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Previous Thread: >>497364604

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Conceptualize the aroma
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I can't control myself anywhere. I am going to sexually assault the student with blue hair in my class.
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Blue Archive lost
Wuthering Waves won
Thank you, Seia.
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I'm starting to feel like Nexon is getting desperate. It's very concerning to me.
Why is Seia violent today?
not enough sensex
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the actual thing is at hand
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This is indeed very concerning.
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stop shooting people
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Sex with Midori
Post Midori, the sex twin
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Divegrass roster poll round 1 here.

Deadline: Start of October 10th UTC time.

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You are not even safe in the tablet world.
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if seia is so concerned, why isn't she released yet?
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It’s beginning to look a gyatt like rizzmas
Everywhere online
My sigma level is maxed
Your food got fanum taxed
With skibidis and rizzlers in Ohio
It’s beginning to look a gyatt like rizzmas
Baby Gronk rizzed up Livvy
But the prettiest sight to see is how Skibidi they will be
Did you pray today
How do I earn 2 jims?
It's that easy
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I hate Miyu's swimsuit. It keeps making my pp hard
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why is the loli cleaning the urinals?
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Getting through the new Shanhai event. I know that it ends with "Kisaki going back to being sick" (allegedly) but iirc Kai isn't like, expelled at the end of it.

In that case: midway through the event Kai outright says she can cure Kisaki in a month since she made Kisaki sick in the first place.

What's the point of introducing "Kisaki can be cured" but not curing her? So weird
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sora should masturbate with pink rotor
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Officer dork
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Kill me
Shoot me
Fuck you
So we can continue the story later.
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the black background makes me irrationally angry
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Isn't that just a test of character? It's just a scene to establish how smart Kai is
Too many options fuck off
Rinny wife
Rinny life
the entire point of the china events is to show off kisaki. you completely missed the part where people doubt her role as a leader, but she still chooses her people over herself
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Fuck you
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>Seiafags think this is sexy
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holy shit I am fucking erect
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It's her turn this anniversary right?
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>Erika and Kirara November 2022
Weren't they around as NPCs from Day 1, including being in the original PV?
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Rape is based and I encourage it
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Bond 100 update for JP.
>numberfagging again
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My little solider would struggle to navigate the vast jungle of Ui.
This should be added to the OP desu.
Has anyone notice how students with pink hair are the most lustful ones? What did they mean by this?
No I didn't, I know that that is her reason for risking things, I am asking why introduce the idea of her being potentially easily healed as it undermines that. Or do you think it doesn't undermine the idea of sacrifice if the sacrifice is outright stated to be easy to undo?
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this is the story/event character debut time not when they appeared in a cg or pv, Erika and Kirara first appeared in V2C2
I don't even know what wuthering waves is.
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Even yuh?
>all that shilling
>still not even close to #1
the bland and boring h students killed the game
no, it shouldn't
Woah Shimiko
what killed the hype?
Holy shit, TWO Suzumifags?
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Where'd all those Irohafags come from suddenly?
9 to 12(+2)
Yuuka won
>Kikyou still 0
Kikyoufags are a lie.
It's not just BA. Girls with pink hair and yellow eyes are always sex demons.
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Especially yuh.
We should make /bag/ version
How about you fucking tell me why it shouldn't?
This is a retarded chart that pulls 100 bonds from twitter. So there's fake bonds in there 200%
>37 Mikas
Holy shit XD
Mika should die
Despite all the shillings on 4ch, Wuwa revenues are keep free falling.
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He carefully checks for fakes. Only pulls in ones with video proof or otherwise. He's retweeted multiple people faking their 100s and the proof as to how they did so, so he's pretty careful.

