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Previous thread:>>497124065

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

soulful op
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Don bounced on to today... or maybe it was yesterday
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Prescript says: You are not allowed to cuckpost in this thread
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Why does /lcg/ hate this guy so much? He's like the perfect self insert for most of you
>little BITCH
>secret dark side where he's totally badass (in your case this comes out when you want to rage online)
The only sovlful drawanon in this general
cobalt scar rodya and crimson scar ishmael will happen and you will enjoy something much worse
I self-insert as the large autistic man. I'm not large yet, but I will be eventually.
Donbros, are we going to get that mystery nigga blueman group knight ID or some bloodfiend ID for our canto ID?
>Why does /lcg/ hate this guy so much?
>He's like the perfect self insert
Here is your answer. Self-insert is the "IDEAL" version of (You) and not just a mirror. Also most of it is just shitposting. Shush.
Because I'm
>No secret dark side, just all around badass
So yes, Dante is literally (me)
Wait, how the hell will the windmill come into play? Will they fight inside one or something?
>but I will be eventually.
Based anon
why Rodya for crimson scar? Heath's character in 6 seems tailor made for it
Dante is most of those things
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If Sinclaiyuh were a girl /lcg/ would simp for her endlessly
They would rather self-insert as someone cooler because they don't want to be reminded of who they actually are. That's why anons hate pissbabies, they are the pissbabies themselve.
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South section zwei sinclair is DEAD! Spit on this useless ID.
He looks like he fucks old women for money and I don't do that.
>Self inserting as an inferior person
post frenchman
Cobalt scar rodya
Crimson Scar ishmael
what does the wolf do to your nuggets in lobco?
<I'd rather self-insert as the weak and unassertive guy with a clock for a head. Shuckaroonies.>
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One option is cringe and the other is based
Choose wisely
he would beat you in a fight tho
I remember people liking Sinclair pre-season 2. What happened? Did people just enjoy Kromer ship and didn't really care about him in the first place? Or did NTR corp Faust cause board-wide mindbreak?
Nuh uh, I'll tear the clothes off of him and make him fight naked.
i don't care about your glorified porn game
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Are you guys cooler than Sinclair? I don't think so.
scrolling through 60 pages of sinclair on danbooru, artists don't focus on his blood side. Hate it, have to dig through pile of mid to find on theme art of him
*cums inside you*
heh nothin personnel kid
Grimm is tailor-made to be literally me. I can't self insert as, say, Fumika
He just hasn't done anything since. You could say this for all of the sinners that have had their cantos save Yi Sang and recently Rodya.
Rabbit on the left gives a proper reason for his claim, while the rabbit on the right does not.
My parents are alive and they're made of flesh.
Only cucks and homos enjoy FeMC games.
I just think Meursault is more interesting than Sinclair. That's all. I guess I find ships involving sault less annoying too, so it doesn't bother me as much.
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I downloaded black souls the other day. this game better be more than just porn with mild gameplay elements with how much I've seen it discussed here
i actually tried playing black souls. not only it is ugly as sin, it's full of loligarbage. the most overrated game i've ever seen grow a cult following
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Is there any guides for RR4 for lazy fellas like myself.
kys faggot
>ugly as sin
I've noticed a bunch of cult following H games just use default RPG maker graphics. I don't like it either, but it's still fun.
Use the primed sinking team
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Second game is where the story and the gameplay really pick up, but you should still play the first one.
just fucking do it. if you have EGO, it's easy as piss
Just click win rate lmao
>they're made of flesh
I went to the gym on Wednesday
>pm actually made an offical video showing the pianist in full
what the fuck since when?!
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Bros I thought it was gonna be Ishmael...
dumb pedo
As a big Blacksoulsfag, I can honestly tell you that the game doesn't get good until the halfway point. The first half disguised as your typical RPGmaker trash, with easy combat and very limited story beats. It's not until you find your very first princesses that the game finally picks up the pace
So go in with that mindset
>lazy fella
>will watch a 20+ minute long video
>keep in mind everything that's said
>build what you don't have
>grind to get the materials for that
>and THEN play the game
just go and play it retard, I got sub 100 with UT3 level 40 IDs so you can too
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I dislike character tribalism greatly.
glad the fixer autism sinner has fixers in her canto. i was worried it was going to be all bloodfiend wank
asian game, cunny is standard, leave my board trannoid
based pedo
It's less about tribalism and more about how much I really don't like Sinclair
Played BS1 a couple of weeks ago, didn't even bother with the porn and mostly just skipped it.
I'll play 2 soon.
