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Previous: >>496898775

Season 1 October 10th Update trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfw3KggPuzc [Embed]

Freyna shop event:

TFD Tools and Pattern Suggestor


Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)


Module Combination Percentages


Record Locations





/tfdg/ Thread Template
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Can we have Kitana and Mileena next?
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I think I became Freynasexual. I think she is the prettiest girl.
Something about her face and design, outfit is just hnnnnghhhhhhh...
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That’s not an ass shot
you weren't freynasexual since day 1!?!?!!?!
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one week from now and ult Freyna will be mine
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Well I kinda overlooked her desu.
Also getting a massive buff helps.
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>you didn't forget about me and my big milkers right?
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You're old news, whore.
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It's G.I. Jane
Scientifically built for spanking
What kind of estrogen chugging elven kingdom do you live in where that's what a man looks like
come on it could be a little boy if you think about it
y u bully gley ;_;
I didn't mean to it was just a funny bug. Tell gley's family i very sorry and dishonorable
I don't want to spend $40 on a skin
but if it's really that ass in a thong with fishnets, I may have no other option
Anal with freyna.
How should I build Gley if I want to be a walking turret?
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i only spent money on hairs so far but the whale urge grows stronger...
i wish prices were better
That's not what that is for!!!
what mods/rolls do i want on my freyna main gun for her ult?
sharp precision/fire rate and mag count?
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Posting this webm is mandatory in all future threads. You have been warned.
It doesn't really matter for bossing. But the mods you want are fire rate and anything for mag size
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Precious Freyna one was also cool.
Previous* but thanks autocorrect lmao.
I feel so bad for her bros.... I have to save her
She's precious too.
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Freyna's reaction to me when i try to give her a hug.
She is just transforming into sex she is fine.
>purple colossus, tech and secret garden Reactor
Secret Garden for Freyna it is.
It's definitely one of the best guns of her
>The First Descendant Ultimate Freyna will “not be as easy” to farm as Ult Valby
Don't care buying day one, paypigchads can't stop winning
>The First Descendant Ultimate Freyna will marry (You)
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25 days of invasions done finally, all so I could get that bunny helmet
they're great for gold and nothing else, at least if they had bonus exp/weap exp or had rng drops like shot focus module
they expect this to last 3 months when players were tired of it after a week at most
>>my salary
I wonder how it will compare to Hailey. Getting Hailey honestly wasn't that bad compared to say Ultimate Gley or Viessa. Maybe not as fast,but I'll take slowly but surely getting parts over time than trying to farm 6% drops and getting nothing every time
>I'll take slowly but surely getting parts over time than trying to farm 6% drops and getting nothing every time
This. Random low chance gacha really frustrates me after N amount of fails.
The alternative is they let you have her very easily and then you get bored and have nothing to do until next season. Enjoy the journey, anon. Freyna's butt will wait for you all the same, I promise.
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what y'all think of horsegirl Hailey ?
Is it really necessary to lag like hell when you have high ping in a PVE game?
it IS necessary when you're running a copper ethernet connect from the 3rd world, rajesh
If it the logic is calculated on the server, it is the only way.
Or else it should be P2P... but then you have lots of troubles synchonizing the clients.
It's called playing with people on the other side of the planet, retard. Considering you're a NEET you should know this.
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Not good enough, give even bigger thighs, give me chun-li level of mare legs.
nah fuck p2p, its already bad enough in warframe, that's the good thing about the first descendant, its not PAKISTANI P2P INTERNET.
Warframe is client-server architecture, not p2p. The thing is... one of the player is the server.
P2P is more common in strategy games, in FPS I can only remember og Doom, and it wasnt great.
are you retarded, bro? Someone's the server aka its p2p. Someone quits and now someone else has to host the other people with their dial up.
I'm in a 3rd world country and live in a village and my internet is powered by fibre.
Your 1st world county does have fibre tech in villages, right anon?
After replaying the hell that was molten fortress... can we please fucking make them soloable. While there is enough time fucking about that I as a ult lepic have to use 3 ults just to stop the meteors for brief periods.
Got ult gley code from it which is really nice but fuck man.
No, p2p is everyone is the server and the client at the same time. And thats why it has synchronization problems. In a client-server model, the server says what happen every moment.
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>when she sees my cp collection
I havent even attempted frost walker yet because I just don't even want to deal with it. Had him ready to fight for nearly a month now
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Based and high quality
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>than trying to farm 6% drops and getting nothing every time
I'm trying to get Ultimate Bunny since people suggested getting her and I'm new but I don't know how much more of this shit I can take. Stealth outposts are a fucking slog and I've got nothing to show for it after days and countless hours of farming. I'm about to say fuck it and drop money to buy her.
Ice cold unloving sex
She's basically the first major hurdle, but after you get her it gets way easier to grind for everything. She's worth the money if you think you'll play for a while, otherwise just suck it up and grind her
You are at least waiting until Hard mode to try and get her right ? Drops rates are much better there. Never try Farming anything on normal other than drops that only drop there like Freyna Blair,Sharen,Thundercage and the other 20%
>She's worth the money if you think you'll play for a while
I've put quite a number of hours into the game and I genuinely do have a good time playing it which is part of the reason why I'm Eben considering dropping money.
Yeah I've been in hard and I'm trying to get the stabilizer at the moment. It's got a 10% chance and every time I get one of those shape changers, I use it to boost the chance a little. I get everything but the part I need. It's maddening to keep repeating this shit with nothing to show for it.
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like other anons said, you have to farm these ult characters on hard mode
little tip for outposts: mute the game and put something from youtube on in the background like some creepypasta or so
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we need a babe like this in tfd
>Yeah I've been in hard and I'm trying to get the stabilizer at the moment. It's got a 10% chance and every time I get one of those shape changers, I use it to boost the chance a little. I get everything but the part I need. It's maddening to keep repeating this shit with nothing to show for it.
10% chance isn't guaranteed to drop in 10 AMPS, usually a good rule of thumb to assume you'll need at least 15, and then you might be pleasantly surprised. You should get it by 20 unless extremely unlucky.

