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Previous: >>497010810

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Based mommy thread.
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>only 99.9% CR
Am I gonna miss all my crits? Is it over for me?
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My girlfriend is so cute
I have a strong urge to drink milk, event tough I'm allergic to it...
Big 3 should be Big 2 instead
Nobody actually cares about the third one
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just cause one post got deleted with all of it's replies it doesn't mean it was all the same guy
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If it's below 100% it's the same as 50%
>t. e7 refugee
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>crtl f Deleted on previous thread
>58 results
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At least complete the 750 replies chuds
the amount gets decreasing
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Luciérnaga love, of course.
Why are you all disappointed with chinkland 2.0, we all know it was gonna be shit
Why are the side quests more interesting than the main ones?
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Saars we need to finish last thread, else janny will final solution this one
Lingsha balls
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>Rememberance planet in 3.x
A bit early for March Alter isn't it?
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 Caeluses!!
Is Fofo poater still having a schizo episode?
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Good OP.
I'm going to fill the thread up with Jade art, as a celebration of this very thread's Good OP.
Every lady in this game is Caelus's. The MC's harem is growing with each passing day. Despite their lack of chemistry, he successfully gets them pregnant. Stelle's main purpose is to generate money form those who identify as "femcels."
I'm mostly annoyed that we are stuck with Luofu.

Chink patch is pretty much obligatory every x.3/4, and it would be at least tolerable if we go to another Xianzhou ship. And yet we are stuck in Luofu.
march alter was already in the prerelease beta and daniel got his in 1.x, if anything we're overdue for her
Hertaschizo was wrong
What if I have s4 post op? I'm going to use her mainly in FF break meme team.
guys please help me finish the previous thread so this one doesn’t get deleted please hurry
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Kinda make Black Swan redundant if we get GoR/Remembrance Emanator March. But then again, maybe BS would leave the express in 3.x and someone new would board the train.
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w-why is she using the sexo squiggly at the end of her line?
I will, but more posts are being deleted as we speak. And the faggot is also ban-evading as well.
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You need exactly 16% ERR to get a 3 turn ult, so S4 post-op is not enough unless you get hit
there won’t be any more tingyun alter leaks because the hoyo gestapo are searching for uncle and his compatriots
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How is this sexo~?
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nice general honkeks starlet railbabs
Incels don't even know why girls use it let alone what it means
this is your general
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nice thread honkeks
>Reasons for Failure:
>1. The concentration of genius trait within the subjects is too low (highly likely)
>2. The geniuses are mediocre (highly unlikely)
>3. Too much enlightenment was added during the experiment, causing the subjects to develop a tendency to imitate their creator (unlikely)
>4. The genius materials gathered by the creator were counterfeit (highly unlikely)
Is Ruan Mei calling herself enlightened?
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Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up, it's time to gather now
Forget about the rules written on weathered rock
There were chasers of light
Find the way or get lost
We have no way to know where they all headed for
See the light from afar, just blaze through the thorns
We know it's right over there
We have something to declare
Whatever is arriving, we'll be prepared
We've made a choice, go fight against your fate!
Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up to hear the cheering sound
i don’t understand what is the implication of these two pictures
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BIG if true!!
Firefly love!
i'm sorry for flopping...
no we are all here
She is a woman of limitless accomplishments, and unbridled modesty.
-Ruan Mei when asked to describe herself
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for anyone who's interested
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don't think too hard about it
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Is it over now?
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This general is your general
From the nicest anons to the schizoest anons
This general is made for you and me.
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Who and Opal?
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>The moment you encounter Ruan Mei, your heart is also filled with infinite happiness. It is as if you are forever inured from worry, that you will live in revelrous joy for the remainder of your life. Unable to bear the excitement, you cry out, hopping and laughing like a child, and under your breath, you mutter: "Thanks, Ruan Mei." You know she can hear you.
Even Hoyo simps for her.
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not bad, check this out: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/tnum/492995735/deleted/deleted/
I thought there was no new thread
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>bronya larping as seele
Who would win 1v1: Acheron or Sampo?
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So did Jingliu teach Jobqing the ice move he used on Hoolay or did he awaken his inner potential or some bullshit?
Sampo is even afraid of Sparkle...
With Silver Wolf's voice. Cute.
I just went to eat some food outside what the fuck happened, holy mental illness
Jingliu did the move in front of him and then 20 minutes later did the move on him so that he had to do it back in order to not fucking die instantly.

I don't think that qualifies as teaching any more than trying to drown a toddler qualifies as being a swim instructor.
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even scampo fears the gremlin
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One guy was NTR posting, janny then proceeded to burn the whole thread down with large collateral
That's how you learn in the chink world. Either get A or fail.
I wish they shitpost r/199/er instead.
Nvm then, glad i went to take a bite
I still want this as a loading icon for the game.
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Milkcheron my beloved
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I want a mono fire team, is firefly/himeko/topaz/lingsha break focused team a good idea? Id prefer to keep it female only galegherchads
Anyone hoarding perma banner tickets?
I'm at 360~ish right now.
Feels like a waste to roll it away, even if means bricking my 4 stars.
Hertaschizo has always been right
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bro this entire region is so ass why tf did they hide the treasures in ten dimensional maps that requires 50 battles and 10 puzzles in order to open 1 chest?
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>4.0 drops
>People still seething about Firefly
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Jade rerun when?
Hertaschizo got mass IP wiped last thread spamming bl*cked shit
Just get really drunk and run around all night finding the last one like I did.
You get limited pulls from that. Nothing is a waste. The shit you get is likely useless garbage, but the refunds are still refunds.
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I need new stellaron hunter content
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Time to be a bad girl. Let's make Baiheng proud.
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person hertaschizo
What did Kafka make? Looks delicious
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>Emanator of Nous. Only stated at the start of the game. Never displayed anything Emanator.
>Reversed her age. Plenty of other characters with other forms of immortality. Nothing special.
>Admits to being jealous of Chadwick for thinking of thousands of equations she never thought of. And he had a shorter lifespan than her.

>Present during #27 Emperor Rubert to lead a resistance against him.
>#4 Polka killed Rubert, ending the war. Resistance was nothing in the end.
>Chosen as member #76, 49 members chosen before him.
>At least 4900 years before Nous acknowledged him.

