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Previous thread:>>497144925

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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>the t in t corp stands for tremor
it's the little things
Not this shit again...
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Rodya LOVE!
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Todays shy look : Sinclair
Spiderbud : Ryoshu
Black Swan : Hong Lu
Laetitia : Ishmael, Don, or Outis
You're not bald (You're bald abberation): Every sinner, since they all have hair.

I know I know. Thank you. I'm so creative.
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>Drawpile tourists getting upitty
>only hong is getting any real rose art
Trying to find art for Faust has been depressing last few months
>futafag still seething
Get a new hobby
>his attack is to make hair where there were supposed to be none
>hairy eyeballs and teeth
i fixed it, your welcome
Don't they pronounce it Tippereti in Ruina?
You made it lame :(
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Mating press
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Better sinner, simple as
W-Who's doing the pressing in this instance...?
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It's not over for Sinclair. He'll come back again, seeing as he got Hex Nail and has no real bleed IDs.
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Crackpot Theory: Don's Canto ID will be a mirror world where Vampire Don became an Independant fixer despite being a bloodfiend. Her name? Don Quixote, The Red Mist.
I know, no need to clap for me.
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Don Canto ID will be a bloodfiend hunter, cause it be real funny.
Director... where's my Faust Burn ID...
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Sinclair's GONE. He's DEAD. He's been TRAPPED AND BETRAYED by director and locked in 00 jail. It'll take more than HOPE for him to be free.
Wrong + Ur blindly obsessed
She's gonna be the Purple Eye when I'm done beating her up
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Don with sexquixote
Ryoshu's canto. Her ID in Don's canto will be a Rupture and Bleed hybrid.
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>It'll take more than HOPE for him to be free
That's where you're wrong.
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you're just blind and retarded then
I'll be surprised if he gets another seasonal as a 000 like a week or two after, but its not impossible I guess. Director is known for his manic episodes, Meursault is fucked though, my boy got cucked out of cool bloodfiend shit for a generic association id.
I think the designs are very cool but the game (or any game really) cant match the cool ass Philippe Druillet artstyle.
hope is all you need, anon
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Manager it is done
Every ID at uptie IV before the start of season 5
Now to farm 10.685 thread to uptie IV every EGO before the start of season 6
The Red GAYze.
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The Prince is rolling towards the City, how will he fare in it?
You could try posting shit I haven't seen to prove me wrong, though I am confident that i have seen way more than you already.
you cant tell me these eldar looking motherfuckers dont look terrifying and dont even get me started on freia
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I feel like in their frenzy of posting about how cucked Sinclair was, they completely forgot that Meursault lost just as hard long-term. It's fucking boring to have your sinner's seasonal ID be just another guy in an association we already know about. At least Oufi was interesting to see the first time.
Wedge ID would just be a shit ton of pierce buffs and maybe poise.
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
Tiph or Reth?
Personally I prefer librarian Tiph
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>You could try posting shit I haven't seen to prove me wrong
I won't
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what's the don orb
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Look at this Tiph and Tiph.
roach milk
giant blood orb
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My team for the next Canto is ready. I wasn't planning on grinding but now I need to grind just enough to shard Meursault asap. He looks so fucking cool fuck
Will Hong Lu finally get a generically good EGO with Lasso? Literally his only solid EGO is cavernous and it's hyper specific
Her tits.
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watch them go as low as to make it some dbz style fake moon that makes all bloodfiends chimp out and go elena mode to get don to peacefully protest all over the sinners
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Yan marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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There is no ill will behind my post, she simply doesn't get focus from the artists in comparison to other stuff that has been getting released in the last few months, kind of had her run with everlasting and that was it. Even rodya, the supposed ''least popular sinner'', has been popping off lately with devyat and now hex nail.
What if they BETRAYED and TRAPPED Dante in the hyperbolic mirror dungeon?
WZweiclair really should've shared Ishmael's banner.
i wonder if that was the intention and it just got pushed back because everything is always delayed when it comes to limbus
Gotta space out content since they don't have much.
>Drawpiletourist getting mad xer discord touristpile isn't getting used as the OP
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>watch them go as low as to make it some dbz style fake moon
Jesus fucking Christ it did not came to my mind something like that could happen, please let it be real it be so fucking funny.
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I prefer librarian everyone except Hokma because he looked a little nicer in LobCorp
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I remain hopeful that we will get more Paus art
Have faith
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yeah im freakin PISSED I'm FUMING
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We Tiphposting?
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somebody get me through this nightmare~
This but the exact opposite.
>Canto VII's final boss is the fucking moon
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I wonder if someone compiled all the 6-48 glitched backgrounds? From what I noticed there's a school, some sort of field, wuthering heights roof but mirrored/inversed, great lake (like in canto 5 when we fought the porous mermaids) and this thing
Again, the ingame models do them no justice. Wotan should look like a tech wraith while Freia and Loge look like robots to make them seem more otherworldly and nonhuman.
Vastly fond of youths
This EGO's design 's pretty boring
Looks like the frog cave.
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Have you been preparing your CANONICAL Canto 7 Zwei + Cinq team for Story mode? You aren't a Manager that relies solely on Meta units right?
I can see the similarity, maybe it's meant to be a EGO/Abnormality bg? We did see abnormality-esque Heathcliff and Cashy.
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I have a presentation to give tomorrow. Is this design any good?
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bwo... your zweiclair zwei...
I honestly expected something a little more fancy for Rose Hunter's EGO. I still like Lasso however.
Personally I prefer women with a lot of meat and padding
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>Using the work icons above the virtue icons
Zweiclair 2 looks like a fucking child
A stupid baby in armor
I guess it makes sense, a hunter isn't particularly known for being showy. I'm waiting for the Corrosion forms.
Ballos with a huge blanket concealing him
I think hong lu is pretty good with the hat and the dynamic pose, meanwhile paus is just standing and the cape is covering most of her design. But I'm a fan of both still.
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Qrd on the stuff shown in the trailer?
