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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Oct 6th, 8PM EDT | Ultros, Primal | Mist W20 P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct. 7, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previously: >>497348270
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Is there any webzone that's a one-stop shop for quick reference notes on every Extreme in Mentor Roulette?
• October 9 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
>people hate on regulator snuff posting
>don't really like snuff normally
>think it's really hot, just like torturing/choking someone and healing them back up
i hate you all
me too anon, just wish it happened to me instead
My moonie has now learnt to hate
I love big breasts so much bros
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alpha, light
>straightwashing g'raha
Who gives a shit what people think of your fetish?
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Sunnie day post sunnies!!
louisoix, chaos
that is right
im homophobic
No, I don't think I shall
Imma baby cow I need to suck on those or I'll die
I like it, but I don't think it's something that should be publicly accepted as a normal thing to like and I'd rather people just don't talk about it in the thread
I used to live there before I moved to Phantom.
May I sniff?
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My meena is like this!!
I am john warrior fell cleave
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M-Made to be... to be..
u may sniff the single foot yes sir
they all are lol
lich, light
Twintania, Light
femlala for my malera
No one cares about light, shut up!
Thoughts on femlalas that like card games... are they cute.. please say they are
Femlala to give headpats to and literally nothing else
Which card games my femlala misses vanguard a whole lot
Alpha, Light
I think so, but I'd want her to teach me card games too and play other games with me.
I don't actually play any.. but I watch others play them so I find them neat..
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And I am no different!!
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Whenever I log into final fantasy I do 10 matches of CC
My moonie cares about light because she lives there
Which ones do you watch? Sounds more like you enjoy the time spent with others and being a part of their activity more than you enjoy card games themselves
what the other anon said sounds true
in which case you'd be the perfect femlala... I want nothing more than a cute femlala that wants to spend time with me
Lich, Chaos
what gear mods can you guys recommend that are gooner bait but also pleasant to look at
I want my character to do that to someone, over and over and over and over and . . .
It's better than a lot of things that people DO post here I feel
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I heard Light is home to specimens such as these
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What are your traits?
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catbox your fiddie's butt
just got up to 'trial by turtle' in the msq and im supposed to get to forgotten springs to continue the quest line but the only way to get there seems to be through a lvl45 zone.
is there some other way that im missing other than run south from little ala mhigo and just corpse run it?
White women with big asses?
Truly this is a fantasy game
Femra are built for loving marriages with respectful and caring partners
Is this real?
I like this picture
I'm still parsing better than I ever did
Looking like a meteor survivor
Feeling like a lalafell
Try the tunnel. Or corpse run, that way is more fun
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Can confirm this to be true.
I just watched people play something called Wixoss and Shadowverse
True, but finding a loving femra as a male character is impossible
Not that I know but you can ask me.
The easy thing to know is that there's only really a handful you'll run into:
>All the ARR ones
>The Limitless Blue (Extreme)
>Thok ast Thok (Extreme)
>The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign
>The Great Hunt (Extreme)
I had a few outliers on my mount grind. But to put in reference I probably got just about triple digit extremes if even that many total, and I got three sephirot EX's that got past adds a handful of times and disbanded, I got one shinryu EX that we actually cleared and made two Byakko Extremes.
Reason this happens in my eyes are pretty simple, sprouts and free trials who queue for extremes usually get bored of waiting and/or wiping around ifrit, if they make it past ramuh they're stubborn but sephirot or niddhog will crush them if they can even get past thordan.
And you will run into le epic trolle xD queueing for extremes to totally own mentors but it's easy to expose them and kick them if they're not even trying to clear.
well the issue is mostly that once porn addicts and actual bad people get into a thing due to it being popular, they'll take it to the extreme
you go from futa to horsecock
from flat minheight middies to lowlander
from regulators to regular guro/snuff
it's not a path anyone sensible benefits from, those that are into those things in the first place will do it without needing it to be in the vogue, you don't want a community that's into snuff
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I don't know wixoss but I briefly played and enjoyed shadowvwrse
The tradra we all long for.
built for guro
How charming he is every day...
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which of you is this
you sicken me! *pins you down and bullies you*
They exist, the love just comes with a large dose of mental illness
*raises paw slowly*
Von Columbine, I pressume
it's rude to post these things
TRUE, but that's also on the retards here a bit. Everyone just falls deeper and deeper into their depravity. And I just want to choke someone out, lose their breath, and then die and come back, asphyxiating all over again. Is it that hard or wrong?
its never both retard, thats the point

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ever since anons made fun of me for having a fat hand i've been looking up ways to improve it
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Specifically built for Malera, actually.
imagining getting beaten to the point that I only have one soul remaining, and having to beg for a refill only so that I can be killed over and over again...
Well, you exposed yourself as someone to never talk to.
Eb status?
im ok with that
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if its actually FAT the only way to improve is losing bodyfat percentage... theres no such thing as targeted fat loss.
My moonie is very hungover today can someone assist her in her darkest hour
please catbox tattoos
>Wixoss and Shadowverse
I am so, SO sorry
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screenshot meta 3 years ago
>download reshade
>add dof, improve the colors, do some nice poses, use some neat angles
>share on 4chan/with friends

screenshot meta now
>post all of your content on twitter primarily and in multiple discord servers
>be friends with all of the largest screenshotters on twitter and have them retweet your posts
>do collabs (read: erp and goon and pose) with others on twitter that have big followings
>have a drawing tablet, 9 years of experience drawing and extensive knowledge about image editing programs
>spend 1 week editing a single screenshot in variouos programs to make it look absolutely nothing like what you can achieve ingame
>edit the proportions of the character to be obscene and thick below the waist and thin/scrawny above the waist with gigantic tits
>use exclusive commissioned hair mods, face mods, outfit mods and so on in order to stand out from the crowd even more

it's all so tiresome
imagine posting this, be a decent human being and have a conversation, at least say hello first instead of instantly sperging

These are the people that make "IM SO LONELY" posts btw
lmao this pussy cant handle his alcohol
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>Plap a femlala once
>They become clinglords
good night /xivg/
and a special good night to that lala healer making hearts. I doubt we'd meet but that won't stop me from thinking about you
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I am extremely sorry for being so profoundly gay last night during The Batman (2022). I was not sober.
That image was literally the inspiration, haha!
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what are the best mnk/blm counters in cc? since they are the counter pick jobs themselves
You gotta work for your threadcred
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fellas im getting tired what should i do in xiv
>Metem: They're bracing for the storm with an ironclad defense!
ive never heard this one (we tank lb'd brute bomber for some reason)
it's not all bad anon, I'm sure some people still mostly post their poses just here
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>type /gpose
>choose an emote and expression you like
>press scroll lock
>open snipping tool
>take your screenshot
No need to overcomplicate things, anon.
these type of images do nothing for me. it’s all (full intercourse) or nothing
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Chaos come play Mahjong.

Quick Ranked Match @ 15:30 ET
honestly a weird as hell thing to ask someone that's afk that you've never spoken to before
hop on ufo 50
I post here and on my meme irrelevant twitter when i remember and everything I do is low effort, its a videogame. If you spend more than 1 hour on a videogame screenshot you are probably a retard
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i want things in the community to be simpler again because every single person on twitter is modbeastmaxing, screenshotmaxing and photoshopmaxing nowadays
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Just do what I do, post a lewd modded NSFW femlala gpose as a reply to a new FFXIV_EN tweet and watch as your quoted retweets explode with everyone telling you to get gassed. Your engagement goes through the ROOF!
MNK counters BLM, but only with LB. AST and WHM counter MNK because they outheal its damage.
I need slightly more time... please let me know if it popped
Stop modbeasting in general
He was probably just joking around, people make jokes and use sarcasm and irony I know its hard to grasp for autistics
>3 years ago.
I took this 3 years ago. Nice to see im pretty much taking the same pic ever since!
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Addict, scary, wonderful!
I'm sorry. If your posts on x.com are below the viewed threshhold, you may as well be invisible. I just can't be seen with someone average.
>drawing tablet

