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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Oct 6th, 8PM EDT | Ultros, Primal | Mist W20 P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct. 7, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previously: >>497341601
femlala shit in my gym brother
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I am a femlala
posting it again for attention
and also because I want to be called cute for nothing in return
why are femlala like this?
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This was how I wanted my thighlander waifu to look like, but I'm shit at character creation. And it's too late to fanta back after four expansions as a malera.
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eb an ugly femra
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Kong won bigly.
Sex with catgi-....
oh, what's the point in posting this anymore..
she's a cute gith colored femra
I get off to ego death way more than I should
I couldn't figure out how to confess to my femlala crush so I just schizo them whenever they post in the thread so I know they can see me doing it
What's in it for me?
I gooned at goon island
Yup think its time to quit mahjong for a long time again tired of being nuked by 20k points the very first turn.
My femra will return to azimborea
I wish people wanted to have sex with my catgirl.....
i don't know how to approach him so i just pet him in game and simp him in the thread
when someone calls me smelly in game, I feel bad irl because I have the dumb asian gene that doesn't make me smelly
i feel guilty everytime i gpose because i could spend that time learning blender instead
I resubbed again and the first thing I did was gpose for 2 hours straight....
I'm a femlala who secretly enjoys when biggers stand in front of her with their crotch pressed against her face.
I want to know who calls me their smoochwife so I can get them to join my PFs.
i am
a drunk meena

look at these dorks. they dragged me to an m3s clear

i'm becoming a capital R Raider and it's so much fun
It's easier to shut people out than to let them in anymore
I found someone who's perfect marriage material but I'm not in a place in my life where I could think about settling down, and I don't even know how to progress an online friendship to more.
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Can we see? :p
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Goodnight bros
Say it back
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ask that little viper what weapons those are they look great with his glam
I just think bunbois are number one, that's all!!
my wife, my child and my unborn child
whoa is that jewdas demayo??
Bros I'm a PS Portal gamer now
No more titty mods
I didn't eat the bananas, I let them ROT in the fridge!!!!!!!!
I know everyone says "haha just tell them how you feel!" But legit just do that, if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.
I am a femlala queuing level roulette with "/pet me and I'll stay at the end of the dungeon" in my search info as

Is the last part reportable by the way?
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nice head
I don't care how much they like me, I won't EB someone if they aren't my preferred race or don't lewd. It might be shallow but I don't care at this point
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quick match so long call
Crystal Casual CC @ 1:35 ET
I will reply with /smooch and/or /pet
The good news for you is that thighlanders have so few decent options that even a blind person could make one that looks like that.
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congrats on the twins
really want him to say lewd things to me in spanish
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I mean, if they wanted to talk to me, they would without me saying something first, right
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that lalaboy is asleep rn but i think it's the bismuth twinfangs, it's the same model at least i'm not sure if he had a dyeable alternative
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But this is based?
You maxed out the charts.
she's a cutie pie /pet
kys race traitor
Don't forget to wear this dyed red, sis.
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what are you doing tonight
i doubt it desu
I'm a man and I pretend all the confession posts are from women who are talking about me

I give my friends permission to erp in my house but the only rule is they have to mention they did in the guestbook
It's too late for another D party so I'm probably going to sleep instead.
what, gay?
Playing CC and chattering at frens.
But sleep after this game, it is berry late.
Sex with maleroes unprotected
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If i keep rerolling a 1-4 reclear party will show up
Going to sleep after a career of second place in mahjong, heh.
Laying in bed, thinking about killing myself at work tomorrow
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talking about gooning but unfortunately not gooning
Don't they use Duty Finder on JP?
I was CCing but now I'm crafting for some dude from the thread.
DF means loot is FFA
PF means 4 players are guaranteed to get loot
post catbox
i fell asleep yesterday and forgot to make my pf
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carving up a chicken
tina, last time I asked you something you brutally ignored my (You) while replying to everyone else. ...so no I won't show it, just because it's you asking...
What's your address?
i posted one last thread
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Going down the rabbit hole of male mods
I've been in and out of sleep since 8pm on Friday, i think my body is finally giving up
Jesus that's sovl. I knew about JP loot distribution but didnt knew that wasn't applied on DF
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Post the other Lamitt.
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Contemplating the Dao (Drinking).
holy meowly
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Thanks <3
Okay be that way.
Welcome back tho <3
Well hop to it
plap me
thanks, they're gonna be a handful but they're my handfuls
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Skipping Soar
He will never love me back. I think I'll just end it all.
just find someone else to love you, IDIOT
starting to believe xivg biotrannies aren't real
I turn on depth of field do an emote pause then make a funny face. I don't know how you guys get so engrossed in it.
Femra post
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sleeping but then I had to pee
with whomst
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i don't get it what's wrong with making friends and playing with them
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:10 ET
Is it me
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late night roulette
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Here fellow drinking bunbro I got a webm just for you.
There must be someone there down to goon.
Our response, venatsisters?
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Good night CCfrens
One day I will be on the same team with Chi, but until then we shall be CC frenemies...
Ty for calls callfren
Jeb has stretched himself too wide. He's a ladies' man, isn't he?
Two different teams having a Lamitt WHM was pretty kino
would u?
Thanks for queueing
I hope I don't get skipped over again.
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>Our response, venatsisters?
R8 her
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Lamitt on Lamitt warfare
I think its just the bored people with nothing to do hanging out now, whoever was horny for gooning already went to their goon caves...
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goodnight anon!
by ladies man you mean posing with grown man pedos then sure
#3 fastest thread on the entire website
>fishtank live
#2 fastest thread on the entire website
>hololive thread
and in 1st place, hailing all the way from an uldahn gutter:

bros we fucking run this website
post the test
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Low effort hrothgal, just for you.
I want a /pet and a /smooch.
brutal lamitt diff
I will /pet your big whiskers and /smooch your forehead
I love big breasts so much bros
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Noone else will do.
Probably not.
i've been going to hookup threads and making anons cum on pictures of me
I have been listening to Heavy is the Crown on loop for the past two hours of CC Syncs.
>$10 to fanta into my ideal waifu
>but I don't want to be called "she" in chat
>and I'll miss my current character
>but I don't want to make an alt
I wish I didn't care what people think.
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I think I'm ready for the neet life. I think I'm gonna try to work long enough to buy an acre or two out in the woods, park my tenement on wheels, and just live like a hobo selling, I don't know, fucking honey and walking sticks or something to pay for property tax and cans of beans.
Maybe. I'd also accept finding something that'll let me put the down payment for a tin can or crack shack away.
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>my femlala walks in unannounced and slams 300mg of caffeine in front of you
Well? Take it.
may i post my femra
i'm so proud of you my lamitt wife you make me smile so big
What is she wearing?
Go to bed
catgirls are so cute
i wish i was born as a catgirl
you have my explicit permission to
please do, sis
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You could've smooched and pet anywhere, but that's what you choose?
Can't win 'em all I 'spose.
oh noo please don't call me a p* nonny I would hate that noooo
4's problem isn't the human features. its the gaunt cheeks.
As a long time free use anon, you're fine.
Basically anything in search info is OK as long as it's not a direct URL link to 18+ art, or something that is very clearly explicit (language wise). Or racism/slurs/etc.
Anything that has any ambiguity to it is fine.
>p* nonny
prophecy star nonny?
yeah that is a fucked up insult
where would you prefer I smooch and pet. You can have more!
everything feels dead as fuck
keep yourself safe freak
It's definitely me
Off to Ul'dah for you, then. Show em how its done.
we'll get our DATABASE moment one day, believe it sis...

surely this isnt all there is to life............................................................right?
>but I don't want to make an alt
Just do it. It's comfy and easy to wear.
The cutest late night lala
My favorite middie goon material.
a pale imitation of a shining star...
do you like shtoas
this is a certified Sun Rosa post
I probably would if Aether ever opened up[
You will enjoy the freedom of an alt.
I feel guilty for not accepting erp requests multiple times in a row from people i know
Im just not in the mood to erp that often, it takes too long
But I fear they may be taking the rejections personally
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Why and where did they bring this cabinet from
just use glamourer to become your ideal waifu and run around and play the game for a while and then go back to your real appearance if you want to later, or fanta
Damn (you)'re extra horny tonight
black caillou?
I'm going to start calling my cc enemies p*s...
we must believe
bro citizen con is coming and im gonna be disappointed again this year, I hope somoene brings up how shit mm is
yea :3
Goon to my femlala feet you Prophecy Star...
god dammit
The opposite, actually. I left goon island and went back to aether
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I've done the same thing for at least 3 days :'D
Now that you mentioned it I'll do it again :p
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh the uldah people are all expecting RP and shieet and its also a lot of uggo modbeasts, I'd rather just plap xivg frens.
my goblin wife
it's a blend of autism and perfectionism, there's so many angles and details you can adjust on a pose, you just get lost in it
What game is this?
i try not to <4
i dont think this is it bwo
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Lmao yeah...
Excuse my curiosity but I understand, especially living on Primal myself. I have to plan in advance to game on Aether so I get it. It is what it is.
thanks sis. I blasted strong ishgardian ropes.
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the manspread of bigger male characters is sized perfectly to fit even a max height femlala
so what posing software am i supposed to be using if its not supposed to be anamemnesis?

every time ive asked ive got like 5 different answers
Frontlines (in Aether, since Crystal's queue is dead)
I'm extra unhorny... Flirted with a bunch of people at the movie meet then just chilled after with no gooning.
I can respect that. Hopefully one shows up soon.
Please don't say 'bigger'. It's offensive.
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>over an hour of posing later
>only halfway through the models
i may have bit off more than i can chew....
>One day I will be on the same team with Chi, but until then we shall be CC frenemies...
I don't recall the last time I played with Chi in my team as well. We always land on opposite teams and beat each other up. Nini.
CA is so cute i love her
please save your work regularly
This is another Ishgard battle scene isn't it?
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where do I find a boyfriend like this
i am the bigger making the observation
lalas with initials CA are the cutest
ok i genuinely couldn't tell if this was male or female for a sec
for now I'll keep doing my ass observation study
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I once bunny'd my kassatsu
I mostly use brio, anamnesis has some features that I still use though
The real answer is whatever works for you, just pick one and see how you like it
Wtf I'm dming you about Linkin Park tomorrow. Now go to sleep!
why is he oiled
>nobody flirted with me at the movie meet
such is the life of a male character
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Crystal Casual CC @ 10:45 ET

Think we got into separate queues
Is long medium or short hair the best on maliders
why do you have to be flirted with at the movie meet? we had a good time watching a movie together whats wrong with that
Lemme copy your notes when you're done.
What outfit is that and is it available for girls?
a rope around their necks is best
My femlala prefers it short on malidsters.
i did this once in the last phase of tea (it was a clear pull)
nobody flirts with my character..
>I am the bigger
Stop that!
dw i save each characters pose as i finish them.

