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Previous thread: >>497095826

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Bloodfiend scum eh?
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your move
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is either gonna be good?
Seethe and mald sissyclair faggots
Meur Season
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Rodya LOVE!
holy shit
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Hmm, sexo
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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I am in great need of Paus Rose Hunter art
>cinq and zwei as the first seasonal banner
bro we've already had those factions multiple times, I want new cool shit like vampire hunters and bloodfiends
don't waste a whole seasonal banner on that
Man Don is pretty
Rodiclair is canon
I cannot wait for Cinqsault to be abysmal dogshit
Literally Bearhug Rodya
DO. NOT. Will this shit into the world please.
lmao no
Meursault's EGO is going to be absolutely broken tho, I would bet on that
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What did Roses Don's animation flash with near the end?
This will be the lamest shit they've ever done if they actually are seasonals, even worse than the rosespanners.
Probably saving that for later in the canto. Releasing them at the start will probably spoil too many shenanigans.
are they bloodbag or bloodfiend distorion why would they fight limbus again i thought that bloodfiend are neutral and peaceful people
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>bro just tease and release spoiler identities before/just as the canto comes out
Commissioning FGO artists to draw Faust getting her ass gaped by a horse as we speak
She looks real cute with her horse
Do you think she fucks it?
first a bull
now a horse
damn Faust really likes the art of the zoo
Sinclair? In no way he's gonna be good. If i'll need a zwei tank on my team, i will pick Ish.

Meursault? Eh, Maybe.
Relax bros, its obvious they dont want to spoil anything, we will probably start getting the insane ids after the first week.
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I hope Sinclair is SHIT
Please, continue.
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>Beardya already dabbing on 4 rollers
So special...
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They're probably trying to hide any potential spoiler this time around. Gooks probably complained about that.
I do not care if that's the intent, I just don't want these ids to have the seasonal label on them so they don't steal the slot from the obvious seasonal content we should've gotten.
100% dogshit
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Donclair is dead.
Meurdon is forever.
You may laugh at the misguided souls that shipped them now.
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Reposting this image again to say that I 100% expect fixers being seasonal to imply that the carnival is gonna have Don watch them do awful shit for money, with no regards for morals.
The barber talking about killing those awful bloodfiends, is probably the whole story setup they have, and they'll have turned a few among tons of innocents, but they just start slaughtering everyone.
Do people not understand that Zwei and Cinq are there to showcase the new design sense of the region while shielding the shit we'll get once the canto really starts?
>release another zweiclair
>it's also shit
would b funny
They likely to be seasonal. Since this is what they use for PV. PimpSault at least might be new section. Sinclair... is Sinclair. His Zwei ID is bad and they really want you to forgot about it.
wonder if they're releasing association stuff first but still 3 rounds of canto relevant banners later
>He unironically thinks those are the seasonal banners and not a generic season 0 package to pace the actual season content behind a week and not randomly expose who you'll be fighting
It won't stop me from whining.
>He bought the "bloodfiend are peaceful, their people kind" propaganda
>sponsored by the bloodfiends themselves
Up till now there have been ZERO non-boodfiend characters telling that they are peaceful.
Those are gonna be season 0 IDs, anon
>more bear rodya art coming
I won
did the vampire lied in distortion detective or what why is so many bloodfiend are villain lately
cinq higher sections are so /fa/ bros
>it's gay
france is gay
So Cinq Meursault is going to be bleed-related, right?
They wouldn't actually expect people to use N/Middle Meursault, right?
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>>He unironically-ACK
it says seasonal IDs on the trailer
>don and salt gets paired bp egos back to back
>yeah bro this isn't a shipping franchise
You fags lost, never complain about shipping again.
Because the only bloodfiends that reveal themselves are the ones that pull shit like Elena and Casetti.
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Aren't the people in pic related Zwei + Cinq?
Uh what about Dyon
Is there any hope of getting cute Carmella Don ID? I don't want her to only be an ego.
What the heck is mircalla, a mixed up spelling of carmilla?
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Some of them get out of hand, and they're clearly related to Don, so we don't know what their deal is.
Moses herself was dubious if she was 100% telling the truth of being nice and calm little bloodfiends who only sip what they need. Considering her warning to always expect way worse than you think out of their thirst, I guess she hag lied to her.
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I forgot Rhino exists but the point still stands.
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erm burnbros i didnt see anything particularly fiery in that trailer what's the deal with that
I never said there wouldn't be involved. They clearly will be a factor at play.
I see a guy who looks like from the Middle or Stray Dog. The knights might be from Zwei, but they have masks. Feather guys are Cinq.
Debuting in Season 5 xir.
Feel free to grudgefag cap me, no way in hell fucking Zwei Sinclair the Second is going to be a fucking S5 labeled ID and not a S0 they're releasing in S5 to pace out content
can't you just search it yourself
Wait for Canto 9.
>"the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla, later revealed to be Countess Mircalla Karnstein."
If that's enough for you to ship 2 characters it makes sense shipfags have been made fun of since time inmemorial, bunch of weirdos
I think that's just north Cinq's attire cause it's cold as fuck, rather than bing section 2 or 1.
don is a mask a persona use by Alonso Quijano we have no idea what her past entail yet
The cope is unreal, they are clearly seasonal ids and they are boring as fuck.
Meurdonbros wins again, Donclair fans found dead in the ditch
is it just me or is Hexnail Rodion insanely cute here
It says "Season 5 New identities" which can mean that they debut in season 5, not that they're seasonal
no way PM is that retarded
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>forsooth sir sinclair! my beloved husband and noble zwei fixer!
>please use your mighty greatsword to stand guard over our bedchambers, as I fuck LORD meursault upon our wedding bed!
>be resolute and dutiful in your solemn watch, as you watch all 30cm of LORD meursault's baby blasting baguette reach deep into your wife's picante honey pot, pleasing me in a way your tiny phimotic virgin penis NEVER will!
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donclairbros... this cant be happening...
I have no principles, I will cheer and samefag as a Meurdonfag as long as that means shitclairfags get mad
>Hexnail Sinclair
West Zwei may exist, but Cinqlair will remain the star of the show anyway
>Meursault"s seasonal 000 is cinq
Oh no no nono HAHAHA PM actually genuinelty hate him
A CastelvaniaSault would have been incredible too
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Zwei Sinclair 3 will save him. Just wait.
Wait for your turn cucklip
Why is hex rodya so cute bros, I can't her smile is melting my doomed heart
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She's very cute. But Rodya always is.
Sinclair is too busy being groomed by Ryoshu for that.
>meurdonfags now on the same level as ishcliff
I thought you guys were chill for a moment, but I guess every shipnigger devolves
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>we want the Canto 2 audience
Kys and mald faggot
He ain't getting SHIT
Is Meursault from Cinq North section or some other?
donposter all mentally ill i want all of them to kill themself
>t-t-t-they don't want to spoil anything
Where the fuck are these newshitters coming from?
GreGOD+Hong second banner?
Sault confirmed main character of limbus
>No story teaser like the last three season trailers, only a few CG scenes.
>400 Rose Don feels like a remake of Garden of Thorns.
They’ve made over a million dollars but still use a low-budget trailer.
When will they use the gacha money to improve the trailer quality?
>Cinq Meurso
>Possibly the fastest Meurs
>Cinq always have Pride sins
>Cinq has an average of 2 to 3 coins skills
>Regret only needs pride and wrath
The translation machine ain't getting groomed.
Wow, anon! Surely some fixers will be major characters in this Canto, just like the Oufi fixers were, right?
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>Sault got the most ids
>they're all shit
How does he do it
Kek based
Sinclairfaggots deserve this
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Does anybody who matters care about this?
>Cinq has an average of 2 to 3 coins skills
*1/2/1 stands in your path*
flasleflagging heatmealfag
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Director Kim here.
We're breezing trough Canto 7 unimportant character and lack of interest.
Yet Canto 8 will get extra chapters and IDs/EGOs in the name of Our Chinese Overlords.
Hongers is the most due for an identity right now, so probably
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>Bygone Days having Curse
>double Hex Nail
I hope we get a ID with Curse tied to it down the line, Director needs to stop adding one-off statuses that solely exist on 1 ID/EGO and doing jackshit with them afterwards.
Well, as you can see in the trailer, they have hidden the announcers, unlike canto 6, wich spoiled Nelly
So West Zwei Sinclair and North Cinq Meursault, right? Since the North has people wearing furs. Has what the Eastern Fixers wear been mentioned at all?
You can see them forming a line into the carnival in one of the CGs. They're obviously there so Don can see how ruthless and uncaring fixers can be.
Honestly pretty commendable that at most, a sinner only has 2 more identies than the others.
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I was satisfied with the new height of cuteness that was Devyat Rodya then PM just had to go and surpass that in leaps and bounds with Hex Nail Rodya
I'm starting to fear for my life should this trend of exponentially increasing cuteness continue
The Cinqnigger literally appears in the PV this is not standard fare
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Crazy how Meursault and Don are gonna have bed-breaking sex while Sinclair watches from the closet
It will be gloom, pride and lust
gr8 b8 m8
what the fuck are you talking about nothing about the post even mention the shit you said
The PV trailer has had the exact same structure as all previous PV trailers.
NOTHING, not a SINGLE kind of shipfags will devolve as low as Heathmaelfags lol
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Well, he's literally me after all
>>400 Rose Don feels like a remake of Garden of Thorns
I thought I was the only one thinking that
Yeah Don's EGO is really uninspired
Who do they have on the ID art now? Meur is such a gorgeous man here!
M maggots
>Hongers is the most due for an identity
Gregor is the most due, his last ID was Linton all the way back in fucking March
Hong got the commie ID in June
Worst set of seasonals yet, at least Rosespanners were still new when they were released.
Don seasonal ID having curse would be peak
Sinclair won.
They always give Meursault his IDs/EGO early in the new seasons. I don't know why.
I assumed they'd slow down as we're getting through the Sinners but again it's happened.
Yeah, I could see the current shipfaggotry as falseflagging ishclifffags trying to be more accepted
Hey no need to bully the little guy, we are all tolerant of each other fetishes here
Now please let's all try to ignore Sinclair begging for the chance of sucking french cum out of Don's pussy
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>sault gets an id on the first seasonal banner again
>greg gets an id on the second seasonal banner... again
Oh. Yeah, you're right. I was going by gacha release, which includes EGO.
we are at the stage where shitter just consume anyshit they make i don't think pm give a shit anymore
...The losing competition
I imagine it'll average out over the course of the season but I'm surprised he got a 6th 000 before a 5th 00
She looks more like Faust than Don
>Meurdon posters are mentally ill
Figured, they ARE shippers after all.
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This literally follows the previous PV formats. What the fuck are you talking about you quadruple nigger?
>Chapter 4 week 1 had generic Lobotomy:EGO
>Chapter 5 week 1 had generic LCCB
newbabs I swear
Blindly obsessed
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Anon, the only worthwhile spoiler I can remember from three previous trailers was... Fucking nothing. All significant plot relevant IDs we got were at least in the third week.
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Don ego animation actually does feel underwhelming, Binds was like that too and Outis binds' had a better animation.
>he didnt watch the livestream
El director is building the game long, not tall. Not like he can raise production values anyway, that would require more staff which he can't do because since it's the staff number is at a limit of what he can actually handle for hands on/peronally knowing people or longer wait times for production.
>>No story teaser like the last three season trailers
you made that up
Meurdon is the new Heathmael. This will become obvious when Marie is introduced.

