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>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | The Shorekeeper — THE BEGINNING OF OUR STORY
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End


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wuwa mindbroke you
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>He skipped Jinhsi
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why is her art so cute? My coral funds are in danger
Are all the shokie stickers in the mega anon, or is that just your personal stash from bilibili?
Unreal is not a bad engine if you actually use it creatively. For a wuwa or anime like game, you have to tweak and make a lot of stuff to look like that. Those who shit on Unreal is usually very obvious they only play AAAslop and those games usually go for realistic approach, either because "muh graphics" or because of cooked in engine features making them do that because it's cheaper, tgey use tons if not most of the engine assets and features they give you and it makes sure all these unreal AAA games look the same every time because AAA doesn't mean quality, it means we spent a fuck ton to make this and let's see where we can cut corners. The whole nanite shit is just cutting corners, but given to you on the engine level. The only reason they push RTX features so hard as well is because previously, you had to play around a lot with light sources, reflections to work in nice ways every time from every way and RayTracing just makes sure it mostly works as intended with less work put into it, in exchange it's taxing as fuck.
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How do they make the game look as good as this? I think my PC is pretty strong but my game doesn't look as pretty as this.
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I just steal them from the gook forum like everyone else
Why does wuwa like to eat shit so much?
People either tweak nvidia filters or go into ini files to change parameters higher that the game originally not allow.
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Before I have a gaming PC, I hate UE because it just won't run on my laptop, when other engines can run with reduced quality. Now I like it the most.
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>>497480896 this anon is in this video: >>497480959
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that is not wu you stupid bitch
Baizhi's hairy pussy
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genshin won this round...
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i saw this post a while ago >>497372993 I think that looks great. I wish that anon would share their setting
>ommits the burka dress to save face
Lucia (forma de crimson) love!
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Only the ray traced reflection looks useful to me.
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>mogs shorebitcher
pass (me my katana)
Unreal was always a weird engine. Now everything uses UE5 again because owning your own engine is dying out due to how expensive it is (CDPR switching to it for new Witcher, new Halo will be UE5, Gears using UE4-5 since Gears4, new Tomb Raider Unreal 5...), so we might get a situation like with UE3. Having one engine is usually not bad for the market, because it makes sure if your machine runs X, high chance it will run Y too. In the UE3 era, if you had a 8600gt, you could run anything from 2006 Mass Effect to 2013 Bioshock Infinite. Obviously not on high, but the point is that it run and the 8600gt was a cheap as fuck card.
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Is that an npc? Because Beatrice and Hoda look better
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Is that supposed to impress anyone gencuck? Even our npc mogs the playable characters lol
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No, npc look like this.
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it's been a week since monthly retard olympics, why are they still at it
How likely are alters? what are the chances of let’s say a 5 star Aalto? how long did it take for PGR to end up with 3 different playable Lucias
I doubt it. It's just some sad gencuck begging for (you)s
How many people here still farm echo everyday?
Wuwa clothing design is so fucking boring. I don't think it's just because the first region is chingchong either since the early blackshores characters are even lamer.
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Post in game model gencuck
Niggerlan the safe ugly war ravaged nation
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Why would you besmirch the glorious Gencuck 5star characters anon? You have no shame? I know the elf looks like a tranny, the cougar looks like a 56 years old prostitute and this one looks like some 4star? You shouldn't point out Hoyo doesn't make skins because they already cheap out on the original models and don't make what doesn't show, like how Cyno has no modeled hair. Be respectful anon.
I only farm yinlin lovejuices everyday
Is incredible how genshin tries to sell you shit like this and people still eat it. They really know how to sell a shitty product, I will give them that.
I do exiles and fractsidus genocide, it's easier and guaranteed drops
no event this week?
Very low chances for Wuwa. PGR has alter versions because the player cast is very limited and each can change bodies literally, they are constructs. Wuwa with the lots of countries will have too many characters to make alters too, just like Genshit. The best you can expect is a leap system, adding new moves to old characters to make them catch up a bit to the newest ones, but even that might be only for 5star characters.
