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Come to my orbiter edition

Previous thread >>497098127

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.1: 37.0.2
CURRENT EVENT: Nights of Naberus 2024
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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go wish rebb a happy sexy time
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What went wrong?
>completed first ever EDA with all options selected
>got good rolls (Caliban, Boar Prime Incarnon, Vasto Prime Incarnon, Glaive Prime).
>hard carried three teammates who kept running off and dying.
>get almost a thousand kills during the boss fight alone.
>did not get a single red archon shard, not even a regular one.
I have three times (at minimum) the amount of yellow and blu shards, what is this bullshit
Another trash female frame.
And now time for 2 chads which will be overpowered and meta definining, who will most likely get day 1 nerf followed by week 1 nerf.
I'm bored of the torid and toxocyst incarnons. Please recommend me something else.
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I will one day roll a 12
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>the Queens
>the Orbs
Come on.
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Welcome to the club, anon
is gotva worth putting resources into? I like other single target autos like karak, hind, and ax-52
I might have more tauforged yellow and blu shards than I do regular and tauforged red shards at this point.
It's mediocre. Only if you really like it.
>RNG frame, has to keep rolling to be useful
>Even then at best she just slaps 200 different status on everything
>Get's mogged by her own prex card
is nourish new gloom ?
I'm here to make the thread worse
1 ability's great, 2 abilities are meh, 1 ability's a helminth slot.
If sybaris incarnon's aoe damage comes in the form of blast procs, does that mean that it's gonna be a galv apt weapon?
sex with hags
reminder that nova is fat
I am like 3000 cryotic away from the sibear, is it worth throwing all of it into making it? I have the incarnon genesis in my basement somewhere.
I thought Nourish was the new Roar.
Gloom was always a bad idea.
Always has been
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not enough eye candy
>New somachord music is behind Baro
>Vay Hek is a reddit atheist
can you do all content in the game as ember? it's the only character i'm interested in playing as
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The answer is: blacklisted
Gloom was never good.
>Reb flew to Japan on a business trip
>Spends her vacation there as soon as TGS ends
Lucky whore
you want the mastery anyway
its a fine weapon but still outscaled by magistar in every way possible even on frost with cold stacks already applied
I have no clue. I built it cause I have a bunch of cryotic from Circuit but this shit has no investment.
You can do any content as any character.
People are absolutely retarded but it keeps the broken abilities I use from ever being nerfed.
This pisses me off way more than it should.
nourish is great if you know how to build both frame and weapons
gloom is peak retardation and idk who started this trend and for what reason
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>it's the only character i'm interested in playing as
but to answer your question yes.
I don't know if you want to play mostly solo or public but you should be fine. I can't say I know though for endurance runs (minus circuit because of decrees)
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Gloom is as broken as Frost.
i don't know what endurance runs even are or what circuit/decrees mean but i'll mostly play solo/public i guess because i don't have a lot of friends i just think ember looks hot with that skin
It's OP as fuck because nobody makes it so it has maximum disposition. Second best melee weapon after Sampotes.
Endurance runs are basically autism activities where you stick around in a mission for hours since this increases enemy levels, but also drops under certain circumstances. It's what you do when you're bored to absolute shit at absolute endgame and in no way required for anything.
i miss when Eudico had the voice filter. Fuck lvl 5 SU
TLDR: Endurance runs is like 1hr+ in any endless mode. like Survival or Disruption.

Honestly I wouldn't worry about it. Go have fun with your waifuframe
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ahh okiii thank you! if i do end up getting the game it's nice to know i'll be able to do at least most of the game as emberass
An endurance run means a long endless mission. Essentially, maybe actually, everything is viable as long as you're not doing that although some items will obviously clear much faster. Good vs bad in Warframe isn't about can you do regular content, it's about how easy that regular content is.
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It's a hanging light from the holdfasts sunk into the door so that the blue half globe isn't seen
Do not do or worry about endurance runs. Endurance runs is when you go into an endless mission (survival, disruption, void cascade) and stay there for hours upon hours, eventually reaching enemy level cap of 9999.
Nobody actually does it but extreme autists who are probably using macros, and they are mainly used by clickbait warframe youtubers to title their videos.
Btw, do not watch warframe youtubers. There are maybe three good ones.
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Sweet goon cave bro
on-topic and based
is that a cage
literally BUILT for gentle squeezing to induce ovulation
Old women pretending to be young gives me a stiffy
You should pick up the bloody scrawlings from Baro, and put them on the inside wall of your shitter
that explains it pretty well thank you!
We come alive moving under the DEI glow
(Everybody woke)
w-what happened to the grineer on the bed
you have to be 18+ to post here, child.
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Ok but bimbo frame when
There are so many chicks in /wfg/!!!
Do toxic ancient brap clouds really just instakill you no matter what unless you're invincible
Nova Prime is a gyaru, does that count?
You're supposed to run Coomei with negative strength right?
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Hey, wfg!!
There is a arcane that block their proc completely at max rank.
How does Nidus Prime exist
How does (when she gets primed) Xaku Prime exist
How does (when he gets primed) Caliban Prime exist
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Invite me to orbiter plz I'm just a cute mrlet
IGN: .-Soap-.
We dont talk about sense in DE, after fall we normalize mental sickness like trannies.
Are Magus Anomaly and Lockdown worth the plat for full sets
I have zero desire to go toroid farming.
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There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'm gonna ERP with someone from here
Twink account?
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>Small chance that she is decent (not even good).
>The rest of the time she is dogshit
Does it brap tho?
fully modeled
Eternalism and void paradoxes
nothing, you are just bad at the game
Not even a week into her release and i can already tell she needs either a rework for her 1 and 4 or gonna inevitably get augments for those abilities.
Also DE hatred for LoS really shows with her, once again if 4 was not frontal and blocked by a fucking flowerpot she would be somewhat decent.
How do we fix endgame?
>waiting this fucking long to kill mere lvl 130 enemy
you have to be trolling
that guy has to be trolling
everyone who watched this shit and didnt call him out has to be extremely trolling
I'm so sorry that anon was disrespectful to you, madam. Don't worry, we here at 4chan think you're just 30 years young and in the prime of your life.
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>every endless mission has a gay retarded deadweight leech caliban
thanks DE
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Have you erped with anyone ever? and in WF?
Wait, so the new Warframe is Mary Jane Watson cosplaying as fem Zhuge Liang?
what's the easiest way to btfo that fucking infested oni SP

i am getting no drops and will have to work up a lot of pity bullshit and then more pity bullshit to build this terrible puppeteer bitch
Yes and yes.
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Then chances are it was someone from here
you play this on non-sp and do 2 and a half mission by the time it takes to finish SP one
You shouldn't do SP Shrine Defense.
5 pearls isn't worth an extra 2 minutes when you can do the lower-level mission in under 2:30. It's just not time-efficient.
Based on what?
I forgot, doing the mission faster is also more rolls more quickly. Why do 5-6 rolls in 30 minutes when you can do, say, 10-12 rolls?
Why is warframe.market so slow reeeeee
its having its period
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No, that's where I kept the "spares"
thanks it's only going to get worse
already have one of the other versions of scrawlings on the grineer poster. unfortunately they're a pain to set so they aren't floating above the surface and don't stand out as much as I would like.
She's fine just a bit too much clonevat oil
Anything that gives status immunity or negates status effects works too,

If I have to spam abilities to kill a single enemy, then it's not good design. Simple as.