Where is the character voice teaser for the next story, like Yi Sang talking about the league, Ish discussing the horror of the Lake, and Nelly reading the invitation letter to Wuthering Heights?
11 IDs and only 1 usable
you guys are retarded, sinclairs id is zwei WEST, we are in the NORTH. zwei west would not be anywhere near p corp these are not seasonal ids.
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>nsault on the first banner of season 1
>rosesault on the first banner of season 2
>midsault on the first (second) banner of season 3
>rabbitsault on the first banner of season 4
>cinqsault on the first banner of season 5
why is he like this
>south zwei sinclair sucks
>west zwei sinclair sucks
NORTH or EAST will save him
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>*crushes your Lunacy hoard*
Your response, limbabs?
I can't tell exactly but I think Meursault might be 2/2~3/3? The spread Sinclair has basically
I did but anons ate that.
Hong and Gregor won hard by not getting an association ID here in week 1
So what will the twist be for this part that makes us fight Zwei/Cinq
>The association is all actually bloodfiends who are larping being justicefags like Don
>Don shows her power level by accident and now she has a bounty on her head
>Don finds a child bloodfiend and being fond of youths she decides to save him/her from death like at the K corp gate which is why Moses warns about a bloodfiend’s appetite
Secondary, we'd never seen anyone use those in those conditions
>LCCB Ryoshu
Conveniently forgeting that the banner had Pirate Greg as the 000, I see
Kill yourself
We see that they were called to help another neighbor though, that being X. So they can be hired for aid.
it was Cathy, also that was what we got last week with The Barber rambling
><Sinclair, people are owed a certain amount of privacy in their life. What I mean by this is, stop fucking peeping on Don's and Meursault's nightly activities ehile jacking off in the hallway.>
He was asked to get an ID, and so he did
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she is not going to have a good time
Feels like everyone is missing the point, I made the post because of people who were trying to delude themselves into believing the ids wouldn't be seasonals when they're already seen in the story.
I guess the horse sfx was just Faust's EGO?
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>So what will the twist be

Ring tries new outfits again
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>i'll do what i can
>but im yet again delegated to the team enabler role
2/2/3/4 trust
>you (stinky): hurr durr we're getting more zwei/cinq garbage instead of OC donut steel factions
>me (showered yesterday): he*l yeah, it's gonna be a wild ride from week 1 perchance
damn meursault yumes and fujos currently having seizures over double meursault
Genuinely don't understand the level of pathetic faggot you need to be on to make bait at any possible opportunity that arises. You have to be so deprived of attention if your first thoughts after something new happens is "hm but how can I get (You)s from this?"
she saw meursault
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I hope Hexdya is a HE EGO so I can run both it and Rime Shank and have Diecidya fuel them both all by herself like the self-sufficient queen she is
Don... you have no digits to check...
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Brother, Director's stream.

