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Previous: >>497054630

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
5T3Y6764D3Q3 (NEW)

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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>Deletes his own melty post
Fuck birds
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Sigga love
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Hotaru rabu
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Topaz suki!
Where was the original version of this from?
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Luciérnaga love.
>btw how are Jingliu and DHIL doing?
jing is still doing fine apparently
not sure about danhomo
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do girls really get flustered from kissing
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Stop embarassing yourself
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Robin vs Topaz vs HMC.
Which “support” deal the most damage
Dan had two rotations where he had the fastest clear IIRC.
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save for Madam Herta
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Works on my machine.
Robin in anything not super brick
HMC in super brick
Topig is feixao stack bot
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Firefly love!
Remember to add a cycle each time Robin ult
Feixiao doesnt get art anymore, I noooticed
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Ruan Mei
I dunno. I found this here a while ago
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Not even her shipshit was popular where it counts
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Posting or actual artists?
I feel Im reusing the same pics too much.

And that is a good thing.
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I think I don't actually like TB that much bros
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Why does this pag keep reposting the shipping popularity chart?
>Xe doesn't like ximself
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is lingsha good for literally me?
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what were they thinking when they glued her to two worms?
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Keep taking the pill, Balde
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Hoyo cash bag ran out, instead Hoyo is now comissioning Lingsha fanart.
This is what happens to most character, only the top most popular get consistent fanart outside shill periods.
Are you triggered by it or something?
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>Msot wemon are cbaaple of sierctneg csonilerdaby mroe mlik tahn ndeeed by a siglne ifnant. The rugleitaon of milk ssnhteyis is qtuie efifinect (anorud 800 mL/day).
>The naomrl dilay pdoruicotn of svilaa veiras bweeten 0.5 and 1.5 lerits. The wlohe usntamileetd silvaa folw rtae is arpopxitemaly 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate dceraeess to 0.1 ml / min dirung selep and icnersaes to auobt 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min dnuirg etanig, cehwnig and ohter smitaluitng acveyitiis.
>Dialy loss in swaet is auobt 400 ml for an aludt. The haet lsos can be qiute singicafint bsecaue trhee is a loss of 0.58 kcal for eervy ml of wtear eavropated. The mxaumim rtae of swtaieng is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an aclciamtiezd adlut. On agareve hevower - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast epovatarion and msot of it dispapeanirg - teherfore:
>800ml of mmaarmy mlik + 1L aevgare of silvaa and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr dnriug inetsne paisychl ecirxese = 2800mL average, aussnimg Besonmroi Mei is swaetnig for 30 mueitns for any rsoean...
>Weatr cumsonpiton miinumm: Aubot 15.5 cpus (3.7 lrteis) of fuldis a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of usnitafseid tihsrt
>Feryfli Mei has 2 bdoeis >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (aevgare)
>non-peragnnt and 1 sex per day hivang Besonmroi Mei is cabalpe of sytifsniag daily thirst of 1.5 Cuslaees!!
Struck a nerve I see
That's another way of saying you're triggered by a ship list, yes.
Not a single character in this game has a personality and it's goddamn disappointing. Why can't the billion dollar company hire good writers?
Definitely struck a nerve.
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Get her Eidolon and/or sig, NOW
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Anon, you are the one bothered by it
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don't forget
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Post bricks.
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So you're admitting it then. Good.
What does this translate into money wise?
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I can
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Uh oh melty
holy sexo
how's that a melty where's the rage bait
>I just looooove these safe horny ladies in granny diapers
Literally the two hot stacies at school that you always see together
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Maybe in your mind bro.
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The whole ship itself is already fucked in the head.
Making it a contest propels that to infinity.
You need to talk to normal people some times.
>Safe horny
It's ok wujeet, you will be free from this mortal coil by next months revenue update
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Aren't females the only ones that care about ships?
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When are they going to release a non-wormed FuA main-DPS for my Robin?
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I'm back from work bros what did I miss?
I used to when i had 13 and watched characters interact.
Then when i was about 15 i used to love harem shit like DxD.
Nowadays i don't care, im too old for that shit.
Janny firebombing a thread because of ntr posting, otherwise nothing
How are these asian ladies always so...white/pale? I thought asian people were yellow-ish, do they bleach their skin?
maybe it'll become true if you keep spamming.
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I love my unpopular constantly lactating Raiden BoseNoMerch Mei
WuWa? WuWa is also safehorny like HSR, pagbro. What is it with you pags and game wars.
shipshit strikes again baby.
Robin will be core in the summon meta soon. Believe
that’s a man
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Ok, if you will let me
Name a non safe horny gacha, and then fuck off back to your hole
Still not pulling Lingsha, troon
el gato espacio de jalea
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Why do people keep forgetting that Yunli exists?
Is pulling Lingsha so I can go from 11/12 to 12/12 in PF worth it
>Bitching about female dps having friendships with guys
>When Robin is al about brocon
>Fofo poster is STILL having a Melty 72 hours later
Jesus fucking christ. I'm too old for this shit
>80 Jades every 6 weeks
Unless your dick is full mast from Lingsha it ain't worth it
>30 most popular cn ships
>no blazerfly even listed