>I dislike character tribalism greatly.
ermm, sis, you have to pick a side. you can't just... like more than one character? are you...insane?
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>not liking pedos is for trannies
Never seen anything quite as delusional as this. If you were found out in the deep south you would be shot dead, freak
Good one anon, I can see it clearly
acquire better taste in women
i think both of them are boring
skipping the first banner for sure
Post moar
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Porn is pretty bad/soulful in the first game with those scribbles.
The fun really is adventuring around the land of fucked up fairy tales and seeing how hard shit branches from your actions. Play blind your first run and take notes of what you are doing.
Also if you are aiming to recruit Elizabeth/the vampire woman you need to be selfless.
Rotten Burg is where game actually picked my interest honestly. Quite unique place.
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Because I am literally yi sang
As the other anon said, Black Souls 1 has some good stuff and other very mid things since Toro was still getting the hang of game design and all, the latter half of the game is pretty great and there's a bunch of lore-heavy endings with the DLCs that were added later on.
Black Souls 2 on the other hand is genuine kino through and through, with improved combat that isn't just parry spam and a story that's even better than the first one, especially during DLC 3, hope you enjoy them bwo
>pretty bad/soulful
I hate soulniggers so much
For me it's when I first raped Dorthy and started feeling bad for her
lol, i thought the same thing when i first saw the id art
is it not nai_ga doing these anymore?
Yeah? Well I detest character tribadism!
With this one picture I can almost triangulate your current location I'm your country
dont get why every couple of posts sinclair gets brought up. hes boring. yes i am contributing to the problem
Sinclair = bad because he attracted all the undesirables to this franchise if he didn't exist the velmori drama wouldn't have happened
>People make Don Quixote genuinely retarded and childish
>Just for ships
Shipfaggots destroy everything as much as unfunny forced memes. You all deserve the rope for dumbing down characters to their base traits for the sake of shipping
I'm going to Sinclair.
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The undesirables are the ones that hate him actually
In a quantifiable amount when does one stop being a new bab?
Yeah bwo, Don is not a complete retard that would straight up eat something gross and poison herself no. She won't sabotage an operation because muh justice and therefore trapping her friends for millennia (she'll tell stories lmao) nooooo.
Don is a very smart girl.
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when you obtain the WAW banner
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Your seethe has been noted. Expect a response in 5-7 business days.
When you get the WAW banner
When you wake up from the nightmare and stop acknowledge this place.
Hong Lu, Gregor, Sinclair and Don Quixote await a 5th 000.
Sinclair gets a 00 week 1, so he is likely out for seasonnal IDs.
Don Quixote will get her big story ID later in the season.
So. Gregor and Hong Lu for part 2 and 3 banners? Sancho Hong Lu maybe? And Don Quixote and Sinclair post-canto as Season 0 association fixer to expand on the lore of North/West? Give us Liu North Don Quixote
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until you become apart of the city
right now you are a babling
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The Vellmori drama was purely the fault of Gookcels and no one else for autistic screeching over someone who had nothing to do with the art they were angry over.
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I'd say it's second run onwards since you start recruiting different people or trying to save as much as you can but in the first run I agree with Rotten Burg.
Rotten Burg is the first time you witness the consequences the Demonic Fog has caused in the empire at such large scale. Until then you are fighting monsters scattered around and running back to the safe forest. God I miss that calming place:
The only faggot to end sentences with actually I knew was an actual retard in school, I remember beating the shit out of him because he chewed my DS.
Are you a DS chewing retard anon?
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But you already responded.
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>zena destroy district 24 for being a bunch of faggots
There's no way Knightclair is going to be Season-bound, unless West-Zwei are involved in this entire Bloodfiend rigamarole.
I hope Meursault is good though. Imagine killing a bunch of Bloodfiends wearing that Castlevania fit.
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hong lu has so many seasonal 000 ids though
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what's the don orb
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bloodfiend hunters look to be Castlevania niggas
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kimchi hoon has no idea what to do with sinclair, rodion, or gregor and it really shows
i'm open to evidence that suggests otherwise
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is coffee good for you?
Does /lcg/ recommand playing or skipping Lobotomy Corporation?
It's Don. More than likely she'll have to fight a bunch of Fixers or kindred fixers.
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If you ask enough people, literally not a single thing on the planet is good for you
You can see knights, a feathery Cinq guy, and a random Middle guy in the CG shown in the PV. A bunch of factions seem to be involved, or at least present at the location.
i recommend playing LobCorp and Ruina in the downtime between doing Limbus shit
>Ishmael not included
Lol. Gregor at least has clear ties with Hermann and Sinclair still has muh Mark of Cain. Rodion also has that Yurodivye plot (they're supposedly a city wide revolt now) going for her. Ishmael genuinely has nothing.