Nigga you think people like lovemax can draw? They just run their shit through some stablesiffusion filter
less likely insult to get me gaoled when my dumb-dumb tank refuses to mit and everything takes 20% longer:
>autismal virgin
>virginal autist
But that's a picture of two malera...
Yeah but there's always the off chance someone can solo-queue Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) and then you've got to break out the diagrams.
Oh, me for sure
My screenshot meta is reshade, some sekushi mado's, uhhh....lighting touch ups, and then poast it in aco
If you use any mods you're a modbeast this includes plug-ins and shaders. None of it is good. Things weren't better back then it was just easier to get gooner attention. Stop modding. Stop relying on grown men attention for endorphins. Grow up
How is BLM a counterpick job, I mean its a pretty good job but most melee dps can absolutely bully the fuck out of black mage if their team doesn't come help them. I don't get what its supposed to be countering.
i'm off for now kumo but one of these times you should hook me up
Glad your butt got a lot shinier now.
GOD I wish that was me
yeah i didnt know about this red labyrinth side tunnel area until after my corpse running through zanr'ak.
i thought that door on the map was for an instance so didnt bother checking down there.
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Hasn't popped yet.
Is it true someone got a 10 days ban for the Golem Meet
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I'm probably the only other in queue...
I did not get a single shadowbringers EX but it also isn't part of the free trial yet so
just stop healing them and start healing the dps when he dies, when he gets uppity in chat tell him that he’d live longer if he mits. it’s my go to since even if they don’t talk they’ll still be dying over and over for your enjoyment
this is why I went back to posting unedited pictures often times not even in gpose, people's standards are too high and I want to promote the type of posting that I like seeing
I never cared about twitter or screenshot discords and never will, if I make something high effort I'll share it with my friends and that's that, many would benefit from also not caring
It was a lewd lala so nobody cared
I had the weirdest dream where a male middie called me irl to wish me a good morning. I haven't talked with him for over a month so it was really weird it happened.

t. femra
Actual screenshot meta:
Post whatever you want
Make a twitter if you feel like it for fun to share screenshots with other anons
Don't give a shit about what people think because pressing print screen in a videogame isnt a job
Wait ngy posts here? The fuck
Ice spam, sleep, and burst make BLM a nightmare for any job to deal with in a 1v1. In coordinated teams, its not much of an issue but the mode is solo queue only so thats how 99.99% of pvp players experience it.
Yea but their main was affected too, wondering who it was
Did you notice a femlala missing today?
This sunnie
is hungover
tribmaxxing ur frens

no, thats an example
wish i had time to join :<
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based middie
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All that's left is mod beasting and jerking off with other lonely men (read: 'cord 'bins) by writing low quality smut
With that strat someone at SE has to literally look at your lewd lala.
Correct answer, as expected from best-ra
with enough torture, it starts to become impossible to live without it, no matter how much it hurts and how scary it is
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>Nigga you think people like lovemax can draw?
yes? look at del, ngy, jincha, kalamira, diamondback, kaijumeji, rinie, crownlin etc. they all edit the fuck out of their screenshots

>people's standards are too high
this sums up my thoughts about it the effort required to stand out keeps rising every single time someone posts a screenshot that gets 5k retweets and it looks like the person spent 1 month editing the shit out of it

no i literally just saved an ngy screenshot from twitter. wouldn't be surprised if he's 4chan-adjacent however given how many popular twitter screenshotters have connections here
cute leggings
cute feet
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My screenshot meta is that it requires at least one straight person on them at all times.
I know. I'll either get mods all banned (which is based) or SE will just have to accept there's a horny femlala (also based)
and they still get mogged by JPGAWDS who open up goose and call it a day
I'm going to impregnate this femra's infertile womb
>Odin lala
Really? i cant even set the dye preview for the job gear if i didnt do role quests?
The dye window is too small.
Yeah but now it's a race to the bottom where the 'bins are trying to outdo and impress each other
It's so fucking gay and lame, what the fuck happened to this game?
POST what was your latest ERP about
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What happened to this moonie? I showed my non-xivg friends this webm and they loved it.
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Thank You ^.^
Your pictures and the RP you add to them are always a lot of fun <3
>taking screenshots for funny internet clout points instead of personal enjoyment is soulless
wow! who would've thought!
Sure anon, she really needs those mummified remains on the basement so please clean them up and bring it back in the jar after you're done.
Yeah. Things change and evolve over time. It comes off as you're complaining you can't be a lazy faggot with your screen anymore. You shouldn't have got into it in the first place it's like someone transitioning realizing how awful trannies are then trying to shame them while their own axe wound is bleeding. You're no better. You're all modbeast faggots deserving of scorn. This is the community you helped create when you engaged in it and gave these people attention. You're no better. You would all be banned from this game and general if I had my way
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>doman au ra is an ugly face 4 without mods
that tracks
Nothing happened. MM posted just yesterday her dogoonie pics.
MM is the only cute GAM.
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You can just mount up and ride over. Basically the only aggressive mobs in your path will be maybe a FATE or two, the rest you can swerve away from.
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My knees...they're buckling...i can't help myself...
Sis, you know that you can turn the MSQ icon off in the hud option?
Hands-on healing and checking for injuries after a fight that didn't go as planned, leading exactly where you'd expect it to.
Indeed, having a little soul slave like that, ready to act on every whim just to get on that high again!
>37 year old faggot with diabetes that still lives with his parents named his character Miau Miau and talks like a retarded toddler on a dead website
Maids and miera. The miera was the maid my malezen pulled aside to have some fun with.
Yes but that also hides job quest notifications when they occur. If there was an option to turn off MSQ but keep those, I haven't noticed it yet.
Grab your favorite goon mods and hop on the 'cord to jerk off with our fine selection of 'bins.
we watched a movie together and enjoyed wholesomely enjoyed our time together then went to sleep while i thought "wow I really like him...."
It’s like the contents of my soul were grafted into a post
face 4 are the best lizards, shut your whore mouth
My femlala getting gaped by a femroe+. I wasn't really into it but I humored them.
Different argument is being made but a similar one. Its about the degradation of even the modding scene into the photo equivalent of nyl2's vids being the only thing given attention while more standard pics are ignored.
You have no idea how much of a bottomless hole my moonie is when it comes to alcohol
my femroe has woken up do I level up MNK, NIN or RPR today?
What do you mean by jobquest notifications? Jobquests are part of the regular Duty List bar.
she should take suggestive gposes with my femroe instead
My hand SUCKS
it's so unimaginably cruel, and yet I crave it so much...
I’m not playing this MMO to cum swys sorry
me off
My femra has a very low alcohol tolerance, but wine tastes so nice...
Speaking of mobs why are there no neutral mobs in the overworld anymore?
Plap. Cum. Goon. Futa.
Content? Gameplay? Game discussion? On /vg/?
Rolling on the floor laughing and gooning.
Move on, grandpa.
It's time to grab your favorite goonmods and hop on the 'cord to milk your gock with our wide array of famous 'bins.
We like this.
You like this.
And we pay for this.
You can't get your threadcred up if you'rr not willing to spend hefty amounts of money on custom mods.
This is Finak Fantasy now, get used to it.
My moonie will be egging this femra on to drink more wine
>this isn't copypasta
>it's manually typed every time
. . .
16 bajillion orphans (of legal age)
my moonie just doesn't 4 hours building a new bedframe the wrong way please send condolences. She might kill herself
That's the one. So cute.
that's truly unfortunate.. Level MNK then!
I just want to plap a female character with fat fucking tits

Do I seek out a thread ho or go gamble on literacy in Balmung
Soulless devs. The overworld exists exclusively for FATE grinding, dailies, and MSQ progression.
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That never ends well...
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I don't care. They're both autistic and I've just started MD5ing all of SKs pictures, which is really what everyone who dislikes him should do instead of giving him attention.
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Throatfucked a moonie to celebrate her clear of M4S on the arena after everyone left.
MNK it is
*spent......(auto correct....)
Cool glam desu
need a morphine overdose injection from this nursera, STAT
Huh, I never noticed that. I just have the wiki with all job quests open when I know I wanna do them and where to find them, but that's just me.
no clue what this is about but POG DUDE LAPHICET BERSERIA REFERENCE!!!
It's kinda hard to MD5 his pictures when the retard blogs with a new one every 2 steps he makes.
version without text?
I mean yeah I'd prefer he got a trip but I'd rather collect his images in my filter like pokemon than give in to the urge to reply and tell him to shut his faggot ass up because I know that's what he wants.
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Now now, I'm sure there are better ones.