holykek this level of delusion is unreal
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If Anon thinks FeiFei is wormed, so is she.
Just a reminder that this is a fire break shill PF. Lingsha will not perform well in future PFs.
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Sorry didn't mean to upset you wujeet
Only nip otaku like you shit, not chinks
Plapping a Lingshaposter loudly and rhythmically in the shower
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>Meanwhile Firefly is still getting daily art and new doujins 3 months later
She actually won.
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Any JP bro?
zero dimes.
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is this true??
Your hypercarry Jade?
It's a man, a fat man.
Cool more people cum on your waifu.
Eating Ruan Mei’s ass
>good relationship with your family
No, that's not how it works
She doesn't cause seethe daily so she's unpopular and that's a good thing because more Acheron for me!
Are you saying stupid shit for (You)s or are you just pathetic
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>this shiptroon posts at the same times every day
working for free as Ruan Mei's bidet....
Are you saying the same anons posts on their usual timezones????
That goes against my beliefs
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Next reset is Hoolays MoC yes?
yeah, thankfully everyone has clara so it’s an easy 2 - 3 cycle
>Brother being so obssed with you that he joins a cult and tries to put you in a coma
>You go and jump from the sky with him, almost doing a double suicide
>"good relationship"
So you are triggered by it, huh?
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Fuck marry kill?
Left: Dan Heng, Middle: Original Dan, Right: Dan Feng
Im sorry but there are no wemen in /hsrg/ the best you can find are fruity guys
I'm only rolling for Lingsha if Gallagher struggles to keep the team alive against Hoolay
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sex with fofo corin and mobius!
Post a HSR related pic you like, NOW
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Lingsha, Ruan Mei, Sparkle and March posters are all girls
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Guys someone from the last thread said someone was BTFO'd when they suggested they asked the same thing. I'm worried that the ribbon Firefly ripped from a banner off the battlefield is the same one worn by Elio possibly as a memento after she dies. Can someone please try and refute it with the same arguments that BTFO'd that person? It would bring me ease because I'm worried for her.
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this falseflag couldn’t be less transparent if it tried
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Why don't we have Herta threads anymore?
What the fuck are you even saying, speak english and not female
Ruan Mei's ass broke the Hertaschizo
that’s the second time you replied to yourself gro find shame
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what was the previous op image i was eepin
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Herta is hibernating while we save for Herta
Herta is too busy fapping in her office to Ruan Mei’s GYATT
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Are we pulling Rappa?
Rolling Acheron
Rolling Herta
Saving for random collabs
We are not pulling galaxy losers
No, I'm not rolling anything in the next two patches at least.
gro? is that you?
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Can I clear MOC with this?
I'm not a horse so no
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Sorry gro. My impulses got the better of me. It just- it feels too good not to do it...
They need to spam their troonie list to try to make it look like it's some sort of major thing in CN. Purpose is to pretend that they have some big representation that mihoyo should pander to.
It's just coping that the most popular characters are straight and pander to the male MC while their troonie ships are relegated to obscure tumblrs and schizos talking to themselves
OKAY SO WHAT I WAS SAYING WAS I'm worried that the ribbon that Firefly wears (the one she got from the battlefield) is the same one on Elio's leaked model, and that she got it after she died.

Is that hard to understand??

ALSO I am NOT a female, or a femboy or tranny I am a man with a biological penis and a very masculine man amd women dont even exist on 4chan anyways. I'm just kind of retarded.
Anons here only think about cucking so they think you are cuckposting instead of asking about Firefly dying
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furina + blade would be so fucking op... and kino
Blow bubbles on it
Sure, she's totally asking about Firefly dying, in a totally organic way at that...
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oh fuck i forgot to add a Firefly image im sorry!
why honkeks can't add anemo as a new type
Oh LMFAO wow dude sorry like I said I'm kind of retarded lol

