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Previous thread: >>497064757

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

first for female sinners with big plump futa girl balls (like me)
What happens tomorrow?
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Paus featuring Dante
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Rodya LOVE!
Have (You) decided on a team for the upcoming Canto yet?
Surely not having access to Ishmael's Blind Obsession (no wrath generation with this team) won't be too bad...
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Heathmael but it's Zwei Faust and Oufi Heathcliff beating the shit out of each other
This is what we should've gotten
Solo base Don. Like El Director wanted it.
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Ryoshu will get Ruina spiderbud too
I can’t wait
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Oops I forgot my picture.
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Paus lovu
Probably tremor or rupture, maybe even both if I'm feeling masochistic (TLA)
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you bet!
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Sad we’ll never get retarded outis Cg again but looking back it was mostly a consistency issue with vellmori if anything also with how they had to rearrange release dates alongside cantos often I’ll never forgive the limp dick kimchis just cause they couldnt get a hard on from a tight wetsuit
Isn't base Greg's passive easier to trigger with this lineup?
Going to run the ol' reliable charge team. Might swap base Don in instead of W if I'm feeling cute.
Yes but I expect 12 man battles so I don't mind having him more effective.
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>pregnant don ego
Thank you draw-anons for delivering
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Same old same squad of IDs that I like
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I miss this kind of vellmori art
Post the full version, coward
Nyo... w ryo creeped by spiderbud... i'II still keep throwing her into the bleed teams instead
Also either sinking tremor or bleed for me
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Just sinking again I guess
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
This, post the full pic with her laying on top of a city sized belly.
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Here we are
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Extremely cute AND extremely smoochable!
Rodya love!
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nice try dork
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>blocks it
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How long until Season 5 PV?
3-4 hours
>Ryoshu looking out for Hod and scolding Rodya for constantly eating her food before she could answer (Hod would always let her have it)
>Cracker Faust
>W Don
>Red Eyes/W Ryoshu
>either Zwei Ish or Cinqlair
Maybe WSault as well just for access to Chains + Pursuance if it's needed
>runs BACK in
>gets a FOUR
>KILLS you both and sends you to HELL
>runs out
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TRodya is strong! Rodya strong!
Tremor can get sub-50 now but I got lazy with the sheep and used a bit more EGOs than I should have when dealing with the envy peccas leading to the sheep surviving a bit longer than planned (2 more turns than I had planned).

I wanted to use my Wuthering Heights team since it has my two favorite IDs in the game (WildHunt Heath and Heir Greg) but Don doesn't have any sinking IDs so instead I will use my envy team.
>Pequod Heath and Yi Sang
>Captain Ish
>Middle Donqui and Meursault
>Crack Paus
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So what's the verdict on Zigger Ish? I have no exp tickets so I can't test her out well enough. S3 looks crazy strong, guard is cool too
Really nice ejaculation. One of those where it feels extra thick midway through really surprising you. Completely sated.
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Rodya… you’re filling out quite nicely… nyessss… my corpulent queen…
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This sucks right? I'm already baiting myself into spamming md due to fomo of it leaving.
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I love her, she's my knight in shining armour, she's my shield, I will spend all my life savings just to hire her for another day protecting me
Oh and yeah she's cool gameplay wise, solid tank ID
What does P corp do? Penis corp? Piss corp?
MD won't change until the second month of the new season, no reason to have FOMO yet.
berry nice
Packaging Corp
I want to finish my RR run but I can't because I keep rolling 0s and crashing the game
Porn corp
now post our Roland
It's cool. That's enough for me.
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/our/ Roland? Or do you mean the Sephirah of Architecture?
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what type of horrible creatures are in the hellhole?
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I love the Canto 6 ost so much. Endless Sorrow, Falling Down, and Lone Wolf have to be my favorite songs from Limbus. Lone Wolf especially as it comes with the beautiful CGs of Erlking arriving with his army.
eh ish it dead anyway in black jobber world i dig it one less boatbilly off the earth
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>Find out what damage type the enemies are weak to
>Slap together a team of 000s that deal that type of damage
It works every time
Status application fucking sucks without ego gifts so there's no reason to bother
considering the spiked bat?
A shit ton of heathcliffs
Probably tremor because I want to use the new Ishmael and a Don 000
did the xp changes happen yet?
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Limbus but I try to survive in /lcg/ Civilization
3 hours bros. Le5's start the goon sesh
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Be ready for the musical in canto 7. All the other cantos will be btfo
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>dead wife
>pissed off the middle
>killed people recklessly in anger and grief when he found out his wife died
He's getting the Black Silence ID
Which Sinner(s) have a daily goon sesh?
In /lcg/ civilization, you can try rolling boundary of death or go for dubs on /vg/. Nobody goes for dubs in limbus civilization.
I genuinely hope there’s no color ID’s or Seph ID’s
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I unironically hope that too
I hope there is so I can watch you bitch and whine while I enjoy many hearty chuckles
>fish & chips
Ok, that's a cute detail.
Meursault better shoot Heathcliif the moment he gets a gun ID
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colour are a bunch of jobber that got way to overhypeted
honestly its kind of weird they want to push Ryoshu as the red mist instead of purple tear considering her story
She'll get both
Can cook
Can cook
Can cook
Will try (and fail)
Only consumes food
Can't cook, gets pissy if you even ask about it
I blame ruinababs
If you think about it, since TF2 BLU team are clones of the RED mercs, they could easily fit in as R Corp Hatchery vets.
>Can cook
No she can't
she's not hag-coded enough
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Rodion being the real MVP here eating all that food and not letting it go to waste
What sort of mom doesn't know how to cook?
Shut the fuck up zoomertard
Sorry, sis. No Cashy means no Black Silence Heath. Wild Hunt was an exception since his EGO had already manifested around Cashy's death, but MC Heath shows what happens to all the rest. That is, they're completely disaffected.

