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Hags enabled edition

Previous thread >>497155258

Buy Plat
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>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.1: 37.0.2
CURRENT EVENT: Nights of Naberus 2024
Caliban won
Please respond to my warframe.market whispers you fucking BOTS
>wokei and the five DEI hires
delete alchemy
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Koumei won
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Unlock the Power of the Stars with Warframe Prime Access!

Tenno, are you ready to elevate your Warframe experience to cosmic heights? With Warframe Prime Access, you gain exclusive access to powerful Prime Frames, weapons, and accessories that will supercharge your gameplay!

Why Prime Access?

>Unleash Ultimate Power: Prime Warframes boast enhanced abilities, increased stats, and unique polarities that make you a force to be reckoned with in battle! Experience the thrill of dominating missions with unparalleled efficiency.

>Exclusive Gear: Along with new Prime Warframes, you’ll receive exclusive weapons and gear that not only look stunning, but also deliver high performance to outgun any enemy you encounter. Equip yourself with the might of the Primes and devastate your foes!

>Instant Gratification: No need to grind endlessly for new gear! With Prime Access, you get immediate access to the latest content, allowing you to jump into the action without delay. Enjoy premium benefits that make your gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Why wait? Embrace the future and invest in your Warframe journey. Join the ranks of the elite Tenno today with Prime Access and transform your gameplay experience!

I'm investing in Sybaris stocks, I hope the incarnon is good.
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koumei is now READY in my foundry
Sybaris seems to be pretty good
>you need to put 2 green shards on your saryn to fully strip armor even though anything that lives to get that many stacks of corrosive doesn't let you armor strip anyway
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she's already getting fucked by tentacles just like my chinese adult cartoons
walking, sprinting, crouch walking and rolling should all be at least twice as fast
You will understand when you reach SP champ.
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Here faggot
My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Just put in one tau if the amount of shards is an issue for you, it's like a 14% damage loss if you don't fully strip
what the eff do I build on Koumei
The fuck would you play Shitei?
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My Ash keeps T-posing whenever I use blade storm while invisible...
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I built her like this
She's OK
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Oh, what could have been.
It's A-pose
As a versatile Warframe, Koumei adds depth to team compositions and offers engaging gameplay mechanics for both offensive and defensive strategies. Players looking for a dynamic Warframe will find Koumei to be a compelling choice due to her well-rounded abilities and unique playstyle.
There's an ongoing issue where shit will just t-pose every time there's some sort of transparency effect going on. I had the same shit happening to me yesterday with Ivara >>497187990 and today when I went to do void storms and my cracking-effect buffed archwing started "T-posing" just like that
Trying to fulfill the challenges while a Mesa eradicates the screen or a vauban keeps moving the enemies around is a lot of joy.
I really want anyone that designed that piece of shit fired.
not to mention how much fun is to try to find a wall to latch on in open world.
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>revenant torid mrlet
>on the other side of the map doing nothing
>mcdonald wifi so everyone else is lagging
>random host migration that sent me to a solo lobby after the 2 guys were done seething at each other
total destiny rapefugees death can't come soon enough
And I did it fucking again. Wasted 75 vitus on kuva instead of buying 4 mods and getting FREE 60plat.
430rolls of nothing
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>2 green shards
stopped reading there, not my problem.
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Posting this every thread until I'm able to have sex with Koumei
Stay strong brother, you will get a groll next time. TRUST!
koumei needs even more gambling
let me gamble my decrees double-or-nothing
let me gamble my resources, too
Gambling advice: You can win 2000% of your money, but you can only lose 100% of your money.
You do the math.
super based advice
>DE removes corrosive armour strip, then sells it back to you as shards or a passive
...and I thought the voidshell thing was despicable.
>but you can only lose 100% of your money.
Wrong. You can go into debt and have Fat Tony break your knees.
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>try to trade some legendary arcanes
>one of them is a creditlet that ask me to go with them and do index, I say no and he curses me and my family
>another guy that asks me to reduce the price to 300 pl, even though im selling energize to a measly 650 pl
>legendary rank trying to overbuy my arcane giving me like 2k plat, that's obviously bad plat so fuck him
>apparent twitch streamer telling me he's making a promotion of my clan so he needs free stuff, fuck him