It's still only curated from Twitter, yes, but that's really the only place you can find it out.
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>tfw Heihachi dies and resurrects before Seia gets released
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what is miyako dreaming about?
>He says while so angry that he hit submit before finishing the sentence
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Well, Blue Archive is in a much worse position. They just released one of the most highly anticipated characters and our revenue fucking DROPPED
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He's "died" like five times.
it has nothing to do with BA itself
divegrass... le offtopic
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>students with pink hair are the most lustful ones
>wakamo: brown
>koharu: pink
>miyako: silver
>midori: blonde
>haruna: silver
>hanako: pink
>shigure: blue
What did he mean by this?
>No Mashiro
Not a single Mashirofag in the world...
Wasn't there 47 Mikafags, 9 Alicefags and a M.Alice last time this was posted? Does he restart the count every time he updates?
wuwajeet wuwajeet don't cry
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I have yet to see a general that has added divegrass to any OP that isn't /4ccg/ itself. Why would it be there?
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이것은 이것이다 , 저것은 저것이다
should i give kokona ue40?
Say that again without crying.
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this but unironically
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what does that have to do with seia though?
tHasumi's sag is so absurd there's no way she's wearing a bra underneath that shirt
That was with the Global Server added in.
would it help you? if yes sure, if not, not really
Noa needs to be replace by Akane, her Noas aren't big enough to compare to the other three.
Imagine thinking your game is good when you borrowed hoyoslop's homework to make it
Holy fuck their subreddit are filled with fujos and faggots, but they're not wrong that Kurogames can't even do shit, weak writing, desperate waifubait attempts, too little people talking about the game.
not sure she dies in set and im sad
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>caring about sensortroon
post your team
But Akane is not part of the dryness squad
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cat paws
Miyu is more rectangular than Koharu
Akari and Izumi, metamoran fusion
what does it taste like?
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She isn't. Have you seen them in the Sports event race?
I only have 2k ligmas left
it's over
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i borrow sizuna
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I have 100 ligmas left after I've spent them all on upgrading Hina and Hina dress to the max.
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>3* lvl 71 oShigure
umh... do you have regular hanako maxed out instead?
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She has what it takes.
She's a licensed professional with millions of confirmed kills.
i dont , i dont have the mats and i never cared to raise her base version
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Mari's permanent bedroom eyes
The only dangerous "member" is Akari.
nah, only started playing this summer
Kill yuhself faggot
eat shit and die you fucking cutter
damn... because currently that oShigure is going to be a pretty weak healer as is... what floor are your trying to do?
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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Them things swang.
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it takes lesser men more time to figure out which girls are the best
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I have 590 ligmas right now and I've been so close to blowing them all every single day I check the shop.
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We're putting together a team
One last job
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Spend it all on your waifu.
Show your appreciation for her and that she will be the strongest in your team.
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I need those as my sleeping mask, my hat, my glasses, my pillow, etc etc
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something's wrong...
Me in the back
my wife
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two more than expected
How do you guys hoard ligmas so well? I can easily float on 6 digit gems cuz I mostly roll on bluefes but ligmas you burn through them so quickly.
what time left does the run fail at? like kokona dying or anyone dying
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Kei is for marriage, impregnation and happy life building
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It's simple, I comfy gold everything.
I pull to spark on banners even if I get the rate up early, if I already plan on getting her to 5*
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My Key is sexual
>playing the metaphor demo
>I want to fuck an faerie
Student for this feel?
around 2 atg bar when he laser the whole team at worse i'll try to scavange more mats cash or just cope
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my wife is long UE50'd don't worry she is my strongest soldier
I'm just grappling with spending them on Misaki (blonde) so I can uncap her affection since she visits my cafe a lot.

or taking Mina from 4* to UE30.
It's gonna suck
Kazusa furiously masturbating with her vibrator
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You need to stop.
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You play for a long time and just upgrade the bare minimum.
>Name a game
>attach "slop" to it
blue archiveslop
gonna rock
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I don't know why, but it disgusts me that Mika got so many
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Considering It's reputation as the gacha grim reaper would the persona gacha kill persona for good?
nom nom
Because you're mentally ill.
Is this erp troon lost?
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I think oShigure is really what's hurting you there, she's really underinvested for this and if you're losing students at 2 atg, you won't last during 3 atg when he deals even more damage and the healing won't be able to keep up.
You won't regret increasing kokona's stars but also consider oShigure as she's a very strong student.
if you're not attracted to pretty girls who are a little off their rockers you're a fag, simple as
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How can I stop when you feel so good?
thanks i'll consider/work on it
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>the tranny key LARPer woke up

I thought part 2 of the Shanghai event was after the group story. Or, I remember seeing it said here, but Kaguya's still in jail midway through it.