Buff Koumei.
Winners and losers in this update?

Winners: Nova, Hildryn, Voruna (Might get nerfed), Grendel it looks

Losers: Caliban (not enough damage), Koumei (Too many cooldowns, not enough damage, decrees are middling to useless, low survivability)
Toxoplasmosis faggots
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>koumei after 2 forma
>If I have to play the game to kill a single enemy, then it's not good design. Simple as.
On based department
There are many erp degens here
Winner: people who dont play warfame
Losers: warframe players
how come reb only makes W content?
>putting shitviri in the same basket as zariman and EDA
Voruna aug is bad
because she Woke
dont fucking slander zariman it might have been dogshit unplayable on release but its the peak of warframe now
>shitdryn winner
>caliGOD loser
ignore this retard
shittubers already covered voruna augment
its over
voruna is not allowed to be good
huh? literally never had a problem with it
are you some kind of pubshitter or something?
Hang on, I don't remember building a Caliban. Why is there one suddenly in my orbiter. I hope it doesn't sneak up and Mercy me while I'm typing this po
>DE makes gotva prime
>it looks cool, feels great, sounds good, even if it isn't Z tier people like it
>"okay, let's make complete fucking dog shit guns for the next couple of years now"
why are they like this?
Constant fucking host migrations, 500ping hosts, no monsters, games straight up not loading and no fast travel back to quinn so you have to run all the way back and forth just for stupid 3min extermination bounty.
If you make dogshit guns, then you can make incarnons for them to force people back into the circuit so it isn't dead content.
You are unfathomably wrong
>frame has to deal damage to be considered good
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Explain this to someone who has never had sex before.
>Ask my Helminth Charger about Meg
>It has a drool around its' mouth
I think I need to call Kubrow Protective Services on Meg.
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White women fuck dogs more often than men
>White women fuck dogs more often than men
Depends on the men. Don't be a dog in India because the men there...
Well yes Warframe is a musou after all
looks like a mate of mine
cunt talks about fags all the time
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you can just use.. guns, you know? and have the frame support your guns.
why am i even arguing
>have to attack specific mob instead of just nuking everyone
when should I sell my arcane energizes
any chance it will climb to 1000 before the inevitable next event that gives free arcanes?
When does wise razor rework coming out? I want to have fun with 2h nikanas again
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Do you like BRRRRT?
I'm dumping plat into it right away.
It has good gunfeel.
oh neat I missed that they fixed speedva's duration yesterday
>Meg fucks her dog
>Reb has hag self-esteem issues
>They're both gonna die childless
I blame you guys
>no 2h nikana zaws
Seems like such a simple thing to add it. Just add a 2h handle that combines with the sepfahn to make a 2h nikana. It could even be an event-exclusive handle, like the Plague Keewar/Kripath.
Hell, given their recent incarnon boner, it could have special bullshit incarnon stuff too.
>reinstalls to get free shit.
>uninstalls again
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>browncels think that because women wont fuck them they must fuck dogs
on release you could load into different tilesets than your team mates
It was a fucking mess
me too because they broke the timer display for MP
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Reb has a wife. You dont.
>different tilesets
surely you mean tiles? that's an ANCIENT sleek, and it can still happen if you're tricky or just get really unlucky - I remember it happening all the time back in the 2-target capture days
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>[DE]Taylor!56cb652a3ade7f0fd1ed17fa@warframe.com WALLOPS :
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>lol idk genetics
>running bounties alone because im fucking tired of everyone being afk leeches

as if deimos wasnt bad already
Zariman took away void dash. Worst thing to ever happen to Warframe.
Just about everything.
>no rerolls
>no way to rig the dice
>can't even pick decrees you're getting
>testicular torsion takes 2 full seconds to cast, despite having los limited range that is also random
>everything else other frames can do better
>no arcanes, actually a good thing considering state of the mission
Show me your bimbo/ slutty fashion frames.
Drifters and potatoes are fine too.
i have a womb tattoo on octavia, wont show you though
>erping post tranny normalization
Nigga u gay.
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Nezha is a
It's basically identical to AX52 in terms of damage. Just has a different gimmick and nice sound.
Besides the Magistar and the Vasto, are there any other weapons which the incarnon is better in the base version than in the variants?
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War criminal
Should I do the Duviri Paradox before or after Natah questline?
Her 4 has a designated AOE
single mother of 2
Magus lockdown is the other 'always use this' arcane along with repair.
>shitter dies too much in EDA and leaves
>I get dragged out back to lobby with him
a female pedo threw this
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too bad my stomach turned inside out after tennocon and koumei is my thin, rock wife now
that and yareli got too easy to play
Doesn't Lockdown not work on most things now (and doesn't damage, though that was understandable...ish)?
I'm running Melt these days. Other than Thrax, it deals with SP circuit very well.
im glad area of effect means very narrow cone in front of you not obstructed by any solid object
you know that sevagoth hits everything around him, outside of line of sight also also vertically?
you know that right?
are you in the right region anon? It's sad going alone...
I ultimately dropped lockdown for aggress after they stopped letting it do broken damage, temporal drag is plenty especially if you have another form of CC and doesn't get cucked by immunity in as many cases as lockdown
thanks cool guy
I subsumed koumei
Still an area that's being effected. Just not the area you want. Roll triple 6's and it's not a problem lucklet :^)
which frame is genuinely for (you)?
Yea like triple 6s suddenly make the attacks behind you also hit to the left, right and also through the walls, idiot :^)
Reminder this is what warframe artists look like