If you're enjoying it but stressed about the money, I'd just keep grinding and save up for october 10th, chances are you'll want something from that update whether its ult freyna or one of the new skins.

Also in the meantime just build the shit out of your thunder cage, it really helps reduce the frustration in hard mode when you're starting out becuase it can easily carry you through a lot of those enemies once its tuned up, especially when using sharen.
Western slop consoomers look at this and see nothing wrong with it, chud.
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you're telling me this isn't drop dead gorgeous?
>people are only just now realizing how pretty Freyna is
Bandwagoners not welcome.
is molten fortress impossible iwht randoms?
noone shoots the towers or the fireballs down
Oh I'm no stranger to farming so I usually just listen to an audio book or something.
>10% chance isn't guaranteed to drop in 10 AMPS
No I know that. I've usually been gathering at least 5 at a time, running over to the reactor and seeing what I get, repeat.
>You should get it by 20 unless extremely unlucky.
I'm upwards of like thirty or forty right now. I'll keep at it but I think if I don't get it today, I'm caving.
>Also in the meantime just build the shit out of your thunder cage
I've been steadily working on it. I've read and seen that it's pretty much a bread and butter weapon no matter who you play. Takes forever to level the proficiency but it is what it is.
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to late I am seeing at lot Freya players
I think so, it's the ultimate filter.
some tips to help
use the tdf farm website and mark the weapons/desc you wanna go for
look up where the best drop chances are and always double-dip the drops (as in dont open patterns hoping you get that 1 drop out of it)