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>sinclair and meursault missed out on this
Skip boring ah game
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anon's mom was the blacked silence
anon it literally says “season ids” in the trailer. stop coping
It's really annoying that they both got shafted for association IDs
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>more Cinq IDs
Pirate it, if it clicks with you then buy it. Or grab it on a sale for really cheap. Gameplay isn't for everyone, but I'm still going to call you a weak faggot for watching the cutscenes on Youtube
what if Gregor gets it. what if the new Gregor thing is that he gets all the souls borne ID
Meursault and Sinclair are boring and badly written characters.
I use Nclair in MDH and have never had a problem why do people cope about him not being viable?
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>hex nail/zwei sinclair
I realize why KJH retconned Don into hag. It's so that Meurdon won't be weird.
Being souls borne inspired explains why most of his IDs are so shit.
It's still weird tho
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I would love for greg to get it
I see. So it's gonna be one huge shitfest either way. I like that.
>cope claim out of nowhere
Would meursault make a good nothern duke?
I always pictured Meursault as being in his mid 20s. Book version, that is.
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from what I can tell the standard banner and the limited banner use the same currency, does that mean standard banner units are as good as limited ones?
Yea, spend all your lunacy on standard
There are no limiteds
I think he straight up stopped doing those aside from the CG. The quality difference is staggering.
He just needs a fur lined cape and call women interesting.
When will El Director stop with the Meurdon propaganda?
>we're gonna get hunterpipi IDs
>with silly hunter hats
that limited banner exists just so people can roll with a higher chance of getting the new stuff. the new stuff also gets added to the standard banner.
is this why im grossed out by this meursault
Only Walpurgis is limited.
i was hoping yisang/sinclair/dyon would all get canto-relevant 000s this season
its over for me
>no new Sault Burn ID this canto
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I'm so excited to have a reason to grind again!
Why you hiding your I'd baby boy, come closer so I may rape you.
All we need now is for his story to have a female self insert present
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This is gonna be either really stupid or some horrors beyond your comprehension type shit
i don't visit other generals because i don't play other gachashit besides this. is it that bad?
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Hypothetical: (you) are dropped into the City in a random district's Backstreets, specifically in the morning right after the Sweepers stop sweeping for the night.
Your only benefit in this scenario is you get to pick one abnormality from any we've seen in any of the games and gain its EGO equipment. The equipment's grade is dependent on how well you resonate with it & the ideas behind the Abno.
What do you pick and why?
That's just Dulcinea
>no MD 5 info
>is it that bad?
FGOG and GBFG are fucking horrible and just about every mihoyo general is unuseable
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Paus getting ready for her date with Dante
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Never. The director loves the Fantasy Judge of Real World x Fantasy Defendant in a Real Court cross literary dynamic.
Cinq Meursault puffy collar remind me of pic related. I guess I have WoD in my mind with all the vampire stuff around.
That's just a windmill bro
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>people fall for shitclair meme
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>Meursalt and Don share another EGO
>Meursault steals another pass presence
What the FUCK is up with this?
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Distort into a nose immediately
Meurdon is canon. Sinclair sleeps in the shed.
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>reverse grip your big fuck ass sword
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Man, I love HeathFau
why are there so many fucking skaven around these parts as of late
Let's just hope that Cinq is not another Guido/Dead Rabbit boss case. Well at least Dead Rabbit for all bullshit 00 proper.
He's a cuck that peeps on Meur and Don having sex
It's obvious that some dev or director likes Meurdon
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>Dyon cucked out of Zwei by Ish AND Sinclair
Chosen one things
I've seen people reverse grip zweihanders, but that's so they can point the tip at people at a different angle.
He won a few points with me after his Canto and he had a few moments after, but he’s lost those points since Canto 5 when his cowardliness was comically emphasized. Mind you, I don’t hate him like the people who spam ‘Shitclair’, but he’s pretty much at the back of the pack for me now.
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hes just that fucking STRONG and COOL and HANDSOME.
you already asked this like 5 times and got the exact same replies
I'm nooooooticing
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the sword is actually pretty light according to Ishmael
kill yourself
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/lcg/ niggas the type to get Miracles as their stand
Ayin is a cunnygod though
Lol, sinclairfags are consistently the worst posters of this general
Their best are the ritualposters and those are basically shitpost/spam done by neets with no lives(more than the average anon)
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No? We literally see his ideal body type.
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i need more gore in my game
You wouldn't be on 4chan, nay, the internet, if that was the case.
