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Previous Thread: >>497414751

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Someone tell me the next anni date
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Love this girl
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Wakamolet here. What's the quickest route to Wakamo?
Marriage certificate
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Forecast for the JP server below, may not be in the correct order:

>Trip Trap Train (2-week rerun)
>Millennium (Pajama, 2 weeks) (2 students + 1 extra banner)
>Trinity-Valkyrie (Idol, 2 weeks) (3 students)
>Cyber New Year March (1 week rerun, Maki and Chihiro alts)
>Event archival (Christmas, GRS NY) (4 banners)
>Trinity-Hyakkiyako (New year) (2 students + welfare)
>4th year annv. banner (???)
>Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade (2 week rerun, Makoto dress alt.)
>Vol. 2 Ch3 Prologue (Writer might be one of the JPs in charge of the old events, Lead art designer WIP). Himari and Aris banner reruns.
>Opera 68 (2 week rerun, Haruka dress alt.)
>Pandemonium society banner (Makoto rerun plus Satsuki 3* + Chiaki 2*)
>Red Winter - Trinity (???) (2 students)
>Event archival (On your mark @ Millenium - Kivotos Halo Festival) (4 banners)
>Abydos (???) (2 banners + 1 rerun)
>Kivotos Halo Fes. Part 2??? + half annv. fes banner???
>Shanhaijing - Hyakkiyako (Summer?) (2 students)
You don't find her, she finds you.
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When is she going to be plapable?
rectangle body
Check the pyro planner in the OP
January 19, 2025
where soundpost
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Imagine the smell
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lucky bastard
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Oh, neat, didn't know we had this.

Quite a long time to hold my rolls... but I can wait.
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Why do I get the feeling that this is a man
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Post Wakamo.
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>Abydos (???) (2 banners + 1 rerun)

no more PINKtards please...
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what Miyako would do If I tell her that I have an erection
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I can't with /bag/ sometimes.
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I think Nagisa is really pretty
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I don't know what they are saying but the 3D shorts on the JP channel make me happy.

I'll never use VR chat because I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I saw a Haruka walking around.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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/v/ is laughing at us again.
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If CHanae doesn't become playable I'm gonna mail Kim Yongha a box of bees
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we're funny guys
That's a man
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So glad the anime didn't kill all of these crazy "what if x was Sensei" fanart
Just make your own model doodle sensei and it'll be fine
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
Post Kanna
What's her name? She's a cute Toki
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You forgot the Halloween event
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So this is how students get buffed...
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Thoughts on Mutsuki's feet?
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i cummed to this non h
Is this a reference to something other than dbz?
Some meme animation dance
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Mine, Angry!
Is this based on anything or did it come to you in a dream?
Your what?
has anyone ever masturbated to official art?
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I love Tom & Jerry
SShizukos sprite
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It probably would've if it wasn't the epitome of forgettable mediocrity. I get the feeling artists would rather not associate with the anime at this point
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stained with smegma
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Kasoom love
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Some dude working on type moon
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>the epitome of forgettable mediocrity
It's just like me fr
Did this ever get explained
I cummed to this single image
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>see swimsuit hina
What else is there to explain? But no, the tweet got deleted
Ibuki and Shunny
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no thoughts only feet
which Ibuki?
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Chihiro, the comfiest wife.
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Posting comfy respectful wife just cuz I can and want to
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Mashiro's l2d
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sorry i came as I am typing this asdfaf
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sundress ibuki
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Comfy hours
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
nom nom
>Comfy hours
Doesn't feel like it
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Stop cumming
We do not post Sensei’s canon wife, Rin, enough, whom he sees at work every single day
*cums* S-sorry Kokona-chan
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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Where Ogogee banner
Swimsuit Mashiro
What's the narrative of this image?
What the fuck is this real?
It's very easy to masturbate to SIzuna L2D
i want this as a figure to complete the set
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Based and hagpilled individuals
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sounds like a (you) problem
Uhhh, I love Justice now??
Don't masturbate to your ninja daughter
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How would you reply to Nonomi if she sent you this selfie on Momotalk?
rectangle 3D body
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God she’s so ugly and annoying
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Send her a selfie back
does warm milk actually make you sleepy
Mika should die
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Imagine the weight.
In pain
Miyako status?
bag is lactose intolerant
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>3mil monthly revenue list
Holy EoS moly
24000 pyros down the drain. But 0 ragrets
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Sex with adults.
Who actually takes the time to warm milk?
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Mail her a "sorry you missed the wedding" card.
drop everything and go get her pregnant
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Millennium will fall.
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This is your cafe tap reminder. Please tap immediately.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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Stop talking about masturbation. Stop talking about cum. Stop talking about sex.
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she only says that because she gets pregnant just from sniffing a dick
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Would you play a spin-off like this?
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well i usually don't but i really want to sleep
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No, because that's not the real Nonomi. Nonomi respects my privacy and my rights.
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Junko does not deserve to eat
Junko does not deserve to be patted
Junko deserves to rot in a cell
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What is she offering?
The Nintendo DS game I wish I had in 2006...
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Millenium Summer when.. I need Utaha to bully Chihiro for gaining weight again
But a thing of extra strength melatonin to keep around
Haha good joke anon you forgot the Tea Party event.
Dick flattening
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Nonopits? Nonopits.
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Oh yeah
Nagisa Impregnation
>Maki, I told you to not vandalize public property, don't make me raise my voice!
>Fuuuuuck... Chihiro... I'm gonna cum... Ohhhh...
Really, Sensei?
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Girls in uniform other than the regular school ones.
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Hmmmm nyo.
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Juniper is so soulful bros
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Adult pussy
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Divegrass roster poll round 1 here.