eventually it'll snowball and you'll have ult desc and gun mats all ready to go by accident
the early progression into end-game farming kuiper, modules and catalysts is brutal unfortunaly, once you're established it's smooth sailing
>I'm upwards of like thirty or forty right now. I'll keep at it but I think if I don't get it today, I'm caving.
Damn sorry bro that's unusually bad luck, that's definitely rough.
>Takes forever to level the proficiency but it is what it is.
Yeah that'll get easier when you have more farming descendant built. Like once you get your bunny, bunny cave is still pretty decent for weapon xp, just gotta deal witht he guy that spawns far away now. There's also the valby farm which is great for solo weapon xp, and a niche viessa farm but you need a pretty specific build for that one. I really hope they buff weapon xp across the board, it's been my biggest pain point overall and the reason why I'm very careful about which guns I focus on. TC is excellent though for general use, you sound like you know what you're doing so just keep at it.
That said I dont think you'd regret buying ult bunny, she's still the best character in the game at least for mobbing and just speedrunning infiltrations.
>I'm upwards of like thirty or forty right now. I'll keep at it but I think if I don't get it today, I'm caving.
i remember farming the ult Viessa code, finally got it after 3 days of farming, guess what code i got twice again on the same day killing some intercept bosses
just keep at it, bro, youll get the Bunny parts eventually
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I always knew she was beautiful
It's more like people started playing her more because of the buffs (even despite the upcoming ult version)
Freyna is legit one the best characters in the game right now
Very solid bossing but not better than Hailey obviously who is both OP and easy to build for bossing
But mobbing/general gameplay is one of the best if not The best in the game
>throw acid death shit in 2-3 places
>enemies keep spawning and insta dying without you even touching a single button anymore
And her ult should be even better
after cycling like 10 grps i finally got one that knew what to do
also got overcharged edge for sharen, which is cool
I'm excited to give her the love she deserves. I've purposely put off using her as much as possible outside of levelling her to 40 for MR, but I'm gonna play her a lot after the 10th. Haven't even used her post buff. It'll all be new for me.
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Freyna was always the prettiest of the bunch but was overshadowed because she was bad at bossing and mobbing
That looks like a really big nasty fart.
The fishnets had me do a double take when I watched the short. Instant buy.
imo they should buff or rework luna next damn
imo ppl who write like this should be shot on sight damn
I always thought she was really cute I just dont like her base outfit very much. ALL of that changes with Ult Freyna. God damn.
I feel for the weird shy lunabros, she's really cute too but feels pretty bad to play. I hope she gets an update before long.
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Of course you have that on your computer you sick bastard.
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I've been found out
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Now that Gluttony will be nerfed to the ground, Valby will have 0 relevant content. She is down there with Jayber now. Trash.
The Valby farm is lost in time like tears in the rain.
Valby still wins the Cute award, seethe
Cute and autistic. Which is fine.
>can't beat Frost Walker because I main Viessa
>see Frost Walker is "very weak" to Fire
>check the store because it is announced that the Premium Descendants pack are on sale
>see those new packs and find out all previous Ult Descendant packs have new skins
>Ult Lepic's new skins are so cool
Should I get one?
Or should I also buy Ult Freyna for even more AoE prowess that Viessa?
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haha yeah
Buy it for me
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Dude, no

