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Previous thread: >>497113002

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

yearning Meursault let's gooooooooooooo
post frenchman
Why would Meursault fuck Don if he likes women with big tits?
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bros rose paus isn't popping off in the art community...
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Varying body proportions is canon thanks to infinite mirror worlds
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I cry
is it mostly rodya? the teddy bear aesthetic is too cute.
Yearning is a really tame way to localize the new vampire EGO's name
They could've gone with something like Thirsting(because vampires) Lusting(over something)
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from what i'm seeing so far, yeah
Why does his sex levels rise when given a different hair style?
Why did they make sinclair the cute one again
I don't want cuteclair,i want COOLCLAIR
I want N corp sinclair,i want Philipclair,i don't want a fucking teddy bear
fuck you project moon stop trying to make sinclair into yumebait
Little Prince is very goofy nigga.
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so is it aleph or not
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What if Meursault was persecuted for mercilessly killing his distorted mother during WNDD? N Corp, who value human "experience" saw her as just another expression of humanity while Meur simply saw her as she was, a sad sickly thing that needed to be put down?
Seeing how he is the most ignored out of everything that was revealed, i'd say his artist fans agree as well.
Would Carmilia job harder than King in Binds?
Babymaking sex with Meursault
why would it be? not even all sinners have WAW's,why would there be an ALEPH so early?
why do you not add spaces after your commas
Would be funny as fuck. But I think they used it to fill the gaps.
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Sinclair is cute! CUTE!
He looks like he fucks vampire ladies
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These are your abnormalities for Canto 7/next Railway. Say something nice about them.
Someone post the new Zweiclair. I think it's cute how he's seemingly being berated by his superiors.
Sorry bro everyone knows Meursault is the designated cool sinner
But it's not a vampire EGO.
I was taught that way, it's a hard habit to get rid off
Why Ryoshu over T Don?
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>next Railway
I fucking hope not, RR4 only having the pass abnos was turbogay
It looks more like the client is going "what the fuck is this twink doing here get me a different fixer"
Lust generation and free attacks, which helps with Envy generation if you have Awe passive active
Easy if you learn how to read, impossible otherwise
1000 damage unclashable 5 coin skill if you don't beat it in under 7 turns also 0.5 damage from all sins good luck
Bear will probably get buffed by how many debuffs are inflicted at him
Rose Hunter will likely be a rupture boss. his difficulty will depend on wether or not he inflicts a lot of count to our sinners
400 Roses will probably be Gossypium but levels of magnitude worse
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I'm pretty sure they put them in there since PM had no idea where they could put Mr Recliner Rage without it disrupting the Cashy story.
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Sinclair is Cool! BADASS!
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Queen Of Hatred ALEPH on next walpugris.
Have fAith
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Why not turn the mansion into a dungeon, like they have been doing so far?
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thats your opinion bro, for me I want as many cuteclair's as possible, infinite cuteclairs in fact
>1000 damage unclashable 5 coin skill if you don't beat it in under 7 turns also 0.5 damage from all sins good luck
jobs to piss and cum tremor
Sinclair? Lost to BVLLsault.
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sure thing
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Sinclair the Berated.
It's kind of an interesting choice to make roses an analogy for vampires
Why does she look so happy?
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Lost to Sexnail Rodya
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Wow the trailer PV revealed NOTHING. Why would I care about trash S0 IDs? Fucker
Idk, her support passive is really quite nice for Yuro Hong... And lust is really irrelevant on that team anyway since you're usually just using Everlasting + Cavernous and it's hard to afford anything else most of the time.
T Don clashes way way better and has that pride skill 2 which actually does matter for Cavernous and Everlasting. She also has Moratorium which is just a nice tool to have access to as it's 3 fragile for all damage for 2 turns if nothing else.
I really fail to see the advantage of Ryoshu except in giving a few resources you don't really need. Only argument I can really see is she has slightly better sloth generation, but Don actually wants to use her guard occasionally so it's more or less even.
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But the passive is good
I hope the corrosion is the bear puppeting her
Bwo... I have worse news...
>season hasn't even begun
>poise and tremor IDs have been announced
B-burnb-bros... S-surely we're more IDs...?
Shit if I know. Probably thought Cathy having a dungeon in her basement would just be Sinclair's Canto again, but that's just my guess.
I thought the chase up the stairs after Erlking started the Wild Hunt being replaced with a dungeon (with Erlking 1 and Nelly being the bosses of it as a kind of phase 1 and 2 rather than as two separate fights) before you head to the roof and do the final fight would've been cool but I got called a retard for suggesting it
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>charming princely Sault with loose unstyled hair and beautiful gloves/outfit and softly tired eyes
>domineering cool vampiric Sault with his signature styled hair and gorgeous gothic theming
Not one or the other but both. I get to have both. Truly a man that can do both.