Why are they jobbing, anons?
B-but what if they add new 5 star to the standard banner?
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Caprese Salad.
Firefly hatefuck!
erudition emanation is just being a genius, Ratio is right they are all pozers
Honestly they should. The fact that all the Quantum 5-stars in the game are limited is fucking ridiculous.
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I need this
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Why do so many of you here pretend to be retarded??
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Why hatefuck when you can lovefuck?
I fucking hate caprese, fuck tomatoes as a concept
Cutefly my beloved
Go shove more soda in your fat face you fucking american
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Why does Lingsha seem to especially enjoy the scent of the sweaty barefoot girl? Is she a pedophile or is Yunli actually an adult?
>16% ERR to get a 3 turn ult
What if I have 160+ SPD?
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Lingsha Guide
4pc Calvary, Kalpagni
2pc Break + 2pc SPD/Healing/ATK/Break, Kalpagni/Any support set
>Stat goals
16% ERR, 134 SPD minimum, ideally 151 (160 if no Ruan Mei), 110% BE, 2200 ATK
Sig > Luochud >= Fofo > S3+ Post-OP > What is Real. QPQ and Multiplication are also usable.
>ERR requirements?
Since she needs only 16%, this can easily be fulfilled with a combo of:
>S3+ Post-OP + 5% ERR planar
>S5 Post-OP
>ERR rope
Allowing you to instead run a BE or ATK% rope/LC.
>E1 or S1?
E1 effectively doubles her own damage. S1 makes her a debuffer, which is only useful in Debuff teams.
>Lingsha vs Gallagher?
Lingsha is better than Gallagher on all fronts except SP generation. Be mindful of the SP economy of a team if you're trying to slot her in.
The exact tradeoff is ~75% more damage than Gallagher, for the tradeoff of ~70% less SP generation than Gallagher. This is assuming that Lingsha is using her usual 1 skill per 3 turns, and Gallagher doesn't need to heal and can freely spam basics.
Superbreak teams are where she shines. She'll have some SP issues in E0 Firefly teams.
Her summon counts as an FUA, so you can slot her in FUA teams. Is Feixiao's 2nd BiS sustain.
Her ULT has a debuff, so she can be okay in Debuff teams. Extra breaks can also give debuffs.
Superbreak is obviously superior.
Could somewhat work with 3 Harmonies (Jade for PF) + upcoming Summoner meta.
Build would be: 4pc FUA + Banana | Crit, SPD, Fire/ATK, ATK | Luocha Sig
I fucking love tomatoes, you can eat them in any way, shape or form
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Jesus you can tell you haven't had an actual tomate in your life
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What the fuck is that
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No disrespect or anything but it's amazing how I've managed to skip every limited character for PF and still not miss out on it at all. Is AoE really hopeless or does PF's design just get an ez mogging from the OGs, Himeko and Herta? Also Miss Feixiao is very sexy and cute and strong and fast and witty and sporty and fun and loving and reliable and inspiring and very sexy.
I thought I was free from the cavalry/valorous domain after getting something for Yunli, and now I have to go back in for Ligma. I am never going to leave this fucking domain.
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I rolled for the loyal government glowie with the huge ass and this is what they gave me.
Still don't know what he's carrying. Looks like a railgun but it sure as hell isn't.
It's his sister's guitar case lol
kill yourself tomatofags, I wish I could go back in time to sink the ship that exported tomatoes to Europe for the first time
Uuuoooooohhh ToT
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Nyes I would rather have the ketchup made from corn syrup sugar water and vinegar than a fresh tomato from the garden
>Lingsha is on course to outflop pink fox...
What went wrong?
literally his sisters purse
Ratio suffers inferiority complex regarding the Geniuses.
no matter how many Super Bricks Dawei shills me I will never roll one nor ever play Super Brick
what else would you roll for anyway? the wind set to appease your prydwen masters? lmaoooooooooo
Really? lmao someone post numbers
>I only eat frozen ribs I make in my air fryer
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But Kafka loves tomatoes
> rolled for the loyal government glowie with the huge ass
Don't know what you're complaining about. You got him didn't you?
I got Lingsha as my first limited sustain but I dont think I plan to play break oriented teams (I saw her eidolons and its all break stuff)
Also, her cleanse is amazing.
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We love the Yaoqing here, and she's not Yaoqing.
Tomato is only acceptable as sauce. There I said it.
sustains always flop, I don't understand why you fucks expected a different outcome
I just got online wtf are people talking about bumping and deleting in the last thread???
A 13 year old boy is is only a little worse and a 4*. Her shills have to try and make it about dmg
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it's so nyover
Abundance sustain isn't popular in HSR, also we are after Fei Xiao's banner.
The jade vault is empty for the casual whales. They are not spending rm on 'healing' characters
Regular and meta whales are doing good without healing.
Abundance can't do shit when enemies one shot you in deep DU/GNG run.

Preservation is better.
I dont even like Longsha but I have doubts she aold that poorly. She will probably do Fofo numbers
Nah, i'd heal.
Holy fuck
Bartender "boy" is too strong. He poisoned her sales.
I did V8 with DOT and Jade Feixiao. You are a joke
this is dishonest as people don't generally update their rolls counts until the banner is over or at least until they are done with pulling on said banner
but still, it's funny and no doubt true. superflopsha
But Jiaoqiu didn't flop... he outsold Jade, Huohuo, Topaz, Boothill... people expected him to bottom ~3 and he outsold quite a bunch of people
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Bad News, Trailblazer has been confirmed to not smell bad, since Lingsha still breathes when they are around.
that was me unlocking V8, i bet i can do it with Lingsha
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Kneel, Lingkeks
I've never once really felt threatened by the possibility of a one shot in DU. Just grabbing a defensive blessings is usually more than enough to turn any team into tanks.
She's a brickbundance. Even the generalist brickbundance Fofo flopped.
a battle of flops...
That's why they should ditch Abundance as a sustain only path and turn it into the HP manipulation path instead. HP buffs, HP reliant buffs, HP manipulation reliant buffs, self sustaining dpses, self killing dpses, resurrection and shit because Preservation will always just mog them in a sustain comparison instead also my nigga Blade needs some attention too and my wonderful wife too.
Lingsha is just really easy to roll. She has a hidden rate increase effect, so there's no need to whale.
Jade-lingsha team is going to end up being the rarest team in the game desu
Bro is putting people down for no reason. Sad!
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Should I even bother rolling for c0r0 Topaz? Is she subpar without her cons and weapon?
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I want to eat Firefly home cooking
Typewriter text effect for English is cancer in general (the brain doesn't parse written language one word at a time and English is less character dense than Asian languages) but for whatever reason in Hoyo games it's uniquely unpleasant.
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I have like 6 pulls or so. I will be back in a minute to test this
Why would you roll for Topaz when the cuter character, March 8th, fills the same role for free?
Who has been the biggest mistake for the game?
I'm not wearing any underwear right now memory of chaos
I actually laughed at this. Part of it was the massive whiplash of going from the boring Feixiao story to returning to the goofball TB. I fucking hate chinaslop, why the fuck do they sideline the MC.
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Enjoy your free Ligma, bro.
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She just holding her breath then. Some lizards can stay underwater for hours
Space China as a whole, it killed the game two times already.
>Like her
>Don't like her

It's really simple as that anon. Forget spreadsheet numbers for 0 cycling shit and get comfy 2~5 cycles off element while enjoying the characters you like.
If you can't stop thinking about numbers you sure will need those baits hoyo throws at you like e1s and s1s
I think it's possible that jade rollers rolled lingsha too... meanwhile it seems FF rollers skipped her. Flops gotta stay together I guess.
Aventurine I'd say, he's way too overtuned and too important for far too many teams. Gallagher is also too strong as a 4*, and Robin made pretty much any other Harmoiny irrelevant.
I fucking hated how TB just says
>Gee I was useless this time around lol
Otherwise great scene. Best of patch like Skott was 2.4
playable males besides mc
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I have an STD
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Deserved for being a whore
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Finally got it, no clue what to pick, but I'll probably go for E1 Welt, E1 Bronya or less likely E1 Gepard
I don't have Clara, but I doubt I'd build her anyways
Though, likely I'll put this off for months, even if the exclamation point is kind of annoying
I've been playing since 1.3 btw
Firefeet love
ratio wants every idiot to get smarter because stupidity is a disease in his worldview, meanwhile erudition pathwalkers want to stay elite geniuses as a cast above stupidity they need to feel special
How come I get an erection every time I see Sparkle?
superbrick more like superskip
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She doesn't even have an idea of what kind of incense to give us either.
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Get Clara and build her, she is super cute.
You wouldn't leave her unleveled, right anon?
E1 Welt really helps him, hes pretty good at E2 especially with superbreak. E1 Bronya is the most obvious choice though. I like Welt and my account is Welt coded so ymmv
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she's super cute
why's it, in hoyo games, the only times i get a 5* earlier before pity hits is with single pulls and never with ten-pulls?
are 10 pulls just a waste?
>Welt coded
Me too
I have his S2, fuck me
The only thing I don't like about getting his E1 is that now I play him with speed and BE, but after getting his E1, I'd probably switch to DPS Welt, which is a lot of work
Also, how exactly does the E1 work? Is it like an extra attack that can crit and gets all the buffs, just that it uses 50/80% of the original multiplier?
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barnum effect
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I have this dick at E4, is he actually good?
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Aventurine: Oh~ What are you guys up to? Talking shit about me? Let me join~
Aventurine: Actually, this is great timing. I have something interesting to show you.
>Topaz: Is it more interesting than talking shit about you?
Aventurine: Probably not.
Aventurine: [Ta-da!] This is a Lightcone of when I was a kid. I contacted the Garden of Remembrance to have it made.
Aventurine (in the background): I didn't know what I looked like as a kid; I only found out in Penacony. This was an extremely rare chance so I turned the experience into a Lightcone. Cool, right? You're the first people I'm showing it to~ And while I was at it, I had one made of my older sister too. Want to see her?
>Topaz and Ratio: How did this child grow up to be that.
Just a dmg boost after an ult for 2 attacks. E2 helps make him into a pseudo sustain. His LC is the worst part of his kit imo. Ive been experimenting with different cones
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based killing paglus
I can feel my sanity slipping away
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I haven't seen any Fofoschizo posts since "that"
But i'm propably reaching with that one
>seele, silver wolf, blade, yuan, dhil, jingliu
>all useless