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the narberus granny stories are kino
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Keep seething or play another frame if you're having skill issues with her.
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wisp was literally made for me and I love her so much
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>fat ass
>puffy vulva
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what is vulva? english is not my first language.
Yes it's a shadow of what it was but it still slows disruption targets including necramechs.
Swedish car manufacturer
>it still slows disruption targets including necramechs.
Disruption necramechs get hammered hard by slow procs.
Ensnare for others.
Is Garuda good? I really like her design.
You know he had to do it to her
cold procs*
definitely ended with an emotional twist and warm fuzzies. The writers aren't slouches, I wish there were more narrative elements throughout the game, I don't see why they couldn't add touches throughout the planetary chart progression.
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Yes but you have to keep her well fed.
Warframe has extraordinarily bad art considering they are selling appearance. It's entirely carried by fast paced gameplay from Unreal Tournament that Halo otherwise killed off in shooters.
i dont get it
It's latin.
>the narberus granny stories are kino
I wonder what goes through her mind when she's sees you wandering around in her used sex-doll.
it's a kind of cat
I use Gloom. People don't understand how it works, including DE or they'd change it.
she's pretty fun
needs some investment to really get rolling though, her 2 sucks ass and she desperately needs casting speed
It wasn't hers. She just crossed paths with Dagath
>being filtered by randos
>being too shit for solo
lol, lmao
Cephalon fragments do have secrets, but that's about it.
>my three favorite frames (Protea, Nova, and Garuda) all happen to be expert ball-handlers
I wonder if that says something about me as a person
Has anyone managed to capture a Sporule Avichea since the second hotfix? It's the last Deimos conservation target that I need and this shit is driving me insane. It just doesn't spawn. I'm at 200 tags of both common and rare fucks now.
They ain't got shit on Vauban.
>alchemy arbitration earlier
>now see mirror defense
did i just never noticed before it or were those "new" mods added to arbitration rotation this patch?
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Oh never fucking mind
What sort of retarded mechanic is this
>guy says not to let the necramechs summon because they steal lanterns and starts sperging out because everybody is too busy cracking relics to care
>other guy a match later asks to let the necramechs summon because they have good loot
Who do i trust
trust no one not even yourself
>guy says not to let the necramechs summon because they steal lanterns
might be the most retarded thing i've read in this general for a very long time
delete alchemy
>they steal lanterns
steal the lanterns
Volt stole my lanterns
I stole the lanterns, Barry
it was me
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I have no idea either, they cant have them if they really want them tho
>they steal lanterns
...You mean entrati lanthorns?
assalamu alaykum
If he's so fast, why doesn't he ever make it to the bathroom?
yeah same thing
I did Duviri Paradox before the Natah storyline and I think I had a cooler experience because of it. Without spoiling I think you're better off getting to know certain characters there, then experiencing all the Natah/New War shit, then doing the Natah shit and then slogging through Duviri.

Plus after New War you're probably gonna want a break from long stories for a while
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What the fuck is this
Pretty sure they drop lanthorns for building Dante and the first guy was a complete fucking schizo
Hag feet
lantern stealing feet
lantern stealer is a really cool concept for... something, something evil or spooky, like the whisper
[Kinetic Siphon Trap]
>Smeeta Kavat: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x


what the fuck am I suppose to do with this? It won't be able to kill shit in SP. Might as well
switch to Vulpaphyla
whisper in the wall just flew over my lantern
Why would you run Smeeta anyway?
What does the cat give you that you can't get elsewhere? Al least other cat give crit.
>At least other cat give CONSISTENT crit.
Sorry, forgot about that important distinction.
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What the actual FUCK is this shit
it was fun and extremely good but sadly host inbred left after just 4 waves
Do you at least get fragments from it?
Yep, you're right.
yea but the non-sp amount
its here
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Apparently yea they were all added this patch.
Alchemy and mirror defense is definitely huge, the rest is absolutely dead and unplayable for vitus, maybe quick solo floods for quick aabb rotation for adaptation to sell
can i farm latrine from that?
no the rotations are still artbitration aabbcccc but yes mirror defense rewards stones and conjunction rewards thrax
I look like this
How come we don't have light saber melee weapons?

Best frame ive used so far for Shrine Defense.

Max Range, High Efficiency, some Duration.
Jump in the middle of the beach coating the shore with Rest. This makes the first phase incredibly easy. Dont stand in offering circles so teleporting enemies dont delay offering spawns.

