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Throne and Liberty is a PC and console MMORPG offering a mix of tab target and action combat with a shared emphasis on both PvP and PvE. The game features a seamless open world, adaptive weather systems, and a shapeshifting mechanic that lets players transform into animals for exploration and combat strategy. The game uses a free-to-play model with various microtransactions; cosmetics, convenience items, battle passes, and more. The Western publisher, AWS, claims to be aiming to avoid pay-to-win mechanics while enhancing player customization, choice, and experience.

>Build sites
>All items and information

>Which server are we playing on?
NA East, Lottie; Guild vidya
password 69420
EU, Benny; Guild Pettan

Previous: >>497300945
isn't OnlyFeet another guild
Vidya is full is Vidya2 started
so this is the power of Vidya....
the hermanos have taken over lottie bros
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hello newfriends.
Man I'm almost capped and I have so many green skill books, considering dumping them into Dagger skills so I can play GS x Dagger but Idk if it'll be worth it
Don't care about fag shit.
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>tfw sub 3k cp pleb
when does xbow get good
if you need to, use them to make blue ones
otherise might be cool but mastery is such a bitch
What to use star crystals for other than salt?
Anyone else having prob with Shadowed Crypt "blue" quests as in they not completing when doing certain task?
what are you using it with
when you do this
never. wish I swapped off it sooner.
dagger. i'm not 50 yet but levelling feels like i'm hitting 100 buttons just to kill 1 thing
go to Adriana or whatever
I've not been able to use the chat for like 4h now
Makes sense to get an off spec for better farming or solo ability imo
idk i'm loving xbow/dagger, but then you have other anon here who hates it
that never changes.
lots of setup and your attacks do nothing without all your buffs active.
other weapons will deal damage on each skill cast.
This game takes quite a lot from older NCsoft games like L2 and Aion so you can notice semblances between the classes from different games.
>L2 dagger classes either do 0 dmg or crit and oneshot
>L2 2H melee has insane HP and ton of AoEs
idk crossbow dagger reminds me of retail wow.
your skills do nothing outside of your cooldowns.
at least they're not 2 minute cooldowns though.
To actually crit as a dagger class in L2 you have to pop multiple buffs.
in PvE, if your rotation is right and you piano well your cooldowns are almost always up