game launched last year...
Cute! I saw this comic but I don't know korean so thanks for the translation
>I fucking hated how TB just says
Yeah it felt fucking insulting. Like the devs just knew how much they sidelined TB, but still deciding to say fuck you to everyone that likes the MC. Kinda crazy going from Penacony where TB is central to the entire plot, to literally just being a bystander. I don't have the MC be central to everything, but at least let them do something. This patch just flashbacked the conclusion to the entire prison segment of last patch, and then had TB follow Feixiao to see how amazing she is. You could have literally cut TB from the plot and nothing would have changed.
It ain't called Powercreep Rail for nothing
Even Ack, FF, and Fei will eventually join them
dresses like a slut
Bro your E1S1 bug, E2S1 SpACKLe and E1S0 Bird? Join the Harmony gang and make 1.x units great again
Run him with RM and go sustainless and he acts as a pseudo sustain like she does. Imaginary doesnt get shilled much so it depends on content
That shit was Genshin tier humiliation. If they weren't gonna make TB any useful at all then they should have just dumped him to the ghost gang and hang out offscreen.
Needs HEAVY vertical investment into Harmonies
>Silver wolf
If you're a E0S1 Ackfag that refused to roll the fox you will still use her
Not even bladefags contest his dead in a ditch status
Same as Seele but borderline dead
Less fucked version of Seele and Yuan
Shines if the content is ice weak, but is otherwise fucked
Nice composition
Reminds me of their latest minigame slop event where they actually have TB call it shit and they just go
>Ehhh whatever
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No one actually cares about the mc, right...?
money really can change a man
Maybe because I played Priconne, but I actually don't really feel like it is massive powercreep. Priconne released a character that made literally almost every healer useless within a year, plus had you roll for overpowered pvp units that only dominated for a few months until they released the counter to that unit.
>seele, silver wolf, blade, yuan, dhil, jingliu
From that list, I have SW and Jingliu. SW works great for Acheron, and still a good option if you don't have JQ because who the fuck rolled him. Jingliu was pretty bad for a while, but that was more because hypercarry has been dead with not new supports for her. But last AP actually made her useful. And you're ignoring characters like Kafka and Topaz that are still useful.
if you're ok getting kekked you're free to go back to Genshit anytime
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that's not true
qq posters are the best posters on the board
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What happend to the Acheronsmoocher?
He at least posted a new picture every time instead of repeating himself.
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Damn, their sex life becomes more and more freaky
this why you should save your standard rolls
just in case, you know...
I care, we have a fucking STELLARON inside us, we're supposed to be some kind of big deal beaing an anomaly, we even have the gaze of not 1 but THREE Aeons, it's a travesty how usseles the MC and AE in general is
There is no powercreep, the game is just designed to shill the current units.
I love Wise.
I still use SW tho
I would care if they actually made him more involved in the plot
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Nice Yaoi hands
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More like slavery and trauma, poor kid didn't deserve the extremelt bad hand he got handed.
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the sexual tension
Lingsha being able to use QPQ on the FUA team is under appreciated, too many people fixated on her being Gallagher 2.0, especially since you’re just freeing him up for another break team or Acheron by using her with FF
is there any tool to calculate turns with vonwacq? I want to know if vonwacq+$x speed is better than $y speed where $y > $x
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>we want the genworm audience
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I was actually thinking of translating that one later too because it was cute
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I'll care about him again once he get de-attached from Super BRICK
3.x can't come soon enough
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t. QQ anon
Ack is already a brick even at E0S1 if you skipped the gay fox like I did. Haven't used her in endgame content for months now, in favor of Firefly, Yunli and most recently Feixiao.
Silver Wolf is gonna be used by most Acheron teams and Jingliu is still the only ice dps worth a damn outside of PF but it’s a dead element

My Seele is ded, I have all the pieces to make her usable but I see no reason to specifically use her over anyone else right now
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i only got this
>Rolling the latest META dps back to back
I mean you're just a fucking idiot with an impulse problem at that stage
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Now, watch as I turn this into the strongest Duran Rope in the entire thread!
Wish I could mute people who habitually make this response. It's not wrong, it's just pointless. If someone is asking about power level, evidently their "like" of a character is conditional on that. In a turn-based game that's going to be true of a lot of if not most people. The reason that so much more people like Acheron than Jingliu now is not because Acheron's design or gameplay is so much better, it's because she's more powerful, and feeling like you're winning at the game is typically more fun than feeling weak.

>It's really simple as that anon. Forget spreadsheet numbers for 0 cycling shit and get comfy 2~5 cycles off element while enjoying the characters you like.
This is assuming that everyone's account is built enough that 36 starring with bad teams is viable, and it's assuming that 5 cycling is ever fun rather than simply tedious regardless of what characters you're using.
But what if I just wanted to fuck them all
Your feixiao will be so tanky that that 4x defense
All HP
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I did what I've always been doing and pulling for waifu and skipping homo, unless the waifu is such a giga brick (Sparkle, Jade) that it's not worth spending the jades and they're better off used for a cone.
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Why is she so smug?
>hp and def
you must just love suffering
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Def% hadn't been factored in, huh?
Chinaslop story is so fucking boring
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It is what it is.
Better than mine, explode!
Yeah it was doomed when you had HP and DEF kek
>sidegrade for a f2p unit
>not for (You) so no waifubucks
>no shonenshit for powerlevelfags
Some characters were born to just be skipped
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I love Ruan Mei!
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>+1 crit each
could have been worse
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Time for a butt
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>Ruan Mei ass posting again
i'm tired bros...
of fapping?
I cannot reach that paradise...
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You just need to calculate it.
First turn AV is 6000, after that each action takes 10000, so for 174 SPD + Vonwacq you go

6000/174 = 34.48
And then substract that from 150 AV, then you're left with 115.52 AV, then you do 10000/174 = 57.47 and repeat until you hit 0 (cycle roll over) or you match AV needed to hit X action.