It's gonna be Black Silence Ishmael
the last time ryoshu let something cook it didn’t end very welll…
Chicken man didn't like her food
Here we go again with this ebin meme
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lmao blud is tweaking ong
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that's because you're lame
Nah YOURE the meme
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We must stop Don before she dooms us all.
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Argalia Hong is cringe
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Story fits Don
Personality fits Ryoshu
Who gets the ID?
That's because Argaylia is cringe
Outis obv
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He wanted to fuck his sister. That like super straight bro
How come Dawnclair is the only ID to ever get buffed in the past year and a half. I can easily count 20 IDs/EGOs that are completely worthless and desperate need buffs. Why is director so adamant on only nerfing and never buffing???
>Story fits Don
It doesn't.
>Personality fits Ryoshu
It doesn't.
I'm going to spend 1300 lunacy for this stupid meme
Walpurgis ID, hyped up, chinks freaked out, director legitimately thought there were problems with it because they didn't have time to sufficiently test it.
do either of those matter when NFaust exists?
>Is vampire
>Don is vampire
>likes blood and killing
>Ryoshu likes blood and killing
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OK but that's like, the only thing he has going on for him.
>they didn't have time to sufficiently test it.
Dawnclair was the only Walpipi that was deliberately delayed because director has autism and wanted to match it with irl Walpipi night
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You are NOT allowed to watch the preview if you dont have an invite.
If he was really autistic, he would have made all whalepiggies based around the real one.
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She cooked a bun in an oven before cremating it completely
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It wasn't worth it btw
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Why did nobody else check if Heathcliff was okay?
Looking back at it...I think my art suffered a downgrade...maybe it's time to go back to training once more
Draw some snausts
>in the year of our lord 2024
Same reason why no one gave a fuck about how Ish was getting pallidified except one other sinner.
Carmen told me to do it...
I thought the sinners were all nakamas....
They didn't show that Ishmael was actually the only survivor and everyone else died. In a not so surprising turn of events, Dante doesn't know how to play the game and made a bunch of poor decisions in the fight.
do you want me to do a roll for camaraderie anon?
Is Dante a newbab...?
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I don't think I could bear it if you rolled a 000, but...
Do it, please...
let us sink together
Saultyume doing some castlevania stuff. Nice.
Sexo Don. Sexo. Sexo. Sexo. Sexo.
Doggierector. Nice.
Oh that sault does look like he would love mapo tofu. Nice.
They don’t really give a shit about each other which is the way it should be imo
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Dante said ''screw you'' and ''shuckaroonies''. It was his fate to be a newbab.
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Thank you, anon...
I can rest in peace
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Who gets her ID?
>I know a nigga who seethes and hates hong lu with his entire being and still no clue why
Tall, handsome, loaded, unbothered by plebian problems. In his book, gets laid a lot.
Success breeds jealousy
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Every sinner should go one by one commenting on anything that happens in the story
Also, whenever Sinclair's not on screen all the other characters should be asking "where's Sinclair?"
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Reminder that this is a WAW risk abnormality
>Watching a video of a railway run
>Erlking Heathcliff rolls heads twice against Nelly
>Does 102 damage
>WDon rolls heads 5 times with her s3
>Nelly is weak to slash
Some IDs are just funny to see
My buddy told me he saw someone say that there's "No way Hong Lu can out do Don's canto"
Imaging having eyes but not being able to see Mount Tai
Don 100% as the most rapeable sinner (female).