I'm not a chick tho bro
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Rappa had a hard life
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I'm getting a v.5 before the actual release, right?
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Silver Wolf, thoughts?
whats the best clara statsline? My clara using physical + that followup fire 2p . Counter only doing 60k dmg on crit.
I don't know but honestly the current elements are getting boring and stale. I really hope they introduce a new weakness type.
time for a buzz
2.7v1 17:23:15 left
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Actual sex demon
I wish Ruan Mei would hold me like she holds her Ruan Mei.
>retard got btfo by the trailer so now they’re conjuring up headcanon that it’s a different ribbon
hahaha i just can’t with these people
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Oh shiiiit
I dunno, she seems like a brick without her LC and barely better than FF in PF
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Firefly's growth stunted big sister
Imagine if self-damage got half the support FuA got.
I started playing this game 2~ weeks ago just to one day spark this tiny sexo
FGO dragons vs HSR dragons
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Is Moze any good at all? I just finished building him, but he seems so mechanically inflexible and a bit inconsistent in most fights.
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That wasn't even me though dude that was another schizo faggot
kill yourself analwormer
uh oh
meh, don't care about another filler patch
when is 3.0?
shut the fuck up, there are plenty of choices for you
you're just a metanigger
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Our lord and savior is coming to save us from chinkslop
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Don't forget she exists!
Rappa..... forgotten.....
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Sigma Sunday
This list needs more incest
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I forgive you
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
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So cool...
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Sunday sisters do you actually go to church and confess?
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He's good for bosses since you don't have to switch targets too much. He disappears from the party on skill and gives debuffs so he's slightly better in Yunli, Clara, or Ratio teams
I am a man but I like religious schizos, good thing the fate collab was ubw else I’d be fucked if kirei was there
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How we feeling lingshabros? Is she everything you hoped for?
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cutting yourself is cringe though
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I went to a catholic school, you end up hating religion eventually
No regrets
I'd rather get her instead of anyone in the next two patches
Wait my dumbass forgot to answer the question but out of obligation with my family usually
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Hurting yourself to buff yoursel is metal as fuck
a metafaggot would've rolled for Feixiao though
For the last time, it's "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned", not "Sorry daddy, I've been naughty"!
YOURE cringe!!!!!
Went to a Catholic school for like maybe 2 years if anything I just became less devoted because of it and sometimes question the occasional slight fanatiscm senpai has though over time I got horny over anime nuns which got reinforced when the pope had to mention the problem of nuns looking up porn kek
I regret rolling Lingsha already
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Cringe. Go back to redddit
i mean he's both metafag and a supposed waifufag, pretty much a hypocrite
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Nta but committed to getting e0s1 feixiao only because I got her in 20 rolls winning the pity desu and pp likes her and had no other rolls saved up
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All abundance shit is GARBAGE unless they make them buff max health to your party. Oh WAIT. THEY GAVE THAT SHIT TO A PRESERVATION CHARACTER HAHAHAHAHAAH
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Firefly love!
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That’s not me nigger, though I got e1 swan now
I built him for my Feixiao team. Oops.
bailu and lynx GODs still at the top
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Hoyo is getting sued, bros.
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Yunli confirmed sniffable.
Send pics of your axe wound
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but if you want to die then it loses that effect
isn't this an actual dance move and not something original?
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Damn, we're never getting a choco cartoon for real...
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Nothing ever happens…
kill yourself tranny. only trannies rolling for homos.
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
Carole expy trust but yeah chances are extremely slim
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>SEXelle (forma de Imaginary)
>Ruan SEX
rate my team
Actual trannies mostly roll for females and hate males
this niggress is trying to sue China for copying something like she's the first one to do it. I bet China has shit ton of paperwork and loopholes they use to protect themselves because they're used to copying shit all the time
Obliterate EN VAs from orbit
I would take a huge, long whiff of her feet...
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time for a bug
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kill yourself tranny
only analwormer tranny will roll for homos in gacha game
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I don't find Robin boring and I also love Sunday.
That's not an en va bwo
nyope, they pic female mc and roll females only.
They should just make Bailu but better
>Lawsuit over a dance
Never going to win
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She is here!
Well time and time again a nignog claims something as their own but gets proven wrong 9/10 of the cases, doubt she’ll get even a dollar in compensation lol
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The sentiment stands
Wrong thread sis
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>it took travelling to an entirely different universe for Sparkle to finally make one friend
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> Aha mask
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We only care about Sampo boss here
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Sir this constitutes off-topic posting
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Robin sexo!
Sparkle mega sexo!
Does anyone have any leaks on Celenova? I have a feeling she will be really hot. I hope she looks a bit like Firefly so I can jack off to her without feeling bad about abandoning my beautiful terminally ill wife. Please if anyone has any leaks of Lord Ravager Celenova please send them so I can know whether or not I should jack off to her.
Sparkle is on-topic.
I do wish Robin to get more personality outside the charmony dove story in 2.6/2.7 rolled her because of pp and wish she does get worked on more, only thing I can say about Sunday is that I hope the outfit change leak is fake and he keeps his fit
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can't belive this bitch is fucking my girlfriend Sparkle
Vita will be im hsr
Still has better screen resolution Than a switch…
So this guy?^ >>497085775
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>Vita will be in HSR
>Mecha kino part 2
Sign it Dawei
When will we get a mech pilot in hsr
I'm hoping that Boothill and Rappa can change her a bit next update
I'm not a tranny but I rolled Stelle because I thought she was hot and I liked staring at her ass 24/7.
Firefly > Robin
Why are zoomers such troons?
Firefly is Kamen rider though
Bro your Firefly?
Switch is a joke
Social media brainrot (this includes 4chan)
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Zoomers dont think 4chan is social media
>Despite only coming here post 2016
When we get our Kiseki crossover and my hero REAN joins the cast!
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I roll for GIRLS and MEN in hsr AMA.
Literally not a single Galla user gives a fuck if you use Lingsha or not.
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Get a room and hatefuck each other
Robin's personality is already perfect. Sweet girls that try their hardest and are super kind despite all the hardships of life are the best. Would breed furiously and start a family with.
Id consider it just as discord counts as social media to some zooms funnily enough 4chin is less of a shithole than cords
>Snake lady
So show me her snake tail
And film it
whoa...........you're me......
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Vita when
What “hardships” does Robin struggle with or have lmao? Being a flop?
I mean yeah but I just want more Robin content and to be able to change her ult song to any song from her album
Right, and it's reciprocal. It's not Gallagher users who seethe about my using Lingsha, but shitposters who don't want you rolling for female characters.
Describe her character without explaining her job or what she looks like
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What is your objective here?
I don't think I've seen anyone seething at Lingsha, besides maybe laughing at her kit of the usual chinkslop hardcore haters
Sunday's lucky POV
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Reminder that Sparkle won
>Gray hair's hand
Held by Sparkle
>Gray Hair's first kiss
Taken by Sparkle
>Gray Hair's viginity
Taken by Sparkle
>Gray Hair's ass viginity
Taken by Sparkle
Bro she got shot in a war zone

also she canonically murdered a car full of paparazzi after getting hounded by them so hard it nearly mentally broke her.

Plus life in general just sucks and is a hardship by itself desu
>robin has no personality
>ree my waifu does have le personality
What episode is this, #987118?
Where were you these past few weeks?
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Hello chat
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I'm always here and I don't remember any actual seething
Robin would be hotter if she were actually retarded. Like 96 IQ
Describe yourself without mentioning the giant dick in your mouth

Oh wait you cant
I pulled her E1, but im not gonna pretend she had any deoth considering she was only really present in part of 2.2 amd gave us a ship in 2.3. Mihoyo did her dirty
if that anon had a giant cock in his mouth he would still have more character than robin btw
How long ago did Ruan GYATT posting start?
for me it's argenti being a beauty emanator as that fills the plot why he's everywhere unlike itto in genkek
That would require these idiots to not have auto skipped the story.
And also god forbid if every single character doesn't have some third worlder hardship sob story to define them to the point they schizo about it their entire lives.
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Is this real chat?
I blame the leak schizos causing shaoji needing to speed through rewrites I also have her e1 but really hope next two patches give her the justice she deserves though honestly if they let me change ult song I’d be able to cope if they fail that
See >>497087185
holy jamoly
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it's the first time I see this kino picture
post source unless it is AI slop
firefly is literally generic clone
She will probably show up in 2.6. I imagine 2.6 will gove both Robin and Sunday some more character before his banner. Unless Mihoyo is LITERALLY FUCKING RRTARDED
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My bichito de fuego is now the strongest under the heavens....
Just need to get that perfect headpiece
I would roll for him
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We have one.
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what does the pistol mean by this?
Robin does appear, not Sunday though
Rating Invalid = Emanator?
invalid = emanators
simple as
Emanator potential, thats why emanators (or people wielding avatars that have emanator rights) have invalid ratings.
Everyone at >80 has the potential to become an emanator, they just need to actually seek and align their beliefs a tiny bit more.
>Everyone at >80 has the potential to become an emanator
What tf is Pela gonna be an emanator of? The fujo emanator?
I honestly don't know, saved it from the thread some time ago
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Mihoyo is so fucking stupid. Anybody that says chinks ar esmart never has worked with then before
SW: Hacked it, lole
Yanqing & Yunli: Hunt
Argenti: Beauty
Kafka: Finality
Dan Heng: Longevity
Pela: No idea, maybe Preservation? She's not THAT smart to be Erudition.
Meme answer: Enigmata, thats why her age is a fuck up mess.
>Making the galaxy infertile by turning all the males gay
I was Topaz's first.
>ppl still posting fireslop
3.0 cant come soon enough. I'm sick of the penissloppa characters.
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Literally nothing besides invalid.