Action Advance % is just that number substracted from the 10000 usual amount, so DDD is 24%, that means that when DDD is used the AV needed for the unit turn goes from 10000 to 7600.
we're gonna keep on pretending we can get past that
So what would (You) implement to make the game avoid content droughts? New game mode?
>AInigger crying about slop spam
You reap what you sow
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You like Topaz.
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Why are jannies like this?
Yes I do. Now put the whip down ma'am.
My sub 3 incher can't get past that
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Weekly Hexanexus pvp leaderboards
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Very nice non-spam OP
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We like Topaz
I think Janny nuking NTRfags is based
Just go the GBF route with raids. Make a new accessory section, and make the bosses have a chance to drop that.
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Should I be saving up tears of dreams or can I just keep using them to lvl up traces
I'm so tired of fighting my mom bros...
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They're there to be used. Only reason why you'd ever want to hold onto them is if you can't prefarm an upcoming character and want to build them asap.
I expected to be spooked by a Robin
Is Jade gonna be better with Lingsha or Aventurine in PF on average? I’m putting aside the current PF being made for Lingsha
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That's a nice wife you have
Who knew these are the worst posters?
save for EOS just like your jades bwo
yep, but we can't stand wormturine
Lingsha is better since she has aoe on skill. She seems to be made for PF especially. I still run Jade with Aventurine because of soul however.
I would had said Lingsha for the healing but I remembered her hp sucking is barely relevant so it's honestly probably the same.
Both are t0 in PF
Hello worm schizo. Evade your ban? Reset your ip?
TOPASS CAME (5th 50/50 wonned in a row btw)
is jade a virgin
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>gallagherfags were behind it all along
It's seeleschizo buying a IP proxy service subscription with his shitcoin pump and dump money.
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You got her, right?
>can't get past that
Just spread the cheeks?
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>Forced multiplayer with MHY's braindead playerbase and literal children
Yeah, no. Think of how stupid some people in these threads are then consider that every single one of them is probably still above average when compared to all players.
dodo reipu
I don't understand why Mihoyo has never done this or something similar. It gives longevity to the game and gives whales a chance to show off without a detriment.
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We ESPECIALLY love Aventurine
Why is she looking at me like that
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Reminder that Ruan Mei shits and farts
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>the ass that broke Hertaschizo
In my mouth
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It has been far too long since you last graced us
me in the toilet getting ready to treat her turds like chicken nuggies
you wanna rape a bunch of dead birds? that's kinda weird bro
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I salute the Ruan Mei booty
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You're going to peel them before you eat them?
I just figured since they're almost impossible to come by, at least before du came, that they probably had a different use too and you had to choose wisely
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We love Aventurine here
yes honestly it just made me want fu xuan more. im not too upset because my hebe only account cred was going to be bricken by herta (real) anyways
We hate awormturdine here
I want to have gay rough sex with hertaschizo real
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Stop being gay
dogturdurine flopped
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are they ever going to remove it?
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wormturine flopped bigly btw
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Yeah, when they replace it with the next SU expansion (DU didn't count)
Is Ruan Mei a virgin?
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You're only bringing more attention to Aventurine gro
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No but she made a potion to grow it back. More of a cake really. It's called a cherry turnover.
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now that is a nice gyatt
not too big
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Someone is posting Ruan Mei sex yet wormschizo is talking about a man....
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Redpill me on /hsrg/'s beef with picrel
>everyone who uses the same word at any time, in any place must be the same guy
how mindbroken do you have to be
I can probably get past those but I like not getting past better
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would you?
is HE here?
This worm raped anon's ass and now he can't stop whining
Anon hates men because he hasn't been able to transition.
Last thread showcased that to be true though
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The lady on top is just bait. The actual aeon of voracity is all the mouths underneath.
How strong do you think real!Herta is?
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Such a wasted design...and I cant even justify building pity on her banner since she has some of the worst 4 stars in it...
when she's in the mood to let you get past that...
Strong in her shill arc and jobs nonstop afterwards
lingsha does a funny amount of damage for a healer
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I doubt the real Herta could carry 2 bags of groceries to the kitchen at once.
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Ena being heavily implied to be the eye in its art is very cool. Aeons lore is sogood man.
super break go burrr
Let it go shillbro....she flopped
homotroon can't comprehend that not everyone is gay, their mental gymnastics has reached a point where everyone who makes fun of them must be one guy
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extreme SMUG power level sure to make every naysayer seethe all throughout 3.x
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I typeset it. Thanks for the TL.
That post of using Gallagher as an SP slut for Lingsha was funny but without Firefly's implant she's not going to be a viable hypercarry.
Super break doesnt count
Kissing wormschizo on the LIPS!!!
And making him gay
That thing in lore is so big it can swallow multiple planets at once. You're NOT getting past that
In lore or gameplay
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>Acheron rerun
>Aventurine rerun
>then STingyun
>then Sunday
>then Aglaea
>then Opal
its like every patch since firefly has just been filler until the motherlode drops
damage is damage. stop being racist
It originated from gig after people got acclimated to constant homo spam so they threw in anal worms from gay sex tabloid news to affiliate every male character with anal worms instead of homo.
>Ruan Mei and Luochud pokinv at Propagation
>hints of Emperor Rupert returning
>IPC gearing for an war between the Aeons
>whatever the fuck Qlipoth is building the wall for
how much of the universe is going to get wiped out?
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Good OP
This fag has been spamming Aventurine fan art in every thread for half a year. What kind of mental illness is this?
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Protect lil sigga
>hard skip
>hard skip
well that was easy
Who Aglaea? Is it a waifu?
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Damn you got me.
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did it never occur to you that some people just like aventurine?
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you forgot the fat pink slut
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So wheres the content for the next 3 weeks?
No one cares about your shitty doll, Hertaschizo. You can stop samefagging.
every mention of the word "worm" since the middle ages has been one guy
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It's the first 3.x character, preview makes her look kind of ugly desu looks like an inferior Himeko (also the first character with servants)

