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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uE0XFJSVZA [Embed]

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Buy Fortnite V-Bucks, Earn the Bird Call Emote! (10/2 - 11/1)

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>Stop Doctor Doom in Fortnite Battle Royale’s “Day of Doom”!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

> Explore Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite V31.20!

>Fortnite Crew October - Polus

Commit suicide cig(ger) and your gay bus to
Once again I've done everything to do in Lego
How many hours have you spent in lego total?
Havent timed myself but I have a level 10 village in each biome, maxed out the rebel one, maxed the SW pass but didnt buy it because no thanks. Maxed out the lost isles one and found + maxed both nana villages. Got every enchantment and set up a bus system that connects them all.
I wish there were proper dungeons with some roguelite elements to keep me occupied.
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the pepsi
Get the E-meow-ticon Emoticon by watching Rubius play Fortnite for an hour on Twitch today! Rubius has stated that only 200,000 drops are available, so we recommend tuning in ASAP to try getting this Drop. There's also codes for the MadKat Smirk Spray being dropped in chat randomly, but they have limited uses, so you may find getting one extremely difficult.
Lego itself really just lacks a lot of the drive and goals like the worlds game this mode is based on. Personally, I feel like epic could've had a homerun if that StW-esque open world mode with the elements from legos mode they had in dev hell was completed with lego just being an after thought.
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it's cute
STW getting overhauled into a proper open world game would be my dream
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>MadKat Smirk Spray being dropped in chat randomly
>code has been redeemed
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speedstorm got a nightmare before christmas update
this game looks like hot steaming unwashed ass
I somehow got lucky and got the madkat emoticon, still pissed about the Lemon one from the skin reveal that like nobody got
>trying to watch the chat for a code
>could give less of a shit
>unfunny niggers posting the drop code they got used
You taking requests?
how do we know when codes drop?
It'll pop up saying you got it
We excited for fortnitemares?
Not really, but hey it could be a lot worse.
Actual POI changes for it again are great to see, hope it does turn out to be as good as its sounding
If there's more than whats in the teaser then yes
if not, then rip

I want my fucking fantastic four and it might not happen unless its super ultra secret datamine-proof hidden
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anal sexa with lexa
Fortnitemares around the same time the season ends is definitely interesting
>Other thread is all ERP
Fork found in kitchen
Cute pic!
>Lexa has to live by drinking nothing by Pepsi
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madkatz spray
prob used by now
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anal sexo is reserved for male skins only
Yeah it was seemingly one time use
it's already been fucking used....
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We can be friends
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Oh I get what you’re talking about now.
Thanks anon, didn't think it'd work, was a madkat spray
what the fuck are they all single use?
No, but the spic children are draining the uses. They're 500 or 5000 use each
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>another ruby
>another lexa(understandable)
>another ultima knight
>another fucking red knight
>another guff
>another marshmallow
>another monks

I couldn't be any less disinterested if i tried.
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>another guff
Guffs only got four recolors counting the phantom iteration.
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Looks ok
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Gracias Doctor
Its not Marvel Zombies so its an automatic 10/10 fortnitemares
On the marvel sloppa side of it, curious what the Mephisto augments are gonna be
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For the event yeah, for the skins?
Well, the knight is cool, but I don't think I'll buy him. I think I really want pumpkin jack but if he's shit I'll pass, kinda wish I didn't get regular Jack now though. Jason could be cool provided we still get him, I do not give a shit about Saw or Leatherface outside of the chainsaw pickaxe, if we get one , the rest of the skins are kinda trash.
It depends on if we get anymore surprises in the last update before og2, and if we get this fucker in any form. We've got a few marvel slop skins coming, allegedly spider adjacent, I hope to god it's not Drew since nobody wants her. SCarlet Spider, pen and ink symbiote, or Anti-Venom would be welcome.

I'm mostly hoping this Fortnitemares is good for once, has been shit since ch2 at least.
Ok? It wouldn't kill them to make shit for skins that haven't been available for fucking years instead of most of the skins in that list being shop skins.
>gonna be
Meant how they will work, we havent had them all chapter long
The Ultima Knight remix and Lexa Hexbringer are cool, they are more than I expected for original skins
Hoping for Agent Venom or Anti-Venom aswell
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I mean you're not wrong but I really can't applaud them for being so uncreative.
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they're nice but I don't like them enough to buy, happy for those who want them
>hoping for antivenom
same desu
I hope we don't get any out of the remaining 5 marvel skins honestly. Marvel Zombies came at the tail end of the zombie craze, marvel is now at the end of it's own craze, Getting a combo of both would be the saddest most embarassing shit they could put in the shop, most out of touch clownshoes thing really.
Cute. Nice to see Twitch drops come back and not being locked to Legends Landing.
>Getting a combo of both would be the saddest most embarassing shit they could put in the shop, most out of touch clownshoes thing really.
Let us introduce ourselves
It's just neat to get remixes of characters that aren't just Peely and Fishstick
Captain Jones and Ghost Ri-durr are great, Meowtooth is neat. I do not care for Peelverine or Fishpool remotely
I don't think either Hope or Jones are gonna die in the event
But what will Doom do and how does that lead to Mephisto showing up (and Midas coming back to Helios aswell)
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with 1 month left of C5, which weapon was/were your favorite? for me the thunder burst SMG was the best, followed by the nitro fists
The golden eye makes me wonder if Midas will actually participate in story shit for once.
>makes me wonder if Midas will actually participate in story shit for once
He literally launched the device
Honestly, Thunder Burst and Nemesis AR were the greats for me this chapter, and it pisses me off that both of them got vaulted in favor of more spray-y guns.
The Oracle foretold of him being involved with the ghost logo on one of the pandora orbs that Hope and Jones collected
I think the scar that Doom gets may be a reference to how the main reason he even hides his face because of how he couldn't handle a single small scar on it
when will they bring anime skins back?

i wish
which ones
anyone doesnt matter
Monarch Pistol
Depends on the shop rotation, it's random
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I love Soccerzombiehunter
Wait why was there a code for her
wait for season 2, bro.
Which US President had the better Fortnite era
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I think we all know it wont happen, look at Kratos
epic can create codes for sets, i remember hearing rubius got a bunch for him to giveaway to friends with his full set
They should bring her back this month as a warm up for the release of season 2. That would make my Christmas come early list
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Point me to your enemies and I'll blow up their cars >:3
riot isn't up their own ass like sony is
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Nice look Emma.
I am really starting to hate Sony
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I really need her, I made my whole list just for getting her.
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Well, I'm tempted to blow the last of my disability for the month. Would anybody want the pilgor skin?
I’d want it, but it hasn’t come back in a while
Damn they're going to wait for shop reset to give the vbs, I wanted free 1000 vbs
They're still selling the skin on kinguin for 28 usd
eh, don't give scalpers money
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Evil bear
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Would they release the loading screens with Jinx or are they exclusives?
>watched the whole thing for an hour
>got to 100%
>no drops in my inventory
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>Boost some Mexican twinks twitch view count to get a shitty fortnite emoji
Viking emma
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feels good being OG.
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>Added Creepy Outfits
>Removed Creepy Outfits
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where sexa
>added creepy outfits
>removed creepy outfits
This is the culprit for all the dogshit. Fat fuck.
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Nah I'm saying thanks to him for releasing two exclusive items for free
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Ask him to put rustler on the shop
How about i ask you to pay attention to the shops so you can buy a fucking 30 day rotation item, moron.
Put on a trip
fuck off, boe
I'm convinced that Haze is a succubus
I dunno who that is
so are you saying she'll for sure be on the shop in 4 days?
fuck i was too late.