Thank you dearly! Neat glamour, btw.
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The femra that leaves my appartment after our first date night.
The one with the metacritic score and "Cockwatch status", "I'm leaking is better"
Post that one
yeah thats pretty much the route i took but i got trounced a few times on the way by some of those amaljaa mobs
i didnt know about the side path through that red labyrinth just after you cross the bridge, which i assume is the correct way for a lvl30, but there was no ingame mention of it from npcs or questgivers
I miss stormblood and being shilled Lyse compared to Wuk Lament
i want to rape a femra
I always laugh at the anons here that beg and plead others to get trips so they can be filtered. Like why are you on this site little bro just scroll past shit you don’t like
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What annoys me is that on the ps5 you either have to hold the share button to take a shot, or press it then click the screenshot option. Whereas on ps4 you could just press the share button to take a screenshot, so I could get it just right in time with environmental effects or hair and fabric moving.
So that's my self-inflicted mild gripe
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I've genuinely never understood that mentality. Some people will mock modbeasts then their characters will look like pic related. Do they not think they're modbeasts too? Do they genuinely think they're better somehow because their discord circlejerk never targets them? Do they not realize they're all equally bad?
Who hosted the last Roleplay Meetup?
>i got trounced a few times on the way by some of those amaljaa mobs
FYI most (but not all) monsters aggro based on sight cones so you can slip behind them to get past.
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Thanks for the beating, Gamers.
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kisses from Gaia
This is like the first time someone even acknowledged that this was part of my name
proud of you anon.
*raises paw aggressively*
Hello what server is this femezen on?
What is her eb status? What are her thoughts on fiddies?

These are all important questions
I bought an outfit from the slop shop
pisses from gaia
good to know. i assumed they would aggro based on proximity
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I made an utter fool of myself at the movie meetup and now everyone's gonna think I'm gay
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She would make so much gil with an OF account.
I hate *raises paw* posters something about it pisses me off to no end and it makes me want to beat the shit out of them and piss on them. Stop
I suck at raiding
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My queen, you are looking beautiful today.
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I just pre ordered something for $44 that I don't even know what it is on the square store. I just seen
>in game zero minion
*raises paw*
Get over it or just filter it
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i want to do this with my thread crush really really bad
can i have the code for her, anon?
Me too anon, me too...
what can I say bro real understands real *dabs you up*
does lb14 have a syncshell or something...
Very few mobs are purely proximity. Most of them are sight cones, some of them are actually "sound based", usually monsters without eyes or undead, which means if you turn on RP walk you can walk past them without aggroing. Then there are a rare few that are proximity based, avoiding sight cones is the only one that will really come up for you unless you do side content like Eureka or Deep Dungeons solo.
Yep. We like this.
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based, kill furries.
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I love being a femlala because all I have to do is ask if they want to RP being a GAM with me
I have a crush on a transgirl. Again.
Ask magness
It's funny that nobody in 2 weeks will even remember the posts that are quoted, but I can say, I was there.
asterisk posting is an art that should never die
Wait is this what that one faggot lala tweet was based off of?
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modding means you are having more fun
what is your fucking damage if you hate people for having way more fun than you ever will
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What? No. This is way older than that fan piece
built to be groped in a dark alleyway
What if she's the same girl you liked before, but she transformed into another?
truth be told ever since the embarrassing "beef" he had yesterday he hasn't came back to blog has he? lmao.
The funniest part about these are the devs are just as at fault not just the community. Not just because of the lack of anti-cheat, but their lack of innovation, how risk avoidant yoshit is and how genuinely bad dawntrail has been in comparison to recent expansions that sub numbers on steam have dipped beyond even content droughts of endwalker, and how few playing give a fuck about the story or setting or lore for dawntrail which means much of the discussion amongst normalfags is almost non existent besides hornyposts and defending/seething at wuk. Most people don't do savage or ultimates, that's always been the case and will never change, but they at least still talked about the game, even with endwalker you had people TRYING to defend the retcons or discuss venat and her morality years after release. For dawntrail that's all but died and the in universe discussions are almost all about pre dawntrail stuff
It’s unironically “you’re having fun in a way I don’t find acceptable” and then there are “traditional” Roleplayers that think mods ruined what roleplaying used to be whatever the fuck that means
i hope they keep doing it so you can die mad about it
Are you fucking stupid? I bought it for her.
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poopbros... am I gonna make it?
I doubt you could see her in the dark.
I don't think I'll ever find that equally fucked up EB that can understand my wants and needs.
I've come to accept that and it's okay.
buy another one for me
Me when I’m making up head canon trying to make the game seem worse than it is
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>then there are “traditional” Roleplayers that think mods ruined what roleplaying used to be whatever the fuck that means
I'm not sure what that means either, Anon. Care to expand on that?
It kinda reminds me of elden rings dlc. If you've noticed with elden ring post dlc much of the loretalk and hype related to the game fucking died with how lackluster it was in many regards. Compare that to ringed city or old hunters, people were readily talking about that for years post release, it's even reflective in their generals. /bbg/ took years to die, but /erg/ is already on its last legs.
you buy it broke nigga
get a job
I can smell her ovulating i don't need to see
Not just with mods but when people here see you having a good time, they just get all upset for no good reason.
It happened last night a few times.
>compulsive schizoid
the Eorzean government is spying on every lalafell right this moment and the only way to hide from them is to climb in this woodchipper
I shan’t be expanding
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>CC pops
>this appears
I feel this way about a few posters but I never bitch about it and md5 and ignore. it's funny and odd to me that this lalafell was just agreed on to be a safe target when he's no different than the rest to me.
the savage gunblade for this tier isn't big enough
i'm too retarded
please understand
Lala is easy moral highground
Got it.
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>Game gets big largely because of the story
>Decide to give up with the story
>Many MMOs with shit stories have much better gameplay
Seriously, what was the plan?
This was depressing to read.
Case of how is cyberbullying even real, just turn off your monitor.
the gunblades are always terrible aside from the bozja one
this sunnie gets more sunlight than the average sunnie (measured in square inches)
why would you roleplay in Final Fantasy at all