Deadline: Start of October 10th UTC time.

based bee box eroticism appreciator
>lost 3000 rank spots in JP since yesterday
>3 more days to go
Why won't dress chick crit ;_;
>Tea Party
>Being relevant ever again
We'll be on our 6th Hina alt and Seia still won't be released.
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Is there really no option for Japanese text?
Even though you have Japanese voices and can literally hear what they're saying
>shoes not goofy
With D0remi officially gone, I'm fairly confident we won't be getting new Hina alts in a really, really long time.
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No and people have guessed it's due to contractual obligations with Yostar, since they're the ones who actually wrote the JP script for JP server only
Just play the Japanese version
Someone else can always draw her. The artists for a lot of OG characters aren't around anymore either
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Shh, Kisaki is sleeping
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Why is she blushing?
We could see a Kishiyo redemption arc. He is a big fan of BA. He draws a lot of fan art on weibo.
Why do you think we were gonna have another Hina alt soon anyway? Shiroko is the one that get the extra alts first, she even has Kuroko now
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>Tea Party event
>it's Hina joining the Tea Club and becoming the best Tea Master in Kivotos
Good, we need other students to be wanked
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Finally the sloppa is finished, the idea of making this for a character no one gives a fuck was entertaining, even /bag/ gets her name wrong half of the time
You drank out of her tea cup by accident
She farted in front of Sensei
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Real talk.
Kuroko is not an alt, she can be selected with Shiroko when the option to disable copies is on
I need more Nagitea
nice work anon
now prompt her in bikini while her milkers lactate
I know she's not an alt but she's a playable version of Shiroko, basically hag Shiroko
Which means she's gonna get even more alts than anyone else in the future
C&C wank is needed, the only way to survive the post anime EOS prophecy

Lovely shimeko
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No one sagged.
Kuroko is arguably a different person, so your argument doesn't hold merit.
I'm sure the shamikofags just take what they can get at this point
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I hope pajamas Hina (pHina, or just Pina) will be all about pampering her
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Should I be worried about this cop?
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>arguably a different person
Anon she is literally the same person, she's not even called Kuroko, it's Terror Shiroko. Besides, even if you did your mental gymnastics to consider her someone else Shiroko was still the first girl to get 2 alts, she's the one that gets the extra alts first.
Well, she and Haruna.
I bet Hina smells like happiness and freshly baked bread.
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We sagging?
Now prompt her giving birth
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Alright anons, you've been given the greenlight by John Nexon himself to pitch a fun idea for a new event for your favorite student. The only catch is it has to be an actual event, you've got to think of a fun plot and how other students are involved too, it can't just be only about your studen-wife. Bonus points for going the extra mile like the DHina event.
What is your proposal?
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Kayoko isn't a literally who but I still see people spelling out Kayako.
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How does Shimiko's fan feel about this?
Which students would like it if they found out sensei had secretly been using their dirty panties to masturbate?
Regular Hina smells like sunshine
Summer Hina smells like happiness
Dress Hina smells like roses
Pajamas Hina smells like freshly baked bread
A lot of OG characters were just one-off freelance deals meant to be drawn by the core in-house artists. Nodoka, gamer twins, fuuka, etc.
Hina was always gonna be doremi's waifu. Someone else can draw her but they're gonna have to tread carefully.
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Hugs,more headpats or even handholding, i need at least one of these in her future momotalks
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>Kuroko is arguably a different person
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Gaming with pajamas Hina and Alice
Then cuddles
Holy shit, you guys are fucking retarded.