uh oh cucked by a maliddie melty
brio is good cause it's right in the gpose. but you can accidentally fuck up and reset shit if you make a mistake. i think you can save poses tho.
please respond
Ala Mhigo will remember this transgression
Who's the best male middie?
i am fat, ugly and balding
what kind of wol fits me
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it is 3 am i will shitpost as i please
depends on the face
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>go to sleep!
I'll try >.<
i think that blonde moonie talking about plapping is pretty cute
casual cc has made me racist against primal players
shut the fuck up
tell me about the one that got away, /xivg/
no names necessary just why did you like them and what happened between you? how often do you think about them?
male middie
the one reading this post
all of them
none of them

there you go!!! anchorpost taken care of
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>He watched the movie at the movie meet
Someone tried to flirt with mine but they were the wrong person.
>Two femlalas on the enemy team
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I like this glam for mch but I feel the colors could be better.
god i suck. i got mogged in DPS again. how can i suck so bad to be half the DPS of the other healer? is there that dramatic a difference just from being a hardcore tier player? or was the healer just leaving healing duties to me? maybe a bit of both?

i dont understand how even in synced content i can lose to a very skilled player by a significant margin. we're both synced and i have great uptime and doing my rotations well. even if i fuck up my rotation once in a while, why is there such a fucking gap?
i play a femlala because they have smaller hitboxes
I swap between the Oboro and Ardbert/Juan Fantasia faces
I cannot summon even a fucking squirt of piss to give about SC anymore. It is such a fucking nothing game now, and every single decision they make puts it farther into the realm of nothing. Kingdom Hearts has fucking better space combat than SC.
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compiled for future lamittposting
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I am currently tard wrangling
im never approaching anyone ever again..............................................
I love ass, bros
>140 mahjong rank points lost today.
Yup I'm a fiera googling the nearest bridge.
They were really bubbly and cute and still the smartest, wisest person I have ever spoken to and I looked forward to it every day up until the day their character was deleted and I was just left with no answers.
Should I fanta to a moonie, or xaela femra?
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I'm rich...
I got flirted with at the golem meet on my male char. Skill issue.
alphinaud doesnt.
literally handcrafted for piloting a suncat
which miera is melting at middies now
Very cute, would pet her ears and rub her whiskers!
Radahn consented. How do I get a radahn eb for my miquella femra
i love face 4/oboro lemme see
go to bed leo
>Went in search for some elezen ears
>Chewed on a femlala's instead
All in all, not a bad night
i love being a moonie, but i think only /xivg/ likes moonies. the average player just likes sunnies and think we're Ns.
all me
>at the golem meet
>where people fuck around anonymously because they wouldn't be caught dead with your character otherwise
In the end, femlalas won
>golem meet
>where anyone can say anything with no repercussion due to being anonymous
where are all the femlalas at
I think she could use a different dress and the tattoo on the chest and shoulder looks bad, but otherwise looks great.
WA, but he's already married, so I'm going to go kick rocks.
why is big tiddy edda a thing now
i'm not complaining just curious
personally im glad i dont treat this game like a dating platform but joke's on me ig
Which sugar neko Chan should my character be
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Sadly not sleeping... woke up again, ill probably cap my tomes.
They were already EBed and I don't know what I'd do if I had them though. I'm already infatuated by them to such a degree that if they wanted me to bark on command in voice I would. I love him, the player, not the character he plays. Just everything he does is so cool or amazing to me. From making mods, to working on his thesis to just .. every little thing. It makes me sad I wasn't first to meet them though thinking about it, it's probably the best it wasn't me because I'm a pretty boring person and they deserve that excitement that I think their EB gives them. Oh, I'm a femlala that can gush endlessly about him.
Leo schizoing
Bro thinking about blasting ropes onto maliddie necks that's kinda gay bro
sorry man they're all lined up waiting their turns to get crucified on my BWC
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Previous relationships left their heart closed off to trying with anyone else, and I'll never get a chance to give them the love and affection and loyalty that I know they deserve. Now I just do my best to keep my feelings in check and enjoy their company as a friend, but I think it bleeds through and makes them uncomfortable around me lately.
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Modded hairstyles one is a port, the other a mashup, the last not made with anything from the game I think
*Points finger gun at*
Gonna need the name of that headset mod.
*Waves finger gun at, this is a threat*
my moonie got really tired after finishing her drink even though it wasn't that much..
who won
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Back off
If you can't tell by the score then I don't know what to say
the intricacies of the ass are many...
1 looks best I think. I like it more on your Hrothgal than Miqos.
Offensive Gcd uptime > Gear > correctly timed raidbuffs/team damage in raisbuffs(ast/sch only>DoT uptime >>> other shit

That's all healing parses are. After that it's crit rng.
If you compare your parse to a top parse, limited to the same time window, they're probably getting many more glares/broils in than you.
One of these is Aru, the other is Feri.
That first meteodrive made me scream out loud from surprise I thought you were still on the other side of the map
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Crystal Casual CC @ 2:45 ET
FF owes me head pats
whatcha up to? having fun rn?
post something for me to cum to so i can sleep
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>Madlanders seething at Miera again
Every time. maybe if you keep forcing yourself every thread you can clean up the last biofoid we leave gaping and begging
the score doesn't tell you everything, it's just as easy to have some absolutely cracked k/d/a and still lose because you have 3 people who went 0/5/2 or some shit
There's the chance you are being paired with a healer that's a raider and their BiS affects their performance.