what was it?
some shitty spray
I'll let you facefuck me for 4000 vbucks, NO HANDS I promise not to push away or resist at all
that's cheap
>telling the bus driver faggot to kill himself
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is this today's shop?
i missed out on my wife twice and i need him
>source cut off
fuck you gatekeeping fag
just search the text
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it's FN_Assist
just a reminder with twitter just search up some of the text in the tweet into the search bar and you should find it
for example "+creepy outfits"
>Just make a twitter account
then don't bitch about a gatekeeping you faggot
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>Just make a twitter account
you didn't already have one before that bloated landwhale bought the site?
>No build
>Meta is dominated by people who build
Pretty retarded
You should have a code in your twitch notifications
It got banned because I said it was weird how the USA sends billions to Israel every year for their citizens to have free college yet the educational system here fucks over millions of people financially.
mine froze at 94% so i just closed my browser
what a fucking scam
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for the 3 anons that still care about RR, final speed run quests are up, season ends oct 11th
>Car blocks me from hitting the boost and causes me to die
I'm starting to not care for RR
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The gooncord is truly sad
yeah the mode is simply too volatile, i'm just playing it for the easy rewards
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>x-men coming today
can't fucking wait to get them all for like 400 vagina bux
all paid for by yesterday's veebux refund
I never liked this gun. Striker AR, Tactical AR, and Combat AR were my favorites (not necessarily in that order).
honestly seeing the items on fortnite.gg I think the Shaq stuff is pretty cool
ohh I thought there was some weekly quest for using the full doom loadout or whatever it is
Apparently the reason she never came back was Epic worrying the skin promoted a unrealistic, unhealthy body.
what goes on in the gooncord?
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Then shouldn't this be remove
I love Cinder but ber physique is literally not achievable natty for women and such forms in media is a major direct contributor to so many young people starting PEDs. Sounds like horseshit, they can't be this stupid.
Getting mad at good posters and brewing in their unoriginality and crusty cum
Do we know how much witch Lexa and her bundle will cost? Just curious.
You know Elon bought the site from Blackrock, right?
>they can't be this stupid
NTA but Rue...
God I wish I could goon and roleplay with others...
life is so hard, bucko's
Stop being a faggot, it's not healthy for you
We could inv you
Never really believed in using twitter or facebook.
Or even myspace back in the day.
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I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
is there lewds of this skin yet?
>lost the gender coin flip at birth
>thanks to that I'm stuck in an ugly body and I'm autistic and have to work physical labor to survive
Every single fucking day that I play Fortnite as a cute girl like Ruby, I get serious gender envy. I hate myself so much. I'll never be beautiful.
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i can guess how the comments look
can you please fuck off to /LGBT/?
this board is for jerking it to fortnite skins and posting cropped porn not to blogpost over your boring life
Don’t lump my fortwife in with this shit
he's trying to groom little boys !!
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reminder that you should play as remi for easy ws and to look cool doing it
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I think this might be the least BR i've played of all seasons
Seek help
>ugly ass cel shaded skin
um, no thanks sweetie.
>look cool
>BR is nothing but jetpack faggots and gatekeeper spam
>Reload is nothing but snipers, green ars, and bunker spam
>Ranked is nothing but walking around until you get lasered by campers or third partied
This game is not fun rn
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will this season go down as the worst or second worst season of Chapter 5?
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Managed to get one last Victory Von Doom before they remove the feature tomorrow, very satisfying.
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Season 3 > Season 4 = Season 1 > Season 2
The worst by far. Past seasons were simply dull and repetitive, this one is aggressively bad. It's like they're in a race to make BR as awful as possible.
unironically based and true as fuck
The jetpack was neat but it is not fun anymore, holy fuck. Like the nitro fists were super fun all season long but these I already am anticipating being vaulted/removed.
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Talk me out of buying sica, she's cool but something cooler might appear
easily worst
s1>>>>gap>wrecked>>>>>power gap>m&ms>>>>>>>>power gap>>>>>>absolute dogshit
For a second I was wondering why you added candy to your rankings
>she's cool but something cooler might appear
Just get her now (or anytime before she leaves) and don't equip her. You can refund her if you want something else later.
you fat fuck
I'm actually eating some caramel m&ms right now so that probably is a factor
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>Ruins your game
Not really gameplay related, but at least we got Black Cat and Elastigirl this season. I can't think of a single good thing about season 2. It was a massive snorefest.
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got my refund
Was this thing buffed? The way I remember in the beginning of the season nobody carried it, now it's a must-have.
ruins my sneaking
>ruins your game
at least we got atla skins
also I got titan and ares (and polus too technically just 2 seasons late)
nooooooooo don't brap me with the lexa brapcannon aha
An excellent contender for the worst season of any chapter, period.
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oh yeah i forgot you can cancel stuff in the refund section, i may do that thanks
oh shit, and i got the pickaxes even when i cancelled the purchase, the system works!
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maybe I would play as Remi if he wore a cute, frilly dress
>finally go see Metallica live
>two nights, no repeat songs
>will get to hear the hits and some deep cuts
>James starts the Fade to Black intro
>Kirk butchers the first solo
At least I got to hear Leper Messiah and Orion that night but holy fuck
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Real talk, where are you dropping first?
I only discovered proper bot lobbies on my own basis this season solely because this shit was so impossibly frustrating to deal with that I was gonna skip the season otherwise. Even Wrecked, I was willing to tolerate Nitro Fists and Magneto Powers abuse with live players, but not this time.
If anyone picks pleasant or salty you should be careful because they are registered sex offenders
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Slurpy Swamp
Season 2 had the chains, at least. They were fun to use for the 30 minutes they were in the lootpool.
she's awesome. get her
Weather or Misty
real talk, if this doesn't play on the first drop they shouldn't even bother
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Pleasant park
>for your hard work
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>underworld is still on the fucking map
>2 seasons later
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I don't have any preferred spots, I just drop as soon as the game allows me to do so.
holy shit that reminded me I gotta equip droop during OG2
Waking up after September ended?
It was pretty funny at least finding people dying from the nitro hoops because OOPS it turns out launching players that jump into that have no landing safety net.
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was there ever a deep lore explanation for why half the POIs were from the C1 island?
The island collapsed into a black hole and spat out a new formed island with a few old locations around to let you know its the same island just reborn.
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what are you chaps buying with your 500 vbucks? or you saving for something?
can I refund the blades for another 500
finally the skyline is here. don't even remember how i got it in rocket league, now they just have to bring the battlebus over as well
>could've refunded the bow blades and ended up with a bonus 500, but didn't think to do it
ah well
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I'm saving for more actual music in Festival but it feels like at this rate we won't get any until the Warped Tour comes back
>was there ever a deep lore explanation for why epic is lazy as fuck
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Apparently the shop is NOT run by AI. Some dude has been doing it for over 4 years. And he really has been has been bad this past year
finna buy shaq tonight
I wish she had more lore in StW but I appreciate that they at least gave her a cute name.
Her lore is everyone groans when they have her as a teammate
You can but why would you? How poor are you that 500 is a make or break difference?
but muh Mythic Storm King
you can't convince me it's not ai-generated off of Rangadesh Parswani Vindaloo's computer in "West Virginia"
seek Christ
Probably Lazy Lake if it's the C2S1 map. If they start C2S2 then either the Grotto or the Agency.
nigga got hit with the gender dysphoria gloves
I’ll kneel on BR being shit, but everything you described in reload is circumventable with shockwaving/crash padding into their bunkers, or simply outgunning them with your own AR
>hang on to the blades that I'll never use because I have better pickaxes
>get 500 free VBs to get something I want
I'd rather have the VBs.
Maybe i could play as him if he was white
>They peek and laser younwith a green ar
>Week with a green ar
Yeah no
its been the exact same all season, I’ve carried it all season. honestly I only really notice it making a big difference when a whole squad is running it and you’re outnumbered or if its a high mobility fight and nobody can hit each other. I honestly like it cuz its makes killing people who are trying to disengage super easy
I don't actually want the pickaxe, nor does it go with any of my skins.
Rather just get the vbucks for something I actually want.
chapter 2 season 4's gameplay still felt tethered to fortnite. this seasons is like i'm playing some unrelated marvel game.
People shit on it not understanding it helps you kill everything, and works as an early warning system. Mandatory for ranked or otherwise.
Better watch out Fortnite??? nah infinite's not competing with anything anymore
I thought Gaylo already had third person
it was pretty much just a camera type in custom games and never worked well, guess they were bored enough in this "winding the game dev down" situation to put it into playlists for a month
>Try Halo infinite
>Not allowed to colors my spartan the way I want
>Have to buy simple paints
Dropped it then and there.
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I really hate Reload because it's so close to being good
>the flat land needs more big cover
>respawns need to be better thoguth out with either ground respawns or some sort of invuln mechanic
>storm circles should close in on the most equal ground
>buff floor loot rarity rate SLIGHTLY
If it did all this, it'd be perfect, a lot of the time the endgame devolves into who got lucky with the storm and carried the most portabunkers.
I haven’t played infinite since release but I might go back and try this
These are retarded suggestions
Shit's retarded, and everyone that tries to justify it can suck a cock.
But you still got more customization than Fortnite, even if 95% of it is horribly gaudy and awful CoD Kids appeal garbage, so mixes of "maybe could've had something" with "they skullfucked it anyway".
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What the fuck is with all the bot-generated threads on /v/ lately with shit like "[GOOD NEWS]" or "[SAD NEWS]" in the title
Well, you're some room temp IQ brownie so I wouldn't expect you to have good ideas lmao.
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The nicest thing I can say about chapter 5 is that it had some good skins and it ended battlepass fomo for new players(post chapter 5 season 3)
>t. Doesn’t win reloads
Im white and better at the game than you
can you gift items from the web shop?
either the iron man sites or the daily gain sheilds/open chests quest at a certain location
Thx tim
go play builds then nigga
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>Free 500 vbucks
>Muh not OG pickaxe refund
>500 vbucks back
Now this is epic
Play builds kiddo
>brownie thinks he's better than anybody
I'm in elite, shit is boring once you get late diamond. Not that you'd know ;)
You’re actually an idiot if you think portabunkers are bad
Keep getting shit on in reload
They're finally going to rerun Master Chief in Fortnite as an advertisement for this new mode...right???
If anything this means he’s never coming back
>can't leave the cuckshed even in zero build
tell me you're a pussy without saying you are lmao
My girlfriend said I'm not allowed to come to this general anymore because of posts like this
good why would I want a cope Doomguy
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>Fortnite gets First Person
>Halo Infinite gets Third Person
funny when you think about it. plus the way Creative/UEFN works, there's literally nothing stopping someone now from producing a Halo-style combat sandbox for UEFN besides the lack of the "bullets vs. health, energy vs shields" dynamic, short of custom weapons/items becoming a full thing like Epic promised.
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>Every FPS is adding Third Person
>Fortnite is adding First Person