Ishmael is done as a plot character. Because she doesn't get enough time to shine now, she doesn't get anything new to actually look forward to do/fight/grow.
In for the ride isn't gonna cut it.
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You can see them on CGs.

Most likely the ones running the carnival, which may be inside the giant white orb, and be some type of location based EGO/Distortion, are gonna set up a situation where Don is forced to face that most fixers are not valiant upholders of justice, and merely self interested mercs, which will result in her sperg out from her initial trailer.

I'm hoping it's some type of EGO or distortion at least. Aside from DD, we haven't seen much around them where they summon an entire location for the user.
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Really funny how the big fan-art winner is an already existing EGO from season 1
is it really wrong to want to cum deep inside a machine?
And then you cry when people shit on you and your weirdo shopfaggotry, what a disgusting maggot you are
This is why no one likes you here or irl
4th match, lamp, or solemn, I just want the drip to be honest, yeah I have the justice for it
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You got 30 seconds to buy it before I send an execution bullet your way
i wanna see how they resolve don being a 1000 year old vampire with fixers historically being pieces of shit
stop embarassing yourself anon
I believe in the happy ending
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Fuck you
faustkeks and donfags in shambles
The material of the sword and armor is not as heavy as it looks according to Zwei Ish's dialogue lines.
my favourite game, one of hardest games i ever played in my life, even super meat boy is easier
>She won't sabotage an operation because muh justice and therefore trapping her friends for millennia
That's based and justicepilled.
Will Gregor UT5 make his passive better? 5hp per turn hasn't aged well desuuuuu
this is not about the ending. i want to know more about how did don get from second kindred to here. maybe she keeps wiping her memories in the hopes of living out her dream as a fixer and never remembers why it doesn’t work out?
Every other season trailer featured seasonal IDs.
If it aint a booster of other sinners, he is gonna be shit
Acquire prudence before trying to make patterns
Goth lolita, kemonomimi, cheerful Rodion is too strong of a combination to handle.
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The power of :D
Curious to see how the corrosion is going to look
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Ideal: UT5 is restricted to specific IDs that need to be buffed. Come with new art and act as story progression for the ID itself, maybe with an additional UT story. UTEX is automatic and exclusive to LCB IDs.
>Ideal: UT5 is restricted to specific IDs that need to be buffed.
>Cherry picking which IDs """""needs""""" buffs
None of what you want will get UT5 then.
Don's EGO fanart wave was a week ago
they’re not doing UTEX when they’re trying to milk this game for everything it’s worth
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Gebura? Oh yeah.
donfags even forgot the faustkeks exist…
I still think base ID should get the upties for free just like before
"Cherry picking" isn't an inherently bad thing. Nclair needs no buffs, nor does Molar Ish
We wouldn't be able to shard every ID/EGO if this were the case.
>UTEX is automatic and exclusive to LCB IDs.
Well they clearly not going to do that. Despite how cool that would be. You know. Basic dogshit IDs getting better after each chapter? I'm still mad.
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The gothic lolita drip with overly-long sleeves is just too powerful
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My current blind guess is

>Blood Don lived a regular life, by the standards of bloodfiends
>As the city progressed in tech, and information spreading, she slowly started to learn more about how they ran things
>One day, she runs across a story, or someone who is extremely giddy about fixers, does not eat them due running into them when her thirst is sated in case it's a person
>Keeps visiting them and learning more, or finds more and more stories
>Finds the values she sees as fantastic, and something she'd wish to uphold herself
>Tries something of the sort
>Gets beaten up by her fellows so she stops being stupid
>They get rid of the person, or stories, like when they block off his personal library in the book, and blame it on someone else
>Literally schizos a new persona with Rocinante, somehow, that isn't bound by bloodfiend rules
>Tries to live vicariously through it believing in the impossible goal of a fixer wholly devoted to justice
>Carnival is her old friends and kin setting up a trap to destroy her persona's mind so she can't run away again into it

Or something like that. Our Don is clearly not just a split personality, since she isn't affected by thirst, or has blood powers, and she wondered if we were the fabled time piece, as if she never saw us personally.
Bloodfiend Don probably holds no hope of achieving her dreams as she as a regular bloodfiend, so she seals herself up as a regular person in order to achieve it.
Ishmael is more of an explorer and, along with Yi Sang, is probably the closest that Dante has to a reliable go-to.
She also probably has something lined up with Ahab down the line, given she joined up with N Corp.
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Would Don even has the ability to distort? Bloodfiends are considered a form of distortion themselves but also predate LobCo so maybe their form of distortion could change.