Even though ilvl gets synced down, substats are gear dependent, so if they got gear full of crit/direct hit and you have a bunch of piety, that may do it. Also what job are you on?
>until the day their character was deleted and I was just left with no answers
I'm sorry anon
I doubt you're boring at all anon, I hope you'll find someone that you can be mutually happy with, it sounds like you have a lot of love to give.
>Previous relationships left their heart closed off to trying with anyone else
this is always so painful and feels so unfair when you want nothing more than to make them happy. I'm sorry anon
Why would it be sticky?
ask >>497350409 or the brazilcat for the poses they're making
god bless pawgud
Post some feets
It upsets me that he doesn't have a "bigger" tattoo.
what is this?
>when you see that lb14 linkshell mare notif at the start of the match
>and then disconnect because it was a zipbomb
may i trib
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>feels so unfair when you want nothing more than to make them happy.
Yeah, you get it. It is what it is though, I'll make them happy by being their loyal friend through thick and thin, it's the best I can do.
you’re not a miera
Is it just me or has there been a resurgence in femlala posting and overall love towards femlala
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Sechen Pawgud
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company and even got EBd
but their work schedule + timezone differences meant that we couldn't hang out at all for over a month at a time, so we split. It's been two years and I haven't seen them at all for 90% of that span
I've been gushing over femlala tonight and I'm not usually here
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Can you do that

I don't really play on calls because I'm euro so it's always a pleasant surprise
The cute femlalas came by, said hi to /xivg/ and then left so people are still feeling the charm
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is she really gonna have this shit on the whole game? also i may be cooked, i took one look at her and realized you could make a femra that looks very similar to her
He thought he liked me but he changed his mind. I've mostly moved on, or at least I tell myself I have. I'd like to think it makes it easier to talk to him.
stop ragequitting and chat spamming its always fucking primaloids melting in this stupid gamemode
Any golems wanna...
im busting for the next ass posted
[image of nicocado's ass]
Thoughts on level 2 femlalas..
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stop posting this shit every thread
t. male middie
Wrong general, bro.
BUILT for my level 30 fulezen
They are fine, femsunnie here though, no +
wanna see more ona plaps
anyone wanna eo to 100
i literally don't say anything in matches unless some crazy synergized team wipe happens or someone saves my life (unless its pld cover)
Its too late for golem lewds...
who brought up the split? I get it sucks not being able to see each other but maybe you two could've still been happy with the rare moments together. I hope it didn't hurt them
oof, I don't have much to say to that other than I'm sorry, I can only imagine that stings
wish XIV had more fits like that
I prefer yuri over fu

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do u accept tributes?
its still a final fantasy game and this general is never on topic anyways
I don’t have too much to say about him because we didn’t interact for too long, but he had a way of flirting with me that nobody else is bringing to the table so I think about the things he’d tease me with sometimes. I probably scared him off by coming on too strongly.
i don't like men drink the funny potion first then we'll talk
BUILT for my newly created level 1 fiddie
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lot of butts here 2nite!
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The big tiddy nurse
It's uhhh here: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/117510
same, weirdly
No she goes normal outfit later. Dlc is fun though, and her kit is cracked in it and in r2
and yet not enough as well, need to post more butts to change that
nta but i will come pet this femlala if its on balmung
it's Lalafell migration season so they're all stopping by the thread before they disappear for winter. enjoy the good times
I only have 2 more weeks until I quit my job, then no more working for an employer ever again
I know it's not but this sounds a lot like me
The bitey squirrel.
Why are you on my friend list?
my femezen is like this
this isnt me

go nutty frend

hell yea
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Crystal Casual CC @ 6:05 ET

My last call for the night
well if you wanna, you know where to find
I believe in femezen x malezen supremacy and I'm not afraid to say it.
ok based. i hate m**gles
you could probably make something very similar in game already
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I don't see any..
Do you type while you animation goon, I heard you don't type.
I love you ravjit.
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the options for it are really ass
I don't think that Lamitts should fight. I think they should be friends.
But when you sleep in a ditch off to the side of the interstate, how will you log in to play Final Fantasy XIV?
I liked hearing all the things they were up to. I was the desperate one trying so hard and assuming so many things, that's the flaw I've always had. We constructed imaginations based off of assumptions.
I was selfish because I wanted to cover a hole in my heart. I still think about them so much even if it is painful... I think about the short time we talked so long those years ago and how happy I was to listen. Oh, I'm doing it again...
There's only one ardbert....
Left is Schmuckles. You don't know him but he's a pvprevival dude
get this rava a bollywood movie deal
I have enough funds to live comfortably for the next few years, spending time to work on my business ventures
ok i forgive you but youre still being deported back to brazil
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I wish I didn't open this.
reminds me of that one mtg dude taking pics of people's fat cheeks spilling out
>who brought up the split
I did. after 40+ days of them being unable to even log on from their schedule I talked with em and we mutually decided to end it
>I hope it didn't hurt them
I'm the main reason why they don't want to come back. Just the sight of me is enough to cause them pain
I do a little bit of the goontalk, dont expect me to type full paragraphs with perfect grammar and shiet though.

The fact that dude got banned (even if it was later reversed) was such BS. He was a hero.
maybe they think about those times too anon, it's always nice to be able to open up to someone and for them to listen and take it in. we all want to fill a hole in our heart, I hope you'll be able to
i already attuned to the aetheryte. its too late
I assume at one point I sent you a friend request and you accepted it anon.
Femlalas only know how to fight with each other.
It's a shame this includes lalaboys....
Femlala are the perfect beings and the cutest gift to Hydaelyn
I do not recognize your name, did you used to be someone else?
ahh. I had a feeling... well in any case I'm sorry. maybe you two will be able to talk again sometime and rekindle?
I'm glad you appreciate us femlalas but be nice to lalaboys too if you can please...
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I'm still awake
can we have a sample of goonspeak
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i think femlala x lalaboy is the cutest pairing