this is like the least interesting world
I am a femlala who has felt the pain of cyberbullying...
To explain many of them believe modding namely mare and animations ruined roleplay as many erpers just want lewd animations now or to goon to your modbeast through mare than actual roleplay, or require it for roleplay. It's a large number that do this, the main thing is, that these types who do this were almost always the bottom wrung of rpers in general. They've always been the poorest most lazy and most likely to coom then leave mid rp. I'd argue mare was actually good for this. It helped segregate people who simply want to goon, as they've always existed and shat up the rp scene, and those who actually want to write.
I should've protected you...
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That's not the one I mean, it's like "POV: You just gave my lalaboy a big sloppy kiss" or something
does anyone want to goon with me to vtubers in final fantasy xiv
pvp one looks dope though
Should just teach me how not to care what people say about me...
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my maliddie is like this
I need to be more like this.
I will be this is obviously going to cost you a pic of your lalapussy.
Omega, Chaos
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attention all femlalas, this is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill, he is at the bench.
I wish a cute catgirl would tell me to kiss their ass
They didn't intentionally make dawntrail msq mid
I wish fiddies were real
the threads lowkey suck without hornyposting
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I'm not sure I understood that, I'm sorry.
>many of them believe modding namely mare and animations ruined roleplay as many erpers just want lewd animations now or to goon to your modbeast through mare than actual roleplay
I know Roleplayers on Chaos use Mods, but I've never seen anybody require it from anyone else. Maybe it's different on NA, or are you saying this isn't something that actually happens and people just strawman and complain?
>They've always been the poorest most lazy and most likely to coom then leave mid rp
When you talk about Roleplayers I assume you are talking about exclusively ERPers? Or am I understanding it wrong?
>It helped segregate people who simply want to goon, as they've always existed and shat up the rp scene, and those who actually want to write
So maybe you aren't. I'm just a little confused. How is getting mods and putting effort into Roleplay related? From personal experience, for the first 4 years of this game I never touched mods. I only started using them during mid-Endwalker or so. But my commitment to Roleplay wasn't anything less, nor did it improve when I started using mods. Or am I misinterpreting your point?
you are a slave to the flesh
People are forgetting it’s a new story and that not everything needs to be told to you right away. The key opens up so many potential plot lines once Y’shtola and friends figure out how it works. We potentially have a way to travel between shards at will this fucking huge
good morning
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>I'm a male midlander
>I'm totally not a self insert character
>I'm Ryan gosling bro
>Haha maliddie get it? It's funny right
>tehehehee silly femlalas don't thirst after us we're le based loner loser gosling drive chuds
>the council is watching you guys haha
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is this image real or fake?
this webm always pisses me off because kardia is literally 1:1 to the original vid
Wow bro, you're so original. I'm definitely not going to kick you for doing the typical
>le faceless knight
reddit schtick.
holy MOLY
The writing constantly jumping to "Remember SHB/EW?" as the go-to bandaid is going to be the death of this game, and they're going to get away with it. They have been getting away with it.
Are you genuinely excited over multiverse slop? Because that's where the story is going.
Modding used to rape everyone's characters.
Now with Penumbra, that's no more. But then Mare Lamentorum released.
Mare raped the game's community. You can no longer play in America if you do not use Mare.
>I know Roleplayers on Chaos use Mods, but I've never seen anybody require it from anyone else. Maybe it's different on NA, or are you saying this isn't something that actually happens and people just strawman and complain?
It's something that actually happens mostly for erpers but you can find normal rpers in na that are similar
>So maybe you aren't. I'm just a little confused. How is getting mods and putting effort into Roleplay related? From personal experience, for the first 4 years of this game I never touched mods. I only started using them during mid-Endwalker or so. But my commitment to Roleplay wasn't anything less, nor did it improve when I started using mods. Or am I misinterpreting your point?
In NA many rpers simply used rp to either goon or fill some void for validation they had. It's easier to do that just with mare, so many who use it for that solely swapped over to and heavily rely on mare, these types were often shit at writing and mentally unstable, so they don't pollute the rp scene as much now for both erp and regular rp
NTA, but I'm excited for XI lore coming in a big way.
Sure it COULD go somewhere interesting, just like how in 2015 everyone was intrigued over all the new possibilities raised by The Force Awakens that would surely get satisfying payoffs later.
Yes I’m genuinely excited for shard hopping anon I want to see what shards are left beyond the first and thirteenth
i dont mod and i play fine every single day
Y-you can't show this to me!!!!!
this one's getting deepfried and thrown into the woodchipper after I slam another 200mg of caffeine
>Verification not required.
I like when people fawn over me
This is true. Infact it's been posted with actual proof that yoshi himself pulled someone into gaol and ip banned them from xiv for refusing to use mare. It's fucked up man
I like Star Wars and I liked Force Awakens at the time. You can just enjoy things for what they are
I know plenty of people that do not mod at all anon you are a delusional doomer and probable closet coomer on a high horse
I'm not throwing any of my tome gear away, grinding for all this shit has taken me so long.
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Looks like AI to me
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Oh I understand. Thank you. What about the overlap where people relentlessly pursue ERP, mods or no mods, with a thin veneer of Roleplay as an excuse? Most of the recent schizomelties came as a result of players like that. Where do you feel like those players fall in this?
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ty ser!
Aether and not EB'd
I'm friends with some fiddies who are very nice and lovely, however there are some fiddies who are smelly... so as with any race I take it on a person by person basis
But do they know you? Do they want to play with you? Do you want to play with them?
Modding segregated the community. Non-modders will always be second class. No one said anything about sex, pest.
You'll soon understand.
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I can taste it.
and look exactly like 1/4 of the population? especially as a popular race? CRINGE. i'm surprised you're not wearing 2b leggings with such basic bitch takes
You forgot that the devs mentioned an extra sub fee for players who refuse to mod. They're truly the lower caste of xiv.
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>no bush
>But do they know you? Do they want to play with you? Do you want to play with them?
yes, yes and yes? I literally raid with them weekly clownlord
ur gay
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damn, you're probably right
wish people would tag their ai art properly
Calm down, Lazward.
It's just gonna take up space for gear you'll never wear or need again. Or I guess you'll need all of whatever beastmaster is going to wear assuming it's going to start at lvl 1 similar to blue mage.
NTA but do you really need someone to talk to about being bullied? I don't think it's a thing you can just "fix" like a switch but I could meet you for a chat.
I keep mine as well, but mostly because I will eventually need it again for alt jobs and spending another 3k on a full set of items is not cool.
hate this moonies
Hahaha what if your femezen ebd my fiddie..
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Why are they like this...?
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I'm a suncat.
You'll all understand enough. The mare bubble is going to burst.
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im not him but he's based if he wants to do that with his crush
It’s not you’re gonna be here a year from now still seething about Mare and modbeasts while everyone else is having fun with their friends
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mare is the core audience of this game now. storyfags lost. raidertrannies lost. casualfags lost.
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Stormblood leveling dungeons on Chaos? PF is up. 'Basket weavers assemble!' PW is 1868
>go anywhere else for xiv discussion
>game seems to be in a good state
>come here
>rampant doomposting, “EoS any day now”, “there’s nothing to do”
Hmmm I wonder if the anonymous imageboard has an agenda to push to make the game seem worse than it is
Post house I want to visit
guys check this out
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i didnt get it on twitter and i still dont get it now
>game seems to be in a good state
where are people saying this?
various sites across the internet
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>>game seems to be in a good state
most other places are still bitching about the msq though
What country are you from?
damn, then it must be the extremely rare case of reddit and twitter being right
Who's asking? And why?
Reddit isn’t
Twitter isn’t
I’m on both of those platforms as much as I’m in this thread and I don’t see anyone talking bad about the story at this point
Peak FFXIV gameplay. We like this.
A random, and just because I am curious I guess
>I’m on both of those platforms as much as I’m in this thread
i want a bara MaleRoe eb so bad....
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You're a twittertroon. Leave tourist
They're actually wrong
not a very hot take but the more effort someone puts into their screenshots the less I trust them to be an interesting person

there's a good middle-ground where you can take an appealing screenshot that makes me want to plap but doesn't make me think your brain has been rewired into mush by too many goon sesh

mostly directed @ the post last thread that said the screenshot meta has become too involved
i am femezen builded
you are wrong they are actually right
both twitter and reddit play more for the social aspect rather than the actual content of the game (story, gameplay, etc).
builded for me
That's from this thread. Read above. It's not a new thread yet. Also there's not a single modbeast who's an interesting person. Mentally ill sure but interesting no. Anyone who mods is a modbeast.
Is this a sex gooning general?
thats this thread. maybe your brain has also turned to mush
Actually seeing multiple points of view is better than just being in one stop where people keep the same opinion, that just creates an echo chamber.
Correct been on twitter for a decade and will continue posting here.
Well let's keep you guessing a little while longer.
your brain is the one that's mush but that was obvious
Cassie about to spawn in Chaos.
noone in this general has ever had sex
sorry, I didn't feel like checking I was just thinking about it while driving home and figured it was last thread

point remains
both are builtet for my femezen btw
4chan is full of autistic NEETs who have nothing to do and would gladly spend their entire lives logged into the game if the game wasn't designed around turbocasuals
the most sane people this game has to offer are people who sub for a month and then disappear for a year
Are you the lala that was going to stand on my bed
And people here don’t? Like 1% of this place does savage and above content anon don’t pretend this place is full of high end content discussion and players when it’s not
Miss akemi sanzo's scrumptious little piggies, omnomnomnomnom don't mind if I do
yes my wives
>Like 1% of this place does savage and above content anon don’t pretend this place is full of high end content discussion and players when it’s not
For Limitless Desolation, spread into quickmarch positions on both sides of the arena at the edge, with supports left and DPS right. This mechanic requires some on-the-fly adjustments, and all players have to obey traffic laws that mandate whether they can move or not.

Each player is targeted by an AoE in order. This will inflict a magic vulnerability up debuff that expires right before a tower explodes. However, as it expires they will additionally be targeted with a large ground AoE. Therefore, each player takes an AoE, baits a ground AoE, and soaks a tower in the order. The baited AoE should be baited in the corner of the square the tower spawns in, and towers can spawn in the first three rows only.