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Notice how the gencucks only post the splash art or immediately deflect to muh revenoo cause they know their in game models are shit lol
her outfit is good but her head is too big by 10%.
>face of the game
>canon gf
>will get the multiple-SSRs treatment
>mogs Genshit
I kill the lumiscale constructs and green tigers everyday
I mean, what else should they deflect back to? Their new boss with COUGH dodge mechanics COUGH?
>bald spots on where his hat is
My god this is some amateur shit, I know indie devs do this to not clog the game with useless pixels but this is just lazy, Shorekeeper even with the veil has fully modeled hair under it
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If Solon one day releases a new female character that has the exact same gameplay, skill level, and jank as Calculator, how many of you are willing to roll for her?
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No need to do it anymore
Nigger I didn't know what Shorekeeper even did until I got her
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>Female Kakarot
Anon. I got Yinlin. I got Jinhsi. I got Changli. I got Zhezhi. I got Shorekeeper. I guaranteed Cameltoe. I can crack up the double topups for 2.0 two females if needed. I am the God Emperor, no female will be left behind, they will ALL receive my seed. Solaris-e is my property.
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quit when jinhsi came out, how did the game change since then?
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Someone should do a side by side lol
I don't play the game but at least Zzoo npcs looks better than whatever the fuck GI has, though wuwa mogs anyone in 3D department
Unironically same. kek
All I saw was her face and people saying she's verina's replacement and I pulled.
Eh fuck it, I leveled Calcharo, leveled Cubeman and have Yinlin, what's one more
I still don't understand how can Kuro drop these unique models into the game as a single use model that appears in a single companion quest for a few minutes, like what the fuck.
Fair, I wonder how big our cast is planned to be now
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the thread is slow as shit so i guess i got my answer?
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very unlikely, but with the introduction of the second awakening, wuwa X-men second mutation, there might be a chance that we could have alter in the future.
>how long did it take for PGR to end up with 3 different playable Lucias
Usually every 1-2 years. But remember, every time Lucia get a new frame, there will be a huge turning point in the story so you can pray Solon will not kill off Yapyap
No rocket science, just shit tons of ads and make an impression for each person that everybody and their dogs plays that game, and only they miss out all the "trends". Takes a lot of money thrown in the bin without using to upgrade the game, but so far works.
Godspeed anon
Up to how many 4star they plan to release. From 2.0 onward, I assume they will have 2-3 versions with 2 new 5star, then slow down until 3.0 like now with just 1 new 5star, reruns and a 4star.
Please kill Yapyap.
Even old heron ost can't make it look any better lmao. So fucking lazy
Rate my account wuwa
she has to be a playable surely, that booba is something
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My wives
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Don't forget Xinyi.
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I don't read character kits at all
Pgrfags said that if players want too much they make npc into playable characters, spam the surveys with her
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Wuwu (I’m here)
Wuwuwa! (Fear me, mortals!)
We got a few NPCs and even bosses playable.
That's why I ask them to make Juyao playable in every survey lmao.
why is that a hypothetical, no limited will be standard lvl
shorekeeper flopped is selling 3 times less than floprinde
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I wonder if they'll ever do the same with Wuwa, it's way easier in PGR to redesign characters or have elaborate NPC designs that fit with the playable cast because of the VN format, so you don't have to model NPCs. But Wuwa's NPCs are nowhere near the same quality as the playable character models so if they ever do make one playable they're bound to be redesigned for it, would they retroactively use the redesign for the old story appearances of those NPCs or what?
>camellya is another floaty wuwoman with floaty attacks
I'm gonna kill myself fuck
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This is my wife's skill description in PGR.
So yes I will roll for that kind of characters as long as I like them.
I go sleep everyday and dream about playing with Cummy.
I try to collect everything and everyone, be they guys or gals, in the spirit of a true gacha player. which makes Youho and Lumi rate ups on rerun banners a problem
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preemptive melty of unavailable 40 days of cucking. wanderer keeps on winning.
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dont worry he dies
>muh revenoo
Post the in game model
Floaty is fine as long as they can easily move around around the battlefield while airborne.
Kek the amount of copium
At this point all i feel is pity for them
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Updated 2.1 homo info from stepleaks