but i also think femlala x male midlander is the funnest pairing

i dont know which one i should pursue....
move down need pusi pic
Prime example of a sexpest right here
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It's okay anon, us lalaboys are used to it.
femlala x malera, it is necessary
i really hope i'm not annoying people when i post my meena i just really like this game
A few people, I'm not sure which ones you would have interacted with. I have names turned off for non friends so I shoot a request to anyone I feel is actually social, feel free to remove me if you need the space.
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SHould I add this to the album with the rest if the big titty edda pics? Did not like how it turned out
you must have not seen the lalaboy last night asking for femlalas to humiliate his tiny penis....asking for anyone to be nice to them is a tall order
Aether servers are open for visiting at this hour, you may jump in early to be well-prepared for post-maintenance Tuesday PFs.
They'll always remember me in the back of the mind as some selfish, crazy annoying thing. But it's okay.. we find nice friends in nice places
What the fuck Leo
No, it's not like that, I just feel bad whenever someone name changes and I don't remember who they were at all. I'm sorry if you see me and it takes awhile to recall your past selves.
I want to respect lalaboys, but the thread makes it hard.
we were both sage. and i did not know that about gear/substats at all. i had a hunch, but im not an endgame player. to be honest im not even mad at them. i just got a lil depressed. i just wanted an explanation for what the hell was happening. because it's in almost every group when im with a (basing it off their adventure plate: hardcore/ultimate raid icons) they're usallly all raiders. my friend is an ex raider and plays casually always always top damage even on jobs he doesn't normally play.

thats a very good explanation anon thank you. and yeah i am definitely not being efficient, i am still focused on support. but when i see the damage performance i get kinda upset about it. im happy i was helping against close call events and player mistakes. but seeing my damage suffer makes me feel like crap. thank you for that insight!!
o-oh... I did not then...
I am so confused.
Who is edda
I barely ever bother people for plaps tho? I basically only joke around with frens

I do not have any on hand but its the usual stuff... plap plap plap get pregnant etc...
arms up need pit pic
>you may jump in early to be well-prepared for post-maintenance Tuesday PFs
why would i not play with my friends for 3 days just to reclear with aether players
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be like this lala, not giving a shit
Fuck off we're full.
I’m a moonie that’s gonna hug her lalaboy sage plush to sleep tonight cause this post made me sad… lalaboys deserve so much love…
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Okay that was my last call you can go to bed now
>there's 7 Lamitts in queue right now
The main boss of PotD. This guy just made her his character i guess.
Squenix gift card sar
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Not on my watch, sad lalaboy.
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Okay this is epic
Still kinda rustled they outright spoiled the final phase, assuming she is the final phase
There are currently >7< Lamitts in queue for Casual CC
Week 11 is only 2 days away now.
sometimes I get random adds on discord and I always secretly wish it would be someone from here looking for me
The final phase is actually Bakool Ja Ja. That's why he's in the keyart.
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You get used to it.
In fact I just stopped giving a fuck, what others think of me and focused on being true to myself. I am cringe, but I am free.
Thanks for the reminder i dont wanna go to brazil again
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no joke but you're just the coolest lala I ever seen.
love the frog
do you masturbate before or after posing?
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My fiddie looks and acts like this
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lmao it is not the final phase
it is the TOP P4 of FRU
Thank you mister Laz now I can go grief the great being known as "Party Finder"
I wish cute characters sexpested me ingame..
penis machine broke i barely jerk off at all man
Better to not recall anyway, I swap faces to stay inconsequential and I don't like it when that starts to change.
what do you think i use to press the submit button
So you're basically implying you're a himcess. Go to the steppe
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Speaking of Bakool Ja Ja..
What? Miquella isn't a himcess
my suncat is like that, good taste
cockwatch status?
He's a grown ass man that looks like a woman
These miera are becoming more and more...well you know, by the day.
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it's like bi-weekly and I pose multiple times a week, so
My femlala doesn't want to be pussywatched...
i can't sleep... i wish my wife was here with me
Please eb my femra please please please ill pay your sub if that's a golem ill pay the fanta please please please please idk who you are or what you are just please eb my femra
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I can quit anytime I want to
miquella is the most himcess that has ever been himcessed
FRU will be:
P1 Fatebreaker
P2 Eden's Promise
P3 Gaia Ryne double team
P4 Goth Ryne
P5 Lesbo sex
Femra? My sunnie palmrapes her goonstick to them
hey sweetie how you been? havent seen u online lately.
im sorry to disappoint you
You're right...it's over...
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I like that if you go to one of these NPCs during the Final Days at Thavnair they go "I feel wholy unqualified to speak of this"
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built for intense sodomy
Hoping for a cloudy day in Gridiania
I suspect that is the condition for my Sightseeing log, not sure yet
My thread crush is picrel but I don't know their initials, anyone know? I've seen a few of their posts itt and I want to approach...
I get mad and jealous every time a femra wants the most feminine looking male character in the entire thread and it happens a lot
this is just uchiki
Never too late...mine's still parked just in case
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>tfw i was born as a ugly manlet human instead of a pretty tall miera with floppy ears
every day i search for meaning in life
What women want when on the pill
ah yes PN is a very good crush indeed
Any bunnygirls with futa dongs online rn
i dont like this
roid out and put the dwarf helmet with the beard on
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>Every single hairstyle fits any face exactly like Malehroth
>SE still prevents you from using face 4 hair on a face 3 despite it being insanly easy to implement
I'll never forgive the Japanese
Their max height is like 5'11
oh that's DN
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gn everyone. ty for movies. ty shoro for being my date for the movie. ty whoever helped shut down uchikis guyliner spam.
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I desperately wish I were a girl.
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Good morning /xivg/ (Especially Skinwalkers)
holy moly i just saw a straight catboy in the quicksands
>it's not
P1 - Fatebreaker
P2 - Shiva (Ryne)
P3 - Oracle of Darkness (Gaia)
Intermission - Eden's Promise
P4 - Ryaia, Oracle of Twilight
P5 - Ultimecia
Is this game good for forming loving bonds with someone?
you can just... be one? you know that, right?
what do you mean anon?
good morning skinwalkera
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If I sexpest you, another anon will notice it and then call me out in the thread and I'll be filled with shame and just delete my character...
You better post her
Maybe there could be a Vauthry in there somewhere too.
I'm sorry that miera are tall to you shorty.
Lowlander status?
the reactions are pretty funny
I'll do anything please just give my femra a chance
But you are?
>heterochromic scales
absolutely ruined
And mac and cheese. Maybe chocolate but it's gotta have something like peanuts and caramel too.
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i really need to dl the tbse mod for this top so i can view pristine pecs in that chestpiece
Do Viera height count their ears?
if you did it in tells no one would notice..
Skip Soar or Disband
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when femlala get posted? during
Ah, that'd be LL (the one with white hair)
only if they're trying to hide from predators that can clearly see their max slider ears
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Can you skip sunrise?
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That's me! Ahem..*checks notes*..something something lalaboys.
>disingenuous nigger when called out
You know, I made a potatoes au gratin with smoked sausage the other night and it's almost as good as mac and cheese, you should give it a go.
i can't even clear
if you have to ask, you are not good enough to do it anyway
post her!
I'm waiting to watch your pussy
you guys jerk off to your own poses?
Genuine question. Does anyone want me to masturbate to their character right now?
literally built for cuddling other meenas
I don't know what's more disingenuous: me being off by 2 inches on miera height or an ugly midget catfishing other GAM with a bishounen rabbit boy.
People post this but I know if I mention I play a femlala then they go from hard faggy meena to soft...
No leave my moonie alone
She has a secret...
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Please don't shoot! Sorry for the late answer xD
The mod is outdated but I ran it through textool
Just did a roulette with friends. It was fun ^.^
Hope you're having fun to!
I recently found out there is a LL I used to talk to that is actually a girl but I thought they were gay and now I can't just go bark up their dms because of knowing what they are
Always do
What hat is that hun
The thread WILL know about it
yeah, JO to my catboy
Otis fix your portrait
Cockwatch status????
Can't wait to see how SMN evolves past level 50.
Why are you laughing?
I mean... I love all women. Post something for me to stroke to.

