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Previous Thread: >>497436234

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Sensei needs to get drugged more.
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Kosaka Wakamo.
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Saya... mercy
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Hinata is a child of god
She is not for lewd
Not even a massive sneakerhead but there’s some thing great about a girl with a nice pair of shoes.
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How did you enjoy the giant cock?
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Peroro status?
They're going back in storage soon
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Yuuka bunda.
Explain that body then
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
Didn't use them
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My precious desert rose.
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I hate peroro.
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Also, you could probably find a much more affordable pair that does look like what they wear with some modifications. There's a possibility that this is similar to those "steal his look" memes where they show a character like Spongebob or Hank Hill and identify the clothes he's wearing and put expensive luxury brand items at least 3 digits in price in USD. Considering they gave Serika a "relatively cheaper" pair of shoes and her reputation of being broke, that seems plausible to me.
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ask that at /kvg/
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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Now post her ass!
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post wak
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>14 fucking minutes late
Doesn't matter since it's the last headpat of the day
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This is a hole
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Why is Hifumi so erotic?
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>>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
>Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
>Reisa (3* - Rerun)
>Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)
I don't want these girls. I only want Wakamo.
I prefer Mika hole.
Twitter is right, mx2j is wrong
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If you're going to put that much effort into caking your face with 3 layers of make-up, then put the same amount of effort into buying/ordering a custom pair of J cup breasts (american measurements) and wearing them
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Kazusa needs to be even bigger.
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You have almost 4 hours to do it
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a fucking CLONE
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So when are they going to fix the art now that it's confirmed it was a hit job?
I see several holes in this picture
Sensei should buy pakeji
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Why are you like this
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Open to see your studentwife.
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Why was Pikakek such a seething manchild about BA
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Would you?
Pretty Nonomi
I prefer that one summer Hifumi cosplayer with the really nice tummy.
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I have a sexual attraction to the desert rose. And. Uh.
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Post her
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You only like Wakamo because she's the canon wife.
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More like rent free lmao
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Osakusan? What is he seething about?
Isakusan should die. Also Hina
He ain't lying,
check the filenames
Farfie never left
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>Seething rant about halos being le bad
>uhhh *drools* what is he seething about?
John here, we are desperate here, I need a student fast, that can give me good numbers on youtube shorts, but I can't use students that already have 3D models, ¿Any ideas?
>halos being le bad
Isakusan wouldn't say that
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Hoshinohachi Mishimakanashi...
nom nom
/bag/ would die with ecelebs
I think writers are worse than artists in the brain damage department
Musicians seem to be the least deranged artsy types
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/bag/ would die without ecelebs.
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Do not fuck dogs.
This isn't your shithole /alter/
A woman would have been better
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Sensei is such a whore
i look like this
Doesn't look angry enough, there's a better momoi for this
Sensei, you cannot fuck ears or nostrils.
Hey, 20 pyros is 20 pyros.
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Meanwhile in China
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I can't self insert into this because I'm the same height as Tsukuyo
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Why did they flop?
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but i'm 160
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I want to lewd Hifumi more and more with each passing day.
Silly Mika, you can't randomly punch walls
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Who the fuck is spending $80-$90 on chucks? I've gotten them on sale for $25, would never spend more than $60.
Why did Doremi shit out this terrible design
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We almost lost...
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I can and will.
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key sexo
Iori bondage and forced orgasms.
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Didn't even notice she's wearing shoes.
>sexy in spanish is also sexy
¿Big Momoi?
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boober thicc
>OOC art
I need a picture like this but with Hifumi or Hoshino.
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Has Hanako ever actually used a sex toy?
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99% of /bag/ are manlets
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>Sensei... nani?
I love her dangle voicelines
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comfy wife's cool shoes
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Fine I'll do you a solid.
Well /bag/?
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Whats the next event? It's not just two dead weeks until ass band right?
as it was foretold
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Thought I had more pics but can't find them, maybe someone else does.