Additional old info
>not brown, black, white hair
>not gothic, not a furry, not cat themed
>has close to a masquerade type of mask

Additional new info
>Carnival-aristocratic styled clothes
The Unfinished Song competition has a lot of nice entries now.
I don’t remember subscribing to /g*g/ updates, go back or keep shitting on them in their own thread
I'll wait until the final patch of the region and rush the story again
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Need a goth girl in 2.x
Every chinese gacha is mandated by the red party to be oververbose and PGR chose to do so inthe skill descryptions, meanwhile, on their gameplay:
Katana wife
>Blue balls
>) ) ) ) ) )
Fish wife
Hammer wife
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I doubt it. Devs know what kind of player they have. They keep hinting at it
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aiiee purple is my weakness slow down, I want cammy and ham next too
prime SEAnigger hours please understand, they can help themselves replying to obvious bait
winning 6 50/50s in a row is not that crazy, that's like a 1.5% chance, which is like 100% if you consider there are millions of people playing this game
>see the bottom row
okay this is fake
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Kek at this point I just point and laugh at them, their gigachad character who was supposed to be the strongest in the world is just a lanky fuck lol
Capitano fags were coping for days,now the guy's reduced to shipbait with the Pyro Archon
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
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I guess I missed this announcement
wuwa really is a next gen experience and I do not understand why anyone wastes their time on inferior alternatives in the genre
Your wife has the most braindead gameplay in pgr up to date. Literally 0.01% of that description matters.
>next guy is another otome bait
>probably the deranged aristocrat
I mean I guess women like that
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ahh I really want that rtx update, guessing its a 2.0 thing
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still not playing genshit
Don't care, didn't ask.
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Thank God there is a male after Camellya, now I can go bankrupt and roll her weapon too.
I dont play Genshit give me a quick summary of why this guy is more important than the MC and constantly cucking the MC
Don't forget that npcs should also be resonators (have tacet mark) to be playable. Playable characters are specifically called resonators in this game
I was wondering for a while now seeing bits and pieces of memes about that guy, but how did he end up being some kind of a hero? When I dropped genshin around the middle of Inazuma, he was just some sadistic deranged psycho.
We need more men and hags so I can skip.
who gives a shit
show me camellya anus
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don't forget to rest and hydrate yapyap. You know it's hot inside... you.
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Anon... the male is for 2.1
2.0 will have 2 female banner....
>After Camellya
2.0 is two girls, the homo is 2.1
There is no problem with "wasting time" on inferior or worse looking games as alternatives. A janky shit like ToF for example is put into the kusoge category in Japan, because it's shit but funny shit. What is not sane behavior is when your game gets mogged in every way in the literal sense of the word and you can only fall back on "b-but my games makes a shit ton of money!" as an argument why your abandonware is good. Like we are laughing at Genshit now... but imagine that not even half a year passed and in how many categories and things wuwa mogs it already. After 2.0, we will have echo loadouts and skins that change animation effects too and that's only a single thing on a big list to come. If a year later they will still argue that Genshit is better because muh revenoo, now that will be sad as fuck.
>Men... rest your wallets.
Thank you Solon... I wouldn't be able to keep up with all these waifus flying around.
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I don't think she has one
In Sumeru there was some tree that they mumbo jumbo'd and everyone forgot whatever bad things he did and he become Wanderer instead of Scaramouge. I dunno exactly what, I stopped at 1.3 luckily.
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>We got a kino song with every languages
>They got a nigger rap
Oh that explained all the melty lel
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>got redeemed of all his crimes free of charge
>cucked the MC out of Nahida in the story
>had a summer event where MC was the camera (lol) and he was the prince, Nilou was the princess
>tried to be a wingman to MC with Nilou but she ended up with the icky for him
That about sums it up I guess,not even gonna adress how chinks were killing cats because of him cause that's anothet can of worms
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wuthering waves?
Don't worry, you can crack open the double topup because they will reset it for 2.0, you do have double topups... right?
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Black Shores...Home...
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That some strong legs
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That's some Sakamoto shit.
Anko sexo
Man i gave it a try but i cant focus on it with all the daily gacha juggling i gotta do, cant even play some normal games on the weekend
Didnt even finish the first planet (decided against the Shirly skip straight into the second world), wuwa is full of side quests to do and i dont even want to grind daily on nikke
I can feel it, im burning out guys