You are me!?
Arlan's design, animations and gameplay are honestly all pretty cool, a shame he sucks and never got any support for his game style.
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hoyo paid you 1000 free jade to fuck off
Bolster Floplans sales
>Character is only worth rolling if you're also a Fireflyfag.but also she mostly does her own thing and doesn't buff Firefly by any significant amount.
Only want Sunday and Herta
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right here bwo
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stop talking in third person avenschizo
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Did they really skimp on content for 1000 jades?
He's mad because everyone here skipped his ugly homo.
Booba way too small
Yeah. Barring something like an Anniversary, Game Award or the shit like Neuv's bug fix, they have a very specific amount of jade/primos that they give out per day per patch. Gift of Radiance was the same deal.
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The first guy you quoted posted Opal
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Love this artist
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>everyone who posts aventurine is the aventurineschizo
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I can get past that
anal worms melty
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>zero content hsr
>zero content genshin
>finished zzz content last night
it's well and truly over
BS not having huge tiddies feels so wrong
I would really like sniff Silver Wolf.
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>his game
Stingyun leaks doko
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It's a nice excuse to post pics
Kill yourself, Alves.
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real aventurineschizo here the other guys aren't me
>zero content genshin
Bro, your patch next week? Oh wait, pffft, there's no map expansion lmao.
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>I can get past
>I can't get past
Holy fuck just shut up, you're presumably a grown man, you're repeating the same set of words to the same stimuli like a child
There are other games besides Hoyoverse crap you know
this is his work?
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Sorry I've been busy figuring out how DataBase migration works
Topaz's POV
post more Ruan Gyatt in order to see if we're able to get past it
I can't get past that level of schizo
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What does Jing Loo smell like?
I can get past this...
>everyone spamming x might be guy known to spam x
pretty reasonable
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>he says in /hsrg/ where the only things anyone talks about are characters flopping, worms and firefly
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How is there no map expansion? Xilonen needs materials from an overworld boss that doesn't exist yet.
icy and fresh
Kill yourself frognigger
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There's three of us
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Which is more important for Topaz, E1 or her LC or do I need both?
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based fofofren I had to take a bath and cook lunch. Was wondering what happened. Can't wait for Space Greece I wonder if there will be a good orgy doujin
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In hindsight, Aventurine having a harmony-fueled schizophrenia episode for 5 hours straight is pretty fucking hilarious.
They'll put the boss in the same map, there's probably already a place, too. Wouldn't be the first time, there was a room for Dendro cube before there was a Dendro cube
You first, you whiny faggot.
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Cant wait to see the seething of everyone that is pulling for Lingsha because of the summon meta if we end up getting a better summoner sustain shortly after this meta begins
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Cone 100%
E1 is mostly an upgrade if you are using her with Ratio.
ima need to spread those
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>the thread that broke hertaschizo
holy based
shit game
shit people
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>Becomes a Payerova of £feshotits
Nice. Thanks for including the sauce
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I owe an apology to the Fireflyfags for saying her story was shitty and rushed. After reading the Shorekeeper story in Wuthering Waves, I now know what a truly rushed story looks like and how much worse it could be.
I enjoyed it but then again I like schizophrenia
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E1 to buff the team
S1 to buff herself
Both if you truly love her and will never stop using her
It still is, just because something's worse doesn't discount hers from being bad
fofo is our saviour
Realistically what are we expecting from the fate collab?
How many characters? will any of them be 4* or handout? Will they be good/meta?
ERP troons and anal wormers murdered this general.
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Who is avenshizo
It was good. We could have never seen character building like that form aventurine any other way since he's so guarded
I just want jades bro, I don't care about collabslop
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Free 5 star that is functionally the worst thing in the whole game and an embarrassment to everyone involved.
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>How many characters
It's just base FSN, no FGO stuff, so at most 3. It's probably gonna be one zone in one patch and that's it.
>will any of the be handout
>will they be good
They'll probably be viable but I don't think they'll make them ridiculously good if they aren't obtainable later
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doesn't matter long as there's Saber
of course they'll be good (with E2)
Usually when a new character comes out, you'll see people excitedly post their pulls. You'll see posts like "I got [new character] in my first ten pull!" or "I got [new character] back-to-back!" But I'm not seeing this with Lingsha. Is she unironically going to be the biggest flop banner in the game's history?
Argent exists, but she'll probably still be on the low end
>aventurine spam stops
>Lingsha doomposting starts
I'm noticing
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>lingsha venting her problems on (you)
himecut girls are so lonely...
which one is it
is no one talking about her or is she being shilled?
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Fofo! Save this general!!
>all these QQ and fofo posters comments deleted
Who even is the target audience for her
If you compare Aventurine and Oroboros pic side by side you going notice they have similar color palette, the thing between Oroboros humanoid body and snake body is look like a peacock tail, both Aventurine and Oroboros is adorned with jewelry with some of them have similar placement
Stop associating him with another aeon, he's dealing with so many already.
Fireflyfags obviously, good luck convincing people to roll for a limited brickbundance though
she was being shilled but now everyone who fell for it already pulled and those who din't only speak about her to laugh and that got old pretty fast
Two 5 stars, 4 star welfare given out like hunt march.
Fully expect standard e2s1 bait type shit.
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Stop noticing you're wrong and its all just a coincidence!
People like Gojoshizo,NahidaLoliPedo and /v/GOD don't grow on trees!!!!
Based on what I've seen here in /hsrg/: incels who refuse to use Gallagher because they feel just by having a man on the same team as Firefly, they're getting cucked. Yet simultaneously, they also say Gallagher is a flaming faggot, so I'm not sure how that works into their equation.
congrats on getting her yesterday. Your screenshot has a timestampe
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She already beat all the Natlan banners though...
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Aeons prostitute
me too
and me too
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>use gallagher or youre a weird incel freak
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Who is he?
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It's just one schizo avatarfagging with Fofo desu
>Year straight of males upsets waifu pullets
>Year of female banners upsets male pullers but the waifu bridge is already burned
>It's all flops from then onwards
Riveting stuff
At least firefly's intro didn't make me cringe and lose hope for gaming in general. This is so bad and the fact there's people praising this as the peak of gaming makes me lose hope for the future.
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Does Lingsha have any drugs to make it bigger?
QRD of how bad it is?
I could probably get rock hard just from smelling Lingsha desu
That's what happens when you desperately try(and fail) to bring back an audience you already drove away ages ago
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How is my Lingsha Build looking so far bros? Any tips on what to improve?
>sunday and tingyun
>5* herta
>the first ever potato shota
>fate collab
rappa is going to be the lowest selling banner
every patch after her is fucking stacked with interesting shit
Your stats are missing words, not very meta
That's Japan, she is flopping in China (so is Genshin though so it would be surprising if she beat them too)
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Holy MALD+SEETHE+CAP!!!!!!!!!
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I can help her vent alright
As long as Rin Tohsaka is pullable I'm happy
So could anyone say why the fuck they decided to rerun all the penacony characters immediately after penacony ended? Shouldn't it have been a bunch of the chinaslop characters? Blade Jing yuan ?
Dawei is going to cry again bros.... not funny
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Total Gallapagther Death
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it still baffles me a year and a half later to try and figure out just what exactly they were thinking by sabotaging their flagship game so incredibly recklessly.
from Raiden pulling a sword out of her tits to pic relate. it's mind numbingly stupefying. they had the gacha audience by the balls worldwide and decided to spit and shit in its face.
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how come the fofo posters weren't banned but got comments deleted?
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Lil sigga walked so that opal could run
Lingsha owes me a sip of her blood
Ah, I see now. Three responses from him and counting. Thank you for the info.
The reply chain was nuked and only the actual shit posters got banned
But then space china would flopped harder and we can't have that
Swap to be rope and it's a decent cope build
Same people that thought part 2 would do well enough at bringing a new audience in, even though the game needs a major overhaul of just about everything to bring it up to modern standards
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I salute the lil sigga plushie
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Scaly girls are lesbian catnip unironically.
He's in an anti rape cage
they assumed their current userbase wasn't going to drop the game at the first controversy, so they tried to branch out to the untapped femcel audience to expand it even further, it ended up backfiring horribly
>untapped femcel audience
Which didn’t care because all the guys were Fujoshit lul
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Firefly falls for you quite quickly but at least has a personality, emotions and goals beyond just wanting your dick.