Sinclair get's the bill ID obv
Bwos I ordered a glass of red wine at a restaurant and then tried to do the sexy vampire glass swish thing because I thought of bloodfiend Don, and it spilled all over the front of my shirt…
Coin numbers were the king back in season 1
Now, it's all about damage modifiers, and Wild Hunt has damage modifiers up the roof
Weakness and resistance mean jackshit
Sin weakness matters more than damage type
>Fight a TETH shitter wave first
>Then a WAW just like that
What the FUCK was the director smoking?
Cringe if you're a dude and I would ghost. Sexy if you're a girl and I would breed
Cute CUTE. Even if you are a dude.
Abnormalities sexo
said. Modifiers are so funny. If BLMeursault hits someone with his counter he does 100% more damage flat for free. That shit blows up people and is balanced only by how few enemies actually beat a 12 reliably.
They literally call each other friends you dumb BITCH
I truly believe Ishmael and Heathcliff are kindred spirits. And not in a shipping/romantic bullshit kind of way. I think they are very similar in their behaviour at times, being easily prone to anger and what not. Though they also have very obvious differences of course. Nonetheless, I would say they have strong similarities to each other. Shit, that's one of the points of the SEA intervallo anyways.
Tl;Dr - I'm not surprised they help each other out, aswell as mock each other. They feel more like siblings I would say. Both the good and bad parts of that.
Remember when BL Meursault would multiply damage by coin number, and not the other way around?
siblings that should FUCK
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Infernal response.
>Meursault suggests saying fuck the mission and let's focus on taking care of Heathcliff
Meursault is FRIENDpilled
Is your sinner friendpilled?
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Thoughts on this teapot?
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Incest franchise
Also I'm replaying the SEA intervallo cinematics
I swear Yi Sang calls Heathcliff "Heasclippu-kun"
Truly friendship pilled
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next drawpile better be all dons
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he does
Yi Sang is the type of friend who'd let you bust in his ass when you're horny even though he's not gay
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someone post the comic of yi sang doing just that with gregor
i know someone saved it
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so what does ryoshus sword even say
or is it pure gibberish
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>rolled 2 heads at -35SP s3 Mirrorcliff
its over
>actual lack of skill
It's terminal I'm afraid.
>or is it pure gibberish
Check the wiki for more details regarding the translation/meaning
When do you unlock the railway? Is it after Canto 3?
They weren’t even related…
I'm curious as to which honorific this is, it's not coming up in searches. The way it's used makes me think it's equivalent to JP -kun, because Don also uses it to refer to other sinners ("young" sinclair, meursault, heathcliff etc)
Surely you are not one of those clerkoids that actually think it isn't a state of mind first, right?
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I remember some anon asking what did Ryoshu mean by saying "Bullshit" when Cassetti said something about parents cleaning up after their children.
I think this should answer it. Or atleast, it does for me.
>it's not coming up in searches
If you're searching through the text, then no it won't show up. It's translated as Yi Sang just saying "Heathcliff!" but I can clearly hear the honorific -kun (or something similar sounding to that) being used.
It's gun in Korean, not kun. Same way senpai becomes seonbae.
maybe, who really knows
next burn ID when
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>download a couple hundred mods
>lor now takes 10+ minutes to boot up
is this supposed to happen
That makes sense, it would be weird for Yi Sang to use japanese honorifics
Though I admit I have no idea what gun means nor what Yi Sang means by using it.
Well yeah, obviously. I tried looking up 근 or 군 based on what it sounds like to no avail.
>no idea what gun means nor what Yi Sang means by using it.
It's literally the same thing as kun in Japanese if you know that, it's for young boys or young men. Yi Sang has like 9 years on Heathcliff.