Players should only move once they have been hit by their AoE in order, and they should move closer to their tower in order on the inside two columns. It is impossible to have an AoE cover someone else's tower, so ensure that you dodge other player's AoEs before baiting yours. Additionally, avoid baiting these AoEs where a player's path to the inside would be blocked off.

After all towers have been soaked, return to the middle with tanks stacked for another Aioniopyr. This is followed by two autos into Tyrant's Unholy Darkness, so make sure to mitigate and move apart. Again, an invuln can be used to save single-target cooldowns for the next Natural Alignment. Stack together again afterwards.
Your point is flawed to its core as all modbeasts are uninteresting people no matter the severity. One drop rule with mods. One mod rule. One mod makes you a beast. No exceptions.
NTA but you're silly
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This is good for you..?
I mean that's a far point anon, I was only talking about effort into screenshots though. A good gpose can be alluring without all the mods, edits, twitter posting meta stuff that people do. My whole point was that all that effort just makes the person look gross, because they are

I'm still okay with some modding more than you are but really just talking about screenshots and that can include totally unmodded people looking good in screenshots without the effort
Second Life looks weird.
Then what did I do with your mother last night?
why is the second life nightclub look so popular among modbeasts?
/xivg/ is the only place that matters because 4chan opinions are not only more valuable but ultimately impact the opinions of others. Much of the current rights beliefs and ideals found its spreading place here; on 4chan, I know because i see boomer dads and white nationalist zoomers alike spreading memes i myself made and using statistics i myself made up years ago.

4chan is the old Europe of the internet. Everything is filtered through here to the masses, taking in information from other places, altering it, and spreading it.
>those stubby as fuck lower legs because mods still can't into high heels
4chan is not that influential anon
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i personally think that SE can't keep milking the game (and refusing to give it more resources) and expect it to retain its playerbase for much longer.
Doing all that for a few thousand followers lol
damn that's crazy!
builded for my femra
You guys said this back during the 5.58 content draught, all of EW and the game is still here and functioning. Maybe this time itll happen anon
Modbeasting is a slippery slope. It's end is second life. It's the natural evolution of modbeasts, even discounting those who came in from there. Any community that allows excessive modernslop outfits hairs and makeup will always become second life, its why imvu is also so similar. It's all convergant evolution of self inserting gooners desperate for attention.
I'll agree with you that it makes them look gross. But it's natural escalation of a core problem. That's my whole point.
Because they literally are. This isn't hyperbole, the advent of easy modding along with some SL-related drama I don't know the details of caused a mass exodus of players from SL to FFXIV. They make their characters look like Second Life abominations because they're literally porting their mods over to this game.
The game is a zombie. It exists only as a parasitic host for Mare Lamentorum
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simply just don't install mods or go to venues and other troon meetups
Cope, seethe, dilate
I was serious about trying to be friendly and console a hurting anon earlier that really seemed like she needed a friend. Thread started being autistic about my intentions so now I have no desire to meet with or befriend any of you cunts unless we meet ingame first
i dont mod at all i just like laughing at them when they get posted here
fuck off no one likes lizzers here
do you like catboys?
I fucking love cunny
>you have to sign up for this, download the plugin, actively join syncshells and or swap codes with people
>im supposed to believe this will bring the end of FFXIV as an MMO
>”seeing pictures of modbeasts offends my fragile sensibilities! you need to stop modding and go vanilla NOW!”
Why are there so many anti social anons here that hate seeing others have fun in a video game? How do modbeasts hurt (You) and affect how (You) play the game
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Is she at least cute or is she a menhera in which case run?
this isn't a singleplayer game. you don't exist in a vacuum.
you will be treated as an "other" if you don't mod your game.
We are pushing everything onto third parties. Discord, Mare Lamentorum, FFLogs. Where's the FFXIV in this?
No one treats people like “others” if you don’t mod anon you’re literally making that shit up
Nigga this is 4chan people here are desperate for shit to be mad about because they can't form normal human connections
what's with this one guy shitposting about mare so hard this early into a fuckin sunday mornin
I sure hope so, this post just further shows that you're not someone who should be trying to do that
and? why the fuck would you want to interact with people who make their entire personality something you hate? you think a professional limsa idler is going to leave their venue to grind some eureka/bozja with you? you really are fucking schizophrenic
This happened back during shadowbringers. Not joking, that's when this started on mass. If you don't know a lot and I mean a LOT of avatarfags modless, modbeast, and whatever is in between, came from generals and games that heavily use modding. A lot of ebins here are former /tesg/ posters or lurkers, many others come from the sims general or the fallout general. This applies to the community to, you can physically see on some people's twitters how, around the time of shadowbringers, their accounts went from fallout or skyrim or sims to solely xiv.

These people coming in in droves, much like the Muslims coming into Europe, will naturally try to make their new home like their old home. Hence modbeasting more and more. Even the mod creators many are old mod creators for other mod heavy games or helped xiv modders along the way. It's why modding got so advanced in the years after shadowbringers.
it's jp hours
Right this way sir >>>/pol/
Final Fantasy XIV: Jersey Shore
Better games are coming out now
So how do these modbeasts personally affect how you play the game daily anon? Are they gatekeeping you from savage because you don’t use Mare? Are you failing to get into a FRU static because you don’t mod?
Real shit
/xivg/, please pray for me today. I want to win a car.
People that complain about mods either are modbeasts themselves or people wth no actual people to trade Mare codes with so they use that excuse to not mod

sure there's also console users but that's minorty
It's a shitposting tactic used primarily by Macchi and a few others. They don't realize they aren't "othered" for not using mods but are because they aren't likable people and are obnoxious zoomer spergs who can't have a normal conversation for an extended period of time
That's a very dangerous hypothetical anon, watch that mighty thin ice you're standing on
schizo speak
people were not brainwashed to start modding, people started modding more and more because the game is literally better modded
I realized there was a point of no return when I went to a community event in PF for savage.
The event was for a themed costume, reclearing the old savage. But I was the only one actually in costume. They were exchanging Mare Lamentorum codes.
good meowning
All xiv player created media uses tons of mods. You're living in a self isolationist single player bubble if you don't see it anywhere. You can't hide from it anymore
I don't raid
How? I shouldn't try to help hurting people because you niggers are so socially stunted you think somebody being nice immediately is a red flag and start assuming malicious intent?
Shit like this is why I don't help people who fall over in front of me. I have no way of knowing they won't just slam back into the ground, say I shoved them then suing me.
Reminder that using shaders counts as modding.
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kinda depressing how many empty houses there are in this game
actually i'm a hard working crafter who wasn't able to make several millions this patch because all of you retards are running bots so the prices crash an hour into the patch

