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Previous Thread: >>497388813

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Die scum.
Mika should die
She is called Junko, and she is a girl!
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you die!
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And take her posters with her
>only not released idiots sit in this box
Are those Mika Misono references?
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I'm running out of gray crystals. Are they not going to offer some easy way to buy this shit? It's absurd.
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I have over 1000 of them
Airi not for lewd
Hifumi not for lewd
Izuna not for lewd
Koyuki not for lewd
Mari not for lewd
Reisa not for lewd
Serina not for lewd
Umika not for lewd
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oh yeah?!
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Shouldn't we spend images on something more worthwhile, bwos?
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not for long, if you are doing Set upgrades
>you don't need to upgrade healing!
sure, still 450 for the stuff that matters
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I am no longer concerned as I am no longer attached to blue archive. I have crawled my way out of gacha hell and I have reached nirvana. I am free.
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not done yet
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I'm using my image rights on student pits
Are there situations where you would want S.Izuna if you already have a raised Sakurako? (Besides SET ofc)
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>I am no longer concerned as I am no longer attached to blue archive. I have crawled my way out of gacha hell and I have reached nirvana. I am free.
>He says while still posting here
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Hope I hit a Seia
Goz, and a few weird challenges
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sending this bullet into the future to hit this poster >>497415943
I am not a god.
I am not a sensei.
I am not a man.
I am awake.
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
Where the fuck are you going to use Azusa? And don't say she's your wife. You would have maxed her 7 months ago.
Shame about Seia
No one cares about FOX
The time for Nia and Kuzunoha is not yet right
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Trust no one.
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Trust Shiggy
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I care
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I also love your cute fox daughterwife!
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Same, already used all the shitter crafting stones. I actually even checked what she's using for Set upgrades a few months back but it was the alt and I just assumed she'd use the same thing...
Passive damage without having to spend cost. Though now with Kisaki the competition for teamslots is much tougher. Kisaki doesn't work well with the top blue dps so maybe she will still be relevant.
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End my suffering.
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Gamers, is it gay to want to have sex with THE brown woman?
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Is Iori a man's name?
is she ok
wtf based
I like her tiny chest.
why the long face
Hina should die
Sakurako is a pure DPS while sIzuna is a more support-ish one so their roles aren't even 1:1. Would Imagine Izuna continues to excel in Indoors content and on enemies with high CRIT RES.
she is still usable
She broke every pre-established rule about mob characters, and not in a good way. She never should have been a mob characters

Mob characters can't have unique halos, exposed eyes, or unique designs. She should have just been a named character
You know what would make me happy, Rin?
Bending you over the nearest desk
Nah, Hinawank should die.
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Of old age, with me
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what about the chink cooking mob
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junko dango daikazoku
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Is Sensei a justicefag?
I think he even tries to spare Gematria niggas
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>Mob characters can't have unique halos
Why is Junko angry?
Why does Mine likes the wavecat...
Momoi would never fish
I'm not using Azusa, that's not the point dumby

the point is ANY student you want to upgrade costs a lot and there is NO way to easily replenish that absurd amount.
>Event Story 10 doesn't have you make all the girls on site pee on the fire to put it out
"girl" and "guy" names aren't really a thing in Japanese
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>post junko once
>bask in the (you)s
The perfect crime.
lock her up
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Airi Sex
Hifumi Sex
Izuna Sex
Koyuki Sex
Reisa Sex
Mari Sex
Serina Sex
Umika Sex
patternfags don't usually have very good memories
your what?
That mob always reminds me of Sora
You know, after getting a full look this mob is kinda cute. I bet she's shy when you take her mask off
>punished for manwhoring
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Wavecat is actually cute.
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i have to take a nap please watch over chise for a little while, thanks /bag/
Sex. With Maka.
I lost to little girls again ..
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>found a bag with $1000 in the walls of my new apartment after trying to fix something
Today is a good day
Bro, you're gonna have a dopefiend after your ass
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What are you talking about? Yes they are.
it's over for you
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>Sora was prior Arius
My headcanon
The problem is that you are a manwhore
Jaime my beloved
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Favorite mob student?
I like the SR Valkyrie mob
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You accepted the payment
The spirits will claim what is rightfully theirs now
>get matts
>use them
god forbid

It's not affection, you idiots
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Put the money back
Unless you have any to end up on Liveleak
Jimmy LOVE
You're right. Affective gives more stats.
No, they really aren't

