aren't in-game, but as of now all resonators showcases musics, Saving Light, Waking of a world, and Flow aren't in the game, though you can hear some of the motifs in the ost. Better to ask them to add them in-game alongside a jukebox in the survey.

Not the first time Kuro do it either this was PV only for PGR
Shorekeeper would have been a better hit if we knew her before and she didn't start from minute one going "I love you i'll be with you forever".
Also if the story wasn't just like two hours and insanely rushed. The entire story of the patch hinges with you falling in love with shorekeeper immediately and being emotionally attached to her in the short time you met her but this makes me lose hope for future patches.

Didn't some people say that the PGR writer was doing the Wuthering Waves story and how the story over there was getting really good? Whatever happened to that?
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am i just screwed out of this challenge? im still somewhat new so im only union level 27 and only have characters at around level 50
>Jinhsi was watching as I fucked Changli senseless in the hut
>Apparently Shorekeeper did too
The bird can't stop winning.
Red mobs are a skill check, each dodge counter, parry and intro skill deals additional big fixed chunk of damage
For Saving Light, I also recommend checking out the intstrumental version, I don't like the kpop vocal over it but the music itself is peak.
Dodge Counter attack deals %based damage on world mobs, so as long as you don't get hit you will kill it with counters.
Where was this from? Was it a dialogue choice I didn't pick?
Shorekeeper was there from the beginning. She saw it all.
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it was from this
>have decent lvl15 echoes
>level to 20
>get bricked with flat stats

dammit. it ruined how good they looked.
Unusual to play a gacha when you like every character, isn't it?
ah ok thank you ill have to try again
>Shorekeeper would have been a better hit if we knew her before
That's a pretty big disadvantage for her I think. We got glimpses of Jinhsi well before her chapter, and even Changli had her voice cameo talking about her keikaku after Scar gets put in jail. Starting from zero isn't impossible, but you need to really cook with the little time you're given. Yinlin didn't feature before her story, but she showcased her cunning by double-triple-reverse criss-crossing us/The Puppetmaster and she had that section where we control Zapstring to progress through the secret base. They could have done a playable section with Shorekeeper fighting Tethys from inside the computer system to show her unique abilities as an A.I./Sonoro construct/whatever while we were fighting Fallacy of No Return.
The problem is that I wouldn't mind having Jiyan either, because he is a bro. I would most likely would have pulled him, if not for the fact it risks me getting the 2.0 two new 5star woman with a near 100% chance. But because of that, I miss out on him and hope Kuro will give us a selector later where the first few limited 5star is an option, not really a big reach knowing PGR.
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>blocks your path
Ah I've been busy clearing the overworld before doing the sidequests.
Your tomboy genki gf...
Wait a minute I just realized something. This was Yangyang's last appearance, and last voice message. We're at the Black Shores arc now. And we're getting to Rinascita arc right after, with new local heroines, goth girls.
Is this it? Is this the last we will see of Yapyap the Destroyer? Are we finally free from enduring Yapyap's yapyap? The final yap?
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I hates to break it to you but PGR doesn't get good up until you get to the kowloong metropolis arc. And even then, I have seen a lot of newfag getting filtered by the first 9 section when you have to keep playing as the boring story boss POV
>Didn't some people say that the PGR writer was doing the Wuthering Waves story
Game development take time anon. Even if he start working since 1.0 patch, we won't see his result at least until 2.x or even 3.x patch
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She's going to die in the Scar jailbreak
>PGR writers
Anon, nothing happens from 0 to 1 under this much time. They aren't rewriting absolutely everything they had just because after 1.0, a PGR writer came over. They rewrote the whole 1.0 part, but I don't think they touched up on much in 1.1 because nothing contradicts even the old everyone hates you plot, since Jinhsi was neutral with you and Changli was nowhere at that point. The best they most likely did is make some course correction in 1.1-1.3 but nothing big since usually everything is mistly done half a year in advance or more. The actual PGR writer will most likely kick in more in 2.0
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She'll come back as Punished Yapyap, the legendary 6* playable character who claim Rover as rightfully hers with her yaps.
I think we'll probably still be getting our surveys and stuff "in universe" from Yangyang since she's the face of the app. Just enough so that we remember she exists while we explore new lands until we return to Huanglong for the other Sentinels/Moon festival 2.
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Its also worth mentioning that the reason that PGR story is good is because the writers actually build upon it, while there are self contained arcs they will always insert some stuff here or there that will be built upon in the future, be it for world building or some character that is mentioned that becomes a big deal later, things like that. They also really know how to deliver on a payoff, the chapters that payoff all that build up are really amazing.
How come PGR had a good story but wuwa gets this shit then?
The world is being destroyed by the punishing virus, everyone you ever loved is dying and you watch everyone around you suffer eternally.
>Wuthering Waves
uwu rover-sama I love you I've been waiting all my life for you my special
Oh no, he's actually fucking retarded...
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1-5: Roll for S1 Shorekeeper
6-9: Save for Camellya
0: Uninstall
They really tried to do Nier automata’s whole theme for shorekeeper but in less than two hours and the slurpers wonder why we’re not slurping with them when there’s higher bar to reach
>inb4 someone greentexts nier sarcastically to imply it’s bad and poorly written and baby’s first existential crisis stroy
Nanamibro wait for the leaks or you might regret it.
i really wish she was a constant companion.
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Just save the coral you'd get for rolling cummy for shorekeeper's rerun waveband
Leaks when...?
They literally just explained to you that the new writers won’t have impact on the story until 2.x at the earliest. I’m not even part of this convo and I got this. You’re either retarded or a dumb hoyoshill in which case go back
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I literally said game development take time, what part of it that you don't understand? Did you really PGR eat good during the first years?
>this shill has been doing his pgr good wuwa bad shtick for weeks now
why do you reply to it? He doesn't play either game
It would be funny if they change the app icon with the new girl every new arc. Imagine if the icon changed to the Princess in 2.0 or the carnival goth.
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>made all the femoids and subhumans like cucks and shippers have a melty
How is she so powerful? They didn't have this spergout even with Changli
>Did you really PGR eat good
But only subhumans like harem-tier characters bc they can’t have one irl.