Just pick your most invested character, build tanky, and invest into your gun (EL or Greg's).
I was in your shoes just a week ago and I got two FW kills the first night I started doing it. Both kills didnt have Lepics.
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Here's my second kill. These guys are even Xbots.
Well you look pretty ridiculous cause we've reached the point where you can queue up and delete him in 90 seconds with randoms.
So is this just Warframe with more pay2win?
But then I'd have to watch a youtube about how his mechanics work and I don't want to
Having this putrid thing in the same thread as freyna is a fucking insult.
You don't even need to deal with his orb collecting team wipe mechanic anymore. It first activates at 2 minutes and 30-40 seconds into the battle. Also put on the mod "antifreeze solution" so you can't get frozen.
How dare you that’s Canada’s most attractive woman
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I still like WF but I went back to check out the quest I missed from not logging on for a month and oof....the difference is jarring
Alright I'll give it a shot
Thanks but no thanks for your exhibitionism, now stuff this thing up in your arsehole, get out of /tfdg/, and for the love of God don't come see us ever again.
>You don't even need to deal with his orb collecting team wipe mechanic anymore
That's not true
>Also put on the mod "antifreeze solution" so you can't get frozen.
That's also not true
Shut up troll.
Yeah DE’s pretty dog shit at making humans (even the warframes look like shit unless it’s a deluxe skin)
Go put on Anti Freeze and see if it saves you from the slowdown stack or wipe freeze.
What is there to do in this game besides gooning?
gooning and farming
to goon and farm even more
Obviously I didn't mean the big wipe.
So you don't get frozen from his attacks then? Dumbfuck what are you even disagreeing with.
If it was just gooning I’d have dropped this game day 1 like snowbreak.
As far as I'm concerned you're both retarded faggots.
You're a samefagging retard or another guy that doesn't play the game.
>hurrrr you dont need to do mechanics anymore
>w-wait that's not what i meant
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about shut up fag.
Counterpoint; her boobs are perfect now, but will swell with motherly purpose once you impregnate her, before reducing to their previous - if a bit fuller - shape and size post-birth.
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>view every time you log in
bros how did they make something so based in 2024?
His mechanic is the wipe and yeah you don't need to worry about it. He does these attacks that freeze you. When you put the mod on you just get your feet frozen and get slower movement speed but you don't get frozen in place.
It’s simple it’s not made by western devs or Japanese DEI companies like Capcom
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i CANNOT fuicking wait until hailey gets a proper ass outfit dude
i will buy caliber (again) when it happens
Made for consensual sex (unlike Valby)
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Who fucking posted this image here? This is actually perfect, multiple characters perfectly lined up with Haiely milk upfront.
Should I buy RTX 4080/70 Ti Super for this game?
I am using RX 5700 XT with medium graphics settings and I feel the texture is a little bit off.
They're standing in spawn retard.
I know they're standing in spawn you subhuman third worlder. But there's minimal clipping or accessories getting in the way so it looks like a perfectly spaced group shot.
A 4080 isn’t enough for Hailey’s massive toilet clogging shits
You're a fucking retard.
You’re a pedo.
Got any more worthless posts you want to make? There's still plenty of time left in the day.
Concession accepted.
I have a 5700x3d and 4070s
game is playable maxed out but only get ~40-50fps at 5120x1440
honestly there isn't really a noticable difference in quality going from like medium or high to ultra.
I don’t speak pedo
Literally why
why not?
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it's over
I shit myself…
twitter screenshots might be worse than reddit ones
sorry for having a better monitor than you.
Oh no a fat gay redd*tor called us incels!
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keep weak point or roll the dice and hope for fire?
>wasting so much GPU power on your peripheral vision
Extremely retarded.
This guys a guaranteed pedo
don't reroll use fire enhancement mod instead
Holy shit new hidden mechanics uncovered!

Insane! Thank God we have YouTubers to find this stuff!
why not both?
I'm not clicking that
It’s actual cp
holy shit I am clicking that
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not a single 20 or 32? are you serious
you literally get a system message in the chat if you go below 4 people that says colossi skill damage has been weakened
>It's actual colossus porn
Fuck yes I am clicking
I didn't know that, thought it was just hp/shield.
That's not what it says.
proof bosses do more dmg in a grp = bosses do less damage when solo/less than 4
lets not argue semantics
you're falling for bait
For me it's Freyna and Viessa.
fire scales like shit
where is this spreadsheet
Hard to disagree with such based taste
>TFW gooning to Freyna until her release day
haha JK
this game is going to die when freyna takes like 3 months to farm as f2p right
Your ass is gonna die when I rape it
Nope, hailey didn't take 3 months. Most people had her within a month. There is no indication they would slow roll her that hard when they've been very attentive to community feedback the entire time.
However what your question DOES indicate is that you're a cocksucking tranny.
>you're a cocksucking tranny.
Was it that obvious?
Hailey took me 8 days