god damn it what a insane day
Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed. Keep gambling.
>>legendary rank trying to overbuy my arcane giving me like 2k plat, that's obviously bad plat so fuck him
what the fuck is bad plat?
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>take unranked coomey to fissure capture
>2 people roll gold off intacts
gambling is.... awesome
you're already running energize, lose the equilibrium and put on blind rage, lose the power drift and put either psf or casting speed one.
personally i'd use adaptation instead of rolling guard since i run vazarin almost always for the same effect.
add a plat casino in the relays
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90% of Koumeis quit before hitting it big
Fact check: He can only brake 2 knees.
I mean in theory you can't lose something you don't have
plat bought with stolen cc and shit like this - dupes, hacks, whatever illegal shit you can think of
basically DE will null&void this trade, in best case scenario plat will be gone but you will receive what you traded back, in worst - you won't see items ever again, in 3 6* roll your account will be sent into future (2035)
how do we fix ember?
Warframe 2035
bad plat is cheated platinum that one scammer bought with a stolen credit card, once it gets a chargeback, you and that account gets fucked, meaning your account may get in negative plat, so you would have to buy platinum to pay the negative balance
bring back world on fire and while you're at it, fucking assassinate that fat spic pablo so he can't hurt any other frames./
>lose the equilibrium and put on blind rage
Never, fuck negative efficiency, spaming abilities is too much fun
I once got bad plat and a day later Reb broke into my house and broke all of my fingers
Why can't DE make characters look as good as TFD?
yes a PSF on a frame with 0 status resistance brainlet
although i can tell by your build and infused ability that you are some sort of a mrlet retard so keep using your 15% str
They don't want the game to die
Hello, I love Railjack.
Why would you play that shit? Honest question because it's unrewarding garbage. The top grinders don't go "hell yeah time for some SP" they run easy orokin vaults. The HP and armor scaling make for boring bulletspong enemies and it's like playing Fallout 4 endgame.
>Why would you play that shit?
>The top grinders don't
this doesn't sound like fun
You run sp to bully the emo crew in increasingly humiliating ways.
>implying steel path is not already easy
lol, lmao even
stopped playing 3 days ago
did game get any better?
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Oh god the transparency T-posing shit is fucking everywhere
Yes, Reb fixed everything.
lmoa actual retard
>they run orokin vaults
you have no clue what is going on in this game
past the obvious steel essence, arcanes and more loot it also lets you filter trash players like yourself
also if you can tell the difference between SP and non SP enemies you are having heavy skill and brain issues
I've seen a happen to a bunch of enemies hit by void fissures
What have DE fucked up this time?
What a user-hostile stance that is. Someone else does something wrong so you get fucked.
>the obvious steel essence, arcanes and more loot it
None of those things let you earn better plat than normal nodes because it's less efficient but hey waste your time in the interest of "fun."
>waste your time in the interest of "fun."
Thanks, I will, you fucking jew.
sorry you can only open relics if monsters are lvl 20 im sure you'll get there buddy
the arcanes and more void traces are nothing for such minmaxer like yourself
>fun is bad
>bad is fun
>bump is good
>good is bump
can someone explain to me crit chance multiplier? I need yellow crits only but im using heavy attack that doubles, I have like 42% using true steel but I get mostly white crits, what number do I need for all yellow crits?
>extremely low quality bait

this is what a dead general looks like folks
are you ok? max energize instantly sells for 700 rn
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then why are you mad
>why are you mad
i'm mad cause i like some of the posters and when they don't post i miss them. fuck off
I can count one new release with tentacles from nipland. Its all harem and NTR trash now. I have to break out the ancient scrolls for my tentacle fix
hildryn whiner from last thread

i solved most of my own complaints, i like the new 4 now
do you miss your bf?
its still slow shit that sinks, why cant they give here real flight like Jade got
is there a quick way to level these damn beast claws or what
subsume molt
god, I wish, I was trying to sell before around 1000 but nobody was buying, so I was lowering my prices until 650, sad but it works at least
use operator
pillage is 1handed in aegis now so you can buffer 4->altfire->2->operator->dash->melee in ~1 second and burst+ traverse really fast
It shouldn't be "mostly" white hits for you since you only have 64% crit on heavy but you will see plenty of white hits
Just run ESO or some shit, leeching affinity seems to be the best way to level companions
Right after they make Zephyr's flight non-shitty lmao
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complete waste of ability and doesnt even solve sinking
thats like playing nyx absorb - awkward and tedious, why would I do that? I'd rather move freely
unless you play some stationary camping mode her 4 is still useless crap

instant sale
750 if you wait for buyers
and this is europoor/asia timezone, prices are higher during US time
stupid slownigger
>complete waste of ability
depends on your needs
>doesnt even solve sinking
nothing is going to solve sinking
>it's ok that Koumei is underwhelming because she's a frame for beginners
I keep seeing this pop up, what the fuck kind of mentality is this? being easy to get doesn't excuse anything at all
figures, thank you
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I spent the past hours hubting down animals for tags to buy the new companion mods and it was really fun playing around as a hunter with Ivara tracking tjem like that
So I have two questions: how do you mod the companions and claws nowadays?
And how do you mod Hate? Cause I got Burning Hate but since new Galvanizeds are out I don’t know what I should use
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>koumei update is so good
cute ostron
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i havent changed a single pet loadout
>its ok to keep general alive because all we do is keep general alive
>just spam consumables any time you want to use an ability
Why are you faggots like this?
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I doubt it's going to ever happen now that Khora AND Koumei exist. As well as Reb and Meg having mean girl energy to Steve who wants a spiderframe.
spider frame is WOKE and dei
a naga frame is what real gamers want
True Rhino is useful from early to endgame and is the default beginner frame
It's not even that, her mechanics wouldn't really work if she did something like twice the damage on every ability. The whole decree gambling system is really not that fun and would take way too long to get shit that you want instead of trash.
Now her weapons, those are the real shit. Higasa is absolute trash no matter what you do with it. The damage sucks. The alt fire sucks. And it doesn't even get charged if you get kills via status effect. Of course, again, one may argue, it's a weapon for beginners, but why the fuck does it have an SP augment, then?
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wouldnt it make more sense for koumei's gamble buffs to just give you different/better bonuses for rolling combinations, what's with the minigame
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Succubus frame
why does Koumei have marionette theme for a gambler frame