Also, what do you expect about The EGO from the Rose-Themed Abnormality?
holy reddit
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>doomposting trailers
She could also possibly be a ZAYIN.
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I think the carnival is located inside of that giant white sphere, and the whole location is some type of EGO or distortion.
>OC donut steel factions
That's every faction retard....
Please understand. Demian and The Stranger are KJHs favorite works. He’s literally Meursault down to the strained relationship with his mother.
Regret tax. Seriously, they have to unironically nerf it somehow
10 more years of this btw
After the melty the sinclairfag ritualposter had over Lintonclair cuck jokes, i can imagine he's currently crying like a bitch rn lol
Terminally absent father syndrome. It manifests between men and women differently, but it always ends up as attention seeking in some way.
>Tertiary Hours
Meursault is going to get another unusable 000...
>retards assmad about no voiced teaser
>turns out PM just did it in reverse this time
wild hunt heathcliff lasso hong lu and faust equestrian club (ignore that dullahan is a wolf)
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>zwei sinclair 00 is seasonal
I'm at my fucking limit. I thought Demian was one of your favorite books, director
Criticizing isn't doomposting, dickrider-kun
Nobody here is saying the game's going to EOS
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inb4 this shit is tied to P Corp's Singularity.
you see, stinky, cinq and zwei keep getting new content because they're actually well-designed and not just plot devices
meanwhile, when was the last time seasonal garbage like n-corp got something new?
>Makes teh coolest Don ID better
I kneel Meursault
supporting your wife
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It was the same order last time, though? And the time before that. And before that.
Plenty of """critizing""" by making up issues in quite a few posts though.
>this time
it was like that last time too
and the time before that
and the time before that
Where the fuck are her tits
Nah, this just means this is Meursault’s 1 000 for the season.
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i think they butched don chaptor the trailer it a nothing burger
You just KNOW Heathcliff takes that wolf knot
Nice "feint" here. Seems like Cinq section 4 director deserves another rape.
The Cathy thing was a teaser, we had that last week and it was voiced too, there's nothing in reverse.
Mon amour mon beau mon champion mon cœur
Alas the retard was I...
as long as shitmael doesnt get anything everyone wins
is that simple
>food preservation tech created the big drakengard orb in the sky
>Sinclair is now the general's cuck and Meur the bvll
Only the most moronic of morons thought it wasn't gonna be the 3 WAWless males
It has all the same problems as all previous trailers. The only good criticism of them I can remember is a shaky ass camera for season 2. That's it. And then >suddenly
These posters? All me
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Can we just skip to the Hong canto?
Why is Hex nail Rodya so cute and happy? hasn't she gotten the memo that she is supposed to be depressed?
>Red eyes
Wait, is Don a vampire???
Judging from the CG at 10 seconds, Don seems to be enthralled by seeing so many different fixers, so I'm assuming there is some sort of event like a fixer expo in P nest that goes wrong.
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>faust ego
VERY good director VERY VERY good
ahah yeah, I mean, Cinqclair was so weak...
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Dogrector knows what he's doing and what he's implying. Meurdon is canon now. Apologize.
But I like getting (You)s, it’s validation that I’m being funny
They're both in my hands right now.
Why not? M*les can go fuck themselves, my games should have women and only women in it
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>trailer drops
>literally nothing interesting in it
>only content is the shipniggers riling up
Yeah I'm thinking this is easily the worst canto pv so far.
fuck off
Now we only need canon confirmation of Sinclair being their sissy cuck and it all will come together
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That's not how it works.
I think meurdonfags have proven themselves worse than heathmaelfags at this point
My schizo theory is that this artist is gaslighting all the Meurdon content with her art
Froh in the well.
she gets a small plushie puppet so she's happy
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I think the PV is cool
>"bros I don't like the first seasonal banner it's not good and we've already had those"
its just one cuckposter
well he could get something related to mixing duels against an enemy
that would be cool and make runing the whole cinq team not a detriment
So true xis.
cuckclairbros... WE WON!
Young master, you've made a minor spelling mistake...
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Congrats on your awesome-looking Cinq Meur. I'm happy for you.
It should have been mine he looks so good with that outfit that I want to steal it.
all shipfag are despicable by nature
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>Sinclair doesn't get the cuck ID in canto 6 because he's already one in LCB
based preview
It *is* a bit weird how Don and Meursault keep getting ids of working in the same place. And mr human stasis wont care in the slightest about her being a vampire...
Is it a "canto pv" though? I thought it was just a season pass pv
Will there ever be a better rodya ID than Dieci Rodya? we wont we the part 2 of her canto until 2030
yumes won bigly.
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>don loses it
>rocincante is destroyed
>hope is lost
>proceeds to fuck don raw for the next 4 hours
I was too fast, for my own good...
Shifu... im so
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>Nothing interesting in the trailer
>The gigantic white sphere in the sky
>Very obvious setup for Don to go apeshit from watching her beloved fixers doing heinous shit, being led into a trap by the orchestrators

I feel like the music of choice is fucking with your perspective.
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That's entirely possible, but it looks like it's at least weight 2 which still doesn't make it impossible to be a ZAYIN, but it'll be likely a TETH at the very least
more fancy clothes for heath soon trust
>faust ego
watch it be unusable like candle schizo
I guess he's writing the log for the rose.
As a schizotheorycrafter, I win.
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Me too- ACK
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Like the Trailer too
Looks like meurdonfags are running with the cuckposter to me
it's the same as previous canto trailers, a bunch of cgs some enemies ids and bp egos
I don't get what's going on. Cool shit was shown. Where's the issue?
Me on the left.
bad book made bad canto can't belive they bait me to read some retarded spic shit don quixote was a giant pile of dogshit
>crown of roses is a rupture gift in MD
Faust is about to SAVE Rupture
She's puppeteering him? CUTE
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>director doing everythng in his powers to pretend the old Zwei IDs don't exist
>What is apple Greg
>With Sinclair just below, trying to catch any drop with his mouth
>Very obvious setup for Don to go apeshit from watching her beloved fixers doing heinous shit, being led into a trap by the orchestrators
She already saw that multiple times both in the story and through ids though, I don't know why people keep bringing it up.
Sault has always been the first to reach a new 000 count even when other sinners are lagging behind. This is consistent with the patterns, you simply aren't able to see them.
I would do the same tbhdesu
We had to let the gremlin get the canto
Then we can get into asian kino
you didnt read it
They are unsalvageable he is doing the right thing
>Gregor and Meursault Liu West Section 2 ID's with armor that make them look like Kingdom characters while they quietly pretend their other burn ID's don't exist
Yes please
I fucking wish.
It's going to be bleed
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>zwei south 00
>zwei west 00
>zwei east 00
>zwei north 00
>zwei GOD 000
trust the plan
>Blubberbubble conditional
>Hongers and Faust base EGO
That said, I think her design is too personalized to be ZAYIN.
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Did Meurdon win?
Me on the right
>No burn E.G.Os
oh no no no
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Everybody won tbdesu
They finally made the smart decision of satisfying everyone with one fanservice/hot girl (EGO Don) and one fanservice/hot dude (Sault)
If only they realized that sooner, Molar Ish would have been in an actual swimsuit...
stop making the sinclsir cuck jokes asshole it isn't fucking funny
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Rewatch her trailer. She can at least cope with Sasha that she became a bloodfiend out of desperation, and her perspective shifted afterwards, but how is she going to deny reality when a whole platoon of fixers marches into the Carnival, and starts doing stuff like indiscriminate murder to "make sure" or whatever the hell they have planned.
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This Thread is Doomed...