Huh? what gives?
>he doesnt understand how useful mobile cover is
>he thinks a fucking 1x1 is comparable to builds
Ok retard
>shit wifi
>game fucking drops to 30 fps
perfect fortwife for locktober
Chapter 5 will only be remembered fondly for its story, thankfully they didn’t drop the ball with it.
>shit on more natural cover
>blow your load to carriable stackable instant cover
>so much so the whole endgame in skilled lobbies is a forest of cuckshed
ok shitter ;)
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I can think of a better one
can't add third person when its already in now can you
>it ended FOMO now that all hte good shit is gone
hooray, it's like abolishing the housing bubble but then the people who still own the houses won't sell. Or making all bridges toll free, but then blowing them all up before hand.
explain to us in words how this chapter had a good story compared to ch1-3.
Using natural cover to get around the map is good
Thinking you should die because zone pulls in opposite direction where there is zero cover is retarded
But keep coping that you know anything about good ideas you fucking retard
>Zero build
>Game is dominated by people who use instant builds
guys I can’t stop popping my cucksheds even in ZB reload!!! i wouldn’t be able to play anymore if I couldn’t!!!
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Yes? No? Critique? Suggestions?
Thinking about dropping the mask.
>Using natural cover to get around the map is good
Oh so you DO have a braincel!
>Thinking you should die because zone pulls in opposite direction where there is zero cover is retarded
It's not kiddo, it's called good map design, something you'd know if you weren't a broccoli haired mulatto abortion
>But keep coping that you know anything about good ideas you fucking retard
I do, but that's just the burden of having a 3 digit IQ
it was supposed to be posed as why is fortnite adding it, if even FPS are adding Third person view
Give her a full mask
positioning and mobility… you ever hear of it?
You won’t get any more (You)’s from me you dumb cunt go back to CoD
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>chapter 5 story
The only good story part of chapter 5 was midas. that's literally it
Better than them not ending BP fomo at all
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post yfw epic "accidentally" add a battlepass exclusive to the shop
they want to turn Fortnite into some kind of hub for people to make games in, more options for that is always good
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Who gives a shit, last time they did they revoked the item
Did we really need a live event of us rescuing peely? What would that even be?
They revoke it
That’s it
I kinda wanted to go with a "she found Don's broken mask in the rubble" kinda deal but I suppose an intact mask is fine too. Thanks.
They already did with that one music track and they immediately took it out...
>he doesn’t know
You get nothing
In game
>They took the banana lets get him back