in PvP it's more of a burst and disengage than constant dmg
alleged rus/ger/ita server
we should do basilisk
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This is what my fresh lvl 50 char looks like
Should I focus on getting blue gear, perhaps via crafting now?
I am assuming I wasted too many enchants on the quest reward gear as well
All EU servers are overran with frenchniggers and autistic krauts that don't speak English. Add turkroaches into the mix and we're set.
It's over.
No they're not, just roll on any EA server
>loot drop is proportional to dps dealt
>healers get no loot
>using mostly green gear
Woah, so this is the power of zoomzoom. Bet my ass my level 25 is stronger than you.
traited greens are better than untraited blues
Early access
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well on Zenith which was the other suggestion the top 5 guilds are Hungarian, French and German
>auction house still fucked on EU
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Isn't vanilla blue mostly trash?
Reminder we had a 5 hour maintenance on the biggest primetime possible for EU to fix it.
can we transfer to ea servers?
though it does not let you
guys just do basilisk trust
i have a feeling
>auction house is not working on the weekend of release
>the time where they game will have the most players and hype willing to spend money
polish your sausage.
People that made a server on EA can't transfer to launch servers, but everyone can make characters on EA servers or transfer to them.
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wow could never
its fine just dont waste on the purple upgrade the other stuff u can just transfer when u get something better idk your class looks like bow dagger or some shit
it's fine to upgrade the other stuff* just dont upgrade your purple chest cuz its gay and you'll replace it
thx, its staff bow, the baby class
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same bow/staff heres mine 4 now
having aids luck with drops still
why are you people using a level 0 purple chest piece instead of a level 9 blue?
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>have good luck
>but it's actually bad luck
kill me
holy hell there should have been atleast 3 different 50 open dungeons unlocking at the same and even then they would all look like this
When will we get t2 gear?
Just started this game and the skills feels like ass, the whole 2 sets of weapon system is god awful, and I bet there is not much to it either either you do the meta weapons together or you troll
wow you just explained literally every mmo skill system ever
How do you expect this general to grow if you aren't even going to use a hot slutty picture for the OP?
yo can you transfer more than once?
i wanna go scout basilisk out
i feel lile its the one but i dont wanna get stuck with a bunch of ziggers
About to try transferring back and forth actually
idk i had a green one when i finished story haven't gotten any dropwise
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craft green ones and feed them into your lithograph collection book to get a blue one.
you should do that with weapons too so you can have 2 blue weapons.
cant read all of ghis right now
This game is actually so much better with the chat off.
we are getting transfer tickets every day until the 17th
Are there any off-meta debuff builds you can go destroy metafags with?
I transferred twice in a row just fine now. In my case I transferred from Lottie to Chianghone then back to Lottie. Guild cooldown is reset each transfer
How's my first purple drop bros....
every build is weak to one thing or another. there's no single build that is good against everything else. you can have melee resistence but be melted by magic
What decide which weapon you attack with? I feel like a lot of the default keybinds are troll, do you ever really "swap" weapon or use the auto attack bind?
Your 'equipped' weapon decides what your auto attack is. This is important considering for, say, dagger+gs you want to auto attack with your dagger for poison/thunder stacks
except sns/wand beats everything
Not bis, dissolve
noted thanks
i do have 2 blue weps from that
If I level traits on my weapon and wanna transfer the exp to a better weapon, I lose all those upgraded traits?
top tip
>turn off world chat
>turn off party finder chat
boom no more zoomers retards or chinese gold farmers yappin
>>S Tier - 1337 Tier
>play this if you want to have a good time.
>>A Tier - Dagger Tier
>play this if you require stealth.
>>B Tier - Niche Tier
>>C Tier - Snowflake Tier
>you're a special snowflake.
>>F Tier - Griefer Tier
>do not do this.

you play to counter melee or ranged. one build doesn't win against everything.
whatever is active. you'll notice one of them in the middle of your action bar showing dominant, or in your character screen (P) you'll see one of them is a much larger circle. you can micromanage on like dagger+crossbow for example, swapping to dagger when melee and back to crossbow at ranged. unneccessary though. typically just pick one based on your build and forget about it. skills automatically use the correct weapon without changing your active weapon.
auto attack is useful for pulling.
the default binds are very bad.
Taxi, airport, plane, Ugledar, trenches, NOW.
that's my custom chat. I only enable it when I'm in a dungeon though or actually trying to have a conversation with somebody.
just change to guild chat
i just bricked my character. i got system request error and now i cant login anymore lol
3rd time trying temple of slaughter, chill job as tank but my party keeps wiping, rip
>turn off party finder chat
retards misusing pfchat for party chat and raging at each other when their dungeon run is going poorly where I can read it is half the fun of this game
>someone gets marked
>they hug the boss
>nobody pulls the chains or goes to the platform
>in 10 runs in a row even after explaining
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Is it just me or are some "ultimate" skills much better than others? Like this one is so bad compared to the GS attack one, the GS is so good, scales so well and then there's this one that's just so weak
if you spam enchantment too fast with the esc skip button you get shadowbanned i think
>all your skills are level 2
odd numbers are breakpoints ahhhhh!!!
Do I dissolve all my unused old equipment that I'm not using and aren't going to level? Some say keep everything, some say don't. I seriously don't get how I played this game for 5 days and I still don't understand how anything works. How can the in game fail to teach you literally anything? It's such fucking complete dogshit design.
GS is just absurdly broken as a whole and fun
true but if you turn off the other two you can have party and guild chat at the same time without interruptions
this is a fair point
so... im just banned now? i cant login anymore
What koretard thought it was fine to transform into an animal while running?
I want to see my character running not some furry animal.
Upgrade it to Void Blade in it's passives and it's one of the better AoE attacking skills for SnS
To be fair, furries are from the west.
what the fuck are you serious? why?????
idk but it was nice until it lasted ggs guys
yeah you guys are permabricked now better luck next time chuds dont be exploiters