I said ARGUABLY, learn2read.
Legit who was (You)r first studentwife, Sensei?
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I don't know man, the model is pretty cute, shouldn't we keep things very family friendly, It would be like lewding my daughter
There's no argument and you're just a retard, learn2read
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Shimiko(Sherlock) and Suzumi(Watson) vs Akira(Lupin) and Niyaniya(Moriarty)
Book thievery in the Trinity district begins to run rampant leading Suzumi to ask Sensei for help as the JTF and Valk are unable to do much. Sensei leads her to talking to Shimiko about the stolen books who uses her familiarity with detective novels to join the investigation
That doesn't change anything, it's like saying Nonomi is arguably a loli because she's younger than Hoshino
Think of what you are typing before you hit send next time
Kayako makes my DICK hard
I mean there's at least 2 faggots that they have her with 100 bond, better than Kikyou or the Cherino
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Nikke already did the Akari lupin thing.
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Shimiko only has 43 R18 works on pixiv and more than half of them are bad.
You must do it for the good of society.
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I came to this game because I destroyed my meat to Seiba twins
But, after further contemplation, I discovered the ultimate in student technology
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Giving Hina a lap pillow
Running my fingers through Hina's long and fluffy hair
Brushing Hina's long and fluffy hair
Making Hina so comfortable that she falls asleep on my lap
Carrying Hina bridal-style to her bed
Tucking Hina into her bed and pulling her blanket up to cover her
Patting Hina's head after making sure she's comfortable in bed
Telling Hina "Good night, sweet dreams, rest well" while patting her head before leaving her to her well deserved sleep
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First and only
Kuroko is an Alt

Shimeko won't be getting Alts

Hina's Alt era is over for good.

Serina L2D got me
>Akira with Kokochan's hair and Hoshino's eyes
Uh oh melty
I don't give a fuck what nikkers are doing
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It's funny that Renge got a 100 before Kikyou considering Kikyous gifts
Another day in the life of someone competent like Kanna would just blow more holes into the stupid sensei-buff lore. I will forever hold onto my headcannon that the shittim chest has a retardation field around it specifically to make the isekaijin not completely useless
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Just Noa
My current studentwife.
She's a bat
She smells like dust
do you think it will sell?
Once again, I am reminded how not all gift list are created equal
Shift Up devs and BA devs regularly talk with one another. Each company is based in South Korea. It's our sister game. We shouldn't tear either one down.
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It can always be worse.
kikyoufans don't exist. Not even here
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>More favorite books than Ui
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Big Noa's
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>Fuuuuuck... Chihiro... I'm gonna cum... Ohhhh...
True and canon route

>Maki, I told you to not vandalize public property, don't make me raise my voice!
Fake and gay, i said none of this in my timeline
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Imagine the smell and the fluffiness...Heaven and home...
Based detective chad. Would be cool if they incorporated the mystery a bit more so people actually had to solve something too, making it an actual detective event.
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Fuuuuuck... Maki... I'm gonna cum... Ohhhh...
My entire personality is posting my student wife on bag all day everyday every couple of hours.
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guaranteed EOS after 1 month of this
She is not an alt, you can have both rokos in the same cafe
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Your picture is wrong...
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Just because Kanna's competent doesn't mean everyone around her is. That's probably half why she always looks so stressed.
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too big
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at the first sight i saw her in 1st PV
I love my cute daughters :)
Anyone but Hina
If you really want it to sell just make Niyaniya one of the banners, she's guaranteed to sell
>arguably a different person
>gets upset when people argue it
Cum in son
Freaky Friday pseudo-halloween event where a bunch of students bodyswap after some spooky mishap
But not sure how to sell alts with this setup, so maybe nevermind
All you do is trade the halos
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Alright anons, you've been given the greenlight by John Nexon himself to pitch a new set of banners to cause EoS as fast as possible.
What banners do you run? No reruns allowed.
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Who got the saggiest mammaries?
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My son
Momoi (Midori)
Midori (Momoi)
Nonomi is not that desperate
If anything, the only pictures she would send are probably featuring her daughters(read: schoolmates) or places you can go with them(read her bond gear)
Nonomi is a senseirespecter after all
Hina(tax collector)