fuck my esl ass...
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coop shitters suck so fucking much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh. give me my 4k points.
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yangyang will never leave
I wouldn't mind it personally. Might be bad for recognisability I suppose, but then again I don't think there are many people searching for an app icon versus just typing in the name.
should be soon, we will get them before the banner ends.
>fuck my esl ass
That depends, do you look like Phrolova irl?
You also needed to use "ate" instead of "eat" there too.
>Did you really think PGR ate good during the first years?
>self insert bad
Fuck off nigger, back to hoyocuck with you, I'm glad wuwa is a more traditional gacha cause it filters the twitroons
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>finally got my last 2 Yangyang dupes to max her resonance chain
>finally got Yangyang's 5* generic sword from the gacha banner and getting it to 90
>now I just need a bit more time to max her skills and she'll be complete, barring any better echoes down the line
her personal damage is still beyond awful though, this was out of love
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You could've used "thought" or "ate",it's easier
Femcels natural hate and envy towards a perfect girl who they'll never be able to match.
PGR has a cast of characters, they get character development when they has a new frame or become playable, like Lamia who was bullied by Vera in her new frame. We got a new Uncle frame and a new character 2 patches after PGR's launch. WW just introduce new characters every patch. Where the fuck is 5* Danjin? Where is the new 5* for Jianxin?
Same reason why Genshit players have to deepthroat while HSR players get a Firefly and Zkek players get devs listened moments and they try to salvage the shit TV now. PGR and Wuwa is a totally different pipeline with their own dev groups most likely built up from nearly the ground up just for Wuwa. They got the shit snowbreak writer with bad luck and had to salvage through the chaos it created and the 1.0 is the result of that.
I said this before, but the shit story is not snowbreak's or wuwa's fault because these can happen and happen a lot. You can go to movies and can see how one cunning director can manipulate the filming process in a way that benefits them. One of the sponsor wants xy in the movie but as the director you don't want? Shoot it, show it to them and then sadly it had to be cut from the end product, time constraints and all. This can happen positively with a competent director and negatively with a shit one, since the good one use this cunning to push through his vision, while the shit one usually push through an ideology. That female writer is very obviously the latter, you can't just magically shit up two games with story. She was most likely good at sucking up and showing what the higher ups wanted to see, but made something totally different.
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Uh oh femcel melty
>Same reason why Genshit players have to deepthroat while HSR players get a Firefly and Zkek players get devs listened moments and they try to salvage the shit TV now.
Honestly this part makes me ignore the rest of your post because it's clear you have no fucking clue of what you're talking about.
You forgot that while PGR is more dark, most if not all the characters are still sucking up to you in their own ways.
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Nta but you are exactly right
This game is made for fat ojisans and there is nothing you can do about it kek
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I’ve never seen so much seething over muh personality writing when people have obsessed on characters for less, none of this shit matters
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My co-op shitters are pretty good. Even low UL players seems to know how to play
>no abs showing
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ZAMN I get to wife and fuck this? glad I'm the emperor
I'm actually a white half nip with 184cm and I go to the gym at least 5 days a week
Nice projection though
What's more funny that irl people can fall in love just by one fucking glance at a person. But here it's always "hurr durr where is muh buildup muh personality". Disingenious cunts
Not like anyone will ever fall in love with your incel ass anyway
They didn't had such a meltdown because Changli was the first. Yinlin had less pandering and more questionable camera shots for obvious reasons. Jinhsi story wasn't pandering either. Then Changli was the first that nearly had a love confession tied to it with the feather. But after that, 1.2 had Zhezhi having a crush on you and wanting to be "friends" and you do a quest with Yao and up to interpretation romantically look at the night sky. Now Shorekeeper outright tells you she loves you and everyone knows in 1.4 the same will happen because Camellya is Camellya. So now that it's a straight line and not a one time occurence, they have a meltdown because they know they will get angry at 1.4 too.
Why are women so upset at this game? I thought they hate men?
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you're talking to an obese fujo, just keep making fun of her I'm enjoying her melty
You only need to average 3333 points per stage to get all the rewards
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You are trying too hard sister
Uh oh fat stinky femcel melty
Trannies ruined western gaming and Incels are ruining eastern gaming

Why can't we just pair both together and save the world?
You must be ugly af then cuz anyone getting real love and attention doesn’t need it from a fictional character. Gacha players be normal humans challenge (impossible)
Then read a bit more, don't have a melty because I insulted Genshit for not making stuff the players want.
you the cleaning guy there?
Why are (You) so fuckable in this game
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Bwos my echo stat rolls have been so abysmal for weeks now, send me some luck please
>pair both
You mean remove both. A game that panders to neither would be great
Male Rover is just that handsome.
I don't think the degree of (you) should always go up. Also there are different colors of (you). Cummy for example is not that person to try to fill the same niche as SK, she's not your eternal kuudere wife for gentle kisses and sweet cuddles. She's a hardcore seed extractor
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robers are so cool
>S-Shorekeeper had no buildup, I couldn't warm up to her, no good
Makes you question people a lot.
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I have none myself, but I will send you a picture of Anko. That's all I have.
I don't get it
>who Shorekeeper thinks she is
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here's a cute camel to bless your posts.
doomerjak images add a passive -5 luck stat to everything pls don't use them
I think myself as quite a looker and also had girls say they wanted to be my gf, I didn't accept cause at the time I was too busy to make time for a woman, but then I grew older and think I dodged a godamn bullet cause women are insuferable cunts I much prefer my anime waifu,games and working out
If I wanted a hole just to fuck I can just hire a hooker or buy an onahole, much less of a hassle
She has low self-esteem then
holy kek
Because pairing them both means both will find happiness and stop shitting up videogames
Incels will finally get the sex they've been obsessing with all their lives and the feminists will finally find someone that wants them so normal videogames can be made again that appeal to neither
Is that Bocchi the Rock?
Which weak feminine wuwa anus was made to be bred by strong hairy masculine european anus man?
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I wish he looked like that
look at this goofy goober he's not intimidating anyone
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this bastard will give me two decent main stat echos eventually
Okay, but do you really think those who have a problem with (you) pandering in general will make a difference?
>Yinlin is your partner in crime
>Jiyan has a bromance with you as war buddies and wants you to remember him after he dies
>Changli has admiration for you
>Zhezhi wants to be your friend and has a crush on you
>Yao likes your personality and warmed up to you enough to invite you out for next year
>Shorekeeper is the definition of master love
>Camellya is a natural semen extractor
All different types, you can even add Yangyang to the list who is just bashfully wants to be by your side. These fujofucks don't care, pandering is pandering, no difference.
Yes, and the girl to her left is her gf. Two girls who play wuwa.
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pretty game
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You forgot to mention the parts where you take vacations to have fun with the bros, go on dates with your coworkers, become a producer for an idol, get raped by your female rival and get kidnapped and raped again by the villains.
Ofc they won't. They are the same swines here they are in real life - they are shitting the space around themselves and want everybody else to smell it
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>looks goofy
only thing goofy about him is the short jacket, he looks really cool otherwise
In real life, most people don't have an entire story to tell about how they all in love, fast or not
why tempest? thundering gives better buff
lmao, I'll read it again, I was intrigued by his zombie persona thing anyway. To be fair, I think I just "paused" reading it because I read that the author got in hot water with the government or something
yeah i get
>1/4 has at least 1 player DC
>1/4 botched run due to one player starting way too early
>1/2 shitters
im stealing the shitters' eggs
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He actually looked pretty sick in the saving shorekeeper cutscene