Nothing is Pausible...
I would prefer the same with Shi IDs
please let hexclair be teth the only teth he has are soup which is atrocious and impending which is negative coin
I demand a thread and exp refund for my UT4 Level 45 ZweiClair director!!
I mean, how do you salvage south zwei clair, rodyaa and faust?
me in the middle (im Sinclair)
Which sinners would stay and watch? Besides Ryoshu who is trying to paint the scene i mean
The real fan service is Hex Rodion.
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I mean, they're worthless until UT5, and it's too soon for that. So fair enough.
Samefagging at an all time high tonight
Doom is still great even with that thanks to the passive.
Sinclair in the shipnigger shed...
faust is not that bad just very average
lmao, rodya will never be the star of anything
Meur making Don explosively squirt in front of Sinclair who is sitting on the cuckchair...
Literally the 2nd strongest sinner.
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It would be the last straw. Also it would be on top of all the psychedelic bullshit happening around her. Also also confronting the fact that she is actually a bloodfiend princess.
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Only interesting thing in the trailer, she will save us.
Give them extra coins in UT5. Or coin reuse at least when at 10+ Def.
I wonder why the cuckposter is obsessed with Sinclair anyway. You'd think a swiss twink fucked his wife or something.
To this day I fail to understand how you people don't find a skin tight wetsuit hot as fuck.
Bro a new 00 Zwei Sinclair is just a tacit admission that they're giving up wholesale on these antiquated garbage IDs. Their obligated uptie V to pretend they tried is going to add a random base number somewhere, with a +1 tremor count application, then burst randomly applied somewhere
Make a zwei director passive where all defense level ups are turned into attack level ups instead
>Inb4 Oufi North
They absolutely had a chance to fix them with UT4, but they didn't, so why would it be any different?
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Extremely cute
Which is why I said it isn't impossible and honestly I'd welcome a ZAYIN too, as long as it isn't a TETH at the end of the day I'll be happy
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Stop it.
Sinclair is the company bicycle.
by what metric?
She was the star of TKT when she got the uh...
Well she was the star of Canto 2 with her seasonal...
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looks like it's time for a little human sacrifice
but she ain't the strongest
not so special huh, bitch
The meurdon falseflagging is transparent.
Because it isn't skin tight in the slightest AND she's cover by a fucking breastplate AND normal human beings that weren't ravaged by porn still enjoy seeing skin
I will xill myself if it's not a bloodfiend in a frilly dress and a massive hat
By being the closest to get mark of cain right after Sinclair.
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Will Rodion's and Sinclair's corrosions have the box, I wonder
The real win is reporter-chan getting another appearance. I hope she shows up in some minor capacity in the story at some point. I'd unironically clap.
Underworld 2 won btw
>Not actually skin tight
>Sinclair got a much more revealing ID next to her
Do the math if you can.
>no mention of "potential crashes due to insufficient memory" in patch notes
this Canto is confirmed to be a step down, see you in season 6 losers.
Rodya you should stop posting on anonymous image boards to hype yourself up.
oh during Faust's Rose Hunter EGO show case it looks like she is hitting what looks like to be a Bloodfiend Hunter grunt
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Of course, anon. It's all falseflags by the heathmael cartel... the donclair insurgency...
cuckposters aren't fucking funny
just stop it with your shitty jokes you obsessed cunt you assholes are always like this just because we have a character we like well you fucking chud guess what society sees us as normal now
Shit it's blooodborne's dude cousin.
>C-Can i alteast watch?
>Nay! Tis the job of a noble squire to stay sentry for villans while a knight finishes his duty!
The game requires 4 GB by default now open your mouth and I'll rape it. Faggot.
>cutesy lolita fashion bleed ID w/oversized scissors & hair drills
God please. The season of cutedya
Bleed bros...could it be?
She was the star because TKT focused on her the most
Her suffering being made front and center is her fans winning
No, because the box is a metaphor for a miscarriage/stillborn
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I was a never a Donclair guy.
THIS is my end game.
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Wait, is this a brain? Yo lunacy
>pressing her butt against his crotch
She's a slut...
I don't remember how it went down in previous seasons are we going to get standard banner trailers for the new IDs/EGO today?
I believe Mersault mentioned them having lighter leather like clothing during the MOWE intervalo
did anyone know anything new when the trailer drop no or it just me why the fuck they bother to releash this
>candy on Rodya's art
fat fuck
Guys, remember burn?
PM doesn't either.
>lunacy takes a rose shape
>she crushes a rose, brief brain imagery
No, skills on monday.
Rodya looks younger here
Also her tits are smaller than usual
>Zweiclair2 isn't allowed to even move from guarding the door, he has to stay up all night keeping watch and hearing it all
El Director I NEED Rodya to lord over me going DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~
>Enter Chapter 4.5
>Wow Olga is so similar to Rodya and they have the same mannerisms, I bet she’ll get the molar id
>Ishmael gets it instead
Face it, KJH doesn’t wanna make ids that are too on the nose. It will be a long hair Outis with twintails id and you will like it.
This game exist for fanart
All the EGO releases and IDs help with that.
Zweiclair watches. It's his job, after all.
>Also her tits are smaller than usual
look at how thick that dress-coat is
It's the outfit and the happy expression
Its unwritten rule to include food in any art Rodya is in just like how Gregor has his cockroach
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mmm ymmuy
I figured it out. It's actually a gregdyafag falseflagging to get people to ignore Rodya and Sinclair getting the same EGO.
Barber Rodya WILL save Bleed.
Trust the plAn and have fAith.
He is the chosen one........to guard Don's bedchambers while Meursault rams his baguette into her
>Face it, KJH doesn’t wanna make ids that are too on the nose.
I'm going to fucking kill him if it happens again
You're so desperate for romantic relationships in PM games that you're going insane over 2 sinners getting the same ego
This general is going to implode when Crimson Scar Ish/Cobalt Scar Heath walpipi happens
im sick of these shitty PVs
whens the actual trailer?
I'll like that. Outismfag will get whatever thrown at them.
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Meursaultbros, how does it feel to be superior to everyone else?
That is the trailer. Going by past seasons the next bit of info we get will be Sinclair & Meursault's kit info in 3 days. Then the season starts a few days after.
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Why would I care about meurdon? Sinclair only deserves to be with me.
Rodya got the Candy (from her EGO art)
Faust got the Cookie.

What the Sinclair got?
I have no particular thoughts or feelings about this.
>Crimson Scar Ish
Never fucking ever. Her prime time for that was during Canto V.
stale cum, he's the kind of stuffed animal with aftermarket holes sewn in
Meursault is cursed to get good EGO and bad IDs so it's a mixed blessing.
Can't wait.
The thread will be flooded with it.
ryona guro snuff
We all knew Meur was above all, we just didn't know sisssyclair liked it
>Gets Kimsault which is still the best raw slash ID that also enables an entire team
Its workable.
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>the t in t corp stands for tremor
>stuffed animal
So... does his plushie has a special hole for fucking?
fuck you i WILL get red riding Ish ID next walpipi
You are even worse.
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??? The prime time would be during a Walpipi set in the middle layers.
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>discord leak was actually real
There is no way it just randomly got zwei sinclair right on top of other things, must've been legit.
Mariebros... It's over
She's wearing a loose dress, they have space to escape to the sides.
>That is the trailer.
this is one of the worst trailers PM has ever put out. what the fuck was that? you could hardly even see anything with the constant jump cuts and blurs everywhere
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>You're a good fixer.
Uh-huh. How's that Farmwatch coming along?
The next one is going to be Emma & Noah. Or I'm cancelling my Limbus paid subscription and accuse El Director of rape on twitter.
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>horse greg is actually happening
god no
You retarded monkey, people actually went file digging to see if it was real and there was nothing retard
If you keep swallowing discord "leaks" you better kys now
>you could hardly even see anything with the constant jump cuts and blurs everywhere
Bro, boot up season 2 trailer.
Okay explain the accuracy so far then
>people went looking for it and couldn't find it
They should've looked harder.
Who cares?
I'll fight you for it.
>only knight sincle confirmed
where's knight donqui then, huh?
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angela if she sex
Meur is going to canonically become Don's kin this canto
This is the most retarded post in this thread right now. Her eyes are red from CRYING about her DREAM ENDING, making her a vampire out of nowhere would be the dumbest thing possible and go completely against her original story.
>Don big season ID.....
>Zwei West 000
Everything isn't going to drop all at once sister, let's see the next 2 weeks.
Get better baits, fag
What fucking accuracy you dimwitted fool total retard waste of oxygen
It said knight Sinclair and knight Don
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>that lasso ego
I was just thinking yesterday, when are we gonna get cowboy equivalents in the setting?
It could be really dumb but also really cool.
With Rodya!
Sex with Rodya!
Missionary !
Reverse Cowgirl!
Full nelson!
Side prone!
Mating press!!
Full sex!
Pay by love!
Making babies!
Give her monthly cash!
Make her a full meal!
Russian meals are eaten hot!
Enduring the cold together!
Raising pet bears!
when they actually introduce the American based Eight association.
no, Ahab doesn't count
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*cough* I don't feel too good... *cough*
>I'll fight you for it.
It's perfect spot to shoehorn this duo and LC was the last one. Unless Director is going to pull out DD out of his ass...
Unlike Don my dream is ending on the next Walpurgis.
I'm trusting you anons to share all the beardya you find okay?
>quick draw hammer fan S3
oh my goodness gracious
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Payers will be pissed off because the thread economy is fucked and UT5 will be expensive. Not to mention, most of the IDs won't be getting shit since they're strong at UT4
>buff the IDs
Players will be pissed off because director won't buff their waifu's ID, which leads to every waifufag complaining that director is being picky with his buff choices