After phase 1, switch to Day form and activate Maim and keep nuking the map.
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holy shit Sybaris and Sicarus are fucking cracked
this is bait
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>need headshots
Yeah I'll pass
Based unga bunga Torid user
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>he can't click heads
SP Deimos open world is dreadful
have fun clicking murmur "heads"
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Okina looks cool as hell.
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>just click the head bro
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Sybaris and Cestra look fucking great
Okina is alright too
The rest... meh.
warframe tcg when?
HOLY SHIT, WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE DERA? It literally loses dps when it transforms
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AAAAAA FUCK i wanna suck on that neck
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>what are lumbering fragments
Holy shit, you're a shitter.
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>youtuber said new incarnons will be sold by cavalero
>he doesnt sell them
i knew it was to good to be true.
He sells them for plat as usual otherwise its on circuit next week
After the next weekly reset, anon
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I love how unapologetic you are about being a pure shitter.
look at these shitters waste time aiming at heads
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this is retarded
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aaah ok thank you for clarifying frens
The best part is how 2arm2brick has the bricks as weak points but when it's 1arm1brick it suddenly has none
So fucking retarded
>pink Yareli
Sybaris and Sicarus is da way
Anon, your skill issue is personal. Fortunately there are therapies and medications these days to manage your condition.
Interested in Sneedex or Buttburnoloium? Call your primary care physician today.
nice bumps
reason Im not buying it
snek and dogs have heads too
Wew lad Higasa is even worse than I thought, not only is the damage dogshit, it also won't charge up the alt fire if you don't kill the enemy directly with a bullet. Status effects don't count. What a great fucking idea for a burst rifle!
Their actual heads are THE weakspots though, so it's pretty obvious
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MR20 and over players, how did you cope with having to mastery all the crap guns? Some of these things are suffering to use.
fair enough
>3 day mod drop chance booster
>SP cascade fissure
Oh yeah, it's gaming time
>equip one good gun
>equip MR fodder
>go do ESO
cause she gives great buffs
pet damage is irrelevant
why can't DE make ember good? what do you think the problem is?
they all look fun except Cestra
Other frames have augments that turn them into powerhouses even if they are underpowered. The shit frost does with his 4 after 2 augments is just silly then again it's his only ability that isn't garbage but that doesn't matter right now. Ember gets... 50 overguard per enemy hit with fireblast and 15% chance for energy orb drops whenever something affected by your 4 dies. Why? It does fucking nothing, Equilibrium is better. Might as well at least update that augment into something decent.
They should just let her overguard augment scale with strength and improve her 4's damage. Yeah, she turns into another boring nuke frame, but apparently there is no other way to unfuck her. Because spamming 4-1-3 (1 being Sickening Pulse) while only doing the fraction of the damage of any other damage frame is absolute ass.
why is everyone better mapnuker than lavos with 10% of the effort
It's the connection point between two 1arm1brick creatures
Not since patches but I got a couple because helios noticed them flying.
Caliban won
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i just got an extra mausoleum from crafting bonewidow, can i just throw the extra gun away?
No, bonewidow needs a gun
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Help my loki keeps T-posing
Why would you do ones you can fail?
he's asserting dominance
This is what gloom is for. Guns are still garbage compared to melee though.
what are the odds Koumei's rolls are rigged? I sorta feel like recording the results of 100 rolls for giggles and seeing how far it deviates from the average you'd get from some math
It has bad luck protection build into it.
>frostschizo has copypasta
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i think i explained it in a bad wa, what i meant is that i have both bonewidow AND voidrig, so i have 2 mausolons! can i throw 1 of them away?
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They are just doing a little trolling, since the use of the term "extra" implies you had at least one already.
Yes, you generally never need more than one copy of a gun unless you have a completely different build in mind and/or are too lazy to switch the incarnon nodes to another build
t. lmao2laetum
>she turns into another boring nuke frame
if there was one frame that needed to be a boring nuke frame, it was ember.
there aren't too many of them either, really
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nice hips
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I will, the Murmur are extremely fun to fight.
Have they said anything about augments for 1999
Please just give Caliban an augment, anything. There are multiple frames who have came out after him that have received multiple augments. Please, as long as it is not some "get crit chance after X criteria is met" boring one.
Give Qorvex's 3 an augment.
What is the fastest way to get 20 orokin cells for the sybaris and sicarus primes that I need to build
Who else?
sneeda charm can still give you free orokin cells so use that with the new beast resource boost mod from son in deimos and just xp farm in saturn helene
If you dont want to sit on a survival with Khora and her augment try crate smashing with Limbo or Xaku at Mercury. Doing the boss the assassination also drops them with a high chance
Wait is not Mercury I meant Ceres, fucking forgot the name. The one that is 2 boss fights at once
I keep xaku around solely for crate breaking.
just sell your bussy, playa
it's been progressive over the past decade for me, most of my slog MR fodder grind was done while I was finishing the star chart and when primes and 10o reinforcements ('member?) were extremely limited compared to what we have today
What is your least favorite acolyte to fight?
For me, it is Mania.
don't fight this, just let it happen... liki is in control now
>waifu buffed
>raifu incarnon
ok FINE reb, you WIN ok??? I'll buy the GODDAMN plat you fucking
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What are you willing to do for it?
You either sit on your ass in some dark sector mission with a farm frame for a while or you can speedrun Lephantis as Titania. Those are probably your best choices.
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wait for a Phorid invasion on Jupiter or Saturn
new hildryn augment is pretty good
but what will i subsoom HMMMMM
elemental ward?
Is my Caliban okay?
Too much indigenous pussy?
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guys help can I leave yet?
nullstar works on shields now, that could be cool
THere is no hotfix going on dude the fuck you doing?
You are here foreveer.
yeah there is >>497165870 I'm just waiting for it to finish but it seems like it's been a while
Capped at 75%. Eclipse is just objectively better, unless you plan on doing some kind of null star augment shenanigans.
M8 I have been doing missions and there is no hotfix happening, you got stuck forever ago or some shit
That hotfix was three hours ago, what mission are you even in?
I bought Atlas with plat when I started playing the game in 2016 because I liked him a lot.
made the mistake of being a gambler in a genre where retards can't handle a moment of inconvenience
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*gets on both knees*
*lowers head*
Reb-senpai....one booba frame please. It's all I ask for.
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What if they added Steel Path 2, where you had to beat the star chart in steel path
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would spread out the population too much. Just rework SP so it's actually challenging and requires a brain.
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I want Final Steel Path that just starts you with Infested Corrupted Shitfucker Eximus Wraith [9999] and DE can leave it there for autists to figure out busted strats they can then balance
how do i get electric on element ward, it's giving me fire only
Uh... something invisible is T-posing on my Ivara
Also lmao at the scanner interface, the x8 is stuck to the middle of the screen whenever it's equipped
That was unironically the plan but they didn’t do it because it would make the matchmaking "less of a thing"
In theory no one would have done the mid tier again desu after completing it
does koumei's animation set give puppet strings to any frame?
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Forgot pic
try it and let us know!
>stealth frames now get stands
Ah you too? I have that as well. I scanned something and I had the 8x on my screen. This jjust happened on lua sortie
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I'm sorry wukong, you flew too high.
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conculysts and choralysts dash with you, doing their respective amount of dmg and inflicts tau status, increased if under the effect of his 2

removes dmg vulnerability, will now group enemies after its max range is reached

summons will now rotate around you
conculysts will continously stagger and dmg enemies in close range
ortholysts will shoot at enemies in LOS
summolyst/choralysts will give a regenerating OG that is affected by its own adaption/DR

enemies under the effect of 2 will explode for a HP% in tau dmg in an aoe
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holy shit, they crashed the market with no survivors.
lol i saw somewhere it went from 120 to 20
fucking hilarious
jews on suicide watch
maybe they'll look at this and finally fix aiming with tools like the scanner and mining drill breaking stealth for frames like ivara and wisp, they basically count as constant firing actions and could previously (may still) generate "noise" with their aim/altfire that interacts with enemy awareness

I'm sure they will, right after they let me manually holster all weapons and go unarmed...
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I refuse to believe that people really ERP in this game. It's not real.
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mrlet... cute...
come to my orbiter and I'll teach you.....
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oh it's very real and I have no evidence to support this claim because I'm too autistic to ERP
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>No Logs ever posted
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Any cute shota operators?
haha niggers cant read
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>hildryn was 70% of my usage before her prime came out
>right now it's 27%/16% for base/prime so 43%
>usage on my other frames does not come even a quarter way to making up for that lost amount
hmmmm.... what the heck
This is literally the second Holocaust.
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fuck trade shitters.
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Lex is still my most used pistol.
Vanilla lex.
thats kommie in your squad bugging everyone out, just had this too
>Got a CC/CD/Tox Okina riven
How much can plat can I milk out of someone
>hildryn was 70% of my usage before her prime came out
weird to think some people love frames i never even think about, id get it if it was frost who you can get so early but base hildryn is locked behind two separate rank 5 syndicates.
Share Hildryn build?
Bitch that screenie is from my solo void cascade there ain't no kummies in sight
Wait until the incarnons are out and then scam someone for hundreds, if not, thousands of plat.
You, the player, are koumei.
the way usage is tracked has changed. some of my old frames that i hadnt used that much are ranked way too high