But Ult Freyna is probably gonna be harder, I'm really hoping it does not need Deathstalker
>I'm really hoping it does not need Deathstalker
This game is going to die if the Season 2 new Descendant isn't Jeremy with flash step kino movement to make the Buniggers seethe uncontrollably.
I dont think it would seeing that deathstalker is the new final endgame obstacle. They wouldn't lock a character behind that because what are you supposed to use the character for after you've beat their final content until the next update?
Where the fuck else are they going to put it?
the only other place I can see them putting it is the kuiper mine bullshit since they're reworking them.
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me haha
>Where the fuck else are they going to put it?
Probably in literally any of the other content. No other characters have been exclusively locked to bosses in this game, why would the first one be locked to the hardest boss? It makes zero sense.
I like how game accurate his death scene is. Despite having teleport, the enemies can still hit him because of the bullshit auto aim.
They'll just make her like peace maker and gluttony drops, that's 100% what I'm guessing.
UValby and Luna were spread across several locations, Hailey is done through daily tasks or Infiltration.

Did we get thousands of new players or something? Ult Bunny was SSS tier day 1 and she was the 2nd easiest Ult to farm, former actual best character Ult Lepic was the easiest
Do you clog toilets like Hailey?
In either the new 400% dungeons or updated defense missions. Doubt she will drop from DS because they said she will be harder than Gluttony and we all know how the community feels about that boss.
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>Poorfags farm for 6 months to get ult freyna
>I get her instantly because I have money
Kill yourself
If you don’t also buy skins then don’t talk to me
Keep yourself alive, CLOG KING
Just finished building ult bunny now I'm starting ult gley what are recommended mods?
>pays to skip content
>Complains the game is dead because there is nothing to do.
I'm buying everything all the new skins
what is this mental illness called?
Stick your head in the toilet, and flush repeatedly and without stopping
i wouldnt be able to satisfy that...
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I expect 8K the coomiest, the coolest screenshots from fat whale anons.
>8k screenshots with a 4MB limit
shes definitely clogpilled
Well you can resize it to 4K and ~90% jpg quality easily and catbox full res of upload on other boards like /wsg/ with double the filesize limit.
Anyways I expect some good, penis erecting pictures.
Sharon is pretty, too. In fact, potential for some nice ass shots is higher with her.
I wonder if during Freynas quest Sharon will play some role, she was a high ranking officer of colon forces.
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I NEED sharen in string bikini showing tanlines underneath or I will kms
outposts/reactors for 6%,
"hard" bosses for 20%
glut/stalker for 32%
Frog posting. It's terminal.
I NEED loli sharen in string bikini showing tanlines underneath or I will kms
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What's your problem man...
I NEED elderly sharen in string bikini showing tanlines underneath or I will kms
No one actually cares you fucking autist.
i care.
>posts 30 seconds apart
Fuck off retard.
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I haven't played wf since tfd release and I already forgot how fucking UGLYYY the fucking npcs are.
Holy hell either DE are this bad at making humans and facial animations or they are doing it on purpose becose they are all fucking lefties and hate beauty.
Learn to count, moron.
>becose they are all fucking lefties and hate beauty.
That's the reason. We can't let straight men enjoy their entertainment anymore chud, what are you, a bigot? Give me your corporate number, I'll make sure your boss knows about this.
(519) 657-4260
Here you go
A plumber answered????
You are overthinking it. Is not a conspiracy. Canada just doesn't have good artists.
Was it hailey on the line? DAMN HER SHE CLOGGED ANOTHER TOILET!
>(519) 657-4260
Based, wartroon HR is coming for you.
Why didnt they put Ult Valby on Gluttony?