I'm so incredibly excited. I hope in Yearning he uses archaic/antiquated speech again like NCorp.
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One clean strike, through the vitals... this is the legendary Boundary of Death Shi technique...!
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So more naiga art for Don canto?
yeah she deserves this one
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Anyone feel like zweiclairs art looks off? The head feels weird, probably my least favorite art in a long while.
looks fine to me. I guess it looks a bit like his head is pasted on a body.
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This is rotten to the core… what has become of our core values? Our very identity...
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>the t in t corp stands for tremor
fascinating when you really stop and think about it
For fucks sake. T stands for Time. Can you STOP?
I feel like ALEPH EGOs will be reserved for transformations like in Ruina
I'm literally on the verge of filtering "stands for" you little shit.
>the r in rcorp stands for rape
cinqsault will probably be poise, right? he better he absolutely busted if he wishes to compete with kimsault
His ear is too small and there should be a bit more space between his left eye and ear. His neck looks weird too, it doesn't really connect to his left shoulder.
It's stands for replicant
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Imagine if Zwei North looked like this. Like sweaters & jackets with body armor to look modern & fancy like. And their gimmick is they use blitz tactics to quickly subdue threats
erm, it actually stands for timetrack
Oh i'm pumping something and it's not your mind.
it’s just highly rendered nai_ga art
because he's standard handsome so leaving his hair unstyled and loose makes him look purposefully handsome
Haste, bind and unique duel, take it or leave
It looks like the other artist though.
That's just crosswalk office.
Meursault looks like a pimp in his new ID
Okay, so for Hong Lu. First off, that'd mean putting Hong Lu first, when Regret is the better pick for slot 1
>faster AoE in MDs
>+2 level in RR to clash better since skill 1 only rolls 11
Also, with Ryoshu on the bench, Hong Lu needs two turns to reach Tremor, when otherwise he'd need only three. It's not that big of a jump to remove Regret from slot 1, especially since he's slow compared to the other Tremor IDs. His Piss tremor only last a turn, and if you don't have everything perfectly setup, it'd be somewhat of a waste. So might as well just use Piss EGO
Now, going back to Lust, surprisingly, a lot of EGOs require them. Everlasting, Fluid Sac, Binds, and a couple of others. You're still going to be using other EGOs since Peccatula will use EGOs every other turn, and there are clashes that require high numbers. Binds is honestly a great EGO to use first turn because it helps with Pride generation and an extra sin for resources. Plus, 100% stagger raise would mean everyone would be at stagger+ if done right. On top of that, Ishmael will use her defense a lot, and that's even more Pride sins
As for Moratorium, well it is good, great nuke even, but you already have Piss + Cum, so it's kind of an overkill.
oh yeah
no, he’s fucked
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just got this off the beginner banner, she any good?
>the L in L Corp stand for Lobotomy
it’s got the same flat storybook look as nai_ga though
that's just ridiculous, you've gone too far
She's decent, but if that's the only 000 you have you should reroll.
she's pretty good, yeah
post the rest of your team
She's very slow at ramping up charge compared to the other IDs. She needs Dimension Shredder EGO to be good
oh fuck he's dead jim
hopefully bleed but it's not looking good
I agree with the other guy, aim for 2 000s. Rerolling is easy enough. Unless you're in love with a specific sinner or ID, keep going.
>it's another dumbfuck that doesn't use defense skills and overclocks so has to do mental gymnastics in team building
>its called Lobotomy Corp because everyone who plays it is lobotomized
Do if we're going purely off reactions people love the new Rodya ego and Cinqsault?
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does that entail making a new steam account? cba if so

pic related
What do you mean? I just said that Ishmael will use defense a lot, so she'll be generating a lot of Pride
while she's quite good, her main function is to act as support to other units in a charge team
if you haven't pulled any other charge units, i'd frankly recommend a reroll
the OP has a list of the best ids of each sinner if you want a north to guide you
this is one of the worst english sentences i've ever read despite it being grammatically correct

but yes
Who asked for rose knight faust?
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Afternoon Limbabs, divegrass manager here hoping you're as excited for Canto 7 as I am. Just a quick reminder that today we play our 2nd VGL friendly against /dbg/ in the ENTER vs ENTER 2nd Showdown where our ENTER will face theirs so youll see Dawn Office Sinclair play as a gold medal in place of Hurtily for this game only then itll swap back correctly for our friendly on Sunday. We're the 4th match of the day, playing around 8:30-9PM UTC so I'll be back then to remind you all. Hope to see you there supporting the team!