I just skimmed through the Wikipedia page on Korean honorifics until I found it, which lists it as gun (군, 君).
>even though he's not gay
He's gay for Sang Yi thoughever
Oh the hanja is the same as the kanji, that's cool. Always found it interesting how KR and JP share a lot of similar or exact sounding words in general
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*resheathes blade*
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Gun is an american honorific.
Best Mili song coming through.

Open the curtains
Lights on
Don't miss a moment of this experiment
Oh, the book is strange
Like clockworkorange
Keepyour eyes butteredtill the end

[Verse 1]
Which "you" are yougoing to be?
Hmm, inside the mirror do you see (Ha)
Someoneelseinthat body?
[Verse 2]
Dance forme, one andtwo and three and turn around
Sit like a doggy till I finish my read

Cut it off, cut down your loss
All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed
In a world built on convenient theories
For the puppets on TV
There is comfort in the strings
If you're gonna control me
At least make it interesting theatrically

[Verse 3]
How does it feel to be free?
Hmm, "why don't you try it yourself?" (Ha)
The gate opened on me

[Verse 4]
So I leaped down, down, and down I go
I tell myself I'm a tough girl
Down, down, and down I go
I could never, ever, ever touch the soil
My heart goes right, my head goes left
And end up on your bed, huh
[Verse 5]
Sure I'll be your marionette
Here, tug on my thread
Spread me open for dolly pink, Snow White, artificial beauty
Maybe we're all cold machines
Stuffed in the human skin
With human sins sewed up by the gods of city

Cut it off, you've already lost
All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt
In a world that feeds on the minority
May that self-centered belief lead you to peace
If you're gonna replace me
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly

[Verse 6]
When does it end for me?
Hmm, I think I am done with everything (Ha)
Now I'm ready to leave

[Verse 7]
Dragging out one line, two lines, three lines
Connect our hands
When I no longer can live on knowledge alone
You gave me strength
Hopeful curiosity
Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery
What's the colour of the electric sheep you see?
And if you love me
Can you love your everything too, for me?
I think it's after chapter 6, since the required level is 45
be impregnated and turned into a nurturing mother with this 4
Male pregged
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For Canto 8 we will be changing everything back to how it worked in Ruina, thank you for understanding.
Americans don't have any honorifics because golems don't honor anything. The word Black is the only thing that comes close to an honorific because their entire society revolves around blackfellas.
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Them changing WHeath's counter to read Power Counter instead of Unique Counter is unironically giving me a whiff of hopium
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Would baito survive in the City as a wagie?
I wish
Even if she's a cunt, Outis good for something unlike that good for nothing Rodion. Rodion HATE!!!
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your favorite pm character is pregnant with a big protruding belly
They do have honorifics, they just put them in front of the name instead of at the end. So it's "Gun Anon" to you.
Cl*rks can't get pregnant
Sinclair dressed like this.
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Unfathomably based
Really? Wow, I had the exact opposite impression.
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good night I hate shitclair
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If the Head is really that powerful, then how come they haven't purged every monster in the outskirts?
you'll be having dreams of him with that mentality
>Not in the city
Why care?
I desire more Castlekino crossover art now
Who as who would you like to see anon
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He's been so based since 5.5....Mersault my beloved...
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Did they straight up de-canonize all the Abnos from Lobotomy Corporation that were suggested by the Tumblbug Backers? Think it's a tad more than coincidental that we haven't seen Army in Black or Melting Love considering how popular Alpehs are as a concept.
>Censored hasn't made an appearance yet either outside of LobCorp
I can cope with that one being hard to implement without the excuse of the Cogito Filter.