ah, too bad. i wouldn't bother with either then. if you were the same anon originally asking, id only use something as gay as elemental ward if the shield difference was more damage than whatever other source of bonus damage you could take. (but id just go utility/mobility)
Fuck, you're right
Damn I love gambling
Thanks for reminding me to do my /1999/ dalies
How the hell do you play equinox
Just got base version
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Koumei, basically.
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>base hildryn is locked behind two separate rank 5 syndicates.
I bought her the day she came out
Then I bought her again when I moved my account to PC
Sure, this is what I'm using for the new augment. before this I was using Sentient Wrath over her 4 with Growing Power in the aug slot, but Balefire has nonexistent status chance so I had to adjust it
I might swap EleWard for Nourish, the forced viral procs is probably better value, but seeing a big 10k overshield is nice
>press 4
>wait until number is big enough
>press 4 twice
>"what about the other abi-"
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>for the longest time I would have this streak of red/yellow from my sigil apply ontop of the blindfold and couldn't figure out how to get it off
>with this update it went from a streak to covering the entire goddamn blindfold
sorry, aegis gale (new augment) is the mod under blind rage, I wasn't paying attention when i ss'd
Her other abilities are really THAT bad? No use at all?
people have different tastes and some frames just resonate with them better. it's rather a question of preference. i have more fun with a frame that people regard as bad and just meme with it. i'm sure anon has similar reasons or he just likes musclemommies
Everyone now can just gamble daily for them with syndicate rep making then even more common so I don't think it's going to climb much
No, they're fine. It's just that her 4 is /stacked/ and you'll have no need for the other shit.
Show the sigil settings, King
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Ty based muscle woman appreciator
embrace the kino
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Not as much as i implied, but they are underwhelming.
Her 2 is a decent aoe CC in night form, useful if you need a finisher for whatever reason, but CC kinda weak currently. In night for it's a mini speedva effect, not bad but it feels like a waste of time to prime enemies when i could kill them outright.
her 3 is terrible in night form. a slow that decreases with distance and consumes more and more energy the more enemies you affect, will suck you dry faster than the average wisp player. in day form it's a small team wide power str buff, not bad but since you generally build for range it's hard to get it to exceed 30%.
night 4 is okay if you have no other way to heal but you are wasting charge you could use to nuke the room. as for day 4, see for yourself.
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If your facial accessories are uncoloured, the blindfold takes the sigil color.
I'm thinking based.
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i do like them but hildryn is too extreme for my taste
for some reason game devs always put what ends up being my favorite playstyle onto their token musclegirl, though
Illaoi, Zarya, Hildryn, Sheeva, etc
so I just adapted and seek them out when I see them
it's a pretty low chance from vosfor, you'd need an insane amount
So Koumei is kinda just ok huh
at this point she is just using the entirety of the wf playerbase for free social validating neuron activation
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Now that the dust has settled, how do anons feel about Coomei's weapons? Have you found any builds for the Higasa or Amanata that feel good yet? Are either of them weapons you wouldn't feel like you were gimping yourself running on SP+ missions? Least importantly, are they fun for (You) to use?
She's okay with moments of being great.
Because RNG.
Equinox is really strong and versatile on paper, but in practice her casting times are awkward, the base stats on lots of her abilities are kinda low, and all of her abilities except day form 4 and night form 3 are power crept by other frames. It doesn't help that her 4 doesn't care about ability strength, but every other ability does, making her awkward to mod. Very cool conceptually, not the greatest execution.
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made for SOC
ok that's sick tho
Sucks and sucks, they are very normal. Higasa alt fire is underwhelming and Amanata got nothing aside the extra random DPS buff it gives itself
has anyone tested if balefire still comes out in hildryns 4 even if subsumed?

Also give me back my neutron star spam pablo
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I usually never pick up a game for more than a month no matter how good it is. I think i'm nearing month 2 of playing warframe. This is my 3rd return to wf. Not sure what's changed in me. Currently trying to clear steel path, collect all frames, and reach mr30. i hate this tranny game.
new augment gives hildryn combos, i think that's kind of funny
>made for SOC
Sucking On Codpieces(Rhino's)?
its up
Maybe you just like the game? OR at the very least, it's the best time waster you have
but it was going to be like this for sure, that's how it is for stuff in wf that goes away for a while. the same things gonna happen with this or something else really good. people are gonna stock up on it and sell it for lots of plat so...?
Having the ability to buy multiple of the mod, instead of it being a "one per account" via nightwave, insures that it will not be a 200 plat mod.
>lots of plat
50 mother tokens is nothing, the supply is going to be so high it's never going to come back to the same price again. even if they don't bring it back ever again the ocucor is going to be power crept before the stock starts running out.
its melee duplicate good? yeah I know it needs yellow crits, but I still dont get how it works, is like the duviri decree where your attacks get double damage?
gravity should be different depending on the planet you're on
how many weapon slots do you MR30+ nutters have? I find myself not wanting to delete weapons that require rare resources, like argon crystals, or neural sensors. I know at some point these resources are no longer rare for some, but I don't expect I will ever belong to that category.
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If your crit stat is 100%, melee duplicate will always double your damage.
If your crit stat is 50%, duplicate will double your damage half the time.
If your crit stat is 200%, duplicate will never activate
If your crit stat is 150%, duplicate will double your damage half the time
Anon, that's literally the most straightforward effect possible, what's the issue?
If you land a base crit (so won't work on double crit) your damage doubles, that's all there is to it.
Simply try to have your crit preferably above but most importantly as close to 100% as possible to make the most use of it.
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Someone just tried to solicit me for 70p to "bark" at me. I don't even know what this means.
>If your crit stat is 150%, duplicate will double your damage half the time
but half those times it will duplicate it with an orange instead
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anon they thought you were a puppygirl...
oh, so that's all I need, so double damage its like an orange hit
do you even land on the gas giants? that leaves mars, mecury, venus. Sedna eris?
the names handbanana
gas city is in jupiter's atmosphere so we should be affected by its pull however
uranus tileset is actually on one(?) of its moons
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I fixed my frost.
What does the little lotus symbol on the planets mean? I thought it meant I haven't completed it but I've got SP and Arby's unlocked already
You mean on mercury? That's baro kiteer. He's drops by a random relay every 2 weeks.
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Now, just SUBSOOM nourish and it's perfect.
what's this guys youtube channel, all this memeposting is makeing me want to watch him unironically ironically.
you want to rape me?
i made a toxin rapier that's going to fuck corpus up the ass
you will consent
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>There's a TFD schizo going to every Warframe thread on /v/ and doing damage control
I have one on Mars too. Maybe it's denoting where relays are idk
Arbitration defense warframe bonus is Banshee (so it's currently bricked). Every squad will have at least one banshee slowing the game to a crawl.
it's unique per player, arbilet
does the ember tennogen look as good in game as it did in the picture you spammed here for months?
nta butt are you talking about the glitter ass skin? that's not a tennogen. that's a paid skin.
screenshot it. if youre on coonsole then snap a pic.
I can't say with certainty because I stopped watching his videos a long time ago, but I think most of his material was 'if you play in this super autistic way stacking all the bonuses and switching our your bane mod every mission, then you can hit for big numbers with X" where X doesn't really matter because it's not about X at that point, it's about stacking buffs and bane mods which works for everything.
That's why the nourish thing is associated with him because it was often there to be a buff on everything.
Again, this is my vague recollection.
weird how I search warframe on youtube all the time and I never get rec'ed his channel by the algorithm.
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I didn't read the wiki because I never need the arb bonus.
I didn't have to read the wiki to learn that
no, the tennogen one that came out this week that ember schizo posted for months
Best arcane for glaive ptime unless you have a way to get a lot of guaranteed finishers.
13% duration. There is nothing worth subsooming.
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Explain how you are supposed to learn that without the wiki or someone explicitly telling you.
His youtube is knightmareframe. He basically tells you to put nooroosh and PSF on everything.
He has a "houlier than thou" personality and is the textbook definition of a metaslave. He is extremely annoying, typical youtuber clickbait titles, and disregards anything that is not the meta-iest of metas.
The one good thing about him is he refuses to call xaku "they."
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they changed it slightly I think but the ass and abs/boobs still look really good
>The one good thing about him is he refuses to call xaku "they."
There are warframe threads on /v/?
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>have to fuck up my color scheme to get the eleward element i want
>my orange is turned into pink since I have to put blue first
>it looks better
thank you, chroma...
Ever since Ember's Heirloom there's 2-3 warframe threads everyday on /v/
noticing over time that other people have different options just by exposure or reports like yours
its not. what makes you think it is? im trying to prevent a 4 minute mission from taking 10 in squads of randoms.