Solution? Release a completely new ID of the same faction and archetype
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I'll do my best

>Captcha: R0GRJ
Welcome to gacha games my friend.
Enjoy your stay.
What shit show that was, as expected by something created by a woman plagued by daddy issues and with a fetish for faggot couples... with daddy issues
>Rodya might get a bloodfiend story id where all of her voicelines are about how hungry she is
Please make it happen director
looks like the dad from one of those korean self insert isekais
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here bwo
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Your argument completely falls apart when they have buffed ID's such as Dawn Sinclair and no scenario about random offscreen waifufags rising up happened
Isn't it a lil odd how Rodya never became the designated SEX target for artists? It feels like she has all the ingredients.
Nyes... all the blood is mine...
Reminds me of the flesh orb Moses fought in DD
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>sinclair robbed of getting an EGO with long hair because director wants to make sure limbabs know he ships don and meursault
whatever man
Until this day I cannot comprehend what this abno is. A bipedal giraffe dingy made from scraps with four blades mouth to drain blood and store it in its blood sack plastic bag tail?
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Really hope we get some good Curse synergy going. Bleed & curse ID for Rodya is my Ideal. Actually I hope the bloodfiend hunters use curse.
A, Dawnclair is the only ID to ever be buffed
B, that only happened because the chinks and paypigs were having a meltdown
C, there were meltdown from other sinnerfags after the second Dawnclair buff
silly idea I hope gets addressed/referenced:

y'know how (some) vampires don't have reflections? then how can dyon use mirror tech?
It's a drinking bird
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what are the Saultyumes' reaction?
It's a drinking bird but with blades for sucking blood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_bird
UT5 is a fool's errand because it would require a fuckton of work, there's no real systemic way to do it other than applying blanket coin power buffs or damage modifiers to old IDs. We're talking about balancing 116 identities of various rarities + at least 6 more for this season, some of which require completely rethought kits to even function. And then they'd have to do this shit on top of whatever content they're doing currently. I just don't see that happening.
by what I have seen on twitter while looking for art? death, coming, and more
>making a little kraut boy a vampire
Bnnuy? Vampires are mature men and women or, when the time gets tough, lolis. Shotas not welcome.
me on the left
I'm honestly disappointed they aren't following the canto 6 formula for the canto ids where everyone is tightly connected, the story for the mirror world was so fucking good.
Wetting their panties. Look at Twitter.
Remind me, what was Rabbit, Chef Ryoshu and Nclair's UT4? Exactly
I mean wasn't the basis of it, is that it would happen in the first place? We can also apply this same logic with waifufags saying their preferred unit got a dogshit uptie upgrade as well versus other units
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>shota vampire
You have my attention.
Now give me it's analysis as an archetype of human psyche.
I would if I could, but I'm Brazilian
I'd ask for twitter screenshots, but I know that's a big no-no around here
>rabbit meur
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Babbiest of the newbabs here without any ego or team synergy so far. Instead of a Don variant, the game gave me another Ryoshu alt. When does auto select actions stop working?
Oh I can see it now. Was always thrown off by the tail bag, now it makes sense. Too young to ever play with this toy.
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>Shotas not welcome.
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I'm pretty sure a lot of waifufags were complaining where KK Rodion and W Meursault went from unusable to not completely worthless
Very cute oversized sleeves on rodya
how do you know that Cinq association isn't secretly controlled by the vampires
UT5 is also fucked because it's clear they design units based on their final strength being the current final uptie grade that was out on release. So when they make UT5, they also need to bullshit random incongruent shit as an excuse for the UT4 upgrade
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The Head is really letting the vampires get away with whatever this is huh
not that big of a rodion fan but she looks insanely cute in her hex nail ego
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A bleed+curse ID would actually be the perfect ID for her to get this Canto
While he isn't part of the manor, rabbit meurs story was actually super personal with Heath so he still kind of fit.
Technically Rabbitclif can struggle now in multiple wave fights instead of being a dead weight.
do you mean the winrate button?
the game is piss easy until a certain boss in canto 4 that actually forces you to think. if you haven't gotten there, you'll be fine since you have pretty good IDs already
It would be pretty funny to go from one genocide to another.
>Gonna have a BIG LAUGH when the other Carmilla isn't Meursault

>>Mersault has been on all but 1 battle pass, so he's unlikely to be on this battle pass.

>It's so obviously Sinclair. It can't be Hong Lu since he has the next seasonal Headliner EGO. It can't be Mersault since he's had an EGO in every single fucking battlepass except s3. Everyone else has a WAW. I'm sure Mersault will get his sometimes during the season itself on some banner, like Faust and Ryoshu did this time.