Actually thinking about it, what if the identity of "Don Quixote" is just an EGO/distortion of the Second Kindred who wanted humanity?
Huge mommy friendly woman beaming with a huge smile, wearing oversized goth lolita clothing, and a teddy bear theme is simply too strong a combination.
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>The closest Dante has to a reliable go-to
Aren't you forgetting someone?
>along with Yi Sang, is probably the closest that Dante has to a reliable go-to.
the absolute state of ishkeks oh no no no
don't you even remember everything that happened after Canto V? I guess not, since your kind doesn't even play the game, but Dante's go-to's are Yi Sang, Meursault and Faust.
>Because she doesn't get enough time to shine now, she doesn't get anything new to actually look forward to do/fight/grow.
They're just trying to let other sinners get time to shine because Ishmael was such an all consuming presence and there are others who don't have as many lines. Fucking relax with these giant statements, man.
>Ishmael is more of an explorer and, along with Yi Sang, is probably the closest that Dante has to a reliable go-to.
Kek she wasn't picked by Dante or Verga or volunteered for TKT
>She also probably has something lined up with Ahab down the line, given she joined up with N Corp.
There's NO REASON for the boatbilly to give a fuck about Ahab other than in a general "I will kill you" sense. Ish doesn't even know Ahab is alive.
She is beyond aimless.
Oh right. Gregor-bud is always has our back.
I wouldn't go that far. I'd almost expect it to come out a few at a time, like two kits a week or some such, but most likely it'll be all at once.
I don't count Faust because she hasn't had her 'resolution' yet. Though I'm eager to see her stumble through situations more as her veneer of stoicism crumbles.
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Maybe YOUR Faust is reliable, but mine's defective.
TKT already showed us who Dante trusts and showed us that Ishmael is a backstabbing shitter.
post Don Quixote_243
I'm still mad Uptie 4 is not free for base IDs.
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Can someone draw part 2 of this?
>Ish-haters are secondaries
>You may be disheartened by the defective state of many of your Sinners, but do not worry; this Sinner is one of the few who can carry out most missions without much complaint. She is likely to make reasonable judgements, so it is a good idea to start conversations while looking her way if you're seeking sound advice. However, you mustn't forget: this Sinner has survived an absurd voyage in a far and wide body of water. Her patience may run deep, but once you take a wrong turn with her, it will be a difficult task to regain her trust.
Kek sure. Everyone else ended with something to look forward to. Everyone but her.
For me it's FeMC rapeges
dante literally learned that he was stupid and needed to rely on other sinners more, but ok
>calling other secondaries while basing your statements in the fucking sinner introduction instead of the latest story events
ishkek please... you're embarrassing yourself, half of those get contradicted during her own canto...
>Y-you don't play the game.
What the fuck are you on about?
>NO REASON for the boatbilly to give a fuck about Ahab other than in a general "I will kill you" sense.
That's literally what I said. She still has her beef to pick with Ahab IF she finds out she's alive.
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post sexdon please
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>puts all this effort into a woman with his ideal body type that is obsessed with him from the start
>doesnt fuck it
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Hong Lu and Gregor are probably getting seasonal, since they're the only ones along with Don who are one ID behind everyone else.

Who else are you hoping gets a seasonal? I'm personally hoping for Barber Rodya, if she's the scissors lady, and either some type of bloodfiend Ryoshu/Yi sang.
<I did not pick this bitch in my top 3.>
I want Gregor and Ishmael to get one.
And that's my point. She already defeated Ahab, could have killed her as well there if she wanted to. It isn't even like a frustrated kill, she had it all in her reach.
A rematch would be an annoyance.
Even heathcliff has more reasons to meet Nelly and bash her head in.
>half of those get contradicted during her own canto...
>your personality is determined by how you react while you're in a traumatic scenario and not how you react 99 percent of the time
based retard
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Why shouldn't I just open all my shard boxes the moment I get them?
gregor is the most literally me sinner though
So you can wait for the end of canto guaranteed S5 ID ticket and not waste 400 shards for no reason
the red ones? open those whenever yellow boxes are best kept for when you actually need them like uptie 4 or sharding the new shiny toy
I hope there's no dungeon again. I really dislike dungeons.
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>I-it doesn't count
Yes. Why the fuck do I care about a person being able to be functional only on fair weather situations? Literally the opossite of what Limbus company needs.
how do you get the WAW banner? your first WAW EGO?
>Default Don
>Ring IDs
>Hook Lu
>Dualist Ryoshu
Is this a decent Canto 7 team? I want to use default don even though I have almost every ID/EGO.