I like that Ratio + Topaz = Aventurine though
sis sunday’s patch is 2.7
Sparkle an emanator of Elation is at 59-40 and Herta, who we are getting her 5* form is at 19-0.
Amount of times that someone has cum inside of them
While I do remember these it didn’t feel enough for her character and would still want more content overall developing her maybe if they copied Keanu Reeve’s backstory minus the wife dying from a car crash and a still birth child aspects while she continued to push her career while helping people and wanting while giving her enough screen time throughout penacony she’d have better reception cause while I do know she did sing in the underworld and help with the orphans a bit I wished to see more of it in the msq
Sars you must phul sappot firefly
please sars do the needful
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i love wife. but wife is mine. no sharing. leave wife alone! or face me wrath...
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Sampo is an emanator though.
Also Herta is the puppet form, if her real form has an invalid rating then it'll only further confirm the idea that emanator/chink generals (using Lan avatars) get an invalid rating.
I can’t tell if this is spiteposting or if it’s just a self aware joke
explain yourself without explaining what you do and how you look
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But you said people would forget her because she is fotm
But Sparkle is literally emanating my cum right now? How is she not an Emanator???
What is this meme? How fucking fragile are you?
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Yeah i'm thinking BASED on facts and logic
Topaz posters made me roll her LC
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Most forced "trio" in the game
Topaz would never befriend such a insufferable faggot like Ratio, even Aventurine is already pushing it
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>2.7v1 17:23:15 left
So that's our countdown for seeing if Tingyun will be good or not?
>Only build up a charcater on their banner
How fucking stupid are you? Anticipation sells more than anything you fucking zoomer
idk around like 1 week ago? i saved it to fap last saturday and it didn't really actually start back then
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Genetically engineered to physical perfection

Besides the ELS, and the short lifespan, and the poor gamer skills, the bad acting, and the autism. Other than that she's genetically perfect in every way
Still more Kamen rider esque like Nicholas from gbf for me though no clue how they’d be able to utilize a giant mech suit in the party end of the day so I guess she’s the most realistic option hoyo can do
herta haters fin to seethe
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>firefly is literally generic clone
I'm not seeing the problem.
there's not even a real girl inside the robot retarfs, Firefly is a manifestation of SAM's imagination which he LARP'ed as within the dream
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Don't care desu
uuuuuuhhh, I am NOT a retarf
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bro cant even spell retard
Sampo is gonna bust this wannabee up so bad when he reveals his final form
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I hope Topaz spits in Ratio's eye like a stacie for even daring to look at her. Ruan Mei too.
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They FOLLOWED you up
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holy shit that game looks like ass
smells like beans
If you put light cones on a character tO mAkE tHeM sTrOnGeR instead of for aesthetic/lore-related reasons then you are scum
Cruising in the Stellar Sea belongs on Feixiao or Yukong or it’s a brick
Death of an Aeon belongs on Blade or Jingliu or it’s a brick
Eternal Calculus belongs on Screwllum or it’s a brick
Holy... what is this game and who is this sexo fox
grats gro, she's beefy now
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this game
but of course, I've always had Eternal Calculus on my Screwlum....
But Yukong is Harmony?
one game
Well it’s better than the average chink outfits we get, I need hsr to make imperial courtesans but I know they’ll never fucking do it or someone like meimei in forma de sexo
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>Genetically engineered to physical perfection
to slay bugs perfectly you mean. shes not a fuckign hitman
Still better than mine
S+ piece for Critsha, so lucky bro, go screw yourself
is this oldfag cope?
Banger rainbow piece
reminds me of having an entire page worth of double crit Belobog spheres from farming Salsotto
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SAUCE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A metaphorical bird-in-a-cage.
Her ability to pursue the thing she loves was stolen away from her violently. She spent many years in isolation, being nurtured and cared for by her brother, who believed he knew best, but in reality was imposing his personal agenda and beliefs unto her despite their ideologies resting in two conflicting extremes.
She struggled to find a way to return to doing what she loved, and though she eventually managed to do so, she's still not able to pursue her passion anywhere outside the confines of her cage, and the thought torments her.
With her bittersweet success came obsessive worship. The isolation from the world combined with the spotlight she's been forced to live under drove her to the edge, betraying her own conscience by acting violently, as those who are trapped cannot run away.
Her anguish over her actions combined with the worry over the one person who understands her slowly turning against her and embracing the very ideas that make her feel miserable drive her every action, resulting in her genuine attempts at compassion turning into massive lapses in judgment where she takes the most extreme counter-position to that of her brother's without consideration for others, projecting her own problems unto everyone around her and the entirety of Penacony and failing to consider approaching problems with solutions that do not rely on the assumption that her utopian ideals function if you want them hard enough.
To summarize; She's a broken girl who thinks everyone needs to be fixed the exact same way she wants to be fixed, and though it all comes from a good place, it's also childish at heart and dangerously unrealistic.