Might swap to him for action scenes when the option is finally implemented
I'm almost done remodding New Vegas, then I can rest.
Out of all these different types the only one I find unbearable was shartkeeper. The rest actually have more depth to them and were given proper time before they started simping. Snorekeeper is just a discount 2b wannabe
who's this B tier singer get Milet next time
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goofy goober with sleeper build >>
Is this some well known cosplayer?
Do you like it when games release 5 star versions of existing 4 stars?
Half of this mode is just masquerading as an event anyways to trick the sweaties.

The base event gets all the astrite rewards for basically just playing the stage and getting 2k points. The last 2 point total rewards don't give astrite and aren't even that hard to get points wise either.

The difficult version of stages with time attack each give
>10,000 (ten thousand) credits
>2 (unmorphable) echoes
There's no ranking or placement, doing something in a gacha game for clout or bragging rights is certainly a choice.
Its almost insulting how little you get for doing them given how much harder they are.
>building 4* units
ngmi senpai
Whorekeeper was the only one that felt insultingly bad, the rest are fine.
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How come everyone is complaining about character story lengths? I seen many complain about story lengths.
>Act 1-6 was 6-7 hours
>Act 7 was 1-1,5 hours
>Act 8 was 2,5-3 hours
>Festival story was 2-2,5 hours
>Jiyan quest was 1 hour
>Yinlin quest was 1,5 hours
>Zhezhi quest was 1,5 hours
>Changli quest was 2 hours
What are your expectations for gacha games actually? These are fucking good numbers, more so if I remember my early 1.0-1.3 Genshin days and Lisa had a story quest lasting 10 minutes tops. The Klee story quest for 5star representation was half an hour. As I see the new characters like Arlechino get 2~ hours story quests. What is exactly the problem then? I can understand something never being enough, but...
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bros? i think a genshittter report me to jewtube, suddenly get a email saying im perma banned for scam and all that crap, last time i was commenting in wuwu videos and i only got a few videos of game plays for private use like yugioh so im not the scam master mind(too retard for it)
For some reason the term "Master love" reminds me of slavery and black people
No idea why tho
Yeah, I'd like a 5* Yapyap.
Another version of Shorekeeper but dps would be good.
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I'm sorry but if some clown starts the fight before I have loaded in I just leave