I did think it didn't make sense if the group story took place before because of Kaguya being jailed at the end of part 1 but yeah
Usual hours I guess
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It's 2 am and I'm still awake.
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>Arata has a hick accent
So tired of this shit
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read this as Arata has a dick accent
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Don't reply to me, cancer
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Kisaki sure has a crapton of awful underlings. It's an odd vibe.

Basically, there's a really heavy sense of "people who get her" and "people who have their own vision of Shanghaijin" and they couldn't be in less agreement. What a piece of shit school.

...Very China!
it cost 0 to not be mean online
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I hope seia is playable soon so these seiaspammers can fuck the hell off
WA or SEAmonkey?
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I jerked off to the rickshaw doujin
Can I get a QRD on the actual shit-poster and Mika shitposter?
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I simply can't see the correlation
why him though?
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my wife Mika
Post students with haircuts
That Neru had Yuuka thighs.
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there's usually a lot of corpses where he goes
He murders a fuckton of people.
Disgusting psycho
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YOU killed Desu.
that doesn't mean I won't avoid /vg/ like a plague.
but I might participate in aggies more now.
Damn Mika keeps winning
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Link? Is it any good?
no, I mean why this particular crossover?
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Why not?
You should level up Mina. Dorks deserve to be maxed, I don't care if they aren't meta.
Kek. That title. Thanks.
>Sena gets excited by corpses
>John Wick kills a lot of people so there are lots of corpses wherever he goes
>John Wick is a popular franchise
what is there not to understand for this simple meme?
>I can easily float on 6 digit gems
that's why you don't have any ligma.
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that's the context of that particular pic, but there are more of him with other students
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why does talking about the game make him seethe so hard lmao
Not everyone here can keep up with the movieslops of current years you know?
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Where ogogee banner
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Those are the soulless senseis, it disgusts you that there are so many of them
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The first John Wick is just one year younger than Ibuki and Kokona.
Those are the soul senseis, it disgusts you because you are soulless
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Dog is cute
we just ignore him cus hes been at it since Mika was introduced, the end
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coom in doom
Why have you done this to me Chise.
This + Hina and Hoshino. Really boggles my mind that people have shit taste and proud of it.
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Oh shit, new secondary chart.
dude...FESTIVALS lol
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To be fair is normal that old 2 and 1 stars characters are bond 100.

By just playing from the beginning and with them randomly appearing in your cafe + lessons I think you could get them into level 70 or something alone
What does kansha mean
Oh you like seia? post your folder
I don't ligma students unless it's needed. All fes units except SHoshino are at ue40. TYuuka and SHosh are at 4*. I still clear torments.
hm, good quotes Sensei
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Remember to vote for stoat sex
your folder
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Jumby my beloved...
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>Binah isn't on the list
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A form of thanks.
To be fair it also has 0 ships aside from sensei x student
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She looks like a 30yo here
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I'm glad my wife isn't meta. After trying to use my students competitively, I just can't look at them the same...
When Hinata and I work together to rearrange some tithe boxes that don't quite fit on the shelf, I can't help but remember the time where she couldn't crit when Goz was at 17 bars of health
When Kayoko eagerly runs ahead of me to feed a stray cat, I can't help but remember when she ran ahead of Reisa and ate a Peroro laser to the face. Splat.
When Mika tosses a paper ball into trashcan and misses, I can help but remember when *BANG BANG BANGBANGBANG fweeeeee MISS*
why is this semen demon stuck in the worst school?
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Absolutely your fault
Serina has terrible fanart, she doesn't even have good AIslops, but she is well liked, maybe artists don't like her
Mostly because there is almost zero fucking fuel with how autistic they are about momos never having other students in them. Which is a good thing.
Then you have that bit in Genshin nearly two fucking years ago where waterman has a single friendly conversation with Yoimiya and the cuckposting still hasn't stopped.
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They should change all the chibis into sensei chibis for april fools
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When are they deleting PvP from the game?
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Serina love
Replace Cherino and Tomoi with literally anyone else and it would probably be one of the best schools.
But no, the entire school has to revolve around Soviet Russia gags
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>still in top 1000 EU with a mediocre B.Karin critmald
Is it really that easy?
The only cats allowed to come near me are Mari and Serika, since they would never hurt me
That would require about 5500 headpats to get to 70 what the fuck do you mean someone is going to naturally get that?
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You know you can just ask for Serinahours to start, right? No need to be tsun.
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she's already 90 5M7M with T9 gear so it's just a matter of ligma at this point