How's it dangerous? Elezen x Middie is the fulfillment of heavensward lore, fantasy tropes, and even celto-germanic myth.
So how do modbeasts hurt you then?
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so which of the meenas are actually gay and not just doing a bit
Does copying your character settings from one document folder to another count as modding...
I play on console and never had problems making friends and stuff.
t. console pleb
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Don't forget to buy your Cait Sith plush!
Cait Sith in this game reminds me of https://files.catbox.moe/0w8voe.mp4
I never said anyone was brainwashed, nor was I complaining about modbeasts. Simply stating the fact that, many came from modheavy games during shadowbringers and onwards, and modded the game more and more as thats how they prefer to play games. It's a simple, observable fact here and elsewhere. Stop getting so defensive or coming up with weird headcanon about what I'm saying.
Did you not see this thread the other day? Remus made a cosplay using mods and people were gassing him up and defending him, it really is a poison so deeply intertwined with xiv now even on other websites. At this stage if SE does decide to excise it completely (they can't) you can expect the game to be HW numbers.
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i modded hats to my bunnies and now i get to have hats on bunnies
what did purity give you?
Europe is conquered by browns.
You are not white.
It's all about having it for the sake of it's limitations, I do agree it's a miserable mindset though.
Ask the ones that wear girl outfits or pink.
>spergs who can't have a normal conversation for an extended period of time
That's like everybody I've met from this thread you stupid faggot
NONE of you can hold a conversation unless it's either about porn/sex, or you know you're getting ERP afterward
Outside of gooning you people are harder to keep a conversation going with than methheads on a bad day... except they at least have ambition to fucking do something with their lives. You lot just sit around and wonder why your life is dull then convince yourself it's Depression when it's really just Ennui invoked by an unfulfilling existence.
i wonder if people still play the scp games
Reminder that you should stop playing male character and start playing as futa instead
everyone knows futa are superior to male characters
jp players are (mostly) too based to post here
Do I look like some sort of queer to you?
Why do you keep pretending they'd ever excise it? They care about money, mods don't take away from their profits, even addon makers make sure of that by limiting glamorer intentionally. They don't do anything about modbeasts because yoshi himself said he's had experience with these types of players in older mmos. He knows they almost always stay subbed. It allows for the devs to have a stable player base no matter what they do because these people view their modded characters as their second life.
I occasionally play SCPCB, the rest is pretty garbo, especially the wiki.
i play a race that was released in a finished state and i don't give SE the idea fans should fix their game for free
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I used to enjoy going to /xivg/ meet ups. But now they're just Mare Lamentorum cliques.
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I'm a faggy fag and I assume most of my meena bwos are too!
im gonna stop gooning
if you play male character you are at least gay anon
imagine playing and looking at a male character
you're giving me a macabre chuckle
the sickening mingling of your undeserved ego and lack of genuine good intentions is clear for all but you to see
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Not a meena but based.
Do you like fiera rava
>NONE of you can hold a conversation unless it's either about porn/sex, or you know you're getting ERP afterward
its depressing how true this is for this shithole that said though the few non porn addicted people ive met from here have been good friends but its like looking for a needle in a cum covered haystack
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I don't know how you can play a male character without feeling incredibly cringe that you made a self insert

or worse, you're playing your dad or some man you crafted that's better than you in every way and you are basically cucking yourself
Nice mental gymnastics.
>Edda Vincent comes back to the game
>threads spammed with E.V. art ever since
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who's the assassin's creed cosplayer i need to eb them
no one treats you as an "other" if you don't mod btw
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Sure there's some themes but you don't know me, I could be a villain, a dastardly cur, a ne'er-do-well!
I'm not a pornsick tranny though.
That's simply because that's what 4chan attracts. Different sites and things attract different types of people. This site and thread attracts maladjustef spergs. Mmos do too, so of course a 4chan mmo thread will have some of the worst. The issue is, it's in varying degrees, some are worse than others, even if everyone is bad. These ones that are worse cannot accept its them who's at fault and look for other outlets to blame. It's what causes a lot of grownman drama and schizoposting here.
Serrit Auckes Balmung
Male character is gay anon, it's not rocket science
nooooooo, how horrible
yes, but only moonies
If you can’t fucking ask for an invite to a syncshell or ask to swap codes with people you deserve to be treated like an other. You are a grown ass man who failed to acquire BASIC social skills and lament others who are more social than you.
Female character is tranny anon, it's not rocket science
i thought sl was pretty fun when it came out but i havent really followed it since or the wiki in years
>its like looking for a needle in a cum covered haystack
My sides, thanks for the laugh mixed with a truth
This game has themes of redeeming villains. My fiddie will simply redeem your femezen.
The existence of Mare Lamentorum creates an in-group and an out-group.
I won't ever use XIV launcher or link discord to such tools.
Read what i posted retard, i said they can't because of this exact reason. They would never take profit loss and instead see the game just turn into pure rot that's only going to get worse until it shuts down
>I won’t use tools to be more social in an mmo, a social genre
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i feel like that's not true
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To the faggot in these threads who earlier in the week said I would resub and be back next week.
Fuck you.
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catgirls who use tildes make my brain go brr
know your place filthy creature
goddamit fuck
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>friend loves viper because of its "infinite combo"
do i tell him?
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The RP meetup doesn't have a syncshell and never will.
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From my personal experience this is true, granted I've only been to a couple of meetups and they've had themes beyond hanging out (like the Mahjong tournament). Granted mods make socialization easier because they make expression easier, but I don't think it's impossible to find friends without mods.
See ya next week
I don't think that's true, anon... I'd say most people playing a male character are unironically the straightest guys playing this game
CUTE couple!
I'm a cringer who cares way more about catching feelings and dating the guy behind the monitor than however his character looks like... that said, I don't find the female body attractive, no
T-Tell him what?
I'm making one for it when I attend the next one.
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I'm out, I quit, it's done. I'll be back when the exploration content is released and wuk lamat is gone from the game
Meant for >>497365479 I am retarded btw. Gomen
Kill yourself btw leon
i play male character and i'm gay
but i'm a massive barafag so there's that
Should we all go to a communal prison to be more social? Let's go to hell.
The fact is that Mare Lamentorum is an affront to what MMOs are supposed to be.
We didn't need third party tools to socialize. We did it inside of the game.
same. last time i gooned with a girl she got like 50k out of me
>infinite combo
what does this even mean
And that's the point of my post. There's no reason to even come up with that hypothetical because of how much that won't happen. I read and understood your post. It doesn't help that square is having an internal shit one from all of their failed games as proven by yoshis own interview and the leaked shit from earlier this year. The problem cannot be solved. Only thing they can do is give reasons for people who actually want to play the game to continue playing and resubbing else it'll solely become second life Japanese edition in a few years instead of only becoming that during droughts/weeks after a patch.
>you get treated bad if you don't use mare :(
Hey faggot, you get treated bad just for not using mods