I might even trib...
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I was cucked by my GAM crush and don't know how to act around them now. We are not exclusive, but I still feel like something has been stolen from me.
hey there anon
Even: Level up reaper just so I can use this top
Odd: Don't
I made a ok glam time to sleep
We have a potential meet up between >>497353208 and >>497353220. Identities will be posted as the story develops
cuck them back with me...
Could be me with you...
I refuse dork.
rerolling for you
Need this one on my lalaboy
I'd tank my threadcred if I outed myself as someone who wants that
A real girl, not a medical experiment homunculus.
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Kinda gay in here.
it would you being a disingenuous nigger when wrong. cope some more.
I don't know what GAM means but I'm sorry anon
actually I probably figured it out in the time it took me to post
a real transfemra
duskies stay winning
pretty please?
It's a great start but I wish it was higher res...
i can skip 2nd tail thrust
Yes. Im BiS and I use my pots at the right time during transition phase
Sophie Y post, we already know about your tribute fixation
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guys, think I have an idea for a new comm
umm but i logged out??
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Keep at it, you never know when one will say yes.
Boulevardier's Hat
I don't think you know what that word means.
On god you really think so?
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Still a work in progress
Moon coons
I think you're still lashing out after being proven to be a disingenuous nigger?
Yet, the gaydar is going off the charts, still...
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Good luck, my son. May the PF gods be merciful upon your soul.
I don't think it's happening bro...
my femra dreams she's like this
Ok tiny.
Wait, let me guess it's a comm of your current outfit but with outrageous tits?
you will never be yujiro, lil bro
Its 6'1. Male middie max height is 5'11
any late night/early morning CCers? ò ω ó
I've seen a skip only once in 33 PF clears. And even then it only barely skipped the first set of cannons.
i play a catboy but I'm 6 feet tall irl
ò ω ó I can come with ò ω ó
no its cool, 3 for good luck!!
ah good old zurvan ex pfs
any late night malewives on
If women can be comfortable playing miera, than I should have no problem being a thighlander.
Crystal please queue up for the normal raids I have just unlocked them
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We are CCin' brother
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It's true! It's all true! Oh gods, my secret! It's... it's..!*lifts hakama*
I'm 5'6 IRL and I really don't get the issue, I don't run into problems over it
kissed a girl irl today and went home and hung out with the himcesses at the beds
life's good
Some manlets just lose their minds after being called short.
it's not hard man I'm doing it just fine
yeah probably because you walk under them most of the time
What the femra
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ded game on crystal. gonna hope over to aether and see if i can get a tank that actually big pulls
On a non-meme note, the father's side of the clan always had very dominant and masculine genes. So even the women end up with more masculine horns than the average auri. They are also taller, more muscular and have bulkier tails. The mixed hair color is also from this source, while the pink-purple eyes are a trait of her hingan mother.
Is this the femlala with that search info..
Hello you're going to have to be raped. Please prepare yourself
Well I guess I gotta level up reaper now
Did you make this lore up before you modbeasted it or after?
heh, that was pretty good
yeah it's just silly, people see a few girls criticize height and think they have an impossible life ahead of them
im on aether now cya
>why is someone not calm when a retard disrespects them
Truly a mystery for the ages.
Why can't more femra be like Yugiri?
That's not how that works. Those horns are a strict indication of biological sex it's not just a response to masculine traits but an xy chromosome. So your femra is either a hermaphrodite or tranny based on the games lore.
Love the exotic color, it looks cute!
is that a good thing

oh wtf i shouldnt have put him in a black shirt lmao, i was thinking more of a younger hephaistos
male midlander
I jerk off to the chatlog from the session combined with the gpose commemorating the encounter. Always after, never during.
Heading to aether now. You have to be raped. I'm sorry for what's about to happen. But it needs to please understand.
gnite bro
If you're a male character prepared to be raped by my femlala. Textually. You may report me to the GMs after but you can't undo it in /p chat
Then don't paint a target on your back proclaiming yourself as a manlet then, you minute fun-sized baby man.
I had to miss the zombie meet up because of work. How did it go?
I wish this happened to me but no femlala would do this
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I'm working on a little gpose set right now, stayed up late watching some pretty cool stuff again. Hope your night's going well dork.
Probably was one of the most schizoposted meetups we had for some reason. People are really hostile lately.
Dude, are you legitimately a schizophrenic or something?
thank god im not
Okay so the people posting about raping male characters
1 is a femra
1 is a femlala
1 is a fiera