Run them back to back and watch 90% of players leave instantly
Blue Archive Side M: basically, just run a bunch of male student banners in a row.
basement lad
blacksuit bara bait alt in case the game manages to survive the first time
Mai banner (Bluefes)
Guaranteed EOS
d-dios mio....
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Akemi into 3 consecutive Hoshino alts
I would literally just do another Hina alt anniversary or something.
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I wonder just how fast BA would die if they introduced male students
Would be the single dumbest thing you could ever do
So like who do you use the mats you get from Set on? Does it even matter?
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Remember Sensei, you have rights
Seia banner and Seia(swimsuit) banner
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okay my first try to do something mild and man this shit is dangerous, at least we know it learned the correct proportions even if it has a mistake by adding wings
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sonsex hours
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Hoshino (Skibidi) will save BA
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Nonomi is a liar
Why is mint paired with chocolate anyway? Isn't mint by itself good enough?
mai waifu
Side M implies that it'd be a completely different game. I wouldn't mind a BA-like otome game that takes place in a different universe.
A few threads ago, some you anons were talking about trying the original RE psx game. These controls are absolute ass. How the fuck did anyone play this shit?
>Isn't mint by itself good enough?
Why would you eat toothpaste?
It would be some supreme irony if they eventually did, and that ended up being the reason why doremi and everyone else walked out.
one of the most intrusive thoughts for BA ever, I feel weirded out even thinking about it
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Fuuuuuck... Hare... I'm gonna cum... Ohhhh...
in a row?
You only need 1 banner to reach EoS
is torment greg possible without sSaki and Mina and Mine and sMiyako?
Mint doesn't taste like toothpaste
Yeah I don't like thinking about it either, I would be devastated if it ever actually happened.
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Post the student that you love but not enough to be your wife.
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Stop being bad at video games
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Hare has 3 bond 100 fags, she is ok in my book
>your student
>What deck would they run?
> Muh eos
Just rush banners with nothing inbetween to save up and you will die.
Oh and maybe reduce plat slots for raids.
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Kirino is a liar
Tank controls are good for games with slow movement and fixed-camera angles that constantly change your perspective. Playing old school survival horror without tank controls would get annoying very fast
Isn't the GA Greg Torment just Iori?
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Why are you retards surveyposting at 320?
This nigga never played a tank-control game lmaooo, git gud
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Rare Shimikosex.
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Going by affection
Mine is required for that comp
>athena reveals that she was sapient the entire time and saves the day during the Deca apocalypse after Rio runs away again after shanking Arisu
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My studentwife has over a hundred bond 100 fags. They just don't post on twitter because they are not attentionwhores. I saw it in a dream.
>Genshin has males
>very successful
>HSR has males
>very successful
>Nikke has male NPCs
>very successful
>AK has males
>very successful
I've never understood the narrative that males ruin games.

Even games like AK, almost all of the operators still view the doctor with respectpir possible love interest. Also, it's not like every student in BA has a crush on sensei. We do have students that just respect him. So not even in BA is every student made for (You).
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I have Aris at 30 and I hate her, she's a robot not a student.
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What the fuck are tank controls?
That's the entire cast though
>So not even in BA is every student made for (You)
Tourist hours
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I knew she would be the one when I first saw her in the student list, and she's never let me down since. Her moments in the stories are great and I can't wait for her alt
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Wow I didn't think you could make bait that obvious
It would be like revealing yuuka had a boyfriend offscreen all along
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>conveniently forgets Mashiro
Do you even play the game bro?
sexiest and cutest alt in the game, where the fuck is Maki camp nexon
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> Homo changs
Like clockwork.
And all the chink gachas have the worst fanbase on the planet, somehow worse than the western one.
bros we're not successful it's over
seia over even
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How could you hate THIS?
Athena-3 is sentient
It also sends half naked snapshots of Hare to sensei.
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Every time I remember the line "And I get more ass than a toilet seat" from Shake That Ass I'm both genuinely impressed and envious that someone could come up with a line like that.
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> male ruins game? i don't get the narrative
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But every student is cute and lovely though?
It's not wrong, and if they're not my "wife" then I'm not a whore or slut
I'd shake Koharu's ass.
okay, townbicycle
I'd shave Koharu's ass.
>sensei casually mentions a birthmark or other intimate detail he should not know about
This is why you have no rights
Athena is trying to get Hare laid
It understands romance better than her
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There's a decent chance the next raid difficulty after torment will be announced during 4th anniversary.
What should its gimmick be?