She could be framed from outposts + frostwalker
She said my shitters beyond repair....
Why would Hailey clog toilets? Because her ass is big? It don't work that way hombre
Yes it does dumbfuck.
>he doesn't know
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Best descendant for this feel?
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Brain damaged frog? Valby.
Didn't know Valby worked for the FBI
No wonder discord and reddit makes fun of you incel fucks lmao you're talking about toilets like a bunch of indians instead of talking about the game
>"hard" bosses for 20%
>glut/stalker for 32%
oh he thinks we're getting 20%s and 32%s lmao
it will be 4 6-10% items.
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is valby /ourgirl/???
>reddit makes fun of you
Bros... we're finished, pack up and close the thread...
Sir don't disrespect us sir.
what part of it makes it easier then ult bunny?
>he redeemed…
I would lap up any big puddle valby left behind
She’s perfect
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They.... killed her...
>Dullahan Maid Halloween skin
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I want maid skin rerun so bad bros...why did I hesitate and skip them....
Wait for the loli skins
I'm mad I bought a schoolgirl outfit instead, I don't have any maid skins :/
I didn't start playing until they were already gone :(
They confirmed Invasion is bugged and dont count towards your Battle Pass season challenge unless the 4th invasion of the day you do is a Private one
Interesting, I wonder if it's fixed because mine went up today after doing all 4 in pubs
Mine started counting, pretty sure they fixed it.
Wait, there are people who didn't finish 25 disruptions before Invasions went public?
tfdbros we are being made fun of again

They arent CLOGpilled so it doesn’t matter
They are coping and seething very hard about their gay, lame tranny game
A TFD chad is BTFOing them all and its a beautiful sight
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>next boss is resistant to Firearm Crit Atk
TFD deserves to be made fun of. We keep losing players.
Meanwhile, back in reality, TFD had a far more successful launch than wartranny could ever hope for. We're set for a while as long as the gooks don't fuck it up. But they're doing a decent enough job for now and I'm satisfied, we'll see how it plays out.
You're showing a graph that shows growth. Show me the growth in TFD's playerbase.
I'm showing you a graph that shows warframes first 3 years couldn't touch what TFD did in a month.
Most of TFD's first month were Waframe+Destiny players trying it out and leaving.

Again, show me TFD's growth.
>this pathetic coping
Growth comes with content. How many content patches has TFD had, 2?
How many has your tranny game had? 87 over ten years?
You want to actually compare you're going to justhave to wait and hope nexon kills it, which they don't seem keen on doing because it's made them a lot of money. They have a cash cow and it's their to lose.
Wartranny needs to psychologically abuse its players into thinking gay pride has anything to do with alien combat bugs.
The potential in these two situations couldn't be more distant from each other.
>tranny this tranny that
Seek help

I stopped playing WF years ago. TFD is competing with WF today, not WF 10 years ago. This game is gonna be another one of Nexon's early EOS games if they don't start gaining new players.
>TFD is competing with WF today,
No, TFD is competing with wartranny for the future, and its fresh, new and full of possibility. These things are invaluable. It also has the bankroll to see it through for a couple years, as a gamer, especially a warframe player, you should be highly aware of what dedication and time can do for a game. Warframe was looked at as a win for gamers not too many years ago, I remember. But now you have gay pride. So, which has more potential in this scenario? My money is on TFD, and Ultimate freyna's fat ass.
I don't think TFD is gonna make it till the end of 2025. There's a good foundation of a there here, but everything else around it is kinda ass.

The overall game feels like a product that was a pushed out the doors cause a dude a nexon was fooling around with UE5 and some producer saw something good enough to shove out with 6 months of work.

I'd have higher hopes for the game if the producers understood the audience better. But judging by the current end game content they'd rather string people on tedious bullshit, somehow worse than gacha shit.
Jesus I wish I was delusional as you then maybe I could enjoy this game more. TFD has one of the worst player retentions I have ever seen for a f2p GAAS. Adding new content is not gonna bring players back because it doesn't address the core issues on why TFD keeps losing players and Nexon shows they're not gonna change. They're just gonna milk retards like you.
Whatever you say wartrannies, surely all the money they've made so far doesn't mean anything.
Trading is TFD's last hope but I have a feeling Nexon is gonna fuck it up somehow.