maybe im a schizo but that's basic manners to me
Just make a new acc fag who cares
try sending a ticket to customer service?
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>shorekeeper actually mindbroke them
I thought you guys were joking about the seething femcels
im glad Solon is filtering them. Can't wait for cummy to straight up tongue fuck rober during their training session
>starts the fight before I have loaded in
You literally can't though it doesn't let you
my old videos thats what i care about,
i did but i don't have any hope for thoses faggots to do anything
Salty tourists will and do astroturf for their sunk cost mistakes by fallaciously asserting their dissatisfaction with the competing product because they think their opinions matter.
Will 1.4 have a story quest? Feels weird if we just randomly decide to go to rinascita from here if 1.4 is filler no?
You have some repressed feelings for your master, niggeranon?
I think the problem comes from tying these stories to astrite rewards or other content like overworld bosses. Remember that a lot of people also want the rewards that come from playing the stories so they will complain if it’s too long to get the astrites at the end. Is the solution to just put the astrites somewhere else? Idk. A big complaint about 1.3 is having to complete the story just to be able to farm shorekeeper mats. It’s bad design and forces people to rush the story which will lead to complaints about story length when the problem is about design
Shorekeeper won
Pretty sure it will have a story quest, since Scar is still in jail and have to be broken out by Prholova. The question is more on if we get a main story about the jailbreak involving Camellya with us or she will get a separate character story.
I'm sorry anon, but you have been buck broken
>Shorekeeper has no build up, I can't appreciate characters or stories if there is no 3h+ of foreshadowing
>Wasn't the last movie you called a masterpiece under 1h30 of length? Or that anime character you like so much, wasn't it only a few scenes?
Truly makes you think.
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what did xhe mean by this?
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It's literally just this. you just described why jeet and Indonesian shills have been obsessing over wuwa since it's release. its sunkcost + inability to afford decent phones to play the game. I might copy your comment because you wrote it way better than I could.
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second time I remember seeing this bug
I think it happens when her model is clipped within a spawing echo
>Someone says they hated the whorekeeper story
>Incels seethe for hours and have entire arguments with themselves where they shadowbox against themselves and feel good about it
>bad writing is worse than better
Quite the revelation here
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uhhh... kurofags explain?
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"Every Breath You Take"
"AThousand Years"
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holy fuck. how much did the dude spend on just refreshes?
Okay, but that's an implementation problem that if enough people complain will get resolved. The problem I mean is people complaining that the 1.1 main story was too short and had no buildup for Jinhsi. Now they got a main story quest that is 2,5-3 hours of Shorekeeper, and the problem is still that it's somehow too short and "you didn't had enough time to warm up to her". The same happened with Yinlin's story too. It was 2 hours long yet everyone complained that it should have been double. That's just not how gacha works, it would be good, but 2-3 hours long story quests focusing on one character is already a lot.
kurogames is too gay to make a girl as good as pulao again
they're just worse homoverse now
Nah the short jacket is some squall kino. Say what you will about ff8 being shit, squall looks good
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>she's projecting again
you'll go to sleep angry while this game gets even more blatant shameless pandering kek
Happens to my Anko alot in this update.
To get rid of it just tap inferno rider echo once.
The art design of left legitimately looks like shit, though.
I heard this is a game for touchless middles ncels and chuds.
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>so desperate he's falseflagging again
you can't falseflag with pgr we love our sister game here try something else
also [-]
powerful gray raven, which is a game I have definitely played, is so much better than WuWa. Sad to see kuro game has lost their touch. /we/ should all move to another game
did you just have an entire shower argument with yourself
On a side note, Shorekeeper is at 134M right now, so by tomorrow (Day 6) she will pass Zhezhi total revenue.
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would kuro games dare to do something as risky as a kiss? a quik one on the cheek by Camellya
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yeah P G R is so much better than WuWa, I think we should hate them just like how genshit hates hsr. or maybe we should move to a game the mc is actually a witness a not just an incel fantasy
I hope stuff like that is locked behind optional dating quests. Who knows what plant STDs she has
It really isn’t that long when you consider that most of the actual story is just text boxes while you run around or fight TDs or even just stand still. If they’re only giving themselves 2 hours to make you care about a character then they need to get better at writing. It’s a writing problem
holy sexo
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I was not surprised that the monthly numbers were completely made up.
/wuwa/ is like a worse /hsrg/
both are eternally seething about genshin but at least one game is successful while the other one just suffers from peak schizophrenia
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if it didn't happen with shorekeeper I doubt it'll happen with cammy sadly
>thread debating about shorekeeper, story, incels, fujos, etc
>brings up THAT game out of nowhere
>literally nowhere
Wtf is this mental illness called
how long did we spend with anko/aalto 30mins? after that I felt like those 2 were the most fun characters to be around in the game
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>has enough gachages full personality
>xhe still chooses to be here eternally seething
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so you are quitting genshin and moving over to the homosex game in outer space because it is the most "successful" right? if not they you're just what this guy described >>497059934
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It won't, you'll play through a whole quest crafted specifically for the male gaze of sweaty old men. Otherwise the story won't progress. Can't wait to see your seethe session again when 1.4 drops
You should going back spamming revenoo chart rather than trying to pitch wuwa into fighting poggerbrosis
This is embarrassing
I'll nuke China if I'm forced to date Zhezhi
I can’t believe the real boys in shorts killer was (You) pandering with ikemen all along
Just as a fun fact.
If we want to believe the Sensor 6,75M -> 10,5M jump is Shopkeeper, that would mean 3,75M day 1-2 Shopkeeper.
JP numbers were at 67,6M Yen by then, it's at 134M Yen now, so the Sensor expected stands at 7,5M USD from which half gone to last month, so wuwa stands at 3,75-4M for the first 3 days of October. Expected JP number will go up to at least 300M Yen for Shopkeeper, so that's an estimated 3,4x3,75M USD, 12,75-13M USD for this month. Pretty good for a character many who skipped Zhezhi could save for.
Writing issue. Whoever wrote encore and aalto should write everyone else too and then maybe people couldn’t complain so much.
One day people will understand that sensor tower’s first estimations from each month don't consider the last days and those are added in the next updates. We should have an increase in some days like basically every month and in wuwa's case with SK being released 2 days before October makes the difference rather important. It was the same in July with Changli
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udder kino
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Why are the kuroros holding disco balls?
Hoyogaming will still post it in the first millisecond it gets updated, so who cares. It's already kind of a miracle that people complained loud enough yesterday that even CCs went back to check out the wuwa numbers amd shit on Sensor for it. Of course, who cares about CCs, but there are a lot of sheeps who once see the low numbers run away with them. If their godlike CC then back down and tells them that the numbers were bad and don't trust Sensor, many will do a 180
Unnamed official artist I guess
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I really loathe the substat minigame on gear in these games.
Could I theoretically go higher? Probably.
Will I enjoy it? Absolutely not.
>do you not have fun with the game?
No, I enjoy it, I just hate bashing my head against time trials when I just want to fly around as my fun phoenix wife.
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Night wuwabros. I have to go and read Misfit Demon Lord, have a good chat and see you tomorrow night.
goodnight slopnovelanon
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>go to /nikg/
>people complain about the writing because new girl's bond story doesn't have any (you) pandering at all
>go to /wuwa/
>people complain because Shorekeeper's story has too much pandering
why are you gay?
Any tips for a newbie trying to kill the exile group on floor 3 in ToA? They're the only enemies giving me trouble. The Exile Technician just keeps shielding and I don't know what to do. Are they weak against a particular element?
waifuflop simulator
Sis, your Zhang Liao?
homos and fujos don't play nikke but they do play wuwa hence the endless seething
What characters do you have? Fire dps will fare the best there.
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>Go counter Heron's dive in multiplayer
>Miss it and die in front of the other 2 guys
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making fem rover a playable MC option was a mistake. Should've been just a male lead like in PGR. Just make female rover a limited 5* coz she's sexo.
Used Encore + Sanhua like people suggested. Maybe I'm just undergeared but the other side was fine with Rover. The exiles just seem hardcore by comparison.
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No, I want to look at this sex bomb for free. Male lead can suck my dick.
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bros... challenge stage IV kicked our ass in COOP
do you have a healer? Should take one with the bell turtle echo and try to kill the technician as fast as possible
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Do not entertain the cooldown monkey
nah the exile group is just a cancer setup much more annoying than other fights
especially if they have the fast lazer shooting females I hate those and always rush them just to having breathing room to fight
>Male lead can suck my dick.
/wuwa/ is so fucking gay. Not gatekeeping was a mistake.
They also gave me trouble back when I was low level, don't sweat too much if you can't clear now, just boost Encore some then try again.
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>cute male content
>cute female content
>cool male content
>cool female content
>hot male content
>hot female content
The rovers are too strong
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what boss was it
Yeah, I used Verina on that side. Haven't used the bell turtle, but I don't see how it would make a difference. It takes me like 2+ minutes only focusing on the caster dodging the rifle guys like crazy. Is it just that I have to tank the hits and do more damaging combos maybe?