Shorekeeper doesn't have a personality at all and is an emotionless robot who's entire being is loving you (She actually is a robotic entity that isn't human). So you go like one hour going through the story with her reminding you how she'll be with you forever in an emotionless voice, she sacrifices herself for (You) and "dies" except the story doesn't get cliffhangered there and you save her immediately after. The entire story takes like 1~2 hours to read and made me appreciate homoverse's writing much more because now I know how much worse it could be.
You need a ATK% orb, not a HP% one
HSR will hopefully maintain a better ratio of characters than this shitshow
wuwabros we're being exposed out of our own turf...this isn't supposed to happen...
err is better, don't listen to schizo
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Memes aside, kinda sad that Natlan is flopping so hard because I actually like most of the characters and the new movement skills are pretty cool. I'm guessing most people dropped it during Fontaine since it was pretty shit, I did it at least.
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Why even have more space China then in the first place. Should've just kept making random penacony characters like Mr reca. To fill in time
To be fair, it sounds like it would get slurped by fags here too if that happened
Chinks dropped it because of the Scaramouche event in 4.8, not because of Fontaine
Audition Venue feels like it could be very enjoyable, if only I wasn't so fed up with Penacony already. Feels like it's been going on for ages.
a healthy 50/50 split while keeping the homofujo bullshit to a minimum would be a fair compromise
>try to get the nonpaying audience
>game crashes and burns
I've seen this before
Firefly would be loads better if she just says WHY she wants your dick, right now it's "just because lol don't think about it" and I don't like that shit
Wuwa has pretty much everyone do a Firefly but worse
Good lord, and i thought Jinshis arc was quick, are you including time spent in combat into the equation or just dialogue?
Would you rather another chink event
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Gacha games used to have this kind of writing, newfaggot. you retards ruind everything. Gacha MCs should have all the girls act like shorekeeper. now fuck off and leave you normalfaggot scum, 4chan and nor gacha is for your ilk
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Unironically looking forward to going back to Xianzhou. At least it doesn't make me feel sick from all these odd shapes and colours. It certainly overstayed it's welcome.
>Firefly didnt have a sacrifice/ death arc
Nigga please, she had 3
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How do I distribute light cones betwen Kafka E0, Gui E2 and Sampo E0 if I only have Solitary healing, two copies of Eyes of the prey and Fermata?
You give Kafka the best one and the rest get the scraps.
Can we at least go to a new ship?
Yeah it's still chinksloppa but at least it'd be novel seeing an IPC'd chink ship
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Wormschizoposting aside it's not even just about male:female ratio, it's about Genshin not releasing exciting characters, even new 5-stars don't really offer meaningfully fresh gameplay, don't feel particularly powerful or are outright bugged, except for Neuvilette and Arlecchino who are what you'd expect from new, powerful frontline characters (first moreso than the second) but one's a guy and the other's a mannish woman that wishes she was half as cool and enjoyable to play as Feixiao. And I think there's enough said about Neuvilette.
Even when they do release a female 5-star it's garbage like Dehya, turret like Emilie or bugged trash like Mualani. There's Navia and Clorinde I suppose but they also don't post particularly high numbers or feel tremendously enjoyable. They also realized way too late that characters need to feel interesting in open world too and even now that they try to add stuff to Natlan characters it's cockblocked with short ability timers and only having phlogiston in Natlan so outside of the new region they're bricked.
tl;dr they aren't even trying to make new limited characters appealing and people are tired of it
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oh absolutely people would just close their eyes and defend it blindly because big tits and loves you

No it's quite fast. Maybe not one hour fast but DEFINITELY shorter than Firefly's entire shebang in 2.0 and more condensed because HSR gives you a cliffhanger on her death while wuwa continues and saves her in what reads like a 15 year old's cringy power fantasy.
as they should, gacha girls should suck (your) dick no matter what. only troons disagree
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not getting past that
0.005 Yuan have been deposited in your account citizen
Give Kafka HertaCone+ER% ring
Give Sampo the one that gives the most EHR%/Applies Debuffs since you'll want EHR% chest anyway
Give Guin the one that gives the most base ATK%
genshin has stagnated and hasn't done anything new or exciting
if the leaks are true, then the next planet is looking to shake things up a bit with our first ever male potato
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i would go eyes of prey for gui (she needs EHR, like 67% or something).
Fermata for sampo and solitary for kafka
Here’s the plan
>rip the tights
>spread the cheeks
>get past
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Looking at other Hoyo games, at best some skin(s) and a free char. Likely considered a 5* similar to Trailblazer, but 4* in cost for upgrades and such.

I don't expect anything truly limited other than whatever the freebie is gonna be and the skins. But it could always be different.
Retards shit on Firefly for being for (You) but I think she's just a cool character. Her backstory is cool, SAM is cool and her motivations are understandable, she's even willing to do some fucked shit to achieve them which is rare in this game. I don't think she would be this popualr if she was just a uwu waifu character.
It wasn't just the first controversy. Playing genshin the last 2 months trying to get xilonen has been one of the worst gaming experiences of my life. The game feels 20 years old with how few quality of life features it has. I play classic wow and old school runescape, genshin unironically has less qol than both. Who the fuck thought a gacha where dailies take 20 minutes and you can only farm mats on certain days was a good idea?
I only take payment in Stellar Jades.
Based rational poster. Mihoyo underdevelopes their men and barely make any masculine men at all. Pompey in zzz is a great fucking example but the gimped him with no screen time and barely any characterization only to be replaced by a kpop badboy. Chinks have this complex agaisnt masculinity which makes me wonder why they hate they west considering they are no better
Replacing Paimon with a male Paimon would be the dumbest decision ever.
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Now mention any of what she actualy does ingame, marketing slop doesn't count
what does she eat to have a body like that?
desu i thought more people liked the twink who betrayed him more
there are leaks about "genshin 2" thougheverbeit
She's not as uwu rover-sama please fuck my ass like shorekeeper but her intro arc was rushed as fuck and they made 2.1 about aventurine instead of her which was disappointing but she still manages to be somewhat cool yeah
You just like SAM, Firefly has no agency. Everything about her past is more interesting than her generic love of TB for seemingly no reason
That dumb baby isn’t going to be playable
Crazy how fast I would've rolled for Lingsha E6 if she was a Lamia
Oh well, their loss
>Who the fuck thought a gacha where dailies take 20 minutes and you can only farm mats on certain days was a good idea?
uh bro? the fuck are you talking about? what do you think long term encounter points are for? and if you mean the resin, then nobody is forcing you to consume it
>Make fun of /gig/gers on reddit in august
>They tell me nobody pulled for Mualani because they are saving for Kinich who has unimaginable star power because his VA is Sasuke from Naruto
>Flops again in September
>Make fun of them again
>They tell me it doesn't count because nobody plays Genshin on mobile
>In the same breath they make fun of wuthering waves even though the same excuse applies there
Truly subhuman
TB date when, he was piss useless in the Hoolay arc
will you film your suicide when he is playable?
Not on /zzz/, maybe on twitter or reddit. Biggest complaint is that he jobs with no screen time. Pompey should have had more of an arc to reflect his conflict with Caesar just like their namesakes desu
people are saving for xilonen chudy
She got 2.0, 2.3 and part of 2.2 and you STILL wanted 2.1?
Yes I like SAM and SAM is Firefly, they're not different characters.

>Firefly has no agency
Bullshit, she has her own goals separate from TB. She deserved more screentime though, especially the part where she saved everyone offscreen I don't know wtf were they thinking with that.
Only thing I’m filming is a porno with your mom
>they made 2.1 about 2.1 character instead of her which was disappointing
nigger, she had more screentime in 2.0 than both 2.0 characters combined, more screntime in 2.2 than both 2.2 characters combined and almost all of 2.3
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I can get past those but honestly i like it better when I can’t so I’ll just fuck the in between of her cheeks
Nta but I wanted more Acheron because every second of screentime with her was more fulfilling that FF. Even just getting a VN ending was better than FF's fake death with a shitty cinematic
She's cool if you use copious amounts of headcanon, what we got in game is not cool
Feminists are really offended that people loved the gentle girl next door-type character with hetbait.