no obviously not their servers are just dogshit chat doesn't work AH doesn't work nothing works
do the traits from your offhand apply to your mainhand and vice versa?
doing something too fast = speed hack
Takes so many spec points tho, and the CD is so long and clunky to use.
Nearly any other GS skill is better to use for AoE
>fishing can give you trait unlockstones
holy shit im bricked for not doing this sooner
i jorked too fast and they banned me
do your stats change when you weapon swap?
restarting my pc, starting a new char, then switching worked for me lol
I've been fishing since day 1 early access and gotten 1. It's a really really low dropchance
>he didn't spend his first 1500 contract coins on purple fishing rod
might as well start over
>spend 3 stamina bars trying to drag fish left when it goes right
shame the fishing in this game is dogshit, won't be doing that
its annoying how they can escape for no reason but other than that I've seen much worse
Who decided this game needed fishing anyway
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I have the platinum fishing rod anon
>fishing general
one of the senior boomer dev for sure
>fishing rod out
>white monster in hand
>https://youtu.be/Iu81WUG9OeU?si=0DCZlgrKqr3JWx0W on repeat

yep, fishing time
SnS gonna be nerfed into the ground one day and it will be glorious to reap all the tears
It's a Lineage game, anon, be glad you don't need proof of catching fish for enlarging you are inventory
for the lvl 30 dungeon
do you stack to soak the fireball? or does the marked person get far away and you block the fireballs?
>Language not supported.
ive never fished
they run away and people take turns blocking

get used to never clearing that dungeon until all the mouth breathers quit the game
this unironically fucking worked wtf lol
>chat is back
>first post i see is some degen RP guild
update, now the chat doesnt work. this game is so fucking broken holy shit
>log into my character
>game immediately crashes
fuck you, bezos
i honestly think if this game had a real crafting/trades system similarly to archeage with integrated pvp events since we already have node/siege pvp here too then it would be 1000% worth a long term play
but sadly gooks literally go 2 steps forwards 1 step back constantly with their MMOs because they're stubborn slant eyes who refuse to copy each others innovations
I still can't believe people are actually playing this game, and unironically praising and defending any aspect of it no less
This game is like if you took L2 and removed every last bit of soul and everything that made it good
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Thoughts on this always being maxed?
>get 500 from doing co-op dungeons
>passively get them through the day and at midnight
>items that grant you even more tokens
Even if you farm 8 hours a day in a free open dungeon you still couldn't go down.
>night time hits in SC
>start hunting groups and winning a bunch of 1vXs

fun as fuck
ye pretty much
i gave up and went to deaths abyss
WAY easier
also rerolled to dps lol
Go to ants dung
It's full plus I don't want to put 10 hours per day into it just to go SLIGHTLY negative into tokens.
L2 gameplay was pure shit at its core. What made the game good were the community and all the guild dramas.
literal unironic skill issue
join a fucking group
I'm always out of fucking sollant.
what servers do I avoid transferring to
>SNS/Greatsword both get nerfed into the ground
the game is now amazing
until then, nope.
>refuse to copy each others innovations
Having basic character trade option is hardly an innovation yet here we are.
Those in the OP.
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Why would I join a group? Is this a skill issue on YOUR end?
Sex issue.
>tankiest in the game by far
>most damage in the game by far
>most cc in the game by far
>most mobility in the game by far

how do koreabugs constantly fuck balance up so badly?
if this game was made in the west by devs with higher intelligence than chinksects it woulda been pretty good.
Just max out melee evasion
GS/Xbow is better for mobility, damage and sustain.
>why would i get more loot more tags and faster kills

i dunno man, you tell me?
>this F tier build is better than the SSS+++^9
Post tokens.
do not talk to my duo

do not make eye contact with my duo

do not send friend requests to my duo don't even come across my duo in random parties

don't reply to my duo posts and dont give my duo any attention I don't care if you can't tell it's her posts you better fucking learn to read them