They just feel so much stronger than the other side. I guess it's not a problem once you level up some more. I'm only level 70.

Good to know, thanks for the intel. I'll try to get her more crit if I can.

1566 Dreamless is kinda hot bros...
Everyone loves roberu
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He has 1-shot skills if youre not careful.
lol that won't be me tomorrow I'm gonna be permanently in the air with zhezhi
If you can't bumrush the caster in a reasonable amount of time then probably just need to level up more.
Being able to facetank a bit with heals and bell echo and just kill the shielder helps. Then the rest are just easy picking you can kill the rifles then finally the dude
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Didn't give this game a chance back at release because of bad press, but it's actually pretty good.
Good for you anon. You having fun?
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How are you handling the wait bwos?
That's helpful. I was wondering if there was some trick where you have to kill the rifle guys or the leader man first. (I did focus on the caster because it seemed obvious.)
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The tiger has been in the cage for too long. Release Scar
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come home...
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pink highlights phroLOVE
Leaks in one more week surely
I miss the Anko-bullying arc
It has come to my attention I have made a grave mistake with my account.

I have not leveled up Baizhi. I just used Verina instead.

Baizhi, now that I am using her and see her onscreen, is incredibly fucking sexy.
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Yes, I would consider it a diamond in the rough. It's not perfect, but it's got soul and I'm having fun. The environments are surprisingly pretty. I like that they added a skip button due to player feedback. The latest chapter was great IMO.
I literally go to sleep while thinking about playing with her.
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Someone should tell her she's cute. Maybe she'd stop being so evil.
>50% more damage
>on <50% HP
that's not one-shot, retardbro. and i don't even understand why anyone would start one of those runs without a healer AND the spectro shield echo. you have to assume that co-op is 99% shitters.
The more I think about it the more I suspect the 1.3 story felt rushed because it was actually rushed. They probably didn't want to release the black shores map at this point and didn't have everything ready, a lot of things add up like how disconnected everything feels, how you get to see Youhu for 2 entire minutes, how there's nobody in the black shores map except you and Shorekeeper with a few minutes of Aalto. I bet they didn't even have time to get things voiced so they just cut everything that wasn't the core of the plot. The map looks really bad too, all the backgrounds and effects are beautiful and a lot of work went into them but at the same time 90% of the map is barren rocks with chests placed at apparently entirely random.
I suspect they wanted to do not-Italy before black shores but having to rush out the new major expansion would have been even worse so they just has black shores take the hit so they don't have to do another filler festival patch and kill the game. I'm willing to give them a chance to see if that's the case and they shape up for 2.0.
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anyone have that yangyang chibi that looked kind of off. Like it was angry or something
What trickery is she going to use to get Rover's seed?
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So you can always party at the Black Shores.
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>Salty tourists will and do astroturf for their sunk cost mistakes by fallaciously asserting their dissatisfaction with the competing product because they think their opinions matter.
>that's not one-shot, retardbro.
nigga youre dumb. go and do it. I will not tell you what skills that will 1shot you with full HP
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Made to be redeemed, sent to a cozy house in the black shore archipielago, mating pressed and turned into a happy mom of 3.
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I started the coop adventure using offensive echoes that compliment my character
now after 2 days of playing with these clowns I permanently slot the shielder
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Cute yangyang
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>be Danjin
>be given a crazy dodge counter
>her bis wep isn't even a sword
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Why does my Shorekeeper have so much crit rate?
Holy shit, not being able to immobolize the boss from a vibration strength depletion really made the first phase difficult.
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No need to handle the wait if I already found my peaceful shore.
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How do you cope with being a lucklet? I still don't have jianxin ;_;
yeah my backup plan is the tambourinist so I atleast have full stamina all the time to spam dodge
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pretty game
pretty woman
Her rerun will be in march. I have to hold out until then no matter what.
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I don't want to call the discussion to the other game, but I don't want them to bloat the quest times over time just to pad content (especially not with 10 hours long aranara quest tier stuff that I will just press skip). Plus with natlan they started adding more rewards if you complete the quests and exploration within the same patch to give even more pressure to rush the unskippable content and I wouldn't like that either (I just did yinlin story today). They should focus on for fun replayable content like the illusive realm, hologram and the current coop.
I loved the roguelite mode last patch. Is that a recurring thing?
Ran every patch but it's paused temporarily or canceled. They asked in the survey if you're bored of it or not. Personally I said yes, it was fun the first patch, ok the second and just a shitty chore the third time. But I'm not a fan of this "roguelike" buff management things so whatever.
Yes, we got illusive realm every patch except the current one, each improving a little and adding the newer characters, but they skipped the current one maybe because it was getting repetitive but I doubt they'll drop it since a lot of people liked it.
Jinhsi is still best wuwa. I want watch her full tank be emptied on herself.
Then on me.
I am talking about her full bladder.
How do you get the chest at the Bank of Life? It says it's underneath it but I can't find how to access it.
It usually shows up 1-2 weeks after a patch drop.
Those wishdotcom holders are filmsy as my limped dick
>No green hair
Oh okay. As a new player it felt fun at least.
Shut up karin
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For now it's stable, but I just got it today (and I just wanted to try so I got the cheapest I could find) so maybe it will get worse quickly. If playing wuwa on the phone becomes a habit I'll look for a better one.
Murder all the exiles, Lord Arbiter.
Guys, how close is current AI to producing something like Shorekeeper?
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Brother, you're a whale, luck is out the window.
It's coming back in 1.4 according to leaks
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>go and do it
im not a seapag, mate. it's not like i do the time attacks with coop either since coop is full of shitters. and there's basically no chance any of these are harder than level 6 holograms either ways
Its all bunch of probabilistic calculations on words branded as intelligence, so no where near
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We need more time.
But even then, i doubt we'll get something equally as benevolent tho.
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>born too late to plunder the new world for exotic gf
>born too early to have a sentient AI gf
ive seen this kind of post before, is jinny pissing a meme?
>pag humor
go back
Does it matter as long as you yourself are convinced though? Everything in life is fake and made up by your brain anyways, even colors and flavors.
>pag humor
pag facts*
the fuck is wrong with Fallacy's hitboxes!?
If everything is fake then nothing is fake
You guys are sleeping on Chixia. She's almost as strong as Changli. A 5* gun girl is the only thing that will make her obsolete.
Weapons are guaranteed.
Changli's damage is not that impressive though. She's not a main dps.
People like to assign this intrinsic value to something being genuine, but my point is that much of what is used as the basis for that is fictional. As long as the illusion is convincing, an AI chatbot lover is no different than your brain parsing a specific wavelength of light as blue.
She literally is by definition but I do agree. Chixia got me a 3 star clear on heron from her 20k crit dodge counters and 50k crit resonance skill.
I agree
How do you even know what's fake and real anymore bwos? This one felt real to me bwos