By the way I fucking hate her and Penacony was ass.
this isn’t a lingsha or rappa situation, we’ve already had a whole ass story about him. no one needs an introduction to sunday, the people who are attracted to that kind of character have already been sufficiently hyped
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That's just Koyanskaya from FGO.

Imagine being the devs that made Feixiao and Lingsha in the same patch and decide to try to wank and push the inferior overly clothed one.
Lingsha at least is up there with Tingyun in proper beauty.
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I’m a newfag in relation to 4chin so nyo
>when you get your weenie out
>and it's kind of smallish...
>...but you're a grower not a shower
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They have 0 chemistry, they just happen to work at the same corpo and every time they interact they just hate each other.
Cant compete with our wholesome chungus little family.
she probably doesnt even have functional genitals
Yaoqing flopped btw
missing a qq pic
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>that sudden sexy movement
You better give the sauce right NOW
>size of ejection port doesn't match size of cartridge in magazine
Your girlfriend never complained about that. Be nice.
I can't wrap my head around a fox with glasses in a chinese dress walking around with a Dragunov in high heels...
This is too good to be true
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here is my screwllum btw
maybe the magazine has a very big buffer space for inexplicable reasons and the cartridge is actually that small
That game fires entire cartridges as bullets
tfw herta warped me
Screwlum more like scrotum
Bitch doesn't even rule her own planet
I like overprotective mom Kafka and big sis Silverwolf.
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More like Scrotum
Sunday more like cumday
Cowboy Robot
Ninja Rapper
Next Galaxy Ranger is going to be a Pirate Zombie?
Sunday more aids infested asshole analwormer faggot
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i dont even like fag fox but this one is golden
velociraptor priest
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maybe one of these
Haha xD
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Evil Wubbaboo...
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I liked feixiao’s design more unfortunately cause I was sold on my retired danchou fetishes of an Erune’s back alongside gun and tomboy, and kinda wished lingsha was a lamia or had Möbius’s tight dress making her look like one at least
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>Pirate Zombie
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Firefly love!
When will mhy fire this shitty kekold writer? This patch had one of the worst conclusions to a quest and this is on top of the shitty buildup that was desperately trying to make an army of werewolf furries seem threatening
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Wubbaboos raping Herta
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only in teenage love phase that ends in their 20s after fucking 3+ different guys
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>velociraptor priest
It's weird I have an image containing those 2 things...

>Stray Cat Duelist
I want this one.
She is so fucking cringe
wormgenti flopped
i really need someone voiced by nakata
She tortures wubbaboos for fun...
Always the slim possibility we'd get him for the FSN collab, even if his role in UBW is reduced.
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The good old days
So many dresses lately, not only in liofuslop but penaconny as well, that I started digging Rappa simply for the shirt, mini-jacket and cap
Take me back
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He owns the game
I hope not cause I’d be giga fucked but most I see is base shirou or saber, emiya archer/tohsaka and a gilg if they’re committed to it, rather wait for the HF feel announcement for my rider sexo salter and kirei but doubt it’ll happen
Lingsha light cone on Luocha?
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All him baby!
Bless you
that feel when Luocha is still the only sustain i've ever rolled
true but she has genetically perfect beauty as well
as an acheron main I confirm luocha carried the anniversary
that guitar riff in his trailer music, still the peak
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And we have the data to back it up.
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It's funny how I remember everything that happened in Luofu 2 more than Penisloppy.

Like, I don't even know why Sunday did any of the stuff he did other than "uh charmony dove lmao".

Why do people praise Shaoji's incoherent slop writing?
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Yaoqing rabu!
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>every time they interact they just hate each other.
They're just tsundere. Also Ratio and Topaz have never interacted but unironically, they'd probably have more in common with each other than they do with Aventurine. The prospect of this is hilarious because it would destroy the Sigga shipwar between them
nobody cares about chinaslop so it wasn’t leaked wholesale and forced the writer to rewrite the whole thing
>It's funny how I remember everything that happened in Luofu 2
You mean the literally last two patches? I would worry about your brain if you couldn't remember it
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Silver SEX
sunday was a bland boss and due to the script change they couldn't give effort to actually make him look like misha's former script
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You should ignore every post that says either of them hate the sigga anyway, is just engaging with fags pretending to be retarded.
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>/hsrg/ actually loves Luochud
Still the biggest plot twist this 2024 for sure
Are you new? Did you miss the great Luocha calendar posting during anniversary? Genuinely one of the funniest threads of all time.
The chud carried me for trillions of years, of course I love godcha
I actually think he is one of the most boring characters in game, I just enjoy shitposting him
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I'm getting so much fomo its insane...
You people say every character is bland and boring. This game is just so bland and boring you should find something else to read.
I think his ult is one of the coolest in the game
I'm literally talking about that event...reading comprehension bwo...
Not everyone is the same person bwi
This is a bland and boring post.
I only rolled Lingsha because of her EN voice. It's very arrogant and prideful, but also hot.
I always had a soft spot for war crimes.
Now that the dust has settled is Lingsha good for E0 Firefly?
what does good mean
The only characters I personally find bland and lacking in character enough to call boring are Pela, Robin and Dan Heng IL (not normal dan heng)
No, unironically
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Lingsha belongs to FuA-chads.
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Her sounding arrogant is part of the charn
There are so many dropped plot threads in HSR there's no way they'll get back to em all
This is your first gacha game.
Mention 5
I literally skip everything except CG scenes
This but unironically. Topaz+Robin unbrick her from being E1 Firefly's bottom bitch
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we're already getting an expy
based autobattler gameplay anon.
SP economy says no
Firefly E1 > Lingsha
Lingha flopped lol
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What makes you think I intended to be ironic?
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could always be worse
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How many anons do you think fapped to these?
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What if I don’t have paz or desire to invest into her and I still can only see Paz in being sorta like bitch but I still haven’t finished belabog’s shit which introduced her lol
She's probably gonna do worse than Jade
0:06 - Sunday polishing Robin's halo