>It won't be Meursault
based grudgechad
Can't wait to see what a bloodfiend hopped up on a bough does.
vampires are true humans unlike degenerate ais who should GTFO
And now please bring up his abno cards from Ruina.
I mean, it's surrounded by other dilapidated toys in it's art, so maybe it represents a mangled childhood?
Now I think about it. If Lasso is rupture. Hong has two rupture IDs that not that good for rupture. Uhhh. Hope his one is bleed focused.
Yes, the competition had to lose for Sinny to win.
>another Zwei ID
This is exactly what I didn't wanted thanks director...
>bleed, curse, possibly nails too
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Why is there so many Rodya fans now?
>still no zwei don
>sinclair gets a second zwei id
fuck you
Still a twink.
>Nclair's UT4
Allows to do a full N Corp team with a flat +30% to everyone damage for the price of two wrath. Or was it 40%? I don't remember the exact number.
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But why would they give Meursault the Carmilla EGO? What about it resonates with him?
Reminder. That he just stole a spot for potential season 5 mook ID.
Just like Meursault....
why are people saying the meursault id is unrelated to the canto? there clearly seems to be a cinq fixer playing a part in the canto's story
Remember back in the day when we said IDs like Rabbit, Nclair and KK Lu will never be powercreeped?
It's nice but not that nice considering 3/5 of the N Corp team has always been irredeemable dogshit
if you're keeping your IDs at an appropriate level for what you're facing, winrate will pretty much always work in unfocused fights. winrate will start becoming less efficient in focused fights pretty quickly, though, so learn how to make the most of the speed system, targeting system, etc soon.
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It has nothing to do with resonance. It's about the sex him and Don have on a nightly basis. Director is trying to tell you something by having them get the same abnos/faction IDs over and over again.
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Sinclairdev will save Zweiclair...
>passively roots down without care
gotta remember that a sinner doesnt have to resonate with the entirety of the abno, Don just resonates because blood
Nothing, director is a shipfag.
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Yes and those are a good example of what I'm talking about, because at the same time W Don got coin power buffs. U4 was largely them going a fairly lazy way about it with blanket upgrades to coins, there's only a handful of IDs that got a more personal touch. It's not worthwhile to repeat the same thing a second time.
Doomposting is more important clearly
Not like zwei ish was a preview that the zwei would appear in the canto like the oufi did shhhhhh
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30?! Give me your NSinclair I want that. Mine only gives 10
It wasn't
Just hobo cliff coming to kill everyone for ??? reasons.
There were a lot of sinners missing too
>Not like zwei ish was a preview that the zwei would appear in the canto
Fool. The Zwei is clearly Pinky in disguise.
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John Marathon is back home.
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I've always liked Rodya, ever since her character PV because of how good a job her voice actor did with the ending line. She's just unfortunately not a sinner that gets much spotlight. Like how a lot of people liked Greg around launch but moved on as he got neglected by PM.
Also if you bring her up here you're gonna get a schizo or two crying about her eating food, and probably attract the fat & vore fags.
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>hex nail/zwei west (00) (seasonal)
sinclairdev is dead. she was executed for dawnclair. sorrow and despair reigns
mirror knight when
I don't know if they can do that. Wuthering Heights has the benefit of them all knowing each other and basically growing up with each other. I could see it happening again during Hong's though since like Heathcliff's it's gonna be all about his family.
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Wait what? I swear that my full UT4 N Corp team... Ah, that may be it.
>Cinq and Zwei at the same time
Why? What's the connection?
So Cinq midboss for the canto then?
Imagine how regularly Sinclair watches them having sex from the closet...
Blonde shota vampire EGO… We were robbed because director wanted to make a dracula reference….
Both take contracts for protecting people?
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I thought Cinq was about dueling and fucking around
Actually he might be one of those moon knights Zwei Ish spoke about. There was a moon knight in the books for Don. Might not be Cinq at all.
Just release UT5 in waves, first wave the IDs released in the first 6 months of the game or something. Most of the older IDs just need a gimmick or innate to have a functional kit (like shi IDs starting the fight at 50% health), or just be updated to new mechanics (like older charge IDs get charge count capabilities in their kit), it wouldn't be that hard of a job.
Cinq don't protect. But they collab with other associations because nobody gives a shit about honour duels.
This sounds about right. The abno complained about how it wasn’t its fault for rooting down somewhere it could satisfy its hunger, which reflects Meursault’s desire to not be judged.
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Cinq are hired to organize and iversee big events and protect them if necessary. Zwei as personal bodyguards for the guests.
I'm sure the Cinqs are popular in one or two nests...
>nobody cares about the EGOs or Cinqsault
>everyone is discussing Zweiclair and hypothetical buff/UT5
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Wilful blindness is a bad trait anon.
But U5 wasn't announced in the Season 5 roadmap?
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because giving sinclair a second zwei ID that's also a 00 is really goofy
How do you know it's 00?
>nobody is discussing the things half the thread is discussing
See >>497119447
The art isn't animated whereas Meursault's is.
>nobody talking about Zweiclair
the forgotten sinner....
static uptie art
Can you not scroll up? I understand that carpal tunnel is debilitating, but not to this degree.
Sinclair UT3 portrait is not animated.
Nah, he uses the same kind of sword, and his pre-uptie art seems to be of him getting interviewed.
as long as they're paying taxes
It's December as of the last event retard it'll be January at most for Don's canto.
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I'm tired of Sinclair getting tremor 00s. It's a waste of effort. There's no way he fits on that team.
>nobody talking
Hello? Where is everybody?
NTA you are talking with but I would be surprised if that wasn't their plan. Lots of IDs belong to the same faction so faction focused extractions to go along uptie 5 buffs seem like a great idea for new players.