You reroll on a phone, then when you get something good you link it to your steam account. I don't know if you can unlink that current team from your steam account, but I believe so.
so cute
I've been thinking that the reason he became a prisoner is due to how he "mishandled" a distortion situation or something in regards to his mother as well. Curious as to what it'll actually be.
they have collaborated on ID art and used to much more. You can look at RCorp Meursault as an example. The head was drawn by Nai_Ga and hand/body by the ID artist. Then a mix on rendering.
Seems they will do parts here and there. That Sinclair looks to be Nai_Ga head and ID artist everything else to me.
kill yourself
needs commas tho, so not grammatically correct
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Meurdon.... won?
>still pushing the shitty sinclairfag meme
the new enterman is erlking
Yeah he definitely did. This is gonna be it. After reading through the book and hearing that it’s one of KJH’s favorites, there’s really only this path.
I don't see it. This looks a lot smoother than his angular lines.
wait, which id is the 00? sinclair?
don't kill yourself
>RR that's already been completed by most
But regardless, you can also have Yurodivy Ryoshu feed Regret Faust instead of Hong Lu.
You can easily fuel this with Outis' S2
>Fluid Sack
This is true, though I find tremor really doesn't need a ton of healing, and quite frankly, Fluid Sack just ain't happening regardless of lust. You just don't have enough gloom, you barely have enough for Everlasting + Cavernous.
Come on man. Look I get that the passive looks nice but it's really not all that likely to pay for ITSELF in terms of pride, especially given you need 4 up front when on your setup your team is somewhat pride starved to begin with without Don. yeah you have Ish Guard and Regret s2, but you do need some of it, plus there's stuff like pursuance to account for.
Not to mention Ryoshu doesn't clash well, compared to Don
How good is the new Ishy? Seems like a good taunt unit but don't know how good her kit is
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i'll bee there
Apparently she's a fine all rounder. She does what she needs to well enough.
ok tremor, top tier defence stacker that makes zwei gregor look like shit powercreep wise
>4th match
Put ryushu in
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Pretty aite
you already said this.
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yee haw
Not the most broken. But as far as Tank IDs go. This is probably the best one we have. Because she can actually clash. And deals damage. And her gimmick is not retarded.
this artist in particular has a bunch of great meursaults
i don’t like that they reused hex nail but rodion cute
i want to have sex with this anon every time he says this.
Yeah, if Zweiclair ends up with Envy, Lust or both, I plan on benching Ryoshu to support Faust, to make her AoE even faster
Outis is a discard, and has Lust, but believe me, you'll be starved for Lust otherwise since I was using the other EGOs I mentioned as well. Fluid Sac was also very nice since it'd let me heal 25 SP at the start of every first station.
As for Pride, would you believe me if I said Pride and Sloth were my most available sin in the RR I just did? It's why I said Pursuance was VERY spammable. It's also technically 3 Pride for Binds, since you're refunded one after using the EGO. I did all that without using Don, btw
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Give it up already Yujin, you already got hit by the Boundary of Life technique
well, i'm glad.
it means that they're at least open to give us more EGO for each abno.
and i want a fuckton of egos
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Give me your best vampdons
I haven't been browsing much lately so I'm severely lacking
I'm sorry Anna, but as someone that actually plays Tremor quite a bit, you just can't afford these egos you're talking about. Even with a little bit of extra lust. Again, you're completely ignoring how you were absolutely starved for Gloom on this team when you need a ton of it for your basic combo, let alone for luxuries like fluid sack.
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i want more variety of abnos…
Praying to whatever god there is that we get another EGO of Hurtily because I love that dumb robot
Cinq Meur is going to powercreep Cinqlair by virtue of being french.
Fem!sault would be too popular. Mother fuckers love tall muscular kuuderes.
you WILL get another 4th match flame and you WILL like it
4th match flame ids has the coolest corrosions so i wouldnt mind
>Frenchman gets a really cool Cinq ID
>everyone else got mediocre/bad selection
I'm a bit worried about Hana Sang. Ha-ha.
Actually, Gloom was my third highest sin resource, with the fourth one being Lust. I remember because Awe would always either hit Wrath or Envy. Now, I could've been stupid Lucky and Binds was always refilling Gloom, but that'd be very unlikely. I was using Clam, Frog, Fluid Sac, frequently. I only used Everlasting 3 times. Once on sheep and twice on King
Also, did you know that Binds doesn't have a cap on its conditions? Yeah, it's 3 times per turn, but if you manage to stagger, stagger+ and kill an enemy, on the same turn, that's 3 Pride + 3 Sins in a single turn, plus whatever the hell skill you were using
my dick...