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sure why not?
Ish sometimes gets staggered even if she has her shield active. Fix when?
retarded or bait
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What a funny way of admiting defeat, but I'll take it.
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Ishmael fought Ricardo to the death with the sole goal of saving Dante while Faust ordered him to fucking explode for the greater good of the company.
Ishmael would do everything for her dear compass while Faust would betray Durante at the first chance she gets.
whatever helps you cope with having a sub 80 iq, I guess
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what EGO would /lcg/ resonate the most with? regret?
Everyone is here for a reason, Outis. Don't be a bitch, Outis.
don would never
I just want to say that I'm glad you guys stay in your containment thread and don't spill over to actual proper conversations.
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do you read ID lines?
FaustKEKS will ignore this
Us Heathdieties have chosen to ignore this post.
holy fucking SEX
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Is there even a good outcome to this scenario with Don?

>Blood Don probably holds no hope of ever achieving her ideal and dreams as she is, seeing herself as a monster or something, so she chooses to become a human through our Don, even if she's basically a different person
>If regular Don is gone, or forced to face reality, she could potentially persist despite the incredibly dreadful reality of most fixers, but if blood Don comes back, and further believes its impossible, she will feel she was wasting her time even more
>Blood Don acted as if she didn't know Dante, but knew who he was, probably from prior information, and Don has no idea about her other self too, meaning only one of them is sticking around
>If regular Don sticks around, it just reinforces Blood Don never gets a chance to prove herself wrong, if Blood Don sticks around, we lose our Don

Unless there's some type of memory mix happening, where both learn of each other, and become a single entity, one or the other just feels like a bad ending for the other one.
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why did these end up so inaccurate?
the only one that held up at all is fucking meursault's
I'm truly thankful for this reddit tourist containtment thread, the other thread specific schizos are enough of a bother, can't imagine how bad it would be with shipfags in the mix
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That's it. You're getting raped
Its okay xister, maybe one day you will make an insult that will get to someone.
so true sis
it's not inaccurate, it's just how they were perceived back in canto 1
Probably a memory mix. The spics in Canto II sniffed her out and she dropped her cutesy voice immediately. She also could just straight up lie about not knowing what a Bloodfiend is, despite the fact they're common knowledge as myths or as facts to most of the crew already.
why don't you fuck off to /v/ then
clearly it got to you since you felt the need to respond
>>insufferable arrogant
>is actually a moe retard
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this giant orb is very ominous
Us sexual meursault posters approve of this
nobody EVER perceived faust as displeasing
All of them ended up being completely 100 percent accurate and foreshadow the events of their canto
because I can stay here and make you have a melty just by calling you out :)
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What "proper conversations"?
I remember the /v/ threads being absolutely horrible the last time I visited them, just saying that phillipclair didn't look too strong was enough to cause a thread-long meltdown about "only /vg/tards think he is weak, /v/ chads sure are the smart ones"
Then after 3 fucking buffs the only reason people use him is thanks to glimpse of flames
He was """strong""" without the buffs, but burn is just shit so even though he's the best burn ID by a fucking country mile he's still underwhelming because he's attached to burn.
I expect some new plot point that changes the perspective.
But, at the very least, I don't expect it to be fixed in one canto.
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No idea, it honestly feels she is screwed either way. Losing our Don would be a pretty interesting twist but i don't see them doing a character change that big.
Discussion here will never be good because some posters here still defend W Yi sang
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She is insufferable to most though, even Dante feels a little awkward with her know it all attitude. It's not until she loses access to her information that she turns out to be times meeker than she appears.
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The only reason I did RR1 in the last week of being able to get the emb banner was because I hadn't leveled/uptied a good team
Now I do it because I'm lazy
Their personalities probably aren't split.
Blood Don and retard Don will obviously fuse into one personality and she'll learn to appreciate both sides of herself
if you rely on your status you're not a good ID
all the good IDs are dish out limbillions of raw damage and can be run very well on any team
Every one of those IDs benefit from specific team comps though. This game is pushing towards synergy, it's pretty obvious with Wild Hunt.
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>b-but burn
Any good ID will be strong even if the status is shit and perform well in any team as a generalist ID
>if you rely on your status you're not a good ID
I started saving the RRs for the final week after I did RR2, RR2 fucking sucked man.