There are tendencies sometimes, but no, they aren't, Makoto, Haruko, Hinata,
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>This nigga when he watches PV5
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A tie between the delinquent boss and the hammer onsen mob. I also really like the mouryo boss but I'm not sure if that's an actual student or just a youkai or something
accidentally sent that

anyway those really common names are unisex, so is something like Yuki or Naoki

Of course there are a few that are fairly just one or the other like -suke names or "Hana" names but any name is just a combo of kanji
Just dont use them
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Transform them into pyroxenes so the fentanyl overlords can't get them back.
yup plat secured
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>their faces when some /bag/got explains he redeemed the cash for digital gaming currency
Literally never seen a male named Haruko or Hinata. Haru sure. But most names are gender specific, ones that work with both are the exception.
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Where's your Torment clear?
I taught in Japan for a few years and met many many male Haruko and Hinata kids

Actually, I never met a Hinata who was a girl. Anyways https://www.behindthename.com/name/hinata
unnecessary, I mean just look at how smug Aru is
no one actually plays torment, silly
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I know someone says it every time we get a new one, but these two are seriously too unique to be stuck in NPC jail.
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Don't you want (your score) to go all the way with Ibuki?
Writers should stop making an inept and obsessed mess out of Makoto. Every story, every event featuring her comes down to showing her as a dumb and annoying character for no particular reason. That slander got old real fast and since then does nothing but irritate a player.
If you ever read through Makoto's momotalks, however, you could have seen the real her — strong and competent leader, worthy to lead one of the mightiest schools in all Kivotos. Her bond story sharply contradicts with everything previously shown of her in a good way. I hope she'll get the treatment she deserves from the devs one day.
that's a penis
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>yes, I've just spent the money you hid in my apartment on pakeji, how did you know?
I could probably clear it but I don't care about the extra mats and I'm already going to get plat
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I'm really praying for that anon's safety for finding that suspicious money in his apartment.
she is getting the treatment she deserves

Maybe you've gotten confused at some point, but she is a petulant character. That is her thing.

Or, do you think every character must be competent and kind?
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Yaya Hinata?
>opens door to my comfy Schale office
aw hell nah.. Shiroko is just standing there completely naked
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I've made similar posts and I'm still here
i already told you i failed my mald ticket attempt at 3.5% left… leave me alone
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>3.5% left
>stealing Serina's hard earned cash
Take the money to the top of a skyscraper, have a shirtless fight, then explode it and let it rain down on the city
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Nope. I did a Karin clear and will take my gold
>implying the last 6 teams I sent lasted long enough to damage any add to 50% yet alone 8
I think it's about to become a bad month, anon.
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[X] Forgive
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what does that mean
>name is Goku
>has never been in a fight
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>day 1
>have every plat
Plat on Asia only counts as 1/3rd of a plat, sorry.
Are you f2p?
Not unique enough
If it looked old it's fair game. If it looks fresh put it back and pretend you saw nothing.
NA counts as 3/5ths
JP is only 1/2 of a plat. The only real platinum trophies are on KR.
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bros i love student panties so much
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>Day 1
>have 3 Plats
Torment is torment
same except the first raid
Post your teams. There must be something you can do better.
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He's simply on the side of the students

If the students want to do good he'll help them
If the students want to live in a park fighting cops he'll help them
Whatever they want to do, as long as he feels like they're moving forward, he'll help push them forward to keep going. Sensei will forgive or help even criminal students at times. Like when Ichika attacked all those train workers for no reason
Sensei encourages students to not be narrow minded in their justice, he brings the make up work club out past curfew even when it's against the rules because he believes minor rule breaking is acceptable. He wants to teach kids that can think and act for themselves, decide for themselves what is important in life, not just because the rules said it was important, but because they decided it was important for themselves
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Anyone else stopped to think about how the heart in the bond rank level up screen is placed rather close to their wombs sometimes?
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Listening to Driveways currently
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>read teacher x student hentai that isn't specifically BA
>mind focuses on the girl I'm messing with at work instead of on the chapter itself
I can't run away like this god DAMN IT
Blue Archive
bro, your Iori?
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you lied... on the internet...
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Suzumi alt when
>a few
>like -suke names
There are dozens upon dozens of names ending in 介/助.
And then there's 郎.
And 太.
And 次.
And 夫.
And 之/幸.
And 弘/広.
And for women you have all the hundreds of names ending in 子.
Et cetera.
Then of course you have all the other gendered names that don't have a common ending.