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BleeDon is basically guaranteed, but dear fucking god I hope they give us Bleedya, preferably with nails or curse. Or her EGO passive makes her bleed skills apply nails or curse too.
idk I dont speak russian
I believe the school is the only true unique background throughout the glitches. The field is Farmwatch's battlefield.
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Another 00 Zwei Sinclair
000 Cinq captain Meursault
Hex nail Rodya & Sinclair
Rose hunter Hong & Faust
400 roses Don & Meursault
I sparked Red shoes under the assumption that there would be some usable bleed id at some point but there still isn't.
The director hates me personally.
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Zweiclare, Zweiclair West, or Cinqlaire are fair play
Don't be like me and have a subcanon (not uptie 4) Rodion and Sinclair.
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Hong Lu pulls it of because he's mounted.
Faust looks like a horse caretaker, not a rider.
You're a straight bitch if you don't like Gregor.
Mama bear...
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Two new IDs, Zwei West Sinclair, and Cinq Meursault (probably not south, maybe west?)
Also BP EGOs revealed. Hex Nail for Rodya and Sinclair, Rose Hunter (picrel) for Faust and Hong Lu. And 400 roses for Don and Meursault.
>The field is Farmwatch's battlefield.
I completely forgot Sunshower Heathcliff's Cashy takes the place of Dongrang. Thank you anon
>red shoes
>hex nail
She has GOT to get a good bleed ID this season fucking PLEASE director
fucking please be (barber?) from the first trailer
The Field is actually the world of Knight Heath and Lady Cathy, there's a medieval castle in the background.
It's not that I don't like him, he just doesn't do anything. Same with Sinclair. They're kinda just one-note meme sinners right now.
It's Cinq North. The gaudy-lookin' fur and hat is a huge giveaway, and we are told that Northerners tend to be more extravagant when it comes to fashion.
Like Cinq North. Northerners dress warm and very fancy.
I fear the director thinks this is good enough and we might be doomed.
Hes one of my favorites just for how down to earth he is. Would have a drink with him.
I hate rodion fan artists because they always make her obese and off model like here
my cursed fave :(
Gregor is literally me tho, minus the bug arm obviously.
hmm today i'm gonna fuse 3 strong t3 gifts together for an even more powerful t4
the t4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi7-jk4LdX0
What do I have to give director for drill hair frilly dress giant scissors bleed & nails & curse ID. My soul? My firstborn?
She’s a fat fuck with huge boobies
You don't even got those to give
Thank you anons
those are massive boobs anon
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Gregor's scene with the apple still sticks with me, I really can't say the same about Sinclair and Ishmael who have also had their cantos.İ
Feels like a lot of people tend to forget about how well Gregor's despair and helplessness was conveyed in his canto.
I'm not ginger, and the latter will come eventually.
open the game once in a while eh?
yes obese boobs which are off model and ugly
Baber will be 50% chance its Rodya, 50% chance it's Hong Lu.
Because they remade eathcliff's hair.
Oh, I completely forgot the knight world flashed too, so that makes two unique backgrounds. Farmwatch field does flash too, though, I recall seeing it and talking about it when the update dropped.
Trapped and betrayed sounds better
How awful do you think the subway is in the City
I still remember the scene where gregor's a bum veteran who has his bug arm try to attack a random lady and he screams at security to chop it off
I forgot how disheveled Gregor looks here
Need FAR more Arbiter Martina
Does this artist post his art outside of xiaohongshu?
I can't seem to find him on it
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No Farmwatch doesn't appear, but there is a background with trashbins and umbrella, likely being K Corp's world, more exactly, the back-alley Suncliff sleep in.
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so damn cute
I forgot their twitter name
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You need an account to browse btw.
Who wins in a fight? 12 well armed people from today or the LCB sinners?
>Always make her obese and off model
>Ignoring the fact that Faust, Ish, Don, and so on, have far more "off-model" art even by comparison of total art made
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my thanks
So who are the sinners that share a high amount of Egos?

Meursault and Don
Outis and Heathcliff?
Are the sinners even strong enough to avoid bullets.
Oh yeah chinese sites require a chinese ID, I forgot
Thank you
The LCB Sinners win by virtue of having Dante in case one of them falls. The 12 gunmen only have a single life.
Heathcliff was in a gang so I assume he knows his way out of a shoot out
Take your own advice, closet fatty
*slaps your belly*
If you're willing to give the chinese your number you can register just from anywhere, just make a weibo account(on the phone app) and you can use that for nearly everything.
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Rodya would simply tank them with her fat
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more Ncorp Fanatic IDs when...
Those guys were using OUR Mimicry EGOs. Does HQ ship them out by the boatload, or do multiple Nothing Theres exist?
Which sinners do you think smells the nicest.
Meursault Canto
What do you anons think it's like living in A,B and C corp? Do you think it's something for only the richest of the rich? Or only employees of the head?
nicest smelling are hong lu, sinclair, meursault, rodion in that order
Rodia seems to mind her external image the most ouf of all the sinners
Makes me curious as to how powerful a normal 5.56/5.45 round is in the city. Part of me has a feeling they'd eat utter shit but another part of me feels like they'd be able to deflect those rounds.
Probably Faust or Hong Lu with Rodion being up there as well
Meursault, Hong lu and Rodion all smell nice.
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my knight in shining armour
>or do multiple Nothing Theres exist?
This is the case.
There can be several "same" abnos, in the world (abnos after all are more of a representation of something, rather than a living unique being. The Calw branch could have simply had its own Nothing There to produce energy)
Or abnos that are similar/related to each other. (The Dreaming Current and Dream-devouring Stiltcurrent for example)
God I hope so. Greg needs that Everything There of an Inquisitor ID.
Nigga these past two games are barely on model most of the time
Probably still pretty powerful, there's a reason the head softbanned them for making killing too easy and disconnected.
