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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Buy Fortnite V-Bucks, Earn the Bird Call Emote! (10/2 - 11/1)

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>Stop Doctor Doom in Fortnite Battle Royale’s “Day of Doom”!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

> Explore Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite V31.20!

>Fortnite Crew October - Polus

Commit suicide if you like the bus driver spammer
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Malico and who?
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Hexa Sexa
I just opened up the image and jacked off to that. Checkmate.
I love Hope
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I am literally Chigusa.
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why wasn't this Heroic Hope, are they stupid?
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>>497145562 (Cross-thread)
the pepsi
This skin would be cool if:
1) She had any semblance of curves (ass and hips).
2) She wasn't a mystery meat mutt. Either make her brown or make her light skinned White/Asian. Don't do this shitty in-between color.
Also, the colors of the outfit should be customizable, IMO.
Want more? :3
Yes, please~
My rod is ready.
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Give me a minute, I'll... be busy for a bit.
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Her booty is big, but not THAT big.
madkatz spray
>faggots already used it up
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10:54 but I coomed minutes before you posted this sorry, it went all into the toilet
Fortnite is dead
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this guy gives me StW vibes
>day of doom is gone
i never even played it lol
good riddance lmao
it served it's purpose getting the Coom Gauntlet challenges done since it's impossible to get them in a normal match
theres challenges for that?
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I think he means the ones to unlock the doom stuff, I believe those can either be completed with the gloves dropped by doombot or with full armor
>rest of their body isn't doing anything
I get the joke but why bother making a full emote out of Shaq moving his shoulders
we are not getting shaq fu jam tracks :(
Why is the thread so slow today…?
too busy cooming for Hope
i hit 200 and now i'm just taking a break from the game until the cool stuff comes out.
>that feel when over 300 off of just playing Festival and StW
they made leveling way too easy desu
>no Shaq Fu jams
>no DJ Diesel jams
>tfw you are trying to play stealthy in your gimpsuit but the enemy has emma frost medallion
>how'd he notice me in my full-black spandex suit and star wand
The bus driver guy obsessed with c*g made a revenge thread after this one you probably can't see because of your filters
You are a 11 year old boy and you see this woman with a BIG posterior how do you think that boy is going to react?
probably the same way I reacted when I was 11 and saw Ayane in DOA: start masturbating
i hope pj pepperoni is in the shop tonight
i want to buy her just for her cheese bb
her skin is shit i dont give a fuck about it, i just want the cheese bb
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i had fun, thank you anon
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slow thread today
kys aubey fag
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no u
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i love (retro) zoe clash so much
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Would you like her more if she were more accurate to her concept?
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BRUNI!!! Hi!
Hope you are well
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I think shes fine the way she is... the concept eyes are cute BUT i also do like the eyes we got
>still no Dark Ruby
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thank you sweeney
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this one's on me
So how does this work? Because I want Shaq's pickaxe but don't want the rest of it.
it's really convoluted but you need enough v-bucks to buy everything outright so people weren't as vocal about doing it until now
why's she look like she's about to destroy the island
Will Zoe ever come back? i need to buy her
I mean the white-painted ledges designed specifically for scaling buildings in a firefight, not making build stairs. They basically stopped implementing them worth a damn besides once in one spot a season.
There's one in the Underworld next to Hades's castle thing. Another one at the Raft like you said. Hmm.
Yeah, there aren't a lot of spots. But I didn't mean build stairs, I mean you can hop up a tower of builds using the ledge climbing. I do it all the time, whenever I don't have a jetpack.
did anyone buy these shaq gauntlets?
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Doom falls tomorrow
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>Galactus Gorger Minions
>Fun Super Power Mythics
>Great soulful POI's
(Sentinel Graveyard, Heart Lake, Doom's Domain, Ant Man Hill, Trask Truck, The Collector spot, She Hulk even took over the Detective Office in Retail)
>Quinjet patrols and special landing spots
>Multiple LTM's in (Solid Gold, High Explosives, Hero)
>Big ass cool Helicarrier Spawn Island
>Gnome War and Super Slurp mini story
>Fortnite 3d Birthday stuff
(Cake Emote and Cake Wrap)
>Rocket League Debut
>Fortnitemares happened
>Midas's Gold chair showed back up and lead into Shadow Midas Challenges and skin debut
>Ecto-1 Debuted in game leading to Store Skins, Glider and Rocket League event started to earn it as a car

God DAMN Nexus War was a SVOL Season
Whats the cheapest i can get iron spider for? The iron spider bundle seems to be missing stuff
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but Evil dies tonight
I cant believe this is the guy from the breakfast club
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damn she really let herself go
I thought he was the Brian
Overrated movie.
Your mom is an overrated movie.
Should I attend the event tomorrow as Hope or as my main skin?
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get those fat fuck fingers off the monitor
now you can say this is the ultimate showdown
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not yet
why would you post that hand anon
Can you still idle in the lego and rhythm modes?
Use the sleep mode
Really? I'd assume that would stop it from working.
Hey retards you're using the wrong thread
Jokes on you I'm in both
it's his monitor, it's his skin.
>46 posts
this one has 87
was made first
kill yourself you fat retard
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I get the joke but in-game the emote looks dumb with the rest of your body doing literally nothing
I can't think of anyone good to take to the live event, so maybe Wastelander Magneto without the helmet.
What's the best way to get into the event considering matchmaking is gonna be fucky around the drop point at 1PM CST?
cant wait to squad up my rue with benito mussolini

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