0:09 - Clapperboard: Director and Cameraman listed as "Sunday". The date is listed as the release date of the trailer (May 7th, 2024)

0:14 - Among the blurred desktop icons, it looks like Genshin Impact is on the bottom

0:15 - The videos are posted on Trailblazer's social media account

0:16 - Hi3 Captain, Genshin Traveler (Aether's silhouette specifically) and Trailblazer are the commenters on video

0:17 - Bright colorful smile emoticons flash before a glimpse of Robin looking morose through a camera's lense

0:45 - many of the background characters have cameras for faces

0:55 - man rainbow-vomitting in the background

0:56 - Trailbirder and Sunday/Dreammaster's crow watching in front. Robird in the back

0:58 - Brief glimpse of Misha mopping the floor

1:01 - camera faces again

1:09 - The deskman is either a mannequin or has no face

1:39 to 1:43 - Rings are spelling out lyrics "Renew your definition" (renew is backwards)
Topaz is the least important member of that team.
Plenty of replacements.
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get back to banjiGYATTing
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The curse of the brickbundance
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>0:55 - man rainbow-vomitting in the background
we are so back
March also works, you could even have her chose Lingsha as her master if the enemy is weak to fire. The main point is having Robin buffing the shit out of everyone and a sub dps that prints sp
what is this schizobabble
All me
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Why did they make Firefly and Aventurine so similar?
it is time to feel increasingly worried
no she doesnt. she looks like a fucking alien with gray hair and weird ass eyes
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we'll keep posting them in every thread to ensure the fire rises
My problem with march is that you are 1 sp short turn 1 if you dont tech Lingsha or wear the +1sp relics.
Im running with herta for comfy mint picking atm.
because that's what a mary sue and gary stu do
They especifically made them tailored for /hsrg/ and it worked.
Aventurine's transformation isn't cool but neither is the playable version of Firefly's
not true
>firefly is for (you)
>aventurine is cuckbait
funny if you ask me.
Sampo is an Emanator
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Chinkslop character like this doko?
Try Zzz in 6 months
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>Ruan “Banjomori” Mei
>Ruan “Happy New Years, I had sex on this New Years” Mei
>Ruan “That’s my son” Mei
>Ruan “I want to suck cock” Mei
>Ruan “BanjoGYATTmori” Mei
>Ruan “Nguyễn Mai” Mei
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i literally saved ZZZ
Ruan "Evil harlot" Mei
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I haven't seen a rabi edit of Ruan Bosenmori Mei
a RM rabi would break this general for eons to come
Ruan kinomori Mei
Firefly actually fought Acheron?
Will you roll pulcha too?
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Ruan "retarded idiot" Fart
not a furfag but i´ll consider it if she keeps her mask and has cool gameplay
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Ruan "The Most Beautiful Star Rail" Mei
Ruan feet in my mouth Mei
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It's time for a new harmony bitch already.
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>Aventurine is cuckbait
Omnislut to be exact
It's not that he wouldn't fuck TB, but on a list of people he'd fuck, TB is probably like 3rd or so
They really fucked up by not making him a loyal boy though
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E1 Topaz or Lingsha...E1 Topaz or Lingsha...
I have a perfect meta read In HSR, and I skipped Robin.
What does that tell you
I kneel leviathan dono
You're a metafag in a pve auto battle game?
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what a WHORE!!!!!!!!!
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>game has the best hoyo hebes of all time
>playerbase is 90% women and 10% hagpags
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>They really fucked up by not making him a loyal boy
Bah, he he doesnt need to be a mc simp. That would be cringe.
>receive text from Robin
>"Have you heard of the tragedy of Charmony Dove?"
What the fuck is those siblings problem?
Meant for >>497094259
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requesting this desperately
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>I fucking hate her and penacony was ass
No one asked about your dogshit taste sister.
I decided to make a new account after coming back to HSR and replay the story. The amount of info that you get from important NPC's AFTER big events is insane. When they just stay there standing around and you talk to every one of them, there's a decent amount of lore in those convos. But most people just teleport back to towns as soon as those fights are over.
Nice ChatGPT post
Ask our /gig/ sisters to make one as a gift
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I agree, though it would sell his tragedy even more if he had a stronger attachment to TB. Afterall femoids want to heal him. Given the way Stonehearts are written, it was never a true option though. They're just too shady and insincere.
You rolled e2s1 brickle?
I'm a professional author, but alright.
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that's just how RPG games have always been. rule of thumb is when you have NPCs to talk to, you talk to them.
they know skippers are brain dead button mashers and don't care either way so they put all the interesting content in optional conversations.
I'm not pulling for Yanqing's wife
I talk to everyone since I've got that NPC autism from playing trails. My eyes do start to glaze over when they start rambling about inane shit though. It is honestly really funny how much important stuff is hidden behind optional content. Like I think if you don't do any of the character quests, Jingliu gets mentioned like once or twice in the entirety of the game
This but Ruan Mei.
Robin will outlast her but eventually fall out too.
Sparkle is the only current Harmony that will actually be future proof.
This is known as the Silver Wolf theorem. If you know, you know
Make them both submit shrimple also elusive samurai rot and it’s fanart and the slight overlap with yanqing makes me want to see it more… still won’t level my yanqing though
Bros, somewhat of a newfag here. I have Hotaru without Ruan Mei
Will Lingsha unbrick my Hotaru party or should I just not bother?
No lmao, you NEED RM.
Lingsha would just brick yourself more and slurp all your SP. Maybe wait for Tingyun? Rumors are that she is a Firefly support, we will know for sure in like a two weeks or so
Get Asta to E6 and email dawei for an S5 DDD
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My Gallagher, hmc and Ruan Mei are all now 161 speed
Gallagher 2pc watch maker and brick effect, seapagni with er rope
Ruan mid full break set with penacony
Hmc also with full watchmaker with be rope seapagni