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I always thought Greg would fit the Snake Inquisitors better
Farmwatch does appear but I can't find the collage image someone put together of every BG that popped up in the fight so f-fuck you
>pay attention to the one I like most
>don't pay attention to the ones I like less
not surprised to know but not sure what it has to do with me
post an in-game screenshot where she is obese like that picture
Wasn't going to bother posting this one but here you go ish anon, og size below.
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Thank you anon, I appreciate it
>barber Rodya
>corset that shows off her tits
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sinclair's definitely gonna give us a jumpscare with another id in the next month or 2
>Meursault and Don
2 EGOs between Rose and Sheep
>Outis and Heathcliff
3 between Buddha, Holiday, and Binds. 4 if you count Sunshower
>Yi Sang and Outis
Dimension Shredder and Sunshower
>Faust and Don
Telepole and Fluid Sac
>Faust and Sinclair
Hex Nail and 9:2
All other combinations just share 1 EGO at most unless I missed something
Because it shows that she isn't cursed and not only does it happen to others, it happens to others more than her
I want to hire Zweigreg as my bodyguard, lure him into having a one-night stand with me and see him being awkward about it afterwards.
Sometimes he'd be too busy and have to send someone else to bodyguard me, but after finishing his work, he couldn't help but come near my home, only to run straight into his fixer colleague who had just gotten off work and have a very uncomfortable conversation about why he's here.

Finally got that out of my system
>(The Dreaming Current and Dream-devouring Stiltcurrent for example)
Those probably are tangentially related, and a bunch of other abnos are. The thing is abnos outside of the HQ have an extra number identifying what district they originate from. The inquisitors that come from the abnos we don't know of have a district classification whereas our Mimicry inquisitors don't. They probably did get their EGO from HQ.
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El Director better deliver or ELSE
Too skinny
ok I don't care who is more or less cursed though
cursed is cursed
>UT 5 has the N corp IDs unlock aberration forms

Would be the COOLEST SHIT
it still feels so strange that Burn is a usable status and that Rupture has been shunted to one of the more annoying teams to use
Does that mean Nothing There is at the hands of N-corp? Or,was,because i imagine they wouldn't be able to contain it for long without a Qliphoth Deterrence
>she’s not fat she’s noooot noooo
She canonically jobbed to stairs and constantly overeats
I guess if you are counting EGO IDs like Sunshower, then
>Gregor and Yi Sang
Solemn Lament and Bygone Days
And Fell Bullet Heathcliff and Magic Bullet Outis if you want to count aberrations on top of that
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How though?
>Those probably are tangentially related
Not at all. They are strongly related, and not in name nor design only.
Both share a strong motif of abandonment and dreams. The Endorphin Kit and the event-option in which you gain said gift are obviously a reference to The Dreaming Current.
>Does that mean Nothing There is at the hands of N-corp?
Most likely not, The Ncorp Inquisitors simply got their hands on the NT EGO gear and used it to corrode themselves
Rodion should be drawn FATTER and with BIGGER TITS
Alright so we know which sinners smell the best and which smell the worst.
But which sinners will tuck me into bed and kiss me goodnight.
No, rather the K corp branch had Mimicry EGO from L Corp HQ.
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kissing heasuclip...
Then stop whining and draw her yourself
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Rodion absolutely would if you asked her nicely
>like street fighter juri because she's a saucy edgy girl
>footfags take her over
>like Rodion
>obesefags trying the same shit
Disgusting, she's mine.
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kissing cashy...
You don't deserve him, whore. Stay away from my pal.
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Kissing the manager...
I think living in A, B, and C crop SUCKS
Neither of you will be kissing each other.
Just Ryoshu
Ah yes, Juri
Juri the one the devs also shill as being the footfag fighter
The one who always has her feet pro
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I love Paust!
>stop whining
>draw her yourself
also no
stop drawing fatties
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Good news is the new thread lux gives 320 thread per week if you triple skip
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maidshu stronk
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Kissing my wife...
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<I am the only one that can kiss Heathcliff, whore. Now come here you gypsy FUCK.>
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Architect bros, everything is going according to plan
Rodya is gaining more and more weight
This is...quite ideal...
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Yes, it used to be a smaller part of her character before it became her entire character, which you almost seemed to realise.
also """always""" fuck you anon
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I stand by my words
>Don Quixote your BLIND OBSESSION with the Manager's blood ends now!
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smyuchin dya wimbyabs...
oh hey, it's sunshower heathcliff solo day
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Tier list of how far each sinner would go if they ran for president
I've warmed up to her so much over her since starting this game.
so the game will just live off twitter and youtube hype for the rest of its lifetime instead of having actual gameplay right
Maidshu is powerful, thinking otherwise is just displaying a grave misunderstanding of the game and teambuilding.
Finally finished.
Gn Limbabs, today im getting 4 hours of sleep
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Jack, do you know what day it is today?
Yes (based)
Post Lin Daiyu, Hong Lu's CANON love interest
Nobody uses Maidshu outside of MD
Literally nobody
AOE ID that can't even perform in THE AOE RR lmao
Hmmm,makes sense
Considering the fact that L Corp was flipped upside down,gaining access to the extraction team shouldn't be that hard
But either way they still opened a path there,so some abnormalities might have gotten out if they aren't guarding it
You now remember the "Maishu is shit" wars when she was released.
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I will forever remember retards going "She has two coins? She's shit!"
They were wrong then and they are wrong now. This thread used to compare every release to Nclair and call them shit.
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My fortune cookie says "dreamers are the architects of a brighter world."
Response, doomkeks?
>sinclair's family was nailed by kromer
>gets hex nail EGO
big oof
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I use her in section 1, ok-ish damage to portrait and absolutely steamrolls through section 2 and stockpiles resources with contempt which crits
ill figure it out
I have to be careful with modules, I dont like being under 100
cant wait for our nuggets so we may face man-made horrors beyond our understanding again
fucked up how bleed ended up being faster for md anyway even when maidshu and bl exist
quality post
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Man I wanna play DoW again.
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Architecture, you say?
Not having to worry about clashing because of retarded coin power and literally doing double damage will do that. We just need a bleed viable AoE unit and it'd be all over.