I'll mull it over a bit longer. I like both a lot.
AWW Cherino is so fucking shit, free my girls Minori, Shiggy, Nodoka, Takanesex
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That's it! I'm running away with a valkyrie mob and creating a family with her, away from these rabid animals!
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Don't forget your pre-reset headpats, /bag/. You have roughly 15 minutes.
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>Sends to jail the people stalking you and trying to drunkrape you

Cherino is the only Sensei respecter in this game
Serina LOVE
Red Winter HATE
Who has the most violent tits in Kivotos?
Hanae is sexier

rectangle body
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Serina is my angel. I don't know happiness without Serina. She is always there when I need her, always there when I don't. Through the good times, through the bad, Serina will always be by my side. I'll always remember, a lifetime together. I'll cherish her forever.
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I like the one where she gives birth to Sensei.
Kaede o Hanae maybe
getting a haircut is illegal in my kivotos
Nice reddit pic tourist go back
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>haircut schizo
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theyre all already dead...
Serina is NOT real.
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Go fuck yourself
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I want to nurse Serina.
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Why isn't Serinasex more popular?
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People have immensely shit taste.
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Hanae's breast reduction surgery was a success.
why is zoos so fucking grumpy and rude?
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Like everything, it's your fault
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I wish my sleep paralysis demon was this and not a huge black rectangle.
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She's waiting for you to make a move already
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When is their event? Where are the group doujins?
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fuck you, zoo. you owe me sex
Are you grinding normals?
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Shut up bitch, get drained
Serina has breasts

mid-small I think
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I can feel Serina
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>first was the nurse sprite
>now witch costume from pv 5
Stop teasing me with this fitting and easily implementable alts if you aren't going to give them to me, John you rat bastard.
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I still like Suou
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how do I replicate the feel of Serina sitting on my face with her soft butt with household items?
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Finally Serina hours only for it to be rudely interrupted by resetvatarfags.
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Serina's eyes are pink? brown? gray?
Shit it's too variable
>shut up bitch swallow, if you dont swallow, shut up bitch gargle
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It's your fault.
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Let today be okay (T_T)set
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sexy reset
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Reset! Don't forget to pat your students.
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oh no...
Pina not mentioned!
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cute feet
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don't forget to buy the shop stuff before the monthly reset
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Gehenna wives
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We all do. We're all Kannafans, so by transitive property we're all Suoufans.
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Treeset has lost the plot
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I refuse to let Serina hours die.
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What are these expressions meant to convey?
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They expect you to lead by example and be the most responsible, protecting teacher that does not lust after his students.
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I'm letting the Serina hours die
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I love all my precious little students, /bag/!
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the more you know
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Mika can't go back...
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They always draw her with Pink eyes anyways
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Serina will never be forgotten/unpopular because she is THE early game healer everyone uses
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I wish she was real so bad.
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please give pic to thanks related for carrying your noob ass when you started
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Thank you Serina
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>give pic to thanks related
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Why is Mika so sad...?
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Yeah, what are you gonna do about it, BITCH
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It's Sunday. Confess.
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I posted seia multiple times today
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I skipped 3 days of Peroro
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I didn't post Seia at all today
I don't care for Unwelcome School. Probably because it's become quite a cliche in the story.
>Unwelcome School starts playing
>Something silly happens
my heart twitched am i sick???
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>NA Rank 39xx
Am I gonna make it bros?
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My Set runs aren't going well and I feel tilted.
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Sensei hasn't given her rollcakes
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i see...
i log in daily but im playing zzz these days more than ba
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Mika love
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Daily reminder that we still don't have
>A yandere student
>A tomboy student
>A tomgirl student
>A ojou student
>A mesugaki student
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