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just realized theres now an animation for when enemies join in mid-wave, neat
Just like Zwei Faust and Hong Liu, right?
you don’t like the made up anime girl concept, you like meursault.
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>we're finally getting Rupture EGOs
We're saved, Rupturebros
I'm not expecting anything after how devyat turned out, it'll be some dogshit that applies 0 count.
Is Pursuance the skill with the highest floor? It has a 26 as its base power. Is there a skill with a higher base power?
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For me it's Nyoshu
live yourself
if you want to count corrosions, i'm pretty sure telepole heath has a floor of almost 60 if you have any charge
Its 54 actually.
>run into Kromer in the dungeon
>know it'll take a while since I MUST listen to the song fully
Rose Hunter's EGO gift is rupture
Not counting negative coin. No. But Sunshower Outis has very similar base power. I think?
Fuck off back to your discord, troon
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a sky
an earth
I fell into a crack
a birth
an egg
a freshly opened membrane
faust’s rose hunter design is kind of bad. is she supposed to a be hunter or hunted? if it’s the latter why not give her apple or a different abno instead
>wake up
>zwei west sinclair in a trailer
i hope the uptie story mentions him transferring branches
where did she get that ladder from
She is the one who takes barbed horse cock in her anus.
funniest ending would be if the second carmilla really was a HE like that one anon kept saying
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>Hex Nail Rodion
That's an oof, I love it
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Ishmael is biblically the ancestor of all arabs. This what she looks like without the cognition filter. It is wirtten in the motherfucking bible.
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Why are people so pressed about the first 2 seasonal IDs being Cinqsault (new region presumably) and 2weiclair?
I think they look cool.
Do you think Middle Don's tattoos glow when she gives birth?
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Does anyone have the sauce for this? Thanks in advance.
why are you so obsessed,blindly even,with shilling this idea?
director-approved ships
Gregor is a gigaincel and Outis will go back to shota penelope
I fucking hate the Interview gimmick for association IDs, please stop doing that. Its only used to either lazily infodump like the Deyvat Rodya one, or for Yumebait like Dieci Meur and probably Cinq Meur AGAIN.
they don’t feel “seasonal”
>people are more excited for teddy bear Rodya and pimp Meser than Rose Don
What went so wrong, bros?
That barbed sword already makes it better than the designs we got, a shame.
because they're season 0 IDs, yet they're being passed as Season 5 IDs
just like Rodion, they don't really feel special
we can have a little fun 3 out of all other IDs...
They're generic ids being released as seasonals.
>Account wiped off all limbus content
Artists can be such insufferable cunts sometimes. At least it's saved on the boorus, I guess. Thank you.
this. zweiclair feels like something that should’ve been released with zwei ish. what the fuck were they thinking?
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cumming cumming cumming cumming cumming
>Huh, I wonder if I will have to level my Zweiclair to 45 now, since Zwei now has 2 Tremor units it makes sense he will h-
>North Section Zweiclair
Refund any and all investments on Zweiclair
>least obvious samefag
if theyre season IDs then it means that they have a major role in at least the first part of the canto like rosespanner in canto 4 or twinhook in canto 5
Meursault is going to bind Don in chains this Canto.
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>if everyone isn't dicksucking like me they're its a samefag
Get over it, it's horrible.
>No porn of Meursault tying someone in chains and fucking them
Is north zweiclair the first instance of a sinner getting a second ID from the same faction?
Will north zweiclair's uptie story take place in the same universe as his otger zwei ID?
This is first and foremost a yume franchise
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>Rodion is the one playing with and hurting the bear
Rodya bros... your response?
Anon how the fuck are you getting enough gloom to not only fuel Cavernous + Everlasting, but also spam Fluid Sack when your only sources of gloom are Yurodivy Skill 1 and Rodion skill 2. Like unless you're literally skill stalling, you're getting way less than 1 gloom a turn this way, and you need 5 for even the basic combo. Where are you getting nearly DOUBLE that for a single fluid sack?
You're either a stall shitter or you don't actually play tremor.
I wish I was that bear
With new hex nail EGO coming out, it reminds me
When the hell are we getting a Curse ID? how would it even work? Curse seems very weird as a debuff.
The difference is both the twinhook and rosespanners were originals when they were first released, we already have zweis and cinqs.
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I dunno, I feel like they just introduced the new Zwei a week prior with a Season 0 ID and they'll be in the new Canto. Seasonal is a completely arbitrary label and doesn't really mean much, outside of "this kind of character shows up in the canto". Even then we have characters that kind of show up in a Canto and aren't "seasonal", like the Oufi and Pointillists.