I still can’t believe this author died..
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An unfinished kino song that (You) can finish the second half yourself
Yeah ToF was kinda shit
And that coming from someone who spent like 1000$
Don't know if i will try NTE, seem kinda the same shit but no custom MC/FemMC only is a bad
NTE looks insanely rough
any gameplay videos to show that? I don't mind playing NTE side by side with wuwa if it's wuwa-quality.
It’s time anon, use THAT
this is the one I saw
But you can commute to work by riding a bus in NTE
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which one should I choose?
are these free event weapons even good?
Yeah, I don't know how they somehow made CCs blind to all the janky details in it just because it looks better than the average anime game visually. The walking and running animation is atrocious, the combat looks at best okay, the porsche driving looked downright bad and slow as fuck, same as the running. I dunno what, but they fucked something up while working with Unreal 5. The only thing I would say looked cool is the environmental transitions while in the quest area/dungeon and the character that can do Bayonetta wall and ceiling runs. But even that is a skill lasting a limited time, not infinite. All the CCs and people swear this is the next big thing and I'm not really sure...
which wuwas ass would you suck a fart out of
I think they get really good with higher refinement IF you don't have the two 5* swords.
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theres no loading screens, looked very seamless at least yeah.
>next big thing
with whats shown thats a bold faced lie
Scatman, why are you even in the wuwa general when you can just go over to the zkek general where you can have the most putrid smelling beastly farts of your dreams?
Yeah I don't know either so I just kept the box in inventory until I need it if I ever need it.
NTE looks pretty stiff and janky animation/gameplay wise.
If they don't polish it before release the game is going to be ass just like ToF.
I like the concept behind the game but I don't have much hope to be honest.
By the way who is the MC in that game?
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Thanks for sharing. We are all insecure of our masculinity that we pretend we do not like males. However, in reality, deep-inside, we are homosexuals
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brown, gross.
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I will bend over that man and fuck him like the pussy woman he is deep down.
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>/wuwa/ is intimidated by black women
cant make this shit up
This is blackface;racist. I'm uninstalled if this goes through
Anon, you guys got brainrotted by genshit. Just because there they call slightly tanned characters brown, doesn't mean they are brown. The okinawan residents will stab you to death for even thinking about that color being brown.
It looks pretty rough, to say the least. Gonna reserve my judgment until they present a final product but at this current state I dont think I wanna play this right now.
I love all forms of Shoaki simply because she is mine and also loves me
Shorekeeper loves you like you're her father. You fools. You damned fools.
my bitchwife
Do we know what Camellya does and what her damage type will be?
I kinda out of things to urgently farm, its time to hit tacet fields for her
Yes there can be different types of love anon
When did a little bit of incest hurt anybody?
looks like it'll fry your local SEApag's phone. I wonder what the space requirement will be with this one.
>my star
idk about that
My home is Shoaki's hot body and beating heart
Shorekeeper? More like WHOREkeeper LOL
Non-canon language fanfiction unfortunately
Shorekeeper? More like cum in her mouth keeper LOL
You can't just paint your shorekeeper's artificial body with brown paint and call her a nigger
Let me send stickers as emotes outside of chat in coop kuro you kusodev
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Everyday, we are brutally Mogged and Humiliated by the G Game
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Based on everything it’s just a bland kiara
No male MC
All lines with "love" word still exist and translated properly. Along with tons of other wife flags
In your horniness, you've misinterpretted. Those were daughter flags.
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Truee, and you know what. THEY HAVE SHOTAS!. how can we compete?
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I wouldn’t mind a batboy edgelord of our own but he still looks horribly out of place in the literal war ghetto of all their regions
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Retard here, just finished shorekeeper's story, felt like it went by way too fast and I understood less than half of it, can I get some QRD from the loreGODS? What's a necrostar? What was that black hole? How exactly did we fix Tethys' error?
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Good thing she straight up says love in every other language and it isn't just familial love huh?
>No male MC
Yeah I'm not playing that.
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>edgelord of our own
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I will now play your janky anime GTA
>No male MC
Maybe I'll give it a try
Never mind.
>They release Scar or Genshulin like the husbado lovers want
>He's immediately sexist and hates trannies.
What happens then husbando wanters? Do you say it's ok when they're hot?
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>hates trannies
What do you think we kill TD for?
Sure but that's only implied, these retards won't know it until he outright says it.
>What's a necrostar
Discarded data of a past Lament