Wtf lol
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>The only good story part of chapter 5 was midas. that's literally it
True, but Megalodon was also decent, shame he couldn't actually cut the island in half, at least partially.
>Better than them not ending BP fomo at all
I suppose, and maybe it'll open up older passes in the future because as is you still can't get
>good Iron-man
>Good Doom loadouts
>Good Logan
>Lara Croft
>Good Deadpool
and that's just the 3rd party stuff, and not OG IP stuff like
>Meowscles entire family
>8 Ball
>Black Knight
>Free OG styles for me
cant wait
Any way in Creative to change the items in a class item giver thing, or do you have to completely scrap and redo it?
How would everyone feel if the ending of the season wasn't "oh no, dr doom blew up the universe, OG2", but "OH FUCK, MEGALODON FUCKING CAME BACK, DROVE HIS BOAT INTO THE ZERO POINT WHILE WE WERE BUSY WITH MARVEL SLOP, AND SHITS ALL FUCKED"
open the settings for the device, look at the bottom right for a gear wheel thing, click on it and there should be an option saying something like "clear all items"
>Good Logan
>Good Deadpool
The Pen & Ink versions blow the battle pass ones out of the water, what do you mean? And this is coming from someone who has both.
i mean an actual proper skin, not a music track
Nobody cares about Megalodon
You guys are straight up delusional. Nobody even uses the instant covers except in reload, and even there it's very different because its not excessive. Its certainly not the same kind of gameplay as building a massive tower to hide in, or throwing up walls over and over when someone starts shooting at you. Its a fundamentally different kind of game, and if you can't recognize that its not worth arguing about- you're just stupid
>deadpool is missing his grey style and full hood off
>wolverine lacks his classic colors and his casual logan look

that's subjective.
I would agree with you however
>pen and ink versions ONLY have battle damage and it can't be turned off
>the filter also can't be turned off
>Deadpool doesn't have backbling because of a stupid joke
>Wolverine has sleeves that can't be removed
>Wolverine doesn't have the kino brown style or the logan style
They're almost better, but they always gimp the shop skins so they can't compete, it's annoying.
Way better
yo mama
so dumb that she used a Porat-a-Bunker as a Port-a-Potty!
>little baby's crying about muh poorta bunkers being high skill
lol, not even gonna bother to read this, stay in gold rank kid
The cinematic is Megalodon pinning Doom down and raping him while he screams and cries, GOOSH GOOSH style. Then he scalps Dooms corpse and reveals he's actually Judge Holden and we've entered the dark western season for halloween
They’re retarded don’t bother
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Would be based if he's the reason the ZP resets this time. I wanted to see him partially win at least.
Man, that's tempting.
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>Its certainly not the same kind of gameplay as building a massive tower to hide in
>>497182476 (Me)
shit meant to say bottom left
Say hi to my wife.
If you let someone do this in a lobby you all deserve to lose
We won that game?
>zero build
>Building is still the most useful strategy
Zerobuild cucks are all crybabies that couldn't handle building, and look at them now. Still building.
bro plays on n64 mode
You should thank me for replying since you're desperate for attention
>bow blade refund gave me enough for Mrs. Incredible
>but i'd probably never use her since no friends and not enough emotes to be a social whore kind of player
think i'll pass on her
>the guy crying about bunkers plays on performance mode
Makes so much sense
They watched the Muselk video
This is normal for any lobby in high plat or above and it's boring. If I wanted to deal with obese retards whose only skill is building like an autist I would keep playing build.
That shit is BORING
i get it's just a joke but saying that pic looks like an n64 game is like saying a movie from the 80's is in black and white just because it's old
go play cod retard you don’t like fortnite
just adapt bro
gee. if only epic didn't randomly nerf grenades for these kinds of situations.
>all this hooplah over a kid's game
Wrong every ranked lobby is people teaming on the Olympus statue
Holy cringe
>shitter so mad people don't want to engage with the mechanic that's killing the game
Awwww did I hurt the widdle baby's fee fees? Stay in silver rank builds lil buddy lmao.
every ranked lobby is one million malicos ported straight into your lobby
If I cancel the purchase now do I get 500 ontop of the refund?
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Remember when we thought Reapers and Frenzies were the worst thing ever?
How little we knew for how much worse it would get.
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you say this as a joke about his locks, but i really do think the prisoner is hot
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I have almost a 5 KD in champions and haven’t seen this once without the guy trying this shit getting lobbied
>this retard still going
Youre crazy for that
as a c4 bab i've never seen this skin
kinda based tbdesu, let them cook
Same thats why I posted him
You missed in CH1 when that one anon said he was keeping his cage on until the prisoner was released and that went on for a good while. Wild times
>I-I'm in champion rank it NEVERHAPPENS REEEEEEEEEEE
lmao nice stolen screenshot shitter
i should update this with the iron man gauntlets and jetpack
Donald dropped his story really early on tbf
kek I forgot about that guy
>stolen screenshot
I accept your concession
I still prefer this to ch5s1-2 because at least you can do something about jetpacks and gauntlets instead of just getting lobbied by 4 different people sniping you at once.
>he’s not buying coomer skins for personal benefit
i don't know how you perceived the reply so i can't tell if you saw it as a joke or not
secret skin from C1S7 battlepass. in lore he's a fire king that was kept imprisoned by the ice king. also he's the hybrids step-dad i guess
Why would they put MC into Fortnite when they want you to play Halo? Gaming collabs never make sense.
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>Epic can't be bothered to recolor the Incredible skins to give them more variations
i see, that sounds cool, shame i wasn't playing fortnite by then
You know what you’re right
At least I was dying to guns the first two season not the fists/magneto and now the iron man shit.
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>Same thats why I posted him
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thanks anon, I would virtually never use that pickaxe anyway, I like the energy ones, maybe even the shaq fists coming up
The outfit is great but I don't really like the mask.
*kisses her on the lips*
kiss from a rose jam track WHEN
hi to my wife
>one hour left to refund the blades
I know I'll never use them. I know I'd rather use the V-Bucks on something else. So why do I still feel anxious about refunding them? I hate FOMO so fucking much it's unreal.
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I'm getting the Shaq fist so Thanos can actually have a Pickaxe that matches
do you not remember how fucking dominant waterbending was? this chapter's balancing has been poo poo as a whole
I had them since they came out and never used them
Just refund them
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Pulling up to pick up RTL like
I got PTSD from this so bad I had wiped it from my memory
This is truly the worst fucking chapter ever and I hope it never comes back
You won't even get the OG style for them. Might as well return them and get free 500 vbucks
i hope the bundle isnt too expensive
in RL its only like 1200
This is so embarrassing
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I don't like Helen Parr in Fortnite. Her curves are great, but she's just not emotive enough. Look at this screenshot. Nightmare fuel.
Yeah, you're right. I have Azuki's blades, they're pretty great and universal. Thanks.
Is it coming out today? I already had it in RL
Yeah it was added to todays shop API
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Bruno Mars makes goofy faces in Festival too, and he's literally a singer so how did they not think about how his mouth would move
Saving for lexa
I don't like her face.
Wait, you can return them on top of the 500 vbees they give you?
So another 500 for free because they suck anyways?
Fucking sick
yeah I got rid of them because they're just a shitty neon version of a pickaxe I already have
Technically, it's either 500 VBs free or the Blades for free. You likely have about 40 minutes to choose.
would be funny if tonight another exclusive item lurks the shop
>no friends
If you really like her just buy her.
What do you know? Spill!
How do I refund them? I dont see them in the shop anymore.
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>600 VBs thanks to Karol G
>500 VBs thanks to FNCS
>bought Marigold earlier this season
Swimming in V-Bucks, baby. Hexa, here I come!
It's no secret that Festival makes a lot of skins look bad, though this is an egregious example and shouldn't have been this bad considering she was added post-festival release.
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>the Creepy Outfits section is rotating stuff
please let Dark Ruby come out
Settings cog/icon, go to account on the top (far right), and click recent purchases cancel/return
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they're gonna drop this on halloween just fyi
I was worried I would need a refund ticket
but anon we're your friends
Only if you equipped/used those ugly pieces of shit
The Ice and Fire kingdoms were really cool and had some cool lore to them
At least they led to Doom collecting all of Ice Kings weapons during Zero War, since thats where he may have gotten the wanderer cloak from in the first place
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I want to include the mask in some way. Maybe I can have her wear it as a pendant on the side of her hip or something. Thanks.
I really dont get the point of changing her face.
It just makes her look really off, like some uncanny valley shit.
Some evil doppelganger on its way to kill and replace her.
Cool fit, whats the context for it?
Wait whats going on?
They sent out thd refund and we can return the pickaxe for another 500 v bucks?
>free blades
if you haven't equipped them you can cancel the purchase and get 500 bonus vbucks
if you HAVE equipped and played a game with them, you can effectively trade a ticket for 500 vbucks
NTA but I'd let almost everyone in this general die for a 10 cent off coupon for a pack of gum, so many horrible people use this general
You could also put it on her head like her own welding mask. I still use the Machinist but I always have the mask on her head.
>but not me :)
Keep the pickaxe or refund and use the extra 500 for a bundle exploit?
There isn't really any context, I'm just bored. I guess you could go with her beloved boss being dead and now she's a vengeful drifter.
I like seeing all of her hair too much to do that.
If you didn't buy the pickaxe the first time around, why would you want it a second time where you don't even get the bonus OG style it's going to get later?
Refund it
Your point isn't lost on me, I thought about it when making the post but not wanting to tolerate evil people doesn't make you evil.
Bit of a late reply but if you want to go for that angle you should weather the mask more. Make it look all broken and fucked up, like it's been blown around the desert and passed between one too many bandit convoys. As it is, it just looks like she's got a Two-Face thing going on.
As opposed to a full mask, why not try removing the jaw from it? That way it'll still cover her face but you'll be able to see her lips underneath it, cementing her identity as the Machinist instead of just a genderswap Don.
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>I guess you could go with her beloved boss being dead and now she's a vengeful drifter.
That happens a lot in the story, I notice
Nice design eitherway
I was planning on weathering the mask but saving it until later since it'd just be a texture change. Removing the jaw is a good idea though, I think I'll go with it. Thanks.
Unironically yes, every single one of those discord freaks do nothing but disrupt, self fellate, and annoy people.
Anon is right, it's like wanting to nuke all the call centers across India.
Her face does look a little uncanny, I agree. It might just be the fact that they were ported so faithfully.
Teeth also just look kind of odd in this game. They're modeled differently from skin to skin so some of them look like a British meme when they smile.
Is it true that Fortnite doesn't use PhysX GPU-accelerated physics calculations and does everything on the CPU? If so that's absolutely gay.
>Is it true that Fortnite doesn't use PhysX GPU-accelerated physics calculations and does everything on the CPU?
That would explain why my cpu is 92 fucking degrees and overheats if I play too long.
To that anon crying about people being banned for the shop trick
I'd like to inform you all the veebees I did spend just got refunded to me because of the bow blades so not only I'm not negative, I'm net positive