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You should
I mean, I already knew Chefshu was better than Maidshu, you don't have to convince me of it
you words are wrong and retarded
she's only good in MD and even then only VS trash mobs
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man Meursault got robbed
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I used the wrong image but yea chefsu is better than maid
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hmm nyo
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Mhm Zenya nyon tiem.....
>you words are wrong and retarded
>she's only good in MD and even then only VS trash mobs
that'll be going to heathcliff thank you
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>I stopped, amazed. Demian looked strikingly handsome with his broad chest and firm, manly head; the raised arms with taut muscles were large and powerful, the movements came from the hips, shoulders and arms like gushing springs.
I felt the worst for Hindley out of everyone in Wuthering Heights.
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That's 00 material
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waoww... cute zenya nyard!
I just found a genderbent Hindley porn artist
I don't know how to feel about it
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i have come to shitpost an end to your valid discussion
I'd cum from this desu.
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bros, I'm scared that we won't get any bloodfiend hunter IDs
and if we do it'll be only one, and a 00
please reassure me...
AND it will be dead rabbit tier!
we got dead rabbit and a single Öufi.
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Cashy when she needs money from Linton
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>Knight of the White Moon
>it's actually just the entire fucking moon
i love sloppa
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>Only draw Zenya and Zenya accessories
>Still forget basic details every single time
We're both "special"!!!
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Farmwatch Cathy...
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Linton would generate AI pictures of his legal wife
Still fucked up that in the Wild Hunt ID you see her get melted
I was dumb and posted in the wrong thread.I'm getting owned at the third stop in RR4. A rupture team seems like a good idea for the sheep, but the clones beforehand are too much hassle for the shitty 00s you have to use. Should I just switch to sinking?
>Well shit, Nelly didn't need to jump down there to prove anything. Oh well.
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I really hope the character we'll meet that sault's ID is based off of is actually A Pimp Named Cinqback
Just double refill every day
Thats what I do
I never realized I wanted to be the house husband to a gallant lady knight. I want Ishmael to kabedon me with an intense look, taking my chin in a gentle armored hand and giving me the softest of kisses.
Is this another ''director'' Meursault? How many of those he's gonna get
>>you words are wrong and retarded
>>she's only good in MD and even then only VS trash mobs
>unironically using rupture
oh good lord
post your team
>>>you words are wrong and retarded
>>>she's only good in MD and even then only VS trash mobs
>All About Bloodfiends: the Canto
We're not going to deal with Tomerry and Love Town again, are we?
Post Dante's phat limgyatt.
more like limBUTT CUMpany
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Average limbabs who are correct
>>>>you words are wrong and retarded
>>>>she's only good in MD and even then only VS trash mobs
fromt he thumbnail i thought this was gonna be ishmael with all five of someone's fingers in her mouth and im slightly disapointed though i really like this drawing
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So no ut5 news? Thank fuck
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What is Maidshu good at? It's indisputable
>bloody mary in the pv
god no
You know, right?
Sloppy blowjobs to the Erlking.
You are homosexuals in spirit.
>Verification not required.
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I know about love town, I just don't see the logical connection of what you're saying.
That was only half Elena. Bloodfiends seemingly cannot do that on their own, she had help in accomplishing that
The larger the backlog of IDs gets the less likely UT5 is to happen, I don't think it ever will.
People forget that UT4 happened only like 3 months after launch, they only had to go back and rebalance IDs/EGOs from season 1. Doing UT5 now would mean them reevaluating a backlog of 18 months, next season would be 2 years. Not to mention the strain on players becomes much more immense, even if you only like to max your 1-2 favorites UT5 could easily cost you like 10,000 thread suddenly. Backlash to that would be huge.
Anon... We're already long past the bloodfiends in a warp train event.
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>Doing UT5 now would mean them reevaluating a backlog of 18 months
No, because they could make it exclusive to certain IDs
So what now anon, are we to be two shitposters locked in an epic battle until Judgement Day and trumpet sounds?
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Pretty sure Huntcliff just BEHEADED her.
He wouldn't say this.
I accept your concession
Ryoshu is so much better with a ponytail
Maidshu is proof of that
demian and sinclair
>So what now anon, are we to be two shitposters locked in an epic battle until Judgement Day and trumpet sounds?
fwens wiff dya wimbyabs!!
Only reason we're getting bigger lux's is because we're gonna need more resources for more upgrades, the exp is appropriate, but I'm already SWIMMING in thread. I guess I don't have enough to threadspin the egos, but that's more of a shard problem anyway.
Groomer and groomed,mega homos
He looks like he would wear a big helmet with the word 'CLERKS' emblazoned upon it.
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Make Walpuris predictions
When do you think we will actually journey to the abandoned L Corp Nest? I mean clearly Limbus Company is gonna try and set up their HQ there, when so you think we can visit and see? Surely they won't wait until the very end of the game for that right?
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You are homosexual physically.
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I already said, wedge office id and two egos (wolf and red hood)
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You're all ready for level 50 right limbabs?
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>people went crazy when ryoshu got a ponytail
>nobody cared when ish got a ponytail
not really no (newbab)
0000000000 Don Lindamea
00000000 Don Elisabeth
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I don't want to hear shit from a SEAMEN.
this is the second time shes gotten one
Because Molar already has one
If we're following LC-> Ruina, Full Stop or Gaze
Uh, buddy. When Ish got a ponytail, gookcels tried to burn down the PM building and lynch one of the artists.
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>>nobody cared when ish got a ponytail
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Ishmael is the definition of sex
how are people like these allowed to post in this thread
this is the most discord gimmick that this thread has ever seen
Ishmael's base hair is already very good
Ryoshu's base hair is shit
elena id somehow
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>Ryoshu's base hair is shit
Just stole all of Dante's underwear.
Faust, you're a criminal.