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small Senseis are easier to rape
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2 (You)s today, 'twas a profitable week indeed.
Isn't that Ayane cosplayer?
>only 2
Seia fell off
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>It's not just two dead weeks until ass band right?
Check the banner list retard. And we always have a rerun between events anyway.
I'm Shiroko's property
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Please enjoy volume 1 chapter 3. Would you like fries and a shake with that order? (Damn I can't wait to leave this job and start my own personal project).
Kai's music in this event is great. You've got my vote on this hag Nexon
>I think writers are worse than artists in the brain damage department
You can literally see this from Joker 2. It's amazing how petty some people can be.
Also has that dogshit “soft oc” artstyle westard artists often use.
I've gotten used to dismissing all art that use that style
Happy these people go out of the way to make it identifiable
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It's 2 am and I'm hungry
What did they see?
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Yeah she uses Sensei
>Musicians seem to be the least deranged artsy types
Which isn't saying much considering there's a musician scandal every 2 seconds
I mean its no secret the Joker 2 was made out of spite. Todd Phillips hates his audience and the first film being good is nothing short of a miracle.
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Go to the convenience store or something.
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>Musicians seem to be the least deranged artsy types
are you retarded? I am serious
They don't exist in my city
Sexual... Thank you for blessing me with this old man's ass.
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>Musicians seem to be the least deranged artsy types
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It's over...
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Then go to another city
2am driving for a convenience store run is kino
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When have we ever had 2 new events in a row retard
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Why not? The city I'm in has convenience stores at every other corner
Shut the fuck up Ako
Quiet Ako
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Reisa getting impregnated.
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
Ass up, bucko
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Total Daughter Love
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What did she mean by this?
You are her new toy.
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Toki Mondays
Imagine the smell of sweat permeating from the many crevices of Hasumi's body
This was before Sc*tt shit himself to death wasn't it? How did he let them get away with it?
>jobs to Kai
Based desu. Hina would never get this treatment, which will forever make her worse. Kai also remains a threat too, what a great event
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lust provoking image
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Did she buy more?
Those are nipples of a pregnant woman, the hell
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>My Haruna lost every single coin flip defense
Dumb lizzard bitch
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>Check up on an artist that semi-regularly draws normal and cute fanart of one of my students
>Recent work is beast content of her
What the fuck?
Hina jobbed to Iroha, Ako, and now Kisaki.
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Hina has it in her contract that she can never look bad, she must always win, she must always come out ahead, and she must always be perfect at everything. Even if there's something she can't do, she can easily become a pro at it after a week because she's perfect.
Artists are all godless degenerates
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By me.
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Remember to skip Toki so you don't brick your account
So you're saying that Hina is The Rock?
I just changed my PSU and GPU without blowing up for the first time!

Blue Archive
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Retards are back...
Their gonna start ranting about their beloved black holes or some shit aren’t they
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getting bricked up for toki
My personal goddess of fertility...
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Where's the irrelevant time wasting question?
Yeah you came back
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key sexo
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Is coffee good for you?
>ERP vibes
Quick someone post Mika
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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No one assed
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>your student
>your height
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I don't know, but I like coffee.
Mika love
What would Hanako do if sensei handed her a vibrator and just started staring at her?
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>surveyposting already
The most self aware Hina SEAchurl everyone
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No, you're just going to make fun of me.
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goodnight /bag/
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It's good for me and my wife makes some good stuff
13.7 centimeters
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Shigure? Sensei is a legal adult, so of course he's drunk before- Where did you get that bottle from?
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I assume this is applicable
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This reminded me of a retarded dream I had where onsen Shiggy was trying to convince me to go into her room by telling me she had a bunch of Pink Floyd albums in there and also to help her check how good the room smelled and then I woke up sweating
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sensei you are the crawling hinaos' prisoner in kivotosland
shigure I was hospitalized for weeks because my pancreas exploded from drinking too much. I can’t go through that again
I blacklisted every single artist that participated in that c104 beastshit doujin. They can burn in hell
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It's not fair! My younger brother is tall! My father is tall! My grandfather was tall!