I really do hate how EXP works in this game, its so annoying to lvl up new units (and old ones) My spider ryoshu is still lvl 1 because Ive been focusing on lvling a sinking team
You can add 10 Hong too. He is not that great without insight lock.
sure, they benefit from it but they're still giga strong without it
point is if ringsang was a burn ID he'd still be 99% as strong
it's not burn that's holding lipclair back it's his numbers
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>Don becomes more soft spoken, and stands out less in conversations, without booming her voice as much
>Still grow excited over stuff she enjoys
>Will act more cheeky, going from speaking normally, to throwing a comment around knowing full well she is being silly
Would you like it?
>Rodya's obsession with food has candy manifest in her EGOs now
My cute hungry Russian wife...
See >>497155532
This is also true for Ring Sang. He's the best ID in the entire game but he absolutely benefits in a team that inflicts lots of debuffs/lust resonance/bleed. He'll be fine in other teams as well but he benefits more from a specific archetype.
There's a moment where Faust can't stop pestering Heathcliff over a comment he made about Mephi, and we saw in the Warp train how fed up the rest of the gang can get with her dubious way of speaking . Faust IS insufferable
Ishmalefags not beating the fag allegations.
>Any good ID will be strong even if the status is shit and perform well in any team as a generalist ID
Nah, that's retarded. If a specific status team ends up outdoing every other team then those units are all better than generalists even if they're not good standalone. This is a team building game.
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They were right btw. /lcg/ doesn't even argue with banners anymore.
>She also could just straight up lie about not knowing what a Bloodfiend is
>Actually missing the subtext of Don having her memories of what a bloodfiend is sealed away
Me on the right
me on the left
Me in the middle
Don is gonna be more like an eccentric old lady once her canto is done. We'll get to hear her deep/sexy voice more often as well.
Versus the other subtext of her being aware she's more than she lets on?
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>they were right
>even after being the most buffed ID in the game with the director performing naked dogeza nobody fucking uses him outside mirror dungeons
I haven't seen a single RR run with Phillipclair, pretty strange if he really is as strong as /v/ said.
>Faust IS insufferable
then why does /lcg/ want to fuck her then huh?
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Yeaaaaah, simply fight the worst bosses 5 fucking times
Here's hoping the flattened exp curve is good enough
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i want to die with my blood splattered everywhere
>tits 15x bigger than her official design
Not my Yuri
He's used in Section 2 for low turn count runs but that's about it.
They had an intern at Limbus look at their files and conduct a five minute interview before writing the bios
When will we find out who Mars' mom is
Hey Limbabs! Our friendly vs /dbg/ is up next! Come support the team at the usual place!
I personally use him for section 3 aswell because innate AoE is just good for any vs Sinner fights. Never bring him into Section 4 because unless you plan for him to die he's going to be a distorting burden(unless you're going all in on burn in which case Outis' dark flame will just carry)
You should have some consideration for the person who has to clean up your mess
I literally used him in my entire RR4 run. He is not really as "bad" some people make him out to be.
No. Fuck off faggot
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This is me
i like they're not all nails despite being the main thing of the abno
I guess theres no point to in collecting sheeps today, the teddies deserve the spotlight
GLHF. Crazy how the hype died down after there used to be threads full of anons reacting to the stream nonstop.
It's not as if he is absolutely useless, the issue is that /v/tards were losing his mind about how he was the absurdly strong before the buffs and dismissing any posts claiming he was a pretty flawed ID, and how after the buffs he was unquestionably the strongest ID in the game with 0 drawbacks because PM caved in for the casuals, when in reality he is just okay to kinda strong in the right team after the buffs
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It is honestly incredible how hard Meursault and meurdonfags won.
can't wait for demian to show in the post credits say some random shit and fuck off
but i drew my sheep!
this happens to every single general when they join the cup, /lcg/ was just full of tourists/newfags
i want to see /lcg/ play grudge matches or against "notorious" teams. these matchups have no tension to them
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Friendlies are a lot calmer than the cups, but yeah, hype dies down, tale as old as time
Elena did distort from being too close to the light, so the chance of it exists.
friendlies have way less turnout in general
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/lcg/ just got hit by a gorillion newfags and twitter tourists when it started. you could always see the thread quality drop for the whole day when there was a game on
IIRC a lot of us were /v/ or /vst/ migrants who were attracted to the novelty of having a full PM team
Do Divegrass characters each have different stats or is it all just skins?
It's just friendlies.
As far as I can remember. It was mostly "the chosen one" shitposting and some genuine frustration over new shining getting multiple buffs back to back. Even when he wasn't that bad to begin with. That what I thought too. Until he got molested by mermaids. Yeah. Those buffs were kinda needed.
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>floor 4
>still no fusion gift
great way to end the season
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What do you think the theme of the carnival is gonna be? "Let's all do all these insanely gruesome and terrible things, and win tons of prizes" or such? I can picture the fixers coming in either by contract, cause they were already around, or they announced themselves to be coming over, and fixers are gonna earn money by the amount of stuff they manage to do inside the carnival.