Saryn was okay, but one or two enemies would get through and slow down offerings. wisps electric cc was ok, but relied to much on randoms killing things. Nova would be better if there were less enemies. but the spawn rate is so high youd need to be casting and nuking constantly.

with equinox puts the whole shoreline to sleep in 5 casts. they dont move, nothing new needs to spawn, its dead. wait for offerings and deliver them. the exterminate phase goes quickly, with a few good maim nukes.
Do you think de even remembers who Oberon is?
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yes, they just made a deluxe for him (remodeled for volt)
It means you have levels on that planet you have not yet completed.
No. according to reddit it means you've unlocked all steel path nodes for the planet.
Or it means the opposite, I have been drinking, gomen.
How far into the main quest (starting from 0) do I gotta play before I can try unlocking Koumei?
I fully, unironcially, believe this.
Volt's new skin is absolutely a, "this was designed for Oberon, but he sucks, so put it on a frame that is popular (because he does not suck)."
Ah ok that’s what it is. Thank you both, it’s been staring at me for the longest
Knightmareframe, he's genuinely fucking retarded
all of his videos boil down to
which makes you think there's like a cool build or something for a dogshit frame
and then the actual build is just Noorish+PSF+shield gating+meta weapons that were going to one-shot regardless
oh christ now i can't unsee it
i genuinely think you're right
all you need is to reach cetus
Imagine taking advice from an Indian
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you have to complete these quest, so a couple of hours
>click video
>see brown person
>click away
shrimple as
I genuinely do not know what race knightmareframe is.
>use this build that only makes any sense in content nobody actually does

5 dice:
46,656 combinations
1 - 5 6's
30 - 4 6's
720 - 3 6's (5x4 x6x6)
751 - 3 or more 6's = 1.6%
but the important question is.. is he right?
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Implying I'm ever wrong
Oh, I can just buy her. $30 too much for her, her weapons, and 500 platinum? I played a little bit years ago and liked it, don't mind if she's bad or not.
Only the purest kashmiri blood runs in me! I'm Brahman as fuck. Basically aryan.
why the feck would want to unlock koomei from 0 though
the bundle is 800p in game or you can buy it directly for money https://www.warframe.com/supporter-packs/koumei-and-the-five-fates
only rarely
Cool, I'll slap the green down. Game is free, after all.
post hand
Saars. Do the needful. Equip the PSF
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That still doesn't explain anything.
I really want to kill myself, im trying to sell legendary arcanes, but when im in the dojo to trade, they dont have enough credits
I'm 10 days away from PSF.... I can finally play the game....
How much longer till Ivara Heirloom. Need a good delux-tier skin cuz that two toned one is not great for her
harrow chassis status?
idk what you mena that's literally how I know that it's unique, I didn't read it in a patchnote or on the wiki I played the game and interacted with other people playing the game (ill-advised though either may be)
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equipped saar. actually too pooar, please send PSF. ign pajeet'o
had this happen once and helped them grind creds so we could trade, but I can't recommend it though since I missed out on several trades doing it (good last resort though if you're desperate)
I just wish we got the voidshell from the lotus brewery leak
Hildryn heirloom
>3000xp away from lr4
Didn't do the math and thought coomei and weapons would get me over :(
Visit my orbiter cutie before you hit the wall
I have all frames mastered except for three female frames.
It requires close to 50 weapons to rank up, I do not know if I care enough to do that.
Why would I hate the Man in the Wall? What did he ever do to me?
what? i dont understand? is xp not static per account level?
I tried to do an index with them, underleveled as hell, 2.1 million at that pace is annoying, at least I got another buyer with actual credits to buy the arcanes
Are you talking about mastery points/level?
no. why would 3k xp get you to lr4 if you mastered a wep?
I honestly do not know. I just know mastery leve;s.,
What the fr*ck does "xp" even give you in warframe?
why would not*
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i'm unsure how to feel about the hildryn augment/4 buffs as a hildryn lover
on the one hand it's really nice that her 4 is not fucking dog shit on its own and great with an augment, and she might be the most playstyle-malleable frame in the game right now.

on the other hand it kind of chafes me that yet another frame intended as a support/tank has been turned into a nuker because it's easier for DE that way

i guess i shouldn't complain, i begged for years for aegis storm to get anything and they gave me anything
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do you feel it strips her kit's "identity" to be able to nuke and be more dynamic in her 4? it puts her pretty well on par with jade I think but I've never been a hildryn fan so I don't have a good feel for how impactful this is in practice or terms of, more importantly imo, the general feel of it
What does Wally and Hunhow do all day?
goon to reb
hunhow: anal sex
wally: anal sex
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they are m u l t i p l y i n g
they jerk each other off
they're fags