>dreamt of shiggy
Hand it over. Your brain synapses.
She had to convince you?
Hey at least this time it's not gonna be one of YOUR organs that's gonna explode from having too much LIQUID inside it
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>he hasn't also dreamed of shigure to some capacity even if she only showed up and said hello for a brief second
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She gets nervous over chocolate what makes you think she'd do anything with a vibrator in front of Sensei
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How many of you have had BA related dreams? Any good ones?
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I don't really see dreams anymore unless they're nightmares
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14 cm
You're next
that's not very tall
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Most of the 'dreams' I remember are gruesome in some way. The most recent one involved me drowning
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Literally me
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reisa no she has a dick
Follow your dreams Sensei
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Bring it on.
176cm SEAryan here.
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Stop posting rabis
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I can consistently have BA dreams but last week was a problem because I had a dream I was at a cafe discussing students with Junkos sensei. Stay the FUCK out of my dreams.
You're more likely to remember nightmares due to the sudden shock awake ironically. People always dream when they sleep, but you forget basically all of them by the time you wake up, the ones you remember are the abnormalities. You remember them clearer based on a few situational differences; how "awake" you are while asleep, certain things such as light or noise in the room might allow you to remain slightly awake in sleep when normally you wouldn't be, also your sleeping position can influence how conscious you are while asleep. Also how quickly you go from full on REM sleep to being awake can influence whether you remember the dream, but even then dreams are typically designed to be forgotten, so it has to leave an odd impact or you write it down for you to remember it.
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I want to shoot so much cum into Ichika's womb...
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hhhi hi
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I got married to Chise in a dream once, SoL stuff. Pretty comfy, until I woke up.
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hmm nyo
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Rabi hours
Are you taller than your studentwife, anon?
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I dreamt that Saori shot me while I was shopping.
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No more kaede posts after this post
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May as well tape my bedframe back together and change the laundry soon.
I had a dream where I was cuddling with Nagisa in the morning. Not sure why her in particular
It was pretty confusing going from a dream where I was in bed to then wake up in the same bed
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The only one that I remember involved a panty raid minigame being added. It gave a collectible like the valentine's momotalks but failing the minigame made the student get pissy with you and wouldn't be selectable for a day.

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yosh is a fat fuck
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why can't i find the guaranteed 3 star pull ticket that you fags talked about in my shop, i only have the selector ticket option
I'm taller then all of my students.
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I dreamt that I was making out with Iori on my couch. Btw I don't even like her or the tsun archetype so idk what my brain was on about when projecting this shit to me.
it could be worse bro
trust me
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lmao even
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Cute pudding commie dork.
She's carried me for this season and the last, not sure if I'll be able to use her next one though.
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Now post your monitor size
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Nyoo wayy
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No anon, don't make the same mistake I did...
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What happens in 2nd pic?
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My gacha game dreams are always just me playing the game like normal and maybe occasionally rolling
I was about to get raped by black suit in a dream once. I woke up in the middle furious and feeling violated. Man I fucking hate how I can just have the weirdest dream like that.
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Why is /bag/ so small?
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I said stop posting rabis.
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Look at my finger
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It was actually pretty comfy especially with both our students there. Kinda like a casual double date. I'd rather not revisit it though because dreams like that lead to me sleeping in.
This is common? My Chise dream confused me too. I like her a bit, but she's not my favorite.
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Could be worse, I had a dream that I was reacting to a BA stream on /bag/.
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I dreamed seia got released
i can't even find the thing bro
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I don't believe a fucking giant like you can exist.
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There's nothing wrong with that and it feels good
Because it was only purchasable for a limited time
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Just sleep in, what are they gonna do, fire you?
Good, someone purged that evil ticket from BA.
178~ cm
Uu..11 year old ass..
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Usually I try to manipulate my dreams by having the TV playing something while I sleep, either my Kodi playlist shuffled, music, or actual live TV or whatever. It definitely works.