I'm warning you, you won't live to regret it, she's MY duo and she's MINE and ONLY mine and JUST mine and ALL mine
>I can't read skill descriptions and just follow zoomer guides instead.
okay man you go pvp with your snowflake build
/me pets you and ruffles your hair
go get em tiger
no one cares simp
balanced games are not fun
koreabugs mess up in other aspects such as comfy + soul
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I only do 20 mins every other day or so to keep them from overcapping because I'm waiting for the next dungeons to unlock so I can spend all my blue contracts

you're just retarded man i'm sorry. I can 2 shot things in shadowed crypt but it will never be more efficient than going in as a group
>retarded gook streamers says "THIS CLASS IS THE BEST SSS TIER!"
>everyone rolls it
>another western streamer discovers that C-tier class is actually SSS tier
>now everyone plays that one
this will happen
no, SNS/GS and SNS/Wand is so fucking broken that even koreans can't fuck that one up
>he spents hours trying to lose tokens and pretends he only spends 20 minutes
How about you try losing your virginity first?
don't brick yourself get your ERP emotes NOW
20 tokens per kill makes it go by fast as fuck when your group is tagging and killing 10 mobs every minute
kill yourself retard
>20 tokens/kill
Yup, a shitskin who doesn't even play.
westerners kept the game alive in kr. more than half the players were from the west.
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you're right it's 22 sorry man
>there's a part 2 of the cooking quest line that makes you cook more
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>there's an actual pvp trinket
wait what