But who are they? Are there more? Why are they doing this? It makes us uncomfortable
ignore the other guy idk what he's talking about.

meetup went great. actually a ton of people showed up, probably like 40+ anons. after the two zombie movies they played the 2022 batman movie as well.
No just tall.
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is that......?? my god... my fetish...
FL makes my thighs all sweaty
>never during
bitchmade behavior
The only female character who ever actually raped males and posted proof was a Thighlander. Everyone else is all talk.
It's clearly the only thing going for you. Zero coherent responses with gross projection crossing into delusion. No wonder you're a disingenuous nigger.
this except my fat folds
Damn. Now I'm really bummed that I missed it.
I can't hear you from down there. Speak up.
I'm sorry to hear that
the only person who actually did it was rapelander
no-one else has the balls to do it
my standards are so low for tanks that if they just use cds i com them
Concession accepted, shorty.
my standards are so low for healers that if they just use one heart emoji I cum in them
Nta but I'll do it but be warned my character is a futa
I do not trust anyone who uses tildes in their messages
Hello I am a femlala and I will be healing you today...
There's already sweat mods why use one designed to be water?
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>turtle dude
>sonon calls yuffie a mutant
>scarlet calls the two teenage ninjas
i fucking kneel, this fucking pun was spaced out across several hours
Hmm~? Why not~?
that's it you little slut, I'm going to fill that belly up and turn you into a mother to my kids
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Please provide the peer reviewed source detailing this aetherochemical law. I'd especially like an explanation on what these 'chromosomes' are, according to sharlayan scholars. Then further detailing what's an X and what's a Y chromosome. I read a lot of lore, but never came across mention of these things. But just to humour you;
There are no blood cells carrying oxygen. There are no chrosomes. There is no sperm inseminating an egg. Everything in this setting runs on aether. This is well established. None of your biological conventions from the real world apply to trying to explain away lore, whether it be actual lore established by the writers or the headcanon roleplayers come up with. It doens't matter how ridiculous a weapon looks, how impratical it is to wield, or how structurally unsound it may be. The only explanation anyone has to give is 'aether makes it possible'. How are familiar traits passed down in this setting? We quite literally do not know. So your claim holds as much water as mine or anyone else's. But considering everything runs on aether, we can make some educated guesses, for example the denser soul passes on more traits than the thinner one onto offspring. Now make no mistake, all roleplaying is headcanon. Not a single syllable of it is canon lore. Our characters can regurgitate historical events and rules of the setting, but all of our actions, everything we do exists on the line between fanfiction and established canon. You will find people who are slaves to written lore and (unironically) don't consider anything outside of the MSQ to have ever happened. While others will roleplay body hopping ancient elezen spirits because, reasons. The game's a big place, you don't have to play with people you don't want to. It's just like D&D, why sit at a table you don't enjoy the rules of? It's down to your own personal preference how much you are willing to bend or even outright break lore.
>shb, ew
>friends list full of online people
>like 4 people online out of 30
My moonie feels drained of all hope
So not a female character, and thus irrelevant.
In normal talk? Yeah, that's weird. But it's a standard in goontalk and will likely never go away
I like people who use emoticons
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Never said she was a female character. She will be raping male characters however due to your post
lol endwalker gets shortened to ew hah
I am a femlala who communicates with tildes ~ because it makes sentences flow a lot nicer...
cockwatch update: proxy has been plapping for 3 hours
please be a male character
and you have been watching their cocks for 3 hours
EW DT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bored so i'm draining the life energy out of my moonie
>it's a healer that goes nyaa in chat episode
>but they're a femra
I dun get it
I don't have it, the wet skin body mod gives off that intense workout look some folk get, I was going for that, given it's just a part of the full picture.
Where is he located? Who's he plapping
Better then the femlala healer making innuendos from NPC dialogue
Are you gonna put it back when you're done?
Its why I always prefer to call those who started playing during EW "ew babies"
i use meowdy as a femlala
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ive been saying "are you fuckin kitten me right meow" for over 12 years and i've only spent maybe a month as a catboy
same sis
of course I'm a male character
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I see...
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>Be viera
>Get into a dungeon
/loveheart @
I am a femlala who unironically says salut! in NA DF parties...
I wish I always got cute femlalas in my roulettes
I say cheesed to meet you.
Time for me to chain queue leveling roulettes and wish I was brave enough to be that femlala healer with a lewd search info...
Mine has found a way to deal with it alcohol, lots of it
my meena greets the party with {Hello!} {goblins} every time
i dont say anything because femra are just cool that way
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yeah they're pretty cool
mine had a good bit tonight and it only made her sleepy.. she's still sad
i dont remember making this post
i wish punchc@ liked sunnies
o/ when i zone in
gg when we're done
simple as
I'm actually going to impregnate you.
I've tried queuing when they claimed to be and didn't get any femlalas and I think they're just baiting people...
Even the femlalas?
My malera PLD quotes WoL (Elidibus).
So who was plapping at the movie meet
I hope she has greyish hair like Bea
why are tanks like this..
{Hello!} when loading in and a U leave duty immediately after the boss dies
I love my friend in a platonic way
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>catboy dies
My moonie can cheers your up, she can pet you if you'd like
Every male character that was secretly into femlalas got to plap me.
So shit that never happened
Please message me again..
>be 6'3 GAM
>friends think i'm a femboy
>they always bring it up
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I don't say anything because the people that respond aren't ones I like interacting with
They won't admit it and they don't need to prove it.
Eb a fiddie...
especially the femlalas.
honestly.. I'm not even subbed right now, but I probably would resub just to impreg a femlala.
we'd even queue together, me tanking, her healing. she'd put a little heart in party chat or use the emote, either way the other party members wouldn't think anything of it.
they'd leave and it would just be the two of us left in the duty, the timer ticking down.
in a frenzy of lust id rip her little robes off and breed her right there, only to continuously remind her afterwards how good of a mommy she will be as her plump lala tummy grows and grows and makes her feel more full and stretched each day
They're pretty neat, I'm just not good at chitchat sorry.
meant it in a personality/archetype influence kinda way, but I bet the mystery fiddie is just like Bea
It's actually hotter dommin a faggot who's taller and has a bigger dick than you
I didn't read the thread. Did I miss anything?
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I need a femezen that looks like this real bad
Eb status
I suddenly feel the urge to make a really cute WHM glam as a femlala...
I am a fiera who tells the party よろしくお願いします
you should, I guarantee I will lust after you, little white lala princess
>feeds your c@ homemade sweets
I had lots of flirty fun.
Wanted to stay to finish watching Batman but sleepy got the better of me.
sleepy middie…?
none of my friends have played since hw....
Join me on Alpha, Light.
do you like... plainsfolk femlalas...
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my straight catboy is not a natural born hunter but he does what he has to.
I simply made new friends. Problem solved
Only flirty?
Why didn't you do the deed
they are very cute and I'm sure yours is especially, you would have to sit in my lap sometimes so I can give you appropriate amounts of praise
my eyelid keeps twitching
sorry it's hard for me to keep up with multiple posts while phoneposting and while my brain is locked in a need to breed, but hopefully you saw my other reply
Femlala are prizes for strong warriors to take and use as they please.
drink water and maybe eat some bananas
do you guys not feel weird for ERPing/having high-school level drama as a grown ass man?
I did some light ERP if that counts but I wasn't about to let them pin me up against the wall and animation plap whilst we were in an apartment with tons of people, silly.
Join you in what?
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Good morning, NIGHT CITY esterday's body count lottery rounded out to a solid 'n' sturdy thirty! Ten outta Heywood - thanks to the unabated gang wars! One officer down, so I guess you are all screwed. 'Cause the NCPD will not let that go. Got another blackout in Santo Domingo. Netrunners are at it again, pokin' holes in the power grid. While over in Westbrook, Trauma Team's scrapin' cyberpsycho victims off the pavement. And in Pacifica... Well... Pacifica is still Pacifica.
It can be pretty good entertainment when you're not involved
I don't care about drama but ERP is fun.
Pause syncshells and do some sitting animations Nobody would know
Bet you blueballed the hell out of that poor soul
That highschool drama thing is just what many adults do in general. It's the fact that it's related to virtual write sex with other grownmen is what makes it cringe