If I don't do this and sleep in silence then whatever dreams I have are just personal nightmares and I hate that shit.
Waiting to see which student shows up in my dreams to try and sell me an air fryer or vacuum cleaner while a 1 hour infomercial of them plays on my TV
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that sucks, will it ever come back?
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they always do
please don't fall for it
that ticket is evil
They'll probably do another random 3* ticket on Global's 3rd Anniversary or ASSBand in a few weeks which they might brand as the 3rd Anni event.
I'm guessing you're from Asia? People this tall aren't that uncommon in Europe.
Why the FUCK did they gimp SAtsuko by making her normal skill pretty much useless? It should have been another free heal like Serina.
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> Chihiro
i always being make fun because of my height
Maybe our anime isn't the worst...
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Jesus christ, the Abydosfags are HUGE.
that's what my disposable income for, anything for delaying EoS
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>i always being make fun
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Would you let Waka lick your wound?
JP had one for the band event
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Ah so we'll definitely be getting one then.
Wakey wakey bondfags time to open your fucking wallets.
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now i'm being midori'd
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>Kaya comic
>Is always Kaya being smug and then losing
I did that.
does /bag/ get hard when a little girl verbally abuse them?
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Are you guys all SEA? How are you actually this short? 178cm is average in my country and we tease those people for being short.
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>4 purple gifts
>2 were lace pillows
>treasure map as well
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I still can't believe the Correction Bureau is real in Kivotos.
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I've had several
>A sleepover with Yuzu
>Spec Ops students trying to escape from the former institute and killing killing Cherino
>Seia raping me
>Miyako getting railed by futa Azusa
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I'm a flip
I've already embraced it at this point
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Can I have them?
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Hmmm...nyo. You pray to your own crafting chamber.
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do /bag/gots bother doing the AP Hoarding shit that's in the rentry?
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive.
these TLs are dogshit give me the raws
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flip here, my consolation is that i supposedly have a pretty face and i apparently make up for my height through other characteristics. i've long since accepted my manlet status
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I'm not even the tallest person in my family. I had an uncle who was 230/7'6. He died at 25 years old due to heart complications, years before I was even born.
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Even as an American I don't think I ever see adult men in my day-to-day life under 170cm. Seeing so many 16Xcm posts is surreal.
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But I need to hit 100 again
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I love comics like this the most.
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I used to, but not anymore.
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>install the leaked w11 ltsc from june
>some parts runs like shit, but mumu is smooth af
>install the official w11 ltsc release from 4 days ago
>everything runs smooth, but mumu runs like shit
can't win them all
Only if it's a really bad event and the next week is 2x normals/hards/comms. Or before 3x. I also do a different version where you hoard less but don't lose out on passive ap regen.
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Is 143cm small? Asking for a friend.
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>i supposedly have a pretty face
your mom calling you handsome doesn't count bro...
What is wrong with your Ui?
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I didn't know Hafþór Björnsson played Blue Archive
so like this current one?
Do you or anyone ITT know if that new official Win 11 LTSC release has the Ryzen microcode patch?
Majority manlets here in Vietnam are old generations, although some millennials and even zoomers here are average ~150 to 160cm because they lack of proper workouts, diet and obsessed with milk tea.
t. 179cm, slightly /fit/ and have white skin thanks to my family genes.
I'm a SEAnig and that's the height of a gnome.
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BA ruined me
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Well I still have to hit 100 then do it again 2 more times. My pain is greater.
The matrix is failing
Its trying to take my wife away from me
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waahh waah
usually no or i'll just let my cafe fill up once the day before or whenever i notice an event coming up, not worth the autism
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I'd use that "theoretical" person as a pocket onahole.
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my mom calls me handsome, not pretty. my friends and other peers have called me pretty. make of that what you will.
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yeah, i'm under 165
please be nice to me
No, the current one is as good as 2x comms. I'm talking about events that are bad value after hitting a 15k event point cap or 8 boxes, like the NYJunko one.