I think you're just equating "seasonal" to stuff like Wild Hunt or Ahabmael. Would you have said the same about all the other seasonal IDs that aren't really that striking, like the Rosespanner and Twinhooks?
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>only season 1 abno without an ego
when will it be his turn
No? Manor ids were the definition of a seasonal and they are purely tied to canto 6, you clearly can't say the same about the upcoming 2.
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what's the don orb
Don's gonna mORBin' in her canto
that's her swollen pregnant belly
once he stops being a shit fight
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>definition of a seasonal
I don't think you can say that when they're apart of the fourth set of seasonal identities.
Also we've never seen the new Cinq OR Zwei West in story. They could be exclusively tied to this Canto, and we've just been introduced to the Zwei a week prior with Ishmael.
I didn't realize Bear could also be interpreted as a vampire having a stake struck into it.
zwei and cinq are also clearly tied to canto 7 because of their whole protection theme, you're talking as if you already played it
The more I think about it I'm surprised troons haven't tried to paint Sinclair and the song as a troon allegory.
>Director is fan of Type Moon
>Don is a Tsukihime reference
>Carnival theme alludes to Carnival Phantasm
>protection theme
the Cinq association handles duel requests
Uh... I hate both ishfags and arabs. So it feels like I'm throwing one stone at two birds?
Also, if Meursault ends up firing a gun at Ish at any point, I will be able to say "TOLD YOU SO". Which is cool.
no its not
Maybe is the same zweiclair, and just got transferred
Both of them combined won't get a quarter of all the art that Don got
it would be the same ID if he was the same
I would laugh.
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most people are drawing hex rodya or cinqsault have yet to see a lasso lu
For christ sake anon, were you crying and shitting your pants when we got Middle IDs or LCCB Ryoshu in canto 5 because we knew the Middle and LCCB already existed? Fucking world building can't just be a goddamn tower stacked high made of shit , you need to build on shit that already exists sometimes instead of contantly showing off shiny new jangling sets of keys
If there's a reasonable tie in with the Zwei and Cinq in the story, why the fuck wouldn't we get them as seasonal?
Fucking christ i hate faggots like you
So who's now the best candidate to get the Sancho ID?
why do the haterfags of sinners turn out to be more schizo than the actual sinnerfags?
>no Tres association IDs yet
surely we'll get some in-canto...
You seem to be crying and shitting.
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>its the same Zweiclair
>it's just as dogshit
Holy ludokino
"I'm gonna rape this twink, and nobody can stop me"
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I think PM just don't want anything to be teased. I remember when the trailer dropped, we already knew how Nelly would look like (announcer), Dead Rabbits and Josephine. Now we don't have teased announcer and not even characters, most we have is just this new design since the other bloodbag is probably the same as the W Corp event with different clothes.
Maybe Sinclair/Sault new IDs are legit people from the story too, though.
The best example of that are sinclairfags which schizo out any time sinclair is part of the OP image and refuse to use the thread like little babies
meme ship, meme post, will not be reading further
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monzo will come tell us right before it drops
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unprotected sex with this teddy bear
anti sinclairfags*
>n-no you!
I want to hug her to fall asleep and also stick my penis inside her like I did my old teddy bear.
>wall of text
Calm down, it's just a game.
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>like I did my old teddy bear.
The cutest Rodya
The falseflagging is unreal
does this mean a single sinner having multiple IDs in the same group is on the table? will we see another yi sang lobotomy ID one day?
Just sick of this song and dance, it hasn't even been a day and schizophrenics are hell bent on finding something to make an issue out of nothing with
It's almost every major announcement, people come out of the woodwork to doompost about shit we have no info on
There's gonna be nail on your dickhole
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You can see Cinq people in one CG
But it will definitely feel weird to have these as seasonal and every other association ID as season 0.
most likely yes, would be kinda silly if we only ever got 12 lobcorp walpurgis ids
Field of spikes/vlad the impaler?
Kind of looks like a forest too
How will Meurdonkeks react when Meursault ends up being of absolutely no relevance whatsoever in Don's canto?
probably not, SL yi sang is already a team captain
>what are the middle ids
No. There's too much flow out of it to even begin stemming the flow.
To be fair, if you're just catching up and not aware of the story, you already have to wonder why some Lobotomy EGO are just way worse than others.
We'll wait until Don jumps Meur in his canto
There's nine floor, and already put 5 sinners and he haven't even reach netzach, I doe expect repeats especially with that ryoshu red mist imitation
Reddit sinner gets the worst canto, nothing to see here.