No I don't have pagfly and never will, lingsha is on a wip super brick set
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Bronya SEX
Rolling for Firefly before Ruan Mei was retarded
Aight, thanks!
assuming you play gallagher she isn't really unbricking anything, she's better in aoe and that's about it
are you playing march in ruan mei's slot
Yeah he should have rolled for Ruan Mei and waited until 2025 to get the character he actually wanted
It was my first limited and I didn't know how the game worked to be fair.
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good meowrning
I don't get why anime artists always depict fat like that when the stomach is still very much flat, she's just pinching on fat that she really doesn't have.
Yeah, the usual party. March, Gallagher and MC
she's rerunning in December 2024 thoughever
Acheron… flopped…
Yeah the game is kind of shit in that way where some teams just don't work without limiteds.
>Ruan Gyatt rerun in 2.7 alongside Tingyun
>Herta soon after
it's gonna be a good winter
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So..... Lingsha gud?
Because actual fat is nasty to look at and draw.
LinGYATTsha when?
Only if you're a metachurl who makes stinky diapey if their team is doing 80% instead of 100%
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Nguyễn • Mai
So /hsrg/.
I'm not asking for a landwhale, but at least a bit more chubby-weight or add a tiny more weight to othe bits of the body, I find it dumb when its just the stomach and then the arms are still sticks and the legs/hips are still the same, do Asians have different fat distribution or something? At least in my own experience fat is more likely to get to your arms and legs/hips before the stomach.
uid now
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Did I say something funny? Why are you asking for my UID?
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The fomo keeps growing...
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Nahida is really sexy.
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>in my own experience fat is more likely to get to your [female fat areas] before the [male fat area]
i wont ask again
One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub — probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity... It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part — something that we'd never considered — was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment... Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer
Keep me posted marketer-chama
We don’t care dawg
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I don't get it.
cum in clara
's feet
>Should you roll her?
She fix something that isn't broken, so do you like her design?
>so do you like her design?
ima simpel man
me see waifu
me liek her
simple as
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But does she smell good?
Lingsha is so good at superbreak damage I'm thinking when you don't need fire implant the team of Lingsha, HMC, Tingyun, RM will be stronger than FF, Linsha, Tingyun, RM team.
She is a Gallagher upgrade and Aventurin downgrade in most scenarios.
Roll her if you like her and don't want the gambling gigolo homo.
Are they any cases where you would want hunt March to set anyone other than your main dps as the shifu?
Fun team
None ??
Considering her best use is feixiao and setting is anyone else is retarded
In super break you make Gallagher/Lingsha her shifu for more toughness damage if you're using her there for some reason.
Any time you really need to break an enemy and they don't match the main DPS nor March's element/ you want to break faster so you target a support for the double toughness damage
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she cant skill herself
How did /our/ king flop so bad? She's the first must roll unit ZZZ has gotten.
she doesn't make the damage numbers big
2 patches of flop banners before her means no one had to spend to get her.
Am I being mentally ill for thinking that the only reason people play ZZZ is because they didn’t want to miss out on the new trendy thing to do? Like I feel everyone who plays it was terrified of missing out
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>go to HSS
>see this
What do?
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This is giving me epilepsy
I feel her though. Like they straight up just traced her. It feels wrong to do it without consent. Like it's encroaching on her personal rights. Probably legal in China though. It just feels wrong.
I play Arknights, HSR, and ZZZ
Sadly, thanks to Fornite, dances are not covered by copyright anymore so she has no case.
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truly my first e6 character that ive solely pulled for meta reasons
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Me too.
me on the left
What fictional language is that?
Simlish obviously
Almost a year and Ruan GYATT Mei is still the most beautiful woman in the game
It's elven
Or whatever language was inscribed on the One Ring
>Trash male
>unnecessary female
>luxury option
Mihoyo will lose this month. Lovedeep space, Dragon ball, Naruto won...
Mogged by Marilyn "Robin" Monroe.
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I finished penacony
>draw males
>add tits
did you understand what was going on? I was spamming the space bar during that shit
I want to fuck my bro and it not be weird, please understand.
Those numbers are made up dude, you can't get them from Apple or Google and Mihoyo sure as fuck doesn't release them. Gateoo went through that chinklist in particular and they even admit that and say how they calculate it, which is guessing and "top download" lists.
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Why is Lingsha outselling both gengen shitpact's new region's new characters despite being ultra niche, barely an upgrade, unfocused sex appeal, and having an understated personality that took a small role in the story?
literally im a lingshafag and I dont get it desu
I regret skipping Qingyi but also I literally wasn't and still am not playing
becasue he's homo and fujotroons love him
>Lufou part 1 if good.
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Finally found a guy on the support list with a level 80 Lingsha using S5 post op, used her against Feixiao. She felt SO much better than with What is real and evem her own sig, you can actually run her like a second ruan and spam ults
I mean I got the gist of it but it quite literally wasn't for me since its hi3rd shit. I want to like Acheron but they make it kind of hard
Too many limiteds and word bloat made me drop ak getting the jelly fish twink 4 times didn’t help either honkai star rail
Genshin gutted their playerbase and hounded out loyal supporters slowly over the past couple years with catastrophic decisions like going a full calendar year without a female character being on rate up and then following it up with like 8 months without a male