Actually while typing this I guess there is that one walking Backwards Clock machine Abno in Limbus but the point still remains that its odd that they haven't cashed out on two Aleph tier Abnos.
<MY bro. MY friend. MY lover...>
Oh shit uuumm Cathy Shanoa and Albus Heathcliff? Or Dante chilling kinda downtrodden and spewing his woes to the Skull Bartender
Heathcliff was raped by a distortion
My source?
It happened during one of the off-screen distortion apprehensions
Piss off
>got a disease
Fuck you too.
Aberrations of them can exist but yeah I don't think we'll ever see the real ones in Limbus
Hopefully they don't make a shitty ML aberration that takes away everything that made the design good in the first place
Heathcliff raped a distortion
My source?
It happened during one of the off-screen distortion apprehensions
Why hasn't Ryoshu written an observation log yet, is she lazy?
But melting love is the worst ALEPH design?
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I kinda hope we get more occasional/rare combats like early Canto 6 where the enemies are significantly lower level. Makes it feel like we're moving up in the world.
No, that would be Silent Orchestra.
Fuck off retard, she's bad. Her 'design' has nothing unique about it.
melting love aberration but its a femboy with a big dick
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Into the trash it goes.
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><Hey Ryoshu, can you help wri->
>K.Y.S. N.Y.P.W.
Wasn't Backward Clock so beloved they put it into Limbus (as an abberration)
melting love aberration but its futa
Don't get me wrong, I want to fuck Melting love when I look at her sprite. But that's just it. Vanilla ass pink slimegirl is low effort fuckbait inserted into the game by some paypig that doesn't need to give a fuck about the rest of the series. I have not met a single melting love fan that I could stand.
>hot slime girl
>faggots and trannies instantly seething at her
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EXTREMELY gay post
Regular gay post
Backward Clock and Melting Love truly are the yin and yang of backer abnos. I wanna shake the hand of the guy who gave us backward clock and I want the guy who made melting love to stub his fucking toe on a particularly cold day.
Melting Love abberation but she's green and sloshing
>Outis wasn't even deemed competent enough to solve the time killer case
>Rodya, Hong and Ryoshu were
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I don't want to stick my wiener into red melting goo again; it's yucky
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>not using team bad ending for story
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How are you supposed to deal with ML anyways? I remember just tanking Repression work if Qli Meltdown hit it and just doing a few other work types at the end of each day before its ability detonated until I farmed out the wep and suit but surely there had to have been a better way.
you know ayin gave angela a fat bitch breaker of a girl cock
>not wanting to fuck melting love's true form
what a clerk-like thought
If you don't know how easily you can manage melting love, you are bad.
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>Not wanting to hug this
Melting love abberation you say?
You kill every clerk in the department and just quarantine the guy fucking her in the hallway or whatever.
There is sex sex and there is boring sex. Go masturbate before posting.
There's probably issues with the rights they don't want to deal with
No. There isn't a better way that the one you mentioned.
You could leave a quarantine zone, but if you got to move the agent and just have them be for one second on the same room as another one, it might be over.
imagine melting love shoving her slime futa cock in you during attachment work
You just know the place is half faggots when they seethe at the slime girl.
Because the Head is a bad plot device used to explain away anything in the setting that isn't defensible without some kind of deus ex machina.
my favourite post and favourite anon
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Because they don't care about the outskirts, they care about managing the human population in the city
Knightmael any good? Might shard her
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god i wish this was me
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NTbros...are we the worst ALEPH?...
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All i need is a Silent Girl with blue hair
BongBong would work too
How long did Angelica try to get Roland to take her for a date until Roland did so accidentally?
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>Ma-Ti uses heart on the Head
>Head is now pacified
What happens to the City now?
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Hey thanks kind anon.
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would silent girl have been aleph if they implemented her in lobo corp?
Chapter 7 PV soon.
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She was TETH as far as i remember
but post-runia makes her ALEPH i guess
maybe two hours
i ate the canto 7 pv
Fucking TIPH
I don't think it's a rights issue, Myo is a backer character and she appeared in Ruina
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She gives me TETH vibes, HIM however would totally be an ALEPH.
Rodion, please...
Ishmeal is RIGHT there...
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Well. Soon-ish.
It looks like it fucks human men