Give uptie 5 to the Ncorp IDs and have a banner go up that has the 6 of them on rateup.
I Love You.
>sinclair is going to get a second 00 tremor based Zwei id
Um… thanks?
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Friendly reminder that bloodfiends are described as peaceful only by bloodfiends themselves.
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Is zweiclair (2) some kind of humilation ritual
How many days are the sinclairfags gonna cry for? I'm already sick of it.
>X Corp has literal hell-holes
>The monsters inside them are capable of using human weaponry implying they are mutated humans by whatever exists inside hell-holes
So when exactly are we going over there to complete Dante's Inferno?
Meurdon canon btw
Didn't Director memtion how he wanted to make more use of unused identities? I wonder when that's going to happen
It's going to be literally the same kit with defensive stance and actually functional numbers.
What did they mean by this?
Don't worry, you and Rodya are both super special.
Any chances Sinclair will get a 000 next season or do I have to wait for another 6 months? The first Zwei ID looked cute at least but this one is so ugly.
Wait, Zweiclair was tremor? He wasn't some defense up gimmick ID?
it's to show batons are lame ass weapons
Nah that one is Sinclair being tied on the floor crying with his little clitty up as Don and Meursault have savage sex above him
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Sorry Doomposters, I only judge a Canto's quality by its Mili song.
Intervallo, probably
your ranking of cantos?
I dub thee: Pimpsault
>hex nail
Just glad to see more Nails outside of N Corp.
Elder in DD outright says that both human and bloodfiends are destined to clash. Never mentioned anything about being peaceful.
Well. You had two tremor Sinclair 00, now he gets the third one. Which is likely is going to be better.
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defense level up only started with zwei greg and faust until then it tremor with protection for sinclair and poise shield with rodya
I only remember this specifically because I was using him to activate tremor gifts during my zwei run to stagger cassetti early
5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
Dante is gonna lose it one of these days and he will NOT have any of the sinners shit or shenanigans when that happens.
>>>/crystalcafe/ I don't want 'moids in my general
You just stole my joke...
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I just realized that Hex Nail Sinclair is probably Nclair support. Holy fuck. Stop making EGOs for the faggot that only support Nclair.
All of the EGOs look REALLY good this time. I like them all. I don't care for the IDs, but the art looks good on them too.
Oh, I'll be real I've maybe used him twice and I was there day 1. I just used Mariachi until Nclair was out and have not used him since.
Every EGO exist to buff N-clair. He is the chosen one after all.
The chosen one to watch over Meur and Don...
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Hold on tight~
My compass is curiosity~
>Mili song
>3 that low
You are a disgrace.
what would happen to meurdonfags if canto x comes along and we find out the only woman in meursault's mind is marie?
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My Fuhrer... it'll be a 00. Director wants another attempt at a 00 Sinclair Tremor ID.
>banshee scream after that
It genuinely hurts my ears after she does that
Wait is the meursault BP ego going to expect us to run rhinosault with it
Meursault lookin' hella flamboyant
which reminds me, if Meur and Sinclair are both season IDs, does that mean both Cinq and Zwei are going to be involved in the canto 7 story? how big of a fucking deal is this mess?
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I enjoy PM realizing that the current defensive skilsl are complete garbage and the only way to make it good is to RETVRN TO RVINA
Meurdon sex
Same shit that happened during Heath's chapter.
Meltdown. And after that just full blown Land of Delusions.
didn't deter heathmael shippers much when the same happened to heathcliff
Doesn't hurt my ears and I really like the impact of the intensity after the slight lull that precedes it.
Did you not see the Cinq and Zwei people in the CG? Look again at top right for Zwei and bottom left for Cinq.
I swear to god I hear Ekko from League of Legends very faintly in the background of Compass saying "Look out!" a few times
Meursault sex
It may be my autism but you go and enjoy what you enjoy
His face on the uptie cg looks off and the pose/perspective looks stiff. Atleast his face is cute in the pre-uptie cg
Its okay, in the end I already downloaded mp3's and Midi's of all of the songs anyway. I just rated them by which ones I reach for first.
You forgot random Middle Guy.
You need to stop torturing yourself.
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Watch "Marie" be the name of some Canned Waifu Experience brand
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Wait so if Meurdon is canon because of them sharing the BP EGO does that mean Outiscliff is canon too
I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that
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>so excited for canto 7, we could be getting a full set of bloodfiend and bloodfiend hunters ids where they're all connected to eachother
>generic zwei/cinq ids
Damn, sorry for getting excited. Canto 6 set the bar too high i guess.
You are unironically a schizo.
Cool and cute!
Anon, auditory hallucinations are bad. Take your meds and go to sleep.
saw someone asking what does Meursault have to do with the rose abnormality.
i noticed that it's ego name is called "yearning". considering Meursault probably yearns to have a better understanding of human relationships, i don't think the correlation is so random
>marie is joi
Outiscliff is canon because they both BROWN GYPSIES
It's a filthy, bloody makeshift toy surrounded by proper toys in a store that can only function via bloodletting. I could see it representing taking advantage of children's or innocent people's naivety to get what you want. It's a tool of violence poorly disguised as a tool of fun.
Kromer abno.
Yes Director...i can't wait to get the new Meursault BP Ego...i love Meursault...I love the battle pass...
Uhh, does that mean that Yi Sang x Ryoshu x Rodya is canon too? And Ryoshu x Ish?
Probably not, but me and a lot of others want gothic stuff.
Oh my God can Mersault stop fucking stealing people's spots on battle passes. Jesus Christ. He's been on every single battle pass except for season 3. I don't even like Ishmael, but it's literally her turn to be on a battle pass this season.
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>They both yearn for human connection but only ever seem to find violence & bloodshed
>Like the Carmillia that only ever wanted to sate its thirst and found an endless river of blood
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he'll be on it next season too
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More Rodya art on feed than anything else, kinda deserved, cute things are cute. Hoping to see some rose Faust too.
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La Luna is also there. But to the right.
>Marie was a canned experience of the ideal girlfriend that Meursault's mother used to control him to do her bidding
>Meursault never realized this
>Marie ends up being the only thing that allowns him to connect to his own sense of humanity
>His canto's climax will be him finding out about that, causing him to distort
>Heathcliff shares 3 egos with Outis 4 if counting lobotomy magic bullet/fell bullet
>Nobody ever cared
Anyone but meursault would've been good
I wanted Sinclair cause the chance of him getting long hair was there,but if Meursault got it then shipfags wouldn't shut the fuck up and he would just be on another BP
>Heath got Cathy
Also they want mixed race couple and both Outis and Heath are brown gypsies.
Sancho will be her first kin
Ryoshu too. Literally why the fuck Is he there? I get that he needs a WAW But so do other people. It should have been like, Cornelia Sinclair, hexnail ryoshu. To be fair, Ishmael literally just got an ego
watch him be the ultimate footfag that went and turned himself into Rocinante
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You say that like shitclairfags wouldn't be spamming the thread about him and don fucking if it panned out that way
You faggots are so disingenuous and hate seeing el director's clear taste for small older woman/big younger man ships be fully realized.
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The only shipping I want to hear is the Pequod.
I'm really very pleased.
Sancho dead, revived by P Corp preservation fuckery.
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I think anyone who's disappointed by a lack of in-game fanservice instead of enjoying the fan art that an ID inspires is a low IQ mouth-breathing faggot retard.
Meurdon is canon. Shitclair lost. Next.
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Will director finally realize his fans want cute things?
Please, take your medicine.
To that Anon who said mersault was going to share the ego with don, I sincerely apologize.
Also holy fuck zwei Sinclair was so dogshit they are just outright replac
replacing hin with zwei sinclair....
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Watch Sancho be Don's best friend and then get Nelly'd two minutes before the final chapter and have him betray her because some stupid fucking reason
Then what was the sunlight that bothered him? What was the arab he magdumped? Many questions.
More gnometent on the horizon
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What do I stand to win?
Disgusting cuckshitter.
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>Sinclairsissies are getting uppity that Meursault shares the BP ego with Don and are pulling an unironic Cucklip moment
Well I have to COPE with your endless circlejerk in every thread, fucking shipniggers.
She is literally sitting next to monzo in the execution line after dawnclair
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I cannot wait to bring you home.
someone give me the qrd why are meurdon shippers obsessed with sinclair?
Director has foreshadowed the cuckclair posting by giving us lipclair
the light generated by the white nights and dark days (which he mistook for the light of the sun), gave him insight on the true state of things for a brief moment or something
sinners having multiple of the same association IDs would've happened eventually, they wouldn't have bothered division/rank/etc. differences otherwise
didn't expect it to happen this soon though
I choose to believe it's a psyop by Outisfags to get the fujobait sinnerfags to fight eachother
Not even sinclairfags ship him with Don
Inferiority complex means they have to hype themselves up for any win they get.
How overtuned is Zwei West Sinclair going to be? Considering kjh spoke specifically on how embarrassed he was about how bad some of the old Zwei IDs are. He's going to be overtuned as fuck to make up for it isn't he?
So will Carmen talk to Don?

Will she double distort the way Elena did?