Shooting range? The targets are bloodfiends.
House of horrors? Horribly mutilated bloodfiends deprived of blood for too long.
>Can you quack like a duck when you suck
>Can you fart on my balls when we fuck
>Can you stick your whole tongue up my butt
>Can you shit on my chest for good luck
Sinners for this feel?
>lcg talks shit about dawnclair
>he scores our first goal
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You got one more chance in between daily rollover and maint anon, make it count
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New Meur looks cool
i think they fucked up faust by not giving her the robin hood hat. the costume is almost identical between the two, i’m not sure why they decided to change that part. give her some cute ribbons on it or anything
Since LoR... before LoR was EA.
It was restricted and link-only.
I would like to officially apologize to GODCLAIR for posting mean things about him.
We lost, and limbilions distorted, thats why, but if we actually pull through and manager put on a insane gameplan winning by 3-0 or more every game, it will come back
I rike it
Gluttonous and Corpulent, it’s Rodya!
readlet here
Can we double dip MDH rewards?
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I think they'll find a good balance with Don's character by the end, every Canto since Yi Sang has given the sinners a more hopeful outlook, so unless they plan on doing something huge with her again post-canto, she'll likely become a less delusional version of herself by the end with her burdens overcome, or at least hope for things to get better.
Dunno if they'll top Yi Sang's development though, how he seemlessly became the heart of the group after his canto.
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The Voracious Beast
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Stop noticing useless things. Thanks.
>Jiren gets his pasta
no https://vocaroo.com/mQRNOeFbN47 ?
Nyo. Don will become an emo goth after her DREAMS are CRUSHED by REALITY.
No. We can only do that when there's a major MD update.
Don't believe so. Canto maintenance is usually the full 6 hours between daily reset and update drop.
>he scored another
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Hungry and Hefty, it's Rodya!
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Reminder that Don's VA is re-recording all her EGO lines RIGHT NOW
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I will not stop noticing.
Rodya should get the Malkuth ID (she won’t get a seph ID because she’s simply not special enough)
How do you organize your Limbus folder? What I do is
>one Limbus folder for everything
>but every image is labeled [SINNER]{NOTABLEASPECTOFART]
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i dump all my shit into hydrus
i have around 5000 pictures of hong lu that i will get around to tagging someday
You mean, your PM folder, right....?
i have chaos, its all just in my downloads folder
I don’t have any limbus images except for Rodya ones
i name everything and then search for it
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cute and canon
dante with the cheeky shot
Evade tank like Outis with worse damage
Post the one of her eating a french fry.
That's what it is now but I labeled it Limbus at the start so that's what I call it
One PM folder with character folders if said character has more than 5 images.
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>5000 pictures of hong lu that i will get around to tagging someday
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You might as well delete the pictures then.
Outis bouncing on my
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She looks like she's in dire need of sex.
Based tbqh
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Hell yea.
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Double dips only happen when MD is changing into a different one. It's not gonna happen yet.
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Now edit out Heathcliff
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despite all that posting rodya has no vore images, she's a failure
the association ids being seasonal peeves me
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What movie made them cry bros? Green Mile?
i hope they don’t give a shit about week one profits because they have something better coming down the line
I want to see her break down and cry in her Canto
It"s pretty much all I ask for
Please roll for units anon and stop using the shards, thanks!
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She is cute! CUTE!
>Meursault pays close attention to sex
I guess it fits.
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I'd rather see you break down and cry.
What the fuck happened to Ryoshu?
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I can understand why because Don likes fixers but I wish they were more unique looking
they look like average association IDs
we will have to wait a couple of weeks until we get the bloodfiend hunters
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Cute cute cuuuuuuuute!
I want to see her ride the carousel while everything around her goes to shit.
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I wanna tease Rodya about her weight
WDon I guess, that one is already mindbroken.
cinq, duh
at least meursault looks like some kind of smug asshole miniboss
why is Ish lunging at Heath as soon as an ero scene starts
Well that was a MUCH better match against /dbg/ this time around, glad both our ENTERs scored too with fun back and forths leading to our 4-2 victory against the mighty /dbg/. Hope you all enjoyed today's match if you watched it and I'll see you guys again on Sunday for our final friendly against /esg/.
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Dante being surprised made her slip
Literally walking blackhole.
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The happiest Don I have, of course.
I want to see her do the thugshaker
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Skintight lolita goth Rodya dress making me act unwise...
Make me then big boy

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