I think replacing her strings with very large dice as a projectile would be more thematic
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Atlas is a knight/crusader that is stonemancer
Probably something like
>Elemental conversion mod of your choice
>Physical conversion mod of your choice
The rest is whatever. Maybe Hunter Synergy and Bell Ringer/Magnetic Strike for two extra elements on every hit.
>and then I used helminth
Is there really no mission for the halloween shit its just a bunch of mother tokens?
>Higasa is absolute trash no matter what you do with it. The damage sucks. The alt fire sucks.
Worked well up to lvl 1100 for me.
show me
It's mrlets trolling. There is nothing difficult about steel path. Nothing there will live to get 14 corrosive stacks.
you stupid nigger, you absolute buffoon, even with negative efficiency energize is more than enough to let you spam abilities, what are you spamming? her 1 and her 4 that's it, her 3's up for ages and her you can't be spamming her 2 enough to run out of energy, you absolute cunts like to mod every efficieny items with energize and don't use a single ability in mission cause "what if muh energy goes down" fuck off
you want the build or what?
I'm not going back in game to lvl 1k+ to record it for you.
because everyone who isn't mrlet knows you just use one tauforged for 3 corrosive stacks and rest goes for ability dmg on toxin targets as its more dmg than straight up stripping
>I'm not going back in game to lvl 1k+ to record it for you.
i accept your concession
reb stop priming melee slop
go back to gimmicks on guns kino
Take off the steel mod, see how much crit it gives, double that amount for heavy attacks.
Bro you need to get the Son’s Resourceful Retriever to make ALL your pets Smeetas
centaur warframe
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Helstrum proccing cold
hildryn for strip.
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Did the same thing earlier in the week to get extras to sell.
It's Koumover.
>look how good this gun is if you armor strip
>how do you mod hate
hate is just so good on its own that with few mods you get tons of damage, would recommend the galvanized mods
>X weapon is overpowered
>Frame: Frost with armor strip and 200% cc, cd augment
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>strawman melty
>i dont like this one thing in particular
im rarely seeing yellow crits without crit chance mods
>armor strip
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>he needs armor strip
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>warframe players when the MR2 weapon can't solo levelcap SP void cascade and the prospect of having to use an ability or two hits them
>why does Koumei have marionette theme for a gambler frame
no, she is based on the red thread of fate and astragalomancy
ostron are somewhat based on eastern cultures
the unum is all about fate/destiny

mix it all together and you get a shrine maiden literally puppetered by the red thread of fate that uses dice to read fates
if i wanted to use abilities to kill enemies i would stick to sevagoth/mirage/saryn/octavia thanks
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So what do I use for secondary AOE damage now that the Staticor is broken? It has no ammo and can't reload.
how is it broken
Continue reading after the question mark.
>warframe monkey can't understand arsenal synergy
but how
I dont know
The ammo counter is gone, you get one magazine worth of shots and then its useless.
>arsenal synergy
>game is balanced around 1% of weapons if you use anything else you're not actually playing the game
weird game, why do people play this?
based retard
See, in the UI, the number telling you the amount.
hmmm today i will buy 40 relics i'll never open
hmmm today i will bump 40 times
>Higasa is absolute trash no matter what you do with it
Just use Battacor instead.
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no, that's my gun. you cant use it
I mean, without crit mods, its around 22% and 24% its a glaive prime, im trying to use a r5 duplicate but its not really consistent, for example, if I use sacrificial steel I have around 70% crit chance it gives some orange crits every 3 hits
Ok, I don't know if it was the lightning update but trying to color my frames has been dosgshit lately.
Colors look completely different depending on the tilest you are. And some parts do not chnage at all no matter what color you use (the Sevagoth Deluxe for example, the glowing parts of the body will always look white no matter what you do).
how do i color koumei?
>orange crits with 70% crit chance
you are definitely using something that gives crit chance outside of mods
and you should have 97.5% crit chance if ur using umbra steel+pressure with no riven, perfect for melee duplicate if ur not using steel (you should)
use trans colors
Black and red

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