I bounce between chixia and onko in my Changtits team her quickswap timing is clockwork with her.
200m a year btw
Found the brainlet
What stats does moonlit Yangyang want
What I like about this game is how much it loves first person pov. Solon is high IQ so he knows that half of us played fem rover but he still figured out a way to waifu pander. 10/10 stuff bros I love this game.
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I would like you remind you all that we have new Shorekeepers
Why are you using healing instead of energy regen?
I’m so glad beacons heal now instead of just the bigger nexus
newkek here, when should I care about echoes stats? some of my characters are level 60 but the damage is fucking dogshit and echoes seem really hard to get
>Comparison 2
>Shifts focus to Shorekeeper's feet

who knew adding multiple separate cuts and angles makes for a much better, less jarring viewing experience. The one on the right just wants you to look at her big lifeless eyes all the time and expect the voice acting to carry the scene.
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To get gold echoes you need to level your databank, and to level your databank you need to unlock new echoes for the first time.
So step one is go run around and level up your databank until you have a guaranteed chance to get a gold echo, then it'll be easier to farm. Once your databank is levelled you can start caring about echoes.
A female protagonist has literally never prevented waifu pandering.
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25 years or so I'd say
When you get 5* echoes. You should focus on raising your databank until you get at least 50/50 chance of 5* before even bother farming, but it won't be that bad to upgrade some 4* ones with the right set and main stat for your overworld dps just to not suffer in the meanwhile.
Isn't that literally the problem with genshin? Idk I didn't play that game, I just heard that because it wasn't 1 specific gender then the game devolved into shipping and none of the characters were overtly in love with player. Here we already have 3 confirmed.
Oh no that's just because the devs hate their playerbase
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That may have been the initial cope but as the game matures with each successive patch there is more and more evidence that the writers take pleasure in subjugating it's audience to a humiliation ritual.
eyyy thanks anon!
>hunt all echoes to extinction
>no 2nd energy regen
I'm only at 211%, I NEED a 2nd one.....
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you get two of these morphable ones from the exploration event
Can we get some camy leaks already? I can’t wait to see her.
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damn, minrolled
>no Izu gf
Thanks for reminding me to lose all hope. Also Ark was intentionally made to be bad so we just have to not feed the AI bad ideas because we're salty over our robot dog toy.
>I NEED a 2nd one.....
You are so cooked in DPS department
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>Isn't that literally the problem with g?
no, it's just that their devs really, really despise their male playerbase.
>wood sprouting from the ground
ohhh so that's what leakers meant with Hashirama esque attacks
Wow, Source?
is raiden even good as a main dps without c2?
> inaccurate pic
> You need multiple copies to even have that 1
no idea but you can ask /gig/
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newkek here. Is there anything for (You) as pic related to how over the top she is?
I used all those already.
I did it.....I took it off Verina....
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>Get to level 60
>Finally get my characters and weapons to 90
>Best I can do in tower is 22 stars
Do I need to be a whale to get the full 30 stars in this shit? I can probably optimize a bit more to get 24 stars but I don't think the last 6 are possible and there's another even harder tower after that.
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Sk is so cute and sexy
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probably wait for next patch and that'll become a yes, probably.
post teams
Get your skills to level 10 and try to get 65/240+ crit ratio. if you have an atk weapon you can have less crit dmg
shorekeeper is less than 1% team damage
wait for cummies next patch
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yeah she's coming in a month
one of her lines as soon as you meet her is "you're mine and I don't like sharing"
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Can I clear tower now?
Me too bwo
Yapyap once she snaps
I was running Jinshi/Zhezhi/Baizhu and Encore/Sanhua/Verina

I have no idea how to fit Sanhua in the rotation so I mostly did Encore+Verina there and the first team was mostly just Jinshi and Zhezhi
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building some purples isn’t bad, your drop rate for golds get higher after database 15 but you should also be maxxing out your echo gallery by absorbing them repeatedly until they’re 5 star
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Just try doing verina -> sanhua -> encore to start
>have enough to guarantee Camellya and her weapon f2p
Ahhh inner peace
just skill -> ult -> Heavy attack to break all the ice to charge the whole intro skill (if not just perform one of two basic hits, should be enough to fill the gauge), before you switch back to Unko remember to deploy Heron and immediately switch to her, it's literally 5 seconds
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Boy are you in for a treat.
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JPbros have been showing off with the screenshots lately
What do I do with Verina then?
How do you get the intros to trigger to change the colour of the shorekeeper ring? Sometimes i can instantly swap and get it, sometimes i use all my abilities and it never goes off?????
you start with her? Charge her intro with few basic attacks, skill and ult, after you're done turtle and then switch to sanhua, do all that stuff I told you above then go wild with Unko, once Unko's ult is done, heavy attack and then dip back to Verina to start charging again, repeat until everyone dies.
I don't there is a single girl like Abby (kek) yet, she isn't even a real yandere since she cares too much about your opinion, happiness, and your comfort. She's the type to lock you up with her forever and cater to every need, but the second you say "no, stop" she will stop.
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Hi /wuwa/
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Bro read you just have to outro twice. Shorekeeper ult, outro to character 2, character 2 outro to character 3. Now the ring is gold with max buffs