Fair point, though fingers IDs are way less in number compared to associations.
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me when I'm pointing to the 3 that I got
I can't think of sex when looking at that Rodya
I just want to snuggle up against her and fall asleep as she cradles me
YAY! Apple Tracker Knight!
>Sinclair enters south section
>He is fucking dogshit
>However he is somehow not dying, thanks to his "potential"
>They decide to transfer him to the west section. Maybe he is more fit for heavy weapons?
>Still a 00 shitter
He is going to be transferred to all 4 cardinal directions, only to realize that he is not fit for defending others due to his DARK SIDE
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>zwei IDs from now on are only going to get the giant square sword

come on it was actually cool to see the weapon variety zwei IDs would get why are we going into the boring same-weapon shit here now
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doomposting isn't funny if you do it without posting the eosfox
But enough about Ishmael
I've seen some lasso Lu's on my feed
source on this Sault?
holy fucking secondary
I seriously don't know what to tell you. Okay, let me recap
Station 2, I used Fluid Sac once. Station 3, I used it three times. Station 4, I used it once.
>20 Gloom, 5 refunded, so 15 Gloom
Frog, I used it a total of four or five times. Once on sheep, once on king, twice in Station 3, but I don't remember if I used it in station 4 or not.
>20 Gloom
Clam I used two times in Station 2, once on sheep and once on Hindley/Josephine since I needed to clash.
>6 Gloom
Everlasting, I used it 3 times. Once on Sheep, and twice on King
>6 Gloom
And I finished the RR with, I believe, 13 or 16 Gloom left. It was between 10-20.
I wasn't stalling, since I wanted to break my 59 Charge record, and I got 59 again.
So I had a total of 60~ Gloom throughout the run. Meaning I had to use a Gloom skill every turn, if we're not going to count Binds or Awe Sin gen
Like I said, the only explanation I could find is that I was stupid Lucky and Binds was hitting Gloom a lot. Awe was hitting Wrath and Envy for the most part, and sometimes Gluttony
Sadly I can't call her canto the worst when canto 3 exists, but she's up there yeah.
The shadows and shading, maybe. Looks odd next to his more detailed pauldron.
post some lasso lus, pardner
Doomfox's only worth is her armpits.
will the battle pass also be released in parts like the canto?
>2 IDs with Stun Baton
>2 IDs with Zweihander
>2 IDs with Square Sword
>NOOOOOOO are they focusing on Square Swords FOREVER? THE ZWEI ARE RUINED.
Are you autistic
So you just never used cavernous wailing?
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I genuinely think don is boring and one-note so I'm hoping the canto changes that
As Boss melters and Combo'd with Clam/Binds? I did
The canto 4 lobotomy ego suits are reasonably dogs hit, of course a facility basically kept on life support via a bough will have Whittier gear than the main branch from the actual game
>they gave Sinclair a NEW zwei ID because the old one is so SHIT
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lost the source sorry will try to find it again
Cavernous costs 3 gloom dude
Exactly, but their only difference in description is the fact one has TLA tag and the other doesn't.
Can your really call it a DARK SIDE, he's just mad a bitch killed his daddy
But I like Don and Ishmael. I enjoyed Ishmael turning into a possessed, edgy lunatic.
I hope for a similar heel turn with Don this Canto, where she turns into a coward
Oh, well, my math on the Gloom cost seems off then. But the instances I used them are true because I remember when and where I used the EGOs
It just means that the final Gloom is even less, around 50~ total. So it makes more sense on how I managed to get so much Gloom
>2 IDs with Giant Ramming Shields
Better to simply assume if an ID is bad, it will be bad till after Paradiso. If an Id is good, it will at least be good until they add a powercrept version of its niche, like Solemn Lament.
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>giving Meursault a poise id when he already has THE poise id
what did saultdev mean by this?
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why is meursault here again with a double feature 000/EGO
he's my third favorite but I'm not sure how to feel
So who is scoring this canto? Ayin or Carmen? Currently, Ayin is winning 3-1
If he's actually poise that's going to be fucking dumb, because his other poise id allows many other poise ids to be usable in the first place.
Maybe he's Poise/Tremor or something like that at least?
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that's not true...
He could be haste memes, similar to cinqdon.
Which means he'll be ass.
Doesn't this mean the new Cinq ID will be completely worthless? No ID will ever make me bench BL Don and Kimsault, since they're the only two things that don't make Poise a complete waste of time
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Ayin may be winning the battles but Carmen is winning the war,Ayin knows that Carmen's beliefs are what's right,he will come around eventually.
he's burn
He's Burn.