The overwhelming majority of names are gendered. Just look at this: https://forebears.io/japan/forenames
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Bet you haven't done a single Torment smartypants.
Bro he robbed a bank and told one of his students to walk around on all fours with a dog leash on.
Just ask her out you retard
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I can't choose. Let me have all the mobs.
It's not the name that's gendered, it's the spelling
Sensei has never extended any kindness toward Gematria. At most he's said "I can't bother with you right now".

Shiroko spares one of them, after having killed and critically wounded other ones. But Sensei? Sensei seems to just be annoyed by all of them
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I like this method of censorship
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>Shitting where you eat
so why do we get a Reisa/Natsu banner after Peroro, what the fuck was Nexon smoking
You don't need them
>i failed to clear peroro because i do not have nuts/reisa i am angry
>wtf theres suddenly a nuts/reisa banner i should roll for the next peroro
Long hair love
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Do you think Hifumi is sexy?
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I'm not retarded. I'm autistic. And probably have AvPD.
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Asia Torment actually has lowered stats that's just the facts.
Hifumi is pure.
Hasumi is pure.
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Thinking they want to spite you
Synonyms for retard
Got it
Sensei's wives and Ako
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>just enjoying my AroPla 3P doujinshi
>see the most beautiful 可愛い of all time
Honestly it's genius I don't know why they write it like this more often.
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It's that time again. Go and pat your students.
Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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My precious desert rose.
Sensei's wife and Hina, Chinatsu, and Ako
Socially inept would be a better suited word. Or if you insist on calling me retarded you might as well say I'm socially retarded and it wouldn't be wrong.
god i want to rub it in between her buttcheeks so bad
Should I get Kazusa or Yoshimi with my GA tenner?
My game doesn't load that fast so headpat time is at 5:01
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Lil' Miss Earthquake
Cute and cool
You know, you're so early that people who actually get reminded then have to sit at the cafe screen for some time before it actually lets them do headpats.
Kazoos is fine at 3* for Set, Yoshimi is borrowcore
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I bet you didn't even get plat this raid.
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I forgot the picture...
Anons get angry if I post late, but yes I used to post at 5 or 10 minutes after cooldown because of that
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I'm gonna do it.
Post at like 2-3 minutes after?
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You made the right choice
Striker Seia
Striker Himari
Prove it
Do they do this quite a lot or am I just remembering complaints from JP about the same thing?
Having Sex with the Yoshi
Ignoring the Junkers
You need Reisa for the dad pill.
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Why is she in the trashcan?
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You would a Yosh
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cannon wife...
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it makes finding source impossible

Unfortunate, since the art looks nice
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I would
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>no matter which route you enter you're most likely getting reverse raped
I thought all pajeet accounts like this are bots. How is it possible that he's replying with something this accurate
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
I'd rather have Koharu
>+1 hour long thread
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Wakamo hours?
You're forgetting your threadly scatpost, /bag/.
too small
Yes, that was my first thought.
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Only if it's without feet.
They are, bots will copy human comments to evade bot detection, look at any popular youtube video and you will see it
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Its actually Yosh hours.
Why does she walk like that?
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Are you doubting Muhammad?
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It's none of my business anymore but you seiafags really shot yourself in the foot with the whole post-copying schtick. It was like what 3 threads around a month ago where shitposting hit critical levels? I hate to use the meme word but you guys really got mindbroken by that and have been doing it ever since to the detriment of /bag/. Yes, it's a good way to keep shitposters from other generals out but it also prevents any potentially negative discussion here by forcing hostile positivity so to speak. The result is what we have now, essentially just a circlejerk with image spam. To an extent /bag/ has always been like that but it's absolutely gotten worse since then. Outside of v1c3 discussion which was just summaryfags because /bag/ is mostly EOPs and the occasional event story discussion in the same vein, actual discussion is extremely rare. It makes sense because there's always downtime but even so I wish there was more reason to actually participate in the thread nowadays.

I'll just make this my last post here. The reason I'm quitting is simply because I lost interest. There are a lot of great series out there that have more to offer and there's no reason to obsess over BA when it hasn't really delivered for a while. That's all. I don't care about the gook or thread drama as it no longer has anything to do with me, and I'm sure BA will still hold strong for many years to come. I'm satisfied that I was able to put my thoughts into words. Why am I telling you all this because you didn't ask? Because it helps me put a lid on my blue archive phase and move on. It was (mostly) fun /bag/. Thank you for reading my blog and feel free to ctrl+v.