This is cute.
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The next raid difficulty should be called Unreal.
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My Kayoko tulpa stayed visible for about 45 seconds today which is my best record yet.
They already said they won't make more endgame content because casuals don't like it.
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please let kot in
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Congrats on your mental illness Sensei.
Haha my cat used to do that.
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I get the impression Yukari would get turned on by knowing sensei likes her smell.
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PS68 mogs Abydos on bond level
Casuals might not like it, but whales do. And whales is where most of the $$$ is at.
If I were them I'd put out one last difficulty past torment that should keep things secure for the next 2 or so years, then focus on ways to help newbies catch-up (this is one of the chief primary complaints about BA today)
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Playable Shupo soon
They should increase plat slots to 500k if the casuals are whining
It's fine, I can make her voice play in my head on command and it makes me feel better.
Whales roll for collection purposes. You can easily complete torment raids rolling only for meta with only monthly/selectors or even f2p if you have been playing long enough. And it only takes a year or so to catch up.
>I can make her voice play in my head on command
That's just called having a mind's eye (or ear in this case I guess).
No generals ever been concernposting as bad as /wuwa/ and hell even their subreddit are insufferable.
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Oh Haruka, I love your legs
What's the point of spending in these games if you can just private server a modded client?
It's Chise!
More like nobody likes it because most of it is resetting and critmalding for 0.01 second gains to score-whore for the limited plat spots.

People shit on Set but the scoring system is 1000x better than TA, where it's more about clearing a level anyway you can using everything you've got and there's more opportunity for teambuilding.
It's Chise
You be surprise how many modded BA characters for wuwa on chinkland (there's Mari version for both Genshit and this), as if chinks doesn't find wuwa characters memorable (beside fujos lusting on male designs).
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I feel like I would like Set more for being more casual if it wasn't such a visual mess. Reworking how buffs and timers are displayed would probably help a lot towards mitigating that
I want kisaki ball...
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Let’s see Paul Allen’s studentwife
It's Umikasex
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Hug Akari a lot
Torment has been enough for plat for like every raid except DHina Hiero and BHoshino Peroro (there might have been some other raids with like 22k torment clears but that's close enough).
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I was gonna ask /bag/ something about the game but I got distracted and forgot
Have Nagisex
>no sound
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This post was made by evil gehenna mobs that want to see you get raped by the gourmet club, do not listen to them
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Hell yeah.
that's not nagisex
Because you enjoy the gameplay?
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My precious desert rose.
>more opportunity for teambuilding
Yeah sure there really is a lot of variation when all clears require Sakurako, D. Ako, S. Shiroko, S. Izuna, and Kokona. Two of which are limited students btw.
Which are worse Gehenna mobs or Trinity mobs
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TA is awful
>get plat score
>have to spend a whole week anxiously hoping your plat holds
>some nigger beats your score because his Himari has T9 boots and is UE50 and yours is only UE40 with T8 boots
>have to clear it again everyday for a week
What the FUCK
Shut up Gehennoid
>one-pan torment kaiten
Behold, the power of the cunny leaders
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ry decious presert mose
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How do we fix the Hoshino problem?
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All Nagisas are Nagisex
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Akari is an Innocent Girl who has done Nothing Wrong
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I don't get challenge 1
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Thoughts on Shuro's initial design?
>reverse image search
Huh. Didn't realize Haimura (raildex artist) has been drawing BA for a while now.
It's good. What we ended up getting is also good.
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I already fixed it though. Go focus on another student.
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your fault
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
Haimura is based, and he is always drawing JC
Don't shoot the ones without a health bar?
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do not kill the dudes
but also kill some of the
dudes skibidi swag
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>ignores the fact that there's team variety with only a few core students and the rest are flexible
>ignores the fact that the flex positions are all viable because it's not based on clearing it 0.00001 seconds faster
just use s.hanako
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It's neat, but I'm honestly really glad with the Shuro we got.
Shoutout to whoever on the dev team suggested to make her more of a child at the last minute.
Remind me of my ex
It may not seem like it but this is a Kasumi general.
Just use ST characters. Maybe one AoE to do the first two waves.
The trick is that your Basic also aggros the mobs in wave 3 so you can't take characters that have AoE attacks on their basic either.
I shit on Set because it's nearly unplayable on phone, the amount of runs I lost because I couldn't buff or properly get off Hanako's health on time was fucking infuriating to say the least, shit needs more zoom and way less extremely tight timing
I want to look underneath
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>has to ask her mom to tell sensei to fuck her
Why is she like this?
I literally can't play Set past 49 because I don't hate Sakurako, Izuna or Kokona fuck set
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Using Wakamo in a raid is nuanced and fun.
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Is it worth it to roll for aspie Hoshino in the next banner if I don't have her?
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Post floor 100 clear or I'm giving argumentative victory to the other anon.
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Hating any of your students is secondary behavior so its good to hear you don't hate them.
My wishlist is to be able to control the camera Company of Heroes style which would also help with awkward placements, like when your students run into the bottom right corner behind your skill menu.
But of course I bet that idea gets shot down because playtesting data showed that majority of users got confused and just quit, I dunno
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Using Wakamo as a loving cum receptacle is mandatory and fun.
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Does THIS look like an innocent girl?
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If you care about clearing perorozilla at the higher difficulty levels, yeah. Otherwise just save / borrow her
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I hate Cherino cause communists aren't people
>that innocent smile
Natsu isn't required for clearing peroro, stop perpetuating this myth.
Wakamo isn't for using as a cum receptacle, she's for mutual love and respect, full eye contact, missionary, hand holding, embracing, etc
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hmm nyes
haruka is cute and precious
>artists like nonomi and have considerably high bond(40+)
>they don't draw porn of her
>but they draw literally everyone else with fat tits
I love mandatory fun
Nonomi is too innocent and respects my rights
Especially if it's Goz and you need to make sure she doesn't' die to a sneeze like NYkayoko does every raid.