>What was that black hole
Black hole is literally what caused Port City to be destroyed. But not only that - also burning flowers and TDs like Rider were causes as well. Apparently Laments come in different forms, black hole is only one of those types

>How exactly did we fix Tethys' error?
For now it's speculation and some food for thought, but several signs are hinting towards Abby. Tacet mark glowing as we saved SK, silent murmuring of MC before jumping into Tethys, "I've already found the solution" line. We'll get it explained probably next patch, same as we got explained Abby at the start of 1.1
but what if he’s not playable at all or worse, a dindu?
sisters have overlooked worse, only unironic SJWs will care
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more like they will double down on the unhinged part kekaroo
Respond to my baits and give me (you). Do you not care for my family that they took hostage? Do the needful
Phantom of Opera shit i assume
Looks alright, about what I'd expect for a kuro male which is good
>no japanese voice actresses that do adult work

Meanwhile Mihomo games have a handful for each game.
>No male MC
Picked up
>eyebrow slit
Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
Nevermind the leak tranny said it's fake.
That's just wrong. There are plenty of VA's that have voiced eroge in the past or still do voices in them.
Man, [-] is such a powerful feature.
Not only it invaldates their existence, it also hides the falseflagging replies.
I checked and none of the playable cast in Wuthering Waves actresses are involved in them.

Eula, Xianyin, Sucrose, Yaoyao
>Star Rail
Topaz, Kafka
Caesar and Anby
you will never get mihomo making hentai, does NOT matter
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yuri game
Damn it I knew it was too good to be true
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Do I need the 5* rectifier for Verina now that I have SK and her sig? Should I go for the gauntlets for Yahoo? I have the sword and gun already.
Kuro needs to ban mods.
I changed the removal to just hiding, since I thought hey why not, but apparently moat of the times the answer to the retarded filtered comment is just another retardation, so might as well let the filter delete them.
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>No male MC
That's wrong. They are just shitting out femMC first. There are also furries.
>would they retroactively use the redesign for the old story appearances of those NPCs or what?
Yes if appropriate, for example Rolland was an early boss in PGR and his model was really shit, when he became playable his old boss retained most of his old design but they did a huge upgrade on the model to look more in line with his playable version, and of course every time he appears after he became playable he uses his playable model. In WuWa's case they would probably give an in universe reason for them to change their appearance a bit and then update the old npc model to be on par with their playable model to make it look like they just changed outfits.
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Blackshore is pretty comfy bro, perfect brooding nest
I want a man cave like that
God you just know that's a woman driving so of course it's fem mc.
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>No male MC
I'm sold if true, if anything it will prevent retarded MC wars at the very least
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But Wuwa doesn’t have MC war?
> Genshin Impact us much better than Wuthering Waves in every category

Please, I urge you to respond to my bait. Each reply is like a grain of rice for my starving little sister Lakshmi. Kindly do the needful. Your small action can make a world of difference for her
I want to bop her pouting cheek so much...
verina only needs variation
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We had a streak of horrible femrover posting the other day and yurifags melting about a pic on twitter, it's rare but it happens.