And Stalker watches
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someone creative make the edit
I'm not really sure how to articulate my feelings
I would have liked mostly QOL stuff for 4, stuff like a grace period if I get bumped off a ledge so I can actually fly back to ground instead of just falling oob, faster ascend/descend
being able to pillage while flying is great and solves the biggest issue of her 4's usability, I can't deny that

but I don't feel like she was lacking in the damage department, and her now being able to altfire dump a few million into a crowd seems weird

I would have liked her to really double down on the shield maiden thing and be made much better at keeping teammates alive, but now that I write it and read it back, that's probably redundant because when are you ever dying in Warframe these days? maybe this was the best choice
please someone tell me what to say, I cant think for myself
>and be more dynamic in her 4?
Come to think of it I haven't used Hildryn's 4 in... possible over a year. How is it now with the rework? Nimble?
I think I understand the conflict, it's kind of like the identity of the role and context in which you want to or will use her has been changing or changed and she's been suddenly modernized to that standard a bit more (something I still have in my head as the post-pablo/nidus era of self-sufficient synergistic frames which can be good or bad depending tbdesu)

>double down on the shield maiden thing
I hate to say it, but should she instead (or in addition? too OP?) have granted or somehow augmented team overguard with some sacrifice dynamic? lol it's kind of the new
>give everything viral
approach but just imagining what might actually lean into her kit more thematically

I have no idea yet, sorry
Whatever you say, do not say it in game chat. tranny mods watch that like a hawk.
Nezha [Kinetic Siphon Trap]
it's a lot faster than it was before but you're still much slower than anyone bullet jumping normally unless you throw in wrathful advance or something similar
>have granted or somehow augmented team overguard with some sacrifice dynamic?
I would have liked something like that, yeah
I think Haven is probably her worst button now, once your teammate uses the shield gate you give them they only get a piddly recharge buff
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forgot i need pathos clamps to get incarnons
suddenly i don't feel like catching up on my circuits
I really want the hate incarnon to try it out with the new mod but
>doing circuit
>Have all incarnons
>Installed none of them because I can't be bothered.
It's like Archon shards. I collect them just to have them, not to use them.
I farmed toroids in a spaceport with help of caliban yesterday, it was really funny!
how old would you say my big beautiful brown hand is?
is sp shrine worth doing yet
could be 20 could be 40 idfk
cheater coward. pick a number
you get 20-24 per run
guess my age bloody bastard benchod
you are saying what you basterd son of bich? fine I will guesstimate 28
>1999 console replaces the conclave console spot
This is Reb showing Steve that she has the bigger dick
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Alright anons, I've got to try this ERP shit once in my life. Where do you buy it?
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off by ten years bloody bastard sister fucker cuck bloody benchode zoomer
I know where ERP is
But I won't tell you
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Where is my console?
I know where ERP is
but I'm lying to you
you can move it where it was before teshin, dont berate me please kyaaa im sensitive >~<
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white women love shaking my big beautiful hand. that's all they liek about me
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teshin, I am sorry that they did not give you more time in TNW, but I'm afraid I had to remove the console because they wouldn't bring back QUICK STEEL
I'd like to realign her poles.
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I can't believe DE put this in the Inbox message letting players know their smeeta is fucking dead
Tenga skin for Ordis when?
What's good from Baro this visit? These pistol mods aren't shit, right?
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where it belongs
the bathroom, repurposed as a toilet
that bottom 2/3rds is total bull. even arab girls liek eww fuck away from me (while they rack up whiteboi dick xp rank ups)
40 fucking minutes into playing this shitshow and i get 1(one) fucking roll. how is this okay? who the fuck in their right mind thought it's okay to add gambling and fucking chores mid mission to get decrees, holy fuck if she wasn't cute i'd helminth her immediately, i'm so fucking tilted
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>i'm goona damage attenuaaaaate
kys fat spic
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this is breaking my brain
what happened with TFD? nothing? i see the game is fading away
so many shortsighted, cocky faggots talking all that good shit in the first couple weeks. was not around for their bullying since then
Nexon being massive jews
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How does she do it?
Nexon. Their whole business model is centered around pump, dump, then keep things in maintenance mode for the whales. That has been their business strategy for over a decade. Why people expected anything different can baffle a mind.
>what happened with TFD?
old picture
she's fat and walled now
Wanna lickola those pitolas
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I equipped the Deluxe skin on the Shadow but Sevagoth's boss theme isn't playing when I summon it. Is it bound to one of the main skins or something? I don't like those as much.
>weebs think this looks cool
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sounds like a skill issue
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wait, so you're telling me people actually spend their time doing retarded niche chores for this shit, and then before you even worry about whether or not its stats are good, it could just roll for some fuckass weapon you dont have?

why the HELL do people engage with this system whatsoever? its genuinely astounding to me - and this is coming from a genshin player. this is like 10x worse than our artifact system and its not even fucking close
cute mrlet, come to my orbiter and I'll tell you all about why you're wrong
That's not difficult in an open world area, anon. Wait for an enemy, start your 30 seconds by spearing a fish, kill the enemy, then mine the rock.
I only unveil one each week, with Teshin's cipher, and immediately sell it to someone who cares about rivens lol
when they were introduced we had about 1/3 of the weapons we do now
yeah, and what are the chances of it actually being equippable on a weapon i'll have access to in the next 100 hours of playtime, and what are the chances of it actually being usable?
i'll pass on choredoing that has zero fucking chance of actually benefitting my account when i could be doing literally anything else
stop trolling our sister general please
shut up russchizo
how did you know?
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peculiar choice of colors you got there
reminds me of something now what was it
>Destiny is not worth bullying anymore
sad times
i'd honestly be astounded if bungie was even around this time in 2 years
>It's entirely carried by fast paced gameplay from Unreal Tournament that Halo otherwise killed off in shooters.
I wish more people appreciated this