You seriously need help.
>3 month old game
>this is its last hope guys they're out of time!!!
Why are wartroons acting like having a playercount between 40 and 60k across all platforms means the game cant survive for a couple years? Warframe survived for 4 years before it broke 50k lol
Good thing Hailey is still skill damages
New player here, question, what is that ability some people use that looks like a rain of explosions? i thought it was a skill of some descendant but I see many different descendants using it.
Is this your first Nexon game?
No, and it also isnt performing nearly as poorly as past titles that have gotten the axe. In fact, compared to those its still quite strong. It's longevity entirely depends on what they can bring to the game over the next year. Season 2 will be the real indicator. Season 3 will be the last chance if that isn't received well.
Its a gun called Gregs reversed fate
Oh I see, thanks a lot.
No problem, you should farm it out if you’re looking for a solid gun to use, either that or enduring legacy.
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I should have asked sooner, I just used my last energy activator on secret garden.
SG is a good gun too but it works better for caster like Freyna or Esiemo
You’ll get more bps for em just by farming the guns anyways, secret garden is alright.
You'll get the Activator BPs when you least expect them.....assuming you actively play the game that is
I hate web events just put it in the fucking game
I really hope they don’t think web events are a good idea
Asian devs love that shit for some reason
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Sometimes its to shill an app

Although I dont think Nexon has one so yeah what the fuck is the point
>This game is gonna be another one of Nexon's early EOS games if they don't start gaining new players.
>might be
>could be
Making prognosis on the game EOS is retarded. If you are going to be proven wrong, you just won't have to come and admit it or alternatively noone defending the game will have to admit they were wrong. Especially on an anonymous board.
So why even discuss shit like that? If you enjoy the game - play it. If not - fuck off.
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yeah i see nothing wrong with it
>this makes me feel represented
fucking kek
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What's a good allround Viessa build? Which stat do I prioritize for survivability, which special mod and which reactor?
>what the fuck is the point
Different development teams can do work in different platforms (videogame & web) with minimal overlap so it gets quicker.
Hiring or moving people to a project needs time for the new worker to get immersed in the codebase so growing the development team can make things go slower.
Also websites are easier to change and they will see an uptick in new Nexon accounts.
>all around Viessa
Go for a cold/fusion reactor. Cooldown, crit rate, crit dmg, chill skill and fusion skill are all good options. Then just add an HP and Def mod of your choice with probably MP collector and the relevant chill skill power stuff and you're pretty good to go. Probably the blue cooldown mod as well.
>wokei and the five DEI hires
hetero bros????????
We’ll get that high when we get player trading and bots invade
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What went wrong?
>game vs. Chinese money laundering scheme
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>What went wrong
Why are we losing to that?
The ass was fat.
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Who says we're losing?
We're just getting started.
Duuuude I love getting 50 eseimo cells before I get a single enduring legacy blueprint! Wow this is GOTY material right here! Epic to the max!
mou owari da...
>I hate rng in my looter shooter
I unironically think 1st leaning into coomer bait has a detrimental effect to a broad player base. It's probably still the right call financially at least in the short term, since coomer-leaning players are probably more likely to spend more on dressing up their waifus, just curious to see if this will kill the game long-term. Then again Vindictus is still going somehow, carried by a hard core of giga coomer no-life whales, so maybe that's where we are heading.
this game is already about 10x as popular as vindictus was at its peak.
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U.Gley is the only ultimate that I have and I've been slowly trying to get her stronger. Finally got an activator to put in the weapon, but with U.Freyna just around the corner, should I instead just save it to use it on her/her weapon? I know I could simply grind and make more activators, but I don't think I'll have the time to do so. At my current level of skill, Freyna definitely feels comfier to play, I'll say that much.