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How big is too big?
What was going through that backer's mind when he requested that they add Melting Love?
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Ishmael would've had more appear if she was a hot-tempered guy who was fed up with everyone's bullshit
Heathcliff should've also been a bratty girl
lccb outis id + minor villain jd
or itll be two fixer office ids
calling it now
>Myo is a backer character
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His mind was melting with love.
the same thing that came to El Director mind when he made Big and Will be bad wolf.
Knight of the Lunar Visage Sinclair 000 + Bloodfiend Hunter Hong Lu 00
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what the shuck does army in black even represent
Pink brain melting slime
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Red Hood bros... not like this...
Think about the poor bugman
What does My Form Empties represent
Literally the easiest ALEPH to understand.
me shitting myself
Buddhism and
>war...is bad...
boundary of life
>rape don
>mating press
>shoes fall off
The fact that limbibs are... sheep.
Keep thrusting
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What does King of Greed represent?
>she leglocks you and sings her fangs into your shoulder
How does one sing fangs?
Myo is so sex
they are talging with an aggcent
Fish are... hungry...
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what does punishing bird represent
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the sleep deprivation is catching up to me
I need more caffeine
the Claws
This two dorks just got pulverized by explosion. Moral of the story? Sex kills. Don't do that.
When are we getting The Ryongest?
what does queen of hatred represent
My balls after seeing Outis
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Totalitarian government but the legal system part of it
what does 1.76 MHz represent
What does Cum Quixote represent?
What do (YOU) represent?
What does The Cock™ represent?
ryoshu makes zero sense for a red mist ID
gebura's whole thing was protecting the weak
meanwhile ryoshu is a sociopath who kills innocent people
is dis personality excretion?
what does sinclair represent?
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Erm actually nobody's innocent in the city
To live is to consume others
what does ummm unm. uhhhhh ubmm what ahh uhh um errhnn whst does am....uhhh.... sorry...
What does naked apron Dante represent?
Buddhism is badong
Arh arh arh. One enkefalin! Two enkefalin! v-v
what does don rape represent?
These two should just fuck
A symbol of womanhood in the city.
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>But what is this team's strategy?
The real question is why are cute and stinky femcels so perfect?
Hahaha tricked you all! It was a rhetorical question!
Ishmael can watch I suppose
that women with garter belts are bad news
haha what if she had a giant penis and retained her hunger but instead of eating people she shoved them in her cock?
I hate you
The Norwood Reaper.
The false Buddha that scams people into a cult of personality and damns them all.
The kind of Sage that Sun Wukong can beat to death with a palace pillar and not face judgement from the divine court
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TND team
what do my fat sweaty futa girl balls represent?
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To stick your dick in crazy.
>anon is into cock vore
Whatever floats your boat, I guess
All women are BPD snakes that will eviscerate you with a laser once their mood turns sour
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Sinner for that feel?
my boat floats on a lake of white
>Rodya and Sloshmael
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Can't believe Heathcliff got fucked by a Fish
will there be a trailer today or will it be on monday?
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If you rever to that THAT one, I forgot to save it
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...is bad
she is going to rape Don
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I am literally dying from lack of Sinclairium my will to even open the game dissipates when I remember that he has been completely forgotten by PM and we haven't even received a 00 crumb.
sinclair deserves nothing
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Man, crying Sinclair makes me hard for some reason.
Not if it's loving
People that act selfless but call themselves heroes are actually the most selfish monsters.
Sinclair's purgatorio canto can't come soon enough
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should be today at least last season and the one before it was on friday
This sounds like a cope selfish people would make
Do NOT trust self appointed heroes.
All women are crazy.
What would happen if Zweimael's guard clashes with Wild Hunt's counter?
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Peak cute
Peak faggotery
most likely an offset
Anons did you know there's a Cast Away reference in Limbus?
>wake up
>no pv
limbibis i dont feel so good
Do we get anything tonight? a trailer or something?
That isn't sinclair tho
Peak ESL
Counter doesn't get offset, only evade and guard
v cute
I think we're due the trailer for the battle pass ego's.
No, go to sleep NOW and before the next hour
Nyes, months ago.
This anon is on 2 hour days...
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Pick up that can.
i'm gonna shrimp myself.