how do we save our souls
I'm in my 20's and I'm a faggot, so no on the ERP part and I don't get involved in drama so I'm safe there.
I am a femlala who is looksbeasting..
gm to chaos c:
I don't want that kind of femlala
I want a femlala that I can protect from all the nastiness of the world, and embrace as my sweet lover.
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wish I had Maximum Mike telling me about the newest plots every morning
Oh people would know the second I paused.
Correction, souls! Besides, I plan to make it up to them soon..
Fat Cat Fact #310

Fat Cats are well versed in collective bargaining
We laugh at this geek who calls that little bit of land an "Empire".

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the only prize I need is filling a femlalas womb and knowing she'll do everything she can to please me, keep me happy, and raise my kids well, as is the femlala way
You torturer
You should feel bad for your actions
The least you could have done is get them off via text
Why are femlalas like this...
gm to light :3
please catbox something with tattoos i'm begging you
On Alpha in the Light DC
i would put money on that being a moonie
Don't worry, it was mutual, so they threw back just as much as I threw at them.
Nyope! Am a Moonie!
oyasumi xivg
hehe c:
Sweet dreams anon.. ;~;
That wasn't even my spam you whore, that was the other meena..
>erp with tranny
>say I'm gonna knock her up
>she meets into a puddle
every time, its their mental g-spot
And then what?
can you make me in ck3
So that whole miqo pile was fucking
And you had the audacity to claim otherwise when called out
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my fiddie looks and acts like this
I still want to find out who is behind the regulator snuff posting
I never said we weren't messing around.
I just said we can multitask because on a serious note, I came to watch the movies and thoroughly enjoyed them so anything else was a plus.
I mean I do this with women too. One I knew ate a mentos with coke on accident and was in a haze the rest of the night about how full her belly felt like she was pregnant. Every comment about breeding her was like throwing a match into an oil well.

I like to make femlalas here feel the same way because I genuinely have a huge desire to impregnate cute lalas it's actually unhealthy
You four are terminal gooners
There're a few people into it and I myself know two of them.
One is open about it, that would be LT.
I would avoid them but that's your choice, not mine.
The other is more on the private side, and I believe that's the one teasing you, but I don't want to give their name out here.
It was just some teasing, we didn't even do anything you dork ;D
I do apologise if I upset you, I just wanna have fun so I hope I caused no harm.
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I like my version of Edda better

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