Queen of Hatred ego don and Magical girl id Meursault next walpipi
have fAith
Meursault Company
I made an archive shortly before she deleted everything. It has some stuff not on the boorus and is missing any postype works. I'll post those later if you want them (it's all gay shit), I am about to go out. >>457971053
Ayin because he ALWAYS wins and EGO is this game's main theme
i'd kill myself if he's BP ego next season again
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I'll make sure and share some tomorrow! I should be asleep...
Here is one I saved though.
ദ്ദി^._.^) look forward to it if you find it
Cinq are poise but also "duel"/haste. So high chances to be like Cinqdon which is dogslop.
How mandatory are U4 for RR? I just want to do sub 100 and be done with it.
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Cinq Meursault
Bloodfiend Meursault
Lin Daiyu Meursault
Lord of Horikawa Meursault
Arab Meursault
Limbus Company Executive Manager Meursault
nta but here
He'll be Tremor, with a Ruina Counter that Tremor Bursts to mimick the Zwei Ish Ruina Guard
This is the only Rodya that doesn't eat because she's already stuffed.
Most modern IDs will really want it for sub 100, as they tend to make their kits work much faster than they would at U3. But also, it's really easy to do sub 100 so maybe you won't need it if you're bare on resources.
Saw this a minute ago
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Based. Thank you so much.
Lobotomy corporation Director Meursault
Library Director Meursault
Black Silence Meursault
Seed of Light project creator Meursault
Limbus company director Meursault
>the lady from the thumb
Remember when the first season Sinclair was the male sinner with the most fanart and yumes, even before the announcement of Nclair? And he was almost as popular on season 2?
How the mighty have fallen, nowadays he is so forgetabble PM just bundles him with ryoshu for translation purposes. So far have only seen 2 fanarts with clair, one where its just him. Meur and Rodya on the other hand are getting almost as much as Carmilla don on reveal.
>ishkek complaining about MEURSAULT of all characters getting too much content
>don and meursault have paired banner ego AGAIN
Nothing there aleph ego Meursault
BP Ego art(all of them) is million times better this time, thank god naiga isn't doing them.
I mean same
but now imagine being balls deep, dress hiked up, face buried in between the breasts, looking up and seeing that smile
nakadashi impregnation S E X
Only Rodya can't make people getting exciting for an old EGO.
Stuffed by me and my whole 5 inches you mean
Meursault is the exact opposite of nothing there. He should get whitenight if anything
nai_ga did Meursault's ego art from the look of it
which sinners have the best and worst WAWs?
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No one is getting WhiteNight
It's too important of an abnormality for any one sinner to get it
I could see WhiteNight being the first EGO dante gets and all the sinners get apostle ID's
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Who the FUCK is the artist of that pic
I can't find him
I'm starting to think he went private after posting it or some shit
agreed, I'd die for whitenight meur
Nobody cares
Sinner for this feel?
who's traitor then?
It's just that Hex nail sinclair isn't very interesting
Only Sinclair drawfags that think he's cute would draw him
Rodya is a woman
Meursault looks cool and unique
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Can't wait for Dons downfall.
Outis of course
Randomly Gregor will get a 000 wayward passenger ID (treated like a W corp) paired with a 00 W rodya who's art is shown chasing him but cut off by kqe
2 weeks later Gregor with a kqe ego that gives him the skill 4 that solves his IDs flaws and a 00 W heathcliff who has art being attacked by the kqe ego
Would it be kino
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>No one is getting WhiteNight
>It's too [HEADCANON] of an abnormality for any one sinner to get it
Wrong. It's going to Gregor.
It looks like those pictures of the inside of your eyeball they take at the eyedoc.
Which male sinner has seen vagina?
Same question for the female sinners but with penis?
the sinner i feel like has the best chance of getting whitenight is Sinclair, since at least they could aim for the duality between WN and the plague doctor
It's easier to list those that haven't.
>WN duality theme
Even I think that's a stretch
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Alright /lcg/ prove you're not a filthy cl*erk
Do you wipe with toilet papers or use a bidet?
>Rodya is a woman
Where is all the Faust fanart, then?
who the fuck has a bidet in their house
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>at least they could aim for the duality between WN and the plague doctor
I love Sinclair but disagree
Sinclair's "two sides" are something internalized and not intentional,he doesn't act innocent and naive to deceive others,it's just that he's deranged and doesn't know it
Plague doctor is explicitly mischevious in it's two forms
It wants to deceive and trick you into sacrificing your agents to it and waits until it's too late for you to memory repository to transform
no one can draw horses
Faust is a virgin. She's never seen a dick before
Meursault, Hong lu and Gregor

Faust, Ryoshu and Rodya
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the sinclairfags are dwindling...