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Well at least they're helping you out by adding more Exp from Luxcavations and lowering the experience needed after 45 or whatever
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>Ryoshu's base hair is shit
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Not too fond of Snaustfags
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just like Meursault, i can't find joy in life. What is your joy limbab?
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Hmmm whomst to remove for Ish? Don's s3 annoys me sometimes? Is that worth it though?
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Don would NEVER steal.
if your posts are so good then why doesnt anyone talk about them huh?
thought so, better step off of zenya's block before you get fr*cked up
playing games with my friends and slowly improving my life
Shit might have been a strong word
It's fine
I don't like it that much though
I would drop Oufi Cliff, unless you really like his purple tremor
Yeah but Vergilius as scuffed Mads makes me laugh
Heathcliff. His tremor conversion is annoying if you're not specifically going for it.
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I'm a little above 1100 boxes right now
I won't even have 600 when the next season starts, it's fucking over, I've never had this few
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I want to date ryoshu and have her treat me like her son...
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Did any of you bother with the new fusions after using them once? I think the only one I actually like is the N Corp one as far as ones that weren't originally from events.
Snow White Apple Gregor [WAW]
000 Lobotomy E.G.O In The Name of Love and Hatred Meursault
00 Lobotomy E.G.O Spore Sinclair
its a ruina walpurg newbab, no lobotomy ego ids this time around
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Im waiting for a good image of this scenario
Right now everyone is just rushing it though. This obsession with drawing something fast never brings the best results
>Snow White Apple Gregor [WAW]
I wish Gregor's WAW wasn't dogshit
>uptie swordmael
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrB5bL1wqwk doesnt play in her story when she saves the miner
Too much hassle to actually get and often not worth it.
>Have to dump fucking Nebulizer for a shitty effect
>Doesn't even carry over the upgraded version
It's poorly thought out. Pretty much all Canto VI gifts are bad.
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His WAW is good though?
Sorry bro, next whalepiggies is ruinashit
Still, the good side is we can still get EGOs
Where are the Bee IDs?
By the time you can make the lamp, you should be drowning in poise. So you don't need nebulizer
I run N Corp to do Wholeness + Bloody Mist and it's some of the most fun you can have in MDH in my opinion.
Hoarfrost Footprint is alright but you have to go through two short floors to get it which hurts your run in the long haul.
Guiding Gas Lamp is worse than Nebulizer alone in my opinion.
I have never used Unmailed Letter or Handheld Mirror.
The event ones are generally good.
Literal apology EGO kek
But yeah garden of roses is so bad in every way. Resources, effect, conditions for stronger effect, looks...
I still need to make a lot of these.
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Take that back
Whoops, sorry, in this case
Snow White Apple Gregor [WAW]
000 Lobotomy E.G.O In The Name of Love and Hatred Meursault
00 Lobotomy E.G.O Spore Sinclair
That's not the only issue.
>Have to bring the Pequod trio at the start (or pay to get them later on but that sucks)
>Have to try and make sure to get the specific pack
>Have to see if it offers the gift that you need
>Have to hope to see that the gift isn't stapled with some retarded buff that bricks the run
>All that to get a combination of both buffs + something nice
I can do that or I can just do the usual Bloody Mist + Nebulizer++ which already works super well with them already. It's just too niche to care about.
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>another sault 000/sinclair 00 banner
>I want to be Ishmael's wife is totally straight
Will SaberMael be shardable in the future?
it already is.
she is permanent
Also you have to fight the PQ niggers and Ahab trio usually which sucks ass
Shit in sprite, shit on art.
Sue me, PM already made its apology.
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I will now learn to draw fatties
That applies to every fusion gift dumbass.
>>Have to bring the Pequod trio at the start
Except you don't? The gift just gives extra bonuses to them
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>I think this girl is cute
It's heterosexual, it's as straight as it gets.
Ishmael kabedon does not exist
Ish looks trrrible with the ponytail
>That applies to every fusion gift dumbass.
No? Unless they changed it so that the parts are usable and obtainable anywhere, I was not paying attention to the changes they've made later on, then they are harder to get compared to the non event ones.
>Except you don't?
Which is why I brought up you can just buy them later on if you manage to get it but that sucks since that's usually some cost you could've used early on.
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Ishbabs love being emasculated????
Color me surprised.
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god i could've sworn there was some bilibili video or something where someone overlaid ruina or limbus characters on people acting like freaks on the subway, wish i had it on hand
There's a big, BIG difference between
>Ishmael is kind of cute
>I never realized I wanted to be the house husband to a gallant lady knight. I want Ishmael to kabedon me with an intense look, taking my chin in a gentle armored hand and giving me the softest of kisses.
And this as well >>497184328
There's no world where that's not gay
What's so gay about it?
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Rodion is perfect just the way she is~
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Look up what heterosexual means and then tell me how it's gay. I'll be waiting for your apology.
Both favs of Director, remember.
While that isn't gay, that's certainly not manly and really that's the issue here.
This is the same mentality trapfags have to convince themselves they're not gay, btw.
>New season's about to start
>put some effort into RR
>62 turns
Yeah ok, good enough
>62 turns
Hnnghhggg *farts*
So now that normal sex between a man and a woman has been deemed gay what the fuck am I supposed to do to be heterosexual?
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No it isn't because Ishmael has XX chromosomes, no penis/balls. She's a biological female. It's heterosexual not only by definition, but by the reality of the situation that it's biological man and woman.
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Post the full version instead
sit in the corner and masturbate
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Wow, guess being an Ishkek isn't heterosexual.
Having sex that isn't emasculating.
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>ishfags and tourists who don't know better than to ignore the ishfags shitting up the thread again
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I was alluding to the other anon.
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>Just need to wait for Canto VII to he released
>Everything I actually care about will come after that
My patience shall be rewarded.
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Oh no, it got stuck! Help me!
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Watching Kamen Rider with friends.
Will nai_ga ever leave?
>Anon (MALE) posts about having sex with IshMALE
>Thinks this isn't gay
Ishbabs still felt prosecuted by your statement.
Funny, isn't it?
Nai_ga and Director are fiancès, so no.