I'm usually good for it because I just delete my accounts so I can't return even if I wanted to. I've come to the realization that gacha is some shit. I'm gonna spend my time drawing lewds instead and just never touch the games themselves again desu.
perfect ass, perfect pussy, perfect boobs, perfect girl
Where is the version that shakes.
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Yeah that's the stuff
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I thought I posted that one.
sneeze on this nigga's balls
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That's the plan
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I read it
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Yosh is a pig
Much better.
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I would never!
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imagine the smell
Post sexy Yoshis
Set requiring kokona is fucking bullshit. Whole game mode requires her.
dino fucker...
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whole gamemode is a misspelling of Fury of Sex
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beautiful shitpost I'm saving this to copy and paste another day
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Just don't be gay. It's that simple.
lol lmao
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Big fan of the SG Valk mobs
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Jumby my beloved...
>post you’re teams
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>he skipped
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don't bully the kokonalets
Sexiest mobs in the game
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You wouldn't actually fuck this.
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I WILL rape ticket you this winter. But I have to sac 3 sets because of my lack of sex.
I started way after her banner and can't afford rolling on her rerun.
your negative discussion is (oh surprise) filled with copypasted complaints btw
you know Serina (and eventually sAtsuko) exists right
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Give me a kokonalet serina clear of floor 97. I have yet to find it.
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bros im scared im gonna get pushed out of plat
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What rank/server?
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*pushes you*
The way to get past that fear is to not be in plat in the first place. If you stay in gold you never get pushed out of plat.
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Anybody who unironically thinks /bag/ is incapable of critical discussion is either a tourist or the type of person who constantly regurgitates retarded talking points about KV or the mahjong collab.
We've discussed the game critically at length many times before, if people are spamming Seia at you then maybe you're not actually trying to start a discussion and you're just shitposting.
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When is Nexon going to release Seia's banner?
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>>I started way after her banner
>he didnt reroll for her
I still haven't got a clear that kills it before the transition and I was in the top 20% of plat last time I logged in. You're doing something wrong bro...
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True, I would not only fuck this, kiss this, cherish this but also marry and make happy family with this.
>skipping sex
sex is a must
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Why is our player count getting lower and lower? We were at 600k raid players during the 3rd anniversary.
but gold
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I want to believe
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>/bag/ suddenly likes Kokona.

What happened?
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I to roll for BYosh NOW
This but diamond
>tfw no natsu
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That hand is a bit too dark.
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>6 months of reruns
I dunno man, they're taking a break I imagine.
You get 48000 pyro right now.
Kisaki never gets released.
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I have always liked Kokona.
Sorry thats my timeline, not yours.
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I asked them to leave so we could have easier plats, you're welcome /bag/.
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It's a bit late, but JPfags you can use this site to optimize the minigame in the Kisaki event
No kokona
>erm I don't have—
Not my problem.
But I'm on Asia I already had an easy plat...
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Cute pig
I still don't have neru
Damn. We really are dying.
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Stop trying to have sex with your students.
Okay, I will stop trying.
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and now you have it even easier, you're welcome
i needed this like
a week ago
it's so over
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Bro, your hard nodes?
3500 NA