We got ourselves a zesty ass nigga.
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>rubbing it in that he already has a second alt
What are the advantages of being sub 170 cm?
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Say hello to my family /bag/
literally none unless you were planning on transitioning
I always do it before 3x drop campaigns, or before 2x Account XP if they raise the level cap and I'm not there yet, of if I desperately need something from 2x Normals/Comms or an event with mats I need.
Sometimes I also do it before an event just because if the week prior is a dead week with nothing reasonable to spend AP on.
2x Normals is tomorrow but I'm not really bothering especially since I just dumped AP on card draws over this weekend because it's good value
good to know different priorities, i thought only events with farmable eligma and elephs are worth doing
Easier to mating press and kissing someone like Kaede
Any taller and you will be licking the floor
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Nexon will surely do a rerun of this event this year, right?
Link required as proof.
Yeah, just like the Miku rerun last year
G-giantbros... we can't mating press cunnies...
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Haven't we got enough Engineer wank already?
i'd rather Index.
Does it always have to be rape?
Can't it be like a simple platonic date or something?
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I would never because being trapped in the crafting mines for another 5 years isn't a fate I'd wish on anyone.
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It makes crossdressing easier
NTA but 6'9" is giant even in every continent. The only place you're finding people regularly close to that height is in random African tribes.
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I may be a manlet but at least I'm not a virgin.
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But rape is funny.
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More women are at standing motorboating height. The only issue is finding women who's down to be motorboated by a guy shorter than them.
Post the BRATTIEST Koyuki's you have.
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Hmm, is a simple platonic date followed by rape ok?
seia and otogi
Rape isn't funny
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Platonic rape!
Anal sex with your butt buddy doesn't count.
>random African tribes
You mean Northern Europe?
>The only issue is finding women who's down to be motorboated by a guy shorter than them.
Yeah I think you'd probably have a higher chance at catching rabies than finding a woman like that.
>Noooo I'm not a whore

Fucking kill me, please
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We have height restriction for tank crewmen, something like 170-175
>it doesn't count because I said so
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Platonic rape with Aru and her friends!
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> low on pyrox
> still have 40 momochats
oh well, anything for pyrox i guess
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I'm gonna temporarily stop raising my studentwife at 80 and raise my studentdaughter to 50
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Pick a red, take her on as your daughter, and focus on her until Junko gets her next alt. That's what I'm doing with Natsu and Koyuki. See its funny because I'm implying I'll ever be free from working on Hoshino. Haha...
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They probably won't even be released by then.
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It feels better being shorter if you're into pegging
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Can't you just get enough presents and level both of them at 100 at the same time?
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how could you
>they're not the same student
is natsu or reisa used on anything else other than peroro
This Ako looks really stupid
Passionate rape with Mutsuki. The rest can watch
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I'll pick Rabu.
...where's Rabu, John Nexon?
I had a dream with Mika where I enjoyed comfy nighttime coffee with her
I just ordered a touhou cosplay for this reason. i've accepted defeat
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sorry anon I don't know, I'm just a retard who can install stuff on the pc
honestly I just came to whine so that someone could help me, or shill me their emulator
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What kind of shitty jfd will be this time?
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Based. My wife is at 45 and my daughters are at 38. Hoping to get em all to 50 by the end of the year
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Trinity festival, trust the plan. We will not be denied this time!
I mean the pipeline is always gonna be
>Try BlueStacks -> try LDPlayer9 -> try Mumu -> try Nox -> see if you can get Windows Subsystem for Android to work despite Microsoft abandoning it and many having little success -> stop bothering and just play on your phone/tablet
so try whatever
What is a Koyuki?
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Hug your students
maybe kiss them too
I want passionate hatesex with Amau Ako.
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>Simple platonic state
>Sensei charm kicks in, romance your student
>Get raped
Tis as simple as that.
>trust the plan
That's what you said last time.
I no longer trust the plan.
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lust provoking image
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Good night, /bag/
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I can't get horny for a retard.