nope, got refunded and then went into recent purchases and got more from it
>want to shave and take a shower
>might miss another shop fuckup
fuck, maybe ill just shower and shave tomorrow
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Sunspot needs a gf
Alright but you're only 500 VBs over what you had yesterday. You didn't get 1000 VBs is what I'm trying to say.
Would you take Bot Lobbies being officialized, no bots in the game at all, the "balance" we have now or what?
no fucking way you take more than like 50 minutes shaving and showering and no fucking way they fix a shop mistake within that time
No bots at all.
Bots are sheer faggory no matter what game they're in.
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already has one
Yeah you're right I had some other things in mind too and got them mixed
I assume we dont keep the pickaxe if we return them? Or is it another paradigm situation where we can keep them even if we return them?
Selfcest doesn't count
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>I like seeing all of her hair too much to do that.
Based hair appreciator. One of the little touches that sold me on this game when I started was that so many skins had hair physics, even ones with short hair.
Refunded my bows now gotta wait for something good to come to the shop
W shop incoming
Someone post the Moondrop concept. I can't find it, I have too much porn saved.
L shop incoming
Someone post the Moondrop concept. I can't find it, I don't have it saved.
yeah drop the mask
wait is this a method to get MORE vbucks than normal??
i kinda wish i had a refund ticket....
I think you should work on your accusations, I made the post about them dying and you'd probably call me a "discord" raider, the insult loses all meaning when you overuse it. Reserve it for people like the unironic jonesy porn spammers.
when you're pushing 30 there isn't a lot in life that can get you excited.
lol same but the real winners were the people who pussied out first min, got the refund, the vbux, and the pickaxe.
Hexa in shop tonight
nope, you're left the same as you were before the purchase but keep the pick, or delete the pick and get 500vbs, not worth a refund ticket I think
If you refunded the blades before everyone got their V-Bucks, you would have just gotten the blades. So no.
Just have the front plate of don's mask hang on her waist
You can just use cancel purchase right now and get an extra 500 vbucks
You only need a ticket when the 24 hour grace period ends
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Me inside of Hexa while holding hands tonight.
honestly dont know if i want to keep them or not desu
i like how its faint and subtle and not overly in your face with its rainbow shine, but i also kinda fuckin hate dual pickaxes so it means nothing to me i feel..... but muh og mentallity is making me feel i should keep them
L shop coming in 7 minutes
Doubt it but it'd be cool so I can help anon do the gifting exploit.
if thats actually her name, thats so fuckin cute and clever
i'm holding them for my green skins
>Returned to lobby
you never fucking know, they fixed tidy in like 10 minutes anon
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I will announce my presence and there's nothing anybody within a city block can do about it.
I just got 500 bucks back. Cancelled the 24 hour refund and got another 500. Thanks epic. My alt needed that
It's Hexbringer Lexa but Hexa is cute and fits with Plexa (Princess Lexa).
it's not it's Lexa Hexbringer
The helmet stays ON. I don't want to see her bug-eyed face.
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Consensus /fng/?
>goes completely off on a tangetnt about accusing you of being a discord raider
Not at all what I said, which means it's probably true of you.
>no Heat/Lakers jersey styles
>zombie superheroes
oh fuck yourselves
Not fucking worth it
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>Cool fists are tied to his skin
You did though
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>one of Shaq's styles is called Festival Headliner
Shaq season confirmed
>not using the gift method
>2000 v-bucks
Fuck that
>zombie superhero skins back
oh boy.
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What did they mean by this?
>your character does the goofy arm thing on the dj emote
replacement for NewJeans
>zombie superheroes
Who asked for this garbage?
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>galaxy grappler set if you only want the skin
800 vb
>xmen bundle if you want colossus or cyclops
1500 vb
apparently you can reduce jubilee's price with the other bundles, so you can only do it with her pickaxe for 3k
>shaq set IF YOU WANT super shaq
100 vb
>if you want dj diesel
1300 vb
/fng/ is pathetic.
>Locked behind 2k vbucks
10vb added from your account
>1000 free veebees
Nice. Ez money
It'd be easier to not want the Shaq gloves if they had a logo but they don't and look good with so much in my locker. Be a waste to buy a skin I'll archive immediately what a shame
We all know nobody was asking for these shitty superhero skins, especially not when they were asking for Halloween skins.
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Consensus /fng/?
jdm cringe
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>excited for the shaq fists
>have to get his skin
ffs, also
>bring back shitty zombie heroes
>don't bring back reanimated emote
>Shaqsleeves can't have the 'glows at night' animation thing turned off because wraps don't have styles, so you just become a glowing lamppost at night time and can't keep it all black
I am tempted to do the gift exploit once for the shaq gloves because its so fucking trash of a thing
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The music on the dubstep emote is fun but I wish it had more motion. I want to see my skin tarding out on the dancefloor.
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alright someone tell me how to do the method for this bundle so i can get shaq for 100
Is the punching animation new? I don't recognize it on any of my picks
>Fast & Furious version
>not Initial D version
cringe, call me when they add Initial D cars
>i want slop because it's cheap