TLDR genshin tore their empire down from within
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I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints, but I can't help the fact that everyone can see these scars
I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel
But it's like, no matter what I do, I can't convince you to just believe this is real
So I let go, watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I got
I can't feel the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
Time won't heal this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored
My dick liked Jane more but it was also cause I had a dot seeded account with rina and grace and furfag for Ellen but yeah I also haven’t been up to date with zzz much and just farming relics for my ack for the most part which have been a pretty miserable time
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Borisin sex night.
1. those are mobile numbers and a higher % of the hsr playerbase is on mobile compared to the other hoyo gachas
2. genshin is shit
I dont know about zzz, I didnt like it. Furries, tvs, no sexy characters, bad 3d models, slop gameplay...
These poor Borisin don't know what they're in for
Zzz has sexy characters though retard bro unless you need their areolas showing for it to not be “safe horny”?
Still think it’s pretty retarded of hoyo to jot do skins for hsr yet cause niggas would actually spend 5-10$ to give their sigga his hat
Sigga not having his hat and sunglasses and HMC not wearing the hat in the overworld is actually peak laziness and we deserve more from the chinks that shit out this soulless trash
>E6 qingyi
>E2 yane
Yes, indeed, you saved zzz, 1.2 is (you) pandering again with males being your friends.
Salesfags are subhuman
Were you that keqing hilichurl poster?
Don’t have a break team so hmc has been unused and wow that’s severely retarded what the fuck hoyo it’s literally just the hat like ???
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You could mod the game. There's a hat mod for sigga.
try again, i didnt get what you were trying to say.
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The reason why Lingsha is mediocre is because they dont want her to compete with the next true meta sustain, Caelorum Venti
Yeah the hat just appears for the technique but otherwise it remains unworn or in their hands, is really dumb.
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just eos wormshin already
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>keqing hilichurl
Did you just curse me? What is this?
Getting to that part I was so shocked that they didn't just let TB keep the fucking hat taking up that mantle was the whole fucking point of penacony's story
I'm not modding anything Da Wei
You sent out an incomplete product and think I wouldn't notice
The final scene with Kakavasha makes no sense without the hat on his head btw
I don’t have or want sigga so it’s not a big loss but I also don’t know how risky mods are to ever consider it but fuck no hat on hmc over world is still confusing the fuck out of me
>Quid pro quo is considered a bad LC at the launch of game
>its RNG and does nothing if your team is above 50% energy
>ER ropes weren’t even common back then either and it still was ripped on
>now Lingsha is out this LC is apparently legit and even good
Explain why this cone is suddenly good?
I still don’t know what an ice cream fart is
No one was able to shit out that much actions on a support before, did lingsha rabbit trigger qpq actually?
Greek planet will have a divine mech. playable? prob another boss.
Lingsha does nothing special for QpQ, Gallagher does
Isn't that a fart from a lactose intolerant person?
Because Firefly and Robin want as much energy as you can feed them, if you can get Firefly up to 98 energy she has no downtime outside Complete Combustion and for Robin you can guarantee that she gets a 2nd ult at the end of the 2nd wave for even more retarded dps boost.
The flaws are still there, is just that we have units that rely a ton more on their ult.
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My girlfriend is cuter
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Green sex snek expy when?
Ruan Mei is lactose intolerant?
They look so samey jesus. Chinkslop designs are so fucking bad.
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Leaks only mention pink whore but I wish for her to come…
Why and how does Lingsha fly?
March, just because Stelle sleeps in your room doesn't mean she's your girlfriend. She's also not cuter than Sparkle.
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Thats fair.
They arent risky at all, but hsr doesnt have as big a modding scene as genshin or zzz. Still fun to mess around with though.
Evolved clara and the flame chasers are the only expies I’m really wanting though APHO bronya would be great too
Vidyadhara cloudhymn magic
I haven't read the story since Nearl appear on chapter I (or 0) lol.I just love their design and they have stages fun to stomp or fun to challenge (or copy if you stuck)
Thanks, we hate it too.
She's a dragon. Dragons fly.
QPQ was never considered bad really, it was always an okay default option for healers. There were just no characters who needed energy as badly as Robin or Firefly do back then.
I see, thank you anon.

>replace gallagher with lingsha
>heals still great
>suddenly team deals much more damage
didn't expect this, guess she's not just a sidegrade
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e0s0 but good try ;)
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homos and fujotroons killed the game
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hagfly > blandfly
Cute Genetically engineered butt
what you described is a sidegrade. Lingsha is still very good, but gallagher is that guy. This isn't npcfox vs lil gui
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When's the next concert?
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No we didn't.
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Lingsha's slow ass banner is killing the game
So true!
Daniel "Dan" Heng has no penis
proof evidence source
Stelle x Firefly was 48 on this list
lol at Caelus though, don't see his on here
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it's only good for this bitch
i guess pagfly uses it too, but i didn't roll for pagfly
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Source: it came to me in a dream
We hate firefly here
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>he dreams of Dan
Firefart LOL
wormfly has aids
No, I dream of Sporkle disguised as Dan, so it's not gay.
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I used to love Stelle before the game launch because she has mature look and cooler compared to Lumine.
Until they associate her with raccoon, trash can and retardation.
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>trusting a Masked Fool to tell you about another man's penis
I have bad news for you bruv...
Literally the most attractive girl in the game so far.
Other top contenders:
>Silver Wolf
>>Silver Wolf
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with cute boys
why am i getting horny this shouldn't be
You can't use HMC's skill if you want to stay SP positive with Lingsha so the team damage should be roughly the same
Good morning bros I love Xueyi
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The koreans are waking up to the truth
More beatings as a child would have prevented this
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Most attractive girls according to me, the GOAT:
>Fu Xuan
>March 7th
>Silver Wolf
Bro? Your Tingyun?
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I'm afraid to announce that Hi3rd has turned our Sparkle into a dyke.
>team damage roughly the same
>HMC skill does AT BEST a good 100k if all of it super breaks, likely less
>Lingsha ult vs. 3 targets did 500k + 300k summon
Sure, I have e1 Lingsha but.. I don't think HMC does that kind of damage, even vs. e0 Lingsha.

Imaginary vs fire.
Black Swan did it first btw. Nobody here reads or cares about the characters outside of porn
She's FINALLY making friends and you have to make it sexual

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