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Time for the hourly Ishmale shitting hours as her posters act like clowns for the entertainment of Faustchads
*gets roped and raped by ishmael who took out faust's womb*
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Abysmal thread, limbfidels.
nai_ga OWNS the rights to limber's compani....
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Sex with Meursault. Sex with Hong Lu.
How many sex toys do you think she has aboard Mephisto.
does director actually has a lover or? I expect PM's downfall in 10 years unless he gets married
>half the thread suddenly starts shitting on Ishbros
>"uuuh why are Ishfags shitting up the thread again grrrrr ISHMALE"
You are not good enough for either.
Weird way of assaulting someone
He's married unless he's wearing that ring for the lulz.
One (Dante)
He's got a ring so...
One (me)
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>Inspect element to slander Ishmael
Actual loser lol. Faustfag, outisfag or other shit sinner fag?
Every single one sold in the City.
She has never used any of them because she has no idea what they're supposed to be used for.
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South likes to be fancy.
West has tons of knight cosplayers.
North wears cold climate clothing.
What's east's gimmick going to be?
Which Sinner could teach her best?
what would sex toys for full body prosthetic users be like
Post THAT soundpost
Asians. Just actual eastern wear.
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i am downloading most insane delusional schizo looking animated 3d guros from pixiv, in one of scenes a girl for some reason has portal 2 cores instead of eyeballs

limbus company sinclair
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25% of the time it works every time you say?
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I think that checks out considering S.corp.
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Get me another plate and make it SNAPPY
looks like you're getting vored...
Are the sinners even getting paid? Like we know that Limbus Company is making money, people have hired LCB, but have the sinners ever received a paycheck? Has this been mentioned?
get knocked up and have twins that you love and adore with this 4
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oh yeah? well
now kiss
Apparently they've all be promised for a personal reward in they're reward.
this pov makes me weirdly aroused, and it's only because rodya is playfully waving at me
Was W Corp's singularity the soul and body saving/restoration or the void dimension traveling?
I wonder if East Liu has the women wearing Qipao
Which sinner would falseflag the most (besides Outis)?
<With money? No...>
They're getting paid in Dante's big sloppy cum.
Rodya as a gigaslut would know them well
Meursault could but he doesn't want to.
LMAO, you are an innocent virgin Dantenim
No mention of that but Dante bribes Rodya with food so they should be getting something.
Eternal reminder
They don't work for money, they work for the thing in the contract, their greatest desire.
The payment is probably whatever wish they want out of their contracts. There's also a second clause that Faust made sure to shut up any information about when Ryoshu tries to say it in canto IV, and I'm guessing the second part of the reason or reward is shared among all of them.
ishmalebabs, more like Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>they work for the thing in the contract, their greatest desire.
>Ishmael gets a compass
>Just a fucking compass
>And a lousy shirt
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This is so retarded
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Maybe... he's right.
>Heathcliff gets a friendship bracelet and has his wife erased from existence
She's already dead.
whats retarded about it?
all their shit is already paid for them
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Post the Dog that will remove this curse
So they have no funds for themselves? Are they just entirely reliant on Vergillius to get them food, clothes, weapons, etc? It seems a bit ridiculous they make NOTHING
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>his wife
in your dreams, heathKEK
literally slavery
Faustfag hands typed this post
They can always steal hair coupons if needed.
>Are the sinners even getting paid?
Doesn't seem like it but we don't know enough about the Sinners' contracts with the company and their individual undisclosed personal compensation that's only been hinted at by Vergilius. Do wonder what Yi Sang and Ishmael could possibly be wanting.
Yeah, we have no mention of them earning Ahn whatsoever.
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I have replied.
They get paid in housing inside the bus, and they are given food.
Also Yield my flesh to claim their bones talked about how they were eligible for getting a company mandated card to purchase other stuff with if they helped out with stuff relating to distortions.
No wonder Heathcliff felt the need to steal from that safe. Poor guy probably just wanted a decent meal and a new shirt for once
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holy shit dude you weren't exaggerating
when will this happen to faust?
Were the sinners (the 13 current ones,excluding faust and dante) the only ones that could take on the task of retrieving the golden boughs? the way the golden boughs in each canto seem to have something to do with their own trauma makes it seem like they were selected specifically because of that,but at the same time why would Limbus company care about the trauma of the sinners,it's not like they're trying to do the seed of light project,right? Unless they're using their unresolved past as a way to get them to work for limbus company,but even then,how would they know the golden boughs always have something to do with the sinners?
What's the use of money if they're basically forced to go around together anyway. They can't really be away from Dante since that might actually permakill them. Please stop complaining about the LCB team's treatment.
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I'm not done talking shit yet.
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In this mirror world, maybe, but we know from LCCB Rodion's uptie story in other worlds, they often have other sinners
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>Were the sinners (the 13 current ones,excluding faust and dante) the only ones that could take on the task of retrieving the golden boughs?
Not necessarily, if LCCB Rodion is anything to go by.
i kinda worry about his throat after all of that
All their strictly necessary operational expenses, including the things you mentioned, have been kinda openly covered by the company, it's more that Limbus Company really doesn't give a shit about how the Sinners are able to accomplish their assigned tasks, like the whole S.E.A. event.
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Too late...
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>sinclair and meursault both have dead moms
they should hug it out
Does she grow lunacy?
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so what do you think the orb will be
>place where the carnival is taking place
>some type of bloodfiend magic bullshit
>Golden bough bullshit
beau beau beau beau mon champion mon amour
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It's the Limbillion mass death event.
Reeaaallly leaning into the DBZ fake moon to awaken Bloodfiend bullshit.
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Oi! Shut up you LCA bastard! I want a new shirt! And a new pair o' briefs! And your food is shite!