buy everything but super shaq and the shimmy
you get those 2 for 100
its the same as these pickaxes
>initial D cars
holy fucking normie cringe lmao
skylines are peak jdm
>normie cringe lmao
Fuck off, normalfag.
imagine being proud of being THAT ignorant
mutts really are cursed with living up there
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No. same as wolverines but the punch at the end is like wendell's harvesters
>calling others normalfags
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I'm retarded and judging by how other people describe what they do I'm (somewhat sure) it's as simple as:
>buy items in a bundle outside of the bundle until the bundle is 100 VBs
>get "friend" (alt) to buy you the bundle for 100 VBs
>refund stuff that YOU bought within 24 hours
>keep what was gifted to you
>"friend" (alt) doesn't get upcharged for the returned bundle items
I'm calling you a normalfaggot for being too much of a coward to say fag. Only newfags and normalfags say 'normie'.
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how the fuck is Initial D "normie" and Fast & Furious isn't, just say weeaboo and be honest with it
Why do you guys argue over the dumbest shit?
Fuck off
>no pink for the gauntlet
Anybody ever undervolt the CPU? I thihnk my cpu running too hot is what's making my game run like shit.
no we fucking don't
fUcK AwF
die normiefaggot
>how is one of the most memed animes of all time normie!?
use your brain lol
God, it's too bad you can't see the face during a match.
The eyebrow wiggles really sell the emote.
You are 100% a newfag. Fuck off back to where you came from.
it's not a kid's game
show behind
Literally nobody is playing this shit lmao
Even on Consoles
>250 currently on PC
>7.6k Peak
I’m sad there’s no normal racing stripes for the GTR
All the decals it has outside of clean cut are gaudy trash
It doesn't hurt to re-thermal paste your CPU once in a while.
Should I buy the Haze skin or the Scarlet Commander skin, I got 3,200 vbucks rn
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getting a little tired of malice's absence from the shop
it's fortnitemares now and the incompetent fucknigger responsible for these dogwater shops has decided to keep her locked away for 223 days and counting

I don't care if I have to pay 2000 vb for her, I want her and this petty and sudden timeout for a previously rotation skin warrants outrage
what webm converter do you use? that looks very high quality
I would pay for just the Midnight Purple color and the car but 2500 is not worth it for just those two.
t-word skin
I got Jubilee and Colossus for 800 since i already had Cyclops
ez shaq/fists/shimmy for 100 veebs
>Can change his colors
Actually based
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What about Scarlet Commander?

Help me out anons, I have 0 skins on my brand new account, no cosmetics besides this season's BP.

I want to wait for the custom hero skins bc I want the least effect/stealthiest skins possible.
>rio model
>three styles
>level 3 gyatt
>only 800 vb

she's practically begging for you to get her, anon
I know he's retired for decades already, but not a single basketball related item?
What's the cheapest I can get this skin for?
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You're right man, I will have 2,400 vbucks left over anyways

Hopefully the customizable heroes come out later like picrel
if only the bow blades came back couple days ago, i could've gotten the x-23 claws with the extra veebs
Underage b&
>everyone who laughs at me is a newfag!!!!
Wack sweat skin
At least Haze is hot
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I bought Haze immediately when she came out desu. Her wings are pretty much perfect for her summer cope too.
how much is it if I want super shaq, shimmy, and the fists?
I don't like the stupid horns but her clover redhair style is pretty nice.

I mean those 'sweat' skins are popular because they are customizable, and it just looks nice to have single color skinsuit desu. I haven't played since CH1 S5 so i'm a bit outdated on all the releases
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>not owning Haze
For what purpose?
>it just looks nice to have single color skinsuit
It looks like shit.
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thank you condom suit compfags
super shaq and the fists are packed together and can't be bought separately. it'll cost ya 100 vbucks
How the fuck does this work
Just subtract the shit you dont want from the bundle
The zombie heroes are kinda cool now I am looking at them more.
I had taste
Well I've heard that the simples skins have like a zero input delay as opposed to heavier skins like a galaxy one, etc

Which means if you both shot at the same time for a kill, the simpler skin would land the shot first and win, not sure if it's that important

They actually removed the color because of pro sweats? that's insane
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cute bear
Buy a superhero skin
no fucking way
That makes zero sense and sounds like it was made up by someone who has no idea how input delay works.
Can you tell me how much vbucks I would need to spend to get the skin for 100 vbucks?
>input delay for skins
>actually believing this shit
Lol get raped

This is what you get for tolerating Epic, they'll keep fucking you over more and more
about tree fiddy
Why do pros use these skins so much then? there must be an actual reason besides "muh single color skin bruh"
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Partly to blend in with environments more, and partly because it's already what everyone else is doing. They do it because other pros do it, without much thought put into it.
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I don't tolerate shit this company can suck my nuts i got this shit for 100 vbucks
Stop making me want those gloves.
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>that feel when somehow 0ms but 30% goods
pics that go hard
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Is this comment based?