Nobody has ever hated women more than they do. And they hate men even more.
Yeah right. Genshin had it's top up reset and still failed to beat Star Rail's 2.4 banners. It might actually win for once because we have jackshit on the horizon with Lingcha and Brappa until Sunday and Stingyun in December
I want to distill her urine extract and sprinkle myself with it
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Don't bring my wife into your shitposting FAGGOT
Should I level Little Gui bros?
Never seen anyone use her.
You probably cry whenever sigga is posted, dont pretend.
thats not a chinese thing, its an asian thing where being super burly and buff like arnold in his prime is considered being a faggot the same the west considers someone like cloud a faggot (well, post original ff7 cloud anyway)
Nothing headcanon about what I said in my post, it's all canon to the game.
skins bro, clara/svarog is literally ilya/berserka
She's cool in marketing, lore and in the background but she does nothing ingame and onscreen besides her "fight" with Acheron
okay, who's you're waifu you are mad TB wasn't as shipped with? Kafka? Seele?
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Make a single argument you faggot
>homofags shitting on anything that resembles any (You) pandering
>skinwalking as a Pagfly poster as to fit in
I see we're getting raided by /gig/ here.
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>i'll just repeat the same thing 10 times over now
im waiting for my paycheck next week to pull, Ive got nothing right now
>We do this because women aren't written well!
>So we'll write more men instead
Brilliant. Just accept you're a fucking coomer ma'am.
You just can't appreciate peak
...why is fetishization censored like that?
but no one complains about Robin?
Bullshit, most men in Fujobait are terribly written.
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This isn't always the case lmao
Anyway Pela
No one cares about your Acheron you mentally ill freak
shut it or i'll tell you about the charmorny dove again
A lot of people complain about Robin being boring and flat
tiktok shadowbans certain words
that's the reason why people write "ahh" instead of ass
can we all agree that when the game released and for a very long time break was the worst mechanic in the game? It takes forever to break the bar without RM and you get almost nothing out of it, barely any delay, and building break is a brick until HMC came out.
Try again zoomer
pela isnt a fujo though
I read actual literature for that, not this, writers getting high on their own farts for half an hour.
You could cut the dialogue by 90% and nothing of value would've been lost.
I though sneks detected scent by taste
actual fucking cringe. i thought the "ahh" thing was just dumb slang, not meme censorship
One guy here spams that, no one posts that robin is boring on reddit
>gentle girl next door-type character with hetbait is boring and flat
You said it.
But she writes about male characters thougheverhand
Not really, 100k entanglements from Silver Wolf helped me beat permanent Xianzhou MoC back in 1.2 and people used to run hybrid break Sushang for huge bleeds too
>mlm ships
Multi-level marketing?
>can a caged bird fly again?
I will personally kill off you lineage and fuck its corpse
I clearly remember the ccp ratifying some law that prevented Males from being depicted as homosexual or overly feminine in media. I think was a response to rise of kpop in china
I could be wrong on this, maybe it was another asian country
NTA but I get what he's saying, I think Firefly was perfect in 2.0 but after that she showed up but didn't really do anything important. Like I would trade the game show date for her showing up in the Sunday fight or actually showing saving TB from Ena's dream. Aventurine also got fucked in the regard honestly, they build him up in 2.1 and then he fucking disappears.
I wish these trannies would just say they hate the female character because it gets in the way of their retarded gay shit instead of coping like this.
I see it happening with Topaz or even Kafka all the time and then ship two dudes that looked at each other once.
Uh based?
This is almost never the case, women read YA and act like they’re good writers suddenly. However I think Aventurine and Ratio were very well written, but I don’t see them as fujobait
Not really? The biggest issue was the break effects were largely memes. Frozen was good because of the huge delay. Bleed breaks could be built to chunk but only Luka was any good at it and hes a meme. And they didn't take THAT long to break without RM. Break is certainly better now, but superbreak honestly ignores what breaking really existed for, and just makes it another damage boost instead of a good way to delay enemies, create useful status effects and get some nice modifiers stacking. Which I guess is fair since the game is about killing things as fast as possible, which old break was more about trying to have a balanced approach to a drawn out fight.
Yeah they really should have let Firefly and Aventurine fight Sunday since both their stories directly reject the reality Sunday's trying to create by attempting to live despite all the adversities they face. Instead they turned it into a dull muh trailblaze fest.
Pretty sure that was china.
I only got that filtered through the journalist lens and never bothered to check tho.
Frozen was bad because it made debuffs expire faster
I’m a wordcel, Penacony was like the greatest literary edging I’ve experienced this year
I liked Aventurine and Ratio as your usual budycop dynamic, fujos ruined it for me and now can't stand it
nah, that has always been DoT
I want Herta and Silver Wolf to make out in front of me
This game really drops the ball with action scenes
Cocolia still hasn't been surpassed
For me, it's the girl door with the Sk8er Boi mindset.
This is the way
Avril Lavigne?
How long until they fade to black?
>And then they fought
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For all of its faults, I have to admit Tower of Fantasy does things right by making world traversal actually fun. Map design is made for fun and stylish platforming first and foremost while movement options are available to all characters and not locked behind gacha. I wish Genshin would learn a thing or two from them, but since it flopped they have no need to since their base will eat whatever they shit out.

Shame about the ball busting powercreep though.
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The only good (in terms of choreography) action scene I can think of was the Blade and Jingliu fight, but it lasted like 2 fucking seconds
Is that a compliment or an insult?
I’ve seen Sunday fujos and yumes on twitter say that they wish Robin was a different separate character and not his sister because they think she’s bland waifubait
Firefly/Aven/ACK not even showing up in the Sunday fight was really a strange decision
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No that's MY wife actually
>in front of me
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She needs all this much gas to not fucking suck on her own trial
This would’ve increased her sales tenfold btw
what has a better story, tower of fantasy or wuthering waves?
Yeah but your penis is 4 inches max Paglus so it would be OOC.
>We will never get Kino end of arc AMVs
I need to know where the fuck all the money they're printing is going, i refuse to watch marketing, give it to me ingame or fuck off
I unironically think YanKING and JL was the best one
>unironically browsing twittter
Do us all a favor and go back.
The thing with break was that until Xueyi and Ruan Mei, no one really thought of it beyond a basic combat mechanic. Silver Wolf’s value in 1.x was implant because you could break enemies faster but RM is when people realized the value in breaking enemies beyond regular combat, I think most players didn’t realize why the weakness break efficiency blessing was so good until her.

Realistically you’re always running a team that wants to break the enemy, that’s why you either pick a character that has elemental advantage or someone like SW or FF to implant the weakness.
Now that you say it, it's hilarious they are the most memorable characters in the planet and weren't included in the climax
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already seething, transbro?
>muh for (you) ship posting again
When does it end
They don't want to give her her actual good team in the trial (Robin & sigga) so they cope with this
Nah, I’d get past
Projecting much?
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Raiden Tapiocamori Mei
I actually don't even remember why Acheron isn't with us against Sunday, she just kinda disappears doesn't she?

Yanqing vs Yunli was alright too
you know that if sunday is playable, youll have to deal with the fucking bird story on DMs again
If POV spam keeps going then soon lol
>AE fights something
>fade to black and we switch to the POV of the current gacha banner character
Then we switch back after the AE wins or loses
She still gets mogged by asta in the trial LMAO
>girl door
Even doors have pronouns now? fuckin 2024
She wont even remember either 3 of us by tomorrow. Its like 51st dates every morning where you have to remind her were married
>3 replies in 10 seconds
Coping mudskins crying out because it's true
SW break was decent since it allowed a support to deal damage, plus the delay making sustain easier. I still have her on a break build I made back in 1.1. And break dots were good, especially wind and bleed due to Sampo and Luka. They could detonate the break dot, plus Kafka could do the same. I used it quite a bit. But I do agree that break in itself was niche and also not very well thought out, since the game doesn't have a pass or guard option to avoid breaking on the wrong unit. Super break actually fixes those problems, since now you can benefit from BE even if you didn't break.
>on DMs
Bro, he will be on the train reminding you everyday now
when tes6 drops
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Why is everyone laughing at Lingsha bros...
Girls with Alzheimer are so cute...
I don’t think fujos have ruined them for me but the amount of gay shit I’ve seen is a bit upsetting, I liked Ratio being a dick and Aventurine just playing 4D poker with an Aeon and Emanator, it was a fun plot when you look at it.