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>Destiny 2 dead in the water
>The Traveler shows up in the City
sinclair's anus hugging meursault's dick
It's the cocoon where the first bloodfiend is sleeping
Meursault is too normal for Sinclair to be drawn to him
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if liking ishmael is gay, then explain this
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>It's the cocoon where the first bloodfiend is sleeping
this is going to be some eva bullshit isn't it
It just seems a bit silly that they seemingly have huge abouts of investor money and decent cash flow, but don't invest much into the actual group of 13 that at least two whole branches of the company (LCB and LCC) are built around.
Short hair,clearly a man.
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I'm so fucking gay right now.
You just know
Dias is too busy building a 500 foot statue of herself to properly fund lcb
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human suffering and all that that
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If there's an object that contains an elder vampire that's more like textbook vtm. It's also why I kind of want what that anon said to be true.
>...We need to leave already.
>Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet you too.
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A word about the orb, if I may;
Don't open it.
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You can extrapolate from the lack of real concern Faust had for Heathcliff full sending himself into the backrooms of the bus that we do not necessarily need these specific shitters for the boughs.
>opens it
>there was nothing inside
>everything was fighting over bullshit
I clapped.
Meursault.....cum inside~
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post faust2036.png
Heathcliff wasn't even the one to resonate with "his" bough. Though to be fair that retrieval ended up being a flop anyway.
I wonder why they even keep around sinners who already interacted with their bough. Is it just not possible to link Dante to a new sinner?
What did Oswald mean by this?
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I wonder when the suffering will begin for Don
will part 1 be normal then part 2 is when shit hits the fan?
Dante. . .
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content doko
>Limbic System: There is a giant ball there. And evil apes. And the evil apes are dukin' it out on the ball. You're one of them. It's basically all just evil apes dukin' it out on a giant ball.
What did Director mean by this?
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Hey, I know a sinner for this feel!
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If the sinners are just randoms then why do the golden boughs always have to do something with them? I refuse to believe that's just a coincidence
Unless,the light itself/ayin can recognize the sinner's traumas and it manifests into places it knows that will help them confront them
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That's Destiny 3 duh
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Kissing Ahabu
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Emilie finally got a Keqingmains guide
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He did it once.
He can do it again.
Part 1 is gonna the carnival playing itself straight, and Don watching fixers doing awful shit for a possible reward, or contract, and it ends with Blood Don coming out.
Part 2 is probably going to be us figuring out what the carnival is actually trying to do, Blood Don's motivation, and trying to stop whatever is going on, until we face the barber
Part 3 is gonna be troupe master or whatever doing shit to us.
Lose some wait elsewhere fatty
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suddenly, hong lu
>don't invest much into the actual group of 13
Given the general exploitative nature of the City, I'd imagine whoever's investing only hears about the cool Golden Bough tech and neither knows nor cares about how that tech is acquired, and cut-throat business practices aren't unheard of in the setting, but it is a little odd how uncaring they are about their main procurement squad, though perhaps LCCB/LCCA are actually well-equipped enough to deal with the situation once the Bough's been resonated with and found.
What I find more confusing is what exactly the Sinners agreed to as compensation.
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it would be pretty kino if it was actually true...
though i doubt we'll ever get an explanation for this.
>the horse likes him more than she does
uhhh faustbwos?
Dante is the important piece here, as long as they can resonate with him they can be used to find boughs.
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Can't believe there's still """people""" playing and paying for that garbage
That's not don
Why didn't Faust get any art?
This but gachaslop as a whole.
Drawing horses is really hard okay??
>What I find more confusing is what exactly the Sinners agreed to as compensation.
Pretty easy to guess; whatever the fuck they want.
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>how can i derail this perfectly good thread to talk about a game company no one is talking about
too many things released at once, artists are too busy fawning over bear rodya
do you think don is a salubri or toreador
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Say something nice about my wife
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who is the chuck of limbus
i don't understand what you're trying to say
I want to impregnate her
Get the fuck away from my mother you creep.
Sneed Sang's best friend, Chuckcliff
>whatever the fuck they want
Canto 4-6 seem to be explicitly about what their respective Sinner wants though, and those kinda get resolved by the end of those cantos.
Sinner for this feel?
Ishmael is a lesbian
I don't think it's a coincidence either, but anything more is pure theory. Limbus sends more boring shitters to confirm the location of Boughs beforehand, and that's done shortly before the sinners even know where they're going, ala
Pilot's LCCB group confirming the Bough's location pre-White Whale but just recent enough for him to be bawling about his buds to us,
and the group that tried to check out Cathy's mansion but got filtered by the security system. Even in this case, isn't it mentioned that Cathy bought the Boughs so they weren't even naturally located there?

How Limbus Company knows where the Boughs are and who resonates with them is a complete mystery.
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Quiet son.
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Not after i'm done with her.
Durante is the only exception
Faust's dommy mommy
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The only American probably.
She isn't THOUGH? She submits to CLOCK
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Source doko?
source please?
What is the Lasso EGO supposed to represent?
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>Zwei and Cinq in a joint operation to find the missing people
honestly would Zwei and Cinq work well together? Cinq are more 1v1 orient arent they
Limbus company is the only game which doesn't make me want to fuck any of the character
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Rose Hunter is about conforming and forcing one to submit to their "rightful place". I let you guess what it represents for Hong Lu and Faust.
That just means the Zwei have an obvious job. The Cinq 1v1 the target and the Zwei keep everyone else off their backs.
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>sole American sinner
>considered one if, if not the most, all around reliable of the sinners even in the presence of the genius trio
>only sinner considered not to be defective
>one of the few sinners who could overcome her trauma
>functionally the second in command
Really makes you think. Even Koreans recognize American superiority
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><Ishmael, stop! I'm sorry! Please...>
>"Dante! I'll hear you moan like a bitch a few more times before I think of stopping."
>Hands tied together, body bound up
>And coated in a mix of (You) and Ishmael's cum
>(You) know why this happened
>Couldn't keep your mouth shut for a minute
>When she found out you called her Ishmale, it set something off
>She's taken insults and banter before, but this cut deep
>And you kept calling her it, only stirring the pot more
>"Hnnnng.... ahhh. That's another one."