>Meena comes up to me
>that's it just sends me a /tell with one word
>reply "sure"
>no reply for 10 minutes
>he says "so gonna send the code?"
>tell him "I need yours too"
>finally trade
>nothing changes on his end
>nothing changes on my end
>"Nothing changed!??!?"
>tell him I'm mostly vanilla and some nude mods
>removes me and walks away
this 4.5 month patch cycle isn't helping.
Most people that approach me don't really change and just have nude mods/animations. I don't really mind though, it still lets them see my femlala pussy on display.
Your character is simply ugly and he was hoping your modbeast would be better.
People in it are super autists
>We didn't need third party tools to socialize.
I see you’re forgetting the MMO genres rich history with VOIP programs like teamspeak, ventrillo and Skype. MMO gamers used these plenty to socialize and they’re third party tools, Mare is just an evolution of MMO socialization making it easier to express yourself in a game with a severely limited character creator
>mostly vanilla and some nude mods
>warning people of the epidemic that will take place
>get called a schizo
>3 years later
>number of mods pre-dt hitting skyrim numbers
>second life beasts everywhere
It's so hard being a noticer
Meenaboy like this for my malewood?
Very pretty eyes, Domanra
Good morning. I'm home from work and I'm going to cause problems on purpose again.
That usually happens to me but they have massive horse cocks and are taller as a Roegadyn, while my character only have the "basic" bibo body
how would you react if someone made one and people started joining it
idk, something about it comboing into itself or some shit
i didn't really get what he was saying, he just seems to think viper is this uber giga brained god class
damn you, you stinker!
rip, some sunnies are cute but moonies...
It's one of the reasons I'm taking a break from the game. If it keeps degenerating into pure Second life and raiding then I'll stay unsubbed. Game isn't what it used to be.
I called it during shadowbringers. I specifically said the influx of people from mod heavy games will increase the number of modders and make modding reach critical mass. And when I brought it up this thread I was called a schizo again despite it being something clear for all to see now
theres at least 3 levels of irony in this thread
Yeah, I don't think either of us are good examples of what the average male character in FFXIV is like
Melf doko??
>America is conquered by browns. You are not white.
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my femlala is like this
now bend down, bigger, for a kiss
Why are you dooming when the game's doing better than ever before?
Everyone has become more narcissistic. That's right. It's now a reflection of ourselves. We need representation, we need accessibility.
MMOs are the new social media.
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Turning your character into a neon glowing cybernetically enchanced dommy mommy in a high-fantasy MMORPG isn't expressing yourself. It's Second Life Modbeasting and there's already a game for that. We used VOIP apps for ease of communication during raids and dungeons, not to 'express ourselves'. Most of the socialization was still relegated to in-game chat channels. You are conflating two unrelated things.
>inb4 you are a modbeast too
I am. Never said I wasn't, but at least my 1(one) mod is on aesthetic.
>modding before the explosion in late ShB
>people swapped textool mod packs to share mods
>penumbra and mare come to make sharing and using mods easier
>more people start modding and sharing mods
>people end up being more social
>im supposed to believe this is bad for the game and will ultimately kill it
Oh man people talking together in the genre that made that very concept its main gimmick is going to kill the game any day now I’m sure.
Femra EB who acts like a little sister...
You will do no such thing. You will keep posting here and eventually resub because you're addicted to this thread like most anons here. Want to know a redpill many will never accept? Most here don't play this game for the game it is, then don't play for the mods or gooning, they play it because they're addicted to /xivg/ how fast it is how much attention they can get through it, and the bonds that fill their otherwise empty lives they've forged or can forge. They play xiv for the 4chan thread. They don't come to the 4chan thread because they play xiv. Its why so few, even before mods went out of control, talked about the game.
Don't tell him, I think it's better if he realises himself...
what gives you the right to call me a stinker? you dirty gecko!
i promise my sunnie is very cute...
>Turning your character into a neon glowing cybernetically enchanced dommy mommy in a high-fantasy MMORPG isn't expressing yourself.
To be fair you're taking the absolute worst case for modding and lumping all of it in with that.
Ewwww!! Gross...
>doing better than ever before
your on some TWW copium, bro
I'm like this but with my femlala eb (femlala btw)
They're sharing things that aren't the game within the game
Most of those things are just stolen copyrighted assets
Isn't that nice?
>Turning your character into a neon glowing cybernetically enchanced dommy mommy in a high-fantasy MMORPG isn't expressing yourself. It's Second Life Modbeasting
Which is someone expressing themselves. Much like you making your character have male au ra horns is you expressing yourself but you wouldn’t call yourself a modbeast because you don’t hit some imaginary threshold when you are my definition a modbeast simply because of the horns.
Back in my day we used naughtyweaver
Not me, I'm a tourist to these threads from /v/. Quitting these threads is as easy as breathing because the modbeasting I see going on here is one reason why I quit the game.
sniffing lala ass.
Back in my day nobody liked lewd lalas...
If you use a mod you have no room to talk. It doesn't matter how horrid your characters look in comparison. It's the simple fact that you do it that makes you as bad. You have no leg to stand on because you're a moodtroon yourself, never express an opinion even adjacent to mine or anyone with sanity here unless you play completely vanilla.
I'm sure a lot of people are quitting the game over mods they can only see if they agree to.
Siblings by fate, lovers by choice.
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>i hate mod users
>voidlist them because they are insufferable porn addicts using ayy lmao sculpts and vantablack whore tats who don't play the game
>if mods got banned they are more likely to quit the game than become a normal player so even if the day of the rope comes nothing will be lost anyway
where problem?
Times have changed
me your dirty ass cat!
show him, pretty please?
>a lot of people quitting over mods
>anonymous shitposters on 4chan are “a lot of people”
Mare haters self-telling
"Oh I bet you are right now modded to be a huge futa monster aren't you
I bet you are just dripping precum"
Literally false. You cannot browse any Western XIV media without coming across someone who feels obligated to hack a game they don't even own.
Then leave. Now. Prove you can. If I see a single (you) on my post I will know you're full of shit
Shut up stupid! I have my tastes and I like what I like!
mods are "banned", they just have zero systems to detect them
so our only options are keep the scum or get some intrusive DRM
at least TWW actually got nominated for something kek
i just like the contrast
NTA, but here's your free (You).
I literally just called myself a modbeast in the post you're replying to...
>Much like you making your character have male au ra horns is you expressing yourself
Anon, I can't be expressing myself in this manner. I don't have male au ra horns IRL. My character isn't a self insert. I am not expressing myself through her. She is a fictional character in a fictional world living a fictional life, with fictional traits and a fictional personality. She is not me and I am not them.
I am not lumping them all together. I'm calling that specific instance second life modbeasting. Read further, I literally call myself a modbeast in the post you're replying to.
>Like 1% of this place does savage and above content
Nah, it's gotta be 3% easily.
come say it to my face you little dirty reptile
i don't even know what you're talking about
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>Read further, I literally call myself a modbeast in the post you're replying to.
My bad, you just type a lot.
Half the thread cleared the tier
Your character doesn’t have to be a self insert to express yourself through them. You put male au ra horns on your character for a specific reason and are expressing that through the character idk why you “I’m not my character” guys get so defensive over this when you make characters with certain ideas in mind
me in the other half
So many people with jealousy towards mods in this thread today!
Do you make your own mods? Or do you just take the credit of others' work over and over again?
nobody is jealous of your horsecock mods
The reason they're complaining is because they know nothing will ever be done about these modders simply because they're permanently subbed all year round constantly giving square money. Square knows this too which is why nothing has been done despite
>multiple screenshot and housing competitions overseen by yoshi himself having had modbeasts in it
>one of the most popular images from asmongolds tenure in this game were two modded rava from this thread taking a pic with his character
>Epperson going so pedo that yoshi himself had to comment on it
>the fucking ceo seeing modded group pics and doing nothing
The devs know, the shareholders know, the fucking ceo of square knows. They just do nothing because they all also know these niggers never unsub ever from their fucking game. Even some of the gms yes the ingame jannies are modbeasts. How do I know? I was pulled into jail once and the niggers mare started loading up
I'm sorry cat anon, it wasn't meant to be
He looks like he stinks though, for sure!
What are you babbling about anon?
Why would I make mods when some monkey will make them for free and put them on an archive for me to download
>>i hate mod users
>uses mods to voidlist them
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>game continues to show it has dogshit customization, reuses old assets constantly and can barely bother to give new jobs a handful of weapons even long after release
It's no wonder people mod
If DT is so empty we should try doing another Alter at this point
Materia CC is popping if anyone wants to join....
>I was pulled into jail once and the niggers mare started loading up
Lmao the story was somewhat believable until you threw this very obvious bullshit in there
I’m posting to post bro nothing more nothing less
modding can still be used as a tool for good
Why? So it'll turn into yet another Mare Lamentorum clique?
I just want to understand your logic, Anon. I am not being defensive. If you really want to twist my arm, then I guess I am expressing the character's lore through a mod so the actual appearance is more true to the writing? I still don't see how I am expressing myself through that, tho. Maybe this is simply a difference in definitions. When you say expressing yourself in the specific context of roleplaying, I hear self-insert. Maybe that's not what you mean.
I think that's a good idea.
sorry, all the budget goes into nu-FF7
It’s used as a socialization tool idk why so many people here get their panties in a bunch over it. Might have something to do with the average anon being socially maladjusted and “not wanting to bother” anyone
>promise to work on viera/hroth hats over time
>5 years and viera can't even wear hats that have been in the game since arr
It's gonna take 10 years for them to add double dye to all the armors. Please look forward to it!
Alter but on HorizonXI let's fucking go
Modding is for the mentally weak
I bet you can't even imagine the apple
I don't mind if someone uses mods. What you like is what you like.
>w> I'd join
More gay melfs...
The 'bins are suspiciously silent on the matter.
my free company is like alter but not posted in the thread so no clout chasers can join
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Can any of you understand Japanese?
people mixed up hating mods when what they should really hate are gooners who use mods
He's right about most of it at least. I know because I was there to witness it. Even a few worlds first clears were done and revealed to have been done with plug-ins and outright cheats that affect gameplay not just visual mods.
They've made many statements about shit like this over the years here's one
Throw it into google translate or use jisho if you want to use a dictionary.
I don’t care about the gooners using mods actually. Either all modding is fine or none of it is you can’t pick and choose what is acceptable or not. I don’t really care for people acting like puritans over something that barely affects how you play the game and who you interact with.
i know a little higanbana, the first one is a
They are going to rape the WOL in the next expansion
I know what it says I was just curious is any of you here could understand.
And yet people had no issue "expressing themselves" without widespread mods for years. Needing 20 mods in order to make your character look "good" just shows how creatively bankrupt people are, it's no wonder that a lot of modbeasts both itt and in general have horrid looking vanilla characters, when it's absolutely possible to make good looking ones too. Everything else is cope or unironic trannoid-tier mental illness from the nutjobs that have mental breakdowns when mods are down or you call their abomination ugly. Perhaps the funniest case of that was some twitter normalfag having a meltdown when someone commented that his femra looked better with less mods on some "looks progression" image.
Yeah. It's my 2nd language. English is unfortunately my third...
based sam main
GMs can see your /tell history btw.
They know you're being a bigot
They know you're using mods.
Then my friend, do you agree with what's they're saying?
I will tell you why it won't work.
>Those at the beds will make their character like before
>Run rampant for 2 weeks before getting bored and setting up mare and try to centralize through discord (again)
>Butt heads with those who aren't interested
>They quit and go back to their mains
>Spend the next year shit posting those who wanted to play legit without jumping through 5 cwls and 3 cliquecords
ffxiv fighting game when
How hard do you think it would be to make a cockwatch plugin that just cycles through a list of given names and player searches them for you on a loop, recording all their locations for you to review?
The samurai hate the jews.
>Puritanical fags have now pivoted to pissing themselves over mods
There's GMs in the Mare discord.
One of my fetishes is vouyerism so this works just fine.
effy's effys
big if true
I hope the GMs like seeing how much femlala ERP I do
SK why are you like this? Who hurt you?
me + who?
Prove it
All I'm hearing are affirmations, now which server - somewhere on dynamis would be great, no?
Dynamis, Kraken! That sounds like a good place for it
my femra
on the bottom
holy same face syndrome
leon laikonen was the one who set up the syncshell btw
my femra
on the right
a rule that isn't enforced isn't a rule at all
>200+ ping
I think the fuck not
It'll be great. It also prevents alters from going to LB14 to hang out
Of course. The same faggot who set up the player track list
stay the fuck out faggot
it gets enforced when a GM decides they don't like a streamer
and? it doesn't matter unless someone reports you
This is actually true. If you press the guys who run it they'll admit gms are there and that some use mare too.