Our Faust saw one in the anatomy section of the Faustcord.
The only virgin on the bus is Sinclair.
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that's fair. maybe Outis then?
She saw the clock
>chudrector keeps doing male/female pairs on ID and EGO releases
based, yurifags BTFO of yet another community
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I have a seton around my anus due to Crohn's so I have to use a bidet because otherwise I walk around with shit around my ass because it's too hard to clean. I've gotten used to it.
When you just wipe, it's the equivalent of getting shit off the bottom of your foot by rubbing it on the ground. That is to say, you'll get some of it off, but you're still ultimately walking around with shit smeared on your ass for the entire day. Limbus Company.
I can confirm this is false.
last year, during season 1 i think, i remember some faustfag getting angry about sinclair getting a lot of art from egos he didnt have, with hex nail being one of his examples
wonder how he feels about hex nail sinclair being canon now
Faust has seen too many dicks to count.
>nowadays he is so forgetabble PM just bundles him with ryoshu for translation purposes
The other way around, he's so forgettable because PM only uses him for Ryoshu translation and whining. He'd be more popular if he had something to do.
There are a million fausts out there who share their experiences with the bvlls through faustcord, you could say she's the most dicked sinner.
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MeurDon fans have the type of greed they talk about in the bible.
At this point they must be doing it no purpose, right?
Cinq Don's giant tits
He will have something to do in this Canto, he has to payback Don for the beating
Perfect for Cinq Meur's giant dick.
Like what? His character isn't interesting enough for that to happen, it's not really the other way around. That's all he can do.
Clearly there's a Meurdon nigger inside PM
Bros Devyat Rodion was already pushing me but this has fully converted me
I think I'm a Rodionfag now
they're not even from the same section though
wait till he beats shit out of Don like she did to him
Above Heath but below Sinclair
why rose don sad?
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The Meurdon content will continue till morale improves
You're delusional if you think KJH can't do anything else for the "uninteresting sinners"
should i get the new ishmael ID before the season changes?
is she for (you) sexo?
How. They both study humans, try to imitate them, but fail to understand. I don’t see anyone who fits NT better than Meursault other than maybe Gregor.
Angela was a main character in 2 games and she stayed uninteresting through both of them, so yes I do think that.
this was already posted you useless nigger. why is your file a png while the first is a jpg? did you save it in a different format solely so you could shit up the thread with the same image twice? kill yourself you faggot ass tourist.
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Don't have any art of her yet but SEX with Hex Nail Rodion.
it's a season 0 id, so it will always be available to shard
if you really want her, then go for it
I wish I was smart enough to know the relation to be drawn from booksault and bookquixote
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don is so lucky
fucking same braincell
>both the rose and and the sheep
fuck off
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Erm... Meurfags? Sinclairfags? The fact that they're getting these seasonal IDs means that they're barred from getting the Sancho ID...

My guess for who's going to get it is Rodya, since Sancho in the novel is a dull individual who abandons all responsibility for the promise of a position of high prestige and latches onto someone greater than himself to do it.

Outis might also get it because--and this is just from what I remember hearing about the end of the novel as I'm still going through it--despite his selfish intentions he eventually does come to be genuinely loyal and caring to Don Quixote. Ishmael is a distant third due to her needing a compass.
You should know by now shipping shit is only ever used as shitposting material around here. Usually, Faustfags are the ones behind it.
Brainlet and retarded, don't choose, you are both.
She's really fucking good. She doesn't really care for (You), however. She is, however, pure sexo.
Not an argument.
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>She doesn't really care for (You)
>meanwhile the Faust ID is 100% for (You)
Ishkeks? What's the meaning of this?
i still like donclair
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I don't
>ish is for cucks as usual
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I don't even know what this guy does. Apparently he has a second phase with sime shit coming from the ceiling? I wouldn't know, because I can't honestly say I've ever even lost a clash against him.
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cute and canon btw
We wont get any Sancho
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I hate Donclair because people only like it due to the fake incest vibe it has. I hate Meurdon because anons only like it because Meursault is the closest thing to a non clock self insert they have. I hate you. Goodbye.
>i still like [LOST TO MEURDON]
it will be Heathcliff for pornkino since he's always the one fucking the girls and will fulfill Don's dream of them being fixers del atardecer ardiente
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Guess again.
Meursault is actually okay with niggers.
I did not mind Meurdon that much, but the shipfags are making me hate it.
>Meursault is actually okay with niggers.
...in opposites day.
ESL sis....
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>Rose over eye

Hibsniff bros... Meurdev stole our gimmick...
meursault would vote for le pen

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