>want to farm some meat
>theres an event on
okay I guess not then
>egirl gm and her inner clique hoard all the boss drops to themselves
sounds awful, come join vidya and you won't have to deal with that!
>everyone in this general whining about having to be social in a SOCIAL GAME
so i guess everyone in this general is a socially retarded zoomie
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>some retard whale actually bought these useless pieces of shit
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i know u added her
i know u think im weak
im not weak
shes mine
ALL mine only mine forever mine never yours back off???
>basic pvp tool
>takes ages to craft
Sasuga Kim.
why is salt like a 1/50 drop on trash mobs only
Keep voting Euros
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now taking sugar baby applications
post av and why you think you should be chosen
You know... Amazon would make a ton of money if they let us pay to win the dungeon coins. Like 1 coin could be a dollar.
When EA servers can transfer out to it I might join but for now I'm stuck on fucking Amos
battlepass shop
do not...
just fucking send expeditions
Is the combat even fun, flashy or anything
There's nothing else worth buying in there though.
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brick sis...
For me it was kinda janky at first but now that I'm into my mid 30's level it's actually pretty fun and fluid.
>buying trait extraction stones from the battlepass shop
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cooking is way too fucking hard to get materials. Almost level 40 and only level 3, cant even finish the chapter 5 book
do traits unlocked on green/blue armor carry over when upgrading?
a little salt doesn't cost much 2 will get you like 5 levels
more conversion stones but sure
>he didn't buy the battle pass
im swimming in salt
what is the reward for high cooking anyway
just a better food buff? can you even sell this stuff
you can sell good crafts afaik
and yeah pvpers will want it but most large alliances will have their own supply
its not the salt but the megarare tertiary mob drops
I'm pretty sure you can buy everything from the Battlepass shop since after you complete the 50 levels you get a 1:1 conversion from blue crystals to yellow crystals
>pve and pvp build completey different
>limited upgrade skill and gear materials
so i guess i have to choose which one i will suck ass in and be gatekept? what a fucking trash game design this is
PvE is piss easy in this game, everyone gears for PvP.
build pvp if you have ANY interest in pvp
pve is an afterthought you can build for when you're done with pvp
How to upload a character from a pic or QR? I suck, can't create anything good
>want to be a healer
>barely in demand cause everyone just has wand
You don't need a PvE gear set, your PvP set will be more than enough.
Can you replace a starting trait?
Is there anyway to get rid of this weird character light?
Do level 50 skills start at epic/purple? or green as all others when you unlock them
they start at epic and need their own books
Why is Yarrick trying to groom Sani
I am having fun.
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I'm also having fun.
go farm the crabs on the beach near starting city.
Sorry, I am new. What is a good thing to spend Ornate Coins on?
is it too late to start now?
yes it's too late, eos is approaching
Buy out the pouches, growthstones and skill books.
yes all the cliques have formed you wont last long playing alone
Game is already dead, just wait for POE2.
Yeah, we're all waiting for Ascension WoW: Chapter 3 launching October 10th now
Is the northern half of the continent already open in Korea?
damn the pouches can throw free blue gear at you skipping the crafting/litographs farm?
Epic even, I was wearing an epic armor from the very start.
Is Syleus Abyss meant for solo? Or do you find a party to join so that the loot gets shared
I waited for this and then you tell me to wait for something else? I did this last time with New World and I never get to play.
vidya2 bros...
join a party for all open dungeons
it literally has no downsides unless your group is retarded
>server shutting down soon
EA cucks on suicide watch.
is there like an lfg board for that? i only see matchmaking for instanced dungeons
nope you have to be social and use chat
thats actually the next part of the fishing quest
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who said this game have no cosmetics
please dont tell me US servers have no maint tongiht FUCK please
>you can rp as sophitia
yes yeeesss
base game outfits look much better than the cash slop
Thankfully the Korean version doesn't have utterly ridiculous shit in the cash shop (yet). Most retarded options would be xmas outfits and a bikini. I hope they keep it this way.
>play tank
>have one skillset for it
>play dps
>have one skill set for it
>you have one other skill set, for open world or pvp, and cannot have more skill set presets

fag design
Amazon said its shutting down permanently. To make room for NW servers.
They also need to add a transmog option for ingame gear and enable dyes on it.
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Press F to laugh.
>female leader
gotta be retarded to join such a guild
thats a good thing, idiot.
It would be but
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imagine how overworked the employee who put this in was to find it funny
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The devs know this is a dead game walking.
>hit max level
>have to swap to SnS/Wand to better survive big pack pulls
This is pain and I hate it
Everyone is already leaving and going back to their main MMO
What? What are you normally playing?
lol that's pretty funny
>zero defense or sustain
Fishing gets me malding like nothing else ngl
SnS/GS, I can usually deal with huge packs but going deeper into the undead sex dungeon I'm starting to make whoopsies that I can smooth over with Wand healing.
brother just party up...
a bownigga can sustain a group that isn't being retarded by themselves
oh no. i am also playing staff/dagger and now i am worried. It must be very difficult to change skills weapons armors
Eugh I guess
>not oneshotting the pack or just crowdcontrolling them
this is not the way
Do I sell the trait or use it is the question
personally i would just use it unless you have a fully stacked blue bow
Honestly, just use it. You don't know how long you're going to play the game, may as well have fun while you're here.
Do they plan on fixing the console version or not? Need that graphics tab to lower brightness and blur
I play templar and gs/dagger lol i have zero investment in bow
then sell it why the fuck would you even need to ask unless you just wanted to brag about it
I hate this motherfucker so much...
Because I have done literally two dungeons and don't know if reinvesting in to bow/dagger would be worth it for that drop or if I should sell it and reinvest whatever its worth
If you can make lots of lucent for it I would sell it, prices are going to be high now and just become lower and lower.
Its 1k at its lowest but I don't know how much that is as a frame of reference
well unless you really want to hard swap to bow/dagger then no
just sell it
1K is $20
1000 lucent is ~18-19 dollars (20 sans the bonus you get for spending 20)