voidlisting is a vanilla feature now retard
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They do.
>calling it by the modded name
>it prevents alters from going to LB14
Oh you just want to create your own clique because you couldn’t make one organically on your main
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Doing this to every femlala that EBs a lalaboy
Me on the right.
Can't wait to see discord niggers and puritans clash for control and ego trip which cause both parties to leave
eu xivg is a 50/50 between a based thread and schizo drivel, good to see we landed on the former today
My alter? It's on Korea
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You think I play this shitty game?
I think Alter should be on JP
JP Alter has all the benefits of exploring a strange new land with people we can't communicate with very well for the most part. Some of you may find ways or just know the language but it's still a new world...
Would you let a lalaboy that EBs a femlala do that to you?
For me, it's based schizo drivel
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I said on HorizonXI you mother fucker. Roll up a fresh Mithra MNK at once.
this reminds me of 01/09/24
the statements are just PR
even in your statement it's very obvious they don't give a shit about modbeasts, just dataminers and spoilerposters
Or I could play on NA servers with playable ping and no language barrier
>let's try to communicate with the people who already distrust the western community
What could go wrong?
Interesting story about how this came to be. If you all don't remember there was a case of irl stalking in Japan where the stalker used XIVs horrible block features to aid in the stalking. This is what made square implement voidlists. Here's another fact, they've said before during their announcement for voidlist that they're aware of third party tools and have discussions about potentially implementing some other ones ingame at a later point. So yes, the devs DID get the idea from voidlist so it's apt to call its vanilla version that. It also means they're fully aware of things like mare and simply do not care.
how do i get night's feet to work with yab
I play on JP because I want to meet a Jap girl to marry and give babies.
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Urianger is feeling violent today bros
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need an EB like this...
How do I get a non mod using, modbeast hating eb for my modbeast femrat
makes me laugh because the void list makes it even worse, now you literally don’t even know whether someone you blocked is close to you or not. making it go both ways is such an easy solution but square is retarded as usual
Enjoy dealing with the weird control freaks and mainers at the start using it for clout instead of trying to experience something with xivg for funsies
t. alter player
It should be on dynapiss so everyone can get a house. Or on Materia, so mains can visit.
hope you find your moonie then
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Urianger a shit

>or on Materia
Fuck off with your meme dc that gives people unplayable ping
I erped with a JP bunny
everyone doesn't need a house. and everyone can bid on the fc house, increasing your chances of getting one. you'd have an fc house within a couple of lotteries even on balmung
Mainers should not be allowed to hang with alters. JP ALTER JP ALTER JP ALTER JP ALTER
Can you faggots stop trying to migrate to different places. Stay on crystal.
w-what if my mainer is on jp...?
she's killed millions
dead in a week tops
If I streamed Casual CC would anyone watch..
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>person logs in on top of me where I'm sitting and sends me a tell "looks like you're mine now"
>I'm feeling sassy so I tell them "actually your lap belongs to me"
>They instantly get horny and admit they have a fetish for being dominated by lalas and want me to walk them around like a dog on a leash.
Huh. Weird. Guess I'll be doing that later then.
Blacklisting someone should hdie them from you, hide you from them, hide you from each other in Search and prevent you from matchmaking. It's not rocketscience. I don't understand how the japanese cna fuck up the simplest things.
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Hmmmm... think I'll retain my post for the next thread...
Oh. really? Share your achievement.
Please understand Crystal is totally the reason people only afk and don’t play the game. It’s not like afking happens on other DCs to the extent that happens on Crystal nope! Crystal is the bad afk dc
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We're moving to Light, fuck everyone on Chaos PF is dead there we're moving to Alpha Lavender beds!
Nah fuck off you control freak
that happened but those that carried through with it ended up acting just like the gooners they tried to get away from, that malera and glue licker (and maybe tozer?) come off the top of my mind. ironic really
she can kill me next god damn
How much of a headache is it to install Xivlauncher and the whole glamorer shebang?
as easy as frying an egg
>blacklist someone
>they disappear
>forget they exist
>“B-b-but anon they still stalk you and see what you’re saying!!!!!”
I can’t see them and don’t say anything that breaks ToS so let them waste their time.
Not really, you'd have to have some kindof interesting personality to keep people entertained combined with a bit of sex or social appeal

OR you need to already know your viewers who want to watch you as a friend
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and what a fantastic job their PAID PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPERS did porting a FREE FAN-MADE feature
I wish I could blacklist someone and not worry about anything I do gets instantly reported to the thread
it's incredibly simple.
It's funny in PvP because it only calls them UNKNOWN # if they're on your team, on the opposing team they get fully uncensored to you
They won't lol we have multiple polls saying people just want to stay and they just keep making new ones.
you can stay on crystal, in fact i encourage it
>leave the most populated data center in the game so you can erp in the least populated data center in an even more empty housing district
Surely this is the best idea ever.
Have you tried just not caring what people say about you on this shithole website? The moment you click the X and close the thread nobody here exists and their posts vanish into the ether
if moron normie imvu/second life modbeasts can do it, i'm sure you would be capable
I have a problem anon and I'm really trying to get over it. I feel like people are always gossiping about me and then that gossip turns into people not wanting to talk to me
Christ this is as retarded as Discord
a ffxiv anime is coming. dawntrail did such damage that yoshi-p is unleashing everything they got in the red alarm room. trust me
You are quite literally making shit up to be upset/scared about anon
Aye yi yi hermano, I'm on primal.
Who are you to stop people if they want to move away? This cringe attitude of trying to force everything to be on Crystal is what killed the community for every other dc.
Ordinarily i'd be a cuntish to people over this but i'll say this as nice as I can just for you.

You're being overly paranoid, most people here don't care who you are or what you do unless you're making a huge spectacle of yourself for whatever reason. Have you been a target for gossip and schizo posting before?
You're never gonna completely get away from gooners on xiv since one of it's main draws is attractive characters. I'll take not having a discord for fags to spam porn in and a active fc chat while 90% of alter is parked on sarg waiting to do stuff when people log in. It's the ideal setup for me.
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>GMs watch us sometimes
I wonder if they're told to or if they just know who we are and realize it'd probably be a good idea to keep an eye on us
Schizos make reports for anything so they would be investigating.
I mean we literally had a troll telling a gm all about us
that dumbass kid actually linked one of the threads to a gm once
Reddit is also complaining about the state of the game, 4 month patch cycles and classes that have become harmonious.
Every site is mostly critical of them game, the ones that are happy at the state are the ones who take a break every patch.
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