Seriously fuck Kayoko. Garbage ass mechanics in all her versions
>mutual love and respect, full eye contact, missionary, hand holding, embracing, etc
Yes, during which I use her as my cum receptacle where I cum inside her repeatedly without pulling out.
Anyone know when Wakamo will have a rerun in JP?
They respect her rights
This is a really dumb idea. I love it when my pistol students run ahead of everyone and eat all the attacks.
Nonomi is pure
tell me a single good point on Nagisa
sex with wolf segs
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This is all Nonomi propaganda that girl will drain your balls and you don't get a choice
She was right.
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why does key not know how to eat yogurt
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I think she's cute
I'll take it over that gook that draws cute Nonomi chibis and Nonomi fat bastard NTR
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>school full of actual succubi
>get drained by some unassuming foodie
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All the students are cute
She's grade-S bully(affectionate) material
For some reason, Sensei refuses to do so
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Aristocrat dumptruck, John Nexon's nerfs will not change this.
Why does she have a pony nose
Whos gonna drink that
One of the more competent leaders around
It's gone
Let it go
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>Respecting Sensei's rights
>most of it is resetting and critmalding for 0.01 second gains to score-whore for the limited plat spots.
that's mostly just insane though.
>there's more opportunity for teambuilding
that's also insane. Set is the most rigid gamemode in terms of teambuilding.
there's only a few students in the game at all who are viable, and when you have to use 10 of them, and only allowed one team, there's barely any wiggle room.
there's not a single clear of higher floors that doesn't look like a slight variation of the same exact team.
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Do not reject holy water.
>perfectly good Umika festival ideas rejected
Shizuko HATE
mmm my morning tea has arrived
Why do i find this so fucking hot
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Good morning /bag/, for 3 days I forgot to do peroro raid. I missed lots of raid coins...
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Nonomi is objectively not sexy, Sure she has an hourglass figure but nothing about her screams "BREED ME", aka no sex appeal
I mean just look at /bag/, most of her posts are about her alien eyes, not about raw dogging her. If you look at jap sites, they aboput her being their mom instead of posting porn of her
She's a huge ball of fluff
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She looks like Violator from Spawn
It would be the height of bad manners to refuse tea made this way.
would this actually have any flavor
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Would you midomo Midomo's midomos?
Just the way I like it
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do NOT joke with making teas please
we hate wides around these parts
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Nagisa hour?
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Why are all the girls from Trinity so whorish?
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Yes. While her friend watches.
why are gooks like this
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Hinata isn't a whore.
making sex tea with Kokochan
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Have you ever interacted with a girl from an all girls catholic school?
I'd try her tea
She was thirsty as hell in her summer momos
would you let your wife to be seen as a whore outside?
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Tea sucks
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she would renounce her vows is you even suggested it
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>Have you ever interacted with a girl
Just like everywhere else it has a long list of possibilities, I've met the biggest bitches (in a bad way, like they're obnoxious as fuck) but also cute girls that didn't have boyfriends back when i was younger and went to church...Never ended up with any of them though...that's why i'm here
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Fair enough, that was a dumb question.
Anyway, catholic school girls are sluts of biblical proportions, none of them will see the pearly gates
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Does she wear panties?
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All of them are massive sluts
With body count at least 10 before they reach half of their highschool life
No, this is not even up for debate
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Her fat fuckign ass
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>Turkey is the largest consumer of tea
So Trinity is based on Turkey?
when sensei is around, no
when sensei isn't around, maybe
true when she's shunny too
>>Turkey is the largest consumer of tea
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someone have that image of Hina being praised by Sensei and she's extremely happy later
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Be honest. Do you really love Kayoko or you just fell for the "le sad and emo" girl type?
I only like her for her voice
i hope to soon
rare airi sex
I don't like Kayoko but her voice, specially after NY alt, is sex.
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kayoko more like kayocute
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I don't even see her as a "le sad and emo" girl type so I'll go with the former. She's one of the most level heads in Kivotos.
more like kayocunt
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Favorite chibi among these?
She has new doujins every comiket cycles, stop being a fag. And /bag/ is full of faggots who lust after twink cosplayers.
thrusting into kayocunt...
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more like kayocool
does this count as wolfseggs oyakodon or is there a special word for sister threesomes
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You're right, my data is from 2016.
Sri Lanka is the largest consumer of tea, based on data from 2022.
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Premarital Nagisex
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Since no else will take you up on that offer I'll be the only brave soul to do it.
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They are slags.
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Hifumi seemed very dtf during the pool episodes.
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I'm hungry.
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Fine dining with uzawa