Is this Yi Sang or someone's nugget?
>Nyes, months ago.
nyo... not like this...
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Nah just someone's nugget.
People noticed it the day that part was dropped of her Canto.
Glad you enjoyed though
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Don't cry Sinclair you deserve everything.
Wait until he hears we're starting Canto VII in a week
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>sleep 5 hours early to catch the PV
>open /lcg/
I fucking hate this place
Yes? Everybody make fun of Ahab's Wilson
fuck you I wont go to sleep now, I did that last week and missed the teaser
nigger faggot tranny
bwos why is the playlist not updated...
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May you get more time soon, limbab.
There will be nothing today
You dumb fucking nigger troons check the carrd for the timer
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KJH took the money and ran!
I love lying
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it hit zero?
30 minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes left. Be patient, you spergs.
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It's over before it even began
it's over
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Kinda agree. The only fun thing to do here is making fun of the Tiphfag and the Sinclairfag. Their reaction are priceless.
actual eos
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Is this a lie?
AhhhhhhEOSEOSEOSEOS now time for my mandated zoomie sissy hypno
Digit sinner is getting the carmilla WAW EGO
>1 hidden video
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Sure, i'll take it. Thanks!
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>They had hope
Nice job, Limbabs
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So how does Ahab's EGO work? Im specifically thinking about what will happen when we encounter her again.
>Updated 6 days ago
Another hour
PHP? Sinclair translate
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professional hag plapper
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Post Her Pussy
it's sleep time
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I could take a 1 hours nap but that fucker kjh is definitely releasing the pv during that
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Go back Trinitard, this is Gehenna territory.
hypertext preprocessor
No i wont. Get some sleep.
Ryoshu LOVES web development.
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delivering trailer....
Opps snack time!
Don't forget the myriad of Ishfags
Because of Mili's pregnancy this Canto's boss music will be replaced with Tilarids instead.
...before the countdown
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No more banshee...
This is false, Mili's pregnancy will align with Ryoshu's Canto instead
Can girls not sing when theyre pregnant?
They RAN
Cassie already gave birth a few months ago.
But honestly i'd impregnate Cassie every 9 months myself if that would be true
So why did Ahab want Ishmael to kill her?
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worst part is that I am actually tired, got a massive shit day, only thing keeping me awake was playing dawn of war, but got mad at how shit the boxes are for machines and had to give it a rest
still better than broodwar
Who the hell would fuck this ugly flat bitch?
Tilarids isn't well. He statys back in hotel. AWAAWA will replace both.
We like Mili here
He was still huffing that "classification =/= strength" copium.
Twitter is two blocks down.
I like Hamoloid....
Fine, Dark Fantasy Studio will come back instead. He will create a CUSTOM-MADE track just for Limbus.
Twitter trannies tried to cancel Mili for sticking with PM during the drama
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Pretty sure Mili said they are working to have like 6 songs done before they take a break for the baby, 3 of them are for IPs rather than their own tracks.
>not Dark Fantasy Suite
I care not
Because it would prove her right.
this is a myth & roid general anon, kill yourself
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I pretend I understood the canto dungeons but I did not at all. I didn't understand a single thing.
Twitter is two blocks down
Subaru is just Dante but more of a loser simp.
It's not up btw
This is a studio EIM general, anons. Love yourselves.
The car?
It gave her the power to turn her crew into her harpoons, with whatever specific trait the person could provide. Pip turned into a mallet, Starbuck into a barrage, and Queequeg was a huge harpoon. Even Ishmael almost got transformed into one near the end of their fight.
>was playing dawn of war, but got mad at how shit the boxes are for machines
When I was wee wee lad. I used 1-2 squads or giga unit to clean up the map. While turtling. This strategy works to this day.
I guess. I see Dante as more of a Honda
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I think he meant MC of that anime with Echidna
>It gave her the power to turn her crew into her harpoons
I knew that, but I was primarly wondering how will it work now that she has no crew. Will Hermann give her a bunch of cannon fodder to fuel her EGO? Mirror World Pequods?
Binah loses to BBC. She wouldn't say this.
Mirror world goons. Hermann even mentions letting her kill the whale in every world. Next time we meet her well have 60 phase harpoon fight.
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Who's Benjamin?

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