>Star Rail
Topaz, Kafka, Black Swan and Sushang

Caesar, Anby and Corin
fine I get it, /wuwa/ is retarded sometimes, you can stop now
>go to wuwatracker.com
>get a malware alert from my anti-virus
lmao get your CC details stolen tards
WHERE ARE THE (YOU)s SAAR?!?!? I need to hit my quota before midnight!!!
The only reason a game like that would have a female MC only is for otome reasons, but there are female and male characters so most likely they have also a male MC.
With love and deepspace making bank however i expect the trend of this kind of games to increase.
I don't have that, think I'll go for the gauntlets or more guns though.
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A gift from Madam Magistrate. Make good use of it, rover.
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I was fully prepared for flat def
need a full fledged R18 ASMR VA like Azur Lane
Grats bwo
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wuwa for this feel ?
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Bhai Amir, I turned off filter just for you, please let apipi eat once a week from the rupee you get. I am her for you veer. Bless you and your next three generations.
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I'm a Lady Arbiter. So, how does this work?
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my zhezhi is doing really well gonna help cuties in coop now
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is that a hint of ribcage I see
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You use food you frekaing noob (froob)
Never tried coop, how do intro and outro skills work there?
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https://x.com/Wuwa_update/status/1842795915750555738 I want to bully Jinny
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Her kit animations according to leaktrannies are pure SEX. She is tied upside down doing one attack
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The coop IS very fun. They should make more coop modes and pvp modes and games.

Like racing.
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Imagine orgies. How do you handle turns? It's exactly the same.
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The coop event this patch was much better than the last patch. The challenge modes were the fun part.
all rovers got a cock
They need to up the challenges
Yeah seperating hard mode and easy mode this time is a good idea
I hope they will do the same for future events
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five characters finished with all at 10
t.waste of resources
WHAT ? QRD please, i missed the leak
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I've finished Changli and Chixia, gotta top off Jinhsi then I'm gonna do Taoqi or Sanhua.
Rover is canonically male, anon
Remember Changli's story board ?
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Kuro should start taking the story seriously and go all out
Yangyang? Killed
Chixia? Mutilated
Baizhi? Idk who care
Survey soon bwos don’t forget
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they will ALL die to receive the gen 2 treatment
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I feel like the coop shouldn't have the revive though
it's your choice to take defensive or offensive echoes a free revive devalues the defensive ones
I like evil women. When are we getting evil women?
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shes not evil just crazy
cammy isn't evil, she's just misunderstood
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event at ikebukuro
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our characters look so good the cosplayers always look disgusting
Yes, this is why I was asking when are we getting evil women
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>that Yinlin
a disgrace
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froglover is evil I think, actively working with TDs, possibly even a hybrid TD like Scar
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Do we really need cosplayer ? when we have cute chibi suits like this ?
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I agree, they should make tower pvp with leaderboards, and only top 5% would get astrite rewards.
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I would have rolled if she stayed this way
When will Solon take Calchud out of the dumpster?
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you have a problem with those? Every time I get an on set correct main stat echo I check it for double crit on the first two rolls but I don't waste mats taking every little piece of junk to the cap
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But we're not getting Froglova anytime soon...
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manko was ok. At least she tried to get into the character.
Chixia's shot after the forte is one of the few animations in the game that doesn't go through after swapping to a new character. it makes her so bad...
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>Do we really need cosplayers?
1.3 changed my opinion on the game's story and characters. It has potential now if they can keep up momentum.
Every time I see this Yapyap it makes me smile cause it's so cute.
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For me it's Beatrice.
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My first max skill level character
Played Genshin from 1.0 to 4.3, never triple crowned anyone
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>that gun
Maybe they make guns interesting instead of being ratatat. . ratatat. . .ratatatat left clicking and gen-sh-in aiming.
That's because in Genshin you need a limited resource to max a character. You don't in Wuwa, so you didn't experience the same mental block.
maxed out the skills of 5 characters, now its time to do rover until we know what cammy's skill mats are...
>Maybe they make guns interesting
They will, the gun is just an animation, her weapon is Sword. Guns are removed from the game.
So crit damage is actually worth having on Shore Keeper's echoes but not crit rate because she only does damage with her special intro which always crits?
Iirc some leak said that concept art is 60-70% of the real thing and she has a longer gun now.
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grats bwo, it does feel good
pretty much

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