A nice $3 pasta with the good Parmesan cheese that comes from the green tube.
key panties...
I want to eat Muchuki .
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Now that Nagisex hour seems to have ended can we have Akanesex hours?
hi hungry i'm bag
It's reisa time
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>"Mom's touch"
Who thought that was a good name?
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>Now that Nagisex hour seems to have ended
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Why not both
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This one?
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Do you prefer exposed armpits or the subtle armpit chance exposure?
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It's a reference to mom's home cooking I would have to assume. Were it not for the anime characters because of a collab, I'd imagine that would be the default assumption on a usual day for the chain.
Wasn't she one of the three retards who pretended to drown herself during Trinity Summer 1 so she can have Sensei "save" her and teach her how to swim? Azusa and Tsurugi were the other two
Wish we got Mimori hours more often.
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Someone said Mashiro?
what are the lore implications of the fact that the phrase "Kokona hole" sounds exactly like "Cock onahole"?
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delete this
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Hi. May I take your order?
Hi, I want a Shun blowjob, please
No, we said JTF Mob. You know, the better Mashiro?
There's a lot of BA avatars in VRChat, chibi and non-chibi. It's great.

They actually had a VR experience for the Yuuka and Noa shorts at the third anniversary event in JP.
One steak, well done.
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Your mom.
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I'll take uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sounds more like "coke onahole"
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I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Uhhhhhhh yeah uhhhhhhhhh hold one one second sorry uhhh can I uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh could I no wait uhhh could I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Miyu noooo
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>Farmed 200 T9 gloves and 200 T9 boots last 2x normals
>Start prepping characters to do Set
>End up wasting all my boots before I finish enhancing all my characters
>Not a single glove is used
That's why Justin plannerchads rule and I drool. Never did I even consider the possibility of mat usage being this lopsided.
Luckily there's another 2x starting tomorrow but that means I'll procrastinate on Set another week. Can't believe I am actually GAing this content and only doing it in the final possible hours.
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New Haruna alt when?
Mashiro sex
My overshadowed wife...
dress tsurugi where?
I feel like a lot of problems would be fixed just by adjusting things to a % based system.
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>there hasn't been a single Twitter post since the incident
Did he actually hang himself?
I hope
but that's not how Kokona is spelled. it's not /koÊŠk/, it's /kok/.
it's pronounced /æugh/
Umika has a sister who lives near the coast. She's called Umida
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I'm a newfag which student is for me
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Only if Kims men didn't get to him first.
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professor nyanya
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>He got sued or just told to stay the fuck away from the industry
>He's probably bidding his time to come back as if nothing happened
>He roped
Wouldn't be surprised if he tries another scummy poaching move in like a year or something
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I guess, but I don't think "cock" sounds any closer
I've been playing BA for almost 3 years now and I genuinely can't tell if Chise is just pretending to be retarded or not.
qrd on the keshiro pikachu?
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Comedy gold.
Well...silver maybe.
Cute Miyu
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I guarantee you that they have a private collection of lewds with her. It's not that uncommon for creative types.