>She tallied another orgasm onto your glute, bringing the count up to 7.
>You've long since passed the point of pleasure, and Ishmael knew this.
>She resumed her amazonian pounding, as her freckled, bright red pussy continued to suck the life out of your body.
>You gasped as Ishmael bit into your neck once again, leaving a generous amount of drool on yet another bite spot.
>You were asleep in your room when you heard a knock at the door.
>Thinking it was something from the outside, you got up and looked into the hall for the source
>That's when she struck out of your closet
>Ishmael was so much stronger than you, but she chose to play with her prey like a lioness
>"Hah. If you had eyes, you'd probably be crying."
>"When I'm done with you, I want them all to know. Know that you're my bitch."
>"Especially Faust, that brown nosing bimbo..."
>You released once more into your conqueror's womanhood
>She worked fast with her ropes
>Ishmael was quick to unload her anger onto you
>What started as a simple joke turned serious when Faust started laughing at your remarks
>That, Ishmael said, was the last straw
>From there, she worked quickly and violated you in ways that would break you
>As Ishmael caught her breath from her relentless assault, you noticed a light at your door
>Someone had woken from the commotion
><Shit, Faust, don't come i->
>Your voice failed to reach her in time
>"Ah, you came at the right time."
>"Time I turn you into my bitch, too."
>gets shat on collectively by everyone in the bus
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Hex Nail Maniac Rodion when?
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Is there a way to get exp luxcavation to 4 turns? As much as I try there's always a couple staggered retards from the first wave left to mop up on turn 3. Is there a comp that can do it?
>as her freckled, bright red pussy
That's... not how it works
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This is the only SHITmael glazing I will approve of. AmeriGODS rule this world
Do you honestly expect Ishfags to know what they're talking about?
Do my sinners have to be level 25 around 3-17? because my faggots are at around level 17/18
oh damn it's this person. thank you
you want them to be around level 21-22 for the end of canto 3
You literally don't know that.
>>considered one if, if not the most, all around reliable of the sinners even in the presence of the genius trio
Bro? Your Gregor?
>>only sinner considered not to be defective
Bro? Your... Well, they're all dysfunctional
>>functionally the second in command
Bro? Your Outis?
>>one of the few sinners who could overcome her trauma
Bro? Your Yi Sang?
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If we go by the beginning Moby Dick, Ishmael is the one who is more inclined to getting raped.
They've relied on America every day for like 70 years so no shit
Yeah I can believe that.
Consistently? Don't think so. I've done it a few times with my blunt team but it's more luck then anything.
I'm still catching up to level 40 lol.
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Post your friend codes
>17 minutes late
There's a dude full of tattoos on the top left. I'm guessing random fixer officers are involved too.
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as a new player should I just spend my currency on the standard banner or wait for the next walpurgis? (btw whens the next walpurgis?)
Surely the bloodfiends will be the good guys and aren't gonna murder everyone in the carnival,right? Surely they're not gonna try to get Rocinante off Don so she kills more people,right? Surely everything will work out and everyone will survive.
Sexo 50%
I rolled for Zweimael.
so how will Cinq and Zwei destroy Don's delusions?
they kill some of the missing people because they think they got bit by bloodfiends and say "As long as we bring the bodies back to the families we get paid"
I have everything at level 45 baring base sinclair and launch Zwei Sinclair, so yes.
Realistically you should spend lunacy on refills to run more MDs so you can just shard the stuff you want. There's a guide in the OP I believe. Walpipi ended less than a month ago so it won't be back til sometime next year.
Why Sinclair specifically?
Hi. I didn't ask. Please keep unnecessary things like that to yourself.
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If you just started, play on mobile/Emulator and re-roll by spending lunacy on standard or Zwei Ish banner, until you get lucky, and get a good start. If you're satisfied with what you got, tie your account to the guest instance, and tie it to your steam version.
Then save up enough lunacy to do another 20 rolls on the newcomer banner since it guarantees a 000 on 20. A
How does MD give you shards
MD gives you crates, crates can be turned to shards of your choice which can be used to craft IDs or turn into thread.
You complete it and you get yellow crates and you open yellow crates for shards of your choice
>bro people lost their minds about ryoshu ponytail
>why is nobody losing their mind over Zwei ish ponytail???
hmm i wonder why ish ponytail might not be seen as nearly as exciting or new
must be a coincidence
little late to that argument bud
Tail end of my priority list
>2 male sinners have already been removed from the seasonal IDs list
hmm starting to think they're gonna turn sancho into a girl in this one
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Technically it gives pass exp, so for someone who hasn't cleared the pass it doesn't directly carry over to crates. Though I'm pretty sure you get more crates from the pass itself then from 120 levels of post-pass crates anyway so I'm just being pedantic.
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too late bro I just downloaded limbus off steam and went with it. This is who I got off my guranteed, some anons said I should reroll but its been fine so far and I cba downloading this game on my phone
Rodya or Outis will be Sancho
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I was at work give me a break
I'd still reroll if I were you, you can run it on an emulator on PC and it does the same thing. W.Outis isn't bad, but she isn't that insane either.
Used to be you had to reroll more to get better stuff because Season 0 IDs were dogshit but most people are fine just doing it the once these days.
Is it better to skip lux battles or no
I'm still banking on Sancho being long dead and his/her death being the cause for Donpire deciding to larp as a fixer.
Verg and who?? Is this a yume oc
For thread yes with the bonus. Xp no.
I got my money on scissor girl from the trailer being Rodya
Vergilius yume drawing herself flirty with him? That's rare.
I skip the thread ones except the frog and always do the exp ones manually. I'm drowning in thread anyway but can't be arsed to do the other fuckers manually.
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>Is this a yume oc
So if I actually want to level up my sinners then no?
They should make Sancho Panza a fat bitch.
You don't even know anything about her
I can't wait for Lasso to have 0 (zero) (nul) Rupture Count infliction.
>Vergilius yumes exist
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>Only 46 likes for this quality
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My wife should wear glasses more often.

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