right now even if you get a world boss weapon that is your BIS you'd be insane not to sell it if you have any plans to play the game longer term.
nobody is even buying traits on my server yet lol
are these the 'correct' settings for a non-trap normie guild
if you get a drop you have to claim it in guild menu within 5 minutes or it gets tossed to the abyss

just dont forget to do that
>game is 5 days old
>queues for leveling dungeons already never pop
does this only apply to world bosses and open world dungeon drops then?
>be in top guild in server: Endurance
>something dropped from contested WB
>goes to a new member
>guild gives it to an officer
>ohh i dont even need it lol
>sell on AH
Jesus the community here fucking sucks, you're either a fucking cuck or get steamrolled.
>>queues for leveling dungeons
> leveling dungeons
>leveling dungeons
no one runs these. you waste important level 50 resources by running these
You WILL sign up for my party and I WILL reject you if you are not level 50.
I mean you can always not open the chest.
The fuck are you on about?
OnlyFeet is not /vg/ exclusive but some of it's members are /vg/
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wtf how. I'm barely scratching 2k and I'm all out of upgrade materials. All I have are blues enhancement level 8.
EA server
Brehs be careful, after 160 bag space it USES 100 LUCENT

I wasn't paying attention
160??? its 150 lol you nigga paid 200 irl money for 10 slotss HAHHAHAHAA
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO blud got fucking pwned
not this shit again
Should I just recover the bait when a hard to catch fish appears? It seems to be near impossible to catch those so you waste both time and bait.
right now prices are realistically the highest they're going to be for long time

sell it now then buy it for 20% of the current price in ~3 months when you are actually at a point to be minmaxing gear
what is you wafflin about cuh
I'd paypig
I fucking already ran out of tokens
does bow/staff have any cc?
Anon is your fault for not playing with with vidya, and now you're getting cucked out of loot!
These are the last 20 coins I need and I am dreading tf out it
i wanted to join vidya but it's been full for days...
why he's easy and i love him
we will be kicking people who are below level 40 tomorrow
can you actually sale the weapon or just the trait?
i'm under level 40 too :c
>implying vidya isn't doing the same
guess who is getting the helm that dropped today lmao
>we will be kicking people who are below level 40 tomorrow
guild leader barely passed the mark
vidya could probably cull all the people that haven't logged in in a few days and have almost no activity score desu
what the fuck, i logged out for an hour and now my character doesnt exist anymore on the server select?
Is this game worth playing? I miss GW1 so bad and saw this was by NCSoft... give it to me straight, boys
exactly and he barely plays so if you arent at least 40 and been playing since day 1 unironically uninstall the game
better hurry and apply once you hit it or 50 if you do it fast enough

i know, i am the leader...
that's why i said it, cuz i know i've been taking my time so no excusesfor others
theres a bind
thats it
It's more of a MMO and less of an arena game than GW.
people who started late and are still playing??? just kick ppl with very low rep score
GW1 and 2 is not made by NCsoft anon. I mean GW2 is now, but it wasn't originally made by them.
>published by NCsoft
close enough
>sell it now then buy it for 20% of the current price in ~3 months when you are actually at a point to be minmaxing gear
>implying we will be playing in 3 months
made some space in the guild. there's 8 spots, but if you are gonna join be at lesat 40 by the time you do, or preferably 50
>rare fish escapes when there's like 0.5% of the bar left
Whoever designed this is a sadist.
I mean IIRC no one from Anet left when it became NCsoft, apparently their hatred of Blizzard outweigh their hatred of Chi-Na.
>you VILL be max level within the first week of game's release or we kick you
The absolute state of greasy zoom zoom troons.
it's literally a few hours of questing dumbdumb
your complaint would make sense if this wasn't the most pathetically easy MMO to get max level in
>you VILL speedrun the main quest and ignore the rest of the game
>you VILL NOT enjoy your new mmo experience
>0 rep score
I'm not in your troon guild or your server. My guild rep is above average despite enjoying my time.
i know you arent eu cuck
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why can't I use these yet
i rerolled my character and it took 9 hours
cause the last floors didn't open yet