Yes, it is.
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>mom said it's my turn on the Death Star
Haze should be stable on every fortnite account
>I got something I don't like for 100 vbucks
It’s staple
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Her original Indiana Jones skin is super underrated, if nothing else.
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can you please record it on his default color?
covered up butt so never caught on
I need a certified gooner skin, I don't think haze makes the cut
>shaq is a gooner skin but haze isn't
first time i've felt offended by bait
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>he doesn’t know
Newfags are retards
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I think this will go down as one of those songs I know I can FC but I'll never actually do it. Like Pea Like Me on vocals.
yeah she's a stable of fortnite porn since she's been around so long
Haze looks like Jeffree star
>off model shit
christ you coomers were already annoying but you retards are reaching OW levels of faggotry
>off model
Prove it
>Extremely high neck leotard
Oh fuck you hit me right in the coom part of my brains
I realize more and more every day the reason this general sucks is because of normalfaggots like you that do not belong on this website.
I bet you play with V-sync on.
when did I say anything about the ape nigger skin??

i'm not a troon
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Haze in a stable
We need a new gauntlet hit animation. The claws/hulk hands animations suck
They have a style that goes with Paradigm?
No I only have view distance and textures high and reflections, everything else is off/low, 1440p 165s TSR Medium/High
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very cute, thank you
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motherfucker does this look anything like that picture
>reeeeeee this general sucks because people would rather talk about the actual game instead of jerking off and gooning all day
go back to your discord and dial 8 you tranny faggot
The white glow or blue depending on which style
>motherfucker does this look anything like that picture
Yes it does problem?
The other emote
I believe in ya broski
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You DID buy Brian's Skyline, right?
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Bought it anyway. Might refund if incredibles car will be better.
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>win a game in champion with 7 kills
>get 4% increase

What kind of fucking retards play this shit religiously?
thank you for believing in me but you chose a bad day to do, as friday is one of my semi-weekly bedroom binge drinking days and therefore I will not be touching fortnite again until I safely make it to sunday evening
good night and god bless
hi Bruni
How long until Dom's Charger?
I'm really not sure if it's worth to do the shop exploit or not
that sounds bannable but I think there's too many people doing it and epic probably won't ban so many
I already had it
its not bannable and it can't be patched without either destroying bundles completely or getting into legal trouble again with refunds
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No I'm still just using the Nissan from Rocket League
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They aren't banning anyone, I do every exploit I hear about for the simple reason of challenging them to ban me, they never have, I've earned around 800 account levels through exploits and never once been banned, except the one time I used a discord bot to exploit and that was a 12 hour ban
Hello, my friend.
I want Brian's Eclipse
I think the other dark blue would look better.
I bought it to provide incentive to bring older cars to the game instead of modern slop. If it's older than 2012 at the least I'm not interested
bruni can you add me?
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fuck that, im holding out for the winner of the piston cup
At least the DJ emote is decent
>Willy's Butt Loop
Bro sexclops is in the shop right now
Can someone who bought the skyline tell me if you can remove the livery and paint it one color? The shop makes it hard to tell
I'm accepting all my friend requests again.
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>No Amazing Digital Circus skins
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for old time's sake?
I haven't updated the game since marvel season started have they added fortnitemares yet or is that in a couple more weeks?
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It has a decal called Clean Cut that's just the base paint.
2 more weeks
thanks brun
Glad to see you back! :D
Thanks. I was wondering if you were able to change the color of that livery because the shop preview doesn’t let you
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goofy ahh boxfights
It’s these low ass effort creative maps that get a ton of players somehow that drag down creative as a whole
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If its on Netflix soon we are getting closer bwo.
The AI art here is pretty good
Creative really needs to either be regulated with extreme scrutiny or removed altogether.
just put the v bucks on the card bro
Half a billion given to scammers...
>dark saber fists
In theory, I agree with paying people who make popular creative maps but at this point epic needs to really revamp how they do it.
whats up with retards queing festival main stage and then instantly leaving after loading into the lobby? its honestly rare how often you get 4 people that stay in before even playing the first song
>Load up
>See if you have the song I want
Who are you quoting?
Idk I just assume they picked the wrong playlist
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>>497197935 >>>497198081 >>497198467 >>497198478 >>497198531 >>497198626 >>497198646 >>497198771
These same people are buying skins they don't want because they're 200 vbucks btw.

The kings of quality that will buy garbage like shaq because he's cheap
Came back to the game for Mrs Incredible.