Also, which modules should I equip in an exec? This is how mine looks currently (and it sucks).
Gaming population has grown since then, and my point about life cycle and player number patterns can still hold. We already have the immersion-breaking for the sake of coomer skins, and we're well on track to follow in the footsteps of vindictus. We'll see.
>I unironically think 1st leaning into coomer bait has a detrimental effect to a broad player base.
Then you're an unironic cucked faggot and should take a look at this
>Then again Vindictus is still going somehow
Before realizing you're wrong

Or look at genshin, or gacha in general, or any game featuring hot women with half decent gameplay ever made. Dogshit redd*tor brainrot, fuck off.
Executor is pretty much gley exclusive, how much do you want to play gley, put weakpoint damage, real life fighter and an element
Oh, how'd stellar blade do again? Have you seen the outfits in that game? Lmao. Little bitch simp, shut your mouth. Finally straight men have something nice to look at and play and you want to cry. Obnoxious.
you should build up general use guns first like TC, EL or gregs, instead of "their guns"
executor is super niche, only works if your gley can sustain inf ammo buff

meanwhile you can slap a buffed EL on any descendant and do fine regardless of their kit
Duuuude I love getting tons of bullshit for hours on end! No wonder the fanbase is thriving! GOTY!
Noted, thanks! While I do wanna play Gley more, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having more fun with Freyna.

I kinda knew that deep down, but was a bit stubborn about it. I guess I'll focus on TC or EL then (hate greg's visual pollution).
>when you dry up all the content just to get clicks
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>Low quality webm
Here, have a better one
>freyna will never fuck your back up with those claws while you anal her...
I can't do outposts anymore. It's such a bad game design.
Do you think they can save it somehow?
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I know you haven't been doing your invasions descendant.
no, they honestly make no sense with how the game is built
I don't get this. are you guys just sitting there for hours on end doing outposts?
I've played for like 200 hours and have farmed some stuff from outposts, but I'm running infiltrations and intercepts way, way, WAY more often than I'm at outposts.
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well maybe if you would count my counterattack.
Nah, I'm just sitting there doing nothing. Of course we're farming it dumbass. That's the entire point point of the game
your reading comprehension makes me think you have a substandard IQ.
Is this really from Warframe? Looks photoshopped
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>use bunny
>teammates all die before me
Nice response retard
>All 3 were Bunny
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>I was the only one
they either scrap it or throw it into a dungeon give the stealth to a boss
I asked if you were sitting there for hours on end DOING OUTPOSTS. Not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs.
You're probably farming outposts for something that has a 100% drop rate from dungeons, and instead of taking 5-10 minutes to do it, you're gambling on a 20% drop rate then complaining about it.
if blender anon is in this thread
you want some tips and tricks for blender ? ive been at blender for roughly 2 years now and have around 30k followers on twatter
Yeah, I was playing the game you retarded fuck.
>her face when i pull out my 5.5 inch BWC
thanks for confirming that you're a fucking retard doing something with solutions but choosing to ignore them and complain instead ^^
just stop doing outposts if you hate them that much, most of the shit from them has alternative farming methods.
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look at you trying to help lol
i'm saving my load for this slut
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I wouldn't mind running a 6% AM 17 times if there was a pity system.
The original Concord
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sure. I have figured most things out by fumbling around and googling so far
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you really need to learn how to work on faces, it ruins your shitposting at this point
I think we all need to acknowledge the pioneering spirit that the "I play for she" poster embodied.
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if you got twitter, message me, i noticed youre just doing simple pics, how about some full scenes with Hailey holes getting stuffed
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>tfw the last material you need refuses to drop for over an hour
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>Incels gonna incel
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The Norwood Reaper claims another victim.
Gley and Bunny are sisters now
without coom TFD would've been dead on arrival. it HAS to lean into it because it has literally nothing else. if it stopped the whales and contrarians would riot
Are we gonna pretend warframe isn’t also a coomer game? Ember deluxe, Wisp, Titania deluxe, etc.
they look like shit...
It’s still clearly coomer even if you think it’s shit. Checkmate, redditors, you’re all what you call others, incels
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this slut should've had the biggest tits, damn you nexon!
seed vault invasion is actual cancer
Someone give me your nick so I can stalk you...
I need the # too...
You’ll have to marry me first
Using King's Lance with Bunny is kind of fun. You go to a location, plop a turret, then move onto the next location to place a turret.
Just started. Any other descendant free with story like Bunny?
freyna, sharen, blair
Is Guide sexable?

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