Is that Welt on the left?
Nigger, I cleared with like a level 50 Shorekeeper. Her offensive buffs don't care about skill levels or HP.
I CANNOT outro, it triggers completely randomly and sometimes never at all. I'll ult as SK then it expires before I can even get it gold.
hi doro
What do you think outro means?
You need to acquire 100 Concerto Energy, then swap to another Resonator. When that happens, the Resonator that you swapped out of will drop to 0 Concerto Energy and perform their Intro Skill. The incoming Resonator will then trigger their Outro skill. Listed damage and effects aside, Intro Skills greatly reduce the enemy's Vibration Strength, even if you do not level up the character's Intro Skill, bringing them closer to an Immobolized state.
Navia, Porkrinde, "Father", and Mualani exist. Outdated meme infographic.
Yes, if you see at the top, this was made during 4.1. Every character you listed came after.
Why does this Yapyap look dumb
The white ring appears around characters i can swap to, then they do special attack and swapping changes the colour of SK ult.

The ability to do this RANDOMLY appears, sometimes never. Resulting in my SK ult expiring more than the damage ability going off.
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Sorry, I'm dating this cow
Im building her once i get the 5* pistol
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The concerto circle to the left here is how far you're away from intro to the next character. If you're finding that it takes too long then go into the character tutorials and learn the basic combos for characters so you know what generates concerto or not. Most of the time it's from using up your forte bar or using ult
>tfw no big boobs gf to cuddle
Dunno why i do keep living.
How do you even use this cow...? Just wait for counter parry?
>trophy for telling a kurobot to go recharge
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What went wrong? What can save us?
To any non retards that come across the replies to this post and are confused, just play the game. The romance isn't bad, it's that she has known you for several millennia years and you've been her constant companion who taught her everything she knows. What the story needed was a walk down memory lane but they obviously can't do that since it would ruin the story so she keeps things to herself and refuses certain questions when asked. She doesn't even tell you your real name. She's not a [insert bait insult here] she just obviously knows more about Rover than the player does.
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Does anyone ever feel dumb about having to look up guides or characters on how to build characters, or rotations?
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hi dorothy
yeah. dawei need to stop yugioh their skills description. not everything need wall of text
So SK is dependent on whether I have DPS that can quickly turn that over? Holy brick.
The in game descriptions and tutorials are unnecessarily long why bother reading it when a youtuber can just tell me
>yeah you play this character by pressing E auto E ult and that's it
I like how this guy posts this every time, not knowing even the baldman made a new video on it.
newkek here, should I be scared?
only one I wasn't sure about is shorekeeper because of the great debate between ER/Spectro/HP and HP/Crit DMG
She's my escapism
Okay. but why isn't they made the new character "Male" or "Black" does this game is racist and sexist?
>concern trolling
Just your sub dps. Shorekeeper to subdps counts as 1. Then subdps to dps counts as 2 and now you have max buffs. Yeah if you can't outro back to shorekeeper fast enough you won't get the empowered intro but it barely does damage anyway so it's not a big deal
Hello /nikg/
In content where you actually need to get a good rotation going, building Concerto on Shorekeeper isn't very hard. Many teams will also run a support or subdps that can reasonably generate Concerto as well like Sanhua, Danjin, and Yinlin. Your main DPS doesn't need to be at 100 Concerto Energy every rotation.
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>2.5 years without a female dps is ok i'll keep slurping
sasuga sunkcost loser.
No? We're living in an internet era, why would you feel dumb looking for information
Yeah, personally, I feel like Genshin stories are hours long not because they are much different than Wuwa, but when Wuwa bloats the playtime of it, it does it with little expressions, either facial or like Shorekeeper picking up the cup, doing visual cuts to the scenery... It's in order to give a better experience. While Hoyo's edited Unity engine isn't good enough to show two character shaking hands apparently, so they bloat it with dialogue.
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She is not a cow she’s our glorious director of border defense against the tranny discord migrants
I play with Changli Chixia and Verina, I can't just swap Verina out for SK, I have to go roll for and lvl a different team now.

Shorekeeper? More like Dustkeeper because she's being shelved for months now. Hope she's fun when I can use her around Christmas.
just be a f2poor no point wasting money
>Its almost insulting how little you get for doing them given how much harder they are.
It's that people have been asking for harder content and they finally figured out a way to give it too us without pissing people off for missing out on large rewards. It's also an excuse to do coop since it makes the hard content a tiny bit easier. I really like this patch desu senpai.
I only picked up Genshin during Navia's patch so I got to bypass the year of Anal Worms.
Yeah, Solon actually already announced planned eos yesterday. Better just drop out now, and leave the thread.
wuwa and zzz wins because of skips 2bh
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rip wuwa 2024-2024
I mean i prefer using verina on that team but it still works fine just have to do chixia outro to changli
Can you actually reach 250 ER without SK sig? what's the max rollable ER substat anyway?
Used to play MMOs, so looking up info comes naturally. When it comes to rotations and stuff I just do it on my own, but I'm leaving the number crunching for echoes and shit to the math nerds.
SK is literally useless. She's an awful healer and awful damage dealer if you don't have the "right" team with the "right" abilities lvled. I've been robbed, I'm about to uninstall.

Why are there truck abilities which do nothing and steal your materials? This predatory design is gay.
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People actually play this game on phones? I can't imagine playing this on anything lower than 5160x2160.
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Best girl.
bullshit. Source or fuck off.
> Geo
> Half dyke
> Dyke
> Brick
Still accurate
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>She is not a cow
You need 240 since her ult gives 10. Just do double ER 3 cost and use a 4* ER weapon. Variation or the craftable if you don't have it. Then just need like 20 from substats
Stop replying to yourself already, it's pathetic
>he missed Solon's visit to /wuwa/
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At least we aren't a cuckge.
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Ah the pags woke up huh
Can I still reach 250ER with ER + Spectro without her sig? I want to give her some damage if I can
rent free
I found it fun the first time but was bored on the rerun, but the third one I really liked. What we really need are new bosses to fight in there and a slightly different aesthetic each time and I'm good.
When the game was announced, I thought the game would be different, that it would focus more on battles, that it would even surpass Genshin, but that didn't happen...