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I wish my studentwife was real
Don't go...
for global?
heal scarecrow to def down a group of enemies and spray all of them with sHanako for a free max score clear, sniper students get an ATK buff too so I think sKoharu works for the third team
idk about JP I think it's just bot defense with shotgun student buff
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but what if the retard is the horny one?
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That plan was a prank. This plan is the real one. You know its real because I'm getting my hopes up.
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you know that she would be underage right?
Good night
but aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded
This is implying she wouldn't call the cops the moment she saw him.
I don't know anything about this game. I just know Toki is hot.
Reisa is useful for Greg. They are both options if you just need a yellow tank. That's pretty much it.
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She is also very silly
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lust soothing image
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A man posted Toki without playing the game.
This is what happened to his organs.
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3.5 stream was okay but it still couldn't topped 2nd anniv stream
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Sorry to hear that
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Goodnight /bag/
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She's still salvageable. I can't get horny for actual retards like Aqua from Konosuba.
Mornin /bag/, post roogies please, 'luv me sooroogie
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My horniness
Is killing me and I
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man, uzumaki ep2 is really....something.
i guess BAnime is okay after all
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This is the most unsexy thing I've ever seen in my life.
I saw that 1000ping walking animations lol, what were they thinking?
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Zero sex appeal.
Good night
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The part where they were running on the beach launched my sides into orbit.
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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Students for this feel?
Guess that happen when you don't do quality check when changing staffs and outsource other studios, shit is like Azur Lane anime again.
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Get over your anime phase already.
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good night
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y'all are deforming students names so much I ain't got idea who you talking about
Zum and Wappi!
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delayed multiple times in like 5 years btw
Alice has an official deformed name
Shigure has to be gehennian secretly. those succubus/semen demon vibes she has are insane and very dangerous
Most of Gehenna.
And Red Winter.
Probably some of Hyakkiyako too.
There are a lot of dumb students.
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but I just got here...
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That's just communism.
Why is she sweating so much?
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All students are geniuses.
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not really
bag told me stoats spend like half their life in heat and the other half pregnant
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You don't even need the haughty part
As long as she's pathetic
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
she is quite obviously asking for some spankings here.
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There's no lube nearby.
Those eyes are moving? or maybe that's just me.
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0 decides which rabi i make
This is literally every "Student with her daughter" fanart
where wings
Shigure in a micro bikini
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You can't post thatm
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Beta Reijo.
umika's turret
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chasing Koyuki around the office until I finally catch her and go for pronebone instantly
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Is there a BA rabi collection somewhere?
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Hopefully none
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that makes one
i'll do a normal version aswell
you failed zoos
pregnant seia
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Neat, thanks.
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Bless you, rabianon. I'm looking forward to it!
actually based get
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>Challenge 1
>Okay so you gotta kill the enemies with HP bars and make sure not to kill the friendly ones without those HP bars by accident otherwise they'll get mad at you and kill your entire team. Also if they die and the HP bar on the bottom left gets to zero you lose
>Challenge 2
>Beat up Umika
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this is too much sex
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Ding dong. Time to pat your students.
My students can go die for all I care.
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You beat her up with your cock.
Why dosent Kiseki just get leg lengthening surgery?
I'm pretty sure the Engineering Club cam figure it out
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Good morning /bag/
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Imagine the imposter syndrome after this procedure
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noa noa noa noa noa noa noa noa noa noa noa noa
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Because she knows what Sensei wants.
Child Pussy.
Why does Miyako's chibi look so much fatter than other chibis?
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Good morning
I'm glad Nonomi and Noa will never rape me.
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Where's our spaghetti western academy, John?
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Is Uzumaki the snail one?
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I feel like this would cause serious health issues when you get older, not to mention your proportions look all weird now
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Holy SHIT Kusoge is coming back on the next Grand on JP?
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my beautiful princess Mika
You can go die for all I care
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No, Uzumaki is the ninja one.
>watch Devilman
>a demon's name is Amon
Amau reference?