Do Carmen's red eyes mean anything
His plAn... global...
Shippers are mentally stunted and extremely insecure.
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Falseflag by Faustfags btw, a Faustflag if you will.
Those are the og outisfags, they were the instigator kings. They aren't here anymore, it's just coomers.
Probably a slightly less busted Zwei Ish.
To be fair Meursault and Don have more chemistry even if that chemistry is as exciting as bubbles in soda.
Damn Meusault looking stylish.
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Actually a falseflag by Ryoshufags btw, just for S.A.G.
Do you think he'll be poise or Tremor again?
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Rodya bear suit>everything else this season
Don will delude herself so hard she distorts and miguel will take form seperately and help take herself down in a fucking weird ass fight within a fight the way man of la mancha is a story within a story
I just realized the only thing Outis hasn't gotten yet is a walpipi EGO, she already got a walpipi 000 id in 2023, 3 separate ids and WAW + HE EGOs last season, the Outis drought is upon us.
So the Meursault and Sinclair IDs in the trailer will drop on the day of the new Season I presume? Or do they come later?
If you can't understand that an official art of the character you like and a shitty off model fanart are vastly different you ought to kill yourself.
As a Sinclairfag i'm genuinely seething so bad i'm writing this on my phone from college
Fuck this shit why can't Sinclair ever win
I just wanted sinclair wearing a corset
It's someone that's falseflagging
That is the cutest rodion I've ever seen. Even in fan art.
I hope it's a Zayin, this cast is a pretty weak ego
Day of the season, we should get skills on monday.
Same as before. 10/10 first banner.
There is no falseflag. You merely live in desire to shift blame, and forget people are a lot more simple than trying to make a narrative in some Korean sand drawings board.
Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
Don will efflorescend ego and oneshot bad guy with banger Mili song on the background
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You are now aware that Sinclair is a Gregor-tier joke sinner
No buts. He's pathetic.
*What is Cast
Imagine feeling her fat sacks as she crushes your bones
Ryoshu would say this
Everything wrong in my life is caused by people out to get them.
I truly can't deny this
Not even the coolness of philipclair can make this untrue
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I get secondhand embarrassment from other people who like the same sinner as me
The characters I like consistently have the worst fanbases
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The format they seem to be following after season 2 is IDs in the first two weeks, then a 1 week pause, followed by new IDs, often done so to not add spoiler units as part 3 comes out.
Months later we'll get the season featured Don ID.
Ryoshu would have said
>You are now aware that Sinclair is a G.T.J.S.
and not elaborate
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>trailer shows 2/3 announcers as mysteries
>the last one just said that they were Nelly and Samjo
Who could they be...
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No Ryotent in the bp but I am satisfied with Rodya and Paus egos.
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>maratag draws hex nail sinclair
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god, i'm so fucking excited for this canto.
glory to project moon
And Outis x Heath. No, it's just shitposters seizing on an opportunity. I'm pretty sure none of it is genuine.
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I think some of us are still here. Just doing it with more subtlety.
I'm just curious to know about zweiclair uptie story, if he actually is the same sinclair from south section after getting a promotion+relocation
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I just think it's important to understand what ships Director favors and what he doesn't.
>Cassie (Mili vocalist) retweeted the PV
prepare yourself
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>don forma de sexo vampire
>don forma serious'd
>The characters I like consistently have the worst fanbases
Pick Hong or Gregor next time.
BP one is being done to avoid spoilers I guess, could be anyone, or maybe even Blood Don.
Paid announcer I have no idea, either they're adding someone from season 5 as well this time, or they want to surprise us for their season 4 character choice.
>Yi Sang x Ryoshu
>Ryoshu x Rodya
>Ryoshu x Ish
No. Yurifags need not apply
Priest. Sancho is too good to be on the same bench as them
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bruh you already deprived Ahab of her life goal, give it a rest
will our ishmael end up being the only one throughout mirror worlds that isn't obsessed about that old bat anymore?
Moses, Ezra, & YuRia
Second Kindred Don
stfu reddit it will be the most disapointed canto like 2
>normal human beings that weren't ravaged by porn still enjoy seeing skin
Being ravaged by porn IS what makes people incapable of enjoying anything but skin
Zwei Ish clearly never returned to the lake to get her closure though.
esl bro...
Yea stupid, like how rodion is the only rodya to let her mask slip
nta, but fuck no. I ain't tolerating blatant fujos no matter how much I like Gregor.
>Who is peqod captain Ishmael?
She followed through with her obsession and became the thing she hated most
gn /lcg/
The best part about fujos. That you don't need to interact with them if you don't want to.
>anything but skin
Disingenuous nigger
We have EVERYTHING but skin in PM games, and we already had multiple tight suits before
Which is precisely WHY I seek IDs with outfits that reveal some skin
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>>Ryoshu x Rodya
That's not what I meant. They are together with Yi Sang, because they share Matchstick EGO. Does anybody have a pic of Architect Yi Sang by any chance
goodnight asiabro
I'm not going to be able to make the next thread.
Please whomever does use some of the new art pouring in of any of the IDs/EGOs. There are some really cute Rodion ones for example in thread.
Thank you.
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>forgot I was supposed to chain piss tremor to cum tremor on sheep
>59 turns instead of 58
Man, fuck this shit
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>I want porn
Okay porn addicted zoomer. Play some other games.
sub 60 is still impressive, anon.
EGOs and IDs screw sometimes with the bust size.
>Faust fucks dogs, bears and horses
wtf bros I'm noticing a pattern, is el director a bestialityfag??? surely the egos mean something!!!
Can someone post that low quality pixelated meursalt in the cooks hat?
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Beautiful slav queen stolen from the disgusting jew bugman by a fucking Aryan twink.
Ludonarrative at its finest
My Tremor team is now almost complete
All I need is for Zweiclair to generate Envy, since they struggle with the sin. Wrath is also something they struggle with, but that's mostly on Yuroshu's EGOs. And Gluttony is easy to maintain since you only have a couple of notable EGOs that require them
Otherwise, they generate the rest fine. Surprisingly, spamming Rodion Pursuance is very easy. Having 34 heal EGO at bay all the time is really nice
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why are you like this
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So what's gonna drive Don insane?
Are there gonna be normal humans mixed among the bloodfiends being left as potential innocent victims, or are the bloodfiends put on the grinder not gonna be as monstrous as Don think they are, and the fixers won't give a fuck and will start butchering everyone as they beg for their lives, driving her over the edge?
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I can post THAT Korean gacha, if you want reaaaaal fan service. And we will recoil in disgust from genuine white damage as we always do, whenever it's posted.
we'll never get burqa IDs, Saddam
59 was my previous record when I was doing charge. Now I got 59 again because I forgot to chain Tremor
This is the first EGO art of Rodya that has food in it.
pretty sure it will be a case of the later
and when it's revealed that don is a bloodfiend, the part 1 final boss will be the cinq fixer she was fawning over moments ago
Probably a usable ID with the good old 11/13/14 kit that can become 13/15/18 when conditions are met.
But Seia's pits are posted here all the time
I'm sure she drools when she sees that throbbing barbed horsecock
Can I still lowest my turn count if I do an RR run next Canto if I have the special banner?
Best ship dynamic
if you already got a under 100 RR run complete you can still use the shiny banner if you do another run thats even faster after season 5 launched
how sheltered do you have to be to think Last Origin is white damage
It's a mare you can tell by the pixels
just (You) xister
>book Rodion was malnourished
>limbus Rodion is a pig
What did director mean by this?
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>Don gets a fight like Heathcliff's in canto VI where all her lines are gone
>Instead of disgruntled and out of breath, she'll be shouting in sheer rage
Someone said book Faust fucked a horse, or was it a dog, I forgot
What's your team?
>Wanting to see skin is the same as wanting porn
Yeah kill yourself
>I seek IDs with outfits that reveal some skin
You do you, nigger. I'll enjoy the pure SEXO IDs El Director already has given us and continues to give us.
your turn
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>off model for a game that constantly varies its chest sizes
>'off model' would suddenly become accepted if it's how the game depicted it
A shitty arbitrary standard is somehow the correct position to have instead of enjoying the canon work as a muse for all the art it inspires. Your take is vapid and your skull is fully of empty space, do us a favor and fill it up with some shotgun lead.
Next season you can shard middle don, don't worry.
>>Instead of disgruntled and out of breath, she'll be shouting in sheer rage
God that's so hot, I wish it doesn't happen, I wouldn't want Don to suffer like that!
Thin man? Erotic.
Fat fictional woman? Erotic.
Not rocket science.
The whole point of Rodya thinking about food all the time is because she was malnourished in the backstreets.
I see them like drug addicts.
Some are sympathizing at first but they can always relapse.
Difference is there's no rehab or cure, they're just born like that
Regret, Molar Outis, Rosepanner, both commies, Zweimael
Envy is a problem since a lot of the EGOs need them, and only Zweimael and Rodion have them
Wrath is also an issue since Molar discards them and Regret only has it on skill 3. But like I said, it's mostly for Ryoshu's EGOs, so if Zweiclair replaces her, it won't be a problem no more
Gluttony isn't a problem even with only 3 skills, and all of them being skill 3, since very few EGOs require green
The rest are very spammable
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I special summon Blue Eyes White Dragon in Attack Position and end my turn
>That is the cutest rodion I've ever seen. Even in fan art
Even cuter than fanart where she molests sinclair?
Sexsault edition
Gretchen will be an animal guy/girl
why would i want fanservice when my actual wife already services me every day
Outis is canonically Heathcliff's mother, that's why he's so brown
very nice
Relegated to the twink faggot with tranny undertones.
For one to be Philip is to be abused
People who want skin in videogames don't have anyone special in their lives, Anon
>Use regret on a obvious non-blunt id

Are you actually retarded?
Anon, stop being stupid and read
File: Sheep Check!!!!.png (1.78 MB, 2550x3300)
1.78 MB
1.78 MB PNG
Wow 6 more days
I await for the femlu sexo
5 actually

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