The game is having a sales failure and the company is blind or deaf and doesn't realize it

I have currently stopped playing WuWa and after WuWa showed its true colors, I fear that other gacha games that will be available in the future will end up tricking me later

And also something that I personally like in all the games I usually play is shipping gay couples, but in WuWa there isn't much intimate interaction with the other male characters, it's always just an interaction as if they were just acquaintances. And the protagonists are always having a lot of more intimate interactions with female characters rather than male characters. And it also seems that in WuWa there are barriers to not having a gay ship, of course the community ships some of the male characters with other male characters, but within the game it is difficult to find something that has an intimate interaction with other characters with other male characters
>memorabilia of another male character built into the girl's outfit
>NTR depictions between NPCs
>moving the player character over to the grass
>singlehandedly rescuing everyone while you were unconscious
Is this fucking real? No really, tell me the truth. There's no fucking way anyone sane can accept this.
>how coop boss battles
>ganging up with the boys versus crownless

The early pag gets the best garbage bag
Yes just use an ER echo.
Max sub is 12.4. ER echo is 32 at 25.
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There literally aren't enough materials or characters to build multiple teams. I can't make an alternative for SK. I feel sick. I've never felt frustrated with this game before and now I don't even want to look at it. I'm getting genshin flashbacks and remembering the freedom I enjoyed after quitting that and I'm thinking I should just uninstall and delete my wuwa folder. It's stupid. I hate it. I'd rather be dead.
If you get 5 ER substat rolls you can get 230 and the fallacy of no return echo gives 10. Though it lasts 10 seconds less than her ult duration.

Not really worth trying for that imo since she doesn't do that much damage anyway.
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>expecting any smart posts out of seamonkey dead hours
Damn, guess I'll just pump her with HP then
Yeah I really thought that part was interesting. Aalto is such a bro and a subtle move like that does a lot for his character. Still the best one so far.
the best thing that spawn from genshin as a response
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For me it was this short scene. I with there was a QTE option to choose who to save.
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This is not Until Lament
It looks like it fucks black cubes
Damn, if only shot Paimon too.
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People actually play this game on phones?
most of the SEA region, China, and Japan. Japs play either on phone or console so until we get the ps5 release it won't be as popular in Japan. However I'm so glad kuro decided to prioritize pc. This game is genuinely so beautiful and well made. I mean look at this:
I'm going back to just lvling the characters I like, I'm writing SK off as a learning experience: don't roll for new characters.
There's no way...
> unrealistic romance
> unrealistic race demographics (literally no black or colored person in sight)
> Unrealistic male to female ratio

It's killing my immersion, I'm a day 1 BTW
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quit and get out
Changli raping Sanhua while Jinhsi watches
Do you guys use crit dmg or HP for SK's 4 cost?
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I want to live between those mountains
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It's realistic given the context, which is unrealistic. It's unrealistic if you're a normalfag muggle, but you're a 2+ million year old god LARPing as a human. Though this is unrealistic, if we accept this as true in order to immerse ourselves in the story, then the outcome is realistic with the causes.
crit dmg. supposedly does more damage unless you have crit damage rolls on every echo with a hp 4 cost
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>play coop versus crownless
>get matched with jinhsi and shorekeeper
HP is apparently a bit better according to math gremlin, I got two good fallacy set, for Crit DMG and HP, so it don't really matter for me since I can just switch between the two
Hey, this was the team I did it with. Were you changchang?
I skipped all of the dialogue of the general's quest. Did I miss anything important
no but it's funny that it happened to you too. LMAO
use whatever has better rolls
I'm shit at dodging so I just pick ZheZhi or Shorekeeper in co-op
This. I don't get why people are even building crit damage. She only has the one attack which others can outmatch in one resonance skill attack. I don't have her leveled up but her heals and buffs are good enough at lvl 60 to carry you through most things. Build hp.
You got seeded
Because what else are you going to build? If you hit ER thresholds what's the point in more HP unless it's for dmg? Healing? When she already heals shit tonnes?
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She's too sleepy for sex.
Yeah she's unkillable unless you get one shotted.
Main reason I'm asking is because the game refuses to give me ER and HP on the same echo
How much ER are you at right now
kek these ntr memes are always a treat
>Crit rates start coming in once you're building a character that straight up doesn't need it
Fucking cheating ass system, watch as it goes AWOL when we're prefarming for Cammy
get the er cap then worry about hp later
don't go too deep into rolling good echos for SK unless you have no one else to build at all
all you need is her ER requirement for max buffs
she is less than 1% of team damage
230% ER and like 25k hp but that's because I chose the ER pieces over the hp ones and haven't finished leveling all the echoes.
Crit Dmg/ER/Spectro/HP/HP
>pick aalto in coop
>get kicked
What did you expect bringing a T2 character?
The magical part of it is that the JPbro runs it on an intel GPU.
>picked Xiangli Yao in coop
>didn't get kicked
Ngl, I'm kicking you in game and IRL too for trolling like that
Aalto is probably far more useful in these kinds of things than changli or jinhsi kek
Yeah the one time I actually want ER and HP I started getting crit rate crit dmg.
My dudes, the strat here is stacking DPS so you can clear the mode faster for 4K+ points, of course people would expect you to pick DPSes
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>Unrealiatic romance
The golden rule is that every man becomes popular at least 3 times in their lives
>Unrealistic race demographic
Black is not a race and asians are ayylmao themselves. Did you see their eyes?
>Unrealistic male to female ratio
In the ideal world, every man would have 4 loving wifes.
>pick xiangli yao in co-op
>my laptop stutters and I die every 15 seconds
new bread
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What's the ER threshold? I'm using ER set with Hp/ER build and her ult is usually at like 95% when I switch back to her.

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