I post content in public spaces but have a few private pieces that'll never see the light of day
going with different alias perhaps?
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Still faster than impregnating Kayoko
He never was the same after P/-\LW0RLD entered the scene.
hand them over
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I chipped my tooth and I don't have dental benefits /bag/
Mika love
now you have a chipped tooth for the next 20 years hahahahaha
At least it's only a chipped tooth. I'm going to have to pay so much when I finally end up going to the dentist
BA will never be as good as before without its original core members
BA is dead
On his way to sell NFTs me thinks.
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drink milk and have more calcium
is there some new filter or some shit
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I'm a writefag and most of /bag/ doesn't have the attention span to actually read anyway.
They should make arona use her fat AI ass to automate some of the dailies if you're a veteran player. Just QoL the dailies out of existence.
Gone the way of Inafune...
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This Momoi stinks
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Wrong shoes.
they're the first one to abandon(and not mention sabotage) the BA ship
idg this narrative from isaq defenders
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which student has the coolest shoes
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So true bestie.
Dropping BA for a Chinese gacha as we speak.
>Cosplay whore doesn't even bother to go all the way with the clown shoes
>Still takes a picture where one shoe is the focus
What's the point dude
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Shes infertile?
It's just general doomfaggotry from BA haters
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peak female form
Maki and Fubuki have kingdom hearts tier shoes
what the fuck are THOSE
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She would take psychic damage if she wore momoi's shoes in public for everyone else to see
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How ya doin'.
that track is not edited right?
Out of those? Hina's boots walking over me.
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I remember someone if the shoes they were wearing had a real counterpart earlier this week
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I don't do this.
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>Gucci loafers
Mine is a dignified lady and wouldn't pose like this even if (I) requested her to
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When is she coming?
>hurr durr money money
>spends 1k on fucking shoes
too big
too slutty
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I wouldn't even pay $80 for shoes
Based Serika
Nope, still don't like her
t. New Balance sneakers
the most expensive shoes I have is like 200-300 dollareedoos, and it's a gift to me
what the fuck are those prices
Is everyone rich in millennium?
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>Abandon current internet persona and name
>Reinvent yourself as a new persona
>Rejoin the industry under a different name
>Before anyone knows itntoure working at a different company as someone no one has heard about before, only a few know the truth
This, 30-40 if i feel filthy rich.
I don't know what the implication here is
Luxury brands, anon. Shiroko's bike is also a couple thousand USD if I remember right.
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>2 weeks and a couple days until global gets the PV5 login screen
can't fucking wait
>hanako cosplay
>koharu body
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>720 / 351 / 1
>nonomi body
>ayane cosplay
what was that about
Shoe Archive
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We still don't know about mystery Pina...
You buy bottom of the barrel mass produced shoes.
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He callin you a broke ass nigga that wears grandpa shoes
I mean sure, she's got the body, but Nonomi's eyes are literally impossible for cosplay
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Those are just prices for 'high-fashion' brands, which aren't representative of normal items. Though generally speaking for something you'd be using on a daily basis like shoes/boots it's not unexpected to pay a bit extra for the quality, the boots I own were about $300.
I'm baking.
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My PV5 wife
Same. I'm baking poos in my butt.
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Cosplayers are simply trying hard enough
I'm glad Nonomi will never rape me.
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What's this then?
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Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada are all considered luxury fashion brands. Average shoe prices are closer to Serika's converse, although that specific Chuck Taylor line is probably considered "cheaper" nowadays. Also if you don't want to keep buying cheap shoes that would break in two months, you buy a higher quality but pricier pair, and $200 sounds about right.
on her own that is
I'm staying with 4th PV
Everything after has too many transitions
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Bitch ass temu shoe wearing slut.
She's just helping me sleep more comfortably...
Cat Saten
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Bros, I think my son has a sugar daddy.
Would carry Yuzu
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Stop anon don't
>your student
>your most expensive shoes
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I'm a simple man. I see Reijo, I cum.
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Voluntarily or not?
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I'm thinking about sex with gorilla-strength sensei respecters
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>When 4.5 starts lagging the fuck out and the music desyncs
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i hate gehenna
They don't actually buy the luxury brand shoes (except Nonomi)
They're all cheap Shanhaijing knockoffs
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*lands in belly button*
*rolls off onto bed*
this but mouthfoaming hatesex with ako and makoto
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gnite deds
Chinese hina

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Whatever track it is that plays when Kai shows up is so good. I'm sold on your hags, Nexon.
Good afternoon ded bag! Happy Monday! Hang in there and I wish you all a peaceful start to the week!
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made it
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Happy Monday trainanon

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