I wish we could get an old-bungie style dedication to balance and gunplay in a faster-paced environment like warframe's
>Bungie accepts Sony's buyout
>Make Destiny do so bad that Sony is most likely gonna break up your studio
>Start new dev studio with the billions Sony gave you
We can all learn from Bungie
The only thing that can save them now is Oni 2.
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new stalker sounds like a lard ass trying to sound intimidating behind a scream mask
stupid hag can bounce on my cock
>wokeframe 1999
Well, it is Gianni, who is a Youtube soundalike voice actor. But yeah. Sounds bad compared to old Stalker.
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Is this destiny 2 general?
How do I make the forma rank-up grind go faster?
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No, this is tfd general
so was the only major thing buffs and changes to companions? the koumei quest was kind of lame.
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Блинтpaвepт нюхaeт пyки и кyшaeт кaки
ugh I should work out
yeah I didn't really notice it until I was done and then decided that soundwave ephemera fit pretty well
I want to lose to this woman.
it's just base octavia colors, if you weren't bottherd by or noticing it then just don't worry about it
I started selling stuff on the market again and made a little off of random beast mods that are suddenly in demand, but now I realize the only thing I want from the update at all is the spooky ghost ephemera I won't use on anyone but nekros lol
>sister of parvos has ephemera
aw yeah, now we're gaming
I spent 7 minutes looking for enemies to spawn one more reactant for my relic
average console player/host experience
Nah this shit happens with PC hosts too
>Leviathan is made out of orphans
is there a transference bug rn? doing it transfers my warframe to somewhere else instead of where i currently am
I think it's deliberate, it's only if your operator would come out in an awkward spot collision-wise
it seems to transfer you from the last place where you were standing and not from the frame position
I'm assuming it's not a bug but a feature, as it seems to only happen in and around specific level elements (like the raising/lowering platform in Hydron or the weird vent things in the sanctum tileset). My best guess is that's it's a preventative measure to keep you from accidentally teleporting outside of the map, but honestly I would rather risk that than to be teleported all over the place any time I try to transfer in the wrong place
lmao, keep telling yourself that, consoles are much better than they used to be, the new ps5 is better than any pc you can build dude it's comparable to a threadripper rtx 4090ti setup
that's a man
>a preventative measure to keep you from accidentally teleporting outside of the map
that's exactly it and it's 100% ineffective lmao
ew, a console peasant
are you really responding to your own bait
are you really
I would even bother crafting bait of such low quality?
watching it try to pattern match is like watching a toddler do a memory tile puzzle
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>not fighting back to back with some emerald Ember butt
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Theirs ciphers that bypass the challenges completely, still though I mostly just pawn off the unveiled melee/rifle riven mods once I get enough for nearly passive platinum. Shotguns are worth doing since they don't sell for much and the shotgun pool is both much smaller and are way better than the rifle pool.
>gay pic
>liger inuzuka
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Yes, and?
Why Canadians like this?
>being mutt
my condolences
>MR9 test
Biggest wad of bullshit ever. Fuck this game.
MR19 awaits you, stealthlet
is that the one that is/was broken because they reworked noise detection, but not the test, so they'd b-line it to you if you aren't using Banshee?
I'm pretty sure this is the "fix" to whatever invincibility exploit chinks found with Titania a few weeks ago
yeah but if you're still a leet ninja it don't matter
Canadians were born gay as a joke
>Canadian company
>Not a single pajeet or chink
How is DE able to get away with it?
chink* company
Only recently
is there much of a difference between the hounds? I don't have much of a preference for which hound head i use, so i wanna know if there's any gameplay differences
Tencent is smart enough not to anger Reb
wukong, nezha, koumei
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So, to be sure I understand, the balance of Pet power is currently:
Hounds ~= Sentinels > Vulps > Dogs > Moas > Cats > Pedosytes?
Helios > shit > piss >>> your favorite (if not Helios) >>> remaining companions
They probably have some pajeet code monkes
There used to be differences in what precepts they use but that's a thing in the past. It really doesn't matter which one you use. Just make sure your dog has >=1200 shields with dog redirection so that you can use that one bond mod.
t. forma'd a 1190 shield dog
Anything that can equip resourceful retriever >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
I just unlocked Chroma, so this motherfucker gets +700% armor and damage with no downside? What the fuck.
Codex is real game
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Loadouts for this feel?
wow armor XD so good
they have worse
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>smeeta is still nerfed
Imagine if she breaks the glass
The wave of butthurt Chroma oldheads are on their way to tell you why that isn’t good and why he needs buffs
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Why does she still not have a normal fucking skin available
health tanking is not good
Why does DE keep fucking giving warframes floppy rubbery bits/skirts
looks like reinforced glass and too heavy to be moved by accident especially by a cat
i doubt even 1 human can lift it by himself
it's infested flesh which warframes are made out of you idiot
What if i told you that i can fix Coomei with just ONE change?
you think Pablo will oblige?
New skin soon, they just added a reason for everyone to use her (the unfathomably OP augment).
Until they let you switch between her 4 and the weapons on the fly like every fucking melee in the game, no one will use Cockuna.
dante got nerfed for less
Dante wasn't a furry.
They're 100% either limiting the range scaling, or more likely adding LoS requirement to that augment lmao (although I wish they wouldn't)
remove the decree missions mid misson, and the gambling aspect.
remove the chore from the whore pablo
They'll probably just either cut the base range on the augment in half or make it non-scalable. That said, maybe it'll avoid getting nerfed because dipshits think it's bad and it requires her to actually find a target with her 1.
>That said, maybe it'll avoid getting nerfed because dipshits think it's bad and it requires her to actually find a target with her 1.
For once, I love shitters.
>some fuckass weapon you dont have?
Oh nonononono
my fix would be to get complete decrees from her 2 and keep the same cooldowns, that is still 2 hours to get them all but is gonna be more impactful early on
When did they fix Garuda not being able to jump at eximus niggas? I haven't played her in a while but that always annoyed the shit out of me.
Who gives a fuck? It's ugly. There are plenty of frames without them including vanilla frames and they look absolutely fine.
slap hunters adrenaline on chroma and life strike (even unranked) on a melee weapon (a glaive)
[secondary fortifier] on a secondary
it's thematic you retard, it's eternalism and lore and all that if you want a better skin wait for a tennogen then buy it.
Rhino update/rework when?
Make her roll a decree automatically every 50 kills and she is fixed.
The "simon says" aspect is just utterly retarded, no one will do that shit every mission.
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Xaku prime waiting room
Yeah, it's either that or getting a full augment after every challenge. The current implementation is kinda garbage unless you luck out.
... this is going to be an augment in a year or so, isn't it.
y'all want dumb changes, just give her some big ol jiggly tits and i'll play her as is
Dunno honestly.
I have no idea how you cam make something like Dante or jade and fuck up Kumei like that.
People use the riven ciphers specifically to avoid making the challenges and some utter retard at DE thought it was a good idea to force the player to do constant challenges through out a mission for a chance to get something decent.
It's just ridiculous even on a conceptual level.
I honestly don't really hate the challenges, they are OK if you're solo other than the wall latch one, that one is fucking shit since a lot of wall have fucked up latching. But they fucking suck in groups. That's another thing you could change, just let assists or party member kills count for the challenge. Because right now I'd probably never touch her in a group.
Maybe in 2025, after Yareli and whatever else they'll push after Sevagoth
Imagine doing the challenges a thousand times in around 30 missions and tell me it isn't a stupid idea to begin with.
You can't use her in open world missions either.
You niggers just want the same slop regurgitated and fed to you over and over again
How do we fix that?
Goon to nova is fat?

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