took me 4 hours to hit 50
>completely missing the point
not a fan of unreal engine
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>message first friend
no response
>message second friend
no response
>message third friend
no response
>message four-
oh that's lame, didn't know it would have to be fully unlocked for that.
wish they would hurry up and add some kind of coomer skin so i can pump to maru in game
Please stop messaging your friends
The game looks great when sun is out but washed out and gray otherwise.
Wish retards like you fucked off.
>buy appearance change ticket and make my character just the way i want
>looks completely different in game
le sigh I really hate this
Why so hostile anonymous?
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I'm always out of money and I have this shit lying around. Should I just vendor some of it?
I'm not even level 40 yet and that money would help a lot with gear and skill upgrades.
the fuck you spending your money on? the game literally throws it at you when leveling
Gear and skill upgrades as I mentioned? I do all the contracts I can.
I'm starting to get kind of bored bros
Want to play something else together?
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If you look like Amiya I'll be your friend

Like what sis
so if I want to counter crossbow, dagger, greatsword, sns, I want melee and ranged evasion/endurance?
is endurance worth it for anybody but sns?
are you upgrading shit? it costs several millions
I am an idiot and having issues understanding which -passive- skills are the most important to levle up first for a healer. What's top priority? Devotion and Emptiness first? Then Selfless Soul, Noble Revival, and Earth Blessing or?
You'll only be my friend because I look like an anime girl? That's kind of messed up...
have all my gear upgraded (missing one blue piece) have all my skills to blue lvl 3 and i still have 5.4mil gold
i havent spent any money on this game
i am tall, muscular and don't look like a girl.
>took me 4 hours to hit 50
fucking how? i'm doing the purple quests and its still taking forever
what are you trying to imply anon?
>blue level 3
kek just wait

you just tunnel vision main story and then there are like 5 level gated places that you go off and do easy blue quests to get through
thx. i'm going to tunnel so hard
Then maybe you should start getting on HRT, faggot.
The fuck is your problem?
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fiddle-dee-dee my game crashed
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bwos, the paypiggy skin looks kind of slutty. i wish i had it
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i've been killing mobs for hours since i started and i'm still only level 14 how are people max level already?
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pure story quest, they are the ones who gives massive exp for leveling
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I might have a few problems, but not having any friends isn't one unlike you loser!
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can i join vidya?

i started a new character on lottie after discovering that i was bricked by levelling a greatsword and dagger build
does anyone have fun playing sns/wand?
sure, we have spots open again. just try to keep actively playing
You can join but youre going to have to be my gf(bf)
ok deal

ill try to join when i unlock guilds :3
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Start taking Estrodiol and put on a skirt and maybe someone will want to be your friend, freak!
I wish I had a skill to grab people. Had this staff that stood in aoe so he's on his stupid magic dps circle and i had to keep healing him.
do the guild loot rules only apply to official guild events or are all my purples at risk
only world bosses and guild raids
Play NA east like me.
will i brick my account if i spend my contract coins on a purple weapon
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can someone give me the stats low-down for the paladinsns/wand build? where do i put my points? I'm lazy and don't wanna look it up
There is.
exists in XIV and people only use it to grief their friends
surely Amazon got it internally censored right?
All the armor goes to ridiculous lengths to not allow even an inch of skin, but I guess NCsoft outjewed them and got them to agree to show skin on paid skins (if the guys are made to look like fags using them)
where's the big boob club
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