The problem with all the gay shit with them is that it really feels like people are squarely in the camp of male characters = automatically gay, makes me worry that they’ll do more fujobait males instead of cool and interesting ones
Women's opinions of other women don't matter
When zoomers finally grow up (Notwithstanding basment dwelling manchildren)
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I wonder if my voracity Aventurine is right then Avennturine going be associated with 6 aeon if he going associated with 7 aeon wonder if he going referencing seven treasures or seven awakening, regardless is treasures or awakening, I have feeling it going be Nous.

Also 2.3 ain't subtle Ratio is Aventurine Bodhisattva in sense that they refuse becoming buddha until other do(though Ratio actually fit every definition of Bodhisattva). Also Aventurine have same cn va with Su, a character with strong buddhism theme.

Wait Ratio is associated erudition (Nous)
she was busy sending off tiernan anf got caught in tsukiyomi
Who the fuck is running Lingchud with Bailu
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Break Kafka was peak
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>None mentioning Aventurine because he was the PEAK of penacony
All of your waifus are mogged by him
It's been a while since I've seen both ACKemi and Gojocuck
I wonder where they've went now
>Cocolia still hasn't been surpassed
I hate delusional nostalgiafags
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Based SundaySTACIES spitting facts
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Bros please tell me they will make a better support than Male fox or Robin for their respective teams. Can my E2S1 sparkle replace Robin in my Feixiao team easily enough?
How is Lingsha compared to Aventurine for Feixiaos team?
I quit a year ago, but ToF has a decent story in 2.0 / 3.0. Nothing can be as bad as Wuwa which is literally the worst of chinkslop and self-insert dicksucking cranked up to 1000.
Acheron at least had a clearly defined roll, in that she was the one to scare everyone shitless which allowed the dream to break and actually face Sunday. Plus the talk with her before the fight was kino. Firefly technically did something, but for some reason they didn't show it. Aven not doing anything was fucked up, even if he didn't fight he should at least have helped in the dreamflux reef. Then his 2.1 story would have at least contributed something.
Dealing with loved ones with Alzheimers is actually fucking depressing
spud bros for life, they even share their lightcone
With the Gallagher usage rates, they have to give us a grizzled god of war (no not the gay game) guy in 3.x
Please contain your worms, Pagventurinefags. He is not important. He is not associated with every Aeon imaginable. He's a rapeslave trying to gamble away his life and failing.
Gojobro got banned last thread
holy bricked
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Firefly and Aventurine really were the best part of Penacony huh?
>But suddenly can't E2 Robin
The shit you see here
They are right in that Robin is offensively boring at least.
Nah break genuinely didn't matter much pre-2.0. Enemy HP pools and resistances were low enough that Daniel and Jingliu could just bruteforce through them. It wasn't until 2.0, and coincidentally when Acheron started getting shilled, that HP bloat became noticeable and suddenly DHIL and Jingliu didn't have enough gas for them anymore and element started mattering.

Overall I think it's a good design philosophy because let's face it, hypercarry is braindead.
>Firefly technically did something, but for some reason they didn't show it
I will never understand why they decided to just completely off screen it considering it was a big thing that was the reason Sunday was able to be beaten to begin with. Really strange decisions honestly
>complaining about too much dicksucking
>in a gacha game
cope, the genre was made for that.
Gojotranny gets banned like every other week though
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>no Robin
It's ogre for your Feixiao, bro.
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This is some schizo shit I'm too dumb to understand but I support you anon
He will sell millions
Who are you shadow boxing?
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My dad is showing early onset Alzheimers and my uncle is full blown down that rabbit hole. Dude can't even remember his own son anymore. Shit actually just fucked.
I don't like robin
(you) >>497054231
Back to wuwa with you chinky.
This made that anon mad so I support you sis
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I want to fucking vomit
Budget ran out for cutscenes. The Luofu victory fakeout was more important.
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She's ugly and her singing is annoying
>spite posting isn’t real
Blue Archive is right there, SEAnigger.
Poutfly my beloved
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I had hummus for the first time today and it was pretty good.
>Get's a good PF cone
Get kinged at the 75th mark
Enjoy your time with him. They pass quick and suddenly towards the end.
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>She jumped for the beef
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Time for a Herta thread
I have no idea what I would do if someone like my mom or grandparents would just suddenly forget who I was I think I would just kill myself from how horrible that sounds
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What the fuck is that thing anyway? How is different from humus?
kys normalfaggot scum
This general is based on spite
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Lingsha trades decent AoE, regular fua and cleanse for the safety blanked thats shields.
Sparkle works with FeiFei team, hard to find a buffer she doesnt like.
Nobody is better than Robin for her tho.
Hummus is pretty tasty, good job. What are you eating it with
You only showed up after the thread started laughing at wuwa, now go back to your crashing and burning wuxiaslop
Does it spite that people make up stuff and discuss lore?
>25 fucking posts early
Canned or at restaurant?
>TB filtering with both March and Firefly

such a chad
I was honestly coping that they would put it in 2.3 as a flashback, because putting it in 2.2 would break the flow of the story too much. Especially since that was the chance to show a real death and how painful it is, since the death meme ended up being a bait. Would have made the third death hit harder as well if you would have seen Firefly confront the second one.
I hate the Luofu, but that fakeout was kino. And they needed to 100% commit to it for it to be believable. But that rollercoaster of emotions is one of the most memorable things in the game for me. Still, they should have increased the 2.3 budget a bit more and shown what Firefly did in there.
It's clear Firefly is designed to be the waifu, and I even agree how she comes to just like the TB is not organic at all, but when I see the hate and seething femcels and homotroons throw at her, I came to like her more.
I spite post against every single character because I hate you people.
Believe in your headcanon all you want, that's all it ever will be. Images projected by your concoction of mental illnesses
Fucking retard
When your schizo addled mind next perceives you being cucked in a gacha because the females on screen aren't slobbering your self insert please remember to film your suicide.
This isn't your blog.
I wonder if this anon has dreams about Aventurine at this rate
Why are you afraid of men, troon?
My first sustain. Godpard felt so strong in early game. Nothing could hit me. Then Fu and Aventurine happened
Firefly is designed for losers that didnt get any in school.
Im way too old for that shit.
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Chickpeas ground into a paste and then flavored with stuff, I think.
Just the spicy hummus and some flatbread.
In a plastic box from the supermarket, I was looking for cheap sausages but saw the hummus section and some was discounted to 1.75 euro for a 400 gram box.
>homos thinking they’re better than troons
>N-No you
that the best you can do? Can't wait for you to start crying like Kafkafags when he doesn't get any content for over a year
>Troon hates Kafka
Go scratch the rot from the hole where your cock use to be
Lingsha is not quite as good as Aventurine for her but she’s unironically close because she does more consistent FUAs and QPQ can help with Robin’s energy. The two are closer in that role than people think

You needed Robin, I think her and Ruan Mei are never gonna get powercrept
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The replies from the homos and trannies not realizing that gachas, visual novels, or other similar mediums in anime-adjacent style games were made for the self-insert fantasy since the 2000s make me utterly sick at Homoverse for introducing these fags into the Gacha ecosystem that have never touched a game outside of Genshin.
Firefly broke (you)
You should try making it from scratch, it tastes way better especially with some good olive oil
>make a 5 star tier design
>call it a 4 star
Why do they do this
what I really hate about break is how it's this gigantic bar that covers the screen. It takes forever to get through. And you finaly break them and they just come back up on their next turn like nothing happened and the bar is reset. It's not satisfying at all. Superbreak should have been the default break status.

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