I think this raid is just filtering the fuck out of everyone, because I'm plat despite clearing on Insane with barely any time left
I might have dreamed this, but somebody once posted an image of Seia's bird (the Shimaenaga) with stats and habits which described it like a predator or something
I only saw it here once but it was really funny and I wanted to draw something along the lines of that image but I can't find it anymore, does anybody have it?
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No one tells me what to do.
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>Hyakkaryouran ACTUALLY appeared in the end of the event instead of leaving in a gray area of rebuilding as alluded in the end of the Volume and Kikyou’s momos
>Prefect team was also intending to step in but late
You know we need more of that. I know they don’t like to use people that can spoil end of the Volumes but it’s pretty bad how Tea Party barely appears and at most Nagisa shows up in the Train Event cause Mika and Seia are so plot-crucial. But it has been months. Just get on with it.
Hyakkaryouran girls are all involved in the drama of Volume 5, spent most of it disconnected, their club on the verge of disbandment and in the end they still will have to deal with the paperwork and everything is in ruins. The writers have good excuses to keep them away from the participating but that didn’t stop them from a small moment here even if this effectively spoils that they fixed their strained relationship and are teaming up again and Yukari has fixed her issues
This is the third time you try this, you sound more desperate than the people playing a "dying game"
Because even though Project KV failed the damage has been done. We lost our biggest talents and the game has been drip feeding us for a year now. People get sick of the slow churn after awhile and go to play other games. If Kisaki being released finally and us not making more money that month didn't set off a huge red alarm, you aren't paying attention.
>no serina
But I know about the second one because it's one of the 3 clears I have units for. Planning to try replicating it at some point later for some floor below 97 because I most likely don't have chip stats for 97.
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My bad, I left it for the last couple of days so I just posted it now
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you told me a year ago to not buy the low level mats!!!!
i was told a year ago to buy them every day
don't think I've ever seen it but now I'd like to
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>tfw I've started playing BA 2 weeks too late to get Ibuki
I'm truly a lucky Anon.
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No I didn't.
Wait, am I not supposed to
She'll definitely get a rerun
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You dont need masteries, just +25 your wife and don't waste books.
Yeah, and Set released 6 months after that.
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I bet Yoshimi's panties smell really good.
Oh I know that but:
>I don't have her now
>I'll get less shards for her than I'd get if I started playing earlier
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I remember Tea Party being voted the club people wanted to see more from, only for them to basically never appear ever. They have a perfect fan dynamic which get fanart rolling.
Before Set, skipping grey and blue mats in shop was the optimal strategy for every event.
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Asuna Status?
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/bag/ should recline
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please stop bricking your blue archive account, you should be more responsible with it
reclining my penis into fubuki's vagina
Whats a safe rank for gold? Do people wait until the last minute to do this?
>delete my accounts so I can't return even if I wanted to
post video
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is this a bikini or underwear?
The optimal strategy was not being poor and buying everything
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Nah, I'd brick
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Shut up bananazoos, I already don't have Ako, Himari or NY Fuuka, I'll brick my account as much as I want.
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Fuck off gremlin, plana is better.
if you arnt in the top few 100 theres always a last minute rush that pushes people a few thousand spots
New player here, why are those important
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Kek, i remember a retard was doomposting even when the numbers went up and then said
>it doesn't count
Ask Hanako
all me
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Miyako status?

>Im all bricked up ova here ;)
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desu it's more stable / stagnant than anything.
playercount is about the same as the period between 3rd anni and 3.5 anni, and just before 3rd anni.
It's not suffering a huge decline yet, but bluefes / limited banners are not increasing it anymore either like it did in the past.

tl;dr I wouldn't worry about it... yet
90% of video games comes down to buffing at higher levels of content, not innate power

You get one really strong unit; give them 80% ATK up, 50% crit up, another 45% ATK up, and you melt the enemy with one turn.