This is why I hate adults.
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no tail
ruins such a good picture
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Believe it!
Why is Nonomi so confused?
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Good thing 4chan doesn't ban someone under 160cm
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it's just a lot of tactical gear sensei
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I'm trapped in a room with Miyako and Shigure right now. I'll be safe, right?
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if gehenna has students that represent demons from the bible, then who is Satan?
if Sensei is supposed to be Jesus, then who is God?
Jesus is god, chud.
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my reaction to Saki
Doubt it, Miyako's not a fan of sharing.
>not the OVA
Pudgy calves...
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>got attacked three times in a row by someone who never changed their team
>haruna got her EX off in every match and all of them were still losses
>break both your femurs
>drop $100k+
>several months of recovery
>months-years of rehab/PT
>years till you can do athletics or lift heavy again(assuming there are no complications)
All this for 3 inches of height.
At a glance people look normal because it's such a small increase but if you look closer they always look a little strange especially if they started with a short torso or negative ape index.
But if I don't go through intense physical trauma and spend 100k+ while potentially being out of work for who knows how long, someone on 4channel.org might call me a manlet!
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>enter 2nd cafe
>see this
Makoto's pretending that booba queen of Kivotos isn't right behind her. And she's trapped there with her for the next 12 hours.
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Bro, your holy trinity?
Koharu is mine, she loves tall guys
Hasumi will make sure to include a slur in every sentence while she's trapped with those gehennoids.
Obviously not every ars goetia demon is represented yet, you can't just start off with satan
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That's not a hard ask with how tiny she is
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Tall is height greater than 185
The creature who under 185 doesn't even have the right to call him a man
>he's not a 7'0 chad
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Can the cat students form Golion?
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>that amount of ESL
You're not fooling anybody, Nguyen.
The BA devs really need to come up with a way to bring new players up to speed. We don't want another Destiny situation on our hands
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why are there boobs in this thread wtf
my wife and my other wife are the same height
I don't care about this piggish lang
Anithing else, nigger?
Most Americans still think that Vietnam somehow lost the war though.
>t. American
plastic ones at that
>tons of double exp weekends
>higher max cafe rank
>reruns of meta banners
If you aren't clearing insanes by 6 months and torments by a year that's on you.
this level of esl... how does he do it????
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if I beat 74 with 8 seconds left there probably is no hope in pushing further right?
I like it when Shun and Haruna both do 0 damage
'Nam didn't count
We were going easy on them
I can insert into this because I’m that exact height
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They lost by not being American brudda
You will suffer
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In terms of what, story? The main story isn't going anywhere. I can sort of see the argument for events but I don't think it'd be difficult to lock events or at least warn players of main story chapters they'd need to go through to understand the context - the Decagrammaton event already does that with a spoiler warning.
Stop being insecure about your height /bag/.

The English burned down the white house btw
Uh oh monkey melty
She's so cute but somehow /bag/ keeps making me think that this might be a man somehow...
From what I've skimmed over the past year, the biggest complaint I've seen on the JP side is that materials and skillbooks accumulate way too slowly, relative to how many playable students are released now.
This shiggy image got deleted off the artist's twitter. Fucking sucks.
The long grind to max level was always part of the design, from the very beginning
>favorite student
>favorite army cadence
ah forgot this is just a discord chat my bad
> PT
She speedrun SH PT?
It's over, your grandma is a tranny.
we're out of images so I'm not telling
Not to mention Set absolutely sets your mats on fire and there's still no good way to actually replenish those mats that isn't a slow crawl.
It's over... Akane...
I've been playing for a year and never felt short on materials, at least for what I need to clear raids, not trying to invest in every student just because. Older players have a larger stockpile but they also spent them on powercreeped students.
225 and 70 isn't a lot. No, you don't need to max HP and healing.