What are the coomer emotes to look for in the shop? Already have party hips.
post locker
I’m pretty sure they did announce that PVP maps were gonna get less payouts because they want to put a focus on unique maps that actually have time spent on then
Instant purchase btw. She's so cute.
There are skins I would never wear even if they were free and there are skins I really want the backbling/pickaxe for but won't pay 1500-2000 vbucks for
The hula dance
No I don't. The only time I buy a skin I don't want is if they have a back bling I like. I could have bought Bryne for 500 V-Bucks because I owned Axo, but I chose to ignore her and just get the wrap instead.
This is just a artist's barely disguised fetish.
so just like Sexa and Helsie then
that's not the own you think it is faggot
>Liking cute girls is a fetish
Kill yourself faggot
How do I find shadow briefings? Are they disabled?
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3rd party because Epic are lazy faggots
>only 3 in the map
Grim, but thanks.
Holy shit, this season sucks.
>capeshit season 2 is bad
wow if only we could have saw this coming
oh MAN that hurts
Hammer pump is so fucking ass in zb, why the fuck does it always spawn wherever I land.
full marvel seasons are complete ass but Chapter 2 season 4 was far more enjoyable than this shit. Largely because beyond Unibeam being broken as fuck the lootpool was overall well balanced.
Personally I think this one is slightly better than the last one. Day of Doom was super fun, I’m more interested in this pass, plus I like Doom as the villain way more than galactus
youre supposed to land in the marvel zones bro
Nah. Personally Day of Doom was boing AF compared to the three LTMs we had in chapter 2.
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Dogshit season.
This isn’t chapter 5 season 2
Complete opposite. I want Chun and that's it.
really hate how most of chapter 5 is just" you need this item or you just lose"
>wanting digital circus shit
This general continues to remind me how fucking cringe and zoomer fag it is. What next? You want Poppys Playtime or Five Nights?
This is why CH4S1 was the best.
There were so many options.
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I'd buy the gummy gator
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Dont forget Galactus had cooler minions than the same generic ones we always fight
To be fair Waterbending was retardedly OP in C5S2 but it was just another gun if people couldn't shoot worth a damn and fairly frequent. The real hell was the Cerberus medallion.
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Except everyone that season was whining about the hammer
>being a snob in a fortnite general
>Paypig comes back just to weak flex
Waterbending still gave multiple passive perks that made it incredibly annoying AND EVERY DAMN CHEST DROPPED IT
This is still the best chapter even with its flaws
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This is so much better than the cars!!!
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I've added everyone permanently.
Just add me, you little freak.
I should add you? NTA
Of course.
Nobody thinks that unless they were worse than the people saying they liked cars
I added you the day of should i still try again
THIS should be bannable and have creator codes revoked
Stop allowing awful slop
Stop allowing AI shit
Stop letting clickbait in
Add me now!
All these people adding you just to take your money disgust me and the fact that you’re ok with it is sad bruni
Fucking get it together m8
This whole fucking general sucks cock, it's mostly discord jerk buddies circlejerking the general. Even the coomers here are far more annoying compared to other coomer boards like /trash/ or /s/.
/fng/ is unironically the worst general in /vg/ and I'm glad this Marvel season happened because thanks to how boring the season is I've been wasting less of my time in this general or playing Fortnite.
Theres genuinely worse generals
i sit in vaults with my sovreign shotgun and wait for people
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how do you change the song on your lego jukebox? my keeps playing battery
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Bruni, my nigga!
I missed you!
The bull, the bear, the bull and the bear.
I love sitting on top of chests that I never open
CIG won
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>haha silly colorful cartoon shooter with shopping karts, golf karts, ballers, hover boards and simple but fun gameplay
>start of chapter 5 season 1
suddenly super serious COD knockoff with muh realism,confusing as fuck weapon mods, not being able to tell what is what, players run slower but the storm is absurdly fast
Actually forget what I said. The trannies here are somehow more annoying than anything. They're already in a discord together why do they post here. Ugly ass anime girl avatar images
Yeah, that's why the general is terrible
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alright i sent you one again
if you kick me again i will curse you with weird dark shapes in your bedroom at night in of the corner of your eyes
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I wouldn't call C5S1 "realism" like some people do, but it sure as fuck was overly muted in palette and trying to be darker and edgier for some obscene reason. C6 better return to being more stylized because I think that pops a lot more as an engine showcase like Fortnite's become for UE5 than yet another game trying to push visual boundaries for realism.
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>mfw there's a incredibles mom in my stw squad
imagine this with calamitys original jiggle physics..
there's a timeline out there where they never removed it..
The gift method kind of ruined me
I don't want to pay full price for anything in the shop now
I also get bored with skins faster now
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It'd be really funny if Gummigoo got in specifically because Goose can't get Thunder
>cut his cock off
>dumped by a literal tranny bunprince
>constantly shitting up the general everyday meaning he's got nothing better to do
>barely even plays spends most time shitposting
lol sure, "winning"
BAsed and true.
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She looks like a lizard
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It'd be funny is this is how thunder gets a reskin.
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I guess make sure you really want it even though it's cheap
You sound mad.
I don't like most of the areas on the chapter 5 map. they don't feel like fortnite as stupid as that may sound.
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I only disliked the Season 1 areas. Except the forests that have their own lighting.
This is one of the best Fortnite season covers ever
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sucks that most of the pass outside of ageless was ass.
The only bad skin was Nezumi.
Everything else was solid.
Man you can see the difference between the seasons. Season 1, the hotel colors are fairly constrained and rely entirely on the outdoor lighting to give it some pop. The moment greeks got involved, the new POIs have been incredibly stylish, often basking in a nicer contrast of colors and pop all their own, even if the inside of the Megalo POIs were all dull and gray (which at least made sense). It's like season 1 was made by entirely different people than the rest of the chapter, which also goes both ways because aside from the temporary TMNT mythics, season 1 was also far less skullfucked than the perma-mythics the rest of the chapter.
No what im saying is i will never pay full price for anything anymore because i could just get shit for a huge discount instead
And because im drowning in new skins and shit i get bored of everything i buy super fast now
They could release a skin i really want now, i'll buy it for a fraction of the price and I'll get bored of it in a day. Before I'd use that skin for weeks since i literally paid 20 or 30 bucks for it and i want my money's worth from it.
nah, outside of massai and nezumi this battlepass has been one of the best in recent years
Only Doomguy, Ageless and Gerolt are good here
And Gerolt's style sucked
yeah I've kinda limited myself to just skins in bundles now
and I'll agree on getting bored a little quicker
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i disagree, but to each their own
I mean, just look at the trailers.




Me when I meet my fng bestie
Dusty's okay, just not a fan of so many face piercings
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Mega is such a huge glow up from this
>making fun of me
lmfao, nigga you got dumped by a tranny and are one too, why would I be mad about some pissant?
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He needs one because I want it, too.
That's probably because you didn't really want those skins in the first place, you liked them, but not enough for 30 dollars, now you have them and of course they're not as fun, you're not even into them. I got Mrs Incredible more because I could really and I barely use her, then I got Leelah and I've been using her since that day, not that I'm playing much but I'm using
if im ever up on vbucks in gifting bruni something
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For me it's the effect Lumen had on StW. It's literally impossible to navigate caves but it's really neat.
Only dusty and ageless are good, everyone else is ass dumb faggot
Ch4S1 was a top tier pass even if you didn't like it. It wasn't for me either.
Trips confirm this was the best one though. This one was made for me.
i beg ya pudding?
I still find it funny that the whole ledge grabbing mechanic was emphasized in the first trailer, but by the end of this chapter, there's been like.. 3-4 spots in the entire map all chapter long to include it? The sole one I can remember off the top of my head is the elevator shaft in the Raft, and I know I encountered one earlier in the season that was probably one of the replaced POIs.
Armchair psychologist in here
Thank you
I was getting worried
I know it's a lot to ask
I really can't leave without it
It's somewhere nearby
No way.
Renzo is okay, but male.
Imani was decent, but had huge feet syndrome.
Thunder was cool, but male.
Mystica was a major letdown due to baldness, even after the "fix".
Stray was a shittier Drift. Especially his cosmetics.
Highwire was majorly nerfed and not as good as her concept. Wolf mask saved her.
Mizuki was the best skin, hands down.
Eren was a joke. Worst collab "secret" skin.
>selene's default style isn't her moon goddess design
>dusty doesn't fit the season
>helsie doesn't fit the season
>nezumi is possibly one of the worst anime skins in the game
>doom guy is here for some reason
>messai is in the wrong season/chapter
>the witcher guy exists
You should add a name to your posts, gender tranny so we know to ignore it
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the only bad skin on C4S1 was massai
nezumi was mid
selene was kinda good
all others were great
Nah, those skins were bangers, who cares if they dont fit the season autismo?

Would main Ragatha
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>another cig thread when his one from earlier is still up
read the last line in the OP
For the love of god, somebody make a proper thread
Hope > Haze
any other webms of retard gameplay? this is hilarious
What's wrong with that one? It doesn't have any of the mistakes this one has. Or are you just autistic and don't like threads with girls?
I wish I had a GPU good enough to do this at 60 FPS without burning up at 75+ °C.
why is this dumbfuck making another thread when we have an earlier one already
using this
I do it all the time in builds. Sounds like a shitter problem.
whats the cheapest i can get iron spider for?
>use Fabio Sparklemane
>use shaq shimmy
yep. now i can truly RP as a creep
>AI slop shit
such as?
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what's the one on the bottom left?
Have fun here :)

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