It doesn't matter as much for random farming, but it matters for higher level content.
Universally good supports. Lots of raids come down to hyperbuffing one main DPS, and 2/3 of those pretty much guarantees an easy time.
Hopefully now without Isakusan they stop this autistic shit of shelving clubs for months.
nom nom
I've never understood people bragging about how much X game makes? Is it tribalism? Do they think they'll earn something if their game makes more money?
So if you have one of them, you don't really need all of them?
Why don't people just spark one then?
>copypasta post
Innate power is also a multiplier. You aren't going to get the same result with Azoos as DHina.
You need every meta unit
brain retardation
What did I say that got you so mad?
You "need" more than one of them. Of course you can spark them (when the banner shows up) (assuming you the pyros) (assuming you aren't saving for another student).
Shareholders are posting in the thread RIGHT NOW
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Oh. I only have NY Fuuka, I guess I need to start saving
bros should i invest in nexon
Sexy Momoi, but unfortunately it's sloppa
you only really need ako+himari, fuuka is barely used anymore
What the fuck is that thing in the background?
Slop artifacts
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
yea, guess you better start saving… PAL
Saiba Wakamo
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*sniff*... *sniff* >>497425383
I am going to spark for Band Yoshimi.
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>Saiba Wakamo
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I watched her for an hour. Now what?
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I got a Chise card today, guys
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Anyone that doesn't it hard bricking their account.
Bro your NYHaruka?
I don't think that guy is right
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That's a good card
But... Mimori is pure...
this is her body after giving birth to my children
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Same. Unfortunately I'll have to skip Nagi.
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Pure sex.
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Kirara is so sexy!!!
bodythrowing insane
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I can't get over kirara's stupid voice....
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to commence the autumn events! Final round is gonna be Reijo vs Mina?!? WHO WILL WIN THE GIANT GOLDEN WOK?? Find out on the next episode of the King of Shanghaifist tournament!
First week of December
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Stoatsex while she is handcuffed
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Chihiro respects my privacy
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Currently rank 800
fun raid easy raid
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How many rainbow spandex tights do you own homo?
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Seems normal enough to me
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VERY SOON SUZUMIBRO! The Trinity Masquerade is right around the corner and the Vigilante plan is good to go!
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Even Cherino
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I can fit in Hina
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>this is what stoatfags lust after
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5 but I need those for work
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Is this true?
NY Fuuka is a cost down support, she is absolutely still useful. People used Ui instead for a while, but now we have C. Hare and D. Ako (and D. Aru I guess) you can use NY Fuuka because you don't need Ako/Himari filling both of your special slots.
Are you prepped for Halloween?
small ₚₚ Sensei...
i too am a struggling alcoholic
No... it's because Hina's body can endure Sensei entirely
I am more bricked on meta students than you could possibly imagine
And I don't really care. I only have meta students if they coincide with my dickrolls.
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That's right
Why did they accurately give her a fufufu laugh during the Hinaversary event, but now they've regressed back to heeheeheehee?
Miyako lost
Translators are not consistent.
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>Just did 99 set on full auto
Globalshitters had issues with THIS?? How embarrassing.
Took several tries and I'm glad it worked because set is such a shitty game mode to do rotations in
They let some unique laughs through during hinaversary. Makoto too. Who knows why. Back to business as usual though
>post season 3
You didnt beat it
For ever victory we have, there's a constant regression in quality
>post kuroko
I knew JPkeks were dumb but holy shit. Imagine being proud of having your handheld.
Pretty sure the nerfs were marginal or non-existent for higher floors.
>sexy shiroko
Guide Tsubakis rewrite is the worst shit they've done for a long time, wasn't even a bad translation at that point it was just straight up rewrite territory.
Feels like they're trying to push it more and more nowadays.
Higher floors didn't get nerfed but 74 and everything below did
they don't make handhelds any more
switch and steam deck doesn't count (because I said so)
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You're supposed to post Chise you little smart ass.
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How would you fix the way buffs / debuffs are displayed in-game?
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I don't have pyros to pull yosh alt. As much I would like to pull her I need to save for bluefes. t. 8k pyros
Probably just the localizers ego is bruised after fans keep managing to correct their fuck ups, so now they have to double down harder. Its not what the fans what, no one wants it, which is why the localziers have to do it out of spite to try to score victories against the fans who just want accuracy.
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Here's the full auto comp if anyone wants to save it and run it when Kuroko hits global because honestly fuck set
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rolling for Momoi. I'm gonna use her all for the purple content that's coming up
Maybe the pause menu should have a list of buffs over each student and their time remaining for starters at least.
As long as you have DHina you can just borrow BYosh.
It's over Makotobros
Even she's slowly losing her peculiar laughs
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are there any doujins where the girl is mentally retarded?
a-asking for a friend...
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I have bad news
You want a chise doujinshi?
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Probably, wouldn't be surprised if they're getting pissy considering how many complaints they get every event. Fuck 'em though.
Hopefully they fix this one, harder to tell with events until the rerun though.
I've been slacking on a few potential tickets, I should get off my ass and send some more in to fuck with them.
I really should have pulled nyAkari
Why did I decide to spend less this year
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Heads up
big momoi
medium momoi
What lines have been corrected since Kikyou?
it doesn't have to be chise specifically
t-that's what my friend said...
Hold on a second, no one here has friends. This story isn't adding up.
How do I keep Reisa alive during Perorodzilla?
Explain this
use Natsu
astral projection
Arona did it
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pop her ex when the laser starts so she doesn't lose too much health.
In my opinion, alts shouldn't be allowed on the same team as the original.
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Should have bought the pakejis sensei
>phone temperature too low to charge
>it's almost 30°C
I have to travel out of town for 2 weeks, so can't even get it fixed/buy a new one
God, please, just kill me
Double Fuuka naizuri...
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Consider the following
i'll take the door with the goat
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How loud is Neru when she climaxes?
Consider this: Fuuka is taller than Mimori.
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>mimori was released 5 years ago
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>Do my last peroro raid on my phone
>Somehow finish 30 seconds earlier even with bad crit luck
>Go up 1200 ranks
I'm starting to think playing on my phone gives me better RNG
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I would just feel bad if I had to eat this.
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Would Fuuka
Would Mimori
Would Rumi
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Y-You're lying! No she isn't!
Fuuka is the goat
You have a very correct opinion. There's a button to disable exactly that in the options. Unfortunately, nexoncucks still support cloneniggers.
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Any pictures of her sliced up?

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