Thinking about builds for pathfinder
In the RE2 remake, how the hell do you conserve ammo? Zombies are fucking everywhere and I've nevered played a survival horror like game.
increase the shop monthly item limits raid bds/notes and jfd ooparts lets start there
not outright remove them, but for example let me buy 99 T3 tech notes a month or something not currently 33
already fucking annoying having to deal with one limiting resource being the coins themselves
sexy seia
Don't shoot
Learn to juke
When I played the original RE1 I found it better to just avoid using ammo to begin with unless I had to. Enemies respawn, but bullets don't, so there was no sense in using them on zombies I could just walk around. I imagine it's the same in the second game, even in the remake
What's up /bag/
what now?
You never felt short on even exp reports? Or certain artifacts like nebra discs / wolfseggs?
people who haven't already beaten the Hunk and agent Tofu modes aren't considered human
imma go jack off to the student body
Boy you sure did go crazy with the images this thread, huh?
you're supposed to make stagger them so you can keep moving
I want to rape Hoshino
I'm going to masturbate.
we die
we let this thread rot and fester
for at least 4 more hours
i miss the candy crush-like game with the abydos girls
But mai waifu must be maxxed ;_;
Hi /bag/
So, its best to just avoid using ammo all together? Is the handgun the defacto way to take out zombies if I need to?
Can you really say you love your wife if you dont go all the way?
Don't shoot unless absolutely necessary. You can avoid most regular zombies. Use the ammo, for example, on lickers, because these pieces of shit force you to walk, which can mean death when Mr. X is chasing you, because he moves faster than you walk, but slower than you run. And from what I remember, lickers don't respawn. So, once licker's gone, corridor is safe.
reminder that Seia lost and keeps on losing
Yes. Anything bigger should be saved for lickers or boss fights
Anybody else love students like Miyako the most?
weird tetten
Nope. I don't max out a skill unless absolutely necessary and didn't level supports to max until recently. My Iroha is still 5777. I still cleared every piece of content I wasn't unit gated on.
I got banned for 3 days because I posted that one serika anime image
Seia in her sexy seia swimsuit.
who this
students that would play the SH2 remake?
They should change sensei to teacher
You couldn't rape a paper bag
Kirara: hey mister!
Haha you always say the weirdest things, teach
>your student
>your sleep schedule
tube body
Not responding to your data survey John
I sleep at night
3 seconds
I sleep at 4 am. How do I fix my sleep schedule /bag/?
fridge body
Sensei is a pedophile.
why isn't the sun out during the night when we actually need it?
why is sensei a lolicon
4 children
I want to sleep permanently
I keep putting off the under X turns achievements
Is everyone ready for Red Set?
What school that we haven't heard anything about would you guys like to see? I'd like to see more of odyssey, a lesson map of a series of ships sounds cool
I just noticed that Alucard is Dracula spelled backwards.
Stayed up all night watching stuff because I don't want to sleep yet. Tempted to just not sleep at all at this point.
>What sleep schedule it doesn't exist.
I still haven't read the event story. Is it good?
12/1AM - 8-9AM
The sun is sleeping at night.
I just want to see more of wild hunt. I know we finally got to see a wild hunt student but it was a massive tease
I should probably read the manga. I liked the old QUALITY anime in a janky way but fucking hated Ultimate's pacing.
I can't believe Umika is the mother of Sensei's children...
Its alright
goon night /bag/
gn, Anon
zoos more like stupid
sorry for being sexy seia
What killed the hype
Typically 1:00-2:00 AM sleep time and 9:00 AM wakeup time.
you're not sorry
blue archive
I'm personally witholding Seia from being released.
Free her
Beautiful cat with homophobia
Keep her, release someone else.
Just came inside Hoshino
>insanes by 6 months
the only insanes I managed to clear was Hiero with dHina and Binah with Mika, both with borrows
But this isn't a matter of new players being up to speed but rather raids being powercrept
ᓀ ‸ ᓂ
all those tails smell
bake or seia thread, you have been warned
I go to bed at 10-10:30PM and wake up 5-6AM
Literally just boost the rewards from the permanent events
2 ligma per story chapter is almost nothing

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